Page 1: - Network · 2013. 5. 1. · beautiful pictures, say a prayer for us and the maga-zine, so that the glory of God

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Page 3: - Network · 2013. 5. 1. · beautiful pictures, say a prayer for us and the maga-zine, so that the glory of God


Page 4: - Network · 2013. 5. 1. · beautiful pictures, say a prayer for us and the maga-zine, so that the glory of God


5 I No Longer Fear For Your Survival

6 Glory Tour Prophecy

7 Revival For This Generation

8 New Generation Fire

10 MISSION: True Hear Ministry and MRM

Compassionate feeding the hungry in Haiti and


11 Blessed to Be a Blessing in moment of devatation

12 The Devil is afraid of me

13 Inspirational Book: WOW- Words of Wonders

14 City of North Miami salutes MCE

15 Kingdom Success Conference photo highlights

17 Revival at the Church of All Nations, Orlando

19 The meaning of Aspirin

21 HLG Jericho 2012 photo highlights

23 God Alone: Junior Tucker Reggae Gospel Singer

26 The Three-Legged Race Called Marriage

27 Is giving a child a Christian education impirtant?

29 Mount Olives new church building being restored

30 El Schaddai Nursing Center CNA graduates



Greetings and

welcome to the

second quarter

issue of 2012. We

bless the name of

the Lord for His

faithfulness and

His love.

We pray for a spe-

cial blessing be poured upon all mothers of the world;

as this is one of the greatest callings to fulfill. Thank

you mothers for carrying us for the many months that

you have and for also giving birth to us. We are alive

today because we were not aborted by our mothers.

Thank you.

There have been lots of talks about revival coming to

America. However, we find many exciting heart-

wrenching revivals taking place in our midst in the dif-

ferent cities in Florida. Consequently, we will read

about some of these great God-encounters in this


As you read the informative articles and enjoy the

beautiful pictures, say a prayer for us and the maga-

zine, so that the glory of God will always permeate our


As for subscription and advertising, please call

786-587-7199; E-mail: [email protected]; and

visit our website:

And now, may the peace of God Almighty and the

blood of Jesus cover you.


Minister Roland & Kathleen St. Gerard

Setup and Designed Roland F. St. Gerard

Photographers Gary B (

Jimmy Charles (Cover photo)

Alex Lacroix

Contributing Writers: Dasha D’P.O.E.T. Saint Remy

Carol Fleming

Dr. David Fleming

Pastor Laverne Ramsey

Dr. Eve Gualtieri

Dr. Henry Sanon, Chiropractor

Carol Gardener

Nicole ‘Potterz Clay’ Harris

Dave Ramsey

Homestead Representative: Pastor Gabriel Demosthene






Page 5: - Network · 2013. 5. 1. · beautiful pictures, say a prayer for us and the maga-zine, so that the glory of God


Page 6: - Network · 2013. 5. 1. · beautiful pictures, say a prayer for us and the maga-zine, so that the glory of God

I No Longer Fear For Your SurvivalI No Longer Fear For Your Survival

I fear your Rights!

I was afraid you'd never sing again

After witnessing how the world ripped your tune of hope,

your melodies of happiness that you were praying for

The help, that has yet to arrive

Still waiting on the dime that was supposedly donated for your care

I was afraid you would never dare dance again

To the same rhythm and blues

gospel tunes

compa and twoubadou dedicated to you

I was afraid you'd never smile again at the sun

that painted your color so vibrant with life


I was afraid you'd never give birth to life

I was afraid you'd died

Like a neonatal resuscitation

You were my patient as I called out Haitian

Bondye ki sa nou fe nap peye

Yet in the same breath, who are we that He is so mindful of us

I no longer fear for your survival

For it is clear your revival is deep within

The soil of the people soul

Time we grab hold to the gospel that was foretold of the promise land

Not depending on man to lift a hand

because of our circumstance

Rather taking a stand and praising the Godman

in advance for what has already been done in the heavens

We await in faith for the manifestation to take place on earth

as you give birth to a new church, a new worth

a new body, a new bride gliding down the isle

with tears in hers eyes of amazement that she weathered the storm

Yes she made it!

© Copyright Dasha “D’P.O.E.T.” Saintremy 2012


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one years

ago my


and I

were sent

by our


ship and

body in

Tulsa, OK

to Miami, FL. We have been

preaching, praying and

prophesying revival every-

where we go. During our

first week in Miami the Lord

told my husband that this

move of God would not

come through one person,

one church, one denomina-

tion, one race, or one peo-

ple group. This revival will

be for the whole church.

This is why I believe it so

important for the body of

Christ to come together for

this coming move of God.

I went to the "Glory Tour" with Dutch Sheets

September 30th, 2011. The Broward County

Pastor's Network, under the direction of

Pastor Mario Bramnick, brought him in and

Redeeming Word Christian Center hosted it.

In light of what was said (I took good notes)

I want to share with you what took place. I

believe what happened was historical. Let

me mention a few prophecies and insights

that others have received from the Lord

concerning revival. At the beginning of the

year, Prophet Terry Ball sent an email say-

ing that the church in Florida had missed

God's first wave of glory. When our Bishop

and his wife were here in August, she

prophesied, "Revival is coming to Florida. It

is not time to be discouraged. Don't give up.

Keep on. Revival is coming." Bishop Lau-

rore prophesied, "Excellence. It will take the

excellency of Jesus to get the gate open."

You may know that Dutch Sheets relocated

his ministry to Alabama. He said that he is

called to help bring revival to America. That

is why he did the Reformation and Awaken-

ing Tours all over America in 2010. (David

and I went to the one in Jacksonville May


Dutch Sheets shared with us that while he

was preaching in a church in Florida many

months ago that the Lord told him, "Florida

has lost ground from where I want them to

be. The enemy has succeeded in knocking

Florida behind while Florida was ahead." He

said that God has chosen a few states to be

forerunner states in order to bring the re-

vival to America. Florida has been called by

God to be a forerunner state; we have that

opportunity. The Lord has shown Dutch

Sheets and 4 other prophets that he is

knows well, that the move of God that is

about to overtake America will be more

powerful than anything America has ever

experienced. It will be known in history as

the "Third Great Awakening".

He then saw a vision of the map of Florida

with rings of light all around the parameters

from Pensacola to Jacksonville down the

coast, down to Miami and around the west

coast. He looked closer and they were rings

of light around specific cities. These cities

were lit up with the glory of God. The Lord

said that someone has to rally Florida and

he will use them to catch this state up.

Florida is moving too slowly. God is going to

catch them up to where they should have

been. That is why Dutch Sheets and Ken

Malone have been doing the “Glory Tours”

all over Florida.

The Lord spoke to him and others that June

through September was a time for the end-

ing of a season. Friday night was the last

night of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new

year. Thus, it is a celebration of a new year.

The Lord said it is a new era. The church is

about to go to a new level of glory. One of

Dutch Sheets prophetic friends said that the

church will begin to be taken seriously again

by secular society by the end of 2012. The

Lord has spoken to him and another

prophet that the Lord is going to accelerate

things. Harvest time is coming.

Dutch Sheets then spoke a powerful mes-

sage from the Word on God's timing, God's

shifting, and how God moves in our lives to

bring new seasons of reformation. He did a

breakdown of Greek and Hebrew words on

restoration, God's blowing of His breath,

and the gates that God takes us through.

His insights were amazing. He spoke from

Acts 3:19-21. He spoke about the deeper

meaning of the Gate Beautiful. It means

"right time" The lame man was at the right

time gate to receive a right time miracle to

launch the early church. Peter pulled the

man up through the gate into a new era.

The word for blowing the shofar means

crossing over. So when the shofar is blown

you cross over into the new. Many people

came with their shofars and they were

blown throughout the entire service. It was

spiritually electric. The Hebrew word “abar”

means crossing over. Joshua and the chil-

dren of Israel crossed the Red Sea into a

new era. Peter healed the lame man and

brought the Church into a new era. He also

shared about The Word coming from the

Greek words “spora” or “sperma”. He said

that God brings us to the right time gate, He

blows His breath into us and impregnates

us with his sperma word. We become preg-

nant with His will.



Jesus is the

principle of


Jesus is the


6Continued on page 10

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RR e v i v aR e v i v a llFor th is Generat ionFor th is Generat ion

Do you think that we need revival? Now I’m

not talking about good services; we’ve had

many. I’m not even talking about a season

when God comes down with tremendous

blessings; we’ve experienced such and are

very thankful. What I’m talking about is an

outpouring of God’s Spirit in such magni-

tude that Jesus is revealed to masses of

people causing deep repentance and lives

to be changed. A move of God so powerful

and massive that it’s like a raging fire that is

sweeping over a vast area and can’t be con-

tained! The Bible gives several accounts of

such revivals. The Old Testament gives tes-

timony of revival outpourings that swept

over the whole nation of Israel. The New

Testament is also a wonderful source of in-

formation concerning revival. The Book of

Acts gives us several examples of what

happens when God lavishly pours out His

Holy Spirit. That, my friends, is revival, and

that’s what I believe we need today!

The Church in America has been blessed

with several revival outpourings throughout

its history: the Great Awakening, the 2nd

Great Awakening, the Azusa Street Revival,

and the Brownsville Revival are some of the

most well known. The Lord used revival out-

pourings to help America become a God-

honoring and God-fearing nation. Yet, you

would be hard pressed to find any trace of

such virtues in today’s American society.

These Christian virtues have been lost to

the darkness that America has presently

embraced. Those Americans who experi-

enced revival in the past were greatly af-

fected, but the present generation knows

not of what we speak! All the more reason

that we need to cry out to the Lord, “Oh, that

you would rend the heavens and come

down,” (Isaiah 64:1)

Seeing the need for our present generation

to experience a revival outpouring I find

great comfort in Joshua 4:23-24. In this pas-

sage we are told that the Lord saw the need

of the second generation of Israelites (who

had left Egypt but had not experienced

God’s awesome display of power) to experi-

ence God’s power for themselves. Let’s look

at this passage together:

Joshua 4:23–24 (NIV) — 23 For the LORD

your God dried up the Jordan before you

until you had crossed over. The LORD your

God did to the Jordan what he had done to

the Red Sea when he dried it up before us

until we had crossed over. 24 He did this so

that all the peoples of the earth might know

that the hand of the LORD is powerful and

so that you might always fear the LORD

your God.”

Let me draw your attention to three impor-

tant things that were accomplished when

the Lord miraculously enabled the 2nd

generation Israelites to cross over the Jor-

dan River.

⟩ The Israelites got to where they

needed to be (on the other side of the Jor-

dan river)

⟩ They had an experience that would

cause them to, “always fear the Lord”

⟩ The event became an international

testimony of the Lord’s mighty power (“so

that all the people of the earth might know

that the hand of the Lord is powerful”

Do you see the significance of this

passage for today? Through a mighty dis-

play of His presence and power the Lord got

the Israelites where they needed to be.

That’s exactly what happens when God

comes with revival. During revival Jesus

gets His Church back on track, spiritually

speaking. Miraculously He gets His Church

to where it needs to be!

Secondly, the Lord said that the Is-

raelites would never be the same, that their

experience was given to instill within them a

“fear of the Lord.” Brothers and sisters, if

there is anything missing in today’s world it

is a lack of fear for God. Even within the

Church there is a sad lack of this important

virtue. The birthing of Godly fear into the Is-

raelites that day at the Jordan River is much

like what happens to those who experience

true heaven-sent revival. During revival con-

viction of sin comes with intensity, the holi-

ness of God is revealed powerfully, and the

fear of God is heart rending. The fear of

God that was experienced in revivals of the

past drove masses of people to repentance,

and that’s what I believe will happen again

when this generation has a life changing en-

counter with Jesus Christ in revival.

But that’s not all. The Lord told the

Israelites that He was going to use the

miraculous events of their crossing of the

Jordan River as a testimony to the nations.

The Lord does the same during revival. The

revelation of Jesus and the proclamation of

His gospel during revival have no equal! As

I said earlier, it’s like a wild fire that can’t be

contained! During revival the nations

respond to the gospel message and

masses of people repent and give them-

selves wholeheartedly to Jesus! That’s what

has happened during revival outpourings in

the past and that is exactly what I believe

we can expect to happen once again. The

Lord revealed Himself in an awesome way

to the 2nd generation Israelties. I believe

that He wants to do the same for our gene-

ration. May our faith rise up and believe Him

to do so!

Dr. David Fleming, Christ International


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A new fire is spreading

through the city of Hialeah, Florida. God is

healing, restoring, and liberating the lives of

young adults! We are New Fire Generation,

the youth ministry from El Rey Jesus

Hialeah. A youth ministry that strives to

hunger and thirst for the Presence of God,

living out His Word, and being the light

wherever we go as we walk in the supernat-

ural power of God.

However, it wasn’t always like this. During

the year of 2011, New Fire Generation had

a struggling attendance of around 40 youth

every Friday. The youth who attended

lacked motivation and enthusiasm towards

God, it was as if they were forced by their

parents to come

to services,

rather than hav-

ing a burning

desire of their

own. The

church leaders

began to pray

fervently for the

youth, until finally a breakthrough came for

New Fire Generation. The first service of

2012, we jumped from 40 youth to 60 and

the second Friday service attendance

jumped from 60 to 93 youth. From just two

weeks, the attendance

doubled! Something

began to change; it

seemed a new fire

was beginning to


Now, in the past serv-

ices, the Glory of God

has fallen like never

before. Youth are giv-

ing their lives to Jesus

and surrendering all

they are to serve Him.

In a service from the

past, only around 2 or

3 youth would pass up

to the alter to receive Jesus as their Lord

and Savior but now youth are crying at the

altar committing themselves to God. Last

youth service we had more than 20 youth

given their lives to Christ! Hallelujah! There

was one service where a young girl had pills

in her pocket to commit suicide, but the

presence of God touched her life and inter-

vened. That very night she went to the rest-

room to throw away all the pills! We have

testimonies where a teacher told a young

man that he would not receive passing

grades and that not even God could change

things in his favor. But this youth believed

more in the faithfulness of His God than in

the words of his

teacher. In a matter

of days, the young

man was passing

the class with an A!

Also, every Tuesday,

the youth go out on

the streets to preach

the gospel. One

Tuesday, the youth

went out and saw a man in his mid twenties

walking his dog, at the moment he was

doing a drug transaction on the phone. One

of the youth went up to him, boldly without

any fear and began preaching to him and in-

stantly the man said “I don’t know what’s

happening, but I have goose bumps”. The

man began to cry; he was being touched by

the Holy Ghost, right there in the middle of

the street. God is touching the lost through

the youth of Hialeah, he is bringing salvation

to those who are in need!

Another Tuesday, another man at the age of

22 called some of the youth leaders to visit

him because he was tired of the drugs and

the partying; these things were not filling his

life. The team went to visit him and one of

the youth felt the Holy Spirit saying that

there was a sick family member and turns

out the mother of the young man had can-

cer. This was evidence that God was real,

showing him He was in control of His life

and wanted to bring liberation, healing and

change. Right there, the youth began to

pray for him and his mother and the young

man began to cry and said he could feel the

presence of God.

New Fire Generation isn’t just going out

Tuesdays and Fridays to seek God and do

His will, but on an everyday basis. One of

the youth was walking around selling choco-

lates to raise funds for our missionary trip to

Guatemala this summer and she stopped to

sell chocolate to an elderly woman. The

woman was telling the girl that she couldn’t

see well from one of her eyes. Right there,

this 17 year old girl did not hesitate and de-

clared healing upon the life of the elderly

woman. Instantly the women began to say “I

can see! I can see!” God is using all the

youth who are saying “Yes, God I am here! I

live for you!”

God is building up an army of youth in

Hialeah! New fire Generation is getting con-

sumed by the fire of God quickly. These

youth are releasing prophetic word, heal-

ings, words of science, and building a rela-

tionship with one another to walk toward

their vision; to expand the kingdom of God.

This is just the beginning for what God has

for New Fire Generation. He is lifting up a

generation passionately in love with Him

and willing to give it all to do His will here on



Page 11: - Network · 2013. 5. 1. · beautiful pictures, say a prayer for us and the maga-zine, so that the glory of God

Prophecies: I am coming to a pregnant

region. It is the right time. We'll move

into the new season filled with His spirit.

We're going into a dimension we have

never been in. Florida is a state that will

penetrate the gate of the new era. We

will be caught up, pulled through the

right time gate. Florida is the trumpet of

God that will bring Revival to the Na-

tions. Florida is the state that will pull

the rest of the nation into the 3rd Great

Awakening. Florida is back on track. No

more will you be pushed back. Get

ready Florida. The King of Glory is com-

ing to this place.

I also went to another gathering fo-

cused on revival. November 3rd, 2011

Apostle Joel Laurore was in Miami

speaking about revival. You know I

must be with those who are believing

for revival. Here are the highlights of

that message.

Revival is Life. Revival in the strict

sense of the word is for the church; to

bring a dead church back to life. Re-

vival in the broad sense of the word is

to the whole world; to the nations. Re-

vival comes first to the church for the

world. Jesus is the principle of Revival.

Jesus is the Revival. Pentecost is the

story of Revival: Revival blast. The

church received Jesus, and the church

gave Jesus to the nations. The nations

accept and embrace Jesus: that is Re-


When Jesus came: Revival Publicity.

Jesus' life on earth: Revival Prophecy.

Jesus' death and resurrection: Revival


The school of Jesus: Revival Continuity.

Jesus' Ascension: Revival Certainty.

Please gather with other believers to

pray for and help facilitate REVIVAL.



Carol Fleming

Christ International Church

Miami, FL.

Glory Tour Continues from page 6

Evangelist Anouse Paul, servant of God, re-

ceived the call from Amighty God Himself

when He appeared in a dream, standing on

top of a hill mandating her to begin mission-

ary work in Haiti. Effectively, without any re-

sistance, Sister Anouse started in June

1992, travelling to Haiti, ministering to the

need of the people, spiritually and socially.

From the initial beginning, Sister Anouse

and her helpers with her supporters have

established two schools in Haiti, educating,

feeding, and empowering the children of

Haiti. Furthermore, through True Heart

Ministry, they have paid for many children’s




who were



visit the

sick in the


and the prisons, and do many social work in


The work has been supported by the

churches and by Sister Anouse’s personal


Her vision is to go further and to educate the

children and build as many orphanages as


To support or contact True Heart Ministries,

call 305-687-3392, or write to Evangelist

Anouse Paul - True Heart Ministries 12520

NW 17 Avenue - Miami, Florida 33167.

A vision that stemmed

from a call to help in Haiti,

Ms Renee Mortimer re-

sponded to that call and

begin to go to Gonaives

and Verette, Haiti to pro-

vide food, clean water ,

clothing, toys, school sup-

plies and much needed

goods to the Haitian brothers and sister.

This call to fight hunger has extended to a daily food pantry out of her home in Miami Gar-

dens, Florida giving out food not only in Haiti but also in the United States.

Effectively, a storage facility has been built in the back yard of Ms. Mortimer in order to store

fresh vegetables, meat, fruits, canned foods that she picked up from the Food Bank and dis-

tribute them to the community; to anyone who wants to receive. Indeed, this daily pantry is

open to the whole community.

Whether you would like to support this great work or simply receive fresh food, contact Ms.

Renee Mortimer at 305-623-1174 or 786-352-2441.

Distribution center: 20373 NW 36th Avenue - Miami, Florida 33056.

Email: [email protected] Website:

Facebook: MRM Ministries

TT r u e H e a r t M i n i s t r y



Page 12: - Network · 2013. 5. 1. · beautiful pictures, say a prayer for us and the maga-zine, so that the glory of God


Rev. Laverne Ramsey- Women’s Discipleship President, Church of

God, Florida Cocoa Office

What an awesome privilege it is to be alive at

this period in time. We may look around and

say that these are challenging times, but even

in the midst of our trying times we can attest to

the fact that God has been good to us, God

has blessed us.

When things around us seem to go con-

trary to the way that we would like, we

must begin to count our blessings. We

have to realize that our worst day is some-

body else’s best day. What I am saying is

that we have to remember how good God

has already been to us. When difficulties

come we sometimes get tunnel vision. We only see our

difficulties and the negative circumstances that sur-

round that difficulty.

However, in the middle of these challenging times we have to

say like David said “I will bless the Lord at all times, and his

praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Moreover, David

said, “My soul shall make her boast in the Lord, the humble

shall hear thereof and be glad. Oh magnify the Lord with me

and let us exalt his name forever”. Why was it that David felt

that even on his bad days that his soul could boast in the

Lord? David felt this way because David knew that even on

his worst days that God was a faithful God. David relied on

the past performance of God, because of the consistent track

record of the abiding love of God. David had a relationship

with God that told him that God could be trusted to deliver

him, that God was faithful to bring him out.

David knew, like you and I should know that al-

though we may face our challenges that God has

been good to us and that God has blessed us.

Things may not be as we would like them to be,

but we are still blessed above many. Being alive is

a blessing, having our health is a blessing, being

surrounded with family and people who love us is a

blessing. Having our basic needs met is a blessing.

I was blessed on January 12th, 2010 when I had

the opportunity to travel to Haiti on a mission’s trip.

I was blessed that God directed our group to travel

in the opposite direction from where the most dev-

astating part of the destruction was taking place. I

was blessed above many that sadly did not make it

through the earthquake or suffered devastating

loss of family and possessions.

The question is raised why was I blessed? The answer is simply but

profound; I was blessed to be a blessing. After processing the fact

that I was there for this catastrophic event, I had to come to the

conclusion that God had a purpose in sparing my life. I have been

blessed to be a blessing. Now I ask you the question, when you

begin to think about the many blessing that God has placed in your

life, it should first lead you to give thanks. Along with giving thanks,

you should begin to recognize that God has a purpose for blessing

my life. The purpose is simple, but profound. You have been

blessed to be a blessing.

As we in America celebrate this season of Thanksgiving, as we rec-

ognize and celebrate the goodness of God in our lives. Let us not

forget to share the blessing that God has given us and give to those

who may not be as blessed as we are. You have been blessed to

be a blessing!

Haiti’s earthquake testimony


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TT H E D E V I L I S A F R A I D O F M E !

Several years ago I had a very remarkable

dream. Like many dreams it had an aspect

of unreality to it, but the underlying truth in it

is just that -- Truth! I dreamt that I had two

bodies. One was a normal sized human

body. The other was about three or four

inches high. The small ‘me’ was standing on

the big ‘me’s’ stomach. I was talking to

someone else and I said, “You know, he's

afraid of me.” - speaking

of the devil. “Do you know why he's afraid of

me? I'll show you.” I opened a large wooden

box and pulled out a gleaming silver sword!

I thought about that dream for several days.

The devil is afraid of me! I'm only 5 feet tall

and I probably don't look very formidable,

but the devil is afraid of ME! Why? Because

resident inside of me is the gleaming two-

edged sword of the Word of God, which

says that I am more than a conqueror, Ro-

mans 8:37; that Jesus in me is greater than

the devil who inhabits this world, 1 John 4:4;

that Jesus came to destroy the works of the

devil and that I have inherited His power, 1

John 3:8, Romans 8:16, 17, John 14:12b.

When I was in England I heard a tremen-

dous story. Years ago a missionary arrived

in a certain part of Africa to begin a work.

One day he decided to travel from one out-

post to another.

The missionary came to a place in the road

where it curved around a rock formation.

Suddenly his horse stopped and refused to

go forward. The missionary assumed that

the horse must besensing some danger, so

he got down from the horse and carefully

peered around the rocks. There in the mid-

dle of the road was a very large snake.

The snake was coiled and his head was

under a rock. The missionary was filled with

fear. He stood looking at the snake for some

time trying to think of a solution to the prob-


He could not take another road; this was the

only way to the outpost station. He could not

sneak past the snake that he supposed was

sleeping under the rock. And he definitely

could not return home in defeat. His only op-

tion was to kill the snake. His whole body

was overcome with fear. He thought the best

way to kill the snake was to hurl a rock onto

the top of the rock the snake's head was

under which would crush it. But - what if he

missed? Slowly and carefully he chose a

rock and positioned himself in what he con-

sidered the best place. Gripped with fear he

raised the rock over his head and threw it

down. It hit the rock - and broke into pieces.

The rock and the snake remained exactly as

they were before.

Breathlessly the missionary looked more

closely and suddenly realized that the snake

was already dead! Someone had come be-

fore him, found the snake coiled in the mid-

dle of the road and had crushed its head

with a rock and left it as the missionary had

found it.

The missionary at first felt terribly embar-

rassed and foolish. He had been so fright-

ened of a dead snake. Then he began to

laugh at himself remembering how he had

trembled as he readied himself to kill a dead

snake. Suddenly he stopped as he heard

the voice of his God saying, ''Many of my

people are afraid of a dead snake. I passed

this way long ago and destroyed Satan's

power, but there are still those

who fear his lifeless form."

How many of us are afraid of a dead snake?

Do we forget that we possess the gleaming

silver sword? Is that sword sheathed and

ready at our sides or is it lying tarnished and

dull, inaccessible? A.W. Tozer said, “I talk

back to the devil!” He knew where the vic-

tory was. He knew who the Victor was.

Sometimes I am assailed by trials and temp-

tations. All my feelings say I am defeated.

But sitting down I take my Bible and remind

myself of my position in Christ and the mar-

velous things He has promised and the awe-

some power that is available to me. I take

up my silver sword and begin to wield it

against the enemy. And I discover again just

how afraid he is of me! How wonderful it is

to see my

troubles slink away.

1 Peter 5:8 says, ''Be sober, be vigilant; be-

cause your adversary the devil as a roaring

lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may

devour." That great missionary-explorer,

David Livingstone, spoke quite contemptu-

ously of lions. He said the lion should not be

called the king of the jungle. If a lion is met

by day it slouches off. It never attacks a man

boldly but only does so when it can pounce

on him unseen, in

the night or from behind. How like Satan.

Satan uses such sly and insidious tricks to

lure us into sin. He attacks with his greatest

fears at night. When met head-on he

slouches away. He is no king.

In Pilgrim's Progress as Christian proceeded

on his journey, he approached the castle

Beautiful seeking lodging for the night. As he

looked towards the gate he saw two fierce-

looking lions. Then he was afraid and

thought he would go back because only

death was before him. But the porter of the

lodge, whose name was Watchful, saw him

hesitate and called out, “Is thy strength so

small? Fear not the lions, for they are

chained and are placed there for trial of faith

and for discovery of those who have none.

No hurt shall come unto thee.”

The same call goes out to you and I. ”Fear

not the lion, for he is chained.”

Dr. Eve is director of Life Christian Univer-

sity, Miami Campus. For more information

please call 305-949-9400. The above arti-

cle is from the book Pleasant Stones

which is available at

Dr. Eve also produces a podcast called

Classic Christian Books which is available

on iTunes.

Dr. Eve Gualtieri


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An inspirational book.


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Anis Blemur, AB Institute

Author of A Balanced Life

Dr. Mireille Michel Simon

Founder and leader of

House of the Living God Ministries

Evangelist Carlos Licona

Preacher and President of

Worldwide Ornamental

Sister Darline Lacroix

Praising the Lord

MacKenson Jonassaint

Guest artist

Evelyne Baille

Guest artistCandy Cherefrere

Worship Leader

Faith & Life Ministries

Anointed Dancers

Pictures taken by Gary B -


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Vice Mayor of the City of North Miami, Rodriguez Marcellus

Presenting MCE with a plaque, honoring our Kingdom Success

Conference 2012.

Kathleen S. St. Gerard,

VP of MCE Magazine


St. Gerard,

Roland’s mom





Dr. Mireille

M. Simon,


MCE with a


Roland Mike St. Gerard

Broro’s elder sonPastor Ricot

Mrs. Ulysse

Jean BaptistPastor Ulysse

Jean Baptiste Pastor David GuerrierDr. Mireille M. Simon Sister Nettlie


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The magnificent 2,000-seat Church of all

Nations is now open throughout the day,

from Tuesdays to Saturdays, & has been

hosting record crowds this recent Easter in

the state-of-the-art auditorium.

There's a comfortable seat for everyone at

the acclaimed Passion/We Shall Behold

Him production, where thousands have

been inspired by the portrayal of the cruci-

fixion and glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hundreds of believers have already followed Jesus

in the waters of Baptism in the Church courtyard,

and enjoyed the serenety of the adjacent Cardo

walk and waterfall.

Paul and Jan are now offering a personal invitation

to all their friends & partners to attend Revival

Services at the church, starting Saturday May 5th,

at 7pm every week, with FREE entry to Holyland at


Make plans to bring your church, youth group or outreach ministry for a time of inspiration, refreshing & Fellow-

ship, and may the Lord Bless you richly.

For more information, call 800 447 7235 or email [email protected]




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The Meaning of AspirinThey can be found in just about every medicine cabinet. Millions take them without a second thought. One each day is being recommended to prevent heart

attacks! What are they? They are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

How will you explain to your children the differ-

ence between a good drug and a bad drug?

You may know these drugs by other

names such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Millions

are spent advertising their brand names, in-

cluding Advil®, Motrin® and Nuprin®.

As an office interested in natural health care

solutions, we see two distinct dangers that

some of our practice members overlook.

The first danger is from the adverse reac-

tions to these drugs. The Centers for Dis-

ease Control and Prevention report that

about 75,000 people each year in the U.S.

are hospitalized from adverse reactions to

these convenient, over-the-counter drugs.

About 10% of those die. That may seem

like a small danger for the convenient relief

NSAIDs offer, unless you or a family mem-

ber become a statistic!

We think an even greater danger is the

philosophical implications of taking these

drugs. Aches or pains that prompt their use

are warning signs. Like flashing lights that

we see when driving, warning signs are to

be taken seriously. They protect us. They

serve a purpose. Popping a couple of pills

to quiet our body’s cry for attention shows a

profound disrespect for this miraculous, self-

healing body we live in!

Worse, using NSAIDs often reflects the be-

lief that being healthy is about how you feel.

But numbing the “alarm bells” your body is

sending doesn’t make you healthy. You may

fool your body but you’re not fooling your

children. What do you teach them when you

take drugs to “feel better” or to make the

pain of everyday living go away? How will

you explain the difference between a “good”

drug and a “bad” drug?

NSAIDs may be convenient. They may save

time. They may even allow you to ignore

your body for awhile. But there is a price to

be paid. Maybe not with stomach bleeding,

liver damage or some other side effect. But

a price, nonetheless.

Instead of reaching for a drug, reach for the

phone and call our office. Let us find the un-

derlying cause and reduce it with a program

of safe and natural chiropractic adjustments

that honor the wisdom of your body.

Source: Dr. Henry Sanon




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Pictures taken by Minister Alex Lacroix and JimmyCharles


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www.mce, 22

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God Alone!Only God can take credit for the extraordinary life of Junior Tucker!

Born in Kingston, Jamaica, Junior began

singing at the age of 5. In 2 years, he be-

came a household name in his home coun-

try and attained his first #1 song, “Happy”,

followed by “Which Side of the Coin”, “Some

Guys have all the Luck”, and “It’s a Small,

Small World”. Junior began travelling and

performing locally and internationally. With-

out a shadow of doubt, everyone who saw

Junior perform knew that being on stage

was what he was born to do.

With tremendous success, he navigated his

way through three international recording

contracts which have literally taken him

across the world. He has toured throughout

the United States, United Kingdom, Japan,

Mexico, and the Caribbean. At 12 years, he

was signed to Island Records which pro-

duced the hit song “One of the Poorest Peo-

ple”. At 14, he landed a recording contract

with Geffen Records USA which turned out

“Mr. Telephone Man”. At 23, he signed to

Virgin Records UK which produced hits like

“Don’t Test” and “16”. In 1991, Junior was

released from Virgin Records and returned

to his roots to pursue a career in Jamaican

Dancehall Music. A slew of hits ensued,

“Love of a Lifetime” and “Move Along” to

mention a few.

Dancehall brought its accolades, number

one songs, singer of the year titles and a

high profile lifestyle. As time progressed, his

life became far from “Happy”. Despite so

called, “Fortune and fame”, behind the

scenes, his life was in pieces. It was spent

chasing the next hit song to stay on top of

the charts, all in an attempt to fill the void he

felt in his life.

In 1996, the death of his father and the birth

of his first child led to a period of searching

for answers to a deeper meaning to life. He

investigated various religions but still no an-

swers. He penned songs like “I Pray” and

“Praise His Name”, having no true knowl-

edge of the God he was singing about.

In October 1997, bombarded by religion, a

distorted childhood and being plagued by

nightmares, Junior cried out one night “God,

if you are real, show me who you REALLY

are and allow me to sleep!” The Living God

answered; he slept as never before. He

woke up completely rested, knowing that

Jesus Christ was his Lord and Savior. He

publicly confessed his Christian faith that

week at a gospel concert in Kingston and

soon after was baptized.

Since that night when Jesus met him, Junior

has not returned to his secular career. He

simply states, “There is nothing to go back

to!.” Coming into a personal relationship with

Jesus Christ has brought clarity to his once

hazed purpose and destiny. Was he still

born to sing and be on stage? Definitely, but

now to the Glory of God! To his life�God

has given direction, and to his gift�God has

given purpose.

Junior, his wife Trudy and their 4 girls,

Chyna, Zoe, Paige and Laila now reside in

Clewiston, Florida. For 9 years, they served

in the ministry of New Harvest Church and

Destiny World Outreach, which God used to

help mold, both the man and his ministry.

Through Junior Tucker Ministries, he not

only sings but preaches the Gospel and

conducts praise and worship seminars. In

addition to new territories, God has taken

him back to many of the nations where he

once performed as a secular artist to now

win souls for the Kingdom of God and en-

courage other Christian believers.

His fifth Reggae Gospel Album titled “Jour-

ney – A Decade of Islands Worship” is a

combination of the best of Junior’s last 4

Gospel Albums in addition to 3 brand new

tracks including “King For A Lifetime” and

“Rest Upon Me”. As you guessed, this was

quite difficult to put together :) and as always

you can expect a top class production, great

foot-stomping beats and the presence of

God as you enter into “Island Worship”!

By Carol Gardener


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Concerning Spiritual Gifts, 1 Corinthians 12:7-10,28 (NASB) says,

“But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the com-

mon good. For to one is given the word of wisdom through the

Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same

Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of

healing by the one Spirit, and to another the effecting of miracles,

and to another prophecy, and to another the distinguishing of spirits,

to another various kinds of tongues, and to another the interpreta-

tion of tongues�And God has appointed in the church, first apos-

tles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of

healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues.”

Where does that leave Spoken Word Poets, Comedians, Radio Per-

sonalities, Dancers, Thespians, Writers, Rappers, Filmmakers,

Painters, Deejays, Cartoonists, Fashion Designers and so many

others who are in the Entertainment Ministry? Under which category

would these artists even be listed according to scripture?

For many reading this article, the first problem lies in the word “en-

tertainment.” Generally, in the church, it is believed that if an artist

who claims to value ministry is also concerned with entertainment

then their goal to minister is somehow undermined. It is often as-

sumed that if entertainment is a component of a Christian’s artistry

then there must exist some other motive contrary to the purposes of

spreading the Gospel, namely fame and fortune. The

Church also seems to take issue with the word,

“performing” when it comes to ministry.

Historically, arts and entertainment have found their

place in society as powerful statements and symbols

of socio-political issues and for a time, even Faith.

Consider the great cathedrals or the Sistine

Chapel to name a few. Somewhere

- along the line, there has

‘ been a huge gap in terms

. of the influence that

. f aith has in art. I can’t

. help but think that this

h has much to do with

c church-goers that let

tradition and

legalism in-

hibit the cre-

ative gifts

that God has

placed in The

Body of

Christ. It is

much easier

for us to di-

gest the

“spiritual relevance” of the organ player or the choir but less toler-

ance or appreciation is given to more contemporary artistic giftings

like the ones listed in the beginning of this article. When we deny

God’s ability to use these gifts, we deny His very power. Could not

Spoken Word poets, comedians, or rappers offer a word of knowl-

edge, prophecy, or utilize their call to teach through these art forms?

How about the painters, filmmakers and actors? Can they not ex-

hibit strong messages of Faith and wisdom through their work? Are

Fashion Designers not in a position to print an inspired message to

evangelize the Gospel?

It has been said that “art imitates life.” There is a local South Florida

performing arts ministry called Island Faith Ministries. Their motto is

“Where Art and Life Imitate Christ.” This is the light in which enter-

tainment ministry should be seen. Matthew 7:16 (NASB) informs us,

“You will know them by their fruits.” If the artist’s life is wholly de-

voted to Christ then naturally, their art will produce the fruits of the

Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23 NASB). We should not reject the artist

based on our preference or what our personal “traditions” allow but

embrace entertainment ministry based on the fruit it produces. The

comedian, for example, can bring forth joy through laughter and

evoke thoughts that challenge the Faith of the listener. Furthermore,

1 Corinthians goes on to say, “As it is, there are many parts, but one

body. The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I don’t need you!’ And the

head cannot say to the feet, ‘I don’t need you (1 Corinthians 12:20-

21 NASB)!’ It is our job to encourage our fellow brothers and sisters

and value their gifts as tools for the Kingdom. With God at the fore-

front, there can be ministry in the performance and entertainment in

the Gospel message.

Can Entertainment and Ministry Co-Exist?

By: Nicole ‘Potterz Clay’ Harris of the WordPoet Troupe 24

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The Three-Legged

Race Called Marriage

Ever been in one of those three-legged races

where someone ties your leg to another person's

leg? If both of you don't put the tied-together leg

forward at the same time, you'll be awkwardly

plodding along at best and eating dirt at worst. You

have to work together.

Money and marriage is the same way. If you are

pulling in opposite directions and not talking to

each other about what you want and need, then

you'll end up flat on your financial faces. That

starts the path to bitterness and divorce.

Money is a sensitive subject to lots of people. The

number-one cause of divorce in America today is

money fights and money problems. But the good

news is, if money is the thing that we fight about most, then agree-

ing on money can completely turn a relationship around.

The best way to break the ice is with a budget. When you make a

spending plan, it's more than just numbers on a page. Each person

has a reason for putting those numbers there. They reflect what is

important to that person.

When you see what your spouse wants to put the money toward,

it's a great opportunity to communicate about it. When starting this

conversation, remember that no one is right or wrong. The talking is

simply about telling the other person what is important to you. No

smart-aleck remarks or accusations allowed. Everything is on the

table for both people.

On that note, a mature married couple compromises. One member

doesn't always get his or her way. If a husband and wife want to go

to different restaurants, they sit down and talk it out. Maybe they go

to a third eatery or agree to alternate (she gets her choice tonight,

he gets his next time). Either way, a compromise

is reached.

That's the sign of a couple who has their act to-

gether and will win at whatever they do. Why?

Because they are willing to give. They are willing

to work together. Success is found by people like


Tonight, have a heart-to-heart talk about money

priorities for each of you, and make a budget with

your spouse. The Gazelle Budget Lite is a great

place to start—just plug in your monthly income,

and it gives you recommended spending percent-

ages in categories like food, transportation, hous-

ing and others. It's a quick and easy way to get

started together.

Once you know where you both stand, you can start to work on get-

ting there and, if necessary, to compromise in order to reach a goal

that both of you like. Doing this will require sacrifice, but it will lead

to a level of trust, intimacy and calm in your marriage that you never

knew. It's worth it, and then some.



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"Is Giving a

Child a Chris-

tian Education


Answer: For believers in Jesus Christ, the

question of whether or not a Christian edu-

cation is important seems obvious. The an-

swer would be an emphatic “Yes!” So why

ask the question? It’s because the question

comes from a myriad of perspectives within

the Christian faith. Maybe the question

should be “who is responsible for introduc-

ing my child to Christianity?” or “should my

child’s education be done in a public, pri-

vate or home-based system?” There is no

shortage of opinions on this topic, some

very strongly held and endlessly and emo-

tionally debated.

As we begin to search for a biblical per-

spective, we come to the definitive Old Tes-

tament passage on educating children

found in Deuteronomy 6:5-8: "Love the

LORD your God with all your heart and with

all your soul and with all your strength.

These commandments that I give you today

are to be upon your hearts. Impress them

on your children. Talk about them when you

sit at home and when you walk along the

road, when you lie down and when you get

up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and

bind them on your foreheads.” Hebrew his-

tory reveals that the father was to be dili-

gent in instructing his children in the ways

and words of the Lord for their own spiritual

development and well-being. The message

in this passage is repeated in the New Tes-

tament where Paul exhorts parents to raise

children in the "nurture and admonition of

the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4). Proverbs 22:6

also tells us to "train a child in the way he

should go, and when he is old he will not

turn from it." Training includes not only for-

mal education, but also the first instructions

parents give to a child, i.e., his early educa-

tion. This training is designed to plant the

child firmly on the foundation upon which

his life is based.

As we move to the subject of formal educa-

tion, however, there are misunderstandings

that need to be addressed. First, God is not

saying that only parents are to educate chil-

dren as many would assert, and, second,

He is not saying that public education is bad

and we are to educate our children only in

Christian schools or home schools. The

principle found throughout all of Scripture is

that of ultimate responsibility. God never di-

rects parents to avoid education outside of

the home; in fact, it isn’t even addressed.

So, to say that the only “biblical” method of

formal education is home schools or Chris-

tian schools would be adding to God’s

Word, and we want to avoid using the Bible

to validate our own opinions. Just the oppo-

site is true: we want to base our opinions on

the Bible. We also want to avoid the argu-

ment that only “trained” teachers are capa-

ble of educating our children. Again, the

issue is that of ultimate responsibility, which

belongs to parents.

The issue in Scripture is not what type of

general education our children receive, but

through what paradigm that information is to

be filtered. For example, a homeschooler

can be given a “Christian” education but fail

in life because he or she does not truly

know the God of Scripture and does not

truly understand scriptural principles. Like-

wise, a child educated publicly can grow to

understand the fallacies of the world’s wis-

dom by seeing its failure through God’s

Word which has been diligently taught to

him at home. Information is being sifted

through a biblical lens in both cases, but

true spiritual understanding only exists in

the latter. Similarly, a student can attend a

Christian school but never grow to under-

stand God in an intimate, personal relation-

ship. Ultimately, it is the parents who are

responsible for shaping and molding the

child in a way that will succeed in accom-

plishing true spiritual education.

In Hebrews 10:25, God gives Christians the

command, “Let us not give up meeting to-

gether, as some are in the habit of doing,

but let us encourage one another—and all

the more as you see the Day approaching.”

The body of Christ is an integral part of the

education of children, assisting parents in

nurturing and educating children in spiritual

matters. Exposure to something outside of

the family structure, in this case sound bibli-

cal teaching from church and Sunday

school, is good and necessary.

So, no matter what type of institution of

learning we choose, parents are ultimately

responsible for their children’s spiritual edu-

cation. A Christian school teacher can be

wrong, a pastor and Sunday school teacher

can be wrong, and parents can be wrong on

any particular viewpoint theologically. So, as

we teach our children spiritual things, they

need to understand that the only source of

absolute truth is the Scripture (2 Timothy

3:16). Therefore, perhaps the most impor-

tant lesson we can teach our children is to

follow the example of the Bereans who “ex-

amined the Scriptures every day to see if

what Paul said was true” (Acts 17:11), and

to test all things they are taught—from

whatever source—against the Word of God

(1 Thessalonians 5:21).

© Copyright 2002-2012 Got Questions Ministries.


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After putting in a contract to purchase one of the most beautiful church buildings in the

Miami Shores area in Florida for 3.6 million dollars, the deal did not go through for Mount

Olives Church of God, the New Jerusalem.

Consequently, Pastor Jean O Laurore and his committee went into a building or land buying

pursuit, just to come back around to the same building and buying it for 1.2 million dollars.

(Give God thanks in all things [the good, the bad, and the ugly]- for all things work togetherfor good to those who love the Lord- Rom. 8:28)

Now that the building is in their possession; M.O.C. is in need of your help to bring the build-

ing up to date before occupying it for worship services and for the work of the Lord. It will

take over a million dollars for the complete restoration.

This beautiful building is on the corner of 87th Street and N.E. 2nd Avenue in the City of El

Portal (near Miami Shores), Florida.

To respond to this great need, you can make deposits to Mount Olives Church Building Re-

pair Trust Fund at Peoples Credit Union, Account number 901677.

For more information, please contact the pastors: Senior Pastor, Jean O. Laurore, Junior

Pastor, Jerome Volcy, and Assistant Pastor, Edlin Edouard, 786-338-5291.

Mount Olives has a 501 (c) 3 certificate; therefore, your contribution is tax



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