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Original do,:t1,rx.ir1 :c:r enc, returned d{?l'df :

Ex. t'.io. .:1. ... 4!rerCopy at [,.;. i.Jo. 3 .. . . retainEL_-") t ft.:,"

. -7r^,' , '? 6

Dep.trrl/A,si r rn =|r,ffi:,::*'Greater bonrbay tiet;L1n, Eombay

fIiIS fRUSf DEED Bade at Bombay this Zgtr. day of

Nsveaber, 1991 (me fbousand Stne Hrmdred and Ninety

oae) BETWgEti[ DE. Bi{ARAr MAI{IRAm VAISASI; 8B Indian

Inlrabltarrt, resr.diag at Bonbayr hereLnafter calLed, , --,

nthe SEIITIORS (uhlch eq)resslon elraLl rrnless repug-l

aant to the eontert q3 pEanLJig tbereof be deemed to

incLude his heirs, executors and admLnLstrators) ot

the OIIE PA,Hf ; AI{D

( t ) m,, EHARtrI !{ANrRa},I vAEwAHr,





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all TJodtan Iuhabltantsr hereinafter called athe

fngSfEESn (whLeb er(rresslon cbal-l ur-Less lt be I , ,.'*- l:,:{. ,r a: , ,- 'i, . , ,.,' .: .:"

"..r.* r. I -.

repqgnant to the context or EeanrJg8! thereof be desed

to lnelude then, the ?rugteas or ?nrstee for the tLse' -, ,*'i '.::t ,"riu . '. :

betas of these presestsr the Eurrl'Yer or surYlvors of

tbea and th€ helrsr exeetltors and adnlnistrators of: i. ' i\,t r( i '1 -i''

the Last autrlvlng 3r'ustee aad thetr/hts or her c: I 't . :';" .. .i'

easLgas of the O ffiB PAEI E

nii,,.',;-1...'',' i- ... . '. 'i'1HHSBEAS tbe gettlor ls absslutely selzed and posseEsed

. *,T-,", * r :* ., r rj t;. I ,':, ,ir;.: ,, ... ' i

of or othemlee sel} aad euffleleatly entltled La hlgI',

orra rl.ght aad as htnse1f acqulred the property s sElB - --- i



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of B.l rACF.l- (qupees One Thousand. only) AHD TIIEREAS

the Settlor Ls desLroous of setttr€ the saLd srn of,

h.lrOOO/- (Rtp*"* gne only) UPON A TRIJST for

pubLle charitab}e obJects subJeet to the powersl prov- deeLaratloas and, agreenent hereinafter contalned

of and coneemrlng the aane Ax{D IliI{ERgAs Et the request

of the settlor the tnrstees have eonsented aad agreed

to becone end act as the Tnrstees of these presents

and to hold the said sun of ts.1r000/- (&4rees &re

fhousaad only) ae aLso any d,oaatlons propertles effeets

or cortrlbutl.ons, recelved by the Tnrstees and al.l


Page 5: TRUST DEED - shraddharehabilitationfoundation.orgt i-)I t I T TRUST DEED OB i Il-. I | -L' I \ i

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.,'r..,..,:.i1,' i.r.t , :'.''', ,.t ;,-.1.. f:lf) i;-.,,..i;;.r., *'..,,;,*.a'',, 'a :

accretlonsr addltloae, laeoaer dlvldeadg and propgt"t-t;,,;:,.ii# itir;n ,-i.. .,.1.'ur; I i+,,: r}j"*\: J - .,:i.j,:'3r*':::-ii

Lesr thereto or thereof and tnvestaent or lnvestaents,'r.- ;, ...:. .:

lnclud"tng ths L+novable ptpporty or propert .eE and firon tLne to tlme representtag the satse,,; ..1.,.j:il-ii-. '1 ,":3.'i,, o.,,'t r ;;*iti'- .:. i rrri ;i,, -.,i'.".1..:j , ,.'..i-:-i. .;fii:'.

up@n tRlsts hereinafter e€mtioaed and deel,ared as.rri::i{. }::t'i :, .;,":' ; : "..: .,,:i ..r' ;.' , '.i :;: : ". i llir,f -.-, :'f -,

Its testlfled and evLden@ed by thelr Jolntng aad

exeoBtlng thege presents SIOH BIIIS IffDEHATBE HITHES$SIH

as folltrs 3

:...i-,. # , ll, lr ., *1r.i.:1.: ra ,. ,

1. the Settlor ln purg-rgace 'of and for the plrbllc:.-i.*i .ir,i.i:;: .:.;, ir" '-."- .';i g: '1 g!11;-,,., o...;:-.i;-fr ,iJ*.i,. 1. 'j.,,,

etrarltabLe purposes herelnafter Eeatl.oned aad f,or




Page 6: TRUST DEED - shraddharehabilitationfoundation.orgt i-)I t I T TRUST DEED OB i Il-. I | -L' I \ i


dLveree other good eanse and eosslderatlon dotJr hereby

deelare tbat he has oB or before the exeetltlon of theEe

presente pald end deLlvered rmto t"be ErtleteeE, the sald

srm st h.1rOO@/- (Rtryeeg gtre thoueand on1y) (8lne recelpt

and payment thereof the lrtstees do and each of them

dsth hereby admlt and ackaorJ.edge the Settlor doth here-

by aesLgrl aad traasfer tmto the SmsteeE the Eald gusa

of &. l reFl}/- (ntpees One thousand oaJ.y) and the estatel

rlgpt, tLtLe asd laterest, beneflts, cLaln and denand

whateoever both at l-aw and at eqtrlty of the Settlor

and the lncome, lnterestr d.lvldend and proflt thereof

rmte aad to the use of t&e lrustees forever n** ERUSI

and for uaeE, purp@seer bemeflts and subJect to the

po$ers, prorlslone and direetlons of, the eoaeernlag'

the sage.

2. the SettLor doth heneby ,d.treet a4d the Irustees

ds aad eaeb of tben doth hereby decLare that they tbe

flnrstees, eha.Ll hol.d and stand, possessed of the sal.d

arry of ts.1]O00/- (nrryees .q$g 3-housand snLy) herela-

after refemed to as Hthe Tnrst F\mdr and shal]. be

emtlt}ed to hoLd aad Etand p@ssesaed of, any otber

amotmts recelved by way of dmatloas I property,-l

effeet or contributlOm or othemlse end the aeeret-

lone, Lnterest, divldends and profl.ts thereto or

Page 7: TRUST DEED - shraddharehabilitationfoundation.orgt i-)I t I T TRUST DEED OB i Il-. I | -L' I \ i


lncludLng lmnEvqbJ.e properties' seeurlt*s for the

ti,ne betng represcnt{qg the sane and shaAl algo ln-!

elude streh loterests as nay be aequLred by tbetr

Srltlstees 6r eoue to thelr handE by vlrtue of these

presenta or by operatim of l'es or otbenrlee h@rE@-

ever in rElatlon to these preEents t PO$ TRUST and

fon tbe eads, lntents and purposea berelaaffer(.

deeLared and esatalned and rlth aad subJeet to tbe

porers, pr@vlsloae, agreerentg aDd deelaratlons

herelaaf[er aee].ared asd coatalaed aad coacernlng


tb.e gane.a (


,. , &" ?nlat ereated by theae pregents shaL| be

kam ae iSIIHADEHA" REI{ABILxIAII€H FlltHSA?Iffin (here-

'laafterr calLed aad, referred to as tbe nthe eafa

?nrstn) and the sane sha]-l neyer be ehanged. The

reglstered offiee of the sald trqst sbaLL be at

Bonbay andr/or at such other plaee and/oe places ln

Iadle as the fnrstees nay fea tlle to ttee declde.

,*. l'.be trtrsteee shsLl heLd aad etasd possessed

of the Srust tr\rnat qp@n the'ag TnrstE flrbJeet

ts the poyera, deelaretlons, eoa&ttLoag aad proyls-

loas herelsafter eryreeeed aad ooataLaed of and?l

eoneerlaLnlt the neBe-

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a) Eo Banagie ?nrst E\mds and eoII€ot, reselve

aad recover the lntereste, renta, dirLdeadc,

iraeomes, profltsr Sal'ae and aay other r€€-

elFta of vbatsoeyer natura thereof f,roata

tlne to tl,pe as aad, rhen the eane beeome dtrc

aad payabl.e and ln tha fLrst place to

relnburse or pay snd dlsebarge

all, coats, eharges and expenseo !.a,oumed,

la or about or lneldeataL to the adm{piatrat-

lon, exeeutl.on and. nanagenenrt of the fmste

or poyers of these preaellts and to pay aL1

or,rtgorrigs, taxes, asoessments, deeae dutl,es,

Levles, lqlorts and otJrer taxes and lasurance

prepLtms payable ln recpeet thereof aad the

costs ol neetLug ordlnary repalrs to aay

property f,orplag part of the BruEt E\md and

all' eglenaes togetber wtth past lossee aad

defloits, if anf,r

b) To apply pay or trtllLse thd balance of surp3"us

of su0h lnterest, dlvX.deads, lncones Broflts

and gatns of the tmst ftmd (heretnafter

caLled trthe Het Ineosetr) and"aoetuulatlon

thereof aad ln the dleeretloa ef the Tnrstees

,Bay at any tlne aad from tLae to tlae applyl

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all or any one or Bore charltable

obJeets and purpoaes such as tehabl3.ltatloa

of mentalLy affllctEd destltutes aad thetr

betterneat, in general, and for the abjects

Eore speelflcally centloaed herel^uafter,

lruespeetive of any easte, creede eolour,

eonmrulty or re1lglon in such proportlon

and nenner ln aLL respeets ae tbe Tnrsteee

may frop tLse to tlse la thelr abeslutea

dlseretJ.on tMnk flt and prgper.


the atms and, ob$eetlves of the Aegoclatlon are

as follors :

e) fo provlde a eentra} orgar,rl,satLoa to aosist

l.n the rehabiLltatLsn of nentally affiicted

destLttrtes (h Eufferlag froe

sEhizophrenia) aad ttrose deetltates

vanderlng on the streets of Bonbay @r

aaytrhere oa th#streets of &rd,la.

b) Io plck r,4B these neatally afflicted wand,er-

lag destitetes fren the streets and get tbea

srrnitted ln our ova lnstlhrtlon or to other

approprl,ate instltutloae fo.n favour of

apBr@pr,Xate psychiatrLc treatment.






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Q?1F-pS:r_: .:_.:'-'-1-'__'_ rc '-7.o.i


:t ; l

a) f@ p.rovlde food, olothlng. aad sbe}ter to.

the aentally affLlcted randertng destl'tutesr

isaPltallratiqp :

d) To reloeate 'the fantIles of' these deEtltutes

. afber aPprop{tats t}tyGhlatrLo treatne8t and

help reutte then wtth theLr respeetlve

e) To edueate the. pe&tca.L Professlon atrd the

generall publlc' tbat rschlzophrenlcs and

nor:naI llvtng arod to help to remove

alseoaeeptlons.about the reLI belsg sf

tbe rneatally-af,flloted destlttdeer and

, lo lppress partiqrlarly about thelr

@plsyablltty aad sselal aeeeptance.

f)' To.prabltsh aad dlseenlaate hetrpful' l-afotn-

atlon tor the better rehabiLltatim of

aentally-lLL destltute patlents.

S) fo vsrk and e@-operate nith those HatlosaL'?

and Intennatlonal Bodles uhose purpoaes ere

to eoabat nental llla€es ln aL[ lts fsms.

, h) fo.eneourage formallea of looa1 oLubs of

rehablll.tated, deetlttrtes and neatally 111


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ri ro!

1) $tluscriptloa, eontributlon and/or donat-

Lsn to any pebltc eharltable SneEts or.,t ' .

Fwrde or Instlttltlons tor p'ioaetioa ef,

any of the aforesald obJeets.

: .]:

$) re, upoirbr and hsld S.eotures,

semLaars, exhlbltlons' shlblre, eeppst

gatherlngE ete. and to ptrbllsh aad

dletrlbqte aagazJaee, bookletar 3.eaflets,

dlgests, pqPers, e&rcate and proaote

, the kaerledge of the publl.e about varlous

psyehlatrle &lEorders that aff,Llot the

randerlng destltuteg. :

k) To do aLl enrch other matters aad, thiags

and to take a.1]. sucn other aetioas, as

Ef,y qppear to the lrusteee to be ,n the

best laterest md to the best advantage

sf the, but only csnsistently wlth

and.ln flerthEr.mee of the ob$eets set out

hereln and In aeesrdance rltJr the provls-

loas of theoe preseats, PSOUIEED AI"HAYS

alss rithout preJu&Lse to the generality

of the foregolag ob$eets thet the help to

be gf.ven rmder any of the foregolng hea4s

yherever the caae adnlts aay be given


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! 11 i

" el,ther tn the ray of Beeralary payaents

or goods er ti,rg" or the *pply or

dlEtrlbtrtlon of goodsl foods, el,othes

or nedlclaee, elther dlreotLy or tJrrougb

any agente or la any Barrner shieh tbe

Trtrstees tse5r eonslder d,eelrabl-e.

Pnovfunu HotrgvnR that the incone as welL as the

Corpus or aay Bert theraof shall not be treasf,emedr

appLLed, utllised pald or speat for any private Bur-

poses whlch does not ensure for the beneflts of the and the tlhoLe or eny part of the lncome or

corpus or assets of tbe Tnret and Lts ftad shaLL nst

be transfemed or applled for any strch prXvate



5. SubJeet to the provlslsns of the Ineome-tax Aet,

1961 and the Boabay PtrbLtc ?rtrsts Aet, 19fr and any

statutory nod,lfLcatton or F€-dractnent ttrereof from

tlne to tlne the surplrre and tmapplied portlon (ff

any) of the Trust E\md arlslng ln any one or Eore

year er years shaLl be aeeunulated and invested and

the resultlng lacome thereof shall also be aecumul-

ated aad lrrvested tn any of tbe Lavest,aents La whLcb


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the fr^ust S\mds are bereby dLrected, sr anthorlaed to

be lnvested and the tnrstees sha1l have power la any

subsequent year'to spefrd and apply the EaEe J.n the

sane Eanner and to the sape e:rtent as if sueh aceugul-

atloa or parts thereof had been spent otrt of the

lncone of thA year or years ln whleh the same Ls

soug[t to be eryerded and appl.l.ed as aforesaLd,.


6. The Trust shall keep and nalntaln reguLar

aeeormts of its receJ.pts and expmdLtrrre and get

the sane audlted by a &artered Aecsuatant dtrly

appolated by then. the aeeotmtlng year of the tnrst

shaL1 be 51st llarch or such year as Bay be deelded

by the fnasteee. fhe fLrst year uiLL ead on jf"t

Harch, 199?.



SubJeot to the other provLsisns of these pr€s-

entE and the provlslons of the rneoae-tax Aet, 1961

and the Bombay PubLle flltlsts Act, 19fr or &n]r stat-utory aodlfieatlon or r€-€rractnent thereof froa tloe

to or the provJ.sioaE of any other Central- or

$tate Aets app}LeabLe to the ebarltable Trust, the

trusteee ehall be at ltberty to keep the Tmst F\md

.. ..11

Page 14: TRUST DEED - shraddharehabilitationfoundation.orgt i-)I t I T TRUST DEED OB i Il-. I | -L' I \ i

Ls its. present state of inveEtnent for Euch tlae or

tlaes horever loag as they nay thrnk rn thelr absolute

d,lseretlon think ftt ryithout beLag an$re.pabl.e or

aeeetntable to aay oae fer any l.ose eaused tbereby

and lt sbalr be thelr absolute dlseretl.on to invest,.

seLL assign or tranEfer sr ree3.Lee the sane or any

part thereof and to rorr"t tn" gaLe proeeeds or oUrer

realtsatlons or eny other Eoaeys reqtrirlng investeent

ln or qpon any one or nore of the followlag invest-

uents or nodes of lnvest@ent ia India ulth power to

thep frEa tLue"to tine at thelr dlseretJ.ou to r?ry

any lavestnenot held by the fnrstees for other of the

eharacter hereby authortEed vtz :

a) In or r{psn any lavestpents fsr the tl,ae

betng authorlsed by for the lnvest-

seat of ?nrst'trtrrd of eharl.tabLe tRrst.

b) Any seeurltles, deberrtgrea or bonds

Lssued by or the lnterest of, ryhieh hEs:

beeu guaranteed by the Ceatrel on $tate

Ciovemnent or l{rmlelpal Oorporati.on or

Por.b ftlrrdt or other Local body or


c) Unlts lssued by the thft Trust of Indla.

Page 15: TRUST DEED - shraddharehabilitationfoundation.orgt i-)I t I T TRUST DEED OB i Il-. I | -L' I \ i

aa 14

d) Ia the prarchase of any Lnnovable property

or any Part thereof lacl-udjng leasehoLd

for any period and Lu deveLoplng the eane'

e) In taktJog oa tease for any perlod aay land

bstldfug or patt of bulLdJng, flat tenanent

godorrnes or any other !.smovable property and

In derelopneat of tbe 888€r

f) Depoalts of noueys In $avlngsr Ctlrrent or

other eeeoreots or aecouat rXtb any &nh or

Barks or any Govemnemt sr Seml-Govertnent

Conpany er CorporatLoa or Uadertaklags or

Ss-operatlve Society or any Govempent or

Seml-Govetmseat Bodles on Atrthor"J'tleg.

e) Ia the purehaee of acqulsltioa of any flat

of,flce Premlses, godorasr or any other..

property or part thereof on otuersblp baeis

or aa apartment ownera cir as a aenber ln

a eo-oBeratlve $ocletY.

b) In the purchase of any egulpnentsr vehJ.clee

or any other aovabLe ProPertY.'i

f) I.a taltlns snhlre purchase any vehtoLes or

aay other novable PnoPertY.


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.15 3

J) In or qpon *ol*q Lsan on lbe aortgaget

or hySrotheeatioa ef any novabLe or

ipnovable prep,erbieo elther freehoLd

or leasehoLd,.

A!(D tffi tRUS$EB.S nay at thelr absolute dlseretioa vary

or tranefoae the lnvesteents frm tine to tine AD,ID If

I$ BEREBY .AGfiEED AI{D BEREBY authorlsed to heve luoh

iavestneats so far poselble La the nane sf the trust

and/or tn the Jotat nanes of the Smstees and/or

Jotntly ylth any other persona l-uelrdLng the *:trstees

theaselves or eay frust of whLeh the SruEtees or aay

of tbee be a trustee a6 Eay be deolded by'the fnrsteee

from tlae to tlne.

8. It ehall be Lawful for the Trtrsteee to brrild,

pul.l dom, reaovate, rebul3..d1 aIter, adopt, luprove,

deveLop or repalr any of, the tnrst fron

nonieE out of the tnrst Etmd of the lneome thereof

as they thfnk fLt. ?be Srustees shalL aLso be eatltled

to enter lnte any egreemeat or oovenants wlth the

oxmer of or person lntereeted La any other properties

and whether restrlctlve or othervlse as they nay

froa tine to tlne ls theJ.r absoLute &lseretion tblak

flt. ?he tnrstees shaLL hEve tbe powento lasurc any

preml,ses mngrlsed IE the Trtlet ftad agptaet Loss or

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betng aay subgeet to provLslons of (a) above, appoist

by naJortty my persoa or persons La the plaee of the

Snrstee or Trustees so dylng, deslrlrrg to be dts-

charged or refirslng or beeonl,ng Ingapable to eet or

adJudl.cated lnsolvmt or convleted of a errtttfaal

sfflee and Brnlshed ylth Laprlsorment ae aforesaLd

or bei-ag absent tn elx eonseeutlve aeetlngs of the

?rustees or bein6 absetxt froa India as" af.oresald.

c) SubJect to the Ba*fml& number of Tnrstees nentloned

ln (a) above, the trustees sheLL have the power at

any tine from tiae to time appolnt by uajority

eny person/persons aa additLonal ?nretee/Tn:stees

for eucb perJ.od es Eay be declded by tlle Trastees

frm tlne to tLne.

a) fne surrytvlag or eentlnutag Tr-rrstees sha-Ll Save

the rtght to aet any veear"roy La

thelr body PrcVISED HO}{S[BR that if the number

of f.mstees. shdll faIl below tmo, tlre pla:Larm

ftxe{l by these presmts the fr:ustees ehsLl spt

ercept for the.parl)@6es of fllling aay vaeaney,

aet as Loag ae the aumber is:be.Low;.the Eatd


e) 0n a ner Bmstee belng appolnted and after

tendenrng his srltten ,eonsent to,thts eff,eet

Page 18: TRUST DEED - shraddharehabilitationfoundation.orgt i-)I t I T TRUST DEED OB i Il-. I | -L' I \ i


the Trr.rst property shaLL vest ln hrn along

wlth the otber Trustees for the tlne belng

aad he/stre ehgll thereafber be subJeeted to

alL the dutles and be entltJed to aLL the

rlght and perforno aLL the duttes of Tnrstees

slth effeet fnop the dater PROVIDED AtwAyS

THAE HITHOT T PREruDICE to the provisions of

any Law, a Trtrstee of these preseat shall

Etand dlseharged Srsp hLs or her of,flee of

frqstee oD hls or her tenderlsg reslgnati.on

of hls sr.her offiee and oa the same betag

aoeepted. by ttre reqqtrring ?ruetees of these



a) Dr. Bharat Hentran Vatrani shail be the and Managlng Trustees of the Trilet

and he shaLL eonttaue to be the 0hafuaan and

Ha-Eaging frtrstee for hls llfe tlaa. there-

afber the Snrstees EhalL appotnt by naJorlty

'any two froa anmgst theaseJ.vee, one &s

Chafusan and other &s ! Trnstee for

Euoh perl,od as Bay be deelded by the frtrstees

fros tLae to ttnehBd to deS.egate to then sueh

pouers aad authorltlee aad subgeet to sueh



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.19 r

eoadltlorls as fnrsteep ary firos tlae ts tLae


Itanagtag Inmtee ahall look after day ts day:

acraagetseat aad adp'{aLstratloa of ?rtrst aetlvlt-leE.

&e C1qalrnap aBe, ,n hXs ebseBee l-{"""gf"e

?nrstee shall presLde at qLL neetlngs of the

Trtrst ned aBA h tbeLr absence the trtrsteee

preaeat sheLl b.e- *ttXt].ed. to eLeot. anoagst

theasdlves any one as Chafrosn for sueh

aeetlag. , .

11. rt shall be Lawful f6r f,IiIe rnrsteeE f,rou tlae totlne to frane eueh rules and regulatlons for the aanlge-

meat end adplaLEtratloa ef ftmds, propertles, revisloas:

aad the astlvltleE of theee presents as they shalL

thtak f,Lt and alter or very the sane froa to tlne

and to r'i.rr ney &al-es and Begulatrsas piovtded that

such Rtrles and Regulations strau- not be lnconslstent

wlth the terms and i.ntents of theEe presents.



12; !{eettng'of the Erestees sbal.L

ttne and plsces as the Erustees nay



be held at such

frea tlme to tLae

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2A .i

13. the trtrstees shalL keep or cause to be kept a

nlnute book of the proeeed,fiags.

14. In case of dtfferenee of splnLoa arlslng atrong

the ?nrsteee tn the aatters herela tbe firrstees EheL[

bave a dJ.seretlonary lrorer LneLudlag the appoLntmerrt

of tn:sbees axtd the vote of th} naJerlty of ttre

Trestees for the tlne being votl'ag tn the natter Ehall

prevall and be blnding on aLL the Tnretees and I'f tbe

TrtrsteeE shall beequally dffi.ded ta opiaion the aatter

shalL be aeeordLag to the eastlag vote of the

ChaLrasan. Any resolutlon of the Tnrstees aay be varled

fron tl,ae to tlne.


15. [Ircre slraL]. be quorun vhen etleagt tbree

?nrstees ere present at any neetrY of the Tnrstees. If

a qrroruts sha1l aot have asgeubLed rlthlr&aLf aa hour

after the tlne Eppointed for the seeting, the ueetlng

shall bc adJourned to sme other sultable tLaer and

place to be sotlfled to aLL tbe ?mstees aad at such

ad$onmed aeetlng tso trtrstees shaLL forre a quorHm.

16. 6ny oeetlng or bueiness ol routlae or forsoL

or urgent nature nay be deteralned by elrcular wlth-

out neetlag of the Trcstees provlded that .lt le a8feed




. .. "21

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221 i

by atleaet zhra na$Ertty of a1L the Ttltgtees.


17. BXthout preJudl.ce to the generaltty of any

posers or bye-Law eonf,erued or Leplled, or vested' ta the

tnrsteesr the folloving powers and authorl.tles are here-

by e:eressly conferred on the trtrstees that is to say !

a) I,t shal.l be l,avfir.l for the ?nestees to

glve ald.r by way of . donattoqe out of the

Lncone of the of the trust ftlad

o-r othenrlse to &tff,erent charltable

tnstltutl"oas, sosletles or tnrst tn Indla

shleh aay hereinafter be estabLtshed for

slsllar pur?oses pentloned la these Pres-

eats or aay of tlea to enablq; the, Lnstltut-

lons, sooJ"eflesr ergnnLsatlon or for

eamylag out such charitable purposes aB

are pentloned Ja these pres*lts or any of


b) The Trtretees nay at any ttne Lavlte and

recelve or wlthout such lnvLtatlon receive

any vohmtary contrlbutlons La aoaey or

Eoneys worth eltber from the SettLor or

froa the frnrstees or frnoa the penber or


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ueabere of the &rbLle by way of donatl,ons,

gifts, 3,egacles, a*ards or otherwLse for

all or any of the ebJects aentioned above.

&e Tmsteee eay a-lIow any such doaor to

ereet a btdLdlng sr btrl.Lelngs to the fr:ust

for belng uoed for the pnry)ose of the

?nffit. Any such donatloa aay be aecepted

elther rith or wl.thout any speelaL coadlt-

lons as tsay be agreed upoa betreea the

doaer and the Snasbees lncludrag eoadLtLons

to use the donatLoas and/or lts Ineome Srspeclfic objeets or obJeet of the tnrst

provlded that such donatlons are not

lneorlsJ.steat rlth the iatents and purposes

of tbese presents. ALL sueh doaatlono LB-

cludlng bull-drng nay be entered as formlag

patt sf the Srnrst ftiad bejng the subJect

aatter of tJnese presents aad be applJ,ed

aeeordLagly provlded. E\rrther that itshaLL alwaye be fer the tnrstees, tn thetr

absolute diEcretLon tp declde rhether to

Jnvlte or aeeept any sueh donatioas ag

aforesald and they Eball aLL tLne be at

ltberty to refese aBy doaatlon rLthout

... .2J

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glvlng or asslgnXr,rg aln.y reasoa for sueh

refriEal. tbe tnretees Bay ralse fudls for

the obJeets of the Tnrst by strbscrlptloas,

{oaatlsus or by sueh other )-egttLuate


c) The $rustees aay fron atsong theuEelves

appolht a Seeretarlr or appolnt any other

persoa to be $eeretary and Eueh Secretary

sbaU. earry m sueh nortr aE Bay from tine

to tLae6s be asslgred, or errtrnrste4 1e h{n

by tbe Srustees the stlpemisloa,

dlrectler aad controL of tbe Trustees.

d) fhe Trustees BaYr lf neeessarYr rent or

hlre or purehase on omershlp or- slmllar

basls a plaee for their offlce for holdtng

neetlng of the frusteei and trcansacttng

the buslness of the fnrst and firmlsh lt

with necessary funrlture at the cost and,

exlenseE of the tnret Flrrldr

e) &" Trustees shaLL be entltled from tJ-met

to ttme to open, aalntaln and olrerate

Bank Aceotmt or Aceor:ats ln the nane of

frust or ln the name of Srrrstee or tno


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or Eore sf then at sueh Baak or BankE as

they Eay fron tlne to tlme decld.e and. eay

at any tiae pay or cauae to be pald arry

Eoneys fornlng Bart of the ?rust Frmd or

the lscome thereof to the eredft of, aay

. staeh aecotmt @r aecouats elther by way of

Savta&s Accormt, FtrrsA Deposit or Current

' :, A,eeotmt or any other aeeorm,ts. , lny sueh

accormt nay be operated rryoa by any one,

tvo or Bore of the frusteeE or any other

I,€rsoa or persoaa on theLr behaLf as Bay

be deelded, by tbe frustees fram tlae totloe.


f) fbe tutrgtees sbaLl, be fros tlne to tl"ae

entitled for and ea behaLf sf the fmst to. .enter tato eontracts or othen a6reenentsr

.fui the uape of the truet or La tbe name of

any trc or of the frrrstees ae aay be

deoLded !f tAe frustees and it ehal} be

sufflelent lf any cmtraets, deeder

assufence, eheques recelpts or other

docrmeats requlre8 to be slgned by any

tro or more of the Brustees or arry

Offleer agent or Bersoa authorlsed tn:--


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wrlttng by the Enrstees ln tbat behalf.

g) It shaIl be larftrl for the, trusteee frse

tt^ee to tlne as they nay in their' absolute

dlEcretlen thi.ak ftt to snlJ by' gubl-lc

auetlon or prlrete coatract or exehange or

transfer or asalgB or s+-leese (for any

term hoseoever or to glve;on leave

end lteeBce basLs (for eny tern hossoever

losg) or othervlse d,lspose of or exehange

aL1 or aay part of the tnst fund and

propertLes includtrag aay S.nnovabLe propert-

ies of the Tnast oa such tema and eoadlt-

lens rel-atlng to the title or to stherwlse

in al-L restrrect of them as they nay thlnk

proper and to buy or vary aay eoatraot for

sal.e, exchange, transfer, asslgnnent Lease

or other dl.spositlons and to reEelL the

ter lato a fresh coatract fot'

oretraager transfer, assXgFtseat, leage or

other disposltions wlthout being answerable

forrany Loss eir danage oieaslosed thereby

aBd ior suebrputposes to exicute 6Ll- uee-

essary agreeuentsr conveyaneer d'eeds of

exehanger asslgnmelrts, :transfers j leasep

sub-Leeser" eornterpartEr leave and ].:leence

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atreetseats and other asstrrances end, to paes,

glve and, exeeate a1.L neeesaary reeelpte,

releaseg aad discharges for the consirierat-

lon of Boney or othemlEe relattng to the

docrrments and, esstrrane€so A11 aoneys arlsJ-ng

froa any sueh tranefer or other assurance

shaLl be deened to be a part of the tnrst F\md

and shaLl be appllcable accordi',lgfly.

h) fhe frustees ehaLl have the power ln thelr

absolute &lscretlen Lnstead of actlag

personaLl-y to enploy and pay agent (rscLud-

J4g any bank) to transaet business or to d,o

aay act shatssever ln relatlng to the trust

of these presents incl.udLng the recelpt and

palment of moneys wlthout being LlabLe for(,1

Lose or uleappLLeatioa and EheLl be entltled

to be alLosed and pald aLL charges and

expemses incnrred thereby..t

1) $ee Tnrs'tees &s.y fron ttae to appslnt

tretsove suspend and re-appotnt one or"Bore

Segretarles Treasurers sr.rXrenriEion elerke

and other offl.eJ.aLq and eaployees alrd

serryants as thq fr*rEtees may deem eryedJ.ent

and ftt and pay tbeir remr.meratlga as nay



. ...27

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be deEjded from ttne to tlpe. Ihe fmstees

shal,L aLso have poyrer to fom and eaintaXn

Provldent trtiad, Gratulty f,tlmds, pensloa t\&ds

and other frmds for aay" employees and. nake

rtrles and reguLations regarrrfirg the palment


J) fUe TrtrEtees Eay deposlt any docrmeat or

doctments heLd by thea relatiag to any

property belonging to the Trustees ruder

these presents in safe orstody wlth any

BanI( or Banks or any other Berson and may

pay any cums payable l,n respect of sucb


k) ftre ?rtrsteeE sbal"j. have the power to deter-

Bltle'ia case of doubt whetber arry tsone5rs

or property eha1l fer tbe purpose of thlsTruEt be eoaeldered as Oerpus 1tr-ldeone

and shether out of the lncope 'or


anlr expenses or outgolags shali or sought

to be paLd or borme' by and any and every

sueh deterulnation ,shaLl- be blndlng aad

conclusive and provldeA that nottrlag hereia':ceitalned shaLl'be deeaed to authorlse the

Snestees to ipelrd the l,aeone or Oorpus of

the ?nrst Frmd for any purposes aot authsrlsedby these presents.

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328 a)

L) It sha1l be IarfuI for tbe Tr$stees to

settl-e a1,3. aecotmts and to Lnstlttrtel

defead, conproaLse, donpomd or abandon

all actioltsr sultsr and proeeedings or

dlsputes claiss demande or thi-ags relat-

ts theEe presents and to aPPolnt

. $oLleltors and/or Adveeates o.r Adnoeate

fsr the purpose and to pay then such fee

or feeg. as the ?rtrstees may ln thelr

absolute dlEeretlon thlnk proPer and to

ds aLL other aets, deeds and thfurgs

proper for such p-utpose wltheut belng

responsibLe for arey l.ose occasloaed.


a) It shal.L be Lawftrl for the Trtatees to

ralse or borrorr Eonelrs requlred ln

emcetlsa vith or ln relatlng to the

exereise of their poners t&der theee

presents qpon the segarity of a4Y

property conprised tn the Tnrst &md

or fron eay Bank, Ll,fe tra$rrence

Corporatlen or any Governme:rt or It$].le

bod, or authoritlee or fhaaeial

tnstltt*J.oa or from ang person vlthwLthotrt any eecurlty for a.13- or any




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tbe pnrposea of these presemts and it

shal]- be layfuL for the Trustees to natse

such terms aad csa&itlons as tbey nay J-a

thelr absoLute d"lscretloa thlnk flt.

tbe lmstees shqll be at J.iberty to f,o,rm

aad qlrpotnt any eoumLttee or sub-comalttee

or advLsory board coaslsttag of tbemselves

or one or tsore of tbes and. gueh persoB or.,i.

persons as they aay thlak,'flt for such

perlod as Eay be deeided froa tine to tlse

for the purllose of advlslag and assLetlag

the Snrst aad the ?nrstees sha1l be aLso

at S.iberty to appolat one or Bore ef thet

aepbers of sueh conal.ttee as offLee bearerE

sf saeh comaltteer sub-copalttee or {

advleery beard. ?he trrastees ehaLL be

ertitled to delegate to then Eueh pouers

and authorl.tleg to such' eonnlttee or sub-

cspnlttee or advJ.sory UoErdlor its offlee

bearerg rltheut beiag latd for loss


18. the Snrstees E8f emalgamate thl.s Snrst aad Lts

propertLee nith aay Smet or rastrtutLoa havlag obJectc

*holly or 8ny of tbem, alall.'ar to'lthese of this tnrst

provl.ded they pass aa manlasuE resoLution to that


Page 30: TRUST DEED - shraddharehabilitationfoundation.orgt i-)I t I T TRUST DEED OB i Il-. I | -L' I \ i

sros -Tl

effeet and eanetion (r.f aeeessary) of the approprlate

authority as nay be usd,er the Bsubay RrbLJ.c

Tnrsts Aetr 19fi and/or -. the lacone-tax Aet, 1961

and/or eny other prevall,lng Act applleabl-e to tbe

charltable frmst ls obtained.

19. The provl,slons of tbLs trtrst Deed can be anended

alteredl abrogated or varled by the Trustees provided

they pasa an rman$eous reeolutlm to that effect end

Eaactlon ( tf any) of the appr:sprla te authority aE Eey

be raddr the Boahy hlblic Trusts Act, 1gfr

and/or the Incem€-tar 3,et1 1961 and/or any other

prevalLlng Act applieabLe to the eharltabLe fnrEt Ls


20. the recelpt of any qf the tnrstees for apy

laeose of the Trtret E\led or fgr any doeunsts of

tltle. or seeurl.tleg or papera or other doctmente aad,

for."my other EoBeys or Froper{Lee shall, be suff,ie-

leat aad shall. effeetually dlsoha.rged tbe person or

pergons paytng or gtvlag or transfemlng the same

fron betng bormd to see the appllqatloa or belng

Enffrerable for the Loss, alsappLlcatl&, rrffi-

aBpl,lcatlon thereof.

21 . tAe Trustees for the tlse .betag'of .these . .-,i!_,.

. . ..31

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51 3

presentp sqall be neepeeifvgly ehargeable otlly for

ereeh ttftrst E,tmd and tncope lneludlqg aoneys, stocks,

fimds,r ehares and seeudties as they +"11 respeetively

aetuaLly recelve , notwflhstandlrag. thei,r

. reepeotlvglyr .


Etgntng aay reeetpts for lhe eake of eoafLrsity aad

ehaLL be ansuerabLe aad aecouatable only for thelr

oxflo acta', reeeiptE aad niglects or defaults or dlsh6nesty

respeitlvely and tn ;partlcular no Trusbeee shal} be

botad to' tahe any Steps to or proceddlngs agal,ast Co-

grtrstees for eBy breaGh oi alLeged breaeh of trust

eomsitted b, such eo-fi*rsrts€Er - : I '

22. the trustee or XryStees of these preseats fer

the ttne belag Bay reLahrree ttremsel.yeg, |I-.nself or

hereelf aad pay and dLEeharge out sf the ftmds or

Boaeys la tbelr' haBds a13.. expgnses lneumed ln or

abouf, the exeeutlon of these prqaeqls or the porer

sf thege presats.

23, If any trtrsteq: of these preeents shaU. be e

$oLLeltor, Advoeate, ehartened Aecormtant, Arehlteett

or a person eagaged ta my other professLoa be, sbe or

her or hle f,itm shall b& entLtled te ebarge for hls or

ber ftrarE profesEi@aL or-other,6eff1ees iacludlag aat

profl.ts, eosts, and. ehargps, lnaplta of the facts that

he or she shaI. be the Snretees of these prese*rts and,



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,:.:a '?'


. 12:

whetber sueh eharges are In the orrrinary eourse of

hLs or her'pr-ofession or not aad although they not

be of a nature requlrlng the euployment of a Soli-

cl.tor, Advocate, Chartered Aecoractant, Archltect,

or othe.n professionaL person.

24. the Tmst hereby deeLared and created shal.l,

be and shaLL reual.a Lrrevocable for alL the tLres

aad the SettLor doth hereby release, rellnquLsh,

surender aad deteroine hls rtgHE 6r p@wer if aqy

tthleh may be regarded oa .baviag bem reEerred to

hlm etther by tbese presents or othendlse howsoever

to restore to himself or to reclals any lnterest la'the Tnrst and the lnvestmelrts for the tine belng

representlng the saEe or the Lncome thereto to the

INTEI{T that the Trust tuad uay be held by the

Tnrstees upon the Tnrst and wlth and subject to the

poversr provisions, (greenmts and declaratlonE cont-

aLned in these preseats to exelusron of the

$ettlor and/or any beneflts to the settlor by eontractt: ,

or othenylse.t"l

29. Ia the event of disEoLretion or wiad,lr,ag rrp of,

the ?rtrst, the assetE renaLaLag aB oa the date,of

dLesolutloa shaLl rmder no eLreumstances be dlstributed


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| 35:

anoag the fntstees blrt tbe satse shall be transferred

ts anotber eharltabl,e tnrst. er foulriutlon wbese

oo-$eete. are eiplLar to those of thls Trust by pessing

an rmanlaotls resoLt*Lsn of the trustees to that

effdct and by obtalalqg eanetlon (J.f neeessary) of

the apprqprlate, atrthorJ.ty aE nay be requLred under

the Bombay PrrbLLc tnrste Aet, 19fr anVor the laeeue-

tax Aotr' 1961 and/or any other prevalLlsg Act

appLl.eabLe ts the eharltabLe EnrstE.

M WISNESS W}iEREOS' the partles hereto have heretmte

set aad sgbserlbed thelr reepective hand.e and eeals

the day and, year first herelnabove written.

srG$m, sEaI"ED aI{D DETIYERED by

the wlthlraaaed : SEITISR :


the preEenee of eaaaaaaaaaaoaa

li.*-lr*- ___4aa aa aaa a..aa aa r r I J. aaarfoir oor


the stthLnnEned : tBIISSEES 3


il DB, sffiltgA, BIIARAT vAfi$a$r,

il DR. eHAlisHYaI[ Yrf,tHAtDeBBHI!{.AHI,

Ln the pres of aaaaaaaaa

a aaa aaa aaaaaa aaa aalS aaal aa ar aa a

I U aj'-ro "-')_-iMr

Page 34: TRUST DEED - shraddharehabilitationfoundation.orgt i-)I t I T TRUST DEED OB i Il-. I | -L' I \ i


BECEMD &.1,OOO/- (Rrryees One

Thousand onLy)B. 1 ,OOA/ -

,4zt-^4(m. BHARat F,i. VATBANT)

rlSarJ \-J a u-^

(DR. sMrrH.A, B. vAft{Asr)

lit 'LLL_,('{)Ar!!**' :( DR. GEAltSrrraFI V.BHI$IANI )
