
WW1 1915-2015ANZAC stands for

AustraliaNew Zealand


Age shall not wary them nor the years condem.

The Red Poppy

The significance of the poppy is that the poppies grow at ANZAC cove were the ANZACS fought in the war so we use poppies as the flower of remembrance.


The ANZACS were soldiers from Australia and New Zealand.

The soldiers fought at war from 1914 to 1918.

25th Of April ANZAC Day

We commemorate ANZAC day every year on the same date the 25th of April. It is celebrated on this date because that is the day that the ANZACS landed at Gallipoli.

The Location Of Gallipoli

Gallipoli is in Turkey and Greece is nearby. Australia is 12,000 kms away from Gallipoli

Our casualty count is

37 million soldiers died in ww1

Life in a Trench was

Life in a trench was horrible because there was not much room, there was not much air or space around you, one thing that was good about living in the trenches where your where very safe from the gun shots.

Who Were NZ Fighting With?

NZ were fighting with the Australians, the French, and the British.

The Gallipoli Campaign Was A Disaster Because…

The Gallipoli campaign was a disaster because the maps were printed out wrong and they had the details of were the other countries where . The New Zealand soldiers could get killed a lot easier rather than killing the other soldiers from the different countries. The landing was hilly so it was really hard to get up the hill to dig the trenches where they needed to be.

I hope you liked my power point

Made by Lauren Jackson year 7 2015
