Page 1: file · Web viewSCENE 1. Stowaway 1 (Evie):Pirates! Pirates are very bad people. Make no mistake. They rob innocent peasants. They ransack villages. Stowaway 2 (Chela):They use terrible


Stowaway 1 (Evie): Pirates! Pirates are very bad people. Make no mistake. They rob innocent peasants. They ransack villages.

Stowaway 2 (Chela): They use terrible language. They sing rude songs hardly EVER in tune. Yes, indeed, pirates are very bad people.

Stowaways 1 & 2 (Evie/Chela): We REALLY want to be one!


Page 2: file · Web viewSCENE 1. Stowaway 1 (Evie):Pirates! Pirates are very bad people. Make no mistake. They rob innocent peasants. They ransack villages. Stowaway 2 (Chela):They use terrible


Stowaway 1 (Evie): (in a singsong voice) Pirates all are we! Pirates all are we!

Bluebeard (Olivia): Avast!

Stowaway 2 (Chela): (continues singing) Pirates all are we! Pirates all are we!

Bluebeard (Olivia): (getting more irritated) Avast!

Stowaways 1 & 2 (Evie/Chela): Pirates aaaaaalllllll are…

Bluebeard (Olivia): (with rage) Avast! Avast! Avast! That means “stop it!” When I say “Avast,” you stop! Stop! Don’t you speak “pirate?”

Stowaway 1 (Evie): No, sir. Not yet. But I plan to, for I, too, want to be a pirate just like you!

Pirates: (laugh)

Redbeard (Paola): You? A Pirate?

Pirates: (laugh)

Redbeard (Paola): You can’t be a pirate! You’re too small!

Whitebeard (Adrian): Arrr! You’re too young!

Maroonbeard (Wesley): Arrr! You’re too clean!

Stowaway 2 (Chela): But being a pirate is all I’ve ever wanted to be. It’s what I’ve dreamed about ever since I was a child. Watch! Watch this. (She lifts a small sword.) Avast! Avast! Avast, I say!

Pirates: (laugh)

Aquabeard (Janat): Have you ever robbed an honest man?

Stowaway 1 (Evie): Why, no!

Greenbeard (MacKenzie): Ever ransacked a village?

Stowaway 2 (Chela): No.

Brownbeard (Aiden): Have you ever been six months at sea without a bath or a shower?

Stowaway 1 (Evie): No. But once, I went a week without brushing my teeth!

Page 3: file · Web viewSCENE 1. Stowaway 1 (Evie):Pirates! Pirates are very bad people. Make no mistake. They rob innocent peasants. They ransack villages. Stowaway 2 (Chela):They use terrible

(SCENE 2 continued…)

Pirates: Ew! That’s disgusting!

Silverbeard (Jose): Listen up, me buckos. We’re on our way to the big pirate gathering in the big pirate sea and you two ain’t going with us and that’s me final word.

Stowaways 1 & 2 (Evie/Chela): But….but…..

Silverbeard (Jose): Arrr! Be off with you now before we…

Redbeard (Paola): Season you up and feed ya to the fish!

Pirates: (rubbing hands excitedly) Ooooooooo!

Aquabeard (Janat): Belay that talk! It’s time we sail. Throw them from the ship!

Greenbeard (MacKenzie): Aye! Throw them from the ship!

Pirates: Arrr! Throw them from the ship!

Stowaway 2 (Chela): Wait! Give me a chance! I know I can do it! I really want to be a pirate! Please, give me a chance!

(Some of the pirates grab the Stowaways and escort them from the stage. They are heard pleading with themon the way.)

(The rest of the pirates begin moving around, busying themselves with preparing to set sail.)

Pinkbeard (Aarya P): Move smartly, pirates! Weigh anchor now and away we sail!

Yellowbeard (Akshara): All hands on deck!

Redbeard (Paola): Hoist the Jolly Roger!

Maroonbeard (Wesley): Up, up and away!

Olivebeard (Jakeem): That’s not pirate talk!

Maroonbeard (Wesley): (apologetically) Oh, you’re right. So sorry. I mean, aye, aye, and away!

Olivebeard (Jakeem): That’s better.

Pirates: Aye, aye, and away!

Page 4: file · Web viewSCENE 1. Stowaway 1 (Evie):Pirates! Pirates are very bad people. Make no mistake. They rob innocent peasants. They ransack villages. Stowaway 2 (Chela):They use terrible

(SCENE 2 continued…)

(During the following instrumental music, the Stowaways sneak back on the stage in full view of the audiencebut not seen by the busy pirates. They hide.)

(Music stops.)

Limebeard (Aria W): (speaking slowly and menacingly) Fee! Fie! Foe! Fay! I smell the blood of a stowaway!

Pirates: (start sniffing the air) Arrr!

Aquabeard (Janat): I don’t know, I don’t smell anything at all! Well, maybe I’m smelling the stink off some of you, but I’m used to that.

Pirates: (menacingly to Aquabeard) Arrr!

Aquabeard (Janat): On second thought, maybe it’s my allergies. Something does seem a little strange around here.

Purplebeard (Morgan): Shiver me timbers! There’s a stowaway on board!

Pinkbeard (Aarya P): Aye! We have to find them!

Maroonbeard (Wesley): Aye! A stowaway!

Pirates: A stowaway!

Olivebeard (Jakeem): Find them, sea dogs! Find them!

Pirates: Arrr!


Page 5: file · Web viewSCENE 1. Stowaway 1 (Evie):Pirates! Pirates are very bad people. Make no mistake. They rob innocent peasants. They ransack villages. Stowaway 2 (Chela):They use terrible

STOWAWAY SONG- SPEAKING PARTS (spoken during the song)

Pirate Talking Group 1: Catch her! Don’t let her get away! Send her bones to Davy Jones!(Dexter, Tyler, Carlos)

Pirate Talking Group 2: Make her be your servant! Be gone, matey! Make her walk the plank!(Cassius, Rajat, Charles)

Pirate Talking Group 3: Stick her in a cave! We have to make her pay!(Shawn, Michael, Jorge)

Pirate Talking Group 4: Feed her to the sharks! Make her walk the plank!(Collin, Javier, Luke, Nadder)

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Olivebeard (Jakeem): Arrr! We caught you now, ye scurvy dogs! Now ye be shark bait for sure!

Redbeard (Paola): Aye! Make them walk the plank!

Navybeard (Ivy): Toss them overboard!

Greenbeard (MacKenzie): Arrr! Feed them to the fish, the bubble- blowing beasts!

Pirates: Hey! Watch your language!

Greenbeard (MacKenzie): Oh, sorry. Got carried away, I guess.

Aquabeard (Janat): Belay, my addled hearties! We can’t be makin’ this decision all by ourselves.

Pinkbeard (Aarya P): Aye! You’re right, Aquabeard. This is a decision for you-know-who!

Pirates: Whom.

Blackbeard (Ethan): You know who.

Pirates: Whom.

Blackbeard (Ethan): You know who.

Pirates: What?

Silverbeard (Jose): Where?

Blackbeard (Ethan): Never mind. This is a decision for the king of the High “Cs,” that’s whom!

Pirates: (with awe and understanding) Ahhh!

Stowaway 1 (Evie): The King of the High “Cs?” Who’s that?

Pirates: What?!

Pinkbeard (Aarya P): You don’t know who the King of the High “Cs” is?

Stowaway 1 (Evie): Um, I’m afraid not.

Whitebeard (Adrian): That’s it. Feed her to the sharks.

Olivebeard (Jakeem): The King of the High “Cs” is the craftiest crooner of the Caribbean Coast.

Maroonbeard (Wesley): Aye! The swellest singer of the Swashbucklin’ Sea!

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(SCENE 3 continued….)

Limebeard (Aria W): Arrr! The terrific tenor from Tobago to Tahiti!

Stowaway 2 (Chela): The King of the High ‘Cs” is a singer?

Pirates: Precisely!

Purplebeard (Morgan): Ye see, me lass, at the big pirate gathering in the big pirate sea, there is always a singing contest.

Stowaway 2 (Chela): (shocked) A singing contest?!

Pinkbeard (Aarya P): You don’t know anything about pirates, do ye?

Whitebeard (Adrian): Aye! A singing contest! And all the pirate ships put forward their best singers in hope of winning the grand prize.

Stowaway 1 (Evie): What’s that?

Navybeard (Ivy): Yo ho ho! It’s a lifetime supply of….

Aquabeard (Janat): (cutting him/her off) Sarsaparilla! (sass-pah-RILL-ah)

Greybeard (Sahaj): The most delicious, root beer- like drink in all the land and sea.

Stowaway 2 (Chela): Blimey!

Navybeard (Ivy): Blimey…. spoken like a true pirate!

Stowaway 2 (Chela): (hopefully) Really?

Pirates: No! (laugh)

Stowaway 1 (Evie): Can I meet him? Can I really meet the King of the High “Cs?”

Silverbeard (Jose): Meet him you will, ye scallywag! He’ll be the one deciding your fate. And let me warn you, he doesn’t take kindly to stowaways.

Brownbeard (Aiden): Aye! Especially if ye can’t carry a tune!

Maroonbeard (Wesley): Here he comes now. It’s the King of the High “Cs,” his royal family, and the Chorus of No Beards!


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King (Carlos): (very pleased with himself and with a conceited attitude) Thank you! Thank you all. I am good, am I not?

No Beards: Aye! Your majesty, the very best!(Eliot, Cesar, Josiah, Isaiah)

Princess (Haley): My father is the best singer on land OR on sea!

King (Carlos): You’re absolutely right, I am!

Prince (Yusuf): That’s right! I am so honored to have such an accomplished singer as my father.

King (Carlos): Ah, yes, you are such lucky children to bask in my presence!

Bluebeard: Aye, your majesty! But we have a bit of a problem here.

King (Carlos): What is it, Bluebeard?

Bluebeard (Olivia): Well sir, it seems we have some stowaways aboard.

Prince (Yusuf): Stowaways? Shiver me timbers, this is not a problem. My father will know just what to do!

King (Carlos): Indeed! You should send their bones to Davy Jones!

Blackbeard (Ethan): Aye sir, but they say they want to be pirates.

King (Carlos): Oh really?

Whitebeard (Adrian): Blimey, sir. They both say they want to be just like you!

King (Carlos): Well, sink me! Who wouldn’t?

Princess (Haley): So true, Your Highness!

Purplebeard (Morgan): We tried to explain that they couldn’t.

Yellowbeard (Akshara): Aye! We tried to tell them that the world could only stand one of you, but….

King (Carlos): (cutting him/her off) Avast! Where are these so-called “Stowaways?”

Purplebeard (Morgan): Here they are sir. Right here.

(Two pirates lead the Stowaways forward, holding their arms.)

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SCENE 4 (…continued)

King (Carlos): (shocked) These? These are the ones who wants to be a pirate just like me?

Prince, Princess: (point and laugh)(Yusuf, Haley)

Stowaway 2 (Chela): Aye! More than anything, Your Highness! More than anything!

King (Carlos): Ahoy! Ye got to be kidding! Make them walk the plank!

Stowaway 1 (Evie): But sir! I swear I could be a smashing pirate, if only you’d give me a chance!

King (Carlos): Oh really, let me hear you say “Aye!”

Stowaway 1 (Evie): Aye, aye, sir!

King (Carlos): Let me hear you say “Blimey!”

Stowaway 2 (Chela): Blimey! Blimey! Blimey, sir!

King (Carlos): Let me hear you say “Arrrr!”

Stowaways 1 & 2 (Evie/Chela): Arrrr!

No Beards: Hmm. Not bad! (Eliot, Cesar, Josiah, Isaiah)


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Pirate Group 5: Avast! Scalawag! Shiver me timbers! Arrr!(Eraj, Clara, Brianna)

Pirate group 6: Blimey! Blimey! Hoist the Jolly Roger! Arrr!(Ana, Chanel, Sophia)

Greybeard (Sahaj): Can you wing a pirate-y cutlass?

Stowaway 1 (Evie): Well…no.

Greybeard (Sahaj): Do you know the stem from the stern?

Stowaway 2 (Chela): Uh….no.

Navybeard (Ivy): Can you plunder with a patch on your eye?

Stowaway 1 (Evie): ‘Fraid not.

Navybeard (Ivy): Can you grow a scraggily beard?

Stowaway 2 (Chela): No!

Pirates: Oh well….neither can we!(Sahaj/Ivy)

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Stowaways 1 & 2 (Evie/Chela): (Trying to say an “Arrr!” but sounding pretty non-threatening) Arrrg! Arrrg!

King (Carlos): No “G!” No “G!”

Stowaways 1 & 2 (Evie/Chela): Arrrr! Arrrr!

King (Carlos): More AH! Less RRR!

Stowaways 1 & 2 (Evie/Chela): Ahhhhrrr! (Their “Arr” dwindles pathetically.)

King (Carlos): (He’s had enough of this.) Avast! I’ve heard enough! Mark them with a black spot and throw them in the brig with the rest of the prisoners!

Stowaways 1 & 2 (Evie/Chela): But! But!

Redbeard (Paola): To the brig!

Pirates: To the brig!!

(Slow instrumental march starts playing. The pirates place a black mark on their foreheads or give them a badge that says “Black Spot” and take the Stowaways to the brig where they are tossed in amongst a group of prisoners, all dirty and dressed in rags.)

(in the prison)

Prisoner 1 (Eric): My, my! What have we here? Blimey! Looks like some stowaways.

Prisoner 2 (Mariska): Aye, Jack! Looks good enough to eat!

Stowaway 1 (Evie): Leave me alone.

Prisoner 3 (Hind): (mocking/teasing) Leave me alone!

Prisoners: (laugh)

Prisoner 4 (Lucas): What are ye in for, mateys?

Prisoner 5 (Christian): (pointing at the black spot or badge, horrified) Ahhh! The black spot!

Prisoners: (in hushed awe) The black spot!

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(SCENE 5 continued…)

Stowaway 2 (Chela): What? What does it mean- the black spot?

Prisoner 6 (Izzy): It means you’re marked- marked for death.

Stowaway 1 (Evie): No!

Prisoner 1 (Eric): Yes!

Stowaway 2 (Chela): No!

Prisoner 2 (Mariska): Yes!

Stowaway 1 (Evie): Yes!

Prisoner 3 (Hind): No!

Prisoners: Wait, what?

Prisoner 7 (Sofia): The black spot means when the sun comes up and choir rehearsal is over, there’s no doubt about it…..

Prisoner 8 (Mark): (slowly) Ye walk the plank.

Stowaway 2 (Chela): But how can this be? All I wanted was to be a pirate…a pirate just like them!

Prisoner 9 (Lena): Ye should have stayed at home with ye mommies, mateys. Ye ain’t no buccaneers!

Prisoner 10 (Levi): Now your hours are numbered for sure, me hearties. And it won’t be long ‘til you’ll be lyin’ in Davy Jones’ Locker.

Stowaway 1 (Evie): Dave Jones’ Locker?

Prisoner 8 (Mark): Aye. The bottom of the sea, known as the graves of those drowned at sea.

Prisoner 10 (Levi): And remember…..

Prisoners: (quietly and scarily) Dead men tell no tales.

Stowaway 2 (Chela): Here I am at sea- where I always wanted to be.And yet, I’ve never felt so lost and alone in my whole life.


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(The pirates on deck are rehearsing for the pirate-singing contest)

Singing Coach (Lina): All right, pirates! You’ve paid good money to hire ME, the most expensive singing coach on land or sea. I have won 364 awards for my choirs. I’ll have you singing your little pirate hearts out!

King (Carlos): Aye! And remember, mates- It’s all about breath support! Breathe from your scurvied diaphragms!

Silverbeard (Jose): Aye! And don’t forget round tones, me hearties. Round tones!

Brownbeard (Aiden): That’s right! And don’t forget to enunciate. Clear words ahoy!

Purplebeard (Morgan): Aye mates, and good posture.

Singing Coach (Lina): Pirates! At attention! Stand nice and tall!

(pirates hurriedly stand at attention)

Singing Coach (Lina): And a 1, 2, 3….

Pirates: (sing) Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do!

Singing Coach (Lina): Yes, that’s the stuff!

Blackbeard (Ethan): Arrr! We can’t lose this year. Not as long as we’ve got the King of the High “Cs” on our side!

Greybeard (Sahaj): He’s our ticket to winning the pirate singing contest.

Yellowbeard (Akshara): Aye, and that delicious lifetime supply of sarsaparilla!

All: That’s right!

Singing Coach (Lina): Let’s hear it, King. Give me your finest arpeggio! (are-pejh-ee-oh)

King (Carlos): (singing) Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! (sings a glissando) Ahh-ahh!

All: Beautiful!

Singing Coach (Lina): I think I’m about to win my 365th award!

Limebeard (Aria W): With a voice like yours, that prize is as good as ours!

King (Carlos): Thank you. Thank you all very much!


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Yellowbeard (Akshara): If ya don’t mind me sayin’ so, Redbeard, I think you were singin’ a little flat!

Redbeard (Paola): Arrr! Who you callin’ flat, ye good for nothin’ scallyway!

(All the pirates start arguing, saying things like, “You were out of tune!” “You sing too loud!” “Yourchoreography was sloppy!” “You were singing flat!” etc..)

King (Carlos): (as before, singing) Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! (sings glissando) Ahh-ahh! (but when he gets to the high note, his voice makes a terrible sound.)

Brownbeard (Aiden): Blimey! What’s the matter, King? Don’t be messin’ around with us!

King (Carlos): (tries again, and his voice is awful the entire time)

Silverbeard (Jose): Aye, King! Don’t be joking. Tomorrow is the big day. You can’t be losing your voice now. You’re our ticket to first prize.

King (Carlos): (Holding his throat, barely able to croak out a sound) Laryngitis!

Blackbeard (Ethan): What?

King (Carlos): (still in a hoarse voice) Laryngitis!

Pirates: What?

King (Carlos): I’ve got laryngitis, ye scallywags! How many times do I have to tell you?

All: Laryngitis? Blimey!

Purplebeard (Morgan): What are we gonna do?

Redbeard (Paola): Aye! What are we gonna do?

Limebeard (Aria W): Arr! There goes first prize.

Brownbeard (Aiden): Yo ho ho, there goes our lifetime of…

Pirates: Sarsaparilla!

(Then from the brig, they all hear a very sweet voice singing.)

Stowaway 1 (Evie): (singing in distance) Lost at sea, lost at sea, tell me where I’m meant to be.

Silverbeard (Jose): What was that?

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(SCENE 7 continued…)

Stowaway 2 (Chela): (still singing) Hear my plea, set me free, ‘cause I’m lost, lost at sea.

Whitebeard (Adrian): Why, that’s the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard.

Purplebeard (Morgan): Aye! And it’s coming from the brig.

Redbeard (Paola): The brig? Find out who it is! This might be the break we need.

(Brownbeard and Bluebeard come in holding the Stowaways by their arms)

Bluebeard (Olivia): Aha and Ahoy! It’s the Stowaways! Tell me, Stowaways, was it you that we heard singing so melodiously?

Stowaway 1 (Evie): (sadly) Aye, sir! It was us! I guess we weren’t very piratey but we meant no disrespect.

Blackbeard (Ethan): Disrespect? That’s the best singing we’ve ever heard on this ship!

(The King stomps his foot and clears his throat.)

Yellowbeard (Akshara): Aye, mateys! Like Blackbeard said, that’s the best singing we’ve ever heard on this ship!

(The King crosses his arms in disgust.)

Whitebeard (Adrian): Aye! Now you MUST go with us to the pirate-singing contest.

Limebeard (Aria W): Mateys, with your help, I know we can win.

Stowaway 2 (Chela): Do you really think so? Do you really think we can help you win?

Purplebeard (Morgan): Well there’s one way to find out. Gentlemen:

All: Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la ti…

Stowaways 1 & 2 (Evie/Chela): Do!

All: Perfect!

King (Carlos): (hoarsely) Perfect!

Stowaway 1 (Evie): (excitedly) Wow! Does that mean we get to be full-blown pirates just like all of you?

Redbeard (Paola): Well now, I don’t know about that.

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(SCENE 7 continued…)

Stowaway 2 (Chela): (crossing arms stubbornly) No pirate, No SING!

Greenbeard (MacKenzie): Aye, mateys! Join me in a pirate huddle.

(All the pirates get in a huddle. There is much gesturing and talking. Finally, they all say…)

Pirates: One! Two! Three! Break!

Greenbeard (MacKenzie): After much discussion, we have decided to ask you a few pertinent questions.

Pirates: Pertinent?

Greenbeard (MacKenzie): That’s advanced pirate talk, ye scurvy dogs, for “important!”

Stowaway 1 (Evie): Ask away!

Brownbeard (Aiden): Do ye promise to never be lily-livered or ever say “wow” again!

Stowaway 2 (Chela): Wow! I mean, Aye! We sure do!

Silverbeard (Jose): Do ye swear by your mother’s honor that you’ll honor the pirate flag?

Stowaway 1 (Evie): (saluting) Aye, aye, Captain, ‘til me dying days!

Blackbeard (Ethan): Do ye swear to be the heartiest, swashbuckling buccaneer to ever sail the sea?

Stowaway 2 (Chela): Aye, Aye!

Whitebeard (Adrian): Then by the powers vested in me, I proudly pronounce you both full-on, blow-me-down, shiver-me-timbers pirates of the briny sea!

Pirates: (cheer)

(Everyone walks off stage. Narrators go to the microphone)

Narrator 1 (Abi): The next day, the pirates arrived for the big pirate singing contest. Our Stowaways, now full-fledged pirates, sang their little pirate hearts out. The audience gasped in awe.

Narrator 2 (Isabella): They had never heard such sweet, piratey singing before! To no one’s surprise, they won first place, and a lifetime supply of sarsaparilla for the whole ship.

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(SCENE 7 continued…)

(Pirates walk back onto the stage, holding their trophy and bottles of sarsaparilla.)

Greybeard (Sahaj): Thanks to our Stowaways, we’ll be drinkin’ sarsaparilla all our long days while sailing the sea.

Purplebeard (Morgan): Ye need new names, mateys. We can’t be calling ye Stowaways anymore. I officially declare you……Orangebeard!

Bluebeard (Olivia): I and officially declare YOU……Goldbeard!

Yellowbeard (Akshara): To Orangebeard and Goldbeard, mateys! Hip hip!

All: Hooray!

Yellowbeard (Akshara): Hip hip!

All: Hooray!

Yellowbeard (Akshara): Hip hip!

All: Hooray!

All: (Look at the audience) We mean…..Arrrr!!!

