

WTHK DAIH DISPATCH I* »*rv*4 »o «n*>-aerTbor* at six aid a Qtu*T» wm M* *"*. P*rable to th® oitrrfer wwklT. Price tor usatUsc, H *

year.or *2 for six niontna, Id »<lv*rico.aj-THK SKMI-WKKKMf DISPATCH islwtJSd

? t" Tu«*<Ur an.l Friday at ti.on, in advatK*.«rTHR WKKKLT DISPATCH h iwwod ?\u25bc?*7

frm«*T. mail.wl to nibtribors at >1 por aannm.

SPECIAL If toil HAVS A Cot'Oß,

TAKK liAM PTON*3 TINOTl)K&.If yo« have UAMpTOM >8 TINOTURK., f have TINCTLHK.If you Lave Brow*"*. nAMIToN>a TINCTURE.If yon have ra"!f haMITON'S TINCTURE.If you aw a!', TINOTURK.If yea have .R iUMW!jIg f! MCTChB.

ASTHMA. C<>U**H, OoN&CMPToN Tho writeri* «!v*t ht*bl) <sitx'iawl; like thousands of our beetfcn<"ii . u!.«n». KoU it a duly to tear testimony oftU? m rp.dertm curative power i;l HAMPTtiN'sT! M'ToHK Why let your frivols suffer an! <ll>-witii ui giving it a trial< Call tuid get a pamphlet,a?a W testimony. Baitikokb, Sim. 2J>, I»M.

> h «sr:- >f r.'.'i--WT <f MovMvv?Oentiemen: I haveI «?', t r«i uie time atticud with Astluua,accotnpa-rixi »ith fhortni»\u25a0« ot lireath, wit!: manyMyuiplt-iiKoi t' Msnnip t n A friend, ol the Uouliuwt ! v i!'> ' i HAM I'Tt>N'S VtMfcTKUUi TIMS-- k. from itating a*odtb« swm ', induced tr.ii tpi vuti> .i t>c>ttlp of th<> Tincture, aud by the use ofOiVtf bottle wa-i* > much hotter that I wan induced tou,- ii ~re of i!. and by takiuct five or »ix bottles I \<a«rt-.ittoreJ to t*y osusl health, and will »ay to all per-aeon who are afflictod ai> 1 *as to Use.Jl AMI'TON'S

Mi K t Aiil.tS TiNCIC RK.t^entleraen?Yoti art> at liberty to use uiy tuuue

fc.i the benefit ot the afliitied.Ki.L«.N VriK»r,

8. West corner of Liberty and Clay sts..Baltimore, Md.

it" Call and r-'i PatapUUt* and see curee.S»i4 t y PUitCKCL. LADDAOt), Richmond; by

DrO'tOKK, f'r»v'. ii K- -arg; by ail trie Druggistsfc, Pete: «t; ure: by MORIIMKK & MOW UKAY,Pft't:iiim\ ana by Drugsiets and Shop-keeperseverywhere

$1 i*>r bottle; sii. bottles for $ I?d* *tJ

gaff" AETiiiCiaL TBKTH?THE Chio-yLASTto Procb»n --O. W. JONKB, Drsnsv, hav-ing purchased hait thorjrciMjir- r>t/ht for thr aix-vomode of uiAk ng TKETH, and after mine and

it in the m»t dijurult r.isoa, yohrrt otherp-Siitti had f.iiltii, if t.tUirtiy taJi'jwd ty Us absolutetajxTK/tify over the (toid, s Iver and piatinatse-th «t, caa,therefore, with cv'ufilence, rrc \u25a0mmeird Itto aft who may dosire lall or purtiai of let-th;and especially to sttcU a-i wfty be dutatisfi'd untnth-is' ar? <uwi usmg. In ti.U proct-Ks, all of th«cl j»<tious to the gold plate aro rt moved?the suo-tiou btinqper/ed. socuras coti/ rt aud stability to thefit. .tud l!;« tt»iih i-rlembedded in Ule uietal, tiiffitd is ascinded Tri-m uml i or between them: theyan*, therefore, cluwnor, smoother, and in < very respect bftter. It ccnsetjuence ot theperfect adapta-tioo of the plat* to tne tcouth, and the auctionih«r<by Bi-cv»rod, he cau insert one or more teethKithom clasps, aud in all coaos guarantee% perfectaadsatwfac'ory fit

This method nav inisbeen adopted and commended br thotjv standing highest in the pr-ifossion,None and J-cuth, testimonials will be given,endspociaaensexhibited, U» any who may dt-siro to seetn«.-m .be "IdpUiUs of those wishing to exchangethe old tu.tiiod for ths new, will he lukeu iu p»rtpay. Will ot course, make teoth on the old modefor those who ma; prefer it-

filling thoroughly and g»»tly done; and teethextractedby eiecun ity for those who wish it.Ufhoe opposite "orinthian Hall ge 27?am§mP*)IAR7»HO&KI! b turk-All ?

the am:at paw asmhilatorAND KKMK>'»I toii DYfii'KPt-la, VVKaK bTOMACH AND WEAK BOWKLhFRKI'A HED li 1' A CHEMIST.

BoiTLES li!, 2i uod WJ d'lits and Onj dollar.THK UKiAIXsT I)IPC)VKR¥ IN MKDICAL


all tiuniiiea in case of «c idents sr suddou eickness,as it frequently cu ea in loss time tiiuitrt<jui.-e« toget a physician.

It cures pa.ninany pftrt of tbe systemand ia u£9dexternally and interuaily.gaC As thefrequent cuangea of the weather pro-

duoe a bad Cold, Hheumatisio Neuralgia, coreThn>at, Pain iu theBowels end Stomsch, Tooth andXar Acne. Agno or Lumps in the Breast, Pain iutheLimbs and Body; also, £tiff NecX?every personshould geta bn'tl". It acts npon tbe Nerves, Mus-sles, Mni ws, Uiood and lioues, aud, by its warmingelectro-magnetic power,expels .11 i-a.n Iroiu ihe s, s-tem. Get a bottle and try it.

N B.?lf you Uitvt a Couub, use 11ARTSHOFNE'SPECTORAL SYRUP )i WILD CfIKRRY- it is 'beE'est Coujsh 8 ? rup in tho world. 25 (itid rsjets a bottle

If iou are Bilious.use UARTSUIIRNE'ri ANTI-BIHPUS PILLS. They act np'm the Liver, Memaal' and Bowels, carrying oft all Bile aud Ko-ui Se-cretions. Scents a box.

The above medicines to be Lad at all Drug StoresIn Richmond,Norfolk, Petersburg aud all towns inVirginia. oe 15?6ia

sKsT Tub iiKd? Cot oh ft yiu:p in theWORLDThe best Cough Syrup in the world is Harts-hcirue's Pectoral Syrup ot Wild Hierrv.

This article is prepared by a chemist, and is pro-nounced by medical men, and those who have ssedit, to be the best preparation for "Coughs. Colds,Catarrh, Bronchitis, hoarseness, Sore Throat froma oold, aud a preventive of tbat lion of diseases,Consumption.

Pereons who sing should use it. It is pleasant tothe taste, softens.chars aud etroug'.heuathe voice,allays allirwtat'ou of thethiout and lungs,and pre-vents takingcold.

Bottles 25 »nd 50 cccts aud $1. Eo'd by all Drug-gists In Richmond, Norfolk, Petersburg, aud alltowns in Virginia. oc 15?6 m


Xhis gifal Americaa Remedy, contafuitig no MervUrial or Ealsami,- properties, excels everythingheretofore otlcred the public, in its curative, resto-rative aad rer> yating powers; and the medicalwcfld are astopithed wheu told that the above retaedy will jur? the above diseases, aud confound- dwhen they haveocculai demonstraii'jus ol tho farts.Bqt the proprietor, who baa Known of the remedyfor twenty odd years, hasknown ofacase of twentyy»an atauding, to be restored to perfect health, andall other eases ol shorter duration, to bo restored,without a single exception,and f herefore challengesauy case of Gor.orrhvet vb;cn the remedy will notcure, provided the directions are carried cut wnbtruceuce on th;' patt of theration'.; and to anyonepurchasing half a dozen bottles, and nsing accord-ingly, iu hi« cr her case he guarantees a perfectcute; and in case of failure, will fu'uish additionalmedicine, free of .charge, to complete the cure,through his agents;' aud a cu;e willoe effected with-out inconvenience to the patient. Sold t y

« URUBBs A APPERf-ON", Druggists,Agents for the cily of Richmmd,

de 10?6 m* No. ail B'oad st.

A^-HO Hat 18 A liO.Mi/!?

FOR 8 AI.E.1 propose to seil ni7 FARM, in the county of Ap-

pomattox, Va,. coatalLins'i'X) Acres.iyincfive inihefiutn ck.M'ordlJepci. Railroad, ard lourhilien from Jav-ies rifrr, in good eon'irku for griw-lagany of the crops adapud to this climate, andwvithy au examination by *t:y one winning to purc<ia«o. The Lands are almost level, every acre ofwhich can be cultivated. Theimprove ment* arealltrf the style and Lew, costing at least *6.000 ?

About ot:6-'ht'd is now in timber tonvmirntlyar-ranged for the lipids, "l'his land can be as it

wiiji Teaaii«. Farming Utensils, nt;>ck of eve-ry dean iptron, and proVisions oft very kind for thejour '

T he bliki j can be divided to Knit purchassri, withgood improvements on both places. Pontosniou

Addr^gSpanish Oaks P. 0., Appomattox, \ a.



Allof thel»tst tiua'ity, are eold at No. 2\ Pearlstreet, at manufacturer's prices by


General Agents andCommlesiou Merchants,Ktcbmond. Va

Hereby return thcii thanks for the very liberalyatronane b.stoTed oa them the p»st year, and»igaln offer th< ir services HIRING ' CT N»-'iHOKS. RRNTING OUT HOUSKB aud COLLECT-ING OLaIM?. and for the sale of TOBAOOO,WUEaT OiilN, OATi, FE'Jltti Ac, *c

On ail«! after Ihe Ist da. o! January, lf-59, they willhe found at their new office, in Kelvin's fiuiidicg,on 12'hst, corner of Bank

_JtD. G. RAW LINGB,de 13?l:n ALFKED L. HoLLADAY.iTfe"ln3 ukajsoE:

CAPITAL OVKK $3n00,0T0.The "MUTCAE BitMK!-'lT0» MfANY." This is

thr< "nly c iinpany 'n Kichmfmd tbat pays its dividt'tu! to the in»ure<S while living.

It aake-s an kunual riividetd of 35 per cent ?

Only half the premioro, ii over i'A). ii rtouirod incash A eot.-can be giyen for tno other half, andt*ie to she credit of the note.

#» ''Hipasy larger capitai Inr tneamountatFl»k. KSOWLKS A WAEFOKi*. Aet-utii.


NKWfPAPKU FOR S\LK?Tbe Steam Engine.J-rtsdS, Typt- aurt all the other Materia! wnd iurnl-tuieof 'rHKSOU'iII" nf-wspap« establishment!fur sale upon accommodating u rras, and is wellworth r the atuntion of publishers and printers ?

The Katfine is three powt-r, made by A NWood * 0 ,of Vew VorAlt It perfect order,and ifoneof *-be very bet ntaclltie* to be had lu the couu-try. The Prists the latent improvement of Hoe'spatent, extra large siy.e, capable of sinkingoff fromfoui u> 7,1*4) imp."S'iiin» per hour. It i« perfect inall respite, aad baa given the ulun s? satisfactionThe retdd ieof tire i arui lire of the oftie.-, coin prize*everything u*oa'l7 found in a well appointed u«w«paper rffl-e. Theeujply pfT pe is amply large forthe publlc.tion of a larjre daily, and so of all otheiFuniituiu, sucb a»Cba».es, Imposing fc tones, Stands/Cae.-e, «c. Ac Overton* tavj been male for th«-pnrcbaae of tbe Knglne, en that any onedenrin# thePies* without that, can be accommodated 1 willUke (ireat pl'asur*- in»bowla« tne property to anjon* wishing k> porch***. or in repljiLK toany en-quiry it> theenbject. For further particul*'*,appljat my law offlc. on llih stre t, between Main andbank wtTftit. opp. si'* (Joddln's Uall, or byletter,addressed to me at Kichmuid, Va.

de 10?ts k A BTURDIVANT.

TO LbAtiE?lke vacant grounda,losKinx to roe on the North margin of tbe

Dock, wrli l>e leneed f>r thre- Or five yeare. Tbta part r>f whi'ih Mr White's otablee are tern

C<raHh located, (his i-ase expire* with ibis year)ifrgs, ami »e'! >uiti4 to' * lumbe ,coal or woot'

ya'4, aod #> also is toe los on tbe opposite sideI9ih stre-t. Kor !«\u25a0»«, apply to Mr Jemee f. Kvesee, at tils ofticH.ou Taatside of l*th street, txjtweerMain and t'arjr street.

noKt? dim BACOY TAIT1/1/1 BOXBB ENGLISH DAIBIT.PINFI* " ' Ap x.H and heavy COfTIKQ CUCStK,"STW »? -»W...TUS 4r«««M.

VOL. XIV?NO- 151.THE lIISPATO H.?*\u25a0!?** "DJWBMskli 2*. H?

Ktnr*vioe MshtiuguleN<w Vork tUprxts tegrets to learn from aletter rc<eire<l by the British Consul in New Yorkthat tin* liijr, oxio if tho noblest, bravest, amitruest women iu tbe world. Isextremely re<tu;edIn health, but, widi «ii her bodily ffib and suffering, she coutiouea to devote herself to bur greatobject, the melioration of the sanitary arrange*

uionu sud condition of the British Army.

Mount Vrrutin 801 l In New York.Though theheavens were uupropltious to tinsball, it *m * brilliaut assemblage, numbering,according to the Now York Kipress, some of the'most distinguishedpeople In Sow York. The toi«lets, it is said, word tasteful and rich; tho womenwere beautiful; tbo yonug were gay ? the music ofMusard was iusritiop, aid lbs dancers whirledswiftly iu tbo turns of the wall*. or trod slowlylu tbe slow ( tuadriiic, or luade the gracriu! rover*f>occtf of tbo '?JLiiicters,"

During the eroning, it was whitperod aroundthat Washington Irving,unable to attend in persson, had seut a donation of live hundred dollarsto the fund, in aid of which tho ball was glveu.Ifuiiiiiioii ToHraauieulThe preparationsmukiug lor a Tournament andUrand Ball, In this hospitable Virginia town, are ofau extensive character, and give promise of abrilliant festivity. Many ladies from the surrouod-

ing couutry will grace the scene with their pre-sence. and that quietand delightful little wateringplac«» will present a scene of nnnsnal animation*Itcomes off on the 2S:b, and will K ive new zest tothe ''Merry Christmas times."ORGANIZATION CF TIIK BALHMORK AND

PoroMAC RAILROAD COMPAN If?ITS ULTIsMATK BCCCK3S.A meeting of the subscribers to the capita!

stock ol the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad waslield at Marlborough,Md., on Siturd.iy last, pre-sided over by Oen. Walter Mitchell, ol Cbarloa co?Md. A report of Itobt. Bowie, Esq., the GeneralAgent, was read, showing that $67,000 had beensubscribed?a larger sum than the charter re-quires for the organisation of tho Company. Theagent adds:

1 must, however, say tbat the subscription issubstantially available for more lhan twice itsnominal amount. 1 have reason to ihiuk that,when tbe Company bas been organized bythe olectiou of Directors and a President, andconditional subscriptions taken, payable in laborand necessary materials, as may be authorised bythe President and Directors, tbat tho stockhold-ers, who have subscribed as uow reported, will in-crease their subscriptions more tban ene balf 1bave not had auopportunity to cauvasai iu Conse-quence of the incletn-ncy oi the weather.) ouetenth of tbecountry lying on thelioe of tbe con-templated road. But tbe zeal aud energy dia-piajed by those who have been applied to, bavesatisfied too that nothing can pievent the ultimate success of the road.

The following letter from Ed. Robiuson, l'resi"dent ol the Richmond Fredericksburg A PotomacRsilroHd Company, in which hereiterates his <oodopinion of, and confidence iu the enterpiise, wasreal:

OFriCE OF THE R. F. AMD P. R. R.Co.)Richmond, December 10,1555. jllr Dear Sir; I hsd hoped 'till tbo present

moment,that I should be in place at the organiczation ol the B«liiuore aud Potonmc RailroadCompany, on the 18th instant, but the state tfthe weather aud the condition of my health atibe present moment cjmpel me to abandon theidea. He a-snred that I am with you iu thespirit if not iu tbe fldsh I hand herewith rpt.wet of attorney for you to represent the stockfor which 1 subscribed, and shall hope to bear ofa faithful and harmonious meeting. Theroad isnow a fixed fsst iu the estimation of all in thisquarter, and I can place before yen un more cei.tain ssturance that such is the cuso, than the en-closed si tide which 1 extract from tbe RichmondEnquirer of tbe lltli Instant, i'ou and yourfriends bave only to go ahead and act as if theentire c»pita! was subscribed. There will ba nodifficulty in obtaining the necessary amountrea-d'ly, as tbe miuds of tbe people everywhere, audof capitalists in particular, bave arrived at theconclusion tbat, with this road completed, it willbe emphaticallytbe highway of the nation, andas such, the certain precussr of fine dividends outhe crpital invested.

' Tours, in trutb,ED. ROBINSON.

The Ciuisuan announced that seven hundred shares, equivalent to tbe sum of$3t),760, wire represented in per«ou or by writtenproxies?being a majority of all tbe shares ajib-tcribed for. The rpeettng thou went into the elec-tion of Directors of the wbich resultediu the choice of tbe following gentlemen, the firstuamed receiving the highest vote: Edasrd Robin-son, of Virginia, and J. S. Sellmau, Edward J.Plowden, John W. Jeulcius, Walter Mitcbel, W. DBowie and W W. W. Howie, all ol Maryland.?After some rematkslrous the Chairman,expressinghis confidence in tbe propostd road, aud sttooglylaveking ;ttie public interest in its behalf, themeeting then adjourned.

Death op a Phtsicias.?Dr. Wm. A. speucer, ofCumberland couuty, Vs., was found iu a dyingcouditioo, naar his h tae, a few days since and ex-pired shortly alter. A correspondent of the Pe»tersburg Express, says:

He had been absent from hem < for tsvoral days,and no one couid accountfor his uu< xpiaini il uisap-peaiaijce. At letiKlh hi* *as discovered w nilnaddieand briridle, but io nder. which aroused therno-t painfulapprehensionsconcerning the Doctor'stste. bearch was immediately made, and lit wagfound in «remote, uLbCure part of the piantatiui,much enervated and whoily uncon9ciou«. Be wa<itaken home, and every expedient resorted to i ir re-suscitation, but all prtved unavailing, and in tenhours he breathe I his last.

lloofs, Falsi Una, High Hkels, asp Matkjmont.Au ac: was introduced Into the Kngiiiii I'arl'a-merit In 1770, "that all women,of whatever age,rank, profuse ion or degree, whether virgins,maids,or widows, that shall from and aftßr such act, intiviyef and betray into matrimony, auyof his Majesty's »a!e subjects, i>j the scents,paint#, cosmetic washes, artificial teeth, fulse hair,(Spanish wool, iron stays, hoops, bi,ihheeled sbees,bolstered hips,shall incur tbe penalty of the lawnow inforce againstwitchcraft and like tuisdeioea-nort, and that the marriage, qpou conviction,shall stand nail ami Void."

?It ii noteworthy th«t three prominentAmericau*?Bei.j West the great painter, C.iarlesBrockdsu Brown, tbe noted novelist, and JohnW hiitisr, the gifted poet, should be of Quaker liu-eag*. This lact in a remarkable one, inasmuch asthe Society ot Friends, both in the principal andprac'ice, manifest a repugnance rather than asympathy with the products of the imagination.Thus, ilayue, the Doted deistical and politicalwriter, was ot Qaaker parentage, but in early life\u25a0 euouncrd the taith cf his family. At bla Ueatb,tbe Quakers refused to allow his body to be buriedamong their dead. Johu Meal was of a Quakertauuly, but in his boyhood was "'read out" of tbedrab tiaternityfor '-kuochiug a man, wbo insult"?d him, head over heels; tor paying a militaryline: fer miking a tragedy; aud for desiring to betoi oodout, wbetbor or no." It it singular thatwhile N'eal does not appear tohave inherited any-Quaker placidity of mind, his first novel was en-titled "KeepCovl."

Klevl-x Jc&obs no Juki.?ln Pittsburg, QaorgeSbaw.couvicted of abducting or kidnapping (orattempting it) CJeorge W. Ferris, out of the Sintefor tbe of selling him into slavery, Lashad ground anew trial, because the first verdict*as trorn only eleveu jarou?tbe prisoner's coun-sel havlug consented to try tbe case with tbatnumber. The bill of rightnsays the trial byjuryKhali be "inviolate,

*' and tbe conrt was of opiniontbat any alteration in tbe customary practice is aviolation*

Mrxico?A most remarkable narrative of cap«tivity aod suffering in tbe poisons of Mexico, isgiveubya gentlemanwhose case has too tardilyb-en taken notice of by our Government. J. M.Aiusa, in March, IS'>7, was residing in the Uads-.den purchase, contiguous to Sonora. when theparly of Americana under Usury A Urabbe,brother-in-law to Aiusa, entered the latter Stateand became the victims of Mexicancruelty. Shortly aiterwards, Aiusa was seized on American soilaod marcbeJ across the line into Souor.*, afterwitnessing the butchery of lour companions Hewas kept in durac.ce sixteen mouths, sufferinggreat iudigr ities, a portion of the time under sen*leuce of d*ath, until intelligence reached (!oay«mas that a United states vessel was shortly tovisit there to enquire into his cas*. when be wasquietlyshipped off to Mazatlan and set at liberty,aud ultimatelyreached Can Praucisco.

Daniel W sbitsr « Parent a.w »r, oor traits an eon-

u ,f ® nr »»*eaiora. We know It' I P*»y«rtcally, and we believe ft to be eo meuta'.si., ml .

ruM° a P <ir,,y enslocy, because we

i !l® Or«'»«<on. We have gaine la greatfr

<?. <oih OOW .'''lka . ol^ut * t">rM "ben we knewlur. 7 .This feel lag, to be

mul i «'oug with as as in Knrope, wheretitles aud position iu a,«iety aro haredi'ary, anden much ol n d»t>«t..l« on at. accurate knowledgeof one s ancestry. Yet even hero It is strong,particularly wfeoti tho individual coueerned hasbvome smineut, For this reason, all that relatesto Mr. Webster s poreutage is peculiarly intereef.lug. for we Ujllovo with posterity be will be re'garded aa tho great intellectual giaat ot the age.He hiumslf docs hot suuni to have troubled liln<sell very much abjut tho matter, thoughbe dideotne, for he oncee'ujplwyed John Cofflu, Esq.. ofNewbury, to trace U back for him. At this time,according to Mr. Coiiin, he was mistaken lu theuanie even of hi* gtuudfather.It may not be ssusixlly known that both of Mrnabater's parentH v;orc born in the immediate Tl-clotty cf Newbttrypof; all their nobility, too, wastbai proudest of ail nobility,that of natnre. Hisfather, Khenecer Webster, was born at Kast King-ston, N. ll.,abi'Utteu miles from Newburyport.?From the poverty cf his parents, as we suppose,he was adopted by an iigoentlal and wealthyman, Maj. .Stephens. Mr. Stephensowned a large tract of unsettled land lu NewHampshire, in n plucj called Btevenstown, fromhimself, sinrn cilled ilalUbury. A portion of thisbe gave to young WoUitor, who went there nndsettled down at theago of twenty'two. lie builthim a log cabin,in which he lived for seven years.Mr. Webster thuespeuk'j of his father's early coodition?"A mats who is uot ashamed of himself,need not be ashamed of bis early ccuditiou. It didnot happen to me to be born in a log cabin, raisedamcng the snow drifts of New Hampshire, at aperiod so early, tbat when the smoke first arosefiom Its ruaochimney, and enried over the froienhills, there was no similar ovidonce of a whiteman's habitation between it and tbe settlementson the rivers of Canada.

All his life he reuiainod poor, and as is wellknown, was obliged to mortgage his little farm toraise the money to rducata his children. Yet tbo'poor,bo was honored, usefiil <md respectful. He wasalways one of the most prominent cl ; ir.ens of histo »n, discharging Its most responsible offices yearafter year. He served ofteo in the legislature ofhis State, as Representative aud Senator. He wasa member of the Conventlou e illed to form a StateCecistitutiou, and also of the one called to consid-er the proposed United States Constitution- Hewas appeiuted, in 1791, Judge ofthe Conit of Com-mon Pleas for Hillsborough county,whichoffice hebekl till his death, lie wai a Christian, too, ac-tive in all tbe affairs of the Church.

His revolutionary services were very important,exteudiog through the wbole war. At first a Cap-tain, be was promoted inJl7&4 to tbe tank of Colo-nel. Ho was a b;ave, trusty and reliable officer,and engaged in many situations of great respon-sibility He was in thearmy when the ueWB cameof the birth of his sou Daniel. Calling to hisbrother in law, Siephep Robinson, he safd, "Here,Stephen, I have another by at home: get a gallonof rum and we will be merry." This, of course,was before temperancedays, wheneveu good Chrisliana thought it no harm to use a little stlmulautto help keep thaheart cheerful.

It is said onone occasion, Captain Webster wasencamped with General Stark, near tbe British, alittle stream aloue dividing them?tbe British,however, ia much greater f <rce. A ntorm of greatlength and severity arising, the Ameiicaus f nndshelter in a large barn. When fair weather came,it appealed that the British had disappeared. Thisseeming likeaL interposition ot Ptovidence. someone proposed prayers.

"I>?Li the prayers," said a soldier, "let thosepray who want to."

General Stark was so ranch incensed at tho lan-guage, that he struck the soldier over the shoul-der severely with his sword, saying that tbe uaraeof Godshould uot be profai-ed iu tbis army- 7'beynil went into the barn, when he called on CaptainWebster to lead in prayer, who, mounted upon ahaystack, pmyed with such fluency, tbat, as Ste-phen Bohonuon said, "there uever was so muchblubberiug at a camp meeting."

JuJae Webster's personal appearance was veryHue, to which his sou often alluded in terms ofpride. lie was tail, stout, very dark, with keen,black eyes, and a potretfnl voice?ail well knowucharacteristics of Dtniel. He died in 1800, wtieuhis sou, but for whom bis own meuiary wou!d,eveunow, bave become dimmed, was still ayouug man,uukuowu to fame.

Judge Webster's second wife, the mother ofDiyiel, was Abigail Kastman. who was boru inSalisbury, directly opposite Newt uryport. Shewas a tailoreßß by trade, going ronud from bouseto house, as her services were required. Herfather was theowuer of a small farm The fathercame from Wales, aud first settled iu Salisbury.?She had two hrntber*. Kznkiel and Dauiei, forwhom she named two of her children.The story of the courtship is thus told : Soonafter Mr. Webster became » widower which wasin March, 1"4. ne catiu* to Kiugdom, bis oldold homo, on a visit. A lady friend said to him,"wny do you uotget married ugaiu?" "1 woulJ,"he replied, -if I knew the right one." "I can tellyon,'' she said, ??oue who will just suit you?Abi-gail Kaetman, of Salisbury, about as black us yonare." Ho m .uuted his horse and weut to Salis-bury. HeacUiuit thehouse, a young woman came ]to the, wbom he asked if Abigail F.astmaulived there She told him she was the oue, whenhe bauded her the letter of introduction be hadbrought. She invited hhu in, and befoie he left,the bargain was made. They were married October 13tb, 1774.

Both Sir. Webster's parentswere persons of finephysical development aud strong good sente, lu-ured to toil, and belonging to the common ranksof life. No patrician bloed flowed in their veinsi'uey seemed to spring up like the fabled heroesof oid from the earth, gave birth to a soc bywhom they have bten mo.e honored than if theycould have traced their cost of arms through aline of a thousand senseless and tilled ancestors,auddied. Intellectually tb? race ia dead. Ne sonof Mr. Webster inherited more thau tbe uame,and in fact we, as a rule, never lcok for a greatmaD in a great man's son. Do families have floodsand ebbs of greatness as the tides? and is the in-tellect of a great mau the accumulation of suc-cessive generations)' Many interesting questionssuggest themselves ou tbis subject of gunealogy,which we must reserve for a suusequentarticle.?NewburyportHerald.

A.\ K J-PRESIDENT Mil!? TO YACATK »0R AS EX-Kinu.? A correspondent of the Newark Advertiserwrites from Florence, Italy, under dale of the2jth ult, as follows:

The Ks King and Qneen of Prussia made theirgraud entrance here a day or twosince, and tookpossession of the fine Hotel de la Ville, turned intoa palace for tho royal pair and suite. The cortegecomprised twenty carriages and wagons, fioui thelast of which sauce pans and tin kettle* hungdangling, as if mocking with their discordant rattie tbe pomp and circumstance ot that royalty cfwhich they brought up the rear! Bur kings raujttake their cuisine, as well as their diamond* aboutwith them.

Ex-President Pierce happened to be lodged atthe hotel demauded fer old Frederick William,when the order cauie to vacate it. Tbe extaticlandlord made baste to acquaint hia guests of thehonor intended him, hintingalike to one and allthe necessity ot seeking other quarters, whichblot was differently received by different tempera-ments, but Uo one so amiably as by the ex Preai-dout, who conceded in the blandest manner theright of an ex-king to torn him, a democratic ex-Piesident, out of doors.

Election U. S. Sinators.?<Stuft Declared Vacant.?Gov. W'illard. of Indiana, last week vetoed thebill pasted by the legislature declaring the saataof theC.S. Senators from that state vacant. Ontbe 2°2d iu«t., however, the legislature passed a ro«solution declaring tbe seats in the United StatesSenate, froui ludiana, vac.iut, aud elected Henry SLano, republican, and William Mqurou McCarty,autULoComptoa democrat, to £11 their places, ortho vacancies 'h«s made. The vote was 20 in theSenate aud i>i in tbe noose. Tbe democratsrefused to vote. This singular action of thelegislators has cau cd much excitement. Tt isuot at all probable that the Senate will recognisetho claims of the contestants.

CoMiJia to ihc Point.?l* tbe United StatesHouse of Representatives, Wednesday, Mr. Davis,of Mississippi. asked leave to introduce a refla-tioninstructing the Committee on Foreign Affairsto report a bill acthurizing and requiring thePresident of the United Stales to take possessionof the island of Cuba, unless, within the next sixmonths, thesun of $128,625 51, f >r duties unjust*ly taken from American vessels, be paid, audsa'lsfac'iou given to the President for the insultsoff"red to onr flag, aud Injury doue to the parsonsaud property of citizens of t&e United States; batobjection was made.

Tftif FfiMOH Tradi?Tbe offloial returnsOf the trench Colonial i>Bice show that 10,500 u«»grues have beeu obtained by French agents fromtheeastern coast of Africa, aud conveyed to tbeisland of Bjurbon, or Reuuijo. Freuch Guianahas received eight hundred aud seventy-two Afri-can*, Martluiqoe live hundred aod fifteen, andtiaudaluop?six hundred and uiuety»«Jgbt. Theselatter are presuoatd to have been brought fromthe west cjast.

At Fayetteville, Tone., last week, 20 slaves soldfor $20,000 cash.

Tbe Charleston Are department comprises ten?uginesaud four hundred wen.

The Merpphis Inquirer states that Ave men wererecently bang in Arkansas for bora* stealing by acompany of regulator*.

Diahop Mcilvaioe, of the Episcopal Cbnrch inObto. recently tmscMassnsss in Rom* to sbontfcltty Americana. fiThe UclUe Railroad O.mpanjf i* abont con.Struct.* Railrqpda in Si. Lonis, and Intendt»u*e lilseosti native manuiictursd iron.

Tbe «usr>«nsloa bridge aer<>as the St. John riverat Qiaad Falls is now completed, at a cost of $7,»QUO.

TheSan Antonio Ltdcer ,ys (here are sixMaximo* living in tbat ci<ywbu*e joiat t|H fool

613 yenrs, Xolsraby climate, IbM.


Bam Pabtbia*.?from a lett»r recelr-»d by lh« owner*of «Ud Mrk, from tbalr Captain,?? b<>sn P«"nUud togiva tbe followingiIJtract, in relation to Ik* *tie sustained:'About aunriee of thai lath November, lightgoal* of wind began to bfow from almost everypoint of lha compass. for a miante or »o, andthen died awey, and I badjnst remarked to Mr.niiauu, tbat -cooie wbat might, I *u foil* pre-pared f«>r it,' wben an awful gu«t (truck lbs t.irkwith ancb violence aa to |*fe«* ber bodily into tbewater, sue did not move ; ahead, nor would she»'e#r, (having charge tf tie helm nijaoli.) TbeBrat guit, wtiicti was fruaJ tbe 3. W., a truck barright aft but it mooo *eerfJ into We*t N. W to NK , with «ucb rapidity ibaa waa finally, in order to save Hie t*ik, cargo, and all oni Vl' '° or ',,r 'be B:uou ti.aat to be cut away ?

it did not take u* long atv tupllntitbla. I tueoordered tbe rop gallant ami royal buck atay* to ber.nt, to relieve tbe bark; it waa nosooner donel

n>M' broke tbe trunsoland the whole maas, draggingwith ittbe main topgallant maat, caiue down. Tbe maiu yard fortu-nately escaped, and i« tbe only spar lelt in tbeoark nnliurt. Necessity tl«u impelled me tocat away tbe wreck, Inordgr to save the bark iromdestruction, wbicb waa Amplyaccomplished about- o clock P. M, and the mabi (ail set, endeavoringto reach Bermuda. We sofa) got a jibbent to themain stay, and ontier thatisun, with a strong galefrom N K., expected to to Bermuda in threeday*; but it wan not to be After getting fairlyinto the latitude ol tbe Intend, and within about40 miles, the wind atrnck u« in W. N. W., and Isailed off and on for tbr<M days, (17th,) hopingsome assistance would arrive. None oauie, and Imads np my mind to run for St. Thomas, W I,where I arrived yesterday, (30tb Not.,) abont 8o clock.

Fo*oi*t.?Fitzwiiiiam ftoaier, charg-ed with forging the name of Job* Kobin MclUn-iel, as endorser of a negotiable note for $110, datedSeptember9th, 1858, aud payable at ninety dayswas again before the Mayor yesterday for examin-ation. Mr. McDanitl, after inspecting tbe notecarefully,stated that tbe endoraation was a for-gery?that he had ueither signed hi* name to tbeiioto, or aothoriced any on*el.e to do *o.Ilawes R. Sntton (of whom Mr. Brasee obtainedthe note) testlledthat Rosier brought tbe note incourt to bis office some three monthsago, andasked witness to sell it for him, alleging ibat bebad a note to take np that day. Witues.said thatwa* «.ut of bis line, bot to kccommodate prisoner,w»uld endeavor to do »o. Witness took tbe uotetoO. F. Breezee, got it caahed, and returning tobis office where prisoner had remained, paid pri««oner the money. Witness' knew uotbing more.Mr. McD-tniel stated that be bad endorsed save*ral notes for prisoner in t'mespast.

The Mayor remanded tbe prisoner to jail toawait an examination before the Hustings Court,ontbe lO'.b of January.Drowned.? Capt Ho--per of the schr.Emi.y Ann. reports, that on the 22J irnt., whenbis vessel was opposite "Verina," tbe residence ofA. M. Aiken*, R»q., on Jains* river,one of his seamen, a white man, uauind JoaM Jurpauso.v, a natire of Matthews county, fell overbtard whiledrawing water, and waa drowned. Tbe Captain

mad*) every effort to rescue tbe unfortunate man,but before tbe boat conld reach him. ha sunk torise no more. Hi* wearing apparel.and a few dayswages due him, luay be bad by application to theCaptain

Capt. Uoopor also reporti tbaton Tnesday lastbe saw a corpse floating in Ibe rfver opposi,« theOld Kort, which be supposed to be that of a »ailor.judging by bis red flannel shirt. Tbe wind beingireith at tbe time, it was impossible to get to tbebody.

\u25a0Attempted Suicidh ?W understandthat a lady, residing in Sydney, attempted to de-atroy herself last VVedues lay night, by takiag alarge qnautity of laudanum Luckily some of thefamily discovered, before too late, that tbe ladybad tuken laudanum, andat once called in a pby-\u25a0ician, who succeeded, alter much labor, in neutralisiag the effect*of tbepolson and iu savingber life. 6

CIKD FROM IHTBMPUttANCE.?The Co-roner h jary in the case of John Graves, who diedsuddenly in Sydney, after having a post mortem,aud b»ariuj£ tbeopiulou of Dr liaucock, returneda verdic. that the deceased came to his death byintemperance.

WAt-HiNoroa and his OsNxR-as ?Thenotice iu yesterday's Dispatch might have left theimpression that the engraving with this title, wasnot yet completed. By the adfertisenieut of tbeagent, it will be seen tbat it la now ready for de-livery. *

Tua Monroe M.>m'm«jit. ?Got. Wisthas at length decided on (he atyloof Monumentto feeerec*ed In (lollywood Temfltary, over there-m-ifus of Jamx4 Mo*« i, and orders have beengiven for the execution of tbs work. From tbenumber of styes furnished him he has selectedthe "Gothic i'empie." prepaid by A Lvbrock,fcsq. temple to Wo of cam iron, 12 by 7feet pquare, and 20 feet to tho top of tbe dorue. thewh .leof which i» tobe enriched with Gothic or.uatDeuts. Messrs Wood & Perot of PhiU<felph«ihave contracted for the cast; and we understandthat tbe whole cost of tbe temple will not exceed$1700.

Buholaries?lw> birgtlriea we*ecommitted on 25th street, last Wednesday night.One of thorn was at L. i> Walker's bakery, somefour bandied yards north of the corporate limitsThe robtiers succeeded la carrying off about i3Oworth of bread aud cakes. The other was at SirCooper's grocery, between Grace and Broad streetsThe thieves carried off everything that «h»y couldget their bin's upon. Mr. Cooper estimates hisloss r. t S*b. Onr readers abonld Uke warningaodsee that their premises are wsll secured. Not onlythis, but they should csrefully examine everybiding place In the house, before retiring, to becore tbat uo one has been locked in.

Bikd is Proposals ?The friesds ofthe Central Agricultural Society are at work rais-ing meansfor the purchase of tbe grouuds, andas soon as a sufficient sum of money israised, thelocation will be selected. As almost every neigh-borhood seems anxious to secure the grouuds, itseems to us, that it would ba wise policy for theKxecutive Committee to let tha subscribers deter,mine where the locution shall bo. Jf, the Last «udof the city will cßvr as good grouuds and moremoney to pay for and put tliern in order, theyshould bare the selection. If. on the contrary,the West eud has a better location for the pur-poses of the Society, and will subscribe more lib*erally tbau their competitors, then let them makethe selection. In tbe mean time, property hoUders who havo lands for saie,should send in sealedproposals to the Secretary, Capt. Dimmock, atat»jugthe number of acres, price per acre, and theterms of payment, so as to give the Committeeanopportunity of examining all propositions beforeany li.ial action is taken. Those who furnishtbe money should have the privilege of selectingthe ground), and we have no. doubt tbe CentralSociety will readily grant to (hem that privilege,provided the localiou is suitable in every respect.

Cbristmas Show.?Bsiits the usualevening exhibitions at thuHill of the Mechanics'Institute, of the graud moving mirror of Austra*lia and the Oeleitial Empire, the tnacager haswisely determined to give a grand entertainmenton Christmas day. at oo'clock, P. M , l>that all?ho cannot visit this picture at night, may do to<u daylight. The hall is now weil heated withfurnaces, brilliantly lighted up, nod in excelleutcondition fir the comfort oi visitors. Oar readersahonld see this panorama by all oiaaus, aa it isone of tbe most attractive ever exhibited in Rich-mond.

New Patbkts.?ln the list of Patentsgranted on the 21at of December, we noticed unato Mr. William Bradley, Superintendent of theManchester Cottou uud Woolen ManufacturingCompany, for additional Improvement*on Sizinga:td Dressing machines for Warp*. Mr. 1). i«one of our moat intelligent mechanic*, and baaalready made sevenl valnable Improvements in themachinery of Ootton factory under bit charge.

Not Pbovid.?Edward Jordan appearfd before tbe Mayoryesterday morning to answerior violating the revenue la»a by seiiirg goof's bysample; bat the witnesses failing to sustain tbeaccusation, the prisoner was released.

Hard Coppls - 'iwa drunken, aban-doned women, residents of* dilapidated heat,near Trent's old bridge, were at tbe Mayor's Conrtyesterday, to undergo anexamination for disorderly and unbecoming conduct. A* neither of themcould give security for their good behavior, theywere both sent to tbe "lock up" to be carel for atpublic expense.

Pabdomid?R. L Saunders em Tidedat tbe last term of tbe Richmond Ilustlngs Conrt,of entering the office of tbe Ciiy Sergeant andstealing therefrom a pocket bonk and kblfs, andsentenced to three months confinement iu the cityjail,bae been pardoned by Gov. Wise.

Pbsachinq To-Moaaow.?At 11 o'elkto-morrow (Christmas) morning. Rev. F. J. Beat*will preach at Wesley Cbapel. Tbe publicare In-vited to attend.Starve®to Dxath.?Jane aged lady,

»lf* of Uouaid Huttori, was f >nnd at her apart*merits in Plnestreet, on Suudny morning, in a dee.titute aod dying condition. She Is reprnseuted aslisriog bad nothing in the hou«e for several days,»nd,was found ia her bed, litrally exbnuated bylack ef food and the necessary cootlorts of liSrt,lb* woman died soouafter Ut-log byhe neighbors, assiiUone bavingooaie ico la|e for

her resene from thegrin; moaatwr. Acoroner's iofijuest was jeld, aud a verdict iu arfirdaace with>fte above Jfacta wa» rendered ? 1Wersws- fX. J AGuardian, Ike. 20. j '

Rauaiov IK hi Natt.?L»"t Sn&dajr afternoontwenty two sailors made a public prvfession ulreligion and partook of tba Lord's tapper onbntrd tba United States receiving ship NorthCVolio*,»Hl*K«»J' Tn*d, Jkooliiyn, ,

Duatb of am Old Laot.?The funeralof Miss Jane Montgomery, a very old lady, willtake place at Trinity Church to-day.

Fimib.? Cusiia Park*, f r being tipejlast Wedneeday night and resisting tbe Watch-men, was cal'eJ before the Mayor yesterday morn-ing and «as made to pay a flueof $1.

f'BicEBM ißiavta *rt making a clean\u25a0weep ol all tbe poultry ott Cbutch and Union Hiliel.«»t Wednesday aigbt tbrte lamiiies i<at all tbaircbickeos. The ciits~usare noworganising sstr>ngpatrol for lb* bolide;suiud intern) lo spare no top*rsdators that may foil taKUlnfobaaris. > -

the dailyl dispatch.RICHMOND, VA., FRIDA*j DECEMBER 24, 1858

B*i> BtM*r.?Th«street o?nmiatoa«rashould visit Broad, betwees Uhh aud 2I«. Just atIbis tics. The mad is so dssp that vehicles caabarsty pass along it.Taa Ou> Soldiim Pcasioi Bin ?The P«o*iooBill w puMd by the lower Hons® of Cob«nmWednesday, after liavisg bosu pretty fully de-baled ihotiaalvoto ??? UU 1011, (betin M

passed gi?es pensions t > ail survivor* who servedlor sixty days,or were engaged in actual battle, lath* war of 1812, or fu toy war or battle fought bythe United aUies with tba Indian* pr*vk>u* to orduring that wur. Theact (.Stead* to both landand uavat forces, aod where tba party does notsurvive, his wliow coaie* ia for tba bauefita. Tbapanaiouoare grftlua ed aa fellow*: To those whoserved 12 mouths or tnore,(Vo per aaaun; iboaewhoserved 6 months or more, $76, and those who Iserved 3 laoutasor uot lata tbau «u days,s6o perannum. Itis provided that thepeusions continencefrom ttiD first day of tbo prvseut Congress, andcoutiiiua turougn lifo. tor the information ofthose lotercetad we publish tiio bill as passed:

ojf tn» surviving officers, non-colu a officers, musicians, and private,who thai*have servedlu tae maul >r army. otjte troop*, vol-unteers, or militia, for a term or aiaty day* or more,or »»**? nseu eugaged iu actual Dattie with the'° ,ho,

» ar u«ciar*a oy we United etaw*against Uroat Britain, onthe ldthoay ot Ju*o, igj2,Dea~thuinao u. revive a peu.ion iron» the UnusdStates. toe mrnenct lrooi the drst da/ of tue pree-llfe Brß **: *Da t0 cofctinue during hi* natural

Bsc. 2. And be itfurther enacted. Thateach of theoinccrd, cltloerf. mu»iciAS» ALdprivate, who hare served in the regular Army,state troops, volunteers, or unium,ol any Stateor[Territory, for tns space of sixty days or more,iagainst any of the Indian tribe* duringor precedingtue war ot 1413with Ureal Britain, or wno were en-caged in any battie fought oy the Cuited Statesaaaiustaey Indian tnbe duriug theaforesaid warw


tQ(V'? t fir "®ld. shall be entitled to alt tue ben-efits of this act.B*a 3. Ami b*. it farther tna-Hcd, that if any of

the i fli ;ers. uoncuumiseioneu officers, musicians, orprivates, havedied, or shall hereafter die, leavinga widow, such widow shall be entitled toreceive thesame pension to wnich her husband would havebeen entitled utder thinact, for and durma her nat-ural life.

cic. 4. And be itfurther enacted. That the payallswed by ibis act sii »,i. uunar toe direouou of tboSecretary ol tde isierior, be paid to aucuofficer,nou coumusicned officer, mugician,private, or h<rwidow, or tlietr atTuuritnl avSJfney, at sucrt timesan<i places as the ijvcretary of -ne interior may uir*ct; an j tu*i no officer, non-cummiaslonsd officersmusician, pr vaf .'or his wirjtiw, auail receive thesame ne iuiuirh th.-said secretary of tue luterior with satisfactory eviutace thatne is entitledto the same, iu acccordatco with the provisionsof tin* act; auJ that th* pay hereby allowed'ball not oo in any way, transferable, or lia-ble to u:tachmeuts, iiavj, or setxure, t»y auj le-

[ jral process wnstever, but shail go uuencum*b.reu to the poss sown ot the iffic.r, uon-com-[mU-ioued ifficer, iiuimciau, private,or wiaow.j Sec. 5 .1 mibe it farther tnacttd, runtthriothers,|noii-comiiilxjioued ojjestw.and marine*, woo servedTor (Uetime of Hixiy iu the naval service, orin battie with theeusruy,during rhswar witn Great on am aforesaid, and their wiuowa,snail be entitled to taa bene &to of this act, iu th*stme manner as is provide i for the officer, aud sol-dier* of the urm.< of >be warot 1812

iiEC. »> And be itfurther tnwltd, i'hat tha pensionprovided by tins iu nocase exceed tUc lullitmount o' ui»et/-six <toliars per year,aud shail begrsdaa.ed according to the len<tli otservice, aj tollows: For iwelve moattis' service, or more ninety?iidollare; 'or »U moatbs'setvice. bat less thantwelve mouth 4, eeveiit) live doiUib; sixty days's»r«-ice, but less tUau six menths. fluy co lnrs; proviatd. lhat the survivori>r survivingwiuow ui aaomcer. douc.iuimission, d officer, musician or private,who pan cipatvd in ac ual u»ttle, iu said war. shallbeeutitled to thd mai.jsiaui pension given by thisact

Tub Fatal Explosio* at Lowsll.?Tbo LowellCourier gives tbe following particulars of tbo fatalexploaioo at the llaaaacbuaetta Mills, in that city,on Monday morning;

"At about a quarter before 8 o'clock, this morn-ifig, there was an explosioo in tbe westerly endof tbe picker mill on tbe Maaaacboaetta Corpora*tion Tbe wall of the gable ead and of the firalstory below it, were tbrowu out, aud falliug upona aoiuil building below, broke in tbe roof audcracked tbe eud wall. No ouecan giveauy accountof tbe origin of tbe calamity Tbe building lalour stories bigb. The third storyjbas macbiueryou the northern side; in tbe fourth there is a pickertrom which tbe cottou passes to the attic. It issupposed that the fire was caused by friction inibis machine, aud tbence couveyud to the attic soquietly that it was nut noticed; tbat it rau overme light cotton there, producing so sudden audpowerlnl rarilicition of tbe air, tbat it burat oatthe walls.

There are two clevatoraextending from tbe tb irdstory to tbs attic, aud it ta auppoaed tbat tbe fiiepasseddown tbeae to the third story, and thenceup the stairway to the fonrtli atory. Janice Bran-nan was found alive in tbo fourth atory, but aobadly burned tbat be lived but a short time. Hewas a new baud aud this was bia first day in themill John O'Niel was takeu out iu au insensiblestate. Ilis hands are burned to a crisp, aud he iaso much irjured that (bare ia bat little, if auy,hope tbat he can survive, tie reaidea on Dovidsoustreet. James had one leg badiycrushed and broken near the toot, aod acotheimnu, ttboao name we did n6t learn, bad bia facebodiy burued."

A couaiderable amount of cotton was Injuredby lire and water; but tbe loaa ia aa yet nnknowu.It will not, probably, exceed 4^,000.

A STCMPtK Stumpeo.?The subjoined anecdote ofa demagogue candidate,for tbe Legislature of*Western State, has been sent by a csrrespoudent:

"There was a 's'.uxp spesking,' aod Abser G.I). h'»d platform enlightening -the uuteirided' longand loudly. 'Fellow citizen*,' said be, '1 nowcome to a slanderous tomor which has dastardly circulated against me, from oneend of the country to the other. My enemiesnot content with endeavoring to ruin my politicalpro»pects,;have assassin like attempted to Llatt mygood name by their insidious report*.' -Abuer'then stated w hat tbe rumorwai, and contined : Irejoice, fellow citizens, to have It in my power in*stautly to fasten tbe lie u;joo this mahciousandatrocious slanderer. I see among youone of themoat estimable citizensof this countiy, whosecharacter tor tbe truth and integrity is aoove ques-tion. Squire Schooler, to whom Iallude, is acqtiaiated with all tbe facts, and 1 call otiblm hereto state whether this rumor is trueor false. Ipausefor a reply.' W hereuponSquire Schooler slow-lyaroke,and iu his stroug.slow and sonorous voice,'1 rather think yon did it, Abner?' You oldscoundrel!' exclaimed Abner, 'why do you inter-rupt uie while I'm discussing great constitutionalquestions, with your low personalities?' And b*accompanied bis objugatory exclamation withsuch a 'surge' of gesticulation that besupped backbeyond the platform, fell backward on big dogfamid the howls of wbicb, and the deafeuing roarsof the 'sovereign*' the meeting was effectuallybroken up."

Tobacco Factory Burst?The tobacco factory ofMessrs. Pritcbett t Dodson, at KicevlUe, llttsyl*vania county, Va , was entirely consumed by fire,on the i»igbt of Tuesday, tbe l-tili iast. There wasan insurance of $6,000 on tbe house and tobacco,and tbe amount of tobacco on band at the time iaestimated at about 30,000 pounds.

Mcrdrr atCisa-NATi.?On Monday last ayoangman named Michael Burke was fatally stabbad.atCincinnati, by the keeper of a disreputablenamed James Burns, l'he murderer escaped. Ayvar or eigbteeu months since his farmer wife wasfound dead iu ber bed iu the same houso, withmarks of great violence upon her person, and itwas supposedat tbe time fbat ho had killed her,but there was no conclusive evidence of the fact.Aothek Arctic Expedition- -Dr. U*y«, who was

with Dr. Kaue iu oiaArctic expedition,!* engagedin the organization of another expedition to estab-lish. the troth of tbe iheaiy of an open Polar riea.The Atuerioau Association for tbe Advancementofß favors the enterprise a* tbe moat inter-facing problem in Arctie geography. Tbe Ameri-can PhilospbicalSociety, the Academy ofNataralScience, of Pniladelpbia, tbe American > Society ofScience and Aits in Bjatoa,*ud the II jVton Natur-al History Society have considered the matter andadopted roaoiniioufe favorable to the project.

Sale o? a Valuable Farm.?Tba form of Dr. A.0 Boykin, aboot 5 miles from Smitbftald, iu Isleof Wight Cmu'y, Va.,eon aloing 450 acres, batbeen sold to Watson P. Jordon for $8,2»0.

Tbe sumof $10,000 has boon subscribed towardsthe erection of a magnificent hotel In D&aville, Va.

Tbe noted Mrs. Bloomer is Secretary of tba La-dies' Benevolent Society, away off at CouncilBluffs.

Rev. Jesse Witt, a Baptist mini«t«r, formerly ofPowhatan county, Va., died in Texas, on tbe 21stBltiMC.

InWisconsin they call a bribe a "pecuniary? ?mpliment"

ttiiL.B r*rrie*ti raeeiviug from Ma-sie's orcha< dPur* Yi'tciuia and ..Vortheru BUCKWHBAT

K LOU ItPami.y andKxtraFLOUR of approved ouality.For sale br BAG LAaD i BH'jTUEK.

de21-31*|rpORPfcDOIUJ aND fl*ls. CtfACKfcna1 IPO boxes fx'ra Mo 1 fiden cb ?>» Fire araek-ers.of exceedingly k»ud report; lOO.iffli Torpedu**,justreceived, for sale by

LOUIS J BOgSlgnx,da 17?let Wo mt Mala atmot.

T AuiJSj FußH.?l have au baoa beau-1J tiful sets of l>AM IU IU, as follow*:*TO* SMARTENAMKhICAN XARLI* GLTSH FITCHBLAOK LVMX. ftft. jl.j. ..m

IJUair, rt' MV?*ll is want of aprim* artie'e of para Strained Doner, for bar

*tttar tue,should rati at**»

*"*' OarftSMri VataiU.N-«|f *\u25a0' § -«?*

kpbclal ifuncus j ? - » .*a,


laferwafr srasHStwtt'SHibraUDnjjaitetfeuu*. MHi

AgT PtbOII UYtNU in umm, udMi*itk« kud of Uw *«UUai knTilr mmt>«B. wltt .11 IUattendant ilia wflrtEt««? U or J BjmWi Onnunottiibti tu£tim, an«tu«r ttirt wul i«rfu arw Mb dUv itorir»aiw; restore, iu IMMN. IM atwV|UlM|fof Mora jeothfol ten, build n*"?*** *?- ?? >"-?*\u25a0 ?»"i ? *- ?*-jrir~TfZ*»«* Tliww vba.mtl tte leaet aSUcM WH*

J3^2W!2irtSl,S®t3lStS:mmpity m>rywhere. <UI-UE

PRICE (INK fRM.Baths, bath* ?Hoi.3olU aad Dkovw Mfai on be had tally walltem. m the Amrioan atoTnLa^uaSSrtErs;rSSTSStiZIkklMIM)Utt UMI

*imcieiteihe»ee..ta. or »tte*ate tor tl UN?.J®- H,BIUTaT":' »r>imlH-IkNtwho here isifcred from iaceeaant lever*, loeeot »p---p«MUi. or improverdigenion?met *usilj be careab,(ho UM> of ftiTMM W» u»y. knowniwrtuos eoita-lt reetored (\u25a0< u«t!tli Lif theeo itt»r*.J*®* 1- *b"*i '« all tt*watering ptooee without reoef».fcfm *?/ *l 'Myof oarronton wo eulbrisgfrontJJ) «|MtwUL. tiortoa* Uebtiity, torpxl Uver.T*dictation, AyBe and Pevtr, {tout wt-iairhor Lcea ofMinrtit«, ttej will Qaa certainr*iM ot a*ing UuteBitten* m dir*ct«4. Delicak fii nilin tuMf iMt

"?* autor* are uamMr adapted tothai: dtowMM, and Lovortutl in qotckeuia* netwrvS5U.[TtorJB? 1,10 bloom ut health to tMr cnockamay aU i l»-i improved by their*»«? "Til k* benefittedbfttalr ttretigtbetung propertiee A* a totallymedicine. tb«ee liitUm atand unrivalled, and niuateventually aaperaede allother* Wo Invito a milat once.For salebv Pureall. Ladd £ 00. and br allttaprominent Uruggko* in Virginia ocU

Lira Biu PaoioaiAHML??übeorioer take* pleaaureiaanneanoing m hi* namerou* patron*and tbo public at largo, tilat bo wnow prepared to taroiah fbutompU nvm nxlaiaturee to fCLL LlfH fIZJS, either plaieor colored,which, foraccuracy and fiuiab. he warrant* equalIf not *up*rior to any produced In thia city, at lea*than the usual price. Old Picture* copied and en-larged to anyrise.

Citizen* and atrangera are laritod to call and ex-tpeoimeQi at Ulßßf Temple of Art. Oortathian Halt, Baui street, between 9th and loth.F Jft ttLBMP- B?lf yon want a genuine Ambrotype, thtoi*[he plaee toget it, whore you wllJ neither be ham-bugged in price or work. Alio, Uelalnotypes, orany otherPiettue in thePhotographic ArtIB f. M. ?.


WBI paottoeto tteetty H mkikmtSSfmt

NTHo«*oii's HaieCcrnae, Siatimun SaAaroaoM Uuoi, under the tiwliiea Ha>el?entrance mUth atreet*.B.?Hot. Soid aad SbewarBaraa b« bad ataUheoxa. Binaleßattoittoenta,oe > lliliilifcreeadollar. ' JelBgL. CIQARi, CIOABS, CIOABJB.


?a »?tan

19*Law Pabtbibship.JOHNRANDOLPH TUCKER. AMfMf«IMnLmhl JOHN M PATTON. Ja. bw> I\u25a0Mill tate a

partnership lo Braotioe Law. uadsr the mw of"lockb a Pattos," ha the Oonrt of Appeata t(iUetniKD<i and U*l*«'g, aad ia tbe Superior andInferior Oourts of theeltvof Blob mood

An) buIMM entrusted to thsir car* will bopromptly attended to.



MT* Di. JOHN B Vauiau, (AMMM*Sltae*,«aU|hstr M,twioonnSm


\u25a0A.D*. J V. Hobsob,BOntEPATHIV PHYNKCYAff,

-.^i« 5M'-^WMAl **TiS£*om>.

tm" Coughs, Colds, Hoakskhiss, 40.rbe prevalence of tbe above complaints at this aea>sob bis tbe effeot of bringing out a host of profes-sedly new specUics, and while some few may begood, manyare useless and some even dsogeroM.To prevent disappointment,tbe beat course to purree is to consult yoarfamiiy physician, or othsrwissuseonly such remedies as long public experiencebas proved to be safe and . mcacioaa. Of ibis clasa<h TYLBR'd Oo.viPOUND SIRUP OF UOM AKA-BIC. OriginAllytbe favoritepressriptlonof sa em-inent aoon became a popular familymedicine, and without advertising, has continuedto enjoya grossing reputation for tbe laxt twentyyeara. Innil recent eases itacts likea cbarm, andus übronic cases.Bronchitis, 11uoping Cough. CroupAsthma, Ac, it is used witb unparalleled success, asaost families will testify.

Sold b* Kishie a Wihstss, Miade A Basis, aBopskcb, Ac,at 33 cents per bottle, and in an ele-gant anu pleasant Losenge form. 12H and 25 cen sper box, called Ttlss's Gcm akabio Cough Cusdttoon." ae X7-3m*i|rPmANKLi* Papkb MILL, Rioh-

toxD, \a..?Belvidere Manufacturing Companykeep constantly onhandall descriptions Knvelope.aoa Wtapping PAPER, News and BookPAPKRB. of all quaUtiea and sites, furnished st?bore nonce.

?3-Cash paid forRAO 8._

GKO WHITWJtU), President.0 OosiN, Bupt uc 4?3 mtar Notbhbib 20th, 1858.



no H T R PRICE A 00.

Mgr Übdiual CABO. ? Dm BimtiiU Iksaax having located ia this city, leeneetftaUytender* hU professional servlo»sto its clMsms ?

Office and residence for tbo prseeat sb BAMKSI'HBBT, Door the MsehaaM 27?lm*

IV Bbhotal?Db. Busk kn ra-meved bis OMoe tobosom sat of Metropolitan Ball,With R B Ljae.

Offlee hours, 10 AM and SPM daily. Rea'.dene*,corner 27th and broad streets 4o> -lmDROBPECTDB OF TBI IHDIX, TOMOND,issae on the3d o> J-auary, lAtV.le theettyef Biefc-mond, Va. a Weekly aad b*ml-WeeAl» Paper withthe above title, devoted to Politi s.Uterature, Oma-mereial Mature, and the Geaerel Nova ot tbo day.

As to the political conpbxMa ofthepaper, I bomnotsaj aM> th-t it willbe trae to theoldDemocratic principlesof Virginia IdosaiRsearoe-ly nso' ssary to makeeven this aanoancoaisat here,in mynativ Mtate, alter eightosayear's Seapi Cttoawith its D»m ?cra'ic pre»s Keepectlng tbo BMaofthe party andof all partise these who aspßo loo*,flees. Mateand National? ? dew It ant laaßßrrpriate tosay that Taa lantu will be jost >0 sJOo t tbopartiaauof n ne,and withoutlaplichroßßdei>ee iaany Particular attention will be paid tutbo Ut m-mercial Departmeat of Tu IBDU lie LMorasfrDepaitmentwill bo entrusted to competent haads.In ' very depanmedLlt wHI havj the aid of tboablest pens ia the (toSw it>saiydssonufcaatlua. ina word, to establish Vat ll» xasa rsadab«s familyjonrnaiat tbe metropolis of Virataai

Tkbm? -omi W-ekly papers* potaaaaai Week-ly Paper $2, invariaol| la adraace.de6 wAdHu BBMNKTM DfiriTTL'iFXT DULL<itU?l M k' GO'S CELEBRATED NATIONAL IBWINGMACHINES?i'rrTci2I7 Mam ftrmnr, mma.Va ?We would mo*t respectfully iavite alt to railand examine oa nowstock uf family, Ptanuuasand Leather Machines, which for dnrabftby ardbeauty of finieb, eanot-t bo tiriasanby agy <wMachinesare so eoastricted, that by ta« maglsalchanges thsy are mode to ssw, hem. gatßor aadstitch from tbe coarsest oottoo bag «r heavyleather, to the finest silk, satin or tape, of aay(iesoription, without trouble Tbo 4apie roastruction,raae of uianageHentaad satimof tins,makesthe Machine invaluable, ai>d warraatod lagive perfect satisfaction to all. Olf BSfW VamilyMachine, for light work, will be foaad oasai tbeprettiest and best in use; It is putapia Roeswood.Mahogany or Bnamelvd eases, to >«tttbe Parlor orwork-roota. Our agaot, belag a Baa \u25a0MbMet.ilprepared to repair Machieve, aad to (tistl tbe la»structi> ns, so that the operator* eaa adjust theirMachines with all ease. Ladiee will be tioUaUsdat their rseideoeee; also, servaale. IfdeilreA Bee otcharge. We invite ai to call and examine, wbsr*»I 1 possible attention wffl be paid by oar lilyaner-* tor* aad Agent to give exp'anatkms, wtisttsr tbeypurchase or not. ~

Silk. Threadand Oettoa. of all ooionaad Iwlftloas; Needles; Han gee fer tackingaad MadiLg.No charge for ebtpping. Ciroalar* will be eeat taall or application Mv mail or othorwiee.Stitch lag aad Quilting of every deeeripttoa,ea

Cloth or Leatbsi10 ?! UTiWtl« «».

lbbohbs.?l have just Adams' Express, A fresh lot of tlnilMlLEECHES, which will be applied upon tnrrtrraera«ble 8.?Capping and Leeching promptly attondod

to. Can befound at all hours of t* the HairDressing Room under the American Hotel, and atolghton 9thstreet. French Garden Mill.my2S?ts R. 0. UOBSONur STOTIS. RaNo*B AND PtTBBAOBfI.

Mow in store a full supply, cargo of schr Mignlo-iette. Purchasers are invited to examine thequal-ity of oar wares. We especially rtootmnend theUchm*nd Portable Furnace, Bay Stale Cookingtangeand Harp Cook Stove.Repair* always onhand for all leading articles sold»t the GovernorStreet Stove Store.

Wanted immediately two Uratclean workmenoc IA OKOKOK STARRKTT«&-> A Long Establimibd CcnoH.?

It has long been the*custoom on each returnof theJhrstinasaud *ew YearHslltdays between attached friends, broth-rs, sister, parents and children,o exchange dome small token of esteem ,er present,somememento which may be held sacred in aftericsrs.Whatcan be more Hesirab'eor appropriate,as a gift

on such anoccasion, th.-.ii abeautitiillyexecuted andcorrect » mbrot >pe »i Photograph socUas ar'-uiari*tithe well arranged Gallerv >-f G. W. Binnis 197?tain etreet. Be has lost rece »<1 a la «e and?h-.icrt ?elec'i mof Frame* Ciii'-t, tickets. Pins, etc.,die, in which to bate Puiuies piao-d 'orsonswsliiuKtoniakca betntifm present, and ot secur-ing a hkene»s worih retaining with rometh ngbeautiful,in which in have it placed. «h uUi not failhi vi«ittiisGall~rv. Renumber thenumoer, 197 Mainstrut opposite the Post Vjfice. d» 16

Itfr CPKCIAL Notiob. ?Be in time ifyou want a good Picture. Watsoh isse'ling off hisetock 01 fine Caaes at co<-t, as ti« Will shortly pro-Cted to Europe, and if you do not wish to be artis-tically humbugeii, go to him. for he gives you atrue pic ure, w«nsnt< d to give, latlsiaciiou. atA biteburst old Gailur*. 77 Mam ißre*t, iiicbmoi d.He putH Pictures in Medallions fcr 75 cents HisGallery and Fixtures for sale de !??lm

fjjr L>b. R. S. Vist, late of Henrico,having removed to Richmond, tenders hi* P'ofe*-hlocal services to the public. Uflice for the presentwith Dr. Owen B iliii, corner Wit IT and Franklinstreets ReaiJence. Edgomout Horn*. Main stroet,a few doors below second Baptist church.

de 16?I m jVTUTIC* TO TAX PAYUUJ?yvrm-ant to an Ordinaaae iwil lltb ri Jhimt.

I AM. I will attend ft the t?Hector'* QBtt, to tbiCity Ball, from the IMb to the lie*of Dsosabor, lo-ci ua!re to receive the remaining halfe/ta*fs, froatauch Nrwuan ore talttM to a MflltMlf having previously mM tko Bitot half toJob* iMt. i» LV B?lt will be «een from the tbonitU tkeCol-iector is required to attend at the tlN.ftNl tkoISrh to the31»t of this month, to reoeivs tazea ro-malaing da* fromJna* last: before the Jiatutterm ofthe Hustiegs Court, he ia byOr«-ntnce to advertlm delinquentreal aetata tobe aeMfor noo-payaseat of tax«a. rtrait who hove notdone towill toe the necessity of esljlaasad paylagtheirtaxee. aait will b»impossible fcrtttwluMtooaii »\u25a0 then beforeko advertises

de 1-lm J A BOBBOB.COB. .

HUT R«u«r from Cough ut Ta« Mix*UTSg? Pectoral Car.dy, or Porehouad, Liverwort,Oc, \>r Coughs, Colds. Bronchitis, and tall Affectionsol the throat and tunes. Particulate ptedfurchililreu, reoommended by pliyiiciauß as a superiorarticle Prepared only by lißti IK>WDSN, Drug-gist and Cheuiat. 17/ i Broad street Richmond, Va.

Price?24 jenujper bo*.For taleby all Druggists. de It? lm

9kMT Da. Bcawai.ii has restored bisOffice to ths North side of Broad street, (overFranck's gilding establishment,) beMreen 4Hi »..dsth streets Office hours from «A M to 3P M, andirom 4 toB PW. Niaht calls will please be made athis residence, (at Mrs. Pickett's,j corner of Leighacd 6thstreets.


N b. -Mfusages left at the office of Jk>EN B Coot,(corner of Pean and Main streets J wwl b« attend-ed to. da 14-lui* QHOCKOK MILL.

O BICUUOMD QBOtm» n«nL.Tbs rubscriber has completed Ma an ai \u25a0

grinding Plaster, located on the Dock, at tjaawßof enlargod t« y*

that mar atiw in .manyJear* IsjmBe Is now preyared to vopply trin Ibr mlOROOND P< ABTkB. pnlvsrlsedto tterw thai

(with a fall knowledge that a great mSof LamaPlaster is entirely worthless to tka ftsatr.) andflatters himself tfcot hie looj tmrirsai this bu-siness, with tte eleee attention a»<t stwdy gtvsai 1%will «noble him toorply tbe toi, A frMtthla sMadjoining States, witk litis valvaMfhtttwr. to hopor»-st and richest state, and at tatisfcctAri prices.

With a full deterwiweine to sootahi ike eotatoliaked reputation of Ms bread tor HMTW» MB®"

no it?titta Pa t. h?>au»i>.

19s Dbntistbt.?J. SKTH MICIIABO,

,[Office and Residence, corner of Main and 7th tU-,Ji eudt-ra his services totHe citizens of Richmond andadjoining counties, in bis professional ctpacitv.?Kroiu an nxprrieoco of ten years, he feels.wnOdentthat he cat) warrant ail operations, perfo rmed*brhim, to give tntire satisfaction. doll»-lia*

mSf Licoaica. ?A. O. C. BBBND.


do 6?ly it, PKtl m»rr. PCIW r»ag

ÜBjrUaoaoa ». Btbu, yeatin, OttiMia<?roaideeoe. So.Ml, onMain, between Sth ttd M\u25a0Iraata.KtehnwndTa _Vy~*l

Great atteactiun.?Woodsfor the Holidays.?SOß APP 4 00 have jo-1

tetnrued from tbe North with a Stockvf ChinaOl&M, Honsitkeoping aad Fancy Gotds, Hoys, eto ,tally worth tbe atuntfon ofall la wa»tof !»anleo«egoods, at very low price*. Amongst ihem«-No 1 1 ou China Dinner, Tea mi Toitot SeUFrench China G. ods of every dt«criptfc»i. very

richly gilded; carefully selecttsi forOiyistouM

OldP Britannia aad Bilvfr-alata't Coffee

ard Oil Lamps, of metal andWooden-wart; as Waeh-boaros, Cedar Awck-

eia. Pastry Boards, etc . _

Willow-wan; as Market, work and Knack BasketsKbiveaand F.»rks,»pooas, Ladlea.XNtraytJapanned aad plain TinwarePre*.oh Tianed lr«n Bottles, faooo 1 *aa». etoehovels and 'longs. Coal Scuttles, .'eadeisLoot>ina-*iass«K o/ ivfrj site ana q naiityHcrnb.Duiting.nhoe, Whitewash andCoiaBrntbeeMaU: fa short, anvtkinx in the haptekeevtog ItneKattcy tkod; as Port Moonates, Otkas. Bxeelstcr

Baaors and Pocket K< i»ea. BrAshes. OoaabaPerfataery, Splendid Hair Pins, acid thousandsof other artioles

Toys! Toys! I Firtworks, atSOBAA t * GO'S,

de to Corner Broad an OAstreets.

f AND aGENCT.?Hating been miLi ployed to acll ntwil larae tract I of land ItNicholas coaatr. I Inrite propoeala tixn m capitalist*,and particularlyfrom panose who ma> ? arcah to cat-tle oa the aama, to whom grwU bergs tee wttl be#k>ld.

1 have justreturned from aslslt to H«fcbolaa,a»ecan safely *M»rt. that lot fertility of a Ml. au<l ea-rn brlty ofclimate, it lea*aurpaaaed bya»y portiotat the "lata Thalaoa la aitoated ia the mMataiuaby Ear tha richest of which couaiata of inula landMTtrd with sugar maple, ash. «aluut, «ak aaohickory- It I* admirably adawtod tar a graaiiuicountry Tbooaaoda of acres of tha latxi hd*e beet(withiaa few year*) i>peu«daod at* now jaahiasample returns to tb<> o«nt*ra. The land* aill htinrf. yadaudlaid ofl 1 1to small £srma thereh f «i*ln*to porchasera with moderate mmnaan ©ppariW")of tavaetfof. I will tyteall nardftil In* rmaffoa iaatheaubgoct aad will anew the laad tatooaa tphtto parchaaa. Ai'drtaa ,


RICHIHD aiLUMcbaaead^Ta.

VIEW CRUP FRUITS.?1 ss lKt-lsfc, i,'uti"300 half k xrs Banok BtMMmqr do do «5*0 oratas BB»yma fin <

as drams Soodtsaa aiatesi bblsOraaasntaa5 do ¥wa»t <>rangt«

in do ltoTettra AlbraMito TtoatooiJust received, for tola ky

doIT-lOt/vive ca A CALL?PEiMx aoeaiHIT BCTTRa? _Pmntrd Saltnoa Choice Vlm h4 ln»Beef Tnim mN.» Hama Mm crap V O MiHnNe* fhooWera hnOwrTlmmttett&rDw.hbw wf ImMlWimOwl Ha* tad Whlakey Qfcw


And nw?«ktni la the OrtMrr Btt, mtmol

17108, RAIBIM*. *«.?r ZtiSKZSR-]W LiSSaSf!»0 *?***? ?J* 1"

R*e*lnaM aa* tor aale br TIIIHIM-A W. FAMft'tfA. uui> menu-

-tM |M

y^r^yaTy** j fofia.

Ht)}-> IftfMMK<) CLUTHma? DAE*A^frtT,1" lIARBIB * 00. base on haad

T?.aWBMIib.-boTTta Aw®T£s ß Jf"ri!2.*£?'*Ssggsssrnfe
