Page 1: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON


WeatherW ould You

Believe Sprjng?

VOL. 65 NO. 197

Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I

SAIGON (A P) _ South ViDt- I 'nam ese infantrym en sm ashed ■ into troops from a veteran H N orth V ietnam ese regim ent th a t K spearheaded two offensives on ' H Saigon th is year, governm ent H m ilita ry headquarters announ* ■ ced today. W

A governm ent spokesm an IP I said 32 so ld iers from North Viet- U n am 's Dong N ai Regiment w ere killed and 13 others cap tured In f • heavy fighting Sunday 24 miles n_orth of Saigon. The prisoners included a battalion deputy com m ander and a com pany \ com m ander, tlie spokesm an K said. L

The South V ietnamese troops K also seized 21 weapons In the ^ b a ttle and turned up two muni- K tions stockpiles in thc surround- ing a rea th a t included 400 m or- H

.ta r shells, bazooka-type rockcts I and grenades. H

Six South V ietnam e>l w ere H reported killed and 2 wounded. H

Jt w as one of three actions re - ■ ported a round Saigon. U.S. and ■ South V ietnam ese forces killed ■ ano lher 38 enem y soldiers and H seized 27 weapons in two clash- H cs 10 arid 12 miles south of thc H I cap ita l. Two A m ericans w ere wounded, an d no- South Viet- j nam ese losses w ere reported . xnc

T he U.S, Command an* trl< nounced th a t Am erican Infan- — trym en sweeping in thc dem ili­tarized zone cap tured m ore than 2 5 0 'N orth V ietnam ese weapons in one of th e la rge t battlefield X i hauls of the w ar.

In recen t weeks, o ther allied forces have cap tured m ore tis>’ I

• 300 lons of stockpiled Commu- I j n is t m unitions and food.

M eanwhile. A m erican bom b­e rs kep t u p their strikes on North V ietnam ese sunply lines norlh o f the dem ilitarized zone, and speculation about a ha lt in ^ th e bom bing developed when C“ ‘P U.S. A m bassador Ellsw orth P®®* B unker m et again w ith P resl- dent N guyen Van Thieu.- Thteu is balking a t som e pa rts o f tho A m erican p roposal,-and South V ietnam ese officials have hinted th a t if thc Johnson ad- m in istra tion goes ahead on its own, tho Saigon regim e will charge a sellout fo affcct the U.S. pre.'jidential election. , J

Tho month-long . lull In bus- ta ined com bat continued.


"U.S. Mulls ^ Moon Orbit 111 December

WASHINGTON (A P) - Tlic N nilonnl A eronautics and Space A dm inistration snld today it is **' giving serious consideration lo conducting a flight around the ^ n o o n , o r pos.sibly a scries of lu* n n r orbits^ fo r tho next Apollo m ission In Decem ber.

A final decision, the space ((, agency snld. would t)d m ade ){ during H>e week of Nov. 11.

If a go-nhend ia given for a • pi ni(K)n o rb ll, it would mcftn th a t — • atitronnuls Frnnk Dorman, JnmC3 A. I .ovd l J r . , and Wll- ‘O llnm A. Andern might spend all JL o r m ost of tho Christm as holi­d ay KcuNOn flying to, around nnd C . bnck from tho moon. O

Apollo B Is scheduled to bc the ]v] . firs t m anned mission Inunchcd p |„

by -the hugo Snturn V moon Tockct. Inform ed soiirces hiivc repo rted th a t the liftoff lenla- tivoly has been set for Dec. 21. gj,,

NA.SA said It is considering mli th ree n lternallvcs lo llio enrlh ljr( o rb ita l Apollo R mission which. T w as planned originally. Tlioy in- Me chulo a lunar orbit mission, a .shr c irc iim liinar fly-hy o r an cn rth wa orb ita l flight farthor jnto space ]\ —4,000 m iles has been men* nde (Ioned ns ono g(ial—Ihnn any so Kd fa r a ttem pted . In^

LeMay Sees U.S. Losing ‘Strength’ Z■ WASHINGTON (A P) *- R e­tired Ocn. Curtis E . l.cM nv snyn a Nutionnl Securlly douncll Htmly Indlciilus tho U n i t e d

• ,Smte.H Is rnphlly losing lls Hirn- teglo m ililn ry sfrcnglU lead ovor , tho .Soviet Union. ,

“Tlio Indications nre w e nro loHlnK ground rap id ly ," tho .in lliln l ' p a r ly vico nruuldontlul .^ r candldnto Hald Sunday, "A s n m u tte r of fact tho curve wna ,,,,,

, crossed In lOCH.” " “ jIxiMuy mn<le tho commont on •

CDS' "F a c o tho Nation" before j o tn k in g 'h h cam paign Into tho j d M idwest fo r nppearancoa In Den* wo M oines, Iown, and O m aha, Neb. gvv

lip anid he porticlnatcd in th e ng ah idy ' boforo retiring nn A ir aw I 'o rco chief o f slnff in 1063. •

Secretnry of Defenso Clnrk M. the Clifford m id last weok tho Unit- wc

------- eri-fltflfM*'ha!r-anbntRnHa»-jn»»- to^ r ^ u p o r lo r lty over tho Soviet nir

0 3 - 2 0 9 Id i 6 1 0 H . J u B o l s o , I d a

S .

~ ~ : . ■--------


Vlct* nn-fiiashed

es on '


I Viet-■ r '.

red In

Icputy . . . 'npanycsm an K &

troops K 'in the ^ .‘I ^ K '

round- ■■m or- H ^


H 'H " ........

rc - ■

thew ereViet- F IR E M E N AND POUCEIW EN h

tcd. m cn t in Saa F rancisco ’s predom lnar an* tr lc t , a f te r sniper bullets fe lled tb rc

iem ili-

iii Not Every S Lining, But

bomb-;es on By RUTH M ILLER on a / lines Timcs-News Staff W riter

h a lt in A safe h as been nam ed a s the 30, : when cu lp rit in tho m ysterious disap- from

sw orth p earan ces of money from a lo- on N P resi- business firm . ing.

O ver a period of more than a Th rt narfq V^Br m oncv has been d isappear- faiJe( I l ^ n d ^rom th e safo of Griggs Mo- tho c s ’have ‘*1 “ " ‘I Pancalco House. C ity and on ad Polico officers and owner R alph dene _n I,„ F augh t havo been unable to safo „ u,iii find ony clues to tho d isappear- wllh.

,u„ anco of the moro than $1,000. Fr! Polico Chlcf F rnnk rB nrnett McG

sa id th a t several m onths ago nil nn ei " em ployes of tho firm w ere given linlnj

llo de tec to r tests when m ore that th an SGOO camo up missing. keep

Tlio money m issing n t th n t On lim e h ad been put in thc safe and

Ceremony M»1 * FA IR FIE L D — Sccrctary

o f S lato Peto Cenarrusu w as | \ ; — The m ain speaker a t rlblmn- t <5narc cu tting cerem onies Saturday p i ‘ u n t HIII City for Hlghwny G8. of i Zon to Tho la s t link of H ighway prn( md the w as rct'cntly com pleted onst s of lu* travel. overAnftllo cerqmonles w e jp o cd I

sponsored by tho Fnirfic ld publ C ham ber of Com m erco nnd on

spaM ((,0 Yellnwstone-Sun--Valley m ade n i c h w i t y — Associntion.

ll- W ayne Cliirk, Cnnncit, Is 1 for a . p residen t of tho Association.


M P n ctT o E n d Sas holi* *'

Strike Vetoed K) be the n e w YORK (A P) ~ A now fron tunchcd plun ,,e„,

moon put,lie school children bnck In city' !3 nnve classes has iKicn offered i)y scjui I tenchors ' union president A lbert Hec. ^ 1. sh im ker nnd rejecled by thc nd- .SovI sidering m ln is tn ilo r of a controversial Aug0 enrlh Ijm oklyn district, slnn1 which. Tho adm inlstra tnr, R h o d y -----n icy in- McCoy, today called the Intest islon, a .shanker proposnl "Just ano ther Bi n en rth w ay of cronilng pnndemonUim." Suni0 space M eetings woro set thla nftor- Riel n men* ndon b y tho cen tral Board of In S1 any so Ediicntion nnd tho local Kovorn- tl/,lr

Ing bonrd of tho Brooklyn dls- Gov tr ic t. , pr*;*

I . S . -------------------------------------------------igth’ ‘The Doc Was Wini

~ Rc-

S '-Medic,..Fits Htrn-511(1 ovor i . i h e d a s e .IU U E , VIclillim T

(A P ) — Wiuldlng their rifles son, 'J'® llko tw o prehlslorlc cavo men will

slnfiRlng It out for suprem ncv of of I Hlciontlul ,ho mountain, tho A m erican E

.„J1 *nedlc and tho North Viet- car rvo wna Hoidior fought their prl- thic

vnto bnttlo to Iho dealh, whimont nn "T hero wan nothing wo could cnr ;• boforo d o ," unld Sgl. Jeffrey L. Hicks, Ing' Into U»o joffcrflon City, Mo., wIk> rou * li'P®"* w alched, stunned, a s the two dim hn, Nob. swung viciously n t cnch other— nwi :d in tho ngnln nnd ngnln—u fow ' feet C nn A ir nwny In llio darkness. Bnt

1069. "W e couldn’t Hhoot liccnuse of pos i^lnrk M. th e w ny thu figlit wns giilng. Wo son :ho Unit- woro rendy to help If it a iartud s ir t ial-jn ili* to-«f>-badH}iJt-»he-doe-wfls-M'in- bun 0 Soviet ning, so we didn 't have to lntor- fire

vcno.'* *'

-2 0 9 I d a h o S t a t o H i s t o r i c a l S0 H . J u l i a D a v i s D r . ., U o . I d a h o 'S S y o S , Co

M a ^

-------- T W ir

SBwr *1 H tw k J i

JCEIM EN huddle beside n re equip- Icalh } predom lnantely N egro FlU m ore dls* hour a fe lled th ree fU em en, b u t none c rlt- blast

ry Safe Has A But This One i1 on a n overnight basis fo r the tabH.s [tcf M ayflower m oving com pany. mcnt

Mr. Faught sa id th a t on June Thi a s the 30. 19C7, S1G3.05 w as m issing tools disap- from the safe in th e office, and safe,

n a lo- on Nov. 17, 1967, $290 w as miss- th a t !ing. " legal

lhan a Tho lio d e te c to r tes ts had safo’ jppear- failed to provide a n y d u e s lo Griff ;gs Mo- tho d isappearance of the money J. City and there w as n o physical evl- ^yc^e • R alph dcnco ava ilab le bccauso tlic ible to safo had n ev e r been tam pered to 10

,00 0 . F r’id ay -^ Ig h t b o rte n d e r Kyle • Barnett McGeehee noticed n portion of ago nil nn envelope p ro tru d in g from tho e given lining of the sa fe w hen he put , m ore tha t night’s rece ip ts In for-safe- _ ng. keeping. BarnJt th n t On S a tu rday n igh t w hen hc " ll lie safe and Mr. F au g h t closcd tho cs- Mr.

Massive Czech Ml S National Day, Riurday PRAGUE (A P ) — Thousands n } ly 68. of Czechoslovnks m arched In plnci ihway prnguo todny in pn trlo tlc dem* nailo l^leted anstra llnns w llh nntl-Sovlet nutbi

overtones ns iho nntion celebrnl- of R v e jp o cd Its Soth an n iv e rsa ry a s a ro- tho » Irlln 'J public. p „/n tiov Several b iind rcd Biwdenis bind al on m arched to th c gales ' of gale;

j ’ P rague’s prcsiden tlaL cnsllo were chanting "D c lle r dead thnn Sc'

_____! _ sham e” nnd In te r shouting oul whic"RuHslons gn h om e" ns lenders rush

1 Inside presided o v e r nn anniver* hut i 1 / 1 sn ry cercm ony. Th

Then nbout 3,000 persons— nmo I ynung people In Ihc muln— vnki

m nrchcd behind leador.s car* stud rylng the C rechoslovnk flag the

A now from W enccslns Square In the agai million heart o f tho cap iia l toward tho thcli

bnck In clly’s h istoric "O ld Town” wou: red i)y scjunrc. thot A lbert H wns the f irs t tim o since thc to g Ihc fld- .Snvlcl-lcd m ililn ry invasion In ihut

overslnl August thnt Cr.cchi)slovalu hnd Sovl s taged n public dem onstrnlion ml.

R h o d y -------- ----------------------------------------- Sne Intest NIXON ENDORSED Uiro nnolher BALTltWORE. Md. (A P )-T lio the onuim. .Sunnnpers endorsed Republicnn plaii la nftor- Riefmrd M. Nlxon for pre.ildent niso o ard of In Sunday ed itions, although cri- llcci govern- tl/.lng his cholco of Mnrylnnil Klall lyn dls- Gov. .Spiro T . Agnew ns vice Eml ________ presidcntlnl nom inee.____________^

1 8 W i n n i n g A n y w a y . . . ’

c. Foe StrugglVieinam Tho doc is P fc . Bill W, John- gem lr rifles son, 21, Rockford, 111., a medic cDll< vu men with the 2flth In fan try Roglmont tn o inncy of of the 1st Urlgndo, Is t Division, goai merfcnn Elum vnts of t)ic Big Red Ono tills ll Viet- carvcd this firobuao out of Ihu bun heir prl- thick Jungle o vo r a weok ago wou 1, whllo oporntlng In search of cn-vo could em y troop.i th a t m ight be mov- doc .. H icks, Ing along favo red Inflllrnllon J( ., wlio routes from ac ro s s th e Camlm- bun: the two dlnn fron tier a s c a n t 2 ^ m iles m at I othor— nwny. myow ■ feet Enrly S a tu rday , tho asth’a Jnd bun

Bnttallon wnfl In night nmbush Si cause of posiilon here , w ith half of John- nnn iilng. We son 's nlntoon, a lthough under swii I Biartud filrcngtli, rospftnn|lilo for five will fftto-yfin- bitnirera on-tho-w c»h/lflnk-of-lhe --'*j to lntor- tirchnno p e rim e te r. . kno

"1 w as In a b u n k e r w ith a fle^ m y


13706 C oop .

Magic Valley*s Home------- TW IN FA L L S, ID A H O , M ONDAY,

■" W '

equip* Ically, Som e of those tak in g covcr are 0 dis* hour e a r lie r a d is tric t tire s ta tio n w a B c rlt- b last, b u t no one w as Injured. (A P wli

IS A Silver ^ )ne Sure Did ‘Lifo r the tabllshm ent, M r. M c G e e h e e

ipany. m entioned the envelope. Hnnphon June The two m en g a thered som e m issing tools and began w orking on tlie ^ ‘ ice, and safe. T hey found a ll th c m oney a s miss- that h ad d isappeared , plus m any

legal pap e rs belonging to th e den t s s is had safe’s prev ious ow ner, Chan Lucl clues lo Griffin. Ly"***0 money M r. F au g h t snld th a t there Ical cyl- w ere deeds, notes, bank notes Lise tlic n n j o jijcr pap e rs da ting back am pcred to 1031. - .1 ’’°

e r Kvle cot^’ tl »rtion or item s apparen tly w ere t„; rom tho “cooted out of a d raw er and

i f f p ut dropped down behind tho lining. “ SfJ® for-safe- "N ® " wo know ,’’ sa id Chief njcatl

Barnett. • 2‘1-yci vhen hc " I t 's a b ig lond off m y m ind ," husba

tho cs- M r. F augh t com m ented._______ firs t 1

;ecli March Honors wantc

)ay, Rakes Soviets fz*-housands n P rague . The m arch took cnilcd ched In plnco desp ite w arn ings by the ’’" " y ■tic dem* nation’s leaders tha t nnti-Sovlct ‘"f* ” itl-Sovlet ou tbursts could b ring a re lu rn MHw' celobral- of Russian tanks nnd troops to ‘ ‘nfl « a s a ro- tho city.

PoUco hastily form ed nnd G rm Biudenls blocked tho studen ts while the ^ < 4

ales of gates to the palace courtyordcnsllo wero pqdlockcd, I y

id thnn Several tim es the crowd,Iting oul w hich Included m any girls,'J lenders ru shed -ngn lnst thc polico lines anniver* but they held.

There hnd been - concern « r s o n s - nmong tho leaders of Ciechoslo- „„fc

muln— vnkln's C om m unist parly thnt jjjuj, nr.4 cnr* students nntl olhcrs m ight use m nde -nk flag the nnnlver.snry lo dem onstrnto end,0 In llio ngnlnst .Soviet occupnilon of wnrd tho their country nnd tha t th is A J

Town” would provoke renctlon from tho Riisslnns. Thc lenders went

since thc to g rea t longllus to mnko c lear ««orn 'aslon In ihut dem onslrnilnns might bring a I ,ialiH hnd Soviet tanks bnck into the cnpl- (foor instrnlion ml. used------------ - Soviet rndlo cnrs drovo;ED through Iho s tree ts nf Prngiio on 'y l \ P ) —Tlic the lookout fo r trouble. Russian epublicnn plninclothes dolectlves w ere “ J,'’ pre.ildent niso nl)0Ul. A Crechoslovnk po- lough cri- Ilccmnn wllh a hand rad io w as Off Mnrylnnd Kinlioned nt liio E ast (ie rm an «n ol

ns vice Em bassy, wlileh was nnt closcd tho i __________for Iho «nnlvcrHary..cclebrntlon. off.


'uggle 4s GIs 1W, John- gennl," tho shy. biond medic re- wns a mcdlc cDlled Inier. ,"Tho bunker nex t bnll i

Reglmont tn ours wns em pty, so Iho Her* hu Division, geant Ju m ped 'over there. Tiicn amm Red Ono tills NVA craw led on lop of Iho Jol

u t of Ihu bunker, throw a g renade an d loud< iveok ogo wounded tho sergeant. first•ch of cn- "Tlie serg ean t w as calling, two i ; be mov- doc . . . doc . . .’* Juntnfllirnilon Johnson craw led from h li went s Camlm* bunker to go to the wounded " f 2 ^ m iles m an 's a id , not realizing tho ono* wont

my soldier w as lying next to the geaii ]8lh’a 2nd bunkor eight feot aw ay. Jolt nmbush Suddenly tho N orih Viet- onu1 of John- nnmeso soldlor sprung up and MIO, sh under swiing' a t Iho su rprised m edic 10 p<

for five wllh )ils'AK47 riflo. brokink o f 'lh e — A mt

knocked off m y holmet nnd c u t nami rith a fle^ m y e y e ," Johnson «ald , *’J1q ond

i t o r i c a l S o c .J


'*s Home Newspaper <•:0 , M O N D A Y , O CTO BER ■

■ H j L

■ n i v iSundaythe

sy with T hc (

the Rum

An split tt down


don, a pcacefi stra ted siteandaw ay on the

As t

-- -threw police

n k in g covcr a r e civilians (on le ft) . An ■ burled t ire s ta tio n w as dam aged by a bom b Then

injured. (A P w irephoto) lines w--------------------------------------------------------------- The


Lynda Robb S™rnm.r v - i i P‘"S 2Names Girl K

>ia ‘Lucinda’WASHINGTON (A P) — P resi- Five

p ® den t Johnson’s ' new g r a n d - demor ^ ^ dau g h te r has been nam ed Lu* treatn

J c inda Desha Robb. - more10 money ’ 1’® nam e is a combina- ilus m any tion of tho names of the P resl- Thii K to th e d en t's two m arried d a u g h te r s - w ere jr , Chan Lucl and the baby’s m other, chain:

Lyndo. And, Desha (pronounccd Duh-shay) is tho n am e of a brief

mk notes ancesto r of p ioneer

ing back baby 's father. M arine. Cnpt. C harles S. Robb, finally V^<*

oncy nnd through by teleplione from tly w ere V ietnam Sunday to his wife. In

„ B ethesda Naval M edical Center. ho lining. phone call—first com m u- w taid Chief n icatlon between lhe P resid en t’s W ,

■ a-i-ycar-old daughter and her »y m ind," husband since tho b irth of th e ir 0 ^- ± _______ firs t child a t 12:03 n .m . F r id ay o„ ^

Lynda h ad held up announce* to^Bol n icn t o f tho nnmo say ing sho pores

1 1 0 1 S w an ted to seo if It fit tho baby , nnd also hoping she could check jq th

k T I P l ’<i o u t firs t with Robb. W hen he , r gnvo . final npprovni, Lynda Hona. rch took called her pnrents und Lucl ond pop] j s by the rclnycd w ord to Robb’s p aren ts , im n intl-Sovlct M r. nnd M rs. Jnme.s S. Robb pf work n re lu rn Mllwnukee, Wis., before perm it- foU 01

troops to ‘ Ina a public nnnouncem cnt. son lr -------------------------- - I Thp

S/te Safeeracldiiff., m°1mcourtyard -w-iTry Fads At ■3ic. Robert Stuart

concern n ltcm pt to b reak Into the -*cchoslo- „„fc nt Rolxirt S tu a r t Jun io r a rly thnt Twin Fnlls w as J.^ Cn ight use som ellm e over iho week-m onslrnto end, Twin I'ulls police snld.

tha t th is A Janitor nt th'o school, Ken- " lon from nt'th McCool, reporicd t h e ilers w ent break-ln lo officers M onday ),nve nko clcnr m orning. meetIght bring a hole wns broken in the froni for N 1 llio cnpl- door glnss nnd n w ire wns then F n

used to open tlio door. m chI’rnoiin nn i^oporlcd m lsalng w as nbout

Ru slSn CO ’ 0 1" ^>-om C * ; ,A« U'O coffco room and nbout seven i , ' ', , .flovnk i l ° candy bars.rndlo w as Officers snld Iho hinge pin on made t tie rm nn nn office safe w as rem oved but llotis nnt closcd tho door hn<J not been taken llemc ;lebrallon. off. will------------------------------------------------------------------ and \


GIs Watchsoda

rnodlc re- wan using tho rlflo like a base- Nov. inker nex t ball bnt. Wo found out la to r thn t REA o the ser* hu didn’t hnvo any m ore Alble lere. Tlicn am m o ," • n.m.,lop nf Iho Johnson said his MIC wns tion, :nade nnd lo a d e d .b u L ’‘.wI)Qll I g o t h ll m y p.m.,

f irs t reflex wan lo lilt back . F o r souia B calling, two o r ih rce m inules w c foughi, Nov.

Just iilltlng oach u lho r w llh ou r tion, from h ll wcajMnii. 1 >3; '

wounded "F in a lly I got rid of him , onu OakI Ig tho ono* w en t to toku cnro of tho sor* Nov. next to Ihe g e a n l." Oukly. Johnimn cam e off. w llh only Nov.rih Vlet- ono m inor cut, but d isp layed hfs woik! Ig up and MIO, a woapoii wolghlng about c r ! jod m edic 10 pourids, with lhe p la stic alock West

b roken complclolV nw uy. Tho Vnlli -fhff-H fle,' A m erie a n a -f lf ly ^ e -N o fth -V io l- 18j-i ot nnd c u t nam oso soldier w as badly h u rt, sock ■aid. *’Ho nnd d ied la te r, tion,

ip e r I- ^

I _______________________________

I L o n d o n I M a s s W I M e m o r i

LONDON (A P) - Police on and be Sunday contained and controlled slve M tho la rgcst dem onstrations em bas aga inst the V ietnam w ar ev e r Defc

- ,^ ^ K held in London and repelled a tion o sm all a ttack on the U.S. Em bas- Secret sy without using n ightsticks. resiste

T he only serious dam ag e re - the dc ported w as not In London b u t a t -The the John F . K ennedy M em orial billed n t Runnymcdc, w ^st o f the capi- "day ta l. An explosion S a tu rday n ight circlei split, thc seven-ton stone s lab tha t down thc m iddle. banks

Police estim ated about 30,000 consei persons m arch ed -th ro u g h L gtc don, all but a few hundred w as. peacefully. Some 7,000 dem on- Thc s tra ted in G rosvenor S quare, nomic site of the A m erican E m bassy , dents and 200 to 300 ex trem ists b roke tcl an aw ay for a flying w edge a tta c k onstri on the big w hile building. extcnc

As thick cordons of police nilely b a rred thclr w ay, th e rcd-hel- ia s t :m eted M aoists and a n a r c h is t s --------

-- -threw firecrackers a t m ounted police waiting In re se rv e . Som e

ft). An ■ burled banner poles a s sp ears . m bom b Then they charged tho police J i

lines w ith Iron pipes.' The police slowly pushed and ^

shoved the m ilitan ts back, pen- ^ k l-w " ‘"S them into the southw est U U corner of thc sq u a re and stop-

I plng any a ttem p t to b reak out. Gradually the young dem onstra- tors ran out of s team and d rift- su n n ed aw ay. London w as q u i e t dedd again by 9 p .m . . scmg

C asualty figures w e re low. prlso— P resi- F ive policem en a n d abou t 40 }|rst

I g rand- dem onstrators received m edical ~. im ed Lu* treatm ent, a lthough hundreds

- more had m inor cu ts and ™ ” com bina- .............

the P resl- Thirty-nine d em onstra to rs i2-yc l u g h ie r s - w ere a rre sted , fo r ca rry ing ', m other, chains, sticks ond bo ttles a s "of- ronounccd fensive w eapons" and fo r a im e of a b rie f burst o f window-sm ashing r p ioneer ' used

nl cSo? Remodeling. S Work Begins g

5 °Fr‘l S Construction w ork has begun ap% II. i j iu u y Qf, D aum gartner C am pground woul

^ cast of Fcalherv llle , acco rd ing cour nnnounce* (j, Bob Hoag, Saw tooth N ational iqw

S. fine F o rest sta ff recrco tlon officer. th e baby ^ h e rem odeling is bolng-done

. so the cam pground will m eet 5? ,‘ W hen lie aanitatlon. regulations. Mr.

I, I-ynda H oag, said a ch ild ren 's w ading In Lucl and poni jg heing built and a n a tu re pren

s P “ ^®n*"; tra il developed. Ho sa id the ~-l >. Robb of work should bo com pleted this to < rc perm it- foU or Iicforo tlie rcc rca tlo n sea- prim em cnt. son in spring. scho— ( Thp work is un d e r tho dirco- sear • lion of Doyd G race, rccrcatlon , mnr

J . 1 1 2 ,. mnlnlennnco nnd construction rullr" crew forcmnn. tenc

A | . ,Mr. Hong sa id th e c rew h as ngal ' colnploted w ork a t the Easicy —:

Ciimpground, New roads wcro a s ’ i built nnd snnllation fncllltlea rc- hnd modeled. _______________ l ^

k Inlo thc

ib ts Forest Grazing I To Be Discussed

•tcd t h e Sawtooth F o re s t personnel Cntl Monday ),nve scheduled |h c ir n n n u n 1 Coui

m eeting with cn ltlc nssoclallons nnd n the froni tor Novcml>cr. Fnli! wns then F red R. Bnugh. nlnff officcr Nov oor. In chnrge of range, w ildlife and

, w atershed m nnngcm ent, said cn tl proposed revisions to th e graz- i7|gi.

inge from regulations will bo dlacuased cora bom .ev en

Ho snld no changes wlll bo tho ngc pin on mado until Ihoy g o t Iho reac- w moved but llotis nnd nuggcstions of thu cnt- ccn taken liemen. M r. B augh snld they ,

will niso discuss mnnngom ont ---------------- niul ways (o Im prove It. . i . . .

Tho following tnee llngs h a v e ___been scheduled: P n rk Vnlley As. soclntlnn n t P n rk Vnlluy, Ulnh, nt 2 p.m. Nov. E n st End i A'lKOclnlion, Mnlln Lions Club,

L ' . l ' lil n.m., Nov. fl; R nft R iver As- A f soclation, Mnlln Lions Club, 3 / V

. p.m. Nov. fl; Yost-Ono Mllo As­sociation, REA building, 10 a.m . M

kc n base- Nov. 0; West E nd Association, Km t la to r thn t RKA building, 2 p .m ., Nov. G; plar m y m oro Albion Assoclnllon, Albion, 10 prei

a.m ., Nov. 12; Dnsln Associn* t Mlfi wns tion, Oakley R anger Sinllon, 2 don

not h ll m y p.m ., Nov. 12; E lb a C attle As- M . back . F o r socintlon, LDS Church. 10 n.m ., aiav WO fought, Nov. 13; Almo Cntllo Associa- ng® ir w llh ou r tion, Almo School, 2 p .m ., Nov. coir

13; Ouktey Vnlloy Associntion, free if him , nnti Oakley R anger Stotlon, 10 a.m .. olh< >f tho sor* Nov. 29; Wlldroso Association, SI

Oukloy R anger Stnllun, 2 p.m . in e w llh only Nov. 25; D ry C reek - Cotton- for

splayed hfs wood Assocloilon, B urloy Rang* doy hing about c r Stnlion, 10 n .m . Nov, IB; wer Instic alock Wostorn Siockgrowors, P lea san t wor tw uy. Tho Valloy Gnngo H all. 2 p .m .. Nov. thol 'ioflh-V iel* 1 8 j-N o /th -5 « w to o lh -C aU l* -A i. —A i>ndly h u rt, soclotion, H ailey R anger Sto- "Wi

tion, 10 a .m ., ISov. 10; Gooding witl

/ "


o n P o l i c e '

W a r P r o

o r i a l B o nlice on and bottle-throwing in th e exclu- Sunda: I t r o l le d slve M ayfair d is tric t around the The Tations em bassy a s the crowd broke up. 20,000 ir ev e r Defending the B ritish trad i- w as tl d ie d a tion of peaceful pro test. Home the b E m bas- S ecretary Jam es Callaghan had the la :ks. resisted strong p ressu re to ban Insti ago re - the dem onstration. . lines1 b u t a t -The dem onstration h ad been th e U5 em orlal billed by the organizers tis a s tra to le capi- "d ay of revolution." M ilitant to sidi ly n igh t c ircles had buzzed w ith rum ors riot, t IC s lab th a t governm ent buiklings. The

banks, the stock exchange “and F leet t 30,000 conservative new spaers would H ell" jh Lon- be gtorm ed and occupied. None fices. lund rcd w as.’ • wheredem on- The London School o f E co- Han f S quare, nomlcs w as occupied by its slu - try ’s n b assy , dents' fo r thc weekend a s a hos- tra lla s b roke lel and casualty sta tion for d em - nam i 5 a tta c k onstra tors. After th reaten ing to Londc

extend the ir occupation indcfi- handc policc nilely. like the students Jn P a ris Down

rcd -h d - la s t spring, they le f t quietly H aro l a rch is ts —

'Si Tribunal m Solve Triicak out.Jionslra- .WASHINGTON (A P) - Tho slud t nd d rift- suprem e Court ag reed today to ville Q u l e t dccide if a defendant m ay be the f • . sentenced to a longer te rm In law

prison a t a second tr ia l a fte r his fedei “.Sj 1 conviction w as se t aside. sem t

h S . » 5 e The Question tu rns u p In the uta and a N orth. C arolina m an,u « an a a . Pearce , convicted in her l

. . D urham County in the rape of a ^estr n stra to rs 12-year-old girl. - wom*s aT^'of® P ea rce w as firs t sentenced to H fn r n 12 to 15 ycors in prison. This sm nslilns “ >'’* ''"1°" '>■»? “ M o J J ” ** cause a forced confession w as

used a t his triaL Hc w as then - ‘ sentenced to 15 y ears . f - f -

n n Tho U.S. Circuit Court In X l Richmond, Vn., dcclded Inst

. M June thnt P en rco could not re* jVT. I f f , ceivo a h a rsh e r sentence. N orth - i l J

” Carolina appealed to tho Su- ^ '1 - n c prem e Court saying th e federal I i - , 1 1 1 9 appeals courts wero divided on

tho issuo-and th a t a M aryland us begun appeals court, w hich norm ally npground would bo bound by th e c ircu it

‘SlTa? fowV“""®’T he Suprem o Coort w ill h ea r

Im mec* ‘h® “ s® “ "d Issue a ruling la to r cond Ions M r ‘^^m. „j;3 w ading In o thor ocllona today, thc Su- a n a tu re prem e Court: , Hons

sa id the —D irected New Y ork cou rts jjent c ted this to consider w hether the vice llion sea- principal of a M l. Vernon high ig .,.

school should hove le t pollcc q u Ic ho dirco- search n student’s lockcr for jcreallon , m arijuana cigarc ltes. With ita istruction ruling tho cou rt se t asldo a sen-

fence of fivo y e a rs probation crew hos against thp student.0 Eosicy —Rejected n challenge to Tex*:idH wcro os’ unlawful osscm bly law thn l . ;llitlea re- had been posed by 22 whllo min- * "8 __________ iaters. professors and college


izing Regulations cussed At Meetings '°h.

O worlpersonnel Catllo Association, Gooding part a n n u a l Courthouse, 1:30 p.m .. Nov. 10. [qco soclallons and Cam as Catllo Association, t|,o

Fairfield Courthouse, 1:30 p.m ., iff officcr Nov. 20,Idllfo and roprcsonlotlvo of tho Idaho •nt, said C altlcm cn's As.sodotlon, Idoho ' th e graz- pjah Qomo officers ond offi- ■* d iscusscd cors of tho B ureau of Land Mon*

. , agem ent oro Invited to a ttend -i » wlll bo tho m eclings. j!f Mr. Bough anid tho forest sor*L/J vice will sd icdule sim ilar meet-

l"8» w ith the Mlnldokn nnd Snw- -t iiOBomont w oolBrow ot. botoro tho }

M , h«vo ______________ :/n lley As.

!n"‘ Former Slave De S A l Age Of 1 0 7 ,1g, 10 n.m , MEMPHIS, Tenn. (A P) — The; isoclution, Em m a Morsholl hns n ready ox- own , Nov. G{ planntlon for not wollng - fo r -m ilblon, 10 president this yenr. bani1 Associn* "Abo Lincoln wus m y presl- gix Sinllon, 2 donl," she soys. , p^i^ Cnttle As- Mrs. M arshoU -w an horn a M rs . 10 n.m ., fliovo in llruce, M iss., 107 yeora but > Associn- ng® l“"t Jnnunry—thu yoor Lln* by, >.m., Nov. coin wns Inaugurated. She w as q, isoclntion, freed olong with Ihousnnds of . ® I, 10 a.m .. olhcrs. . *iy.\ asociatlon, She certa in ly doesn’t bolIeVtj ■[“ ' n. a p.m . in slnvory. bu t ahe does han k er , - Collon- for whot siia calls tho "good old ®‘‘ '‘

ley Rang* day s." And she loys thbso doya Nov, IB; wcro gM d because " th e lodles A

, P loasnnl woron t ao bad thon. They w ore sole o.m .. Nov. thoir own ahooa." nas^ U l«~ A i* Avk<d tf> fx p m n. f b t p ti i nger Slo- "W ell, th e y d idn 't run around mui ; Gooding w ith o ther lad les ' husbands, a k

/ "

• - / ' ' i

Home I


_________________TW E N TY CEN TS : -

i c e C u r bP r o t e s t ;i o m b e dle exclu- Sunday night.>und the Thc main march drew about | roke up. 20,000 less Uian expcctcd. but it i , h tradi- was the largest in London since . t. Home the ban-the-bomb marchcs of i ;han had the late 1950s and early 1960s.2 to ban Instead of marching In thia

lines by the side of the street, ad been the usual practice, the demon- ers tis a strators filled it from sidewalk Militant to sidewalk. Rather than risk a

I rumors riot, the police diverted traffic. lulMings, The marchers- went down ] m ge'and Fleet Street, shouting "Sieg i : s would Hcil" a t some newspaper of- ! ' ed. None fices. Then on to tho strand, ' 1

where they burned an Austra- of Eco- lian flag in front of that coun-

y its slu- try’s embassy because of Aus- os a hos- traila’s contribution to the Vlet* for dem- nam war. They filled Whitehall, tcning to London’s broadest avenue, and n indcfi- h a n d ^ In a petition a t No. 1 Jn Paris Downing Street. Prime Minister .

: quietly Harold Wilson’s residence.

nal Will Trial Plea \

) — The studenta convicted in a Hunts- today to ville cafe sit-in. Attorneys for

; may be the group argued that the state . ■ ;■ term In low unconstitutionally overrode 1 after his federal rights of peaceful as- | L aside. scmbly.up In the ~ Invited a Long Beach, lllna man, Calif., plant-worker.-to. continue nvlcted in her fight against stale laws that , rape of a restrict thc number of hours ;

- women can work in -certain in* frt dustrlcs. Tho worker9.-Mrs. Vei-

ison This ^ Mengelkoch, was told to .> a S e pursue-her case In the U.S. C ir-' sslon ^ Son Francisco. Iwas then —

cour. i n i n f f l HitsIded Inst • ■ - ......... . ;

icVrs Nixon’s SIdll> tho Su- - -wS * 1

Of Diplomacy i'^Sm Silv c a n t o n , Ohio (A P) - ,V l c o he circuit President Hubert H. Humphrey, sed t i fol- barnstorming Ohio I? the" final sea Kl loi pregidentjal cam-...... paign. sold Monday Richard M.u 1-^? Nixon "does not know how to

uling lator conduct the works of peace.**... c.. “ Ho Is incapable of It by hla ly, Ihc Su- 1,1, t ||o„g |,„ , „ j hi;. I. Hons," tho Democratic presi-

vfrfl dentlal contender told a f^ Ione the vice college audience as he began « '

Ia". day of stumping northernS Ohio in quest of th© su te 'a 26

With Its «l®‘ ‘®f«l .Id o a sen - Humphrey wos received orobtttion warmly by severni fhousand in “ ond nround the college on a

ISA In Tex. au(umn morning. ,law hJt N**®" *0 task for hav-

wlilta mln. Ing appeared Sunday night on aS interview— £— !L program for what Humphrey

sold was tho first time in two years. And ho. roundly criliclzcd

o n s •1'® Republican contender for rccommcnding abolition of the

t l H f i [ S He 80 & Nbton "reprosonls tho world of Bland still," while third

Gooding party condldote George C. Wol- ., Nov. 10, loco "representa a' reircot Into jjsodallon. ,i,o world of unreolUy.'’1:30 p.m., __________________ [________

tho Idaho _ _i r J o m " Traffic Deathsu n d Mon* Idaho to atlend 1 9 6 8 ........................... 2 4 0

, . 1 9 6 7 ........................2 2 9forest aer*illar meet- Magic V alley,1 and Saw- i q r r ■acbotoro tho i l l ? ; ; ; ; ; : ; ; ; I I

lave Declines Vote f 107^ Favors ‘Abe’

(AP) — They aioycd at home with Ihelr I rendy cx- own."vollng - for -Mri. - Marshall and her hus-.........

______ band wero married In 1M6 ondmy presl- gix years loter moved lo Mem*, . phis. They had 13 children and

* Mrs, Morsholl haa aurvived all , 107 yeora but one, Mnhuel Brown of Shel- 1 yoor Un* by. Miss., who la 70. ...........u s a n V " . Sho alao haa olght gr.ndchlN

auannuo ui Ta greot-grandcWldren, A3 n’t bo iled great-gfcot-grandchlldcen " «nd oca hanker 8reat*great-gre«t-gr«n<l«I "KOod old ' ‘'llaren.thbso doya Her husband dlo^ in ."the lodles As for the modorn ag e .‘aho They wore a o ld i‘T he kida aro too loua and

aha Id ""v^cg2!3h«i_w °* un around ^ c h a t night bftck when V i S r ' husbands, a kid," ,

Page 2: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON

Daily ^From T lm es-N ew s 24*Hour W

^T em peratu res ' National

H igh Low P r . xucsdAlbany, ra in ............ 61 45 .07Albuquerque, c lea r . 74 40' . . “ “ y*Atlanta, c lea r .......... 70 46 . . ‘o.B ism arck, cloudy . . 46 23 . . »> RhBoston, cloudy ........ 58 49 . . abHiljBuffalo, c lo u d y . . . . . 59 42 .04 ‘f<m «Chicago, r a i n ............ 55 39 .01 P c r cCincinnati, d e a r . . . 63 37 . . ^or MCleveland, c lea r . . . . 58 34 . . cloud;

■ Denver, c lea r .......... 59 29 . . PralrlDos Moines, cloudy . 49 33 .02 thiDcUo\t, cloudy . . . . 60 40 • . . ^ « • F b rt W orth, c lea r . . 76 4 1 - Falls Helena, cloudy . . . . 52 31 . . a tei Indianapolis, cloudy 59 35 . . Jacksonvflle, c lea r . 73 52 . . o K ansas City, c le a r . 59 37 . .Los Angeles, fog . . . 80 59 . .Louisville, c lc a r . . . 67 40 . . HigMemphis. c lear-.>A . 73 44 . . faco iM iami, rain .............. 77 67 .31 Iho nMilwaukee, la in . . . . 54 37 .08 RionMpl9.-St. P .. cloudy . 48 35 . .b e g i nN ew Orleans, c le a r . 76 56 . . gon 1N ew Y orkr-cloudy . 64 55 . . distur

■ OWa. Cityr C lear . . . 67 38 . . creasO m aha, c lca r .......... 48 31 .01 over.Philadelphia, cloudy 60 50 . . Oregc•Phoenix, c lea r 94 55 . . T u e ;P ittsburgh, cloudy . 63 36 .02 shoul.P tlnd . Me., cloudy . 53 39 . . mounp tlnd , Ore., cloudy . 65 50 . . LovRapid City, c le a r . . . SO 29 . . ing vRichmond, cloudy . . . 68 49 . . tho iSt. Louis, cloudy . . . 61 38 . . p a r t iS a lt Lk. City, c le a r . 67 36 . . 30s vSan DJego, fog . . . . . 81 55. . . e r n iSan F ran ., cloud y . . . 71 50 . . read iSeattle, cloudy ........ 67. 59 . . fo r oiTam pa, d o u d y ........ 75 62 . . cu rd i“Washington, cloudy . 65 49 . .

■ anyw

Alaska, Canada Hawaii -

. H lg i.L o w P r .Calgary ...................... 55 35 ^E d m o n U .................. 49 28 ^M ontreal ........ .......... 48 41 .03Ottaw a ........................41 .................... •»R egina ........................ 39 28 flToronto ........................ 55 35 -*■'W innipeg .................... 43 27 .Vancouver .................. 64 50 M a ;Anchorago ................ 36 28F airbanks ............ 26 18 .03Juneau ........ ............... 43 34Honolulu .................... 87 74

“ “ “ Wats

Idaho dJ{|jAtxirdccn .................... 63 21 andB ea r L a k o .................. 57 24 BuhlBoiso ............................ 67 40 lingaBuhl .............................. 67 34 erflelBurley ................... . . . 68 29 w m tCaldwell .................. . . 6 1 29 y o u rCastleford .................. 34 j , cE m m ett ...................... 66 28Fairfield .................... (m issing) soiGooding ................ 41 ^ r s .G raco .......................... 64 24Grangevlllo ................ 60 37 jjurliH ailey .......................... 63 35 M rs

- Idaho F a l l s ................ 6 3 .2 8 -Jerom o ........................ 70 38K im berly ............ . 67 31 'Kuna ............................ 65 27Lewiston .................... 62 44 HnMnlnd .......................... 65 25 T urnMouniain Homo . . . . 71 37 T racP a rm a . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 2Q a n d .Pocalello .................... 66 .25 M rs.P r e s lo n ........................ (m issing) MichR upert ........................ 71 33 EddiSoda .Springs ............ 64 24 ley iTw in FalU ................ 70 SO

W allacsels' S L ead ing I n s , R u p e r t P o ll £»

R U P E R T -A n hmir-lonB pul>- , lie opinion poll Inst week In Ru- '5 » r t showed fo rm er Alnhnmn Gov. George W nilnce receiving 43 per cen t of th e M lnldokn A County vote In thc Nov. 5 Clencr- nl niccllon . I“V-

Tlw poll, conducipd b y KAYT radio, drew lOl cu lle rs, <15 of | ? ^ whom clistt-thclr vo le for Wni- Ince, 38 fn r R lchnrd Nlxon nnd 18 for Hubert llumphrej^. Inter- O t csled cllizens wero cncoiirnged u{ \n cnll tho Mutlon d«rinR certa in ijo,, ftoiirs W cdnosdny nnd voice 4helr opinion on whom they were supporting next m onih. j„ r

----- — —— —

M a r i n e R e c r u i t e rThp Mnrlno Corns recn iU er Frii;

from Holso, S. .Sgt. Willlnm Hnn Urafiher, will ho In 'I'wln I 'n ili ly o Tuesday nnd W cdnosdny In In- the <orvlow men. and women for e»- .sr llstm ent In tho M nrlno Corps, will

Ho will ho a t tho Rogerson cent Hntwl from Tioon T ucsdny to jncc noon Wcdnosdny. .


Conductor Anshol D rusllow lins • onnouiKcd (ho disbanding of tho i i

30-pleco Chnm ber Sym pliony of t i P hilndelphin. Hrusllow, wlio K ( founded tho o rd ie s trn Iwo yenrs ngo, nald II wns f<trce<r oul of •* builnosn because of Inrk of pn- "*R u o „ .„ c

................ ......................................... .. 1


.............. Twin F fllb , IdaboB y C arrie r Dm

I ^ r m onih « ri( D a l l y S u n d a y ) . . . . 13.23 at.,

By M ali IllsP a id In Advanc® "v - ' E

I (D ally A .Sunday) 3 ,h 1 M onth .......................S2.S0 (rnlI fl M onth............................ ...r t Y ea r ........................... 23.00 .

M all auhBttrlptlons accepted — onJy_w Jior«_carxlBC-ilellvcry.J«

not m aintained.

2 Twin Falls Tlmes-News Mor

/ Weather Re,il-Hour W eather B ureau Wire

' ForecastGenerally fa ir today , bccom - lium ld

Ing partly cloudy tonight an d e te r , J f Tucs<lay> a Httle coolcr Tues-

*®' day . High tem pera tu res today x w j '^ 5 ■’ 6? to 75; low tonight 33 to 43; w ith G3 . . h igh Tuesday In the 60s. P rob - E nton 9 . . ab ility of m easurab le p rec ip ita . w ith i2 .04 ‘lon nea r le ro tonight, and 10 rom e, 9 .01 p e r cent Tuesday. Tho Outlook 35; I 7 . . f o r W ednesday calls fo r p a r tly 38. {4 . , cloudy skies. In th c C am as Weath 9 . , P ra irie , high today and T uesday 42; c3 .02 In thc 60s, and low ton ight 33 51-51;0 . . . to 4J. At noon today, tho T w in four-U I— F alls W eather B ureau rep o rted Inch,1 . . a tem peraluro of .64 deg rees; th ree-5 . . -------------

I Summary, Extend0 . . High pressure both a t th e su r- tho lo4 . . faco and aloft is continuing ovcr turo : 7 .31 Iho northern Interm ountaln re- be gc7 .08 gion today but p ressu res w ill tempe5 . . begin to fall over E as te rn Orc- from6 . . gon lalo today. A low -pressure to th( 5 . . disturbance will cause som e In- lower8 . . c rease in cloudiness nnd cooling Idaho1 .01 over the valleys of E ast-C en tra l Tho 0 . . Oregon and ' Southern F d a h o bogini5 . . T u e s d a y ." Any p recipitation of hi(6 .02 should bo confinod m ostly lo the an d i9 . . m ountain a reas. F a r '0 •• Low tem p e ra tu re s 'th is morn-J • • i n g w ere In th c upper teens to coast. 9 •• tho mid 20s over th e eas te rn niovii1 •• p a r t of this d istric t. T he 20s ando •• 30s wero reported in tho w est- '5' • • e r n area . Lowest, tem p era tu re "[pakf0 •• read ing reported this m orning chanj9 • • f o r our a rea w as 18 degrees oc- °v e r 3 . . cu rrin g a t tho AEC sile . J e r ^ No precipitation h as occurrcd SljP.y*

anyw here over E as te rn Oregon „ |1 n a n d Southern Idaho during thc IL

p a s t 24 hours.' .. T em peratures to d a y will be th is •.tuPr ‘0 “ d eg rees and

higher t h a n yeste rd ay w ith Twin |g m ost readings In th a 60s an d .Falls 11 .03

1 Magic Valley10 M a g i c .V a l l e y M e n a o r ia lT S t .IR M Adm itted^ M rs. L arry Hepworth, F lo r- M r J l enco E . Hitchcock, M rs. Leslie Mrs.

K lassen, Sidney H ym as. Is rae l scn, i W atson and -Mrs. Ellis M. Arn- Rich; o ld . all Twin F a lls ; M rs. P e te D illard, M rs. E dw ard Holloway toi and M rs. E rv in E ngland, all Mycr

24 Buhl; Mrs. Donald Smith, Bur- Bern; I® lingam e. Calif.; Charles A. Ov- .shon« « erfield, K im berly; M rs. S tanford m an; 29 W atts. R upert: M rs. Calvin Lowr

Young, Jackpot, Nev., and M rs. wcn'c 34 J , c . Allen, F iler. ' Edw.28 B irths field.>singj Son, were born to M r. nnd Willa 2* M rs. Leslie Klassen, Twin F a lls ;24 M r. and M rs. Donnld Sm ilh, n » ” Burlingam e, Calif., and M r. and nnH ^ . M rs, P elo Dillard, Buhl. K ,

31 C a s s i a M e m o r i a l rom e27 Admitted44 Hnzen Hatch, M rs. Bernie G25 T urner. M rs. C arl C ram er,37 T racy M etrner, T hom as W nlion r . f 20 an d Jcsun MancUlas, a ll B urley;25 M rs. Myrtle Stovall, M r s . ' ising) M ichael Drondhead. bolh Pm il;33 Eddio Nipper. Dcclo. nnd Wes- ,I t Cooper oakley

Dism issed ConvMrs, Wemlell l ln rp e r, Denise

W d ier. Andon G uim nn ,.-G arlli j„ c ii Shaw nnd nill Kelsey, all Bur- n il I! ley ; M rs. Wnyne R andall nnd son, Dcclo; M arl Sntterw hllc, iv P nul; Mrs. \7. B. l-agerhakke, "

I M rs. Kiiy Crystal, M rs. J . P .

C raven, Ju lie Slovens and P ru - Alf dcnclnno V ntiuci, Rwporl; Son

? pulv Ilel<*l Franks. Onkley, and M rs. pert. I n 'n ,,. I j jr ry Oliver nnd son, Hey-

ahnmn , c i i' celvlnR n ir lh s f>chli nIJoka A .luiiRhli;r wna torn 10 Mr. Mon Cicncr- and Mrs, • nern ie T urner, Dur­

loy. A KAVT ----- ------------------

Ex-Governor mKi ""nfo';! Sees GOP Win V(iirnged noi.SF. (A P )-W ilh the excep- certa in , 50,, snnnle, F o rm er (iov. ! ) (

voice po jje rt e . Sniyllo p red lch ,s»lld i r y w e ro Republican vlclorlos In nil mn-

Jor pollilcnl races In Idnho ncxl J nioiiih. • ']

l l t p r Sniyllo Kiiiil lhe nulcnm e of Iho mov rnco between D em ocratic .Sen, p ,

tcniUer Fniiik Church nnd Rcp. (Ieorge cnui Vllllnm Hnnsen “ depends nlm ost en tire- I 'n ili tv on how Rlchnrd NIxcm rn rr le s lo In- tho fllulo." p„,c

for en- .Sniyllo K ild lio bellovcs Nlxon Kdc 'rps, will got a whopping fifl to ri7 per Siigi igersnn cenl, llo predicted. Georgo W al- E’ lei ony to Inco would get nbout 12 po r cen t, woo

- 'llio threc-lerm governor sjMikn Sclu ^ n t a w(!L'kcii(l ineollng of t h e Nor

Idaho P re ss Chit). Hall >) _ -------------------------- m;h(

Navy Recruiter '""m'c. Releases Report n." o u r o f -I'l'o 'I’wl" I ' ' ' ' '" Nnvy recru il- t *

of rn - offlco hns reluanud a list l . ( o f a rea mon who nro com pleting _ hoot cnm p nnd ..ara oxpocled to ,~ j

......... 1» tom o nn k « 4 b . " " IFES Tho men who complole«J train- S Ing n t G reat Lukes and havo ^ „ , been given lenyii from Tiiciiday u’

to Nov. IJ nro Ronnlo iDurwlii Dnrlfill, Rfiuio 1, W endell; H.)l>. e r t Chnrles Rcdfern. 4M Illinois

. 12.23 .st„ Gooding, nnd W illiam Den- 1’" ;nis Rlco. 132(1 Hlha Ave., Diirluy,

k ' ' Edwin Miles Slevons, Houio |)on. . 3, Duhl, hns nlno coniploted 'f

??'5x tra in ing nt G rea t U k e s and has c r 's •• j J 'J J Iwnn grnnlcd lonvo to Nov'. 4. w„„ rcen iatl J»i»nny Thoodiiro Pnrnonii, ago Scro J« i coinplole.l ho<il |,o(v c ry .J« d !oh„ a*,a h a . boon hoihiimiiiiai filvon IcAvs lo Nuv> 7«. how

•News M onday, October 28 , 1968

• Report. Re-


' SUNNY Wout sni

.The*Dm- hum idity , 33 p e r ccn t; barom -

an d c te r , 30.22 Inches an d wind ea st j 1 T ,i„ . a t seven m iles p e r hour. Thc I l„ _ ., ® 8 a .m . M agic Valley readhjgs: today pgU j w ea th e r B ureau; 38, ,0 43; w ith 60 p o r cen l hum idity; T .F . J P ro b . E n to m o lw Laboratory , SS. ilpita- w ith 80 p e r cen t hunildity; Je - fi ™d 10 rom e. 3 8 L J lu p c rt,- 37; Hailey, f, jllook 35; B uhl, 38, and CasUeford, la r tly 38. Soil tem pera tu res: T .F . am a s W eather B ureau : Four-Inch, 55- esday 42; elght-Inch, 50-17; 20-lnch,h t 33 51-51; SM nch, S8-56; R upert,T w in four-inch ,. 64-42;. Buh!,. th ree- ° '° " §

w rtcd Ihch, 54-39; and Castleford, srees; th re c ln c h , 55-43. gg,"®

xtended Outlook t tlon

e su r- tho low 70s. M axim um tem pera- 5 ovcr tu ro read ings on Tuesday will in re- be g enera lly In the 60s, Low ,1 w ill tem p era tu re s tonight will range ‘ ,7 'I Ore- from the 20s Jn Southeast Idaho tt,»,jssu re to the 30s a n d ’ low 40s in thene In- low er M alheur and- Southwest j looling Idaho valleys.en tra j Tho five-day w eather outlookd a h o beginning Tuesday is for a ridgeitation of high p re ssu re a t the surface10 the an d aloft to p revail over the Tr®,”

F a r W est. P acific storm s will " m o r n - t h e B ritish Columbia .Jns to coast. Tho tra iling cold*"fronts '’“f a s te rn moving acro ss E as te rn Oregon is and and Southern Idaho Tuesday !

w est- and n e a r ..the weekend will .be ra tu re w eakgned so tha t only m inor orninc changes in w eather will occur ^* s oc- rfe lon

T em p era tu res will bo n ea r to • nirr/.H “ ^ovc no rm al T uesday through _ Srogon S aturday . Some cooling m ay oc- T e np cu r m idw eek an d n ea r the week-

N orm al high and low during A t ’111 be th is period includo Boise. 57 eg rees and 33; Gooding. 59 and 34; a

w ith T w in F a lls , 58 and 31.. and Idaho irpatfIS an d .F a lls, 57 and 27.____________ Mogj,


illey Hospitalso r i a l S t . B e n e d i c t ’s , J e r o m e

_ A dm itted ° j t hF lo r- M rs. G a ry Lisenbee, Hazelton: d rive

Leslie M rs. Heinz Shulz, M rs. R ay 01- bevc Is rae l scn, M rs. A ndrew Ross nnd M rs. off

1. Arn- R ichard Kulhanek, a ll Je rom e, berg . P e te D ism issed to alI ow ay Tony Stokes. Fairfie ld ; Harold one d Id, a ll M yers, E dw ard Schw ager and not s I, Bur- B ernard G uenechca, nil Sho- ing f A- O v -sh o n e : J . W. M organ, Hager- and tm iord m an: M rs. M yrile Jensen, E a rl Th« Calvin Lowry and G regory Rost, all struc a M rs. W endell; V ictor Robinson and vchtc

E dw ard Schlieler, bolh Rich- ton i field, and D elbert Miller and Mr

r and Willa M cGuire, both Jerom e. w ith B irths way.

bm iih . D aughters w ere born to Mr. lr. and and M rs. Ray Olsen. M r. and r n

M r.s._Heinz Snulz, and Mr. and | P-------- - M rs. R ichard Kulhanek, all Je- _a l rom e. T r |

B crnic G o o d i n g M e m o r i a lA dm itted In tl

wniion c e r l ru d e Hobdey, Della Scan- SundM r e ’ D onna Rogers, all Gouding. re a r

D ism issed ' char, I W m ’ M rs, G ary Holland and dough- on a

ler. W illiam Jenkins, G eorge Cn Jenklns, all Gooding; M rs. Jnck said

_ , Conyqrs and daughter, W endell; sholfIo n is e D ougins Wood and sbn. In tli-G arth j a c k M nrtin , Viola T readwell, -------I . Bur- n il H ngerm nn. _11 nnd ^ _____ 4*1*

™nkko: M i n i d o k n M e m o r i a lJ . p ! A dm llied r p

d P ru - A lfred Goodro, M rs. H arvey X i Iwporl; Son and C ru i H crnandci, all.Ru- d M rs. pert. ,

H ey- D ism issed , , ,M rs. Lonn M orrison, Henry .

Schlod. M rs. Roger Ivle nnd to M r. Monlcn Hawk, All Rupert.• .D u l l B irths lego

A son wns horn lo M r. and M rs. H arvey .Son, Rupert, and Fi a d nugh tcr wns horn to M r. Mf>,, and Mr.s. Roger Ivle, Rupert, nron

‘ Voter Signup ' ■ f M Deadline Listed f f

i'l, "‘’'1** JE R O M E -V o te rs nro rem ind- tour n . cd thn t reglHleratlon will closo ,N(

no nexl „ j, ,,, snu irday . Voting will «'l>r' , , 1)0 hold from 8 n .m . to 8 p,m.

e of Iho Nov ,'i. da llIc .S(Mi, PoiiiiiR places In Jerom o Jn>'f ( .eo rg e county n ro nishop pri’clnut, I-'’*'

I-plHcopal P arish lla lli Cnnyon- «oui cn rrlc s Grnngo H all: Courthouse A>ifi

p roclnct, Je rom e Grnngo H all; f*”". Nlxon Kdiin, C lly lln ll; I 'n ll, Clly.I fi7 per Sugar I-onJ G rnngo; Grnndvlew, '’P®'

W al- E’ lensnnt Plnlns School; Grcon- nex (trc e n t. wood, G r o o r i w o o d Sundny I ' ir s|)Oko School: Hazelton, City H all; ant, of t h e NorlhoaHt, Am erican L o g l o n

H all: N orlhw esi, Senior High f*’'" school; Southensl, W ashington r**"' nchool: Southwest, J o r o m o P” '" >ei Jm ploniont Co. Iin^

Band Member Ii™ XE' Loses ‘Sakbut’ ■ howS V. CHICAGO (A P ) -A m em ber 3 jn c u u) ch jcnp ,, uaro tiue Ensem - "15^. ■'■‘5 Inst h h sakhut. It w as I * "‘ll ftlnlen from h b parked c a r this .

nMrwiM " llfln e r o f Con-" cordln Collego In nuliurban Riv-

iiii.w!u n r 1-orosi says lhal tho lakhu t IM n ) H ^ irnml)ono and M Iho

fo rerunner of thc iromhono hut U irluy, „ jjncfln't sound like a trom -

, Route jx)no.m pleted 'ij,o nno sto len ,from his play- m id ,has cr'H cn r belonged to Hlldncr.nnd Nov. 4. w as mndo In (Jcrm nny six y ears ’nrsonii, ago for $.100. Tho profeNsor nnld eii hofii u<i( mi>ro.Uiiin thrco u r fo u rp o r- „ . las huon sons In th e United .Stnles know

how to p lay iiio inatrum ont woll.

^ " - SalSale Of Land May Include Reversion ™

r r f e B O ISE (A P) — S ecretary of c lassm i S ta te P e te T . C enarrusa sa id to- forwarc d ay th e Idaho Land B oard 's de- son or cision to sell 1,700-acres ad jacen t Twin F to P a y e tte Lake d o e s-n o t.'ju le —. — out sa le w ith a reverston clause.

T h c bo a rd offered tho land , i w ith a restric tio n th a t It rev ert X to * 0 s ta te when developers An

^ had been repaid for the ir Invest- abam m e n t,-p lu s in terest. c a rs

nn- w* 'The app lican ts — fou r South- held f. V p Idaho businessm en — told cordi

* 1 ,* the bo a rd they w ere not inter- Pollc 1!,. ested In such a proposal. They xhi

sa id financ ing would be difficultiJeford’ c ity.!• rr righ t. ia»v/>f,oh S ® “ ttcourse and hom esltes if they a rc i u K ' successfu l In acquiring the land, ^

along th e P ayette R iver, ju st ‘o f P aye tte U k e .

tleford, T he bo a rd voted la s t w eek to " tv , sell th e land if th e app ra ised 25 bl p rice w as satisfactory and If

>oiiC enarrusa said he believes the ^ e s t

,.^ni reserv a tio n regard ing app ra isa lalso could Indude a requ irem en t .A l l

?• LOW janjj yeyert to the s ta te {f®a f te r 50, 75 or 100 yea rs . S f™

ti • H e sa id he b e lle v e s^ d s should , be a sk e d on tha t basis. If thc Jthwest p re se n t applicants a re no t Inter- nnftnnV cstcd . h e said , perUflS^ someonea r K else mightTxS. ™^urTnfp C en a rru sa said he is no t yet

Bo« s ta te aud ito r Joe R. W illiams ^fr^ntc b as suggested the m inim um 1 7 Ore "on p rice be a t least $100 p e r acre . T 'in»«:Hnu S ta te law requires- th a t sta te will .be ^ n d b e sold to the highest bid-

I occur ~ — ------------------- , -

n ea r 10 T. F; WOmaU w llh jthrough _

rw'c* Is Treated IT";''4 1 * 1 m iles.After O asli , r S 5 f

m d‘ 34; A Twin F alls w om an was d Idaho tre a te d and. dism issed from i____ M agic V alley M emorial Hospital

Sunday a f te r she w as in jured in _ a tw o-car accident on H ighw ay jbere- 1 q 30 betw een Twin F alls and Kim- "

Id ah o Stato Police said th a t sen so r o m p Shary l L. Denton, 23, w as d riv e r cornet

of a 1964 F ord which collided Junctk w ith a 1961 Ford pickup truck cam e

azelton; £jriven by L a rry D avid Strol- *ng t( R ay 01- bevg, 18, Hansen. - M r.nd M rs. o ff ic e rs said tha t M r. Strol- enabli rom e. berg h ad stopped a t a stop sign betwe

to allow tra ffic to go by from a m il Harold one d irec tion . Ho apparen tly did Hyder

;e r and not see th e F o rd c a r approach- patrolII Sho- ing fro m tho opposite direction Hager- and pulled onlo H ighway 30. -. T - - J

;n. E a rl T ho S t r o l b e r g truck \yas J U C ost, atl stru ck broadside by the Denton x -i ion and v eh ic le , officers said. T he Deiv- I S J tl Rich- ton a u to w a» dem olished. T k i ler and M r. S trolberg w as charged P l f l •ome. w ith failu re , to yield th e right-of-

w ay. Tho* accident happened The to M r. abou t 4 p .m . jn jerr

"iiii" Teen-AgexShot Sl',t In (Jun Accident

„ 5_ i . HUSTON, Idaho (A P) ~ A Plaifc IcCn-ager w as accidentally shot ganizi In tho leg shortly n fte r noon over

^a Scan- Sunday w hen a shotgun in the n cer joed ing . r e a r of n slntlon wagon dis* been

' cha rg ed whon thc c a r hit a bum p the qi 1 dough- on a fa rm n ea r Huslon. form

G eorge Cnnyon County sh e r if fs officer Uic I rs. Jnck sa id Jo h n W. F ly wa.s h it by also A'endell; sho tgun pellets In thc lower thigh of si nd sbn. in th e nccldont w est o f Caldwell, nvaili c a d w e ll , --------------------------------------------------!

jfiai ‘Lame-Duck’ ConH arvey Take Last ‘Publiall,Ru-


WASIUNGTON (A P) - Tivo vio anil Inmo-tliick , conRrejsnicn nro '

lak lng one Inst fling n t u privi- lego of their ofllcc: T rip s c

M r. and ub rond u t goycrnm ent expense, j of le r t . 'a n d F o r Scn. n<lwnrd V. I ^ n g , D- Inry,

to M r, Mf>„ It Is a two-month Uinkct Oct. Rupert, n round tho world Hint will take Uirn

him lo 10 coiinlrlcs. Rep. Dnr- Irip 1 . I rn it O 'lln ra , D ill., left rccontly pnn,• ■ for New York nnd w hat a llouso htan, L_ J com nillleo spokesm an nald wos in in , L t l l Iho beginning of a one-m onth Spnir I rem ind- tou r of Africn, Frnn t-lll closo N orm ally , congressionnl trips Swe<l Iling will nbrond a ro for lliu purpose of O ’l 0 8 p,m . m ilking logl.ilntive rocommon- Hihik

dnilons. Dut Congress hns ad- mittt Jerom o Journcd fo r the yoar nnd jilnce At

pri’clnul, I-ong wns defeated In th 6 Mis- day Canyon- ''ou rl Dem ocratic p rim ary in flyin,

HirlhouRO A ugust nnd O 'lln rn wnn beaten ihnt IRQ H all: f*”" r«MU)inlnnllon In June, nci- golnj lls Clly li*»r *nan will bo, lm ck-(or tho Du •nndvlow. opening o f Iho new Congress mlnli• Green- nex t yea r. fairs

Sunday l o n g 's ndm lnlslrntlvo assist- nndly Hnll" an t, D aniel Mlltis, snid ilio sona- werf I .O H lo n •o'' m aking his world trip .Sonii lor High f*’'' ‘I'e •Sennle Ihuikipg nn.l Cur- Scne ««lilnRloii '■'■"'y, Coniinlllco '■lo alinly oK- Insi l o r o n i o po rt Insurance nnd Iho hxporl- Of

i m p r i Dank.'* Duif^ T ho bank, hoiKlqunrlercd p rln

hero , has no offlcrs ahronil hiil e r Is Bl* • diies havo pm jrc ls in m any sonn

countrlos, A spokoHninn salif. No [I, how ever, Ihnl hnd not con- Ing

BMlled anyone n t iho bnnk al>out husli lf.o ,lrlp . ■ 150.

■of Con- rban Riv-10 inkhut < ' COIm d l s lh e 'ibqiifl

trom - D on

his play- ■

sixNNor ,lo u r por- -------------------------------------------------------les know - —licnl woll.

I A M em bers of tb c Twin F ells A gai High School C lass of 1959 a re W., belc urged to m eet a t 7:30 p .m . a t nal Co., 219 Locust St. N. All, m em bers Sundny a fe asked to b ring addresses of B artle tt

ta ry of c lassm ates to the m eeting o r tenant sa id to- forw ard them on to David Nel- t h t f i r e rd 's de- son o r M rs. K aren G ates, both a n d two idjacent Twin F a lls . M r. Balo t. ju l e . '..................................................... the fireclause. was bei

” cvM Auction Set Phu <velopers An auction to dispose of staff olr invest- abandoned and unclaim ed Forest.

ca rs an d bicycles will bo thanksr South- held n t 10 a .m . Nov. 9, ac- coopersI — told cording to Tw in Fnlls CUy3t in ter- Pollco Chief F ran k B arnett. He saii l - p e y Thc cars a n d bikes havedifficult been taken Into storage by fand out- c ity police over a perfod of &

,, severa l m onths. Chief Bar-. 1.® - n e tt sa id th a t his depart- ,they a rc jg obligated lo hold the • A;he land, ,ea s t 30 days be- - r V l 1/er. ju s t jo jg disposing of them by , ~

o T r S J S “ " - . r c . l ? M c a r , a n d S uppralsed 35 bicycles to Be sold. The ^ .. w V , auction will be held a t the 1 - ,- lXth e r pol' c ity sto rage shed near the

.>,» co rner of Fou rth Avenue WASIeves the ^ ^ s t and W ashington S treet. A rm y j.^;Jm ent All Items w ill be sold to m ent 0he S the h ighest bidder. Chief systemno biuiB B arne tt said th a t auctions presen<is should a r e 'h e ld periodically w hen on the. If the enough item s have been col- The ilot Inter- lected to w arran t such a a breS S a e ■ . .

r : ; B o i s e M a n ^ g

S i E F a c e s S p e e d

^“ ‘ “ ' C i t a t i o n

A Boise m an w as charged a i l w ith speeding 97 m iles a n .hour

in a 80-mHe-an-hour zone Sunday * m orning a fle r a stat© police of- ficer chased h im for severalm iles..................

I l l John H yder, 25, Boise, w as>■11 traveling north on Highway 93 ,nn w as "o rth of B erger when he went •d from through ra d a r se t up by Officer ®

and him self. O f f i c c r M o Wlaid th a t sen said M r. H yder m issed the soiaiet a s d riv e r corner of th e Highway 93-74

collided junction and turned around and _up truck cam e back to the com er, travel- PId Strol- ing tow ard Tw in F alls. __

M r. M ogensen said the delay CIIr. Strol- enabled him to close the gap Offiistop sign betw een the tw o cars to nbout neigby from a mile. H e sa id th a t when M r. youi

•enlly did H yder saw the red light of thc to hipproach- pa tro l c a r he pulled ovcr. Staldirection -------------------------- P<

u ck ^ V as Judge Bellwood t^ re

« Is Named To-- 3 Platform Group

happened The board of governors of the • la.Iniernalional P latform Associa- the

— tlon nnnounced the election of perrr l A f D istric t Judge Sherman J . itlesu u t - Beiiwood, R upert, to Its mem- r l p - n ^ bership.J C A l t The 65-ycaM ld International „ * P ) — A P latfo rm Association Is an or- U r n ta lly shot ganization of persons from all J J ^ rter noon over (he world. F or over hnlf f > |- |r in in the n cen lury Its m em bers h a v e Qgon d is -b e e n instrum ental In bettering w E lit a bum p the qualily of thc Amcricnn pint- e r coi n. form nnt only ns It applies to schoof s officcr Uic booking of celebrities but the W 1.S h it by also as It re la tes to the field six l iwer thigh of school assem bly program s Q ra J Caldwell, nvailablo to children. dcddc

' snn, I— wllh ’

j I c ( ^ o n g i ’ e s s m e n jol;™

: ‘ P u b l i c ’ T r i p s ' p -

.ER Miles said tho chnlrm an of theBanking nnd Currency Commit-

) ” ii^e, Scn. John J . Spnrkman, D- «!!p * ncn nro authorized the trip , 'It u prlvi- spnrkm nn could not be renched o: Irlp s for com m ent. x T

expense, j ot,jj j,|s personal secre- y O ' l^ n g , D- Inry, M h s ^^elen Dunlop, lefl ^

ifh Uinkct Oct. 6 nnd a ro expeclcd lo re- W.Vl will take lu rn Nov. 24 to St. Louis. T heir

Rep. Dnr- trip lake.s ihcm to Hnwali, Ja- , “ 01 t rccontly pnn, Hong Kong, Thallnnd, Pak- t-eng' It a llouso h tan , Nepal, IndIn, Afganlslan, "J""®

nald wos in in , Lebanon, Turkey, Ualy, P'''*"' one-month Spain, G erm any, England,

Frnnce. Switzerland, Denmnrk, onni trips Swe<Ion nnd Nnrwny. . , ^ 7)urpoHc of O ’lln rn , flfi, h chalrm nn of the '''c , ' ccom m on- Himikc I-'oroIgn Affairs subcom- H hns ad- m itten on Africa, nnd since At IiIh Cnpltol lllll office Frl-

1 th6 Mis- dny nflernoon, he nnld ho w ns „ •Iinnry in flying to New York "but a fte r v " "” , mn beaten ihnt I don’t know where I 'm " ''y 'June, nci- going ." ............. .:k - (o r tho Dut Doy<I Crawford, ntnff ~ad-

C ongress m ln lslrn lor of lhe Foreign Af­fairs CominlUcu, said O 'H ara

Ivo assist- nnd "sovoral alaff m em bers"I Iho Konu- wero lipnded fnr Soulh Africn, world trip .Soninlln, Tanznnin, MaJiigasy, g nntl Cur- Senegal nnd Guinea on a tour to

sludy CK- Inst unlit Nov. 23. lio Exporl- Of Iho 28 other m em bers of

C«ii(|rt)HH retiring o r henlen In (Iqunrlercd p rim ary elections, only ono oth- ihrond but o r In oul of tho couniry on a pcr-

in mnny sonnl Irln « l personal exponse. tnnn snid, Normiilly congrcssnien irnvel- id not con- Ing .abrond on congressionnl innk al>out busInesK n ro paid expenses plus __________ $50 ft d ay nllownncos,


COUNTY COMMISSIONERj g f l i Third DlilrlctH H u i ' D o n 't y o u th in k It la t lm « ■ i L a A J to e o p a r a ta o u r n o e d s

' f ro m o u r d ea lre« 7

1 ^ ^ Your VoU WlllB* Appr«c(at«d

I n i - - — P D . POLV AD V i —

id Twin Falls Newin F alls A g a ra g e a t 363 Sixth Ave. f g J 959 a re W., belonging to Twin Falls Ca- p .m . a t nal Co., w as destroyed W fire A * lem bers Sunday n igh t. F ire Chief Zeke ^ | ; esses of B artle tt s a id C laude Massle. a iting o r tenan t on th e property, callcd JER( vid Nel- t h t f i r e d e p a rtm e n t a t 7n2 p.m. phy .,e es ^ t h a n a two tru ck s w ere dispatched, when t

M r. B a rtle tt sa id Ihc cause of licans ... the fire is unknown. Thc garage so red "

was being used for storage. tcem or. --------- cd bot.

3 1 P h il C low ard, fire and tim ber and or Qse of staff office. Sawtooth National sp<.c lalmed Forest, ex tended a spccial gov . ,jll be thanks to the hunters for their wife o g a c . cooperation In leaving clean repress <t 'c i tv cam ps a n d preventing fires, s ta te j arne tt. He said th ere w ere no man- ..p j,,

. . caused fires during the hunting " season • a n d th e campgrounds expraii

have been le ft much cleaner f B ar- uneert lepart- . --------- ^ . f , sentati

■ Army Device ' ' i : :2 ‘S n iffs ’ Gas, I Sd. The . 1 1 It takiat tb . Gives Akrm iz Itoenue WASHINGTON ( A h s , - T h ' . " S , Street. A rm y announced today a«veIop- • iold to m ent of a new autom atic ^ la rm cumoe

Chief system to w a rn soldiers , of the ^ uctions presence of dead ly chemical gas « / e -

w hen on th e b attlefie ld . - .eh col- The sy stem w as described-ns ,,y „ uch a a b reak th rough In chemical .

w a rfa re defense.’ "T he new portab le chemical agen t ^ la rm , XM8 , will provide U.S. flttld forces for the first t im e 'w lth .«utom atic means of , detection and w arning of the f®._. presence of nerve agents," the

i J - P entagon said .> U "T he A rm y previously had > .

various Effective detection de- i , . - vices b u t lacked automatic a la rm capab ilitie s suitable for j- ^

T C r “ ™ e ^ i ™ r ? a i r ; ; o need ,or J,?*," le Sunday ad e q u a te detection and Dolice of a la rm sy stem h as been com- • s e v e r a l POunded s ince th e m ajor world from

pow ers s ta r te d stockpiling conch tise w as ag en ts In their 'chem ical of th»hwflv B3 w a rfa re a rse n a ls . amemE w ent N erve-agen ts a re odorless and 5

nfM rsr colorless, a n d lethal in .very .y Officer

•h«5^ hut The A rm y said thc system, of aboS developed a t Edgewood

I- Mvrfpr Arsenal, M d., Is light enough to Tfc r Mogen- ca rr ied by th e IndividuaTfoot - 1 5 1 ilssed tha -,ay 93.74 «— »»«».— , I A .ound and t . • 1 1

travel. Party Raided buithe delay CENTRALIA, HI. (A P )-“ B“rlc

the gap O fficers w ere called whento nbout ne ighbors w atched a masked ^ n d

when M r. youth c a r ry w hat appeared;ht of thc to be a rifle into the F irst State'cr. S tale B ank of Centralla. Rc£— P o lice w ith rifles and shot- a.m .

su rrounded the struc- be gO O Q tu re , a s two arm ed officers Speal

• cn lored.- symp0 Inside they, found a Hal- Simp

loween m asquerade party LeanO U D sponsored by the f i r s t berg<

r C h ristian C hurch of Central- Thiors of the • la. T he bnnk had granted who1 Associa- th e c h u rch ’s Sunday School econc lection of perm ission to uso the facli- year lerm an J . itles....................................................... plnnr Its mem- ii'„;iiii;iiViiiiii‘ii„;;;i' '|, i ||||||'|.......... . ■ quest

ernational * of C<

‘J r o 'r a i i Wendell Lists rT ha"'i Poster Winners f fbetlcrlns WENDELL-lV|nncrs ol a po.1t.

ricnn pint- e r contest,dep ic ting a nulrlllous i T f “ PPl't's. to .school lunch a ro announced n t U I .rllles but the W endell G range school. t J

the field six th g ra d e w inners were Del- Ju V program s O ra Jonc.^ nnd Jolcno Schmeck-

_________ pepper, w ith M rs. Opal Dick- .snn, te ach c r, an d Monty Webb, w llh T hom as Vaughn teacher,

;n ,ol;L';5n.C"Aer?,.vSs!,‘ JSteacher, nnd Leonard Isaacs, P*''"’

' M rs. R u th G ates, teacher. Tliird 'T hgrnde w inners Include Del Satu

nnn nf Ihft J«nn .P o w clls tro j^C om m it- Mrs. Ed- Nckmnn D- teacher, nnd P n t northe t r £ Hansen, teach-

le rcflcheci

"”i •'V', Voters’ League I ' ' , f ' " i Explains Ballotawall, J a . . (A P) - Tlie Idalio ' ilnnd Pnk- ^-enK»'o o f Women Voters h-n s Uiinnlslnn, nvailnbic n p.nmphtet cx- icv Unlv Pinlning, constltutlnnni amend- S“

Enclnnd, nients to bo on tho November .An ^ S r k cicctlon bnlloi. W

' Coplcn m uy be obtained from ^ mnn of the *l'e lengue president, Mrs. C. I. ■ s subcom- *^ohler, HOI Alpown SI,, Moscow f

nfflr« F rl. GOVERNOR TRAVELS _ « h» w ai <A'’) - 'i»v- Don W."but a fle r Saniuelson w ns In Snndpolnt to- . wherB I'm " Repuhlicnn receptionWhere I m ^ C ham ber of Commerce J

i; »lalf -«it.' ----- --------- —orelgn Af­id O 'H ara m em bers"

mb Africn,MnJiigasy,

in n tour to

"i',™’f™ i;,' FOR THOSE H i? '- WHO SELECT SSr'ei±l OUR SERVICE;>onses plus

' ' ------- • U n i lm ta m l i i i g m r t

i k e r _ . • O m ^ l t l i . / ' M l i i i a -7

• R i v t m i l , r i l a x t d a fm oi^

• R t l l a i l t m m t l h a s t i oi

r :

Is News In BrietjPai5, Ave. Is Stressed'

holdlnEAt Jerome12 pS phy .SSed^Ta?y^^^ mL ®atched. when the. Jerom e County Repub- bright luse of licans held two jnectlngs spon- Seibcl garage s o re d 'b y the precinct com m it- D r. L SC. teem on. All the candidaies visit- m offi(

cd both placcs, one m the city ley, ta tim ber and one a t Canyonside. . . . Cji

lational spcclal guests besides the Lt. trj^ng spcclal Gnv w ere M rs. Orval H ansen. O Cont

)r their wife' of the candidate for U.S. referr clean represen tative, and Dave L ittle, - tires, sla to p a rty chairm an. ^ '» 'd

3 man. „ p j „ „„ i,y rapo n slb lll- htintlng ^ r . L ittle 's topic. Hesrounds p-ipr„|„ed the Importance ol con-

slstcnt voting, especially In this '"S « uncerta in y e a r when H'.? . " P ' ? ' scntativcs could possibly bc swcai

^ choosing ou r next president. “jVc e " T h is^ s no tim e to split the DUickt

ticket.” he said. ^ , P“ “ ‘ ^Mr. M urphy sta ted . ."D o not sen ta

be swayed by popularity polls: mg a' ’ it takes people to get out and heard,

m vote when it iS tim e fo r the solve vote to be counted.” . .

— The He expressed his h ighest re-

t e ^ ? e n . t W o | O s i r i s

® ® next president p rM em o f the

heS ical ^"^"You.Jn J e rV ie now have a l H hemlcai chance to .elect a m an to . the •hemlcal "^ost influential position in thc J L I n m S State sen a te ,” he said. ^ rd ^

i f / M rs. O i^a l.H ansen gave her denlyi n n l nf audiences a - r e s p i te .from the tiaF ri

th i serious side of politics by en te r- Hunip 15® taining them w ilh the an tics of ^ren? the I’evcn children. " ’0^ 1

I t. J "People som etim es ask If I ^ne f i ' m iss the thea te r,” she said in made

h e r delightful English aw e n t, men itom atic . .g y j I jgii then, w ith O rval defem Ible for politics and seven ch ildren, ro T.

^ , I haven’t h ad time to m iss any- imerc iced for th in g ” vision w and A^Uocai candidates gave b rie f Nix 5n com- taiits and answ ered questions rally 3r world f ^ m the floor. The evening w as tol, s, Kkplling concluded with an explanation lilical chemical of the proposed constilutional suppo

am endm ents to b e voted on Nov. da le i •less and 5 As in . v e r y _________________Walla

d S r d Students At iSjo] duapfoot Burley WiU rung (

"™“ Attend Meet Seiled BURLEY—Tliirly students of R,© /A P W ~ Burley High School-will-be trav - -wW

when eling to Pocatello Nov. 7 to a l- 0 n a S >'"■<, 'he annual High School -DGarerf Business Symposium a t Idaho _

S tate U niversity. 1llia. Reglslratiori will begin a t 8:30d shot- a.m . followed by w elcom e to

struc- be given by G ary O uderklrk. gccre ifficers Speakers during the one-day ,

sym posium will include J . R. jucU a Hal- Simplot, H. C. Lam b, M arcel y^ar

party L earned and Robert V. Hans- 5^1 f i r s t berger, a ll businessm en. ,^ 0 ^:entral- The sessions are fo r studen ts for 1 {ranted who a re inleresled in business, even School econom ics,and governm ent. This quoli

B facll- y ea r s ep a ra te sessions a re beingp la n n e d ''fo r--b u e in e ssm e n . ..A ___ ^

uimiuiiuia question period is scheduled. ..SA L ast y e a r the Burley C ham ber Dred

of C om m erce sponsored the lo- ho, I a cal students who attended the In ni^ business ' symposiiTm n n c T a re MnIra f g fiw nsoring tho students again

of a post- — '■----------------------

lunced a t Utah Boy Gets ^ wcro Del- Liver Transplant ,

DENVER, Colo. (A P) - A Jtv Wr>hs spokesm an for the U niversity of IpnrhiTr Colorado M edical C enter nnld a I> CnnM 15-yeaw)ld U lah boy w as In 'fa irtoveSaSn, ^ t h a trans-1 Isaacs! P '” " ' " ' Vler. Tliird The operation w as perform ed ]Jde Del Saturday , lo replace a liver de-i ,Powell stroyed by cancer.Mrs. Ed- N either the pnllent nor th e do- jnnd P n t nor wns Identified. *i«

;n, teach-_ W a rp '*

r u e F l e x - O - G l a s s

Anderson Lumberl e r n m s n a 3«l s.. W.. Twin Poll.iphtet ex- ----------------------------------- ? CI amend-November STOP DRAFTS Z

^ > m e c Q(Incd from pi.

: Dm, w. ^vAitAtiii

Sn'ii'on PRICE HDWE. "i-ommcrco D o v /n to w n - T w in F a ll*

■ / '■ ~

OSE'5LECT ’RVICE j--------i t in s ca re « » ■ » • n n i m m O NATiOh

m l i l i a - 7 ■' .........- .

r i la x t i l a l i im J i l i tH W H Ilu m tl h u i d o n e x ^ m c n c e

Ha t . M ” T t i » c h > p . t b ,“ t i l l f t 136 4lh AVE. EA31

" niONE 73

iet jParty Unity SeJohn R oper driv ing along Sec.

ond Avenue West . . . M ax Rees holding staff m eeting in offico . . . Zeke B a rtle tt g iving details on garage fire . . . Reed Coulam

ck M ur- talking w ith 'friend in office . . .' un ily M rs. F aye M orrison w earing

Repub- bright blue d ress . . . Carolyn »s spon- Seibcl talking on telephone . . . com m it- D r. Luther Thom pson w orking es visit- in office . . . Lex Kunau. Bur- the city ley, taking p ictures of friends

. . . Gene Hull s tanding on step the Lt. try ing to ap p ea r as ta ll a s P a t

H ansen, O’Conner . , . Vernon Rlddlo for U.S. referring to h im self a s passe c L ittle, • ._i-.RaIph F augh t looking re­

lieved . . . E lsie M aklnson, ^onsibill- Gooding, v isiting w ith form er Die He neighbors ; . . M r. and M rs.

e if 'c o n - Harold Hobson, Gooding, look- 1/ In this ing a t pheasants . . . M rs. Jim D reorc- Black adm iring husband’s new iblv be sw eater . . . C arl B erg looking ident ^or accident rep o rt . . . Marilyn sniit 'th e B lackburn w alking along hos-

p ilal corridor . . . F ran k Mogen^ "D o not sen talking about Sunday morn- ly polls: ing activities . . . And over- out and heard, "N o w onder we couldn’t fo r the solve tha t robbery e a se l"

Vron, S'- Nixon SeesD istrict

; irz New S treng th .1 o t t h . . 0

, bave a In Cam paign."n 'in 'th e ALBANY, N. Y. (A P > _ R ic \ , . .

a rd M. Nixon, ap p earin g sud- povt^ hor denly em battled in his presiden- rom the tiaF racc , said today H ubert H. by en te r- Humphrey is "p ick ing up som e" an tics of slrength—"B ut so a re we, w e 're

moving ahead, too.” nsk If I The R epublican nominee ' sa id in m ade this sta tem en t to news-

nccent, m en a feW hours a f te r stoutly th O rval defending his running m a te , Spi- ch ildren, ro T. Agncw, aga in st conflict of nlss any- irtterest charges-in a lively te le­

vision interview , avc b rie f Nlxon, here for a cam paign questions rally in front of the s ta te Capi- ning w as tol, said the b ig shift in the po- planatlon litical picture h as been a drop in itltutional support for th ird p a r ty candi-I on Nov. da le George C. W allace.

As voters tu rn-.flw .ay . from— Wallace,-- Nixon said , "H u m - ' , - phrey picks up a l ittle -m o re in ^ 1 ; 1 tho Norlh. I’ll pick u p a little

m ore in the South.”I I ' H e saw the shifts a s cancel- J J . ling each olher out.

set Selective Service jdcn ts or Requires 2 Men ■ For Novembera t i S o Selective Sbrvice B oard No. a t loano Twin F alls, h a s announced , , o it's d ra ft call fo r N ovem ber will In a t 8.30com e to Mrs. F aye Hoffm an, executive

Juderkirk. secre ta ry of the board , sa id dur- one-day j„g October five m en w ere In-

oe J . R- ducted and In N ovem ber of lost y e a r the call w as for fou r men.

V. Hans- She wont on to say th a t " I t is Iho understanding th a t th e quota

r studen ts for Decem ber possibly w ill be b u s in « s . even lower th an th is m onth’s

nen t. This quota of two m en.” a re being —sm en. A . ,WRECK VICTIM DIES duled. .SALT LAKE CITY (A P ) - D.’ C ham ber Dredge Thom as. 79, M alad , Ida- ed the lo- ho, has died of in juries suffered snded the In nn autom obile acc iden t nenr 'n n c T a rc Mnlad. nts again '

;ts ’;plant

le r aaid a

~ “ ~ “ 1 r i u S ^ 'f c f o r - W i n i l o v v s ,

a s s r a f Z S *

- I . B : r ^ i

SUOMFTiA S S <>«<"'<'’• HEX-O'QLASS It Itie only

P'«lic window ttiH«ilil lh»l csrdai jd H l . a 2 yaar au*ran tie ,T he name

s . * U - FLCX'Q-GLASS li pfinled or) Itil «d{a for youi proleclion.

w o n O NATIONAI ttU C T lD l - ^ C I A M l

iA(HITEV i a C h a p t / b y I h t P a r k ’’ '» 4Ui AVt £AST-Twm fAlU

niONE ?33.eeoo

____________ - . ' ■ >

f Seen Today

Page 3: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON

LEADING PLAYERS In “ My 1 production a re , from left, Robert

. during .auditions la s t week. Date P au l Kllss wlU d ire c t the muslci

Cast For “My F; Announced By

Two old m em bers of the Dilel- lan te Group of M agic Valley and yc one ncwcomor a rc am ong those sp choscn as leads for "M y F a ir Hi

, 1-ady.” the group’s spring pro- ar . ductioni

Mrs, Uoyd (M ary) W alker Li w ill play "E liza” and Arl E F ran lz will p o rtray “ Higgins.” in A ncw m em ber o f the group. Lc Robert Plumb, a professor a t K;

• the Collcge of Southern Idaho, G h as been ca st a s “ P ickering .” M

O ther leads chosen during au . B; ditions last week a re H ank Wills H as ."D oo little" ; M rs. Thom as Si ( J u d y ) D rlscall a s "M rs. ^ P e a rc e " : M irriam Breckcnrjdge D a s "M m e. H iggins” ; J im La- ^ Grone as “ H arry ," and J e r ry A Castlelon a s " Ja m ie .” ■P

M r. Fran tz , a local .dentist, is a native of Tw in F alls. O ther sr d ilcttanle productions in which to

-he has partic ipated are "C arou . SI se l,” "Annie G et Y our Gun.” cl "B rigaddbn,” “ Kiss Mc K ate ," si “ O k l a h o m a ,” "Can Can," “ South Pacific,” and "Sound of M usic ." ,,

He also has ap peared In sever- . a l Children’s T h ea tre produc­tions.

M rs. W alker h a s appeared In a D ilettante show a f te r the birth of cach of h e r children. She d id "Annie Get Y our Gun” a fte r F rank ie w as bo rn : "South Fa* c ific” a fte r N o ra 's b irth , and now "M y F air Lady” a fte r the b ir th -o f 5-month.old M argarle.

She has donc tw o operas in the Doise Seasons of Sorrows nnd has been a soloist w ilh the Roise Philharm onic. Shc is cur­rently doing B eethoven 's Ninlh Pops concert in Boise.

Aged Authoress Dies At 101

NORTH FALMOUTH, Mass. (A P) — Mrs. B ertha Hamblin noyce, who becam e an au thor n t thc age of 00, is dead a t the nge of 101, - .

Mrs. noyce, who spent her life on Cape Cod. w roto *’Derthn Goes W haling,” a ta lc of life In thc sen nround thc cape.

S)ie dJed SaJurdfly in a nurs­ing home,______________________

\ TETA N U S SH O T S [I ’ 0" yfxi' he/orn o u r I

■ l n » r lt lh h i'ii gn lu f i in ir iif r I riu»/> l l i r y r t 'c r ltn iir o lr ftU 'f J ,

■ i lw t i , h tr liiilh iK I r fn n u i . I t I■ tl,U n r f c u r y r J I A. You rIiuiiKI be {tnldetl hy I

Ithe ndvice of your fmnlly doc* I lor nml Hint of iho cnmp *

« ll milhorlilot. The present think* I■ Inn of the Amerlcnn I’litilic _I Mcnllli A^^oclut^)|| on letiiniii |

, E Ininiiini/iilion U iliU; A fully ■I (one who I

I hns recelveJ three ln|eclioni |

of loxolil nnl 1cm llinn four ■■' weckt iipnrl fnlloweil by n rc; I“ InfortInK <low K li> 12 monlhi f■ Inlcr) iiecil not he nlven an* |” mini lioiiMeri. IJnuer .mich mI :lrc1un^tllncc]. nml in Ihe at>- |_ aence of Iniiiry, iho Auocin- ■I Ilon recommeniln n reinforcing' II tliol every 10 yean, | l

■ Sand quMlleni l« 9clln(i fitlUn. Inc, I r.O, DM JIM, ............ 1, Hy. ■

I T lin b e l l m m ilrn l errvIrA !• *I i>rovl<lmi Ih ro u itii f r ln iu l in ' I " n iiiliia l iin i lr ra U n iiln v l*»* ,I Iw rr it |>a llriil e n d p ity t ld i in t |

I l ir r li o f nird lra l <-ar« v llh I

I llllll. A nil, vriifin m e illraK on i in |ire*rrli>«ii, a llow u t Id j

I fill your iire trrlp llon In I

riiiial cnnflilenc*, J

IS In “ My F a ir L ady ,” th e D ilettante Grou? left, Robert P lum b, M ary W olkcj and A rt F week. D ates fo m h fi show a rc F.cb. 28 and .

: the m usical com edy. -__

My Fair Lady” E d By Dilettantes «the Dilet- Mr. P lum b h as taught th ree in alley and years a t CSI in the literature , w( )ng those speech and deb a te departm ents.My F a ir He has partic ip a ted in various w( ring pro- am ateu r productions. H.

M em bers of lhe “ My F a ir W aiker Latiy'.’ chorus a re Ju lie Boone, F.

and Arl Evelyn S taudaher. A ndrea Tuin- Higgins.” inga. Jonn C a rr , Cathy Fife, A. ic group, Lois B iscr, Joyce G uyer, Arlene ‘*- fessor a t Kyles. I l a . LaG rone, Rence La- •n Idaho, Grone, M ary Cook, Liz P ierce. :ering.” ' M ark Golay, D aniel C arr,' Ron uring au- B raun. H elen R oberts, B rian ank Wills Hacking. G ene R itchie, R ichard

Thom as Sm ack. R oger Vincent, Dr. Har- ^ ; "M rs. ry .B ru m b ach , B rad H ickerson, ckcnridge Denice Young,- Alice Reed, Sue ^ J im 'L a - Fleenor, S co tt Jensen . D iane J-

nd J e r ry Adam s, D ean F ife and Guy P* P herson.

1 dentist, H. P aul K liss-is directing the lls. O ther show and F red Schicbe, Lewis- J"' in which ton, is choreographer. D c M "

: “ Carou- Slaughter w ill conduct Ihe or- u r Gun,” chestra an d Ron Hodge will de­le K ate ,|’ sign costum es fo r thc m usical \'l com edy. g,Sound of Show d a te s a r e Feb . 28 and sc

1 in M arc l'. l ._ 2 .6 . 7 a n d 8. u! produc-

peared In ^ m / .• the b irth m-Iren. She J w £ ' "

a fte r

a fte r thc M argarle.


ressII, M ass. W ‘ ' .

Hamblin X .an au thor Xcad a l the P \

n l her life ^“ B ertha B B ; /

Pin a nurs- * ' r f ^

1 li 1^

fiiniriifr I ^rolrfUtK ■ i l ^ / A m

" • A ^inUled hy I JlJjrnlly doc* I tie cnmp ■ent think* I . > 3 ^ TP!n I>ui>iic * ^ ' 0n letnnm I ^ Jk• ^ I k / Hone tvho I /MInjeclioni |linn four ■ j i

, S | REGUURLYler .Mich : 9 O C Cn the al>- I Z . a J '

Auocin- ■“ ""'“‘I B, 9AND12FT, EXTENSl'riiuil Int, I j,.,yj p a ch n g o of tlircf5i o

' l l 'r ic c d c d l e n R n i s - b , 9 nn il 12 (I v inyl, n il t lirc n c o rd s b o n s t un

Un»* & w o od-tono brow n . UL lis tc i l.Itytldan. |

m m m .m a A ■



forr ■ the

Lea Twi mal

. H still villi the* equ ciiil



P j,

T mittante Group of M agic Valley’s spi-ing er and A rt F ran tz . The ca st w as choscn F£b. 28 and .M arch -1 ,-2 , 6 ,-7 ..and 8 ..H .. u s

. .____________ _____________ K

Duplicate JJridgeJE R O M E—Thc Je ro m e Dupli-

P g ca te Bridge Club m e t S a tu rday a t the E lks Hall a s they played

ght th ree in thc second week of th e ir five literature, w eek s e r ie s . ,-artments. Thc North and South w inners n various w ere M rs. R. E. R eese and M rs.

H. D. F itzpatrick who p laced 'My F a ir M rs. A. C. C lark and M rs. ic Boone, Jensen w ere second, nndjrca Tuin- W. P. H aney a n d M rs.thv Fife A. D. McMahon tied w ith M rs.!r. Arlene C. HaJI and M rs, A . V. Wil- ?e’nce La- liam s for th ird and fourth place, iz P ie rce . W est w inners:a r r ' Ron w ere M rs. W. C. K ays and M rs. ts, B rian B. O ’H arrow who p laced ' R ichard M rs. J . W. Brow n and

Dr H a r- M rs. R. Walton w ere second. Dickerson C. P . O tlo and M rs.Reed Sue E .“B10eTn w ere th ird . M rs. in. D iane J- N. PrescoU w as th e guest and Guy P 'aycr-

Monday n ight a t th e Twin ccting th e ^ ' ’ s Club will be th e TwinX Lewis- pairs and T hursday ,or D e l the unit open pa irs w ill be held :t lhe o r ' Hazelton.;e will de- “G m usical FESTIVAL SET

PROVO, U tah (A P) - T hs Second A nnual L iszt F e s tiv a l is-,

b. 28 and scheduled a ^ B righam Young . ____ U niversity cam pus Nov. 7-9.



r. EXTENSION CORDS;q of tlircci ox!of)sloi cortJs In th ree m ost I, 9 nnil 12 It. Inatilfllcd in smooth, durab la rds bonst unbionkphlo vinyl plugs. All, in JL listcil.



I Bonds Explaine(As a part nf its activ ity to in- hond

form the voters of the i.wues in Jimif ' the forthconiing election. Ihc by c

League of Women V oters of syslc Twin Fall.s provides th is infor* lems m ation concerning H JR 7. scwa

HJR 7 would am end thc Con- off-st stilution lo authorize cities and bond villages nf this s ta te to finance I third lhe* purchase, conslruction an d lv o tir equipping of a ir navigaiitm fa- am'ci cililies by nicans of revenue and------------------------------------------------ for 1


Crash Involves Jlr Four Vehicles, ,, j n a v i

I One Man Cited '

A four-vchicle accident nt Sho- -I shone Street E ast and Fourth Q Avenue E ast resu lted in two l 3 c citations to a Twin F alls m an. je

He was identified ns Joseph cam N. Ainsworth, G2, Police issued grcs citations charging him w llh fail- bort u re to yield right o f w ay and day faulty brakes. ner

Other drivers involved in thc Derr accident w ere identified as G ary T l

' Gene^Earl, 21. Twin F a lls ; Sar- is s ah Green ~P ain to r; 75.—T-w i n a fU Falls; and E rncsl Will, 69. and

, T w in Falls. askcs s ^ l n g one was hurt. ' lot•ch o se n ----------------------------- fornJd 8 ..H .. USE TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS the __________ FOR.FAST SELLING RESULTS brid

iridgeim e Dupli- t S a tu rday icy ’ th e ir

c and M rs. ho p laccd < and M rs.2C0nd, and a n d M rs. w ith M rs.

\ \u rth place. st w innerss and M rs. ^ . v i l _ —— ^ho p laced 3rown and re second.I and M rs. third. M rs.

(he gu est '

th e Twin •e th e Tw in 'N g l t o y

T hursday .rUi be held ^

P ) ^ - T he \F e s tiv a l , \ L —am Young ov. 7-9.

dl Pick-i;h a i

^ S A

hree — " h, durab la


' 9 ' ■ ' - ^

I n f o r m a t i o n A b bon About Airport — plained By Leagueviiy to in- bonds. Thc Consitution now “ i.Mues in limit'; the vsc o f revenue bond.5|:lion. Ihc by citics and villages to w ater! V oters of sysienis, sew age collection sys- th is infor* lem s. w ate r trea tm en t p la n ts . 'R 7. sew age tren lm en t p lants, andI the Con- off-strecl parking. A revenue cities and bond must be. passed bv Iwo- to finance I th irds nf the qualified electors iction and [voting in such nn election. This igaiitm fa- am endm ent would perm it cities f revenue and villages to go lo the electors--------------- for approval of such a revenue I

bond issue. R evenue bonds aro | LT^^C users o f 'V C o 'iHe facility .so financed, in th is '

case, lhe u sers of such air- “ S> • navigation facilities.

en t nt S h o Tuesday Dinner I ir°”twS Set In Jerome

Falls m an. JE R O M E — D arrell M anning, ns Jo seph candidate for the U. S. Con- lice issued gress, will speak a t a Sm orgas-. n w llh fail- bord d inner a t 7:30 p.m . Tues- f w ay and day a t thc E lks Lodge. The d in­

ner is being sponsored by thc ved in thc Dem ocratic wom en, ed as G ary The D cm ocraiic Viclory bus F a lls ; Sar* is schcduled to be in Je rom e,75.—T-w-i n at-lO-armT^TTntrsdayi-Candidatcs! _

Will, 69. and other in terested parties a re asked lo m eet in the parking! lot back of Kings a t 9 a .m . to!

----- form a ca rav an tha t w ill m ectjV A N T’ADS th e 'V ic lo ry bus a t the Hansen 1 R E S U L T S 'bridge.and e sco rt it into lo w n . 1 ^ "

^ — I i| i i ~ ' i I

i l f a 3 E

WASIM odel V

I - 2!

^ \ ^ —«-*’****'**'*''**'pe^a-preis cycle, ^ : " m lnl-baskat, 16 Ib.

I B ^ ^ S capacity.

;k-a-PairA N D


M odal VN

i| « \ ^ __________ _ T m T rilo , muHl

cycl*, p « rm a-p r« » i


[ f s r u - . .......543-4222 ff B4•^ Mur* Alk Op*«otw / I C

• ^ h . nU r. Iwicy kx fN T Iin iM U I v

------------------ ------ . . . \

Jtlon 'n o w N o w S?nue bond.^i s to w ater!

S T i a S specially clilan ts , and ■ '\ revenue

r e U S A n d i t ’s a v a i kction. This

I ” 'o la c '» : ; . Q H E L t, s c io n l is U h a v ea revenue I O n te d o v e r 1 0 d if fe re n tbonds aro | S h e ll H e a t in g O il to s u i t

;cd!^Tn''th'^s' d i t l o n a e x a c t ly . O n e o lsuch air- b le n d c d -s p c c ia U y f o r t

Y ou c a n r e ly o n i t i n a n y

n n e r S h e l l H e a t i n g o n c o n t at i v e c a l l e d F O A - S X ® . 1

[T16 k e e p c r i t i c a l b u r n e r pI M anning,! C lo g g i n g . . . a s s u r e s b« J . s . Con- a Sm orgas-

H o m/iclory bus ' S H E L L O I L Cin Je ro m e , — ------

-C andidates ' ____1 5 2 R a t i r o a d A v e ; ----------parties a rehe park ing] r > r \ i r1 9 a m. to Q Q L tt w ill m eet the Hansen into l o wn.

F I L T E R - F L O K

n WASHERM odel W A 843

$ 2 5 9 9 5 1 1

lo -p ro K cyel«, I•baske t, 1 6 Ib . Iod c ap ac ity . I

air / p

E T C^ “ NO


"WASHERM bdel W A 540 I i

Iter-Flo, m ulti 9, p e rm a -p re i i


|y ( f ||lN r


’TIL 1969

o r t ^


Mow Shell Heating O

iaily climatized for Xw

; a v a i l a b l e f r o m B b l i ri e n t ls ts h a v e n o w e re - W e c n n n o w d e li;r 1 0 d if f e r e n t m ix e s o f t a n k f u l o f . S h e lln ^ O il to s u i t loca l c o n - t h e n ew b le n d mn c tly . O n e o f t h e s e is s u i t t h i s a r e a ’s'c c ia lly f o r th i s a re a . t i o n s . W e s h a l l 1y o n i t i n a n y w e a th e r . y o u r o r d e r , '

g O il c o n t a i n s a s p e c i a l a d d i - = O A -5 X ® . T h i s a d d i t i v e h e l p s — il b u r n e r p a s s a g e s f r e e f r o m

a s s u r e s b e t t e r f i r i n g . ^

OLMES c°<= L L O I L D I S T R I B U T O R 1 _ _

I A v e ; ------------- r z : 7 3 3 - 0 1 7 2 -


Buy the Pair .

f38S( M M a t c h l i

G .E .


cycle,cycle u p to 1 4 0 m ln u te i

3 h e a t le t l ln g t .

I***"W\ Buy the Pair .

II6 9 ^ -

___________ M onday, October 28, 1968 Twit

r . , .

iting Oil is ,

I for Xvvin Falls

nB plm es Oil Co.c n n n o w d e l i v e r y o u r f i r s t

k f u l o f. S h e ll H ea tin g r O il in n ew b le n d m a d e sp e c ia l ly to

t t h i s a r e a ’s w e a t h e r c o n d i - n s . W e s h a l l b e g l a d t o - t a k a i r o r d e r , '

a d d i -h e l p s I--------------------------------


;7 3 3 - 0 1 7 2 — ----------------------


Pair . . w

J A 9 5 I


M a t c h i n g ~ ^

^ E L E C T R I C

^ DRYERM odel D E520nmM

m - - J B Pr e s t cycle , tlm « to

i Pair . . . S “


28, 1968 Tv/In Falls Tlmes-Newi 3

Page 4: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON

- \ \ 1 / / •

M a g i c V a l l e y ’s H o m e N e u

M o n d ay , O c lo b c r 2 8 , 1 9 6 8 "

AL WESTERGREN O. A. (Gut) KEIKERPubliiher Edaor /

GENE CARPENTER DAIE THOMPSON PAUt STANCticulatlon Dlroetof — Compojlng ROTm MonoB«r ' Pr««» Room W

Security On 1T ak ing re c e n t h is to ry in to co n s id - re sem b les

eration . one re a lly c a n n o t b la m e th e tro l room .W hite H ouse fo r o rd e rin g a ta n k fo r g ives theth e P resid en t to to u r in. Of c o u rs e , w ith the n

it doesn’t iook like a la n k . loudspeak 'In fact, th e P re s id e n t 's n ew lim o u - occupan t

sine looks like a L incoln . p a ra d e ro T h a t 's p re tty m u ch w h a t i t w a s .

in the beginning . B u t th e n a C h icago f irm w hich cu sto m izes c a r s go t ho ld of it, cu t i t in h a lf a n d a d d e d a 34-' inch c e n te r sec tio n to m a k e ro o m ‘ fo r som e o f th e a d d e d g a d g e ts , a n d

- o f course th e p re se n t 6’3” o c c u p a n t " nnn-V J o M h e WhJte H ouses-

T o say th e new p re s id e n tia l lim ou-sine is one o f a k ind is p u tt in g i t ch a re in c

m ildly. I t is loaded w ith m o re th a n jiqq ^ two tons of a rm o r , sh ie ld in g w h ich is designed to stop a 30 -caliber r if le Secret bu llet or a m in o r in fa n try a s s a u lt . rfio re ';

Window g la s s a n d th e p la s tic b u b - aro u n d vjb le top, th ic k e r th a n g la s s a n d p la s - d a te a p:tic used on A ir F o rc e f ig h te r p la n e s , tan k , a s iia r e 'b u l le t p ro o f .-T h e t ire s a r e a n p lac e th eeng ineering fe a t in th e m se lv e s . In - p re s id e n ts ide each h e a v y d u ty tru c k t i r e (s ize w a sn ’t e

no t given) is a n in n e r t ire m a d e of p roof win a h a rd s te e l d isc co v e re d w ith a T he ne

solid ru b b e r tre a d . th ird prirT he c a r c a n b e d riv e n u p to 50 s in e since

m iles an h o u r w ith a ll t i re s f la t , com m issi:B eyond th e e x te rn a l s e c u r ity a r - p an t, i t i;

ra n g em en ts , th e in te r io r of th e c a r a ll.

Quickie DoiA new ty p e of m ed ica l p ra c t i tio n e r new conc

m a y be in th e offing a s a r e s u lt o f of childrea new co u rse of in s tru c tio n a t th e inadequatU niv ers ity of C olorado M e d ic a l ing th e tSchool! . • w orse , S

T he c o u rse Is d esig n ed to p ro d u c e ch ild popa p ro fessional w i t h c a p a b il i tie s lion and £so m ew h a t b e tw een those of & n u r s e tr ic ia n s 'a n d a d o cto r, a sp ec ia lis t w ho c a n th an I,OOC

c o n c e n tra te in th e p e d ia tr ic s fie ld ly en terir to h e lp co p e w ith a ra p id ly g ro w in g D r. Sihn ee d fo r ta le n t in th is field of m e d i- of p ra c titc in e . d ie 80 pe

A s y e t, th e new c a re e r d o e sn ’t ca m e toT:hav(» a n a m e , a lthough it m ig h t b e ' d ay , lea'

c a lle d som eth ing like “ ch ild c a r e those wha sso c ia te .” T h e school w ill p ro v id e tion. fivo y e a rs o f tra in in g —tw o u n d e r - M anyg ra d u a te , tw o m ed ica l school a n d profcssloiono a s a n in te rn . • - • need f o r ;T his c o m p a re s-w ith n in e y e a r s of plem ont

post-high school tra in in g fo r a g en - n lc ians ie rn l p ra c titio n e r nnd I I y e a rs fo r a sho rthan tsp ec ia lis t. rndo is t

D r. H e n ry K . S ilve r, f a th e r o f th e direction.


Opinions Of GuefINADEQUATE MINING LAWS m inerals

F rom Idaho Fnlls Post-RcRlstcr Under ihcCnsllo Peak , n t 11,R20 feet, is n o t Just a rcnFotin

ono of the highest pcnks in Idnho. It Is ono pect, he cof tho m ost m agnlflccnt KctllnKs of un- vlco cnn otrnm m elcd high cnunlry In inc en tire kind of ro.West. Becnuse of Its unkiiio w ildornc»s even Inalsi(luniltlcs, thc U.S. F o rest .Service hns kep t m iners puth is II rondlcss ' nron, ndm lnlsterlni; It ernl, digm uch like tho wilderness orcu ll tru ly Is. wnlk nwa;Conservation groups nre ndvnnclnK a wll- As ililsderness concept for tho Whlto Cloiul. R nnuo tim es hefcand Its HtrlklnR m yriad of lnkes. The ornl lawscountry Is locatcd between tho E nst Fork mlnln;; cof tho Snimon R iver on iho w esl nncl Snw- wiiuld rc<itooth Vnllcy and tho upper rcnchcs of tho ilent manSnimon Klvcr on Ihc west, anywheru

Bul now Iho m iners hnvo Intruded upon ring most,C astle Peak , prohlufj Us crnflny b ase for crnls, tomolybdenite. rbh. nnd

An exploration crcw of the A nuTlrnn jeiisc-ciinl.SmellluK and Reflnlnj; Co. haH been coro .Scrvkis o

idrilllnj! llio n rea Hlnce last Kprlmi. ment cnnThli con>pany has lakcn Hjiocial p rccau - toratlon •

tions lo iivolit dlKlurhhiK ibe a re a —like wliuru nC''utillzhiR a bcllcopter for supiilii-s and welj-h theluuillnc nut KarbuKe and ore Miniples—to Hon. ciunnvold coiistructlim of n road. IdnhonuH

B ul,n il the precautlimfj do nnt nlny tho nioiinl cnrpcndlitK doom of this cx irao rd lnn rlly pnign.Ix'nullful a ren . If tho minlnfi com pnny ■:— finils the niiital In mlnnhio ounntlty , onoof tlin W est's iK'enic rllad< lH will hc d^»t- I-'rntc ra ted . fWlniirs <lon'l Ilko thal w ord, dcsp- 'Hio hiiic ra ted , bu l U's ajionkiiinly np inoprin te If cr strikeono over Iwckpackcd, flnhed o r liunlcd In syslcni I*th a l unparalle led land. Issuu invo

" T h b cam p <lcinonslrnlcfl thnl m clal ndui-ntliexplorntlon can bo conductcil w ithout dls- nniloirn Iturl)lnj{ rccrenllonnl valucH,'’ hnld * n Tcaclier 1(•pnkcbinan for the mining company. lirooklyii

Tlioro Is u «llfiturl)aace-of course, evon ImrbomI i(lurhiR Iho dhurnm a <lrUUuR operulUiu, Ncw Yorkeven If it In Just nnlso pollution. Dut w hnt nf tho iniibout tho o rd e r of <li.stiirbanco w hen tho to It.i ruemlnliiR operation iictually nliirtn? Obvious* Nvnro6s tly, tho mino will not hellroplor out nil of anil refuaitbo oro. A bulldozor will blado out a roud - -A 'w ooklo Castlo Peiltf. which In in ibu vory hourt F.duciuiono f this exnlle<l profusion of hlfih Inken nnd niomhorspcnka. Mino hulldlnKs will bo bulk. Shnfin tomiHirarlw ill bo dug . . o r worso. And ihn t Kroul to otherd in and flCOurJnR out will not Junt deatroy ono. Thotbo unique seren ity of this aeulng. I t will Tuesday,leavo ll fo rcvor m an-scarrcd. ‘ Thoro li

Castlo P eak wnuhl hnvo lo ho tho very fllcl, wltlila a t ploco on oartii whcro luolybduullo borhoodscould bo found to lustify auch a shocking ^Tcnohorsintrusion. And obviously, tho o re Is not In / But Ihc(h a t o rder of nntlonal em ergency. / u t t o r obi

Tho trngedy ia th a t tho A m orlcan M Ijk^ BtrugRlo (Ing and .Smelling Co, wns ablo (d ^ rn ilo ro «ra haannd drill tho a rea all n u m m o r./u n ro rtu - 03,000 Ionnntoly, m olylxionlle com ea undotl tho "lo* Iho real Icn tah lo" oro lawn of the natyon—lawn lion pupilw ritten 'a ccn tu ry ago a nd docld<!c ly out of torniptcd,

' n trp with thia tlm a . . . and 0|la pldco. H iore iiTho in ln tns law s governing ai>cntal)l« tho nelsh'

] / ^ - ROWLAr

I o m e N e w s p a p e r c h . c a g o - o „

PHONE 7 3 3 .C 9 3 V -

PAUt STANDIEY O . J. SMITH .. . JfoW s Wor - Pr«» Room M onag ,. M aaaglng Ed.-or ,

" '' w orkcrs thcrc,Oliver Quayle r

" T f T W 1 ■ tion. revealed a)n Wheelsr e s e m b le s a c o m m u n ic a t io n s c o n ­t ro l ro o m . A r a d io - te le p h o n e h o o k u p g iv e s th e P r e s i d e n t d i r e c t c o n ta c t w ith th e n a t io n a l d e f e n s e s y s t e m . A lo u d s p e a k e r c o m p le x p e r m i t s th e o c c u p a n t to a d d r e s s c r o w d s a lo n g a p a r a d e r o u te w i th o u t e x p o s in g h im - s e lf . “ •

O ne o f t h e m o s t f a n t a s t i c - f a c e ts ^o f th e c a r is th e p r i c e . V

A b o u t $500,000 is th e b e s t e s t im a te . a l th o u g h th e . S e c r e t S e r v i c e r e f u s e s 't o d iv u Jg e m a n y o f t h e s p e c i f ic s o f f ,—th e c a r 's d e s ig n d r .e q u ip m e n t . I' \• D o n ’t w o r r y , th o u g h — th e t a x p a y - __ \ \ ^e r s d o n o t h a v e to p a y t h e t a b . T h e 'F o r d M o to r C o. a b s o r b e d th e b i l l , \ /c h a r g in g th e g o v e r n m e n t a to k e n • I*—$100 a m o n th r e n t . , , '

A f te r t e s t i n g t h e n e w lim o u s iffe ; - v - t h e S e c r e t S e r v ic e m a y o r d e r s e v e r - — a l m o re so t h e y c a n s p r e a d - t h e m .-ra r o u n d v a r io u s c i t i e s to t^fccom m o- d a t e a p r e s id e n t id l t r i p . T he’ L B J ta n k , a s i t h a s b e e n d u b b e d , w il l r e - p la c e t h e 1961 L in c o ln , w h ic h u n t i l P r e s id e n t K e n n e d y ’s a s s a s s i r ia t io n w a s n ’t e v e n e q u ip p e d w i th b u l le t p ro o f w in d o w s .

T h o n e w b e h e m o th Is o n ly t h e ;• .th i r d p r in c ip a l W h ite H o u s e l im o u - •• •• !s in e s in c e 1939. B u t , a s in a ll th in g s ' -c o m m is s io n e d b y th e p r e s e n t o c c u - :p a n t , i t i s t h e g r a n d d a d d y o f th e m a l l . - •


Doctorsn e w c o n c e p t , s a y s l a r g e n u m b e r s " ' io f c h i ld re n a r e “ r e c e iv in g g r o s s ly — in a d e q u a te , to ta l h e a l t h c a r e . ” S a y -in g th e s i t u a t io n w o u ld g e t m u c h _______w o rs e , S i lv e r e s t i m a t e d th e 1980 c h i ld p o p u la t io n w o u ld b e 76 m i l - - -l io n a n d a n a d d i t i o n a l 100,000 p e d ia ­t r i c i a n s w o u ld b e ^ f ie 'e d e d . F e w e r - i L m D C t i th a n 1,000 p e d i a t r i c i a n s a r e c u r r e n t - A N U K t V ly e n te r in g p r a c t i c e e a c h y e a r .

D r . S i lv e r s a id t h e n e w c a t e g o r y - ' \ / fo f p r a c t i t i o n e r w o u ld b e a b le to h a n - | y Id ie 80 p e r c e n t o f t h e p a t i e n t s w h o c a m e toT^ p e d i a t r i c i a n o n a n o r m a l

' d a y , le a v in g th e d o c to r f r e e f o r WASHINGTC ! th o s e w h o n e e d h is p e r s o n a l a t t e n - J®5 tio n . no.sial scrvico

M a n y m e m b e r s o f th e m e d ic a l efficient as sr t p ro fe s s io n lo n g h n v e r e c o g n iz e d th e in g a burrlcnn(

n e e d fo r o n “ i n t e r i m ” d o c to r to s u p - noto thnt iho f p le m o n t d o c to r s , n u r s e s n n d te c h - f . D i g e s t hi • n ic la n s in n f ie ld w h ic h is s o r e ly t

s h o r th a n d e d . T h e U n iv e r s i t y o f C olo- w idely has co rn d o is t a k in g a g l n n t s t e p in t h o t boldly* endon

I d ir e c t io n . Commission rom m ends llfi scrv ico out f ccn tury . Relnt havo been ip hopo It wouli

Guest Editors S S ignt^ .

m inerals handcuffs thc F o rest Scrvlce. jh© only w n\Under ihc law. If thc claim filer cnn provo reform witl b

t a rensonnbly profltnblo operallon pros- poHt Offico C) pect, he can m ine aw ny. The F o rest Ser- through a pc- vlco can only exercLse .some control on tho sinco the bnsl} kind nf road built l(ito the mine, I t cannot p d report iss even Insist on an y kind of restoration . Tho nyslem froniI m iners can mine nw ay. ex irac t the mln- c a l l s "i-oiin t ernl. dig up tho m ouniain . . . and then nolhing

wnlk awoy from the upheavnl. ting tho txillllAs this new spaper has appealed nevcrnl will forco Iho

Q tim es before, ihc an tiqua ted national mln- Althiiugh mu ornl Inws should bu cbnngcd lo provide Dl;;<',st nrllch'\i nilnlng control on .scenic nre«s. t i l l s " .snid |,efi

would rc<iulre nbaiidoninent of Ihc "pru- where, its wr0 dent m an '' prlnclplo — let nnyonu minu lem Joi, i„

anywhere If it is profilal)le--an(l traiisfi'r- grlrzly factsn ring most, If not nil, of iho locaiablo mln* am ple: r crnls, to ihe lense m ineral ra ie«o ry . Oil,

gas. nnd phosphalt', for exiimple, nron leiisccdnlrol m inerals and thc U..S, l-orost PO BERI 0 .Scrvlce nr tbo B ureau of l and M anage-

ment cnn wrlto Inasc.s wblch iissurn rrs-I- toratlon — o r outright mining einl)argo F _0 wliuru scenic and rL 'crrnllon worth out- I h d weigh the ore rcsou rce.w orth . In Ihis elec- 0 ikm, ciunpalgn. thi,s Is som cllilng which

Idiihonns should cnll ui)on their congres- WA.SIIIN(iTe flinnnl candldntes lo pledge nn action cam< nnme n reas nly paign. Humphrey be)y -------------------------------------------- III till) presidei10 NOT WOKTII IT «rtinlinue lo sh

I 'rnm Tho I’orllanil Oregonlnn Ulchard NIxoi'llio harm done hy tlii‘ prolnnged Icai'h- Ing lend.

If r r Hiriko In fho New York public «clio(il tl,„ ,t{|n syslem Is out of nil proporilon to Iho jicwftoaoi'r »

Issuii Involved, stiilcH offerII ndiii-atlon- has como to n halt In lhe niliHphrry cai

iinlloirs largest c lly becnuse iho city 's tupsenl (uiwun Teacher Union Is al odds with a slnglo f„i„i „

Brooklyn slum a rea . The Ixiard—M neigh- „„ |,mn borbomi governing board , a iiroiluct of norinnt cam o

Ncw Y ork 's e ffo ru Ue«cntrnUi.d control ir n ,.I t of tho m assive nctiool sy.stcm ai|d cu te r „ ic i,0 10 Its raclnl Heginimls - Is com] ..sml of T ! h ‘s* N cgrots nnd PueHn R icans. Il dlsmlsHc<l ! ‘ i,>f and refused lo relnsia lo 10 while linctiern . "d - -A wookenil orilur by iho Clly Hbnrd of . No clearrt ,F.duciuion ten iporarflv suspending Ibn from lhe locnd niombcrs of tho nolghljorhojKl boiiiiV aiul J'* awi’iwirl tn tomiMirarlly tran sfe rrin g tho HI iciictjnis .. I umnlirey slIt lo other dlKlricIs appuriinlly HHtI«fii-dNno * '>''»l P<'>l" Jy nno. Tho atrlko continued Mondny nild « »>wn Nlxon'i11 Tuesday. . «*""> H rcnll;

■ Thoro Is nu ugly overlonn of rncliil con- cnniplnlnl v<iy fllcl, with blnck nn<l P uerto Rlcan neigh- l^/wrcnce I-.0 borhoods p itted ngulnNt the largely whllo •«'' OeiiB Y ^aohors Union In n wirugglo for con tnd . tom m lliep ,n / But Ihe figures Involved Indlcnto Iho o ' H'O nutloni

/ u t t e r obsur<illy of the nlliinllon. I'hn O 'Drien undBlnigRlo over the assignm ent of la tooch- soclates cont

0 ers haa renulled In m ost of tho c ity 's polls, based 'o1- 03,000 lonchors' slaying off tho job. And lies nnd roi>• tho real losers a ro the m ore lhan a mil- largo geograi; 'n lion puplla, whoso education hns been In- . a distorted p>f torniptcd, Ucnllnl raco iI. H iore m ust be a h e lle r wny of snllllnB ‘ tilntrd In to.« tho nelshbutliood ill&puio In Urooklyn, voles woq ir


Inside ReCHICAGO—On C hicago 's Illy- showed no d a nllte Norihwesi Side w here ra - . cause of D cm tol tension runs high, th ere 1s lo c ither Nbcoridence that Riclinrd M. Nix- Jncc.i’s coattails mny prove,.to be ,.Tlie IrhplicatIn indeed. study are'T ipplInterview s wo c o n d u c t e d ’ and cloud Repnong lhe m iddle-lncome w hite for cap turingorkers there , assisted by the W ashington. R<liver 'Quayle polling organlzn- m ust topple li}n, revealed a lidc of landslide c ra lic Congres:oporilons for Nixon. But the distric ts suchs tric t’s Dem ocraiic Congress- thc 31 seals ne an, Rep. R om an .P u c in s k l ,- - ^ Anna M ay t j



More AboutWASHINGTON — As a citizen P o stm aste r;

who slnco F eb ru ary , 1903, h as term lned sol>ccn suggesting th a t tho U.S . of the post oTostal scrvico Is n o t quite ns service. Ajfficient as sm oke slgnols d u r- cannot bo rC'ng a hurricane, I am p leased lo ono cannot Iioto tha t Iho prestig ious. Read-: can a gooii r ’s Digest hns token roughly irnnsferrcd tho snmo position. whero his cn

Tho Digest, which Is a lso read cd. As tho EA'ldely, hns coftie rig h t out and postm itsterjoldly endorsed tho K appcl au thority forCommission repo rt w hich rec- mnn in iho rlsm m cnds lifting thc postal ]em s wouldscrvico out of th e nineteen th row .":cn tu ry . Relatively few c llltcn s « r,havo been ignoring it In tho hhopo It would go nwny. P ro - "sumnbly, tho In lerest shown by L , .tho Digest win g ive iho repo rt |_ m , | S [ ,om o needed oxp<.»,,ro, whicl. I ,

Tlii« Is sonil hcciiiisc I .luspcct Iho only wny nny nicnninBtul rc lorm will Iio Im posed on Iho T . ’PoHt OHIco D o p o r t m c n t Is U wIlirouKh n people's revolullon. " I ",Slncn 11,e l.nsic Iden of lhe K np. P " " “ ' J pel reporl Is lo Iroo Ihn posllil syslem from wliHI Ihe DIrosi V f.'„ i,,.,, c u l l s "ronBrosslonnl pollilcl:- ' , ' hlB," nolhlnR m uch «horl o f pul- " ’'iIlni! Ihu ixillllclnns lo Iho rn c k ' "will force Ihem lo nci. ' '"™ » " J

Allhmiiih much of whni l h e ,’L I"nlBcsl nrllch, hns lo sny hns S i , ? ,,,, been ,snld before, hero nnd else- co s t-cu ltln i, where, its w riter did nn excel- Tho P ost I lenl Job In pulling nil t h o big business grirzly fncts together. I 'o r ex- investm ent iu«plot HMxlctl cqvili


Is The GainWA.SIIIN(iTON-l-,ocnl polls In stnte.s, by ho

snme nrens show Vice President gin.Humphrey beglnr)ing to move up .Sponsors <III the presidential riioe, but they survey.s a rc ctintinue to show GOP oiinitkl.nib^- th n t-i'hey -pnUlchard Nixon wllh ii coimnund- tlc.i from rihlg lend. voters which

l.lko tho iHiilonal poHs, theso phlsllcailoniiewspuper h ii r v e y ,s In key P"il«-,stiiles, offer some hoiw for In *n»t coIlum phrev campnlgncTH. 1-or lhe l» ring thnlpresent, (uiwcver, it Is a rntlier mid indepemfaint hii|M‘. and the polLn glvo tle o rg e ' Wallno pal answ er for Ihc m ost lm- nm nss elecUijiortunt campiiign c|ueMllnn: l»>lls can ba

liv e n If lh e n u n , | i h r e y hnn il- r ’" '* , ' ' , , "w « ||„ n IS ........................... ro ll, c n n *II cnlch nml i,ns, te fo ro " T "lhe rnce Is /liilshed'i' Sh,ce °nln

No c lear pa tte rn omergen ^1..,.., i ,,,, jfrom lhe locally conductcd poll-i *|m ],>|u|>|,on(<0 HUi)j«)rl Iho clnlm nf lop C rrnilonIlum nlirey strateglRts thal na- „ vtionnl P<>ll" and -surveys linvo s,ind«y'« ro;Khown Nixon's lead to. bo la rg e r vlm it-w crkthan It really Is, T hat Is (he J i n e r ^ ^ i tcomplaint voiced recently by Hum nhrev wl^.wrcnco I '. O'Hrlon, chnfrm au ® m ,L tlof thn D emocrntlc Ntillnnal resldonis foi Committee, wllh respect to ono. w e T s "• "Vof lhe n,illnn.l polls.' ■ ■ S’o 'T le 'j f e d '

O’nrifln und his H um phrey as- , Unllcd .StaK Aoclates contond (hat nnllonnl ' Tho Wnllnco polls, based'on sm all voter fl»m- Mast .Sundnylies nnd reporting results In fuel tha t Voi

largo geographic n rens. presen t "w ill" win. ,n dinlorted picture of n presl- Sundny e<denllnl ruco M ilch will bo lab- ta y s tho Tintilntrd In term s of eleclorol (lon Is the votes won in cn ch . o t j h f l , W . ,,io r.“ bocuu»o



e Report: Nbshowed no dam ag e suffered be- cnced poll Intcause of D cm ocraiic defections go. helped u;10 e ither Nbcon or George Wal- o f 50 voters,Jnce. w orkers o r k

.Tlie Irhplications of this ense co lla r workestudy are 'T ippllcab le elscwhcrjj c ra tic in pa:and cloud Republican prospccls ancc (26 D enfor cap tu ring the House in cans, 8 indcW ashington. Republicans simply 73 p e r cen t om ust topple Incumbent Demo- for Lyndon J(c ra lic C ongressm en In backlash ry Goldwateid istric ts such a s this lo collect But in 196thc 31 seals needed for control. sm all-hom e

^ Anna M ay tJlbson. a n experi- s iv c o ver an j

lumiing Scared


^ Cop

bout Postal SerP o s tm as te rs ’ s a l a r y is dc- only on tho

term lned solely by the size w hen Congrof tho post offico and length of m oney theriservice. A good postm aster teeth-gnashicannot bo rew arded nnd a bad unions. Cosono cannot bo penalized. Nor a billion dccnn n good postm aster be F o r tho rIransfcrrcd to n b igger-o ffice spccto rs -whero his cnm petenco is need- cops — arocd. As tho D igest snys, " I f tho t ry lo do tpostm itster had c o m p l e t e tho p ast sevauthority fo r pu tting the right been unabim nn in the rlgiit spot, our prob- m ail Is notlem s would disappear tom or- ccssfully pirow ." fiical It. Ar

Congress m akes Iho decisions X e i ^ a n 'kl on wages, hours, fringe Iwne- fits and. possibly, hnw much hoozo n postal w orker cnn slnsh ,In hi.H locker, (W ashington and ^n T $ l - Oi o ther b ig c itics have long l>een , , , mo in’ plagued by em ploye's drunken- J ‘S ? . ness on du ly ). Tho Digest puls S . 'S d r a l ' tho situallon in n neai nutshell w h e n - it quotes one Congress- • m nn ns rem nrkl.,,, tha t 'n e tte r ^ m v

, cn rrle rs a r e the only group 'v t t r r - j j j f a ? t ^ touch every hnmo in my dlst- vr'r ic t.” So tho postal workcr,s •don’t hnvo to bnrgaln. they >-,,,1, ^ r,.i r,

; m erely lobby on Capitol lllll, "2" /, ' And Con'»ress alm ost nlways !• tu rns n d ea f cn r lo plens for, snrklnf' Inefficient ..workers nnd “

instltutlnr! la lx ir-suvlng n n d n ,: c o s t-c u ltln g m easures, i S i f i p U "

Tho P ost Office, unlike other deinnndlngI big businesses, has no eiipllal m i s s i o n

investm ent progrnm . Its nul- adopted. W HMxlctl equipm ent, h replaced there?


Gain Fast Enou\ Htnle.s, by how ever small a mnr- the electort gin. d ijlcs for 11I Sponsors of local jxiIIh and Over lhe’ surveys a re iho io stress the Scrunl>• th n t-Ihey .p ro ilucc "raw " .slntls- .boon gfll(iii

tics from ran d o m 'sn m p lin g nf 6ft per cenvoters which m ay lack the sih phrey has

I phlslleallon of tho prnfesslnnnl ihnn .11 pe' pnlls. IncR ovoral

In tha l ron tex l. nnd rem cm - nl«mt H pe, hiTing tha l Nixon, Ilum nlirey Ono of I• and independent c n n d l d n l o w eek’s resi , G eorge-W allace nre trying to decided v.i . am ass elec to ra l votcn, liio locut nged only '

|H)lls cnn havo slgnlflcaiico. Of w eeks, junU nniikl nlso bo r m e m - T h a i dcvol

bered lliat 4ho Twlls reflect on additionalInterim view which Is Bubjecl Hum phrey to chango beforo elecllnn <liiy. 'H ie .Snol

Since Into Septem ber Hum- ngera who' phrcy hns been moving up in voy condu‘ Ihu telephone poll cnnducteil for H erald In \• the .Scranton Sundoy Tim es by not vote tl• a m nrket renoarch firm. L ast m ents. hn ’ Sunday'^ rosulln, fnr thc prc- tiiden ihui

vlous'W t^ek, Ktiowcd Nixon wllh so rt of I’ 47 per cljnt of the vnto and trend.’ H um phrey w ith 40 per cent. High .SchJ TllO quoallon asked Rcrnnlon kins wm io' resldunls fo r seven aucceaslvn Nixon and’• weeks is: "W lio do you feel will nppenso (• he olee.ted President of the youlh, Iho

■ I Unlled .Stales in N ovem bor'/'’ N egroes lu I , Tho Wnllnco tolnl two per cont e lected, wl• Mnnt .Sundny, nm y reflect tl|o Ucs ho IsI fuel tlm t V oter! a re asked who " i wouldt "w ill" win. , I h e prei

Sundny ed ito r I-'rnnk P n rry now ," ho i. Bays tho T im e* feels Wtot quca- o u t bumpoI (lon 11 the nest elccllnn Indlcn- Kennedy, b) . , .to r .'‘bocuuso Iho peopie voi« fo r I t se e n u .a l


: Nixon’s Thicnced poll Interviewer In Chica- ty values go. helped us select a sam ple northw ard ' o f 50 voters, m ostly Industrial cngo.s NC| w orkers or lower-income white- of the 50 sj co lla r w orkers, heavily Demo- be doing r c ra tic in past voting perform - (contrasted

; ancc (26 D em ocrats, 16 Republi- ' e rage of 41 cans, 8 independents). In 1964 w as set I

’ 73 p e r cen t o f our sam ple voted told us: J for Lyndon Johnson against B ar- running th«

I ry G oldw ater. Hubert IB ut in 196ff, these vo lers — ably descr

sm all-hom e owners apprehen- w ashy" to sivc over any decline in propcr- is the pol

mood. Nor

1 vantage ofOne woma sidered vo decided a daughter

^ 1- m ight be i, p o t e n t I

frightenedV lace talks

Gen. Curli m ate, " is :

Thc benL V N \ / s . on. In jusl

,p le has £■ t f / from Demi

29 for Nlx ® surprisii

■ lace. 4 u

W Humphrey■ ^ factory w(

Democrat!J . over the c

prin ter w c ra ts giv

i \ m uch” lo!V . ' ing with 1m ' is

M. Dlrks(

O B lM e,^

• ^ i.i) / It wouk

JJ “


^ m ay face^ r e^rly nex

of "Insid It bolls (

f • - - - unscrupul— brokers i

edge ot cCopinghiic&aiaAnttitiiiiivtaSrnd '* to make

stocks. Tl Exchangi is suppos

I ^ • lie, feelsLl OGrVlC0 on°"thi?lknows an

c- only on tho Infrequent bcca.slons 'te w hen Congress npproprintes the J M ,^ of m oney therefore, often over the e r tecth-gnashing. of the postal Id unions. Cost lo the tax p ayers:Dr a billion dollars a y ear. / 'P -JQ F o r tho most pa rt, postal In- . " : e speclo rs - Iho depnrlm en l'sd- cops — aro dedlcotcd m en w ho shoes shi lie t ry to do the ir Jobs. But over;e tho p ast several y ears they havo orht been unable to d iscover w hy 'b- m ail Is not delivered o r to suc- which w ir- ccssfully prosecute thoso w h o

fiical It. An experience suffered This b. Uy Iho W ashington C a th i^ ra l given m

gives an Idea of tho problem . trusted r'v Continuing theft addressed to cd my^ thu Cuthcdral hna c a u s e d about I

I estlm oied lo.sses to the Cnthed- source crn l nf Jll.OOf) In 1066 (\nd nearly In lurnSll.MO In 1007. Ono m an con- clients,v iclcd of sicnllng cnsh f r o m bootblaclC iuhedral leltcr.s hoa never was a n

1:'*. se rved a dny in jnll: *lho Judgo Pins,',.r on probnllon. A nothcr The nc,^1__ L-mptpven wns inkcn Into cuslo- black h(, dy lust rfiirfc but the D epartm en t mlstnkc.

ri‘fuses;t(> (Il.-icuss his coso. Of ernted I.Ifl le tte rs ' nddrossed lo Ihe even wt

,',y C alhedral nnd put Inlo Ihc m all rnn toby nosinl officials, only ono broker,

/ rciiclied it desllnntinn. Wo nilSuch ll siiuntion. I’m nfrn id , Uobbv P

” niiikes n pulhetlc Joko of the row iingDlf;est’s suggestion tiiat Individ- crated Iu iils wrilo to Ihclr Congressm an points b

ier dfinnnding thnt tho Knpp<-1 Com- lo sell ila l m i s s i o n recom m cndntlon be T h e mul- adopted. Would tho le tte rs ev e r shino in ed ge t there?

I W I T H • 'O S EI " '

Enough?nr- the electors nnd not Ihe cnndi-

diHes for llio presidency.*’ 1*!,*nd Over lhe seven week iwrlod of n n » .,,,:ss the Scrantnii pnil, Nixon bon;ls- boon gcUing o llltio m oro th an " 'inf 6ft per ceiil of ih c-vo te . Hum- "

so- phrey has avernged n llllle less ‘ 'm l Ihnn .11 per cent, nnd rhe Wnl- '

Ince ovoratl vnIe hns av eraged ' ' ' ' 'm- nl«)ut 3 per ccnl. , . "I""® ,P‘ey Ono of the surprises In hist ,*''®t o w eek’s results was lha t tho un-to decided vole, which has av e r- ,'''

cul nged only 4 per ccnt ov e r sevenOf w eeks, jumped to II per cen t. '»m- T h a i development will p rovide Uon addlllonnl encoiiraiiem cnt for '‘"I'Hithlieel H um phrey pnrtlsnns. flumcwhi

'H ie Snohomish County teen-ni- ngera who purllclpnied In n sur- f^"'ly wrin voy conductcd hy tlio n v e ro tt excejH I

for H erald in Washlnglnn S lnlc, w ill «>'by not vote thU tim e, l l io l r com -nst m ents. hnwevor, reflect nttli "orbnhlcre- tiidea Ihui mny chart unolhnr •' I"nil s o n of Inng-Tanue political l>y theiIkI trend . OccuhI

High School senior Steve Wat- Pen ormn kins w m to the Hornld th a t both 'l>>en tinlvn Nixon and llum nhroy " Iry lo «cls asvlll nppenso all sides, Including Is, It nclb« youlh, Iho elderly, w hite people, « small/ N egroes and sn on. Nollhor, If net.

unt e lected, will keep all thu prom - If yoi:lhe Ises ho Is m aking." finger, I'Iio " I wouldn't help o lthcr one of body'u i

I h e presidential cnndldnies ll, Iry irry nnw ," ho snld, " I used lo give niiver I;cs- o u t bum por-s trlpn for Roliort white rcn- Kennedy, but now, ttiftt h e 's gone Rrndiinllto r I t seem s .alm ost uaeless to t r y ." by part

Thin Goatta. fv values - a re terrified by nity forB northw ard encroachm ent by Chi- A lderm anll cngols Negro m asses. Only 6 I- of thc 50 say the country should >- be doing more for the Negroes in1- (contrasted with a n a t l^ a l av- f W ^ h ® '1. e rage of 40 per cent), - ^ e lone s u U ^ to4 w as set by a m achinist who W . o id told us: "J^ow. the colored a re c "Skl b i•- running the country." . ,

Hubert H. Humphrey, inyarl- . v l c io ^ . .- ably described a s " to o . "w ish y -_ Hocllen.1- w ashy" to restore civic order, m ore imjr- is the pollllcal vlclim of this usual D(

mood. Nor Is W allace taking ad- Nlxon a rvantnge of severe Negrophobia. (wh*le twOne woman told us she has con- ers a re .sidered voting for W allace but lo Pucinfdecided against It when her Most sdauch tc r “ convinced me he to Pucm:m ight be another H itler." O ther lace supp o t e n t i a l W allaceites w ere D cm ocrafrlEhtcned away bccause "W al- dent Johlacc talks like a rad ica l" o r to RepulGen. Curlis LeMay, his running- tha t them ate, " is a crazy m an ." would de

Thc bcneficiary, then. Is Nlx- res t ofon. In just four years, our s#m- seven la '

,p le has switched dram atically Pucinslfrom D em ocrath to Republican: lery.29 for Nlxon. 10 for Humphrey, clnskl, !a surprisingly sm all 7 for Wal- ance salt

- lace, 4 undecided. fron i HoiNor Is thcrc nny sign of a o r ^ elcr

Humphrey upturn. R ather, a a liberalfactory worker who b lam es the PucinsKiDem ocrats for w anting " to take playing tover the country" and a re tired a ttacks iprin ter who says, "the Demo- dren.c ra ts give the niggers too The sm uch” told us they w ere stick- w i th - ming with Humphrey fo r rcasons west Sioof parly loyalty but m ight yet Intense tshlfl. .1 ^ .. cinski's

Furtherm ore, there Is a trend tory m a’In our sample “ for other Repub- proprlatilican candidates: Sen. E verett, ited ma{M. Dirkscn. running for reelcc- ta ils an tion (80 per cen t), and R ich a rd " ' by WallOgilvlc, running fo r governor ticket m(C7 per cent).’' ' licans w

It would seem, then, tha t here Hum phrIs an ideal R epublican opportu- e r on Ci


The OutsiWASHINGTON - Wall Street there w

m ay face congressional hearings tip. Fedearly next year on thc question not goirof "inside Inform ation.” What gam atetIt bolls down to is tha t ;some cd by tl

- unscrupulous I n v e s t o r s and itself ofbrokers are using their knowi- He feltedge ot contWcntral inform ation hc sho^to make money on company h a v e ‘ tcstocks. The SEC (Securities and hnd al:Exchange Commission), -which FB P piis supposed to p ro tect the pub- low oflie, feels tliat these " insiders” I wafshould be forbidden to cash in doubts ion things th a t nobody ' else b u t theknows anything about. to m e t

While Ihls is a w orthy Inves- thing cih» tigation, rb e iie v o lha t Congress o r ho wj /g should investigate " o u t s i d e r He t

tip s ," which a re doing fnr more a fluttcdam age to the m arke t than "In- since hsIder tips.” tho pc

1^ . F or example, ju st the other shineddny while I wos having my T hatshoes shined, m y bootblaclc told nnd I Ir

ycj. m e that he hnd Juat shined the o rd e r :jvo shoes of a mnn who (old him letting^hy to buy Federated Bobby Pina, bccauscUC- which would soon m erge with w ith ’ Fh o Am algamuied C urlers. My brc{■(•(] This bootblack had n e v e r lot hisIral given me n bad shine ond I for them. trusted him Implicitly. So I call- .soon I

to cd my broker and told him Heels \e d obout It, not reveoling iho could c

led- source of m y Informnllon. Ilc Unfoiirly In turn lold severnl of his of Cons;on- clients, who in tu rn told Ihelr ened an m bootblacks, ond suddenly there their sver was n run on Fcderolcd Bobby oui, caidgo Pins, to thoher The next lim e I snw m y hoot- the 192slo- bluck ho snid he hud mnde a ‘ l l wiient mlstnkc. Tlie m un hod anid Fed- som clh

Of ernted Bowling Pins. I didn't do somthe oven wnll for Iho shine, bul ments

nnil rnn to the phone to cnll my compleono broker, who was pretty upset. The i

Wo nil got oui of Fcdernted shinedaid, Bobby Pins, nnd into Fcilernted wllh mtbe Bowling Pins, ihus causing Fed- Ihnt ov

vld- crated IJohliy; 'Phis' to Inse HI) given iinnn points by the lim e 1 wns ablu agreednni- to sell my sliures. cnmc i

be Tho next tim e I went for my Hc suit ■vcr shlno iny iMjotbluck said thut , chainge


Those StiiDear Dr^v M olner: Highleen niid dl

,, moniliH ui;o m y wife underweni way tl «n uppendix opcrntlon a t nge uni be

i n i Posl oprrnlivo officu visits re- n,!," i J nulled In fnur atllches being ro-moved nfier surfuclng, ln<:ludlng „ 3 ,h l r

S h f'^nulred deep problniAnntlier alllch hns been nctlii - " E

J up for lhe past month wllh tho f ,, ,.lim e prlcklus .n d discnmforl. J ;" '" ,

’Z " . r f n c t w i S / " " "Aro not oin'm llnn slllehe . snjv !

/Idft to dlnbnciiralu? Is ihurcfor M.nielh ng rudlcnlly w r o n g

flomewhero?—W.J.Z, 'Pen- I doubt thnl nnylhlng l« :rn d l^ .H„r- f^">ly wrong - o r wrong <u nil,' .^ o lo re tt excejH tlinl your wlfo la liavhiK >will an uiihuppy iim<, «f k. “ thom om- Most sutures (slllclies) nro oh-lllll, florbnhlc — mndo to dlsliUoBrulo Ihnr •' tl'» Ixidy nnd Im cnrrlcd nwoy i— t i t tIcni l>y the hliMHl Htrcnm. ,

OccuHlnnully this dncs nnt hup-Vnt- pen or liappnns very slowly)0 lh 'il 'cn tho remnnni of tho suturo

lo «clfl ns n foreign l)0<ly. Tlmt ling Is, ll nols m uch tho aamo wny ^ple, a nniall silver of wood would T* , *•, if net. t«oal n«om- If you act o silver in ymir .

finHor, II Ta a foreign iMxly. Tho o o f body'M nnturol deftnsoij roioct(lies It, try lo got rid of ll. If tho?lve nllver Is oxiromoly amnll, thu *ijort whllo culla o r th o hliKkl will ^ono Rradiinlly te a r it o p a rt. iMirtlcl® ry.’* by pan icle , and io r t i t nwny ^

attailsby nity for a Congressional seat.

:hi- A lderm an John Hoellen, a tire- / 6 less prac titioner of backlash pol- tuld itics who nearly beat Puclnskl ■oes in lWi8. Is running again In a av- supercharged rac ia l atm osphere one suited to him . •#ho Y et. o u r sam ple showed' Pu- are cinskl bucking the Republican

tide and Im proving on his I860 arl- v ic lory : 35 for Puclnskl, 13 for ;hy- “ Hocllen. 2 undecided. Even d e r .'"" m ore im portan t, nine of the Jen Ihis usual D em ocrats sw itching to . ad- Nixon a re slicking with Puclnskl

bla. (while tw o usual Republican vot- con- ers a re changing from Hoellen but to Puclnsk l).her Most strik ing Is the loyalty he to Puclnskl by the 'sev en Wal-

ther lace supporters, all o l them k-cro D em ocrats who backed Presi-' - iVal- dent Johnson in 1984. Contrary

or to R epublican wishful thinking ling- tha t the D em ocratic Wallaceites

would d e se r t the ir party on the Nlx- res t of the ticket, sue of the ;am- seven fav o r Pucinskl.:ally Pucinski’s strength is no mys- ♦an: lery. " I have to hand It to Pu- irey, c lnsk l." said a Republican insur- ^ a l- ance salesm an, who Is switching

from Hoellen. "H e puts the col- )f a ored elem ent in its place." Once

a a liberal, ,10-year Congressman 'th e Puclnskl has outdone Hoellen in take playing the backlash with sexc®;ired ' a ttacks on, busing of schoolchil- :mo- dren.

too The slnglemlnded obsession tick- w ith -M c e -o n Chicago's North- sons west Side 1s undoubtedly m ore “

yet Intense than elsewhere, and Pu­cinski’s ap paren t route to vic-

TC^d 'lo ry m ay not he universally ap- •pub- proprlatc . N evertheless, the lim- e re tt ited m agnetism of Nbcon’s coat- elcc- ta ils and the lack of Impact. . ' h a rd " ' by W allace on the re s t o f the irnor ticket m ust give pause to Repub­

licans who have expected to ride here H um phrey’s m isfortunes to pow- <irtu- e r on Capitol Hill.


Outsidersllreet there w as some mlOTp In therings tip. F edera ted Bowling Pins wasjstlon not going to m erge with Ahnal-What gam ated Curlers. bu f 'W as order-some cd by the governm ent to d ivest> and itself o f Am algam ated Dandruff,nowl- He fe lt since he got m e In tha t,ation hc should te ll mc. He didn’tipany have* to. The W all-S t. Journals a n d hod a lready reported i t ' andwhich FB P plum m eted to a n all-tim e

pub- low of 50 cents a share , ders’’ I w as s ta rting lo have somash in doubts about m y shoeshlne boy.

else b u t then the- thought occurred to mo thn t he m ust know some-

Inves- thing about tho stock m arke tIgress o r ho w ouldn't be shining shoes. I d e r He told m e hc w as takingmore a flu tte r in Consolidated Heels

n "In- since ho had noticed tha t h a l f .tho people whose shoes he

other shined wore this type .of heel.! my T hat w as good enough for me,k told and I Im m ealatcly put In a largod the o rd e r for Consolidated Heels.I him letting m y broker in on It onlyPina, bccause hc had been so unluckywith w ith ’ F ederated Bowling P ins. .

My b roker, I discovered la ter.! v e r lot his o th er-c lien ts In on Itind I for Iho snme reaaon ond prettyI cnll- soon trading In Consolldalcd

him Heels wns suspended unlil Ihey5 tho could cn tch up wllh tho orders.1. no Unfortunniely, the executivesf his of Consolidated Heels got fright-Ihelr cned a t tho nuddon, activity In thero their slock . 'a h d * ^ o jr all sold

Dobby out, causlng.lhe price to dcscend to thc lowest It'hod been slncc

hoot- thc 1929 crash,nde a ‘ Tl wa.s obvious hy now thntI Fed- som ething was wrong. I had to didn't do som ething about m y invcst- , bul m ents o r I would bo wiped outII my com plclely.upset. The ncxl tim e I gol m y shoes[•rnted shined I brought up the subject.•rated wilh m y Iwoiblnck, pointing out5 Fed- Ihnt every "outside tip " he hndise HI) given m e hiid gone hnywlrc. lie1 alilu ag reed wilh mo nnd finally ■ -

cnmo up with n brilliunl Iden.:>r my He snid, " If I w ere you I wouldI thut , change b rokers.”


e Stitches^hleen niid dispose of It In the finmr jrweni way they Industriously ollack t nge nnl belong in lhe body.I, In the caso of n larger' Bliver,

the Hnmo process beglna, but K /■«- cannot by completed In nny reu-

l“‘ flonublo tlr.ic. Vou’vo doubtlcua experienced It — a silver you

o tl III, couldn’t qiilie gm out, DebrisIII l lo fr,„„ invhihifl struggle of „ w hile cclln ognlnst lhe for*

‘’'K" olO ect ncciimuIolCH. So

■"'* graduollv puah the nllver toward the aurfucc. And one day you

mnujv- <||Hcnver tha t, wUh a gentle „ ' “ “ wqucett, it finally can bo popped

mit cually. ^

Hen'll* Nolo to M rs. F . P .t The cftunn liavhiK P fl'‘' “ rlly bccause ono of

thom hon become so large nn ' iro nh- becom e o nulsnnco o r be* ogruio oppcarnnce.nwny —....— m ............... i...........u.. mu

n hon- Clly and Covnly N*wipop«rilpwly, M«mb«f of Audit Buf»nu elaiiluro Clrwlqtlon ond AP

h iiiu an t 10 S«dl6n AO-lOa Idaho0 w av Thuddny It h«itby diilonntad woiili! " • on v*ht«b " l«aal n o li t . i will U publlih«d.

1 vour PuIiIIiIkkJ lirilly ond Somlriy (» 130 v Thft SHiii Will. Twin rolU, Idaho, f t?


Page 5: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON

Well Knowi Compete In

FA IR FIE L D —Some closc con-im ai tests are cxpcctcd here in thc (o n g.i;ncral clcction Nov. 5. Ip ro

C am as County’s favorite s o n , 'a t ' jncum bcnt S e n a to r Lloyd F. Dnr-! A ron,. Republican, a n d .fo rn ie r jin Gooding Couniy Senator Don G .ire.s F rederickscn. Dcmocrnt. a r e ' boo vyinR for thc position of sln lc enc sena to r for D istrict No. 22 which | Bol includes C am as, Gooding and res Je rom e counties. Bolh men a re | whi experienced legislators and a r e Cai well known public figures. T h e y ' C both nre cattlem en nnd farm ersl^rac and a re active in community cor

, a ffa irs. oneIncum bent S tate Rep. Vernon e r

R avcnscroft. Democrat, will be Ari opposed by Ja n e Peterson.. R e - 'co r publican. M rs. Peterson w as a ra l write-in cand ida te in the pri- cai


BiH-ley Ci-edit 'oj Women Install S New Officers f*',a I

BURLEY — Officcr.s w ere in- er stalled -for B urley. Crcdit Wom- v,'H en’.<: B reakfast Club during a sp(

__;_d inner,- n)eeting a t S tam pede amCafe.- - . cu

Installed w ere M rs. F re d cai D ickson, p resident: M rs. R alph ! B uttars. f irs t vice president; Co M rs. E dw yna Dunbar^ .second W< vice p resident; Mrs. W ayne ba

• Rogers, tre a su re r; Mrs. D eraid M abey, sec reU ry and out-going Lo p resident. °P1

Mr.s. F e rn P eterson, a p a s t t " ' president, w as installing officer.F a ll colors w ere used for th e ‘ ‘C table decorations.

G uests attended from the Twin F a lls Crcdit W om en's < C lu b . - . He

Evan-Picone '»■ L,ists Details y| Of CoUectioif S'

NEW YORK (A P) — F ash ion r J d esigner F ran k Smith pu t h is „ designs pv e r again for tKe E vnn-Picone house of . sty les, w ith his new est creations of la- d ies sporis and casual clothes. This w as called his North-South J \ collection.

, V ivacious looking m odels -. showed off those perky spo rts I slyle.s like fun-loving girls d e te r- *“, m ined to m ake It South; o r, a t Jl any ra te , to w herever tho on- the^go c^rowd hangs out — N orth

Sm ith gave his styles a fem i- ^ n ine q ua lity by Including soft ® d e ta ils such a s ruffles and He- bolts. . y

D ain ty w hite linen blouses— ' ruffled down blouso cen te r, on ‘ regnl stand-up collars, o r o n 'j_ c u f f s —w e r e neatly tucked inlo slacks or sk irls.

C oupled with these blouses w ere wlde-lcgged slacks, ■ In blnck and w hite or brown and w hite plaid Ilncn fabric, th a t th fitted low on hips with a rope- bell.

l.onn-length U n e n Jackcts, n« sleeved or sleeveless and th ick- " | Iy belted, w ilh wide lapels nnd d ecorative double row of m ctn l bi buttons, m ade another slack-top com bination. T heir deep pa tch - rc

, pockets, of generous proportion, could nccom m odaie m bre than ni u handkerchief. cc

W rap-around skirls, sccu red ei w llh n tfe-belt. w ere worn slfght- aj ly nbovc tho knees, in plaid lin­en color comblnnllons of so ft pi yellow and grey. m

Light blue cuddly woolen tl: sweiiter.i w ere a deviation from ai tho cInHslcal tailored va rie ty w llh titclr ruffle trlmn)ed co lla r, g: cuffs o r buttoned center. Thc V- tc neck red Hwentcr wnx tin eye- ci opener ngiiinst n whlto .skirt, tl

A w hile Hiilln bcil-Ntecve Woti.'.V? wfis Ventured wKIt a con- n KiTVutlvR long blnck w oolen sk irl; tho blue .'ileevelesa v est, tr also worn wllh n blnck sk irt, r' w ns nil InlcresiinK item w llh Its decon illvc black em broidered edging.

The-ic fnshlons, w hether they receive N orthern or Soulhcrn J exposure. Imve come through f' w llh fetnlnine c h n rn c lc r lN ilc s In ^ snfiiicss of lines, color and fai)- n ric. c

----------------------------- i]

Duplicate Bridge rTwin I'n lls Junior Dupllcnto ^

n rldge Club met Fridny nlghl, " Wliinern wore Msgr. E . R. [

Cody nnd Mr.i. I. E . O liver, - first; Mr. nnd Mrs. I., J . Rub- S erlson, second, and Mrs. Oeorgo ■ I 'rn z ler nntl Mrs. J. M. Kings- J bury, th ird . ■

Noiv luoaiborfl a r r tvfllcome. “ F o r fu rth e r informnlion contnct m M ra. H arold Wycoff a t 733-7009. ■

! GUHSi,rTui-.,'% g!MusicAL.iNmuMiNrs, rKo- H ■




lown Solons i"i

J In Gamas)se co n -jm ary clcction. R avenscroft is a

in the fo rm er sta lo forester nnd is thc I proprietor of the Penia Fost Co.

lie son, a t Tuttle. ;-F. Bar-! Mrs, Pelerson has been ac tive ^

■ fo rm eriin Republican circles and is a Don G.I resident of Wendell, She is a - ;. a r o 'bookkeeper and has hod expcri- )f s ta le ence in school and civic affairs.2 which I Bolh a re runninn for s la te rep- ng a n d 'rc sc n la tiv e of D istrict No. 22-A nen a re |w h ic h includes Gooding a n d ind a re Cam as Countics. s. T h e y ' On the couniy level, a close farm ersl^race is predicted for county im unity commissioners.- D em ocratic Sec­

ond D istricl County Commission- Vernon e r Lonzo W. Baldwin will have will be Arlin Ashmead. Republican, as on.. R e-'com petition . Mr. Ashmead. Cor-

w as a ra l and Fairfield farm er and .he pri- caillom an, has been active in----------- A m erican Legion, F a rm B ureau

and other civic groups in the J l i * . com m unity. This is his firs t try t i l l for,office.- :

Incum bent Third D istric t t n 1 1 1 Cooniy Commissioner, E a r l Wil-

i l .C t l .1 son. D em ocrat, will be opposed by Doug HalloweU, Republican.This is Hallowell’s firs t iry for a poliiical office. He is a farm -

wore in- o r and cattlem an in partn ersh ip ^ t Worn- ^* th his father. Hc is an a rd en t uring a sportsm an' and active in c ivic •• am pede and com m unity a ffairs. T he in- _ i

cum benls a ro both fa rm ers and F re d cattlem en. ^

;. R alph Incum bent Sheriff P au l E . ^ esident; Cox, Republican, and M artye B. k ,

sccond W orden. D em ocrat, a re on the W ayne ballot fo r sheriff. ■w’D eraid Incum bent County T re a s u re r I .

u t-going Loy L. Vanskike, D em ocrat, is X opposed by Sharon A. Crowe on

a p a s t Republican side. This is o fficer M rs. Crowe’s first try in poli- for th e **cs. She Is a bookkeeper and

w as a form er Gooding hank cm-

VomeiVs ^ Incum bent P ro b a te Ju d g e offi . H orace B. Howland, R epublican. Ca'

and Joe F . Cook, D em ocrat, lo- to ca t g rocerym an, a re cand ida tes

[ 1 0 p robate judge.Edw ard V. R eagan, who w as

1 appointed couniy assesso r lasti s yea r, is unopposed fo r the of-

fice. M r. Reagan is a D em ocra t. P'i 1 ^ . ^ D r.-M arlon J . Kernsi D em ocrat, Mr L U l l is a lso unopposed a s co roner, wo _ . . Incum bent P rosecuting A ttorney ess F ash ion Robert G. NevKbuse, Republi- sh(

,h -l

Ten Tips About [£ Nail Polishing S

m odels Ten beauty tips for your ton An V enort.! fingertips a ssu re you of beau tlr foi I s d e te r fa.shionable nailsT o r a t y °“ new glis- ca

tho 'o n Gening colors. 1_ NnrtK su re your na ils a r c sit

" clean and d ry—free o( a n y 1 1 , „ m oisture o r oil—before you be- Ecinc soft 8 'n applying polish. let

,TJ 2. Check Iho consistency of i lie- pojish before app ly ing a

M .„ s « s -3. To mnko nalts look lo n w r ,

' leavo a narrow length of nail onc nea liy unpolished—abou t th e ■»

width of a toothpick. blouses 4 . When brushing on polish ^ 1

icks, ■ In (rom bnse to tip,, uso th ree ,i,i own and g iro k e s -u p tho cen te r firs t, ric. th a t then each side,

a rope. 5 . Always leave n th in line J"' . . . near tho cuticle free from polish Jackcts, ns th is allows tho na il to

nd th ick- ••breathe,"pels nnd fl, F o r expert application, thq of m etftl b rush should bo sn turn tcd , but slack-top not so full Ihnt It b lobs w hen !p pa tch - rested on tho nail, oporiion, 7 . F or color-perfect nails, bre than npnly a baao coat, two coa ts of j"

color and n top coat, a llow ing " i sccu red each to d ry before tho nex t Is

rn slfght- applied. replaid Iln- 8 . N ever u se bnse co a t In y<

of so ft plnco of top cont. Tho bnse Is mndo thick lo pro icct the nulls;

woolen tho th inner top coat is g lo ssie r ® lion from and fast d rying. rc

v a r ie ty tt. E x trn proleclion cnn be *1' cd co lla r, given tho frnpllo nali lip by ox- r. The V- tending ftppllcnlion of tho to p M : Iln eye- cont to |ho undcrsurfaco of thu ■!<0 .skirt, tip. ni lell-Hlecve 10. Nnil allow ed tn d ry J ' (It a con- nnturnlly Jnsw longer than Ih a t lo

w oolen hardened wllh . forced d ry ing Ri less v est, methods, nuch ns hen t o r cold ck flklrt, running w nler. “1 w llh Iia -------------- --— ;—broidorcd Woman InjuredIher they JACKPOT — A ' 19-ycm>-old Southern Jackpo t woman wns trea ted nnd through reloased .Snturdny nflernoon a t

jr iN ilc s In Mftgic V alie^ M emorlnl Hoiipllnl and fai)- a fte r Iwing-lnrown from a horso

on Iho Jlarvcy lln le R nnch oJght — m iles cast of Jackpot.

M rs, Jonello Robinson wnn riding townrd tho ran ch hoiiM

Dupllcnto J” '''^>«nd, jVIIko Robln-IV nlniii when her horso c'.it to thor F. li. rlgn t nnd nho wns throw n, i. O liver, >•<■■■ M a ■ ■ ■ N« ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ «„ J . R u b - : ■•.s. neo rg o ■ 5« K lnss C p U I ^ M

w e k o m e . “ ■ W l U ¥ m in contnct « ■ ■ ■ w . ■ ■ ■


H j iUlARS, M ■ ■IROIRS. H ■ S. TOOLS. B S B

U l D A I R Y I

^ L f O O D S I■ I ; ........................ ....................................

>s- r^ n jK

oft is a • d is the . •’ost Co. . ;.

n active nd is a1C -


aie rep- 22-A

a closc




inB ureau

‘ in the j J C Sfirst try

D istrict Harl Wil- opposed

a^farm - OF T H E Y E A R -fo r the•tnershio F ran k Long, Is presented a trophy n a rd en t ^rlct m anager fo r M ountain S ta tes In civic annual Boss of the Y e a r Ennq T he in- academic dean a t the College of :

rtcrs and

Sti Sheriff’s Rai on the

Dcrat, is In Jerome I>ow e onT J ' J E R O M E - T here will be six tim nf>r nnrf confcsls whcn Jerom e vo te rs go pub £ k S m - “ > th e p o lls N o v . 5. De.

M ost holly contested is th e >®r Ju d g e office of sheriff, w here D ew ey froi

[jublican. Cavin, Democrat, is a ttem p tin g n?r jc ra t lo- to unseat Jam es B. (P a l) B urns, sini m didates has held the oUicc fo r 20 poa

years. Mr. Cavin is a lifetim e ' who w as resident nnd Is em ployed b y S'lt 5sor la st Handy Realty. He is a v e te ra n ta r • the of- an officer j n the S ta te ers em ocra t Pai'imutuol R acin g ' Asociaiion. N em o cra t' Mr. Cavin stated tM t he w ould of co roner, w ork ' as m any hours a s noc- yoi A ttornev essary a t the responsibilities a s the Republi- sheriff if he is elected. in

Besides his 20 yea rs as sheriff,— Mr. Burns has two y ears expc- . ^-kii-rf- rience with the Idaho S ta te P o - ^ i J U t lice, and served during W orld J®

W ar II in the Crim inal Inves- • g tigation Division of the A rm yvour fen Air Corps. He sa id he -would If b e a u tlr continue to op era te his office ble na ils same efficient, econom i-new glis- cal manner If he is re-elected . ‘

Both seeking th e office of J® m ils a rc sla te representative for the f irs t

of a n y t i m e are W illard L a ttim er, , i you be- Eden, Republican, and Lcon As- ‘

le(t. Democrat. itency of M r. Ivatlimer, 'w h o h as b e e n on app ly ing a resident since 1919. w a s a co

llsh m ay m em ber of thc .Valley school Hg board for 1-1 years. He h as se rv - a s

Ik longer, ed the coimty fo r eight y e a rs Lc nr nnil on ns commissioner from d is tr ic t .] about th e 3. Mr. Lnttlmer Is opposed to, ho

„ . gun control legislation and sa id of ^n polish also that people should w ork o u t co 'SO th ree their problems on a local level. La or n r s t , ^ G ran g e drth in line m em ber for 30 yea rs and se rv e d wJ

nm n o iiih ^our years on the Jerom e Coun- c r n „n ty F air Bonrd. He Is p res id en t In

‘ of thc C. A. Construction Co. of ation th e owns n rnnch north o f Je - Ini n tw l ' htit rome, on which he ra ises reg-

whpn Istered Blnck Angus ca ttle . go [>bs w hen Q u 5 n,ocrn t. Is ici' t na ils seeking tho post of county c o m - I f ) conts of m issloner in D lslrlct 2. now hcld no

nllowinR •’y Jo*'" Vnn Orm an. Mr. S u te r lt> 0 nex t Is serving his th ird term n s d i­

recto r on {lie Board o t M agic Inj co a t In Valley Growers, Inc, He is a R(

0 bnse Is farm er nnd livestock p ro d u cer, so Ihp nnlU- ■ John Vnn Ormon, Republican, ce S RlSssief a native of Idaho, is seek ing Ui

re-clecllon to the post he h as en cnn be field two years. He h as been ho

ilp by ox- « taxpayer fnr ovcr 20 y en rs . Hi r tho to p Mr. van Ormnn slnlcd he b e - n r ice of thu lleves in strong local govern- A:

m cnt nnd is viinlly in lcre .slcd in 0/ ed tn d ry Jerom o' couniy. Ho snid th n t ni Ihnn Ih a t local government should l>e pro- le d d ry ing gressive, but also conservative, ci it o r cold Seeking offlco for th e f i r s t .

uredernoon ot

H ospitnl m a horsfl nnch eJsht

nson won nch hoiiM Iko Robin- c'.!t to thorown. l | f f l H y H |H | |^ H I n M

rJH Hi'S I

1 -.MY ilBlii

iA R -fo r the Twln-Ida Chapter of the N ational nted a trophy by his secretary , Mrs. F aye Stai un tain S ta tes Tclephona Co. The aw ard w as annc le Y e a r Banquet a t the Holiday Inn. Guest speal B College of Southern Idaho.____________ -

s Race Leads Ii me Balloting N'ill be six tim e a re Claude Bernard, Rc- ing i vo te rs go publican, an d Rodney P auls, and

D em ocrat, who arc competing tom e d is th e for the office of commissioner one-h e D ew ey from the th ird districl. Mr. Ber- offic« ttem p tlng nard has lived in Jerome county immi It) B urns, since 1942 and was a school In 1! cc fo r 20 board m em ber fo r 13 years. He offici I life tim e is chairm an of the First Segre- a foi loyed b y gation F a rm Bureau and secre- Un I v e te ra n ta ry -trea su re r of the Beet Grow- dales he S ta te e rs AssociatioQ.. thesociation . M r. P au ls has bd6n a d irecto r *hau h e w ould of th e Am erican Falls R eset- Lajir

a s nec- voir. D is tric t 2, Canal board for Sei 3ilities a s the past-20 yea rs and a fa rm er chaii

in the Hunt a rea . Pauls is. also Rep» IS sh e r if f ow ner of Stockman’s Really. a rs r>xnc^ C arl Stephens, Democrat, who • S la te P o - holds the office of T reasurer, np W o rS is being challenged for the first | l - | rm In v c S tim e since 1952 by Mrs. T cressa ^ hp A rm v H endry, Republican, who enfcr- k h t w ou ld ed the race as a result o f a his o ffice w rite-in vote in the prl-

■e^ecre'd” ' M?. Stephens has served fl.s ^>11 „ 'r.f tre a su re r fo r 18 years ond says

ihA f irs t ^“ 5 operated the office on H ^ a sound, business-like basis. Ho "M i• V attim er, ^ jj veteran and merI Leon AS- JJ m em ber of Elks Lodge and mcc

A m erican Legion. He helped or- scht h a s b e e n gnnize the Jerom e B aseball w as

9, w a s a Commission and has served a s and ey school Hs president for many yea rs , E ■ h as se rv - a s w ell a s .coaching L i t t l e cat! ght year.s League and Lcgion team s. on 1 Tl d is tr ic t Hendry, a native of Tdn- sch«pp o led tft ho, has worked In the office lake 1 and sa id of lhe county agent. North Side 1 w ork o u t c an n l Co., and thc Norlh Side on ocal level. Land and W aler Co. Mrs. Hen- uoj, a G ran g e d ry moved to Boise in Itt-ll,

md se rv e d w here she and Jrer husbnnd op- pnp, 3me Coun- c ra ted a rea l estate officc. While j^ov

p re s id en t In Boiso, she .held a num ber Jctlon Co. of responsible positions includ- ^ rth o f Je - ing tho t of court reporter. n„d aisc s reg- M rs. Hendry believes local reci a ttic . governm ent, properly ndminis- ^icr n o c rn t. Is icred . is the best Rovernment. gnij lUjity com - If clcclcd, she would fill the spoi . now held position lo thc best of her abil- ‘ xi Mr. S u te r Uy and on a full-time basis. ,-0

?rm n s dl* Seeking the post of prosecut- i„ ( o f MflfiJc l/5« n llo rney a rc S, A, K olm an, ji„j] He is a Rcpublicnn, and Frank L. Ben- her

pro d u cer, son, D cm ocrnt. Mr. Kolman re- jj, icpublicnn, ceivcd his law degree from the per is seek ing University of Idaho ond Is pres- „jvj st he h as ently Hazelton city altorney nnd ^ ill lins been h as a law pracllce In Jerom e, j h c 20 y en rs . He is a m em ber of the Idoho ten<

ed hc bc- and Fifth Judicial D istrict B ar r 111 govern- AsKoclntlon. He is al-^o chairm an a^o ic re .s lc d in of the Jerom e Couniy Red Cross pni, snid th n t nnd chnlrm an of llie Mngic Vn|-

,ild l>e pro- ley M uscular Dystrophy Asso- nservotivc. ciation. USI

th e f i r s t . M r. Benson has been prosecut- FOI

K . t

Oikw lir*W >eiH «iW -JLO w l*llw 6n.6* .

'‘ ^ 9 Sp<

' s ire


" Nixdn-- . - - -

V Nixonb 8 ?^?V ' V ' t h r o u g

V crcasilK can prV -’* " . Gov.

V ' p a r t 15 eieci

"E v

Ing Idaho



■BkMiHbU:-------baiiotiot the N otional S ecre ta ries Association,M rs. F aye S tap leton . M r Long i.s dls- “ ^ p v aw ard w as announced la st W ednesdoy a t • .u. Inn, G uest sp eak e r w as D r. T e rry Sm W , J n j t

_________ ^ _____________ in thaM ur^

ids Interest Be ng Nov. 5 Of

Che•nard, Rc- ing a tto rn ey of Pow er County and i cy P auls, and a ss is ta n t to the S late At- Tod competing to rney G eneral for three nnd just nmissioner one-half years. H e served in the allurt ;. Mr. Ber- office of P r ic e Adminlstralion tu ral ime county im m ediately a f le r World War II. Yoi

a school In 1958, hc w as e lected to the of co years. He office of A ttorney G eneral for totall

irst Segre- a four y e a r te rm . ficeniand secre- U nopposed Republican candi- Coi 3eet Grow- d a le s o re D ale B urkholier. for a re t

the office of assessor, Russell ••Der a d irecto r Shaud. for p robate judge, and jong.

Ills R eset- L au ren N eher fo r coroner. Lash i board for Seeking th£ post of legislative u s h 1 a fa rm er c h a irm an a re D wight Osborne, fiutte uls is also R epublican, ond Joe M cCarter, <'001 n’s Realty . D em ocra t; wherlocrat. who • - " ousijT reasu rer, 0 1 LashJL r Sf iImlbhown ^who enfer- i _ f T tha tesuit o f a A t H a n s e n «rnIn the pri- F r

served a.s PTA Meet tcholi

of'f?ce*^on H ANSEN — A norra tcd film, cific e basis. Ho "M an , F reedom and Govern- greo jctcran and m en t.” w as show n a t a PTA _ e Lodge and m eetin g T hu rsd ay night a l the ‘ helped or- schoolhouse by P aul VIclor. II •»>« ■ B aseball w as based on tho Conslituiion 1 ^1 : served a s and th e Bill o f Rights. .any yea rs , E . D , C rockett gave the Invo- A J B L i t t l e cation . A discussion w as held r ] team s. on hnving scx education in the gQQ live of Tdn- schools; how cvcr, no action was u-v,

the office laken . c e oNorth Side j^^s. Roy V an Zantc reported schc Norlh Side on th e PTA convention held in Mrs. Hen- UQjsc. The budget of 5352 was the

c in Itt-ll, i-eajj approved . The nnnunl you p ancake su p p er will be lield c iu t

ifflce. While ^ o v . 15, w ith serv ing throughout -P i n num ber if,e evening, viso

ons inciuo- certifica te of npprcclnllon ^ou ortcr. and recognition to the PTA wns ijy jleves Ipcnl received from lhe Idaho Depnrt- the ' y ndminis- rfieiit o f H ealth fo r help in cradl- - pj ipvcrnment. ea ting men.sles. The locnl grnun m^c lid fill the sponsored the project In school, of her nbil- T hnnk you notes wero rend 1 llmc basis, from Jo y Johson for sending her )f prosecut- i„ n i r i s ' s to te , nnd from Nnncy A, K olmnn, jioJUfleld fo r havinR nomlnnlcd _nk L. Ben- h e r for lhe PTA scholarship. ,fi“t Kolman re- n ecaiiso of tlio pancake sup- l " ;e from the per and olso of llianks- m d Is pres- giv ing , no regu ln r FFA meeting _ Itorney nnd ^111 be scheduled for November, in Jerom e, j h e sccond grndo won (hc at-

: the Idoho tendance aw nrd . d istrict B ar R osem nry Kevnn played « pi*10 chnlrm on ano solo. The sccond grnde pnr-

'M ng ic% "S i

ophy Asso- xiM ES-N EW S WANT AD.S " cn prosecut- FO R FAST SELLING RESULTS

...... '

SUPREME court'

i m JackM ui-pliy.^ 9 S p eak s A b o u t ^ ^ 9 R ep u b lica n s J

SHOSHONE—R ichard M. Nix- W on has shown a steady surgeof strength in Idnho for the past -4 ^ 10 days, Lt. Gov. Ja c k M urphysaid Saturday . ^

Gov. M urphy, who Js IdnhoNIxdn-f 0 r-P rcsidcn i chairm an, jiC soid he had been in conlact withNixon com m ittee m e m b e r . ; ^throughout the s ta te , and prac- kticolly every a re a reported (n- ^ creasing gains fo r thc Republi-can presidontlai candidate . jjC

Gov. M urphy issued a t^vo- ^■ P K i p a r t observation on the Nov. ^

5 eleclion."E v ery poll taken In Idnho |w

since -the na tiona l conventions ^shows tha t M r. Nixon is enjoy- j Cing increasing popularity am ong w Idaho voters, but I do w ant to rem ind Idahoans tha t polls don’tactually vote. M

"People a re the ones w ho ^ vote. EJon’t count on the olhcr

. person to vo te . He m ay b e wcounting on you. ^

“ Idaho fo r m anv y e a rs has ^been notcd for ils high pert:en- wtage of vo te rs w ho casl tho ir 7

H B V m ballots. I w an l to u rge a s cIo.scto 100 p er ccn l tu rnou t th is d e c - jjrf

, u- lion as is possible to achieve. ^" E v e ry Idahoan hns a stake ^

in the fu tu re of th is country,■y am iin, ^ y^jj-e "7 "_______ _ in th a t fu ture is lo vo le ,” Gov. ^

M urphy declared .

t Be Coy Or Bold % With New Array J Of False Lashes $

Choose th e eye fashion look M /cr County and m ako it happen . ^

Slate Al- Todoy. ony wom on m ay do ^ three nnd ju st th a t — and achieve eye Jm

rved in the a llu re in the freshest, m ost na- ninlstration tu ra l w oy possible. ■■ . Jm irld War II. You con do It w ith th e debut ^ :tcd to the of com pletely new collections of * 2 icneral for totally d iffe ren t mini-to*magni- ^

ficent fashion lashes. ^lean candi- Com prising th e e leg an t a r ra y “T ihalior. for a re the unobvious. naturally -fu ll ^ or, Russell ••Demure L a sh ;” th e sweepy- jM judge, and long, e x tra f u l l “ R om antic ^ ironer. Lash ; tho e x tr a - f in e “ Subtle ^ t legislative Lash” fo r com pletely n a tu ra l jH

P ^ r n e , fiu ttery ; a n extra-full %-lnch ^ M cCarter, ••Domi-Lash” s tr ip to pop-on ^

w here you lik e ; the p lush, oovi* M ously s u p re m e ' "Sophisticated C L ash ,” and th e ultra-in trigu ing ^

^ - | 1 • “ Duo-Tone L a sh ," a m ix ture of J t brow n and so ft b lack lashes w th a t c rea te s th e u ltim ate In m od- ^

H ern eyo fashion looks.F rom q u ie t and coy to bold jk

«. and s ty lish ly d ram a tic , th e ^ choice is superb . C arefully de> *7 signed ond c ra fted fo r a spe- ^

rra ted film, cific pu rpose, e o c h 'n e w type < nd G ov^n- c rea te s tho In trigu ing new look -J

o t a PTA _ exactly o s Its n am e Implies. 4 night a t the . _________________ ^

piSio' Ricks Students ■ 3ve thc Invo- Ask For Wallace -Jn w as held r e x b U R G , Idoho (A P )-S o m nation in the sqq gtudcnta o t R icks College ^3 oction was hnvo signed 0 petition osking j

George W allaco to speak a t the ^nje Teporlcd school beforo election doy. 4lion held in The petition wns sponsored by kof 5352 wns ,he newly form ed R icks College ^The nnnunl yo u th A m erican Independent n

ill be held club . Jki throughout -P rof. M cN eil Glcnn, club «d* ^

visor, sa id if W allace com e it nnpprcclnllon ^ou ld bo th e firs t appearonco Jkbe FTA wns hy an y presiden tia l candldote n t wlaho Depnrt* the .school In a num ber of yeo rs. ^icip in cradl- - Ricks Ii o p era ted by the ‘J l

local group ^ , 5 c h u rch . \: l In school. _________________ ^

' S r o o CLOSE.S AIRPORT MI.O.? A N G ELES (A P) _ Fog i

from Nnncy d o sed In tcrnationol A irport ^ ? nominnlcd ngain Sunday , and a irlin e rolarshlp. ,n h ts w ero d iverted to subur- J |ancnke sup- ^-he heavy m ist Sat- ^

» urday forccd sim ila r . .o p s . Jr November, ___ _ _ ___ _____ nwon (he a t . E I I D I U I ' 1

Dlaycd s p |. r V V R l W l 1d grnde par-

— A u c t i o n ^WANTAD.^G RESULTS _ . , ^


m All Magk Valley ■ ■ f l Sales Listed Here iH H R H Conlcct lha lim ai-N aw i form M H | H | S a lt) dapartm ani lof complata i I H H H H odvfldliino covirofla ol youf >

fa m idla, hand bllU, nnv ipapar covaroga (ovar 70 ,000 laodar* j

^ ^ H ^ H f l In MoqIc Vallay) odvonca bill> .log. All Clt c<ia (paclol low raia, t Cvtry la la llilad In th it Form Coltndor tof ID d a y i balera


................. fURNlfUKI.IAll. .. .1AdvartUamanli O d. 21 and 2 t • A udlonairti Wail, Ular*. Wall


2KOMtR tO lO IHt

AdvtillMmani, O il. 30 and 31 1 A ucllanaan. Oraot W ailam ^

Aucllan »«rvl(*Ivarian, R«a an<l W««4


AdvartUamanli Nav. 1 and S Awiflantat*. Harald Klaoi and



A dvarlltaminl. Nav. 1 ood 1 - •> Aucllanaan Oalbart A laiandaf j

lOURT oA«.rv°;:vc«r.«.I W ! # ■ « ■ Advarfliamanf, Nav. 3 and 4

Audlartaar. J, J . MtLawi



r | ® V O Tv E i $ The Wim

M urphy

is Idnho ^ hairm an. W

■ E JE Io " r 1 c 5 't 5Republi- ♦

lie . JB . -- ----------- ------------ -I a t\vo- ^lhe Nov. J

in Idaho -w nveniions ^


w ant to ,lolls don’t ^

w ho ^th e O lhc r J ^m ay b e ^ f j

c a rs has ^ l j . .■ ! 'II perccn- W • I f ":nsl tho ir ^ . i j , . .-W

os ^ t lth is d e c - J k J £ 1;achieve. ^ I K

; a stake ^ ■ pcountry , W I (v*.;, . \

' a voice ^ le,” Gov.

rid | |rray »ihes M ' .hion look ^ ^ 1

m ay do ^ ^ liieve eye J ^

m ost na-

th e debut 2 ” f \lections of f t

. ,o .n ,ag „ .. ^ R I C H A R D M .

i“ a n " fS ii i f . FOR PRESIDENT OF THE! sweepy- _ _______■Romantic i i"' 1e “ Subtle ^ y n a tu ra l 4 L ill ^ -In ch 3 " •

phlstlcated i

c k lashes |tte In m od-

)y to boldla tlc . th a ^ ------refu lly de< ^ fo r a spe- jM i

new type ^ Iz new look Ine Implies. M . f

— S J isflHllBK^nts lk. Iallace # I f(A P )-S o m Iks College J ^ ■Ion ask ing I K ok a t the[1 doy. J ^ ■onsored by Ml ■eks College 7ndependent V

club nd* ^:e com e it ^ ^ ' _ippearanco J ^ ^^@ !S5 ! * i Q S S 9 H andldote a t w!t of yeo rs. . ^ n m \d by the » ^ ' W g *


' P A i r p l * G E O R G E hi a ir lin e r ^ F O R U .S . £I to Bubur- J iC - '/ m ist Sat- ^ r s teps. ^

Mon 1 1 1 ^ ^JAR $ K i t

Here'jaw i form' complata ^

ol youf X I naw ipapar V ■ ’}0 faadar* V ■ B B EM ttlL lliJjilB B illlvonca bill' ^1 low raia, M th it Form V

jy i balera ^ ^

i ^ ^ S S - S S M10C10 H ?

5 ............I.t*, Woll ^ f

• jjr ST A T E s e r

± O R V A L HW ^ p Q p u g

»Dtl 2 .OR* T ?f, 1 ood a ^ Pd. Pol. Adv. b y T .P . Co Ataiandaf ^

M onday, October 28, 196B Twin

f O T I ® Ile Winning


i i twLw-| .


B■ H i 11;l rfir i

iORGE HANSEN ' ■ t i- O R U .S . S E N A T E J ■’

i O i b| $ ' i

i W b ll:;

— ----------------

S T A T E S E N A T O R ★ ll

>RVAL HANSEN 4 1U . S . C O N G R E S S M A N J ii

^ liidv. by T.P. Co. O O P C « n l. Cocnm . , , ^ *

!8, 196B Twin Foils TimM.Novvi - S

-------------------------------------------------- • V - '-

Page 6: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON


•ft T w in F alls T lm as-N ew » M ond

LBJ EnterjiixQiLiDef

By Tho A ssociated P re sa a tac t

P resid en t Johnson h as ac- i cusccl R ichard M. N ixon of m ak- found* ' ing "ugJy and unfair c h a rg es” jo n 'i

oa sccurily and peace e ffo rts conlln and H ubert H. H um phrey f d ™

, charges Nixon w ith sp read ing nn unfounded rum or- th a t the plavin D em ocrats a re p lay ing politics |,cgoti wiih p e a c e .. . spen

H um phrey accused h is Repub- Hur lican presiden tia l opponent Sun- son S d ay n igh t "o f siinp ly u sing thc d i s ^ i old N ixon tac tic Of unsubstan- th a t tia led insinuation” b y suggest- tions ing W hite House ‘‘Insiders” a r e and ( try ing to b rin g o ff a V ietnam ta in i peace developm ent to boost Sovie H um phrey’s election chances .“ Hj next w eek. culati

B ut Nixon—expand ing Sunday phrey on h is F r id ay s ta tem en t th a t he fo r ai did not believe specujatfon tha t urgfnj Johnson would m ake “ a cynical, nucle; lasi-m inute a ttem p t” ' t o salvage advoc H um phrey 's candidacy—said he ta rlia

. w as try ing to sque lch th e « - Amer p orts. _ Nix

_ ‘fit s e e m e i to m e th a t I w as Humi being q u ite responsible in .n a i l -n a m Ing th a t,” Nixon sa l4 . . I tions' would th ink th e P re s id e n t would clplln be thank ing m e ra th e r - th a n at- enem tack ing m e ." • "B ’

Nixon m ade th e com m ent on audie a special CBS “ F a c e th e Na- factlc tion" p ro g ram . phrej

■■ Johnson , m aking, a political slern ap p ea ran ce In New Y ork, had and accused Nbton of m ak ing “ ugly mies. and u n fa ir ch a rg es a b o u t ou r se- NIj cu rity g a p and c h a rg e s about ning ou r a tte m p ts to w in peace in the agair w orld .” . torlal

H um phrey Issued a s ta tem en t govei a f te r N ixon’s te levision appear- have ance, cha rg in g h im w ith “ using peate

Wallace Voices ( As Campaign Nc£

B y R E X THOMAS cam iMONTGOMERY. A la. (A P) dustr

— T h ird -p arty cand ida te George C. W allace goes inlo th e closing w ere w eek of the p residen tia l cam - p a ign ta lk ing like a w inner and Jowei be littling th e polls w hich show h im losing ground.

W allaco say s h e w ill be elect- ed : th a t th e po lls a r e “ lia rs . . . try in g to rig the-e lec tlo n ;" th a t ? ^ th e y h av e been w rong before "

- and a r e w rong a g a in .....................A fte r th e re tu rn s have been ■yyi

counted Nov. 5, he say s, “ w e're going to p u t som e of th e polling day o u tfils o u t o f business.”

T ho fo rm er A labam a gover* yont! n o r 's cam paign ju iccs have|bacli been bubbling furiously since a hom crow d of about 17,000 greeted Peni him w ith a IS-mlnute standing Vire ova tio n Thurstfny n igh t a t Madi- P« son S quare G arden In New thos Y ork . I t w as the highlight of an a re in tensive and hectic week of yelll

_ dlsn

Panel Urges p«S New Progi*am S Of Licenses

BO ISE (A P )—T he G overnor's »‘«R T ra ffic Safety Commi-ssion rcc- W om m ends com plete revision of Idaho’s d river licensing p r o - ^ l n d g ra m nnd h iring of 50 m ore try tro o p e rs for the highw ay patrol, says

Tlio pa lro l now h as 101 troop- ' ’° “-

M ark Gibson. osslRtant dircc- to r of th e com m ission, snid Ida- „i Jio m eets only four of 25 mini- p ’ n itim federal s tan d a rd s for driv- c r ’. license progrnm s.

Id ah o In tho only a la lo w here llcenso fxam lnatlonji vnry from m ,

.coun ty to counly, tie salu.G lhson said Idaho ranks 48lh and

am nng tho s la te s in n study of oIm p a tro l m nnpow er needs. H

Ho listed th ree o th e r priorities Jor In u five-point program " proposed on'i fo r IcBlslatlvo nctlon -next year: in i

—A requirem ent th n t blood al- '*** cohol le s f i 1)0 taken In all fnlnl ncc ldcn ts. nnd Ihat the l^S” ! , ' llm ll bo reduced from .15 (oMO p e r ccn t.

—UpBrndlhg of the fitnle vchl- , „ i c lo inspecilon law.

—Aut^omation of tra ffic records no tho Binto can Iw u er daterm in i. w here , how nnd why accldonls (ho occu r. ,},o

• IW(

North Idahoan ^ Killed In Wreck

KOOSKm . Idnho (A P) — At* ho rt Hzc-kici, UO, Knmiali, Idaho, w as killed Sunday In Itio crash of ft ntniill foreign-m ndo pickup.

In jured wns Leonard llollnnd,]R, tho d river. Ho w ns in eailii- fa c to ry condition loday. '-S ta in police sn td ' 1ti8 'v ch tc lo

h ll n (ren obout two m iles aoulh of Koo'ikln.

Ezoklul wns a fo rm er cxccti- <lvo m cinlm r of tho N et Pc,rce In d ian TrlbM CoiincH._________

LeROY HALLOWELLB liii R anch A rt(il-,« .

, W il l .h o ld a n

ART SHOWING. S A T . a 5 U N ., N O V . 2 * 3



levtfs M o n d a y , O c io b e r 2 8 . 1968

iters Contro Defends Can!8 a ta c tic w hich he has used In so Nlxoi

m any cam p a ig n s." by The‘T h e ta c t ic : ' sp read on un- he lp tl

founded n im o r. Then say you c s s” ai [R” d on 't believe It,” Humphrey be den

continued. “ If M r '.Nixon^has cv- The idence th a t th e P residen t o r any new a m em ber of th is government Is from

Iii.uc playing politics w iih thc pcace p artly Jliucs negotiations, I *call on him to a n d g

, spell It out now—openly." th a t Jepub- H um phrey also joined John- bank ,• Sun- son Sunday nnd again 4oday In dcposl g thc d i s ^ t ln g Nixon’s staiem enl b le fc ustan- th a t D em ocratic ‘’administra- bankir ggest- tions h ad c rea ted a security gap ” a r e and th a t A m erica m ust main- bo th h itnam ta in a rm s superiority over the didaf#. boost Soviet Union.ances .“ He (Nbcon) is risking mlscal- would

cu latlon by o u r enem ies,” Hum- 5 unday ph rey s a ltH n rem arks prepared ■_ . 04, la t he fo r a n A kron, Ohio, rally. "He Is . .1 tha t urging & m ad escalation of the Tiical, n uc lear a rm s ra c e . And he Is ilvage advocating an Increasing mili- lid he ta r lia tio n o f A m erican life and ‘*"1* le TC- A m erican fo re ig n pfelicy.” . w®,,!,

Nlxon, m eanw hile, accused WaUai I w as H um phrey of loose ta lk on Vlet- o rder ..nail- nam a n d s a id : “ When negotia- f ^ " d .* . . . I t io n s 'a r e fn progress, an undls- would clpllned tongue can be the w orst The sn at- enem y of p e a c e ." ■ lunchc ' • "B y try in g to please every ocralii ml on audience and appease every All-An e Na- faction,” N ixon said , "he (Hum- York

phrey) can only have sown con- Sunda illtlcal s le rna tlon am ong ou r friends d io ac :, had and confuslcjn am ong our ene- Wal “ ugly m ies ." concei

mr se- N lxon a lso defended his run- h is ci about ning m a te , Spiro T. Agnew, a n d It in the aga in st a N ew Y ork Times edi- ing li!

to rla l s ta lin g th a t some .of the poUs em ent governor’s business dealings port, ppear- have p re sen ted “ c lea r and rc- The “using pea ted conflicts o f jn terest.” to ri:

p ^ sa id

ices Confidence ;n Nears Windup

cam paigning, m ostly, in.the! In- Demo /A ps ciustrlal E a s t and M idwesl. candli

Seorge H is v isib ly buoyant spirits Ore., •loslnR w ere up lifted ag a in by a turnout

cam - o f w ore th an 10,000 shouting fol- »r and low ers S a tu rd ay in Cincinnati. ®"d s

show Th^y h a d w aited fo r him alm ost ^ o u e two hours because he was la te In a rriv in g .' . _

"D oes th a t look like m y cam - Curtis.. A i ; paign is sagg ing?” he grinned. Nixon before A -natlonal poll released Sunday “ "d

gave W allaM 15 p e r cent of the Cou"< . vote, a ld fo p o t s p iln ls . '

J been 'W allace re lu m e d homc for a '2 .,,.' we re w eekend r e s t before starting to- " ’ ' ' ‘‘f

polling d ay o n th e hom estretch drive.His I tinerary , still uncertain be-

gover* yond T hursday , wlll take him have back Into M issouri, Texas, Okla- “ 'i;

since a hom a. M ichigan. West Virginia, ^reeled Pennsylvania , M aryland, and , 1 landing V lrelnia.t Madi- P aradoxically , h e says It Is \1 New those who like him the least who t of an a re help ing h im the most—the eek of yelling, som etim es egg-and>rock throw ing co llege sluSsnls who

d isrup t his cam paign rallies.Q T hey h av e bccom e almost a0 p a r t o f th e routine a s the string

band w hich trav e ls wllh hima m across the nation o r the Taylor

S isters, M ona and Lisa, whose rendition o f “ A re You for Wal- „

2 Inco?” sung to tho tune of “ Aro’ You from D bcle?" brings him on {5 ,“ [J

3n ” rcc* W ail^ce denounces tho heck- slon of le r .9 n s “ an a rch is ts” nnd “ tho

n r o - kind of pcoplo folks In this coun* „ . " m ore try a ro s ick nnd tired of." H e " ‘J v

patrol, says they "g e t m o a million1 troop- ' ’° te s ovcry tim e thoy show up.“ Vo.t;

A lternalely . th e controversial i„ - > Ainr,. Southerner—who ln.slsls his k* v 1,7 th ird p n riy m ovem ent Is nntion- nhrei

1 not sc c llo n a l- la iin l . Vico KP resident H ubert H; Humphrey, . |o n , Iho D em ocratic nominee, as

, mnn anybcxly cnn l>cnl," and TN if I w here Ropubllcnn ' candidate R ichard ip f , •V Irom M , Nixon n s ono who "saya one pnd

Ihing In ono p n rt of the counlry iiey’c ika 48lh and ano ther th ing Boniowhero v lrlr iludy of olfKj." . can

Ho hns B ought lo mnko a mn- _ ] riorlllea Jor cam paign Issuo out of Nix- nher troposed on’s unw illingness to tnko p n rt cord (t year: in a te lev ised debnle. To drnm n- New jlood ol- he offered to step aside ,inynil fntnl ''^ d Icl N lxon nnd Humphrey Kupr lo lA n l deba te oach o ther nml thon to phrc 15 (o ' 10 ’t>y television tim e to answ er v/iill

’ them.Ifn To Southern vo lcrs who.mlflhi

support th e GOP cnndldnto,, W nllace h a s m ade this chnl-

recon s W.Iflterm h -V ou ^^0 gnod thing $ lccldonlB tho R epublicans hnvo dono for

tho Soulh since Iho Wnr lie- If tween th e S tates and I'll get oul | •

i n of the rnce.'*__________________

N O T I1 pickup.

"J" CHAMGE OF POLe j s s precinct 13 f

p jfc o_______ N ew PollIno Plac


ING P evloui loeollor2 g BIda.r Loll a n d \

H arold L an ca ilt


— IIitroversy;Qampaign_In so Nlxon sa id " th is k ind of libel

by The Ntfw Y ork T im es doesn’t 1 un- he lp (Ke decision-m aking proc-

you c s s” and sa id a re trac tio n would phrey be dem anded.IS cv- T he T im es ed ito ria l said Agr r any new and p a r tn e rs h ad profited !nt Is from rea l e s ta te investm ents peace p a rtly th rough favorab le zoning m to a n d governm ent decisions and

th a t Agnew holds stock in a John- bank , in w hich s ta te funds are oy in deposited, w hile being .responsi- ,;m enl b ic for en fo rcem en t of s ta te . 'istra- banking law s, y gap P resid en t oJhnson lam basted " '“ 'J'* bo th Nixon a n d Ihlrd p a rty can*

d lda te G eorge C. W allace Sun- , , d a y and p red icted 'H um phrey

„ would w in an upset victory Nov.5 much a s H a rry S, T rum an did

.P ^ ,^ In IM .af the Johnson called fo rm er vice - he Is president Nixon " a ve te ran of jnilj. th e tim e w hen A m erica’s prob*

e and 1®"^* w ere de fe rred and her needs w ere Ignored” an d said

•cused W allace’s an sw er lo p re se rv in g .[ Vlet- o rd e r Is to ''l in e up a few thou- •DOtia- sand troops o n thc sidew alks of undls- city.”worst The P re s id e n t addressed a

lunchcon sponsored by th e Dem- every o cra tic N ational Com m ittee's every A ll-Am ericans Council In New (Hum- Y ork and m ad e s im ila r rem arks n con- Sunday n igh t in a nationw ide ra- rlends d io address. ^r ene- Wallace^ m eanvdiile, began l j |

concentrating the final week of " s run- h is cam paign on b o rd e r sta les kgnew. a n d large indu.strlal c ities, talk- r ;s edi- ing like a w inner and belittling dcni of the polls show ing him losing sup- tho:ahngs port. --------nd rc- The polls " a r e lia rs . . . trying___ to rig th o e lection ,” Wallacc

^ sa id In M ontgom ery, Ala, And h e said a f te r the election "w e’re

e going to. p u t som e o f th e polling C -

outfits o u t o f business.” O CIn o th e r political develop- .

■ T l m ents: -Bj- S e n . E dm und S. M uskie, the

In. D em ocratic vice presidential candidate , sa id In Portland ,

spirits O re., th e D em ocra ts have al- urnout m ost $2 m illion fo r la s t m inute ne fol- teJevJsion app ea ls th is wfiek— “f i " innatl ®hd sa id he th inks ih a t will be almost enough to g e t th e HumjArey- *®“ de .. fate M uskie m essag e acro ss . In

—W allace’s running m ate , since r cam - C urtis E . . LcM ay. supported dent, ■inned Nixon’s secu rity g ap contention failur iundav “ ” d sa id a N ational Security said, of the Council stu d y show ed the United He

• S tates “ Is-lo sing ground ra p id - jn f ia t for a *y" Soviets in stra teg ic ihe \

" ^ S y ^ ‘w T ’'intcrvlew ed on , CBS’ " F a c e th e N ation .” '

•e him -A g n e w sa id In San Francis- ™ nu n CO tho U nited S tates should re-

I’roinin cxam ino 11*5 policy of admiUlng nnrt refuRees , f r im Iron Curtain f®*d

■ " countries “ to m ak e certa in thnl

’■ " m s s ib le " '™ ' “ l"“ 'i" 5 “ -N e w sw e e k m aiiazlne said It "G

f i appeared N ixon's cam paign hnd the f » peaked and H um phrey m ay bo whicl I® ab le to pull ah ead In enough elect:

» s ta tes to th row th e p residential the f I - race In to th e House of Repre- and 1

' sen tatlves. inllinThe m agaz ine sa id i ls survey e r bi iel shows Nlxon lead ing In 29 s ta les ch ' u/ni w ith 287 elec to ra l vo tes—270 a re Hans

T .Ia - needed fo r cJectJon—H um phrey jion” M J lending Jn s ix s ta le s and the for f him on D istrict o f Colum bia w llh 40 .q -

. . , e loc to ra l-v o to s nnd W allaco In !„ n ' six s ta te s w ith 56 electornl vo les . .q . , d ‘»o w llh nino s ta te s w llh HO eleclor- ' f » » ; votes undecided.■ nil —New sw eek a lso snld H unv tju ,,,

phrey Invited R epublican New 'W u p / Vork G ov. N elson A. RockefeV werainl ic r on tw o sep a ra te occasions tn .® be his ru nn ing m ate . Dut Hum* J

? ”■ phrey sn y s ho reca lls no such s Vico invitation an d th a t h is “ recollec- ttjat nphrey, j jo n , ^ ^ 0 v e ry precise .”, as a _ p o r m e r CrOP President ,• "nd Dwigiit D. E lsenhow er. In a let- illchard ie r mndo public ov er lhe wcek- nys one pnd, to ld N lxon ho hopes nnd hc- counlry neves N lxnn wlll w in a tweeping lowhcro vlclrTry next week so " tho nation

can Kturt a fre sh .” a ft mn- —Jliim plirey hns moved of Nix- nhend Ih New. Y ork .State nc- ko p a r t cording to a New Y nrk Dnlly drnm n- News s tra w poll published Sun*

:p asldo dny lijn t .sliowed 40.1 per cent imphrey support In tho stnto for Hum- thon to phrey, 41.0 fo r N lxon nnd H foransw er Wi>llncf\_______________________

.......................W .aler W a ih « d -0 1 l T rao lod

:)d thing | $ 1 7 .5 0 p o r lo n d o llv tro d .

INTERMOUNTAIN Tget oul 7 3 3 . 6 6 2 1 — ^Twln F oil* I

OTICE)F POLLING PLACE 1 r 13 TWIN- FALLS Innral EI«clIon, N ovam bar S .

Polllno P la c t w ill^ b a i


lou i loeo llon i V .P .W . ILoll a n d H la h la n d

old L anca tlo r, C la rk


it Ilbei , " t J - ' - k l . . . j ' j f ■loesn’t 1

proc- W { 'would t i

id Ag- rofited tm ents zoning ts and

in a ds are sponsi- .' s ta te .

ibasted ty can*:e Sun- nphrey 7 Nov. lan did

r vice - iron of ' i prob*>d herid said 1s e rv in g . . fr thou- a lk s of

&e Dem-

n New em arks d de ra-

began veek of• sta les:s talk- REACHING F O R T H E HANDS ot elittling dentlal nom inee, (ouches outstretched ig s u p - . th e N orthw est M onday a f te r a brief ^

” Md Orval Hansen Cit"w e’re

leTei! Sen. Chnrcli Asks•By The Associated P re s s McClui

kie Ih e disapoiidential H ansen , Re- jdahoaArtinnH pub Can 2nd D s tr ic t congres- ave al: llonal nom inee, sa id in Idaho ^ m inute <»day tha t Ihere has never ® d«at ^ ^ e k - been a "m ore urgen t need for a

n i* re y - leadership. , , . to ben“ In the nearly e igh t y e a rs g r," v

m ate , since the last Republican presi- w - [pporled dent, the record h as been one of ^-dcrv mention fa ilu re on every fron t.” Hansen Securlly said.; United He cited rising crim e ra tes , 1^55 a i rapid- inflation, plight of fa rm e rs and yances ■trategic ihe V ieinam W ar. cen t y

. Both senate cand ida tes spoke »pe( rVCQ on Qyjjj. weekend a t an Idnho saving _ , F a lls m eeting of th e N ational igso’s S r ^ Ff^rmers Organization. of thcrfmiulnD Sen. F rank Church, D em ocrat, ciuro r< rJnin sald thc only perm anen t solution fixed :

aln thni to the farm problem lies in glv- a doll wlrt« ing il'C farm er power to bargain

freely and effective,y. ndininI snld It “ G overnment will no t solve take ' lign had the farm problem, regard less of jze lh' m ay bo which party w ins the cu rren t ance-c enough election.” Church declared . “ I t ’s jjj j

sidential the farm ers who a re the experts pgndci■ Rcpre- and they a re .th o ones wlio have

Initiated tho trend tow ard grea t- Tuesd 1 survey e r bargaining pow er.” Clrcul29 s ta les C hurch 's opponent. R ep . Geo. a s spi -270 a re Hansen, blam ed “ violont Infla- jm phrcy Hon” crcalcd by "w ild spending’ ond the for farm troubles. . w llh 40 fnrm er h as been caught ind[v|(lUaco in In a cosUpclco- squeeze w hich trnllzc■nl vo les ijng resulted In tho low est p a rity --------' c leclor- record, nnd th n t w on’t be k— . „ clianged until wo ge t rid of the d Humphrey- Joliason - F reem an'“ ' New Hnnsen said.

fft Compton I. WlUte, D em ocrallc ut 1st D islrlcl congressional nom- \ nn In rh inec. told a Sandpolnt g roup rrrnih'V th a t tho ncgallvo voting record

of h is opponent. Rep. J a m e s A .'residen t In a

lieI hc- ftweeplng iQ nation

rk Dnlly nI I

per cenl

md H for L o c a te d 1 1 3 0 ' m a n lor

................ '

C K W W E D N E S D A Y , 0 (

r ra o lo d I SALE TIM Ellv .ro d . . ' ' ■^ F U R N I T U r

E lo c tric R o n d s (R ood) OdeIIIII F rlR lda lra R a f r lg o ro to r p m

j D o m o stlc C a b in e t Sow * FIn s M a c h ln o h n a o loc- 9 ctr ie k n e e a c t io n Z T

I (llko now )C h e a t T y p o D e e p P ro e z e DreW h ite P o r ta b le S e w in g

' M ach in eD ln ln a T a b le o n d 2 E

1 6 a i a l r a 9 }" F 3 P la tfo rm R ocN ora

>L R o c lln ln s C h a ir. .2 B u f f f iU . . . Qo.

■» 2 U fe J a c k e ta

* — OTHER ITE2 E lec tr ic M o to r* 3 L'B is E m e ry a n d Bui

Q r ln d a to n e 2 LA ir C o rn p ra iB o r P lc

' ^ h .p . E le c tr ic M o to r Lot



AUCTIONCCRS.J. W«> I. Fllaii K. 'W«H^t Klmlnrlv Ru

^ CLERKi J, W. Maitrimllh of Oim Sint* ■ .......J 'O —

H E HAMDS of Bupportere, Sen. Edm und Muskie, ies ou tstretched fingers Sunday night a t a Seattle ) a f te r a brief v isit. (A P wlrephoto)____________

sen Cites Democratic ‘ jh Asks JPar'm Bargain:P ress M cClure, w as' "discouraging and "Aim

' _ disappointing to th e m ajority of posed sen , Re- idahoans.” nents j

"H e not only has voted again ed govi i iw o r education m easu res th a t would he sai<

have resu lted In a J6 million Slate nffn n n f ^0 schools, but has op- the De

posed o ther legislation designed nomine 0 benefit the average consum- his pla

It y e a rs g r," W hile said . tion’s :M cClure, speaking-to insuranc g rea t ]

- U p underw riters in Caldwell, sa id ‘''Son jjjg prospect o f relying on Insur- w alk tl ance savings becomes less and dent j i

e ra tes , 1^55 a ttrac tiv e os Inflation ad- “ To F ners and yances a t m ore than four p e r has s t

cen t yearly . of thees s ^ k e -p eo p le ' now retiring find th a l history in Idaho savings plans they sta rted in the his po N ational 1930-3 and 10-10's fall w ay short ed.

of the ir expected goals,’’. Me- Chui tem ocrat. c iu ro said. ' ‘Those living on a adm in t solution fixed Income are hardest hit by Vlctna ;s in glv- a d o lla r-dec line ."> bargain Republican said the next „ c t 7 n

ndininislration would hnve to , lot solve take " firm m easu res" to stabil- „ _ irdlcss of ize ihe econom y and solve bnl- . .

cu rren t ance^jf-paym ents problems.■^d. “ U 's Ij, Boise, a n A m erican Inde- e experts pendent P a r ty spokesm an nn- vlio have nounced a fund-raising banquetrd -g re a t- j^,ggday nlghl, with Alabam a

Circuit Ju d g e R ichard P . Em m et lep . Geo. a s speaker.-n t W in- The A IP’s 2nd D istrict nomln- spending ce, Jo e l A nderson, said “ t h e

m ost Im portan t Issue of oil is n caught individual freedom versus ccn- /:e w hich trallzed H overnment control.2s t p a rity ----- ------------------------------------------w on't be

^ re ln i J S I f y o u p l a r r t I t o r t e e d I t —

g l o b e seednC groupIg reco rd W i l l h a v e I t lJam es


^ AUCTION. o c a te d 1 1 3 0 4 t h A v e . e a a t a c r o s s 3 lue L a k e s B lvd . t o th o e a a t . T w in 'a l ls , id a h o . '

(E D N E SD A Y . O C T O B E R 3 0 , 1 9 6 0 .

SALE T IM E . IlO O P .M .


Ftood) O d d T a b le a I:e r a to r P a c k a r d B all R e c o rd t t S a w P la y e r ,.|n a o l o c 2 R o ck ln R C h a ira

2 M a ttre a B e a (Ilka naw )> P re e z e D ro p L e a f T a b le a n d i e w ln a s e v e r a r K l t c h e n C h a ira "J 2 E le c tr ic H e a te ra

C u r ta in S t r e tc h e ra o n P Ic tu re a a n d P ra m e a { »

S e v e ra l S to n e J a r a 'Q o o d C a p ta in C h a ir [

O T H E R I T E M S — I

• 3 L e B se d C a r J a c kB u m p e r J a c k 2 L o R C h a ln a .P Ick a . 4 P l a r e a '

\^ o to r L o ta o f S h o p T o o ls e n d _______________ M la c e lla n e o u a ________ I

T E R M S . C A S H |

ARLER PROCTOR, Owner |ED DY ME&SERSMITM AUCTION SERVICE II. Fllaii K. Wnll . J. MtuitimllhKlmixily [)url*v Jiio'mi•mllh of Oim Sint* Rafllly, Twin rnlti, lilalio ' ^

* m und S

Vi } 1 V m t f - i' f iJL n9

I r BM

J \ ^ 'I* demons

I f 1 r ' ‘ 7 necess:

i ^ l l - ^ i i i r i t i i m i n i - n i r ^ i n B ^ ^ 2,500 p--U.S said lr tuents

| | B B | | 6 | g ^ day

the fls

Ing th(

Edmund M uskie, Dem ocrallc vlee-presl* EIght a t a S eattle ra lly . Sen. M uskie leftotQ) ______________ ;________________ ^

>cratic ‘Failm’es;’ n bargaining Aid —ging and "A lm ost every program pro- ?.j ijorily of posed by m y two liberal oppo- 7,1

nents ju s t Involves the centraliz- oped again ed governm ent m ore-and m ore ," ------a t would he said.I million S late Rep. D arrell M anning, t has op- the D em ocratic .2nd D i s t r i c t •->» designed nom inee, said Church had taken ^ consum- his place In Idaho’s a n d th e na- ^

tion’s history “ a s one of the , insuranc g rea t profiles in courage. ^

ell, sa id ‘‘Som etim es a law m aker m u st ; on Insur- w alk the lonely road of Indepen- less and dent judgem ent,” M anning said.

itlon a d - “ To F ran k C hurch's cred it, he four p e r has stood resolute through one

of the storm iest periods in o u r ' find th a t h istory nnd I nm satisfied that!

ted in the his^^position has been vlndjcat- vay short cd.”,ls,’‘. Me- Church has been a critic of the ... Ing on a adm inistra tion 's policies' In thc , 1s t hit by V ietnam War.


solve bnl- . - ■Icms. can Inde- >man an- ’ banquet Alabam a



I 11H I “ ^

rr aNai, I M T

T w in

N a tu ra lnew ) jm M

1 1 /3 B~ , U !

- '■ .............. t h a n - E I S '

C A L I I N T f t


1 /uNUMITEtfVI H O T ^ t ^ l


.toho'" ■■ ^ ..................................mLJt --------------------

Muslde Avers HHI Govern U. S. Desp. SEATTLE (AP) - Sen. Ed- Georeo ' m und S. Muskie predicted Sun- none 0 d av night that if the Dem ocratic Asked h P a r ty wins the Nov. 5th Elec- e r Alabi tion, Vice President Hubert H. In thc c H um phrey will be ablo to govern a to r sal

—effec tiv c ly -d esp ilo -lh c_ p « 5 cn t pcr_centdivision In the country.

“ If he wins the p arty will ral- ^ 0 0 ly around him. lhe country will t j l l ra lly around and he will be given his chance .to govern." Jonn M uskie thc Dem ocratic Vice - )'‘i Presidential nominee said dur- *ese 01 . ^ a television taping a t ^*"6-

Muskie, on a west coast Cam- ®d last paign swing, said the .only rea- Colleg son R ichard M. Nixon Is loadr] p lacemt ing the Republican party is be- gp H IB i cause "he has unified it only In w w lls desire to win a fte r so m any y 1 1 yea rs of defeat." . j L

He criticized Nixon’s "patcrn -, alistic aultude tow ard college, dcm onslrators. term ining non - violent dissent som eiim es “ a u.s necessary escape valve.’’ 1 |k |<

Muskie said the th ird party of | M ’

Shifted Lines D T o Free Flag

COCKEYSVILLE, Md. ( A P ) - , A fter two years, the A m ericanflag may soon fly again oyer ^the post office in this town of g 2,500 persons. }..U .S . Rep. Clarence D. Long “isaid In a news e tfa - lo consti-1 ■tuents In Baltimore Counly Sun- Iday that tho Post Officc De- Ip artm ent has agreed to move Ithe flagpole away from power] 'lines which had prevented holsUi |Ing tho flag.___________ _______ I

prcsi- E N D S T U E S D A Y I


Show Tlm» ',m pro- ..jix r | ’, i u ] i | « j | | t I 1ll oppo- 7.15 I 9i30l l J l 1 d l R I | w l Ientraliz- oo«n 7 . m ore,"

J",™ !"® ; L A S T T I M E S T U E S . ,

id taken ■ *th e na- y « Iof the I

: ^ n ,n s .

Jfs'SS: »EWe d it, h e Tu g h o n e CatOff^ _ _ . . .A5 In o u r C O - H IT £X1 ied t h a t ' S E N T A B E R G E R^ d i c a t - “ THE TREASURE O ]

O P SA N G E N A R R O » ) U

i in the , , 0,00 p.m ^ » . { I (

■ '7 ir w L llW \ ^NT AD.S "•■'5 I SfL ESULTS ' —— _________ - “■m M M

I N a tu ra l Gs


la tu ra l G as H e a ts W a / 3 FASTER for 2S

U SS MONEYia n E lsctrle W a te r H eal

\ L l I N T E R M O U N T A I N G A S O R ,




^ i n i T E R M O U m - A I N G A S ,

s rs H H H C o n l d 5 . D e s p i t e I ^ i s s e n tn. Ed- George W allace would not last— d Sun- "hone of them la st very long.” ocratic Asked how ho ihought the form-

Elec- e r A labam a governor would do lert H .jln thc election, thc Maine Sen- g o v e rn ja to r said " I hope less than 10 wxscnt pcr_cent ll------ .

Officer Resignsiv e rn " John E lliot, Filer, student Vice - bod y 'v lce president a t thc Col­

id dur- lege of Southern Idaho, resigned t King- bis position Thursday night for

personal reasons. He was elect- ;t Cam- ed last spring, ly rea- College officials said a re- s loadr p lacem ent w lll be nam ed soon.

; non - PHONE 733-62261CS “ a U.S. 30 Eoil to Eaillond Dtlvt

N O W 7°"5g.mI FREE In-car HEATERS |


U n lik e o th a -c la s s ic s Z o T r -W e s t S id e s t o r y -iow n Of g r o w s y o u n g f ir !

). L o n g t kiRisca hciuwi »™»h

- iJ E S . * PUIAVISIOH* ' —1 1 ^

rECKwcotoR* X R, I Un'iIedArnstB

? • “ # Plus Al 7.45



E , . m x m , ,

jn. i 'rfi V i Adults . . . . . . . . . . $1.50

S Student*............$1.25

I G a s

1 1 E1

a t s W a te r For 2 5 %

NEYter H e a te rs


t N C E D E A L E R



Page 7: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON


‘ "•'BSteSi

T H E HOUSTON, T E X ., and Gulf Cc :eaat a s seen from th e Apolltf 7 spaceci nau tical tnllcs. This p ho to 'w as m adc S ls t rovolutloo o l (b o 'e a r th , a t g rou

THIS RCMARKADI.G PHOTO of ISO mlleji Bouthweat ot T am pa, F la .. \ Bpacocrafl a t an altltudo of 17 oautU


nirJBlrxnn Sl

■ ' ' . ' ' ' ■ i v - ; - ' , v , * ,

' if!.!"'""'"'' " ■ ' - . . ■ ' ■•

and .Gulf C oast area'^ looking south* hours110 7 sp acec ra ft a t an a ltitude of 101 reflecI'w os m adc during tho sp acecraft’s - vesloi;th, Bt g round elapsed tim o o l 144 canak

’W ’'----------

^ ^ S | | H | |

PHOTO or H urricane G lady* about ing f impa, F la ., wan laken from the Apollo grou of 17 DRUtlcal m ile i. l l i la vl6w look* tb e ]

I Space- Th

*- '{2 'L’S S S B B

Ith- hou rs and 25 m inutes. The m orning i101 reflection on w ater su rfaces such os (If t 's ~ veslon Bay, Buffalo Bayou and (he Bi144 can a ls w est o t Alvin. (NASA ^ b o to vl

' j& S E

h E B h B

w S ^ g r a ^ g S B

. ' ; ' ■ v 'S 6 ^ i |5 C |y 5 i 8 B ®

S ^ t e y g B ** i

ibout ing tow ard Ihe southw est w ith (ho Isli polio ground. H urricane w inds wore a ( a look* tb e p ic lu ra w as tak en . (NASA photo

............... ....................... _______ I_____ _ _ ..

-This IsJEai

TOElie m orning sun causcs sp ec tacu la r grcatc ecs such OS (hc 'G uIt of M cxico, Gal* morkn ou and (l)c Brazos R ivcr nnd on tho tudc o [ASA ^ b o to v ia A P w lrcpho(o) is a t 1

It w ith (ho Island of Cuba In tho back* TH is wore a ( a speed of KO knots when A(lar (NASA photo v ia A P w irephoto) UiKu

JEarth As T,

■ 1 1 1

f t ) \ k' 4" 'iiE( ’I

j i . J

T O E WORLD’S pO Z E N peaks whh cu}ar g rea ter than f iv e m llp s above sea Usvt Gal- m arkable photORroph from tho Apollo 1

n tho tudc of ISO nautical m iles, 29,028-fo Is a t low er ccn lc r , O a (ho ccatro l horixt

H k i !

H H .

> back- Tim M ORNING SUN reHecU oo (he I whon A(}an(((] O cean a s seen from th s Api » aliKudo o l 123 n au tica l m lk s . M ost e

Vs The Astro

; « 4 i c |

ZEN peaks w hich reach a h e t ^ t o t 250*fos above sea level a ro seen In this re- o t M(rom the Apollo 7 spacecraft a t an a id - rises :les. -The 29,028-foot-hi£h M ount E verest on thitbo cen tral borlzon c a n Iw seen the H,* pbotoj

•'■ • ’ ' • ' ’

'N renecU o a (he GuK of M eilco « M tho appe« n from tho Apollo 7 spaeeoraft a l an apacia l m lk s . M osl o l tbo F lo rida peninsula 20 n

stron S U tsS i

B fW '” # ? I| h ' ff e ■ ^

f e : ■,

, a , - » “ »•»>

■V'; V '’-5 » 8 H h D &

1 . . .

| | | | | J H | ^ ' ' I; ^

inii■ •■ ’■ ■■■ ’■' ■"•

■s H sS S S mS

M onday. O c '0 b » 18, '9 6 ?I6ff Twin Falls T lm es-N iiw l 7. ^

Is See I t

' ' l ir ’

js te n (K-2) s o m e '^ m iles northw est the--low er right, M ount K anchenjunga ra te N epal from Sikkim. Tho snow Uno 7,500 fee t. (NASA photo v ia . A P Wire-

' '' '

i f ' ••

> ' ' '

o ue lte , I H b photo W U m ad* tfv r ia i A * >Iutloa of the earth , aomo ail hour*. M d f. (N A S A i^ o to v U A P w ln p h o to )

"■ ' I ' ■

Page 8: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON

Rupert Sets I Honors For I

-Top-Earmers— HR U PERT — The O utstanding

F n rm cr of lhc Y ear and the G rassm an of the Y ear for Mini- doka Countv will be announced during a joint d inner program Npv. 7 in thc Catholic parish hall.

Dr. Boyd M artin. Dean of Let- ters nnd Scicncc a t the U niver- H | sily of Idaho, has been selected a s thc cucst sp c a k e r .fo r Ihc annual dinner, sponsored by the R upert Chambcr of Com m erce.

Thursday has been set fo r the - , day for thc lour of the fa rm s of candidates for the OuUtand- ■» ing Farm er aw ard. C ham ber | f l ( m em bers will g a th er a t the v . Cham bcr office at 8:30 T hursday t j m orning to begin the tour. i \ l

The candidates will bc judged on their over-all operation, com- m unity activities, a t t i t u d e J ? fJ toward farm ing, upkeep o f their fa rm , conservation p ractices. A v and their use of their resources, ho /

M ore than 70 farm couples Ja c k■ will be hosted by cham ber mem - again

b ers during the annual dinnerin an attem pt to bccom e better, m w e acquainted.

The Grijssm an of the Y ea r Jn Kl: w as selected earlier b y the Wail-- G rassm an com m ittee and will Y bo announced during the d inner T h u r s d a y ^ _ ^ _ _ _

Church Names bSrty Rodeo Expert ™ot! F or‘HaU’ 1

BLACKFOOT, Idaho (A P) - Sen. F ran k Church, D - Idaho, g -p /j h as nom inated Jackso ti Sun- i-j down, form er Nez P e rce rodeo perform er, fo r the Indian A thlet- matti ic H all of Fam e a t ' ^ e H askell icgisl In stitu te in Lawrence,' K an . 5 ^ 5 ;

Sundown's rodeo c a rc e r reach- [mer c d its p eak in 1916—seven yea rs ner before h is death—when h e w on rep n th e w orld bronc - riding cham ­pionship a t the Pendleton Round- T k up In Pend le ton ,'O re . J J 6

Sundown w as a m em ber of the W allowa band of N e r P e rc e In- J \ C dIans, led by Chief J o s e p h , ca Church said. As a young boy d u ring the Nez P e rce W ar of 1877, h a w as on the re tre a t Jr,” w hich ended In the ch ie f's sur- re n d e r In M ontana. J

Church said Sundown la te r spen t tim e w ith S itting Bull’s

■ exiled cam p In Canada a n d then ; se ttled on the Nez P e rce R escr- ‘ , vaUon In Idnho.

Democratic Bus Is Due In Area K On Wednesday s

Tho Twin Foll.'i D em ocratic of t C entral Commltteo announced lorn th a t tho Victory Bus w ill a rriv e rapi In K im berly W ednesday and dcr coniinuo In a m otorcade to Tw in toloi F n lls D em ocralic H eadquarte rs. = s

I ^ a l nnd somo ntnto candi­d a te s wlJI acom pany th e bus. w hich is equipped with n public ■ ad d re ss sy.slem and w ill dis- I trihu to literature . I

All interested persons o r In- I vited to m eet tho m otorcade I

2 about 3:30 p.m . on M ain In I i - ^ K im b e r ly —and—fleom pany—th e - 1 2 V ictory Bu.i to Twin Fnlls. I

g Diabetic Hunter I E Reported Missing

3 OAKLEY. Uinh ( A P ) ^ m an J

felntlvos any Is o d ia W lc had I5 been m issing M nce the m iddle Ig of la s t week on a hunting tr ip IM In tho nigged >^^eber River. IM drnlnoge n ea r th h Sum m itP Couniy town.• Sheriff Ronald Robin.son oald „ som e 50 senrcber* looked Sun- {■ dny for Howard McAdnms, <(R,S M ngna. An airplane w an calledn In thin morning. Robinson RaidJI tho m ountain couotry h a s been I•• h it b y hard frost a t n igh t and55 thuro Is a heavy cover of down-n cd tlm lwr.z "W e'll hnvo a touRh tim e flnd-u ln(( h im If he 's down,*' Robinson

■ 'H ie sheriff sa id a hunling“ p u rtno r reported M c A d a m H•• mlsHlng Snturdny. Ho said it M w as not unusual for McAdnmn M. 10 s ta y aw ay from c n m p over- K iiliOit. AO tho report n f his dla-• nppenrnnce was delayed,“ Robinson sold rclntivca told,2 Ijlin McAdnms is n diabetic whom iiHiinlly carried m edication with•r him.

)j>'a 'it ■ II ■ IIM M M ■ ■ ■Fini'iiii

i I YOUNG'S I7 ■ S'

il MILK in IE J BETTER . . . : .

8 Twin Falls Tlmes-Naws | mM ondoy, October 28, 1968




ndiiig mornirI theMini- called

Mrs.g ram 1025 Elarish smnkc

f Let- ofliver- beenected self,r the fixed y the


5 ™ °s JA C K C L A IB O R N S R . t ! y \

Jack Claiborn : : Runs Again »

For House t™*the ir ^ Blue I

•tices A veteran m em ber of the Ida- pire irc e s ’ bo House of R epresentatives, tape i )uples J a c k Claiborn Sr. is running caught mem - ag a in on the R epublican ticket, tho c( linner He w as born in P ay e tte and The fi te tte r, m oved to Kimberly w ith his par- Mr. ai

■ en ts in 1907, He attended schools Y ea r Jn Kim berly and m arried Em ily

- the W all' in 1919. He also served Y ^ i I will on the K im berly School B oard J- Jinner ^or 11 years. T „ 1

He is president o f the National U U Sugar Beet Grow ers Federation r n ^ , and owns a fa rm n e a r K im- X r i i

1 6 S berly . RogIn 1960 he w as appointed lo paUj,

- fill thc term o f . th e la te Ted B i l Scott. H e-w as reelected every jnemc

yea r a fte r tha t. was iHe has served on th e A gn- .{,rcvc

cu lture and S late Affairs com- m lttees of the L egislature and said he considers him self a con- w . q servatlve- Yama

Sun- ..J believe - w ith m y back- ctinke r w e o ground in civic a ffairs, business pnod

m a tte rs and experience in the j lasKeit legislature, I can rep re sen t the

. businessm an, and agricu ltural reach- in terests of our county fn a man- yea rs n e r in which they should be p-Us

e ,w o n represen ted ," hc said. ^ ° d r ’<

' f f Deadlocked Jury Resumes Labors

J t J ' SAN JOSE, Calif. (A P )-A f te r yalle’ spending Sunday tou ring Santa j je '

®f C lara County in a }ail bus, tho to yi( ^ ju ry try ing two W ashington s la te Nci

youths on m urder-k idnap chargcs passe , . resum ed deliberations today. j^aga

Superior Court Ju d g e Joseph v,ere ^ Kelly recom m ended th e outing

„ i ,® " fo r the seven m en and five wom-on a fte r thoy Jailed to reach a W f verd ic t Saturday, the ir th ird day ” '■ of deliberating. P i i

I IQ On tra il a ro two Ritzville, '- 'W W ash, d rifters. T hom as E . WI

F| B raun and Leonard Eugene meet * M aine, both 19. T liey a r e ac- D5 v J' cused of the execution-style Wedi 1 killing of T im othy Luce, 17, son bytei ocratlc of tho Lake County d is tric t a t- All ounced torney, and w ith kidnaping, and a rriv e raping and a ttem pting to mur* atten

y and d e r his sw eetheart, Susan Bar- ter,0 Tw in tolomel, now 18, of U klah. orgai la rtc rs.

candl-ic bus. ____


a r In- H | Ilorcade *[aln In ■ly - th e

3 i n g'A m an ^tic ^ C \middle

% < « ! !Summit

nnBd Sun- v i /

r c i i SRaid

ss been - r v ^ ^ U l f f l?ht and ■ / •5 down- V ( ; A ) 0 / (

n e f in d - 1 y y ' V I:oblnson I T V^hunling ^ ■—

Bald'” it CcAdam s

'f i .” d ; ': .....' R

-cs to ld , \ fc611c w ho y; / j ^ ilon w ith R

jl c

r : Wm,^m mm ' m m r « ■

\ 132 3 rd S tree t ■ ______________________________________

_______II _ ................................. .......

D a rk T o a s t, C h ild re n D o n ’t M ix

A child’s preference fo r dark brown toast brought the Twin Falls Fire D epartm ent to a

* T w rrrT a lts—rcsidcncc—Saturday — morning.

Firem en said thnt they w ere called to the home of M r. and Mrs. Tom Blake and family,1025 Elm St., about 9 a.m . for smnkc investigation.

F irem en determ ined that one of the B l a k e youngsters had been fixing b reak fast for Wm- self. and one of the things he fixed was slightly burned toast —and quite a bit of smoke.

Firem en also reported t h a t about 1 a.m . Saturday m orning they w ere callcd to 333'/^ Third Ave. E . to extinguish a blaze in a davenport in a bascm enl

*• “ apartm ent. T he fire w as con-. tained in the couch. The ap art- y i i i

mcnt is occupied by R ich Chap- ■ ■ mon and Paul E isen ^ n .

About 11:50 p .m . F riday, two trucks answ ered a C9 II to 240 | ^ l Blue U k e s N.

5 Id a - F i re m e n s a id th a t m a s k in g itiv e s , ta p e a ro u n d a c c i l l r / ; l i g h t in n in g c a u g h t f ir e a n d b u r n e d Ih ro u g h c k e t. tho c e ilin g a n d in to th e a t t ic .B and The fram e house is owned by ' s par- Mr. and M rs. Robert Soran. Mlchools --------------- , TwIiEm ily , _______ ex a r

goTrS Youth Is Hurt g?-, itional In Motorcycle, io" "ST riick Am dent SiJ*

Roger Greenup, 17, T w i n P^®* ^ cd ^ o Palls, was reported in good con- e Ted ditlon M onday a t M agic Valley every M emorial Hospital w here he f \ t L

. was adm itted following a mo- V / l l torcycle - truck accident S a tu r - f >

com- day B Ve and T^vin paj|g d t y poUce said . ^ a con- G reenup w as driv ing a 1968 . , Yam aha m otorcycle off of the back- stinker Station lot on K im berly

ismess ^},en j^e accident occur- Gem in the night

They said a 1957 Dodge half- tbe Tl u ltural jQjj jruck d riven by L arrie Eu- Offii iJ?' gene Ragain, 24, R oute 1. Twin Burlej

tJe pg,i5_ traveling south on Twin M adrona S treet w hen the* two Joe F vehicles collided. M rs. 1

j r v The m o to rcyde collided w ith su rer;^ the righ t r e a r of the truck , of* Falls,,

i r c ficers said. -Mr. G reenup w as Rees, '* ■ 7 taken to the hospital by M agic rector -A f te r valley Am bulance Service. Twin

Santa He w as charged w ith fa ilu re re ta r j iis, tho to yield the righ t of w ay. Foun s la te N either M r. R again no r two the m hargcs passengers in the truck , Peggy Mrs. lay* . Ragain, 24, and A lbert Kay, 42, = Joseph v,ere injured, outing ______ •

S l i Wendell To Form I itoiiie. Cub Scout Packas E . WENDELL—An o rganizational Eugene m eeting of Cub Scout P ack No. ire nc- 95 will be held a f 7:30 p .m . I an-style W ednesday a t the U nited P res- 17, son byterian church. 1rlc t a t- All boys 8 to .11 yea rs of ago naplng, and tholr p aren ts a re urged to 10 m ur- ottend. Georgo Benson, Cubm as- in Bar- ter, will be In chargc of th e Ilh. organizational m cetinn.__________L _

r 4 i

i m m i i

t t . r o l l , r o g . 1 . 2 5

1 '-i W eather Stripping ,R o g . 3 4 . 9 5 A l u m i n u m

^ Storm D o o r............R e g , 5 V i c s q . f t .

Economy InsulationR e g . 1 . 4 0

> Caulking G u n s -----R o g . 3 9 c

Caulking CompounR o g , 2 ,1 5

ii 10 ft. Eave Trough

J All Related fr„h Act

J r d S t r e e t W e s t , T w i n F n t l s

<* _

Twin to a

w ere

am ily,for


t h a t


icm eni •«.s con- T ' -’japart- Chap-

tW0 mto 240

askingI g h t

attic . ied byin . MRS. JANICE ST O V E R ;:secrctary 1

Twin F alls U tle and -Trust. Co.; has exam inations for a ra tin g sis a certif ta ry . The designation Is aw arded by tl

' - Ing Secretaries and designed by the N sociation. Its purpose Is to give prof

y secre taries who have achieved profesf in th e ir w ork. To ge t the r a tin g , a seer

H d ay comprehensive te s t on businessT w i n procedures, hum an re la tions, businessad con- counting.__________________________ __Valley

Officers Elected SS, '““ ByRockhounds w^; V>r At Friday Meet n IIof the • ' Hall,

m berly O fficers of the M agic V alley occur- Gem Club w ere p e c te d F rid ay T

night when the group m et a t Jt ;e half- the Tlmes-News auditorium . j E r i rie Eu- Officers a r e Cliff Jackson , ed a f , Twin Burley, p resident: Ray Moon, ican Iri uth on Twin Falls, v ice president; M rs. Accour [le* two Joe Fox, Twin F alls, se c re ta ry ; and w(

M rs. Hugh Denton, Burley, t re a - w eekly :d w ith su re r; Dee Ainsworth, Tw in F ran k ick, of* Falls,,.field marsKaU; D r. E . T . cen t ai ip w as R ees, Twin Falls, federation di- Rota

M agic rector, and M rs. J e r ry B altzer, and C l :e. Twin F alls, corresponding sec- e r gue fa ilu re re ta ry . r u s s .

t. F ou r new m em bers a ttended m an.lor two the m eeting. They w ere M r. and •

Peggy M rs. Don Shaffer, B urley; M rs. USE T Cay. 42,

izational Iack No. ' C30 p .m . Jd P re s- H ; ^ >v . ' . . J w d l

■ TucI ago '

toZubmas- W

o f th e [ l | m | | | m | | | | | | | | ^ | |

S i n , ............... 9 8 ' .>1'’“"’ $ ^ ^ 8 8

s u la t io n . . . . sq . f t . 4 * ^

$ 1 1 9J n s ................................ I

> m p o u n d . , 32'

r ro u g h Accessories 10% off

3 3




I— I

IT sI * r *I f t 'fiiiilS.

^R;.*secrctary to Gordon Gray a t the tfT tru s t. Co.; has successfully completed \m ting sis a certified professional secre- \ «s awarded by the Institute for Certify- ■ \Tn signed by the National Secretaries As- is to give professional recognition to ^achieved professional levels of ability n 10 rating, a secretary must pass a two- st on business law, .secretarial skills, ations, business administration and ac-

4. - J Helen H arper, Twin F alls, and t C Q Hazel Wilder, Twin F alls. (' ,J • ’The baby rock show prize w as ,|||lQ S won by Cliff Jackson . The an- I*

. nual T hanksgiving d inner will be .H> e t Nov. 21 a t thfe Tw in F alls Moose I I''

V . „ c y » “ "- _________________ 'Film Shown

JE R O M E -T o m M ahan show- lackson, ed a film entitled "T he Anier- ’ Moon, ican Iristitute of C ertified Public nt; M rs. Accounts” th a t dep icted the life c re ta ry ; and work of accoun tan ts a t the jy, t re a - w eekly m eeting of R otarians.I, Tw in F ran k Titiis repo rted on the re- r. E . T . cen t audit. Vation di- Rotary guests w ere Hugh Call ^ B altzer, and Cleo B arth, Tw in F alls. Oth- V

ing sec- e r guests w ere D udley Siroud, ^ R uss Arbuckle and S. A. Kol- "

a ttended m an.Mr. and • -;y; M rs USE TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS

I John P. "Slim" Cox

Republican C andidate 'for

CONSTABLE j ;■ Tuesday, November 5 ! ,

Your Vo»o_ t •Will Bo Approclole^d I ,

P d . Pol. A dv., Jo h n Cox

28“ f

32‘ ^ 5 i '

If . - I ■

f i Be Wise ! l E ! i S P £ £ I. >h* w o sh e r f

S n i thou

an show’- . e Amer- •d Public I the lifets a t the • -o tarians. .. vn the re-

lugh Call ^ alls. Oth- V f ^ tro u d , > « •


□ l W A S H E R, . • S ta in less steel tu b (g u a ra n -

te e d fo r life)

• fs/o/mol o n d D um -Pross cycl*• Hof, w a rm a n d co ld w a s h .•

^ • W arm a n d cold rinse• A sp eed s

• Soak cicyo1 Cox

^ 2 8 9 ”

Protect YourCLOTHES HIn S a tin Sm ooth ^


• 3 W a sh w a le r lomper* a tu ro seloclions

• 2 R im o w a te r tom per- a lu ro solocKons

• 2 A g ita tio n spoods

• 2 Spin spoeds

^ * 2 Cycle tim er •

Ak\ ‘ = = = = =

W * \ A

^ ‘S P W I I m E m i| J ? ! i - . WR/NOBR WAiHMRS

1 0

9 t e $ l l y d e p e n h b l e (t

Wise.. . Bay0£E D aUEEN .>h* w osher proved in

thou iand i of coin laundrU i, — %

HER - DRu b (g u a ra n -

L A in H (g u a ra n ls eJT O .P toss c y c l . CHARGEc o l d v ^ o s h . . p n o • F u lly a u , o r

I r l n , . F O R

COLOR • N o r m a l , d<f lu f f h e a t

~ n *


HfRS _ _ '" ‘ ■■■•■ NO" MONEY I


33r lA Q 4 -__________

d ble wsshet? j

E f i .

D R Y E Re S t a in l e s s s t e e l d r u m

( g u a r a n t .e e d f o r life )

• F u lly G u fo m a t i c w i th s p e c ia l D u ro - P re s s c y c io • - .

• N o r m a l , d e l i c a t e a n d f lu f f h e a t

^ 9 9 ” .



I s = J ' : r ; H ' ; r . : : - . . . p T J , 5 3 4 - 2 1 3 6

...................S l 5 4 3 - 4 2 2 2

H«iitUn, M .b, Muf- AiV Op«>alor / I C U -tK nUf. KuH«y lo, INriRPRIil 0 ID

" MONEY DOWN ......................MONEY 'TIL 19 6 9

------------- . = = „ . i a M I N = J A L L S __________

Page 9: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON

DISPLAYING POSTERS and b ro th e annua l convention ot Uie t x t c a r c , from left, M rs. R ichard K in Council health chairm an, Twin Falls C en ira l D iatrict d lrccto r. F ile r; ^

12 Twin Falls Wc A nnual Hom em c

TjveJve Twin F aljs CounJy cJnai wom en a ttended the annual con- the 1 ven tion of tho Extension Home- Dr. m aite rs Clubs held recently a t Intel C oeur d 'A lene. A pproxim ately the ' 275 w om en from all over the spok s ta te w ere in a ttendance. Hcai

One of th c ’outstanding educa- mun tiona l sem inars a t the conven- her tion w as presented by the s ta te tion hea lth cha irm an . M rs. Robert ease N orris, K im berly. Her sem inar goal on im m unization was presen ted Club by sta ff m em bers of th e Vac- Ot------------------------------------------------- en


Beta Sigma Phi DeH:

Reports Meet jX• B U RLEY - A business meet- ing w as held b y . XI Omega C hap ter. B eta Sigm a-'-Phi, at hom e of M rs. Ed Bailey, w ith , M rs. Gene Morton as co-hostess.

M rs. Odeen Redm an was ap- pointed vice president to fill the office while M rs. Jo e Adam s . is recovering from. Illness.

I t w a^ a n n o u n c ^ a “ Model a M eeting” w ill b e ; held a t hom e M f of M rs. L ePage Layton. A re- p o rt on the recent T our of o i l H om es, sponsored by the chap- -y-L te r , w as given and le tte rs con- I D cern ing tho toiir w ere read . M rs. q M orton repo rted tha t thanic-you notos have been m ailed lo per* (q ^ sons assisting the chap icr w ith bee; th c tour. hit

M rs. Glen Bailey w as a guest, (^e R efreshm en ts w ere served. of <* - lyn

Marian Martin Pattern £

/ J P N whei H M .

. { l u n

Y 7 9 1 5 3 L’r .’^ 1 8 . 1 6 L U sooi

^ U

I w Mtr h

FIV E VnRSIONSI Foshlnnably nUmmlnK Bhopo --

in fivo beautiful voralonsl ChooM the ono tlm t exnrcases your-m ood now, m w ano ther for. .. nex t season and soon.

P rim ed P a tte rn OIW; New MiflHes' s u e s fl, 10. IJ. U , 10. .

i f e ® : slxty-ffvo cuiilfl In coins for

each pu lle rn—ndd 10 cents for cnch p a tte rn for firnt-cluaa m oil­ing tind spcclul liandllng. Send to M nrinn M artin Timos-News,305 P n tto rn D ept., 333 Went lB(h .St., Now York. N.Y. lOOlI. P rint numo, ad d re ss wllh zip, sice and siylo num ber.

W hut's now for fall? 107 an- HWors In ou r Fall<Wlnter P a tte rn Cutolofi. Freo notw rn coupon in • Cntuln({. .Send SO contn.

New IiiNlant .'JoiviHB ZJook'— fthowfl you how to sew it today,

---------w c f f n n n m o r i 'o w r o v e i ; -(nres. Only 11. ■

■ t B ' '

RS and brochures they brought from heal01 ine £.xicnsIon H om em akers Clubs Hontichard KIrsch, County H om em akers sentI, Twin F a lls ; M rs. J . H. Sharp, South comir. F ile r; M rs. R obert N orris, s ta te won

Is W om en A ttend ^ n e m a k e rs Session ^County cination A ssistance P ro jec t of al con- the Idaho D epartm ent of Hcaiih. Home- D r. J . B. H am m ett, epidem ic itiy a t intelligence serv ice officcr of m ately the U. S. Public H ealth Service, e r the spoke on "Im m unization — A

H ealth P roblem Today.” lni- educa* m unization of every club mem-

:onven- her and learn ing about protec- e s ta te tion aga inst com m unicabic dis- Robert ease through vaccination arc em inar goals of Exicnsion Hom em akers jsented Clubs in I9SD. e Vac- O ther Twin F a lls County worn-----------en attending the conventfon

w ere M rs. Clinton D ougherty,_ ! F iler, sta to vico p resident: M rs. ^ T l D elbert C l a m p i t t , K im berly.

County Council sec re ta ry ; M rs. (I ’ll John Hayes, Twin F alls, s ta te vorc:

• p a rliam en tarian : M rs. J o e K re p - is lo' nmeVa d k . F ile r: M rs. O tto Olson, Kno\ 5hl fll Twin Falls: M rs. G erald Dev- will y w ith lin, Twin F a lls ; M rs. E rn es t seen

Tucker, F ile r; M rs. Donald in fr .fl. ao l K im berly, and M rs. Alice wheinil tViB M- Reed, extension homo eco- towr

.lom ics agent. . , m iIS. , V V ^ lead

I'hSmc Apple Harvest. £ ouVoi Slightly Less

Than Last Yeard. M rs. GLENNS FE R R Y — The na- ink-you tiona) appig h arvest is expected !{" .

P f . t to be slightly less thon l a ^ y e o r Er w ith because tho w estern s ta tes w ere , '

, h it by a sp ring frost. However. J I guest, the Idaho c ro p Is reported to b e ““ L id. of excellen t quality , sa id M ari-

lyn Jo rdan . E im orc County ex- f ^ L t ^ tension hom e econom ies agent. ‘ n n "D oes it pay to buy the bush-

c l?” she asked, and then cx- “ ‘f, p la ined th a t it depends on how

_ _ quickly you will use them ond ' ^ w hether you hove odequato slor- , , age space w llh propcr tem pera-

1 tu re . If tbc fam ily re frigera to r is tho only storage and if you nre not expecting to eat. them

] soon.^ it m oy be be lie r to pur- ■'’y . 1/ chose sm aller quan tities.

Apples stored in n rcfrigcrn- ‘Ore ^ to r will re ta in flavor ond crisp-

ness, sto re them in the hyd rn to r y«ui o r a p lastic bag.

Hero a re som e pointers In op- D w ' p le a rithm etic : A bushel of np- to

f f J i p ies weighs nbout fifiy pounds, cnn m f--' ; I t Vfjries sligh tly w llh the vo- Uist

> rie ty ond condition, P e r5 A bushel will contain from OQ for? 1 to 144 apples, depending on size, dcci / , Ih rco m edium - s ited npples A

i' w eigh about a pound. ’H irce o r cari four npplca of tho t size wlil yield thin

> ' abou t onc and one-hnlf cups of go ‘.I- npplesauce. Six to olght npples thej

mnko 0 nine-inch pic. A iHishel A . . will m nke 10 to 20 q u a rts of hav

uppicsouce. ___Now. try a fresh, c risp npplo I

w ilh n slice of Iduho clivcse a l I , nnack tim e, M rs. Jo rd an sug- J

Vm • I gcsls.

:• V* *• r ' Shower Given’ • R ICH FIELD - A dcMlrnlcd <• ^ bassinet nnd stuffed toy an im als PX• « I form ed the setting for the crad le 2

• filiower given recently for Mrs,1 • • O nry Swalnston, Hostesses wore % , • « M rs, P e te r Appcll, M rs. Jn y 1

• * I W ard, M rs, Chnrllo Jaynes, and IM rs. Ros* Wynn Swftinst'on for H ht>« narty given a t tho LDS cul- ma tu ra l hall. m a

- f t Prizes a t w ero won by iwr MVH M rs. Edwin Johnson, Mra. Mor- grc

ris Swalnston, and M rs, Kon Sor „ DlKon. Mra. Appeli com piled tlio

' -""P " I I I*''orslonsl'Xpreases[>tKerfor

ij; New

IH. m ,

UaS moll-


".ikJ’JlS CALL 733-711107 an- a m

r P a tte rn CAIN'5 CAWET MOniiC u ■loupon In . youf hOT* 10 you moy

Ilia fnllt* lln« ol lam oul V iB o o k — WOfMWK CA«Per m y«/r ^

how*. Na ‘obllBQllon. . • W f i

from health cha irm an , Kimberly, and MClubs H om em akers Council p resident, H olik e rs sen ted an educational sem inar on ISouth convention held recently in 'C oeur dVsta te w om en wefo' in attendance a t the scs

ioni g £ - ' — ......;


?.*'Mrs' ®y ABIGAIL VAN BUREN . but t ;,’berly . DEAR ABBY: My neighbor self. r. M rs. (I ’ll can her "M rs. X ") is di- of J< ;. s ta te vorcing h e r husband, and siie have eK rep - is looking fo r proof ot adultery. o>'or

Olson, Knowing M r. X. I'm sure she No d Dev- will have no trouble, as I have re la t E rn es t sccn m any s trange cars parked m an Donald in front of the ir house all night to Ii

s. Alice when M rs. X has been dut of dc ne eco- lown. thinl

. , lylrs. X h as asked m e some in £ lead ing-questions which indicate and lh a t she know s th a t'h e r husband ^

t . has been play ing around — and Dl w ith whom ! My problcm is this: tlon two y e a rs ago, m y husband .and docs I w ere having som e difficulties, can nnd r foolishly hod a b rie f a ffa ir "adi

_ w ith M r. X. I had never been nnd i ”® ,„ J unfaithful before, and I’d never Tnki

do it again . I have a jewel Tor bo a a husband , nnd I think he could forgive m c if he ever found out, D]

•d to b e would ifiurt him deeply mucj WQr) ond I d o n 't w an t to do that. But gue< mjv <iy- •J’® ‘ru th Is going to com e out aboi *M nt neighbor's divorcc. I ’d LY?

le bush- r'»‘h e r have m y husband hea r W u. it from me than in a courtroom , who on how Should I help the wife in hor wun em and search for evidence? And whnt min' Ito slor- I do about m y own guilty uiedBmpera- conscience? WORRIED mos

'*il'y 'ou “ E * " W ORRIED; Keep your mo It them niouth shu t and don’t contributo thin] to pur- "ev idence” In this cose, bird

j_ And If you 've never prayed be- v e rj'frigcrn- f° re , ^ rn y now. Wllh luck you say, d c r i s p - " P « r e your h in h n n d ,(n n d lyd ra to r yourself) a heap o l unhnpplneas, Dl

said•s In np- DEAR- ABBY; I am engaged wliJ< 1 of np- to n guy who enjoys pinying pounds, cn rds, and hc ploys for money— Dl the vo- lu st to mnkfi It "Interpsilng." whe

Personally , I don 't core much on from OQ for ca rd s , but I cnn play a fairly tclc| on size, decent gnm e If I hnve to. lion

npples AH of .loc’s relatives play like l i r c e o r ca rd s 'n lgh l nnd dny. nnd they whh /III yield think it's te rrib le thnt I don 't licei cups of go c razy over cnrds the way il ni

t npples they do. first iHishel Ahhy, I lovn Ihls guy, nnd 1 noyl

ja r la of havo rea lly tried lo like can is , whli


I__________________________ Bo« BS3, Twin

' e n Im posilble Plo le a decorated 4 eggs sub;an im als PX cups sugnr vori

le crad le 1 cups m ilk reelfor M rs, stick mBrgarJnc, m ejtcd fX*r lea w ere % cup self-rising flour Horrs. Jn y 1 tablespoon vanilln proihes, and 1 7-ounco package Cornnui cnn uton for B ea t cgga. sugnr, milk and T i i LDS cul- m arg a rin e togctner. Add re- ^

m alnlng ingrodlentn. P our Into ■I won by tw o pje pans, Bnke o t 330 de- Irs. Mor* grccH for 30 to 40 mlnutcs. Cool, ■ rs, Kon Servo with whipped crenm . Spiled Uie --------- ■

.(T h o Tlmes-Nfiwa will pny tS ;

gl&l||[||D |M fl _ M ||g | |* i fl gI ■- 1

Ml R'*


H B H B H |:J3-7i n COLLECT I:m ue ! • ' Hpil||25|jH fflamoul. I *

■I ^

invit Reac


; w ere r< < E astern


rom e v isit of tron in

the ' H ngcrn ship

■ H 9 H H - ' Bill BbW arren

• ' f r' ' ’ - ’"i'- ported- ' '{ ( r 'y y H to .E ll

' '1^1gratula



'' £crve

dian r

the chl

i>erly, and M r ^ .C , J . Boss, County Mrs. iresldent, HolIisU r. M rs. Norris pro- w ayne sem inar on Im m unization during the Korrv / in 'C oeur d ’A lene. Approxim ately 275 Wilson nee a t thc sessions. . j^^-s ]

Gulick _____ ber.

. , the ni.............................-.v..-..-,'...,..*.......


C^eo/LEve r -*

— repl y Los A

JR EN . but there is no use fooling my- close leighbor self. I t 's boring. Besides, som e cnvck ) is di- " in te re s tin g '' evenings = j = |and slie have co st h im m ore than he can ^ idultery. afford to lose. i;ure she Now I am being told (by Jo e ’s I 5 I have re la tiv e s ) " I f you Intend to | ! parked m a rry Joe, you had be tte r Icorn all night to like ca rd s ."1 dut of Don’t m isunderstand m e. I j

th ink i t 's all righ t to play oncc le some in a w hile. B ut a ll weekend, indicate and ev e ry night? W ORRIED . husband _

d - and D E A R W ORRIED; You men- ri is this: tlon Jo e 's re la tives, b u t ' how jond .and docs' Jo e feci obout It? Gom bllng fficultics, c an bccom o ju st a s serious a s ief a ffa ir " a d d ic tio n " to 'b o o z e , tobacco, k'cr been and o th c r undesirab le habits.:’d never T ak e a second look a t Jo e to iewel Tor bo s u r ir ih o Joker Isn’t too wild, he could>und out, D EA R ABBV: We h e a r so 1 deeply m uch about the " ru d e n e ss '' o f. that. But guests who arriv e late, but how :om e out about gue.sts who a rriv e EAR- )rcc, I 'd LY? Isn 't lha t rude, loo? md hea r Wo know a certa in couple urtroom . wiiom wc invite for 7;30 If we ’e in hor wunt them tliero a t 7. The 30 >nd whnt m inules before guests o re sched- Atn guilty uied lo a rriv e a re probably the RRIED m ost hectic (ond im portont) to

tho hostess, ond it ju st burns eep your m c up to hovo to drop every- ontrlbuto th ing and en terta in tiie se 'c n r iy , ils cose, b irds. Besides, it puls m e in A ayed be- very bnd mood. W hat do you luck you say, A bby? GLADYSm d ,(n n dnppineas. D EA R GLADYS: I aay, you!

said It nil — and very well, to engaged w h ich .I c a n en l^ jodd , l^Amen.’’plnylng

money— DEAR ABBY: How com c resting ." when you gnvo all th a t advice re much on w hot to do alrout obscene y a fnirly telephone cn ili you d idn 't m en­to. lion tho onc trick tha t w orks ves play like m ngic? Gel a real loud nnd they whisllo like those used by po-

I don 't llcem on and gym teacfuirs. Kcop the woy it nenr the telephone, nnd a t thc

first hint of an obscene o r an- ly, nnd I noying phone cnll blow the ke cnnls, whislio righ t inlo tho mouthpiece

Galley Favorites ;RS. CLAYTON DAVIS

Bo« BS3, Twin follt

0 each week for tho best reclposubm itted for Magic Vnllcy F a ­vorites. If you hnvo a favorito '• rcd ijn , ju st m ail It to tho Recipe

iiejtcd fX 'partm ont, W omen'a P ago E d . r Hor. 'llio reclpo Incom es tho

proporly of tlio Times-Now# and ornnui cnnnot ho re turned .)milk and j « « m« mI m i■ ■ ■ mmm« h n « ^ ■ iOAdd re. J .

Pour Into ■ ■it 350 de- ■ ■ ^ ■ ■; LOCAL :


1\ SUPPLY \■ m

■ ■

15 ,--f ■' S

“ I ^ I

■ 1 MILK IH H J ■ ' . .- ; ■ i _/

■Jl invitations Are | Read For Buhl

■ 'i OES Chapter -B u h C - Several Invitations

; w ere read when Buhl O rder of • E aste rn Star m et w ith M rs. J im

M cArthur, w orthy m a tro ^ . pre- siding. Invitations included rom e Friendship N ight, official v isit of lhe w orthy tna-tron in Twin F alls, o f n c I i r v I s i r ~ ^ ^ B of the worthy g r a n tT ^ S t^ n in

. Hagerm an and R u p ert Friend- ship

Pro tem officers w ere M rs.Bill Baggs, M rs. D ave E rb arvi W arren Snunders.

« I H M rs. G ertrude W oodruff re-ported she sent get-well cards '

j M H to .E ll Boring, and Jo e Robert- ' son IV, a sym pathy ca rd to A lice Taylor and w edding con- ' grotulations lo M r. and Mrs.

y B m Shelby Constant. It w as also re- « H H ported a gift has been sent to ^ ^ 3 th e new baby of Sue Livingston i ^ ^ t g p g a B artle tt. J O C r|E j H l Tho Order of E a s te rn S ta r wili n , , „ |

£crve the d inner o f . t h e Jo b 's D U i.I Km ^ I D aughters when thc g ra n d guar- t i / H H | dian makes h e r official visit. W e <

The decorating com m ittee for |v ^ the chapter room included Mrs.

I - ' - ’ f Jessie Davis and M rs. A m o s,"”®^ Caudill. The decorations in the K r '

..i social room w ere com plim ents of the Elia Club. ,

Refreshm ents w ere served by ' X County Mrs. Jim Schooler and Mrs. s p re- Wayne Aland, a ss is ted by Mrs.

‘he H orry W eaver, M rs. A nastasia • Miss sly 275 Wilson. M rs. Bess Pennington, °

M rs. Rose Gibson. M rs. M ary I^'chlai Gulick ond M rs, V allee G risha- tended ber. School

The next regu la r m eeting is City. Nov. 7 for Friendship Night:

a s loud a s you can . I t w ill give Force*^ the nut on the o th c r end such poj-ce' tin earache he w ill never bother a kj, you again. ^

3 * Please don 't sign m y nam e.M Some nut m ight ca ll to see if I i - H have a w histle, and I don 't. I L U S have .never had a n obscene Mrs.

phone call, b u t you can bet if desser I ever did I would ge t myself the Pi S whistle a fle r the f ir s t call, ccnt r

CAMP HILL, PA. A bi J condU'

Everybody h as a problem . M rs. ' W hat’s yours? F o r a personal a spct reply w rite to Abby, Box 69700, The Los Angeles, C al. 00089 and cn- Mrs.

3ling my- close a stam ped , self-addressed les, som e envelope. USE 'evenings

an he can

f : io Mrs. Dont te r Icorn

v-oj Came Dow eekend,

)RR1ED . ‘ •

You men- b u t ■ how Gambling

serious a s , tobacco, lo habits.o t Jo e to . ______- _

;r= I N o!, but howrive EAR- I------------------------loo?in couple '

if we 7. The 30 oreibabiy the •ortant) to lust burns op every- icse' en riy -<I m e in 0 ^ K ^ ! a R ! M | |W rIt do you2 ^ d y s

■ay, you! '■ f .y well, toi.."Amen.’’ —

Qw com c ia t advicet obsceno ■'Idn 't men- f r - J *- k /tint w orks ? -• ' • m>real loud f^ '‘ f * ■

ed by po- Hluirs. Kcop L v ■and a t thc ■ me o r an- ■blow the K f t W * ■

nouthplece - ■ J K

t'es Iicst reclpo 'Vnllcy Fa- n favnrltotho Recipe -iP n g o H d .:om cs tho ''N ew s '

• ■ “ ■'••'V l

L ■ :_ ■ M ra. Q rlaham BEFOREC S HER ELAINfi POWERSO • P ro R ro m . , S iio 14

Y 1m

, i CALL NOW fc.

r 1 733.909* ■


K ! I B l a i n

( ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ’ ' D e d

E l e c. FILE

/Itatlons f°g u n>rder o f club of

p r t ^ ° ”

im in In i p '* " 'Friend^ hrone:

by there M rs.E rb and 'o r

ruff re-

Robert- -ca rd toing con- ‘ . . . . ----- -

”nl»o“ r ^ JA CK IE FA Y E HANSON «sent to

Jaekie Hanson, F iie Jo b 's B u r k s D i s c l o s e I s

laf S 'W edding Date mD. C. (Bud) Sm ith, K imberly,

aed M rs. Laurel M. Hanson, «■; ,u J Kennewick. W ash., announce the ^

. forthcoming m arriage of their ' p lim ents daughter, Jack ie F ay e Hanson,

V,,, Kimberly, to Robert F ranklin ^ e ^ e a by gon of Mr. and M rs. fbv M r f Wendell. \

in a s ta s ia ' ^ I s s Hanson Is a 1967 grad- ~ nnincton of Columbia High School. i t rs M arv Richlandi W ash., and has ot- 5 G risha- tended onc year a t St. M ark 's

School of N ursing. Salt U k e ’ ecting is City.>licht M r. B urks is a 19G4 graduate-------1 _ _ of Wendell High School and is

1 on A irm an fifSt c lass in the Air w ill give Porce. stationed a t England Air . end such p^rce Base. La. |c r bother ^ j^qv_ g wedding Is planned. I

V' >f- V- Ily nam e. I

? don 'il 1 L u n c h e o n H e l d Iobscene M rs. Henry W urst served a ’

an bet if dessert luncheon to m em bers ofet myself the P as t O racles Club nt a re- „s t call, ccnt m eeting. 3-L , P a . a b rief business m eeting wos K

conductcd ond g am es played,problem . M rs. Velma Treadw ell received Ipersonal a spccial gift. P

Box 69700, The Nov. 19 m eeting Is w ilh I19 and cn- M rs. Chris Sims. [ addressed v v


D o n n a G r i s h i

B D o w n F r o m

t o (

N E W s i :

I O N L Y 1I «

B l Tl

^ r l , FIGf . . y S A Lr ' J MS ” Be

^ f 'Fr

W t A

■ u -EC A L L Im . . . . 8 i i o l 4 I


JO W for your FREE Figure

. srecuL iKni

1-9098 «9 _ 5C o m p l e t s 3 (

Elaine Powers ^

I '

I''Dedoulomai Club .Elects At Filer —

F IL E R -S h irley Yoder, presi- aem bly dem . conducted n business m eet- Sthool. Ing bf DedoulomsI, girls ' service club ot F ile r High School. T S

P a m e l a M oldenhauer w as ■ ■ elcc’.ed vice president to replace Sheryl Reinke who has recently _

.accepted the. office-of president //*>-o f-F u tu re -N u rse s '-C Iu b .----------------I P lans w ere m ade to m ake the f 4 thrones and pillows to be used by the Homecoming candidates a t tho dancc and the program s —. for the football gam e. f lB i

A work d ay will be held some- / t f *> tim e in early November a s a m oney-raising project. A com- m ittee w a s ,appointed in charge! . P of details. The group will spon-1




H a n s o n , ________'ronklin

" r " ' 9 t r B H L

It U k e

graduate /

land Air , ' . .

erved a ' | N(

ting wosplayed. •.*>.

ISO Main Nsrih — Twin F«IU — ph.,NT ADS -----------.--------------------------------------------

r i s h a m :

r o m D R E S S - S

t o a

r S I Z E 1 0

y 1 5 V I 5

" nT H E ^

E L A I N E gP O W E R S I


S A L O N S i

Before I



5 0 "month I3 m p l e t 6 3 M o f i t h > l a i i p n l y v _ "

rers Figure Sal

I '

' ; 1" * ! i iK Tw in Polls T im esiN ew * 9 i■ ...lUU M o n d ay , O c to b e r 2 0 , 1 9 6 8 j |

so r the annual Thanksgiv ing a s - i i : , presi- aem bly Nov. 27 a t th e H igh | • IS m eet- Sthool. ' ' '

r : :; , P A I N 7

resident A » ^ . Million, of mollnri » ly

n l i d 's s W ^rogram s rs iia t. c i r rU s Good

^5 n t ^ Housekeaplni w<mntyId some- sejl.A jkpriiiM elilfor .sr a s a W 5 S W BABY ,A com- apa»iei1 charge f " ' *■**'ill spon-1 •

E TO GIVES T M A S ^ ^ ^ ^ g I

........ S ' I N G E RTwin F>1U — ph. 7H -»» ;;

S S - S l Z E - 1 4 I

■ I

/ I S I T S


P ro itram » . . S t n 10

iSSSIZE 1V '7 :n d FREE T r i a l T r e a t i r w r r t I i fFERl HOURS |v |f t M O N . T H R U F R L

W T H 9 A . M . T O 9 P . M .

r l l y ” 6 A T . 9 T 0 4 P . M . .

e 'SalonS'';■ , |Ij;

Page 10: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON

Magic VjGeorge Voss m

----- G corne 'V ossfr75 r-^5 l-R flm age |-M5t. died of a short illness Satur- ■

a t Magic Valley Memorini H

■ ^ H alvas Ewrn Nov. !5. 1892, nt H Ocden Utah. Ho cam c to Twin - m t f I h s ’from Ogden in 1904 and ■ ■ farm ed, in the Twm F alls a rea W

m S d Mollts McClimans B In Twin Falls Dec. 1915. ‘

Surviving, besides his widow.Bro three sons, W illiam Voss, Euphrata. Wa.';h.: G eorge Vo J r . Rupert, and H erfnan Vos.s, ^Boise: two sisters. iVfr.s. Chris- Mtine Compton, Buhl, and M rs. HA W a. Allen. Dallas, Tex., 13 ■

• srandchildrcn and six great- H si-andchildren. - < ■

Hff was preceded in dpath b y Hone son, one bro ther and one H

• 'F uneral scrviccs w ill be con- Sucted a t 2 p.m. W ednesday a t ti Reynolds Chapcl by Rev. Don- 1’ aid L. Hoffman o f the F irst Christian Church. F inal' rites eIdI W ll be a t the Twin F alls Ceme- jjing tery. Friends may ca ll Tuesday v a n '•nd until time of serv ices Wed* Hi ecsday a t Reynolds C h ^ I . {.

; Mrs. Kelker “2. V'Mrs. Grace V. k e lk e r , widow to 1

16f the late John J . K elker; died cov« Sunday afternoon a t Hazel Del fa rr Manor following a sh o rt illness. Hi She had been a residervc of the w ar rest home for the p a s t five a ' TOars. Kn!^ Mrs. Kelker cam e to Twin Si Falls in 1935 from Pocaiello and, a re i n e r residing here Jor several J e n

Jr j^ a rs , moved to- Sacram ento, dru Calif., w here ishe lived until re- Jnn 4urniT»s to Twin F a lls about sev- Fal en years ago. H er husband , who dm

'<was superintendent o f tJie Union chil Pacific shops a t Pocatello , died d re Ihere in 1932. ^

While in Twin F alls M rs. in i Kelker had attended thc .Frerby- Ass terian Church and w as a form er R mem ber of the 20th Century bra Club. At one tim e, she had been St. active in program s sponsored by will

■ th e American W ar M others or- Cpt J ^ n iz a tlo n . bp( -M rs. Kelker w as born a t Ar- Wh

■kailsas City, K an., on Nov. 13, rite . 1878. Her paren ts w ere en route Pai

wagon from Boslon to Pue- sch •fclo. Colo., w here h e r fa ther. Si- da> U s P arker, becam e one of the prom inent arch itec ts Of" th a t

I —state . She was m arr ied to John J . Kelker a t Canon City, Colo., c

f - t e November, IflM. berShe is survived b y two sons, M r

■<>'. A. (Gus) K elker, Twin F alls, die Jind H arry P . K elker, San F ran - in cisco. Another son. Ja c k Al3xan- iUr

' d e r Kelker. and a daughter, c ‘M rs. Georgo L. (M ildred) W eir, a t

I Arcceded her in death. Two ijy I Rrandchildren. Peggy Kelker, nfe. ‘ ^ o w a student n t the U niversity t]u ; of WashlnRlon. nnd John J . < ; J ftlk e r, wJHi thf* U.S. NiTVV nnd nni

stationed a t Albany. G a.; also he; i survive. gn

P riva te funeral services for de m em bers of th e fam ily and ( close friends wjll be held T liurs- co)

a t 11 a.m . a l the Reynolds I5 Funera l Home w ith th e Rev. hy ■Rbbert Harvey, m in is te r of the mj F ir s t P resby te rian Church., of- ne flciating. GraveslBe rite;; will be (ui held a t M ountain View Ceme­te ry In Pocatello a t 2 p.m . tlrnt sam e dny under the direction | P i the Reynolds Funcfn l Home J and with Rev. H nrve^ otficlnt- _

•.^^^’riends m ay ca ll n t the funer- ■ ji l hnme Tuesday afternoon andevening and W ednesday. flr

j • " ----------------------------- Sll

f Survey Finished j; JFor Youth Camp‘ SALT 1J\KE CITY (A P)—A fl* a rfjal JopoRrnphJcal survey wns 10 yv ^ mndo lodny for thc notion 's r -firsi cnmp dcslRrfcd exclusively j i yo r hnndlcftpped children. Sis Tho 2S-ocre fncllliy, K am p ol 5<OHlopulos. w ill 1)0 iwo miles p jip UmiRrnUim Canyon, ncnr S a lt iJiko Cily. I,. It is niimeil n fle r the Inie Dnn n p . Kostnpiilns, w ho hnd Ihe nren », urndcd nnd a fotindnilon (Kxirrd j,, 1)cforc IiIh denth, nml spofisorrd ,, iMul(T an ngrcernenl bi'twiien llic |{ t l tv nnd Iho U nilcd C rrch ra l v I ’nhy nf Ulnh. ' , ,’• 'D r. T.D . lliirrifl, Universily of ‘

. W n b Mcdlci>! .SrhoD), »nys kohI.s . 3Ht;lii<lo rr«pnrch,.Tccrenlion nnd „ wocatlnnnl pinniilng. ti.JjA nnihor pur|>oso Iff m provide . w ic f relief tn p n rfn is froni the , U jrden of c iirinn for linnilicu|v jM»d children, c.►iJluililingn and rrrrcn llon . vocn- ilonnl nml rehnhllilatlnii equip- A m]pnl will bo rsp rcn llly dP-sln»cd J by n rch llrrliirn l psycholoKlsl.%

A-ntd. jl

Utah Boy Drowns Bear Coalville ;i;*i:OALVIM.K. U tah (A P) — uw r y UiiKK. 7. son of Mr. nnd il M rs. Mnnly Rubk of sm t l.iiket o y . «lr»wnod In m ne l.ako rn s t ,OT' Coiilvlllo .Snttjrdny, the shor- II t f s offico nald. *’M utho rilles hald tho l» y fell 1^ 0 ohout 10 feet of w ater In 1I10 i

4 ,1 « lnko. It took Bovcrnl houra^ r e c o v e r tho Imdy. '1

i ^ l i i e I.nkfl (n Jn the Chnik t<Seek nrcu, nbout 0,000 feet ele- vVallon. A iithorltlri nuld lhe hoy n

wllh hl|i fn ther, who w as (, ________


J ilncjoUiofl de tec tives ort the 0 u n ^ sh o rlffa force n re get- i a forcit Broen cnvcrJill Jump- ts. .Sheriff P e te r J . r i tc h e s s t k'fl 'tlie c ‘>ver*nn will provide v rcnB iiy 'flV flila tn n in ifo n n -fo r t

<;i em ergcncloi auch a s na tu ra l 0 r d l f u lo r t o r c iv il d istu rbances. 1

i . c-'

Twin Foils Tlrnes-News Mor

c Valley Obitus .f' Fl

f Tw°n ^ ‘>rite

F rie r


^Cf^ris- ^ M r

" scbon- Mr. Assendrup tF irs t Anthony H. Assendrup. 85. 238

I- rites E igh th Ave. E .. died of a .short! g ,, Ceiine- jUness Sunday morning a t M agic „,i,| ucsday v a lley M em orial Hospital. s Wed- He w as born M arch- 23. 1883.“eJ* a t : A m bia. Ind.. arid m arried

E thel M ac Scoti Aug. 17. 1909,'b,,h Y> a t Paw nee. Okla.^ Mr* and M rs. Assendrun cam e.widow to M agic V alley In . 1911 In a ^ ° . ^

■r. died covered wagon. He re tired from ' rel Del farm inR in 1953. i f ' ” ®illness. He w as a m em ber of St, Ed-l^,^, of the w ard ’s Catholic Church and waSiT.^*

s t five a Third an d Fourth Degree L®?® Knight of Columbus. - ' -

) Twin Surviving, besides J/is widow, ‘ llo and, a re two sons. Ray A. As.<;endrup, _,,Y‘ several Je ro m e, and Raloh H. A.ssen- im ento, d rup . Buhl: one daughter, M rs. . mtil re- Jnme.s F . (H elenl K eegan. Twin ^ fH out sev- F a lls ; a sis te r, G ertrude Assen- nd, who d m p . L afay e iic ,.In d .. 10 grand- I e Union children and 10 great-grandchil- ' lo. died d ren . -

M r. A ssendrup w as preceded ,^1;' s M rs. in d ea th by two grandsons. G ary IT® Prerby- A ssendrup and Tony Sinclair. form er Requiem M ass will be ccle- *’, /

Century b rated a t 10 a.m . W ednesday ati®‘‘y ad been St. E dw ards -Catholic Church,^®"' lored by w ith the R ev. M sgr. Edmund le rs or- Cpdy a s celebrant. R osary will *7-,

bp recited a t 8 p.m . T uesdav at I a t Ar- W hite M ortuary Chapel, F inal J 'f . ' 'Idv. 13, rile s will be a l Sunset M emorial jn route P a rk . The special M others Mass to Pue- scheduled fo r II a.m . Wednes- A i Iher. Si- day has been canceled.* of the --------- •• T ;

to^ John Colbert Infant *Colo., OAKLEY—E sther Geneva Col- Jim

bert, 2-m on lh -o ld -d au g h ter - o f dorvo sons, M r. and Mrg. Clarcnce Colbert, anc in F alls, died Sunday a f th e fam ily home Are m F ran - in the M arion D istrict of a short Mu Al3xan- illness. der

aughter, sh e w as born Sept. 24, 1968, p d) Wclr, a t Phoenix, Ariz., and the fam- :h. Two lly t,nd com e lo the Oakley area a_.

Kelker, about a w eek ago to work In y,_ niversity the h arv est. , ^loJohn J . .<iurvivors Include the paren ts u u ?.ivy and nnd two brother.^. Cla5-.{on Col- m ia.,- also h e rt and Rny Colbert, and a -

grandm other. M rs. Geneva An- ' ices for derson, a ll Marlon. lily and G raveside services will be d Thurs- conducted a t 1 p .m . Tuesday ^ Reynolds I5 the P leasan t View C em etery I " , he Rev. hy Rcv. Richnrd Horn. F riends ,, r of the n iay cnll a t the McCulloch Fu- "J irch.. of- n era l Homc Tuesday p rio r to /} will be funera l 8crvlce.vV Ceme- -------------------------- -).m. th a t — T •» ^

J,"hoS MagicVaUey Sotdcini-

1 rattle l.ourts IS'loon and R odney Snyder. Jerom e, wns < ly. fined $1(1 by J u d g e R ussell nu- Shaud. Jcm m e . for .speeding. pir

_ Wllllnm Thom ns. Jerom e, w as bei P n fined 535 by Judge C. J . Shupo, Ha

Jerom e, for fnilure In he ren- — g m n sonnblf nnd prudent. Fined by - * * * * " Ju d g e .ShTipe fnr .speedihg wore f iP)—A fl- Allen niirnhtim . Jernnie . J12, j •y wns 10 vvnllcr T rnm m er, Jcrom e. JH ;: nation 's R nberl Hendrickson, Jerom e, cclusivcly JIO: Tom Chiirch, Jerom e, $10;:n. Susan Rnthke, llnllcy. $U; Hnr- I

Kam p olil Rucbelntnnn. Jcrom e. i l i ', I.c A'O miles Phvllls Pn-ckol, Je rom e. $10, llv in, ncnr j. |„c ,i for speedlnK by Judge '

Irvinp, Allmnn, Jernn>e. w ere wi Inle Dnn , |„ r„ i , | Jones. M iCnll, « ( 1; Jnck nu

I Ihe nren Milchell. Ohio. $1(1; Wllllnm Hal- of >n iKiured |py^ iioine, j ik ; Wllllnm Hurkes. ipofisorrd jn ro m e , $20; ftobert Swnrner. S iween lhe Unlley, $13; Wnvne Davis, .Sun C erebral Vnlley. $22; l .a rfy Wllhird, .Sho­

shone. $15. 1 More Hpeeders fined hy Judge

lallon nml n„ i,„ rt w illlnm s, Koichum, $M;, . Dale Tolm nu. Twin I 'n lh . $25;

' J ' ’ . i r Mt!lvln Key«, J jtf ju n e , $23; I 'a t® nreim on. U tali.“ H n m iy i l Pot- J

hnndlcuiv jj 11 r 1 c v," $15. Mnrslmll Shells, llolKe, j 2lr-»*iHMU'owerN, Twill I'allH. $M; Iirn.'Nlo RlvVrn.

01 equip- (iiRnns i,-,,,.ry. $20 ; Mlchnel Slc- ’ tleslRned U tah, $2ti.;holo«lslfl, 17, .inrotne, wns

fined $20 qnd his <Irlvrr‘n llcrnse < “ WHH riUNptmded for 30 ilays hy j> n w i l Q fi. 1 ' I’lercfl, Wendell Police tV V V llS .uidup. fnr failure to <lrlvo rens-

l l f t onnbly nml prmlently, l-'Inch wns fined flfl «ddlfl«nnl 410 tor fnil-

(A P) — uro to nppeur n t tho proper Mr. nnd Ume.

Suit l.n k e ----------------------------- |l.ako east .

lure Kavages iiJnn lf'c Negro Schoolirnl houra C L E V R U N D , Ohio (AP)

Tho fourih m ajo r nchool flr« In he Chnik (ho c((y'a Nogrn nlum orrnn0 feet ele- w ithin Iho lasl 10 months de. ' <1 lhe boy nlroyed part of HoukIi Elemen-w)H» wns tu ry School Sundny night.

.School Supt. Pnul W. DrlKR*— B/ild ll would cost moro U»An Nli'ORM.S $!'ft0.000 to rcplnce the 12 class- _ (A P) — roomn destroyed n t tho Hl y e n r - 1“ s ort th« old nchool. I h e causo was not

n re gel- determ ined .'^11 Jump- Thn firm firem en Arriving At . n ic lif ls s tho firn aald wtones nnd ImltlCB j] provide w ero thrown At them , hui no tlfo rm -fo r trouble->VRfi -reported- a fte r -ncv*1 naturAl e rn l police cArs renched tha rbances. •cone. \_

c - . .

-News M onday, O ctober 28, 1968

bituaries ^_ Funeral Services I

-------R U PER T------ Funera l-se rv icesfo r T im othy Jam es H n jz a , '4- year-old s o n . of M r. - and M rs.Jam e.s C. H ru ia . will be_held a t 2 p .m . T uesday a t the R upert Pen tecosta l church by tho Rev.M. J . Thom pson. F inal rites wil] be held in the R upert C em etery.

H F rien d s m ay call a t the W alk W \ M ortuary T uesday until Ume of

■■-*1 serv ices.

V M rs. C a rrie E . McGhee. 10:30 W a .h i. T uesday , Thompson Chap- !• « ^ el. Gooding. ; 1

M rs . 'R o sa M. Stump. 11 a.m . Tue.sday, Hove Funeral Chapcl. Je rom e.

9 Tea Set For I n ati

™ Senior Gii*ls Srn111 Cassia

B U RLEY - An inform al tea r y t M agic ^ [ „ be held from 2 to 4 p.m. J 5 l '• Nov. 9 for Senior girls of Raft

7. ini^a.jBurley P resbyterian C hurch.'^ 'sp o n so red by the Am erican As- T -,-1

” ‘ “ ‘"^ Isoc ia tion of Utiiversily Women. X I J A J" ~ i TT^e goal is to acquaint senior

:d from ,^ ,5 fhe advantagM a col- lege education offer.s. Any senior ,

md in terested in en tering a col- ^ege. un vcr.'itv o r business

school is urged to attend the

Q adm ission rc- Asson qu ircA cn is. U le g e opportuni-

‘ies, housing, financial aid. cur- " “j? 'I ’ ricula inform ation and fields of

•a study will be answered by wom-I J^and- reo resen ta tives of a ll region- a f f i u - universities, % andcmi- College, university or business

schools represen ted d u r i n g the te a I n c l u d e Twin F alls B usincss School: Stcvcn Her.a-

« ic le- SCr's B usiress School: Univer- ?;^™.7«»!slty of Idaho; N orthwest Naza-

C h L h ' " » ' College; College of W h o ; Ricks College; College of South-

win cm Idaho; Boise S tale College; 1 ‘ ^^dav i t B righam Young U niversity; Uni- A j

L o r i ^ n i v e r s i t y ^ _______________

W edne? Ailment Fells , Jimmie Rodgers

* 1 ^ ^ , SEATTLE (A P) - S i n g e r kec eva Col- J im m ie Rodgers, 34. collapsed aro •h ter- of d u ring rehearsa l o f his appear- y Colbert, ance a s p a r t of a Seattle C cnter cov

ily hom e A rena ra lly for Sen. E dm und S. -ak [ a short M uskie. Dem ocratic vice presi- noa

dentia l oandldate .,Sunday night,24, 1968. Roger.?, who .suffered .a near- ijnY the fam - fa ta l head injury in the Los :lcy a rea la s t D ecem ber. _work In , q j^j, room a t a I J

m otor hotel w here friends said " : paren ts condition w as not thought to t l , ‘■ on Col- ho serious. f f

An" Tho collapse cam e shortly af- E leva An R odgers, a native of Cam as, cll «,ni Sa W ash., a rriv ed by p lane from del

Hollywood S u n d a y afternoon, ijoi 'T m /f lrv 'The ra lly was to h iv e been his der

F riends public appearAnco since his taillloch Fu- _________________ Iprio r to r i \ , ‘iv

Queens Tie SJE R O M E — Joan S tokesberry Ma

| 1 ^ _ , ond Jild y Simmons tied for th< L i e y Queen of thc Week when TOPS (

•' S llm m ettes m et recently. Thir* ral l l t ' t a tcc” m em bers netted a loss of Vo U l . 1 0 10 pounds. Vo ime. wns Som e of the m em bers brought of ; R ussell Ihelr hobbles which ihey dls- 1 icdlng. played. This wcek'.i m eeting wlll nil im e. w as be nn W ednesday because of by J . Shupe, Halloween. j . cle , he rea- --------------------------------------- ---------- -—

I I Television >.m '™ Jl» ; M o n d a y , O c t o b e$11;' Hnr- 0:00 p,m „ 4; 11:00 p.m ., 3, 11: I >me. $14; I.over In the Ulng,” s ta rrin g Cilnrli 10. $10, the lain nf love nt tho lurn nf n cnr by Judge 9:00 p m., 7SI,: ’Hio Cnndlilntcs uo. w ere w inning scries, expands lo 00 minui $2(i- Jnck m ajo r preslilonilnl candldntes nnd lllnin Hal- of th is election year, n Hurkcs. ~Swnrner. 5:30 2S l,-N ew s

avis, Sun 2H—New* ,hird, .Sho- .1-N nw s "

1 ft-N ow s ghy Judgn l l —News

n r. w ere 4—M nverlck «hum, $M; 7Sl,~.Scnutin8 ”• Hlh, $25; 7 n -N o w s^$23; I 'a l fl-A vengers ^ ly il Pot- 0-00 2S1.—Niiws , in

M arshall .1-Nfw.,dJ'oworN, 5—N«ws -j .10 RlvVrn, 2B—llm ikleherry l-Inn chncl SIC- 7 S I.^ I,e l's Speak F.ngllsh

7M—Rowan and Mnrllnrome, wns 11—Newsr'n llcrnsft fl. | 5 7.Sl/-MlHlerogersI days hy Q;.tu 2 S 1 .-I’(illtlcnl Tnlk 11011 l»ollce R -Pollilcn l Tnlk Irlve rens- 2IJ—H ero's l.ucy l-'hu:h wns r t~ l |e rc ’i Lucy« tar fH»l- JI—flore'rt l.iicy10 proper .1-M lko Dmiglas

4—Avengers— 6t4S 7 S I^ rr lo n ( lly GInnt

7i00 JS I^M ovIo : ''E x o d u s '' H} S 7 n -M « v lc ; “ Exothis’*I fl—Movie: "E xodiis"

n 2 n -M n y h e rry R J '.D ./Ai»\ B—M nyhnrry R.F.D .

;;nM h, 2 n - P r o Footbnll: pnckerain rm cn CowboynJ L lem ui 3 _ P o ck e rs vs. Cowboya

(v 'nriuD* R—Pnckors v». CowboysL « f i 11-PA ckers va. Cow bi-«" l ? e i r < - n i | ,V . l l c y


( S I s O h I s ....a f te r -M V . - - • 7 T « t f i l l - t - r i

jc h e d th tt g u j , i j y , , ,

963 _

icesId M rs.

R upert

Ites wil] m etery.le W alk r . ^ 1 r —lim e of '

:e. 10:30 S i / • '■ '■n Chap- !• "


. . . son of M r. and .M rs. D. V F l L. Pyle. Buhl, w as Injured when a n enem y m ine deto* t-dilor

17 n a ted a vehicle In which he l a^ w as riding n e a r Q uang N am , about1 ^ South V ietnam . H e is recup«r- rccorc

atlng Irom second and th ird tha t a dejtree bu m s In a hospital in campiY okoham a, Ja p a n . \ ^

X S Buhl Man Hrof R aft fight

I; .““he Is WoundedC hurch.' final

‘XheS: In Vietnam ,nt senior g u H ^ - D a v id L este r Thomo- t^^'re

son. 20. son of M r. and M rs. D.'f,?^?'"' L. Pvle is recupera ting a t lOGth' ^pov

hiuinoes G eneral hospital m Y okoham a.iJ” ‘ '° . - j f u - J a p a n , from in juries sustalnedi^ lend the ,,c„

rA fid ing detonated a n efjemy mine p iw rtu n t N am . South Viet

Thom pson suffered s e c o n d iw a s “ I'd th ird d eg ree burns on his mitte J’^nds and. f ragm en t wounds in Houst

I region- ^ad 1c He entered the serv ice in 1967 Hansi

j and has been serv ing in Viet- Senatd u iM n g since Ju ly . Ho is a gradu- whicl

“ ‘e 0 Buhl High school. His te r S It • . w'ife. the fo rm er Ann Bower, is Aft'

w ith the WAVEs and is passe / TJ ui.. Stationed a t ' B rem erton. Wash, could;Vsomh: _ --------------------------- , H „„.

iity ; Uni- Airport Requests f ™ ,.ah sca.c Buttera Jars For Lights

LOVELL. Wyo. (A P) - Air- y p r s M anager Ca! T aggart says» he needs peanut bu iier ja r s toS i n g e r keep the field operational W | collapsed a round the clock. ^• appear- vandaU destroyed Itie light •le c c n te r covers on the runw ay. T aggart V aI dm und S. said he found th a t 18-ounce p ce p res - g u tte r ja r s have lid

lay night, th reads w hich fit the runway Sei d a near- light /ixture.9.

the Los --------------------------- fuse<December. , He

a . “ai3 Blue Pencil Is.hough, to ijyo,, At Meeting ;l'"|Jhortly af- B etty B ever won lhe blue pen- Sei of Cam as, cll T hursday for h e r p a r t in a forel lane from debate on w hether the conven- most afternoon. Hon m ethod of choosing presl- comi> been his dentlal cand ida tes ahould be re- One> since his tained. , Acqu

M rs. B ever argued the nega- •o''“ l tive sldo of the Issue while Alda On

S p Strong a rgued th e affirm ative copy side. The deba te took place a t a m en

xjkesberry Magic T o astm istress m eeting a l the I tied for the Colonial House,

hcn TOPS G lenda B raga gave the Inspl- «ui nly. Thir* rational m essage nnd DoAnna a loss of Vollm er wns topic mistress.

Vora Young gavo the best inplc rs brought of the evening. 'they dls- Ethel M artin acted as tonst- co

ceiing wlll m istress. P rog ram s wore mnde e r ecnusB of by Knren Christopherson. Mar- ■ ;

■j - cie Dnvls waa a guest.

non Schedule El y , O c t o b e r 2 8 , 1 9 6 8 ' j | ;

p.m .. 3. 11: O utcnsts presen t "Tnke Your ^ U arrlng Cilnrin F oster nnd John Dohner In

lurn of n cnrd. ' al;10 Cnndldntcs nnd the Issues, nn nwnrd- W ds 10 on m inules fur nn eKnminallon ol the ndidates nnd Iheir views on the key l»ucs

or------------------------------------------------ h«

7S1,—World P ress qtBs30 4—Peyton Plncn b<

_ 7SI^Si>orslm on Afield el«:00 4 -O u tc n s ts tc

7 S I,-N E T Journal w 0:30 2.SIv~Rowan and Martin

7 n - r n i •" 8 - IJ Ig Vnllpy

10:00 4—P erry Mnson Af IO:M-2.Sl/-News ^

* 2 n -N c w «• 3 -N ew s

^ I I • ' f>—News *■ lk l-.ngllsh 7 B -N nw sI M nrlln 8-N nw .s ^

7.SI,-Q uery • «rs n -N o w ., S"Ik 11:00 2 S I^ Jn h n » y Cnrson 5

k 7 U -Jn h n iiy Cnr^on 5y , 8 -J o h n n y Cnrson S

2 n -P n ll l l rn l Debnle 5' 3—O utcasts S

ll-O u tc n « ls S4—News a

ninnt f i-R u n For Ynur Life • CiLXodus'* 11:30 4—Joey nisluip Sxo(his’* 12jW) 251,-M nvJn; Gift S;)diis'' of l.ovo" 3 R,I'',D. 8—Movln: ‘''n ie Desert §.F.D. Song” ^fl.r .D . J ........ ~ r ~ r r ----------- 1 ^

m packer. SEE M E '" j|

fo f your ^ ^

S r.. II'.il

^ Newsmen hNEW YORK (A P) - ' ^ h e lied t

n e w s s t a f f ftf th o Nn tln n n l Hnn< < B r o a d c a s t in g C o . w ill b e r e - In a le q u lre d to te l l t h c n e tw o rk a b o u t T h e p r iv a te f in a n c ia l I n te r e s ts th a t w o rk i m ig h t c o n f l i c t w i th th e i r n ew s m e n ta iu d g m e n t, a n N B C s p o k e sm a n b ro ad c sa id .

H e s a id th e n e tw o rk h a d no li- Ing th (

m I P u b l i c ^^ - R e c o rd O n G u n C Z. D. Q u o te d By R u p e in e deto* E d ito r . T im e s -N e w s : . - jm e r c l vhlcb h e I a m a n g r y a n d d is m a y e d ;a n d 1 ng N a m , a b o u t th e d is to r t i o n s of th e do w i r ec u p er* rc c o rd on f e d e r a l g u n c o n tro l I t 1 n d th i r d th a t a r e b e in g p ro m o te d in th e c a lls d n p l ta l in c a m p a ig n f o r S e n a te . >vho

A r e c e n t a d in th e S o u th Tda- S o u th ho P r e s s c la im s th a l 50.0M c r ; ^ Id a h o a n s d e s e r v e to kn o w w hy S en . C h u rc h m is s e d th e f in a l f ig h t o n . th e is su e , m th e Sen-

ed T h e fa c o f th e m a t t e r is . thefina l f ig h t . , th i s y e a r , on th e ' 5..^ ,

Y l ' ‘s su c . c a m o s e v e r a l w ee k s . f l - e a r l ie r a n d F r a n k C h u rc h w a s j j - , . [ , r T hom o- ^ ightSng a n d h e v;otedd M rs . O h.« a t iOGth' sh o w d o w n th n t S en . C h u rch '^ okoham a.i'” ‘^ '° ‘l h a r d ly th a t , ^ jin d io v rf -s u s ta in e d i^ a n i s h o c k e d th a t G e o rg e H n n -|,j„ i^ i,

ch hp w a s se n w o u ld d a r e c o m m it su c h a . e m y m in e p o lit ica l b lu n d e r b y c a l l in g th e L o u th V ie t 9- a " s h o w d o w n , ,

W h a t to o k p la c e o n ih a t d a te s e c o n d i W a s m e r e ly a c o n fe re n c e c o tn -f '-W fl

n s on h is 'm itte f ! m e e tin g to rec o n cile .* th e n res? w ounds in iH o u se v e r s io n o f th e b ill , w h ic h S e n .

h a d a l r e a d y p a s s e d a f te r R ep . [cau se ice in 1967 H a n se n ’s " n o " v o te , a n d th e h e m g in V ie t- S e n a te v e r s io n of th e b ill , in c 5 a g ra d u - w h ic h h a d a l r e a d y p a s s e d , a f- h i s c dhool. H is te r S en . C h u r c h 's " n o ” v o te . \ v B o w e r, is A fte r th e le g is la t io n h a d cau?<

'E s a n d is p a s se d b o lh H o u se s , it’s c o n te n t 'C h u r on. W ash , co u ld n o t b e - c h a n g e d . R e p .lm a n ; — H a n s e n 's p rc .se n ce th e fo llo w in g .to w

d a v fo r th e H o u s e 's c o n fe re n c e j O r l l l p c t . c c o m m il t e e 's c o n s id e ra t io n o f ,o f G I th e r c c o n c il ia i io n w a s p u re ly o rdf p l * p o lii ic a l g r a n d s t a n d in g ; a n d h i s 'o f tl

v o te th a t d a y w a s n e i th e r fo r th is p V i+ c " o r a g a in s t g u n c o n tro ls , a s he i 9 I I L 9 w ou ld h a v o u s b e lie v e . I t w a s l

S a « . S * * *

i"e r.“tionL° Q u c s tio ii O il S tay,‘ T a s 'fa » Q i u r c h Is A sketl h a v e ” "5 d E d ito r , T lm e s -N e w s : T h

he ru n w a y S e n . C h u r c h 's p o lit ic a l s ta n c e }o Cl o f In ie h a s m a n y v o te rs con -

_ _ fu sed . ^ D .C .H e s e e m s to b e t r y in g to con - T h

I q V ince I d a h o c i t iz e n s o f h is con - th re ia e r v a t iv e p o lic ie s . H e s h o u l d g ro u

a f i t i r r c le a r u p a p o in t , f o r th e e lec to r- rese i C l l l l j ; a te b e fo r e N o v . 5 , R roue b lu e pen- S en . C h u r c h h a s b e e n in fhe • p a r t In a f o re fro n t o f th o p u sh to p a ss h e co n v en - m o s t o f th e lib e r a l le g is la tio n islng p re s l- c o m in g f ro m th e G r e a t S oc ie ty . ou ld I » r e - O ne d o e s n o t h a v e to s tu d y to

a c q u ir e a c o p y o f th e C ong ress- 1 th e n e g a - Ional R e c o r d lo v e r if y th is . se i w hile A lda O ne n e e d s o n ly to a c q u ire a Pf**

a ff irm a t iv e co p y o f th e C h a m b e r o f C om - P : p la c e a t a m e rc e b u lle t in , •’T h e y G r a d e m e e tin g a t the C o n g r e s s .”

rf"'D «Ann« vole

Forum Rules 0, ,,F o r u m l e t t e r s m u s t b e •

d a s tonst- c o n c e rn e d w ith to p ic s 0 ! gen - » w ore m n d e e r a l I n te r e s t a n d m u s t b e o t ,r so n . M ar- • r e a s o n a b l e le n g th ..j(( .T h e e d i to r a a t tho, TImei*- senn

- N e w a - r e n e r v o th o f ig h t t o - rtruM i publlcallon 11. In lh« lr o r Iule ffT;n o t In g o o d ta s t e o r >s rcp o tl- '" r

'■ llo u a a n d h a s p re v io u s ly P '!'’ b e e n th o r o u g h ly c o v c re d In

'T n k e Y o u r lb * f o ru m . .i D eh n e r in A « l e t t e r , m u s t b e a r th e

a lg n a tu r c a n d a d d re s s of Ihenn nw n rd - w r i te r . T h e n a m e o f th e ____

Mlon o l th e w r i t e r w ill a p p e a r w h e n pub - — B k e v h u e s U sh ed u n le s s th e r e Is a per*

B onal r e q u e s t lh a l I t b e wUh-------------------- h e ld n n d th e r e a s o n fo r Boch-~-

a r e q u e a t , a ta lc d . T h is r e - , e ss q u e s t w il l Ih en b e co n a ld e rc d:n b y th e e d i to r s a n d ' l( w ill 'n A field e i th e r b o g r a n te d o r Iho le t.

to r w il l b e r e tu rn e d to th e rnnl w r i te r .nd Mnrtin ............. min

»' News Of Record ,JE R O M K COUNTV |

Police Court F Id o n WntHon. T w in F a IIs .

$35. fn l lu ro to n p p e n r, ^

^ Accelerated Training ■

i I V I T E Hc J L E A R N T. . D ..e r t S ON THE G■■


Tof v«*'f 3

R t lP J :5 A v ia l lo n H e a d q u o r t i f s f o r

I S w i f V * " b - M U N I O l P A t r A l R P O R T ----------3

m H N B C I s s u e s O r d e r ^

nen Reveal *Co— ~ ^ h e fied the F ed e ra l C om m unica- t h e e

J ia tio n a l tio as-C o n im issio n -o t-th a^p o llcy —NB I be re- In a le tte r re leased Sunday. been jrk about The FCC critic ized th e net- ta to r ests th a t work on Sept. 11 because com - prodi leir news m en ta to r C het H untley m ade visioi » k e sm a n b roadcasts .abou t beef im ports for

and legislation w ithout reveal- outsi had noli- Ing th a t ho had an investm ent ih empl

- - - o r ol

llic Forum £migV

a Gun Control Is &from

'f Rupert Writer■ Im erely a n ex ercise in sem antics

d ism ayedjond had absolutely nothing to ? of the do w ith content. in control U looks a s though the so- . ted in the ca llsd "C om m ittee fo r Idaho” j ‘“ !}

who sponsored thc ad in the South Tda- South Idaho P re ss , has b lu n d - '^ J’P lal 50.0M c r ;^ again, , , ^ , (othoknnw whv have a lread y been ta k - i“ ‘"„Ih t f f f i en ‘ fo r fa ls e % ta te m e n ts ;« ;P

I the Sen- ® sm ea r sheet againstS en ,. Church concern ing thc

i« . • It,,, sources of hfe camnnij?n funds, f*®" te r IS. lh e |„ p ^ cha irm an of th a t “ com -t’" ^ r. on th e .^ j^ p g .. recen tly ca u '’ht;® '“ ?l r h ®^^ml.'TCDrese'>tinR the two candi-

vo ting records in ’ Wash-

’'* • /~ u ^ ^ u t" 'o h ."b v the w av. a lthouch the n. Church fipht ag a in st gun controls is .1” ^ "u ovtfr fo r this year, it is hardly mer -orge Han- Undoubtedly, the issue "on

,.®“ ch a com e un again next y ea r in wh>l callmg the!„ tou ch e r form. Thi.-; is a f a c t tore lowdown, the N ational RiHe Associa- . HI tha t date Uon tis TOIrffullv aw are of, |bro: cnce com-f - w a ^ o u ' kno'w tha t they cx- ive; :oncile.*the nressed th?»ir preference forlbem bill, w hich Sen. C hurch 's ro-election be-' a fte r R ep.[cause they feel tha t he would I ’r . and the he m ore effectlve-in the S e n a te ; '- ''-

the bill, in com batting th is issue I h a n iT j . massed, af-hi<! cha llenger? l-lVli ' vote. I w onder if tha t could be be- t t i u ion had cause o t the hard work Senator, JT t it’s conten t'C hurch h as done in gathering) ged. R ep .lm any thousands of signatures ^ev e followingito netilion aga inst gun control, can' confcrencej O r m aybe, it could be because jjj j ;ralion of of G eorge H ansen 's grand rec- 'a s purely*ord of answ ering 35 pcr cent -p ig; and h is 'o f the roll calls in the House con' neither for th is y e a r . 1;^-rols. as hei GROVER NEWMANve. I t w asl (R upert)

* * * * * ' i to

On Stand Of Sen. ZI s Asked By Man Si

This mny be done by writing T t i Ical stance to C ham ber of Com m erce of Ihc * *

voters con- U. S,. 1615 H. St.. W ashingion, P D.C.. 2000fi. (AJ

/injf to con- This pam phlet te lls how thc Of his con- th ree m ajo r political a c 1 1 o n s

e s h o u l d groups ra te Senators and Rep- the elector- resen tatives. One of these

groups Is the A m ericans / o r * " ' ; ,o..T. In the D em ocratic Action. T hey evalu- »h tn rvi«s a te vo tes on legislation in rela- . ^

ledsln^oS “ on to th e ir (tho ADA’s) liberal 1“" • a t S e t v Polleie". T he o rgan ija tlo ii reter.5 1> “

™e Congress- su o u cn i. ■ .fy this. Sen. Len Jo rd an ra te s an 8 . <• per cen t; Rep. J im M cClure, ar T f S ™ 13 p e r cen t; Rep. G eorge Han-

Z r > e n r « ^ ^ r ?en t. aSd Sen.^ ° r «<1 ” p „ r t ( Church o .ta r t l ln a 8« per .

cent. I ,iKmrn n TT'I* rneans thnt Sen. Church " •

vo tes w ith one of the m ost lib- «rnl groups in lhe 80 per cent 'V'J

U I 6 S of the tim e, versus G eorge Han* m ust be thrIcs of Is ' 0 " 'y —luat of llbernllsm versus conservn-I tism . Dut. I do wish our seniorto Tim es- sen a to r would tell us If he hns

figh t t o - chnngod h h political philosophy.If, n Ihelr o r Is he trying lo g e t us lo be­e t m atte r i'cve hc hns been cnnservpllve nature la « " nlong? Surely Ihls Is wrong, rls rc o o tl- for i’o one w llh a rntlng of fiO p « S y per cen t by the ADA can pre-ovc rtii In tend to he a conservntlve. wvcreo in

S; ......when pub-


led* to GUNSRED’S

^ '^ in r a l K nr,

d Training ■ Free Placement! §


E & a , m RATINGS II n c l u d l n s i

* H E L I C O P T E R ' j


EPJR sSScE Ja d q u o r t i f s fo r o il o f M ag ic V a lU / S

.IR P O R T ---------T W IN P A L L S 7 3 3 .B B 2 0 .1 _

O r d e r

im unlca- the ca ttic feed industry. Ile-policy —NBC-fcaid a - questionnairo-haB —■ lay . been circu lated to a ll com m en- ■ th e net- ta to rs . rep o rte rs , w rite rs and ■ ise com - producers of its rad io nnd tele- |H y m ade vision news progrnm s. It calls

im ports for repo rting any sign ifican t : reveal- outside financial in terests of the- itm ent ih employe, h is im m ediate fam ily

-- o r o ther re la tiv es in his house-hold. »

The netw ork sa id a com m ittee m will rev iew the answ ers to see » : w hether a n y of tho holdings | |^

“ ■ ' m ight b ring an em ploye's new s ^ ^ judgm ent into question. If so. afi0 lhe em ploye m ight bc rem oved C-;

from any s to ry apparen tly af- fccted or h is investm ent m ight

1 bc oublicizcd.The netw ork dcfincd-a signifi- T )

Mkin» ^ c^f't ou tside in terest as an in JT oining «o c.vcecding one per,

.W cent o f the m arke t value of o u t - 'Ir- Standing sh a re s of a nationally , V ^'J • traded business, or an officer- w-.„ ' ? , ‘ d )S h ip . directorsh ip , partnersh ip J h , IS bJund- em ploym ent in anv business ^ ko-.. . , 1, other than NBC and ils p aren t j j

corporation the Radio Corpora- xwi 't o' America. vctc

Vho Huntley said he w anted to p pn funds the line” earlfa t •■com- advocating disclosure nf out- j a n ; interests or jonr-.

""Bul'he said hcirclt thc siitic’'™: requirem enls .should be ap p lied jjj .

finiinh »h(» 1° m cm hcrs o! C o n g re ss and the: . Z o i c is FCC. He said Senate and House ic h-irrflv m em bers had voted on legisla-, ,

‘ tion, affecling broadcasting ;Kt v ea r in while sim ultaneously holding in-l<.. i / a fflct te rests in rad io and TV s ta t io n s .

‘ Associa-1 Huntley has denied lh a l his J f ' c of' b roadcasis on the m eal nnd

they cx- live.itock industries could .have t ence for'^^eneflted him financially. >orction be-^ ^ ' " ------------------

he s*;all C o u r t O v e r t u r n s s ssue ■ '•""iResidence L a w ■k Senator :F o r C a n d id a te s ke<gathering) SANTA F E . N. M. (A P )—A

.■signatures M exico law requ iring a n control, candidate for to live >e because j,js congressional di.strict has 'ran d rcc- ^uled unconstitutional. J>

p er cen t| -phe S tate Suprem e Courl sa id y -i thc House congressional candidates can p , c«ni*AM ■’' 'e anj-whore in thc s ta te and _ EWMAN seek office from either of the I f W two. d is tr ic ls .-T h is is the first

y ea r the s ta te has been divided / into two d istric ts. New Me.xi- m \

• cans previously voied on the ir "N C l l * two cand idates a t large. Hu

--------------------------- dei

n Survivors Found S“?f'ce"o1'l;? I n P l a n e W r e c k on'ashincton. PARAMARIBO, D utch G uiana

(A P ) — .search p a r ty todny ^1 , thi. >ound tw o .survivors and th ree wa c tT o n s bodies In the w recknge of a “di

j o g J tw in - engine KLM p lane tha t of ihfisp c rashed on an ae ria l survey

iMft* V o r m ission Sunday In the w estern hev evalu- P^^t of D utch Guiana. m in relS- Ooe »' ‘I'O dead men was Ice- M- V’s) liberal All others aboard thetinn rpffirs Plnne w ere Dutch. A rescue offi- ' l i b e r a l one of the surv ivors

w as unhurt, nnd the o th e r suf- ^ ■ . . . ft ^«red m inor Injuries. W

.2 ^ 1 ..? . - T he cnuso of tho c ra sh w ns r w g e Hnn- Im m ediately determ ined . ■

H U M PH REY GAINS ung BO per y Q j^ ^ ^

•n Church ” • H um phrey hns m oved i 2 « • mn«t Ilh- percentngo points nhend of C0 ner Now York "

S tale In lhe Intesi p re s id cn tin l, z eorge Han .oported .Sunday by S here to ar- the New Y ork Dally News._______ °1 conservn- ___

I If he hns "philosophy, t us lo be- nnscrv{illve

wrong, niing\ can pre-

\c lcn r If

[ PEAVY Y H K O V S c H :u p ^ l)_____

r n[ A D E l o c a t e d i n t h e b l u e u i

D’SIg P o t t ■

m t ^ Hlent! ^

s | H iIf

S PANASONIC NGS ^ TRAVELINER R-1„ > AC o r Battery jio w o fo d AM ■t=a ^ ^ dynam it K R lo u n d • Uullt-ln (orfllo core

2 * Vertical slide rule vernier Ig « r Jiuppl^', • E arphone h r p

S oscoIF S *-°w 1CE...^|..........


I ^Conflicts’ Iin a iro -h as —^ ------ -—

com m en- i.’.-- . . 'V '

) and tele- B B B is. l l c a lls ■significan t .

nte fam ily ' his house-

com m ittee 9 ae rs to see f\ holdings E if f / - -- i - . t f..-3ye's new s Ion. If so. f lf r f ; , Uc rem oved C^'-i - J M LSBK T. V <

;e“ ' '^ , i g t « U L CORDER

“S S t Paul Corder "sTtLSi Campaigns - ~ 'F o r .S ] ie r if fils p aren t Republican candidale fo r

0 Corpora- Twin Falls Counly sheriff is aveteran law enforccm eni officer,

w anted to p „u , co rd o r was appointed .( the lin e" earlie r th ii y ea r lo fill lh e term ure nf o u t- |ja fn e s Benham,,ts of jou r-| Sheriff Corder^ is 49 and w as . tu ‘-I born, in K ansas, He served in t the .sam e World W ar 11be e d | ,he Am cr-

'Can Legion, the Elks, the Mag- la ' c ^ ic Valley Police Officers' A sso

- n iH r a s i i r e eiation. thc Idaho Police Offi- S i ^ J T n l c e r s ' Association, t h e Idaho

■w t ^ n n s I Sheriffs' Associalion and the A f io , Ku Red Cross. Hc is the fo rm erm eS? n n d lK i" ' '* ' '^ 1»“ “

could havel He is a 's p e c ia l .slale deputy ally________ for riot control and has taken ___ special police tra in ing through

urns Sheriff Corder said; *‘l havehad no political experience, bul

J O -W I’m nol a . politician. I 'm ju st - I a police officer in terested in

i t 6 S keeping Twin Falls County one1 / a p \ _ a of the best places in Idaho lo ■eqiliring a U™ and ra ise a rom ily."ess to live

S S " ’ “ ‘ N o ’ : C a n 4 i d a t e

con Follows HHH I” School Poll

cen divided ALBANY. N.Y. (A.P) — A New Me.xi- m ythical candidate nam ed'd on the ir “ NO” rdn a .strong .second loirge . H ubert H, Hum phrey in a presi------- dential poll conducted am ong'ound U niversity

_ 1 , Tho candidate w as designated r e C K on the ballot ns ” 1 disagree w ith - jtch G uiana positions of all th ree m ajo r p a rty todny candidates. I feel m y political i and th ree beliefs and convictions a re nol -k n e e of a “dequntely represen ted in tho

I5lane th a t 19G8 elections,” ,., rinl su rvey students vollng.thp w pstorn Hum phrey received 298 votes, the w este rn Republican R ichardn't! wn« trA- M. Nixon, 133, an d G eorge C. nhnnrfi the W allace 14. rescue offi- A ’out 8 000 underg rauda lcs

le su rv ivors a re enrolled.____________-

! N o w M a n y W e a r

lerm ined. FALSE TEETHlW i t h M o r e C o m f o r t

V Lr u . To o»«reom« dtaeomfort whon ) — H ubert denturet »llp. »Utl» or loosen. JuaS m oved 4.2 »prlnWle ft liuifl l-AaTEirrjl on your

n Now York comfohnhle. PAHTEml U nll<i«UM«; president!^,!I .Sunday by jienmi, Hfe your ilrntl*i rfs'UBriy.New.s. a» ‘ rABTECru drug eoun wri,


M H iiw

S . n n

3 N I C

I N E R R - 1 5 9 7

’ t io w e re d AM p o r ta b l e • U n ln u o trav o !• 4 " d y n a m ic sp o a k o r fo r f u l l . r a n o o

It-ln (o rr lle co ro a n io n n o • T onb c o n lro l J e ru le v e rn ie r lu n in o • D uih-ln AC p o v /- E a r p h o n e h r private l i i fo n in g .

................. . . . . . . ’ 1 9 ” -


Page 11: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON

sto'"2:30 P.M . SUMMARY

------ N EW -Y O RK -<A Ii)--The-6tookm ark e t gave ground g rudsing lj la ic this afternoon, widening ea r ly losses. T rad ing wos mod- e ra ie .

Losses om num bered gains b> n early 200 issues on the New Y ork Slock E xchange.

Wall S treet showed caution an d ^ a p p o in tm e n t over the fa c t Tnat no positive develop- njenJs occurrcd o v e r thc week­end regard ing possible peace in V ietnam . At the sam e time, v/lth election d ay abou t a week aw ay, the s tree t w as showing som e pre-election jJH ers in view of the la te s t resu lts of political polls.

E aste rn A irlines, edging high­e r , paced the list on activ ity . It w as booste?rtjy 'a^rfock of 57.200 sh ares . ^

Sinc-air. ahead about 3 points, w as close to the top on tu rn­ov e r a s investors responded lo new s tha t Sinclair sa id it woufd oppose a take-over offer from Gulf & W estern. G & W fell m ore than 2 in less ac tive trad-

■-'LlnR-Tcmco-VouRht; w as sold heavily, losing m ore than A poinls. In reaction to disappoint­ing earnings. ,

Also active. IBM dropped 5. and T exas GuU Sulphur rose aboul 2 .

TTie decline w as cushioned by D u Font’s rise of a couple of points.

Steels moved fractionally h igher on news of a continuing high level o f o rd ers . .

U.S. Gypsum sank about 3 poinls. Texaco advanced m ore than a point.

Ijosses of about a point w ere taken by ScherinR, S tandard Oil of California, Illinois Central, Sjvift and U.S. Smelting.

P rices w ere m ixed in m oder­a te trad ing on th e A m erican Slock Exchange.


N p YORK (AP) - N.v. York Slock ExctisnjB lelecied Igie pncM:S»tei

A .b o u t..b ,S S f S S i : ; ; fiSl !S g T !!Addr«i I « 1; « ’* 1 ^Admlml 54 : k /, joiJAelnaLlf&C I 10 ilU S6U ■«- » A[rn«dln 1.58 1 8 Ov! W , - S5 , 'K M i ’ ' t i l lAlItsLud 2,<0 » J3 i 5H4 53*; - t?J i i s i I f .

.! Sir! S; SSr'"-S 'S ac'; '.: . ■!! is? # ^Itk mAm c « :,:o u SJ? si h hACrySug 1,« IS S8< JT 17p. - 1ArnCm I.» 119 JC’ 3014 JOW _ liAmCUV I.Jl dl> 37 3«V. X‘} tiAmEnka l.JB Ji sj «»; !J ’i J ' S R ' S ii! Sit! !!S l k = U S S Z 'i ' f .Am Motor* 301 n ( n i j ijjJ _

‘ ti a !!,, !® =■ \S !!!! 'is i s ; | r

at; \ i s"-.'! ! i ! ' ; i8 i l S i j l

An»cond J.ia J2S SJ 5M4 S2« - it Anken Oitm M |3i/« llll lJU - J> AcchOin Lit 3 S3 I S»! SS% + i'! Armen Sll ) JJ St i «•({ SOH ... .; Armour !,«» IW SSM SJ*l SJ!', +

AfmCV IJ ,77^ 77^ -r; AtfifdOil l.» (to 4< i 40L -.U:i Aod DO l.» t jeU seii 9«li 4-■:l AI(1.I.«1 l.ta Jl 3i \ J3»{ 33 _• ' All Klch ).i» JM 101 lon i lm + r{

& a a / ,!!■!!S f f i ' j , * i i ! ! ! !

l).lJOK )M 30 33\ Jit! 3) n<-il I'di I.SJ 5t 7J 7Sli 7«T4 +

:• J! !S i P r :ii«:i How .eo <1 flfi etu iiri - !!"rtl>|n''UO *1 l l j « «

I Iliwlni l,}0 113 St I St + ^iioi^M ,:sh t] «71 e tl f,nordp-1 t.ld IJT JJ« J tj i JJM .. .IlntiiWflr l,:j ;« J4l Jji! 34 --

. 'i ! ! !! !!1 !! = nucyi:r 1.70 S« 10 JSW Jl - I lludil Co .10 IS 33 3Jii 31 4

403 IT ! « ' I l l “ I 'm llnd 'H O 31 4I» 4lt{ 411 llurrnuihi I 1M lIlM lIlH 117 -J<

f : is M sii h i ! = iif,':, V.‘ i ; Sill !!’* \V -;,V; c.trlfr Cp I J 7ljl IIW 7»|\ - « ft-,, ft lU iW .« • M» 3Bl4 )»( )»j + l.l

s:v "1 ii!! i ’.; i l i 1CtilkCka Hi II ]• Jli' j l j j l ' j i i j l j " V

r«fH«ed It *0 j l t ; JI 33 - lUOitntA 3t S«){ SI II KCM fill .10 13 J] Jl> ! '• - I?('.hat Ohio I .;t 731 71) Jl! + iihiMti SIP n u M» f t Sll - lii s r r . „ ' ' i ; ,1 !!l !!l i l l r . !

. ciirUiar I » ! ' ei i:< H7t - Us h , : ' ! ’!i ! ! ) !!1 ! ! „ r , S<tirkr<] 1.30 IIT 3 )i 3J> ......Clarl'llll \ Jl I 11* Jl> coctLat i.]» « r ) i »ra.irj,''';. ’k ■.••s4'n1nlniil t 1 U 11)1 tl <l <.;iw l,46h^ n IjU - ll

I S S ' ® ' . I M j * J , p i : |

iS w ir's i; i l i u lS S I V W ! 1 J ! li 1 ,V . .« S : ; K . ':t! - . ! ! !! !l ! « i Ij(OnlCan Ml - 4T ei tl « H {t ool f.p .It, )(!< II t l lotl - 4«-onl Moi .<• U Jl I4l{ - (Coni on Mo M 74 II 74 ‘f- (CAnI Ttl .11 Tl III I» IIU — i<;onlr<i4 n*ia 117 I4ti |» Ur {

1 rnoptiU 1.11 1 4li 41 4«U.uia j ' M i ’,* ! ! . l i “ . i l .1 1 * 1 8Cowlfi .11 T ll( 111 1 . .. ..('niUdrii .1* 4t IM IH t H - )C'lowCol I.m I t 4lC 40t 4 H 1 ISCiD«r. Cnik It (I < H - fiC(Owii/.( 1.31 71 ttn Hli IIH » IICuddly ri) lool liu U l IH - .t lVurtln Wr t *3 J» »M IT

i M i i i ! ' i i i l i 111=

l l i i " ! ’ l i j i r i jDtnwir 111 i l l JI { » 4 +

*• nnn<iii-i,4D « ‘ «» ' j i l i« ..-.I:Dpi Kieil ,B0 « »‘l +r>i*n)iim i.<t IOI llli n u iH + hl»in>y .iph 14 7IIC 7 I 1 . . . rl>nm*Mln .It )T llU II <1 >UowUim a.4« UT IlH *>N ilU -4 1


IMARY MARKETS AT A GLANCEi ^ h ^ s l o o k -N E W . YORK (A P) - MarkeU 1 g rudgingly a t a glance: j1. w idening .-S tocks — Lower In. m oderate'' g w as mod- trading.

Colton—Lower, ed gains by CHICAGO:>n the New Wheat—Low er; light Iraile.

Corn—H igher; fair demand, k-cd caution Oats—Mbced; light trade, t over the Soybeans—Low er; liquidation, ve develop. B utcher hogs —Steady to 25 r thc wcok- h igher; rcceipw 6.000; top W.OO. ble peace in ' S laughter stee rs—Steady: re- sam e tim e, ceipts 11,000; top 30.75.» u i a w eek „ , ------ -/o s showing s r ; : ' 1:11- - 1 - ^ ! ; « l i r u - . ;te rs m view o a ^m -ja « u uh jjjI + »{

. P O . U I . . O T 1 1 ' a ‘I s , : :

fc k o r 57.20(lp.™ .JJ3

oul 3 points. i;ip. wNg'“'A i i ii i’ij ’,*d .t.!"'op on mrn- ] !J « Jj ji*csponded lo UndJohn.' 17 *4'} 5!kaid it woufd f ' i l 4 - '}

offer from l^r.h^rp®'’ ’« v I z -; & W fell F.irchcTso, i5i t; ll’* 7 \ac tive trad - I Z Z i'n'? ’Si i‘,ii li’vj H[1 X

Fcddera .(t 4t 4» 47U 41 — ut ; w as sold ^>re than 4 Firmne it sj5' disappoint- "3 ~dropped S. ri.PwLi I'.tI iis iijj 1:4 +

ulphur ■“ S a s ‘11KordMol I ,« ..:0 0 Hli I!!, 11 . . .”

r 5 S s v l. .-‘i iik ' i i i i i ! T ’i. couple 01

fractionally ‘ij, ss>> ‘5 ^ 7 1, contmumE g-™;;™ ,f J.jJ jljj

Ik about 3 o " Mm ja ' 'i i ‘lu Slj Si t j .need n.oreS'nSSi S.S' ’!! i i i !!

OTcIEl 1,41 141 41 4H 41 t ♦ 4 point w ere ctn Tir* i j» 3i»; sij i — J

Jlandard Oil c rp « iiic '12, , i i iilj J T [>ls Central, ocrbcr ' jot 3S 3114 j —iittin s Cell><JII .Hi JI lOm IDl IHV — wi in m o d e r - p SS! SS i!5 !i> Am erican o |j 5 . .^ r .S , i l iS i iig i! - A

S p ?s : c i n “ ! i l l !!« ! ! ? i i

Ot.tnOrl .!( HI 4, « i l

i Mts ■' "i “‘‘i ”1! !»! = !;•“ 5? + J* Gulf on nl.50 1ST 41 4IU — «i^ Gul/SlaUt .» 1 III JlU U m l

GulWIn .3«!> 499 «U *> <9M _ J

I | i | i i i ' S S l i s i i J = ^

j-M ? ! i !• ■' ” up, 7‘ii 1 ^5; > " ?/• 1‘ol'VSu* 1.10 . 8 36 ' 3« ‘ 3l’* ...?«.< Jm? "■ ” »om»it«kf 41 35H 1*11 UH + i‘lYt •••;: Honeywl 1.10 SG IJo 119 lll2 + J4iJa iii2 7 V l.'O 97 4tn 4SU 4Sn + ji5->/ 5?^ 1 I? i- 'i ai « « +511? Howmet ,70 JS 37K 17 37« ♦

! !" ! s | r l i s ' S l V V B .S!)' I t i ! » » T Vi S « lli i i l ii*' i l * I i g f ' * . i ; k - ; s ! , : s !!“ si„ ssi r 3 .

|H H3v:: •!!,■!■ 3 |I : r i S l H J sii i ii^ l i ^ E l

V .h ~ T*T .is 13 It -SIK ...:!

i p E ii li ? i

??’’ “ It JonLonn .10 41 *4 ««i} «4U -1 5H» J»i — i Joilem .60 la J 1 3|U JJtJ + I

i i ; i i i i ‘ . « S ! s ' ! : r i i i i | i ^ - i

iji; ,.S 'i i i f ,li» , l i « : I

llli i i | ii’l : :! *

is ii l i i i iig f f i i i Y t S 'U ' l , i S ! ! | l i i s i iii’i

vi pl mM l i i i ; lip i H l l S J I f i | i lJ > ... l.on*Hflii I.IJ 111 ]] lJU ih i + ij

i; = i 2 “ s - l i i i i i i i i i i

i ii i ! i i i ^ i i » i i » yKS 11} ... M.dl'd 3.3I* t l 11 im J*« - H& V 1 ’ ..iii> ‘ il, ii

li 1 ! "1! ” " ■■!1 i ■" } 1 I t IJ i II 37 + f

« i \ 1 I t i r a T li?. iw ■*■ if M*’*' '•'« >11 *J »< *<{ +

’ : : i i " ! ! ! ’' ! ! : !

1 ! » : | ! ! S ; E i !! i i i 1! !! i j j86 Bl + Ji Monini/I I n il 1] 31I J i J “ 7 MrmlPw I.Sl III 3SU lf.« »I.l !?I ■*' 1) Mon|W*rd I • • 4H «8l{ «U 4S + U • ' ** “ > Mnloioli 1 SI 111 ' 11 ” 43! I jlJ 4 44 - K M,«f7T I.J4 M « 1 o l

i! i i U ' i j M i ? " i i i i i i i i i i i ; : ; ;a - l “ K ? S , 'S l l 'f f l ' i l

# : I I I ? ’ l i f em t u ~ 15 (iidHii i j JJ jtji J ff _ III _ II - i N t.t«t M it 111 H i lP‘ J U « r j « > « NMfliMi Mft 71 11’* tm 11” +

i f P p K i iliPii i l>J» « ... ,I Ktwmnt MO j? ||U h hu + i

ii i I S S " i i l ' i i ' i i : ' ! i ^ r «

i! i = p S ; 1 « i i i i ii iii iii-*•I toll - i Narihm, | 11 412 471 -i H

,il , i ! |! : . i K : : r . , r41 Horwtrfi ,11 4 47 l i t . J u , . . , ,.li .11* l i a a " i ii s | T ' i

If ! « - l | T 1! »‘!i ! T l i

\ \ 1 8 “ ^ ' ■ ? ? \ w ♦ »iljiiiiiifiSTTli i:i! 1 !l 1 I

iS. i r , l i i l l i l i i J i7 I l({ ...... I‘«nn0|i .llli> <I ]] { ]< T4(J ‘m ' il !t i 1 + !t

g's^MurketD o W ' J o n e s , 2 p . m .

Stocks—GLANCE 30-Indus ...................85S.M -2 .7 4I — Markets 20 R ail........................ 267.16 —L 24

115 U tils ..................... 130.98 +0,36In. moderate “5 S tocks 339.65 M ).93

PenniUn 1.4* 1* 171 I7;W-171U - Ip'plic^" 8** " i j *’a ^

ght trade. p,*m jw w lj ' m2 t " !ir 'demand. ” «•« « S •» - Iit t . . * . E E l& V " , ‘ ! 1!h 1S“ IS’* - "

liquidation. o i,h --ji jott jt« 36U + »;

■^teady; r f ,S! ,1' | , ! | |

s:„ s i i i - i ; S £ ’£ ' i i w i s,iii; ,iS“ : . ! ! .*!i ISS !SS S l i * •“MH 1!M Pullm.n 1.W M « ! Ill « h .l« i JC Ji-H RCA I 131 47 41 4 s l — ‘IIMl llh . . . . . R.lilOfiP .11 II J3JI JJU 3JU - m

R«n«olne .« 1 JJ J4i ]4S ~ 4

i i | l T ; « s l S " % : ' i i i i s i l i l i i

SI M U - i i AtynM*( .IS 111 j:U 37 i H + 2 4IVS 4f« _ ii ReynTob J.Jt UT 4lU « d «i .. !!« fi -M i ,.<» # « « «< Sin ; «(iii ! ! , ! : ! ! S ’11 IIH i ? » T i»!*i H i R«ryCC«It .7J i:i 4! 49 _i5js i ! i i i | | : i! s a S ’* i i i |

. ! a : i * ‘ 7 , ! ! l i ' S 3 ’ ,'.i.* . 'i ! i i ' ' iii i : v l91 J5i; + StLS*BF .rJ.1f 4 Sl } «H IH ...«» . HH+ stntgF 1.40b Its 4ji2 4i« :2 _. uJ3>4 iul - S*rHJfr, .Jft IM 41 { 4W 4«H - Hj;« Jl -► 44 S*nF*lnl .31 41 l l /^ MlT Ufltt + 35« « « + r Seh«;., 1.J# 1 4% 45V, 4I« ^ S7 CK + Schirlng 1.46 >8 77U 78U 7| i ! __u

r i i — Seltntif Ptt» J r «f« 1 ^ l« — «

i i s i l ' i : i l l s S i i i l | i i ^ E ' i♦.* - ) . SheryiWrn J >51 lOH SlU S»r - I SJ»1 39 + j Slnel«lr^J.8t* liei j'* « J 'l l 7 jt i «S( 8] ! - i SlnierCo J.<t 110 4 |J S31 V R

i ’l 1 z 11 ^ ) U l \ iT j

1 1 ; j l i d r lJIK « + « Sp«rr>’R JII 41' - a

4.'g 4) — ii StdKolU .ilp lU :jS j ; 2 JJ lo" It . . . . SlOilCl 1.7? 7I« 7t 70k7i(47« 4T« - M SlOllInd Xlft 138 M «U flC + Ui!“ i!“ A ii o R S '! ; ’SS i l ' ‘ ■ i!*^ ■ .’i f :ii.i i i S ' l S i i . J ’ g S . n l ! iS ! ’4 ; ! ! S!i t J

!H‘i »? - t h s l» «!»i Sli, |1^ t \‘55 ' i r t i ' M ? n n ’* n i i ’t ? 7 i’34! 15 - W SurryFd .«4» ITJ 1«; 'j . IV .v i m ; - i i swift Co ,« IIJ 3-ii jo’u k jsn 7 \i •'* \ H i m = iil4M « « - : Tt}e<}yn 3.7>t Hi t H *m + «« i7i{ _ K T«BB«eo 1.J1 JU j « 31 iiHm V

I I " ‘i ' | ' ! S31 31 ...... ThIokCil .40 T> till im 18V _ U

i ! ! » , i i | U ? l : " S ' i ' , ? . .S IS ! l " . r i S i i i s n l K r r i i , ■"!!.‘S Sii;

IIU u u _ It TRW me 1 l i t 4i2 <1** « - isy( IK { - I Twcn Cent 11} JSU J4K I4H -ii*' i j s ; ? - . ” , J i i i i l i l l i i l T Si« S il t l S1 , E 1 .!:i! ,!! JiE i s f iJt ■ u i i - » UKlonPteir t i t 5jU Hi! —

■Si.’S i ; , : ^ S i i : i i . T i , , i S !S« !!» i i ’i l !

■ i i s l S s J i i M ! ; ! ! ’i ! n a ! ! « , ! i a : '« a «{^ _IU us noftx If J»8 » ‘ -f

« « 4JK . . . . . USPIjw I.JB ISS JJK JJ jjU , .n K ~ M USPiych l.« • III 41 4IU eiL - t

H i i^U ...... Smell it> 11 <1 r.V. i iu - i i14^-1 US SiMl J,4ft }14 44 43t{ 44U -f i

i VA I ' l liiii s i s i l ^ j j H S i l r ’i i i i i i s i » i .)< J< - « WBiinAIrt, I 41 J< | « « M : : tj |J}« + jj l.JO « 4l’‘ 4jJJ 43 4. ^

ii» J i" *:::: « i i'l! .,S! !!(i i l l i i * |

i! i i ^ v ' i i S S V i * .,;s !i« Sii! ! i | l !j’lit' 13 1 - u Xironcp 1,18 17 17MJ «»K 170 I 4- 43t U l „ . . . Yns>lSI)l I.IO » ! 4m 41^ 4]{ — iII IsU - i n ZenlU,K 1,1«. I41 }«« Sl 11 - { IS IS I .^... Corytlghicd br Tht AiioelKed Proi IM

iil i i ; | ? J J S . r uiil ii!li" ii!“ i ‘ i * .~ i.i . . . . ‘“ v 'i '. '- '" .? ; S f “ ;: iiit S l i h ' i l i r r . , . . i! i l '‘ !!,, iSl,f TO,t + I Arkl.O.. M, IT .7)1 n i l J7ll I" .:! ! » ! i * J : a i f ' . ° ! i ” i . ' V V.'; il« i!» r ..« 'S , iS ,si .! r j |.S’' J l " + iil'i’ lill* l i . l j li tIII ' I I + \ C*mpU Chib II 7^ Tli, 7 -t- JJ H —I ' Juvillo 44t II ll^l 11 + i «» 43 . ,, . Cln»r«mi« HI |}U |j*

.ii I i i r i l H ' , , ii i i ’* i i r ' i i , !

''i"! ■?. 1 I ”-" ii« i i : r i s , r i ' j i i i in si, i„ T i ii! l i u l } S:."./v'.T'S! !! ii,. Ill il,,.*..!'!! r r „ . , • ! , '% " ? , '!! ::::;

'I! SS .t: i i ; s : " « i : “ ‘ ’i s i i ^ i i iiIM 10 ” ! •‘y'fomill ffl..|T -I4tf M K,..,.tu 4S + U '"P*r oil I t 14 74. 71U Tl(v —>U Ul 4U +>K "•m C»'t« >l 1«»4 10 It { . .. .

i i i i i i i i i ' V ? ' i ! i ’* i i l |

r ' l i ^ . k H ^ i i i i i | « ! : i i i ?n i i ' i u . - N i»nrk Mn in II )({ II { -« (>» { > t! + ^ l»d m W Jt! IJ *■ fis{ I ’ - I nic (Irnup JI .1i^ jtf l i l t , , .i r ‘ 4 U - fliMl Inrtutr TJ II lit Tt -1H

liiiji iIII 1111 .4. Tiriinlcol .4* IT 11 M( IIU •> )IIH + ! »'ni J* » J*« — •HU 3lt{ - CepjrflahKd br Th« AiMCliKd Prcii Itil

\ L JJil * SPO T METALSl i r ill’* V u NEW YORK (A P > -S p o t nnn- ijy i!< ” " f®rrou« m ata l p rio e t M onday: • ' I I* - H coppor 4 W 2W c«nU « pound, II { >ri . . . C onnecticut V alley; lead 13 cents I ? >1 + tt ® pound, New Y ork; zinc It I 4- u cen ts a pound, B a i t St. l.oulii (1! J l i “ f " • pound; New York;liu M T T !,, W §.w p e r • troy- ounce l7 !W i N®''’ Y ork! •liver II.M 5 per iroy

I P : . j a % y n ,y 'N A "% r

i f i = '« T w i n F a U i

i 7 I » . r t . r ......... .............................

1 “- i l ^Vhlla Wh««l ..................... il.17

1 M — U PInloi ............ ..................... ...........l( . .. Orcac <[1rtIl•r^l .. ............... .T l1 4 - H Hmall Rid* ............ .....................M,M

1 + « PInki .......................

ket~^nd—Fi1, 2 p . m . Livestock

8 5 5 .5 4 - 2.74 ■ PORTLANDi l l ' l l T H I PORTLAND (A P ) - (USDA) t

« -‘* ' 2 ' —Ca»J« and calves 1350; slaugh- 1 339.M —0.93 te r cows s teady lo 50 low er; oth- '

e r ' classes steady : slau g h te r i ’’jS 'n J J - L steers choice 900-990 lb 26.30-! 4IH , 4iH <f. I slaughter heifers choice«H « « + 748-1000 lb 25.00-25.50; s lau g h te r 1 iiS UH — M Siandard 17.75 - 18.50; '^5' ...... slaughter bulls commei>cial and

^ 80«* 22.00-25.00; v ea le rs cholco , ti>\ I Ti + i« 20 .00 ; feeder s te e rs choice 800-

•J|f f » Bid lbs; feed e r heif- ; iijR 11 u 7 S e rs good 250-500 lb 17.25-19.60.I MH «?W + n Hogs and sheep none.

' i i i i i i i O M A H A .’; JJ 3S!J * . .. OMAHA (A P ) — (USDA) —' U a : i ’u 10.000, ba rrow s and gills 1 JJH 3 J H -H averaging stead y ; 1-3 195-240 lbs

i l ? ~ « 17.50-18.00; 2-4 240-260 lbs 17.00- . j j r i J 4 +'U sows uneven. 300^50 lbs' ’II) 5 - H steady to strong , 450-650 lbs i I ? steady to w eak . In stan ces 25I » « 401- fi lower; 1-3 300-450 Ibs 15.75-16.40?> >;« « 5 + H 2-3 450-650 lbs 15.52-16.00.I 443 e4n V « Sheep 2,000; s lau g h te r lam bs ’ m2 M»t7 « *nd ewC5 s tead y : wooled slaugh-

4t 4tu _ iU le r lam bs choice, som e w ith end ' !?l + » Pfirne around 90-110 lb s 26.5i>- 1 r n 7it T. 27.00; shorn s lau g h te r lam bs

J'M ’*i V’« choice, som e with end p rim e 90-; i!8 !S r « U" n o i p ens 27.00 - 27 .25 ;I 4IH 49H - . M shorn slaugh ter ew es few cull

t N and utility .6.00-6.50.' ?8C' Z .a Cattle 7,000; ca lv cs 3.200;*<. im IH - d slaughter s teers a n d heifers r « « 33« - u steady; cows slow, 25-50 lower;, 41^ o _.) bulls steady ; yea rlin g feeder ' Im- ~ ^ steers and heifers s ieo d y ; cows I « S « ~ ’4 low er; bu lls steady ;' ” n "■ if yearling feeder s te e rs and heif- 1 4o« 7 vl steady: calves fu lly stead y ;1 siU s»r - I S slaughter stee rs choice 1000-1225

26.75-27.75; m ixed good and M i3iJ + 5 choice 975-1200 lbs 20.25 - 26.75;

' good 23.50-2S.25; s la u g h te r heif-1 M « Z ih. crs choice 800-1025 lbs 25.25-, «H 41 - i.i 20.35; m lxd good and choice 750- ' lli’i lbs 24.75-25.50; u tility and1 « « j i u r i / com m crcial cow s 16,00 - 17,50;

«M 4iH - J utility, com m ercial a n d good1 "lit 7 2 bulls 21.00-22:50; choice 8M lbr r i i JJ — ‘ feeder s tee rs 26,00; choice 525-‘ I ta iSli r ' i i 750 ibs s te e rs m ainly 27.00-28.50; :>•«« w t « choice 500-625 lbs h e ife rs 25.00-

« ei; 4- t 26.25; choice and p rim e 350 Ibi 4*i si» t j l steer calves 37.00; choice and '

«iS «!i, - I prime 425 1b h e ife r calves-28.50-' - ,7 31.00.


« *?j -f « Hogs 6,000; bu tchers s tead y to' *52 mS I T ' 25 higher: 1-3 so rted 205-220 lbI JiU jW . . . . . butchers 18.50-19.00 ; 2-3 190-230

17.75-18.25; 2-4 240-260-Ibs : Jib l iy T 17.25-17.50 ; 3 4 290-330 lbs 16.25- . 44? 4jj - ‘Ti 3ff.75; 1-3 300400 Ibs ie.OO-16.50;' '}« 2-3 500-600 lbs 14.50-15.25.i 4i«: 41* - Catlle 11,000; ca lv es none;

« L l l slaughter s ieera s te a d y ; p rim e ; u i l i4< - 1.200-1,560 lb s lau g h te r stee rs 1 3<M - yield g rad e 3 and 4 30.00-30.75;! J4« j4 « 7 1 mixed high choice an d prim e

342 J4« _ 1.150-1.400 lbs 28.75-30.00; choice ' v iz 1 1,100-1.375 lbs y ie ld g ra d e 2 to 4 [ mH « a X 28.25-29.00; good 25,50-27.00;I ! iH ~ 7 mixed high cho ice and prim e ‘ 4j « Si’* 1 050-1.025 lb s lau g h te r heifers i «({ u - 1 yield g rad e 3 ond 4 27.00-27.25;' «it( lii« choice 825-1,025 lb s y ie ld grade 1 Jt , j»a Z ‘ 2 to 4 26.00-27.00; good 23.50- ' J! » « + 25,M; com m ercial cow's 16.00-

“ h 17.50; utility 17.25-18.25.3> Sheep 500; wooled slaugh ter•*8 lambs and ewes s te a d y ; choice

p rim e 90-105 lb wooled ' 1?“ « » - * { slaughter lam bs 2fl.50-27.2S;, m i Jl - 5 mixed good and choice 80-100 , iTrf J I _ Ji lbs 25.00-26.50; cu ll lo good

” I 'l l * g wooled s laugh te r ew es 5.00-7.00.

iii ii 7'ii cattle futures40 4D'i + H The following Quotations a rc l \ . Zlfl *.}} provided by E . W. M cRoberts

' I and Co., Tw in Tnlls.Siit S i w r i i Hloh Ix w - Close« « + g Decem ber .K 7.I5 $2(5,90 *27.07

»« '. 1 7 ^ 7 :? February . 20.15 26,00 28.10 4i« *41 1 1 April . . . . . . 25.75 25.65 25.70

w . mI i i June .......... 25.57 25,,'iO 25.57' August . . . . 25.D7 2S.92 25.07


; f " 7 ' I - P o t a t o e s , O n i o n si^H j f CHICAGO .

'* + « CHrCAGO <AP) - (USDA) - , iTii Jill Polatoes a rriv a ls B6 ; on trnck r n « h M + 11-11 D3; total U. S. Bhipmenls for Frl-

i li 3 r <5»y 275; S aturday 120; Sundny I MH J4 - I I; supplies light; dem and mod- ' !f t erate; m ark e t s te a d y ; enrlo t , '*t J. 7 I track sa les; M innesota Norih

m !*’ + M Dakota R ed R iver Valley Pon- ' 1? , i | ' ‘ ...... tlacs 2,65 M innesota N orth Da-

, ” { u 1 H 2.7.S. ______

I ijS i « ::::: f u t u r e s' i*u u l l l Thu followlnn a u o ta lio n s 'n ro ' 11 { I + )i provided b y E . W. M cRobcrta' f f f ...... ond Co,. Twin F n ih ., mI h i M aine P o ta lo e s ;: JJ« J H / H i p l i Low Close I

J4« It I 7 « November ..52.6(1 *2,63 52.04; llfl iil| _ « M n rc h .......... 2,07 • 2.91 2,02'• •H » Aorll ............3,1(1 .rif l .1.10, It " May .............. 3.75 3.65 3,05

- } Idobn P o ta to es'III 7 ^ t M a y ..............55,00 55.03 55.D3


jt IJ ‘ I n o iS E (AP> — Siockholilcra JS Jl" Cascatlo C orp. nroIII 3111 Z i flcliedulrd lo m cel In Dolso Dec. I ftf nrt - 12 (n consldor Ibo propofled lit l lu " ' t m erger of Union Lum ber, Co. S’* 1‘lj “ : wllh no ise Cascado. StockW ld-

«eiit«4 pffu Itil ors a lso will consldor a proposed I increaNO of au thrtrlred com m on

? . «<nck from 20 m illion to 30 mil-

lU a p o u n d , ....................lead iJ cents BUTTER FU TU RES

rk; zinc 13^ CIIICAOO (A P ) — Cblcngo I t St. I.oulii M ercanllla F jcchange D utter ; New Y ork; nteady to firm ; wlmlosnlo buy*

tro y ounce ing prices unchnnRCd to >^'Tifgh* I.MS per Iroy er; M sco re AA fiOVi? 02 A fi6«A;

a FaUg Markets |I BOOS I I

iltaVwV-^'laJa .............................. '**1* - - . UV««T0 CK“ .......... .. I

jkJ*20 ....................... . I

IFiimneial-took GrainsIND CHICAGO (A P )-S o y b eo n s fu-P ) _ (USDA) tu re s declined a lo n g 'w ith w b e a tj ' 9 1350; slaugh- prices on the Chicago B oard of, 50 low er; o th -T ra d e today, but m ost o t h e n '

ly; slau g h te r g ra in contracts m ain ta in ed ►-990 lb 26.30- som e firmness. . heifers choice T rade had opened on a good 5.50; s lau g h te r paco but la ter appeared to slow, 17.75 - 18.50; down.

im mepcial and T he iniernatlonal scene pro- vea le rs choice vided litHe or no incentive for r s choice 800- m ovem ent of com m odity fu tu re s '; fe ed e r heif- p rices during the session nnd , a s b 17.25-19.60. a result, there appeared to be J none. a nervous tone lo the trade .

An improvem ent In the m ove- lA » m ent of soybeans from fa rm s to

<■IIcnA^ _ ” >arkei placcs In rcccn l 'd a y s nwc n iiu ® “ Ctor In active selling on 1^3 19W 40 bs opening, from w hich s o y

J-260 lbs 1 7 .K a H d v S c r f " ’ 4 ^ ? ih« A t the clbse w heat w as to ’ i n s t S s 2 5 ^« c e h is -a bushel low er, De- Ibs 15 7?16 4 0 ' c o r n w as % to 5M 6 00 *'‘8her, D ecem ber 1.091^; o a ts

___ w ere unchanged to Vi low er. De-cem ber W A cen ts; rye w as un-

wfth fnri higher, D ecem berand soybeans w ere to

u ™ te r S N .v .m be ,-2 .S 0 . _

i '2''7''o? ' '- '2 5 » ■ CASH GRAIN ewes few cull CHICAGO ( A P ) - - W heat No. M ‘ 2 yellow hard 1.333^n; No 2 softc a lv cs 3 200- 1.25?^n. Corn No 2 yellow

a n d heifers No 3 yellow 1.03-06. O atsL, 25-50 lower* N o 2 extra heavy w hite 62n. Soy- •arlln c feeder bcons No 1 yellow 2.45*/ N o 2

s tS d y : cow s yellow 2.443^; No 3 yellow 2.40?^. b u lls s tead y ; Soybean oil 7.30n.

leers and heif- ---------■ .3 fu lly s tead y ; GRAIN RANGEhoice 1000-1225 CHICAGO (A P )~ ixed good and p r^ v5 20.25 - 2 ^ 5 ; ^Igh Low Close closeslau g h te r heif- Wheat)25 lbs 25.2^ Dec 1.26*4 1.25% 1.25% 1.26>^ ind cho ce 75^ M ar 1.32?J 1 .3 lg 1.31% 1.32>.6

M ay 1.35V?.1.34« 1.34V4 1.35 16,00 - 17,50; j m 1.301/ 1.35^ 1 .351? i . 3(jy

“ei.0 i“c = ''8« l” b ^c"orn ' ‘D ec 1.10 1.08% 1.09U 1.09%

n iy 27 .OO-K.5O: M ar 1.147/. 1.13^ i . h « 1,14h e ife rs 25.0^ M ay 1.18V4 .1.17 1.1734 1.17*4p rim e 350 ib j u , i sosi i. ig a r i2Q% 1.19%

■ . - Dec .671/* M % .66U .66'4- M ar .63 .67V4 -67^ .67V4

M ay .07*4 .67%- (USDA) - - Ju l .65J4 .64% .64% .6 5 ^

iers s tead y to c«„ ___ ___; « j / i-curtcd 205-220 lb

1.17VJ 1.16S/. 1.1714 1.1654 ?h= i R M a r - 1,20 1.19U -M 9'/I 1.19>4

ru M ay 1:20VS 1.19% 1.20>4 1.19%16.00-16.50: J.203^ 1.20^ 1.20% 1.2055

.50-15.25. Sep ----- - 1.20'4 1.20*4c a lv es none; ' ________________ '* '*

s te a d y ; prim e

-fSo-fS! Mutual Funds? £ » “o"o1 c t t ' e ■ ■ « « .„ P r ic e , ■id g ra d e 2 to 4 B id AskedI 25,50-27.00; Affiliated F und . . . . 9.80 10.6Cc e and p rim e Compel Cap ............ 10.82 ll.B 'jg h te r he ife rs Dow Theory ............ 8.87 , '9.69d 4 27.00-27.25; Eaton and H ow ard 18.11 19.68bs y ie ld g rade Enteror/so ............... 11.46 12..520- EOod 23.50- Fidelilv T rend ........ 31.97 34.75II cov/s 16.00- Keystone B-4 ........ 10.37 11.321-18.25. Keystone K-1 ........... D.72 10.61oied s laugh te r Keystone K-2 ............ 7.81 8.53s te a d y ; choice Keystone S-2 ........... I2.7f» 1,?.«8}5 lb wooled Keystone S-3 ........... fl.93 10.84I 2fl.50-27.2S; Kev.sto;io S-4 . . . . . . 7.33 8.00

choice 80-100 P o la r i s ........................ C-U fi;fl9cu ll lo good P"tnam V is ln .......... 14.03 15,33ew es 5.00-7.00. f”’’ In v e s t ........ fi.Tfl 0,51ew es i .w - i .w . . . . . . . . . in ,94 11.95LTFURES Growifi . . 13.00 14.21Quotations nro M ass Inv T rust . . . , 17.04 10.28W M cR oberts Nntionnl Growth . . 12.13 13.20w . MCKO (Nntionnl Stock . . . . . . 10.31 11.27

ix w 'Cloqe Futnnm Efiullles . . 11.21 17.72SMflfl *27 07 '^'Jchpology ...............10.G8 11,64S o 28.10 ™ R v ; ......................28.03 30.0325.65 25,70 '^‘>1“ ° •-'f'fi J n c ........ 7,13 7.8125 50 25 57 Value Mne Sp Sit . 10.,^0 n .fll25!o2 25.97 ''^‘'s t Ind Shnrcs . . . 10,15 11.09

Onions Over the Countfcrffoni m w ir.ppfoxim .tt.

- (USDA) — lnifnlM)*r do boi Intlud. /». B6 ; on track S ' i r C . S Z m .

""•ll*® ■ Did Asked/ 120; Sundny Alliortson'ir ....17 ,121 /4 17.02VSd em and mod- Equity Oil 10,00 20 00

rteady; cn rlo t F irs t Sec C orp . 34.(W 35,00ineso ta N orih F irst .Sec' Invest 7.00 7.3715r Valley Pon- O nrrclt F re ig h t 37.0(1 37.75ntft N orth Da- Jdnbo Pow er pfd 60,00 04,00alley Norgolds Interm ln Gns . . 11.00 ll.37>4

!.«> Gom .‘Jllver I.«7»X l .W AMorrison • Knud 20.00 20,50

IE S Rogers Bros . . . 20.7.1 27.75juotalions 'n ro s ilver S lar Qns . .50 75<t/. M cRobcrta S ierra Life . . . . 3.50 4 25

Surety Lifo . . . . g,l2<^ 8,SO


w V o t e f o r C a i

!!» UD DlloPosF.D Pin* nl- Stockholdcra ado C orp. nro

In Dolso Dec.iho proponed . a g » i

1 Ltimber, Co.dn. StockW ld- Vdor a proposed ~rlie d com inon Ilon to 30 mil-

LTTURES ^ ____ ^•) - Chlcngo

v r i « ; ; ; A Bw d to >/4'fifgh* ■ _ :

'i tk V iT iil : . l l

! i _ j B . T h e a

I ■ V o t e , f o r C a r

i o f - - ' " ' ' If. I,,

iai—Repont- Mirrorn e w YORK (AP) - W hat Is

m s difference in economic phi­losophy between the D cm ccrats

I—Soybeans fu- ®rid the Republicans? Surprls- .ng-w lth w h e a t neccsiary as the an ;icago B oard ofiS w ers a rc , many people couldn’t ; m ost o t h e r | s i a t e them .! m a in ta in ed . M ost people won’t find nn aw­

ful I6 t o f help either in read ing ned on a good the two platforms, fo t-th c te are peared to slow, p e tliaps as many sim ilarities a s

d ifferences, a t least lo thc Inex- lal scene pro- p e r t eye.) Incentive fo r And yet, one of (hc chief nrgu- imodily fu tu re s m en ts used by the. presidcnllal session an d , a s candidates, and m ost o f the ppeared to be lesser candidates as well, is tha t0 the trad e . they can guide lhe cconomy bei- it In the m ove- te r than their opponents.from fa rm s to m se a rc h of guidance. D r.

n Tcccnt d a y s P au l McCrackcn, a Republican, ctlve selling on and D r. W alter W ..H ? lle r, a 3m w hich soy- D em ocrat, w ere asked w>dt, in ed to g e n e ra te the ir opinion, were the funda­

m ental economic differences In heat w as 54 to th e p a r ty philosophies.

M cCracken, a U niversity o( M ichlgajj economist, w as a

n 1/ m em ber of Presideni Dwight D.Eisenhow er's Council of** Eco- nom ic A dvisers. from 1056 to *959. and Is mcniioned a s a pos-

T / a* siWe council chairm an .should ’'^ ’’•2.50. R ichard M. Nixon be elected

president. - • --------. KI H eller, economist a t Ibe Unl-

' 7 No. v ersity of Minnesota, w as coun-f 'N A ^ cha irm an from 1961 (0 1964,

o-uofi S Presidents John F.9 “ *® K ennedy and John.son and -re-

I 4W /" 'n ,?^9 m ainlng an Influential voice In )W 2.45*4 N o 2 pojicv a fte r leaving the job.3 yellow 2.40>^. ^ h j i^ opinions w ere expressed

- as spontaneous reactions tc questions, asked of them sCp-

tANGE a ra le ly , ra th er than in p re p a rw)— sta tem en ts. In both Instances

P re v . the m en spoke as Individuals ’ Close c lo se ra th e r than as p a rty spokes-

mcfi.-\% 1.25% 1.26V4 “ F irs t of all,” said Me- i i i 1.31% 1.32>| Cracken, " I think it Is Impor- 1% 1.34Vi 1.35 lan t os a preface lo em phasize i‘4 1.35V? 1.36V« th a t one of the g rea t strenglhs1 1 .33(4 1.38% o f the American political sy s ­

tem Is th a t the change from one 1% 1.09V4 ].09Vi p a r ty to another doesn’t pro- 1% 1.14% 1,14 duce a 90 degree tu m , a s in r 1.1734 1 .171/ som e s>-slcms.1 4 120% 1.19% " I think this Is an im portanl 1% l-20% 1.20V4 aspect. I t Isn't to Imply tha l

th e re ’ a re nb differences be- >% .06'/4 .66'/4 tw een th e parties. T h ere a re , al- Ya •67% ,67Vi though the middle ground th e j

r .67*4 .67% sh a re is substantial.1% -04% .65% " I t m eans to me tha t th e ke>— .65% .65% difference revolves-around the

allocatioa of money to th e pri- 1% 1.17>4 1 16*4 v a le and public sectors. T his Is 1% 1.19V4 c ritica l (0 our nation’s econom ic)% 1.20% 1.19'% w elfare.

1.20% 1.20?.5 “ The Republican position- J:— 1.20% 1.20*4 m ore nearlv w hat I woul<Tcal [ ' the liberal position,” Me

C racken said. He conceded “ t sem antics problem " w ith " lib

1 ; U n G S eraJ.” He said be m ean t lib e ra in the classic aense, w hlcl

. , . would mean fewer ra th e r thm m ore federally Imposed re s tr lc

in 13 1!'5? ' " ‘'n . r i s e .•••■ "W hat a re the tangible m ani• " j festa tlons?" he continued. " In :

I M I :2-e5 D sm ocratlc adm inistra tion th •••• ‘ $2.52 federal budget four yea rs hen o

Til :;i would show hiRher expenses am‘ax es than Ihe R epublicans.’

•••• 2-2? But, he said, • 'they’ll probabl:

•••• Heller said he also believeiS :;', ^“ '22 th e re Is an area of ag reem en t lr Z , ? 2 :SS phlloiophy but g rea

'• • • differences too.■••• "Y ou sta rt out w llh the fa c

'h a t both Vice P residen t H uber H. Humphrey and Nlxon hav<

' ” 17 ava ilab le the (ools of m o d eri••• 5Z ? 1 }2-25 econom ics-lax changes, b u d g e ” tn V i M i l changes, m onetary ch an g es" t(

'■ J H ; m ove the cconomy. “ T h e re . If■* i n l ] V I a ossentlally a b ipartisan conserv

'" o S 'n i ’ H J ffus on this,". . . 28.03 30.03 “ Dut a s you get b eyon t

,'•5} these ," be continued, " th e re ar« ’ 2 i? I ‘n i " " ' ‘y d ilfe ren ce i." Thor<. . . 10.15 11.05 I , , i n ( e „ „ c j , he said. In "dis-

' trlbutlve preference" In cegnrtlto revenues. "Nlxon Is u p p e r in-

Inclined. H um phrey is In- L / U U I I i e r - d in e d toward th e low er In-?D iripproslmit*. COmcS,** ' ------ -----------------------^ ^ ' e S r . i ^ J ' candldatea« mi(rd«Bitr bidi! a lso attach different goa ls tc

B id Asked policy. "H um phrey puls full cm ' 17,12'/4 17.02% ploym ent and growth a t th e tor10.00 20.00 o f the lIsl," he said. "H ie lend'34.00 35,00 ency o f Nixon Is <0 put s ta b ililj 7.00 7.37'/5 ov er full employm ent, ever

37,0(1 37.75 though some of hla adv isers sn j60.00 04,00 thin W t so."" • 5 ? . . “ e l 'e r "“W he W t the D em oI.fi7% 2 . 12}^ c ra tic nnti-inflatinn program

20.00 20,50 w as especially strong nnd thc 20 .7.1 27.75 Republlcnn progrnm “ m o stlj

.50 .75 sloganfi.’’ It In Ironic, h e s a id «?2 .y “ Nixon Is getting a lo t ol8 .I2 </ 8,50 m ileage out o f inflntion bul

fo r Careful Spending -

4R . REPUBLICANLoughmillei

W h e r e !

M o n e

; 2 3 7 , 0 M l i i c i

I n C o i i n t y

' h e V o t e r s Wfo r Careful Spending -

Im by D«im u«Mi CM3hMl.CM0MlltmkuL.Di

Q f f B u s i n e s s .

p?Lhatis^"SUCC®ieconomic phi- ' ■lhe D cm ccrats TT J _ *n fhTS; . Investm(leoplc couldn’t ^ ‘ „

VI find an aw . R O G E R E . S P E

Q — Al 76. my wife and I '<rimnn^fup« having- difficuUy makingsl7 o th e Incx m ccl.: I re tired two yea rsst lo thc Incx- Securily. a. Im nlli t - w .,/ pension and dividends from(hc chief argu- c it ie s Service Co., Ford Molor ic. p residcnllal Co., Sam e Fe Industries, Stand- m ost o f the a rd Oil of New Jersey, Affillat-

as well, is ^ a l ed Fund and Wellington Fund. 5 economy bet- should w e Invest- some ol our onents. 520,000 savings to get. m ore In-guidance. D r. com e? — L. H. • a R epublican. ^ _ y o u r portfolio offers r w . H?iier, a good balance of adequate in-

isked w M t, in com e and m oderate growth po re the funda-U gntjai.

Becausc Citics Scrvice movet V; ’ , . , up sharp ly on ils parilcipalior U niversity of _ th rough ownership of A tlanti.

® Richfield p referred .s^harcs — li lent Dwight D. the A laska oil boom, yield i:

cu rren tly on the low side from 1056 to N evertheless, shares .Thould b« oned a s a pos- (heir abpreclailon p roslirm an .should pc^ts.>n b e elec ted jg ^sey s tan d a rd needs no ad \ \ .u if«- ditional com m cn t — having beci st a t Ibe u n i- recom m ended here repeatedly

tflcV M Ta'i!)' Sam e Fc - holding compan: 1 I96I Jo 19M, for Atchison, Topeka — h as tht idcnts John F . ^'dded appeal of continued diver

' T s'fJcaUon into nonrail .ictivilie: .ntlal voice In should bo held for income lg the job. p o rd h as begun to recoup ll:''e re expressed no rm al 26 per ccn t segm ent o

« the to ta l autom otive m arket af of them scj> y e a r’s strike which rc

*".J" duced th is figure to 22 p e r ccn t)0 th In stances y o u r m utual funda should b<

h e ld .fo r the ir yield and g rodua p a rty spokes- g ^ w th .„ , . ^ By investing about onc-half o , sam MC- yQur sav ings reserve In AA t it Is Im ppr- P enn ,^^5

to em phasize qj, ig g j you will Increase youi m odestly. These to n d s

political sy s - bejow, th o lr calprice , o ffer b e tte r than 6 '/ l pe ■ doesn t p ro - i „ u ,„ a ,

e tu m . a s in q _ a $2,000 legacy Is t(. . ___ com e m y w ay and I w aiit t'

i J ,n i ^ ‘'" 'e s t p a r t o f It. I am In m: i i working and hav>

«?A « r *500 saved . Could you sugges a sto ck for purchase w ith thi

e ground th ey ,n fe ritance plus 550 a - m o n t l v « „ now on?—B.K.

t «rn, nH A - P rio rity should b e glveie s^ a ro i^ d th e increasing your savings

^ 1? le I would not rccommen<fo^®s ecM om Ic m ore than one-thlrc£ oion s econom icin rw^euinn le ' B cldlng Hcmlnway._,manufac r T ^ 0 .1,?- . ^ 11 tu re r o f hom e furnishings, "sew iilio 7 " ' ^ M " IhB .notions and f .b r i c r f o r re * conceded “ a

H um phrey h as a m uch m or ‘ m ean t l i b m l cogent program ." ' sense, w h ich T he i^rogram he said. Is th is

e r ra th e r th a n ••Responsible fiscal and mom n ^ s e d re s tr lc - tj,ry policy, perhaps even hole

_____ o n <0 surtax. Cooperitton w ith b ig business an d bl

on ln u ed . In a la b o r .to obtain economic dlsai ilnistration th e n iam ent, Specific proposals fc u r yea rs h en ce (ry lng to b reak through Infiatlo r e x p o s e s and j^, construction, medicine, insui R epublicans. and o ther Industries,

fiey 11 p ro b ab ly H elle r sa id he felt a RepubI t- .< - C“ " p residen t would be Incline'

‘0 p u t grow th In lhe Gross Nn if ag reem en t In tjona, p ro d u c t by towering tM phy but g r e a l gg at\d Increasing m llltar:

,.,i.u .i.« spending and that th e Demo * u K . c ro ‘8 would spend on clvUlai

es lden t H u b e rt n roeram s id Nlxon h a v e ^ jjffg j)ls o f m o d e rn whole philosophy o

y cE g ^ s"® t* ^11 1 '^ ® ! ! .’::.*“ "R em em b er the le tte r to ttn irtisan consen- b ro k e rs?" He referred to a lei

-* A the Investment com m unli i . J ^ ‘y Indicating th e Republican

p re fe rred to see a less re g u la te .„ w i3 mu o " Wall Street.

"N lxoti. I would say, takes thi nh In brokers

-■ lu m p h rey th a l of th e ahare

CLASSES N dy puls full cm -wth a t th e top , . .lid. "H ie lend- f o r t h e

sym ent :'“S DALE CARNI1. adv isers sny . COURSEt a " ’p r“ ™ m f o r I N F O R M A T I O Itrong nnd th c * 7 0 0 1rnm “ m ostly / A A m / H l■onlc, h e said , j T .Mtlng a lo t o f P R E S E N T E D B Y R . U

Inflntion b u t f ___ . j , j. „. rir--^nnnnn.iuinr-rjL---.-ij

(ding - V ote N ebeker <

ICAN COMMISSKghm iller & Chancey

r e D i d T b

i n e y G o ?

I n c r e a s e l U i l

m t y S p e n d i i i

s W a n t t o K lidlng - V ote Nebokor S

I C S S M onijgy, October. 28, 1968

i c e g ' s f u T T l ^ S Pnesting -G ER E . S P E A R «

my , wife and run il a n d Industrial consum eiif rficully m aking Is an a ttrac tiv e .. P u r c h a s e . tired two y e a rs 'S h a re s , now trad ing a t about ccurliy. a. sm all] 17 lim es e stim ated 1968 resu O i dividends from ap p ea r to -h n v e fu rth e r u p s^ ^ :o., Ford Molor potential.- I would bank 550^-a ndusirics. Stand- monih and invest la te r In ah- Jcrscy, Affillat- o ther p rom ising issue.

'/ellington Fund. (R oger Spear’s 48-pa'ge GuW’6 Sl- some of our to Succcssful Investing (rcccflv to get. m ore In- iy rev ised a n d 'in ils 10th priij;^;

ing) I s - a v a ila b le 'to a ll readCfp ortfolio offers a of ih is colinnn. F o r your C0535 Df adequate in- -■’cnt 51 w ith n am e and addri^i? jra tc growth po- *?, R oger E . Spear, ■ (care

Tim es-N cw s). Box 1618, G r^nd n Scrvice m oved C $?lra l Slation. New Y ork. N , g ils participation 1■rsWp of A tlantic : ’ r.e

\ o o m , yield is LUClC Of DCIlVSindf e ’M e Told In Steel?prcciai1on pros- CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP)

Increases in mill p riccs n p rd needs no ad- severa l m a jo r, steel producU tt — having been show th a t w eakness in dem ^w j le re repeatedly, has b « h Indicated, accordlng«*o loldine com pany s tee l M agazine. ')p.»ka — h as the -w h ile price conce.ssions have continued d iver- been m ade fiT 'som e a reas of

lonrail .ictiv ities severe com petition, no tab ly Held for incom e, w here low-priced Im ports hayj? un to recoup lls been cncouniered, these tran s- ccn t segm ent o f ac tions involve only a sn \9tf otive m arket a f- p recen rage of total o rder vo t- strike which r ^ u m e ," Steel sa id Monday. f ‘°.i ^ m etalw orking w eekly

so ld th a t the conllnuallpn.-ol Id d and g rad u a l tho m oderate upswing whloh •>. , In O ctober gave stfieJIbout onc-half o f com ponles encouragem ent -<0reserve In AA- a d ju s t p rices upw ard M^in^r^.^tl busincss Js devclonlngijii1 S . . b S s StM l saw ,

A®,? , » ‘0 .« " “b le steel coropanles »te

te r than 6% p e r joo^ is fo r a steady riso .4n

M legacy is to ___________ 'and I w aiit to .5-

'r k in g T n d V v ? News O f Recor®U N C O L N COUNTY Z

^ ' C lerk’s O lllce •'.'I; 550 a . m o n t h W arran ty deed w as filed ^

T... «u,«n M arie C. B urton to P riscilla De- van<v Sm ith. Cleatus F . Shonfc

G- C a ra w a y . . S' not re w m m e i^ D ecree of dlstrlbulion w m

5 PinrC f P ro b a te Court In tW®- B rush -estate to N te i

S f e i S " " ' w - “ »=l_f^ ric_s_ fo^ ,

Sheriff’s Blotter a m uch m ore A 600-pound s tee r belonglw

».’’ • to Jo h n and Boyd Andersotthe said, Is tfils: D ie trich , w as killed when s t r u * fiscal and mone- b y a 1962 F o rd pickup drlvW rhaps even hold- b y T ed W eiss, Dietrich. Damage surtax. C o o p e ra - to th e truck w as estim ated Ji; lousiness an d b ig 5200-by Sheriff Thom as W. Coa

economic d lsa r- ner. flc proposals for T h e Incident took place a t 1 through Inflation p .m . six m iles southeast o f D liJ medicine, in su r- rfch , .ad jac im t to the Andersor

T Industries. fa rm . 'e felt a Republi- ------—/ould be Inclined ELM O R E COUNTY ... n lhe Gross Nn- G lenns F e r ry Clly Court by towering tax - T hom as D ec Ncz, 20. Tonokck, ;aslng m ilita ry A rlz ., JlOO a n d 90 d ays for /o rfiff lhal th e Demo- tu re ; 10 d ays Jail sentence; su®- lend on civilian p e n d ed upon paym ent Of flitt

d riv in g w nlle inioxlcaied.lere U a differ- ------------------ --------Jle philosotrfiy of _______ . "tax reform , he • EARNINGS RISE

MORGAN. U tah (A P) S? ;he le tte r to the B row ning A rm s Co. earnlnra-tfifc cferred to a let- f ir s t nine m onths thU year w S ti tm ent com m unl- Sl,<i25,80<3 or. 11.31 por s h j i^ lhe R epublicans co m p ared w ith 51,320/J90 o r S1.M a less regu la ted a sh a re fo r the sam e p e r io d j^ S treet. 1967, John V. Browning, compa«

Id say, takes the n y presiden t, announced.of the b r o k e r s , ------------------ -— — >>

of th e ahare- U S E TIMES-NEW S WANT AfiiS

j E S N O W F O R j ^ N ^for the °

E CARNEGIE - g ^ COURSE %I ^ O R M A T I O N C A L L | S M .!

3 3 -7 5 1 2!D B Y R . L. B O W M A N D>U CUNIOII ]l.........-Linr-rA-—.-ira-rjinnnrmnnnrjir—-nnrm f

sbeker & W illldm ion

4 IS S I0N E R S Icey : H B

T h e I

0 ? ...........' - J li l 9 6 6 < 6 Z ^

ibokor & Wllllqinsoiif

oher. 28, 1968 Twin Falls Times-N ew i 11

v u y t t

Page 12: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON

Colts Knoi With 27-li Gabriel, L- BALTIMORE (A P) — Tho a tic Ballimorc Colts couplccl an oy- nl D crpoworins defense'w ith lim cly and I touchdown lossirtg by E nri Mor- Thc rail Sunday an,d knocked thc pamc Los Angelps Rams oui of thc un- dcfcn bcaien N a t i o n a l Football man League ranks. 27-10. while

Thc decisive, outcome before lead.. 60.23S .screaming (ans recreated Mo

Tour Rooki< Chi Chi Roc

COSTA MESA. Calif. (A P) - lecte^ Rookie professional Bob -Dick- ceich SOD. a lour player icss than six week months, birdicd thc first hoje to wilh bre^k a deadlock w ith seasoned befor Chi Chi Rodriguez Sunday and g ii went on to win thc SHO,OOO H aig pjay, National Open Golf , Tourna- cham ment. p]ac«

Thc b is fellow .from Tulsa,Okla.. 24, who m ade h istory in cam(

• winning both the U.S. and Bril- ^ ith Ish Amateur cham pionships in ~ 1967, withstood all m anner of , V' pressure to hold off the chai- lenge of wiry Utlle Chi Chl. who c.iii finished sccond.

Dickson shot a tw o-under par 69 for a 72-hole scorc of 271, 13 1 " ^ blows under par. while Rodrl- _ Ruez,-winner of th e S100,000 S a -_ T ] ; h a ra Invitational In L as Vegas, D iet Nev., Jast Sunday, h ad a 71 for 273

Dickson, playing in h is 15th professional tournam ent, col- As --------- ---------------------------------------w as

Steelers Win Over Eagles In 6-3 m

. no '-PITTSBURGH (A P ) - Booth able

Liisteg kicked a 15-yard field D id goal w ith 17 seconds rem aining R( a s P illsburgh stum bled to a W G6 i N ational Football League victo- into r y over the w inless Philadelphia E ag les Sunday. T yr

I t w as thc Steelers’ f irs t victo- ry of the season, produced whcn • th e Eagles m ysteriously w ent A fo r a firs t down on the ir own 10- y a rd line with less than a m ln- u ie to go in the gam e. | J

Boih sides lived’ up to the ^ R am e- billed as th c "UliUty Bowl." callcd th a t because thc team s have the w orst rccords in professional fooUwJJ. _

A .succession of busted play.s, d ropped nnd overthrow n passes.

• nnd m oro than'lOO yards in pen- nltios on bnth sides, stalled holh offenses repeatedly. ^

Philadelphia m issed three hol field goals nnd Pittsburfih an t m issed iwo. The Steelers m oved toll to the four-yard lino with two cr. m inutes left nnd K ent N ix's wll th ird down pass wns intercepted Sur on tho ono b y Ron M edrcd. of I

Tom Woodeshlck gained ntnc A ya rd s on tho flr^ t ru n but tho sta E ag les got' nothing on tho next fifl two. With only Inches to go fnr rou tho firs t down, the Engles elect- lln cd <0 try Instead of punting Col from t!ic end zono Info a wind wH gustlng up to 25 m iles nn hour. I Tho Eagles didn’t mnko It. ry

Dick Honk ran onc p lay to get nls the ball In thc m iddle of the irli field nnd Lusteg split the Nl( iinrlRhls on h h fourih (ield goal Jl£

.........nU om iirof Iho nflernoon;— 1Phllniiclphia 0,3 0 0-.1 .nlrPilli>burgh 0 0 0 0—0 roi

Raiders Have jf .31-10 Win J From Bengal* *c"l

OAKI.AND, em it. (A PI - Dii- j " ry l6 i.nni(inicn kept Oakland ln thn Aninrlcnn I'notliall l^ai-iio tille chnso wllh ihrco touchdown W pauses HH Ihc Rnidor.s downed ^ Cb)cl)»iull 3J-10 .Stiniliiy. 'n

Tho RiiltlerK. tlcil for nncoml 11 In tho W estern Division wllh .Snn Dlcuo, w ith (Ivo v lclorles n nnd Iwo losiiOfl, Hia'ried slow hut J K<)t n hrenk when Mlkri chi>ld, tryinn to punl In llio (iriit ' fiunrier, wns riiNhecl hnr<l nnd r.I ran 17 yardH from hl» own 21) for f** n first down. V‘

I'Yom thnrc, Ijim on lca threw H 40 yards lo W nrren Wells nnd then h it l-rcd H ilrlnlkoff wllh n w l3-yan( ncorlnj; toss. ffi

A 20-ynrd run hy Chnrlle 72 Snilih fid up Uogcr llnKherK's hi fioven-ynnl loiirluUiwn run In IQ thfl Hccond nunrte r nnd Onkland led H O. nl

n » ( on Hio first pl«y n f" 'r kickoff, Clnclnniiil's Piuil Kohin- y< «<m, n rookln from Arlronn. '>1 fllimled nff rljihl Inrklo for H7 <' yo rds nnd n louclulown. «l

Georg6 Alklnson’K (in-vnrd re- Ui tu rn nf Iho bccojhI half kickoff n not up nnother H(rorln« loss from .SI iJim onlcn to nilutnlkoff, ihls ni tim e for 12 ynnlh. fl<

!.a lo r In Iho th ird nun rler, n 11 37-ynrd field j{nnl hy Drilo Mv* nl JnABlon, not up by lllll Kin- h d richfi', furnhlo recovery, ftavo IE CInclnnnll Ihrco m oro points,

Dut Iho Rnjdorfl ciiniu righl tl b ack (0 Hcoro oh Lamonit-n's m novon'ynrd (lorn pnss lo tlag- »i

...... bcrK, A 2<-y n rd -p ass play lo hSm lili WOK itio key p l a y in (ho (n fi9*yurd drlvo, * ■ C

CeorRO nianrtft kickcd n field Ij floni from 4H y iin ls for iho Raid- ll

I orn In tlin la s t n un rle r. . . h Ij r i l irlntinll . . . . . . fl 7 H ft—10 T



[not Coastal 7-10 Drubbi] [, Los Angeli

The a tic for first p lacc In (hc Coast- Jim m ; ,n ov- nl Division betw een Ihc Colls play i timely and Ram s w ith 6-1 rccords. hit T<

Mor- Thc Colls w rapped up thc covcri d thc gam e in thc firs t half when thc Balt he un- defense stifled qunrlcrhack Ro- w ith tl )Olball m an G abriel and his Ram s vid h

while B altim ore ran up a 20-3 lincba before lead. cover(reated M orrall collabornled with Gulllo----------------------------------------------------------- Ram s


lokie Bests 11«___ up a t

Rodriguez Sod cn

\P ) — Iccted S22.000 and Chi Chl. who cover• Dick- celebrated h is 33rd birihday last son a an six week, settled for 513,200 lo go pan i joJe to wilh ihe.520,000he won lhe week mqj isoned before. • down y and Bill-Collins. an Infrequent tour rccci\ 0 H aig p layer and a club pro in Pur- The ourna- chase, N.Y., had a 69 for th ird scorir

Gace a t 271, while young Bobby quart ilchcjj from . Danville, Va.. cepte ory in cam e from virtually nowhere dcfcn J Bril- w ith a G(5 for 275. into t

n«r i!f T here w as a jam a t 276 lhat pass u I included the pretournam cnt fn- Afti

vorite, Billy C asper, and Ken Rami ll. Who Messcn- near

gale, w ho finished with a 71; whcn Ja c k M ontRomery, 69, and Bob Ing t

Rodri- Rosburg, 67. downBOO Sa- Tho rea l d ram a lay between ">5 C Veoas Dickson and Chi Chi. In thc , 71 for pairings, Dickson was in a

threesom e ahead and of course ^Is j 5ih finished firs t. f V \, col- As if tu rn ed out, Bob’g birdie----------w as th e b ig blow, of the sunny ^, afternoon a t . t h c par 36-35—71, I g H 6,650-yard M esa Verde Country

Club course . r r tHe w as sh o rt to thc green on I <

G thc 475Kyard.“p a r 5 hole but hitup two fee t from the cup and ST banged in th e birdie. Henr

R odriguez led off wilh p a r and typic no one, including O ii Chl. w as -ph

• Boom able to ca tch the m uscular tyd field Dickson from there on. ballnalnlng Rodriguez w ith a third-round o lyn0 a 6-3 66 and Dickson with a 69 w ent gold E victo- inlo the final round tied a t 202. dav delphia . -------------------------- ggtu

itvici NieldausWins yol“Id w h en . ---------- , ^ . {,.11

own 10. Australian "“r.”, OpenToin-ney “.gBig Jo ck N lcklous ol Columbus.

r^ rd s in “ fivc-under-par 6 7 ^ ? *coros III Jhc A ustralian 'J ni-ivq Open Golf Championship by one . '

n a s s S ’ " 'h e n L u h AfHca’sin lien- P la y e r ..missed a seven-

ted holhN icklaus birdlcd on the final ,],«

th ree hole of tho 72-holo competition j Itsburgh and finished w llh .a four-round ji, 5 m oved total of 270, 18 under par. Play- vicii 'Ith two c r. who co lored iho final round cost t N ix's with a iw o-stroke lead, had a 70 seer irccpted Sunday ond finished w ith a lotal ‘cT,a. ;d. of 271. i)n^|cd ntnc ArnoJd Pn lm er, (he A m erican coil< but tho s ta r from LatrolKs, P a., pinccd ti ho next fifth w llh 276, Including a (Inal „ „1 go for round <18. Billy Dunk nf A ustra- o|v( cs elect- lln w ns th ird w ilh 27-1 nnd Bobby t|,epunting Colo of South Africa w as fourth or- a wind wilh 275. sjtic

\n hour. It w as N icklaus' second victo- onn It. ry In Iho Austrnlian Open. Hc 'p

ly to get nlso won It In lOCl The la test cnn ; of tho trium ph w ns worth 2.500 to outl lilt the N icklaus. P luycr collecled (rhi leld goal 51900. P iilm cr rccclved J900. f!n i; ■ P lay e r led NIcklniis by onc ••3 0 n—.1 .Hlroko a f te r 10 holes In tho final nbo0 0 0—0 round. Ou tiio 17lh Nicklaus hnd ihn

n par 3 whllo the South African if < hnd In soitlo fi)r a four when he hen

X V Q , th ree pu tted from Iho edgo of 'ra tho green, eve

On tho p a r 3. Ifith hole, Nick- •' laun Kiink nn eighl-l(H)i putt for pr< a lilrdlc. Player'H kccoikI shot *

ry«-| 1 ^ 1 innded neven (ect behind the gpl —i l l o cup. Ills pull iipi>carc<l lo he thn «« righ t n t I

'''toiiili SteellieadRun ijj L : “ v.”i'.’l! May Be Larger

Than Ever Jrllkn ,,1,the (iriit • n o iS I I — Wilh next ^p^l1lR'n Li

inr<l and r.leclhrnd trou t sllll in fio count- .wn 20 for rd Ijcforo thn cud of Ihu fKli

yea r Ju n e .10, (ho tnlly a l Icu j l ,ca threw lla rh n r Dam lust wciik iirokn .i.,Veils nnd tiO.llOO ntcellieiid nnd Ht’cmcd i(,i>ff with a w ell'nn the w ay tnwiiril loiiplng ^h'

liio old sccfmci-plncii rc ro rd of <C harlie 72.000 IM \ In 1001, tim idnho l-lsli

InKhcrg's and fja ino D cpnrtm cnt roiw rlcd |t,<run In lodny.

1 Onkland Tho cnrly-sprlng part nf the inleollicad run usually peaks up )0(

n fler Iho i» M « r i: Ji, nll}n>»«lt Ow fi.vli noid Rollln- y ea r runs through lhe monlh rd

Arirona. '>f .June. P nst experience Indl- • lo for H7 < al‘ ‘‘ thn t .aLJcaai-Cllouull fluh roI. should cross Ico lln rlm r Dnm Hnl-vnrd re> lo hrlnn tho total iiuinbor lo ilv If kickoff m nrn tlinn 72,000 accordlim lo ' Inss from •Slncy .(ichhiirdn, flNhorv mnn- w< loff, this ngem ent supervisor. The old sp

flccond-plnco record wns oslul>- he iiiarlcr. n llshi'd hi tho 1963 tlnh yenr. The ah b a le Mv* nll-llmo high waa 10H,'000 stcrl- m il Kin- hond counlcd a t Icq HarlKir in T y, gave 10(12.[Kilnts, (lobhnn is 6 xplalnn1 that nl* mo right though lo tal slceihend nuinhors nmoiiicn's a( Ice llnrl>or this full are high,

lo Hag- nnalyfils of iho run hliows that Bi I play lo holh ‘'A'* and "H" group Blcol- U a y i n (ho h e a d -a ro below nvciflgft (n tho At

Columhin Rlvor, Tim cnuiil nl id n field nonncvllIft Daiiri(r«IiiTO“‘HhowN M Ihe Raid- (hal thn run ol "A Group" Mccl-

. . head ia nno nf thn sm allnsl on Tt 3 0— 10 r e c o r d , nnd tho "U Oroim " I)i

SftfdTftltttriSlfflWvV a v ^ riB o r W

............................... '7

$ t a l R a c e 8

b b i n g O f I

g e l e s ICoast- Jim m y O rr on a 44-yard scoring P H Colts play in the sccond period and M J

hit Tom M itchell for another U R y thc covering 41 y a rd s in the third.Jn thc B altim ore w as unable to move k k Ro- w ith thc opening kickoff and Da- Ram s vid L ee's punt w as blocked by a 20-3 lincback Ja c k P ardee and rc- ■ ■

covercd by team m ate Tony with G uillory on thc Colt 17. The

-------- Ram s w ere forced to settle for a19-yard field goal by B ruce Gos- n | sett. j U

A 50-yard run to the goal w ith f H a screen p ass by Tom M atte se t I M up a touchdown pliingc by Je rry ■ ■ Hill and put thc Colts ahead.They H«rc back for another touchdown before thc first peri- H i

od ended w hen F red M iller re- I. who covered a fum ble by Willy Elli- ly last son and ra n it 30 yards to the to RO Ram four. ■

: week M orrall ra n in for lhe touch- • down h im self a fte r seeing his

nt tour receivers covercd. a Pur- The Colts w asted no tim e | H r th ird scoring early in thc second 7 ^ Bobby q u a r le r a f te r J e r ry Logan inter- i

Va.. cepted a G abrie l pass. O rr beat ' • )Whcrc defender Irv Cross and trotted .

into thc end zone with a perfect V ?6 lhat pass from M orrall. • Aent la- After th e ir field goal, thc b tv d Ken Ram s d idn’t cross midfleld until lessen- n ea r the end of th tn h lrd period *’

a 71: whcn G abriel succeeded in mov- id Bob ing them 80 yard s for a touch-

down on a one-yard pass to Ber- ^*^1 ■etwcen " 'c Casey.In the Los Angeles 3 0 7 (^-10 1 2

in n B allim orc 13 7 7 0 -2 7

, birfi, Olympic Hoop ^ S Coach Goes

To Oklahoma _up and STILLWATER, Okla. (A P) —

H enry Iba Is back hom e and, ^ ^ar and typically . b ack oj) th e job. # ’fll, w s T he Oklahoma" S tatc Universi- uscular ty a th le tic d irec to r and basket- . . ball coach , who guided the U.S. /->*

4 wrvnl basketball team to thc G -59 v^cnt gold m edal in M exico City F ri- Q l It 202. d ay night, re tu rned to Stillw ater

Saturday.l i e Sunday afternoon, thc 64- 9.^

I l i a year-old Iba w as a t G allagher Y“ ' ® Hail putting h is 0-S tate tcam through its p rac tice paces. scco

" I 'm p re tty tired ," the coach ^ adm itted Sundny, "b u t I 've cot

r i f t V ‘0 RO to w ork ."Iba sa id he lost 10% pounds

iumbus, nuring his two-wcek stay in Tl: r-par 67 M exico City. twoistralian w orked hard ,” he said, cam) hv one ^ d idn 't c a t any th ing but ings Africa’s b reak fast for ^ u r o r hvo days, 25-yi

seven- * w n s 'w n rrlcd all tho tim e. Joe g T never got s ick ,’ihcm gh. 1 ‘ Pcho finnl n’y voice,.J5-om trying {o get carl

ipetition I never g o t s ick ." cJvct Pinv adm itted th a t (he Olympic then.V m ay have been his b ig - ------Lh 7n « caree r th a t has ^

I national collegiatetotal cham pionships, a 106-1 Olympic

___ _ bnskelball gold m edal and 741 r \m crican collegiate v ic to ries since 1929. I t , ' !i“ This ycnr'.., Olympic team w«« .*• ' , a I nal „ m uch-m aligncd outfit. It wns y v

/ t R'vcn little chance lo keep alive I I d Bobby the United S la tes ' rccord of nev- IS fourih e r -h a v in g been on the losing c-

side In n n Olympic baskeil>atl hit Id vie 0 - sam e.pen. He 'n ,c n Ih n 'co ach cd th c Amcri- 10 la test cnn.H to n ine viciorles in nine I 2.500 to outings, c lim nxcd by a aWO ?i , c » ll« lc d trium ph over Yugoslavia In the py,:

by one - i 'n e v e r talked to tlie boys the f nu n1)out being underdogs," Raid Inus hnd Uin, " I tr ied to talk to them ns ^I African if wo w ore going to win. ’Tiicy when he heard lh a t 'sm orgnshoril' nnd edgo of 'raggcdy-nnn* stuff enough from

evcrvlMidy else,>lo, Nick- "V ou don’t knmv how much

putt for p ressu re wiis on Ihose hoyn. '“’H (Uld shot " n u t the biggest kick you cnn 30. hind lhe get Is being No. 1 and seeing S <l lo hu tlmt A m erican flag go up.” 45

righ t n t n>a sn id lie hclievrd (Ii |b rui

Joar’.s O lympic experience wns Th oncficlnl to him, ov.

w y " I think th is hnll chih helped umm e as A conch," ho snld, *'I nIu

J lenrncd somo things 1 nm 'hoiigJif I kociv Hint J didn 'l Imi

r i s e r Unow so woll, alvO *'li looked Uko ll wns going lo ^

be a lough Job those flr«.t couple jh, of weeks in Alnmosn (Ihe Oivm- wii Pt(; te a m 's Colorado triiining

■ "Priiig s ^ji(i).Im counj. '»■

Iliu fKil jjeitltig everyhixly lo rfn llro , ly nl icu th«'rc'» m ore to llie gnmn than . |ik Iirokn Kliootlng tho hall, Tlini’.s your 1 Hecmcd itnigiievt Jol>—selling defense to d lopplnil shooters. “ rcrord of '-niK <ho boys nil ndvnncrd Jnho l ish trom eiidously -fiverv ono of

ro|)or(cd u,cni. I l i a l wnn nlmosl iinren- 1 sonnblo to expec t." ly

rt nf thp ihii h looking forward to Iho of peaks up inrhS-fiO colleglnto ftCnsoii. his 11k

tJm fi.vli noxt-frt-lnst p rio r (o m(iii<i«<ory y» 10 monlh re lircm en l. do nco Indl- •"ilils in (he hest looking Ihi uuuli flHh sqund w e’vo h ad slnco we won tin iKir Dnm Big E ight in 10(15 (following ; Jinbor 10 Ib a 's flrs l Olvmpic Gnmen). . sn ordliig lo "W o've got experience, nnd re, )ry mnn- w e’vo got the s lie nnd the , Tho old speed. Wr- should ho nhle to piny ns ostul>- betfer defense nnd wo should be I ' yenr. The ab le lo run a litllo hit this year, ; 000 bIcpI- • •rm filad lo bo hack honio." V llarlKir in --------------------------

„i. ScoresnumhorH P ro nnskelhall {'aru high, NHA ' /

lows that nn ltlm oro 12(i, Senttlo IM V" nup Blcol- I.OS Angeles 152, Snn Dlfj^n 110 Rft In tho Adnntn 133, Pliot-jiijc. rmiill nl AIIA

ira~Nliow» MlnnomiU IM, Mliiml IH H"up" » lc r|. NIII. y,"nallOHl on T oronto fi. Ncw York 3 ricI) flroiin’' n m ro lt 4. Chlcngo 3 N<i r a e o T T i o m r t ; - M o i m T i n ------------------- s i,



m other l 0 ^ _

3 move k Da- ■ J L

by re-

Tony The

ic for a Gos-


Her re- I ^ HEiii- | H

to the



Irr beat trotted perfect

i'pe'r?^* HALF-NELSON Is applied to Romiin mov- fhrcw thc R am quartcrbaclc fo r a hi touch- ( l^ o rc won 27-10, earn ing a tic w ith; to Ber- vision. (A P w irephoto)_______________

7 &«10 12 M onday, O ciober 2 8 ,1 9 6 8' 7 0 -2 7

(A P) -

L“ I Chicago Fielbasket- ^

Seconds Lefi'Ullwater

.ho w CHICAGO (A P) - Mac Pcrci- the fi J a l l a g h c r g o a l his cut N' J fourth of lhe gam e, with th ree The.1 icam 5(,^onds to p lay lifted tlic Chica- thc , Ko'r/^n^i, RO Dcars to a 2G-2-1 v iclory over tim e I've no M innesota Vikings in a wild had 1 * N ational Foo tball League gam e But

P c rc lv ..r., ninll, In S two gam es w ithout a miss,

he said cam c 63 seconds a fte r thc Vik- t > lirg but ings had lakcn a 24-23 lead on a J ) J Ivo davs 25-yard touchdown pass from tho time! Jo e W ashington, " r i Jicmgh. I ■ Pcrcival .started his bcroics ng lo get ea rly in lhe gam e wlien hc boot- ense, but cd a field goal for 12 y ards to ^ - i

give Chicago a 10 7 lead tind Olympic then added onc of 42 yards on p jr

I his b ig - ---------------------------- -------- ------------- ,crl)a

S Cards T rek . i!i5land 741 -f-, - v r * . ar<iu‘For Victory

,'ocp‘ aii!“ Over Saints n r m■d of nev- Brls(ho losing ST. lo u iS (A P ) - J im H nrl scor. »askeil>atl h it end Dave Willinms on n 53- phin;

. , ynrd touchdown pnss with less Um i IC Amcri- than lour m lnutcs to go as tlic mini ‘ St. Louis Cnrdlnnls erupted for Ti‘

a 6.1-50 21 points In the flnnl period to inter /In In the py,) „ 31.17 victory nver tlio only ,, Now Oriouns .S’uints .Sunday in a /ir.stthe boys j.^„Unun| Football l.onguo gam o. Br

r ih c ,« " n i Tied 17-17 Into In the lourth

'vrrm"' il;« »!.»IOW m.irh Jam l R ivers throw Davo Whit- «nn'hoy« «■'“ h isk you cnn 30.ind seeing St. l.ouls quickly moved lo ils . up.’’ 45 on an Interloroiico call nnd u mii:

Rvrd (llis run gnincd two m«r«i yards. ,j,„ lenco wns Thon M nn flrcil n long pfiSH

over tho ran Mor luh helped unilor It, caught it over his ^nn. I snld, *'I Hiiouldcr nml slumhicd into the t i 3 things 1 end r.ono wilh tlio ilefendor m-o t I illdn'l IIII l»> put iJlo Cnrd.-»

ahead 24-17. ondIS going 10 Tight end Jack ie Smith sot up ero. m c^ iu p ic ,h„ Cardinals ' tying louclulown (i

(Ihe Olym- ^vltli a 45-yard puhs rcreptioii shot > train ing ,h„ Siilnts went nhcnd 17- [>laj

10. H«rl |jiH!k<-d ll ovfT frow Ibo »uii I’i ' " ’ / * ' " i)i«i on hl» «BC()i»l Iry. * » '

Cyil l.;ilwiircl» SI'I Up Ilir IlnnI III ' " m ir loiiclnlowii w llh n .||.,v«r.l run In K ", M p n ii m II'" “ -CoiiilM Iho immi-ilclrnso 10 I,.,I —ndvnncrd CndifilKiw Iwik Jl Ji> , |ono of

osl iinrca- New O rleans qiinrlorback Bll- ^ IV K llnior hail taken ndvnnlngo A

nrd to Iho of a weak Cnrdinnl deloiiso in ' ■ ‘nson, Ills Ihe midilln nnd marchcil 45 m(iii<i«<ory y«nJ.i f»r » Ih ln l jx'rlod touc))-

down a fte r Iho .Sajnts roroviirctl it looking Iho riccond Cnrdinnl fumblo of :o we won tho day. . ^(following St. l.ouls wont In front 10-7 nn \

imen). . sm ltli's Ii5y«id touchdown re- once, nnd j-epiion hi Ibc wecojjd p<Jrlod,. .u 'l 11.0 Now O rleans hnd taken a 7-3 hIc to p lay perlml with the’ . .1 ! L l bolp nf a Cardinal fumblo.. IhlH year, (.i„J,.,, .......... .. lunihlod oni^ h o n io . !,,„ „ ij^.||y recovered and

Kilm er wchI lo Abramowlcz 1 ovor lhe m iddle for 25 yartls..11 Then Kiliiior passed lo Tony

LOrlck for n n liicy an l touch- r In | i i down. Tho Cnrtllnals had to sei- I

;i:it\„*';C!'Vl“ i.''’“'''../C lm rlio 'D urlie i’ w rapped " tip ^

I 04 tho .Saints' (icorlng wllh a 32-yard (ield gohl In the fourth po>

3 • riod, !Now Q rlnans 7 0 7 3—17

---------------- Sl.'XMJlS-------------------3 * 0 7 J I= 3 1 M

S H Happlied to R om an G abriel a s B altim ore Colt Hnel tcrback fo r a 10-yard loss In the second q u jr te r ning a tic w ith the previously, unbea ten R am s ir )_______________________________________________ —

,0 ,2 8 .1 9 6 8

) Field Goal Wit 3 Left Sinks Millac Pcrci- the final play of the lirst h a lf to thc b goal, his cut Minnesota’s lead to 14-13. Washi vilh th ree Thc Bears appeared to have jt 5, Llic Chica- thc gam e cinchcd 23-17 with for B :to ry over tim e running out a fte r P crcival jhc n in a wild had kicked a 21-yard field gonl. j,on '

guc gam e But the Vikings, seeking the pass Ccnlral Division lead, struck p^nal

1 ninth in back to scorc w hat.seem ed to be a m iss, ■ The

V'JS o''„‘t Briscoe-Leads LTlS,ass from , ■_ .u,

t'Tls Denver Past nVIM M ia m i'2 1 -1 4 .'synrds on DENVER, Colo. (A P )—Quar- back

--------------- tcrback M arlin "Tho M agician" fectlj1 Briscoe, relieving Steve T ensl a t MiiI v tho s ta r t of thc second ha l^ ran Iv wl

for two t o u c h d o w n s ns he Robb aroused n sluggish D enver for a Chici

r v 21-14 Am erican I'ootbnll League and . J viclory over M iami Sunday. Thi

T aking c o m m a n d w ith thc cn pi I t s Broncos tra iling 14-0. thfj slender with

Briscoe ran 12 yard s for ono Thi J im H nrl score nnd Ijcfuddlcd tho Dol- field

s on a 53- phlns w ith a sneak run for 10 for down with less tim winning touchdown w ith two Hob

go as tlic m inutes left, 14-13ruptcd for Tirnsi wns l>enched n fte r throe A '

period to interceptions and com pleting for .' y liver the only on<> of nino passes in thc top : ufiday in a / Iwif. gwiliiguo gam e. Briscow, 5-10, 177-pound rook- sllrri iiu< (tnirth lo from O m aha University , over- Mlnr I nro of lie shadowed M iam i's Bob (iriose, Clilc.d on llio and ran llio D o lp h in s------

M flpl.l Koiii •“ ••'‘-‘ir iwo touchdowns.1 a nifl G riese pitched M iami to thc 'irivn W hit, gnu'o'f* first scoro in Iho final ilw« Car<la‘ "'l''**'o nf Iho half. .Starting on

. . with hiiccossivc passes of 22 nnd lOvcd lo lls 3,, Anolhur h ll to Jiin

call nnd u Kilck for 13 put the Dolphins o» tird yards. ix>nvcr five with 21 sccnnds

ong pfiSH rem aining and Grieso hit Doug llllaiiis ran M oreau, nngliiig la lo llio ond

over his ^„n(r, ed into tho t i ,o DolpiilnR pushed (ihead ! defender m-o when (lus llollonion fum- iJlo Card.s (||o kickoff openlfig tlio .lec-

onil half anil Roll P ein illn recov- ililth sot up croil fnr Mlnmi on D enver's 2H,

touchdown Grluso hurled nn eigh t*yard i reception shot lo IVIoreau and on Iho next t nhend 17- play l.a rry Csonka, shaking oil e r fro»i Ibo D enver lack lers Ilko fllcy, bull-

<lo/ed 12 yar<lfl Inln the end

5 ! ,n rru n 'in “ " " I .................. " ’ ’,r,i:o nimi' ■ii"""-.......""" MOLYNEUX

-MACHINERY 'iiarcheil 45•rlod loijcj). p r o a o n t aH recov«re<l ,

fumblo of p o r t i o n o f

3 , - r SUN UP FOLLIESR t e o . n r , . h l n o

ml with the T u n o In ial fumblo.unihloii on 6 l o 8 n , m .rovored and 1

MON. iliru SAT.

g S S I P twllh a .12-

e fourth po. 1 4 5 0 K C

7 0 7 1 - 1 7 O N Y O U R R A D I O D IA L r 0 7 '3 i - 3 1 'mMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA ^

be rt R weight butting Olymp agains

wasA H f l K B vcr m

Washii ring t(

V '■ Im m ecy ■ rcfcrci

^ ‘ day 1bicedii

^ early Bcc:

■ 1j i H i L o p

' couldr the



lllm orc Colt linebacker M ike CuHls (M ) W ^ } sccond q u a rte r of Sunday 's gam e. Boi* f jp nbCBtcn R am s in thc N FL’s Coastal DN



J With Three p LS Minnesota s

Sam)rst h a lf to thc big play on the Kapp to back T14-13. W ashington pass. Sai

!2 seem ed to be hcartb rcaker.3-17 with for Bear partisans because on B^Jir r P crcival the previous play Richie Petti- field goal. j,on ^ad intcrccpied a K app lo ti rekmg the pass. But a defensive holding Carl d , struck penally w as called and thc Vik- othci

ings kept control of thc ball. ThThen thc Kapp-Washlnglon

combination, which had clicked u . ’v i C 'C t U S far a 5-J-yard louclidown aeria l

in the firs t half, did it again to ,t,_ n C f ' put fhc Vikings ahead 24-23 with

1 ;0R left lo play. “ ’i l .

M ’ Thc B ears scram bled right down the field and with three »i.ij .seconds left. P crc iva l stepped

iP )—Quar- back and booted the ball per* M agician" fectly through the uprights./c T ensl a t Minnesota took a 7-0 lead cnr- ^ ‘t d half, ran Iv when Steve .Smith blocked n n s ns he Bobby Joo G reen punt on thc ^1

;nver for a Chicago 27. G reen w as Injured i„„ j nil League and did not re fu m .. , “Sunday. The Vikings needed only sov* ^ d w ith thc cn plnys to score the touchdown thfj slender with Jim Lindsey plunging over. • „ Is for ono The Bears counted on two t,I tho Dol- field goals and n 12-yard touch- »jov n for 10 for down pnss from ,Virgil C arte r (0 1— ’n w ith two Hob W allace and the scoro stood

14-13 nt the hnlf, I In fte r throe A C nrter to Dick Grodon pass | E com pleting for .10 ynrds put the Bears on | * sses in the top 20-14, An exchange of fleld | 1

gwils m ado il 3.7-17 b o fo rt the I lound rook- stirring finish. |T sliy, over- Mlnncsola 7 7 0 10—24 |lob (iriose, Chicago 7 fi 7 0-2C L —110 Dolphins ---------------------wns. r ................ .......................... -H-....— i to thc

; s £ T h e t r th it to Jip iDolphins <in j 4

• « t h a t a htbcd (ihoad ' a

s i d e l i v e ie ig h t* y a rd

on Iho n e x t s h a k in g o il

I fllcy. bull- '111 tho ond

7 7 0 -140 14 7 -21 . ■

JERY ....

•iiiK I 0 0 ^ ^• l i n o _ ^

Q J . W. Dnni BoUlccl-lii'Pond.Bourbon Whisky. A favorite

3 1 0 D IA L _ lnrficsl:SclUng.Doltlcd*ln.Bon r j 'jT M ir iM — I.l ■- 1.—

1 U.S. Boxer I D§cision:Wir

MEXICO CITY (A P) — Al- A lamc be rt Robinson, the U.S. fea th e r lion, v weight who w as charged v/ith al. bu tting and disqualified in his " i Olympic boxing finals matcb-^cause against M exico's Antonio Rol- fight, dan, won an appeal Sunday and RobI was aw arded thc runncr-up sii- old, s ver m edal. • • 300 to

R obert ‘‘P ap p y ’’ Gault of world W ashington, D.C,. thc American croc’s

. ring team coach, filed an appeal J . ’U Im m ediately a fic r ' the Russian gram ? referee stopped the fight Satur- have day night and aw arded the the fi; bleeding M exican the victory geld early In the sccond round. "B ut

B ccausc of thrf disqualifica- il’s b . tion, Robitison w aS 'sirippcd of Mea

the opportunity of mounting thc ag c rs stand for thc runner-up medal. Georg

"M ovies of the m atch ,’’. G ault Calif., said, “ showed there was-no con- an 01 lac t of their heads. Robbie pion

■ couldn 't have butted him. But Ciay the film s showed him banging p rece aw ay, and winning Ihe figh t." alists.

■The AIBA, international rui- " I , ing body in am afcu r boxing, rec r m et Sunday fo r- th ree -h o u rs to 3> , ; consider, thc a p p ea l.'T h e appeal was c was upheld and Robinson, a an 01 Navy m an stationed a t the in t ------- ;------------------------ ;--------------- Salur

Jets’ Defense S ' Nets 48-14

. The

I, (52) Win Over Pats Ssro"r‘ t®«{* . NEW YORK (A P) — End Jcr- lal u t f y phiibin and corncrback John- T T

• - ny Sam ple sparked a defense X X ^ tha t in tercepted five passes, re- covercd three fumbles and led | |

k l O lhe New Y ork Je ts to a 48-14 V r victory ov er the Boston P a trio ts Sunday. | 4 |

The trium ph boosted lhe J e ts ’/ lead to two gam es in thc A m eri- b u

k \A il can Fpotball League's E as te rn vin I f W Division. A i 5-2, the Je ts a re thc pass,

g? only EasXern team above .500. kicJcc Until Boston scored on a c lub a s tl

— — rccord 87-yard touchdown p ass the 1 from Tom .S herm an to Jim W he- their lan la te in the fourih q u a rte r. Lcag Boston got inlo New York te r- In

C v C r ito ry only th ree times, fiveBut all three tim es they lost on V

the ball—th e firs t tim e w hen bu rs Philb in recovered Mike T a lia - Qu

L O / ferro ’s fum ble and the other two In h ^ . tim es whon Al Atkinson and threi

Sam ple in tercepted the q u a rte r- 43 yj Kapp to back ’s passes. peric

Sample intercepted ano th e r fouri nb rcak e r P“ ss a t the Je t 29 while B illy It r in se on B aird and J im Hudson cac li play j. P e tti, p icked off one. enabling the J c ts sco r n Kann to tic a club rec6 rd with five. TD

. h o ld ii^ Carl M cAdams recovered th e .19-yi I ihe Vik- o ther two fum bles. ed tlhail T he Jet's w ere leading 7-0 In yard

the second qua rte r when Phil- Bi ashlnglon ^ h o was in the Palriot.s ' tain d clicked backfield-m uch-of-thc_dfly ..-re- Uav wn aerial covered Taliaferro'sr'Xuniblc a t pass . P S ? '" , ? the Boston 40. The Je ts got to it b 24-23 with the Boston one-yard line, bu t the time , . , , , P a ts held and New York had to jroiil led right for j im T urner’s 12-yard lift 1;ith three„1 stepped T u rn e r kickcd anolhcr field In iJ ball per* ^he third period, a 23- son’

yarder, four plays after B aird bett lead car- prQbbcJ’n T a lln fc rro toss a t the Hou

blockcd n Boston 35 nnd raced to thc 19. Bufl nt on the T iial gave lhe Jc ts only n 13-0 ~ IS m jurca jh^y proceeded to

t ..V, b reak thc gam e wide open, scor- Hi ing a fte r both McAdams' fum- ^ ble recoveries and Hudson’s In- M*:

Ring over, tcrccptlon.? lA. rv, Boston 0 0 0 14—14

nrjl touch- York 7 3 10 28— 18C arte r (0

coro stood . g j _ y g ............................

■odon pass g U /V ^ E COAL■e of field T op Q u a lity Alv/ay*— o t

WARBERG'F^7 3 3 . 7 3 7 1 | „

; t r u s t e d n a lw a y s

iv e rs q u a l i

:Icd-iii'D^ S t r ^ ^ y. A favorite slncc 1836-how the world'a oltlcd'ln.Bond Bourbon in iu olaM.----------

xer Protests i Wins Medal, — Al- A lam eda. Calif.. Naval Air Sla- fea lh c r lion, was given the silver med-

;ed v/ith al.i in his " i w a s especially -an g ry be- ; matcb-^cause Robbie was winning the nio Rol- fight, easily ,” n .iult .snid. iday and Robinson, a 5-fQot-ll, 21-year- •r-up sii- old, said he’s rsCcived nearly

300 Iclrgram s from around the iault of world decrying the R ussian rcf- ^merican c rec ’s action, n appeal J . ’U was great to get the tele- Russian g ram s—but I'd much ra th e r

tit Satur- have had the chancc to finish ded the the fight and get a shot a t the

victory geld m edal,” Robinson _ said.■ound. "B u t r n sure take lhe silver-— qualifica- il’s be tte r than nothing now.•ipped of M eanwhile, professionnl man- nting thc ag c rs were rallying around medal. G eorge Forem an nf Pleasanton.

1," G ault Calif., sensing they m ay have s-no con- an Olvmpic heaw w eight charn-

Robbie pion in lhe pattern of Cassius liim. But Ciay and Joe— Fm zier, who ,

banging p receded Forem an a s gold med- figh l." alists.onal rui- “ I don’t know about a pro ca-,

boxing, re c r vet.” .shru'’ced the 6-fooj- hours to 3> , 218-pound Forem an. "T ins

jc appeal wa.s only my 23rd boul and Tm- 'inson, a an Olvmnic cham pion.”

a l the In thc last of the 11 finals la te------------- Saturdav • night, the l&:ycar-old

Forem an dem6 ii.-;hcd Ioncs_ Ce- I f i f t Pu'is of the Soviet Union w ith a

two-round technical kayo to give I . the United States ils sccond box-ti inc gold medal. ^

T he olher was cap tu red ' by Ronnie Harris, the C.inton,

i T t l l S Ohio, liphtweigKt. Am erican boxers took s^ven m edals in all.

End Je r- -------------------- --

rSeit"; Houston Wins rri3 Over Buff alon P a tr io ts

Bills 30-7hc A m eri- BUFFALO, N.Y. (A P) — Al- -----i E as te rn vin Reed caught two touchdown ts a re thc passes and Wayne W alker ve .500. kicked three fieid goals Sunday on a c lub a s the Houston Oilers hum bled :own p ass the hapless Buffalo Bills 30-7 for Jim W he- the ir third American Fooiball

1 q u a rte r. League victory.York te r- In addition. Houston, lo serjo f 5, five Samoa, picked up six points

they lost on Woodie Campbell’s two-yard ' • me w hen bu rst through the Buffalo line, ike T a lia - Q uarterback Don Trull, filling other two In fo r the ailing Pe te B ethard. nson and th rew scoring passes of 23 and c q u a rte r- 43 vards to Reed-one in thc th ird

period and thc o ther in the ano th e r fourth.

/hile B illy It took thc Oilers only eight json cac li plays, on their first sc ries , to ig the J e ts sco rc os Campbell tallied. His with five. TD w ns followed by W alker’s

vcrcd th e .TO-yard field goal. He n 'so boot­ed three-pointers from 22 and 19

ling 7-0 In yards.vhen Phil- Buf^ilo m isled .nn alm ost ccr- ; Palriot.s ' ta in first-period touchdown as c_dfly .-re- Uav.cn_Moscs dl-opped a ,38-yard . i/umblc a t pass from Kay Stcphen.son aTfcr ets got to it bounced up and down three ne, bu t the tim es In his hands under the ork had to jro'nl poMs. But the Bills, given a r’s 12-yard lift by"o'holding penalty against

Houston, managed a six-pointer >lhcr field In iho aecond period on Stcphcn- riod, a 23- son’s 30-ynrd pnss to Monte Lcd- ,ftcr B aird be tte r, activated last week, toss a t the Houston 10 10 10—300 the 19. Buffalo 0 7 0 0— 4only a 13-0 --------- _ ----------- .iccedcd toopen, scor- H om oow nor« / ^ / \ ^ \

S n ’l T : H o rn . R . n l . „

ft fl u ~ u M oney S aving Pollcloi

BENEFITS> a ■ Annuot Policy • 6 Mo. Budgil1 A l CrtdIt Card Cevirao*

Thtti - P^^M al Lablllly tn», ,

FOR DETAILS SEE r i ' C " A R N O ID M O S S, IDAHO STATB AUTO ASS'N,I __________ i U Moln No. 733-0624

d n a m e

too rnoor;,,. ■ <>

itucky Straight . w the world'at olosB. ity.a'~~

Page 13: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON

" O l y m p i c (

U . S . W i n s

S i a n d i n g fMEXICO CITY ( A P ) ^ S o m - l W

b rc ro w aving M exicans,' chant-OTai -jng collcge-siyle yells, c lo sew '^B

{he controversy-riddled theOlympic Gam es Sunday n ii|n t anc w ith a burst of color and Infer* spc m al pagcniry perhaps un- sta m alchcd in Olympic h istory . the

M ore than 80,000 Jubilant fans, f chanting, “ Mexico, M cxico. nal M exJco," saluted the 'flftg s and b!a a th le tes of 119 nations in th e cli- am m ax of a rccord-shattering fort- nol night of athletic competition on ot^

• this high plateau of the. triiancien t A itec world. " of

A p re tty Thailand g irl, ils d ressed In irradcscent pink, w as " h the cen te r of a ttention a s the T a th le tes from all around the Br globe broke ranks and sp read pn tow ard the stands a t the end o t Ol:

Rejuvenate! Down Detri

DETROIT (AP) — San F ran -rqu cisco end Dick W itcher scooped) Jo tip-a 'fU ihble by team m ate G ary be: Lewis a t the Detroit 12-yard-line t<? and rushed in for a fourth quar- ! t e r touchlown tha t gave th e tir 49ers a 14-7 N ational Foo tball thi League victory over the Lions ne Sunday. go

T h e score cam e a t 5:35 of the pii

L e g i o n M e e t i n gTw in F alls Am erican Le-

- - g io n b a s e b a l l supporters w ill hold an organizational m eeting Tuesday- a t 7:30 M p .m . In the Depot Grill ca fe . J® A ll in te rested M rsons a re in- v ited . ^

Petty Takes _ S American 500 Auto Classic g

ROCKINGHAM, N.C. (A P) — R ichard Petty ; whose m a s te ry / o f th e b ig speedways w as su- \ p rem e la s t year, won h is firs t m a jo r stock c a r race of the sea- / son Sunday by cap turing th e \ A m erican 500 a t the N orth Caro- lina M otor Speedway; ’ -

P e tty , whose blue P lym ou th ^ - w en t to v ictory lane 27 tim es In

1967, fo u r of them Jn . Jong, dis- _ ta n c e events, finished 16 sec- ^ onda ah ead of Ford d r iv e r Da* J*’ v id P ea rso n to collect ,J16,875 of (ho S85;500 parse. P e tty now h as “ w on J88.203 this season.

P e tty ’s average speed for th e « 500-mlle race over th e one-m lle course w as 106.060 m iles p c r t( hour, a track record. Ji

P earson collected S9,775 lo a ru n his 1068 total to $116,160. ci M orc Im poriantly, his second- tt

H p lace finish assured him of h is i n sccond NASCAR G rand Nation- g, Kg n l title. He previously won p j thc title In 1M6. rl

T iny I,und finished th ird In an [ • J Independently spon.^ored M ercu- ^ fV-'i ry . Lee Roy Y nrbrnugh wns I fourth in a Ford, and Bohbv Al- „ — Ilson vfan firtli in « Plym outh. y

J Standings 'BIO SKY ' tlTrkin Cenl>r«ac« Alt n*mc( •

W LTPIfcOP W LTMUOP.fJWfhfr .M»l» > 0 » 4) » I 0 « I) tl V

,'fC Monlana SI. 2 I « I! 41 4 ) » 41 111 _ ,4 ll ot laiho ] I 0 )«] H J 4 > SI

I.lnl<o smu 1 S t II 101 3 1 < II I9>|U of Mofll»n» l i t II Jl 1 4 < 116 IM

' h NA*nONAL LEAOLiE [' EBBt«m C onleronce ‘

lU Capitol D ivision °ad W L T P el.' 1 D nllas .................... 6 0 0 1.000 I

r a New Y o r k ............S 2 0 .714 ‘^ WiiHhltiRlOn ........ 3 4 0 .420 Cr a IMiiladelphia . . . . 0 7 0 .000 I

Century DivisionClevclnnd ............ 4 3 0 .571 1.SI. Uiuifl ............4 .1 0 .571 1Nt’W O rlcaa i . . . . .7 4 0 .430 i.I'ittHburuh ...........1 4 V 0 .420 t

W enlem Confcronde IC oiUI Dlvlsloil 1

U ullimoro ............<1 X. 0 -857U)s AngQlen . . . . fl i ‘ 0 .8&7 .Snn FrnnciBco . . . 4 .1 0 .5TIAllnnta ................. 1 A 0 .143

Central DivisionD riro lt .........., . . . 3 3 1 .fSOOM innesota ............ 3 4 0 .420ChJcngo ............. 3 4 0 .420Greon Bny .......... 2 3 1 .400

Sunday's RenuKs Ilultim oro 27. Los AnKflles 10 ChlcuKo 20, Mlimnflota 24 Clovolnnd 30, A tlnntn 7 New York 13. WnfihlnRton 10

PlllHhiirnh 0, PhiladQiphIa 3 .San Frnnclsco 14, D elrn lt 7 Kl. I^u ls 31, New O rleans 17

M onday's O nm ts G reen liny a t Dalian, night

Am erican U srua E astern Division

W L T Pel.New York .................. 3 2 0 .714Ihfiton ......................... 3 4 0 .420lln i» sin n ....................... 3 8 0 .379Minml ....................... 2 4 I .333n iif fn lo ........................ ] 0 1 .143

W estern DivisionK itnm s City .............. 7 I 0 -B75O akland .................... S 2 0 .714Snn Diego ................ 6 2 0 ,714D e n v e r ............... 3 4 0 ,420C incinnati ............0 0 .250

Sunday's Kesulls _N ow York 40, Boston 4

OuKland 3 1 ,-C M n n aU 10Houston 30, Unffald-7 ........J^ n y ? r .a i ..M if tm L i4 _____X anaas Cily 37, &»n D iego 20

ic Games Fii lins Overall ngs From S<^ S o m - lA l tm o v in g . flag ra is in g ’’an d jo h j

chan t-W ag lowering cerem onies. I ccnt c l o s e ^ ' ‘Blacks and whites, some of the

i them in flowing African robes andy nifcmi and others in continental cu t worl id infor- sport attire , rushed tow ard the city ?s un- stands, waving hats and raising T l ory. their hands In friendly salu te . picn int fans, N ear the end of the m oving fl- and M exico, nal program , as firew orks em - wor ags and blazoned the - pitch b lack sky broi 1 th e cll- and the Olympic flam e w en t out m at ing fort- not to be lighted again for an* chol litlon on o ther four years, the huge elec- » u of the. trie scoreboard s t the north end .i»yi

o f the Olympic Stadium shifted,I g iri, its lights from "M exico 88” to o t - Ink, w as ‘'Munich 72."

a s the Moments earlier, A very -.-i, and the Brundage, m ilitant 81-year-old .u -

sp read president of the International | . e end o t Olympic Committee, h ad stood


lated 49ers s______ , scoi

)etrx)it 14-7 II?con

in F ra n -rq u a r te r after 49ers’ q uarte rback scooped) John Brodle fJred a pass from

Ue G ary behind the Detroit 43 com plete ^ I'ard-line t<? Lewis, who fumbled.■th quar- San Francisco led a t half- ave th e tim e 7-0. but D etroit tied it up In Foo tball the th ird quarte r a s Lem Bar* le Lions ney caught a sh o rt 49er field

goal a ttem pt by D ennis P e te ra ,35 of the picked up some blocks and------------- raced 94 yards for a touchdown ^

to bring the crowd o f 53,555 to

ting ' Lions' efensive back s foundtp*^an Le- It hard to stop Brodle’s passesM rters especially to flanker C lifton ^ationa! McNeil. In the firs t half alone,t 7-30 McNeil grabbed six pa sse s forII cafe yards and one touchdown. a re inl His score, plus P a te ra ’s ex tra

point kick, put the 49ers ahfead cW 7-0 In the first q u a rte r . sr<

— ” The touchdown p ass covered65 yards as McNeil g o t o ne s tep ' behind defensive back B arney a t the Lions’s 34 and w ent in for

_ the score. we ^ ( l l l The victory brought San F ran-

cisco’s record to 4-3 while De- , tro ii's dropped to 3-3-1. "J'

'1 g* San Francisco 7 0 0 7—14 0'^ D etroit 0 7 0— 7 }

(A P) — ---------^

r s Coach Happy | 'rSg '5?; Over T eam’s {?,pi™ t>uth 31-17 1 '

lo n E ^d i^ ST. LOUIS (A P) - Coach an 16 sec- C harley W in n er w a* bubbling fal

river Da* «‘ver wllh p ra ise fo r h li St. In lifl87S of Cardinals Sunday a f le r tr<

now h as scored 31 p o in ta -In - the co fourth period and w h lcrp^ the

d for th e N®w Orleans Salnlfl 3M 7. sei one*mlle 'T h e 'a tt i tu d e of Ihooe g u y Is thi

niles p c r terrific ," W inner la ld . "TTiey Just say they won’t be beaten.

19,775 to and a team tha t w on 't be J}«aten • ‘I $118,150. can’t be beaten. T hey keep hus- y j

I second- Hlng. I’m proud of them .” lm of h is This was the second tim e this ‘ d Nation- season tha t tlie C ards had ,1 jusly won scored 21 points Jn the final pe- ^. ^ , riod to upend the SnlnH. And „

Ilrd In an ^ e w Orleans C oach T om F ears Z d Mercu* very much aw nro of it.

"They won this ono a lot m ore sti m n„ih thaiu lho one in New O rleans." Fi

lC*ffr? said. -T h n l one w ns glv- sti cn to Ihem. It wns roblxsry." th

< l f g The play that tu rned the tide acR for the C ardinals w as n 53-yardAlt n . . . . inuchdown pass from qua rte r- h*

« LT M uop.hack Jfw fln rt (□ split «nd Dave bl 15 ! •? ,il Williams with 3:28 left in thc *J 4 * Jl i i 'l8 « " '« - *1

iS il l ' figured the keyploy cnme a few mom ent* ear*

rJUE hiK Sain ts faked aB'’®* from tJ'o 37 w ith tho

nconi lleil 17-17 T P c i. "Wc were supposed to pnss on fi*

) 0 1.000 Ihnt take field gonl," he said. J { 0 .714 “ It wns sure touchdown. The I 0 .420 Cardinals had II m en up on the 1 0 .000 line. I hata to beat m yself." on Instead of passing , holder1 0 .571 Dnve Whitsell trli^d lo run . Cnrd ai 1 0 .571 l i n e b a c k e r Ja m ie R ivera tl♦ 0 .430 sinmined him out o f hiHinds to r «( IV 0 .420 a yard lonn. Four p lays la te r, ir )M e Hnrt hit W illiams tor the go-a-in head touchdown. i.

® ‘IV , ’•''Rht end Jack ie Smith a c o M oii r ’« ,) ono touchdown on a C5-yard d3 0 .B/t pnHs play from H nrt and set up fiIt 0 .MJ another touchdown with a 45- llS " . .rvA >"*” * reception. He w as votcd n3 1 .500 o„u „f lhe four kuiiio balls hand-* 9 " ‘' t ‘‘y ‘he C ards—his first w4 0 .4M ever, be sa id—l>i» h e d id n 't c 3 1 .400 want to talk about th a t. h ills "P u l somelhlnK In about ou r e \n«flles 10 offensive linem en." Sm ith or- I; >ta 24 (liircil, ‘T lm y 're te rrific . They " lift 7 kcpl thow guys out an d tot J im n ilngtofi 10 fhroiv.- Now O rleans used all ' Qlphia 3 kinds Of itun ling defenses nnd Oetroit 7 our linemen hnvo to be a le rt to O rleans 17 pick them up ."I t s Tite victory left SI. Ix u ls tied I n, night w llh Cleveland fo r the Century S

Division load. New O rleans had I gue a share of tha t lead Hnlll losing J m to the C a rd s .; I V L T P e t. ------ ------------- --- V

y r a Japanese Club 2J1 » St. Louis Cards }on ! TOKYO (A P) — T1to;St. l,oul(l (7 I 0 .875 Cardinals. N ational League (5 2 0 .714 champions', w ere stopped fl-0 by I6 2 0 .714 the Japan All S ta rs In ih« (hlrd f 3 4 0 .420 Rame of Ihelr IB 'gam e goodwill I

-2 0 o ' .250 tour Sunday. - - . 1illa ’I'he Japanese collected- ilx Im 4 hits. Including two hom e runil |nali 10 while the Cordinals had only I V'7 - tlvo. h iU ..Jo e -H o e rn « r w as Ihe I1 4 _______ lQfllDi._pUchcr._JrhB_jCMdln«li 1\ D iego 20 n re f-3, ' I

Finished; I •all Medial I a Soviets I^g' an d jo h a sm all white stand in thc H

I ccnter of the infield to proclaim Home of the end df ^ t l te n l lh Olympiad _ ■n robes an d sum m on the athleie.<; of the ■ital cu t world to m eet In the G erm an ■a rd the c ity in 1972. ■raising The inform ality of a Sunday ■

-. picnic mixed with the grandeur ■}ving fi- and form ality o t the ancient f lrks em - world in th e closing cerem ony ■ick sky brought te a rs to Ihe eyes of ■vent out m any of the’' spectators and Wto r an- choked thousands of throats. | |

J At the conclusion of the beou* IJ titul and etficienily run final pa- P

S h i f ty rade. students iftid gaily d ressed L' Oli-rspic hostesses poured from ■

the stands to Join athletes in ■.. strid ing a rm and a rm around ■

the Infield. ^M tio n a l K „ a s Indeed an em otional 'A‘A stood 3j5ht and one In m arked con* R

tra s t to~bI6bdy incidents prio r to ^the G am es, w hen rebellious stu* ■

I den ts clashed w ith governm ent Ht forces in rio ts w hich caused ■

scorcs ot deaths, hundreds of in- ■. ju ries and thousands of a rre sts . I7 T here had been fea r tha t simi- I[ Ia r rio ts m ight d isrupt the I

com petition arnong m ore than ■riArVtnrV 7.500 athlctes. b u t the th re a t ■ IM from never m aterialized.•Qinnlete However. there w as one dis- ..

^ cordant note when two Negro |! | ■t -h»1f. n iem bers of the United States 1 it UB in track team , sp rin te rs John Car- em Bar* 1“ Tom m ie Smith, ap- Jep fli'ld pe*«?d on tho vjct(>Ty stand and

p * f irn ra ised the ir black-gloved hands » • 'k s and P ow er salute,uchdown Under p ressu re from the IOC. © l53 •LU (n U .s.-O lym pic Committee ex- J a

pelled the two athletes from ( v?'”-5 ““ iuClifton '^hlle It appeared I

ilf alone ^^at th is s te rn discipline m ight ■ issM for fip th e A m erican team ' ap a r t . —— ichdown. However, other black ath le tes _ I’S ex tra continued to com pete without In- rs ah ead w as one of th e ■

grea te st O lym pics ever fo r the ^ covered United States.

o ne s tep A m erica’s sw ift track m en, O B arney youthful sw im m ers and divers, V

in for “ nd rag tag basketball te am ^ w ere s ta rs In the collection of

Ian F ran- m edals, 45 of them gold y. i'hile D ^ aw arded fo r firs t place—the

most ever won by a nation in Ha<0 0 7 -1 4 Olympic com petition. mli1 7 0__7 The powerful Soviet Union, ggr_ w ith its huge team of 401 ath - lo r

Wlctes under the red ham m er and the sickle banner, w as no m atch fo r 'v v e the A m ericans. The R ussians ca r . suffered o ne of their most disap- —

ri-^ a pointing perform ances since cn- r r terlng O lym pic competition -In J_

L They won a to tal of 91 m edals,largely In gym nastics, boxing | j

- Coach and canoeing, but their women bubbling failed-to w in a singlo gold n ieda l Q

' hla St. In track and field nnd th e ir O lay a f te r track m en fell below thc m edal a - In - the collection of little Kenya. - , ' Itrt)^ the T he three Kenyans w ere the 17. sensation of the Games, w inning e euvs la th ree gold m edals, th ree s ilver jw J • • ^ e y bronze In a mighty .per-b’ beaten torm ance In track and field, ^ol be beaten They w ere slrona in di.9tancc.9 ba kefto hua- w here m any experts said the keep hus- ^ altitude would take a 19<1 .k i . tremendou.< drain.

irn l U k the form al cerem ony,'^hich snw tho ra is in s of the W' Greek. Mcxfcan and West Ger-

n i ; , . ' " “ I ‘he lowering of y “Jtn F ears j,uge w hite Olvmpic banner

with Its five cncircled rings, th e co 1 lol m ore stadium broke into wild bedlam . y “, Orleans. Fans poured out from the *’ 1 wns glv- fitnnds to hoist athletic heroes on

w ry ." their shoulders 'and carry them 1 the tide across the crowded Inticld. ■ ’ a 53-yard An hour a fte r the snivo “

qua rte r- had been sounded and the last ' end Dave bit of fireworks had cxp!o<led in itt in thc a bright Itouquet in Ihc sky. It In

appeared th a t not a single spec- t“ l thn kf>v “‘ lor had le tt thc snuccr-shnpcd

ficnta ear* stadium .faked a The signs nam ing the various on

’ w ith tho countries In the Infield w crc 'J^ '' carried awny hv anyone who f 'r

•,v An R* t tliem. th o chorus snnp, th to pnss on M cxican national antliem ' J . ! “nd Golondrlnns." a Mexi- an

TT! can farewell song. NiSome fans liahted p a p e r , ‘!“

. torches In tho stands.I, . ho lder The fans, Olympic hostesses t'.' run . Cnrd and young people mixed w ith P*

le R ivera the ath letes In thc ccnter of tho nwnda to r Atadlum. holdfni; hands, dnncitig *h ay s Inter, in circles and slnRlna songs,

the go-a- The Colombians did n pltty P* Latin A m erican dance In front 1

lUh acol-ed of the president’s box hut PrCMl- A C5-yard dent G ustavo Dias O rdar, who ^ >nd set up ««t nnd stood nltcrnntclv /ith a 45- throughout the 00-mlnuto cere- was voted mnny. long ftlnco hnd left, lalls hand- As the c o m e s tha l m any said -~hlB first Would never take plnce-rbe- h e d id n 't cnuji* of political controversy

U. before they w ere ever fttaRCd—about ou r ended In a g ln te of sentim cnlal Sm ith or- friendliness and hilarity, the big Ific. They nign a t one end ot tho ntndlum nd tot J im ntlll f l a n h e d the niessago:

used all "iVftmfch 71." fenses nnd ‘ a le rt to MEDAL STANDINGS

Gold Silver Bronze T olal Ix u ls tied United S tates . . . . . . 45 38 34 107

le Century S ovIe |.U p lon ............20 31 .11 01rleans hnd H u n g a ry ....................|0 ID 12 .12iimll losing Jopon ........................ 11 7 7 25

Hast G e rm a n y ........ 0 0 7 2.'5West G erm any . . . . fi |(l 10 25

1 Poland ...................... n 7 f» 17H h Australia 5 7 5 17

J Italy . . . ' . .................... 3 4 0 10r n f t F rance ...................... 7 3 A -16

Rumania ................... 4 0 6 15o;St. l,oulfl Czechoslovakia . . . . 7 a 4 13I League a r e a t n r l t a l n .......... 5 5 3 13Jpcd fl-0 by Kenya ....................... .1 4 2 »n (h« (hlrd M e x ic o ........................ 3 4 2- 0le goodwill Bulgaria .................... 3 4 3 0

. . Yugnalovla ................ 3 3 2 . (Illocted- ilx D enm ark ................. . I 4 3 Ahom e runil N etherlands ............ 3 3 1 7

had only Iran ........................... 1 2 1 2 f ta r w a i Ihe Canada ..................... 1 . 3 1.. jC v d ln a l i S w U ierU nd . . . . . . . . . 0 1 4 - 6

Sweden ...................... 2 1 1 4


' f ' £ * ' ^ :■ ; ■v o ,

1 In thc \)roclalm'lympiad!.<; of theGerman

Sunday •randeur

ancient eremony eyes of ors and oats. he beau* final pa-' d ressed L H P-ed from

in -I around '

ked con* 'V B ■ .: prio r to ■'iious stu* .'ernm ent L caused

the ore than

th re a t - J

onr. Hi<u PAUL WARFIELD W RESTLES 1 tin g Cleveland agn lnst A tlanta. The

3 S ta tS to Ihe fourth q u arter. T he Falcons lohn Car- lith , ap-

’. d ”hn”„d» r / / s r / M S S ' A / e w .

,m' ap a rt. — ..... ............... -: a th le tes ____

•s£Chiefs Dum ?:-= 27-20; Sferetilection oflem gold KANSAS CITY (A P) - J im W: j l a c ^ t h e K earney intercepted a John to t nation m n a d l pass w ith less than two hea\

m inutes to play Sunday pre- (Ive- ;t Union, se rv ing K ansas City’s 27-20 vie- Had r 401 ath - lo ry ov e r San Diego, nnd giving last n m e r and ^he Chiefs com m and , in the n m atch fo r w e s te rn Division of the A m eri- CH\

R ussians c a n Football. League. . a F I ost d i s a p - -------------------------------------------------

etltion -in Tight Def ense S "TSifin Gives Brownsiir women

S i r A ' 3 0 - 7 - V i c t o r r -

CLEVELAND (A P ) C lo v e Lcn wpi-i* th e lan d 's defense sm othered Atlan* Ciiii

a Winnlnc ta w hile Leroy Kelly scored a £ irce silver tw icc , and D lllN clsen riddled wip Llohfw n e r . th e Falcons as the Browns n and field ro lled to a 30-7 National Foot- p mdi.9tancc.9 ball le a g u e victory Sunday ^lo^said th e K elly rushed for 112 yard s In —

lid take a iricn and Neisen hit on 17 of“ 26 p asses for 248 ynrds. includ- | ?

cerem ony. ‘"8 “ 22-yard touchdown to Paul nrr nf Ihn W nrticld. Don Cockroft booted w es? G e r ' SooJs of 2.5. 42. and 34 \S |

ilc^ b anner ^ T he Browns' rush th rew Fal- rings, th e con passers eight tim es for 61

Id bedlam y “ ''d s lost, Until liic gam es finni from the m inute, A llanta’a deejw st nenc- i. •hflrn^Ron tra tion wns lo the ClcvcJand £voi a rry them nine-ynrd line. Dob Berry threw will field a sevcn-ynrd touchdown to Mike w q ,In-st snIvo Donohoe in tho last 50 scconds. owr il tli/> Inst- R andy Johnson look over for x p S e d in B orry when Atlanta trnlled 17-0 g he sky. It *n lhe sccond period '>i" • hon inale snec- l“ incd rlb .ln uries In the fourih ,|nv cer-shnncd q.ui»rter nnd llorry rclu rned . $ist

Kelly scored from the five nnd Cou he various one-ynrd line nnd Cockroft yf, field werc'^^^^'^^cd two o! Ith Ileid ftoal.9 thp <;vc ivnne who t 'r s i finir llrnoH Cleveland hnd (irv

nl anlliem Cockroll added ano ther fieltl th r I ’’ a Mexi- Boul in lhe tliird q u u rie r and G ’ Nelson connected lo W urtield dored f« n e r curly In the flnnl period. joh

I T he Urowns miivcd to n 14 0 Coi hostesses *lrst period lend with Kelly cnl

™1»«1 wilii Pl'inKlnil 111" 11“ Sirnier of the scored on n ilve-ynrd sweep on C Is tinncintf the Browns' flfHi drive. cy,sonns n cn Diivis Krnhbed n Berry nl i

Id ll nlfiv PON" ‘o *i|» ‘he first three- rep •e In front polnler nnd i:rnli- K ellerm an in- 'I ' hill P rc iI- tercepted n throw from Johnson ploird a t . who for the <.thcr._______________’ twinllcrnntcly Inuto cere-I left, many snld plnce-rbe-

controversy /nr fttaRCd— /•:sentim cnlal / ' >•lly. tho big , :ho nindlum <i

niesnage: w<

>INGS 'ironze T olal 45 38 34 107 20 31 .11 01 10 in 12 32II 7 7 25 " V '0 0 7 2.'5 ■ fi )(l 10 25n 7 5 17

’ H i Kyoift^golni > n t o s h o w y o u a5 < ;■ » Air West Jet-prop to Si 3 3 i. « jet connection to Los Al 3 3 ? ? - th e big airline tiiat fJ 1 J 81 . 3 1 .5

- 0 1 - 4 - 6 - --------------- ---------------2 1 1 4


\ | | it H

r f f ' M , ' - V K

PM - ■ - -c :

Al> W RESTLES lo r a touchdown poss to ro v n by ist A tlanta. The aeria l w ent 22 y a ra s , an a poshed r. T he F alcons scorcd m inutes la te r , but lost 30-

M onday ,

Dump Oakland Stretch DivisionP ) - J im With the C hargers threatening scor

a John to tie , K earney reached up in mini than two heavy traffic a round the O tiefs end

inday pre- five-yard” line and picked off sa } 27-20 vie- H ad l's pass lo kill San Diego’s n and giving last bid. - ^ nid , in the TTie m aneuver scaled K ansas utes the A m en- c ity ’s seventh v ic to ry in eight pass_________ A FL gam es and pinned th e sec- a 7fl

ond defeat on the C hargers, now pass 5-2. K ansas C ily h a s won Its last the

[ C U S C sbc gam es. DT he Chiefs took a 27-20 lead f5oa

r v - u r - r i Q w llh 3>/ rninutes le fl on J a n Ste- y“/ ' L / T T J l o nerud’s 37-yard fie ld goal, his off

21st o f the season , lying his 13. - K ansas C iiy^rccord se t la s t ycr.

J M inutes beforo th o field goal.) -r- Cleve- Lcn D a w so n -h a d ..p icked , thc . „ ered Atlan* Ciilefs o // t#u? deck by direcf/ng C j illy scored a GO-yard touchdow n d rive to :cn riddled wipe out a 20-17 San Diego leod.1C Bro^wns .Oawson passed 39 yards (o I ,i Ional Fool- p ra n k P itta to g e t the drive :unday moving, and M ike G arre tt SI12 yard s In . ________________________ g ^li t on 17 of _

English Derby SNXS Winner Will M Enter Race Eejw st nenc- LAUREL. Md. (A P) - Sir

C leveland fvor, the English D erby winner. ° t ; Jerry threw will com pete in <ho Nov. 11 J wn to M ike Wafihingion. D.C., Inicrnnlionnl. T0 scconds. owner Roymond Guest on-

« nounced Sunday. Vuntrnlled 17 0 s ir Ivor wlll b« flo>vn from his d hut • KUH- home base In Irclnnd next Men- o.ri1 the fourih day; for h is cnnageinenl In the Jlurned. Jiso.otw event a t U u rc l Racethe five and i .„ ,I Cockroft With h is nppcnrance In the Id «o»l,9 ihp <;vcnt. .Sir Ivnr will becom c fhe Jf-s; volnnd hnd (irs< nngltsh D erby w inner fo ,} iKtlme lend, compete In Uiia coun lry since ij nother fieltl thp 1020's. J«ju a r ie r anil Ouest, fo rm er U.S. om bassa- JJ

W urtield dor to Ireland, hnd ea rlie r lold i] riod. John D. Shapiro, Laurel Rncc jt •d to n 14 0 Course p resident, he plantjcd to M « with Kelly en te r ,Vngucly Noble who beat i{ •

yard . He Sir Ivor In the Arc dc Triom ptie. I(•il sweep on C zar A lexander nnd F o rt Mar-1» ivo. cy, last y e a r ’s D.C. Inlernniinn- |J•d n B erry nl w inner, n re tho two A m crlcan i first three- rcprcsen ln llves In Ihc rncc. t

ullcriTian in- 'I'he Hlnrllng flehl will bc com- { om Johnson pleted Mondny with selection of |

two horses from South Amerlcn.

e n g to Los Angeli vyouagoodtiiiie.t - p r o p t o S a i t L a i< e C i t y e v e r y d a y

o n t o L o s A n g e i e s . C a i i y o u r T r a v e i

r l i n e t i i a t f l i e s t o s m a l l t o w n ^ , t o o

Ejfc 1 % j2 iSS •‘‘feBH*'i K Vork.I r ^ 4 standL k b tr .1

■fc k f 'f . e rick

f f i T n

- Fr4. of In

I n ^

cnce‘j .. •- <it th

Ror eight

; In

■ ®' % one '

V Ingt<m ar. skins atter

■ la s t Wl

twlci half

- thep oss tnrow n by B ill N eisen In action pit- od-ords, and pushed thc B row ns’ lead to 304) P<ate r. but lost 30-7. (A P w lrephoto) goal

M o n d ay . O c io b e r 2 8 ,1 9 6 8 1 3

dand Raiders vision Leadthreaten ing scored th e toiJchdown with. 8U ched up in m inutes rem ain ing on a 13-yard i the O iiefs end sweep.picked off san D iego-had broken on top —

san D iegos the tense b a ttle for the Wesl- • n^n Division lead wllh 12 mit>-

iled K ansas u tes to go on H adl’s five-yard ry in eight pass to W illie F raz ie r, capping ied th e sec- a 70-yard m arch . H adl’5 55-yard a rg c rs , now pass to L ance Alworth launched won Its last thc drive.

Dennis P a r tc e ’s 30-yard field » 27-20 lead f5oal a f te r the C hargers drove 34

on J a n Ste- yard® w ith the second half kick- id^goal, his off cu t K ansas C ity 's lead to 17-

i e r l i s t VCT M a DicRO 0 10 3 7 -2 0r i l d d eS : W _______ ^ 0 .0 -2 7picked , the . . . ............

S ’ d ri“ '" l? Seattle WinsDiego leod. - - ^League'Game

*e G orrett SPOKANE. Wosh. (A P )-T lie----------------- : S e a t t l e R angers cam e back•V 1 from a 10-3 deficit la te In the I t f M ’ n V th ird q u a rte r Sunday to hnnd

J, J7.13 con tlnenlal n f 7 « 1 ' | Football League m The Spoknno Shockers had

built up u 10-3 halftim e m argin on a 15-yurd touchdown pos.s from qua rte rb ack Jesso Kaye to

* n \ ei Bobby Wilson nnd a 12-yord field . ' r fioal by T om Ronch.

? ’ M !, n Tho R angers won the gam e lie Nov. 11 n u nrle rback Mlko Brund-niernnlionnl. ago loused a 59-ynrd touchdown Guesl on- ujcdsoo and

t.1. fullback Hugh W right plunged (Wn from his j .y ard Uno wllhd next Men- 2:61 rcm tfining in the th ird m enl in thc ^ r lo d Jiu rc l R a te „ „ „ , , ,.3

incc In Ihc _____ _hi'cowo Ihe

I Winner fo \\ COMPLETE ' \)unlry fllncc ll w u m ri.B ii: i

AUTO REPAIR jLaurel Rncc '5 • A</fo T ro n im ltiJen * . j p planned to \\ • C o rv a ir S .rv ie# | *

inlornm lnn- |j $ SERVICE 1

i U . . d C o , . _ G , i j

1 oi i <123-5209 HANSEN jl ,Uth America, r j r ' . r j - j r j r j - j j ' j - j - j - j r j j r j - j - j * }

i Angeles wcM like jnie.I e v e r y d a y a t 9 : 0 5 a . m . f o r a

y o u r T r a v e l A g e n t . O r A i r W e s t ,

1 t o w n ^ , t o o . ________' _ ....... .. .....


■ Giants Take B Win From I1 ^ 1 ' ' WASHINGTON (A P) — Newwhile

Y ork, tw icc deni<;d by goat line 36 ya stands.- ground 80 yard s In thc Wa

^ ^ B f ln a l 'q u a r te r w ith T uckcr F red- ny J ^ ^ B erickson plunging across from cracl ^ ^ B ' the one to nip W ashington 13-10 nine ^ ^ B in a N ational Football League sevei j ^ ^ B dua l Sunday. days^ B B F rcderlckson , p laying In placc ’ ^ B f l of In jured E rn ie Koy. cracked [y | ( ■ ■ In to lh e end zone on thc G iants’ I ^ ^ B ' .U iH try a fte r a pass interfer- P | i ^ ^ B ^ ence penalty gave them tho ball ■*

a t thc R edskins’ two. DIB l H Rookie K en Barefoot gam bled way

eigh t y a rd s w ith a blocked punt troll ^ ^ B In th e th ird period for thc Red- Lcai

sk in s ' only touchdown ns the miglG ian ts ' tim e-consum ing ground dom,

I ^ B i l - - gam e and a stubborn defense So Q | ^ H kep t the ba ll aw ay from Wash- ^y h

tnpton for all hut tive m inutes of a lit■ \ W - Ih e s^ c o n d .h a lf .- “ rha

4 ^ N ew Y ork’s Pete- Gogolak Rlc^C # 'i booted tw o short field goals— cons W . j l -l one m orc than h is younger anc<

b ro th e r C harlie had for W ash- Tr Ington—fo r the three-point G iant oall

^ ■ 1 m arg in of victory. The Red- °ent sk fn s ' Gogolak m issed a 43-yard a ttem p t to tie th e gam e In th c ^ la s t 19 seconds. &

j ^ ^ B W ashington halted the G iants K ^ ^ ^ B tw ice inside th c five in th e firs t | i ^

ha lf to fo rce a 3-3 interm ission H i B ^ H tie . T hen they bolted ahead! M ^ ^ ^ B w hen B arefoot scoopcd up thc I B H | B | punt blocked by Wnll B arnes on H

the f irs t se ries of th e th ird peri- ■ » tion pit- od. M1 to 304) Pete-<}ogoIak kicked h is field V ) goals from 10 and 18 yard s out,

S8 1 3

Every!ers you sa

L , F lrs l FlI a 13-yard

----'QQriKs ^ f i lV ^ r d C u f l l v:r, capping W ^ ■ ■ ■ wIl’s 55-yard h

^yard field M . 1 1 K-rs drove 34 U V Vd half kick- • ^ ' i flead to 17- •

10 3 7-^20 F I G U R E rr O U T be ll ° c o m p o u n d e d tw ic e a y e a i

_ - t h a t *4.81 tu r n s In lo $59.9-

t a lk in g a b o u t a n a c c o u n t i

a m e F e d e ra l , $5,000 grow1 0 y e a re , t h a n k s to c o m p o

c r n n o T iS p u t In a n y a m o u n t , a n y lim e la ic in liic i ia v e a d a t e o n I t Y o u r Inv

C onUncniii c o u r s e . I s n 't t h i s t h e p la c e


360 Knye to P e rio d $100.jliEZZj EZZ, i S , ' n ? r .

touchdown 10 y e a rs 169.01

M "p“ n“ cd 20 y e a r . i 8 5 . 7 2 ~ p i d lino w llh BiMd on currant 4H%PMibooKBtl».

the th ird !

B-3 In the/Ision. 7 K ^

‘AIR j m .fion t. ! A

n m »n l | l n B H K Z l f v ' 'A . 1S*1h a n k \ \ i/ICE ii jSS^Madrocerlai }|

NSEN jl ,

;; w O J


like '. f o r a '

r W e s t - . Ml

s r ....... ~ -

Take:j^-10 om Redskins

>) _ Newwhile bro lher C harlie h i t front goal line 3G yards. .

ds In the W ashlng«w qtrarterbacle Son- k cr F red- ny J u r g e n s ^ p lajjlng w llh a ross from crocked rib. m issed h is first gton 13-10 nine passes and com ple ted only 11 League seven of 25 for one of th e w orst

days in his long ca rM r.

L'¥sJ McLain To Make mSo'SiPitch At Denver

DENVER. Color (A P ) — T he . it gam bled way Dcnny M cLain o t th e De- )cked punt tro ll T igers figures it, L ittle r the Red- Lcacuo baseball g a v e '' h im a ;n n s the mighly push to b ig league sta r- ng ground dom. -n defense So on Tuesday . M cL ain w ill rom Wash- fly here to m ake a p itch to save m inutes of a little league ba ll p a rk in sub­

urban Denver. A league offlciaL - Gogolak R ichard Bauer, saJd M cLain Id goals— consented to m ake a n appear- s younger ance a t a zone hearing , for W ash- The hearing will decide If tha

jo in t G iant hall park Is In v io lation of resi- T he Red- dential zoning laws.

I a 43-yard --------------

the G iantsin th c firs t | J O ( | y i C | M £ ^jtcrm lssion -

his field T Pyard s out, .uw r

sry $1001 save a t

it F ederal

r n s ® 4 # a y ea r.r r O U T below, see w hat In te rest i twice a year can m ean to you—rns Into $59.91 in Just 10 yearsi Or,-............t an account nearer the average at I, $5,000 grows to be $7,995.55 In inks to compound Interestl You can idtjnt, any time—your mon&y doesn't on I t Your Investment Is In8ured« of this the place for your savlnga?

N COMPO^UND E A R N IN G S - I S T i n v e s t m e n t g r o w t h

$100 . l —‘ $8,000 I $10,000104.81 6.240.32 10,460.64120.66 6.032.83 12,063.87 _169.91 • 7.9BS.65 1S.99t.10265.72 I 12,788.76 T 2S.S71.S2

m % PlibocK Btl>, Cooipoundtd B«tn[-Annuillr



............ .........

^ T E R E S T C O M PO U N D E D W I C E A V E A R t

K w U K tm iif? .

• . J 'i

Page 14: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON

^ BRI 1 1s o u n i HAPPY ..w e rePLAYS S/VriiLY fin 'l l

Oswald: “ Here is a hnnd from Jit tho finals i)f tlic Olvmpiiid m mif;l u'hich both pnirs hid and m ade perc four spndL's. Tiic biddinR in ihc trick hox was used by tlic Americans, inp 1 The lialiiins r(H there by one inR of Ihcir typical artificial w - Os' nucnccs." • , firsl

JiHi; " I sec that both dcclar- hcan cfs made an overirick aflor diam West opened a irump. Guess ncssi

. thi-r illustralps that ihc Inter- iher____ _________________________ 1 lead

NORTH (D) 28 won! -A K JO

V A K G 2♦ 7 5 2 l<^ad^ J-10 0 8 wnu

; ^ 'i:A S T 4 ,8 7 3 5 2V J 0 9 8 3 ¥ Q J 7 5♦ A J 1 0 9 ♦ K Q 8 4 , Som+ K Q * 7 5 3 'f y l

SOUTH e ™,J A A Q J 0 C 4

i.^ -- + A 6 4 2

W orth-South vu lnerab le W eit K o rth E ast S o u th '

Poss P a ss 1 *Pass 2 « P ass 2 *Pass 3 4k P a ss 4«|i Pass P a ss P ass ♦ A ,

O pening lead—4k 7 ^. , — II '■ I A

national Match Point scorinjj is han' close enough lo rubber bridge lo re so that tl>e declarer will play safe for his contract.” ^

OswaJd; "Yes, indeed. Each declarer d rew trum ps, discarded one diamond on lhe second hiph h can , and cvcnlually had in m ake f i v e odd because they


; T n n n m n ^ * 4 l ^

m0 p o p j_o P V^.o_o_P_o_o,o_tLQ-<

^'Housework Is Just (Ike history- i U t l i V


p k u N P E R T H l* MAT.' * y AOLUGr.'V*

I! ITlie W KRVW Atr

c------------- ll,C I,A Y H .K

MAII.JJ M Youfft„(fy>Vt(Wi J< • AtconJ/nff lo th

'“ >> •«) ‘1'tvolop muasoQo Wi 11/ rro(lwi)i(liC(>itrr,(>iiti(l

31 111. rum .,Ij ^ V y si ‘ r'WJii^3ii.4M i.5y • J w l ,< A »737» iiilnr

OIMIN* AM.i|'|.I|HII :u a >kI

sSii,.," S i ! K r

W C M atHkii.l .4 10 .

n irtir ,',;,B /i7m -n i.iii 9 1, -yti'ii------ i i o ------30 IK) MlDlnlnO

aiA .’ll AII' S ' 3 . S ” i i s

- - m m t l - ^ i S .........V«oo tV/M'llx'fl'rW

2 1 3Q-O' 'inn.

r ---------- /

BRIDGE 'aBy Jacoby ^

. .w e re not ab le to take two club ^ fin '^ sc s ," -

from J itn : "A m aich point player L ad in miRht well have iricd the best I m adc perccntaRc play for the ovcr-

in lhe irick and wound up iysi mak- \ icans. inp his con trac t o r possibly go- .A / one inR down one.” • ll w - Oswald: “ Hc would win the R

firsl spade in dunuiiy. Cash the icclar- hearts in o rd e r lo discard one P *

afior diam ond and lake a c lub fi- I C Guess ncssc. West would win w ilh ci- n Inter- ther the king or lhe queen and L.,_

- — I lead a second spade. Soulh K x 28 wcmM win lhat in dum m y also D h

and lose a second club finesse, fc Then if W est decided to under- lead his ace of diam onds, E a s t W j would win a diam ond irfck and g / miphi give West n club ruff B / / for thc ^cttinR trick.” t->(

^ 5 J im : ‘Mn m y opinion . th a t ,(5 4 South p layer wouJd deserve cv-

crythinR tha t happened lo him . g P Even in a m atch point gam e flKT hc would be happy enough to havo gotten thc irum p lead and —^ would p lay safe for his con- -j tracl;.” ,

We DARD SENSE ( 'lu th

■t Q—Y ou, South , h o ld :• ♦ A JC 3 6 -V K Q 9 4 4 A * K Q 1 0 7

W h a t is y o u r opening b id?I A —B id Ju st one club . Y our,

rina is h a n d I s '» tr if le too w e a k lo r a bridge lo r c ln r o p c n ln r bid.I p la y . TODAY’S QUESTION

_ . Y o u r p a r tn e r responds o n e — carded ^ h a ^id high ‘ U llad in (D they Artswcr N ext Issue



^ • ; ? | R= = = > ^ e ^ ^

,3 ____________§ ■

II I — \ , | ru u u u b u u u u i u u i u ^ko Koops on TBpoating

L ' _ _ _ _ ■'’'w gL LTELLi^ '^m dlM t?M ll«^TA

BLOVWJ IT AWAY.* WE PITCUGPOOR l m JEklTAOAIW&TAW OPCM CGULAR WlW* w |\ POW IW CAOt: WE W ANTliPTOaCTIKJ I n I —AM* HE L o c k e p IT w j i im w c w e r e 1 f A O LU er.'W tl'R f; fjOWWA HAVG THE -rf I [l LAOT LAUGH.THOUOH. c a u s e tm iW Jf «7NWA TOUWPOWTH' ________ 1

r W R TILL I <5CT I IIM I Wm p


I lR g .a x e .'r ! : ^ i C ) | >J Cr,AY n . I'OU-AN-------------- j------t j ; ; —luf M f AOMiy CuUlt y ± . , r r . j j r - Htcor<J;n(7 lo l/tB'Sfcfi. ^ fKt', 31 £lop muasoQo for T u n sflo /, ' ], 3,)0 3 i # | ' TiliC(>itrr,(>iiti(llti|j loiiunibtiiu 49«)7;i M.i»JI«ol*Uiiloa ....... . t o i i ^ '

ninir.l .(MOp Of.T, a4tL0>, f■•Ii Mm/ l in " ; ; ' '" ' MOV, 3 7 ^inw ',I.r 17-371V^5^' ':i!)C)t. ri'iitv S9ajh3Vq’II .

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)iiiiuy linntnttftoil'iV ‘ MAiVaif*^^'!

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“ ■ U ’t A b n t r • ■

r / pssr,''- V h------ ------- s. I T N A TA < ilR LST i

mak- \ j f / ? j / 1b ^ E o - 9 .

in the R o x M o re a n , M .D .M nnn w 'T p o J r T i^ E K ? rd one — cl_— ^ / .- .j i j .5T numbelub fi- I GIVING (5INMV J ^M tTlAL^- BB^l?iih ei- } .A5MAH. BLACK ^T a n d -WTeBOOKKAHL / lOoV a T ^ ^ ^

t:n.^h ? I ^ I5T■5 f TWEWrV-THKE^^Soiilh , -niATSHeREAP 'v ANPTWeNTV- ) '

,y also Hl^ MUTATION* FOltK 'finesse. ; IN n -/ .

ck and B / Y / ^ \ V

1 . th a t / / rve cv- vit^, ‘10 him.

gam elugh to •— ' ad and —is con- T h e W iz a rd O f ID_____________

/ . IF EL£C15p, I PRC)WiseYoo f/ORSUAND/BerrERa^ ScHcctiM e*^ B i e x s e e 1 \C fa?ps;.../V JC > A V o ic e 1 \

CQ 107 , 11 ' 6 o r Sp /SR K JW eM r/b id? \ ... .A w y ( p u e s n s w s ? j. Y o u r ^ -------------------

o no w ? ^

C a p ta in E a s y ® PEMMynwueHrTH5K^/is-



o IHHC3 V I S0 H f l


„■,.., ,1, , m § J° G a a o lln e A lley

S L ~ < 1^ Did g o u h a v e a - y Phy llis .anc ® n ice t r i p . S k eez ix ? 11 w hat? He a r ® S e e C h ipper a r e qom q

\ t ' _ — o W in th ro p _____________________

- 3 1 / ^ A L L P lN i e i l Lm . h o w ^ m v v A t h a t u . £

6 IS N > fiw = C E N I ; t t i n g c o M \h i<3 / I p L a A e e

A L £ )N G , )c j N c v ^ J n. I y z

Allev^^OOp____________ ' - '/ - n iA T W A s ^ n u / I w pw

------ ■ , I AN tWTHKVIIJW I tSHE W-------- V von HAP WMH V JAIX/-------- r l o r TROy^

^ I

R o b in M n lo n »

i' " MliffBY-c^- fv:i(./ VO...1 ina-MtJOiUvWM~<LL;r I’ ^ W/IAr»iVCS'., <MIUIf

. - m r \-n wAwI '••7i7■"/ f f M h f i i , KtJC»W.....^U'IJCpr»’U.

< ¥ ^ j / ' / » \ h v>

TAHIUI l~~ i~ ^ii I - ■ ' ** ■■'J K « rry O roK *

B B M B B U j M K ' . A hoTwd iiOtiiiV. -. tiAiP«ico«N LefTV ANP Mia T munq cvcr iiiq r ’ /V * rouKo mtiONiiR \ iu’Aa..AW(7 ti iu n’ /(AVI! Af?KlVrt?-Ar,-\jBS\7,A1C>'' MlAfXJtJAHTfR.'J — \A m ^* tkJN'V' A'.) A M«5ICKlfAL f rlAiiui MK1. la opucKiiJ- y A I T \ ^ "

INO A'MOtllftTCK J ^ J ~• IN Tin: l-AHK. A IT A ^

'i 1 I V \ l i V ^ ' ^ i l f I

‘' S j vJb^wvM4 A3/‘-o ‘ 1v ov'M • W l B F f l f f i . 1 3--------- * , I "

S r /-W f: iE fJ V W H E A R S \ f-W ANTSTOCATCH A T A < ilR L S T R IC K £ N ) .H I M - H E 'L L W /T H -C »uC K L E r- ^ . U E T H E R ./T

r P«?NT UNPEK^TANP t r '^— JU-5T NUMBEt» ivrrn

u s e "1B e r ra s ( w h a t c w



_ / ^ , . A. B u b 4 e a h e e ^ \ / %e / ^ . a S q u e " l b u i ld ^ M

l ( w h a t? He a n d S tu b b s W ^ ^ a i ^ l n r / \ h o s p i t a l m a n ^ ^ X

—— r i H ^

ALL R N I-a-JE D — / " w A T ^ A C O IT H A T L L B E I e iG f^ — V OflW = C E N T 5 , / ’ M \ e e p i = u - c

P L G A e G . ^ B V r n Z Y WCH

....... ^

u n u / I w pW T -n tiN K \w orT O O B A x> . ■ \ / \. JW I tSHE WAG VERY j POC,..t SHOT ■ ( »r >IH V JAIXATJVU) y i 2 0 TOCT,,, V ■

r i 5 a u " ? T f ^ r T l 5 w r f I t? j« its fiarriiy^ w-vo'uvWM~<LL;r (IW MAic/r tivv>j y.. HLC,.,-!' ^II.L(0fiS~rW7M f'Ul.L BOIL, -v— /fj7." r^Ti(t=-f'o«AtmA/J-ir iK A o u p i-r / / - ' •- ■ A moTiHj.PDMTSt> 7~>— ------r ^ £

S io,-Tifa>wow./)‘; ( y c 5 ,£ i e r ) lk f(

H C.^aW j iie«> ^ oo oh, Mioaf'l I ‘ ■' i r - ■' ..w nn HAIR IIIAT) « WHAT lUnc >dfW

UNQ CVtR IIIQ r O R E - P O VOU Hli- ■ / ' . 'y J V ^ ’A0...AW(7 Lliun MPMHrK

/ V

NTS TO CATCH’ H tfL L FteO R E | TH E POOR 6(^ -H E 'L L ^ -^ ^ H E L U B E A R E A U 2 E .- /r H E R / r y ) - C lB 6 * O lE L 0 R 'SENESCEMCc------------------ A3AIM-S00N S1MPLV MEA

n?NT TME INn-IAl-S- J I y thaV^ CI6H1■ PE^IPE THOSE - ---- ytJUK TVWI

W NUMBEP& MEAN ^ WHO Pt6P'ACCI AkJ>THlN& TO K3LI .> V ^ , ^ — r

r .( vVriATCAW w t e C o l b THe OTiV A v too w e CRA PT?y T rie E


5RTA1N PAPERS ARBIVBP \ I f t / ONLV THAT W B I- >PAV FOR HER 5lONAniBBl ) _ .- f $BCLUDB>.MOUMT JP/'RBPD ^?W )>J,0«rrX l->^~^ J ' ^M E M W U V m 235T HER HEAYILVt y 7 - ^ y . \ P t ^ ^ TIPlEy, WHEREVSl

I r ' HO CLUE TO M i g T a - ---- I 'r w

j a b e « \ / A n HM ^ T ^ u r o f ihincjs: ^ I a t t a c h e d I =*“ ‘ H: r i s a I \ + o p a r h M e io h t m orikhs.'T he:

T H A T ^ A C O T T E H ^ I F T C O U L D €e i G f ^ — V C t i y B E P C IN T IN

M \ e e p t s u M D \ p o a a n i cB V m z y W O R O / J ---------------------------

.. (^3J/0N75//

c tw N fc * ^ /fl-2B^ 1 . . I — I

) nTJ>. H 1 / .. AND E V nR V A sO U N D Q / At)t3R Lih SHOT ■ ( »NCM Of- IT ItJ I LIKH / TO AHOlJlcr,,. V soLiP ooLDiy wk're 4^'ioo.oo(

- Its mUN(7 W.vo' ' C ^ ' * ^ |l'/);i)i-G„ATTlOM.yf THATJ-K) .............. \1 0 MO&IIKOa.1 BOIL, v - Z C

^ I! iV tnWIAO AIM03T MO I i- NECK/., t m i;an, m a S

' HCAO 0t!l.’MCD7OKC3T ’H io m o M H io y

TH E P O O R 6 0 0 L W O N 'T ^R E A L I Z E .- X O / H O J ! C

'S E N E S C E M C E * . --------S1M PL V M E A M S

'' TVIAT^ CI6HT MV PEa' r ~ ~ ' ^ | ^ | ^ ^ HV ----VODfC TWO MEM ft;iEH P» A yOJ WHO P t e p 'A C C i P C N T A i t y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H a n In

th a t^

^ ------------------------------------------------------------r - ~ \ ANw e S u I d S w a D o n s is t s

T H e o r w E R a p e o f

rriBe>KL.LCOM ! you^

-------- f j1&-Y,

• ' _______________________ ®^ ONLV THAT HOPEP TO USB THB W S !

$BCLUDB>.MOUMrAIN COTTAGE 0 P > i i S 3 j ' m e n^M B prni-V F U IB ^D F R O M *0 I

^ P t g y , WHEREVER THflT g t y S t l & f t u S F Ip n K l>IL ~ l ' l W ' . \ V - ' £ ^ pt-AiNi WB a b o lm S I I< k W T ^ f e l T ONCB 5I0PPEP L ov(OTaH H J n ] A THERE»A1^ th n fH111IM B j H I P k ^ s e n s

n J l H r a■ K w I I H v I i I ^ ^ o Q b e a r

W Hai-.umph!l|U will b e f o r c n lg Y T o u r l ^ - ^ V r T l 'I t m o n th s : T hen / ‘“ r 1 ^ ^ * Y T 11 toe b a c h h e re J H n h , \

( F T O D U L D G F r U ^ I w b u L D N T B E P C IN T IN G D U /A & S I G N S >F C G A N IC f^ H - A P I E C E .

J r

'UNDQ?Tt)t3R Lih S. WGLL.ClvlON, 'IKH I no AHOlJT ( YUP.') LET'S QO J -


___iiM t t, HI*. !- - T«, ».., Ul. r..' ort__________________ t :^ |l'/);i)i-G „A r THB C A M ourM scp EwiKAwrt? a :


. j5

NO I c ^OKAY/ PU T l W \M. " la > i i r ' f l _ L w W BACK WHFRC )

B Checkin-By L. M. B(

'm Rock-Aiid-Rpjl Seek Unusual Nj

AM AGAIN INVITED to assi.<il and a young m an in dream ing u p our an Intriguing nam e for his rock- a s 1 and-rol] quarte t. A oprcciate Ihe sa y invitation. Il’s flattering. L ast ful ( tim e a youthful group sought an such guldanco here, I suggested noiii m em bers perform !n hobnail sim | boots and call them selves "T hc and P ik e and Peavy Boys.” Too first square, they said. I ge t it. thos W hat's w anled is some nam e m ar th a t will m ake you blink your ty .” eyes and wonder if you’re get- Cl ting ca r trouble. All right, how "M l about- "T he Horizontal S c a r"? my O r “ The 99 Horse Power Skate- wee board"? O r "A ll the Vital Func- da tions” ? M oro la ter, maybe'. w rll

----- r - » AN IRA TE GENTLEMAN In-sists lhe best oysters do not com e from P u g e t Sound, b u t from C hesapeake Bay. M ister, „ you’ve ev idently never eaten any O lym pia oysters. . . . IS q l i .r r T R U E no natural redhead * can get a^suntan? . . . AMONG n ’oc lO-YEAR-OLD BOYS, the th ree m ost popular nam es nationw ide ,u„, in o rder a re John, M ichael a n d o Jam es. Am ong 10-year-old g irls, tho th ree m ost popular nam es _ „ .

----------- a re Linda. M ary and D eb ra f , , .. . . DOES OMAR SHARIF ! „ „

g u A * ^ M urine? . . . IT WAS J . M .----------- * BAILEY who observed, “ W hen ] j " *

a coupio of young people strong- ,V devoted to cach o ther com -

iiSSv ' menc© to ea t onions, it is sa fe yrt,. ‘J tW *“ pronounce them engaged .”6URV FIR ST THING a girl notices out

about a m an is his eyes. O u r mai• Lovo and W ar m an has m ad c nati iS j? s cla im repeatedly. • Now a not

fem inine Floridian w rites, "N on- this senseJ W hat a gJrl notices f ir s t con

ITy UH about a n y m an is his gen e ra l tern M r^ i>caring, his s ta tu re ,‘h is heigh t culi

M a jo r H o o p i*

■ * ■ ll ----i^ IF l i e

---------TTn ' AMV0H6 TOKTENMl^ ? / / - rH E V 'L L I•u m p n r $am dvano i a r& a f o r a c l i! > Y T T AT/ PLAYEO *nifc : THE 61S RACQUET VJSEK$ A(f a g CLL)&,ANOVJePie/ 6NEAK£«^ » 00UBI.E5 Tk& y V T *50



• * Paper ra

A 0 l t 0 8 s 98 W rlU n« f lu id I S

fP J 7Wr'uVnr « li] i y t a b l e t ^ S C o m c JQ lo g j[ l O U r a v e w o m a n . . *•« '"« jm.\ J lD lB m o u n te d ■^BHlnKlo i q

5-SS I5S?iC

nam e nu lltx «i. 17 S c h o o l a a E n v e lo p w i t h 77 V ^ lu b l e e t p a p e r Rl / ? V 18 In te l lig e n c e 03 M o d e m 0V / ^ n ' lO C onK er ” PAtntoir lof / ^ ! ~ 30 s p r in g e m i t - S i L ^ k l n t f l a

t tn g i t e o m fllnnBca laa a C e re a l g r a in ®S *23 W rit in g p a d 07 Ile c o lv e ra

~ | F “ - 2 7 I r U h n a m tt o t m o n e y lo*'*■ **'' aO D o v c ra g e D O W N

a a A J r ( c o m h . a i--------------- 1 fo rm ) 1 M e rc e n a ryU IF A K S sa H h o flh o n e an a U n t t o t ' 22<K?ru/7«5m- • in r ttm i r n e r g y 24

34 I n t e r e i t . (ab.) S l lo h o ld t 2«30 J a rg o n 4 W rite r o f 211

?et» - a a - lm p e d e i o b e ra t e x t ! 27( U w ) B C o n c o rd 28

P | 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 |(

^ 3 2 r r * *

' | h ( t 4

i ? S i Iw&u 19 H ^ ”r~r*pW K m m U .- I — j n | | ;

■■; |2 7 I2B iz a 31i r r w t f N -— — -------------^ -------- -CKWHFRC) 3 3WND I T , / ' ____________________■ _____^ 1 / - ^ 3 6 37

40 [41

|4 5 |4 6 |4 7

fiO “ nU H H , ^ ” j 54

bF ” .... ^ “


eking UpB y L . M . BOYD.m«« ------------ ---v..»»ama..''-«'.'M!e.-.vsa.' g:jK,kL-«L;aB»fiAta,'8J»

-Rpjl ‘Combos’ siial Names> to ass is t and weight.” To th is challenge, am ing u p ou r L. and W. m an responds • his rock- a s follows: "M adam , w hat you Delate the s a y m ay be co rrec t of a bash ­ing. L ast ful girl without intent. But w h a t ~ t ' . ip sought a n aggressive g irl with Intent suggested notices first about any m an is \ hobnail sim ply whether he notices her,Ives "T he an d to determine tha t, she m ust ys.” Too f irs t look nt his eyes. I add tha t I ge t it. those girls who look first a t a me nam e m an’s Ci«s a re In thc m ajor!- • )link your ty .”ou’re get- CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. right, how “ MISTER, I ju s t had to paw n al S c a r"? m y typcwrilcr to gcc th ru the ver Skate- week. Did you ever have to ’ital Func- do lhat?” A. N ever m y type ■naybe'. w riter. Dut a s pn impulsive ,lad rM AM I ad rift in strange citics, I paw n-'^ rio nnf watches, cam eras , and rcc :

{,,,. ord players. T h a t was long ago.M l., naturally . I h av en 't pSwned

,Ln anything lately ■ cxcept th e c a rand the house . . .• Q. “ HOW

I H OLD Is .lhat song "Too Young?'*‘ a . About 20 yea rs o ld ,.Jo h n n y•.k i ,k ^ Desmond introduced it In 1951

th ree years a f te r it was w ritten W i S onri then Nat Colc rea lly put it over;I RESEARCHERS exam ined ther-old g irls , career.«t of 121 of the wbrld*.s L I g reatest living m usicians. Pian*I4 D IP 'S ts. Singers. Violinists. C onduc AC T M tors-' So on. A verage ag e a t A ..w u w hich theso v irtuosos gave their- - ' „ f irs t profe.ssIonal p crlb rm anccs J .‘? L ir ? - t h a t 's professional, not am a-

u u te u r- tu rn e d out to be a g e 13. * !n Jn « 2 ® W hat do you think of th a t? In- engageo . cidcnfaHy, approxim ately fou r Irl notices out of five of these m usical eyes. O u r m arvels claim ed' they got the ir h as m ad e natural gifts from their fa thers ,/. • Now a no t their m others. And from ltes, "N on- this, the research ers seriously jtices f ir s t concluded fhat mu.-Jical ta len t is gen e ra l tends to descend thru th e m as- h is heigh t culino m em bers of the fam ily.

' i ■

f YO) 60TTAB&WDP1NV)/ADMIT IT./ IF IT eE T <A N yC 0L U E R \\i:L Y O & ./

S’ f y/TH EV LL BE WIN'AN l6L0cm '(O P < a FOK A C L U B H O D ^e.''A 6U V C O U L O

? at/PLA Y G O *mS(?ETHi^Ee-VfBEAT v o u ■ V JSEK 6 A G O ArOP H S / WEAKlN’AN

£ N E A K |^ ^ ^IRON^

Aarvtr le Prartoui fu«U

idjectlvaulltK e Conrcned <(awnInvclopw lttt 7T ypeofboolc 2D Suitedlaper A Mau'a name 31 lla lf-emModern ODclvci ' ' nV A uthorla tn te r- 10 IJusy plnce 30 Ci>mt»»»>ooklntf 12 CloirpcK point[lansca in I)lnlio|irlc 41 AncloiU nreitllpeda 17 Tiirhiith In AsJu M iuurlecelvera «llKi,ltnry 42 Vellne soundsif m oney lO Uudy o t 4:i Timo iwrlotlan n iv M wntor 44 Sufltlcn coHDOWN aiW rlltn if ^RAuum entW ercenaiy matcrtalB 40 Q uantity oCJ n tt o f ' 22 Oloiiy pa|>cr iinpcr•nergy 24 Mroitow 471>ni)d[leholdl 2S.Srabtr<t formationiVrlter o f 211 l.tllle child ftl I.lltle clw lllibera te x t! 27 That woman lliiarlarhi^C oncord 28Qo<ldo»soI flAConcernliiC

3 | 4 1 5 l e I 17 ) 0 19

- ~ | 7 "

■ ■ h 15

1 7 y i r20" ” ■ [ ? “

- U | | ^ ^ 126 126

31 ~ U s

3 7 3 9 I — — —

t M H p T i T r f r r

1 ■ p r r n

“ B l J I P K

5 4 F

.h.LI.. It [M

Mondoy, O ctober 2S, 1968

Page 15: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON

Glenns Ferry I Honor Roll I Announced I

GLENNS F E R R Y - The " J Glenns F e rry High School honor. J roll for lhc first six weeks listed ^ five seniors w ith a 4.0 average. ■ They a rc E rn ie Hamilton, Shar- H on Rose, Tom Seesec, Jill T ripp ■ and C hris W illiam s. O ther sen- H lors on the roH w erc Annl.W ll- I son, 3.S; Connie Brown, 3.6, and ■ M ike M ay. 3.5. ■

One jun io r m ade 4.0, D iana ^ Hoalst. w hile Phyllis R ussell jn m ade 3.8, along w ith Karl Koch; ; G iner Seesec, M ike Shenk, Ter* rie D ccker, and Reed Thompson earned 3.6. and Dale M cCicary and Becky Cox, 3.5.

Sophom ores on the list w ere Joanne B rannan . 3.8: P a lty Pas- borg. 3.6. and K risS h rum , 3.5.

F reshm en w ith 4.0 w ere Kathv W icher. B a rb a ra Wertz, Debbie King, R ebby M esserly; 3.8, Ju lie i- Carnahan: 3.75, C hris A nderson ^ and Vicki M cKeeth; 3.6. John Lawson, an d 3.5, K aren Thomp- v son. Beverly D avis. Ann Wilcox,Paul ShrUm. M ary M itchell. /■ Myron M ink. J a n e Bernt.

in the jun ior high, for the eighth g rade , Lori Hoalst and i* D ebra Johnsons has'tw o B’s and —

• Wendoiyn W ebb, oiie B; F o r the seventh g rad e rs , Nancy W icher had two B 's , an d M ary Sims, . h one B. f l

Kings Store I Opening Set I AtBui’ley , I

BURLEY-------- M. H. King’* Isto re m (hc O verland. Shogpins ■Ccnler. w ill hold its grand open- ■ing T uesday , aftnounces H erm an ■King, p residen t of the company'. ■

Store hours for the new est ■sto re added to thb firm ’s chain Iwill bc from 9 a.m . to 9' p .m . ■daily exccpt Sunday. King’s ts ■the tKird business tij open in the ■

- O verland-Shopping C en ter a f te r ■ rebuilding w hen 11 businesses ■ w ere destroyed by fire la s t ■ .spring. P r io r to the fire "King’s ■ was no t loca ted in tiie shopping ■ center: th ey a re a new additionto the cen ter.

The new sto re h a s 11.600 *square , feet, of floor space and ?

- fea tu res a toy departm ent and £la rg e d ep artm en t of sm all

household item s. A. H. Stevenson will bo m an ag e r of th e new .storo a ssis ted by Robert Hale, Blackfoot, who Just recently joined tho firm . ;

Tho com pany w as founded in of 1915 by M . H. King who opened

- h is f irs t sto re In Burley. T he p a new sto re In th e O verland Shop- jnt ping C en ter is tho 26th Kings s to re to b© b u llf and opened Jn gp, Idnho an d U tah a rea . , j-

Tho K ing’s sto re a t 1258 Over- Jand A ve., in downiown Burley will re m a in opeh for business pg and w lll undergo rem odeling af- u te r th e f ir s t o f the y ea r, an- h i , nounced M r. King. Ti,

Tho downtown sto re ju s t re ­cently expanded Into the adjoin- ; ' Ine DuiidlnB w hich housed T he j F ab ric C enter. 114 W. 13th St. I Tho F a b ric C enter moved to la rg e r bu ild ing on O verland ' ■ Avenue.

Board Opposes Sale J3f Land

B O I.SE^(A P) - Idaho P a rk ’ B oard opposition to snle o t 1,700 ncres of s ta te land near P ayette Ijiko has been reiterated by Its j chn lrm an. E rnest Day of Boise,

Tho land hoard authorized the q snle T lu irsday . but specified ll will be cn rried out only If the ^ npprnisc«I prlco of thc Innd is ncceptnhlo nnd If thcro will be no pollolipn of thc Inke. ip.

"Wb hoiieve thnt thfi short- slghtcfl sale is not now nnd con ^ never ho in the public In le rs t," c_

J ) i iy .siilil l-’rldQy.a ttend nntionnl mcotings

n n d 'h en r of the fnntnKlic priccs w o ther p la te s a re paying to p u ^ o i clmse hack w nlcr - oriented land,'* hc snid. tn

Dny snid n Imnrd sUidy p , fihowcd “ cvcn hy 1D80 m uch nf dc this Innd would he cssentinl for Idnho's rccreatlonnl needs."

-------------------------- Tl

Students Capped tl’Several M agic Vniloy fltiidentfi tc

w ere am ong those capped re*. U ccnily a t tho Sophnmoro Nura- 'Vi Ing C apping cercm ony a t Idaho ci Stale University , ni

Am ong the 40 students csj>pcd ci wero D n r ta ra Henning, Snelln II

. P ockard t, S andra P u lz ie r and ai Cheryl W arner, a ll Twin FfllU, 6 : nnd G loria Lansom. F ile r. ■ F

i l l 2n i i a r e n i e a n s w e r i Tfncea of (he eaadldiU i picture^! Georae W«Um «. H m nouths a t Wlrepnolo) ■

Twin Falls Times-Nows 1 5 BM onday, Octobor 28, 1968 H

^ H H I ^ I

1 honor. is listed ^ ^verage. - ^ 1


rni.WlT- i 'and

Diana Russell I Koch; ; k, T er- ompson .

it w ere ^:ty P as- < j i f f ’

; K athy '• h; ‘Debbie ^8 , Ju lie ~iderson ^

John ^Thomp- V Wilcox, - . litchell.

the . ' . t Jand

B's and F o r thc W icher

King’f ' ‘ihosplnft ' . SId open- Herm an

' new est ’s chain .9 p.m .

■mg’s ts . Vv j K - i Vin the

e r a f te r r S ; >sinesses

la s t -King’s

ihoppingaddition X s - m E CAMPAIGN d raw s Into ■ Tl fiOO Cver-lncreaslng sty lo . . , and-thcs n ro flnrt the rhetorlc—tho candidates* r pnt and H ubert Humphrey,' G eorge W allac I s S W ho ts who? (Seo answ ers a t tho I tevenson

I s i News Of Sei, . , A irm an F ran k P . D eLuca, son S

jnded in ©f M r. and M rs. F ra n k E . of ' D eLuca of 120 10th Ave. N ., Twin moey. T he P alls, h a s com pleted basic tra in- ce l nd Shop- ing Laci?land Air Fo rce B ase, Me h K ln p Tex. H e -ls now assigned os a tho pened In sp ec la llsfw lth a un it of the T ac- Ka ,ro rt ■' ica l A ir C om m and-at Nellls-A lr nw. ^ B B a s e , Nev. A irm an Dc- dui 1 Buriey Luca, a 1964 g radua te of Twin tho business p ( ,i j j jjlgh School, received a par ellng af- b . a . degree from Idaho College, ea r, an- j j su san gJust re - o f Portland , O re. ■

’ n l . ,; .? * A irm an Lynn K. Schm idt, son do!u . of- H enry D. Schm idt of Route

» n ^ . i i 1. Wendell, has com pleted basicIraining a l U ck lond A ir Forco 1 J

I? *'“5 atislgncd _ _ . ^ . J i "> the A ir Forco T echnical K

T ra in ing Center a t Chamite Air * *r l Forco Base. 111., fo r specialized I

5 will DC Hclmollng ns a mI.Hsi1o electron- hm ' Ich Kpcclnllst. A irm an 'Schmidt, ihi

a 1007 grndunlo of Wcridcll iiigh mi .. School, nltcnded tho Collcgo of inf

Southern Idnho, dn

m colings Air Force A irm an l.C . W aller » J ic p rices w . CrngRR. son of M r. nnd M rs. nr< R to p u ^ G lll)c r tV . GrlRgs of fiOO Burah co oriented A ve,, Twin I'n lls, reccnily re- po,

tiirn rd lo Mounlnln lloino Air nii d sUidy po rcu Bnsc, Iduho, following 18 i>f much 01 dnys of lem pornry duly iii Ram -

sntlnl for n id n A ir Bnsc. Gernm ny, w here on MS- hn pnrtlcipnted In Nortli A llunlic wi - T ronty Orgnnlzalion (NATO)n n A ^ cxcrclses, Designed to m nln tain oc p P c l l the readiness of NATO-commIt- ta ' flttidenis led un its which a re hosed In thu at ipped re*. U niicd Sinics. thc exorclno In- )re Nura- 'Volved RF-4C Phantom Jel a t Idaho c r o m nnd aupport jjersonnej nn-

signed to tho 07th T ac tica l He- O ts c ^ c d connalssanco Wing n l M ountain w lg, Snelin Hom e, Airm an C ragM oorvea as fo z ier and a n a irc rn ft m echanic w ith tho B iTln F alls. 67th. H e la a gradunie of Twin Cl Iler. ■ F a lls Iligh School. _________g

virr-.-r.n’tia ^

H B H H B R i B x i l H H I I V B H~AN8# ^ R 8 le thfl "M outh q u U " a t th e top lU i p ic tu red , Including, rrom le ft, R Itih ird N I m ouths ac the t^p arv i from t o ^ N U oo, Hi

I <1* ’ !,■••••■*■ **5^ r.'V ?£

i .

? . . . I ' i ■ t 1 ' V

4 d raw s u t e its ilnal weelc, th e candidates i . , and -theso “ m ystery” p ic tu res challenge y

:andidates’ m ouths. These p ic tu res a ro of t torgo W allaco and R ichard N lxon— but no t.i w ers a t tho bottom of th is page . (A P wlrepho

3f Servicemen ^u ca , EOn S. Sgt. O rval C. F illm ore, son ( i •ank E . of M r. and M rs. Orvnl E . Fill- N .,T w ln m ore. Route 2. Tw in Falls, re- iic tra in- cclved the A rm y Comm endation ce B ase, M edal Oct. 9 w hile serv ing with B ed a s a tho ,7U\ A rtillery a t F t. Riley, isl£ the T ac- K ans. Sgt. F illm ore c a rn cd -th e the je liis-A lr aw nrd _ fo r.. m erito rious servicc nm n a n Dc* during his a.isignineiii w ith T of TVin th e 522nd Q uarterm aster Com- iicl

:elved a pany .n e a r M unich, G erm any, on..College. --------- visf Susan s_ ggt. L auny D. H ansen, son

■ of M r. and M rs. DeW aync An- derson. Route 2. R upert, has ^ been^ g raduated from the Air

■ 1 ^ ^ ^ Forcc Senior NoncommissionedOfficer Acndemy a t Orlando A ir °ve pq rco Bnso, F la . T he sergeant,

n | B ' a precision m easu rem en t equip- Chi V W m enl technician, received ad- 1*°' IHV . vanced m ilitary leadersh ip and y & ; . m anngem cnl trnlnlng. Ho is as- |K U j ^ signed .a t E lm endorf Air Forco I"] 4 ^ 3 ^ , Base, A laska, In a unit o f the _ 6 ^ ^ . >k\ A laskan Air Command. Sgl. | i | m ld t Hnnsen Is a g radun ie of Mini- nldt. son doka County High School. Sof Route --------- ----------------- Ric

fr Fo“ o Dietrich'-Names S r ‘Kathy Wennihan•ecializcd DIETRICH — Knlhy Wenn!- snn electron- hnn, a frcshm nn student new nen Schm idt, this y ea r fo the D ietrich com- prc dell High m unlly, wns e le ried liomecom- tho ollege of Ing Queen nt thc Homccomlng 1

dnnce recently . fjiinctlvitlcs Wr

'• 7 "* “ -'' the four clnss oandidates wero Jei n i « .• presented corsngeH hy tlieir es- , 00 Burah corts. C nndldnte.i'un«l their cs- cnily rc- corl.<l wcri^ Glenda Trw.-J and Bill k/o (uno Air n ic ro lh , sen iors; Gnlo Sago nnd i,,r lowing 18 Don Keiken. Juniors: Donnn — III R am - G ruhhs am i J im M cscrvy, sopit*

»y. w here om orcs. M hs W ennlhnn’s escorl — ' wns l.x'nn SorenKrn,

(NATO) A muslcnl group cnlllng tliem- , m nln tain fielves "Tho Slonchciigc" .enter-

)-com m lt- tained tho dnncors In,Ihe dccor- jcd In thu a ted sciiool lunchroom , • |,^Drcliio In- , —— '< ,inItom Jel TWO FIN E D 'jonnej nn- Gf.HNN.S FEfJRY —In J«.9llt:e , :llca l He- Court two M ounlnln Home m en : M ountain wcro fined (50 each plus conIh < BOrvea as for failure to va lid a te deer lags. \ w ith tho Both W ayne D. Kcefo, 27. and <

J of Twin Charlie H. Collins, 47. pleaded guilty and w aived counscl.

| | | H | | | | | | H ^ H | | | | | P m | | | | ^ ' n

’ « t (h a U i l O t T f p l i C . w i a n i t ' i n r n n - I, R Itin ird Nlxon, H ubert H im m hrey and P , N U od, llum phr«y , sn d W allace. (A P

......................... "■ ........................

B^ . V Works

ternoo f ' w ith 2

o v e r ' 2


A tr Tom

_______ £ £ « u~ Buriesseiecti^ e i l



^ ' direct


■ comn-

Stui schoo direci ley. ( Indue Joy . Hrani dow, son. Kimb Valle Bchoc nity relati orgar

Slu chair B lad wero Steve Biil I Al W Huls< Ico,

t candidates continue' th e ir o r a to ry ' In JS challengo you to-'feeparate th e source ires a re of th e 'to p th ree challengers, "’■‘i"- on — but no t. n ecessarily In th a t o rder., (A P w ircphoto) ._____________________ g^Ka


Finalists In K ‘Grassman’ Test mS

S l t ^ N o m m a t e d f srvlng with BOISE (A P ) — T he fou r final- shor Ft. Riley, is l s - la tho Id a h o ;G rassm an of bool a rn c d 'th c the—Y ear contcst h av e—been boot IS servlcc numedi darjinciii w llh They nre J im W ood’o f Sarh- Sc itcr Com- HcJs and Neil A nkrum of Salm - was irm any. on. bolh beef ran ch e rs; Bob Da- ncvl

vis o f Kuna, a d a iry m an ; and men m ien son Ccorgo Neni of Stone, it cattio mak

X S "I'd sliMP ranchcr. Wenl>m has Selection o l thcso loor d is tric t ley.

Ih c Air w inners w as announced Thurs- TTiei mUsloned "■''V I'J; l “ 'i8 c» In .B o l’ '-, ™ riando A ir over-ail w inner w ill bo nnm ed oem sergennt Nov. 18 during tho annual IdahQ ratli

ent onult> C ham ber of C om m erce conven- e rv e ra d ^ . Hon in Boise. rship nnd ---------------------------

j i f l i Program Given ffi On Artifacts

ool. SHOSHONE — L e s Bushby,— Richfield, presented th e pro- ™

gram n t R otary club la s t week, "t t l G S showing and speaking on a ril- • I fncls. P j

i | n o | | Ho lold of locations of vnrlous ■ i i u i i 1(0 ,n s nnd niso repofted rattle- ly Wenn!- snako pits wliuro no hnd killed jion Klenl new nearly 100 finnkes. J a c y I ^ k e , ^hal rich com- program chnlrm an, introduced liomecom- tho speaker. ro Iimecomlng Horb I.ovo is chnlrm an of don

IjidicH Night, a t 7:30 p .m . ncxl slea ! nctlvitlcs Wednestlny, a t tho Wowis Cnfe, oi Intes w ere Jerom e. wnsf Jl'ctr Guests woro n ill L ast, Jo- Bln< ^ r « in r o m e . nnd Kevin G uthrie nnd mCr M and BI) N „r,„nn Dllle, high school sen- DaJi— Sago nnd ,„r„_ “ Dull

•i^y.” «"p"h" l e g a l ADVERTI![in’s cK co rl..................... ' ~

- N n iic* Ol' King tliem- nOTIOH ih IIIVKH th . t * ruWla »«<el Ige .enter- tw Ii, I '.n . , iii*tin, n im on nvirx-ii a,m, Jh e dccoi^n , • liUliK. .if Iiiirl»lin»d p tnona l proptrl— I tlneilt.*<l >• {u1Iu»*l

MOTOBVWIIC-tn Jva tlc r , n.rii «Home m en r<ir>i w>iU»-<tplus CORIH «■ i;y< / n i l

I deer Ings. j . ' i »r# )ii..#-w»fo, 27, nnd «. «:i.r»ii»r rnin ..wi.u«17. Plonded •»?

____ h»;yci.icI, |lcir'« >4 liirh lllawnlhH (

!l . U lrl'. IIAIi.rli Hchwinnll llrtineliii

Jli>It‘« Ifl inrli1 n. III Inrh Ki.yri llnlok

«. Il-.y't I« |»rj, Hrbwlnn I>. 1. lllll'* lu ln t li IU|iU<n I

a. Clillii'. irlrrd* V.>r«m.i<t )B. <llil'. V4 liirh n t .n Miilitl|n*r 'I

10. >l..»-|SAin<,li III. ll<iy’«>lll.Kh . Mtltl t

' II. Iliir'n in Intli finiil H<ih«rlnn I14 lorli bleli IUtiiIIi

J»M«<>|r‘«au Inth li"*“Mll'“ '

li^vru ihuu • AS"r, n«rw|i« 1 le. li»r'*»a ln<h J, c . iiiaain* .117. ) l»y '< liln rli lll«w*ll>» Iin. Il'ir'.VA hirU ' Nnn* IIS; Olrl'tlA Inch AMr. llanu lM <

SO. a lrl 'iS 4 lneh IlMri B p x illn tr C

' t l , niV’t in in rh ^ hw lnn

w‘lndt.%tit,'iininrii w « t.rn r im

^ ^ ^ B 84. Hoy'* IA ll.d. Rrhwliin■ ■ ■ ■ I N..n«

Tll* nilr rwarTM Ih* rithi U* r*jMt I ' ^ r t D l l ' ' - t>r-rnr->«*h, U«M f>A»«|M«rik* Uolu4.auIrov and oiIoiMr, i»<i.

(A P ) M ;V M uh, 0.uW r;,t^i.ik:Q*Hl»rj)4J*

IHJ Student Council Ipi Attended By 200.

B U R L E Y -A Student Council Goodli K M j . - W orkshop opened T hursday af- berly.

ternoon a t Burley High School The d W w ith 26 schools, represen ted and league

over 2£HJ studen ts attend ing . . school The them e w as "T he T orch DebI

is P assed to a New G eneration ." chairn Lanny Wood. Burley lead the homec

pledge to the nag . Invocation w as given by G reg M cLean, f ' f c " l>ech>. Welcome was given by Minicc Randall W eed, Burley, and E nrl Carolj Carlson, principal of Burley Paul®

L v '? ; - High School. T h ey ;A tn im pet trio was played by bonflr

Tom Gruweil. Mlnlco. Robert assem Wolf and Bob Jackson, both Thc

i t iS Iw u - Burley, and the Bei C antos sang lend t selections. chaicr

Neil Anderson, P residen t o f Carole ■ t M H the Idaho Association S tudent others

C o u n c i l , expressed greeting signed ^ 3 B from the s ta te association. The'

,.:^^'sB Monte Chrlslopherson. Good- comm 3 9 Ing. p resen ted the 1968 w orkshop a n d s

them e. rh r i' - 5 J Ncphi Grigg, O ntario. Ore.,

■, OTw addressed the group using the p / » theme of the workshop. erouo

"-‘■ '•JfM Panel discussions w ere held% throughout th e afternoon. Slu- ehnn«. j j den t B o d y P residen ts from rJriXh .■■I schools over 500 students w ere . ,

I directed by Dean Ogawa, Mini-CO. c h a irm an :' - } ^ " r

S S - i i Panel m em bers w ere Mike Caldwell, Mlnlco: John W alker.Buhl; J e ff Y ouS . .Tw in -Fj IIs; 2 1 „ ,, and Bob B e o c V -M o u n la ln J - • Home. Topics they discussed

^ H h w ere studen t council organiza- were^ ^ B f ^ Hon, s tu d fn t teacher re la tions, son,

Interschobl activities an d school Pa"«{ com m unity relations. "y™.*

M M lB f Student body presidents from S 9 g n schools under 500 students w ere '

d irected by Chris B aker. Oak- Tofnc B S $ * ley, chairm an: panel m em bers Jcw , r ^ B B included G reg M cL ean;-D ecio : ja irs. j j n S S Joy Johnson, H ansen; M ichael a m S bS H ranac, M urtaugh; R odney E n- Thc I f l f f l H dow, Raft* R iver; Veldon Soren- in th B P f f l son. D ietrich; Rick E rickson , dcros B w S W K im berly, and Jam es R itchie, ley. ; K B O Valley. -They • discussed Inter- Gruw

school activ ities, school-commu- te r ol nity relations, student f te ach e r ber relations, and student council John:

^ ^ B l organization. ' LifeStudent body vice ;TpresIdents W arv

chairm an w as Ja n e Knglesey, Steve ^ ^ ^ B Blackfoot. and panel m em bers solo.

wero T ed Popplewell. B u h l : M r ^ ^ ^ B Steve Mlsselolne. H agerm an ; grou]

Biil Singleton. Mountain H om c; sion. Al M iller, Wood R iver; W anda » Hulsc. B liss; Dick Schafer, Mln- dav Ico, and C urtis K lnghorn. Twin ' , F alls. Topics d lscu « e^ » w ere

i conducting senate, e lections, as- ^?i- -SIJff sem blles, developing c itiz e n sh ^V and scholarship leadership. , -------t o rd e r. Pollard. Hansen, was' .________ - chairm an fo r the s tu d a i t body .^q j,

secretaries p a n e l discussion n ii group. Panel m em bers w ere pcpn M arla Holyoak. B uriey ; F lor-

, ence W asko, C astleford; Ruth I P S t . M ogcnsoh, Jerom e; P a t Ander-

son. W ood R iver; Susan Cook. Carey; Russel M cC rea, Die­trich. and Phyllis P ru e tt, Sho-

: fou r final- shone. They discusscd scrap- rassm an of books, roll keeping, filing, note- have—been book s,-co rresp o n d en ce , calcn-

dars, and scheduling.)d 'o f Sarh- Senior clnss presidents grotfp «- 7) o f SaJm- was d irected by D an Hall, Bon- s ; Bob Da- nevllle. chairm an and - p a n e l /m a n ; and m em bers included G len Shoe- ^ ®'' e. a cattio m oker, K imberly, T lm Mink, t i

WendeU, Bill M endenhall, BUr- w«y« our d is tric t ley, a n d Mlko Brow n. F ile r. “ ced Thurs- T heir discussion top ics w ere i Boise Tho baccalaureate , graduation , as- ybov bo nam ed Bcmblies. dances, coMcge prepa-

muni Idaho rations, banquets and g ift Ideas, paru c convon- Ju n io r, c lass presldcnU m et « !

under the direction of B rad _ Claiborn, K imberly, cha irm an . T>i

Panel m em bers w ere D ale Hunt, iV rA n C arey: Tom Bernam solo, Moun- bank i V C n tain H om e; Mlko M unsee, Val- ■ « .

ley: Dud Sleffena, B uhl; J e ff •'»“» S Tupper, H agerm an: J im Tren-. kle, Shoshono; and D ick D avis, Publ:

. w Jerom e. Toplca dLicuased w e r e ------1 ► . . i l iT rlnRs. Junior prom , elections,

t a h l n / K l i o o l p ro jec t. r.S 'i Ig on a rn - college preparaU ons. «oor

, Boys O ubs discusscd choosing I o f vnrlous /nt>mbera, club leadersh ip and tor j

sei'vlce projecta under tho d irec- {ho ' hnd killed ,ion of F rank Sloat, Je rom e,

acy l ^ k e chairm an. Panel m em bers w ere ■irn introduced T ^rry Rlenke, Gooding; E rnest

Rolnbold, C astleford; B ruce An- ,#cu mlrmnn of derson, F lier, and S teve 01m- « • ! ) p .m . ncxl Biead. Twin Falls. fMK\s Cnfe, G irls Clubs discussion group

wns lend by Meg H ubbard.Last, Jo- Blackfoot, chairm an w ith ponel

luthrie nnd m em bers Suselien NeJson, FUer; school son- Dnitna Ketl, M urtaugh; P eg g y ^ _________ ’ B ulleri, V alley; Ann Y barguen, ■

sGAL ADVERTISEMENTS___________________

• NnTICX o r flAI.B lh«t * rulillo tuollon »in U hiM br th* Cily nt imofl oVIikIi A,M, «n Mttirrf*r, Nny#mh«r I, ii«* llilliiic Wtiirh la ln«M*.r/Tl lx>i I. BiMk I. T*r»<-<

• t •|iprt»lin»Ulr 71# Vniirlh A»»nii« W»tl, Twin *d p tnona l prop trlr In th« cuiUidr U>« C llr and -

MOTOn VIHIICI.K8n*rh ntua lim iT O I

«AT WhU»-<trar ATtllAOMt W l-Tnii* (1i*«n N* 8«rUI Numb«r _««« Msmon.WhlW 4C40tOtlO CIKS )ll.l*-WlilM Tl«nniB044aiin ..Wllll* iieiiioiiA tUSA i(*<l>wi)iu aoioi pl&T niKh tOillTtt.

Dlt;YCi.KnlllawalhH (li>M-»llv«r TA,1IK4t THchwinn llnl-whll* JlinMItllrtinelii. lllu*-*||y*r (<nd«ra '<>lonMia

’ifl'iflwKn'i'---------- - ..........IimiOT -CKi.yr* llnlok niii»-«hlu 7T4IA4n»HrhH-Inn , UalMIIlUrU'D l(*d.«rhlt« VIVMA r

i n nV.irvmoat )tr<l>«ihlU.' N*(«rUINA,n ta n Malnl|n*r Tilrqiii.UlnwhlU BVlOlfiHl.undll* lla.>-whlu inR.4BA0lia rMtl*l nilvar jmOOITSH«h»lnn Diu* NoMilalNo.IUtiiIIi _<:.> n iufw hll* llflosiia C l■|ayH^•Non* nUrk-*llir«r NnMrlalNo.AMr, Parwln K4 I in u ttlB a C|J, C. Iiiaaln* . nia«k DTIIIKlllawallia vorr-bUih ni4S4lliflNnn* nr*«n UO044 p ,AMr. Il*niil** (Ji>M-illv*rrtntl*ni ' S O lltlla**ri Bpacillntr dr««i-*<l«(r r*nri«n IOI 4t*ia<)


(t.'hwinn niu* ,V an tir ' n i l t l i lW lndior^, R « |..||« .rt*nd ir< ■ »JJ« ClWattarn F l m Illack lift*]Rrhwliin lllii*.»hll* JVHMII —N..n* n*d-whlla ; •U4TIB Lof » rl^hi ^ I^** t^> n r^^< l all bldi. All■f Oito^r, iMI. ^ Ai.1 -IHJ T


3uncil WorkshopJL FetT

8y 200 At Burley |s. Council Gooding: Bonnie Hou.stead. Kim- lost rsd ay af- berly . and Dlanc Hnnes, Oakley, i-nb ;h School The discusscd purpose of girls ' '^^1!n ted and league, projects and scrvice to ------ iidlng. . school, - •le T orch D ebi Thompson. Twin F alls, — e ra tio n ." chairm an , d irec ted tho group of le ad the hom ecom ing chairm en. Panel

nvocation m em bers w ere Ju an ita Jensen . M cLean, Blackfoot, D o n n a W hittaker,

given by M inico; C raig Home. Wendell; and E nrl C aro lyn . Zollinger, Dcclo. and ' Burley P au lerte B am es. Raft R iver. Ph

T hey spoke on royalty , parades, jlayed by bonfires; dances, them es, pep

Robert assem bly, sp irit and alum ni. go-7 on. both Thc Future Nurses CJub w as ffJJ ntos sang lend by P a t Robertson. Burley, wn

chaicm an. P ane l member^; wcro sident o f C arole B urgess, Twin F alls, and I S tudent o thers which w ere to be as- Bei

greeting signed a t the meeting.Hon. T hey discussed field trips,m. Good- com m unity servicc. occupations, fen w orkshop a n d s ta rling new clubs.-i« A-» C hris Ellis and Anne Synne- nm

L ~ .£■- vagge. both Burley, d irected the alc( using the p o r e i g n Exchange Students

8 ” >“P discussion. Panel mem - 733 ^ 5 o , bers wcro. R utta U sk in en , Sho- _ m

shone: C hristina Hemlim. Buhl; i-osi nts from Cecillia B crrczueta. J e r o m e ,

and Irene Chitty, Twin F alls, bie w a. Mini- ijin g u ag c and ad justm ent prob-

politics, ra c ia l problem s. **5 »' wr n dress, likes and dislikes w ere eo3

d lS S s e d -*Th^ Foreign U n g u ag e clubs ^ organiza- w e r e ^ e c l c d b y Beth Eoberl-re lations son, TJurley. chairm an, w ith ___ _nd panel men^bers Gero Wolm. not-,nd school

ente frnm Gloria H ardy. -Mountain Home, jni enU w ? S and U o la K oarsley. B lackfoot. = k e r Oak- Topics they spoke on w ere proj- m em bers parties . International af- _

n- ' Declo" ^airs. and prom oting good feel- : 'M ichael In s abroad.odney E n- The evening .session w as he ld -----lon Soren- in the Driftwood room of Poch _ . E rickson , dcrosa Inn. Chris Baker. Oak-

s R itchie, ley. gave the invocation. Tom "CHi sed Inter- G ruw elt;'M inico, served a s m as- ol-commu- te r of cerem onies. M usical num - Ho ,t- 'te a c h e r b e r w as presen ted by J e r ry u ' council Johnson and Bill M endenhall.

• L ife h istory w as given by BUI di p re sid en ts W arwood, C arnegie, Idaho, and «># Jffi^glesey, Steve Coltrln p resen ted a piano m em bers solo. sti

1.' B u h l : M r. Grigg also addressed thc lag e rm an ; g roup during the ir evening ses- w il un H om e: sion. —

R andall W eed closed th e one Em | <lay session w ith acknowledge- joB

^ 5 ^ m ents ahd thanks to all who vi t s c p w ere assisted w ith the workshop.•ctlons. as- rr—;citizensh^i - ^ E C Ai AnVFPTlgE^ENTS H*J

S S ' (]d w t body .fo p u j , „ c a u ctio ndiscussion T he s ta lo ot Idaho, through lu

b e r s w e r e D eportm ent of Ulgltwayi, will Olfer , TTlnr. “ ‘ O'* s ia ta propercy for cats « t w ^ ° 5 u Pul'llc au cilo n .' ,y«rord; R uth 1 sedan , hi

P a t A n d e r- ® £ '* ‘‘“ ^1 ,. I*usan Cook. 4 Truei<i C re a . D ie - 2 Mower*. Hl(hway

s e d s c ra p - 2 x u r K citiei f l l in c no te - ' t Lawn Mower ! c C c™cn. . =

Numerous other llcme Of road, ic n ts n ro ifn ^ • offlcr. «I10[> ond lob. equlp-

n’ent: ''•’ soteie porl* and »up- i Hall, Bon- p jjc ; lunH b a tterlc i, tlre i andGlen *Shbe- SA uf'^^M E"’l :00 P.M.. Wednei-

” . . . . day. October 30, 1008. r im Mink, tbcATIONr bepartment of High; nhall, BUr- w«y». DUinet 2 llendquortor* Yifrd »wn F ile r Shothono. Idoho

In rA INSPECTION: All equipment will >plcs w ere ovolloblo for Inipeciion at the — ualion. as- •bove location, a dulallad Hit of t.»

I g ift Ideas, panmoni of Highway* DlitrUt Offlea •' idents m et “» Sho>hone. idoho 'or • Che Moln J I o t B rad “ " i " . ■’»« J

cha irm an , t c 'hmsi tiiq term* of the tote F li D ale Hunt. ca»h the cUy of tne lals. M r- r.

nVr..., checki drown on an Idaho eSOlO, MOUn- bank, bahk drofi*. o r money order* ir u n se c , V a l- ore com ldered to be en»li. All un lli p u u h l; J e « •'••n f ’ .^1- EJ im T ren- s u iu Illiihwoy ling lneer f m

31dc DaVlB, PublU hi Oct. 24. 2S, 27, 2S & 30. ISBB '

N m ^ T O tW K k n t : ‘y elect ons, Purch#*ln« Aient wlll Bx

lOl projccta receive lealed bid* at hi* office. n tions. Koom 20S. .Stole llouie. nol*«, Idaho. jied chooslnR 7 . ” WJersh lp and tor iiodj, Moitre**ei and Choir* for C r tho d lrec- «ho TubBrculoiU and Cl»e»i DUeua

lloipliol at Ooodina. Idaho. =I, J e r o m e , ^e publicly openedm bers w cro and read at (hs above time and ^

'’ "'orm, (latinR condllion* mu*t ba j B ruce An- ,ecurad before bidrtlni. Thews are h

S teve o im - available from tha Stala Purchatlng f Aiont'a Office. ^

, TRD CRAMnn Sf?islon group Nmia i>iircnii>int Aftnt v! H ubbard, rubiiihi oci. a7.jj». a». n u . ,

w ith ponel i \ JHson, FU er: jfjj

^ C l a s s i f i e d sBu

Phono 733-0H31 q ABk fo r ClasBiried ^


' ia .o im S C liis lllca tlo n 1 through I ITitnniB044 ' •-

• I6iii»j|»* EMPLOYMENTtoiiiT tt ClaBalflcation 18 through 24

FINANCIAL 1 j SSm i I C laaalflcatlon 30 Ihrough M j

'i ' r i i l i ? SCHOOLS-INSTRUCTION ..... m nioT -CI«BsHicatlon 40-throu*h 46 '

7T4l*4n» IREA L E ST A T E

“ S j;; C lasslllc itlon m throutili n ' 'NawrlalNA. T»m.*>r»ioBuiniB • RENTALS

*3rHo5»7« CloBilflcallon 70 Ihrough 88 •NsMiiaiNo. AGRICULTURE I

iiflosiia Claaalflcatlon 00 Ihrough M tNnMrlalNo. LIVESTOCK. / ' i

" " “0*711?* ClaBalflcation 100 throiigK 118 !n44S4iiifl MISCELLANEOUS ,

to i i t l i C laaalflcatlon 130 through 160u f tR m i AIRCRAFT AND BOATS

7i i« u Cloaalilcailon IOS (hrough 173 1n i l t l i l AUTOMOTIVE . '

■»jj“ C lnsslllcation 180 thrnugh 300

lo a t a n d P ound 1

*‘ T«rrler!'*WM?XKfaok^^^

r : : v — '

l o » r ~ a n d ^ o u rn > ~ 1 ]H e lpJ 1.F . LUSTI G U kM an Shorihair pointer. — ■—

JL Fem ale. “ Fllcka" Dork brown.while frecklct. short (all. Tolloo

» v <n r:nht c ar. Reward for *afe•' 7 return Or Information. Call collect. Sm*

J 324 2152. toa d . K im - LOST! Child-* pet. K en ia ir D la ^ mou . O a k le y . Ijjb m d o r. Older dog. not a hunler. Snlnor Eiris ■ 'S 'S ? ; ; - ' " “ '“' - r " C

: rv ic e to — 1 "

P a r c o n a f s - ^ S p a d a l N o tic e s 9n F a l l s , — :______ _________________________g ro u p o f M e m b e rsh ip <. P a n e l N o w A v a ilab le F o r ____ !

J e n s e n . T w m F a l l s H e a lth A nd ■hlttaker, A th le tic C lubW en d e ll; '• A ll P r iv a te F a c i l i t i e s c lo . a n d B o th M e n A n d W o m en du «t R iv e r . P h o n e 733-8238 o r 733-8010 p a ra d e s , p a y s O n ly JJy

u m n l. G0-70 y^or*^of age w a n t^ a* com- : ju b w a s fS?i’?t1o„-rady’.‘" ? Io r \ r" o " v ? i2 5 y - T , B u r le y , w n te box y - i. c-o Timei-New*. nr^ tuArn Wlll contact a ll letter* received.■oUs a n d FOOD p u n i Me-N-Ed* P I» o P a r . 1

« 'O '- Live enterialnm ent. Friday . Mu I b e a s - Becky and Steve. Saturday Clone nes and Mike. Open *very evenlln# o t len

PERSONAL service make* the^dlf. u p a tio n s , le renca . We oppreclata .yoar bu*|.

ne»*. Montgomery W ard locally -------owned Sole* Agency. 227 Main Av.

e S y n n e - nue We«i. _____________e c te d th e ALCO li6Ll(jS Anonymou* — iTpBin (Students P a lis Courihou*e. W edneiday* at T « :sa p.ra. F o r fa rm e r laform atlan.

e l m e m - 733-*m o . a i-abob and Floor, n , S h o - 7 6 3 2 . ___________________n). B u h l; l o s t i Credit c a rd i, cnarge aecouni ^ r n m A cord*. Identlflcotlon card*. Octo.■ ^ ^ >S. »M«. Will not be re»pon»UIn F a l ls , ble for any bill* or c h ^ e * o ther _ en t p ro b - , "* "• » g -pro b lem s. ‘• ? f c \ y ^ i ‘"coMV/eVtiSu TsaT ' j j , ces w e re em i “ laht ™ ^773 . ^ s ig n s tu - m «

E n*i - 7 3 ^ 1 3 pnIge c lu i» s = s s1 R o b e r t- T r p n s p o r f a l lo n ___C a r P o o r* TOin . w ith a p o n o i io n — w____________^) W o lm . DONNBVILLB FLYINO SERVICB £®J

A n * , '5 „ l3 lS X r . . ‘S l? -? f f ic , J iIn H o m e . ja ck p o t. N evada 702-7U.2B44, GPP Jla c k fo o t. - T r = ^ = ' '/e re p r6 j- B e a u t y S a l o n t 1 5 « c

w a , h d d i sS »"•>»■ S I » .r . - r C h l ld C a r . 1 » ^

ion . T o m " c h i l d r b n -s v .iilag e . ch ild -caro . — d a s n tas- SU t.''”" “L « ■ ? . ! . % « % «*ll ic a l n u m - KopUn*. Num ery • p re .k ln d e ria r . — by. J ^ r y:n d e n h a ll . « n .i> p frn ru t l, I^lra ' aiata llc~a'n«B? n b y BUI - D ivided clM*e* -Bur»*ry. pre-ltin- la h o , a n d «lara»rten and i a p ia n o J c e n S ' ^ S S t c^re. »°

s ta te licenied. L ara« ^ y ro o m '.-essed th c „ t« n ce d yard . 7 3 M 9 ir ,______ «en in g s e s -

3 th e o n e E m ^ p lo v m a n f A fla n c la * 1 7 tttt no w led g e- J oB^^5^fe^4i^jGS a t ^er*onnel &»r- m I a l l w h o vlco otiVMagle Valley, 22B Sho- Ai «hO D . *hono Eg**t. 733-S862. . __________ b*

MENTS » _ g

: t ? " O P E N I N G ^ ’F O ^ 1: AUCTION * cock ta il w a l t r f i i s r ^ _ 5Uirough lu * Keno d e a le n E yiI, wlll offer . • (%anB« ilr la aiae ta la a t M ust tie neoi. a(eraeCtv«, 31-M ji

yeare or age. P a id vac U o u , whosp ita iua iloa a te ... No a x p w . p lence necessary,'^ .;, i• A lio openln i fo^ Food w a l^ ^

y " a p p l y i n p e r s o n

c S Z ' ? i & . * s.______Jackpot, Nevad« 1

^ N e a t “I : JW a i t r e s s e s J

w .an ..- W a n t e d J

A ti i ! ? G V 5 ? S n J. ... Cactus Pete’# f

‘ ______ J g etoo t. Navoda_________ Tllfld lis t of CHRISTMAS *eiiins *eason i« h«r«. «•r eale - m ay P nspare now for Targe profiU * i ||. . S ng “ ho De- Ing beoulifut Avon GlTi*. Repre- S

‘■ ■ E t t K " r . ? - , r r s . v r w W ± i

■ 1S’ iBla. r . r - rouia. \n Twin Fallfand BuM. Av- ^ I an Idaho e roM earn ln i* 12 p i r hour. Com- nney ordor* m isiion. No experience n ic e t ia ry . i Z ,h. All unli* Phono>M o r w rlta Watkln*

IS boki*. Produci*. DBS W aihlngton Street :s . P .n . N orih. Twin Fall*.

PaU T .T II^H Nur*o or tr c e n ie a : a t , 3 0 .18B8 Prac ilca^ u‘al*flc^Uoni^*” im n c e ' * Bl^n* '■ v ^ w "^ o i? ‘o . s ^-o Tlma».N ew i.*‘

ir J Sie*i D U eaie - - _

i° ‘ me‘‘'« d H e l p W a n f « t - ^ 0 l « 1 9BiNULB Rancb naad >- y a a r round “ “

in* m u it be w ork. S oard and room tu ra litiid ., TheMi ara M u tt b* ab la lo I rr tia ta a ad do , , pu rcha ilng ai^noon ot ?ve‘nln_^^*“ * COI . k.tA iiniUU m an /o r general farm ?n t Agent w ork and cattle Ifedlng. Y ear > l iU - a round w ork, m odern h o u it. Ref. CD

' required. e2»-Blia, l I a H |. »

ri6 C lB u g ln ag g O p p o r t u n i t l e i 3 0 B u i

" TURN YOU Z SPARE TIM 'L INTO MONrough IBMT G E T I N O N T H E P I Z :K u g h 24 b e A DISTR!L H e r e ’s y o u r o p p o r t u n i t y to "iro u g h M b e c o m i n g a d i s t r i b u t o r f o r NJCTION l a r g e s t , m o s t a u c c e a s f i■rough A t c o m p a n y o f J t i L J t l n C U - - _ i m i l

■ t r l b u t o r s t o p r o v e I t .


irough 88 You hnvo nothing to 'sell. Se R B accounts. Contact oi^ountsirough M co r Is^Bi^entlal. j|^ .

IIR One time minimum Investm i« U |K 118 adv#rUsing. m er

Jo'ilh ™B O A T S P u t y o u r s p a r e t i m e t o p r

ro u g h 173 t o d o y . I n c l u d e n o m e , o d d r </ E b o r . C o m p l e t e d e s c r i p t i v e m

NATIONAX. PlZZi — — ; 1 M 0 7 L i bW lrr 'lT aTrYd " ' ' B o X Ki and brown S t L o u i s , M iBfls s s r s i j ; . A ro n C o tlo 31.

rjH e ip W o n ie d ^ M o i*

^PHARMACIST ;5 ,7,“r . ■ WANTED. .all collect. Smalt lown thnt li convenient

10 Portland, the oce<ka. and inle Dlncl( mountoln*.. High volume f to re .. t a hunter Salary: NA.PTXE-»D-(«i>-»nonth. - irSe Buite Also, profit shSrWg plan, 'stata

• eg)! and cxperieriee. - •. ^ SILVERTON D R U G , „ . .

o tices 9 _ ,-cOlVfPANY f-------------- .r 210 Oak S tree t -

Silvcrton , Oregon 87381

‘ • OPENING FOR " -iities TWO SALESMENomen o„g to expanding facllUle*. No -1.

ary plu* commlMlon. 'Mu*t d*- .Tv between alre betler lhan average income. > led a* com. S«o Sole* Manager at."'prSidJdy - THEISEW MOTORS. INC. ‘

n » r ‘Ar. ROUTE SALESMAN ■'nt. Friday. Must be married, bondable. and irday nione neat. 23 to 33 year* old wllh a t evenllnB ot le n t a high achool cducaiMa. .

«» the dif. ' ' ‘’’r fo y National, Inc.'ald’" l o X ______ 201 2nd Avenue We*tJ7 Main AV- r ;a, - -TwiB - O R '■ 'dneiday* at FU LL 'TTIM E_ ;

SA L A R \'O P E NFloor. 734. 733-4017^rge account • - -■

DRIVERS WANTEDjr«S* FuU lime, no lay-off*. Year ‘G. lunker lnner»oa.'li*®'"'JSJ*------ YELLOW CAB OFFICE .............Phono TM. 821 Main Ave. East. Twin FalU}bRVigB WANTEDk*. Mufften Man to work In Feed Mill.73i-*213 Phono 67S-SM6. Burley. .

■' IMMEDIATE Opening! E*perienc«d>*. Poofg TO Super Market Manager. Vou COO.7^ ... rwwi» V ^ local-ooeniUoo.' •’

, epRviCR Send reeume-quellfleotion* to Box { a c tio n c-o Tlme*-New*. Alt replle*

f f c f f i c t ... l la .a il .1 . Y.U Yin I,.U-2B44, GPPORTUNITY unlimited for good

- — iale*mon. AU appointment* fur* nl*hed. No door taocklng. Eera,

15 « 0 0 to^»lTO^p« month. Call 75»-,

YoOn o ^kA h'fo^w orK with auto-.- I m y am ; «no«ve pert*. Shipping, receiving.ML 713-Ott end^toclc.control^jjitotor Mercw-

Chlld-Caro: ■ ' -TT ■ = r=S ’!.%i?"Ru'S‘y Hel|>— M a le a n d P tm o le 2 0

f f i W a ! ! ; S U N V A L L E Y -■


General ledger bookkeeper with Tnieiit C^ra" »“>"• po*tlng machine expflrl*i; X r o / .5 : : £ « v v n ? ‘b a r

■ I ------ Reply In confidence au tln i u *a my hoiufl. perience toB ox 18M

• B oise, Idaho* • . y READY TO S b rrL E DoWflf W - irtonnel Ser- reienUUve needed, for one of ' ly. 22B Sho- America'* top eompaale*. You wUl

be paid compensation and axpena* a e* while in *chool ln Saa f r a a . ~

,_ i- ' «■ cUco. contlnuout training sad top ' - 7 '* Income potential progreaa'

ESTABLISHBD Watklos r o u t a a. . available. Full or part time. Pbona

ectv«. 31-M T»-S»4 o r write W atkfu, SUvac HOM, wajhlngton Street North,. TwlaNo axpMs FalU.

Food'watt. ■^?eUlarFl?11? rW ih T L e t J h m r .iRSON you how. Phone Tsa-we.

A g e n f rS q la g m tn W a n te d 2 2 /ads T he fu tu re Is yours. A s k '

■ you rself th is question—•— T ■; ' . W e r e w i l l 'I be five-(5>“= r ^

_ _ _ ' y e a rs from today ? ? 7 iW e ^ ° 6 S ask ed ourselves th is qu es* 'J tfon five (6 ) y ear* 'ago . We“ se t o u r com pany a ‘ goal and

have a proven, f a n u s tic re c - o rd . G e t- 8^ wUh y our

te 8 fu tu re b y contacting TVrlna<i* , . _ Falls* new est and m ostm od-

e rn sa la ry em ployer.Gift.® Repre'. C onfidentW lnterv lew s M on.11 In Wendell, d f tv .th ru F rlda<^10:30 a .m . wj'wP^viiii SHARP.7^i5: . 1039 B LU E LAKES NORTHvice Wati.ln-s NO P H O N E CALLS PL E A Sg

f S l ' . ' S K ' f a n n W o rk W g n im 5 5 MANURE HAULING ■

___________ L E O SK m S FARMINO ^ ,!

""y jS -y C CUSTOM FARMING i, la p . r . 'C • '“ S 'ix o !—-------------- BEST HAnVBSTlNO '

= = = = = ;l l . I » M u m . nlC T !,

Ml’uV'ila^I.' ^a’ll Jol'^MlIIer, 7»-j

»ie*paf?ly Jur- rni?nt! S*r^a^Amur^l»eiirtoyMS3• » p.m. 221U.

Itles 30B uglnega O p p e rtu n ltiM 1 0 f

YOUR i: TIME jMONEY -)N THE PIZZA BANDWAGON BE A DISTRIBUTORiportunity to m oke oxtra m oney by trlbutor for National Pizza Company, lost successful and fastest growing^cL --^_nnd_ .w g_hnvo over 4!lf> __

IN JTM.OO' x W n T H OR MOREMN FEW HOURS EVERY W EEK . j ng to 'sell. Service company secured ) nCt oAjountfl to tnke reorders. j

mum Investment of $3,100 to 13,960. 1 'ertlsing, m erchandising and support {

a tim e to profitable use. Write u« ! nam e, address ond telephone num* !

descriptive m oterloi will follow. , ‘IONAL PIZZA COMPANY ’ ■!

1M07 L iberty ISBox I6J ' IB

. Louis, M issouri 6S132 3 .Area Code 3U-423*U00 ,S 8ICB0R :M lt.A R T O t)R-::^ ^ —

Page 16: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON

— r e s u l t :

_ 2 D a y s a n d

40-TONS 3 rd c u ttin g h a y , balcc - ' ^ x x x x . H an se n . .

1 6 T w in F a lls T im e s - N e w s H o n M o n d a y , O c to b e r 2 8 , 1 9 6 8 ------

-------------- ------------------------------------ -- a ;

• ..W o rk W a n te d 2 4 )iy

ROTO -TILLIN G • ,C ard rn i. Uwni. ta rm i. land-prA ’vnGAMlMu':^ 733-6084

JiOOKKUtTJV(;_^Sfr^^^^^ TC

SAVE yourjcif IhE mss nnd rn u 't . g ,.

*‘ /<-r*hour!''’3T« V.-irrDufcn.''Phonohv^aiPi. f i f


CA K l'liN liiK . nmoilchnB '-r new " c consliiicllon.^'V’iM^Unilc labor for

B u s in c j* O p p o rlu n U io * • 3 0 thi

A M E K I C A ’S N E W E S T ionB U S I N E S S ^

. ■ O P P O R T U N I T Y ‘ i-sF O O D bri

D I S ^ I B U T O R S H I P ^ ' j,°|

»(nri''fmiAi'dlaicly icrv^cing e»-

“ bi‘’ '’ N o “ S L l N G• Honesty and rc llob llli/ 'Is moro

imporiant ttion experJcncc, May Q jjt be worked part tim e or /ull tim o '"co,

'u N L iM iT E D IN CO M E KTnwilmcnt J990 to W050 for sup- tc<

n'^ld'“ph«n;number to Pizza Time, Inc., Di360S (D) Overland, BoUe, Idaho }7oTM705. ________________ \

iiX C Ei’TlONAL Incomc opporlunliy hoJn this muiliple unll bulldlnR. P rl- ho

^ vnie home appcuranco nnd ndviin. tiftaficj. J325 per monlh net Incomc. ar cnn oncrnlc easily. Trnde toi joss^ibimics. Real E sialo Scrvlce. nl

A rn iN T lO N licensed Life nnd Acci- _S< d\-nf t/ndenvdter*. ExecpflonaJ op- poriunfiy nwniis you. w ri te Dox «/ ^.18. C.0 Timcs-Ncws. Twin Fnlls, Idaho, for Interview ond Informa-tlnn._________________ ___________ pi

ORICK 4-plcx. closo • to Lynwood. ws s s ^ r a , , f » r " . " 6 r ' r r s '■&G94. II

BENT. LEASE, w arehouse. <0x60 t R" Inside dock. IfgcloBC. 733^836. fj

— VI

I n v e s lm o n is • 31 »i»5.000 TO *10^000 needed. “io% an- lo

nual Interest. Paid monthly. Money it . fully securcd a t 120% nnd p u t In g y e«crof. For thorouah InvestlRnllon, Inlercstvd parties phono T . R . Sin- j, p ies. 733-45C0 evenings. b,

- ■ B1 M o n e y to L o o n - 3 5

FARM and ranch loans, la r ic . J lim a ll, development, reflnnnclns. IMi

i L loyd Boberion Aaeney, 230 Main ■<• . Avenue N orth. 733-889}.___________ C

M u i l c l e s s o n i _________^ _ s• ■ .ACCORDION, HUltar. p lanoncssons Ol-

and »alei. Wynkoop Studio. 733- ^ 73C5. ^

S c h o o l i T I ^V. A. APPROVED J H ih t 'tr a ln ln t. including helicopters. F ree p la c c - J

m ent service, neoder Plying Ser- TVvice. 733-892P.._________ _________ «

COMPLETE your Hljjti School edu- cntJon nC homo. Dfploma aw-arcle<J. * , Sm all monthly paym cnti. F r e e •. booklet explain* ho«v. W r l l a _ J Amerlcnn School, Box 704S. So lio . TV. Idaho 83707. ' f


y C ctow y o u w ill fin d n[\ n o sses . L ook u n d e r thc

fo r tho f in e s t In Hcrvlc

j ____ T W I N F A


rnll Uk I 'urnace Company. 733<


dicilor TV Iin.l slere.n . lU orlirr Ap- TTJ

............ .................... ;CAR CAiie_________________________ nJ'OJJ jilJ! rnr In H’wn, Inhn

It in lie w<ixc<<t fur limt tl& nt Ihn IlniiiX) of Wi,x. HO fim'diiil Avrinie MiiulU (Irl.)KT •Jl-:i!' .mlv-

T a r w asii_________________ HTIKKI) nf |i»lii} Wenr a comfcirlatilo l|:

H..I.0 W oih. o n i / flOo a t tiliclby-i.CHIROPRACTOR____ __________A l.M 7 n iA IU )lf r^ i;Iilro p rn c U ir


drT ^ a u “ -Cliff tilTobluy, nry wnll coiitraclcir. **

' a a . ' s ; s ' a ®MREPpVCet W O O D ______ _ _^O i( h A l* ir 'l‘ln«'V<.ciil.” Ii.l;t ''on .l SI

♦■'ll. l>»r I.m. I ...... y.i;i-r>oini. "Fuei OILI 'o r *lovo mill (.itMKro ( . l i r T ^ n i« m

w "i"’tV r lo o fMtAUTPrOuipMtNfI tX iilV c fiiin iie nnw' w »yn\'o iU “ 7- -

. .circUe nn.l ....... .. o<|.iit.meni, . i . r c l M

HOMB DtCORATINO AND SUPPIIIJ__ ”zii.! s 'ljiT A iu n 'n iu r'c iii^ iiu u ^ „

on /'iim cii. Mvl.>n nml Kcn' V('Cfi.niln 'IllP, IK-I..IIII1II cr<i1i,i», III. _I..IW Homo, .>.«'<ii>il Avouun ri. ti

i io m iN o nxTURts

in o Unfit /fatin). Ave. Iil

n u s m n s s - s E R v i c i i



' P i l O N H 733 -0031

A S K IS 6 ^ 1 | ( ? L A S S I F I I iD

M A G J C . V

D liil niT-KWR ...................................D inl fi7H-2fiM ..................................D ia l ri3a-2n35 ..................................

V____^ • 'D im 32»-^37q ..................................

h _____ ___.

" r e s i j l t s ^^^

D a y s a n d S o l d _

h a y , b a le d In th o f ie ld . P h o n #

- N e w s H o rn e t F o r S a l s 5 0 H om1 9 6 8 --------------------------------- -------------------- --------

— --------------------------- --------------------------- D R I C K 3 bedrpen). bflsemenl

Mwlih 2 bedrooms, bath nnd fnm- No. lly room. Shnrpi A iJumo lo rge vac _______ VA. *10.200. bedi3 DUDROOM 2 bntli convenient J!n3'

jano- jthool* nnO shopping. L arge tjo3 3 -m i ........>='■’ “ «"■•>tfcinlizc TOP located split-level, 3 bed- /or /ICO it” roowM 2 li baths. NICE. *25.500. ifv,,

::---------- F E L D T M A N R E A L T O R S lod,875.1-lIer Ave. 733-1088

liNJOV T .i^ , : o » , | .o l , t s ,1,1.~ 7 7 T : spaciouj cujloin built th rec b ed - Her

room brick ram bler ond the beau- ert)•----------------ty of countr.Vllvlnji. 1800 square outi ------------ feel I'LUS full basem ent with fin- 17x:I trniiti Ished lourth bedroom. 1«; balhs. noo le Arch bum.In appliances and vacuum . roo

larRC dlnlns a rea nnd fam ily cxq room. l>onu(lfuI trnverllno slone 31

‘bor ''■r stoVng"^ci.WnclJ.'7arBrdouS^^^ thi"' — rauc and ito ra so room, covered 3’,^

: pnilo. drupe* und c a r p e t e d It 1-i 3 0 thrftuEboul^. ga* heat.^^andscnped. Ing.

K l ; ' L r 7 S “HXCLUSlvii Sunrise Blvd. North.

‘z s ’ a s ; ^ ' ”’s V . " ' ' a £b r lc lr^ o in e with form al, dining T

T p • room, plus very ntce bulU-lns In - . kitchen. Two fircplaces. full base-

‘y to m ent. covercd patio and fully ”’8 e»- , Icnccd bnck ya<d fora privacy . Yoi

Owner transferred. C lohi Realty . brl< 733-2023V-Evcnlnj* 733.W57J 733- Tan-

nioro 5^ * : 733-23J0. • roo May bN E .Y EAR-oLD home In excellent

II Umo eonditlcn. 3-bedroom b r h k and Ifram e full basement, double car- m I

iM fc, port, fully carpeicd. B efrlsera- . ' ,mir min. ted n lr condlllMilnSi bulU-ln ap- fan-c Rlv. pllancei. nvallajjle. P rice Slf,- ' ThiPhono BOO Wllh term s. No. 2021 Sherry will

Inc.. Drive. 733-75*3.MOUNTAINVIEW DKIVH: Unique ^

4 bedroom Contemporary 2-lcvel 230 loriunlty home. If It's room you enjoy this- - 4 f t ' ing. P rl- homo has ll. I t Includes new bedu^J ndviin- tiful corpetlng, Rorgeou* drape* t! ;’, Incomc- and Inree unique flrcplnce'. Call us

/ . Trnde today. Pricc *30.000. Lynwood Rc- Scrvlce. a lty . 610 Blue Lakes No.. 733-0211. t h

J ame* Dnnner. 733.2240: R. J . J i lind Acci- Schwendlman. 733-1700. _________

l o v e l y BRICK HOME f °rite Box v/lih large room*, very n eat and lotiSifrmll; s ? * , ; S ! ' »•

placc- AU thi* surrounded by a . -ynwood. well landscaped law n. All fo r »vi ndlvldual |16.500.ner. ‘ "M erv" Jo n e . Realty ________ 111 2nd St. W.__________733-7053 .

•3MC. family room. 3 bnths'ond large full' ■ i wnll fireplace In living room.<»All c e

this on loi and « . Q ulct.tree-llned ,. 1• 31 rot

”10% an- loan? CnlI^Nadfne*733-7297?r Moun* in iy. Money tain Slnles Realty 733.5074._______ bnl

B Y CONTRACTOR; Ju s t comnieted 500— 5 Cl ’ beautiful b rick 3-bedroom home., .K . Sin. Excellent northeast location, lull

basement, large double garage.- Bedrooms and closets are a ll ex tra n*

« 5 large. Best quality f i x t u r e s j,o,throughout. Very functional floor on

I-----iSFJc plan. *25.000. 7.13-0002.____________tlnnnclng! IMMEDIATE Possession. 13,000230 Main square feet on main floor. Fully v

carpeted. Finished basem ent. Un- n'l-— ■ derground sprinkling *y»tem. P a - ____

4 0 5 30 Bucnanan. 733-5510 a fte r .,

id io. 733- ,'JmL?«''"refiTy' fo“r *’m o ^ n i '‘**Bwl , ■ Cnll 324-5001. Jerom e._____________ •

’*^nd~»choo?s?' PhonF 733-6071^411 I•:------------- 4th Avenue Nnrih,S i r S S ' TWO.DUDnOOM, f«rn„cc, car- ,, P r l a Jrrlflnilon w ater. Ow ner will - ‘

W n t S carry papers. 733.CD22.___________ ^40. Dolse, TWO baths, 0 bedroom*. Bcrenge. 20

fru it irec i, pasture, a irp o rt road , at


DIRECT<w ill fin d m n n y s e rv ic e s n v n iln b lo f ro m M nj

ok u n d e r th e tow n in y o u r n r e n . . . c o n tn c l o r CSt In N crvlco n n d q u a l i ty p ro d u c ts .

T W IN F A bL S !■ ___________'


; » n " % 3 . '"‘" ' '’'y- Z-------------- r .’.r |-.~ u.l .r rv l . lng, i.l....... .ke* snow-

luolillc.,* i.n.l b lkel, ___f lllll. lHa»l.»«, Klnil.nTly Hon.l. VA<I, I lry cn , PROPAN8 - UK■ Ap- rr.ipiiim for I r i i . Two<i (lliimtcli 1' , ; j ..ociiiiil (, iii:h«. Hulk dnllvBi^. V-l^t)ll anil ”

RtNIAlS___________________________ _ ?j ^ i . ; iBkn JU 'N T -A I.I . CO,

'‘*^1 .'::: w « m .i.i I'vcry inm g Wll ’. vriwii.'!-* n 'i " " 7“ ‘ifn __ _____itp t ic t a n k T c rV ic i __r

" 'sSg iT " r j i ; ^ r S " ; , . S ; K ~Also, nil tyiK's of ox o v n tlo n . John

_______ rF- »'>><««. V.r ■a. 41.________________—^ l> n r 'tm iV r" r» n n e rt . pow er enuip"- " "

vln I'nll*. ,„cn, .irntnnR" fnlliiro*. I 'rro CO __________ ln*i»actliin, l-Kiyd Craven*. 733-3033. Im]

n » itraclil'r' »W INO MACHINIS_____________________. lllo ,.,ifu y ; 5i'AtfiN0~Mirniln6 repair* an.I l a l ^ : ‘ o Noiili, fiinger K.'whig Ccmer. IBO Main ----------— Noi III, m-XUi.___________ _ ^

SICK ROOM iq u ip m in t

----- — -----; W m T in rV li iiiu . r ie rc liln g fl'iiiiliT- =mom, c n ii.h r* . wnlkor* for ront 'ir »al.i, Kliigiibury’* I 'hnrinnry. £H

iuof niakM P f 73:i-uil4, y ,ll<i*|i1ial llllll*. wlincl iltnir*. com. I

---------------- iiiOilfl*, cruUfifl*. ctc. ite iit c r tnie, 4---------- trniwluy Ph.irn'».:y. 7;t3-0771,_________

neiil“ 'M.^^mi JPORTSMAN’l QUID* ^ M"

I 'lirniture. <i(m,‘" '||tin iliiii hii«V'|iiIopiI, IMinne

T IUR HO N I-A N lW fR IN aJltU lCi_______V’'l{pil‘,m‘,li'I V oiT r'tilS iiluiiie"!* 'liiviir a lu n e .T f = .riiliMi lIll I'oiir *«Ulce. Plume 733-2360.'Avoiiub fi. ! ( ,« JJHVICB^_____________________—

— ■ U oN iriiK Tltl'.i'. H i'-itv icuririT-p^^TTT, i ! f ; ' ' ; : ; v . : ^ i i : ! ; T r ¥ n . t ^ v : i ' . ' t t ^•ll*llni:lliii>. >'-il1iu»lo>, P h o It a 7J3-0»4S, 4 iin Ave. Ii Kouie 1, Twin I'niii.

vic;s.... ■ - -24-HCA n«w nrinR so rv lc o . n m n d \

i n c tn c u ll ym i. If tlio UilRplinno 1IJIJU iC J'O JJY no t fiii^iwnr

031 nhiinn AiiNWurinK .Servlco ii

; I F 1 K D ________________ ;

M A G JC .V A LL JiY 'i 'O I .L T-JU iE NUM:

............... . \ \ \ \ ’. \ \ \ ’.\’ . \ \ \ \ \ ‘ ‘ iiurV('y.’ Vliipci................................................................... W cnilc il, (i(K)(♦ ....................................... l- 'l ic r , llo lilH lc r,

— W IL I7 Yi)n«

SO Horn** for. Sa le 5 0 Horn______ — ----------------------------------------------MK.emeni T W O S P E C IA L S - },’Su.fam- No. 1. Vou con have *ome prl- nllKlorge vacy when you buy this neat two Ishe

bedroom home on n huge tree- cnriihnded lot. Spacloua living room Lel

enlent nnd garogo. Only S8.BOO. 1-niLarge fjo. 2, Cnn you imagine buying Rcu.21.200 nn ■ attractive home with three LARI'

bedroom* nnd a double garngc jj.-,, lo ' “'liy J8.9M7 ta rg e carpcted

JRS todayl woo

L U X U R Yree-bed- Here I* the most desirable prop- BY Cle beau- erty In Twin Fnlls- Thc many 1 d

square SStitnndlng fentures Includc a lly_dth fin- 17x32- family room on mnin and. balhs. noor and PLUS- n recreation/ocuum, room in the basement. Also, 000,

family exquisite formal dining room. tB Slone 31 bnths.. four bedrooms, large j,onipaclous den and much more, .Surround t,nsjble go- this'apiwallng brick home with vcrcovcred 3', choice acre* nnd you rnake vie.

Ke t e d it lrre*lsilble. Seeing Is bcllcvcaped, Ing- Call for an appointment.

“ '•* H a m l e t t J |

r E k R e a l t ydining 733-4070 — Day or Evening cal

;1‘ HSI*; ’'W H ILE OTHERS S L E E P "privacy. You can pick up this' 3 hedroom Realty. brick home wlih 2 baths, large

___ „__ hoxbeen reduced S2000 for quick livi.:xcel|ent ,n it. Choice location. fire&le car- we also show you an exqul- —^•Igcra- . ' ,iic home. 4 bedrooms. 2 bnths. - • .In ap- family room wim huge fireplace. O u t

SlBp. ■ This home hns everything that M-----Sherry will please you. - '

unioue U o y d Robcr.son Agency• 2-luvel « 0 Main Ave. Norlh 733-8855 Wll ,joy‘ - ^ f w r 7S3.<IGt2 Ph>

■ caii’’55 hom ? Exo«ptlonnl''buy a t *11.- f a m•ood Rc- 320<733-0211. t h r e e ACRES, three bedroom

«• J- home. Top vnlue a t *7,200. r«n7E------- FOUR BEDROOM HOME lor^e ral:at and lot on Yakima-In ^Ue;..*12.5o0. «lj ' i fire'.* ’ 80 ACRES, two bedroom home rar I bv a on hiahway 30. *60,000. Tcrms co­lli 7o? ■ ^vallnT.le. H»ly BRISTOL AGENCY33-7053 733.3863____________

arge full H andym an Special tioi50m.'»All Get your point brush ready end. gotr^ lin e d choose your color. Large living 000f.OOO or i-oom, formal dining room, beau- oncne large ,jfui carpet*. 3 bedrooms. Inrgapr Moun- bath, plus full basement with 1.0,______ __both In basement for only 513,- wli

omjjleted SCO.'ion,°?u'ii T ruckers Special rig

garage.all extra Excellent location. 3 bedroom Y."'{ l u r e s home. 24x34 shop, small h«tn, ,V‘ mal floor one acro. All for *14.000.

is^ooo B arnes R ealty)r. Fully K. Laan AnQerson 733-1360 lent. Un- pred Thieme 733-3838 1,0,[cm. Pa- - ■ jjg

Y E S Y O U C A N ! ' 'ci:o?ed.°“on See these hom es now! ng. *B50. , J bedroom, low down pay- VJI

------r— ment, J5.200.In nice , ^ bedroom. *10.000. i ',? .& ■ ; J s r ; ' . ? » ' ■ >■

K A Y H A R R I S O N v,________ 733-6013 — 733-2322 hifSncV win E . W. McRODERTS & CO. •“________ TO HU MOVED, twn room li.iu.c JC

Bcrengp. 20’xl6’. In gnotf condlllon. In.julre 'I' lort road, a t 11* Harrison.


l e y . ’i ll

::t o r y 11llo from M agic V ailcy 'B usl- L 2. . con tncl ono of thoso firm s Is . < i »

t 4(

- I ■ ■ • s TRg« SERVICI

.hoc,k ah'- liiiulppeii fof'nny jobuppiy. 121 Trimming. Topping. Removing,

Cabling and Stump JtrmOval.,L., .now. I'reo fnllmMi-*, Insiiri'.i11.1 blkel. Box B2. T . ' l '. . 733-:i3:i|<»«■<■ VACUUM CHANgRt

, UI'AUEK I'OU KIKllV. Iloovur iin.i ------o ai.nntfll •;"Va''m d r7 m ;:.' '’!l-1 t)ll anil Ve?oct*nn oPrebiillt vacm

cr*. Vnriliim Cleanuia nf lilnlio, !,'!_____ _ rornnr llluo l.nkr* nn.l 2nd Avenun

I, _ V-«H|. Plinne y.l-VIM],-------------------- j'Ihlng WINDOWS ^

‘Krp1ii.:o lirokpn window k1(i» nowl !■■ Ill'NNl'.TT\‘i Twin I'nll* (lli.ii * l<

___________ Paint, IM.t Ail.llion Hn*t, 7:1-1.35nw. 1ce. Hower ----------------------------------- - ?.,11: , H A G E R MA N ?,

t tV* "?''rr‘o CONTRACTORS_______________*. 733-3033. iro it |nii,l Icv.tllnH. doMoHr ha.:kline i------------- r . ! 'p .n a r r i ;V ln ^ ’:ll'l’l ' « ‘H^ \

J E R O M E JIng oimln- — ■■ ---------Phnr^nnry BOARDINO « TRAlNINO ______ __;ar 733-011 ueorge'a K«nnel*. tloardini alt %aTf*~ wn. hreoiU, I rnining all bret.l*. SJ4- Iml or jule, 4240., Jerome. 1■11771,__________________:________________________ __ I

MIIKINO lOyPMINT_____________ ,

Itw ici— --------------- R U R E R Taliine. ii- —m ...... , *

------ HOUSI MOVINQ______________________________ M<'All*i«9r llouarmnvlna and Kxca- ^ItVlCIl VBtlnu. Member o Houky Moun- IilinmhiR, tuin iliniieiiiovlng A*>nrlallon amt t Til. Pine. ITIvala tjoiilrailnr* Aiioclatlim. 7J3-0348, 430-4100 — 410-09B7, Huperl.


2 4 - H O U R - ^ ----------------------Ico. l l in ndvertinur will bo notified a10 mlRplinno nf nny Milvprtlwir in th is ;

not fiiwwnrfd, illn) 733-33Bfl, ToJo- ;i|{ .Service in 'I'w ln I''iiiln, Dny or >

— ..............— ' . . . - I f_________________________________________ ____ Rl^

U i E N U M B E R S j

...................................... nuhi, CnHtlnford {liirlt'y, Kupcrl, Dcrlo, l>aul. Norland/cnilcll, (>(K)(llnR. llacorniiin , Jei'iiiiic\ i:ir, llolllHlrr. Ri>Koraon, Jnckpot, Nev. Tv

______" " t~ -


5 0 H o r n e t F o r S o le 5 0 F orm :—---------- MR. CLEAN’S nlccc J ,.n c i lives ---------S ' hniise ?c^V goodSnA c^, \^o^l*Mc\l- 8 AC

S . K - f f l " £ [ £ ■ => 5: »• a

l-T«nk 733-5074 a l M ountain Stutcs °buying Renlty.___________________________ ^

‘ LAHK.SPUR U K lV li: I-Ha nppralSHiarpcted „

f f i ; r r - « ?wood Rvialty. 010 Blue Lakes Nct.. , q A733-11211: Jum os D anner. 733-2240; ^n . .1. Schwcndlmnn. 733-1700, go p

e prop- BY OWNER: 2 bedroom s upstnlrs. 0• many 1 downsmlrs- Recreation and util- • so F ludc a lly rooms, largo rooms, carpctcdI mnin and d raped, c.'arnge nnd pntlo. go v;real1on MorningsVle -School District. *15.- el. Also. 000, 727 Jun iper. ii

room. AT L A Sn A good three bc.Iroom 160 's, large home under *10.0001 Curpet Iliiors. _ ‘ 1jrround hnsemcni, gnrnBC. Price js.noo. 400 ,nc Wllh Very good icrm s^ Rent E stote Ser- ■\ ' " “ ke vlcc, 733-1416.____________________ 440.

n 'y co“nillV[oncl‘" ^ ^ ^

llrlng couple on large lot with Ig.irdcn space . Reduced to *6,000. ,21 ■

enlng Can__^EUdy^ 73,n-M8l^_or Mounluin

EEP" FoIJ-sVce" by owncr!-All .kc.rl^“ K s r . " ? o - „ s ^ .rr 'K -’.v .K urro;- J ° -• r bed- cnllon. $13,800. 733-S637. ' _____.:nt tha t EX CELLEN T 4-bedropm. 2 bnlhs'.ir quick living, dining room s, new cnrpct. WE1

fireplace, cut-in kitchen. Plerco w rgS lrcct. Ow ner 733-3800. j " "

! bMM. . ' ~ ~ ~ '= Willreplace.' O u t o f T o w n H o m o * 51 j^ jpn s th a t M__—— -------------------- ..

- ' M O D E R N H O M E jrgTi^ A T H A N SE N IMI733-M55 With largo clndcr-block ga rage. ^ s .i733-3642 Phonv 41'J-4023. /

S ' S r . F o rm i fo r Solo*“ ■ ____________________________________ Mas3200 Acro Meadow Ronch locatcd

jcdroom In very accnjc w tiin g . This _ Rontvi ranch hn* 3 mllcs of crcck bot- —r~

tom, 2 homes and 2 se is of cor- 150E lorjse rals . Hns nbundnncc of irrigrt. ferl

JS"n home range right. A top unit for n Prii

T crm s co-op grnilng unit. F irs t tim e *47.lis ted ..*300.000 w ith sood term *. MO. p r l '

■'Y 1.320 n c re^ l-an tir 'f l m iles from ' con" Gooding. Hns 5 bedroom m odern mil._________ home. This Is nn ideal row IllR

, crop nnd slock furm tom blnii- for a l tlon. This ranch has a very id y end good production record. Ji:.'),- ;e living 000 with *30.000 down. U nder n, beau- onc ownership Uie p ast 25 y c ars . ..nt wUh 1.038 Acrcs with very nice hom a ,lly 513,. with fireplace, also tenant house. Mci

^ ’ J-ecd co rrals fo r 800 . head of J-

' ■5 = " ;;™

p p e r “ m ir id e . ^J1?0.000 *w°th *30,000 down.'<20 A crcs w llh good 3 bedroom {™‘

733-3838 i,omc, 2-car aiiiiched garugc. Wc ------------r - Homo recen tly remodeled nnd Y«ilAN! • s s ' c ? ‘.r. '■3;,rs,ss "

™ w»- ^ r , r K s l ■ S ',catcd In Wood R iver V alley. j,ei

Il-I^nn *125,000 with $25,000 down. W ill j„ r: . ‘" ‘‘0 im ull fn rm or good pupcr tlo

■SON i322 bulldlnns. All good productive

lund. *60,000 wUh *10,000 down. CA.S’oom Ikiusc JCO Acrcs w llh m odern hnme. jL'/on. In.iulre dnlry bnrn. All fnrm land level i,nj

a ' | voi\ « I** URo’'tho” 'ony''*n'^— Slli! I™ 7m 5n

400 Acres w ith cnhln and cor-rals . lia s open w nter Ihn y i'iir 120 -nround fur alock. .Snmn Irrig**- «Io

: lion w nier right. 150 ncre* of tet’ giin.t ranch for devclopm eni. in>a fvn,in>0 with *5.000 down. W ill, HOi Ira ilr lor Income proiiorty ,or Jif; .sm all furm In tru<le. 47i

BO Arren cinsn tn floortlng wllh ®-, {2 beilroiim n io d n n hnme. Tnls nf 3-li

' miil)uiliiiuiiii. 'Ihl* fiirni all In " r huy and -pnslurc. *23,000 w ith

« \ *11.000 ilown, g‘|'

' 40 Acrca nil *rcdrd tn hay and• piintiirn wllli ;t lii'ilioom nind- >'l'

__________ «'rit homo. rli.M. lo Wen.lell, »18,- OO A' 000 with J.I,noo down, • he

iwp— IVERSON SJ , , , • • r e a l t y

G o o d i n f ? - , I d a h o r ' , r----------------- I'lumo t>:u■ :ln4 - o i l i n ' 'I '

__ ^ i l i l.ynn Ii:il-«(IM . •‘ii ''' '» 'n o n _ _ tin

'I c i Inr a ll N O R T IIS ID K l''AUM.S'm’l .7 rinl'I, Ai n i . s ......................... *,i:-,oon

>■ A‘:i»i:s ......................... *r/,o(to HT'jnu a'" ., ,; ; ; .................. f f i lS 11"— T------ 1!11 5 1 l± K

_ IM) ACIII-li ....................... *1.11,'mil) »'|Ki(i» nowl mo A c;n i,s ..........; ; ......... ............ _ li:i

If* ll l a i i A H.0 A< » i : s ....................... S5MHm 6iH)st, 733,33nH, 1117 Al'ltl'lM ....................... S :i,OOII 1111

2.i(i A rn i ;s ....................... »n5,(i(ih in

N . ill

iih7 liacMioe Vvnn A'c H irs JiHn'.nmi |'J

F K 5 n‘t'‘rM ,iV ." ',i,ti? : nii.-

___________ IIA K N I'IS R E A I.T Y ,'}!' Wfin.lrll l l ia n ih h.ifl.SliJn

_ l i i i l lllll _ I>.i(i.:;iiii4— : ’ "T H A D irA N Y O N I-:? ’

Nice inininlain v n l l o y ra lllo ,'’i ------;----------- tniicli, l.i.iili'il Ih icn iii.l }

« * • . s j j ! i r i ? ' ' r e i « ‘: ? : , , iv 'v in '. ' 'v : i - r 'i : i r I

----------------- ' 'H A N D Y U H A L T Y - m----------------- ' 4(11 Ruiiili l.lo.'iiln .Ictiima ”

:________________U A l iN J i s r *e a l t y “ _i!;

___________________ 733'B327_ __830-2U20 *f|■nd Hxca- HO ACHl'.-'i. 3 lim iln , unn.l «u |. '1

ouky Moun- liullilliigii, i iiea.luala. Nnne bal. r i f irla llon amt te rl »uUjikK).AMoclatlim. i.-|7i,i5'1-mAN RUALTOR.S J l

azii I 'lle r Av«. w -lo«H “

------------ , ' . l lu i" io” ;'J." illln'ii! 11^tlnioll miiiliilJl oxruiil lieat hmiia V

ificd(llln 'I'lia Imy of , the nt =

wl'/li ‘ d iw i ‘wd;."''o"rifl‘‘'i»rnta *of lo> ' o r WHier. IOO' J lv u r Irniit, nn nil

rond. Only 11,'JM*. tlo.idlnu Really, ------------ i;„ l. I . . . , I , f

_____ ’ K a , “; 3 . ' i l . l ; ; y ; i ; r s 5 n jIIO rod.*. Ow ner ha* lollowod uno.l <1 rill)) 101.1(11111 with •iiinn ox.-.Oliiiit I'

n fo rd >ioii*n. innrlilnn slin l, piiliitn iiij.r iiin d w>i>’ —'i'tiuic\ H 7 l'? . 'i i tf “ hl"oM>iiu?,''!i74%i' Bu N ev . r 'A ltW ^ huiiiiro* ~ Iluvliig o r —

;rlliiig , I'hnna H laya J leally . 733._____ --?Mt- ■ _ ------ . , . _ If

kALEY NEE:t y ea r ?

5 0 F o r m s f o r S a l e 5 2 V o c a l

F A R M S '''Ji 'if- 'lio d Mcl'- 8 ACRES w ith w ater right, no oncen ull fm . buddings ........................... lo.oooArnr-;.S w ith w a lrr rleht. no ‘, , 10,‘n ion buildings ........................ *8.000 ---------7 500 Cali BO ACRES, excellent location for C a m n ili l^ S tn te s buslne*. o r *ub - division, no

^ buildings . . . ; ........... s. *11.000 NOW I ■ 40 ACRES w ith sprinkler system s H ’v n p p n ils il .......................*14,000. Kow

85 ACRES, 2 bedroom home. 3H are , of e.xtnis. miles from Je rom e . . . I2S.000 a( a I Ici this 50 a c h e s n e a r Glenns Perry . Hom

y " ' 2 bedroom home . . . . *35.000 gu - r 80 ACRES clow to Jerom e. 2

■ ■ bedroom home ........... *35.000•1 '°°' 80 ROW crop farm , a good one.s upstnlrs. a mllcs from Jerom e . *35.000 —TL®”n and utll- • so ROW crop f a r m - a good ono TRAVl1. carpctcd .......................................... *38,000 tlon.nnd pntlo. go W ITH 4 bedroom home, a ir “33-JItrlct. $15.- e lectric heat. lot* of outbuild- CAMP.

Inss ................................ *50.000 nnrte bctiroom 160 TWO bedroom home, olher er. r?pcWl<icirs. ‘ buildings .....................*57.000__________ ________________Ice *8.noo. 400 ACRE siock ranch, will keep 77—77:E stote se r- 300 hend cattle . . . . *110.000 M o b

440 ACRES, p lenty of outbuild-_________ ____________.— mgs. corral*, ctc. . . *140,000

. •? hed ACRES, stock ranch, all in: -i pastu re ana.hay.-.w lll handle —ysterS and calvel. $130,000

— L & N" lot with R E A L E S T A T E C O .

10 *6,000 22, L lncoln,Jerom e..ldaho .. ^f-MMounluin Phone 324-4800. M

— Leon N. Stockton. Realtor t i full b-f se 240 - 387 - or,62"7 STOCK Ranch * X

^ ■ right. P rlccd for quick *ale. ♦ p

I.ovs and Irriea lo ) verv seod. .. ”— Will sacrifice for $580 per acre.

IM PROVED 120 Acre soulhslde" ^7= ------------ row crop fnrm , with full w atern t . right. $60.000'W ith term*. ' .

IMPROVED- 80 Acre*. lull Wa- 1

. 's . tS S ! " ’ “---------------- T a y l o r A g e n c y S S

5 2 423-5280 K l^ e r ly -----___________ Mason Sm ith 733 'M77h localcd Eveningsng. T his Ron T aylor 423-5403reck boi- ~~~ .' ------ —— —IS of cor* 150 ACRE row crop farm, deep}f irrign- fertile soil. lorge fields, modern

running brick home, jfs.OOO.Also has 80 ACRES In Kimberly A rea,tjlt for n Priced for quick sale nt 'OnlyIrst tim e $47,500. Low down and terras. o „od term *. MOUNTAIN VALLEY

private allotm ent for 275 head, ,“ ?*lies from ' controls - 'Vallcy fo r. nhout 10n m odern m llcs. IVi miles from town andjeni row Highway 03. W ill consider tradocomblnn- for farm fn M agic Valley.

rd!' $ 'ir.f- R O C K Y M O U N TA IN i ! ' '!• R E A U Y ..•5 y c a r s . .. v/ayng u a u er . Broker 733-1408

iif-i. hom a Associate* ;n. hon?P MCI M oncur ................... 733-3102head of J - P- Smith . . 733-4534

o*ver“ 500 240 ACRES and outstanding row crop

, . , .r 280 acres, sp rink ler Irrigated. Ideal ' 73

Z h i " “f f . S - c 5 5.WW w iin ALSO, m ore than 100 Farm and an .R anch Listing* for you to choose

*’o a r S ^ Weddell R ealty . Cnll M ark Koll,ipU'd nnd W rndell. 5.10-2274; John Wert. Wen-nned w llh dCll, 536-2048; Phil Hlrrel, Wen- JIoi k ^ h ro u Ju 530-2048 o r Ray A sicndrup. ,J2V '^ d c A I Jerom o, 324-4832._________________ ^cl lnnd In Buhl A ren, 80 Acresidnnce of p i,u „ u lc r right, 7tf acres Cultl-

furm„ lo- • vntcd. la rge “ level Helds; one

W “l^ ilk ^ a r 'S r''io o * d » Mood pupcr tlon- Spacious newly remodeled.

a hedroom hom» wht; fireplace,, , wnll to wnll cnrpeUng. *47,000.00 3Wly new 3 j,y ow ner. F o r nppolniment call 7

____________- s ;,000 down. CA.STLEFORD SCHOOLS. , . P u l l

shares of Twin Falls water. Mod- •rn nnme. cm two bedroom home, milkland level j,arn, m achine *hed and shop. ____:iiiiivuiion. Crop* nre beet*, beans, hny ond 1059

ItK $15,000 fm\y"'*30.0W.'*w^?h ^c's? or**t'*rmV ^ ft W est Hnd Renlty, 1012 Weat Main,

lluh l.'543-4407.____________ °l^' Ihn y i'iir 120 ACRES Cliofce farm lo ^ . goo3 Camil Irriga- .lomcsilc woll and pre*»ura *y*- F l eI acre* of tem , shop und pump hou*e, gran- merarmed. A nry nnd chlckcn house. No dwoll- tio:vclnpment. Ing. Im m cdlnte posissilon, E x trn t i£hlown. W ill, Hood investm ent property, *30.000. *“ *' •oporty ,or .Schmitt & Muffley, Oooding. 034-

<^81._________ ___________________ g|„

rm‘ Jill In " ry nnd corrn l. All fenced and In Mi .1,000 w ith *i ?im” ‘torrn»V^'!yiiwnod Realty.'^nio ~

filun Lake* Nd., 733-0211. ila r lcy A pC

?.’i:‘.:,':r7“. 3?2‘;Si§^r'733-2B0G, c o smlell. ilB .- OO ACUi:-S. mi ,t...r.'S o< W~ e r.' 6~ e

• hen.lgalo on fnrm . Naw niiictKne ■hiid, liinflhK shod and other out- V;'

' N r , ■ „ a s r " . . . ' ' " r , i _ »

Y furnnce. I 'o r *nln by ownor, *25.. TWC' HOP; l.i ilown, 'nu tlo nrea, H37-4HU7, y r

d a h o ‘ « “ !n l'« .^ 'fr im ‘ ''\V ln""ia '^

.s*;O^Mnon ih o ’'UVioV*’Viorlh»U*a ^ o n ^ ^ t'o m - lu l i— ,|ui»ed III two iiiljncont HO'*, Two fir

j ?i ’vooo HTiV ‘ AlTlli;}^ 4 [miTriiom m odern AT'I

t f c . n T 'r " ^ 5 « 4 ::

ITomia <JETJi'il.'liiii) »'in, Itroker. 324-4:i»H. Al l.anca*.

:;;; S S K K ; ; 1 '" „ S ,K S Z J S J : z

" ; | i : i s K 'S s i . J K ’S ^ a s r K s s ; : . : ' ; ; ; ; ^. . . JJW,0(111 7h„ , Itndnoy li|iuli, Hi5-n574, —5ii'.Vl,. '",.."i'J ‘ H li.~ M ir r 'r~ l54 .har!'. iVnat w uleF: ' 'W>niii> pi Itll. ................ .. hnmo plus nulbulldlng* " J

U-.-V nml .;orr»l», Prico Hl.1,000 wllh l"W ^• ‘ .X.,.,.,..™ <i'>w* pnym rm . l.ynw.iod H ealiy, CFH

'IIO No.. 7.13-OJll. Ilnr- ntiI>.l(i„llll 4_ I„v M i.ih rr ., 7.13,H47S,_________ _ t o

)N I \? ' ' ' ' ' “ Vl r ' 'n i | ' ' ‘’ wliHn you »pn.;uialo KINIi?,.’l m'I.'iu? T w in 'I 'n ll* . 'a gnod rnw crnp' land, 42Vcr m ir ' I'lli ' ‘IMH*. *45,000, <llnha i n r■I f', I li r H riilly, 7;n-2ftj:i, l'.venlnn* 733- t,, ..:,..,,.I,....|'' 04531 '/;n-mn5i 7.13,3340, ...

y* m i [ i i ~ m»' AT',e . , c-nn7<oriai;ia iioi;;;; 5 * 5

324'illl02 » " “ 'ly - '•*'''>*. T n i

' iTa h n k S ' ^'’<i!) ''!if'*'‘ *iiilw «y *3n"' i'^iiBliroomA l ' i 'V Imnin, oiilliiiiiiiiiig*, Nirn i.iratlnn.

---------u u .o u o .jf lniora»led iiulU43:4DU-------J i” ’'M'iZr ®»:;"ai,r7ra,, nrS'”™S T tV 'T ; , ;;

, Ji iind mil. J l l i m ’^ o ^ '

* a n rn ^ 'ln im ,' Ml^’ iiillo* Nnrlllw eil C*;a l t o r .s

R a a l E i l a l a F o r T radw t S 3, \ . " u . " i ; i l n ’l,“ »>>(:IIAFm i r wlint yn;rinrvV /.;r -wTat ‘‘'Vt' I h eat hiii»» you wnnt, linnky Mniinlain Reallv, hum . Iiuilliiu I'.xrliangcr. All Main Norit^ 731- ONI

‘r c a

*of l o U t» n d A c r s o o v * 5 4i.Viir.!;, Hc«n‘v ' l» r()W R iT l<T T I».o 10 Ywln' Uall*, 14 ^ ha lc.m an 03,1 . S ' A l aT ^

- r n ; ^ r ~JoluVo'd iioo! T r-'l 'i ' ^ ‘3W tT N im t'''lw i~lw .liiio 'inI « ...... I'*-'''’®'! r " " " " ' Neeil In

N ile 4 **■»< •« " '» P«- «1um..; i.iii»i|i' i;v i ',* ’ } ‘’vvi ai’iH yI

O u iln o M P r o p o r ly 5 6 flJ~ lluv liii o r C.TmiDercial Properly "" 6 n i . R eally . 733. a HI'IICIAL'i 'v «i ---------------------- „ f l i

m p c n r r - :?

5 2 V o t a t l e n P r o p e r t y ___________M A po;

H .h i nn I" H ailey.' Bm“t* ln "imp'll, me

v 2 - r “ ‘ ™ s5 f'? i..V i!S ’- ^ r. . . *8.000 = = = ' = ^ = ^ = S = S43" in n " n° C a m p * f i, 6 3 s T OV *li.OOO NOW ON D isplay our n iw 'Securiiy cou

V . S s

erome 2 CAD OVER Turnpike CruUer, loci$3s'ooo " “ ‘“ne re frig e ra to r, oven — —

iood o?^. « » • 169 Addl*on H oili1 . *35.000 t „ „_______ gj- O H ^

tlon. SCO a t SOS Blue Lake"* Nbrth"'‘T tb u u d " ' ____________ ; w/e " * ^ h ^ ''nnd^’ ra^ngl Al^^^^^

"■ ! «

M o b ile H o m e i 64

_ g a t e w a y s

L a r g e s t S e le c tio n »93=: C O . Of SfJTte. Idaho . ^ f-M O B IL E H O M E S ................ 2) , M arlene — M agnolia ’ m«lealtor T ainarac lc — Chamnion Ro; k Rnlich” * T R A V E L T R A IL E R Sovemcnts. T ravelcze — A ristoera t is:lod w aier R ond runner . Thk *ale. X. P I C K U P C A M P E R S sic_ . M cl-m ar ' *80

" r !■ J ?per acre. * T R A V E L T R A I L E R ' ^ h r.n„ ,ii..H ..- R E N T A L S SS!

G A T E W A Y .. full Wa- T R A I L E R C E N T E R npA, for only Addison W est 733-2410

i n c y ., - I

W e H a v e A■. Q o o J ^

r m o S - B u y s L e f t ! K

S ' ' . . " ; ; ; I n c lu d in g ; K ®

■ .$1245 J" ‘ y- 60x24* w l d a th ree bedroom W'[■ain • ” " o f l

733-1408 A L W A Y S I '. 733-3102 B E T T E R B U Y S S

. - M A G I C V A L L E Y - j,lM O B I L E H O M E S

• “ 3V4 mile* w es t of We*t 5 Point* •"Ignled. Ideal ' 733-6141 — Closed Saturday* -gMd term *. C O M P L E T E M O B IL E H O M E V oi) Farm and a n d T r a v e l T r a i l e r S e rv ic e _ £ !

’m k T n “ B A K E R ’S -X I w ?" : M O B I L E H O M E Sllrrel. Wen- J io n e s t P rice* — F a ir Dealing* *in

A sicndrup. ,J2 y e a r s Serving M agic Valley ____________ 412 Addison Avc_ W est 733-3358 = :w res A L W A Y S ?2Slews; 'o n e B E T T E R B U Y S

i 'd S l : M A G I C v a l l e y ^" S S r t S : ■ M O B I L E H O M E S "I. *47,000.00 3W miles w est of W c*t'8 Point* um ent call 733-0141 — Closed S a turday*___ —:------------------ Shop la DURJ.EY t>efor« you buy^t^a-teV.Vnll! H & W ^•’‘’a'lJd' .hol>“ T R A I L E R S A L E S “!ins, hny ond |059 I0x50' ''TWO bedroom l^ronller. fTFR

, bilo home'.*’ a"bcdroorn*,^ 2 ^ a th s ! ~n l a ^ . oooS Call 73.7-008J a r 733-9782, For>re..ura *y*- I'LEETW bO D l007 all e lectric lixW ^hou*e, grun- m obile homo in excellent condl- * 4

le. No tiwoll. tion . Phono 733-1407. *i " "y"'»3‘i o » TERU Y 30 foot tra ile r , electric or I□ ooding. -034; “ Z - in g r^ E x S ^ rc V n d l f i J i r 'S K S : £____________ ahone BB6-76fl7, . - j—CAnA> w aier. NASHUA 1965 12x00’ 3 betlrocm, n{ bnrn, g run . new ly c arpeted , a ir conditioned, renc^d and ,Jn M uat le e . 733-#m . _1 Realty.'^niO “ r-0211. ila r lcy A p a r t m 0 T ) l» ^ - F u r n i t h td 7 0iBBB, COMIIINAT^JN living room • bed->i w~ .-r ' (b’tTe hltehcn. p rlvale balh. All'lew niiictKne uiUHIbs. CIo»e iJowniown, M3. Do*..1 01 er 0 ^ A partm enl*, 235 3rd Avenue /

ndorn home. Contact A panm en t 1. 73J.

u*pn.'’H3 -4HU7. * tiroHndMtnor,*^(»rBerVmrB^iic«.'^ Vin" llo'^ 'rru* P'"'* "Xt^ept light*. *70 per f

x V o i i ; " . r ; >I inn'k t'om- lUli^Al, for working couple. 3 room*, int HO'*, Two flcuplacc, close.In. No children nr «, .Shaw Real- pat*. 733-2018., lo r appointment.____________ Hill lica.Icy . _________________ Jl,iioni m odern ATTHACTIVH 3 room* nud balh. fitli _

' n t'om 'v ''*'54! ' l*lin?io" KImborly* «3-fJ37 or'’ 4!l3l F adown. Je rnm e ■*>:i05, _____________________ —’• 'V®?. C L IiA N nlcaiy luinUU<i<l one bed.I. Al l.anca*. iion i and w ater, Cloie.ln.

, Adult*. 733-0238 o r 733-7078 after

i)N K ~'!illl)liO iiM lu rn .il np,.rt. or .ifW cnw*. ,„« n t in K imberly, phona 4JJ.4U22 •lolul pr|.:r, „ r 733.7070,

? ^.553? '^ " “ '’ THHiu-: rnn.n* a n . l l .a th . A.I...........r ..•^c iriuiHn C .V ln* '*""’'^S m ' . ilol.'i: I-'LI^AKAhll' i.- i^im' « |iailm rnt'.H rom e 32^ ?” '2"' N " ''" ' — 'f you ■'•"‘Ib5-5574. ___ :I cnnat w uler 'IV /t) ihrer-rnom n|>nrlii>enu, hemi mllbullillnB. »"■' w " '" r

you spncuiale K IM Itl 'llI.V —tf you A rn'pn'rllculnr. ^m ile, enat of onn-hrilroom aparlm ent. carpeted,IIW ernp liuul, 423.M!M). ]

ivenlni* 733. hedro.irn fnrnUhed* homrf> UIUI ^ ^ ] , pa id . Heal tl.enp. 733-4247.

y la b la liuin^, faMAilL a p a rln 7V n tr *lngle or cou.p le , $30.00, *35.00. Call 733-7300

i„ ,.i« ,h i, .A - W i im f " I,. 11,. Cl . . . :iini' U'ilil jn»t l^i^nie-ln.^AduK* only no pel*. 320

£L'il_fl43-4Du'' Avnnu “ NorlW ^ ? t ^ ^In ^ « i o ^ —IX 'I 'V j J . 'T o no ' pVu . '^T m o ' Kimbo” ;

l>n7 - niuiil" 'llrt b w ‘l'l»b ftflflM ,“ Jour.plex. ftlil.r . . 5 ™ . ,_____________ W f P W lroom . e a i i ie .t 'i j* 2-U \-------------------- Norifj VVaihltrcion. W dter and « in .d»f| 5 3 I ta l lo i^ rn la h e d , 7a3-800a.

n"Norlh,""73!!l R W lT ^!(^7 i7 ,"ia i'« (Illt le* turnl.had," 40(1 2nd Avei»u« W e.t. 73J.3IHO. 1

c n n ^ i l.e .lroo'm " arn u n .l tloor,' no pel*. Inquire 188 Carney. ,

building alia, c loie-ln , r<>rlly*(urnlihtir‘l*d*i7*or■___ , . y '" fl< l''l coupfe, (IngU penon . 7»S- ]

iwii Iwdtiioni ________

iBi'i5.*733,o4fa'i' 'paia,*'ifi»roS.‘

^ * ^ fo « ! 'c Iiy i'” ?^38(r‘we«^^^^ for ^

roiieriy---------- 6 n H iiedrooin.' A diilii' only. Uanse JVi'y nnit refrlgn ra lo r fiirnUhed. 107 iF

• M A G I C V A L L ^ T O L L ]Buhl. CasU eford , - .

D ial 543-4M8 B urley, R u p e rt, Declo

P au l. Norlanrf F ihD ial 67S-2552 Ja c

______ 5 8 A pqrtm>i>ttr—O tT furnU had 7 1 Fcrri r around LOVELY TWO U edrooni apart- LOCi t-ln MpIl- m enl. A ir conditioned, carpcied . hy ihaw Real- appiisncei. laundry faelllilM . ' ta>

LYNWOOD MANOR bn,.i 843 Blue Lake* N orth TJ3-3689 *|°

6 3 ^ A C IO U S one-bedroom apiirtm cnt u a__________ near Lynwood. Ideal for working miw Security couple. H eat, light*, w ater, range ^Slleepi 4. and refrigera to r furnU hed. P lrc- TW*

price . We . place, built-in a to rage and book- “ 163 model* ca>e. No pel*. 733-32(12.' , ,1*00' West. ONE BE1)R'o o m ' n iccly dccorau-d. =i ________ quiet. re*peeto6le building, nne*t H ave CruUer, location. Adult*. 733-0531._________ ** *

>9 Addlion H o u i a » < ~ F u m i k A e ^ 7 3 't„ „ , ,„ „ J 1 o r UN FljRN ISH ED , 3 bedrooms. kA i^ r ih fuU basem ent, ga* furnace , all utll- ' k e i Nbrth, p^one a fte r S p .m .; 733-4048. VJ-----;--------- 733-4048.____________ - ' ' '?®ln cTii'n t h r e e rooms and bath . $45. uiill- c-m camp- lle * j^ fu ^ ^ h e d . ^Adult*. 733-0785;

— t^EAR Lynwood. Onc bedroom for6 4 small family. A utom atic w asher.

Y -

1; H o u s e .— U n f u r n l i h e d 7 4on 1893 SIgrld. 2 bedroom *60. Three-

. bedroom, ga rage, coal stoker. 1412 4th Avenue E as t. $80. 2*6 Macison.

- - - 2 bedrooms, gas furnacc. *8.5'• m onth. Call bcforo 5 p.m ,. Lloyd DA!

Ion Roberson A gency. 230 Mnln N orth. i° 'RSr a t 1803 SIgrld. 2 bedroom *00. fy

, Three-bedroom , g a r a g e , coal tJi

^ *M!'Vall**bcfoVe s 'p 'm . ! Lioycfgoy°7^3-$8g5*"*==^ '

p - TH REE bedroom split-level home. MOIbullt-ln o\-cn and range , f irep lace Itand 2 baths. Im m ediate po**esslon _^

V * w ith years lease o t $125 m onth. WAl 1 • Taylor Agency. 423-5289. Kimberly. m

■ T R R REAL nice 2 bedroom duplex, built- — In oven ond range , flreploce. Cou. . ,

P'e o r smnll fnmlly only, no pets. A ni .n fi n m ” 5 m onth. T ay lo r Agency. 423- t s t o I p,'m.‘ 5289. K im berly .^ ARJ

A w ith large living room, f lrep ? « e |" and large k itchen. JOO p er m onth. • ?! / I 253 M artin S tree t. 733-0483.y : T H REE bedroom, m odern home In Eacf ! Flier. Flrcp ftce. la rgo carpeted pg

living and d ning room . Nice kit- 1chen and utl Uy room . 32C-4B30. pi

NICE AND Clenn 2-bedroom home In —g 'S ^ . A u,

TWO-bedroom. b rick home w lih go- ME rage , patio, la rg e law n, oil hcat. ei

LOTS°OF ROOMS CSI 2nd Avenue = = bedroom *“ • ^ o l;lectrlc I* 733-3288,__________________________ ___

ONE BEDROOM home, gas hcat. la rge ga rage. 1428 7th Avenue G E ast. $40 p c r m onth . Shaw Realty u733-0473.__________________ . Vj

CLEAN 1 bedroom 424H W alnut. 1! T j E Y - *"‘l “l'’e Rellablo Shoe Shop o r U

f lE S M6o"'eRN 2 bedroom home, water-

s i s t m ” I,

iT i b M E S 'c V f t i S S : . JS e rv ic e Call a lte r 3:00 p ,m . 733-0495, ^

i r j TWO bedroom m odern home w ith 5 _J_O ' acre* of p astu re in W endell. 837- ,»t; c 4410. H egerm nn. ____________^ . TWO bedroom home close to” M orn,

v illifJ Ingside School. $50 m onth. 733-5074. f,

i v e CLOSE-IN CleoB, p riv a te en trance,i i o a ir conditioned. Day, week orr T T m r m onth. 137 4th Avenuo N orth.Li L i E j I ROOMS dow atown — day. we«k.VTPC m onth. C am era Center Hotel. 303:t*8 Point* Shoshone S tre e t South.

B « . i n a . . - O f f l c a R a n la l. 8 0 ~7 A m a l l , Malh- S .re e t location ren t or

lea .e . Adjoining apartm ent avail- bL E S fi

DOWNTOWN - 2 priva te o » lc e . and I ble 73J-16## reception a re a . Dtilltle* furnUhed. «'

20D 3rd A venue E as t. 733-2315, 'n*. 2 bath*. _ , _ TT512, F a r m t t o r R * n f 8 4 j

silent condl- °c re * ‘*MW aoo°ia.:k*«pud^^ s

."aluminum C a 'f F re d ' StSwMt,“ 'l lii!nV "da°ho ^fldlllon, bho. 825.BI04, i

I - l60 ACRi;5"^ uih of Jerom e. Home i3 beilroom, and good m ilking barn . Phone S24- 4conditioned. 2157. • e

^ I n d u i l r i a l E q u lp m a n I 8 9 J

room . bed- U S E D I N D U S T R I A L y wn « « DM E Q U I P M E N T {3rd Awnue A tL lS . CHALMERS model |eo 4

i^ ra n c ^ 'u m : 310*^^^^ trac tv r . , j JP U l- t I-1ne of Now John D oer*-- I

-“ a O T T S H) children or j j j ove rland Ava. Hurley, Idaho 1 appointment. Phone 078-5.583- . . , nob H ouiton, Sale* R«pre*entallva “

nud balh. fitlt ------------------------------------------------------- Swixi7 or'’ 42]l Farm Im p lo m a n li 90

atl one bed.

” U SE D ]hona 473-4U22 I

I,. ...... . FARM SEQUIPMENT ■"

ir you need '_______ ___ 3 ROW IMCO DEET |

"A H V E ST E R to

— 2 .TOHN D E E R E 7.1ftn ig l lu . cio*« D J n S E L T R A C T O R S =

FirpH M lS ar. 1 CA.SE 801 D IE S E L'nl cnrnfltflil Sll

1 F A R M A L L -JflO G A S .

nmrfV” uil'lltu!I 1 O L IV E R 3 n O T l'O M 5 f

ngVe^'or cou' 'Call 7J3-Mfl5 ^ _ =

G E M «- E Q U - I - P M - B N g ^ ^

“ SALES, INC. 'Kniin ' ifiinnl "Y our John n e a re D ealer” 1 noup. inon* fioulh K aitland Driv# . . . 733-7272

, i.ji , C h ister tlhe rre la .............. 733-8200 Xieat. 178. 25« c . M. "D uko" H oberU . 73J-2B21aiS.'i .................. ......— ' ■' I

P o u r Uflcd Kfn«or.||Bee a | Sflir-PropoUodrenCTIHJd: C ircu lar Sprink ler Syntom ^. 733.21)10. T h li rara ly happen* — yet here " I'rou iu i' tloor “ l»- *'“ “ «■ oul-of.ilale usedCarnav ' VALLUYfl for aala hy Ilia man- _

ufac lu rtr.^ A ll^ ln ^ood^eonimurn Cl

'n l th id ” 71 Irrlga la a *100 anr* 7 ]n i tn » o t l .(juara field. One IM7, o n . m o .

u ^ f S ' i i i “ V . K S : ' a t e ®• person. 733. s o x >070 Twin ra l la ts

I'lione 73JJ30# o r 733-3307

_7B7>. yyening*. ............... .............. _

I- ;

.L E Y T O L L p R E E N U M B E R So r d , - . W ende ll. G oo d in g .IS H a g e rm a n , J e r o m eD e c lo D ia l 538-2535

n a F i le r , H o llis te r , R o c e r s o n .52 Jackpot. N ev . Dial 325-5375

lUhad 71 Farm Implemantt ' 90loni apart- LOGGING Equipment, DM— Cni:

carpcied . hydraulic blade, winch and boom,ellllle*. tandem axle tra i le r w ith a irN O R « l ‘>> 1052 F-8

TJ3-3689 .•'■“ ' ‘Of. losslng bunk*, tan- .

Uhed'. ” "rct TWO-ROW corn hend. for Cn*e 600 : and book- Phone «25.

’ dccoraicd. " ' " ,Idlng, fine*! Hay, Grain an d Foed 94

' > 3 ' “ A T T E N t i O Nbedroomi!. S I L A G E F E E D E R S

ace. all utll- GVeen G ia n t S i la g e S ta c km... 733-4048. ^ j j j .B e O pen O c io b e r 28 lh

$45. uiiii- -M onaay th r u F r id a y». 733-0785; 8 a .m . — 4 :3 0 p .m .___________ P r ic e S4.50 P e r T o n

* P lu s 50o fo r L o ad in g ,I *her. T h o se In te re s te d in F c e d ln ao n e person A ll W in te r C o n ta c t :one 733.4028. - " G R E E N G I A N Td 7 4 F i e l d D e p a r t m e n t .

. . . _ ------- F o r Your Feeding R equirem ent!iio i* T u f s »«% CALF Pelleta. »5*.ion'"BuiE*

■5-A M .A .lin »58-ton sacked. Globe Seed anJ Feed, Twin Fall*.

^ m LloJd DAIRY Pellets *5»ton bu lk ; $Sg- Maln N orth, a nd^< ;ed .

ZZ:;;:— r r r - H o r s e pasture, m Twin Fails , Plen-S i g . h T " '" '* * ™ ' '

■level home. MORE Craefor horso pow er p e r dot- ge. f irep lace I t r with Case. Reed T ra c to r Com­te possession Dany.$125 m onth. WANTED: Grain. Also, w lirdellver'.19. Kimberly. Merlin Aikew. 53S-2SI1. W endell,duplex, built- 'n^ '."no 'pe t” . A n im a l B r o e d in g 100\g ency , 423- ^RxiFIC fA L Breeding to AUS g rea l

proven sire*, nation^* h ig h e it typer « ? ; :

n.o„ , . H . . . , , . . .

'm. Nice kit- ieltch., 543-4658. Buhl; F ile r E ater-• 320-4830. p rise gj7 Twin collec toom home in ------- -------------------------- .. .1 . .o v . . 733- A u c i o n , .101

)me wiu» go- MERIDIAN Sales Y aro. A uction ev.«n. oil hcat. e ry Tuesday 12:00 noon. BoU a Val- ____________ ley’i la rg e it calf m arket. 888-1872.

ier"heat^JM ! Coltfe 102h ta t. Y O U N G C A T T L E A N D

7th Avenue G RA SS C A L V E S F O R S A L EShaw Realty Holstein, white-fnce nnd black------- :__________ whitc-face s te ers and hcifcr*.24H W alnut. 154 to 40Q'pounds. All shipping oe Shop o r fever 'Vytcclnated. Top quality .

Home, w ater- ‘R 0.SO B F a r m s733-7386 or M eridian. Idaho

- . — - In MbrIc Vallcv call: ike'K-furnace. 3J<-4205 or F c r |t Comp. •■'2<-2239. ^

' M n sic ^ a llcy . V r U e " S r 'c a i r 'f o rto m V '.I .h 5 - ■

FO R SALEI----------- ^

,n a : '? 3 3 " S S :— ----- breed. Out of reg is tered cows.

R o o m 76 selling without papcc*.. r . em rance E D W . C. E A K IN ; & S O N S y week or Jerom e. P h one' 324-5468

" j " ; '" ' ' t W E S L A U G H T E R e r Hotel. 305 . O n F a r m S l a u g h te r in g ^ ___________ N o rth M a in L o c k e r s

- . For. .(a*t *ervlca call 733-4983m l o l . 8 0 n ii';^i,iV v° . . . i . rcation ren t o r «nd bull calve*. Any am oun t. Will . rtm ent avail- buy ip rlnuer and open h e lfe n , lent oDiional Oood quality breed ing b u ilt fo rlent opiionai. ,^i«ct! W e*iem U vM o»lcg« and ™ ** Street, R uport. Id aho . 436.le* furnished «” ». o r B»errU Etalllng*. B31.924S. t. 733“2315, 52!!fi?‘; 0 --------------------- 1|5 t l E r o ’sprlnger"H eifera . 100 a ro

8 4 IfoJifeIn*, we/ghlne from 2,OOO fo — 1, 350 pound*. IS head of Je r*ey 10 crop, . lOM ond Guernsey Springer heller*.*pud around, sa le or trade . AUo. can finance,

r system , 4- Hugene Hughe*. 324-3418. Je rom o KtiOISTERED Angu* tiu l li. i y e a n E den. Idaho B ardalle r a n d C aron

ofoT y . Home M e ^ o f l ' ^ r f e V U J n r ? * * ^ rn. P/iona S2<. <23-S05 S, a mllea louch a n d 1 mlla

ea*t or Klmberlv. Idaho.., i-n iiS il or ^nrlngei ^ ow* o r he ife r .:

n t f lo Ouaranteed. Duy o r i r a d e forHI , _ OV sn r ln g ir i o r beef. H ap o r a v d o_ . , ----- H uthei. nuhi. 643-5823 o r aO-560l).S T R I A L il'OR SALE; Gn~^ b'oBy and pa itu ro

p - “ *

ln io iS T !!m ” u ° ' ' ' i , J c ; '° ™ U A n .u .John Doer*- -

i 'T .CJ l‘o n ii 'tl.l il '.Spiln.^,;r .n J• cow., H i mile* w o« hf nuhi, on u ru y . Idaho Highway 30. Phona 043-4700.

^H ^centatlva

90 V'oiiKyliiitH 34n pound boar tor--------------------- *nln. Oenlle. *50. I'hono B34-5250.

GnoilinK. .• ' 1I T - x ■IW m .ntV lCI-lA lil.lJ A tllJ , l)nl»LI I 3274*01'"''

WHANl'li pig* " fo f .a lo . 423.5833,Kimherly, .

^ Horioi r I M

e n t f s g g s f i j g• E r hrliFlr ™*241ll! *

fielrtlnii. Hnr.r*"'^ bnught-Vo*1dHix.7.1ft chnnaml. Ren Hnley 733-0055.

TORS = = = = = =;j7, Shoop 106

ii7u'jh> for sa le. Open anil bre.i

• r o M 7 ° ! '■inrllni Inmlilng D ecem ber 2o', IVi'ina M4-.'U.‘I0, </w7<»tig,

M P«U and Pot Suppllaa 110TW6~AKC <oinairioy i-oo.Ile*. Tlire»

inonili* nid. Whllo- o r llah t a p ru col, Cnll a fla r 3 p.m . 324-n02H,

r - r - i -K - r^ AH ft"lJouW l i» fC T ^ 'iilMi.>unil pup^

[-BNT-T M n « • '

CTL'- Itagi*iere.l W eim araner nupi• D ealer" for **la. 4 month* old. ISO. O ary a . . . 733-7272 Winn, nuhi. 043 0034.V . V ' A k c RlUHKTHltltb 1'oy silver'l^ooL irt* ■ 733-2Bil Male, N ina Weeha old. 733.

Bd >^AI.U I l 6 s t d ^ dcrew lnll puppla*:ropellod iVe 'iM “■jssSma ^ S y n to m MALR AH<' f t 1 '<

l l s . W s u ; . ’’-'% ‘X .U IU m e U 7r t |iUl>i»ni«l Wl aa.l y-olnler ..III I a ra 1200' Cooktr Hnantal, 13, Plinna 733-0223

i c ’lio .M

K P s a j f S ------------- T S i r m --------------" C l a s B l f i e d ”

____ ____ . r ! . i o w ,7 5 5 J 8 3 I _____________

Page 17: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON

~ ~ V — R E S in .T S7 D a y s a n d £

pickup. JD57 F o rd . F o u r-s

P e ls an d P « t S u p p l i e s I I O M i s c■ H A N -SU K E N N E L S OL


DODliRMAN IMnscllvr. Karo Kcil, VE very la rs c . Nino m onthi old. t Beuily tn iraln fo r wntch doa or ^ su a rd <loa. M ake offer. .• PHono

pups. « rnnlet. e rcm ales, 7 weeks. * *Drcedlng, E l h c \ ^ n d Lono Survlv- "or. Cnll C7B.fl37?7ratirk-y._________ , ^

WANTliD; Hunting dog. Will furnl»h ® i oood liiimc. P re fe r Short-hnlr orU rltlany, any k i n d ncccplcd. n cPhone 7M-M01 o ftor C:00 D m. i

CiUltMAN »horthnlr». Choice from40 pupple». AKC res ls ie re d . Every 7'gup ^uara^ iecd hunter. L arry i ' - t

AKC COLLIE Pupp lei. Adorable. ' f cn tle companion. Sables from champion lin ts . (P a rad er) 784.2335 , , Falrlleld.

POODLU puppies. Chooie your Christmas puppy now. Groom lns, Hc *tud service, Cherl M iller Kennels. , V, mile W. Redcap Corner, Klm> berly . 423-SlM. 423-S13C. U ’

WANTED: R esU tered Male Chlhua* 1 hua, to be uied for stud purposci. ' • Not over* 4 pounds. M rs. JimP ru n lr . 324.22ai. _________ 30'

AKC re s l tte re d toy silver poodle *- puppies. Also . w hite and silver

AKC stud serv ice . 733-8016.SiX-week-old.femaie AKC Collia pup.

pies. Sobte and Ul-color. »2S. Call 7M- 9 (3-4593. ------

Livestock W anted . t l 4IDAHO H I D E 'a TALLOWDEAD ANIMAL PICK U P ___

Phone co llec t 733-C835 njJ . L. BUY p roducts , free pickup Nt

aervice for use less cattle a n d *0‘horses. Will p a y lc a pound. Call M;collect 733-71M.. p»

Appliances & HH Eqoip. 120

SEW ING MACHINES Jhportab les from ....................S 4.85 vaC ablneu from w

S I N G E R ~S E W IN G CO . cr

150 M ain North tliOpen F riday* 'HI 0 p.m. N'

T h re e R o o m G roup isgs including

A p p lia n c e s- O n l y $ 3 9 9 p iCA IN ’S 'E c o n o m y S to re “

7.13-7111 f lKENM ORti l i l e c tn c cJotfie* dryer rn

only 149.50. 00-day w arran ty . In- •ured paym ent plan . M i Y Elec- tr ie Co.. 441 M ain Avenue E ., Twin F alls . Open F r id a y till 9:00 p.m.

FR ID G E F r ^ c r comblnatfon. 13.3 -gs- cubic /oot. F re ez e r hold* ISO pounds. 4C2 3rd Avenue E as t, Twin

USED household appliances. Service tttz on olt m ake* .'C am era Center Hallof 733-4MI. _____________

VERY NICE used G .jE . autom atic p w asher nnd d r y e r .c P a l r S109.05. rrTT Convenient te rm s . Wllson-Palca.

COLDSPOT 14' uprigh t f rce ier for cl sale, S7S. 733-4702. A

WEFurniture & HH Goods 122 v.

S P O T C A SH _ J F o r F u rn itu re • Appliances Usi

Things of V alue tlB A N N E R F U R N I T U R E >'

127 2nd A venue W est 733.1421 _!1 bADY.GRAND plano. lofnT m atch.. Ing eliflJrf. bedrtjom set, jnlict-J- S

laneous, 1420 l l i l i A venue E ast, |

iiLN A supernm tic portable sewing “ machine and tab le . Like new. Alao A<oak bed and ' d resse r, antique :__white. 733-2008, ____________ —

HOUSEFUL or fu rn itu re and appll.ances. only ^ 8 0 - E as iest te rm s a t

Cain 's Econom y C ornsr Store.W E BUYi U sed furn itu re , appllan-

c e i. bBbV’ th ln » , antiques, coal ■tovBS. H ayes F u rn itu re ,

b .U . swivel lop c an ister vacuum ' c leaner w llh a ttachm en ti.. 125.733-n.W. ______ • ________

BUY and sell u ie d fu rn l tu r^ Rebuild and reupholster. Phone 733-4U7. Ron’t Cusiom U pholstery.

Musical Instrum ents 124SI'OHY and CLARK Spiiictta console

piano. B leached m ahogany. Very

Kod condition. S4W. Also, violin,I. Phone 733-fiOno.

NliW Y am aha p ianos; Usod pianos:Vox ( u l ta r i « n d ampl(f(er«, KLli • te re o rec o rd p layers. W arner Music, 131 Shoshone North.

Radio a n d TV Sets 125U r 6 u s t le lec tlon o f c o l ^ tV ’s In

Irinho. Zenllh and Curlls Mathes. Kelact

*?l!44,^Try before you huy.^M rl (Juale'i Servica Co.. I2S 3nil Ave.Nn.

G arage Sale 130I | ; a V 1I ('J ’loW M I tia rT ie an)c.

many m iscellaneous Itcins, snma npiiilances. Shnup AvenuaI'-ASl.

Good Things to Eat 133WHOLUSALiT beef tiy half n r nuals

Itl'.l) .SI'UD.S, s(|uiish, c u b b a ^ pep. pers. Irvln Ilodoniiiil), 2miles norlh on Wnshlnuion, ona

I'OTATOliK, ca rro ls . p u m p k 1 n i. squaih . c a r ro t juice. Inman's,^ <i;8 .iBcklinn. no Hunday ta l f l s i '? l lW v

A nilquet 139AHri^ jU t* s ::b ls h cs , u KTm . chair .,

clucks, f ra m rs , w lrkvr furnllure, Inva seats , lam ps, trunks, elc, 4ia> BU.10 I'liul,

Z)l)l) CHAJlkfl. n^perlenVerf Purnl. tu ra • D iin ifled Junk . Pete Johns, ton, 90i Soulh W ashington, (air-

I »^UN^ISuVN(r'''” ” ’rln b li \ r a d a . O a k ’ Ubl*i*.cfiair«.^’ M»iJ

B arn, IU m ile* norlh on Washing­ton. 2*7 p.m , .

a i l 'T S aa lo ra , bnili old and naw. M athafane'a A niloues, corner et Adams and C. 3»4-a73fl, Je rom e..

— - tip h n litr ry M tatnponar. Reni It frnm Manner I 'u rn llu re,

VUMPSi Irr lgn llon and <inmoitlo,

IJHltD r c m ia ra tn ra , r T a e i a r §, ranges, w aa h ln i m achinei. oil •love i. Alt lu a re n te ed . Camera CeM er Hall Music. 73.'l-4»il.

week, D anner I 'u rn llu re , lihune7.13-1431._____________ • ■

O ^ tD U si“ mllfe“ u n k » , used nlpei llnas. New Uoumailc plntlints. l.B«wnll>a, Jo rom e , S34-4)tll.'

n rn tp - rU x 0‘V l> ' ‘U n iolm n' nigs.

fl05 . A aaorted n a ita rn i. Banner 'u rn llu re . 73 .v i4 ii ,. - I 'A I.I. Glenii y o u r carpet w ith JIOHT. Use room* Instan tly , i te n t maohlna

Sl. W ilio n .n a le i.

^bQU'a'*Au\o^^l[pply? iai *'5rrt * M e-nuo W esi. Sea u* loday.

'(^AMMrn Jlla : IMV Clievrolai a inn. C tieapI E, J , f l r a a i . Four inlios U asi o f Je rom e. 33i-284<.

n ^ ^ 'l ^ r a d ln i j r * ” ” ' '^ S ^ i i“ " ^ o it .^

R i s u u f s — ‘ ■""

) a y s a n d Sold

3rd . F o u r - s p c c d , n e e d s m o to r , $75.

l i b M is c a t la n e o u s F o i S a l e 1 4 Q |M ls c> OLD Solid O ak rocking clialrn o .......: ................................ i«AN=---------- BEIGE bed daveno .......... *20.00 Dofle Red, VERY GOOD Charcoal brown .txs old. Early A tnerlcan sofa. Solid _ Idoa or Maple trim ...................... J39.05 F u e l

MATCHING Swivel rocker *49.93 F H u iT n t e r P'"*’ weeks * PIECE curved section, brown •' " ■Survlv. nylo" ................................ .... j p o ,-----— 6 VERY NICE M ahogany dining --------- ^

-hair" o r ____ ” ®'““cccplcd. ODD dinelle chairs.' Values toLD-m. .......... E ach »8.50 1i.“ Eve°ry 7' POOL TABLE w ith cuea andL arry s ' -bail* ................. .............. *09.95 0 -5^;

« • 'k";cn".'S S784-2335 J , CUBIC foot W hirlpool f re e te r WIN(

----------- ^ . jjp r ig h i. nearly new . . $138.00 3 ^rooming, HOTPOINT R efrige rato r. Reeon- sAWKennels. diiloned and guaran teed *58.00 _ <^r, Kim. _ _________ U ’ TWO - DOOR refrlgeraio r-Chlhua- f r e e i e r . au tom atic de fro it

lurpoic i. ............................................... *128.00 Eg,'30" MW R ange. C lean and guar-

- p 5 S 3 R ............................................. « * •” Sno^

■ CMN'S---------w s. Coll 733-7111_____________ ' Tw in Falls— TOP CASH FO R SCRAP

1 1 4 A lum inum . ''5S J— ^ H. K O PPEL CO.u p 132 2nd Avgnue South_______g - NEW SHIPM ENT from famou* 7261 pickup Northwest m anu factu re r of fabu. le a n d iou* knit and s tre tch kn it fab ric s H9B. ind. Call Make sw eaters, sk irts , s tre tch PO'

p tn is . , . even girdles, « lc , See ■ ■' and buy now a t Sk lnnef* Sewing

I. 1 2 0 Shoppe. Save-On Shopping Cenler. S S— SHAMPOO your own c a rp e t, p rofes. A in _ sional resu lts. R e n t a C larke t ;—

i.» o « shampooer wllh coropanloit wet 1 *1099 v ^ u u m . B anner F u rn itu re , 733-

NEWI C r i . i ! B n » u i 'u li T U b e it In creative needle c ra f t supplies In — time for HoUdoy*; A t The Eagle'* 3oc

.m. Nest. 117 E as t 7th, 324-2800. J e - ° ” ------------- rome. Idaho,u p Tm >4- ROAD R unner, cam p ondl

travel tra ile r , *750. 1988 )0 horse pawer, Bolens s a rd e n trac to r, I t t» 0 . C ostr si.OOO new . L uU Rent- >1 al Co., Ketchum. 720-5421. ^

FABRIC Flow ers m ode in any color. ^ S to re Unique baby a rrangem ent* and A

Chrisima* selection*. Make excel- vi— lent gifts. D lip layed a t Holiday M dryer rnn. Call 733-2.'Sh.

KEKP you t c . m . i . b . . . i l t u l a c .p i i . ’ • F ^ i n consiant footstep* of a bu*y fam . SSS

rt ‘'y- C et Blue L ustre . R en t e leetric, shampooer t>. K rengel'*._________ m O

Si' t* r i,?2 t*"’® ?">“ “•* L ustre . R ent IDast, iw in HeMrfc *ham pooer *1. G reena- le

Dter Hall '’ *in|ne*fof*elean’{ n g " c ^ « s W ithout----------- — w aier. Use room* instan tly . Tnte

K im berly Road. j«i . n i i r t M UFFLERS Installed w hile you ___—_________ wait. Com plete m uffler serv ice In- ~ - cGzer for eluding cu ito ra duals. . Abbott'*_T ru ________ Auio Supply. 121 3rd W est. ___

------ WE REN T -cam ping tra i le rs , law n R f ,I . 1 2 2 vacuums • sweeper*, cem ent mix-_________ers. TOWLES, U nion 76, 324-5451, *<

Jcrom e. J l i lnee* Us e d s t o c k saddle in good condi- V

tion, 40-gallon gos w ater heate r. S: ITOE Ironrite in w orking condition, 8 —

north. 5M east. C oodlng. 886-7742. FO SELL OR TRADE 1007 V om aha,' 305 *1

■ SiVci-i Scram bler. A bsolutely like new. _ £ liie E ast, Shoshone ^

^ sewing ............. , ., I , Also A b to s f o r S a le ______________2 0 0 A u

ind appll.te rm s o t ^

rapp ilon -UBS, coal t ' H .

^ , - ' A BeTRBbulia I-


a ENDso, violin.

9d pianos: ler*. K tl). W arner rih.

T T 5 5 T W a In a M alhei.Buy nowl /

'huy .* MM I 3nil Ave.

" 130

T 3 1P Avenue I

" 1 ^IT o r nuais .none North

S w 'f>uion, ona

m p k I n I. ^

- ■■ ^

______1 3 9chairs, J

fu rn llu rc

ETa - T urnT.’e te Johns, gton, (air-

S S ____ b r a ijS " " ” ' 1 9 6 8 B u i c k= I -77 <-door Bcdnn . ’ AU p o w o r 1

iPHffl - -jWAg$4817,69JReni It • *-■ I ' ■ ■ ■

1 9 6 8 O l d s m o b iiWio, phone S u p re m e 4 - tlo o r Im n llo p .' _________ m a tia t r a n a m if ln lo n , p o w e r

WAS $3734.62.]ire, phuna T h o r n to n ............used nip*; n e o r g e D o y ............................... ,1 ,iJ i li '’* *■ S la n d Jo y ........................... ..Hum n ig i. ^li , Banner

ivllh JiOHT. / \ :in i maohlna J

I a rd Av*' • If,^ Che'vrolal raj^.^^Four

L O O K75.

_ _ _ M o n d e

1 4 Q lM ls c « lla n e o t is W a n t e d 1 4 1 T ruchchair ■ WANTED: F um itu re. « p l la n c e * ,

J 17 00 anvililni ot voiue. Cail '0 3 .77.^ , o u t WANTED; UiHerentloi pan*"foriB 57

*20.00 Dodge 2-lon truck . Phone 733-7757. _____Drown . — I —*99.» F u e l a n d W o o d 1 4 3 c i i /*<g 93 FIHliPLACE Wood. Dry, app le and '

pine. 733-0147. F re e Delivery.brown ■ ' ------------------ - A u to1129 00 S p o r t i n g G o o d s 1 5 9

‘jJs!!?* D E E R A N D E L K H ID E S " TW anted ^

ies to Top Cash Price*! - 1: ts .50 U ah6 Hide and Tallou’ Co. ' J

E as t, y, Soulh'OT * •:» and , ________Motor View C om er________*09.95 U S E D SHOTGUNS. W incheiler.

n r in s i Remington, and Browning. *21.50 »i?nA ■"<1 “ P- Pennyw lie D rug. Lyn-

wood,re e te r w Tnc h e s t e r Model'TT^ '12— 7; ; ^ W *138,00 3" n^agnum. very good. Phone

Reeon. s a v a o e noMC 3cm>6, n rod 27 timi'-. ^ ' *58,00 —one year old, 733-9117 a fte r 5

WANTED: 20 gauge L. C. Sm ith for *128 00 p « ts^ ^ Poor condition O.K. Call

S n o w M a c h in e i 1 6 0

N E W & U S E D ■" —. S K I .D O O ’ST T -------- P r ic e d - f ro m S525 :

30 Machines To Choose F rom - Ouarnntved

2____ __ C Y C L E S A L E Sfamou* 72S.SSII ‘ Ketchum. Idaho

’fabrics* ♦498,00 BUYS a Sno Pony. Only 140 . •• tre tch pounds, with a big 10 horsepow er

« lc , See m otor. At Blaslus on K im berlyI Sewing t^oad, I Center. ■ , ■ , ■ ' ■ . — 1— 1t, profe*. A irc ra f t f o r S e le 1 6 5 >g(ilo n '‘'w el V. A. APPROVED n i«h t treiniiiK.

a r ' f / r v S ' S ' S K i l n f l ' . ?

B o o n F °r S o l ._______________^ ,5 .


trac to r, I t ’s tim e to s t a r t th in lc in gUtt Rent- a b o u t W in ter s to r a g e f o r'• ' - - I— y o u r o u tb o a rd m o to r . B U D «tn u and A N D M A R K , 347 M a in E a s tke excel- w ill c licc k . c le a n , w in te r iz e

H oliday Q jjj s a fe ly s lo r e y o u r m o to r .733-1194. ___________________

i’Vhi^rTc ^ '6

I r^ ^ R w t D R A S T I C R E D U C T I O N SG reena- 19C8 end of y e a r *alo on. oil

___________H onda's, Kowosakl'*, and T ri- '6OST mT- umph-s. ■s w ilhout H eadquarter*,uy. Tote B L A S I U S M O T O R S. 1806 Kimberly Road 733-0222nUe you — ________________ervice In- ' ' ■ ' . .

Abbott'* T ru ck s 1 9 6 JSt. ____________________________________TlREAL SHARP 1059 Dodge H -lon. *J

.en t mix- posl-tracilon. 423-3787,324-5451, Xln^barty. __________________

_________ J E E P WAGON. 1933 4.w hcel drive.)od condl. va. good condition. N ew paint, r heate r. 655.4342.Idition. S —--------- --------- ------- —886-7742. FORD 1937- K-ton pickup, overload S

mohB nn^ aprlnsi. steel stock racK. E xcellen t ti like new. _cond»1on. *573. 934-5100. Goodlna. Shoshone STu.^” SELL Rood hunting Jeep .

' Phono 733.4CC2. Mako o ffer. Or

a O O A u to s f o r S a l e 2 0 0 ^


S A ]40 USED


★ F O R T H I★ B U ’!★ O F T H E

A L S '

RAND NEW ;I B u i c k W i l d c a t r

AU p o w o r a n d a i r c o n d ltlo n ln t ; .

;17.69 E.O.M. 83792 E ■ ' ' D

) l d s m o b i l o C u t l a s s , rr Im n llo p . R nillo , h e a le r , au lo * ^ m lon, p o w e r f lte e r ln g .. ^

'34.62 E.O.M: $2984 I ..................— ---------------------------------- -— E '

A . . v i i . . . ........................ .. 733-B8Ra T \.................. , 1 . . . ...................733-4013 ^.................... .......................... ......... 733-8278

A b l ) i e t. I d a h o ’ s 1

O l d s m o b i l e — I733-B72

)O K lN G FO R’ -O -

M o n d a y , O ctober 2 8 , 1968 Twin Falls

1 4 1 T ru c k s 1 9 6 T ru c k spllance*, LEE PONTIAC1-77.M. OMC TRUCKS — IN JERO M E, for IB57 ROSS L E E FORD.- INC.733-7757. . . . JEROM E _______________________________ST

~ IHC TR U C K S-G as & Diesel je °R 1 4 3 CHARLIE'S TRUCK- &-EQ UIP.

________ Jerom e — Phone 324-4362 -

-------A u lo i fo r S a l . 2 0 0 *"'<>»

5e^ - C,c, Y oureeMOTOR CO. 1

Jg. Lyn-

12 gnuge Where You Always LL!!!!' FindAGoodSelec-

tion Of Fine 'cs 5milB~i~r USCd Cai'S 5S"').K . Call pow<________ '68 IMPALA SPORT COUPE p“">'

Hardtop, V8, Power Glide,1 6 0 power steering, new war-

________ ran ty .- - - ' S2795 ■ 66

. ----- Foui'66 PLYMOUTH FURY III

• H a r d t o p Sport Coupc.F ro m V8. automatic transm ission.

powor steering, vinyl top, . rea l nice,

S S IS S 5 -65

!65 TEM PEST CUSTOM S?,”’Only 140 r Hardtop Sport Coype. V8.

>r?epower stick shid, two-tone red andK im berly y/hlie flnlih,

51695 *64

'6S FORD GALAXIE "500” 1 *°troining. Sport Coupe. V 8 .-nu tom o lic , e r *

« e place- transinlislon. power *w er- wlplying Ser> Ing, factory .o lr condition*

■■■■-------- $1995'

'63 FORD GALAXIE "SOO” couHordiop Sporl Coupe. "SOO", sior

_ _ _ V8. four.jpeed transm ission.E R S power steering and broke*.hinking $895,

’62 OLDSMOBILE 88 fn ‘’oo'' *edan. Hydra* *66

transm ission, pow er , V8. in terlze steering, power b rakes, onem otor. owner, a mcr^ one.

'63 VOtKSWAGEN PIC K U P , S 1 8 0 Foar..p«a Ir .n .m L .l.n . , | i l

• dlo, rccenlly overhauled,n O N S $795

on. oil •m d T r i. '60 C H E V R O L E T V 4-T0N ’6C

. Pickup. Six cylinder m otor.IfiSiS speed tratum U slon, •j R S Long wide box, 0 ply tires.733-o;22 . . $795

^ '60 VOLKSWAGENT hree seat Station W agon. Fou r

Igc H -lon. speed transmission. Ju s t V 42^3787. $ 595

htci drwt. G E T T H E N E W C , « w , 1969 B U G ,

’. j v c r ip ^ S68 Down — J68 P e r M onthi- C harlie H atchI. G oodlna, Ja ck Co*Ung Jeep . 664 Main Avenue Soulh Ecs tfc r. Open Evenings — Closed Sundoy* Ul

2 0 0 A u t o s f o r Sale 2 0 0 ^ u tl

3 D A Y S L E F T

URIGUEN’ THE MONA B E;e d c a r s

U C E ]T H E B E S T ★ BUYS ★ F H E Y E A R ★

ALSOi:W 1968 M O D E

T> 1968 OldsmobillO. ■ 2-tloor Im nllop. AU power

^ E . WAS i|;4288.63 I ^ D

U 1968 Buick :i i lo o r neilnn. A H .pow en

4 , C WAS $4027.89 I' ' ^ Joo A fltorqula ..................................

J-B8Ra r j Art Floniiico ....................................J-4013 ^ Abblo Uriguen ................................1-8278 Dob U lim m ....................................

j U r i g u e idaho’s Largest bile — Buick Dealer


_ J ' ■

F O R SER V IC96 8 Twin F alls T lm es-N ew s 1 7

196 Ti‘ucks_________________ 196 Trucks- n o M R C H R Y S L E R"nc. Boats and Motors


D ie se l J E R O M E IM P L E M E N T & Am a r i n a

^ Autos for Sale 200



w a y s 'D T T V Qe l e c - V -d U i o

l e 'G8 C H E V E L L E '• .Mnllbu Super Sport ••39G" coupe. sprcn

S 3!>(i V8, I-our »pecd tranimlsslon. CHEVIpower steering, radio, two-tone soeec

C O U P E P“">‘- ■?2595 ^

'66 CH EV Chevolle ??“Four door Stotlon Wagon, 8 cyl- jondl

?Y I I I inder. Auiomatlc transmission, 7330.coupe. C l ^

im lsslon. J>narp. m - o n pinyl top, ' . $ 1 8 9 5 Shar

'6 5 R A M B L E R S e d a n'O M Four door. Radio, healer, over- po i«

$1095 '^ FOR

•64 F O R D T h u nderb ird JJ"!- iir/int» .T w o . door hard top . Radio, heat- ciTnY

"500’’ e r , autom atic transmission, powlutom alic , e r steering, pow er brakes, power wir st«er- wljidows, a ir conditioning. .m d, „ n d l.lo n . - ^ j g g g

^ beau■63 C H EV Im p a la ffS

; "SCO” Coupe w ith fou r speed transmls* CASH>e. '•390", sion. hospism lssion, auk1 broke*. tl> O yO

T P IC K U P S 7»°':S PLYS. H ydra . *66 C H E V R O L E T a /^ -T o nn. pow er ^ 8, four speed transmUsloft. —

$1795'63 C H EV R O LET V^-Tm

H lL K U t* . Big '•*■■, th ree speed transmls*ission. rn . *lon»hauled. ^ 1 1 % .

-T O N ’60 C H E V R O L E T J / j - T o ne r m otor. . 1 Q Q Q Cn im usion . • ' «pO» 0 ply tires.

™ RICEIEW CHEVROLET, Inc. '6i' M agic Valley'* Trading Dealeri r M onth 200 so. Lincoln -I'rome, Ida. rile H atch , 324-4812

Salesmen: 'g lSoulh Ed Churchm an, Clarence FalJon,

ed Sundoy* U ick'Low e, F ran k Sheppeard.

2 0 0 ^utbs for Sale 200

s --------------------------------------------------


• ' ■ »6'

R .S

E D I "

------ ----------------------------------------------------- 1 »6

★ •“L ★ I 'c


l O D E L SOldsmobile DelMont ”op. All pow er com pletely equlpned,'

1288.63 E.O.M.$3i66

38 Buick LeSabre ' *'nn. A li. pow ered, fully eriulpped.

1027.89 E.O.M. $2997, 11..................................i . . . - ........................ 733-J77B 1,...................................................................... 733-0508.......................................................................733-inOl................................................................ 733^1^■ l) ,

u e n ,

, Twin I 'a l l i . r' : ___________________ K


m c E ? „ITlTtt

1 7 ____

1 9 6 Trucks_____________________ ^ A uto i

L E A S E ,& A W-ton long wheel base W A“ Xour *peed pickup to r con'

$ 6 9 .7 5 S--------------- p . r mon.l. J

L Y T H E I S E N . f s : L E A S I N G

t 701 Moln Avenue E ast^ MAGIC V A LLEy" i NTBRNAT10NAL 1®-“IH TRUCKS•Q 394 4th A venue West 733-4268 H

i-Xv FOR SA LE: 1007 Scout 800 Custom _____SK'.', l[ji

Priced to sell. Cnmeron Sales, Inc. - ‘JL' Runert. Idnho, 436-3191.

48 KU-7 INTERNATIONAL truck «()( Wllh fourteen foot W eitern spread- g t^ e r bo*. nnU 7\4 ton Farm hand eve

V coune. sp rendcr box. Phono 324-4459. nanilmlsslon. CHEVROLET 1967 H-W" P'Ct<“ P. *' BAR( two-tone speed transm ission, no-»pln rea r •

axle, rad io , excellent condition. mo; Good financing. Phone 733-3307.

POTATO T ruck ond bed: 1660 Dodge IW 2-ton. 5-speed ironsm1s*lon-2-»pe«d Ch«

le re a r ax le . Good rubber, all good 374.Jn 8 cyl- condition. Also 16’ beet bed. 733* c H E ’ ismlssion. 7336. . bar• hcsw r. CHEVROLET. 1930 W-ton. rebuilt

•235' engine- Safely lnsp«;et<d.Sharpi 4a-5722. Hansen. ^

~ 'J = D A ^Auto* fo r Sole________ 200 cor

rtr ”v e r. CADILLAC 1963 2 .d w r MUPe- - 470 ier, over- pow er, c lenn . *350 ond as»ume ,paymenl*. Balance I1 0 » . 487-2611, MUS

^ ^ Ne FOR SA LE: 1M9 Pontiac 2-door

e rb ird s s a n n - 'is : : ; . '' ^

cs, power e rb r o k e s ^ i - f o o r sedan. IH w ^ >ng. trade . Phone 733-0748 o r 733-W6. U>

°benutifu?'2^W r.e®hardtop. Excellent CHE ^ condition. Call ofter fl p.m. 733- W

transml*. c A S u ’ for car*. F i"» ^hospital on >llwfty.30- DUcount unAnm W reeklna. 733.!H9I. °A

VOLKSWAGEN 19M. now tire* iSTH CHII m otor. MOO, Good condition. Phone au

: 3/j.Ton **“ • ° ■" AUTOS fOR SAIE _________

C i/2-Ttm T H Etransm ls. ‘

. , L I T T L E

r . / , - T o n p r o f :

E t h i s is'67 ■'

l„ . “ S c S ’” n5'" ,irome, Ida. jow m ileage. 'l

“ „ „ '65 C H E V R O L E T $1495(nc# FalJon, Im pala <.door *odan. V8,.eppeard. nu tom atlc t r o n * miss on.

pow er *ieering, rea l nice, , 2 0 0 reb u il t engine.

= ; '65 F O R D .............S1395H alrltfhe BOO slatlon w agon. I VR englno. auiomaUo U ant- tnl**lon, excellent.

■66 PL Y M O U T H '$1795 •,F u ry 4-door ladan . VB en- a lne , autom atio transm ls- alon, pow er steering, fac­to ry afr, sharp . *|

•66 M E R C U R Y . . $1495- \ Com et *tatlon wagon. .Big 8

angtne. n a n d ard lran*mU* iio n , e x u a gobd. . 'j

. . I '65 T -B IR D ............. $2195■' ' ' • L andau coupe. F u ll power

and factory a ir condlllon- f,jg“ M ichelln X yre*. R eal

' ■' '64 G A L A X IE . . . $ 0 9 5#00 4-door ledan . VB en­gine , autom atic transmi*- , *ion. pow er iteerlng and i b rakes.

*66 RAMBLER .. $1795Amba*sa<]or D PL hardtop 3-door, bucket sa ils , con- I *ole, pow er tieerlng and brake*, like new,

------ i *C7 DODGE ...... $2395 »iP o la ra 4-door, radio, heal< e r, pow er steering, nevr tire* , alV condllloning, very clean.

’ PiCKU------ » '63 CHEVROLET $1225 '

M .tnn, long wide, hig 0 en- vino, 4-spueil truntinlision, tiouvy i l u t y lire* and i wheel*, ex tra good.

■65 F O R D I,............. . $1605 ,

w hite wall lire*, real nice.

1 '00 C H E V .............$ 475Long wide pickup. G-cylln<der engine, 4'spe*d trans- ,mission,

•00 INTERN'L, $ 3B0 , T ravoia ll 0 • cvllndor, 3-

• speed transmission.

TRUCKS — '! I IOM IntornatlonBl :I M on , VB engine, D-*pead

. ' and 2-*peed, l|29x20 lira*,

fift 1066 Dodge...... ....... ... •

-------J , 1065IGMC2-lon, V0 engine, complete overliaul, 8-snead and 2-

ed. ' spM d, Ii26x3& lire*.

)97 i064.Podgo— J .

10«5 F o rd733 0508 3.Ion V8 onaln., 4.ipegi]733-inOl . ana 2.*p*«d, l i 2Bx20 lira*. 733-OMI)' ‘ '52 INTERNA'L, . $ 200

Long 3-ton, 4-*n*ed, tran*. ntlM lon, 3-*pa«d axis,

Bob Reese’s ]O p e n E v e n i n g ' S t

In i'alla . No Down Pnyment Roqulrec Kenny Moon , Winn I\ BOO Block 2nd Al

— ------------------------ = ^ E S U L T S

S D c y s a n d R e • ■ W IL L r e n t f o r $97-50 p e r m o n th >

m o n th . 3 b e d ro o m h o m e , f u lly c a r | m e n t . 216 M o re lan d . C a ll 733-xxxx.

1 9 6 A u to s f o r S o le _____________ W O A u lo s

I n d e p e n d e n t M o t o r s, ..S H A R P C A R S _

300 W est M ala Jerom e. Id aho » J5ase W A N T T O S A V E M O N E Y ? Vor Come To Leo Rice i;hevylnnd, T

Ooodlng. Chevrolcls. Oldsmo- biles. Buicks, pontlacs. OK U*ed Car* and Truck*. , ,, ,

Open Sundays and Evenings r T A CHliVROLliT, Im pala. 11)67, Super I (

r Sport. Ducket se a ti . 300 engine. .pow er steering, tach. One owner.

I Ali vinyl finlsn Interior. tIBCS. nor t r a d i . Phono 733-0746 or 733-»84B. _ -,-ast FOR SALE 17-i-TnN*r ’ 0“ Ponilacs — Cheyrolets and v .ATIONAL p o rd s . Very low mllcnge and

*733-4266 ' ' l “e"rli Rent-A-Car. Licensee » custom 210 Shoshone Street W est ___

i!*."*; M ILLER AUTO-HDNDA SALESClcornncc *nle of I0C6,;1067. 1068 nci

sales. Inc. scrnm blcr nnd floi_________ 00 T ro ll's a t WOO. Sport OO's.AL truck J200. Helmets a t cost. All ipust rn spread- g th~ J* t como 1s t scrvc. Open Farm hand evenings and Sundays, D ank II-

na n c ln g 423-3173. H anien. jg ,pickup. 4- BARGER MATSON AulO Salvage _ spin rea r • „ow dism antling: IBSn .Pon'jnC '

1005 F ord . I8C4 Opel KfldeJt. JS05 fOf 733-3307, M ustong, 1964 Chrysler. 1064 F o ^ . s[c

960 Dodge 196S F o rt, 1964 Opel K odel, 1 ion-2-specd C hevrolet Pickup, 1967 Buick. 733- m l, all good 3743.___________________ ________ _ u o

bed. 733- CHEVROLET 1968 Hnpala *-<loor 59 ha rd top . Pow er stfiOflng

;=— -.liu ilt b rake*, a ir eondltlonlng. 4000 ^M oectid m iles. O r will u a d e for pickup. Inspected. 7 3 3 ^ 7 n rtcr 3 p .n.." bATSUN 19«6 convertible, excellent 19

2 0 0 condition. W ant . j u ' e ' ' ,»» '«• ,^2* Co 5 5 5 T W . - w . S t.

>■ “ S i ; S ,F .U , . . . . . . P h o n , _

U .? I ^ n i P f■ ^ S ln e ? ^ F u e l% * ls to n ” a n 'd ‘ head*.

a.»Dced. 733-2237. ]};

J---------------------------------------------------------------- — 2 0 0 “

1£-I • . S l

. I T T L E



S I S T R U E !. . $2 4 9 5 '6 5 C O M E T ...........$ 1 2 9 5 ' 1

= % . T - S

“ '6 5 C O M E T ............. $ 1 2 9 5 ”

r $ 1 4 9 5 Ef f i . i r s ' i a w . , " ’ '-

'6 5 S I M C A ............. $ 7 7 01

» ; I . i S '6 2 C H E V ................ $ 7 9 0 I,atio tran*- Im pala convertible, 327 V8, ft. ' 4.*paea. ' tl

t n o s »62 M E R C U R Y $ 5 0 5 - ®in. VB en- , M onterey 4.door, VB, itan -

transmi*- -dard tran*m liilon.irlng, fac . f ^ ^

'6 2 F O R D ................$ 4 1 0 I. . $1 4 9 5 fgon. .Big 8 ing and brakes., , , ^

'6 2 C H R Y S L E R . $ 7 8 0 fc $ 2 1 0 5 Newport '

'u ll pow er pow er steering aod brake*.* ; ,condition- - • • ‘

yra*. R eal ,q 2 C H R Y S L E R . $ 4 9 9 ^............ 300 4-doo r-hard iop . Auto^

'6 0 P L Y M O U T H . $ 2 7 04-donr, Vfl, automatio tran* .

. . $ 1 7 9 5 n . . » l . . , p o , . r .n d

'6 0 P L Y M O U T H . $ 2 0 6erlng and . 4.door, *'S", * tandard Iran*- j

. . $2 3 9 5 -67 D O D G E ............. $ 2 2 0 5 ’ ’iidlo, heal. C o r o n e t ‘'440’* -h ard to p *ring, nevr coupe. Vfl engine, autom at-ming, vory irantmissTon, p o w a r \

steering, *how room condl­tlan.


r $ 1 2 2 5 '5 5 D O D G E ...........$ 188, hig 0 en- H 'ton , e-cyllnder.innnlislon, " ‘ ,lire , ancl . g j ..................... $ 8 0 5 ^

Long wide H -'on, 4-speed 2 • transm ission and good. J

I*.' pickup '6 7 D O D G E ,xtra good H 'tO ". ><»<■ V I an- *

real nice. gine, aulom aiic transmls*slnn, cusiom cab , lutone, ]

. . $ 4 7 5 blue and white, tra ile r p B-cylin. mileage, ___

MO F O R D ................ $ 1 1 0

lii 'n to , V . '6 0 I N T E R N 'L . . . $ '3 9 0on. H -ton, 6, 4-speed, |l a t bad. ^

JCKS — TRUCKS . ‘I I l o s s D o d g e '

iv,.v,c sXiZ’ w r a■ 126x30 iiras.

i * . 4-»pee<t 1 0 6 3 C h e v r o l e t . —29X30 llimt. j e / *.cyifnrf«f

K i i i v . i i i a i ' i i i . r *I, completelad and 2. 1 9 Q3 i n t c m a t l o n n l

' a.ton, VB engine, completeoverhaul, .i-snead and 3-

w B speed •P*«d, •Imx20 tire*. ,

1 0 0 0 C h o v r o l e tT rac to r, 364 VB an ilne . ' ft-*pa*d and 2-*pe*d, full _

ie, 4-ipeed a ir and powar attarlng ,2Bx20 lira*. Sill WM«I, B|00«10 lira*.

, , ( 2 0 0 *S2 G M C .................. $ 2 8 5

u l . , I f M y M .

e s e ’ s D o d g e C i t y

, ' e n i n f i ' s U n t i l 7 , . 'S O P . M , j

le n t R e q u i r e d W i t h A p p r o v e d C r e d i t “ W in n E l l i s — J o e B u t te r

D B lo c k 2 n d A v e n u e S o u t h ..................................... ......

= ^ E S U L T S — ■D c y s a n d R e n te d50 p e r m onth o r sell for *108.06 p e r . [ tiome. fully carpctcd, c a rp o rt, no b ase- 'I. Call 733-xxxx. \

200 Autos for Salo 2 0 0 ’ ' /i to rs - 7 — — —

l a - W I L L S ' ^Old*mo-

iCS. OK . . . . .

1 ^ 'Top Quality"•. tIBCS. no ■■ • '

Used Cars - ,rage and

"SV t” 1966 PONTIA C GTO ’; , . . PS '^" '0 hard top . Radio,1067. 1068 hea te r and four on tho ' ibler nnd floor. Sharp.

m JUST $2295 :19GG PO N TIA C —

!) Pontiac, Grand P rlx . Two door hard-{fldett. JS05 fop. Rodio, hea te r, potverkLd« 19& steering,, au tom atic traas-Buick. 733- m ission, factory a ir condU

__________tionlng. A rea l fino sh a rp)*la 4-door ca r.

$2595e. excelled 1965^E U IC K S P E C IA L .W ht« 324*_Coupe. R adio, h e a te r-a -n d ___________stan d ard transm ission.

H I ; , ONLY $1180 :,d.n. 1964 C H EV R O LET ubber. sioo. Bel Air, Nine passenger s ta - .

ySSs Reduced To $1298 :and head*.

I 1964 F O R D G A L A X IE - . •BAL AUTO 500 V8 , tw o d o o r h a rd to p ,’ . radio, hea te r, power steer-

^fnr ^"8 au tom atic transm ls- tie* G78-S5C4. sion. 7

EXTRA CLEAN- T ~ 1 « - $1285 • ;

1964 C H E V R 0 L E T ’ ‘327'’ T Super Sport Vi. Two door ' hard top , rad io , hea te r, pow- - c r s teering and autom atic transm ission . Only 33,000 m iles.


i! IT’SSHARPr, ., . .$ 1 2 9 5 ' . 1963 B U IC K S PE C IA L4 - * p e e d V8 , four door sedan . Radio, ' , Top Car. hea te r pow er steering , auto-

512^5 m atlc transm ission . •'

v L rl EXTRA CLEAN- , _ $ 9 9 5

. . . $ 7 7 01963 C H E V R O L E T

, . . $ 790 sta tion wagon,lie 327 V8, Radio, h c a ic r and autom atio

' transm ission . Clean Insldo.. ^ - - - and out.

NOW $1085 J. . . $ 410 1962 C H E V R O L E T

a , ”i; J r :. $ 780 ’ SPECIAL THIS I

b S : ; ; , WEEK $485 I 'WILLS :

« Used Cars : ■ ;[ . $ 266Idard Iran*. Dolh locations open M onday '

' ■ th ru F ridny , 'til 0 ’/ S2205 T ruck U n o W, Of. Ph. 733-73Q5

sr.Kr,'; “ mSss'

. NEV)/ CAR ; Department '

. . . . $ 805 ion, 4-speed 230 Shoshone St. W, 733-2891(J «ood. R am b lo iw lecp

Plym outh—Toyota -da Vi an. Slim nn D ean E a rl -n0 transmia* 733-5108 . 733-8108 if?'_______________ D on Johnson Don Pfefferla m . u . l l . r 733-2IW___________ 733-28ia, :

. . , $ 1 1 0 T akeover "■“■.I,-. Payments , ; d"iw2??. 1963 Chevrolet '' Four iloor lednn, VS, aulomatlo

transmission, ' ^$ 1 0 . 8 2

' P e r w e e k OACIna, B-speed, Call.Credit Manugrr nt

beet ‘bed, G L E N J E N K I N SC H E V R O L E T , IN C . ’

733-110331 ••crifnrf.V "SALES GIMMICKS" —I llr«*. * h i g h PRICES

MUST STOPl m l SAVE AT ile. complete H A R B A U G HIm e*:'"’ ’ ' M O T O R S

. y . ; . . r ' a . T w i a w u . m - x a .


. . . $ 285 seeoylladtr, 4- .WILLS <I on, '3-speed Uied Car Department 1


G i t y pontSTcSwSSillacM QMC

, M , Huper t. Idaho <i<4 4T« ^

Id Credit BONAKZA. MOTORSJ O . B u t o

. ........ ......... 1 - ; - —

Page 18: · / Weather Would You Believe Sprjng? VOL. 65 NO. 197 Veteran I Red Unit | Smashed I SAIGON

~ T 8 — Twi n-FQ ll8-T tm es»N ew a—M one

‘An Eyesore And H ea

AbandonedNEW YQRK (A P) — -Amcri- and 5

cans a re abandoning thc ir old 19G0. cars on city streets in ' rccord D ctr num bers ancf officials across th e signed nation nre perpicxcd over w hat scarch to do about it. nnd H

'T h e y ’re an eyesore and a 16,000 health hazard.” Kenneth O. In I Brown, St. Louis, Mo., building abandi commissioner, said. "T here a re 4,000 i about 5,000 just sittinR around pectcd thc c ity and thc num hor is a sani growing a t an alarm ing ra te .” incrco

The Automobile M anufactur- m ents crs Association said its la te s t check;

' figures showed six .million c a rs "A and 856,000 trucks w ere junked it b re in 1966, from the i.2 million c a rs decide


lwi Mg«W]i«flBiiTtwrOTwauwm


ALIGNhW* adjutl combir and ca»ltr, tet>tn *p«Ct ball lelnli.

CALL \ 7 3 3 -9680 *



MAHOGANY AND!\ l % " b y 2 f t . o r a [ Drilled For Lock

and M ortised For H inges ............................

%" ASH D0(2 '6 ” b y 6

Noll R ight Ovor Previous D o o r ................


124 Blus LakoB Blvd. S.

101 Count

CANDY TREATS .L arga 1 Jb. 2 ox. BoaMARS BARS .. ..

Snickera, Milky Way

Big Selection Hall

ew a—M ondoy,-O ctobef-28H 6 8 -^----------

td Health Hazard’

ried Cars Posencrl- and 583,000 trucks junked in enough, ■ old lOGO. it w ill (cord D etro it has 12. policem en as- garage s th e signed the spccJfJc du ly of can af w hat search ing for abandoned cars, gets oi

nnd thc Molor City harvested p lates,' id a 16,000 la s t year. Many

O. In New York, w here 30.000 against Iding abandoned vchiclcs, o r about but tht ; a re 4,000 more than in 1967, a rc cx- cult an ound pectcd lo be collected th is year, ‘T h e If is a san ita tion official blam ed the a ca r c .” increasing num ber of abandon- the m ictur- m ents. In pa rt, on fa tte r pay* York < a tc s t checks. lake oc a rs "A guy’s driving his c a r and tim e a

fnked it b reak s down,” be said . "H e do fini c a rs decides he’s had the c a r long c a r n-

ffi! - l i .

L ^ o l VwuiramtrtKa


IGNMENT: ca»ltr, In- ' '


AND BIRCH DOORS2 f t. o r 3 f t. w id th s

. . . . Vi oil -« DOOR SK(NS>'6 " b y 6 ’a "

* 2 . 0 0 . .

a a .

Ivd. S. 733-1583

i’ ; ;

^ e t i o t r rE A T S . . B A G 7 5 * 1

t s ........ BAG 7 9lllhy Way, 3 M uaketeera | j

)n H alloween Masks j |

6 8 ^ --------------------------------------------------- ■■■■ .

*ose Growing Fi in enough, th a t It Isn’t w orth w hat Umes s

it w ill cost to h av e U hauled -to a p ractic \ as- garage and fixed, and tha t he s tree t / of can afford an o th e r one. So he needed cars, gets out. ta k e s off the. license who ab t:sled p la tes,'and w alks aw ay,”

Many com m unities have law s specific iO.OOO against abandoning vchiclcs. c ja jg , ibouC but they o ften find them diffi* e cx- cult and Im practica l lo enforce. _ , . year, ‘T h eo re tica lly , you can tracc i the a c a r to its o rig inal ow ners by ndon- the m olor num bers.” a New , Hawj pay- York official said . "B u t it m ay the Jun

lake an Incredible am ount of tificial r and tim e and e ffo rt and cvcn if you shelvec

"H e do find th e orig inal owner the 'Ound long c a r m ay h av e been sold 15 ^»c cai

- .. >

1 LADIES’ SB ig r a c k o f a s s o r te d d n

W . ; s h o e s , b ig se le c tio n in ^ B ig v a lu e s iJ ^

V i P i s W X ^

D ow ntov /n Tw




■" ■;

i i

■ I h


j 3 do»r 4 ip««d Tranimliilon,, I Buckal (« ali, Dllk B(oh«i.1^^ ' D«il»<r*d In Twin .................................

.'BILL C WORKMAN r1 4 8 2 n d A v a n u * E a s t

hgProblefnw hat tim es since he liad It. I t ’s m ore

d . t o a p rac tica l to ge t the c a r off the lat he s tree t and not w aste the tim e So he needed to tra c k down the person icense who abandoned it.” A irm a

M any c itics hold a c a r fo r a son of T I law s specific period of tim e, Ihen de- Eastcrd^

Clare It abandoned and try to ford, ha dlffl- ge l rid of it, l„g a t L

* S alab le au to s a r e peddled a t Tex. Hc' X " “ ‘ “ '> 1 - A '" . ' " ”New H aw aii considcr?d dumping

t m av the junkers offshore lo build a r- P “ ®®' Jnt o f tificial reefs. The Idea w as '" 8 os if you shelved,, how cvcr, a f te r It w as speciall:

cr the found it cost too m uch lo tow a 196S )ld 15 the c a rs o u t to sea._____________ High Sc

■. > :

ES' SHOESs so rte d d r e s s e y a n d c a su a l lec tio n in e a c h s iz e ra n g e . 4


^ 6 ” :



vntov/n Tw in Falla \




j I

:ORTINAir™ ..... * 1 9 2 6 ““

f O R D ^» E a s t P h o n a 7 S 3 -B X 1 0 J


'■ i E $ E y provideEuleril«y

e"tl'm e " “ " m

PPfso" I* ' High Scl A irm an R ickie W . E asle rdpy , of Idaho

r fo r a son of Mr. nnd M rs. w ayne A. afflUatcc hen de- E astc rd ay of . .oute 2., Castle* F ra tc rn i

iry to ford, has com pleted Basic train- o rary S Ing a t Lackland A ir Fo rce B ase, Arm y ir

died a t Tex. Hc has been assigned to the j j iy r q A ir Force T echnical T raining

umninc C enter a t C hanute A ir F o rce Ar"- ,.MH L . Base, in .. fo r specialized school- and Is ^ w as ‘" 8 vehicle m ain tenance the 18tl It w as specialist. A irm an E astc rd ay is Victnani lo tow a 1968 graduate of C astleford native o

________High School.____________________ she is v

" •••- 1_

( ^ n n e i f fig 0 , au*«rir« « « 9T OUAUTV •

1 Specially-priced w aterpacs. R ubber felt Ilned 1 off. L ace fro n t, s tee l eha

m . " 5 Gallon Jeej


Jeep Can ^ Spouts Too! ^

' ' J | d < b220 2nd Av*. N


q ! I lO-POUND

j ^ a c t I■ A BIQ VALUE■ AT 2 .6 9 , NOW S j

. 0 0 ■


M 4 Y E Ui« tn M oIn.Ava. 8 . .......- i r __________lWY-Ahm.jtOURRCAand_W

If Servicemen^Capt. G ary F . Bow m an Has " ? T

completed the F inance Officer Basic Course a t tho A rm y Fi- nance School, F t. '* Benjam inHarrison.—Ind.*-T he^ptirpose-of ~ ;-----this nine w eek course is to provide basic b ran ch tra in ing m

t f .... for new ly com m issioned A rm y s(i t . F inance C orps O fficers. Son of

1 M r. an d M rs. W alter W. ,Bow- m an, D ietrich. C ap t Bowm an is ii ^ a 1957 g rad u a te of DIelrlch S 6

; . HJgh School a n d a J963 gradua te ilerdfiy, of Idaho S late U niversity . He is t. ' lyne A. affiliated w llh A lpha K appa Psi Castle* F ra te rn ity and Blue Key Hon- i

c train- o rary Society. He en tered lhe ; . e B ase, Arm y in 1963 u n d e r lhe Unlvcr- • d to the siiy r o t C p ro g ram . H e holds »

F o rce C om m entlatlon M edal ' (school- and Is p resen tly assigned with \

itenance the 18th E ng ineer Brigade In j jrday is Vietnam. His wife, Jan e , is a istleford native of A ltadena, Calif., w here

she is resid ing w ilh h e r p aren ts. . t V ;.. - -- ^





^ M E N 'S


f PACS^ $388)rlced w ate rp roof Insulated r felt Ilned fo r e a sy on and n t. s tee l shank . S ize s 7*10.

allon Jeep Type '


I :a t * 'T tia t O -o -o ld R o liab la '* j


t o 2 n d A va . N o . 7 3 3 -0 2 3 3P L E N T Y O P F R E E PA R K 1N Q

lilifS iiiS S tP v 'l '■

w n d BOX - j

Y ELECTRIC5. ..........................W on»733-a2Il.................JR RCAond WHIRLPOOI. DEALER”

n Has -1Dfflcer l U 7 2 < l l » ! ^ I W H - W W - -

E U R E K A V,

SiS $g ! M & Y E L f

441 Main Ava. E.






4 x 8Sheets . . . . . . .

* ~ - ' '1

t e d

0 .


. 1 1 - I

D oV lL B lSS S A F E T '


■ : : ^ - v

r : | | M m

s jY>233a LYNWOC

=5- L -XANIlifll • S n lc k o ra C an d yW i • o r M ilky W ay C^yi • o r 3 M u sk eto o r

m 3 7 COUNT M iN P A C K A G E................

I C A N D Y (f U B . P K G ............................. ....

IJ?* :- ‘

IK A VALUE LEADER jja The ansvi/er. to all

your floor caro problems.

Comploto wilh tools.

I * 3 8 “ iY ELECTRIC

Phona 7 3 3 .8 2 )2

I t ifiiT f0H

W S tM B B '


WE LINERS- I $ |9 8

• • y - _ each j


P U f l j i l k TW IN FA LLS S T O R E ON LY

'^' '1

s s S A FE T Y SE N T IN E L !


C old S o o .o n

^ R og. $ 8 .9 5

t e $ 6 ^ ^’ I

^ I


CANDY-k o ra C a n d y B a rs lllk y W ay C an d y Bard' - ,I M u sk e to o rs C a n d y B a rs

....... ..67r^NDY CORN .......................... 2 ?

OffwntPwW T w liffo lli'-* -...................