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Compiled for The “D” Show 2/16/12 Conservative Common Sense + Liberal Common Sense = Concrete

Viewpoint-Too much Conservative Common Sense prevents you from seeing what is directly in front of you.-Too much Liberal Common Sense may allow you to see things that aren’t there and to exaggerate them.

Ask questions that challenge Authority, the Perceived Reality & the Status Quo, but prevent ourselves from becoming our own Authority.

In order to learn (other than guessing correctly or memorizing) we must make mistakes.-Today’s Taboos have become:

-Asking Why -Asking for Help-Being Wrong

-In obtaining knowledge, wisdom, ect, we should praise those whom are incorrect as much as those whom are correct.

By using Liberal Common Sense to challenge the accepted Norm. And using Conservative Common Sense to keep ourselves from straying too far, we set up a system of checks & balances for ourselves.

“I interject for those whom are never skeptics, that if the norm is correct, then why do we not live in a Utopian Society?”


“Even if the reporter in the remote past may have exaggerated his story with fanciful trimmings, much as newsmen do today, the fact, the actual incident, still remains at the core of all exclusive accounts, as it does today.”

Erich von Daniken: Chariots of the Gods

“It is unworthy of a scientific investigator to deny something when it upsets his working hypothesis and accept it when it supports his theory.”

Erich von Daniken: Chariots of the Gods

“Knowledge has been withheld & destroyed to keep us modern day slaves ruled by our powerful overlords that hoard power and knowledge by justifying that they are of the blood of the gods --- Just as the many Egyptian pharos and priests withheld knowledge and maintained an illuminated overview of the world for themselves because of their bloodlines in accordance with the gods.”

Ryan Gable

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KNOWLEDGE DESTROYED-South American book containing all of the wisdom of antiquity

-Destroyed by the 63rd Inca ruler (Pac-ha-cu-ti)-Library of Pergamon in Turkey (Greek)

-Disappeared-Library of Alexandria containing 500,000 volumes of Ptolemy containing all of the traditions of mankind.

-Destroyed partially by the Romans & Muslim, Caliph Omar.



-10,000 year old drawings of lions & camels that didn’t exist in South America

Lebanon:-Glasslike bits of rocks (Tektites) were found to contain radioactive aluminum isotopes.

Egypt & Iraq:-Cut crystal lenses that are made only with cesium oxide. (Oxide produced by electro-chemical processes.)

Asian Mountains:-Kohistan cave drawings reproduce the position of the stars, as they were 10,000 years ago. Including Venus & Earth.

Lussac, France:-Prehistoric Stones depict drawings of men dressed with hats, jackets, & shorts.

Ur, Chaldea:-Gold plaques with text telling of gods resembling men who came from the sky and presented plaques to the priests.

Peru:-Ornaments of smelted Platinum found on the Peruvian plateau. (Platinum begins to melt at 1,800 degrees Celsius / 3272 degrees Fahrenheit)

Babylonia:-Tablet with past & future eclipses of the moon.

Baghdad:-Electric dry batteries

1) A 6-inch-high pot of bright yellow clay contained a cylinder of sheet-copper 5 inches by 1.5 inches.

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2) The edge of the copper cylinder was soldered with a 60-40 lead-tin alloy.3) The bottom of the cylinder was capped with a crimped-in copper disk and sealed with bitumen or asphalt. 4) Another insulating layer of asphalt sealed the top and held in place an Iron rod suspended into the center of the copper cylinder. 5) The rod showed evidence of having been corroded with an acidic agent. 



Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar (Northern Mesopotamia), that the heavens were opened…And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire. Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man. And every one had four faces, and every one had four wings. And their feet were straight feet; ad the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf’s foot: and they sparkled like the color of burnished brass.”

“Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces. The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the color of a beryl (Beryllium Aluminum): and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. When they went they went upon their four sides: and they turned not as they went. As for their rings, they were so high

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that they were dreadful; and their rings wee full of eyes round about them four. And when the living creature went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.”

-Later Ezekiel is told by the gods that the goal of their journey is to tell him he is living in the midst of a “rebellious house” which has eyes to see and sees not, ears to hear and hears not (Ezekiel 12:2)…he is then instructed with advice and directions for law and order as well as ways for creating a proper civilization.

Moses Apocalypse; Chapter 32-33(Ch32) – “(3) Even thus prayed Eve on her knees; (and) behold, the angel of humanity came to her, and raised (4) her up and said: 'Rise up, Eve, (from thy penitence), for behold, Adam thy husband hath gone out of his body. Rise up and behold his spirit borne aloft to his Maker.'

(Ch33) -“(1) And Eve rose up and wiped off her tears with her hand, and the angel saith to her, 'Lift Up thyself (2) from the earth.' And she gazed steadfastly into heaven, and beheld a chariot of light, borne by four bright eagles, (and) it were impossible for any man born of woman to tell the glory of them or (3) behold their face…”


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-One day Lamech, (Noah’s father) came home and found a boy whom looked out of place with his own family. (The boy looked like a son of heaven with eyes, hair, and skin different than the rest of Lamech’s family)-Lamech approached his wife Bat-Enosh and she claimed the child was not hers. She swore that the child was his and not of a soldier, stranger, or one of the ‘sons of heaven’.-Lamech did not believe his wife and went to seek advice form his father Methuselah, were he told him the story.-Methuselah then went to consult the wise Enoch. -Enoch sent Methuselah back with the news that:

-A great judgment would come upon the earth & mankind. -All flesh would be destroyed because it was sordid & dissolute. -The strange boy had been chosen as the progenitor of those

who should survive the great universal judgment. -He told Methuselah to tell his son to name the child Noah.

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Piri Reis Map-Found at the beginning of the eighteenth century in a Turkish Palace-Belonged to Admiral Piri Reis-Two atlases were also found containing exact reproductions of the Mediterranean & region around the Dead Sea.

Indian Epic (Ma-hab-har-ata)-5,000 years old-The first book: tells the story of the unmarried Kunti. She received a visit from the sun god & had a son as radiant as the sun by him She was afraid of falling into disgrace so she laid the child in a basket & put it in a river The basket was retrieved by the man Ad-hi-rat.

-The hero of this story Aryuna undertakes a long journey to seek the gods & ask for weapons When Aryuna finds the gods, Indra (Lord of Heaven) & his wife Sachi invite him to meet in a heavenly war chariot & to travel in the sky with them.

-The eight book: says that Gurkha loosed a single projectile on the triple city from a mighty Vimana White hot smoke, a thousand times brighter than the sun, rose up and reduced the city to ashes.-Weapons:

-Cause 12 years of drought -Could kill babies in their mother’s womb-Could kill warriors who war metal on their bodies if the warriors learned of the weapon, they tore off their metal equipment & jumped into a river to wash themselves because the weapon made their hair & nails fall out & everything living to become weak and pale.

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-Passage from the Ma-hab-har-ata:

“It was as if the elements had been unleashed. The sun spun around in circles. Scorched by the fearful heat of the weapon, the world reeled. Elephants were burnt by the incandescent heat and ran wildly to and fro….Water boiled; animals died…The raging fire made the trees topple like ninepins as if in a forest fire….Horses and chariots burnt up; it looked like the aftermath of a conflagration. Thousands of chariots were destroyed, then deep silence descended…It was a ghastly sight to see. The corpses of the fallen were so mutilated by the frightful heat that they no longer looked like human beings. Never before have we seen such an awful weapon, and never before have we heard of such a weapon.”

“The heavens cried out, the earth bellowed an answer, lightning flashed forth, fire flamed upwards, it rained down death. The brightness vanished, the fire was extinguished. Everyone who was struck by the lightning was turned to ashes.”  

-Those whom escaped washed themselves, & their equipment because everything was polluted with the “death-dealing breath of the gods”

-Epic of Gilgamesh: “Has the poisonous breath of the heavenly beast smitten you?”

Hindu, Ram-a-yana -Sanskrit Epic-Vimanas (Flying Machines) that navigated at great heights using quicksilver & a great propulsive wind.

Tibetan books: Tan-ty-ua & Kan-ty-ua-Flying machines = “Pearls in the sky”


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-Calculated a Venusian year at 584 days -Calculated an Earth year at 365.2420 days-The calendar began nearly at the same time as the Egyptians

-Priests created a religion from guarded knowledge & on the promise that the gods promised to return.

-Ku-kul-kan (Feathered Serpent)-Priestly tradition says:

The gods would return when the vast buildings were completed according to the laws of the calendar cycle people hastened to finish the temples & pyramids the year of the gods return was promised that Ku-kul-kan would come from the stars & take possession of the buildings & live among man.

-Ku-kul-kan (Ku-ku-matz) is believed to be the figure of Quet-zal-coatl-Quett-zal-coatl came from the country of the rising sun in a white robe

wearing a beard He taught people science, arts, wise laws & customs He promised to return, then went to the sea & bordered a ship that took him to the morning star.

-El Castillo at Chiche’n Itz’a Mexico-Constructed according to the Mayan calendar. -91 steps on four sides equaling 364 the top platform equaling 365

Pre-Incans:-Religious legends say the stars were inhabited and the gods came down from the constellation Pleiades.-Mythology: Story of Creation

-Vira-co-cha (God of creation) created the world when it was dark & had no sun.-Sculpted a race of giants from stone & when they displeased him he destroyed them with a deep flood.

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-He caused the sun & moon to rise above lake Ti-ti-caca so that there was light on Earth.-He shaped clay figures of men & animals at Tia-huan-aco & breathed life into them then instructed them in language, customs, and arts.-He took some of them to other continents to in-habitat.-Vira-co-cha traveled, with two assistants, to many countries to check on the following of his instructions & giving more advice.-He finally left from the coastal province of Manta & disappeared over the ocean by riding on the waves. -He promised to return.

-Tia-huan-aco-Stands a Monolithic ‘Gate of the sun’

-10 feet high / 6.5 feet wide-Weighs 10 tons-48 Square figures stand behind a being representing a flying god. -Rock drawings of beings with four fingers are found here too.-Legend: Golden spaceship came from the stars with a woman named Oryana (Had four webbed fingers) who was to become the Great Mother of the Earth She had 70 Earth children & returned to the stars.

Easter Island:-Located 2,350 miles from Chile supporting a few hundred natives

-10,000 tons of massive rocks lay in ruins -Entire mountain massifs have been transformed -Steel-hard volcanic rock is cut through like butter.

-Gigantic face-like statues-33-66 feet tall, weighing as much as 50 tons each.-Many wore stone hats weighing more than 10 tons each

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-Wooden tablets with un-deciphered hieroglyphs were found-Hundreds of unfinished statues were found with stone axes

Official:1) Stones were moved with wooden rollers from the Island / or wood was imported

Alternative: 1) No trees grow on the Island / & no known shipping trade existed in

antiquity.-European missionaries arrive:

-Burned many of the wooden tablets-Prohibited ancient cults of the gods & ended many traditions.

-Natives still call the Easter Island the ‘Land of bird MenOral Legend says: Flying men landed & lit fires in ancient times.

Egyptians-All of the pyramids were laid out according to the positions of certain stars and even Earth’s energy grid.

Sirius Calendar:-An accurate calendar 4,221 years before our era

-Based on the rise of Sirius on (1st Tout = July 19) -Seen from Memphis, Sirius can only be observed in the early dawn, above the horizon, when the Nile floods begin.-The Nile flood didn’t happen every year & it didn’t take place on the same day.-Why did they have a Sirius Calendar?

Mummification:-More than 6,000 years oldOfficial:

1) Allowed for an existence in the afterlife

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Alternative: 1) What gave them the idea of preservation so much like today’s

Cryogenic freezing of bodies, bones, & blood? Drawings & sagas tell that the ‘god’ promised to return and awaken preserved bodies. The Great Pyramid was built, in view of the gods, so they may return as promised and awaken the Pharaoh.

-March 1963, biologists at the University of Oklahoma confirmed that skin cells of the Egyptian Princess Mene were capable of living today!

Im-Hotep: -A priest, scribe, doctor, & philosopher-Im-Hotep built the step pyramid of Sakkara (House of Eternity) for his king Zoser.

-Surrounded by a 33 feet high wall / 1,750 feet long-Im-Hotep was buried inside so that the gods could wake him up on their promised return.

-Archaeologists say that the only tools during Im-Hotep’s age were wooden wedges & copper. (Neither is suitable for cutting granite blocks)

THE GREAT PYRAMID OF KHUFU / CHEOPS (kee-ops):-Fertile land exists on small strips left & right of the Nile Delta-Estimated population of the world in 3,000 B.C. was 20,000 Estimated the number of inhabitants during the building of The Great Pyramid at 50,000,000.

Statistics-The height of the pyramid multiplied by a thousand million is nearly the distance of the Earth to the Sun.-PI = The ratio of a circle's circumference divided by the diameter… The base of the pyramid divided by twice its height is 3.14159

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1) Stone blocks were moved on rollers Alternative:

1) Few trees (Palms) grew in Egypt the dates from the trees were needed for food & the rest of the tree was the only shade.

Official:2) Wood was imported

Alternative: 2) This would require a large fleet of ships Then the wood would need to be transported up the Nile to Cairo They Egyptians didn’t have the horse-and-buggy until the 17th dynast in about 1600 B.C

Official:3) Built as a burial for the Pharaoh & to prevent grave robberies

Alternative: 3) The structure can be seen for miles. Drawings & sagas tell that the ‘god’ promised to return and awaken preserved bodies. The Great Pyramid was built, in view of the gods, so they may return as promised and awaken the Pharaoh.

Official:4) They lit the tunnels with torches / copper plates

Alternative: 4) No blackened walls or ceilings, or proof they were wiped down, have ever been found. / The reflected light off of copper plates diminished after a few hundred feet.

Official:5) Slaves built the pyramid

Alternative: 5) Only higher-ups were allowed to work on the structure. They lived & ate well.

Official:6) The pyramid was built as a tomb for Khufu or Cheops

Alternative: 6) Khufu simply forged the tablets & inscriptions to proclaim the fame. Manuscripts exist at Oxford, the author Mas-udi, asserts that the Egyptian King Surid had the pyramid built before the flood

King Surid had a dream in which the (flat) earth turned over and the stars began to fall on it. This so frightened him that, fearing that the end of the world was near, he decided to erect the pyramids and to enclose within them all the knowledge of his age.

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-How did the Egyptians carve tombs out of rock?-What resources did they have to be able lay out a maze of galleries & rooms?


“Does not this seriously pose the question whether the human race is not an act of deliberate “breeding” by unknown beings from outer space? Otherwise what can be the sense of the constantly recurring fertilization of human beings by giants and sons of heaven with the consequent extermination of unsuccessful specimens?”

Erich von Daniken: Chariots of the Gods

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Bible v.s Other

1) Exodus 33:20-23“Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me and live.

1) Epic of Gilgamesh; Fifth Tablet“No mortal comes to the mountain where the gods dwell. He who looks the gods in the face must die.”


2) Moses & the Commandments

2) Gold plaques found in Chaldea, with text telling of gods resembling men who came from the sky and presented plaques to the priests.


3) Noah & the Flood

3) Epic of Gilgamesh: Chapter 5The Great Deluge

3) Sumerian tablet engraved in six columns:-Describes five Ante-di-luvian (Before the Deluge) cities; Er-idu / Bad-tib-ira / La-rak / Sit-par / & Shu-rup-pak. -Describes the flood & the Sumerian Noah (Zi-us-udra) Zi-us-udra lived in Shu-rup-pak & built his ark there.


4) Genesis & creation

4) May have been real gods / or planets named to represent gods.Ninurta = Sirius…the judge of the universe and passed sentence on mortal men.Marduk = Mars

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ENUMA ELSIH - ‘When on High’ – The Sumerian Epic of CreationAPSU “the one who exists from the beginning” - SunMAMMU “one who was born” - MercuryTIAMAT “maiden of life” – Asteroid BeltLAHMU MarsLAHAM VenusANSHAR “foremost of the heavens” - SaturnKISHAR “Foremost of the firm lands” - JupiterANU UranusEA “He whose house is water” – Neptune (Enki)GAGA PlutoMARDUK Niburu

-Has an orbit of 3,600 years because:Pergee – Orbital point nearest the sunApogee – Orbital point furthest from the sun