Page 1: LatestSuccessbythe Writers of"SENORA" • "My Cavalier." SpanishWaltz Song., Publt"sltidfor Higlt~Medium and Low PiJice
Page 2: LatestSuccessbythe Writers of"SENORA" • "My Cavalier." SpanishWaltz Song., Publt"sltidfor Higlt~Medium and Low PiJice

~ . IThe Latest Success by the Writers of"SENORA" •"My Cavalier."

Spanish Waltz Song., Publt"sltid for Higlt~ Medium and Low PiJice.

Wurds by Music byFELIX F. FEIST. JOS. S. NATHAN.

" ~ Tempo di Valse.~

,OJDream-jog, i-dly

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OJdream-ing, in the gl'oam-ing,of her Cav-a - lier, Sen-or - it - a_ is so lone-ly~Wish-ing

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OJ ------- Yearn- ing,_love-light burn - ing,_\\"Thile hE't cas-tIps sht' builds in thf'on-Iy her lov-erwere nearj __

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OJ nir,__ HfT w~l'lds com-plet-ed,When ~thbim she'sseat-ed,For her PlIr-a-disp. is th~"~u~, /"'i ~ r---.. ~ /' ~I _ .H

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Publi-bed aud C"I,yl'igl.ted by LEO FEIST,"Feist Building" 1:14 W. 37th St., New York.

Price 60 c less the usual discount.

'*'Complete copies at all Music Shops or direct from the Publisher for 30 cents,postpaid. 4

Page 3: LatestSuccessbythe Writers of"SENORA" • "My Cavalier." SpanishWaltz Song., Publt"sltidfor Higlt~Medium and Low PiJice


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EV'-ry - bo - dy's rag-time cra - zy_ withuThe_ wear-ing of the Green"maysound so_

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Moderato~ I '==r1 I:~ - ....... II II • !!.


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their fan-dan-go tunes; Their glid - ing, slid- ing "Oh you kid"songs ~nd their silv'- fysweet-Iy to your ear, But wait un - til that tune-ful Dub-lin sham-rock tune you

~ I ....-

~ --=-- ., goD ., " r t!tilrP II~"·"'1: -c:t -



~======::::~~=======:§~~, 3'~The public performing rights of this song are restricted and reserved by the publisher.

The Dublin Rag:

~ I

Ie. &t did hear the Dub-lin,

played S1. Pat-ri~k's day? Itmoons; you rag theyhear. You smile right in your las-sies eyes,she'll gaze back ten-der - Iy, And

1\ I -= I I"'""

1'"- ..~ r r r r~I

.J-.----.-..J\ A h. J..------...··

l Iir . 1 c,.....JCopyri/(ht MCMX by LEO. FEIST, 1:34 W.37th St.,New York.

International Copyright Secured and Reserved.


Page 4: LatestSuccessbythe Writers of"SENORA" • "My Cavalier." SpanishWaltz Song., Publt"sltidfor Higlt~Medium and Low PiJice

was the mel- 0 - dy he used towhen the mus- ic plays she'll nev - er

charm e snakes a - way,say, "Go 'long with ye!'l

A syn - co - pat - edTim Do - Ian played his

I - rish air th<lt came from E - rinfid-dle on - Iy just the oth- er

land,_ Sure the Kel-Iys,Burkes and the 0' Burns willday,_ And he hyp - no-tized Miss Ma - ry Burke and


A A·

" I.

'- tell you it [s grand. Dont I~t them say this craze is new, b ' \ is - lite - cause 1

stole her heart a - way. The I - rish now in mak- in' love, they know just what tv

" II ..,

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a. >- J-.-=:-.--l\ 'I t >- >- ,-I t: . . .

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...,Why Dub - lin Dan - ~y Em-met s~ng this s~ng 16ng years ~ -

,so, go.dOj Just have them play the Dub-lin rag, and then they get their cue.

1\ , , ~ , I ~

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Page 5: LatestSuccessbythe Writers of"SENORA" • "My Cavalier." SpanishWaltz Song., Publt"sltidfor Higlt~Medium and Low PiJice


" , p-f ....

Play me that Dub - lin rag, that r - rish... . ..

troub-IIll' rag; Kiss me like you would theBIar-ney." 'I ~

" I, :>

It. It r' ll~ i' --L- ••

I~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ -II ~-f A A A ......, .......,A, .I I I -- • -- •

Il I -It. "

-lou 1 - ri~h beau - tyL Goo-gle ~p y~urstone. Oh,oh, you cut - ey,

" II , I I -


"I ~i 'il "'¥ q"ll ~ . ~ ~

~.~ - - ,..., - ~. -' .~.

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eyes,sayyou're my own! _ 1<1 leave my home, pet; you are the one best betYouve:> :>

Il I , . I n;bump-iri heart a-play-ill' ----- Oh,the div - i1 sure there is to payWhentheystarttotag. __

Il I ="'Ic:I""I _

.. .. :~ .;I :4 ... <I .. ;I"I!~ "I~~~ "I....., A

,. - ~ A A: .... . ....... • • ~~

11. 112.

sing and play that lov- in', bub-blin', trotib-lin'l,)ub-lin rag. _


Page 6: LatestSuccessbythe Writers of"SENORA" • "My Cavalier." SpanishWaltz Song., Publt"sltidfor Higlt~Medium and Low PiJice


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My Cavalier, .. by Jos. S. NatbanHigh: Eb (Eb to Ab) Price 60c.Medium: D (D to G). "60c.Low: C (C to F) " 60c.

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.... v






Oh vi - o-let!;:,sweet\i - o-tct~, Your

M{u07't} semvlice.



Copyright by LEO. FEIST, New York.

By Madame Luisa Cllppillni.


"VIOLETS" By R.oma


ver-y heart is like my true love's eyesj_,..,

Copyright by LEO. FEIST, New York.



_ Andante con espressione.

• pp p

I" A Iit-tlewhile, And then a teurwith-in the eye,• -, -, I

I'" 1'P l' '"--~1:"

• ~.

• p PP

I~. A lit-tfe Ii!e, A lit-tie strifej AIitUelove,undthengood.~ ~ ":' ':"

I'" l' 'P.",


. ,



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Sacred Songs


Complete Copies at all Music Stores or direCt from the Publisher at one-half marked price.

A· 2Published

by LEO. PEIST "Feist Building" NE'" T134 W. 37th St.. YY YORK

