

LECTURE NOTICES.99 tZmmTrrP*" JOHN T RODDAN. of Qilnry, M«m,r^W^Vb«» Papal Chair »nil the Professor"* C Mir

Tr* LseW1* rommerie** at 8 o'clock.

Ktta tv^u, ggggyjy^ 14 P. Secretary.

^s*»^a"**»M» Lectareta -Mr. uuvk Ni; 5

?r. kiX»*« «."¦fori,rr"' E'*"uh ¦v Md.Tw*y^i. ri .r*ih>eet¦ " Maternity, with trnmurji'.y from Sif-

.r-l»«rnt'.:.u»' their Lertures on Imagination and Uh >si.

{m^\\7M^emvm at las " KsroeStV aid *b«k**touHhlnrfcxp»ri«'>''tlt< with Hope Chapel. 7.V

.»V E'tRV KM-.MNw ;n-« vre. lt '

8PEC1 V L \o IM( i:s.|t? Five Point*. TemiM-r-ac- *^Jfl*r*tr-j10"1^

B liOl (ill ann" Kev Or k EiVN K 1>A^»I Bro ,klva. . mil. i<- mm linn- ill tllO T*befnBCie, KRIDA I

?VEN.N<.PnixtC ,^,nsf iiVhalf of the Method..! Bp »

m<m<lir,*iy r-ucce*. of the Minion.Kxreliem Singing will be provided. Lxerci***.will Cotn-

"rl-ke'i »ceouteacb mav l»e (Stained of C. J. Wirren.

aSS Yemperanr-e fcciety. US N***eii .1. M.-th^i al

a."k Concern 2»*' Branch Book Com em.

II Nassau 11; B K Howe, Broadway, corner Howard-sirf Lfiti. isi Bleecaar-sL and al the Taiternsyie. bSJJ*C t ueign, o

^ M PENS£, President.C. C Nobth, 8f)cretary._ jl">

~r»r Mraara. Bradbary ttavd Kuh'« «tlnitlo«imam meet THIS EVKN1NO at the F«irth Congres-.oeai Clmrch, In Sixteenth st. between Sixth aad .Seventh

it. at'» o'clock The second term has commenced Any"irr. wishing to join can do so this evening. Terms «I

strqaiarler._J1-1""~fjr 8e*eatcenth Ward Democratic Whix( (BiinHire.-Ai a meeting of this Coini.iittee, held si

im Hcrrv Clay House, on Monday eveuing. January u.

llöl (lie following Otheer* were unaniino .sly el-ctedChairman-WILLIAM h. VAN cottSecretary. übenerr.a h. Brow*.Treasurer-GtoacE Sc»iwari7., Jr.

B> order ofthe Committee.E DELAHELD SMITH, Chairman, pro tern

W.M. F T. Chai.maj*. Secretary, protein. J13 It*

~Br (iearral Saxiaty af Mrchanlc« andTrarfeaniea af the t'ltv af New-York.-An - -

uvu for Officer* of the Society was held at Mechanic*,' Hail,gB 'lie Ulli inat and the result declared a* follows, vi/

Prraident and ex. off. a Director of Mechauic*'Bank.ISAAC RR ter.

Flist Vice-President. Henry T. Vice-Preshlfiji.John T. B Maxwli.l.Treasurer.Rh HAAS e. Mot n i.

Serrt'tary.TiioMsa Eari.k.Collector.Rollri l'Ro\oo->T il5It

"iT' ITlariae HaclaiT.-At a large ¦¦¦ting of me

Imil era ofthe Marne !*>c<eiy, held al the. United S'*t"SHotel, coner nf Kultonand Water sis. on Monday eremn^r,.jib Jan inst. tlie following named p-rsens were reelectediiScers of said Society for the ensuing vesr:

Captain CHS. H MARSHALL, President.Jikh. J. Du. kiNsoN. flrsi Vlc«-Pres.dent.John M. Kkkrikr, Second do.Ja.mcs Con.and, Treasurer.Henry Hcssei.i., Sfjcratary.

Damh i. Loan, Esq. Attomev and Councillor.;I5It* Aitesi. HV R18-.KLL. Secretaryry ITIoaBt Vrrnonu-Thc Puhl car> hertby informed

.m; :!io industrial Home Association, anticipating postaldlScultles in the retention of the name, " Montlcello City,"oriirtnalry given hy the Society to lt. Und purchase in theToattafaip of Eastcbester, have discarded said name andKlecied that ofMount Vernon

JOHN 8TEVEN8, PresidentT. D. Mcaaav, Secretary. jl5 If

tW Tbe Laborer** I'nloa ReneToleai Moei-ely, MHiilterint; 3,56s. held a General Meetln< at the HsHise, 40 Snr.iv ui on the uh of January. I8.SI j andin hereby notify Builders, Coniractora, i.e. Ac. tliat on andslier the 1st day of Mav neat they will not woik for lessthan utut- »Ai.'/i/.; i sa uCiy. Atld tiavlra; accuinulaled a fund(I money atnpiy sulTicieul to carry out the a."i.e. laaolutlo l

all persxms conDaatlnsr for huildiii^ sro herehv ntrtlfied fact and left without excuav. Meauhers of the aoove

I'nion are requested to hear in mind Hh1 shi le, and he prepared to secure for their labor it* just reward.

JAMES CLMMINOS. )TI10S. NICHOLSON. I Presld.mU of 1st, 2d, 3d.PATRICK TRACY. and Rh D.visijiis.THOS. MiKIERNAN,

Patrick Dillon, )Mattmew Carr. Secretaries of tbePHiur Smi in, ',' L. l .B. Society.John Olvnn, ) jit It*

tW~ Iksjafatjaa ( airati.-UH. Ll'TENER S.EAR IN-FIKAtARY. Broadway and .4 Warren-sL jpen dailyfrom !? antll 3 for the exclusive treatment ol Ear liseases.drameas, discharge* 'mm the exteraal Ear, and the variousdistresslnr noises in the head remove* without risk or pain.Consultation fee, by letter or otherwise, $1. Unpaid lettersrefused.Csi'Ticm :.Tbe Deaf are cautioned against applying to

Stese self.fttyled AarktsA They, witii their showy signs,Bke lb* many advertised nuaca oils, are traps set hy un¬

principled knave* to ratrh the unwary. Thoee impoatertare not merely OMrnrted to this city alone, but are springipgop like mushrrtoms hi other eitles.Or. Ll'TENKR S unprecedented snrress Is the cause of

loose fungM-like Auriat*. Dr. Lutener ha* no connection.nib any inner pn-aon, and Is tbe only recognised Aurist :na*United State*. dM lot

tT*** Prlatera* Utvnqaet. The New-York Tvp>fraphlcal Society v. ill celeurule the birth-day of Benjami n

aaaaLiN. alNlblo's, on KRIDAY EVEN1NO, Jan. 17.1MI, by appropriate literary exercises, a supper, and othercummemoratlv« proci-edtngs.Hun. J. W. Kilmond* will deliver the Oration. The m i-

sic by Dodwortb's Band. The singing under tbe direction.' Messrs. Bradbury, Curtis and Nash.Tbe most thorough arrangements have boon made to ren¬

tier tbe Festival superior to any prevtou* year. All ihnvarious eia*ae* connected with the Art will participate.All who to unite la a celebration commemorative

of Ksanklin are Inviuid to procure Tic ket*.Oenlleman'* Ticket, Lady's Ticket, $i 30, including

*upr*r. Tbl* covers the enure expenae. Tbe tickets forSt* Literary Exerclaeaare free.

r or lull particular* tee the lar.-s programme, which, w-.tbticket*, can beptocured at ihe principal bookston*, typefoundries, at Mercer's, corner of Nassau and Am at*, alllie

Prtntert' Library, SCO Broadway, or of any ol the member*.All who desire to participate In the festivities oflhe occs

flou should procure iickeuluuu -diatelv.JAMES WHITE, Chairinaa.

H Clav Lakhs. Secretary. J10 if

nÖFNatlca la Navt«t*r».-CUSTOM hoi se,isfw' Y()RK-Ct>i.i.seT.)7s Omca, o,-t..i».rit, itua.Tbe Ml aeclton of an art of Congress, approved asSh Sep.lamher, 1RA0, entitled "An Acl inasing appropriations forLUrhi House*. Light Boats, Buoys." Ac. provide*.

' That hereafter all buoy* along the CimihL or in bay*, hnr-bora, aound* or channels, shall h« co',ore<| ami numbered,so that passing up the coast or »ouiid, or entering the bay,kt/bor wr channel, red buoys witbsreu imin'ier* ahall l>*Pat.i'il on the tbirkmrd hand ; bLu k buoys with na-sra num.

Mrana la* fwrl baud, and buoys with rVd isnd block snipe*0*either band. Buoy* in channel way* to be colored withausmale ataSSS and bin* perpeiidlciilar *tripe*.n

I hereby give notice that the piovislon* of Lb* foregoingLaw will he carried into effect, and the change* IndicatedAareln made In the arrangement of lbs buoy* in the watersof thi* Disirict, on or about the 1st of Mav, 1X.51.oiSAtwSm h. MAXWELL. Collector.

WANTED.WANTED.At 114 Nasr-au-st. (Ha«e-

meLt) Clerk*. Salesmen. School Teacbera, Porter*,Barkeepers, Coachmen, Ostlers, Waiters. Men on Kam,a.Bum to learn recpeciable trade*. Citri« aa Cooks, Oeneral" urk Oirl*. Nurae*. Shlrtmaker*. Errand Girl*. Ac Pro-lestau or Catholic, city and country. Rules and regula¬tion* |« tie seen. Employer* can have go;vl assistants ataed«*TttaCbargt*. [JIS \;\ THOS SPINK.A^ent

Y\: ANTKI». A situation by a very re-" .

.pectab e young w oman, to do the cooking, washingvx) ironing of a private family; she uaC erstand* her worki*rtecüy, she w sties a respectable hotne mora than high**!-.', the it w illing to make herself obl'ging to bar em-

^'.^er t bas no objection to the country. Call at 16« Taomp-.uc-tt between Huutton and Bleacker sta. Can be seen.-net week, and could wait on her employer till the 1sti "rbruary. Good recomuiendation if required. JI5 It*

Wr A N T E D . A Cotnpo>itor who isthoroughly acquainted with rilie jobbing, nil* and

lurr-woik. ai.d tbe detail of componlljon generally. On*poaaeaee. qualification*, coaiblned with Meady

aAba, Can tind Immediate and permanent employment and******lory wage*, by applying at III Jobn-at. JI5 2l'

Wantkd.a smart Lad from IS to 16*year* of age. either American. English or Scotch,

.so is able to rcac and wrte eorrec"- and to »"ftTt:elaB's An orphan, or haTf arnhan.~*7nWui kT«sak»4. Notes aMraWS band wrtlngSXlÄ!. "Doctor." at tbi* ofica. will Derecc/l^ tVtbeadvsS

_t_)ii»r»two rcspcctoble titly

. J aituaiio-*, the one aa Seanntres* or Children*¦*M, He oilier a* Chambermaid, Walter and Ironer. The

is a Prst rate reamstress, ran make and lit dreases, the«her a hr»i rat" washer aad lrtmer. Wits good city refe-saca Call at 223 Bowery, for 2 days jlMl\\ ANTKD.A Room and two lied-i t ,ooius. one or both on th* same floor, on aacondber, sor a gentleman, tu. wtteand chUd. below CanaJ-.t5fi Broadway and ajv«^dr^V' r^ox¦.at San oaVa,115 It*

pTRTNER WANTED.In an old es-* rabilihad tnanafBCturtng roarero, now dotnr a lanre."¦be**, srd rsj^at'Ie cf t«eing rerr much extended bTfug a partner of active business habits On* who Van«*»a<*|4,*a.e, and give Id* peraooal attendance, mty hear**ts*orable (ipportsrity of reaJlzlpg a rapid fbnune Vorktstalars addrea* W K Tribune otflce._jis ir»

Ö1TÜAT10N WANTED.By t yo^of (Aorouah busiaeas »iueation. w.ih an expert.

j**"!! years in the Dry Ooods trade, who i* now d*.?*j*0,sa asgageiueiit In a Wholesale House In (Aisclty.** ks* *xs***i v* acqualatauce In this State and ai*o In Can-g fb ra/*r«nc*« are to bouse* of tbe highest reepee;*-^ju^tfciscuv Addrum Saüeaman" at Üas office.

ToTaMILIES IN BROOKLYN..Sttuaiiotis are wanted by a cumber of first class *er-

a*** Assertean. KnjrUsh. Irish. Scotch and Uarman. ttzJ?s**fi. Walters. Oroom*. Cook*. ChaoibermaldaNiir*e*J"aaBBtr-4*es. Otrbt lor generaJ hoo**work. Waitre*Ca-I?* mBmU «1,ul. .* th* Agency for Domestic*. 108

C*»Bt^ruotiyn, opposite the Mu*eum. J15 It*

u practical Garden-swi He must be a good aad must cnd. r-

a, lJ**e*'e of horae* and of stock oa a farm. On.< whomT^ZZ?**1 Ployed in th* neighborhood of Lhta City wouldJ4 .7^ Apply lo SMITH A VANDERPOfJL,

¦ » Wall st rear ofJauncey Court.


HOUSE WANTED in the Country.Wanted to rent for one or morn year* for a tmall ta>

mlly. a bouse furnished or unfurni*b«d, with convenientout buildings, and a number of acres of land In tr»>dcultivation, on the Hudson, East River, or L. 1. So .nl.within thirty mile* of New York, in the vicinity of theRailroad, or oa Long laland near Astoria. Any peraonahaving' such premise* to let. may hear of a good tenant bvapplying to. or addressing W Y. MORTIMER. W> Broad¬way, statin* location and lermt. JI3 3tia*

H^ÖYSrr~WÄ"NTED..The subscriberwishes to purchase a genteel House In a reapectable

neighborhood, in either .New-York or Br<H>klyn, about two

a>orV* and attic In si/e, on the fol owing termi: He willnay fStBea the iat of April, giving a bond and ¦OltgVf*for ihe balance, with the privilege of paying *to<» per yearon said mortgage, v ¦-»- B. if. W. TnbuneOtfiee. JlaSt*

M'OUSE WANTED TO RENT.A*two or three alory bouae not higher up than Tenth-st,

West aide ef the city preferred, u'ood reference or secu-

rity given. Addreai Tenant. Chatham-square Pout Ottice.poit paid. Jl I 2t*

(jfÖjNEY WANTED..The advertiser|T¦ im m most Important Impioiaaaoal to he med v»-ryextensively tit the manufacture of a staple article both in

this country and in Barop \ which be wishes to sell It is

now in use in this rity where it can l>e seen and it* meritstested. The inventor baa obtained a permit to exhibit it stthe World'» Kair, London, which be wo'ild trsniifer to a

purchaser. The whole or any part of it would be sold, forLata country or for Europa, and on very reasonable it-nns

indeed. Address B. this office. J14 St*


1st o! February next, one front basement and back par¬lor on first or second lioor. in some nice, quiet place wherethere are not more than two or three families in the house.Within 3 blocks of St. Mark's place preferred. Address" House," Tribune Office: for 12 days best of city refere.|giv. n and required. jll 3tTuWS*

HOY WANTED..An active and intef-ligeut LA II, II IS) M yea's of age He must write a

good hard aDd be willing to nmke himself generally use¬

ful. In a Dry Oocds Commission H'iuse. salary $T> to

$100 the first year. Apply in the hand handwriting of

plicani. with references, to H. Lower PostOtliee, Box 528.jl4 lit*


"ÄNTED A KlCK-N.>t d,>wn lull,'

lint up.The advert'serhos at his ominaud a r'.rstrate cash business, hut, has not at command money i

to Mart it, day 2 to ftfl 60S ;) !. a man of good moral chir ic-

ter, 4C years of age. is reckoned No. la a theoretics] andpractical mechanic, of good business habits, gentlemanlyaddress and untiring industry, is perfoci master of the buainers. has made a great deal of money at it in this and othercities, and like a fool, went into a speculation and lost it. waskicked to the bottom of the bill bv his friends for not havlnirbetter luck. Now if any one feels a little smart and thinkthr v would like to give hlin a kick up MB, by being wellpaid for it. let them address a line to 8. W. at this office andhe will forthwith preatut himself before the.-u to receive it.

jl i 31"_WANTED.Seven or Eight Daguerreo¬

type Operators of first class, to whom the highestsalaries will be paid, il on trial tbey should proveto he per¬fect -Masters of the Art.'' None need apply but auch ascan operate well and with certainty, and assist a large busi¬ness Apply at WH1TEHI RT'S Daguerreian Gaheries,corner of Leonard St. and Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Rich¬mond Va Petersburg, Va Norfolk, Va. Lynchburg, Va.and Washington City. Jl < Iteoda

W"ANTED. Cooks, Chambermaids,Nurses, Laundresses, Coachmen, Male and Female

Walters, Vc. Apply at the Ageucy OHice, 70 East MOVst,with written recommendations. j 13 41*

ALESMAN WANTED-In a WhoTfT'sale Comb and Fancy Goods House; loonehavinr

experience In the iTi-nira'-. a aalar; will Oe given.Apply 31 Cortland-st up stairs. J11 2t

1^0MANUFACTURERS.Wanted anAgency .A gentleman who has been engaged in mer¬

cantile business for twelve years in this city and has an ex- e mercantile acquaintance, would take the agency ofsome one article of manufacture, on which cash advancesWili he made If required, and would devote his enuretinie to the sale of the article. Can give the most unques¬tionable city references. Address "Agency," Tribune Of-fice._J13 -it*

AGENTS WANTED..From $000 to11,M a year can be made in selling the New Family

Manual, at lNassau-st. 2d floor. Call or address postpaidTi e American Family Publication Establishment. N.Y.jy Im*

NKWSPAPER FOR SALE..A largeand w ell established WHIG NEWSPAPER, the only

one In tbe Couuty, situated at ihe capiiol of one of the New-England States. Tbe office is well furnished Its patron-a<i- greater than most papers of Its class. One-half, one-third, two-lhirdsor the whole of it will be sold The latterwill he ortft-rred as the present proprietor wishes to leavethat part of the country. Inquire of the Editor ofThe Tri-hl.M Jl 3wMMMwaHaaaMWHHMMwwaaMwaaaaaMMMi i

WANT PLACKS.AS l.vt NiintKi or Uenerul H<>u*em nid

by a resueciablc young girl. Shu has ihe best of cityrelerrn-e. Apply at Hi Bowerj". j73 If

A111GHLY Repcctablc Lady wants aOiusiion as housekeeper. She is willing to make

hei», f useful at any light woik. 1s a good seamstress amiInn, tilled Mich situations for the last six years. She is anAn,eilean, and bat ihe very best of leference. Applv at S3Mail"»t Brooklyn.jl's It*

AS Laundres* and Chambermaid, by arespectable young woman, who has lived over five

years in her last place. The best of city reference can bestvsn. Call at 1 Sixth st. near Bowery, In the book-store.Can be seen for two days If not suited. JI5 2f

AS Chambermaid and Waiter or Gene¬ral Housemaid in a small private family by a respe:t-

ab e young woman wnh good reference. Apply 53 Market-st in ihe store. jl5 It'

AS Cook, Washer and Iioner, by a re¬spectable Proteatant girl, who has a good recommen¬

dation from her last place, where she lived twelve months.Apply to 153 Third-avenue, third door from Flftoenth-st.

AS Cook, Washer and Ironor in a pri¬vate family by one, and to do Chamherwork and help

as Laundress by ihe otiier, by two competent girls withexcellent city referesce. Call at "4 Sixth-av., in the book¬store_)15 11'

AS Cook, by a respectable young wo¬man a station. she is a good cook, washer ami 1 roner;

bss no oh ecilon to do chaiii'ner work in a private family.Best of citv reference can be produced by calling at 224Mulberry, between Prince and Spiiug st third floor, frontroom. Jlo It*

AS Seamstress or Chambermaid in a

private familv by a respectable Protestant girl. Canbe seen at 12 Prince-it. Myrtle-av., Brooklyn. |15 It*

AS Gfnekal Housemaid by a respe< t-able Protestant girl in a private family. Call at 112

Sevenlb-av between Elghteetnh and Ninteantli its. it*

ARESPECTABLE Protestant Womanwants a place in a small respectable familv whore aho

can enjoy tbe comfort* of a home. She la ti years In tinscountry, is a good plain cook, washer and ironer, or housework in general. Call 3 Hamilton-**. J15II'AS Plain Cook or Chambermaid and to-2*do washing and ironing by Two respectable votingwoarsaa, the one is a Protestant and baa no objection" to do,ei.e \l housework in a small familv, public or privateCsn t*> seen for two days. Addre*» E. f. C. 19 City Hsll-

P1"*_jfau*AS G> neral Hoi semaid, or to do Cook¬

ing h and ironing in a private family, by a re¬

spectable young woman. Best of references can be ,.,»nCall at 130 Forsylh-st in tea rear, sacoud floor, frontroom._J'S't*ASLaodress or Chambermaid and t>>

do the fire w ashing and ironing, by a respectable wo¬

man who understand* ber hu*incM pertectly and can pro¬duce Iba beat of city reference from her last employers.

lira at 238 West-Seventeenili-sl- between Eighth andNinth avs. Caa be sean for 2 days. jla ll*J

AS Waiter.By a very respectable,well recommended voung man a situation In a private

family or to travel with a gentiuman or family. la willingto make himaelf generally useful. Salary not to much anobject as a nice situation. Cai. 550 Broad way. j 13 It*

AS Nurse or Chambermaid by a re-spectsble young woman..Would assist in doing up

One clolhea C»n give good city reference*. To be seenfor two day* if not previously engaged. tv50 Washingtonit corner Christopher, in the Boot andjhoa store. J15 It*

AS Cook or to do General Houseworkby a Protestant young woman In a private faun y

Good reference given If required. Enquire 86 West Nine,i. enib »l first floor in the rear. She Caa be sean for two

day*._ J1511-

AS Children's Nurse or as plain Sewerby a respectable Protestant woman Wage* no ob¬

ject as a comfortable home la preferred. Has been in thatcapacity with one of the mc ,t respectable famllie* for tlxyear*. Can b* sear 2* Front-st. corner of Montgomery,for two days from 9 A M. to 5 p. M Jl5 1f'

AS Plain Cook and General Housemaidor to d* Chamherwork or to take care of children.

Can give the beat 0, cj,_ reference. Apply 131 WestTweiiiieth-st. between Seventh and E ghth av. Can beseen for two days. J151t*

AS Seams truss ami Dressmaker, by arespectable young woman, who caa give the bast of

reference from her last employers Apply at 14 Ridge ilCaa be teen fef three days. JltV

AS Chambermaid, Waiter, or Child*Nurse, by a young woman who can be wall recomend-

ed by her present employer, at 4 East Sixteenth st. near

Fifth-av. jl4 3f

AYOUNG Man of liberal edm-ari m in 1.d experienced accountant, winii e'dp'ocme I as

Clerk. Copyist, or Book-keeper, for B few Si¬esel) dav. or f«>r the whole of the evening if raxjelrad. He1h Borsums professional studies, and can give dMbastreferences'to persons in the niy and in the r,in.try I l-

dress " WILBERKORCE." Tribune|W -_

AS Cooi by ¦ rMP^cteblfl Settel) Pro¬testant woman, she li a first rate Cook, and can give

the beat Of reference. Apply at 103 Avenue B betweenT* nth and Eleventh sta._|M>

S Chambermaid or Laundress, or to<i<| general house-work, by a respectable woman, in a

»mall private family. Can be well recommended. Call at144 Greenwirh-av _P< fc*

AS Cook, by a respectable woman w hothoroughly underatanda her huatneoa, and has been

Cook for the laat 16 yeari. Best of citv reference given.Ha - no objection to assist in washing and ironing. Wouldgo into a »mal! boarding house. Call at 71 Seventh-ft- fronthouse, up italrr_.1''ASITUATION is Wanted, in a Dry

Goods or Grocery House, by a young man from New-England, who has had experience in a country store there.Satisfactory citv references caa be given. Address .1 S.Box iKi| Post Office. |H*




BRISTOL BILL.The Notorious Burglar,

who is now confined in the State Prison at Windsor. Vt.being sentenced to ten years imprisonment. This bookcomprises a most exciting and thrilling account of the life ofa notorious criminal, and presents a trulv unparalleled

PICTURE OK CRIME.It'slee cotteins the development of particulars a::e\ i;:.,-certain

OREAT ROBBERIES,And gives all the incidents connected vvn.'i Bristol Btl.'sattempted assassination of

Bilts N. Davit, the State's Attorney.The deeds of Bristol Bill are probaMy uneyialed by those

of any ''cracksman'' of the age.The book 125 cents is for sale, wholesale and retail, !>?

8 H A LLO( K, SS Ann-atj W. W. BURGESS H. LONGii BROS and by Dealers in Cheap Publications generally.Southern and Western Dealers supplied on favorable

terms bv W. LITTLE V CO, Pubiieher*.JI5 3iis* lit Slate st Boston.


ol Friendship, bv Charles Suinner.Just published in twovolumes, 16mo. Pnce t2 3U.pp. MR" Kreedorn.pereooal ard rational freedom is its abliest and

Dobtett wDf». needs BO batter < has pioa, nor s more enlightened aud»iltuo n sipoMtur." [J. T Buckingham.¦'Few men in Maeeareusette ars «n w lely known a! r oad, or to

well appreciat-d b) man of letter* at wim« A« Stsar h ar, there arebi.t few lues in the land who sra M nobietn influence."

[Lowell Amsnrm." With 'try great paarst*, snd the highest classical acquirements

Mr S'.rtusr is the advocate of philanthropy. While ws eaaaot ;igr»*with im in all B*J I .swt., we can pav our tr.huta to the nnbH-neseofbiso utors, as wsll is to tb* abibt.v w.tli s s«t .t« \,,~y t

poee" [ Albany Register.

" I ».* sra ths production! of s r,pa s< bolar anrl an eloquent or*tor Mr Sumner s sty's is oos of great bsaut) and powar. His ex¬tensive kSSWMgt Si tbe history and literature of various countries,atd ol ail agee, la gracefully ueed to illustrate and ad >rn whatevertubiecl he taken B*> Such ageneruut and hearty - n m a* perradas these > jeechet is sure to create euüei» *«m in those whom lb*author address-a." C i.i.briJgr*." Ko man tan dei.y that fhsrles Sunnier is * ready, aaomphihed

ar-J Ion Me writer, capable alike ol" rrest rlegsnre and greatstrength. ' I Boat..""Some el h* up-n-»~ kw .¦ leptnl-Is, (thnagh moat of

¦hew* ess*, we hel.eve. be abundantly popular in DM)rat***.] but soons ( is belp detirirg that tbe BBS, mat.!), generous spirit of bis writ¬ings mty be «er) where prevalent." lo ju.rsr." SucL productions at the Oration on the True Grandeur of Nations,

andtbaton " the Scholar, ths Jurist, the artist.Its Philanthrop,«!,'commemontive ot Pickering,Story, ADstOB tnJ Cbai.aing. should doletting honor to AnSSrii-an literature, and we ars trull giatilied to teathem treasured np in a |>errnar.. -1 Sjrai

[New Tork Courier end Enquirer." Ws bsvs Mr.'i printed discourses before ua, and BBS tes¬

tify from personal knowledge to their aBSgskw merit*. Tney are

pregnaulwuh Uouvbts ol BfSsbead and umsersal intsrsst. Tliey arem t iiroductmna to be laid aside with the orraemn that railed themforth, but to hfl pressrvsJ fur our future lustruction snd delight .Thej derive this quality in s (rest measure fromthoaarlMracteriiticsol UM author's mind h « SBrBSStBSSB.tbe union of iu iral fearltasnest snd intellectual CBBtsSS in ths StBbBRISSS of his opinions, aad lor onsii al |irinrip)ea in ronipariaon weh popula* u.tumor fafl.ioDitlile brlief rRew Vnrk Inhun».

'. 7hs oration of Mr S'imner, (or taste, SInsTtSBtS ar.d scholarship,as well ae for fearlen* intrepidity, ¦¦»- been rare'y rn"tied :n modernbaraiitue. [Chambers'* Edinburgh Journal.

'. Mr. Sumner't rrabon.The Trie (irtndenr of .".iCons hat been|,uh>i>.h*d here in five or tit dirlerent foru t hree large editions ofthe oh.II.or SMta base been diepoved ot'

London correspondent of the It Vm Atlas." Tl ere are patiagat in tbji addreet wbn Ii thrill the very

soul'' .North Amsncsn Rerisw.*'8u(.L men at Vu tor Hngo, R.i hard Cobden and Clurlee S'unusr

havs much to do with tha latureof tl.eir re«|.»i o .ulriea"[London Hi raid of Peace.

" Mr. BtUBBSr't noble oration deerr^e.1 the luck i "mplimeol win. hit rrreiT, d Ire. John tfahM )' A lam., who o' e a, * SBaMSsat, at tbeSssaSSWbiok took place aftsrtfc* Phi Beta Kappa evercne., ' TK<*/<«,..» » SJT B*S SSesStT, tht Jurut, aW drti*t. StSti :ht I'hiUnthro-pit/; the rerin^rti, the long hie, ol I:.»* kmdre-1 apirit, whobat lbi| diu them all' " Cm .alian lies -ter.

TICK.NOR. REED i; FIELDS,jl5 StWSoiW^_Publishers, Bostoa.

j\'()W IS TH E TIM E TO SUBSCRIBE11 to LITTELL'S LIVINO At iE, Volume commencingwithJauuary. The mti'i useful periodical in the countryLittell's Living Age. No. 349. Price 124. cents.

CONTENTS.Defenseless Slate of Great Br.tain.. Blackwood's Mag.


Story of Maria Förster. (Jean Paul.).Sharpe's Mag-a/ma.

My Novel. Book 1 Clap. 7.12..Black wood's Magazine-Smyrna, the C.'y of F:ga .New Monthly Magazine.Recoresol the Ancient Kings of Persia..Frazer's Mag¬

azine.Anatomy ol Old Age .Sharpe's Magazine.A Pren- lirnsn m Cairo..!xVw Monthly Magazine.Oui/ot on Washington and Monk .TimesFast Sstlmg Ship-..T:tnes.American and Engli-h Constitution HTP***f TlnTTtPublished at Six Dollars a year.

DEWITT i. DAVENPORT,j IS It Tribune Buildings, Agent* tor New-York.

HÖM E( )PATHY ELUCIDATED^With reference to the Docirtnes of the New Clmr.-h

by Rev. THOMAS W1LKS of New.York. See ProfessorBUSH'S New Jerusalem Repository for January 1161." I am the Lord that healeth thee " If I, by the hnger ofGod, cast out devils, than is the kingdom of "Heaven comanigh unto you." ' Satan caanot cast out Satan." jl >U*

THE ASSIGNee'SSALE of the ex-tensive and unique variety of curious, rare, and uto-

fbi Book», London Stationery, Engravings, Scraps, Draw¬ing Materials Ac. belonging to the late W. A. COLMAN,is continued at 3<'4 Broadway, up-stairs.

jl.s4tis _8. COLMAN. Agent.


Thli it one of the mott exciting störte* ever written bythis great snd prolific author. At the time that it exhibitsin all Its violence the terror of a popular con¬

tains love scene* of a bewitching tenderness" *-J paihos .In many retpect* tha book Pffl Compare favorably withour Sainialne s Picciola.Published and lor sale, w bolesaie and retail, by

j!4 2t_W. E. Bl ROCSS. J2Ann-*t.

VALENTIN ES VALENTIN ES77^, .,hJiJ^^B,lOTHER'8 IjlTlill anmal slock of

r {/ 'NES are dot* ready for tlie trade. Storekeep¬ers tu the co^gjrr cac have assortmeuu put up from A3 to"J*.1. L'cLtuallv liberal term* to those who sell agals..Rcm ndier '

FISHER V BROTHER.jl4 3t 74 Chaduvm-sL

CENTRAL AMERICA..A new andvaluable Map of Central America, showing the dh*ier-

eni lines of Atlantic and Pacific communication, with pro-tile* of tbe proposed routes. Price $1 pocket fonn. Justpublished and for *ale by J D1STURNELL.

jl4 it' 1^7 Broadway, up stairs.


Astor House, at 23 cenu._jit Oik*

L"KVER'S LAST BOOK ! !KATE O DONOGHUE- by t harla*Lever, baaucful-

h tiiuitratad.Is puhiishail and for sale this morning at thacVar book store of T. B. PETERSON.' 96 Chesnut si. Ptuladelph.a.Pnce S7s cents a copy. It is an excellent book.


in one volume ol >. i page*. Price So cents.HORACE TEMPLKTON, Lever's New Book. Com¬

plete in one large octavo volume ol 228 pages. Pr.ceSOcts.TOM BURKE OF OURS, i?» pagea PnceSuci*.ARTHUR O LEABY i.'zl pages. Price 5u rents.JACK H1NTON, the Guardsman Complete in one

large octavo volume of 163 page*. Price ~< \ cent*.THE KNIGHT OF OWYNE. 226 pages. Price 30 ct*.HARRY LORREClUER. I"4 page.-. PriceMictaKATE O'DONOGHl E. lie pages, neauuiuily UlutLra-

ted This is a splendid work. Price 37* cts.The tbove Books of Lever's are all new edition*, printed

on the finest white paper, and from new Stereotype Plata*,and are undoubtedly the best, cheapest and most popularworks ever printed In tho Engln-b language. Send lorthem io T. B. PETERSON, M Chesnut-»t PkiladolnalaTbe above boahs are for sale by all Booksedersand News

Agents in the countrs News Agenu will be supplied alvery tow rat. by the Publisher._jld 3tMWAS

lvrEW"DLVRTeS FUR 1ö51..NOW11 READY, tbe PHYSICIAN'S DIARY and tba CITI¬ZEN'S DIARY for tbe preeent year, .containing muc4i u*e-

ful information in addition to tha convenience of notingdown engagements to he attended m. All thuae io wantof a Diary are invltad to call and examine before purchasing.Also tor sale, the LAWVER'S DIARY,of several sue*,

the POCKET DIARY, the MINIATURE DIARY, Vc.Ac.Publisl ed and for sale by BELL tV QOI LD.

^ IfPubdsher**LU Sialiiyritrs, 1> Nassa.: M>

AM l'SEM KATS.HpR 1 p L E R HAL L..SATURDAY,¦ s i*nc\ry-max HARXTZEK'S


MAURICE STRAKOSCU.On « tries OCCtsanai the principal pieces of

OIOI ANNA Di NAPOLI,A Grand ( bjäfa :n ihfe Art», composed bv

MAI RUE STRAKOSCU,WVÜ he performed by

M.le TERESA PARoni.Sigior LORINI and



MISS VIROIINA WHITINGwill sing a favorite Air.

The far famed \ tolinlst,M 11A US ER.

v ill make mis secomo appearance IN AMBaiCA.MAURICE STRAKOSCU

Will play several of his brilliant composition*.TICKETS ONE DOLLAR

Particulars and Programme will be given to-nioirow. It*

ITALIAN OPERA HOUSE, ASTOK-Jl PLACE..REDUCTION OF PRICE-Parjuet andBoxes. SI Amphitheater. V) etaWEDNESDAY EVENING, Jan 15, will be performed

the opera ofLL'CRKZU BORfll A,

Lucre/ia Borgia.Si^norina T. ParodiThe Duke.Signor llenev*nt«no

To conclude wiih theL'ILLUSION D UN PEINTRE.

Doorsopen at | to 7. To commence at 74 o'clock.

MECHANICS HALL, 472 Broadway,alwve Grand-sL-OPEN EVERY NIGHT during taa

week, until further notice.The original and well-known CHR1 ST Y S M1N3TRE LB,

ander the management of E P CHRISTY, whose Con¬certs In this city for a succession of r.-.o years, BATS -1received with favor by hlghiy respectame and fashionableaudience*. Tickets 25 cla. Doors open at |. :: :

at 7f\ The patrons of Christy's Minstrel* are respectfullyUiformed that the uausl Saturday Afternoon Concerts wll:be discontinued for the future. JI tf

BURTON'S THEATER.Chambcra-at.rear of City Hall .The nearest Theater to the large

Hotels THIS EVENING Jan 15, will be no.Li.-ed. a-,

original version of Dlckens's last novel, entitled the Per¬sonal History and Experience of

DAVID COPPERFIELD.To conclude with the Farce of

P. P.: Or, THE .MAN AND THE T Iii ER.Boxes. Dress Circle and Parquette, 50 ct*i Family Circle,

25 eis i Orchestra Seats, 75 ets, Private Boxes, $3 and $».Doors open at 6|. to begin at 7.

BROUGHAM'S LYCEUM, BROAD-WAT, near Broomest.Proprietor and Manager,

Mr BROUGHAM. Dress Circle and Parquette. 50 cents;Family Circl«. 85 certs; Orchestra Stall Seats. Si; PrivateBoxes, $5.--THI> EVENING, Jan. 15, the performancesstill commence with Broughsm's version of

DAVID COPPERFIELD.To conclude with lbs new petite Opera ofANDALUSI AN ; or, The Yoang Liuard.

Doors op* ¦ at it -10 commence at 7 o'clock.

BROADWAY THEATER..DOORSopen at commence at 7 o'clock .Prices of Ad¬

mission To Dress Circle and Parqnet. b»<: Family Circleand Third Tier. 21 eta. OsHerv. I3*> eta Private Boxe*.Söaridtti. THIS EVENINO, Jan. 15, will be performedthe (Irard Romantic Spectacle, in 3 acts, eniiil^it-Al STL'S. OR THE DEMON OK DRACHKNFRLS.Kaustu*.Dyolt.Adine.MadamePrevious to wgjjjftgggT LOVER._

litRS. EMMA G1LLINGHAM BOST-1" A ICK reap-'ifully announces to her friends and thepublic that the wIII give a VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL( ONCERT st NIBLO*8 CONCERT ROOM on MON¬DAY KV ENING, i.f>th insL on which occanon she will lr>troduee some of Haydn's Sacred Songs, assisted by Messrs.TIMM. HOI K.MAN, NOLL and other eminent artis:*.Ticken- SI, lo be had at Hie Music Stores and at the door

on tbeeveiung of the Concert. jljUtis*IJARNUM'S AMERICAN MUSEUM.A-**.P. T. BARNUM, Proprietor and Manager. Jon*Oreeswood, Jr. Atsistanl Manager. Admission 25 cts.;children under 10 years, I2J et*.; Parquette and FirstCircle,124 cts. extra Afternoon performance at 3.Evening at 7.WEDNESDAY. Jan. 15.BENEFIT ofMr. HADAWAYTHIS EVENINO Afternoon, HUNTING A TURTLEand «.OOTS AT THE 8WAN Evening.COMEDY OKERRORS and THE ROUGH DIAMOND. The ChineseMuseum. Isle of530 Broadway. Is now incorporated amongUieMILLIONBOKCURIOStTIEfl embodied Inthis Muse-urn. The Uipsey Fortune Teller. Ac. are also here


held at the CHINESE ASSEMBLY ROOMS on MON¬DAY EVENING, January IS, ISftl. Th<- Committee as¬sure their friend, ard the public that no pam* or expensewill he spared OS their BfsTl to make this Ball eqiMl if notii.pi rior to ay of the season.Tickets may t>« had at the rooms of the Association, 17!)

Woosler-«t. on Thursday and Friday evenings, or of theCommittee. WM SN V DER, Chairman.JamEa Basset r. Secretary.r D, Hoot", Treaanrer. ji3 Jt"


n Id BALL of the season will lake place on MONDAYEVENINO, Feb. 1,1851. Arrangemenu are making on tiiumost extensive scale for a magnificent affair, of which fullparticulars will he given In future advertisements and pro¬grammes. Tickets t2 oacb, admitting a Gentlemen andLedy; extra tickets for Ladies SI. A limited number oftickets only issued, to be obtained at Tuttle's Emporium ofFancy Goods. 34~> Broadway. ; 1.51 tA

EW-YORK AMPHITHEATER, 37Bowery.IAMES M. JUNE it CO. Proprietors .

Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AKTKRNOONaPERFORMANCE at 2J o'clock. THIS EVENING. Jan.15, Möns. Francois Tournaire as the Cruder of 8t. Peters*burgh. Gymnastic Exerdses by Mr. Nixon and Pupils..The FRENCH TROUPE in their extraordinary perfjrm.anres of Horsemanship. To conclude with a laughableAfterpiece. Private boxes, 50eta; Boxes 25 et* Pit 12^cts. Doors open at 6E Performance to commence at 7fPIV) AMATEURS..THE AMERICAN-I- HISTRIONIC ASSOCIATION, being about to in¬

crease Its numbers, the present Is a favorable opportunityfor young gentlemen having a taste for the Drains and adesire to improve In elocution, to join an excellent organl-zail m devoted to these object*. Apply at Goihic Half, en¬trance 555 Pearl si. on Thursday, Saturday or ftlonday even-

legs._JU 2tis*

RATTLERS COSMORAMAS, corner?-^Broadway and Thirteenths! Admission 25 cent*. Thefirst section, consisting- of a collection of 2b' Views of Eu¬rope. Asia Minor, Syria, the Holy Land, Egypt, Nubia andArabia will be replaced in the course of some weeks bynew and equally interesting ones. J13 tit*


BRASS BAND wili take place at the Chinese AssemblyRooms on WEDNESDAY EVENINO, Jan. 15, ISSl..During the evening the BAND will perform the celebratedlntrodtiction lo NORMA. by Bellini, also, a UUICKSTEPdedicated to tie Second Company of National Guards,HielbiechLThe EXCELSIOR GLEE CLUB have kindly volun¬

teered their service* to sing some favorite pieces on iheoccasion.Tickets $1 each, to be bad of any Member of the BAND.IIS ft*. -*


FORNIA, and on the Isthmus of Derlen, now open. This1* the brat opportunity ever offered to the public of teeinga correct and ml! representation of the Clues, Villages, Vatleys, Misaioas, Bsys, Rivers, Mining Regions, Ac. togetherwith the Picturesque Ruins, Public Building*. ReligiousProcessions, Holiday Fetes of the City of Panama, Crossingthe Isthmus. Chagres River. Manners and Customs of thePeople. Admittance 25 cents. Commence at 7f o'clock,precisely. Open every evening during the week. ji0 5t*


rei nes: of parties, teacher* and others, and In order lo al¬low ALL lo see the "New Panorama." the uniform priceof admission will hereafter be TWENTY-FIVE CENTS.On Wednesday and Saturday AFTERNOONS, a; 3./dork,Children will be admitted ai half price. Descriptive Cata¬logue* la, cents. Openevery EVENING.Doors open at commence at 7} o'clock, j 14 1 wls*

KNICKERBOCKER HALL, corner ofEigbth-averueandTw*nty third-M .AGRAND MU¬

SIC AL ENTERT AI NM ENT wiil be given at thi*p ace onWEDNESDAY EVENING the 15th in*t for which oecv.ioa are engaged JEANNIE REYNOLDSON, the cele-brsted Scottish Vocalist, Mitt 0»fRANDER and M-.sra.MAC DONALD and OLDFIKLD. Admittance IA cents.Doors open at oj Coccert eommenc-s at 7* o'clocs.

j 13 2teod_HE DÜSSELDORF ACADEMY OFFINE ARTS.-Lesatng/s great Uistoriaal Picture ol

the -'MARTYRDOM OF MUSS" has been added to thecollection of Paintings by artists of the above school. Ad*mission 25 cents; season tickt is $1. and description cat*,lognes 18| cent* d4 3m

JOB PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE..An old -tantf. and one fitted up for every deasription

ef work, will be sold cheap, and on reasonable terms. Ap¬ply to CHA9. WILLETS.jl5 2r Tribane Job Office, 5 and 7 Spruce-sL


ING.The best article in use. alwavt on hand and for aaleby GRAMUS A STEWART. 96 Mslden-lane.

IllDidtr*_LOST.. A case ut Surgical In^ruinento,

containing ¦ curved tongue Spatula. Sdsaore, .baoo-ry and other »mal! Instromems, supposed to have beea .eftto one of the Eighth-**, »tage*. The linder will be liberaflyrewarded ny returning the same to the subscriber.

A J. MOORE. 37 Weat-Twentv-SUtb *L

jM 3t' between Sixtbaod Seventh ava



BALES BY AUCTION.A M Msawi*. Auctioneer

BV BAN08, BROTHER 6c CO. 204BROADWAY -Cuh advances made upon all coa

WEDNESDAY EVENING. Jan. 15, at 6 o'clock.Vauablk Standard Book»..Bein* an extensive OS*

lection of rice edition*, many of which art? English, of theBasal approved and popular work* In the various hrancbe*.and a large assortment of Miscellaneous Literature.And including Mexico, tlluwrated with fine tinted r'ate*.

folio, hf morecco. Wood'* Designs for Furniture, coloredplate*, royal t!o, hf. mor. Overland Mall Route from Eng.lard hi Ea*t Indie*, it hne engraving*, folio. London ArtUnion Annual, tto. Hogarth'* Work*, lit engraving*, fo-bo. Piokerton's History of Scotland, 2 volaSvo. Oibbon'sHistory of Rome, 4 vol*. vvo. Mill'* Political Economy, 2vol*. hvo. Worcester'* tto. Dictionary. Norton on the(ienuinene** of the Uoipel, 3 vol*. tfvo Wehater'* Diction-ary. tto. ahp. Everett** Oration*. 8vo. Sheridan'* Speech-e*. 3 vol*. x*o. South'* Sermon*. .' vol*. Iro. ThomasRcid'« W orkf, I vol*. two. MoreU's History of Modern Phil¬osophy, 2 vol». .''»o. Milton'* Prose Works. 2 vola Svo_Brysm's Poetical Work*. illustrated. ¦>. .-i. Ha! .em'siI a ryol Europe. 2 vols. 3vo. Wbeweffion Inductivelets*, et, 2 rat* svo calf. Sttte*man't Manual, 4 rata, 8vo.. hrep. Home * 1'ommer.larv on P*alm». svo. Alexanderor: Isaiah, Ivo. Preseou's Works. Anuual* for 1351, andother elegant Gift Books, &c.Also, a great variety of School Books. Stationery, Vc.WEDNESDAY EVENING, Jan. 22. at | o'clock.

PnuTt Law Library An extet.*ive and valuablecollection of Law Book*, emhraci-'.g United Slate* andSlate Repors, Slate Laws, Digests,, Commentar¬ies, Treatise* and a great variety ot the most approved ele¬ment *ry works and many scarce and choice volumes, bothEnglish and AtMdtenAr Privat I Stt.s .Bohn's Libraries, consisting of the

standard, BCtentlBc, ant'quarian, classical, tllustra ad and(nev. cheap *ene*. Tne*e high.y popular and valuablepublication* are offered to the trade in quantities as we!! asto individuals in sets, or single copies, as may be desired.By Ihe extensive range of subiert* embrace! in the severalseries, they are well adapted ei'.her to the libraries of pub icinsdtuiion* or Iba shelves of private collector*. The enter-

prlatof publisher, Mr Henry G. Bohn, of London, 1* rapid-ly adding new Issues, and from the character of those here*lofote bioaght out, It may he readily presumed what thesubsequent one* will be.Tleiaie»i issue* received are Taylor'* Holy L'.vtn.'and

Dying and Lamartine'* Genevieve.the former of the Stan-dard Library and the latter of Bohn's sow series; Plato.vol 3: Cicero's Oftiris and Kttto's Scripture Lands are ex-

peeled by an early packet.Al.o. Gardner').'Lectures on Science and Arts, Ewbank's

H yd ran iic* and Mechanic*, Bennett'* Double Entry Book/Keeping, Ac "je.Al»o. a large assortment of Cap and Letter Psper.

Ant hon v J. Bi.kiikek, Auctioneer.

ry\\K VALUABLE PROPERTY <>nJE the comer o' .Mott and Chatham st». at Au:tlon.AN-THONY J BLEECKER will sell auction on MONDAY.Jan. 27,1851, at the Real Estate Sales Rooms, 7 Broad at.the following valuable property, vizCHATHAM ,>i, Mott sts..The valuable LOT of ground

with ihe 4 story brick Bl ILDINt l.thereon, known a* Nos.17-t and I7rj Cbaiham-it corner of Mott-sc said Lat being in*ire «5 feet I inche* fronting on Chatham *l 32 f«et 5inche* in the rear, by about »1 feet in inches in depth onMott-at and about 67 feet In depth on the other .ide. Titleunquestionable. Kor terms, mans and furtber particulars,apply to the Auctioneer. 7 Broad st (1,275) J15 18.20,20*

Anthony J Blekckes, Auctioneer.


Chrystle-sl at AUCTION-ANTHONY J. BLEECKERwill *ell at auction on WEDNESDAY, Jan. 22, 1851 at 12o'clock. si the Rea, Estate Sale* Room. 7 B".«.».av »¦» or¬

der of the Executor. *»u«rwlng > ALL ABI,.". 1 ROP-

BThe 2-*i«ry brick and slate BUILDING, 1"1 Bowery,betweenGreed and He«ter*t* known a* the KNICKERBOCKKR BATHS.LoI 25 by 118 feel In depth, with allthe Improvement* thereon.Also, the 2 dory tin ck front DWELLING HOUSE.known

as 79 Chrysiie-st said Lot being in sire 25 feet by 84 feet 10inches in depth.For Maps and further particulars of the above property

apply to the Auctioneer, 7 it road stHI itAM RAYNOR.

Executor for the Eatate ofSarah Gompert*. dee'd.J ISI* (1.240)

AT PRIVATE SALE.A HOUSE andtwo LOTS OK GROUND, situated In Mangln-st.

near Brnome-st. The Lots are full sl/e, 25 by 1(H) leet Indepth: on the Lot* are a two-story frame House witli alwo-*lory brick Kitchen attached, and Stables in the roar

for Cartnien. One baif of the purchase money can remainon bond and mortgage. For price aad further particular*¦pplyto ANTHONY J. BLEECKER. Auctioneer,

jl51w 7 Broad at.

Anthony J. Bleecker. Auctioneer.


ER will sell auction on MONDAY, Jan. 27, 1*51, at 12o'clock, at the Real Estate Sales Rooms, 7 Broad-eL the fol¬lowing VALUABLE PROPERTY, vi/:On ElusiduE-st The 2 story and attic brick front

HOUSE and LOT or ground, known as u7 Eldridge-st.said Lot tiring la'tize 2!» feet 7 inche* front and rear by loofeet in depth. House 29 feet 7 Inche* by about Id feel Indepth, win an alley-way leading to the rear building whichIs occupied a* a carpenter shop.BtjM of Ifce purchase money can remain on bond and

murtgsge fur 2 years at ti per cent, per annum. For furtherparti, -nur« apfdy lo thu .Auctioneer, 7 Broad-at,

:ISIS,l«.2Its (1,273)Anthony j Bleecker. Auctioneer.


AUCTION.ANTHONY J. BLEECKER will *e!l at auction on

THURSDAY the 16th of January. 1851. at 12 o'clock at theReal Estate Sale* Rooni, 7 Broad-st by order of the True-tee* of S: Patrick's Cathedral, ihe following property, vizThree desirable BI ILDING LOTS *iiH»leJ on the westSide of Avenue A, between Eievealh and Twelfth *ta. com¬mencing 50 feet from Eleventli-sL; said Lot* being each insl/e 25 feet front and rear by IM) feet In depth.Sale positive. One.half of the purchase money can re¬

main on bond and mortgage. For further particular* applyto the Auctioneer, 7 Broad-sL (1,252) dJi) Jl,4 «.Mltolti

Wm. H. Franklin, Auctioneer.

PEREMPTORY SALE TO CLOSEan Interest of 14 Houses and Leases of Lots, known

a* No*. 187, 1(9.191. 193, 195, N7. ISO, 2<i|, 2f<3, and 2>i»M<mroe-(L and a* 35, SI, 39 and 41 Montgomery-*t. Theground rent I* $120 per annum, having eighteen year* un-expired, aad subject to nerpe.ual renewaiaor the building*lobe paid for..WILLIAM H. ERANKLIN, SON A CO.wiilsell at Auction,on WEDNESDAY, January 15,at 12o'clock, at the Merchant*' Ex'change:Monboe-st..10 modern built and nearly new three-story

and attic brick dwelling house* ami lease* of lot*, 187, 189,191. l'JS, 195, 197, 199, 201.2(0. and 2S > Moriroe-sLMontoomerv-st..4 modern built and nearly new three¬

s' ory and attic brick dwelling house* aad lease* of lot*, 35,37, f) and 41 Montgomery-*!.Tbe*e houses tue sllualed in apleaaanland healthy neigh-borbcod, and well and aubtUntlally built, having countercellars and high basenieut*, with courtyard* in front. Theyare conveniently arranged, witbCrotou water, bath*, cook¬ing rangCb of the most approved patterns, and are in per¬fect order. The bouses are 20 bv 40 feeL The lota are un>der lease, at a ground rent off 12» per annum, having 18veais unexpired and subject to perpetual renewal*, or thebuildings to be paid for at a valuation In the usual manner.N. B. Term* liberal and made known at aaie. Kor particu¬lar*. Inquire at the office of the Auclloneera, 5 Broad-«t.(4.374)_)lbt<

Wm. H. Franklin. Aucttoaeer.


at Auction, on WEDNESDAY, January 29, at 13 o'clock,at the Merchant*' Eschanre, and the following days, «WLOTS ou First, Second, Fourth. Fifth, Sixth and SeventhAvenues, 47th, 48th, 49lh, 79Ul 94tb, (Observatory »quare,)O-'-ih. 96th, 97th, 117th. 118th, 11 ''th *ts. and Harlem-lane, In¬cluding extensive Water Privileges at Turtle Bay, on thebat River.The map* are now ready for delivery at the office of the

Auctioneer*, 5 Broad-st. (4,378)j<j t*

D. D. Na«s, AOetloneer.

BY HARMON & NASH.-Store 310Broadway .SALE, in continuation of the FRANK¬

LIN HOUSE FURNITURE .On THURSDAY, Jan. lb,at 10 o'clock, corner of Broadway and Day st consisting ofa large aud general assortment of elegant Parlor and Cham¬ber Furniture, Silver Ware, kc._JU 2t«

Jacob Bogabt, Auctioneer.-Store 15 Spruc*>*l

MORTGAGE SALE.Tum Day, (Wed¬nesday./ l 'ah lost, at 10 o'clock, at the corner of East

Broadway and Caihsrine-*t. the content* of an OYSTERSALOON, marble top table*, cane-seat chair*, bar-counter,glass and china ware, lamp", mirrors, p«irjttngs, rnnts, Ac.

' Y lOSlPM vv JONES,]L3lt* Conalgnee and Atiorney for Mortgagee.

AT PRIVATE SALE.The valuablethree-storv Brick HOUSE and LOT, south-east corner

of Vartck and Laighi si*.Also, the three-story and basement brick HOUSE and

L(JT, 16 Lalgbt-*t Lot 27 by about 100 feet deep.Also, the brick STABLE, fronting on It John's lane, near

I sight s'. A large portion of the purchaae m-tney can re-main cm bond and mortgage for a term of year*. For foilparticular*, apply to COLE A CHILTON. Auctioneer*,

j|5 lw "_j Wali-St

FLOATING BATH AT AUCTION.Toe Franklin Bad. formerly located at Castle Garden,

with US anchor*, chain*, cables, chairs, crockery and glass¬ware, towels, furniture. Ac, will be sold at Public Auctionat the Merchant*' Exchange, on THURSDAY, January16, at It o'clock, M. forth* benefit of whom it may con¬cern. The Bath now lie* at Greenwood, where it may be

seen._ JU St*

IPUBLIC SALE..Will be ü U at Pub¬lic Vetdue on THURSDAY. Jan 2J lM*tween the

bum of 12 and 5 P M. on the Be*ails us, the r ARM of thesubscriber, bands' me|y located 3 ml..* frees the city ofNew Brunswiek, on the road lead'n* t > M.l'.lor.e, Sooser-¦et County, N. J Bald MSB contain* 116 acre*, lo of wood¬land, 100 oif a/abi« laud, without ot.e loot of brokee or

uaste Und, In a i.i.e slate ofcultivation. The budding* *r*

nearly new au-t La good .r..«r. fruit . ofaii kiad*: two

large pe*ch ortua/ds is full bearing, be.»de « large peack

"rida Eaim'i*'worr.y the ajiSnUoa ^raay Pfr*» wishis*i sjas r ;¦ r.

^TT' '


(OPAinMlKSUlI».ITBE UND F. RS KJN ED HAVE-¦ Ki KM TD A 10PAI! r\KR>lllr* under the na.uaacd firm of CARTER BRoTii ER A CO and wid eoo>tlnue :be business for met, v done by L C C<IT«l underihr : im of Csarta. H«< > . * Baldwim. tad bare open-ed tfcetr store at ¦» Hey -st


New Vura, January LS, UThe books aadaecounu of the late firm of CabtbMIai

tlv Jt halo", in wlU Im sailed by L C CARTER, at lbe>above described place. jutf

C-iÜ-part N¥rs~H I P..An_»ctive''young man ahoutrwtlring fr'tn ahrm.l* desirous of fet Is¬

ing a partnership with some person already esuh.isbed in bu-sii.<-**.and would advsnce from three to tan thousand dollars.Ben «. prarticady acquainted with the Jewe.ry business,would prefer that, or some other nearly eonnecu* I it,but would not object to any other safe business, which lareasonably profitable. Comiuri'iicalloris (which will (^con¬sidered strictly eoafiaentiad sating the nature of ibe busi¬ness, and whan and where an Interview may be had. ad¬dressed to '. Enterprise," bot 1,T*», General Poat-Olfics,a ... r. reive tuimeuiale ailetulon. ) '3 St*

I^HE CO-PARTN ERSI 11 p"h7re"toforeraising between tl.e subscribers, under the Ana of

Houghton, Merrcll k Co. Is this day, by mutual consent,dissolved. Tbe outstanding business of the late arm willbe settled by either of the undersigned. \» bo are authorizedto sign in lh;uidauon. New York. Jan. fi, 1331.


1 N t -nformity with the statute concern-M ing limited partnerships, ¦ e, the subscribers, do beranycerttly that we have formed a limited partnership, to I ts

conducted under the name of Marrell k Houghton. in theniantifac'ttring and selling Umbrellas and Parasols, tbasubscribers. Brutes R ¦.frei] and J. Stark Houghton,who reside in the City of New York, are iuleresotd Insaid partnership as general partners, and ElwvJH< 'u-hton, whoso place of residence ia In the City ofNew-Totm. it interested In >tvd partnership as specialpartner, and, a* such, has contributed twenty tl.e thou-sard dollars as capital to the common stoc k, tn cash Thesaid partnership ts to commence on the sixth day of Jaa-uary. I(91, and ts to terminate on the ^ 1st day of Dacember. IM.»New Vork. January 6. ISM.


riMlE SUBSCRIBERS hereby give no-1- tire that they have taken the store lately occupied by

B ciiL-liton. Merrell k Co.. where they are prepared With alarge stock of Goods to receive their customer*.January nth, 1151.

Merrell i. iioughton. r>3 vrniassatJll lot* comer of l edar-sL

1IM1TED PARWeIrSHI P.-Theün^Xlersigned hereby give notice that they have formed a

limited partnership for the transaction of a mercantile busi¬ness in the city of New-York, pursuant to the provisions ofan art of tbe Legislature of the State of New York enutled" Of Limited Partnerships '* The said business wtU badone under the name of "LEWIS PENNEY" The gan-eial nature (f said partnership business la that ol buyingand selling BOOTS and SHOES and keeptng a WHOLE¬SALE BOOT and SHOE STORE. Tho undersignedLewis Penney, residing in the city ef NewYork. Isthagenersl partner, and the undersigned Thomas s. Townsend,also residing In said city, Is the special partner, and as suchha* contributed seven thousand nve hundred dollars in cashcapital to the common stock. Tbe said partnership is tocommence on the first day of January, 1851, and terminateat the expiration of two years from that lay. Store ikCortland-su.Dated January 1. Ml.


DISSOLUTION..The Co-partnershipheretofore exl»ting belweea the subscribers under

the name and firm of OEO. W. SHIELDS a CO. EX¬PIRES this day by its own limitation.


New-York, 1st January, 1831.

CO PARTNERSHIP.-The *ub*crtber* have thl* dayformed a Co-partnership, and will continue the Commissioniron Busines as heretofore, under the name and firm of8EORGE w. SHIELDS lc CO.


New York. 1st January, 1851. Jl las

(^O-PARTN ERSH1 P..JOHN FALCONER has this day associated with htm HENRY B.

QIINAN.and win continue the Shipping husineas, underthe firm of JOHN FALCONER V CO. Office for thopresent at 64 Cedar St. with Moullon k Co.

JOHN falconer.henry E. ULi.NAN.

New-York, January 1, 1831._jl 3w


k Co. having associated with him JAMES W. BARKERand ZENAS newell, will continue the Importing andJobbing of Dry Goods, under the firm of MODLTON 4tCO- at 62 Cedar and a Pine st


New-York, January 1.1351.REMOVAL.ZENAS NEWELL hat removed from 31

to64 Cedar-sl_Jl 3w

NOTICE..The Co partnership hereto¬fore existing between the subscriber*, under the firm

of JOHN K At ON er k CO. Is Uis day dissolved bymutual consenl Either party will sign In liquidation.


New-York, January 1, 1M. Jl 3w

c O-PARTNERSHiP.Nofire is herebygives that Orvtlle L. Knox arid Hoory Beeckman, Jr.are from this date partners In our firm.The business will hereafter be transacted at No. 46 Cort-

landt sl OTIS, JOHNES k CO.New-York, January 1st, UBL Jl ion*

IMPORTANT TO THE SHIPPING INTEREST8.Onboard of lh>- New-Vork and Liverpool Packet-1 *

Ship Joseph Walker, New- Yobk. Jan. 18.51. JTo Charit» Prrlry, Ktu. 114 Cohimbin-tt \rir~York:

DEAR SIR: Having recently arrivedfrom Liverpool, alter a boisterous passage of 53 days,

1 lose do lime in bearing testimony of the benefits derivedby myself, craw and passengers, In the use of your Inval"uable newly-discovered Mai he- Ventilators, which ope¬rated with equal saiety und perfection during etorms u la(air weather.The Joseph Walker is partially supplied with the ordl.

nary atde-iighti and Ventilators of the des. npuons in eora-moa use, «jj of which had to bede-ed to prevent the waterfrom entering the ship durlog the many severe storm* waexperienced, which were of long that our 360passengers and crew ware only relieved with fresh air bythe use of your valuable Marine YenLlators. Your Vend,lator side-light* poassa* an important advantage regardingsafety, being so arranged that the water does not dashv:o er.t.v *gain*t them; in thl* id*, they were placedbelow the fore chains, In the most exposed part of the ship,and operated in perfection and with safety-serving thedouble purpose ol continued ventilation, and light durlogstorms.

I conceive the use of these Marine Ventilators to be notonly valuable for the safety acd comfort of passengers andcrews, hut in the preservation of cargoes, by the constantdischarge of the damp, heated air; and from the severe ta*twe have |lven khesn, and the benefit* derived from themduring than o*i »evere Wlnn-ra' pesssge I have a^ver ex-perierced, I am satisfied :..ut all who use them will agreewiih iu* in considering u a most valuable discovery. 1should not now ihii.a of titling a si ip without mem.

Your*, respectfully, WM. E HOXIE.

IIO PARENTS ANDCHILDREN.-Many children are deformed from relaxation of tba

fllanoet muscles of the feet, during tbe early years of walk-ng, leading to malformation or Hi* feet, lameness andmisery through life. The difficulty admit* of easy andprompt remedy. And a* tbe celebrated Amasbory of Loo¬sen, »»yt. " Many of the cases of knock knee and thoss)case's similating hip diseases, the dlihcasiy can ba removedlike a charm, by properly sustaining the plat* arch " San-ford Bell, M D of thl* city *ay*, in relation n» uns «ubjact" Among the many contrivance*, I have seen used, nonecome so near perfection a* the Spring Shank of LORI.NBROOKS; with it liiere ia no positive confinement, nut themuscles are taught properly to perform their fuaclon*,while the bones and ligament* are kept ..uiet'yand po*l-vi-ly In their natural position In my daughter'* ea*e,

they have produced great benefit." j'4 lw


HAI K SOLES .They finini ail the requisite tr*iirj»aoii*,vdz: eollnr**. el**UCity, and lendeocy U» Seep the feat id aDBiural *ta*e of beat and moisture. In cold and dastpweather mow people will find them htghiy u*eiul laipro-moi.r.g healiii and comforu Sold at retail by LOR1.NBROOKS, 18« Fulicsn-l wast of Broadway. j!4 lw

JEWELRY STOCK. Stand, lease, 6cc. mone of the bast location* m th* dry, for sale This I* a

good opportunity for on* or two bmlna. men, wboJbypiircha*lng valuable articles at mere cor. thereby jsernrethe good will and lease of a good stand. |M%e\%\2Zanta. in approved notes. AddreM. for als day..* ¦ «.of ibis paper, where snonymetis cc*miualo»ii*J "M

their answer addraaaad, at signs-i.

$ewsUthe4dö^"of |Jm robsCTibar 3?*^ 00 *.^7.. . Tnsattv 7th irst ac«i °nu ^«lze Dagjamo-!Ve ?rfnch^litframe Ä.r «o th<H.; now in üle awsa.tyT,wo"^e Oo d^ie^^ .toi« therefrom. The

KltXTf.l.Ä J » WH^ElruM^Jl4 1W*_,_

LINEN AND HEMP MACHINERY..1 am now prepared to contract with Compacts* ar

i.41 rtduala for machinery for raatufacui/lag hag;rng, rope or Haan, by Uta us* ut eUber rtxutd arMMhemp or flax. Lett t* post-psld will receive prompt at-tention. O. 8 LEAVITP.Maysvllte, Jsn. 8, f»M. _JII3 StDtilt^^

jy| US1C - rAKTlrT?, [tyi}*r*k.» aval

('r'l> r- f .l.riUBi.y ulletldr-d !" byjlOf S SIMPSON, 47 W

REWARD..The sbow-m^ at
