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新面貌 迎新季 New Season New Initiatives


Speaker: Alfred Leung Head of Betting Services (On-Course)

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Background 前言

Findings from past customer surveys amongst racing fans:• Look forward to exciting racing• Have high expectations on both a comfortable environment and

a high level of service standard from our service staff.


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沙田馬場設施提升及跑馬地馬場優化計劃-投注環境更舒適Facility upgrades at Sha Tin Racecourse & Happy Valley Racecourse

更多元化投注渠道More betting convenience

混合過關全面接受投注Cross Pool All Up accepted by all channels

顧客服務更週全Care for customer needs

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提升沙田馬場多項設施Facility upgrades at Sha Tin Racecourse

• Taking care of the needs of existing racing fans;

• Giving better services for different customer segments, namely regular, casual and potential.

• 照顧各類型顧客需求,為資深、一般及新馬迷提供優質服務。

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沙田馬場新設施照顧不同顧客群的需要New initiatives for different customer segments at Sha Tin Racecourse

提升設施、改善投注環境 - 維持馬迷對入場觀賽的與趣;迎合新顧客的需求:• 重整舊沙田臨時馬匹亮相圈• 於公眾席安裝冷氣• 將第一座公眾席看台三樓改建• 百勝廳加設全新屏幕顯示賽馬及投注訊息

為新馬迷提供一個既輕鬆亦富資訊的新地帶:• 繽紛天地

Upgraded facilities and improved betting environment to retain existing racing fans and meet potential customers' expectation:• Reinstatement of old ST temporary parade ring • Air-conditioned public betting hall• Complete makeover of 3/F Grandstand 1 betting hall• Installation of plasma screen and LCD screen at Pak Sing Restaurant

Provide a casual and informative new area for casual and potential racegoers:• Fun Zone

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重整舊沙田臨時馬匹亮相圈Reinstatement of old ST temporary parade ring

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重整舊沙田臨時馬匹亮相圈Reinstatement of old ST temporary parade ring

公眾席上季情況• 舊亮相圈公眾席範圍只有一層階• 站在後排的觀眾末能清楚看到終點情況。

Public area previous condition

• There was only one tier on the public side

• Racegoers standing at back rows could not have a clear view of the track.

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重整舊沙田臨時馬匹亮相圈Reinstatement of old ST temporary parade ring

公眾席重整工程公眾席部分改為三層階Public area current condition

Public area converted into 3 tiers from 1 tier.

會員席重整工程會員席部分擴濶,並由三層階改為兩層階Members area current condition

Members area reduced from 3 to 2 wider tiers.

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冷氣開放 It's cool!

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冷氣開放 It's cool!

• 沙田馬場第一座看台一樓公眾席投注大堂增設冷氣

• Betting hall of public enclosure at 1/F Grandstand I, Sha Tin Racecourse is now air-conditioned

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沙田公眾席冷氣開放Air conditioning at ST public enclosure

之前 .....

• 主要以風扇令空氣流通• 座位不足• 影音設備未盡完善


•mainly ventilated by electric fans

•needs more seats

•needs more advance AV system

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沙田公眾席冷氣開放Air conditioning at ST public enclosure

更新後• 增設冷氣• 座位數目由 900 增加至

1,200• 增加 40 部電視機• 全新先進音響系統

After improvement• air-conditioned• seats increased from 900 to

1,200• 40 more TV sets• new advanced PA system

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更佳享受 收費照舊No extra charges for the extras

• 馬會為提升馬迷的服務及設施作出了多項投資,但現階段馬會末有計劃向使用第一座看台一樓公眾席投注大堂的馬迷收取額外費用。

• 入場費現時仍維持十元。• The Club has invested on facility upgrades for

racegoers. As though, there is no plan at this stage to apply extra fees to racegoers entering the betting hall of 1/F Grandstand I.

• Entrance fee still remains at $10.

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On a normal raceday, almost 60% of our racegoers in the public area will be able to enjoy a full air-conditioned environment.

冷氣開放 It's cool!

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百勝廳  Pak Sing Restaurant

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百勝廳  Pak Sing Restaurant

• 13 吋桌上液晶體電視取代 6 吋小型電視

• 加設 18 部 42 吋等離子電視及全新冷氣系統,為顧客提供更佳享受。

• 13" LCD screen to replace 6" mini desktop TV

• Eighteen 42"plasma screens and new air conditioning installed to enhance customer satisfaction.

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沙田第一座公眾席看台三樓 3/F, Public Enclosure, G1, STRC

• 將先駿廊的成功經驗應用到沙田馬場• 回饋一直支持賽馬活動的特選尊貴顧客

• Successful experience of Leading Edge

• A reward to our higher-valued, loyal customers

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沙田第一座公眾席看台三樓 3/F, Public Enclosure, STRC

舊貌The old faces

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駿星匯 Champion Circle沙田公眾席三樓 3/F, Public Enclosure, STRC

全新慨念,為資深馬迷提供更優質的投注環境及設施Superb betting facilities and environment for loyal customers

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駿星匯 Champion Circle

駿星匯 Champion Circle

• Cutting-edge betting and AV facilities, and over 700 seats to provide leisure for racing.

• 100 ft long bar counter, probably the longest bar in Hong Kong.

• 投注及影音設備完善,並設700 多座椅,地方寬敞舒適• 100 呎長吧馬場獨有

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駿星匯 Champion Circle

全落地玻璃露台面對直路及終點位置,賽事實況一覽無遺Full glass viewing balcony captures every movement of the home straight.

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駿星匯 Champion Circle

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駿星匯 Champion Circle

工程分兩期進行。首期十月初開放使用,第二期十二月初完成,屆時將全面投入服務。Transformation to be carried out in two phases. Phase I to be completed by early October and Phase II by early December.

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繽紛天地  Fun Zone

為新一代馬迷及遊客而設的輕鬆特區A brand new attraction for new customers and tourists

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    繽紛天地  Fun Zone

• 位於沙田馬場第二座公眾看台一樓• 馬場輕鬆特區,提供賽馬知識及娛樂。• Located at Public Enclosure, GII 1/F of Sha Tin Racecourse

• A zone for fun and racing knowledge

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繽紛天地 Fun Zone

中央設置舞台,舉行賽馬知識講座及遊戲節目,與眾同樂。A stage to hold talks and games for novel racegoers

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滿紛照相館 Fun Photo Album


Jockey's silk provided for

photo shooting and dummy horses for


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跑馬地馬場優化計劃Happy Valley Racecourse renovation project

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跑馬地馬場優化計劃Happy Valley Racecourse renovation project

公眾席• 馬匹亮相圈增長 15


• 啤酒園進一步擴展,應付顧客需求。

Public enclosure• Parade ring extended by

15 metres to increase close up viewing for public.

• Beer Garden further expanded to meet customer needs.

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跑馬地馬場優化計劃Happy Valley Racecourse renovation project

會員席• 第一座看台一樓會員席


• 更新會員席投注大堂及廂座設施。

• 亮相圈旁增建馬主投注大堂,設計高雅,設施完備。

Members enclosure• 1/F M1 betting hall renovated

with upgrade betting and catering facilities, including installation of ATMs.

• Facilities in Member betting hall and Loges will also be upgraded.

• A stylish Owners Pavilion will be built next to the parade ring.

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多元化投注渠道More Betting Convenience

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更多投注渠道More Betting Channels

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• 香港賽馬會與電訊數碼合作推出的新一代電訊運財寶

• 無線傳送、毋須撥號、速度特快• 同一畫面顯示賠率及投注種類• 自動更新賽馬及足智彩資訊,包括排位、貼率、賽果及派彩等

• Jointly introduced by HKJC and Telecom Digital Data Limited. • High speed wireless transmission. No dial up.• Odds and bet types shown at the same time• Auto update of racing and football betting information including declarations, odds, results and dividends

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新增功能:• 即時港股報價及買賣 *• 電子郵件、短訊• FM 收音機• 新聞


New functions:• Real time stock price

and instant trading*• E-mail, SMS• FM radio • News*Investment account at designated

stock company required.

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• 用手機透過上網形式投注• 隨身、隨意、任何時刻輕鬆投注賽

馬、足智彩及購買六合彩。• 服務將於季初推出。

• Place bets for horse racing, football and Mark Six on-line through mobile phone anywhere, anytime.

• Service to be launched in coming season

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混合過關全方位受注Cross Pool All Up accepted by all

betting channels

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混合過關全方位受注Cross Pool All Up accepted by all channels

• 突破現金受注局限• 除場外投注處及馬場外,其他途徑包括電話投注及各項互動投注設施 *均接受混合過關投注。

• No longer restricted to cash betting • Bets of Cross Pool All Up will be accepted by all channels

including Telebet and Interactive Services*.

* 第三代/三 A /第五代投注寶、無線投注機及 PDA 投注服務除外* Except for CIT 3/3A/5, TWM and PDA betting service

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投注示範    Demonstration例:網上「投注區 」 Example: eWin

1. 揀選投注方式

Choose betting format

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投注示範   Demonstration例:網上「投注區 」 Example: eWin

3. 注項詳情及投注金額,一目了然Betting details and total investment shown for easy reference

2. 於同一版面擇選場次、過關方式、彩池及馬號Pick race numbers, All Up formula, pool type and horse numbers in the same web page

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過關綜合彩票New ticket fit for all All Up bets

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過關綜合彩票Ticket fit for all All Up bets

• 全新過關綜合彩票• 適用於單項過關及混合過關彩池• A new ticket good for both Single or Cross Pool All Up bets

一至三關彩票  1 to 3 legs ticket 一至六關彩票 1 to 6 legs ticket

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過關綜合彩票Ticket fit for all All Up bets

1. 揀選投注過關之場次Choose the race legs

3. 選擇每關之投注馬匹Choose the horse(s) for each leg

4. 過關方式Choose the All-Up formula

5. 每注金額Choose the unit bet

2. 各場次所投注之彩池Choose the Pool Type for each race

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過關綜合彩票Ticket fit for all All Up bets

• 首先於九月進行顧客意見調查

• 整理資料後將正式推出

• The ticket will be launched after a customer survey to be conducted in September.

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顧客服務更週全Care for customer needs

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投注戶口提供綜合投注服務One account, all channels

• 為顧客的投注戶口增設綜合投注功能,將電話投注、互動投注及智財咭服務整合成為一個綜合投注戶口。

• 一個銀行戶口、一個投注戶口號碼,便可以透過電話、網上、智財咭及其他互動投注設施,存款、轉賬及投注。

• To provide integrated account service for all customers, Telebet, Interactive channels and ESC service have been consolidated into a 'All-in-one' betting account.

• Now, customers can make deposits & transfers, and place bets through Telebet, eWin, ESC and other Interactive Services with a single, consolidated account.

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投注戶口提供綜合投注服務 One account, all channels

擁有智財咭的客戶更可:• 用智財咭到投注櫃位直接提取現金• 用智財咭到投注櫃位存款,不設最低限額• 兼享投注戶口服務

Exclusive service for ESC holders:• Cash withdrawal at betting windows with ESC• No minimum deposit with ESC at betting windows • Enjoy betting account services

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隨時更改戶口密碼Change account PIN anytime

顧客現可隨時透過智財全能投注機,或於 11 月將可自行透過互動話音回應系統更改戶口密碼

Customers can now change account PIN through MTBT (Multi Ticket Betting Terminal), or to perform it by phone later in November when the newly introduced Interactive Voice Response System is in place.

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顧客服務中心Customer Care Centre


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顧客服務中心Customer Care Centre


• 150 位服務員接聽來電•將引入互動話音回應系統,讓顧客解答與戶口有關的查詢

A new Customer Care Centre will commence operations in coming season.• 150 staff to answer enquiries• Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) will be introduced, allowing customers to perform account-related functions.

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Q & A

