Page 1: -, ia repor.tec;l that Balfour urges delay io the disaolution till the comple~ion of lrish legislation, \bough

. . . · Pharmacts~ Water $t~t, Harbor Grace. Sunday B:oura-10 to 11 am ; 2 to ~and 8 to 8pm.

1: · ·..&lfull stock of the Purest Drugs and ,EngHsh and American pa.te~t Medicines always on haDd •• •• --~~~~--------------~~--------~ · .

. . . ,..


• .. ( BINGLJ: COPJTWO CUTS) . NSlfaE& · 44-

~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~- ~~~~. ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nfld;. - Railway. A. B. Li.-B:R,. -CoDrian-There baa been a rood auppl7 of codflah in 'be markel dorine the week

------Meaera John Mono~; Co'eateamer Va•gward

Cap' J~ehoa l,ike, len Sydney ye~&erdsy morn· lng for tbit por' Sbe"ie coal laden

-Onr IAhrador n111l1 are 110w fitlio~r out. and all ' i1 bo1tle and acti~y Tbe a&•eeta the Pllfl' few days bne been fill ed with pttople burry· iog to and fro Supplying seems to be larger \~an formerly, tho infiux of oo!po~t flabermeo b~lnl{ decidedly on sbe iocrea1e W1lb fa•orable wmd1 and weather. nett week will witneu the depar~ tore of the ndnnce echoooers of the fleel

-We have beeo requested to state tba& if there are any men in tAil nelghbo~rhood in need of work, a number l..IY obtain emplo7· men' on the Rall'a Bay Railway. The n8(\811ary information may be obtained by applJing W Arthur E. White.-Trinity &cord. May 28

-EN RoUTE Foa Tac Aacnc -Dr. Rjorklow, of Stockbolm, arriYed bv the atea.Der Noua SeQ. tian. en roul' for. tbe Arotic, for the porpoee of makiog ecieoti6o obaenation1. Be intend• to eecure a Newfouodlaod nuel aod crew for a voraae of two or three montb1, He ia 1tayioe at tbe Central Hot~rowuut of lVedn* ay

-The officere to take charge in fo\ore of the Salntion Army work here are expected to ar­rin by ln·morrow , afternoou'a train. Tbelr Dames are, howeYer, no' yet known here En!J• bodyla ln•ited '' sbe Barraoka ln the enn1ng for a " Welcome Home Meetlog." Be a ore JOn come !-Com.

-SalPPING Ncws-M;;: John Moon & Co'a' brigt Ro.~~t~ towed y,p from Carbooear

· Jelterdn morologo~ateamer Lady Glo'!Xr Tbe Firm'a bri«t. Kt1trd. Capt TaJior, arriY·

ad yea&erday morning from Cadis She baa a reo of l&lt, and ••• 2! day• on the pueap - Tba "pain of the Maqgie W SntilA.. wUl be

oomplt-.4 abou' \be end pf nex• week

By Telegraph. -o-

tl.u.Iru, Jan4?_ 1 -A. mioe plague ,.,..set the aonth or Seotland.

The Cur mite &bo Emperor William at Kiel to-morro'w • he deelinM to visi~ Berlin.

The French hi~b protective tariff d~miniah. ed · the- exports froan Prance._ nineey.three million franca in three months.

n ia repor.tec;l that Balfour urges delay io the disaolution till the comple~ion of lrish legislation, \bough an autumn aeaaion be necesaarv.

The House of Lords ,)iscuesed the C" na· dian proposal of Imperial reciprocity. Dun· raven aJ.,ocated the Canadian plan. Bal· four opposed it as diaguiseJ protection.

J UNE 2.-Melllrs. Foste r and Bowell, Canadian ministers, suddenly vis it W asb· ington. · - .

Sir Ch rles Tnpper s.:>on ret.u •·na to Madml to l'e~otiste fll~ou:nd nation trcn''llOnt 6f Ca.: t · • • end :'· ,. ' c, m il b. 11.. do m l • io of .~..-uwfou~dl.tnJ. mut .:l:.;,ats a:.k 1\ tp1•u• l oJ

co-opera to. S ir J ohu TiJ,,m~~on is the Briti, h nrbitra ·

tor in the .B.:hrirtc: S.:~ c-.1~0. Chau·les H . I •

T upper ball Lctlu ~< pp:>iu l· d to p:-epl\re the .British case. '

The Muriti::'. hu:-rio.:ano killed six hnndred persona. In .PI.lrt Louie alonu fi fL; cburchea were demolisheci , t welve r emaimng abatt.ertd

Tbe Durham atrikera aunendeteti, aooept­ing ten )lor cent reduction.

Exploeion in a ail•er miue,\Bohemi~ ~00 lott.

JuNE 3.-A. destructive fire hu oocorred in Dundee, Scotland.

Cholet'& ja aprHding westwar~. T'lfo thou· land periabed in Vale Cashmere. ·

Flood.a and cyolonea in the Western S~tea continue: ,

8t. }Auia Oity ia damaged to the amount of t~~ty niae millions. ,

! aaiau ornpa promi.tre well. Shappbevo, J ap' n, fire destroyed a

th nd boildinga. (. • The Queen o£ Holland with tho Q11een R e­

gent will viait' t he Em{'ler.oi""M'Germany. The Drititth Oommooa decided no~ to ntl ·

journ over D erby day by a vote o~ 158 to lH

DEATHS. • Oa Wlldoeaday morning Ju t, 11~ Jooe, aftllr dix d•> •'

• noeu, of perltonltla, Freak Howllrd Archibald, •getl 83 yean loa~ a Wife aod four .-.)llldreo to mou r n tbe 1oM ~f a loving haibend aod fattier. Tbs deceuod beloosed to ~herbroob. N. ij,, ou~ ll• od here for the )laat fourtetD 'feerL-Ctllt4tliaJt altd .A~Nricca pGIMrl

p lttUC con-On Wodoeeclay, after a Iooft lll11411a, Alex.yder

Donoao qod 67 ,..,.., leaviog a wift,Aod Mno chll­droo to 'mouro their 1oM. The dHO&IId •u a "! tin of Wlp•OihlN. ScoU.od. · Oa'luot tit, at Houot Herbert, Lower bind Oon,

Joba Loob. J . r ., aged i6 ,-ear•, greatly reapect.d by a larp number of frltoda. -. .

PM of Harbor GtMe.

Summer · - Arrangements. Change of Time.

ON and aUer Monday. June lStb, Regular Train• will be · run aa follows, daily (Sooday1 excepted): Leue St. John'• 10 00 a.m., and ar­rive nt Harbo1 . Grace 3 SO p m. Lean U11rbor Gr•co 12 00. '\Dd anh;o_ at S&. John'• 5 15 p.m

EXTRA I t\.INS.-1-S,. John's to Kelliarewa, ·Monda7-mon tllfS a' 6.00; retorniog will lean Kelligrew1 7 J> ; 'l'opwl 8 00; arriYlDi at St John'• 8 60 Lm,

Sa Jobo'a to Holyrood, Tbnrerlaya at 2 00 p m. retarniog will lean Holyrood, 7 SO ; Kel.ll~trewa 8.10 ; Manuela 8·25 ; Topsail tUO ; arri•ine at St. John's at g SO p.m.

StJohn's to Kelligrewe,Siltorday11 at 6.46 p.m. returoinfl will lean Keflirrew• 8 10 l Topnll 8 40; arri•in~t at' St. Joho'a 9 SO p m

Round Trip Tickets will .be aold at excoralon rat.ea on Toe• -lays-good for returoinQ. until \he following Tbt rtday only; aod on Tboredaya, good for retu .hiog uotil ~be following Monday ooly 1

'Partiea of t iabt or more, ~rolog to the 11me ,place, will be · \I lowell f'ICurtlno rate, any ocher da) on re~rulw train• : tbe tickets eo i11aed be­log aood for retoroioe · the ume or followlne day only

When trait arri.a OD tilDe, p&allengera from St John'• and J.arbor Grace, retnroiae she l&mt day, will bne' £elpeotinl,. thirty, and tblrty-ftn minot.. at WMtbourno . ~ 'T NOBLE.

Ma'fi(Jgtr for lUctiotr

- ~NN'S


Now fa &~4Hime f~ J'armen to eecun. a IUp(l\f of

MUNN:s ~-fiSH FERTILIZER. A lllJatl q••ntity o~l1 u now- .oa .~

Fi"'t oon:iP, !tnt aerved. Teatb~ooiala of ita. .aloe u a crop-inoreuer

d .I t • are at y. commg 1n. 'For pri~· ' 1\8, samples, &o., apply at the

Office of JOHN MUNN & Oo.


I , Mrs. J oin; P Ol1P UREY, do hereby warn nod gi \"o notice to all persons trt-apaasing upon or ha ,·ing "n.Y.thing wlmtevAr to clo with my F hhinc Hoom~llt Ragged h lands, L&.orador, tb t. 1 if •t!nd to pro&!tu t.o .a ll 11uch, u.s I pur­pose to u.;n thn .ll~tid p ropMtv myself.

Mus. J OH N PF .••PHREY. Hnrbor O rllce, June 2, 18()23t

N'OTICE W e hAoehy~!ive not ice that no pe;aon take

pos11~11!' inn 11f br fish at the a~ation a~ Lah .. rador, n•·" r Song Harbol', known as ~e "S•lutou BIO<'~," without permi .. ion of

. I JOHN MUNN & Co. Harbor G.-.. c~~:·:'lf •y. 81, 1892. ...

~OTTCE ~ . The nnde~·~nPd beg to inform tbe traJe

that ~ving j -'t put np a naw and imprond Machth-ery fur the Manu£aoture of


LIQ'O'!D F.IS:S: GL~, they a • e prepp,Vea to 611 orders for an.y~aan-. tity ,. -in cask111 from I> to 40 gallons; in cans iron 1 L!llllnn 'to t pint; al11o, iJ! 1 and 2 oz. bottles by the gross. ·

We ch,_u·~nge the strength of this Artioie all Competitor• .

~ JOHN MUNN & 00., ·: · · HAuoa GJU.oL

Manufao(urea .. Jy F. W. Guun, at the Beach ~remiael, Harbor Grace, ·

f26t£ .

J. A.' ;WHITMf\~, Custom Tailoring.

, Dcntfd -o~ 1 . .

O.fB.ce-• Gordon Lodge,' 'Wia.ter Street Eaat, Harbor Gr~.

Office Hours-from 10 am to 1 pm; from 2 to ts pm ·

tv Batia:faction guaranteef Ezamination free 29 ·



W. HOG_A~fj;~· M.D., OfBce aad Real a. :

St.'s St., bonear --OfBce Boura-9 to 10 am.· fa to ·a pm.; 7 to 8 pm. 1

Avoid j AmniQnia

.................. 1. Alutn '

~.~.~.~E~ {::~~omeileoa BY USIN


. '/ Stew~rt Mu_nn .. & Co.,. · ~_and Otptmtwiqn - , ~ea:· \ 22 ST. JOHN ST.R llONTRF;AL.

Special attention ii•e, · ft .-,le of Fiah ~ .. Oila. ~-~

. A lao,' to the buying and alnp,iDg of 'Flour an~ provisions and Gilneral Ptbdaoe.

,.CiiJ"Cable AJdre88-Mtum. liODtre&l.




Marble. E'c~tch a n d. Quincy G~'a.nites.

ALL WORK execut()d under pcrsonnl llnper-Yiaioo.

OUTPOin ORDERSgiven prompt nttoutioo DESIGNS furnished by Iotter or other-viae . CEMENT TOOLS aod l'l~t~~ter P Rrie for 11a~l

sali & '327 Duckworth St., St. John's.

P . 0. Box 422.

ST.JOHN HOUSE, 40 Upper Water Stree~


W.Aooomm~U~ for Permanent aud Trauai~t Boa:deN ' \ .

Jl ewfoD.Ddludera paaang t.htoqh Hall· faz will alwa78be·weloomed at \befit. JollD · HoUM



4111raaae aampa&J. FIREA~LI~


lYJother. Seigel's Re~nedies~ . : . . Just received ex S s. Polino,

.-A Fresh. su..pp1y o:r-

Mother Seigel's Syrup, · do. Pills,

do. PICl:sters. • W. H." THOMPSON & Co. •


RETAIL. The balance of our stock of

New and Fashionable Sprizlg and Summer GOODS hns just been received frnm the English and Scotch markets.

These Goods hnve been carefully selected by our Buyer, and bought at the very best terms, and will be offered to ~Vholesde and Retail Put¥ chasers at prices that cannot fail to satisfy. .

We would call attention to the Millinery Department, which is .onder 6rat. clau maD• agement and wel111tocked with 111l th" m011t faahion~~.blo Novelties of the Season.

. The following Cbe11p Linea will be offered this week, which chance all our ctlltomert should take atlvanta~A of-Ladi,esL Black and Celored Mantles (Snmples)--:-.haH-price Ladies' Cf)lored Waterproofs (Princess shape)-:-$1.50, worth $S. . Children'::; Sailor Hats, in white and mixed straw, 30 to 50 c-worth double Striped Flannelettes-only 7 cents per yard. rDia[onal Sui~. Boys' Tweed and Serge Sailor SuitS; · Men's and Yout'hs' Tweed a.nd

In our Boot and 'ShoE? Department will be found an immense stock of all kinds of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes.

1:5 bales Room Paper--5 cents per piece up. A lot of Chea,p Floor Canvas-all widths.

&Jr.Special prices to Wholesale Customers at The a,ed and· White Sign.

· Water~. ·:1.\ICt:rNJsr B:R.C>&. Late Jillard & Bros.

Fish Nets,"Pounds, . Traps and Seines . . ... .

For 1892. WE INVITE the Fisher~ before t hey leave the centres of business

for t.beir homos 1\fter the aeason!'t work is over , to hand their orders to their ou t fi t ting Merchant, who writA t be U ndersigned to make up for them good wares properly mounted for tht~ &eMOn of 1892,110 we can receive them in seru;on to pains . and make the beat we can. Sdnes for F ortune & y can be sent low, go~ direct from F actory, bv the Gloucester winter tlect.

WILLIAM STOWE, F or Glouce~ter Net and Twine Co.

Scp: l8



When getting ready for Picnics and E x cursions

Mak e Sandwiches with

Fluid :B~ef Spread on thin slices of Bread and


Delicious ! Economical ! Nutricious I

AMERIGAN . NET & .TWINE co:, 84 0oJrm7 .. er<;dal. Stree.t, BOSTON,1Mq,&a



' '

Page 2: -, ia repor.tec;l that Balfour urges delay io the disaolution till the comple~ion of lrish legislation, \bough


"'"'\.. .

~'German ·s u , yr. p ~, J. C. Davis, Rector of St. James'

Episcopal Church, Eufaula, Ala.: " M:i son has been ba.dly afflicted with a fearful and threatening cough {or·several mpnths, and after trying several prescriptions from physicians which failed to relie\·e him, he · has been perfectly restored by the use of

• two bottles of Bo· An Episcopal schee's German Syr­

up. I can recom-Rector. m'end it without

hesitation.'' Chronic se~re, deep-seated coughs like this are as severe tests as a remedy can be subjected to. It is for these long­standing cases that Boschee's Ger· man Syrup is made a specialt:r. Many others affiictea as this lad was will do well to make a note of

' tliis.

J . F. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn., writes: I always use Gerruan Syrup for~ a Cold on the Lungs. I have never found an equal to it-far less a superior. ® G. G. GREEN. Sole Mao'(r.W6Jbury.N.J.


ct'lebrated pN-poratlon of JHld Cl;('rriJ l•a• been a llov•t'lwld farorlttJ f o r "P­•en rd• of « lwlf a eentvrv, and ,. to-daiJ tho so-mgn Bcn«JdJI for a!£


_ It opmu~ tMeonouJcd pa•­•age•, ez~u tl• tJ •nvcou• de­po•lf•, and by ,.,.a•o,. of U• •to~naehio qualltfe• p rodu ct'• a i .carty appetlttJ arul (lire• •trength and encrov to tl•o patient. ~·or •aio bJI all Druogut•.

SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, .... 0 .... 1~0 ....

spendine your money for worth· less medicines and buy a bottlo of


will prove of inestimable value,

as it ia almost certain to cure

at onco that severe and raaplnf


. .... ~ THE HARBOR GR.A.CE :S'i'.t\.N.DAltD

MISS NOBODY OF NOWHERE. ·begislative Council . -- , BOOK m -Jiiu a;;;.b;d,. ot Somtwhen. , TOUDU, Aprl16.

~ (ContU.wd.) r Hou. Cap•. uoderstood tbat \be

4 CHAPTER XIX. . object of ~. propoeed ameudmeo& wu to '1 hd you beJUn it? remarks Rachel telorm oertalo abuaet wbiob bad ooou~ed under

in 8 , ~ awful votoe while her long gaunt the old ao'- Some persona were d11po1!d . t.o · d.c • Fl • ', b 1 rake adnotage of tbe fact tha& tbe eoblcrlp'•on

ba~ ·eetzee o~le, 8 s ape y arw. I fee, uoder tbe uietlog law wu not limited· to ~~~ she dtd~ t i. I d~d; Don t you tbe amount of ooe dollar, tbougb be uoderetoo<f;

tou• :j. Floss, ma I cr1es Tilhel desperate- tbe lotentloo wu &bat it ab11uld be. S~oh per­ly. ·~ • 10ca\ rniRht aublorlbe teo, twenty. or thirty dol-

1 ~ess me if you ain't just the same as lare and r_!,cein double tbat •.moo?'• ele_ar of if you were knee·hill:h agin I You were euob eubecriptiou from the eonusty 10 grato or al WIWB trying to eave one ano~herin them au b. Tbero wu nothing to preunt a perton d -., b £ t 80 aWfUl rich that 10 dlepoaed from IUbloriblog I .tbooaaod d_oliM8

ays .e ?re we go , . , witb tbia objeot. Tbl.t wu man1feetly uofnlf anrl \her~ am t no co~fort 10 ~tfe, mutters contrary to tbe apJrit of tba Ao~. Tbe a!lricol­Rnchel. and bavtng Floss1e near~t. to t.!l'•l.Jociaty bad therefore deemed it oeceuary her bancl, she suddenly falls to ktsstr:t~ to tmeod the law, and tbe fee t.o a dollar. am!' ·sobbing over this young lady, hll Tble ••• tba eole raaaoo for ukio~t. for !be Matilde running_ to her, gets a second cbaoge. Uodar. the I•• proposed no 11ngle •a-edition ~f tb,e same. ditidoal could eubecribe m~re than a dollar, llnd

Tb f1flj d n a sniff Mrs. Fol- aucb penon would be enmlad to throe l'lollara

• ( 1, S l l~g ow ' l · wortb of 1eeda. h bad occurred onder the ~X· hs Sll) } : ' Now • darters, t e ll me P ntn itting law that three or fnur memben of a.Cii Uiily and s hort what's the matter. I want to 1ubacribed a dollar eacb to tba foo<.la and that do justice between you.' • eacb obtained }bree timet &bat. omoao~ io nine

1 You can do what you lik~ to me,' Peraooa wbo (•ere in· a poaitioo to euos::ribe !layR T-'Jossie in a broken votce, 'only larger aums ttiao tba fee meotloned, u bad beeo don'~ et Tillie marry that-that Avon- donA io the caaea he bad referred to, were not

, · tiJe persona intended to be benefited by tbe Ia•, m~re. A tt _ aod were certainly not lo need of aocb belp . Was that the ~ow ? re you co on People wbo could afford to contribute twenty or mg to that gent? asks Racb. thirty dollar& to the Society were In a poeitioo to

• Y e.. ' says Matilde shortly. · purcbaee ueda and atook for tbemeeltaa, and '\Vetl, Floes, what have you got to I!&Y would ooly join tbe ioatltutioo for the _pur~oae

ag'in him?' continues the matron. of innetiog their money io order tbat '' mtgbt 1 Nothing now-that I can tell you or return two buollred per oent. .

anv' one ' returns the young girl in a Hou. tur. MoNtto£-~a be h•~ atated ou the. • • aecood read10~ ot tbe bill, be dtd not apprJJn

troubl('l tone_. • • , ,. . of it. J1e did 'oot 117 that be would oct i[O , ' Oh I yer ntn t got notbm ag 10 hn~ f rartber than the bill propoeed. to eocoura~te

Well, I shouldn't think you hadn't,' crl,es •~tricul ture, bu' he did no' belie,. tbit euch an her II\ Other, for A vonmere, ha!ing made objeot would be aco.>mpli•b•~ by tb ia meaQa hims elf particularly pleasant 10 the l a!!t TIJoae amall olubt were eetabhebea merely f?r few days to Mrs. Follis, bas quite won tbe purpcae of enabllo~r tb~r membtre to obtato her open .. and trustful he~~Jt, Then she 'be two dollar• from tbe uoteromeot Cor ea~b

th fi bt• 1 1c ing into dollar nbaoribed; tbe detelopmeot of tbe ajlrt-goes on, ' e g tng oo com ' cultural inriuatry •a• quite " eet'Oodary cooeid­her e:y~s: Seems to me you don t want eratloo. 1f we deaired to ao eerloaaly and Till t o marry anybody. You came up booutiJ to work to adnooe a~ealculture, we here tu raise a rumpus about that other ebould begin by eodeuoriog to improt a our little sniff, Gussie. Ob, don't ye attempt atook of cattltf, borau, aod other farm animala, to deny it· I know mostly what hapE~ns Tile reuou for oow a111eodlng t~e law wu­in my 'Jou~e I' For at the mention oft\' an o~oauee It bad prated au qttor fatlute; ·~".o' B ~ Fl h ppeared ahout URI bad beeo taken by people of faot lltle

ee o: akn, , yorence ae ag j d bti to effordlld by It Cor obtaloloi Goteromaot money, to epea · ou o.a~e a~ um~ • wbere by taob dollar aobacribed. twn would be him bOd now you re mterfenng wtth fortboomio" from tbe Gonroateo.'- · NoJJ we Tillie's new beau. Don't you want her adopt aliitle ruae aoder the pr.teooe of prneot­to get married to no one ?1 ina areournooe of what be bad referred to, '!_bicb

1 None except Bob,' sneers MaHlde, who will fail al•o . • The iol(enioaa outport a~trl~ol­whl"' bas become indignant again at thi11 turiet will 8od bimaelf ~qual to tba occa"too,

't 1 of her wrongs. and Ia order to acoompheb tbe eame oo_d lly re~l a ' i l h o, aootber t:Pe&ot. oao arra~a• fur bl• l lltera,

Ob, Bob 8 the. Oa!JCUB nom nefl, 1 e r ooueio• aod 1001, to eobaorlbt their dollar "etch. .. h ou t8 Mrs. Follis lD a more a'!ful tone aod ~athor to tbt returna to ooe oommou family thau ever . • lt's Bob be's fightm' for 1- food. At bt bad eald, u •• were in earnest io Bob, who dnren' t come and stand. ';lP for thia matter, our couue would be to a~coura'!e himself I' Then abe turns o.n Flotste and the iroprotameot in atook, aeade, and ~r Utt· tr~l'll; whispers. • If yoQ 1Pt nn envious spirit •be bill oow before tbe . Rou!o w1ll aclul'v_e

· · ·d l lrear of you're mnk- uotbinl( to tbe general iotereat, and next year _a ?onquer you, au T'll , 'will probablJ bll fogod oeouaary to rppeal tt mg a rumpus about .1 ie s cew young Tba Idea, 100 of ooly ebariag the society eoPds man, I'll treat you as tf you weN kne&- amo'ogat the 'mambelt appeared a rather aelliab bhrh. mv dArter-don't forgPt that I' oue. 'I hero were a oumber of people iu <..:on·

With ibis abe stalks to the d~or, but ception Ray wbo migbt uot be abl~ to join th 11 hearing a little gitrp;le from l\fatllde at ~ociety''t ranke, aod who yet war~ 10 nrerl :1."d h · t • discomfiture for at this threat deaeni•·g of any ueietaoce that mtabt ~o obtAin·

e r SlS er 8 ' • . d "tb atle from it. The whole grant for tlua prOJCCt Flossie's c~eeks have ~rown r~ Wl .... only $! 000 10 tbat. by tbe time CooceiJIIOD blushes !l.nd her eyes 1uft'used wlth t ears, Bay eoollltiee h•4 beeo utiafled, there would bd Rnch tu r'1S roun~ and say a : 'And __you, ootbini left for any otbar part of . t~a couo\ rr. Till if , c u ('Orne tn here and rile Flosa 1t oooorred to bim tbat tbua m•o•ature ogrt­np ·~aufeii you've got. a fellah and 1he cultural olqba were ooly io•titotod for tbo pu~ -

i n •t iO none I 'll do the same to you, poee of paylo" tbe election u:peotel of ceruu_o ~iss. j >on 't you forJ!et that, neit~er I' member• wbo preferred to defray tbem Ia .t l11r.

A d h 1 81

both young ladles gaz- Ulllooer tbaD out of _their o~o poeketa. f 11e n !\ e · eav . bill wu wroo~r in tta prioctpla. aod would

indat ( 1cb other in dtJJP.I\Y • 1:' Jl' . . certainly fail, aod they would be oalled upoo 'J'hey cnow that Rac~el f1Q 18 18 a to repeal it io Ita iofaocy.

wom~::- >:' her word, ~nd have ll great re· flop . 'lr. ~~RYit.T tboagbt there ~~~~ no a?L spect (o 11er autbonty, whioh Bhe has 00 oar Statute ftook th\l peQple Q:llgbt oot m enforce' ~pOl) them as children, a!ter the tbo flm• ••r take adnotwa• of if tbey were ao

• t King Solomon for she ie a dltpoeed 1 bol lbat ... oo reaeoo wby the prea-

:~;:,~C::_b~t read~ tb~ ~ripturee, and.~~ ::: 'ti~o::oui~0D00'er~:~ •1:o!~;.,:prt~:atb~~ liev:ins (hem the liv~ns 'rQ~P, aots up a itep io the rtaht dlreotfoD. 'l:'be emeodme?t tbetr advice. ( qd only aimed a• remedyiOIJ I defec\ 10

A moment after the culprits give a t6oP/a"'eJJPIIt• !fhioh be uodentood bad bl'eo faint IICJ _,8 m. there being a sound of wild uailod of bJ i!me. rormP.tlf a P.P"P00 mliht com mot !o\' down.atair• i but Rach p~ts aabaorlbe teo doll are aod would, •!lerJtrore. be b heac r~to the room ani:! .a1p i 'You eothh•d to tbtr•y dollua· .wortb fro~ tbp •_oolat, a::y qui 1t~ere," pete-I think , 1~1 bpr, ta4 ~b9• ,':b111 ~ ~~~~Pf,1t~ife0o':11ra~f;o~~

Highest of all in Leavenin'g Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report.

to mlllte moo~>y out of tbe Government they would not h11~ilAte to get their frieode to aub­acribe for tbero to auch societioe with tbla one object. llud t hoy would jlrab all they could while t 'Jo chrmco wu open to them. P eoplfl would joio auch aociotioa with oo otber object tb:\n to get moo,•y out of them. nod when tbit objec~ wa. nccoroplillbcd they would mauifeet but very littlo iutcroat in ti.Hl cxtoneino of Agri­cnlt ttral operMioos It wu not rigiJt io bit (Mr. R"a) opinion that tho bill ahould authorize aoy prllctice or proceeding hnio~t only tbe ali~btett tendency to pauperize tba people. or to oreah awooget them a tfi11poeitioo to gaio aomt triftlnjl aduotalltl by n•,wcin~e to 1aob corrupt metbode as would bt' ~u~.:··fl ~ed to tbem by tbe propoud law. He did O")t tbiolt tbe terms of tbe old act were very aUl bigaoae, Wbeo it uid tbat tbe Anou!ll aabecriptioq to Agrlealtaral eoeletiee ebould ' not bo lua tboo ooo dollar,' it wu olear eooujlb. 10 bia opinion, tb"t it meant tbat the eubtoriptioo 11bould bo one dollar aod not mort. He (Mr. R) did not think tbe bill would ban tbe deairtd effeot. bot if it wero tbe ioteotioa to force it through h would be well tn amood it by iuaertinl( tba word • only' after doller Ia tbe ·l•t aeorioo, ·-' Hoo. 1'. TALBOT wu aorry tbat the hoo ~teo­tleman bold tuoh a low e"iwate of bit ft~llew­nountrymeo. He. Mr T , did oo~ tblolt the

preclicta aa tboae to· ·whicb reference bad beto made. 'J:he •iewe of boo, 1f11Dtlemeo, io bU. (Mr T '•) opinion, were eotirely aolfiab ud iooompl&· lble witb reaaoo and troth.

ople of tbia ooootry deserved euob diebooor. able 1mputattoo1 Tbey were. aa a rulo booeel and tbrlfty ie their habita. and woulr1 compare fuorably wi'b any other people io tbe world. Tbc.-y wore no t ro11uea. but good men. alway• eviuoina a dlepoeitioo to earn ao boont livi-ol(. It wae a ·nry exceptional thiog to ftod a rogue lo tb111 ooontry. The r<>guu and people wbo • arab ' were not, u a rule. tlae ltiod of meo wbo wonld join .agricultural aooietl., to be beoe8ted by ·tbit J>ltl , they were to be round In otber cirolee, Our fiebermeo ·aod laboriog olauea, ~roiog tbeir bread by their owo bard toil, were not grabbeu or eobecnere, aod tbere would be no dau.u .r of t~~ir toveetiog mouey Ia aarioolta-

. ral aootettea wttb the •lew of ieUinl( doable the amount added tbareto. If tbt bill did not work well. 111 aorue hnu. aentlemeo feared , there wu a r~>D'etly : "'tn it hari been tried, aud fonnd unutlafaotory. h woold. of couree. be feulble to am£>.,<t ir Wt ehould do enrytbiog Ia our po~~tor 10 heir tl'ta people: to Poooarage tb•m to 111:0 ltnld Of aQ.ri culrur~tl parRUitl, and to pre­\"ent thl!rr from relyin.;r for tbelr lllllpOrt entire· ly upou IJ ·, t udous 11n rt uncorr~·n fl"h criu. He. ;\l r. I. r~ ';til r: r. t GtJit fluy ~ Ojlcr of t he p~OJllu ~>"" "t:ltn~: tbt"m•olve~.o with Aj::ricultuml "ll<llt:llt <~ r··~nrtaog ta corrup t practices The •uual pr.r·t•tt.ous were employorl to prevoot any­thtu~: c.l tht• kind. llodor tl•e lt\w it would be C<l!llpCtt.!l l .. r tho Bo:\fJ or Acriculture to at­l••llri tn nil 11 .• lt('rll of kind,aod.if aoy diaboo t:>St prat!IICrb were -lishoneHt ~ractices wore Ilia­covered io coool'ctioo with tho workiu~: of any ~<l!rtc•t ltu rlll society, 10 tAke the_ oeceuary atop~ ro put o etop thoreto Rnrl Apply the re111edy. Bnt ho did not tbiolt tl.tat any aucb emergeuciee would ariaa ; the people were boneat aod well ­diapo~od . 11ud wllen tlJey eaw large odvantajleS pluoetl "'itbio tbt!ir reocb tboy would oot bo 80 Pltiod to their own intereata u to reaort to pr11c1ioea wbieh could not fail to interfere moat injuriously with tbt~ir owo pro11perity aud wetl ­bctoc lr mombera ol ajlricultoral eoeietiu wished to give a portion of their abare ol the ~1oclt or aooJdt of aucb 11ocieties to tbeir ooiwb· bora, wbQ were not wombeu. tbey were at liber ­ty to do 10. Thera •11• ootblog to prevool the propoeal law from worltioi well, aod aiviog t he .zrtat-ut poulble o:euora of l:ltllfsotloo. He, Mr. T ., oould not egree with tlao upertlooe out opoo tbe people by tbe remarL;:a of boo. i8Dtla­meo, l o oo couutrJ io the wurld were people more booeat aod rt~llable tbao bere, and it wu oot ao oorcuonable thlof to ll!ilme tbat •ben they w~re cbarac:eri:t~~ 411 • roguee ' tbao tbom­•€1vea Tho peoplo ""ould uot deprive them· •elva• of " llreat privilt~o nod advautaae by re aor~g to aqcb di~:bopnt tr~~ll and uomlloly

llon 'be PtHtStD£NT said tbat dl1Lrib!Uioo1 made uoder tbe ·former act bad freqaeo&ly been lliaaeed, ud t.ltt&t, 11 \ bora did not appear lo !Jim t» be aoythina io the preaeot bill to whieb boo, l(eotlemeo could make aoy eerioqe objection h ougiJt to be "allowed to pua. It would be all riabt. in bi• opinion, to a~eod tbe 6rtt eeotion bylnurtiog tbe wor~\ • only' after one dollar, u had bHn au~eeted. Thlt ameodmeo' would be quite In lteepin~r with 'be meaoioa aud lo­tentiOD of the but and therefore, be, Mr. S., did not tbiok objection would be oft'erod h wu ponible t~at acme adnotage may be taken of tbe ·ctaoae if tbl• amt.Ddment were uot loaerted. Some pereooa would probably bold tbe idea tbat if tbey could aubeoriba nne dollar they could eobaoribe two dollars or eteo more, bat, wbeo \be ame11dmaut wu ioeerted, it would ~e tbe meaoa of gaardinll a~aioet aoy poeaible abuee of tbe act from a mieuodentaodioa regard­ing tbia particular and a~eaintt · tbe tleceeeity of hating to take it op •train for amendment next year. The icnproteme.ot of atock wu tbe lead ­log object of tbe bill, and 1f ita protiaioot ware a ot wiaely and properly carried into effect it would .be auaoeptible o( ameodmeot. h would be witbin the protince of the Central Boartt to arcertaio bow the protisiooe of tbe A~ were betog applied. wbat practical etfect they wert buiog, and, If any abuaea were diaootered, il would be wltbin tbeir power to make tba proper correction. '!'be dtlioaltiea wbioh would bate to be eooouotered by an l(lrioohural board, in ttelog pro•i•iooa or thia bill properly carried out would oot be greater, but aometbiQil aimilaf to tbe difficultiea wbiob 'frequently result to ao ordinary roall board. We ct~rtaioly eboold &I•• tbe peoole creai& for a reuooable ahare of hoo­eety, "Wbeo " waa t o their owu iotereat they would not be otberwiee . It ••• ri"bt and pro per that the people aboold be atlmulated bynery po11ible encoura~Jemeot to n:teod a~rricalturtl operellooa. 'lbia wee the area~ auxiliarr to tbt ftlbtrin, and wheu a diapoaitloo wu abowo, on tbe part of· tbe people to turn tbeir attention to tbe oaltlntioo of tbe 110il. it wu a wiae policy on the part of tbe Gonromeot to render tbem all pouible a.uiataoce If any d itnoultiet . or coo• .. qoencea eacb u bad been referred to ahoold ariao. a& bo (Mr. S.) bad already said it wu withio t be power o: the Hoard t<? apply tba pro­pt>r remedy, There w1111 u mucb precaution in tbe preaoot bill lUI wna employed io proviaiooa roiRtiuc to o~her 11ocictics. It would bo tbe duty o! llt:ricultural boards to eea lbat tbo different R'lcioti<'R complied with tbo pro•i11ioos of tile net, nod they would bave sufficient control to gunnl against euch cooLinReuoiea aa some hou, 1t6otl11mau were ioclincd to believe would eprlDI[ up undur ita oper11tioo T be l:ioveromeot should bts crcditud witb 11 desi re for fair play aod bone•' ' iuteotioos. Ho (Mr S) did not tbiolt· tbey wore @Overoed by diebooe&t moti9e~>, bot bJ a deeir. to help tho people tbrongbout tbo country to iwproto their oi.rcuwataocea. ·

(To be continued.)



&B •• IN "BRONZE LETrEBS. gl~~or!'j 11 f .~otiD~1'!Jown ~~thetyt~eu~~i~l:!iee ~~: ~;o/: fq!/~? I~opl:r, J,8~t fo. thfi' w•F bbe "'I )lll, .fOP go cry d f eat eo up IP dl•tr\t>otloP •AlOlll! '' a ew. w o fD a treNor, another crash and soun o ~oold afford to Jubtorlbe to liboralty. Coder

break&Jl , ~omln1 from below. , tbe bill before them tbla could oo~ be dono ~ . Bold by T. :!l'Monlo & Co., B•. Jobo'••

GUARDIAN 'Hus ~ Obev mel' '~ys Rach • . ·Don t whh'ou~ fraud · It would certal~ly _be fraudol~ot

be skea! ,d, no harm aball com' ~ my or a ~liP t~ !~baqribo tbroo~b b11 tl8tera! cou~·o~ prop us , 1 nes I' · - and bla auol.t, -

And . eeping out of their room, the two ~Roo Mr. AtoNnot-IL would oot be ruodoloot



ASsurance Company Olr LONDON --

ESTABLIS~D A.D., 1812 SUBIO&IUD OUITAL ....... .. .£2,000,000 ·~g. TOBL b tUUD J"UJrDt Vl"-

WAAD o-. .....•. .•.•. ; .... ••• ... 2,760,000 •• Anv.u. bOOJO VFtrABDa o• · 3l50,000 "-.

The"GUARDIAN" being • 6nt-'ol .. L&Jlah Iuurmoe Oomp&ny· oileu all t.hoee advautacee, moet. desirable. to iuaurera ria DDdoabted 1tabUlt.y, favor&ble Terma prompt ..Ueroeot. to olaboa fo~ lou. 1

The uderaiped haviA1 been appobil~ .A~tafor Newf'OG.Ddl•nd are prepaNd to J:l• •• Potw. ap~ ~ou by :fire.

1AMBB s. wnrnm, ' St. • .John'&

.JOSEPH GODDEN, Rnh-AaAnt Jlarbl)r 01'tll,...,

trembli'; lg oivUizt~d creatures see the ao~1~~1og ~/b'J~'!~-u-It would ~e quire ·gaunt r&presentati¥, !>f the Far W ~st ~ntra; to tbe-hrt~loo a ad epirit of thu bill striRe down-stain with a murd~ro~s slx- to do.~ and the obje , of tbe ameodmeot wu shooter u her band as quietly aa 1f sh,e 101811 t~ prtTeR~ !D !uob tblo~r .. · It I& J ust were go g . to her breakfast. p0111bte tbe attaiomen' of the olJeO\ m!~ht bu

A mo iient afttr they bur her cry : rosde more oertalo b1 altering thll word•.og of c Wh . \be-if it ain't ,-ou.:l' tbe aeotioo, and tbua prneot tbe lot~ouoo ~I

• !l.Y• th head of •be house. the Leglllature from belo~e defuted. fhe Idea Yes, answers e . ~- . ' . 0 le to oomb~t agtloultural

• I atom '•lad over ~ome oh~J~ur brbakt ;~~:~~~~~,:~~!,~ ~f tbe 8ebery W,U one whieb braoka.o • ' 'Jb,e J~Tf&ntl I lilt' em a 00 be tboaab' ttll ,bould cordially co-operate in like l4i•10uri River ,_pd·~&ra; ·Y,e nev- id,taDotor. He •• , •JJr• •h• PfO!D0h~ of thla er kno11 ,when you run atln @JJl· · motemeo& were perft ptl., JiODif'\ to tbttr dpeire

And 1en to ~be listening girl• ,omll_f aod tba' '~'re •u no po1Jtlpa1 dodJ'~i wba••.er Rachel\ I voice aa1iP~ ; 'Tb,nk God, lateo~J,cl.

• 1\'bme aafe Abe l wu afeeJed · ~oo "-r ~llfPIIflf <Uil po• t~lo~ tb, bill ,rpgld b : ,apturecl by b~noo men I' folr acco~ttab' ,,, rQ::qi:O:;.o:' ~~~·~~~~~~It~~:~ lowed bf a shower of tepder baokwood• :!.etl::eJ::~~ th1

• , 1110qut aubttribed by their JdAee ~pon ',he~ned one. tlllbere ,, the aame thae autborialoi tbeir

Fot, ~ f,e 80 an of us,. th!s frontier :.aabere' to dlatribute 1took ettdt, Ao, athoogat m•tron Joet d ead8 he un{aunllar. She tbemaeltH, Tbla, to bia oploloo, wu a ba~ woulCl truat bu ate to ~he danger• of prloclP.Ie, aod be oould oo& eee bow it would

·tb · wU~ wi\h. fortUude IUld tte~uan. acoompllab auy ••llfaotorJ rttoll, lL wu aim·

l e:s If' ,t !fdmblw for the guileleu ply ma-iDI h leaal for tbe ~opted to rerdon to mu.y, .J • n4H'a}\a f \hla t &bt •me pnot ..... wbiob war• 000 emDI ,yet, Abrah~ am d w ,.,.... 0 ana Dtftrtbelt•. lodalled ID aodir ,... old , ... oit • • Wbea a cll.taloa of 1 took bed bleD made tbtre

Uda, JIOIIle. wblaptr~ $A lliJ' wogld J»e aotbloK to prnta' nt mrmbtr of .t.U.r ott ma M!ldD.f' nola.-., frnt .. ...,_.., pt b., •btr. ,. ••J

' y d determined. t maUin '1\llle, pioponlo• , .. 1reof Ia a ••J ,.._, tie ualcl ot•· And \hfa brlDDDI the nmembruoe of a&d•r -. -. ...- ao bit ••• ldtu..... 1'lle N• D--L=' ~ te tliem the, • ., Jook mat~ •""' ....s 1a11~ r ... tb• tlpa• t tu boD. .-..1 t pMlt .... la tfpDiidoe wtN DO' tlldltlf ~: "flf7 . (To._ _...... >. r-.' w~ ~.,... atz" • .,. ....

HOUSE SHIP, SIGN and GENERAL P!IN!ER . V1 N&TU.N BLINDS made, refitted and reno"

vated. • Aao wisheR tO mtimato that he iB DOW'

prepared to do .Freeoo palntiDi at rea.ouabla ntes. .

A. a~all qu&Dtity · or CeJUDa Papen an~ Borden ror ule,

Batlafactlon ~uinnteed.


Ia priDted aod pqblllhed ntey 'l'ue•d'f aod JTl. day ettnlga, at the 8t&Odard Ol!oe, Vlctori" Stree&, Harbor G~e, bJ MVIIII 4 On. ·

• SUUCIW'1101l ft.ATL-.11 per UD81D1 tl.l() balf·r•r; 'o fon\p aqbeorib41n &IM ,_. wU be p .60

Al>vunmre · a.TP-60 oeatt ~r loch• fo• ftre' ioaertloa ; '••o'J ceali. per lDc* for tacll oola&iaud011. Speolal rar. for tb'" 0t .. ore .. oad& 'f1at DGIIlbef Of iallrUoDI of .. Qsl ad• ~rdaemeata IDillf "- aCMCIII~ bJ &be ad.-.rt~Mr

FISHERY AGREEMENTS for sal~ at the " Standard" 0~ ·

Page 3: -, ia repor.tec;l that Balfour urges delay io the disaolution till the comple~ion of lrish legislation, \bough

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~L/~==~====~~~==~==~====~~==~


' '-..._

""\.. .

·~ -:- - ---

'IUIOd ~t:-. l::~r.::-:oll7 t.:>l! oxtcrnl>U7. .ot • c;:cfc:C.l; • • ~·.,;u·JL~.: a.lco~ t 1:10~t

l"C:l!~f ! l._? '\ ~~.:J"Oit p:.i:l.


WST.R.flTI\flEOUS IN. lTS ll: 1IC:!. I

~ CRA"'r· ><" r·tzL• - c"- -· •0

~IARRii~ OYSEN'TE~Y: . . CHOLERA ~0:-' llUS,

ead G.ll r:o.' !TEL CO~?LAI:\T3, riO I £~EOY E C:: U.'I L!J

THC '-•AIN-KJLLi::i{. 1:-l Cnnnd !::\n C h olor3 r.n d D o w<'t

C o mpla tn to Its .:.!teet 1.; m~c:c ... t. ! t curos In ,e. v ory short time.

T HE e;:s":" ' A"'ILY BCM COY F'O r.



$OLD l!VCRYil .cna AT 2 CO. A BOTTI..6,

- . l'urcl:.ncere ahcu ld look t :> lh~ !.abe! on tho. l"ott ~tnd :Soxo•.

It tho nddron i~ not ;,::1:!, t.XfO tUJ :i'!.'AI' c.1', l.uNDO~, they CL: e • r-urioua,

THE - UK'ION SEWING - l\f .A.GJ-liNE It. Leade them all It is ' tho Li~":"~Lest R~nnio~ It makes the Least Noise

1t is the Moat Dur o.blo lt is Warranted tor ~ yeara See the Union b efore b u ying



--------· ...... ·------00 YOU KEEP IT IN THE OUS£ '1 .



, --------·---~~----------~----1

Ho~Jse~of Assemblv. SYNOPSIS OF PROOBDlJ(GS.

· ' \VEDNLSDU, April 20 . (Continued.)

. Hop tbe PBllfiSR in laying on the table tbe deapatcb of the' Seoretllfy of State in relation to the report of tbe Geological Survey, Mid thAt it wu accompanied by a Iauer from the Science and Art Depar,cneot, which IJ.>Oke •cry hope­fully of our coal depo..-ita.

The PRElllER then read the following letter:-

~nee and .Art Department to Cownial Office :

SCtENC& ANDA RT 0£P4RTllENT, l South Keoaioglon. ~ W , (

24'h Afarch, 1892 ) Stn.-Reforrio~r to Mr. Bramatoo'a letter of

tb.o lotb it:iatant, I am directed by the Lords of the Commf{feO-of Council on Education to s tate for tho information of Lord Knntaford, that the report by t he Director of the Geoloaical Survey of N ewfoundland, which was eooloaed tnurewitb, baa been r eferred to tho Profeaeor of Geology nL tho R oyal Collc~e of Science, London, who r tmarks u pon it aa follow11 :-

' lhe map and report of .Mr. Ju P. Howley afford ample ground for tue conclusion that nluable coal aeams e~ht a' t~e looality where his operations were oa&ied on. and that some of the aeama are of anch a tbioltneea u to be profitably worked. It appeara to me, bo.wever. tb11t tho obaervatiooa indicate a aeriea of bi!lbly ioclilltd an :i probably folded bode like many parts of tho Belgian coal meunrea. Whether the eawe conditione oblain oYer tbs whole area of tho coal meaaure tract can only bo de­termined by farther work of exploration,but t be succePa of tbia preliminary examination of the cos l bearing atrata hu been aucb aa to war­ran' the expeuditure required for farther ex ­plo ration. Now, that the presence o[ workable I!Pama of coni baa boon dcmooatr.ted by tho proqeas of removing tbc aup~:rficial deposit4, the timo aeem11 to hue arrived for puttio~ down au experimental abaft, for only iu tLia way cao tho fall capabilities of the coal field be teated . The policy of luourriug this furtbor expen:iiture muu, .of oonrae depend o n tbe ac · cuaibility aud reeourcea of the district where the coal occura.. And on these poiota I am not in n poaitloo to offer aoy opiuion.

I am, air. (Sgd.) \V, D. DON~EI,.LY.

The U nder Secretary of State for the Colooic1, l' Colonial Office.

Capt BLANDFORD preaooted a petition fro m William Staira and otber1, of Gooae Hay, on the anbjtct of a road to railway atatioo at Clode Sound. . I

-Mr ROLLI preaented a p•tition from ft Nor· more, of ~eldom.come-By, on tbe aobject of a bridge ; alao the followln~r petltloni"Oo the anb· j eot of roada, vis. : from William Brett aod othera, of Joe Batt'li Arm; from P Newell and othen, of ~eldom-Come.J3y ; from \V. Anthony aod othera, of 18me plaoe.

ORD&R OF TR& D.A.Y. C o10mittee of the wbole o u the bill rl'llpect­

i ng the liability of carriere by water; Mr White · ley iu the chair

H oo t he SPt::A~ER-Tbe lu t time that this bill hadfengnged the attention of boo we ru ber11 t ho committee bad been rai•ed for the purpose of conaideriotc a augfZealioo he bad made aa to the a eceaaity or certain worda In tho Bill. Ho b lld eioce brought the mat~er under the not ice o f eomo of tbe legal fraternity wboHe opiu iooe he r e11pected, a nd after a careful deliber11t ioo it wu thought advi~able, in order to remove noy doubt, to ioaert the word1 •· any notice or 11grcemont to the contrary ootwithetanciin" " T hia would remove any d oubt that moy 11XII!~ and create a certainty noo('erniog the intention of t ho measure. Tbe aection was a mended oc· cordi ug ly.

'l'hu committee roae and reported t hey had passed t bo bill with aomo ameAdmeota.

Second reAding o[ Supply Uill. T hill bill wu read a second time, and ordere-d to be r11rorred to a camtuittee of the wbolo on to-morrow,

NOTlCI OP MOTION' Hoo S oRV&YoR GINt:RAL--For bill to prevent

th• kllliorc of aeala OQ Saodu. 1'bla bill wu read • 6rat lima, and ordered

to be ~ad a aecond time to-morrow. The Hoaae adJourned uotll to-morrow (Toea·

day) at fotSr o'otock,

'fouou, April 26. fhe Houae opened at four o'cloo~ Tho boo the C oLONLAL S£CatTARY laid upon

the table :-Statement shewing the popul~tion of each aettlemeot of tbe bland, witb agea,


that bo bad received, from His. E s r.oliPocy tho Govl'roor, a Iotter eocto~iog copy of dt>auat11h n umber 26. datorl t he 26~h of Mrt •ch. 1S!l2, ao· Jcno.,l edt.: lrl~ r ec11ipt o t ~&dUr!:u ut c ... uJ u ltloco with llor. MajeaCy oo the ocouion o! tho dea\b of tho Dnko t>f Cl~~rcnce nod Avfluliole

H ou t ho l!tuDH Ett lrud oo the tablu copies of (a) Lotter R ll M•ado to, datcrl Aug ust S 18!)1.

(b) 0Pep~toh St!cr.et11ry o f Stntn fo r C oloniua w bifl Excolleuoy) tbo Govoroor, dated Augu:tt 4 . 18!H (No 76)

(c) C olly o f · A Hill to proYido for oorryinu ioto effec~ Her Muj <-Aty's eogallomoutll wi11h Franco •roepectin~ thtl fi"b eries off the coa11t o f Newfoaod laud. aud fo~ tbo jlld ici11l dererminn­tioo of que11tions arisiog witlo referooce thereto.'

The l:lo ueo a dj ourned until to-morrow (Wed­needily) at four o'clock In t he aftornooo.

( r o be continued )

-Mintud's Lioimuut r ., lt.,ves Neural~::ia.

Sin b!\ll o ~rent mony tools , but a li e is tho hand le which fit~ t horn oil. •

l\lioard's L \oit:.unt .::11tCo "nn.s. &c. ·

'fhc faster tbe horae tho s:>ooe r the r irlo is ended.

There ia ~ deaf nod dumb man in Kan~. 7 feet tall. Tbia may be said to be a long eilence.

Tbo L ondon official Gazette publ isb~a no order prohibiting aoaliog in tho Uebriog Sea until May 18!}3.

To pnrify Your blood Tnko Hood's Sarsspnrilla.

-hlionrd'il Lin iruen t for eole everywhere

Save Your D oc to r 's Bill.- When Dr. \\'Is­TAn's U-\LSA:.t Or Wu.u Cm:KRY will curo cou~ths no lda bleediu~: ot tbe lnD!(&. and arru!t t he toll destroyer, cootntwptioo , it doaa more thnu modt puyl'iciau11 c&o do. T bs uao of n stoglu bottle will aatiafy the iocrcduloua tbat tbsy need look no furt,Pm> for thu rpq uired aid.

Mioard'a Liniment cures Dandruff .

T bat'a t ho fellow I'm laying for,' remnrl(ed a be u. of her owner como ou t with a puu of cora menl. : '

-HEATTr s T ourt o.- Tm: W oRLD - E x-l\1 nyor Dnniel F Bnutty, of Heott) 'a Colobrn.tod Or~ nu and Piaooa. \\'Mhiog_to n, ~e,., J craey , b M re­turned home from a n e xte nded tour of tho w0 rld Rend his advt~rti.aemeot io tbis pnper aud aoud for catalogue.

1 be Fre nch C !abioet bas \'O tod SO\J 000 frtlDCS to pay iodumoitiea fo r losaea rot ultiu~ from tho rece1a dyoami to outrage11.

C 0 lttCIIARP:. & Co . Gcutlemm,- T hu lOP uf r ht1 hAnrl lfl\'1 ho\I.J h r

aevu r~l ) Oitt s . 1 u9eJ. ~ ll :-.IA RU •::; Ll ~ J:\I E :-:1', anc! no w bave as good n g ro tv th of t~cver hlld.

l\lre. ALBEitT :.lAC .A Y. \V be11t ley River, P C: 1

1 unvo used ~ll ~AlW::; Ll~Dl E:-.IT frooiJ oo ruy honu ~nd now hnvo n ~ood hend of hai r after bl>\'iOjl been b1lc.l for acvornt yc11rs . 1 t ia the only b~ir res torer 1 llavo O\'tlr fouu1l.

Mra. C. A~tH!IISO!\. Staclcy Bt idge. l' E . 1

T l.urtl ~>'-' Lwc. o: .. s~cos of fools in the ... ·o rlc! - lh06.J v.lm IU • t o looJQ Of thero~elvua. nod thO!O wllom ou•Ur <l hn! auved the t r.>ublo.

Dav nftcc ol:.v tho evidence nccumulntl'R that t li" · ·:.Jyrtl<l ~.;vy · ia the people's ftw orite to · b l\cco T he ci~ "'""ci ke<~oa iuoJelllliog. and from &Yory new oirole of ooo~umer11 who have bueo luo uced to try it t he ev1ddOOt1 is emphntio in its favor . I ta uen uine q ualitiew alweya bold the friend• they b<Au oa o11 matie T hea" qualities wil l ba ktJpt up to their fu ll at11nd11ra by the maou~acturtlrl of it lt Ia to tb~ae q ualitiu and the rouoosbleneu of 1b11 pJice that t lley attr ibute their market! • ucce,., 'l'o the q uality they will Adbero at all oun , auJ alao lO tbtl prictt if tbot be poaaibla:"

eexes, denomina\ion•, &o. Geoeral reoapitala- Goea t al< ia g- the • ouoro mqo too bub · tioo of tbe luc atatemeot Recapitulation of ·~ ' · ' b

totala of population and c.leuomioatiooe, ebew- ful 10 pop tbe q a e, tion. log iollreue. and decreua u COQ)pared with tbe --. -roturua for · 1~ litatemept of "om bora of Flolloways Fill'•-W cary of Life·-Uoraugo-popnlation. agee. and aeiea 8tate1Qent abewiog meut of t be livor 13 ol'o of t ho moat ofllcic a t approximate population of St. John'•· within the cauua of daoaoro ue d i•eM~s and the m.>at pro· limita of tbe Municipal Act. Copy of report of liflc ot tbo11e m~: l ,nohory fo reiJoo.linl!fl which a rc ceoaua enumerator, notion 1, St George• tisy. worae than denth iteolf. A fe w doaoa o f theao

ORDER OF THE Du. oeted l'illa act mns.:ically io d ispolliog low epirita Third reading. of bill respecting the liability aocl rr.pellinc: tho covet lllll\cka toado on tho

nervu by oxcculyo be:tt, lmpuro atruo~phcrca. of carriere b,Y wat§r 'f~if bill 'fU then' read a o vor -ind\JII!eoco. or oxhauetlor: excitemoa t. 'r he tbird time• a moat ahatterod 0'\0IIt itUliOO may dor!ve . benefi t

Committee of tbe whole n waya and means f H 11 • p · 1 1 1 1 l • etanding uext on the order o the day, Hia Honor rom 0 oway " 11 8

• w 110 1 w 1 re~:ulat e dta-ordered aotloo, br11c.o tbe nerve1, ihcree1e tbe

the Spoaker pat tbe queetion ' that 1 do now eoergy of tbo lotollectual faoulti<>a. and revive leave 'bo obatr.' tbe fllillng memory. B1 atteoth•ely atudyina . After a lengthy debate the dommlttea roae . tbe loatruotl_9o1 for taking tbue f.lllt, atul obedi· ~~cl the chairman reported tha' ~ey bftmade ant ly putting them lo praotloe, tbe wo•~ de· aome proareat aod aabd leaft &o ut alo on d t 111 f l Ad f rf • 'fuuday nut. &lld $btt \~e a&A1e etapd 1t oo epoo en w, aopn ee Qon-. OA' 0 a P1 4PCo re · 'be or~er of the dey. coyer,'

A meuaae wu reoeind from the I.Agblati'Ve Coanoll,aoqualnttng tbfa Honee t.laat tl1e Oounoil Tbe Rapid Increase of La Grippe through· bad • puaed tbe amendment. madt b)' tho· bu~ alll'rov1ncea ia cauaing Great Alarm Hoole or All8mblyln and upon the amendmoot.t A report bu ja•' been re oel'fed bere, from a~n* down. from the Lewblatha Oounoil lo and New York Olty, Rl•io~r det.alla of a oew reaturl! a poD a bi1l eeo' up, entttltd, · An Aot to r~n · of the dl1eue \\t m Hanley of tba.t City reoeot· late \he proeeoatloo of the aealft.aberJ.' wltb an ly died after an lllnowor only foqr <!aye. In bor­amepdme~• to "hlcb they request tbe ooocur· rl b1e Agooy fll• IQn~rua ••oiled to .auob an ex· reoce of fbi f.loJltO of AssM~(111 ' teot u to rendtr It lmpoaalble for blm to apeak

'Nhb the aouliiiDIJI aapeut of~. HOIJN, Lbe or •wallow aald ame11tlment wu re~ aAI1 \dopttd tlld It ~Ia now dev~lopment bu eaaaed tbe people wu orderad tba\ a ceaaaae ~ ••Qt to tbe of oar oommnotty to 'enquire loto the noted LeplatlYe Qouaell acClaahltlllll t~am tbat ta.le Gripoe Care, lat61y apoken of ln 10 many of our aoon baudopMct•t • . aald aQ\eactcpeQ' 1JitbQtU leadlug NtWipllpllrl and Joarnala n hu been aD ameodmenl tried in Cape Breton, wbore tbe loc~••e Is nry

Hoa R&OilV&R GUIIJUL laid OD &be table a nP.Id, aud tbe n~olta fatal A J McKillop of t.ble of aporaa aod Jo•porta for \bo Jilt 1891 L'Arahn·eqae, ·wrltN tha' tbe trial waa aatlafao.

TN elaalnaao of &b• Hoard of Wor'• a•n to'f.tba' tft'rf·ooe lo\h• town It t11lna to obtain notice lba\ OD tq.aaortow, Ja• will aaoye liM • aapply He ftotabtd.b .. la\ter by "'"'"• for a Ho .... \ufO OOIDiqlUII ol Ult ,rbtlt oil rotcll latce_ ~uarUity c.f It (Dr NoNe'~ lodlqa Roo' _. ~- . · · 'PUll) wllb wbfo- to tQpplf tbt ciMudl of

lllalliDOt tilt I,.Utr lalonaed IJat . 8-. \be pDbllo ( .. .

0~ nct.h the method and :rcEtnlts when· SyrnpofFi~ is taken; it is pleasant nnd rcl't esbmg to the Ul$to and acts gently yet J:lromptlyon tb eiGdneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-tem effectually, dispels colds, head­nches and fevers an d cure:; habitual constip:1.t:on. Syrup of :B'igs is the only . !cmctl~ of i ts liind everlra. duccd, plcnsmg io the tnstc an ac­ceptable to. tho stomach , prompt in its ~tion and truly bcceficio.l in its effects, prc~:ncJu~L;· f!'om the most h co.lthy [-..r:d agrc;;c.blr. substances, its manycxc<·llcntqua!iticscommendit to n.ll and b:J>O matlo it t.he magt popular rcmccly l:nown. ' J

Syrup of F iga is ~or s:1lc in .75o bottles by ;,!l kv<'!.mg drnwsts. A uy rc1i::!Lh: tht<t;~ist who may not b avo it on h!~ild will procure it promptly for ::t::ty one who wisbee to try it. ·1b.r.U:.:~~ ured only by tho

CAUFORN~A H3 Sl'P.UP CO.:~ DA l l ~.ii.llCWCO, OAL .

~UISV lLLE. !C!..". !;;:!W YOBJr.. :r. ~


Liver Oil AND THE

Hypopbosphites or Ume and Soda.

No ot'aer Emulsion is so 1 easy to take.


It does not separate nQr spoil.

It is a lways sweet as cream. T he most sensitive stomach

can retain it.

CURES --Scrofulous and

W asting Diseases.

I Chronic Cough. L oss of Appetite.

: Mental a nd Nervous j i?ro~tration.

Genera l Debility, &c.

Dcware or all imita.tioo3. Ask for ::_t' ·c D. fr L ." Em~;l:liou, lllld ~:l o~c:r:;.

~F: IC£ 5 0 C. ArlO ~1 PER BOTTLE.


.NORTHERN assuiance Oompa,ny.



· T~COM& AN D F Ul'iDS (1887) : J.l'lre P .·cminm3 ... . .. ... . .. . .. . . .... . .. ... £ 807,000 L(e Pr<»m!u~ua., . ...... . . . .. .. .. . .. . . ... )97,000 tntero&~ .... . ~ . . ...... ...... .......... . ... 1481000 ~ulnted .Funds ......... .. , ...... £8,4211000

fhc undemi,~no .. is e:r.poworoJ to elieot in· SUrilnoeR on \·1 .drtla of PropMty in New• lound lnuu o.t eH"Ont Ro.t811 o f P rominm:

Tho nbo,·e t.:or.!p11ny is well known for ita ibernli ty nnd . pl'om ptncss in settlin~ huJooe.

Prospoctnneo, FormR of A.pplica.tion tor Fire nnu Lifo I nsur&.Uca, and aU ot.hor ln .. formatio~ can bo obtained Mt the office of

A. 0 . HA YW A...R.D, S-r. Jomte,

.A.gml /(W N N/oundltMa4 • W. H. THOMPSON,

Sub-.A.qenl for Harbor that».


WILLIAM RYAN Custom Tailor.

l!aU•faoUon and a Good J'it Guaranteed Shop next door to Suatb.le'• orin wan Be-.

tabUabra.,n\ ·



Page 4: -, ia repor.tec;l that Balfour urges delay io the disaolution till the comple~ion of lrish legislation, \bough


FlUDA.Y, JU~ E s .• 1892. -----------------

Off To K&4ri4. . IN view of Ule aerio01 lou to our trade

whiob Ulrea\ened from the increaaed Jutiee about to be impoeed by the Spanish Cortes on Newfoundland producta, we bad en\ertain. ed misgiving~ u to tbe 1'igitanoe of our Gov­ernment. Tlie action of the Chamber of Commerce in tbia md\er, if tardy, ia still ,praiseworthy. Tltey have the oMdit of WL:­iog the initiaLive. To what extent the Gov· ernmcnt has in detail concurred in the views of the gentlemen of th~ Chamber, we are not in a pollition to staw. The cboico of tha Execnt~e fell on the Honorable Augustus Harvey aa delegate sol to Madrid on a mis· eion whose interest to the trade of thff col­ony cannot well be overrated. Mr. Harvey on Wednesday afternoon sailed by the Allan boat u Oircusian," m roul4 for the Spaniah Capital.

We \ wiab tbe mi.laion entrusted to Mr. Harvey Gocllpeed. Yet we are not, we are constrained to own, very sanguine of ita sucota Our miagivinr do not come of any. fear we entertoin of unfrieodlin~a on the part of the time-honored purchasers of Newfoundland prodncta. Spain bu with ua, or, for 'bat matter, with the . ther Coqn· try, no CMtU belli. Sp11in i11 1till to · warda the ancient colony; bu' Spain d~ not see ite account in trading longer with us· We have-unfortuo•tely for ouraelvee-no trade couceasiooa to offer Spain in ret.uo-n for tbe free admiaaion, or the adm1esion at low dutiea, of our fiat. into I be 8paniab marketa. We import, contpuatively apeakiog, nothing from Spain. H t:oce he big!. dutie.1 on our produ J

Canada, however, ia in a better position commercially : it ba11 favors to offer in ex­change for tht~ favors which it aeeka at Madrid. The Canadian High Commiaaioner, Sir Cb~rlee Tupper, i11 at present preeentio1 the cue of C~aJa be!ore the S~ni.ah Govern· roent. Prior to l1i11 departure from England, Sir Charles wu intervie.-ed by a depu tation of me•·cbanta inte1etoll'd in the commerce of Newfoundland, and aaked to make tLe Cana· dian ease ~&nd our own ono in t he repreaen• tation which be wu to prescn~ to the Gov­emm~::n t of Spain, The Honor~&ble Mr. Har­vey will jo:n Sir Charles Tupper in the in ter­eat of Nawfounulnnd. Lc~ u11 hope their joint miS!Jion may eventu><lA favor~~oLly to th is Colvny aa well ae to the Doruioion.


FooD FtsnKs AND Eoi nL& lJR tii!T.\ C t:A!'s. ' ' ­

Newfuunultu .. J.i~ wdl btl chee tfu lly s.uroLtlt'd, ba'l fe.,..or more genuine, more v"luotb .e, a nd wurw fri~ndt~ tbH.n t he Rev. D•. lln.rvey . Froru the 5rat day that he landed on tile rocky ahoreR of th,., old~:llb Colon~ , down to the prP!!en t bonr - Dt''IY tWildy t\ lu,!l ct~ntury ~tgo-hit~ hr~ i o an. l his p~n l.t" ve h C lwen idle fr,r R , inc h• momt~u L, employed, as tbl'y were, in the interee~ &"ld do"N<ti to rhc wt- llare of Terri\ N ova and i:-..1 1 <'l'ple Bo~h t.he ono r.ur, the olht r. hi' lmt< m·oJe biJ, ~"' "' IL irJII"' yc.utl ago,

lhe lntest. w >rk engaged-i n by I he ahlu and l earned Doctor Wthl t ile pre paration of a P Aper on the tmbject q uot.t'll in t ho opening lines of t!~ i.a p~tragrll ph-wLi\lh, i~ will be g ranted, is a ~horou0hly practi:::\1 ono-of m ncb conoern to tbia conut.-y. Tho Paoer (the appP.aranCft of which will be awuted with expectancy) wu read before thtt Annual Meeting of the Soya! Society" of Canada, which asaembled ·~ Ottaw11. on Tue1day Int. Among the other Papers to be •ead before the Society ia one on the Copyright. Act, by ~ir Daniel Wilaon, and another b1 Sir Wil­liam Dawson. The meeting aforeeaid will be one of no ordinary inter~t. Particalan


it will be eagerly l~ed 1orward to,

P:o:option of the Iseaielaturo.

Both·Bran~betl ohbo L sfialature were pro ogued on Wedneeday . The Tetra .Nov& Coostabul~try dri\W ,~\ line in front of the Colonial Hn~lding, and sborLly after a detnoh4

ment of marines trom tbe ship& in port oleo drew up in front o f the bailuing. Mcnn w bile,o. nuruber. of citizens arr ived in carriagea and on foot., and took their place" within t be Legialat.ivo Council Chamber. Amonsst t.h:>ee were the -commandeN and officers of the ahip1 in port and heada of the departments in tbe oi'Y· At two o'clock Hia Kxoelleoc1 the GoYf'rDOr and Illite . arri•ed · After the Ueher of tbe Blaok Rod bad aammoned the memben of the Hoa.e of • A.lembly to Ule bar, Hia BXOPlleooy read the following Speeob from tbe Tbrone :-Jfr. Pruidnlt nd HOJtorab/4 -G~ ofiM Lf.

gi.lmiw c.:oacil: Jlr. SPfGI«r ad Gat'-"' of eM Bo•orabZ.

Boue of A...Wr: It wlJJ, DO doubt. be .Waok»rJ to JOG to

be nU.•ed from &be oaerou datlel -of •b• an­-.. I uve maob ~-" lo obeeniDc thai ~oa .......... .....,_Of taaponueeto, •biola 1

laave alveo a17 .... " the,. Ia a bill wblob d.U. wl&lt ttte •bJeO' of ectaoadoa aod •tabllalMI a F..._ faed for ......._ 1'1!• llbenl ecldldoa iDecJe to &be :ldaoadooal Unou aod allo~ so ............ \lolaof ............... ........ ........ ., ...... .., YOIIifot ......... - ... ~ pm;nn ooetaloed to lh ...... 10 ....... .................... .. -====• eOL I feel ...., ..... be_... r-1 bJ Dt.t ... ., aocl ...... J,r:== ............ a;.IM~t\11~ 11 ...... ~ ... IFi.dN ..


emeoa&lq. from ben, Eoaland lu' year, on &be..,...., ....,_&Mlon of ckl•aa ...

Wa x..plahln, •'-Jed abe pualq of UM Bill reqlllred to oarry oa• her ... ,, obllaatiooe will :Fraooe, aad .. proteoa her olloen wbeo empi.bted oa· Fishery da\J. Ooobc1loe to JOO \be 'eoao,meac~of tbfa oeceea&rJ miuare, h fa &btrelore wi,bl extnme reare• 'baa 1 ·ftad the HoDM of AaeemblJ bu thrown oaa the bill preaeo~d to it for thia parpote, aad I oaa oalJ DOW"tnll' thal thia &OliOD ma) DO' be prejudicial to 'tH iDteretta wblob I caD aaun JOU 1 ban deep\ r.a, burt.

1• t eJ:oeediaalJ l(r&tlfJiDI to ob.trve that the ee~tftl ae-ry. wblcb eo largtl' afteo• oar aeneral ioter~ 1&1, bu been moe• auooeaful ; and 1 troa~ tba' ~or otber ftaberiee, our agrionltare and our re10at 1e• pnerally maJ, lD the enaaioa 7sar, eqaall.r thow tach happJ reaulu. Mr. · t~al:tr and Gtntlemln of t~ Honorable

Hol ;e of A~mbly. I ~b\uk yoo for the liboralty with which you

have provided for tbt public aervico. Yonr ~r1nta ebl\ll be app!ied witb c.ueful regard to tho iottnt,iooe which directed the appropriatiooe. Mr ? I' ,Jident a,Ji Hnnorable Gentlemm of t~ u­

gialtiti~ Council: Mr. s~aur and Gt~ttleme" oftM Honorablll Ilowe

of ~aumbly : In hDw proroJulag tbe 1M1i09, I beg to a"ure

you of m1 oordlal deelre tha' proeperh1 may atteod the proeeoatioo of JOUr ordlaar7 a•ooa·· &Ions.

T . O'BRLEN, Guwrnor,

11 ~t Comea to One u4 All." . Dt 'vTB hu been ver1 busy in the aeoond

oiLy . ; d it.e environment~~ during tho put week,.,joo fewer than three of ita moat te­epeoteJ oitizena having bi*On summoned away.

Capt. Nathaniel Pareona, of the &utb ::5itle. who breathed hia lut on Monday, waa oOA o. a clua "t'hicb alu I is fut dyina ou~ from tmongat 11.1--tbat of the otd.aealiog maate :. The men who com poRed it bind the biatorJ of tbe put with that of the preeent; their depatture from \he 1 oene auflioet to •how the great . obang~ wbiub hne taken place n the modo of oonduc~iog the ataple in­dustry during the put qaartu of a oentar,.

Mr. Parsons wu atrioken with paral11is aome ~0 year. aco, and, although he wu not ., holly debarred from mo•iog in and o11t a aon~~ hla fello•n, !Kill be neYer :re­oover-U the Cull uee of bia limb. or Ilia ar.eeoh. Deepite the heavy ~ict.ioo, however, be had alwayt, u of yore, the aame lrincl, ready, "nd hv~ful word for all with whom he oame iu coritaoL. Therefore, if for no other reuOo, Willi h:a loa muoh regt'etted. Tho funeral ol the lament-ed Captain took place on W ednea. da.~ "fternoon. It wu atwnded by a large uumo• r of hienda, and alao by the Masonic frackn lty j O! which • he WIIJJ OnO Of the oldea' and tr, ost · rt:spected m~era.

l'he doatb of Mr. Archibald, which occur­red 011 W edne11day morning, ~ u · pecnli~~orly so&d a 1d regrettable. H is "nn, ~laal went down !oug l.J~fure it was zenith bi~I)-Mr. I\ rchi aid was in hia 33rd year ooly I Be f.,ll in the full prifl\e of nct1 ve youpg man · boo I ~ 'fhe. vacancy ca'llsed by bia pt'emll.·." lure remontl will Jle one n ot "ea8ily fillyd­bis lot~A to the industritil interest of tho town· and Bay ie and ~ill he. ·a mat~er :of 11pecial and t~HJC(s re ragret.-one, it is to be fenred, nnt I;O()D or Ol\8if~ 8llflt)lied . .

W o' f el tba~ mocb migha· be aeid of t he In· men:ot( d,·o· 11, cd ; bot, as a eorr<'l'~ odc:nt. w~o '11"114 int)Ullllt-ly ncquainted witb btw.hMIIOrro'll ( ul ­ly paid.a teudi!r tribute to bia wort~ aodilife-work all thg t!tercforo wil l be ncc~se~ry i11 to publieb it hero~ith I t will hue a mourofol ioterell at U: 11 11re~cttt time

T ilo -.;TAlWARD joioa in t be general expre!sioo of reg1 t proYoko<i by ' be ud tiVetlt; aod llRittl ius syiXI ·alby with tbat 1lready convoyed io lllr~te meua1 by the wbole oommuuitJ to Mra AroiJi~ ld aud the eorrowia~t rela,ives and frleoda

'.fbe either worthy oi,ileo, receotly p111ed away, was Mr. Alexander Doooao, wbo t:re1tbed bit last oo ''V"edneaday •e•ealog Ue waa well aad favor~bJy koowo, oo' alooe here bat Ia Carbon· eAr, H \tt'a Cooteo&, aod elaewbtrt A' the lu' na. rd plaotl be bad tome JO&rtl aao betn eoaaa• 'lo baalaMI For eome time pu• be bad baeo Ill (&gtd to &radlna ballo ... lo 'be S'ralu of Helle late .

Hi• funeral took plaoe from tbe PrelbJttriao Ct.arob tbll afttrnoo~r-, aotl wu at~adad by a lar~te aamber of citi&eol M.r Doanao wae a n1tive of Wi~ttooabire, Sooclaod and oamt to tbie co!lotrJ wben quite yooni

~FLr RAILWAY-The eammor arraogemen• of tbe trai 1 \Yill oome lute effec' OD Mood&J• tile 18th inaf

-Sayt 1tbo Ttltgram : Another par1y of mco, SO i9 o6mubr, left tit. J obn'1 ou 'faecda1 to flO to ltrork oo tbe Hall'• B•y Uou.

( I'&Oir 011& IP801AL OO&UIPOJfDU!r. )

" -The Permaun~ Ooerolon Bill-Baron de Worme' .t.nawer in the B~U.. of Oom4

mou-The Chueral meot.toa.. rro TBI &DITO& Of T1l& n.uco.lliD.)

Dau S"ra,-. .A:t the augea~o~ of yonr oorreepondent, Mr. Morton, M.P. asked Baron de Worms, in the llooee pf OOmmona, a qaeetion aa to •be ~Jeoti9.n of Ule Permanent " :P~ench Sbore" Bifl"by the Newfoand\and Legislature · reply wu that Bill wu ~jected oo the grounds tbat the majority of the Deleg&\ea had left for jbome, and did not agree to t be details or the Bill io some minor ptirticula~a, which were arranged by Sir 'Wt1Tl8bl Wbiteway and Mr. H arvey, ae re-· presenting tbe .Newfoandltiod Government. Had the Colonial Office had any idea tbot they bad full power, they woufd have stopped negotiations. u The details of the moaaure were too numeroaa to be aDJwered in a more question in the House, eke., &c." Had Baron de Worms said that the Oolonial Office did not want di10u88ion by the British people of the m61l8uree by :y:h.iob toey propoeed to tie N ewfonndland people hand and _foot, to be de­li 1'ered to arbit~tora, on the queetion of I UJbiUfol' only, he, WOilld have •been nearer the truth I All~ delegation undertook to do was to promiae that · the illegal modUI vivendi ahonld be legaliaed i the permanent &o~ waJ merely a proposal to the Newfound· land Parliament, !rom the Imperial Govern ... meat, through tbf' Newfoundland Executive, which wu the proper channel or oommunica ­ti6o, Moreovt~r, the fact appeara to be for­gotten that the delegation waa from the Par­liament of Newfoundland to the Imperia\ Puliament, no~ to the Oobnial Office. It wu to prot.elt ap.inat the Bill bron11ht in by the Imperial Go•ernment that the delegation wu eent. A oonferenoe whb the Govem4

ment did not need permiaaion to appear a~ .Bar of the Booae of .Lnrdl, or the Hoaae of Oommona ; and I for one felt tbe dele11ation made a miateke in oot appearing at the Bar of the l{oue of Uommona; but fell into tbe trap prepared by anUet ... Mr. Smith and ~be Colonial OfBoe.

The potiUon now Ia. \bat the legalieed mod.u tri.Mi la in l«oe aotU the end of 1893, tbe failure of the Imperial Go•ernment to carry ~heir Coercion Aot lo the Houee. of Commont, and the rt'fnaal of the Newfound­land Assembly to ·pa~ the permanent Act in the form laid dow~ by the Foreign and Colonial Offices, defoa~. French hopes. of qettin~t an arbi~ratiou op • lobaters ' only. Lord Sallabar1's joco,e,wopoeal to aroitrate upon the question as .f.o whether a lobster was a fish, and aeek:in5t1Colooial and Imperial legislation "to find ~~(oundland ao tight, that tbeauhsidy,~ tpe occu~tion or.~.t .. P ienf', exa.c• d~H(\l~&en of Prench clatms at all; 11hould not com' .before th~tArbit&ators, and placing tho _propettiea and the liberties of Ne..,foUlldlatiiJel"8 .~t t.~e 'diepoaal of an arbi­t rs.ry o fficial, ,tl!b no pJi~~tion from their o.rn conrtA, t~la "!Yap of.-90ura~"lltlti11factor! to the F roricb, for; had, tbe ·arbit.ratbrs dectdod that a· lobster ;~ 11. bth (.t),."the French would ns ~ matter of coum.b .. ve usumed that such " j urlgnuint carri~ ~li the .other points of diaputa. Newfonudland baa-nothing to thank tho ColoniAl Office for, but. · owes her escape to tbe.f!lc~. that her lt>gislatorR laid aaide party feeling for on::e, nod by 22 to 8 rejected the mo$8uro which it waa hOfJed they would aabeerviently pliS&

The Generai"EleoLion i.a no~ f"r off; both vartiea are waiting to ~in, but the Govern. ment ::~a\nrally will chooee the moment con· eidered moet fa\'Oarable to tbemseh·ea. Prof. Monroe, who bean~ • name not unknown in Newfoondland, will oonteat Eut Maocbnter agai111t tbe ll'irat Lord of 'he Treaaury-M r. A. J. Balfour, late ~ry tor Ireland. But many namet now known in Parliament will no' be tbere again. r Bome desire to re• tiro from what · bll become a bard-worked poeition ; o\bera will be ret.i~ed by their con­l tituente, u of no further uae to them. The fight will tarn upon Hom~ Rule for Ireland and the EigM Hoar pdr day Bill for workinft men. Many of thote who llave opposed Home Hule beJ(in to see t hat tho Imperial Puliawent ia too much occupied in buai ness which could juat ""well be tra.n.aacted in a loclli par lia'men\ , auJ have more time to apare for mattOr$ of really Impe rial conoern. But, unfortanate~~e prt'judicea intervene, &nd tha t olu J ugge& n ' ut ot BritiiiQ politic:~, • ves ted iut~res~s,' ia not yet, and t he 6ght will be • hard one. Lord SAlisbury bas boon m&king an unwise apeeob be£ore the Primroae Le&~ue, declaring ~bat in the even' of Home Role being 'ranted t$1 t'e people of Urea' Brhainf UJater wool~ , .. b.el:-._ Senaible pec?ple know better : but it ia atr&n&e how the ame party c.bat ·would i~Bame rehellioa in Ulster, Qnder oerwu oon'lqeno.iu, de • preoate an1 iodependen• mo•em•nt in \be C6lonlet, u • treason and dialo,-alty.' I •en· 'ore &o • •1 tha' lf Borne ~ule .ia Jt&Dtecl, Ulettr will 1e11d 'be moat praotioal and brill&.u .-prtMDtatl•• to the lrbb Parlia• men") abcl.Uw U"'- cl•poeldaG to • rebel.'

. G. A.

~ ~ J'lu.k :EEow&m .6.fob!W4. When a few days ago, a mournful

wbi~per crept from ear to ear. into every bouse in Harbor Grace, telling of the death, after only a abort Ulneea, of oar esteemed and beloved fellow-townsman -Frank Howard Arohibald-tbete were few hearts so tbprougbly engrossed by the rush of busine&s or other an:rletiee, aa not to send a tender thought of sorrow 1nto that lonely home where lay mute and still the form of one we had so tincere­ly and rightly respected.

AJew words must suffice to famish a summary of his short bat successful and exemplary career. Mr. Archibald was born at Sherbrooke. Guysboro County. N. S., 15th May, 1859. His was a nature of surpassing precocity. Having served his time with his uncle, Mr. Mel­ville Archibald, in a shoe manufactory in the neighbourhood of, Sherbrooke, be moved with him to St. John's, N.F. and ·there by his astonishing ability, indomi­tabll) energy, and praiseworthy tact and integrity, though still in boyhood, was taken into pl\rtnership, A. dissolution of the partner<~hip decided this plucky youth of 18 y~:n rs to start baainesa for himself, and, fortunately for Harbor Grace and its citizens, Mr. Archibald re­solved to make this town the field for his labor and talents. How splendidly he bas succeeded is a "fact requiring no pro­mulgation here. Go I gaze on the mag­nificent factory towering over the waters of onr harbonr, with its ceaseless stream of smoke designating the busy life with­in !-watch the little army of working­men going to and from its entrance daily, and silently breathing the praise of that kind master who worked up this £eat business and put bread into so many mouths I Then let your thon~thts stray back to a small shop on Water Street where an enterprising and brave lad start-ed to work up this fine t"rade, With appareptly small prospect of eucc818, only 14 years ago. and consider what a power of mind and how mach unflagging energy muat have gone to build up the firat solid foundation-stone to snob sucoeu, ln a place of such notor­ious torpidity aa Harbor Grace I Not one man in a tboaeand, nor "may be in· five thousand, could stem the tide of fortune, and force . his way to the front with so little equipmen~ at the atart as Mr. Archi­bald bad, in such a manner as Mr. Archi­bald has done. Few men, alas I have sufficient energy or pluck to even try to do so.

Mr. Archibald's funeral , which took place yesterday. wns atte~d by nearly every prominent man and a so persons of every rank and 100 in or about .Harbor Grace. He was buried with Masonic.· h onours, and the numerous wreaths upon nod around the coffin silent· ly testified the love and admiration of hill many friends. A short but impres· eive service waa conducted by the Rev. Mr. Macnab in the Presbyteriun Church, of which the deceased had been a mem· her, and the Reverend g entleman in the course of hiR touching and sympathetic add~ess said that ho had never beheld a dyi'g man before surrounded at the end by so many whom he believed to be lov· ing friends a.s hnd been Mr. Archibald.

The name of Fr11.nk Howard Archibald will never die in Harbor Grace; his career should be banded down as an example for our young mep forgenerations to come, as illustrating what a plucky lad can do for himself even in th1s much maligned poor country.

Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the poor sorrowing wife, and the little chil­dren, our good friend hu left behind hi_91 to deplore his loss with us; the thought of their misery should smite us down in submission before the •' Ruler of king and men, the Monarch Supreme over Empires and Republics, the inseru­table Dispenser of life, death a.nd hap pi· ness ." May tbeir bleeding hearts go out and find consolation 1\t His throne 1-0>m

Tho SS Cou1c:-ipt nniv~cl l\t ~h J Cihn f.tom tho Nortbwl'rd ,., ~ p u1 y~tcrd11y Cspl Walab re· port& tho preeouco of 11 large body of excop&loo­ally bc)vy icu All 1\lo•~~ 1 hu F roucb $ hore 1url compl~u~ly blod;inl( nv \\' bi'e U.1y lc1u it also to be foond in 1t.e io11ur ruoa u[ (;reeo .B1y. but oot tn au:h q •ulutHy N ut! iut.: WM lleeo or the Panther .. l·tuh lh ll coptaiu hl\li11vea ie still jammed In Uaulu Hrrbur, bu~ frocu a ve111el wbicb left L lltltt 8 .1y for tbo S tr•itl lOIIlS time II(O aod load ro c•Jrue back hA learued thaa the Neptnoo wu et~eo ISy ller out.aidt~ &be ioe a• the mouth of tbe ~:!Lrait11 aotl after 10me time Capa Blandford attllmed oortll Ia .-.rob of a lead tbrougb h Fi•b it fairly pleotl(ul io Greeo BaJ, aad proapeota tUe v~rJ good i~ 'be'nortb· ern;porte ·

-A Gooo F .us.-A figaoe B~7 ~despatch of Toeeday aflerooou UJI \hiS the eobooar JG1tW (:}, Blai1111, of 61ooceeter, fa now io Boone .Ba1 .whb five hundred &lloauod pouoda of flab, caught ia ehc wetke betwled IJoooe Bar aod Cape .Nortb. The adhQootr Ltth of S•. Joba'a, Cap· &aiD Bobnd, beh¥d aame cq.d•y• Sbe bu ODe haDdrod aulA a.~••li&J Dve q uiotale, 111aklaa Ia all four bnodrtd qololalt for lbil eohr., oauab• lD from Hver. to lweoty fathoaoa of water.

-'fbe ateamtrt /'o/ittO and .Btuttni.tta ulled frocn 8•. Jobn a for Mooueal •ad lotermecllate pOrta OD OD 'fDII4aJ afleiiiOOD ; tbe former took OD board &'OeG ... iaJllt ~~~~~~· aa &Ilia port. aDd .. •"' ... ~ .. IlL 1...... •· ltd .. tbe penoua '-.. . lMN. &lllleea •• ~,.re ... , t(.U'I. rn. ..._ . .,. look &be ....... : ...... .... .. n &DCl •o -. 1[,. · Gtuter 1 ..... . .. ........ &Ia. w ........ , ........ ' Ia ...

..... :-,· 0


The Weat.ber-The BaU ProteotioD 8enioe -The Lobner Ba.RD ... -A Good 8ip of ~.,.The TradiUonal ._ &erpa•­!le1fm4n & Oo"ellew .A.,_at

Horbor Brttoa; Mar 2t.n892. 'fhe pre~tlln.c wlnda experieooedf here for

aome &ime paa& have been from &lie aorth·eu• and aonth·eu• ; and u • oooaeqaeooe •• bave bad oold aod oa the whole we& aad dfaajrl"ee­able weather. NotwithataodiDif tbe mUd wloter and lhe afao• of au early tpriOJ &ha' we bad iD Febrnary, Dthher flelda nor prdeoa are by aay meaoa io a forward eta&e. •

The Bait Protectioo Steamer FtDna ie atilt a• her poe,, and oow and tbea oaptnrea a emaifeler 9ha i1 oo donb• the meao1 of prnentio~t tome (maoy peril•p•) from · Yiaitiog St. Pierre with hernng ; b~t l have it apoo lhe very beat author­ity that qn1ntitiea find their way there- by boata and cr1ft1 that are either oo• 11eo or are ~ anepeoted of being in ~be bait trade, 1 waa as­sured by ODO mao, DOt l WO daJ8 &gO, tbat bi1 neigbbora would be pretty badly off now if they hadn't nt"oaged to emugule a quantity of bsit to Sc. Pierre and jle~ floor io ucbau"e. From what 1 Will told 1 eoaolade &bap~•••D · now aoder tbe Fiona'• ooee (or bow) quite a bri1k trade it beio~t oanied oo. all aoaaepeo&ed by thoee oo board. Tbe Frenoh certalaiJ do oot ge& all tbe freab bait they waat or would like to jlet, but they gel larp qnaoti,iea and tbe fact of oar people'• emaegtlo~t it to tbem bu a moat demoralieio~r effeot. The coofi~e&tioo of 60 or 100 bar"fela of berriog m17 eeem to aomt who write on the eobject 1 eerioaa matter ; bot when you realise that tbit cargo Ia the ruult of a few hour•' work for three or foar mou, ita value i• bat htlle io tbe e7o1 of tboee who io for­mer day a frequently threw far more tbao tba' aw11y aa the reon" of fiodiog oo market at St. ~~~ 0

The lobater baaiaeu ie •gain ea~ragiog the time aod atteation of oar people. Up to tbil date tba eatob aod tbe pro•pocte ·bave oot beea cbeerln~ either u reguda qu1otit7 or qa1tity. h Ia aeoerall7 acltnowledgttd tbat uoleu atepe are taken to cloee the faotoriel aho~rether for a year or two, or at &DJ 1'4te earlJ in Augnat everr Je&r, the rualt will be tbe raioiag' of the flab­ery, Tbie the more importan' factory-owoer~ woal:l gl•dly aee done ; bu• to lb•oy petti·IOftg· lor ao-oalled lobeter factoriN baYe been 1t1rted of late ,, &bat to do tbla of their OlfD aoc::ord would only be to play loco the haacb of tboee wbo ran th11e llttla f•otorlee whh two or three banda aad 'bemuiYII pat up the lobetl~ Aaotber nil reaultlog trom the •tartlor of u. ... faotoriH b7 oaakilled workmu, wbo ~" epeo• a aeuoD io ooe of tbe kraer ooM, fa \iie eeod· iDif tu market badlJ paoked lobecera, whlob mu•• materl•llJ effeo' &be marke& for Ne•foaad­laod prodaoe, \Vbeo \be gooee that of late Je&re baa been layio~t this aoldto ea~r for oar people, haa beeu killed bynei ll'c&, tbeo p1rhapa aome&hiu~ will be done to preterve it.

Tbere baa boeu a good lil(D of f111b here l•te­ly, aod in tile bottom of tbe 'fJa1 '' ia reported tbaa there wu l•tely a good aigo of the aea eerpeo&. Tboogb •· very like a wbale" tbe 1~r7 ~ron tb1t it was eeou by tile crewe of t wo boata. Tbeae at the timo -wore runoin~ before a amart brel'zo wuou one rau either on or over tho orcat­uro aod tbo other wtnt between ~te jawa. h was doubtlelil yawoiug at \ be time ur ioton' opon m"akiog a meal on apliotere of boac aud crow lteport gint ita o~timated leog&b u a qoarte r of a milo. No doubt tbe abund:anc~ of Ollrliug iu tho Ray attracted it, or perh<~pl the Frencb eog~~ed it tc; brin~e them a loa<* or bait; or may be iL was tbe reeul t of a Yaok~ dodge

evade light duea and liceolll! toea in &be ehape of a aubmarine b"it bo&~. lteport 8'\YII only tha• the sea aerpeot wu mot witb.

Tbia eume up the geoornl DO\t"8 of tbo pisco. ~l!wmnn & Co'• ebip Rttriur-r wi:b tbc spring

ClOOds and latest' faabioua arrived &t Gaultoia oo ~1\turd•.r last after a run of· 20 d•YII from tbe Old Coun try. Tbeir new and 1ctive agee' on the room here baa bceo improving aud ro­olllitniug eomo of the wute lauds adjoining t he preru ieee, tberoby enbonciu!C t buir value aud a ddios..,to tbeir already attractive appear1oco. We hope under bie able maoagemeo' to aett a revival of the Compaoy'a tude io tbia BaJ,•blou &be conduo' of the bu•ioett in accord with tbe apirit aod rtqulr.,meota of tbe •a• m&fJ•' brtna a boat,

-H. M. B. Kmerald, Cap,•iD Sir Baldwlo Walker, arrived at th. Johu'a oa Tneeday from Bay ti,. Georae, which plaoe abe ld' on tinn 4

day laat There the parted company ,lth Cle Ptlican whiolt Wtllt to s,c4oeJ to ooal. 'l'be Emerald will ll&J lo St Joba'a abou' a fort• ulabt .... •

-A P ~lNFUL ACClDINT.- A aerloo1 aocldea• oco~rred In tbe W eat l!:od tbi~ moraioa. A mao n1med Solomon Ba~R•· one of the ore• of Ule eohr. PaoaJ, .Kiog, muter, wblcb ia fhtlag oa' fnr tbe Labrador flaber7 at John Steer. Eaq'a preroleta, waa eogaged tbia morning. wltb the otbera of tbe crew, io one of 6rm'a alofea oo the eoutbaido, Ia getting out a eeine for tho veaeel, Tbo.r were on the &bird fiat of tbe 11tore, aod hA, in stepping bt ckwarde, roll tbroagb an l'lt:rator opculng to the bottom of the. atoro, a • dittAoco of tbirty- fivo !oc t Ooe of hie k ::a wu broken, "ltd bo auetBiood other 11eriooa injuries . Elo wo1 coonyed over to this aido io a bo"· aod arter boing enmined by Dr. tlarveJ, wuo ll~d been aammooed, waa teat to •be h \lapital. Herald Ma1 Sl

-On a A BARRIL CAJT-'l'be flnt oapUn appeared In 'forbaJ Jet'-~· aad were 10

.pltDUful, &bat onr a ~~ wu takto with a outna'-or rather t•o cuta•ta-tbrowD b7 •he brothere Eutaa.. 'l'bta Ia eKtremelJ aarly for oapllo ; lo fact h Ia o•er a quarter of a otatary liDoe tbey •ere SO' 10 eariJ. 'l'be local esperl· 1110e lD uae mae&er pf tbe uaptlD fa, \hllt they atrlte &be bot&om of the ba7 &be lit or !od of Jue, aod harbor oat Oil Ula o.- from tht 6th to tta. ~&b. Tb1a meaaa &baa &be oapUo are to about aea daJI &bead of tlaelr aY ...... thae thia year. 'l'MJ MriiOk I.Dao HoiJroacl r• .. rday, wblob la al.o ahead of tlae dpM~ time. Tee Torba7 men ••a• oua earl)' tlall aaonlaa to kJ &belr look, bGt he~ nhaned wbeD people ooaalDi to mara' lela &be .w. -Cololdll. IIGJ· 81

-1.0&-Tbe -.mer C..UC.ipt anlftd at ·nt• Oo" oa lloadq •labt, brtD.Coc abela~oe' of • IMp ""'of loe oa tile ,.._ Sltor.. &be deMi'f of•lalil' ftl W ......... abe oftN Dol Celnll h ~ llae ooulcl aot ...

JOOCI ... .. .. :'. aicf w to ,..... fiOaa u. ... ~:-~~~ .. po-loqecl a II tM , ftla 41hb\l ... ........ j............. . ..... 1MW1tier·~ ·
