


(« l iM .1

Challenger, b t m Ctflle.

Arrived: British eehooner Woodville, master, nine d«ya frem with fruit to E. Pilsbury. American eehooner Lnurrl, Whiting, master, two days from Sabine Pass, in ballast to master. British bark A venule, Evans, master, fifty- seven days from Newport, Wales, with iron to C. Shepherd 4c Co.

Ko departures.Vicksburg, October 27.—Passed down:

H. S. Turner, at ten o'clock last night Boats down to-day; Lady Lee, at 1 P.M.; B. B. Lee, at 6.P. X. Up: Susie 8ilver, at nine; Glencoe, at ten o'clock last night. Boats up to-day: City of Alton, a t 7 P. X. Biver falling. Weather warm and clear.

Memphis, October 27.—Passed up: City of I Quincy, Andy Johnson and H. M. Shrove. Sown: Xollie Xoore. Xollie Ebert, Esper- ansa, Bob Roy and James Howard. Biver rising. Weather dear and pleasant

P ittsburg, October 27.—Biver has two feet in the channel. Weather eloady and mild, with slight prospect of rain.

CnictHHAVi, October 27.—Biver three feet t.« inches in the channel. Weather clear and cool.

E vansville, October 27.—Biver receding slowly. Weather cloudy; since noon eool and blustering.

Cairo October 27.—Arrivals and dei ures: Minnie from Arkansas river for St. ■ouis at 11 P. X.; Silver Bow from Vicks- :rg for 8t. Louis at 1 A. X.; llohawk

wuiro for New Orleans at 5; Gets via, Cairo for S t Louis a t 5; Emilie Labarge, St. Louis for Memphis at 6. Biver falling slowly. Thermometer 62°.

Sr. Locis, October 27.—Arrived: Henry Ames, from New Orleans; Alice and St.

Monetary—Commercial. I• a s - — I Mal lets, at £15 (ft bbL To

M O N E T A R Y .

OFFIGB OF TBM DAILY REPUBLICAN.) h i M i Bravura. October t7, ISTL I

Tbe money market te unchanged. We tioed a goad, healthy demand for mo day, bat the market was devoid of the st feeling which characterised more than a fortnight previous, effected nt very full p ' "business paper the general on

K U £ .__________ sold, ia saw

. Today it is held a t I D S____ ______.a tfiU fcW S S J p h h t .

BACON-Tbs market le quiet, but shouldera and clear rib aides are firmer. Shoulders are Ialight j supply and clear rib sides are scare*. The tars nra held nt 8k*SHc: the Utter **«•*«; eh

aie tn good supply St >T»c; 9 casks clearaid

As uo demand for them, bonce ns

S T E A H B 0 A T 8 .

C A I R O .



weld of the stringent HAJIS-Tasre to' uo damana r

SL’T t s r s S S 'tastiansbom + M1 rates; for instance, some foir j done s t * p cent f month, hat

___________ and lower,«H be quoted better then J3e f B

_ LARD—1rteraee are in light supply and command_ 'indicated no I l*he; begs are dull at Uwitkc.

change from our previous quotations. Wequote A1 I 9 W SALT ***4^”j* Shoulderspofo. secured by unquestionable collator*. a t 11® 1 - $ < • • f i & S S and command. S3 99 *

. ef this rattan's dip have received, hake commands

rra ef tke marketprevioi


B L U E U N E , V I A . C A I R O , W ill Valid F re ig h t flram

Xew Orleans on first-fit— si




Xstahllahed la I S M .




L a a t Caak O lvM aad F ifty P a r Caat*

, , , - . - H i * l l * \ (against 111k atFewYork), and closed a t tbe opening rates (against

Tbe bales included £1800 nt 113k; £7388, ' and a 10.009 at USA: A MOO. £6000, R8000 I

and £8000 at 113 k, aad £10,000 at l i t * 1Toe bid* for treasury gold to-day amounted to

d 110,(M0, £50,800 of which was awarded at lU<i, as follows:Townsend, Lyman kCo................................ £30,000 |DeBursk Ogden........................................... 90,000 |

pretty nearly all been received. Lake commands 5)900. Louisiana dean 31338a; Mexican improved90930c; buttySOaiOePR . , ,

ROSA—There la a good stock on haadapdan active dsms nd ia being expected for Chicago, clean picked is in good demand and

^^A(KhEffi3—Tbem a£st^a 8nn. India in baton In I offering, ia round lota, a t B e domestic Jnto^ in | rolls, lira 17c; hemp and flax lie f yard.

in rolls;

All nates and all throagh bills of lading Item Bow ftrlamm by Above mate given, signed end meet ----- . ---------------------- ^ORee eftheCampeay,SrtSutar

Obsh amets ever... PeUdes in force....


s sL 'z tirtidS; 'f«*tSefor Jute ia rolls, and 19e for Western I HHH

Shippers by this teats save i _______________ _forsherges at Cairo, end their goads are always t ■ad ra sever, aad a* shergea a------‘ - -------- -

J. Newman................................ — .............. 10,000 I amek is Ugfat and the market iaIn silver only £90* in American half dollars w en ' - ------- - - ..!?■?" . . . -• — — I

reported at 100H. We quote thera a t 1009MOH, and Mexican dollars nominal.

> all drayage sadirons-« ----- - -------

i charges i ____________JAMBS T. TDCKBR,

‘ ' s ^ n

paid since 1890................



Foreign exchange ruled easier during the fore­noon, b it stiffened subsequently. and closes with­out say material varlatbw from yesterday's q >rata- tioos. The aslea of storting embraced about 40 .- 009, including £1300 bill ofImlinr

firm; SO bbls choice roetttied cold at *1 04)4 P

w ith .light


(seventy-five days' date an Bornesux. payable ia Lor den) at 1M, RMS Mil ef lading and £*500 clear a t ISON: £1*00 and £3000 bill of Tad-ng and £IOtSand £9009 clear a t USB; £190 bill of lading at U0 v £1000 A! Clara a* Irak; £9000 bank at —.and £9100 Mid £0000 at 190 V In francs *0,000 and 100. MOeommereial were reported t *.91 sterling at 1J0S130H for good to and dear, and 191 for bank.

Domestic exchange was heavy.

. ____-ruingslowly. Weather dear and pleasant.

Louisville, October 27.—Biver falling, with two fleet four inches at the head of the canal. Weather clear and warm. The Mary Miller leaven for New Orleans to­morrow. ______ _


at Ae Waek—Receipts, Sale* Experts aad b u ck ea Head.

N ew York , October 27, Evening.—Re­ceipts of cotton for ths week st all United States ports 97.740 bales; exports 39,188; -receipts since September 1 367,140, against 437,283 same time last Tear, exports 140,995, against 146,371 same time last year.

X exthis, October 27.—Stock on band 11,838 bales.

WILM9R6TOK, October 27.—Stock, 3215 bales; net receipts of the week 1146; ex­ports coastwise 1536; sales of the week 391.

Sataenam, October 27.—Stock 34,690 kales; net receipts of the week 19,201; ex­perts to Great Britain 6310; coastwise 6571; sales of Ae week 8550.

Baltimore, October 27.—Stock 2190 bsles; net receipts of Ae week 670; grocs 4081; exports, coastwise 1340; sales 3795.

Boston, October 27.—Beceipts of the week 427 bales; gross 539; sales 200; stock -6500; net receipts of the week 2700; gross . 6805; exports to Great Britain 25: sales of Ae week 1700.

Norfolk, October 27.—Stock 9835 bales; net receipts of the week 12,584; exports coastwise 10,906; sales of tbe week 10,900. ^JjUcoN, Gg^Octobet 27.—Stock 1870, 370

Nashville, October 27.—Beceipts 2037 bales; shipments 1443; stock, 1870, 117, 1871,1329.

Mortoomert, Ala.. October 29.—Receipts of week 3315 bales; stock 1870, 1575 bales; 1871, 6114.

Augusta, Ga., October 27.—Stock 1870, 2425 bales; 1871, 5965; receipts of week 5750: sales 4950 bales.

P hiladelphia, October 27.—Net receipts -of Ae week 993 bales; gross 3849.

Galveston, October 27.—Stock 28,374 bales; net receipts of tbe week 5425; ex­ports to Great Britain 656; coastwise 1672; sales of tbe week 2950.

Mobile, October 27.—Stock 21,215 bales; net receipts of the week 13,160; exports to Great Bntain 4303; coastwise 5382.

Charleston, October 27.—Stock 20,302 bales: net receipts of the week 12,487, gross 42,558; exports coastwise 8499; sales 39T

P rovidence, October 27.—Stock 5000 bsles. Net receipts ot the week 16.

Citt Point, October £7.—Net receipts o f ! Ae week 1743 bsles.

on Now York at k nor rant discount for remittance and the mb* included 010.MO, 013,00, £10,000, O**. 000 and 0*9,000 New Yorh bank and private bankers’ night and £90,000 and £99,000 private honkers’ at 7-10 discount; £10.OSS, £13,000, £90,000 aad £90,000 commercial at k sing £19,000 bank at 19-39.

Now York bonk gold checks are quoted a t par 9 hper cent discount.In stocks there won mice of 100, 100 and 100

Louisiana Levee at £3 00, 100and 100 do at £3 09k. 100, 100, 900. 300 aad 400 at £3 10, 100 at £3 87k, 90, 100 and loo at £«, and M, 190 and 390 at £* Ilk . thehighest sales being made earlyIntheday; 10 Pneamario Propelling Gw at £3. We beard also of at £3 19 net, and 1M at tbe same prise.

Two thousand five hundred city ten per eaat bonds sold nt 00k, £1000. £9000 and £3000 do at 89, and £10,000 city seven per cents at —.

City appropriation certificates were in demand nt advanced prices; £1100 changed bands at 18k; £1300 at 19, and £040 nt SO. The above figures represent recent issues. Back iaaues range from 08 tots, according to dote or number.

Nothing reported in warrants, for quotations of which see list annexed. City notes are nominal.

We quote as follows:State National Bank..................... 90 0o moo 00Mechanics and Traders’Bank........39 00 • 33 00Canal Bank...................................KM 00 *105 SO

Messrs. Bqje k Co.’s Rio Janeiro coffee market re­port of the twenty-third ultimo, from which we obtain tbe following information: Market active and strong with an upward tendency. Holes for the UaitedStotes in the past month 00,900 hags; (Or Buropr 66.330 bags; total 1» MS bags. Tonnage in port ssaree. The Assam Valley, with 0139 sacks.

. . . ---- , sailed on the twentieth ultimo for this port, andwn I the Blaboa is loading with 3*00 sacks for this port.

Al bUI of lading I POULTRY AND EUGS-Chiekena are seUinx On _ , . . | tbe levee at £4*1 f* dosen for young, aad £6*7 farThe banka drew | pown; turkeys £19*10; geese £89$. Rggs30*99e

ESCULENTS—Potatoes are ralltag an the landing at £9 90*3 P bbL Apples £3*3. Onions £ t. error krout £19 f bbL Cabbages £19910 49 crate. White beans are scarce aad In demand aad com­mand £19913; Nortnern £14: Red kidney beans £18 • IE Dried apples command 9c, dried peaches 7*8«

The _ _

-“"’•m s ® ™ ,__ Captain Hebieh,

Will n il NOVEMBER 1, at 7 A. M.Fries of Passage-Cabin £90, currency; strange

---------- For freight or passage apply toWILLIAMS, RUPBlTTg Co.,

Bo. 180 Osramoa street.acts tool,


The A raerim n

BUTTER—Choice is in light supply and good de-____ Choice Western commands 98994c; choideGoshen 39933c. Interior is ia abundance and an-

rV r„ A - i i I I I cnxnsB—supplies nave seen coming In n. * I freely, ard there is now a good stock on hand, bat

•res more of Levee | ^ demand is limited. Western Reserve commands Uko; choice foe tore 14c; New York cream 19*16c; English dairy lie f R.

LARD OIL—Is in foir demand with a light i It commands 79980c f gallon

* ,ketCo5 K 5 * A h i r_____ Captain Hebieh,Wni sail NOVEMBER I, at 7 A. M.

Price af Passage—Cabin £190, gold; steerage £49, gold. Rrr freight or passage apply to

WlLLlAfisrBVFBRTI A Co.. oe!8 tool • Nsl 180 Common street.


_ Ths H am bug AmPacket Compatnr’s steamer

. . ..... 1 priedeclined. Ordinary is selling at 6k*7ke; foir 7k •Oar prime 898he; choice 8k97k« Ns>, 8 3k*4e

nt 79980e (P100 Ra nt £8 90S

Union National Bank.................... — — *ioo 00Citisans’ Bank.................................... ....*140 00National Banking Association...... 37 00 * 37 90Southern Bank................................ — — *8900Merchants' Bank........................... 65 00 * 08 00Crescent City Bank....................... “4 00 99900Bank of America...........................179 00 *179 00Germania National Bank...............160 00 *161 00Louisiana National Bank...............110 no *110 90People’s Bank............................... 61 00 * 63 00Hibernia Bank................................131 00 *133 00Lafayette Bank............................. 42 00 9 43 00Louisiana Savings Bank.........................* 93 00Teutonia National Bank............... — — *115 00Union Insurance Company.................... * 6 0 00Hope Insurance Company.............. .........* SO 00Germania Insurance Company__ 73 00 * 80 noCommercial Insurance Company.. 90 00 * 94 00Crescent City Slaughterhouse...... ......... * 33 00Mississippi Valley Navigation Com­

pany......................................... 2 00 * 300Atlantic Insurance Company..........— — ® 49 00Pneumatic Propelling Company.. 1 30 * 3 29Louisiana Levee Company............. 3 59 * 3 75Mechanics' aad Agricultural Fair

Association............................. 17 00 * 19 00Louisiana Ice Manuiacturing Com­

pany..................................................* 36 00Lonisiaua State Lottery Company. 61 00 a 65 00Sugar Shed Company..................... 16 00 * 18 00Loan and Pledge Association.......... — — * 40 00Burra Burra Copper Mine............. — — ® 5 00Barbarin Gaslight Company............— — ® 30 00Carondelat Canal and Navigation

Company................................. 99 00 * FT 00Odd Fellows' Hall......................... 1 20 * 3 noSt. Charles Hotel........................... 7 f>0 ® 750Opera House Aasoelatinn.............. 160 00 *169 00Polk County Copper Mine.................... 3 on ® -------Importer,’ Bonded Warehouse__ 94 00 * 96 00New Orleans Sanitary and Fertiliz­

ing Company.......................... 19 ft) * 90 00Mississippi and Mexican Gulf

Ship canal............................... ISO 00 *160 00Pnntcliartrain Railroad................ .........® 99 50New Orleans National Bank........... 83 ft) ® 90 00Carrollton Railroad.........................US so *116 90Jackson Railroad............................. 4 09 * 5 00New Orleans City Railroad.............179 00 *173 00St. Charles Street Railroad............ 74 00 9 75 00

f t .RICE BRAN—Te r___BICN STRAW—la selling at £9*0*3 OOF bale,

as in aim. It ia taken mostly for England, as food I Cor cattle. I

RICE HULLS—Command £1J jp cart toad for £49,gnld. Through tolls of lading~slgi>ed fo~9t paekiag glass. It is also taken for how England, I Petersburg. Moscow. Riga and other continental 1 for paper muck. 1 ---- *—

ra P M i'i •te*meiGBMMAMA,

Captain Hebieh,„ , Will stol NOVEMBER 1. At 7 A. M.Wee of Passage- Cabin £190, gold: steerage

£49, gold. Bills ol lading signsd through to Liver­pool. For freight or posaago apply to

WILLIAMS, BUPRBTI k CO.,I tool No. 190 Common street.


T he R s n b o rg Aasei[.Packet Com gra^asteomer

Captain* Hsbieh,Will sail NOVEMBER 1, a t 7 A. K.

Prise of Passage—Cabin £190, gold;glass. It is also taken

it paper stock.HALT—The demsnd is light. We quota dealers'

rotes £1 39*1 40 for coarse and £1 99*9 for fins. When taken (font warehouse by hsnts a deduction is made for drayaga. Turks' island nominal nt £1 1591 90 PbM . Table salt in pockata 3k*8c each, as in sise. In " hare arrived, impo salt in warehouse, and n small lot ot Him just nr-

HIDES—'The demand for shipment is fully equal to if not in excess of the supply. Dry salt, in first hands, command 14e; Hint lee (p B. Ot green hides tbe supplies are not equal to tbe demand. They command 10e4PR for heavy, and 13c for kips. Tbe dealers obtain lok*4to for city slaughtered, de­livered.

TALLOW—Prices have advanced and some la being expeeted from Texas. It is qnoted at 9k * 9Hc; cite tendered 9*9he f R. The stock ialight And ths demand is good.

NAVAL STORES—'The stock is small, and is held for higher prices Rosin commands £4 for No. 3. £9 for No. 1. and £6 3037 for pair—a marked ad ranee in pricer; there is no pole left in market. Tar sells at £2 79 * half bbl and £6 f> bbL Pitch fetches £5 p bbl for lake and £4 30 for do­mestic. Spirits turpentine sell at 73c (p gallon

COOPERAGE—Hogsheads are in demand. There are only a few in market, but h.rrels are dulL Planters bare stopped grinding for the mo­ment. Sager hogsheads are selling, for the country at £4 So. molaaras barrels £9 30*8 40, half barrels £1 40*1 90. Poles are in demand. Those in market are poor sad inferior.

W. H. PBCKHAM, President.W. T. HOOKER, Viee President.L. Me AD AM, Secretary sod Actuary.G. A. FBBDEIKAR, Superintendent of iRSMelsa.

DIRECTORS:Hon. John A. Dix, New York.John J. Crane, President Bank of Republic.William M. Vbnnilye, Basher, Well street (Ver-

mUysAOo).Charles G. Rookwood, Os shier Newark Eanklng

Company.Hon. George Opdyke, ex-Xayor of Now York. Minot C. Morgan, Banker.Thomas Rigney, firm Thomas Rigney k Co. fenlsmln B. Sherman, Ttsasnrsr Row York Steam

Sacra Refining Company.Aaron Arnold, firm Arnold, Constable k Co. Rtohnrd H. Browne,of WetmorekBrowne,In'B. V. Haughwont, firm B V. Hangbwont k Co. WUliam Wllkens, firm W. WUksns k Co inline H. Pratt, Merchant.William W. Wright, Merchant.Charles J. Starr, Mere bant.Wittam Alton, Merchant.0 serge W. Cnytor, Banker, Palmyra, New York.

Hope, President Continental Fin In­surance Company.

JOha H. Sherwood, Park Flam, *Walton H. Peckham, Burner Fifth avenue aad

Twenty-third street, Mew York.WUliam T. Hooter, Wall street. 'Bfiwetd H. Wright, Newark, New Jerray George W. Fartee, Lawyer.W. L. Cogswell, Merchant.

JOSEPH MAGNBR, Manager for Louisiana aad Texas, No. 190 Common

street. New Orleans.________ foil 3y

pacts. For freight or passage apply toWILUAMB, BUPRBTI k CO.,

ool8 tool No.Too Common street.FWB F R I U M U P H U . VIA HAYANa T

.To Beil on FRIDAY, October 37. at 6 P. X.Tkn # !* • A l S tsu m k l*


WaxxtmT, Commander. For freight aptly to .

WILLIAM CRBEVT. Agent, se8 Corner Carondetot end Gravier streets.


• T R A X I H I F

0 p B V T * N l A



tenarft F ire , H a rla n aa d B iv a r Bioko a tL s w ts l Bn inn



MERMAN.......................ftopooin Thomas Halsey.GENERAL MEADE............Captain A. W. Mam proUNITED STATER........................Captain A Howes.

mRN MBTROPOLU........OaptninH. A Game.LT A BOUPEA............ Chptoin A F. Burdick.




•1.17 9 9 ,9 9 9

A. RIMRR BADER, President.CH. BNG8TFELD, Vice President. GEORGE STEOMBT1A Ssoretray.

B n ard a l T ia a tnsmA Barer Bader, ‘M. Prank,



Na. 1 M C aaal alrnnc.


In conformity with the loqniremento of thetr charter, the oompony publish the folio wing stoto

Premiums received daring tkn year ending Map 31, lfTl. lncindlng nneorned piamtamo of tkn previous year—

On fire risks............................... ........... £791,913 M

.i B P g g B S OtfDB,^ CAHTOM,


H o ,4 ............Ci

U A .

Na. a

Wuxtan G. Cotls, Santrnt Alstox,

New Orleans.

103,808 n938,000 30

.£1,101,001 M

On marine risks........................On river risks........t ..................

Total preminms....................Lera unearned premlnrea......

Net earned premiums, May 31, 1971.... £911,010 0* Tin—m naid—On fire risks......................£498,190 37On marine risks............. H9JM 91Onriver risks... . . . . . . . . . . 19,191 *3

Total............................. .£971,019 91Tnxra................................ 48JU 71Reinsurances and return

premiums.................... 30,091 p

Total...............................£041,306 39Dedust interest, toss ex-

....................... 33*90 79— £619,139 00

profit......................................The company have the following asm

Real estate...........................................City bands.........................................Monk And railroad stosks.i....... —. . . .Notes secured by mortgage................Notes secured by pledge......................Mils receivable.......................Premiums in oourra of ooltoottoa........

.£903,100 04

#I10,M 11

Sorip of other companies....................St oak of Valletta Dry Dock Company. Stock of Levoe Steam Cotton Prose.. . . •took of Marine Dry Dock and fiktp

Trad Company......................... .Harbor Protection Company................Mortgage bonds Grand Lfdgoof Lorried-

97.400 00AID, on 00103,968 90•7,709 43 03.003 94 MW 00 6,113 00

19,onU N 00

3,700 00 MOO 08

S,0W 009.000 00 •,000 003.000 00

10,134 10301,383 09

Mortgage bonds Tuners' Association..Mortgage bonds Odd Fellows’ Mail....•tank Open House Ansootattaa...... .Judgments..........................................

ash on hand........... .............................

Total assets................ ..................... £1,483,10$ 97Unclaimed interest

aad tatoirat payable July next on -all out­standing scrips of tho•utapauy....................

of scrip for the years 1003, 1064 mid 1869, payable in July.. 179,880 00

Unearned premiums onMey 31,137L................ 399,4a £491,Off M

£78,745 98

Crescent City Railroad.. a 00 ® 79 00


Pome Stic Markets.Kew York, October 27, Evening.—Cotton

market week; sales 1309 bales; middling up­lands 18Wc; Orleans 19**c. Southern flour firmer and active; common to fair extra V 15*7 70; good to choice $7 75*9 30. Whisky 95c. Wheat 2c better, with a brisk export demand; winter red Western $1 56 ®1 60. Corn l®2e better, at 79® 90c. Sioe 7%*8ttc. Pork $12 75*13. Lard: Kettle rendered 10c. Naval stores quiet. Tallow 9® 9%c.

Cotton: Sales of futures to-day 20,500 hales, on tbe basis of low middling, as fol­lows: October, 18c; November, 18*18^: December, 18*183iic; January, 18 716® 19(fec; February, 18% •19l*c; March, 19‘s ® 19 3-16c; April, 19% *19 7-16o.

Cincinnati, October 27.—Cotton dull and

frices are nominal; low middling 18%c.lour: Demand fair and prices advanced:

family $6 55* 6 75. Wheat: Demand fair and prices advanced: red $1 37*1 40. Corn: Demand good at full prices 46 *55c. Oats: Demand fair and market firm at 36 * 40c. Pork dull and unchanged at $12 50. Lard dull and prices drooping; new 9c, old 9%c. Bacon quiet and uncliangi

ity RaufoiCanal and Claiborne Street Rai

Orleans Railroad........ ! ................. 33 onNew Orleans Oas Companr......... 146 SOLouia:ana State sixes oi l866......... 63Louisiana State sixes of 187;)........ S3Louisiana 8tate alxea, old................ 6iState Penitentiary sevens............... —North Louisiana and Texas Rail­

road, 8 per cent.......................... — *State levee sixes............................... 63 ®State levee eights........................... 78 ®Consolidated city bonds, old.......... 76 9City six per cent railroad bonds.. 73 fcCity five per cents............................ — •*City raven per cents (old)........... 621,®City seven per cents (uew).......... 64V" ®City ten per cents (old)................. 93*®City ten per cent bonds, issue of


* 94 no a st6 on*)48 00® 66* 60* 63* 71

8070837774946*63 k93


Will to«ro her wharf, foot W Jbdbrraa otroraSATURDAY, November 4,1371, a t 9 F. M.

Fhara at rare sn have onpottra : passengers.Cabin Passage.................Blrarsgs Passage..............

Bllto of lading signed through te Liverpool. Glas­gow, Bremen and Hamburg. Through tickets fin iistelara And steerage passengers for Uverpeol and tbe Continent, connecting with Onion’* Line of

■ New York ovary Wednesday

JOHN‘a ’ Leo jriGHB*. Agent/No. 1W Common stem

For freight or i

The stoomshlp E. B. SOUDBE wtil^ftokins oo SATURDAY. November 11. nt


Whisky: DemandSt . L ouia, Octoi

nnged in every respect, •d at full prices, 96c.

r 27.—Cotton dull and

City seven-thirty certificates,uew)Jefferson City bonds, old..............Jackson Railroad first mortgage

bonds................................ ..Jackson Railroad second mortgage

coupon bonds.. .......................Jackson Railroad aeooud mortgage

debt bonds..............................St. Charles Hotel mortgage bonds!Jefferson City Gssliglifstock......Mississippi Central railroad first

mortgage bonds......................Mississippi Central railroad second

mortgage bonds.....................Canal stud Claiborne Street Rail­

road Company first mortgagebonds .....................................

Opelousas Railroad first mortgagebonds.......................................

State warrants, large...................State warranto, small..................City certificates ot appropriation.

81 ® 69 *- a

73 9 86 ® 55


quiet; mixed on track 42c. Oats dull; mixed sacked 37338c. Uigbwines dull nt 89c. Tobacco, hemp and bagging unchanged. Pork dull; order lots $13. Bacon unchanged; order lots: shoulders 74«c; clear rib sides 8c; clear sides 8V«c. Lard quiet at 9>* *9V4c.

Fore inn "Markets.L ondon, October 27. —Consols 92*8.

Bonds 91.F rankfort, October 27.—Bonds 96Mi®

96*.P aris. October 26.—Rentes 57f. 40c. L iverpool, October 27, Evening.—Cot-

dosed heavy: —’ * “■ ’ ~ ‘ - - •aaleswere for export and speculation.__favorable Manchester advices cause dull-ness

COMMERCIALFriday I vbnino, October 27, 1371.

COTTON—The sale* to-day embraced 3150 bole*, at stiller prices in tbe morning, but easier subse­quently, closing st Isst evening's quotations. We give also the Exchange figures, which are for eveu running of its types, while ours are for average lists, with tbe outs:de rates for strict:

Low erdinsty..Ordinary..........Good >,rdlnsry.. Low middling.., Middling....


..............- 9 —

......... - ® -..............- 117k..............I7H»18

•. 13 9—



Strict middling........................— *18%Good middling........................ — * —

The market opened with a good inquiry, and the supply being as yet light, factors were more strin­gent in their pretensions, and some sales were

yesterdey, but the and the buai- At the cloee

.heavy: uplands 9 ^ d ; Orleans 9^4 >1; made at prices i»c dearer thau jeste to-day, 10,000 bales, 3000 of which “u,»y»uc7 subsequently disappeared,for export and »•_ ness was mostly a t previous rates. _________

“ speculation. In - I strict middling could have been bought at 18lie.* ' mThe demand ran mostly in good staple cottons of

the medium snide*.With s slight addition to yesterdsy's report, tbe

sales for tbe past three days sum up 9030 bales, » total for the week of 18,600 bales, against

15,200 last week, atd 14.100 tbe week before. Week’s receipts 27,624 bsles, embracing 4148 from other de­livery ports, of which 3424 from Mobile, and 23,476

T in M ines, S ilver nnd G old.Salt Lake City, October 23.—Tbe tin

mines of Ogden are attracting more and more attention. The governor and a large party of capitalists went to-day to visitthem. An experienced miner and expert _ __ _from Cornwall, England, reports them won- I ronipriae 20,714 bales, emhracin -derfril, and says that the vast quantity ofore in Sight Of the Star Of the West, the | The Exchange reporti ’ “Market opened strong pioneer discovery, will average twenty per but it was difficult to oatiuu the quotations st the cent of fine tin. He says these discoveries doee."

ug 14,786 to Liver- idence, 2953 to New

are destined to work a revolution in tbe tin trade of the world. New discoveries are being made daily, and another claim has been bonded for $200,000.

Tbe receipts of silver for the past week by Wells, Fargo A Co. are greater than ever before, being within a fraction of $200,* 000.

The discovery of gold onartz in Bingam Canon, assaying over $1900 per ton, is an es­tablished tact.

T he Tam m any D efan ltern .O’Connor said to-day that the work of

prosecuting the defaulters of the city was getting on well. Facta gained show that many who now think they are safe from the storm are likely to be overthrown, in spite of their apparent bravery, and that many who believe in being perfectly secure will be surprised by finding themselves in the group of the law, and tn such a degraded position that neither money nor influence will have the slightest effect of procuring their rescue. 80 certain is the work, that even if the enemy knew all the movements of the attacking party, it could not help

-being overthrown and annihilate.!

itrlffhara la Saefi.Mrs. Sarah A. Cooke sues Brigham Young

'figr two tboneand dollars, collected for her upon the death of her husband, some years ago. and plaoed ia Brigham’s hands. He acknowledges the receipt of Hie money for

'the purpose stated, hot claims aa offset for -the emoont of four thousand dollars. Mrs. Cook* was formerly a Mormon, bat is now prominent as n so-called apostate.

COTTON statement.

Stock on hand September 1, 1871................Arrived since last statement............. 6.054Arriyed previously.............................. 87,523—93,977

"5!:7 V................................ 2-!,wCleared previously 8,351-71,388*1^ oa xbipboard. not cleared. 47 982

Stock corresponding day root year.. . . . . . . . . . 69|064

Liver- proper since ‘ Friday,nnd 711 Laat year, matem an

day evening of 23,476 btora ngainaTlTuu toraSmri!and*1.618laatyar. am lflhL AugnU 31T f n s2halm, a n iu a t 110.433 Imt jvmt "'1 - - - -

^porta are

SUGAR-Received. nThhda. The demand isbnlea .nrolnet85.831 last <wwn at *,631

SUGAR-Received, l:good, and pricea are deciaeaiy firmer The

gies were nearly all sold at 10*®mv.c tor i r lie for folly, foir, J ib e for «rictly‘ p riS ,8!?*

UHo for

The demand is fair, bnt at lower rates. The sud! plies were mostly sold at 45952kc for centrifuml and 61962c for strictly prime. * ’

FLOUR—The market to very dull. Superflae and double extra to scarce, and treble extra ia in light supply. Tbe stock consists of choice extra. Tire sales to-day were confined to 1300 bbls, of which 100 superfine a t £8,80 do a t £6 23; 100 double extra at £6 75; 400 treble extra on private terms; 190 do a t £7 25; 429 good treble extraat £7 90; 29 choice a t £8, and 75 a t £8 30 F bbL

CORN—Is In light onpply. The demand to foir, but a t lower rates. Two thousand sacks were sold today, of which 400 yellow and 950 mixed nt 90c 1000 white mixed and white At 9te; 100 red At 87He;

BRAN—Is dulL It to quoted a t £1 45 A? 100 ffit,KMMIBIMi ■MAY—Choice to la tight supply aad foir dearapd;

command £80*89 (p 1000, hogshead poles £4^358.Behead staves £40*45; sud barrel staves £38.

AR CaNDDBS—Tbe stock on hand ia light sad tlie demand to fair. All weights are now sold at 13c *► » wholesale, actual weight, and 18He for small lots.

IRON COTTON TIES—Pricea have advanced to Sk*5ke(ft tb.

BAGGING—A lot of 498 rolls domestic jute to re­ported on private terms, said to be at lew than 17c. Holders generally ask 17c or upward, pre­ferring to await a rise in the tributaries, rather than press sales

BALING TWINE—Sells at 19910c » ffi.MANUFACTURED TOBACCO—There to very little

doing, tn foot the demand is only local. We quote 40*Sfcjp ffl, ae in quality.

MALT—Tuere is very little hero, but it is not j mneb in demand. It commands £1 4091 99 * bushel forjpnme to choice.

HOPS—The stock here to small and there to very little comiog in. Old to offering at 39c F #>• New commands 75983.

COTTON SEED—Tbe supplies are selling readily at £12 p ton, sacks returned, and £16 with tfie sacks The supply to not equal to the demand.

TOBACCO—The stock to so small as to offer little or no scope for buyers, hence tbe sales ia the past few days are confined to 32 hbds to the ettv trade, and we quote lugs 7*8c, low leaf 8Hc, medium 9c, good 93i0c, fine and selections 10*12c (ft lb.

FREIGHTS—The offerings for foreign ports con­tinue liberal, and there is a good supply of room on the berth. Tbe movement coastwise to only moderate. We quote: Cotton by steam for Liver­pool kd. New York ko. Philadelphia kc, Bremen > ad Hamburg Sd; sail, to Liverpool 9-l6d. Havre Ike, Boston Sc._______

Marine Intelligence.OFFICE OF THE EEFUBUCAN, I

Saturday, October 28, 1271. f

olsaibd'tI stekday.Steamship Pioneer. Wakeley, for Philadelphia via

HavanaBritish bark Newcastle, Wllkens, for Liverpool British schooner Fancy, Nelson, for Kuatan Island,

in ballastSehoouer Lixzie Bell, Lee, for Apalachicola

4bmvbd"tote*dat.Steamship Lavaca, Cooksey, from Apalachicola and

St Marks, to K A Yorke fcco— 1st district 13 Spanish steamship Argos, Sagetota, from Havana,

to Puis Bro—3d districtShip Elizabeth Yeo. Scott, from Hartlepool Aug 31,

to R J Porstall k Sons—Point North German ship Constant!.. Soltenborn, from

Bremen Aug 28, to E F Stockineter—4th dis­trict

Schooner C B Clements, Moore, 23 days from Cor­pus Cbriati, to master—2d district

TOWBOATS.Chamberlain, Williams, from tbe Passes—Went

down light—Brought np ships Constantin and Elizabeth Yeo, ana schooner C B Clements

STEAMBOATS.Right Way, Wilkinson, from Shreveport.B L Hodge Ko 2. Haberle, from Mouth of Red

rlvev.Era No 9. Probst. from Alexandria.Belfoat. Sedan], from 8t Louis.Natcbez. Leathers, from Vicksburg.Henry Tete, Dalferea, from DonaldsonvUle.Prank Pargoud. Goddin. from Vicksburg.Oddity. Trainer, from Trenton.Tom Jasper, Keuiston, from St. Louis.Laura. Cozzeus. from Mobile.

BELOW COinfG UP,Bark Cardenas. Stunberg, 6 days from Havana, to

Chaffraix k Agar—

below—WAiinro obdeks.Bark Brothers, Kidder, 21 days from Tabasco, to


EZPoira.LIVERPOOL—Bark Newcastle—2579 bales cotton 3600 staves

PHILADELPHIA — Steamship Pioneer—382 bales cotton 129 bales moss 15 bags wool 163 bdls hides I x r i l . lT A R Y s p n o n i25 bbls peeana 82 empty eraboy. 13 hires glue stock tU4»U 8CHOOL,23 pkgs mdra and sundries I p i n t rtrrt r..~i run__

For Havana—3900 bM£fionr too kegs lard 32 eases crackers 15 tea hams 27 pkgs sundries

APALACHICOLA—Schooner Lixzie Bell—150 ska >rn 6 ska oats 100 ate salt 89 bbls fionr 2 tea hams

W. B. Schmidt, Leals Schnetaer, J. M. Schwarts, F. fcekert,•M ib BiMiiifer, 8. L. Nastta Lento Schwarts,

E k /c q re v s ,~ Davis.

laeSeherek, Jo itja l

Tbssdsrs Liliratkal, Frank Boder, Hermann Bicte,C. H. Miller.Ch. Engstfeld,M. PoliTmanr,O .U L Mayer,X Weissenbach,N. A. Banmgardan. Jsraph Sailer,X T. DalBooJta



•I. .Caro* soroet. M


N orth G erroan L ls y l .


The SteaaM hlpa a f the N’a r th

German Lloyd will resume their

regular tripe a t follows;Prom Bremem. From New Orleans.

KOLB..............September 16. October.. 22.FRANKFURT . October .. 7. November II.MEW YORK.. . . .November 4. December 16.HANNOVER...November 2. January 13.KOLN...............December 30. Febraary 10.Touching outward at Havre and Havana, and on their borne trip nt Havana and Southampton, to land nod receive passengers and freight.

Later days of departure will be advertised hero- after.

PRICES OF PASSAGE From Bremen, Southampton ra Havre to Havana

or New Orleans:CABIN................................................... £130 gold.STEERAGE............................................ 40 gold.

From Few Orleans or Havana to Southampton, Havre or Bremen:

CABOT.......................................... ... gold.STEERAGE............................................ as gold.

From New Orleans to Havana:CABIN.................................... ... currency.STEERAGE............................ to currency.

Passage tickets from Bremen. Southampton or Havre to New Orleans issued by the undersigned. For further particulars apply to

ED. F. STOCKMBYBR k CO., Agents, Jy291y 42 Union street.


Far Maw York Direct.This Line to composed of tha Steamships


Ths Steamship

Raw OuLaaas, January 31, 187L In conformity with tho requirements of their

charter, the company publish the following stato ■e n t for tho year ending December 31,1810: Amount of premiums for tbe year unding thixty-firet

Deoembe via:On Fire Risks......................... £108,089 88On Marine Risks.................. 48,465 64O nlivarB tote...................... 74,309 90

£224,833 U

Unterminated Risks for 1869.. 51,911 00Deduet— £276,343 11

Unterminated Risks for 1878.. £49,612 00 RsSara Preminms................. 914 96

08,926 96

Net earned premiums tor IRQ...........£228,816 99Losses paid during same period via.:

(hr Fire Risks........ £78*28 00On Marine Risks... 81,089 81 On River Risks— 30,964 88-190,310 08

........... 13,913 79General Expenses.. 27,013 72 Discount oa Prem* \

— . . . . 16AU H . . . .w ,Interest an Scrips. 87,434 42Ee-insurances....... 3,114 29—117.507 IIAmount reserved for naad*

jfistod looses toss savings.. 9.199 84

£174,718 39 *

£1.083,131 01The above statement to a Just, tree nod eocroet

transcript (Tam tbs books of the company.P. POURCHT, President.G. W. MOTT, Secretary.

Stato op Louisiana, > Parish of Orleans, City of New Orloaas. j

Sworn to and subscribed before mo tho third d ^ af Juno, 137L


At a meeting of the Beard af Direeton, hold eathe third day of Jane, 1271, It mas repaired to de­clare a scrip dividend of thirty per sent on the not onroad participating premiums for tho year end­ing thixty-firet ef May. 1871 for which certificates will ha issued on and after the first day of August next. Also,to pay onaad after th* second Mon­day in July next the whole iwneo of Scrip for the yean 1863,1864 and 1881, andrtxper cent interest an all outstanding scrip of tho company.

DIRBCTOBB:P. Foxrehy, * L. P. Oeneraa,F. Maspero, P. X Wilts,D. McCorad, 8. X Ralf,M. Puig, Joseph Hoy, jD. A. Cbaffralx, Charles Lafitte,

Honaa Wood k Co., Fitffiborg,

^ O. COYLX 9c CO.,

COAL HEKCHAim. .„ 1 3 8 G rav to r S tro ro .oew qb

jQ E W1MT dk M A C R IL ,

(F. DaWirr, O. A. MAUBBL) DctUera ia Plctabmi*. Amthamedro «


mmS S S / la.au35 3m NEW 1

flL A M M C O H U IM M .Th* nndrasigned has made M ala miss ■ 1

with eonnsel to the City of l^ h la g t ro f^ r t t ea r a sL f^ s& ssr • • s s s a N S tx jsss f—

WSb8 ^ E . £ . PABKEX



jal ly

gUWAED O’KOnUU,•tram Boiler Maanfoetnrer amd Btaehntth, Nos. 183 aad 189 Fulten aad 312 Now Loves streets, betwranjgt. Joseph aad Julia streets. Eeaidanro Na. Alo CUo street, torn Preerore, Leeemottra,

^ ffitform Ctartfisro. FUtors sad

GKATUI,of Phmnlx Wtsbles aad Undrataher, Naa,

r iagsA ja reaeW Boggira and Saddle Horses to

das to eorrespood with tho 8 M i s w r d t aA ^ k i n s d e w ^ m T5nS8ror S?weddings, sails, ptstara. roera^eteu. mia

ke attended to so as t o ___o prepared to hire ml

tie* having their 1 wsir


11 4 .......P L ED G E BANK,

.....St. Chmrtaa S treac.... ..114

Italy J. J. Fernandes.


INSURANCE COMPANY. Ofifosa e a r n e r o f Caro* mm9 Can

ASSETS DECEMBER 31,1810, £803,742 07.

Insures fire, marine aad river risks, dividing ths frefits on each department separately to the la-

J. W. Hijtcki, Secretary.

George Prquhart,A. Bochereau,O. W. Babcock,A. Schreiber, Charles Lafitte.T. BaUly Blanchard,

■y n ly

D lrae ta ra .M. Payro, PlaeideFc'orstall, •Augustus Rei chard,

J. Tnyoa.

Btoeeunt and interest, aad profit and loss.................... 57,998 30

516,780 85

Net Profit................................... £13,036 00The Company have the following Assets, esti­

mated at the lowest market cash values, Tin Consolidated and Railroad City

............................................... £338,439 80


J. A. BROWN, Commander SUNDAY, October 39, at 8 X M.

Will leave her wharf, foot of Toulouse street, M

Freight for Liverpool, Bremen and Havre takan by this Una, and through bills ef lading gl ran ha

a. For height ar passage apply 59ALFRED MOULTON, t a d Ou

• Stato Bonds....................................84 City Seven Per Cent Bonds.............4LO.O. F. Randa...............................S Grand Ledge of Louisiana Bonds.. . .3 N. O. Turners’ Association................

880 Shares N. O. Gas Light Company*.. • 224 Shares Citizens’ HmV of Louisiana. 380 8hare* Union Bank of Lontoiaaa*...03 Shares Canal Bank*..........................•0 Shan* Crescent City Bank.......SB Share* Lontoiaaa Stato Bank*........50 Share* Mechanics’ and Trader*

5,160 00 0 ,0 0 754.000 003.000 081.000 80

99.000 0026.000 uo 11,900 009,372 00 1,2W 005.900 00

MM 001.900 00

30 00on Pledge................a .................. 54,863 45



Twenty second A n s s l Staterosat.

NBW ORLEANS, May 19, 18TL The Trustees, In conformity to the charter, an*

mlt the following statement of the aflhirs of tho oompony on the thirtieth day of April, 1871:Fhapremiums for the year...£180^2 90 Mariae premiums for the year 70,195 63 River preminms for the year. H3£13 88

------------- £473,30 00Earned premiums, leas reinsurance m /

return preminms.......................... . £400,010 51Lose** paid and estimated as follows:

On fire risks......... £49,799 99On marine risks... 19,10 0On river risks....... 72,639 0

------------£137,834 0Taxes paid aad estimated... . 43,819 31 Discount in lien of scrip.

• GBORGE X BRAUGHN, President, DX J. WBNZ, Vice President.

T. D. Y tn o u , Cashier.DIRECTORS.

George H. Braughn, A. Hero, Jr.,Dr O. Antony, J. Hassinger,L. T. Delassixe, Thomas IsabelleDr. W. X Hire, W. X Pemberton,

Dr. J. Wens.

This Bank will make liberal advances for thirty or sixty days on Diamonds, Plato, Jewelry and col­late rail of all kinds Forfeited pledge* may te kept by agreement three months

Denraita of fifty cents and upward will be takas • s which interest a t six per east will be raid. SPECIAL RATES FOR AMOUNTS EXCEEDING ONE

HUNDRED DOLLARS. set 3asat 3m |


T R U ST COMPANY.A N ational Havtngs B ank .


Thirty-three branch offices have already btaa 0 tabUsbod throughout the country.


J. W. ALFORD, Preside . t. D. L. RATON, Actuary


Now Orleans, Lautotana.

Deposit* of any amount received.irietly prii


_ — ii-annually eachafforded to trustees, guar________________charge trust fUnde; also, to societies, lodges

others having t*SdlTl-

snod, payable oc demand in currency e r r interest d a s Deposits can be made by expreihank draft.

iations Certificates af deposit to gold, wttb

wopoaizs can oe maoa gy-----------

’J & s t t ' s r z z f f s s f r B x smen of tho South, bat it oErre its advantage* to all eUsra* alite. A* a national institution, sol> foet s ta ll time* to the supervision of tho Congiem of^heUnited States, its honesty and integrity an

OFFICE^HOURsf ‘From $ X K .ta 3 P .M .,a a lw Saturday night* from six to sight o’clock.

. . . . c. x StubtSfant,mhlT ly Cashier Now Orleans Breach.


SA FE D EPO SIT COMPANY« n > S l...............Cnrop Stress.............. N s. 51w. fan nordbn, henry prychaud,

President. Fioe-PrestdeBlJOHN A WALTON, Orohier.

30 Shares Ha?t>or Protection ^"**(*"7 9 Share* Merchant® Bank.....


188 RACB STBET, head of Coliseum Place.T . B . E dw ards and S n a n e l H . L ew is,

M lr|ffiCl|Nlli a

Loans aa Mortgage..Bills MteatvaUe.....................................Scrip of other Insurance Companies. • •.State Coupons........................................Preminms ifi eourae *f nnllsstlnn..........

79,40 0 3,80 0 8,381 0 3,457 30

38.00 0 ! 0 ,2 0 0

iiC l . , . . . _ . . - ------------------ - Will prepare pnpils to enter the Louisiana Stato9 bbto.whtote 8 bagseoffira 3 tea lard 3 bbls apples | University, or any other College in America. A 4 bbls lime 3 bbls rice 2 bbls sugar 3 cka bacon 58 I Commercial — ” ’------*

— £774,01 0

pkgs sundries


Lavaca—42 bales cotton 8 pkgs tobacco and son- dries

MOBILE—Steamer Laura—646 bales cotton 15 bbls turpentine 19 bbls rosin 9 bags coffee 20 bales domestics 3 bags wool aad sundries

EB0EIPTS"0F~P10DUOS.SHREVEPORT—Steamer Eight Way—10 bales ofcotwm and sundries

• “ OUTl! OF RED RIVER—Steamer B L Hodge No *-**>bead erarie and sundries *

VICKSBURG—Steamer Notches—302 hale* cotton tatton seed 18 ska seed cotton 5 bbls motes-

—Nteamyr Henry Tete— 47

,)blj mol485e8 89half . _YICKSBJ?RO-ateamer Frank Pargoud—1563 bales

i?i c.ottnn seed 15 ska seed cotton 433 steoUcake 0 hbds sugar 51 bbls molasses and sun-

f ^ - ' M S S S S


s S ^ ^ ^ S S S L t P ^ Z S S ’Sli

“ « - tf^ iro to ra ro

Military discipline, with Oircnlare

Primary Department attached, >. with daily drill.

_______to be had a t tha School, or at James AGresham’s, W Camp street.__________ an38 18m

MAGHINEBY.A h m s t k o n g m


Corner ot Erato and Med Leved street*,NEW ORLEANS, LA.


Maunfortnrerof Fertiroi and Horirontal S Engines, Sugar Mills, Draining Machines,MiH*. Cotton Screws and Gearing, Iran Col___Mid Fronts of Buildings, Purnaoe Months Grate Bars, Boro Stock, Revivifiers, Gas Retorts, flsllwnd Frogs, etc.; Low Freraure, Locomotive Flue aad Cylmder Boilers ef aU kina, FUtors, Juice and Clarifier*, etc.

LOST.______T OST « K MISLAID. - TWENTY-FOUR JU note#, drswenyW. Kants to ]|i# own order.

ing on the flrta of November, 1871, tbe tost parable on the first of Itoeember,1873, famished forhous* ran t The pnblto to hereby notified not to mgotiato raid note*, payment thereof having bean

The perron who found them to Invited „ - -mm over to Mr. A. Dortoeoart. notary.No. 139 Royal stseet. A toward win bo paid for the

. H. ROLLING.OC1500- *


*Including Dividends.

The above statement is a jra t, tree and com et transcript from the books of tho Company.

THOMAfi fiLOO, President TnoMAi Axnsuox, Secretary.

B ran or Louisiana, Pabuh w O x iu n , I City of New (Means |

Sworn to and anbranbed before o a this twenty- fint day of January, 1871.

ANDEBW HERO, Jn.,Rotary PubUft

The Board of Directors ham K8olf«d to pay six per ,cent interest on tho outstanding Certi£cates of Profits, oJ “ d alter th* second Monday of Febrn- ary, 1871; aUs.A^Y per cent an the halanoa af the scrip of the yeai Jttl, FfiyFKa on and after the third Monday in Hatch, 1871, Sfid they hare fur­ther declared a dividend of toff per cent «B to# M t earned Participating Arortom* Jar the year ending Dseember 31, 1870, tat whiffh eertifleatos will be issued on and after tha twentieth day af March next

THOMAS SLOO. Preetdent JOHN G. GAINES, vice President, THOMAS ANDERSON. Secretary.

DIRECTORS:John G. Gaines, X J. Mart,X Biseoe, Henry Reashaw,L V. Marks, W. X Ssymanr,J. Weto, X X Frasktoa,

stamps, expenses, inter- rat account, etc., less dis­count, etc........... . 90,10 0

01,557 0

leaving net profits.......................... £ 165,453 0

■ £116,538 44

The company has the following 1Bill* receivable..................... £34,30 11Loans on bond and mortgage 81,10 0

Loans on pledge of stocks at~

Cash on hand........ .

I n i Mtet^,saao ̂City bonds, bank and other stocks........ 388,70 0Premiums in course of collection......... 0,973 m

Ttaal................................................ .£90 ,80 0

10,716 0 119,80 77

80,813 0 79,80 0

The company bra also suspended— “Notes, stocks and bonds..........................£30,346 0Forfeited scrip......................................... 9,904 79Leas interest on scrip.............................. 0,40 a

The above statement to a true correct transcript from the hooka of tho company.

THOMAS A. ADAMS, President Hssbt F. Osasx, Secretary.

Fanisn or O n u an , ICity of Mew Orleans. J

Sworn to and subscribed before roe, tbit toenth day of May. W. F. EVANS,

Second Justtoe af tha Pass*

Bo*rd fnwtaas resolved to pay interest a t six per cent in cash on nil outstanding eertifl- $atta «f •? rip, and *1*9 tg jay in cash FIFTY FEE C U T of the issue of 180, to tho legal holders thereof, on nnd after the flint Monday in Jane next

”̂ 1*7 have alx# declared a scrip dividend of FIFTY PER CENT on tho earned pinmliims on* titled to participate, for tho year ««2im April 30, 1971, for which eertifleatos will bo leaned on and after tho first Monday in Angnat next, free of gov­ernment tax.

THOMAS A. ADAMS, President C. T.^BCDDECKB, Flea Proridant

Murat F. Ooour, Secretary.

TRUSTEES:Thomas A. Adams, Samuel X Esnaaf ,C. T. Boddeeke, P. X FOtoy,X B. Newman, A. Thomson,A. O. Oboe, John Phelps,F. Simms, X X Baamort,X Elmar Bad B. Mawgara,

J. J. Ganrod. u y t l iy

W. X Thomas, David Waltoea.Monty Peychaud, Dr. W. X Holooi• . , C-J- Mullen.Six per cent paid on savings deposits. Baiba rented, nnd valuables received. Interest on bonds collected and remitted.Perrons living tn the country wffi find this Coro

*,M M » rafo depository for at ft amnU expense.


Now OzLXAjrs, Jane 0, U7L J. H. GARDNER Agent Grover k Baker Sewing

Mae bine Company, No. 10 (tonal street New Orleans:

Sin—Wo are much in want of two of your FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, nnd propone to give yon in exchange for them, one each. Singer and Wheeler k Wilson. If yon accept onrodbr it will take from ns the tost of five of the other patterns of machines that wo hare disposed of to give place to your*.

We have had much experience with several of tho leading Sowing Mnchinen, aad fori that we can say, without injustice to any one, that tha

ELASTIC STITCH MACHINEOf your Company’s nuke to for superior

any that wo have naad. Its simplicity small effort required to operate, and the grea strength aad elasticity of Its seam, are qoalitn we hare never found equaled In any other. Sto the Introduction of year Sowing Machine Into 0

Asylum. M has always been tha fovorite with < children, and often n sonic# of ranch content among thorn, na to who should have the privil of it* roe.

Daring the post two years wo have had fl your Sewing Machines In constant use, and quantities of work of every description for lien baa been done oa them. We have neve any complaint from those for whom the wo been done, hot, on the contrary, ranch pro the beauty and perfection of the machine sti

Wo moot earnestly hope that yon will ace proposition to exchange, and fovor ns by year machines at the earliest opportunity


mj5 i

