

DRL-1316782© 2014 CHANGE

Game Rules:1. Roll die and move forward that number of spaces

2. Choose another player to draw a card for the part of the life cycle you are in

3. Answer the Question on the card4. Follow the instructions on the card

5. If you land on a black space follow the directions on the space

Gulf Sturgeon Egg/HatchlingGulf Sturgeon Egg/Hatchling Gulf Sturgeon Egg/Hatchling Gulf Sturgeon Egg/HatchlingGulf Sturgeon Egg/Hatchling Gulf Sturgeon Egg/Hatchling

Juvenile Gulf Sturgeon Juvenile Gulf SturgeonJuvenile Gulf SturgeonJuvenile Gulf SturgeonJuvenile Gulf SturgeonJuvenile Gulf Sturgeon

Juvenile Gulf SturgeonJuvenile Gulf SturgeonJuvenile Gulf SturgeonJuvenile Gulf SturgeonJuvenile Gulf Sturgeon Juvenile Gulf Sturgeon

Sexually immature Gulf sturgeon

Sexually immature Gulf sturgeon

Sexually immature Gulf sturgeon

Sexually immature Gulf sturgeon

Sexually immature Gulf sturgeon

Sexually immature Gulf sturgeon

HatchlingQ: Hatchling has been able to feed and grow for the first 4 weeks of life, how do you respond? A. Hatchling grows to juvenileCorrect: move to juvenileIncorrect: Do not move.

HatchlingQ: Recent temperatures have been conducive to sturgeon hatchlings, what happens to you? A. Hatchling grows to juvenileCorrect: Move to juvenile.Incorrect: Do not move.

HatchlingQ: The storm surge from Hurricane Molly was extreme because of climate change. It caused the salinity of the river to rise to 31 ppt. (Sea water is 35 ppt). What happens to you?

A: Hatchling dies. Correct: Lose a turnIncorrect: Start over

HatchlingQ: A predator has just fed on the spawn of sturgeon before it was able to hatch. What happens to you?

A: The hatchlings do not survive. Correct: Lose a turn. Incorrect: Start over

HatchlingQ: Water temperatures have remained stable. What happens to you?

A. Hatchling grows to juvenileCorrect: move to juvenileIncorrect: Do not move.

HatchlingQ: Climate change has affected the temperature and level of the river water causing a large amount of insect larvae. How does this affect you?

A. Hatchling grows to juvenileCorrect: move to juvenile.Incorrect: Move back 1 space.

JuvenileQ: What happens if you are able to feast on polychaetes for many months?

A: Juvenile grows to adulthood.Correct: Move to adulthood.Incorrect: Do not move.

JuvenileQ: The level of the river has declined because of a draught caused by climate change. It has destroyed much of the habitat of the fresh water aquatic species. What happens to you? A: Juvenile cannot proceed to adulthood.Correct: Stay where you are.Incorrect: Move back 2 spaces

JuvenileQ: Large amounts of phosphorus runoff from farms spiked the growth of algae in the river, greatly reducing the amount of dissolved O2 in the water. What happens to you?

A: Juvenile dies.Correct: Lose a turn. Incorrect: Start over.

JuvenileQ: You have been able to find enough freshwater species to feed on this past year. What happens to you?

A: Juvenile grows to adulthood.Correct: Move to adulthood.Incorrect: Move back 2 space

JuvenileQ: What would happen to you if an alligator eats you?

A: Juvenile dies.Correct: Lose a turn. Incorrect: Start over.

JuvenileQ: If you have spent your first successful year in the river waters. What happens next?

A: Juvenile grows to adulthood.Correct: Move to adulthood.Incorrect: Do not move.

JuvenileQ: There is flooding in the river because of climate change. It significantly reduces the salinity of the river, causing declines in the population of crustaceans. How does this affect you? A: Not enough food, cannot proceed to adulthood.Correct: Stay where you are.Incorrect: Move back 2 spaces.

JuvenileQ: A lot of sturgeons hatched this year. The number of young crustaceans and has gone down because of overfeeding. How does this affect sturgeons born late in the season?A: Not enough food, cannot proceed to adulthood.Correct: Stay where you are.Incorrect: Move back 1 space.

JuvenileQ: You compete with many other creatures to find enough food because of climate change and the recent drought. Your habitat has diminished greatly. How does this affect you? A: Not enough food, cannot proceed to adulthood.Correct: Stay where you are.Incorrect: Move back 2 spaces.

JuvenileQ: A juvenile feeding frenzy has been taking place over the past few days due to the large number of crustaceans available. How does increased feeding affect you?

A: Juvenile grows to adulthood.Correct: Move to adulthood.Incorrect: Do not move.

JuvenileQ: Insecticide runoff from nearby farms has polluted the river. The insect larva population has severely declined due to this. What happens to you? A: Not enough food, cannot proceed to adulthood.Correct: Stay where you are.Incorrect: Move back 2 spaces.

JuvenileQ: Due to the great amount of groundwater feeding the river, you were able to find ample amounts of food over the past year. How are juvenile sturgeons affected?

A: Juvenile grows to adulthood.Correct: Move to adulthood.Incorrect: Do not move.

AdultQ: What do sturgeons do when they reach sexual maturity (Males 7-13 yrs., Females 8-17 yrs.)?

A: Adult: move up stream to spawnCorrect: Move up stream to spawn.Incorrect: Stay where you are.

AdultQ: Adult sturgeon have moved to the Gulf to feed. Unfortunately populations of Gulf crustaceans have been low. Are you able to move to spawn?

A: Adult cannot move to spawningCorrect: Stay where you are.Incorrect: Move back 2 spaces.

AdultQ: A parasite has infected your internal organs. What happens to you?

A: Adult dies. Correct: Lose a turn.Incorrect: Start over.

AdultQ: You remain a healthy adult, but too young to spawn. What happens to you?

A: Adult cannot move to spawningCorrect: Stay where you are.Incorrect: Move back 1 space.

AdultQ: You have successfully spent the past 7 years migrating the waters of the Gulf and have reached male sexual maturity. What happens to you now? A: Adult moves to spawning grounds.Correct: Move to spawning grounds.Incorrect: Stay where you are.

AdultQ. Legislation has recently passed removing Gulf sturgeon from the endangered species list. What happens to adult sturgeons?

A: Adults are hunted.Correct: Lose a turn.Incorrect: Start over.

Sexually immature Gulf sturgeon

Sexually immature Gulf sturgeon

Sexually immature Gulf sturgeon

Sexually immature Gulf sturgeon

Sexually immature Gulf sturgeon

Sexually immature Gulf sturgeon

Spawning Adult Gulf Sturgeon

Spawning Adult Gulf Sturgeon

Spawning Adult Gulf Sturgeon

Spawning Adult Gulf Sturgeon

Spawning Adult Gulf Sturgeon

Spawning Adult Gulf Sturgeon

Spawning Adult Gulf Sturgeon

Spawning Adult Gulf Sturgeon

Spawning Adult Gulf Sturgeon

Spawning Adult Gulf Sturgeon

Spawning Adult Gulf Sturgeon

Spawning Adult Gulf Sturgeon

AdultQ: You have successfully reached female sexual maturity of 10 years old. Where can you proceed? A: Adult moves to spawning grounds.Correct: Move to spawning grounds.Incorrect: Stay where you are.

AdultQ: Recently, a dam has been constructed only 100 meters inland from the gulf. How does this influence your life? A: Adult can‘t reach spawning grounds. Correct: Stay where you are.Incorrect: Move back 1 space.

AdultQ: An adult sturgeon has just leapt out of the water as a fishing boat was going by. The fishermen on the boat have been injured. What happens to you?A: Adult is injured and cannot proceed to spawning .Correct: Stay where you are.Incorrect: Move back 2 spaces

AdultQ: Illegal fishermen in the area have been harvesting adult female eggs for sale on the black market. What happens to you? A: The adult dies.Correct: Lose a turn.Incorrect: Start over.

AdultQ: Due to climate change, recent drought has made you unable to reach spawning grounds. What happens to adult sturgeons? A: Adult cannot reach spawning ground.Correct: Stay where you are. Incorrect: Move back 1 space.

AdultQ: You are a 10-year-old sturgeon entering the month of February and water temperatures are desirable. What are you able to do? A: Proceed to spawning ground.Correct: Move to spawning grounds.Incorrect: Stay where you are.

Spawning AdultQ: What happens when you have successfully laid and fertilized your first set of hatchling?

A: You have offspring!Correct: You Win!Incorrect: Stay where you are.

Spawning AdultQ: Excessively cold waters have not allowed ideal temperatures this year to allow you to spawn. What must you do? A: Wait for the water to warm.Correct: Stay where you are.Incorrect: Move back 1 space.

Spawning AdultQ: Due to climate change, heat spells in the months of February – April have caused the temperature in the river waters to rise well above 25OC, what happens to you? A: Adult unable to spawn.Correct: Stay where you are.Incorrect: Move back 1 space.

Spawning AdultQ: As an adult male, you are unable to find a sexually mature female to fertilize eggs. Are you able to spawn? A: Adult unable to spawn Correct: Stay where you are.Incorrect: Move back 1 space.

Spawning AdultQ: There are not enough sexually mature males available to fertilize your eggs. What happens to you? A: Adult unable to Spawn Correct: Stay where you are.Incorrect: Move back 1 space.

Spawning AdultQ: Due to recent droughts, your spawning ground is no longer viable. How are you affected? A: Adult unable to SpawnCorrect: Stay where you are.Incorrect: Move back 1 space.
