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Chapter 8

Extending classes with inheritance

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Extending classes with inheritance• inheritance is the sharing of attributes and methods among

classes on a hierarchical basis;• we take a class, and then define other classes based on the

first one;• the new classes inherit all the attributes and methods of the

first one, but also have attributes and methods of their own.

• say an Employee class has:– two attributes, number and name;– a user-defined constructor;– some basic get- and set- methods for the attributes.

• we wish a PartTimeEmployee class to:– inherit these attributes and methods– have an additional attribute, hourlyPay;– have some methods to access this attribute;– have one additional method, calculateWeeklyPay.

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UML uses a triangle to denote inheritance:

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Implementing inheritance in Java - the PartTimeEmployee class

The header

• using the keyword extends means that the PartTimeEmployee class (the subclass) inherits all the attributes and methods of the Employee class (the superclass);

• therefore although we haven't coded them, any object of the PartTimeEmployee class will have, for example, an attribute called name and a method called getNumber.;

• a PartTimeEmployee is now a kind of Employee.

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Potential problem

• the attributes have been declared as private in the superclass;• thus, although they are now part of our PartTimeEmployee

class, none of the PartTimeEmployee class methods can directly access them;

• the subclass has only the same access rights as any other class.

Possible solutions

Solution 1• we could declare the original attributes as public;• but this would take away the whole point of encapsulation.Solution 2• we could use the special keyword protected instead of private;• anything declared as protected is accessible to the methods of any

subclasses;Solution 3• leave the attributes as private, but plan carefully in advance which

get and set methods you are going to provide.

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The attribute

• this declares an attribute, hourlyPay, which is unique to the subclass;

• remember that the attributes of the superclass, Employee, will be inherited, so in fact any PartTimeEmployee object will have three attributes.

The constructor

• we want to be able to assign values to the number and name at the time that the object is created;

• the constructor will need to receive parameters that will be assigned to the number and name attributes.

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Question• how are we going to do this when the number

and name attributes have been declared as private in the superclass ?

Answer• we can call the constructor of the superclass by

using the keyword super:

• the line that calls super has to be the first one.

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the remaining methods of PartTimeEmployee are new methods specific to the subclass:

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Extending the Oblong class• the original Oblong class had the capability of reporting on the

perimeter and area of the oblong;• the extended class will have the capability of sending back a string

representation of itself composed of a number of symbols such as asterisks - for example:


• we can think of the instruction to start a new line as just another character;

• for convenience we can call <newline>;• our string could be written like this.


• in Java we are able to represent this <newline> character with a special character that looks like this:


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Analysis of The ExtendedOblong class

The constructor

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The draw method

• this introduces the new concept of type casting:

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Type casting • type casting means forcing an item to change from one

type to another;

• the draw method is going to create a string of one or more rows of stars or crosses or whatever symbol is chosen;

• the dimensions of the oblong are defined as doubles;

• the draw method needs to be dealing with whole numbers of rows and columns;

• so we must convert the length and height of the oblong from doubles to ints;

• there will be some loss of precision here, but that won't matter in this particular case.

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type casting is achieved by placing the new type name in brackets before the item you wish to change:

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Method overriding

• you have seen that one way of achieving polymorphism is by method overloading;

• this involves methods of the same class having the same name, but being distinguished by their parameter lists;

• another way of achieving polymorphism is by method overriding.

• consider a class called Customer, and a subclass of this called GoldCustomer.

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• notice that the method dispatchGoods appears in both the superclass and the subclass, and that its interface is identical in both classes.

• the Customer class has three attributes:– the first represents the customer's name;– the second, totalMoneyPaid represents the total amount of

money that a customer has paid so far;– the third, totalGoodsRecieved, represents the value of the goods

that have so far been dispatched to the customer;

• normally, goods would not be dispatched to a customer unless the customer had already paid for them;

• for goods of a particular value to be dispatched, the difference between totalMoneyPaid and totalGoodsReceived must therefore be at least as much as the value of the goods.

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• Certain customers - known as "gold" customers - have extra privileges and are given a credit limit;

• in the case of such a customer, goods can be dispatched as long as the credit limit is not exceeded;

• the behaviour of the dispatchGoods method is therefore going to be different in the case of the superclass and that of the subclass;

• we cans define the method in the superclass, and then define a different version in the subclass;

• in other words we can override the method in the subclass, thus achieving polymorphism.


• in the case of method overloading, the different methods were distinguished by the parameter lists;

• in the case of method overriding, they are distinguished by the object with which they are associated.

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• We have made the attributes protected so that they will be visible in the subclass;

• The calculateBalance method returns the current balance of the customer's account - that is the difference between the total amount of money paid by the customer, and the total value of the goods that the customer has received so far.

• The recordPayment method simply records the fact that a customer has made a payment by adding the amount of the payment to the total amount that the customer has paid.

• The dispatchGoods method first checks that the customer has enough money in his or her account to pay for the goods that are to be dispatched;- if this is the case the value of the goods being dispatched is added to the total value of the goods received so far, and a value of true is returned;- if the customer does not have enough funds to pay for the goods (that is, the balance is less than the value of the goods) a value of false is returned;- the return value could be used by the calling method to determine whether or not the goods should actually be sent out to the customer.

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Notes on the GoldCustomer class

The dispatchGoods method• we have a method in the subclass with exactly the same name, the

same parameter list, and the same return value (in other words the same interface) as a method in the superclass;

• however, in the original method in the superclass (Customer), we checked whether the customer had sufficient funds with the following condition:

• in the subclass (GoldCustomer) the condition has to take into account the fact that the customer is allowed a negative balance up to the limit of his or her credit:

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• consider the following lines in a program:

• in the first call to dispatchGoods, the version of the method as defined in Customer will be called, because it is associated with a Customer object, firstCustomer;

• in the second call to dispatchGoods, the version of the method as defined in GoldCustomer will be called, because it is associated with a GoldCustomer object, secondCustomer.

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Abstract classes

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• we have included a new method in the Employee class, called getStatus - which also appears in both subclasses.

• the two subclasses contain the attributes and methods appropriate to the class;

• in fact any employee will always be either a full-time employee or a part-time employee;

• there is never going to be a situation in which an individual is just an "employee";

• so users of a program that included all these classes would never find themselves creating objects of the Employee class;

• it would therefore be a good idea to prevent people from doing this;

• we do so by to declaring the class as abstract;• once a class has been declared in this way it means that you

are not allowed to create objects of that class;• the Employee simply acts a basis on which to build other


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Why use abstract methods? • say a method of some class expects to receive as a

parameter an object the Employee class; • inside this method there is some code that calls a particular

method of Employee – for example a method called getStatus;

• inheritance means that an object of any subclass of Employee is a kind of Employee;

• it can therefore be passed as a parameter into a method that expects an Employee object;

• however, this subclass must have a getStatus method for it to be able to be passed as a parameter into a method that calls getStatus;

• by declaring the abstract method getStatus in the superclass we can insist that every subclass must have a getStatus method;

• we can tell anyone who is going to use a derivative of Employee to go ahead and call a getStatus method because it will definitely be there.

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The final modifier • you know that final can be used to modify a variable and

turn it into a constant;• in the case of a class it is placed before the class

declaration, like this:

• this means that the class cannot be subclassed.• in the case of a method it is used like this:• this means that the method cannot be overridden.

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The Object class

• in Java, every single class that is created is derived from what we might call a special "super superclass";

• this super superclass is called Object;

• so every object in Java is in fact a kind of Object.

• this allows us to create very generic methods - methods that can receive any kind of object;

• it also allows us to create generic arrays - arrays of Objects.

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Wrapper classes and autoboxing How could you use an array of Objects to store a simple type such as an int or a char - or to pass such a type to a method that expects an Object?

•for every primitive type, Java provides a corresponding class;

•the name of the class is similar to the basic type, but begins with a capital letter.

•for example:– Integer;– Character;– Float;– Double.

•they are called wrapper classes because they "wrap" a class around the basic type.

•an object of the Integer class, for example, holds an integer value.

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Example • imagine we had created and array of objects as follows:

• one way of storing an integer value such as 37 in this array would be:

• the constructor of the Integer class accepts a primitive value and creates the corresponding Integer object;

• here we have created an Integer object from the primitive value 37, and this is now stored in the array.

• Java 5.0, however, allows us to make use of a technique known as autoboxing;

• this involves the automatic conversion of a primitive type such as an int to an object of the appropriate wrapper class;

• this allows us to do the following:

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• one way to retrieve this value from this array and assign it to an int would be:

• we type cast from Object back to Integer;• the Integer class provides a getValue method to

retrieve the primitive value form the object.• Java 5.0 also allows us to make use of a technique

called unboxing that converts from the wrapper class back to the primitive type;

• so the above could be written as:

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A mixed list

• program 8.5 creates an array that is going to hold a mixture of different objects at the same time - some full-time employees and some part-time employees.

• so, we are going to have an array that at some particular time could look like this:

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Test run from program 8.5 Enter the employee number: 1

Enter the employee's name: Jones<F>ull-time or <P>art-time? f

Enter the annual salary: 30000

Enter the employee number: 2Enter the employee's name: Agdeboye

<F>ull-time or <P>art-time? fEnter the annual salary: 35000

Enter the employee number: 3Enter the employee's name: Sharma

<F>ull-time or <P>art-time? pEnter the hourly pay: 15

Employee number: 1Employee name: Jones

Status: Full-Time

Employee number: 2Employee name: Agdeboye

Status: Full-Time

Employee number: 3Employee name: Sharma

Status: Part-Time
