
Baseball ** Golf S Soccer S Fencing S 'Cross Country Running S Boxing ** Speedway ** Other Sports

COMMENT ON SPOGiants Picked to Win the

tional League Pennant.


Yankees Should Not Be Wthan Second in Americar

League Struggle.(Shootinsr peanuts tvlth a popfruri

buzzing .Tune bog 1* a fascinaMnKand aJmoet as esay, no far as roeults i

picking the rift«=ehK!I pmnant winne«¦|.-t.-r«e«- l-i the shiv« . Of April«omebodv ha«- paid. "The mac«- of a

Inflneneo Impends," for en Thuroda«national gnn.i «sill come Into its own

more with all Hi«- glamour ami excit«-"*blch go«"- with the opening "f eachseason to \ .cw <«f this the

sre numhere«) in the hundreds, are glihemselv«-* for their annual frolic ofma erinnere Judging bj my mail

appear* to be ¡, demand f»«r it. hut innee it is almost a- fascinating a«

aforesa'd hunt fur Inn«- hut:?, so tl««ill tais« m) voice with th.- r«--.t.

ffh the prediction me«, .- throvMm«- n<«\t tiill, ,-s is \,s

«he «-a-"-- uhfTi «uif makes h mistake,prophestei are ili«r.«>se.i 1,, come bacroost with surprising perslstenr*»To 11. the liants should «- Ii

National the ae

yes? In suecessloi1* looks as If II If Herr HiFog«--! «a II' keep his haiPittsburgh Plratei would be the om

fun The Chi« »ibs a»« h puasl« si presenl They

w«-tnd»r-full" atrons «>v they mayfor a yea i bgl u is hai

«" ".» the? ran lose b place Ii«i i \ si- «.i ».at fourth plii'-e 1« acco

.o ih, .. I feel ¦. «-ut th-- Br1 vn B it he I eed «if

dtvlsl f is < 'srdinals,nnatl K« da and the Boston Bn

following In order, h 1«- rather hart'I.Ht'k «' Day, the onetlm« »impire. wh«-

gold« Ih« destin «-- ol the Ko,]-- this yand "n Johnn) Kling, the om e tar

catch« r of the Chicago Cubs, wholead -h«- ('raves into action, to thinl«lischtlv <-.f theii abilltv to nut winning te

in the field, hut some lube must b«trailers, and both team« need a loihuildinc Basehall Is uncertain, howeand II would nut ht- Burprteing if on«

tl)e other fought'ttl v«.av t«> a m«ir«- C

man.iina positionEverything points to the «liants h»

quite as strong, If not strong«-. thai

year ago. -when they led the b-ague In

ting and captured the flair The if ft «Id«the infield had to he reccnstru«-te<1 last t-

ron. «When 'he hattle v.-a? f-rmwinf«- hon

In farlv Senternh.r Further than thaiteam -c'a«- handicapped more or les* ri

at the start l-»v tieinc- forced to play a""

from Its own diamond on aceoi

fire which destroyed the grandstand. 1Oraw has a team of young player-*« wh

is bound to Improve «aith e\per«en«-e H

zog at third and Fletcher at short

amazmglv we" through the closing darethe. struggle la^t year, hut It stands to »-.

eon that they vv'II he better arid stron¡.with that experience Larry T-oyle at s

ond and Fred Merkie at first round oui t

inner breastworks in a way that mak^alook strong to the point of belnc roc

rlblroed. At least two able, substitutes sta

readv to fill in at a moment's notice

Arthur Devlin and Fhafer. The latter.

will be remembered, did not report Is

year. MeOraw has heen working harddine-over some bard hitting outfielder, b

it looks now as If he would begin th© se

«on with last year's trio.Devore, Bno

grasa and Murray, holding Becker, M

Cormirk ana possibly Burns In resen.

In the box the team 1* well fortified wd

euch pitchers a«s Batthewson, Marquar«'randall. Ames, WHt.«f, Drucke and Te

reau. If the two last named some up

expectations the pitching staff will l

much atronccr and better balanced than

year aim Big <hl«f Meyers who has d«

\ eloped Int«» one of the best catchers I

ill" country, and Wilson can he COUntCto iH.'.d up their eiuis behind th«« bat S»ir<

I) then- is every roaaon for "fans" In thl

<ltv )«. h<- optimistic, with sii.h a teai

and with a man like John .1. McOraW I

the h'-ini.

The Phillies ar*< picked to lliur-h BiMXnkeven With Mag'-e out of the Käme foieiai'it weeks and Chalmers «lursing a lam

rho-.ild«-r. for the reason that, l!k. theUlanti

It is hanl to find .« w«aak Unit In the chalí

harlry l>ooln Ik an aid«« manager and Oil

of the best «¡mtckars In the l.aK"«- M

has a strong pitching staff, with Al«-xand«-r< halmers and Mooi» a« the tm-khoiie, on

of th« bestand hard»-st bitting outth-Ms Ii

nihe» leavm« in Man«-«-, Tltua and I'ask.-rt

*»id an Intleld that is pretty cluae to 1 ein«

e atone wall Tha team Net the pace fo

the greater part of the season laat year

but was sadly handicapped hy sodden!and finally dropped hack. The Pitt»

burgh Pirates compare favorably with th«

Ciants and the Phillies, with one exc. ptl in

Vlrst base has been a weak point for IW<

<ir three years, and may be ho again, ever

with Miller on the » ag, but otherwise Fred«larke'a team looks a* formidable on papel

es either one« of the others. If Marty«"VToole. «he iZl.WO pitcher, lives up to tax«

pectatíons. the team may be enough strong¬er than a year ago to keep things humming.

«"harlea Webb M irnhy Is alr«wdy promls-Ing the "fans'" of Chlesgo another Na¬

tional laeague pennant, but the wonderfulmachine that Frank Chance built up «ev-

eral years ago ihowad sigma of wearingout last season, ai¿d while a big improve¬ment «an he expected If Johnny Evers and

.'banco hims.lf are hMo t«> play In their"'d-time f<inn, a doubt exists that makesIt Impossible to place them better than aithe bottom of thtï first divlalon. «'haj«cealso needs a strong lcft-hiuided pitcher, andneed» one badly.otherwise the team willhe handicapped to a marked degree.

My faith In the Superhas of a year agohas been shaken somewhat, hut I am firmlyconvinced that Bill Danton is slowly bul

. surely building up a team that before !"ti»«'win tnk« a lot «.f beating, .Ye;ik-batting was the chief fault last suason, anrl

ertainly hmks as though the nln« bad

heen strengthened in this respe»-t OVW winter. Th» pitching staff, with »proper «upporand a fair «mount of battlns b. -hind it. Ilquit« good «nough t'> «i«. It« pul. andwill he surprised If Dshlen h«a hlg change for the bettrrr m his ratchln*departm«»'». Dauberl ha« fea -.»i>t ;<«

flrst i sseman, and 11 « holelooks reeasonsbly strung, i«. :11, Smith a

third. Tool«)' Ht short ¡inn Stark or Hume! at seen"] base The outei work« wllbe more formidable, loo, If r*»port« fronthe training camp can be ich-... .1. witlWheat, Northen nnd Moran ihe "find,'perh.ipf. of the

Roger Bresnahan and hi« St l.oui- .'ar.dlnals may he i he surprise of theh« they wer«- f.ii n time a ycai ago busomehow or other fnitii ;«-kiri*r In teaamithat have teeen trailer« v«> consi»tently foia nuii.t'er <.f jears The Cincinnati Red:look promising muí the Hoston 1

l whll«hoth team« it,

ey ran hold the pace long nouglin land In th»

Iran ly-agu« Ilposttll lelphll

do p won I « orld's '-ham

hip two y. n »il cession. N

peds like r caí

nol h 'i u » ... will > made in thithai made h rtinaw "' thi

nd then tief, ited h<Giant« ¦'¦ Vlcli -. ih»In illinnl first ba »s. thipitcher, »¦

doubl... hlef"

lam«Iwo pltchei I«

be less 'han s y« . ilghlbul

titee only win settle thai poinl Willi thfIng staff a i rst H 1 pra< ttrallj

impoealbli io | v in t.ill up

r ¦

to I « itch.

e. -i Box, Ihe . landNaps i. go w hits Sox. andflirting wlked t<

.-! I.ouis Brow ni

a T v »

1111d be w< eyeson the y fully I h him.

staffIn fact, "

well, Vaughn,¦ ¦e- it any team

In th» countrj could flf» «ome

uncertain! g the 1«Infield, and a doubt second haspbecause of E

in, but Harti .>1 th«rc<-5t throwing arms In thi«ring ¦ 'ot o' ground ai short, while Dolan

l»*sen playing H .'. v a\- to indigr. '¡i future '' ppearsright man In right i lace, and If h..;. \ |op a stroni

ü th« e\thletl will have no eas

».-, trs

If "Buck" O'Brien turns out to be «s., pit. bei is indi, ateed In t

week« of list seaso

gthened where It was r»os»

needed .Ink» Stahliure -o bolster up the infield, r-o t> iat it .-

reaponahle to believe thî>t »he team Willmake a much better flgl t ttian a ypar agoThe Detroit Tigers are t,» he '«eared, of

rse. -.«.ith su, h men as »"ohh and »Yawford hatt'ng In ninp. h«it if Push, thebrilliant little phoi-tptop. «ontInues" ther«i will he n Mí hoi* in the Infield,while thp pitching staff looks none too

strong;. Th« Cleveland Naps, under HsnPnvls. may or may not he so formidable as

In mid-season last rear, when iieorgePtr.val brought the tesm along with s rush.and under the circumstances ft is hard toFive them a more forward place than :.tthe head of the second division, while theChicago White Kox rn'Pt 1er- accepted lari'f-ly on fatth. ;.p It look« as if Callahan, thenoa manager, had decided to prat u> all)retconstrud hi« team, it Ible atthis writing to take Washington and Kt.Louis sny more seriously than their stand¬ing in the hist Iwo ol lhr«si »ars wo.ildJUStlfjThe ambitlou« plans tiifi'l.- by the Prlnc,

tun oarsmen foi the approaching »augur« well fur the future It is only a

¦tep from n race at two miles on theCharle« Rivet with Harvard and Cornell t..the Intercollegiate regatta «>t th« full four-mil« distance or »" theNew I/.n.'uii regatta, which Yale and li;u-vard now have to themselves.Soccer or ai odation feootball may enjoy

boon days In this country if the n»

B<oclatlon which Is aiming to govern th«sport here continue« t. broad, n out andn"iw In Influent*. Progressive methods

sadly needed, and the American Ama¬teur Football Aaieoclation appeari t«. beworking along the right line«.h^red HerreachofTs ..f th»> link«

abroad lu quest «if < li »-at Britain's golflngtitle will be follow«ed with much Interest.That extra hole match he played withHarold H Hilton, the champion of twocountries, in th« national tournament her«last year makes for high hope, What mini

has done nutrí can do. If be had the Bte-.ui.ness of Travis to add to bis own brilliancyhe would have few If any equals on tbelinks

it is hard tee understand th« motive of¡the Maryland Jock» y Club In holding ¡ileeeeffrom th« turf govarnlng body in th« Bast.It would be a shortsighted policy tc con-

|duct an outlaw meeting, for he it snldthe Jockey Club 1« ft ill vary much al va,even if from necessity it Is only markingtime.

M. B. and Q. L C Fal« »ill play itsannual game with th« <;iar.ts at th.- PiGrounds on Wednesday, the day b» fore,the opening of the lesgu« season.


.JUST BASEBALL" IS OUT.The little booklet, ".lust Baseball," pub¬

lished bv "Tbc Newark Evening News,"an.i sdltesi by Joseph P. Notion, «portingeditor, is In Its fifth edition, and la brighterund more Complete than ever. Th.- pub-lle-aiion contain« much valuable Informa¬tion, it can be procurad by writing to

"Tue Newark Evening Nsws," Nos. 215 and217 Mark.'t strsst, Newark, N. .1 On« 2-nt «tamp, to »»»ver actual postags, «bould

accompany request« for a eopi of thisi.e >ok.


Tneae «rare ahow the finest finl«h and most complete equipmentand attention t/» detail ever offered in a atand&rd model or Inluded In a catalog price. Fully loaded with all baggage for a

l<»ng tour th«y are a« free from visible Impedimenta aa on an

afternoon spin In the perk.

"THE ATTENTION of the Publicis directed to the New Matheson

'Built for Automobiles, the "Silent Six" SeriesThoseWho Use C, seven passenger Touring Cars, andhe Best tne Roadster, just received and now on

exhibition at our New York Salesrooms,Broadway at 62nd St.


JOK .1 N' KS« »\

I'U-veland outfield« i.

tPhoto h\ International N«

OPSmall Clubs Guarantee to Main¬

tain High Standards..r ¦. -, -i Mhletle '"|uh Is »-till in

the or oes« of .. . Itl« I """

managers of «he <>î>-er m«1o-. r»i*-r New York are r«»r worry¬

ing They debían larden or no Oar.>e «isnal hltrh order of boxing ron

i,-.«»« «rin i.4 «,.,.,, ;,» their rluba fhsrleyf the 1 :-. r" t«

», of \m-r" IS alread\ d<that the I «tins Club of Anlr prepared to meet and outbid anv elub Inthe City f-«r boot« between NiTers ofDoessertck. -.'.vi" raused a sensation re -ni

|v in offering W.«fiOO for i I .

\d Wolgast and F'arkey" ifeParland, Matt"Wells nnd MeFarland or "Wells and Wol¬gast, has wl«ttened his field, and now offers

«.me sum for « match between Johnnyie. featherweitrht champion,

Knockout" BrownBilly Olbeon, manager of the Pali

raited In at The Trlh-me office yes¬terday to a saur» his patrono, through this

column, that he would «-««ntinue to ronduethis club along the sanie linea, an-1 do his

please «he publie. The same «entl«ment was expressed by the McMahonbrothers and <"«ll lt..-»f. <>f the MadisonClub, «o on the surface there need he no

f«ar .if any deterioration In th« boul '

I the lull caused by the Lententhe boxing "fans" now face one of

the busleet and '-est week-« tlie «port h.,ui... .o ,,\... « ;. -i« ral Intercut entres

-i round ««f the eliminationbouta among th« featherweights at thepire Club «m Wednesday night. Two t.-n-

round «.ill l«*» held. The fit et In«.f importance will be between

Johnny Du sensational feather¬weight ..t th«! Weal Sl«i«-. who decisivelydefeated "Young" Wagner in the firstround my I lou« k, Philadelphia «

i.«st featherweight, who eliminated Pat«]Kline Tl. boyi have boxed two hont-«

before, and lx»tl igei to finish If <«"t

foi master) loe «,'oetoi of Brooklyn, ai .!

Kddle Walsh, the Boston lad, will tn««»

th«« other I'.ittL- All the prindpals ar<- inexcellent condition for tin« ««infests.

«;«¦«.rge Alger, the clever New Englandlad v. ho made ;« k"«"I stand against "Battling" Kelson r«acently, will fa« «« JohnnyDohan In s ten-round engagement ¡it th«-Ii" ale Athletic «'luh of Rmoklyn to-mor

rOW Il!»«-llt. The other hullts Of the Weekwill be .is f<>il««wn: To-night, Willie How¬ard is l'y Smith, at the Irving «'lui-."Young" ili«k«'> \h II» iiny Franklin, althe Olympic Club of Harlem; "Fighting"Dick Nelson vs. Terry Mitchell, at theWashington Athletic «'luh. and Fnuikl«Callahan vs Marty Allen, at the BrooklynB«each Athletic Club. T«»-m«»rrow nlKht,Jack Hanion va Joe Gans, al th« EastAvenue, and an all-star show at the Sitar«key Athletic «'luh.

BILLINGS TAKING INTERESTTrotting Followers Look for

Lively Times on Speedway.The 'act thai C. K. <: Billings Is sendlnt«;

eif-ht uf hla sensational tn.tiers to theDyckman stables to be exertrtsed on theBptwdway sel all of the <»l«i devo«b m ;

In« whan th« gathered at the ,irive yee-terday morning. Whether Mr. BUtlngs

-.i take an actire part Inhu« i« not v,t known. I, j» those who

remember t da- of '.Doc*' Tann« r. withMorning Star and Blackloek, are on the" :i olve, foi Mi Blllinajs's «¿onstellatlonwon!«i be an soq ihrition t.« the SpeedwayranksEverything points t., , nrsl claas season

if th.- Speedway ,|. ,.H not tumhle Into theHarlem River, Por th.- last year thewater has been roaehlns on th«trying t«. claim its original bed, and itlooks as though nothing had been don« to

n.M"" an and several nee to

the Speedway game and fain« were on the",,,"r "' '' -'' rday moroln«. WilliamSl"u S;" behind hi kteauUful young mar«''"rol Bell«, which was a |«30 trottai untilAI Pennock gave her .« t« eord of 2:is% mher claaa si Monro. hist August

Rain balks'the giants.¿IT^': N .'. A'ril 7' Th" -chedul«.isanie Iher..,.,, th. \, w York «;,.,.,,, . ,i'..*¦¦'¦. ¦" aeml-proteaatotuu teamef rabí """ *m* ¦'' sl'""" rl ":' ¦"'"'""*

CYCLE RACES POSTPONED.«|ThKi EaiB'fr rain «"Polled the openlnu ofwinrtrT1" rtcinK .>".«,0,, at ,h* No^murk*^Lii--li^" '-.: :i!,'.\..::.':>v::im:;1 ..XV:Rome - EXCELSIOR - Naplei

HOTSLS..". ".»iron KoriLi .¦tT«u«»«NT cnoue»*«'.v mtiiiria MOTtL luhusv «no com.o«»

«4 c«. e»

'NEWS FOR 1GOLFFRSNational Handicap List Being

.Well Received Everywhere.Prom » «.. ¦' " of the na¬

tional golf " received,¦nd while Ick" Is record-ad,the «'..'i . is been »«ell received-, w «Till the well kn..wn Phils

.. Imita thai.. this


tl ' '. Golfting b«n I * "'-" enture«

th« statement that th< Ily l»ni » In the country. He ndds-(feiwever. SSI

p| .. e.l let 1)P com-,-. ...... i ...... for Instan«**, »tie play

era who have reecelvsd four stroke«, andwe find thepe Phlladelphlans: «"Jeorae a.«'tump, Henn B Heyburn, Howard W1 errln. Walter <¦ Pti P Smith¦nd Wirt I. T

Prom th« '. m «ti- trtct we Tiu. IRobert Abbott, fleorge Rrokaw, «' A

Ing, Archie Oraham, Charles Heelylard ''. I i »hi. k all onewould prefer to b.i,k the 1'hlladelphtansagainst the Neu Vorkers, excellent piss

I do not think th« » Walter Whlgl e two stroke« t..

M \\ Perrln or any «>f our four meni' Rui ton, Wl. '¦'¦ mild

make it extreme!) Interesting ""r anof the metrópoli) rs who are

¦ sticke better."i the whole, think Ihe lis) Is « very

I.! Thi IV« '¦ ' n f

¡.II well rated, but it se« !¦> me thai IheNew England and Pennsylvania play«rsgi i « stroke the woi of II when we com¬pare them with the metropolitan r»'itirns.think thai Klrkb; and Travis ar» really

»li... strokes Lett, r than the Phlladel-l lu.» .. named, but I balk at f«»ur "

A Kntisii member of the nohlllt*. v..s

playins round witti « club member, whenthey .¦.¦inn' to :. h'e: 'li" green-keeper was making al The |e..*. r.who on the green committee, did ti"tlike Ihe v .i . t he worl ant being 'le.he- .,udsud ho te> the greenkeeper. The partnerdid nut agree with bun ami supported theemploye. The rluh secretarj was playing,-. short distance behind and, observing thediscussion. asK»''l the sr«eenkeeper whatb.-nl passed "Woll, sor,' was the reply,"the i"''i said ol wor d d nonsense»bul the gentleman said I wor doln' f«'lnelike "

Young «Slasher, who considered that hisstyl« was an Improvemenl on thai <«iHarry Vardon, had persuaded .-» friend tophotograph bun in the act of driving fromthe lee, The picture »having besen taken,Blasher remarked: "I think that oughl t..turn out to be ¦ psrf<scl »model of theIdeal golfing «wing, don't you?" "Theanswer," replied the photographer, "Is Intl,. negative."

\t the Nassau Country Club Ihe ««fficiaishave decided te, return to tbe « » 1 arrange¬ment Of hobs, calling for S start at thet».-.. which toe two years has been No. 13.This makes th« short "circus" green theseventh Instessd of No. i Tba home greenwill be placid beyond th« road, so as t<>in.ike th« finish nearer the new clubhouss

« -

ANOTHER SOCCER SURPRISEBrooklyn Football Club Humbles

the Patorson Rcingers.\.ether surprise In soccer occurred >«..-

terday al Marquette Oval, Brooklyn, whene'. Brooklyn Kooteball »'luh humbled thePeterson Rangers, <>r Newark, finalista in Itic- American <'ui« tie «cries 'n.. uconw., t.. «i Tli« Rangen made s mtserabl.¦howlng, and Brooklyn bad imi, .iiiii, ui,.m securing th« victor) Confident of the.-mi«- of th'i: U nu, al.i Uve hundí..Ipersona csssa ovei from Newark i" *¦. >. th«game, and, with th. i.. local follow»u,. kepi the play» is on the Jump througn-.mi although ¡in gol a dren» hing.

B fi it.» | th. Clan Me i..;i.-ii.i.. ,,t i;,ii.-on Oval Brooklyn, yesterday m theen«*« "t IHc t ,,,.;,,,, | p. ..[.j.', |||. K|,,c,kl«. .1

¦ lin . are eligible to ent» r the w un-iinaii..und of the Amateur -up u»- s.'i--. Tbe¦core wa« « to I.

In a »hampionship K.ime of the Stm \ -. Uand District ly.'igue the Cameron Field»'luh ni» t and defeated the «'Ian M< K<n'i.leven at V»»n «'.»rtlandt Park I" a soonof I tfl

In | N.-w fork Mud District League samesi \i.ii Cortlsndl I'atk tii- Arcadia Thistle«took the Columbia ll.l'l lili. Inte ...ip I¦.the hUM of tee <.

eBatehall. Polo Ground«". Today, 3 30 P. MQiaii'i vi Ntwark. AdmlMlon 60«,

YANKEES SUFFER DEFEACoiiimbus Humbles New York ir

Ten-Inning Game.


Wolverton Signs Now Catcher,Named Thomas Hacket.!,

from the Coast.M'

Columbus, «»hin. Anrll 7 «kdverslt« Frilltlie V.l.«... m .1;, \ The> met «".«lib Wlntrj

.. «iiid ten-Inning ..-'..,

.i nbtinbns K< natora ef« at««d th« m bi:i score of 5 lo i Th» i«ol«l weather an«l .-«

mad« lb« ittle ¦<

hi. less on« and the » Itora « re In tnor*

di fund uf Hi- « wo Tin ul up h i"»uk down in ".-i -. and

« '««/.y Dolun, whot -. ...-.. -, made bis us whichled " '¦« one olunii us run a a lid pitchh- \ red in anoiIn r, an«l s wild

to th i-i i.-, i ;.ii dn« r ac<

Inning v mghiip ii .1 apl«»ndltl ball, in spite of » II«bill ii. tin teni h he ill ih« c< llbis He

» a l«»u« h« .i up t.;.. i. and .« doubleIt, lb« ii nu a nd h« n, e II h men on

thir«i and une ont, a .i tak« n¦¦ th« bo* ha letl out, to !.. irutliful

Hi"- upon .¦ Qulitn hove int.» th»

offing at« relief pitehei \ passed ball by*.*- iih.« run, i"ii ii didn « matter,

inns inyway.Wol ... .i to [.in h Quinn the

h. n Ne» York«.«¦« re« the I |....!....I ¡if n Vaould s nr« nnbiR and a n laook

d« I »1\eI.. W 'I

the |i>ad I" the

lei «« fromtun rel!« s"ed

. ,i VaiiKhn did Ihe moeltitng fo w York. The t1

u er« weak nil Ih« wlllovi « hileand I ¦¦! off

.I- .i_.nn.-t Mcyi Ulan

''¦ bri.| ajuod baae runnInthe san t l.i yer gav« thei,.Atii.-n «,«..i li-ii«- apurned. The rapid rtre

thinking of Berl Inspired him to irj to

steal Recond In th" «eennd Inning, »1thWoit.r oc» D"¦-

put out >¦ th. unconventional play, win.hI h. I). St eile b-v. |-;

the ninth. ¦. with op.». mit and by.¦t made third on

.lit e.f town and'list With men »m

it, Creee erla ptlnglyand Hartz« Il fouli l a

The 01 eea i owi d clasi.:. di ¦« brilliant bit e.f

l up \ ba ¦'.-'¦ . ¦. n an

e,,u hy Str« ei He turned the baglov. n rd sec, .nd. iei. a hodowi tree! Ig throw, threw him out

\\ ew cat HI«.. from

.. ...

*> atcher a«

ou the Coast 1 .,ri Micke-lub, it.' jumped I" the

outlaw league .-»?-.! ». i b¡ kllated u«1 f-ime gpregd t>L

big I» ague rluh«ed I.

lav ic- Wolverton, whoH fast for hi« si i

jp.'iel .' -il file« and .1

Ilackett keeping In con

by pi« lently, uri'l will¦ Join the Vankeea In Ne« 1 -k du tig the

pari «ef thin weekThe ore folios «

"li' StTW yORKabr lbpo a .

rf.. 200 1 0011 1 .1 l'util.-!* ¦.* 1 .. 1 o '. .»

110 " 'e .- mona, lb 4 1 1 13 0 0» i .' : 1 ¦ re#, 1' 4. " t ..110 "¦"' Hart»I n .*. ¦>

l .. 3 .". I <. I-.Ian. ftb .'. I 2 0I no i 2 I'd« . ion i «1

'- I n Street .-. 4 I ^ s lo

«¡trf. 'J.. O I IV .I " ¦¦

p. . 1. I . |e (11 0 Mp I 'el» .1 ) (I Ql .' I» II 0

¦. ."

. ....¦_<» \r>2

r n v.«

t i .. o o i n n o ._¦ liic (. (1 II It c«>.>l '

I'm !.. :, .¦¦,.¦. S'»-.. ',If..- lev *i 12;

2 Unie k. ¦¦¦ out Bv Va.mliMod Two

m i'J«.Ireet,

,;. v . ltd bj pit I.e.iri

.'. In nilIT ..:¦!, I n- tenth li

' || . j s


SUPERBAS IDLE ONCE MORfRain Falls Heavily and Dahlen'fl

Mon Get More Rest.Hy T.lei

Wheeling. W. V« >Vprl1 T Brooklynnever had ;. .nan«, t,» pi.n It h seoond ai

«final game with "eOoat" Anderson's SIhen- to-day, A cold rain started Int:.luring th» nh-ht and continuedthroughout theThe Buperhas have pla>.-d « r 11 v eleven

exhibition sames, and iwc or these were

|e|.e ..I l.\ t 11 . MIC||l| I ...! |TI. S i 1 I !. |lHot Spring« on idarrh 16. In two cities,Nashville and Little Rock, they nevei gota game. The exhibition «ch<edule «all>.i rorlose to twentj -live games.»nils ..i« » to-day 11. the player« venture

from their hotel, and that was towitness »i colored baptism in the OhioRiver, with th»'rain »pouring down Shortly

o'cloi le Uns evening th» clu left l'..rWashington, where II la acheduled to playto-morrow and Tui iday with Harkt,tbs Senators. Reports from thai cue, ,u,.

anything but favorable for to-morrow'sr> n m«-, a« lam has been falling there ulnce

o'clo» k i ins morning

PHILLIES DEFEAT NEWARKDownpour Interrupts Game at

End of Seventh Inning.barils Dootn'a I'hilh.- and the N»

Indians «ouossed In «even Innlniball ovs In Newark yesterdaj an- o

icici. tn downpour cd' rain ^e,i -.. Iieavjthai it pul an end to the game. Philad. !phla won b> a «core ol 3 i" », li waa lbsUral ahul-oul >>t tbe -»-:i^».n «cored agaln»tin. Indiana, Thej could de» nothing withti,. il.'llvery «>1 young '"!'. ots" s huit/,K.,1 iu .inn In onlj two ¡ut-Philadelphia did nul do much «better than

Newark With th« «tick, but the !..mi nia.i--

n in mint.Newark w .« nevei threatening, th« strong

lleldltiK »»I Ihe .¿nal."- helplns Schill-/, con-

Hid» rablj The Indian »ltd lome «harpileldltiN ul " Klrki «trick uttln« oflbj pHskeri b) runnlns over near aecondto snatch op a bounder with hi« led hand.

rilM,\M.i.r>ii v NEWARKic .» . ab llei»-> » a

III «I 1 >e i .,11111». . f .', nil t ,,0ntui rt .1110 00 b- mard rf 301 I ,1b. - "" t ¦01 W.ZIm'an.lf 800 ...»

i, ¡¡ n o o ¦¦ ..i. ina, it. ;> «." B .» |Unlenia', 1 "" Klaher, Kb 301 <> ;, r.

pa>li,ri ,i 300 ¦*. 00 Klrkp'Ick.M 200 .1 .11Doolan m 311 1 8 1 i: X.iiu'aii :<.ii 800 .« : o

«iraliaeie 300 :i 1 <« 1»- B«-i.. U " ¦. «.08. hill«/ I' -"" 0 |. 000 I» 1 ..

McGinn!!) n I »»»» I .. ili kell, p I ...» i io

fe-aak -« I .*-'" H Total« ZSOa**1128

.T»" «Si "1 ceventh Inlitnr. «ame '.«liedl'lillH«lelplll.l I t I . . 0 0.3

-« .. 0 '» " <> \ '» hi-' lili» Knabe Punían, 1 ..i-lcei ¦,

Ftahei llaitea <u. ball« Off I; oft k|ci.e. ron Ras «rl I Phil.

delphl«. ¦'. Struck ecu« Bi Lee, I. bj Mctilnnit) 8; '. Kchultj l '.. f« .. n..-.-e N».»di!

Philadelphia. . Doubl« cIj« ftsheiitrlek to Rwarina 1 'uipir- M Ta«ue.

Tim« 111* AtttneJ-mc« a,«J00.

SWEDEN CALLS FOR ATHLETEAhlgren and Johanson to Com¬

pete for Native Country.The Swedish Athletic Assocfstton, which

i- determined to make a ood Khowinn In

thr. coi.r Olympic meel at Stockholm In

June, red the sen i.-e-» of two ol

itlve runners now living In the rjnltelBute« Alexis Ahlgren, o¡ the Hlencoe

Athletic luh. and l' W Johannson. who

w.»n the lunlor metropolitan '«--roes-countryI, hearing tlie .»'.»r^ .>( I»'«

I,, h-Amei u "ithl« tic Club, will both all

for Be . den this w.-ek

si»«.mlng m this country, t*-*.«1 y.-a-;

ago both have .!. lop.-d wonderfully *»".'

should be a Ktrnns soqulsltlon to th«Hr««.iintr.. '¦- in-t r ol athletes They «ill sailn 'i liui »day aiternoon or the Bcandl««.vlan \ ¦¦. an IAna steatnei i'nited

¦-. ith nie '«l i« ri bei -. ( former\n .¦ ...» Atlil. il« 'lu i. aim r. to

nach them they an ound t.. acore manyn mo « Ahlgren will corn«

famous H> inplc Marathoi.1.h« lift« mil and five-mile

nmn will sturl In the latter two ra»*e


FENCERS SHOW ENTHUSIASMNew System of Judging Proves

Grreat Success.«in aas the chief f.»«-tr.r at the

ting 'if l'ie Inten-olle-slate h-i"-

i,i._. \ terdajng .-ii the Hotel Astoi Tl su« cessful

stem of iudglng, over

was «o much discussion a year... implonshlp tournament, ha«l

pill. 'ad«-« K, Q

West Point, the pi Bid« nl of the

itlon presided, and about him «rere

..] rhe offieor-., Midshipman M. Vf.Larimer, of Annapolis, and C ft McPher«

of Pennsylvania, resptsctlvely the «rice«president and the secretary tr»easurerThere, was a ISSlOn ax to the

judgint* .' 136 bouta v Ich the «-ham-

plonshlp tournament had necessitate. AH' the representatives of West Point. Ifar-

Pennsylvania, «'«»rneli andoil« ,«.-.. were preaenl agreed that

method had worked with almostg belief ** a"

dging system« thai olhaving former collegiate fencers who haderadtiat« .1 from coll« -should be

rnorated as a permanent rule.T application of Bowdoin College for

«alon to the Bss.lation which hadthe meeting In January

upon. Nine coll« teaare now Included in the atMKxiatlori

fi owing officer« were elected for 'he

ensuing yeai President. C R. MePherson,of Peni vívanla; vice-president, I". B

nor. of Cornell, and J A. Dorat, of

Polni ecretary treasurer. Amon-fth.. delegat« -i i.»¦. -eut wer., a. Vt. Dunn

IV P Blandy, <»f Annapolis; M Mof Harvard H. W Miller, of Colum¬

bia; Hugo Dalshelmer, of Pennsylvania; Rl. James, of Cornell, and M A. Raynor, of

Wesl P Yal« Princeton and Bow«loinnted


TWO YANKEES TO ROCHESTEROansel Announces Purchase of

Osborn and Martin.Roehegter, April 7 Word comes from

Johnny (ï*nsel, -. « -.. Martin, the. the outfielder, now

with the Yankee?. an«l «-«penrer. the first

baseman, with Washington, will "-«.ear Ro««h.ester uniform this year. Oshorn sndffnnrer «were member"« of the team that

won *he la«-t Eastern './Mine r-ennan'.

ester's third successive « »Diets, 'he Bronx hifleider. -wa«» sold

to-day to Byractue, In the New York Stateue, and Ted Anderson, infleider. «¿-«-»ea

to Erie, F'enn v\here Blllv Cíübert, formersecond baseman of the OlantS, is manager

Graham t who was to have -¡-one

to Syracuse, has b«een suspend«td for In«fraetion of training r

SKEETERS HOLD ATHLETICSPlay Only Five Innings, but

Neither Team Scores.Ham stopped the game in Jersey City

yeat« rd ¦ n the Athletl«*sand the Skeetera Eastern laeaanie team.The con teal was called when the AIhad finish« «i their half ol the rtxth Inning.The Skeetera ¡.ut up a tine game of ball

while -i «at« d. « life, oi.f the Athletics'-s. -«lammed the ball t« left field for

M. «li. «I th« re. There wen twooui when he brightened the hop«ts of hisfriends After Strunk, who hitto the oui at Itrsl Mé¬llale and .hu \ in reached first baise hitsThe acore folio

v HIaETH'8 l| i:.»i.i i«it\a!, rIbpna »h r II.¡ ¦> a

If :i«> I «' '. H.n, 2b 200 i 4."' j no i «»

so i i .«,-.,'. ib i oo s«» «ill | i..|ilin»T««l-. 'f. 200 H "

¦ lb 2 0 1 .¦ u .. r' 2 ¦»«> l «»

2 0 1 :i 2 Roa« h, .« 300 2 01 " o .» " Ian« in Sb ,.. SOI i I«'" «> ii n Ken i. .m. e .. 100 I 12. v « o «» o o o1 " i. M< M «le n I .» 1 o 2

(life.I IO I 00 «« «»<» n «»

'.'I Of IS 7 T« ISO 2 17 10on i». COUnt of ruin

« II <l «1 «1 o o

rit) «> o o 0 o oTwo hi« e lili .; -. Stolen ¡.«- M.-ftini«.

'¦I Sin: k ,..:! Hv

2; I«) Cite, i. hj M. Huí. 4 lit- i-\tr llotvell. Tl'iie .«f

Viten lan. I .4.»

MANHATTAN CHESS CLUB WINS.Winning s cloeelj contested match bj s

acore <>f r.'_. 10 '¦'. si the rooms of theBrooklyn Chess Club early yt»aterdaymorning", the Manhattan Cheea Clubl.neii,..] ii«. right to metropolitan chess

supremacy with s grand total of 12 pointsto r the two rounds agalnsl the Brook.«Ij n Chess Club.Th«- summary folio«

1 m Inhalten C. C lyn < C1M.Smith ...4 «i. .1 s, 1,. ;, .,,.,-j

2 \ Pulvermacher % H. M Rarrett %nu _1 P f Farley. 0

4 0 i- % Dr, «". r. Kdair. %.'¦ *. K '.i. v.n'.'r.t 1. Il Whlt«.o

lé R - «> R T Black.17 1. Rosen (liai 1: «¦ Delover |r «4N I, H Meyer. .1 u «. Bliby ....0O il Roaenl .muí., \\ \i \ i«..ri" H m Phillips. .0 11 /'.m, ... .."iTotal ."¦' ..m

round. '.. r..«t rouadOrsnd total ...12 1 total I

Manhattan* had the white pie«the odd-numbered b>oards. The oipomlngs:Sicilian i'-i rice, l'r«-tii-li. Queen's pawn,(tluo«'«i Piano, «.«i.n's Pawn. Centre 1

r Queen's (Jamhlt l».-«lin« d. Queen's Oamhll Deoll d, R113 iaopez, ralkueer Count« rt'liimblt.

FITZGERALD LEADS FELDSurprises Critics in Winning 8jg

Morningside Run.

MOHAWK TEAM THE VICTORThousand! Watch 'Cross-Court«

try Athletes Plod Through"

Mud in Annual Fixture.Kdward Fltagersld, th« dlt-tsnc« rmnm

ol tl Nés ïork Athletic Club B,,rpr1-^dthe critic« i>> th« form he showednlna the open five..nie handicap road run'».r the MornlnssMe Athletic Club .,-.,,'..,Harlem course yesterdaj afternoon rrom.the rear allowance mark of ir, th« TVing-aFoot athlete moved rapidly through a hi*Seid, to aprlnl «crosa the finish withthirty-yard advantage m the sctual run¬ning time of 17:41. »harv«. Oschenrslttt «ifthe Trinity Club, « ho receive the «UbeVsl

l«hed a close iKddie Baxter, the rapidly Improving¦tor of the Mohawk Athletic ClubBronx, who started with the : :

ten yards In the wsk» of thi Trinity manSi th« '

Alter bitte, ...mpetnion the r'Jnner« r*p-Ini the liohas I Ml

l th\ winning the e-hiti honor« with th«

'.' »points. The l,ong [sisad ,M I« Hthleli,- . |utM wer»

I.n- «econd prize with |*B point! ,

home club refuju»,! In share th» cuppi- it« learns of five other cluN e.f« hlch took part finished.John J. IfcNamara, th« t-otsrftfl «>:. -.

ner of the rr'sh-American Athletic ¦

won b » third cross-oonntr-- f. <*,

prise when he romped horn«eighth position from the «cratch marV nth« splendU time of 17:01 j0j,n j D fa clubmate, and F W .Johannson. a for¬mer Irish member, bui who rompeted sa«attached, also pm th* honor mark, but

| failed to prove a« fleet as the popular Mr.Ñamara. The nm ten that flashed fey mo

¿finish received prizes, while the se- ¿n BOS«I ice ntedal winners were TV. Sfiimalix. g,¡ McCarthy, C Ollmore, V ¦chwartf, J4Bretnmerson, R. NVkers.-in, a twelve-»-ar«old «with. J Byrne« and F Klatley.The runners had to face a lieht drizzle at

I th« start, which developed Into an un'jorrufortab storm aft«r the snt**antshad overed three miles of the 3ourney.The MorningsMe management did yeomanwork In handlim,- the crowd of severalthousand.

Soe'ii after the outset eOschssuaitsr as»

th« lead, settle,* ¦ fa«t pace </,,, th«pack, abIch trailed mor» than ¦ «tuaner erfa mile behind At 156th street and Seventhavenue Oschenrslter -tin retain«**] his po«i«ti<OQ, with »iecirRf Mass*K*ca, of the «llenco»

¡Athletic »"luh. In sec or cl p'aee. fifty «ír'ílhehtrd. and Lawrence Vaughn, of the ]/ir¡g

j Island Athletic Club, tl IrdT' west on UOth «tr«aet 0>**ch«**<x<«tt«f

was still rinnir-g abiim w'.»h reserved 5pe«td,tames Para\ano. a r'.ibmate. ifty

I yardi In Ms wake, Fitzgerald third a«-i

Mike Taub, of the Pastime Club, fourth.Fitzgerald was rapid!.- overtaking »«-e 'cart¬

er are! flnallv passed <';. h.enreiter a»

street and Morningside avem;e <.-

».«..¡tor t»-a8 determined not «o rc-hr.r-'- «

n without a "rtraggta, hut after F "-'

gera.ld challeng-ed litm to a «print " i

lasted *or three hio.-ks. he finally hid ts

drop hack Th«» New Yorl I tic Clufcathlete thon COn«tittU<«d the r»r-

lamee to th» finish without troubl« Nous rloee and exraUng btUSh«« SfSfS w|n«SS«d among the runners st th« *r.lshThe inimmarles follow:

¦x UPo? Nam» au'l ¦. s H '*"

1 K'l ntxserald, Hew T«ri< i f«2 Ocl leuretter, Trir.'ts .. I'* ;

Baxter, M -;'

4 M Taub. PMtltn« .

B ti Parkinson, unattached ... Î -¦'»

»s. \: HitgtM«, N«»' rork '-'." *¦

7 .i Paravane* Malt) J« it Jamli i, O.-

' }.t« K. w ilion. Mohawk . MM wit

10 j w > wit, -- leUn i '.

U TV Schmallz, Trim«13 i: M Carthy, I- n» 1 . -1 ".»

i;i r Coulter MornlnssMe.2 }14 s Oat, Uorrtt .J:«W|9 H H.ipahan. Irlfh Amerl 'an.. 1 ¦?"« -' '

U |. Manning, tr. a H. i.2 :..

IT T McOlll, Putnam .2:50-'-írercKinf. ¦'! 15

10 H Lucas, MoñeUigald«..v V s; ';.,..-...', Pin nain. t^tl21 p rlana in Pastltn«. '¦' '.' ' k

2S t ni ok«. MeitiAwit ...3:4a w Hartaett, Mohawk.Í l» \2A a Ihtsren, <i;*n.e>« . *..'¦.re r. Davia, Irlah-Asaarleaa- '¦* "

... !.. m - ulloush, OUn-50«. - «'.

21 Uslle, Loos Island ....... 1:« '

¦js i MeNam ira, Irish ^mer. s

^'ti ¦. Mn'Mni:. Mornlnsslde ... -.««» . "J:¡f ,i '¦ i. i;'. ooi . '*¦' -v' "'

TRAM coMPErrmos. .uv ¦ .a r« z: zz U *

\ «'. 1" 1- 2T » 4." ; ;

n A. C.1ft 2« » » 4 «J\cu vont v. «'. i rt ts e* n wjPutnam ». C .I" -° ."' « «- -tl

liai iv Keitz, of tie 1 .. nirni Xfh'e'1*

Club, With :» fast sprint at the taps rf

Hired th^ weekly run of the I'erjnnnt \'h-

1,'th- Club. Harry Bksllott and Tim J«*r-

dan, two club mombers, compelled hua to

run his heat throughout the course. 08 l*

Ing only two yards «part at the finish. T"-»

..'s time was B:#.

(leorgc Hooioy, the rastlm« Athletlo «Clun

athlete, «njoyod a practico jaunt, tn -stnningthe .¡..,«.1 Counsel run in t'rookl>n. At «*»«

atari liooloy «et h stiff p<ao« f<« ht« neto.

Winning by over 100 yards In the fa-'

Ol '..o EOAdl« .'uniiitiv'ham and .TarreJ

Steur, two QoOd >C0111UWl comp.'tltors, fin¬

ished se.Miid and ttlr.l. respe.ttvely, f*'«

yards spart*

TIGERS AQUATIC CHAMPIONS.Champaign, til, April »v PrifMStoa ÜI '-

visiiv won th'' iirttt.maJ lnteroollegtate«rater pel«« champi<oiisbtp hors to-night h

dcle-atiinr th.- tniv. rsity of Illlnol«. th«

Western charapkma, by 3 to 1.

Princeton also won tlu- dual swimming

most ^iiii Illmota by s score of ûi t.. Mm

TOWNSEND TO MEET YONKEPS.Townsen Harria Hall and r<-mksrs HU*

gchOOl Will play «baseball Ot» Jasper

to ni rrow afternoon st o'clock, »'are^.

the veteran twirl, r of the St. NicholasHeight« School team, «will 1.n the flrln«

line for Townsend Han Is Hall

CROWKef 1. .S. l'a«. Ott.

RYEThe Standard ol RYE Whiskey

Guaranteed] Pure KVi: Wktmkejr Under Nntion-

iO^«.Ç«»OW:M ,«/ Pure Food I, «mi- Srial Number 2161.




H. B. KIRK & CO., New York, N. Y.
