Page 1: +. +  Title 5 §55003 Review: SACC (January-February-March)  Consultation Council (this morning!)  A conversation with MALDEF  Regional colloquia April-May


Page 2: +. +  Title 5 §55003 Review: SACC (January-February-March)  Consultation Council (this morning!)  A conversation with MALDEF  Regional colloquia April-May


Title 5 §55003 Review: SACC (January-February-March)

Consultation Council (this morning!)

A conversation with MALDEF

Regional colloquia April-May

Board of Governors May/July

Curriculum Institute, July 8-10, 2010; Early release of “Prerequisites Revisited” at Curriculum Institute

Fall 2010: Review & revise local policy & procedure; develop & implement local content review; review & approve new CORs for 2011-12 college catalogs

Page 3: +. +  Title 5 §55003 Review: SACC (January-February-March)  Consultation Council (this morning!)  A conversation with MALDEF  Regional colloquia April-May


Amend local board policy & administrative procedures

If none exists, develop & adopt rigorous local content review process

Local dialogue with researchers about current balance of student access and success: how to improve student success

Local dialogue about lessons learned from local BSI interventions

Local dialogue about adequacy of professional development

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…is based on the approved/proposed Course Outline of Record

…should not be based on the syllabus

…aligns exit/entry skills; Perhaps, aligns the objectives/outcomes of the proposed prerequisites with the topics (for knowledge) or methods of evaluation (for skills) of the course seeking the prerequisite

…should be based on consensus/recommendations of disciplines involved, not on individuals.

…should be separately approved by the local curriculum committee

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Where to begin: English, mathematics, reading?

Need to integrate with local developmental capacity

Need to adopt in a graduated way so as to minimally disrupt enrollment patterns

Need for local curriculum committee to adopt a more holistic and integrated consideration of the curriculum

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