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I Last date for submission of OnlineI applicationI Last date for receipt of Bank draft in 23.O9.2019I DLW/Varanasi np to 16.45 h

Date of trial



orri ce or t he G e n e ra r, :[::i ii"t:# :JIi "41":it^r, i n i st rati ve B u i r d i n g,

VARANASI -'221004,Employment Notice No. Sports quota/20L9-20

_[up to I645 hrs)

Last date for receipt of Bank draft inDLW/Varanasi for those Indiancitizens who residing at Andman -Nikobar. Lakshdwip, Assam, Meghalay,Arttnachal Pradesh, Mizoram,Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu &Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti Districts andMango sub-division of Chamba Dist. OfHimachal Pradesh as well as abroad.

( up to 16.45 hrs)

To be informed later

ONLINE Applications are invited from eligible lndian Sportspersons as per the details given below for theOSGroup -'Cl vacancies in GP-1900-Level 2 of Pay Matrix 7'r'CPC &02 vacancies in GP- 2800 Level 5of Pay

Matrix 7'hCPC, against Sports Quota for the Year 2019-20 in DLW, Varanasi. Separate application is to be

filled for separate discipline/game, if eligible, with separate examination fee as applicable for each

a p plicatio n.


Ga m e/DisciplineEve nt/Pl ayi ng

Weight Category Req

1 Basketball (Men) All Rounder

2 Golf (Men) Player

3 Handball (Men)1. No -Right WinC (5)

1. No. -Centre back (.

4 Volleyball (Men)1. No -Setter2 Nos. -Centre Block

5. Wrestling (Men) 86 Kg & 125 Kg, Free


"11 Leve I


No, ofVacancies


o2 01

02 o2

o2 03

05 o2


style I


u ired



1.1 Reservation:There is no reservation for SC/Sf/OBC community2. ELIGIBILITY CRITERiA:-(i)Age Limit: 18-25 years of age as on01.101.12020.(ii) Minimum Educational Qualification:

(a) 10'h or 1Oth +lTl for Level 2 of Pay Matrix of 7'hCPC. (Note- Candidates having technical qualification oflTl, will be given relaxation in training period after loining, as per rules)

(b) Graduate for Level 5 of Pay Matrix of 7'hCPC.

(c)The age of the candidate will be verified with a certificate of class l0thMark sheet.(iii) Sports Qualification: The minimum norms for recruitment of sports quota shall be as under in addition

'to the qualifying performance/position. These provisions shall be read along with note below the para.

Minimum Sports Norms

Represented the country in Olympic Games (Category-A)ORAt least3'dposition in any of the category'B' Championships / events except GoldMedal in Asian Games.

Represented the Country in any of the Category-B Championships /eve nts


At least 3'dPosition in any of the Category-C Championships/eventsOR

At least 3'dPosition in Senior /Youth/Junior National Championshi

,:,4.-,5rtr''t 7-6'.7

Pav Matrix29,200-92,3

19900-63200 I OZ


SN Level

01 05


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At least 3'dPosition in National Games organized under aegis of lndianOlyrnpic AssociationOR

At least.3'dPosition in All lndla lnter University Championshlp organizedunder the aegis of Associatlon of lndian UniversitiesOR

1'tPosition in Federation Cup Championships (Senior Category )

Note:(i) In Golf, for recrL-ritm€r'rl, :,ril liirersor.r., having l,G.U. ranking from 1-50 shall be eligible forrecruitment subject to single. hanrli' .r1; r, less tlran 10 (in order of Merit/Amateur Merit list) shall also be

eligible for recruitment, Clnly the , r r i.rli l\rr rurL All lndia Ranking shall be considered for these purposes.

(ii) Sports achievement n the evtirr , r,rliiu('te(i i;y recognized Basket Ball Federation of lndia or its affiliatedunrts after 26.01 .2017 snall be coit',iLlr,rt,iitLrr the tecruitment purpose.

(iii) Sports achievement irr the €vi: ir ,r rrl(rr.terl by recognized Volley Ball Federation of India or its affiliatedunits after 20.01 2O1l shall be cor'rrlr-rlii tLrr tlir, retcru jtment purpose.

(iv) A lthe recruitments shali be aL llri,'iri ririlurii olthe scale of pay.

(v)Ali the Championship fi1Bfltirrrt,il .rbuve slrr:uld be conducted under the aegis of recognizedInternational/National Sports Ferlr,r.rrr,,rl', .rrr,.'l also rsssgnl.ed by the Railway Sports Promotion Board,

(vi) For recruitment of sportsper!, 'ir. ,,rr Llre bi::,rs r:f sports achievements in lunior National Championships,the age groups as mentioned belouv I ;il orrly ire, c onsidered.

SN Ga m e/Di sci pl i ne

2 Basketba

3 Gof4 Handba

5 Vo leybal

6 Wrestl ng (86 Kg &

125 Kg. Free styie)





)etar : iif Recognized.iunior National ChampionshipAge Group Nanre of ChampionshipU nder-18 lunior National Basketball Championslrip

U nd er-18 lunior & Sub Junior National Golf ChampionshipUnder-19 Junior National Handball Championship

Under-19 lr,rnlor Nationa Volleyball Championship

U n d er-20 .Junlor National Wrest ing Championship

zation of lnternational Lhatnpt(.,nships:Olympic Games (Senior Category)

World Cup (it ti r,,r':,.''L(]t (aiegory), World Charnpronships (Junior/Senior Category), Asian

Games (Senior ( ategory),Conrmonwealth Ga mes (Senior Category)

Commonwealth Chainpionships(.Junior/Senior Category), Asian Championships/Asia Cup

(Junior/Senior Category), South Asian Federations(SAF) Games (Senior

), USIC(World Railways) Championships(Senior Category),

4. Period for Reckoning Sports AchieveErFrrtr.'

The sports achievemerrt shoulrl i;t, ,rr lite r rrrrent and/or immediate previous two financial years andsports person should be an activt: lrlry,r lf re :ports achievements of current & previous two financial yearsi.e all sports achievements on or ,,ritr.r i)l l)11 ,2,01i shall be taken into account. For this purpose, concludingday of the Championship shall br: r,rkt'rr iirto,,rrrount, Activeness in sports shall be adjudged as per his

performance during 11'.,q 1ri3l5. ti ,' ilrt,rclore, not necessary that the sportsperson must have sportsachievement during current/previr.rrr', iirr,,rirr,irii ye,rr to see his activeness in sports.

5. Application/Trail/Examination tree:'(i) A crossed Bank Draft of any r( rrf,rjirir,(! Ljank i.rf Rs. 500/-(Five hundred only) payable (For all candidatesexcept those mentioned in sub-1,rar ;', irr) rn 1dv{rur of "The Principal Financial Advisor", DLW/Varanasi,payable at Varanasi should Lre seni ',c.1r,ii,rlt.l17

(ii) A crossed Bank Draft of 3ry ,i irei.iirled Barrk of Rs.250/-(Two Hundred Fifty Only) payable (For all

candidates belonging to SC/ST/ivlriii,r rrrri:, ancl h:conomic BackwardClasses) in favour of "The PrincipalFinancial Advisor", payable at Var,rir,i:,i :,irould be,sent separately.This amount will be refunded to those

. applicants who actually appear irr I i',r. rrial


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(iii) Candidate should write his Nanre, l-athers name, Date of birth, Control Number and discipline on thebatk side of draft.Bank draft will be serrd to "General Manager (Personnel), DLW/Varanasi, Dist.: Varanasi,Uttar Pradesh, Pin: 221.OO4" by Registered Post, which should reach by the last date i.e, 23.09.201,9 at 1,6.45

pm or drop the same tn box placed at Administrative building of DLW by 23.09.201,9 at 16.45 pm.

(iv) For condidotes residing ot Andmon -Nikobor, Lokshdwip, Assom, Megholoy, Arunochol Prodesh,Mizorom, Nogolond, Tripuro, Sikkrm, Jornmu & Koshmir, Lohoul & Spiti Districts ond Mongo sub-divisionof Chombo Dist. Of Himochol Praclesh os well os obrood the lost dole for receipt of Bonk droft ot"General Monoger (Personnel), lrL W/Voronosi, Dist.: Voronosi, Uttor Prodesh, Pin: 22lOO4' byRegistered post is 04.10.2019 up tu 16 45 hrs

Note: Bank d-raft of any scheduled Bank prior to issue of date of notification will not be accepted.(v) fop of Envelope must contaln "t)tW Sports quota/201-9-20" being sent for application fee.

6. Procedure for recruitment:The proredure for recruitment of candidate will be as under:(i) Screening & Scrutiny of applicatron.(ii)Trials of the eligible candidates :,hall be conducted to assess their sports performance and suitability for

DLW team as well as lndian Rarlways team, the date forwhich will be intimated later on to the eligiblecandidates.

(iii) Marks for the recruitment (out of 100 rnarks)will be awarded as under:

@ysrcal fitness & Coach's observations duriFor assessment'of recognized Spor

Educational Qualitir,riiorrTota I

oach's observations during Trials 40 Marksts Achievements as per norms 50Ma rks

10 Marks100 Marks

Minimum quallfying marks for recruitment through Open Advertisement in Pay Matrix and Level shall be as


Candidates declared "NOT FlT" by Jrral Committee shall not be assessed further by the RecruitmentCommittee. Assessme-nt of the carrcJidates will be held on the same day, just after trials or at the most nextday of trials.

7. How to apply: Online applicatiorr (separate for all posts) has to be submitted to DLW through the link"dlwsportsquota" Notification Nr.,. sports quota/2019-20 provided on the official website"www.dlw ". Candidate should upload their certificates of Qualiflcations, community andSports Achievements in PDF format in separate images which should be up to 50kb. Candidate should uploadhis recent colour passport size photograph in JPG format which should be 20 to 50 kb.

8.Medical Examination: Candidates ie(()rnmended for appointment will have to pass the requislte medicalfitness standards prescribed for the po:t identified by the DLW Administratlon.9. Period of Probation:-All the canrlidates getting appointment will undergo probation period of Two years(02 years).

' 10. Period of Training - The selected candidate will be required to undergo training as per the requirementof the post on which is selected.11. Details of Agreement/Security Deposit/ Bond to be signed/Furnished by the candidate;-as per rule.


(i) Recruitments of sportspersons shall tre dealt as per Railway Board's letter no. 2O1"0lE (Sports)/4 (1)/1(Policy) dated 31.12.20L0 read wrth modiflcations/ amendments issued by the Railway Board from timeto time.

(ii) Merely Registering/filling up orrline application on DLW website does not entitle the candidate beingeligible for selection process, (.andidature of the candidate participating in the selection process is

provisional at all stages.(ili) The decision of Railway Admirristration on all matters relating to eligibility, place, date, mode of

selection, acceptance or rejection, recommendation of post, place of posting, grade etc. shall be final andbinding on the candidates. No correspondence will be entertained in this regards. DLW Administrationreserves the right to decide the nurnber of sports persons to be selected for any individual/team game


Pay Matrix


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depending upon their requirement for that sports and availability of suitable candidates fulfilling thenorms.

(iv) No post is reserved for SC, ST, and OBC, However the candidates claiming to belong to SC/ST/OBCcommunities for Fee relaxation are required to upload copy of self attested Caste Certificate issued byCompetent Authority, failing which no Fee relaxation is permissible and any such candidate paying less

fee than Rs 500/- as applic'able to Generalcandidate shall be RE.IECTED,

(v) Sports persons having sports norms of higher pay matrix and applied against the vacancies for the lowerpay matrix will be considered for applied level only if found eligible otherwise.

(vl) No TA/DA/Accommodation will be given for appearing in the selection trials/ assessment, Applicant willhave to bring their own playing kit. They may also be required to stay during the selection for 4-5 days,for which they have to make their own arrangements. The DLW Administration reserves the right to fixany date, as deemed suitable, change of place or postpone trials/assessment (at its own convenience),or even cancel trials due to unforeseen circumstances against which no claim will be accepted.

(vii) Candidate should be in readiness to appear for the Trials etc. at short notice after the last date forsubmission is over.

(viii) Sports person recruited agalnst sports quota shall be terminated from service, if the information anddocuments furnished by him/her for recruitment are found incorrect/ fake at any stage.

(ix) Candidates who have been debarred for life from all RRB/RRC examinations or candidates who have

been debarred for a specified period which is not yet completed need not apply in response to thisemployment notice. Their candidature will be rejected during any stage of recruitment as and whendetected,

(x) Any subsequent changes in the terms and conditions of the Employment Notice as per extant rules willstand good. DLW reserves the right to consider/ incorporate any subsequent changes/modification/additions/cancellation in the terms & conditions of recruitment under this EmploymentNotlce as and when applicable.

(xi) Candidates selected through Sports quota will have to perform in his/her field of sports for a minimumperiod of 5 years. His/her performance will be assessed during fi rst two years of service (Probationperiod). ln case performance is no found up to the mark his/her service is liable to be terminated.

(xii) DLW reserves the right to reject the candidature of any applicant at any stage of the process ofrecruitment, if any irregularity/ deficiency is noticed in the application/candidature.

(xiii) For any Legal Dispute, the Jurisdiction will be CAT/Allahabad only.(xiv)ln the event of any dispute about interpretation or any mistake, the English version will be treated as

flnal.(xv) Canvassing in any form, misbehavior or misconduct will lead to summary rejection and cancellation of

candidature and no correspondence will be entertained in this matter.(xvi) Candidates should bring all documents uploaded with ONLINE Applicatlon Form in Original along with

one set of self attested photo copies (Date of Birth (Matriculation or Equivalent Certificate), Educational

Qualification, Sports Achlevements, Caste Certificate, NOC from the employer, if working etc.) on theday of trial and assessment, failing which they shall not be allowed to appear in the Trial/Assessment.Certificates in languages other than English or Hindi should be accompanied by a self-attestedtranslation in English/Hindi.

13. Proficiency in Typing Skill: ln terms of Rallrvay Board's lr.ttcr No [. (NG)-il/2004/RR'1/48 Dated09.02 2005 (RBE No. 2512005) the sportspersons. who is recruited as Sr, Clerk against sports quota willhave to pass the requisite type writing test (English 30 wr.rrds yrer rrinute or Hindi 25 words per minute)within Four years from the date his appointnrent.

14. MISCETLANEOUS: Railway Administration will not be responsible for any inadvertent error in theadvertisement (DLW website would be primary and main source of contact with the candidates for

. various information during the selection.)15.Recruitment process against l,ports Quota is done as per the instructions issued by the Railway Board vide

Railway Board's letter No. 2010/E(Sports)/04(l)/l(Poiicy), dated 31.12.2010,, 1.1..08.2017,

1,1,.09.2017,30.1-1-.2017,05,12.2017,09.01.2018, 13.09.2018 and 17.06 20tt "::,_ _ ._)

--q**- -

--<": =- F (l

Dy. Chief Personndl Officerlfi Q)For General Manager lPYlDLw

Page 5:  · Created Date: 8/7/2019 1:00:52 PM

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Page 6:  · Created Date: 8/7/2019 1:00:52 PM

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Page 7:  · Created Date: 8/7/2019 1:00:52 PM

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!l ll t&lttt F'rr 0.L1lrr1!r)h/)tIj)}t II

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.EIB.Kl+ ?$15 +.9 I,UlF,ilS (krh {hE*D -/00s } (re EE3 {} lIRl}tt}l rruE-F.s (il) s D{) uautc {trh I

'sfb utu,h 's

-r'"g-Lrh'. {l }+ .lll{ts 4 $t. ]LLE{ r:eU / ]:Ih+b lilh 't ]:-{rtL-p;-lf,r u}:J *: EE ? I ""* ff#*J€{#-hk}-.0!-if.:l4lr')r-r*!}t5 ill,'.rlk, lh+!}+l+-r-L ll,h,{,-UrS++ rLlrL.tat4clh,!pq'EliP yv'hti

I llr..irllr lFi) +.E-Ih:r Ur" L:J + l,.r,lhh { }rlt"F-h\tp "{J + Fl"lIX lr:: I {qIlL f+*,8 !1b: tkI;gP:tri

]"9 +th + .!r-E .!h-L: Ih )+ Ll)d Y0.10 +lh l,bJ3g-Ll}:L L+ + Ihtl trl|,luJ li ErrU -r-lr-. I,lhf P t r'iJti

ll-€ l+lr-)U htJh .hn j1h {t2 ir3Jlh +fg S $.h t SbJ l! LIlU }:lr&-}: lli- i }{$ t,lhlb I/3fEhi L,Er

:QPre + ++ IhrelllE {f l"+ '}

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-E-rb{st r-hr€fir harh '(?.1.:h

'(4{! > tr g U+r) h gli.) r,ltj l,h-b

(?J l:+ i h U Ur) } trr,!t, hl,t

till3 i uElll+t ilqJ

.E6g '(g$ ihelwi,n(+e,hgUr)i rhUl") }'E .P"E

.lnr*$t lrh hltjr,hUF h!Fl>Plr'8L.Er,+,ul-rtta

r.t ?Jr-k

E ;J t:+

!" ?J l:r"

Page 8:  · Created Date: 8/7/2019 1:00:52 PM

ft-Hfii-Fa-{ iffi q? {ilr Tr4 qzr-{ ir rr i '11111;1 r, .l1.rrr 'fii + f{u ;naaq- :'r!t zm f,r'-{ fti rnr emqrr eTir '

4il.t'{1E"I-I +{q ;fqrq ;'q,:f,;rIT

19,ru}e2,-r(I) 0.s 70 n{q,

Ir)'II) - 6-i100 ()2 6.5 3ffl

qr+o 4; q6 'fi64 {fr' sifuil ca enrri caa qrf{ rffi qRfr rKI qf, fi G qterFrf,

qrrf,f {T f"i{ie,{ ETi + frq frar.r {fr f+;qr qrr5rn or U"qirq srft F{ *.n qr erlsrflilq qrr.{

+ 3rrfr ft-c +n r

Z" qTa<-{ i* +t: qrft ,r<i 4; l,ir,. e1*r{r-e?Fr iriq-46 err.ff{ ffq"1e.;E i ffielft-o aEwlse

rt'wti,.tlh.r. I?- r].{i'f-zf fi16 '"11[1r,:,1,iortsquota" eftg,-qqT riEqT Eiil"?i frAf ZOtg-20 +gTzqq q E-r+ ff.nt t 3afr<qTr +;t 3hrq-:fq-rT i=T-E T{ .ffql,rr.q sr1s,T t qlr?r-d-I, qgq1{ ffil. &q 3TqP..efli

.t; .4-ffi TrtrqT .rT 3r.r.{rs mq rjir qr f+ sot t ilm ffi qrfuIr +T 3ir+ {fql-{, qrq m-trftqrrrqrit qrcq t'rfi-q1q +i .lpc q,td";j Tr rtr1-.fr3 d{.Tr zA q 50 kb FirlT qTfu


8. f+B-.aT q-ftw: ffi 4; fr.rr ?d,I'tif*.r urffi q-,r fr.r.rr. Tqr-s-{ e-r .rniif-f,,r-E 6 FiI fi"4tF{3{tf,fe frffiq fif,Tqq"qri-fr {T itr+t 6rq17irn1

9. cftfrErr fi e+EfS: - mir ctq qlq rrd'i .rdr+qrr xfcJqroT n q,^+To <T qtf (02 qf) a ft-4''rmenpfTq?-;T I

10. Xftmur fi smfe} - q{fr( grfl_<q { 'il ti'rT qT .|r q.Tq U.{i * a<r qq fr .nqr-++ni o {i-{qF"sflp}a:nr

6?=rT EIrIi I

1 1 . BT-{"iu / ffit-& ei€ sr ftq<or "'sEfr<sm srrr -€wrcrftT fuqr q-rnr sTfBq: - ftqq fr erqqrg

12. si{rq frTqr:

(i) ffifi q-ffHai€{qa n{E;2010 t*:ld-..{) t4 (1) / 1 (fi-fr)feqi"F err{q-{-q-q-T v< srfr +ipr'rrrcT + grr-I r-.r:Etrr" S :aqqrr fr qnf.ff


(ii) ftqEE*aq-dxrEz.rr qinqrr,q ,ilqr.r'rr-i,T qrr n dt offis-q-R zq-q ff+q-+ frrr.{ra {* frq 1 qq+

Tfir,nr fr rrnr f,q"fl=t trEfr-E?rr fr ;utnqrfi q',ft TqI q ii"ifla-q EIfi t

(iii) qmil-. *t1-4. ffi1. qqq sT rl+r. {*tEi=d qr q-ffit.,rE f,I ftnffisr. ra fi q7. ig3-3IIR fr qie-Frd

qrfr qmdi ']a tq-4 q-{n-{q or ft,aq .rif.rq *r ;rdi?rqTn q{ ETeq'$t-ft *.n r eq. ri"ia I{ rrf rr+rqr{ q-fr

ffiT{rrrTT tfrlTr-="ETcqil-u{f+d}',fr 'qf,elfiq{-{q+fuTtsr{qr*,ifql6rFidifid--'srRqr{iq';r -jrfrh,rl gmfi rrqil-H, qr sq qq a tiq 3ffi :4[qq:rr,dl qmd r,r Wr qnq aG rq1$ cmMifr 3tp6e1np q'r ft-f{ +rm B r

(iv) "i1ffio-srft, 3r{Ttrc-{ q-q-qit. 'frr :r.-q ftqsT T-i + ltq +,r* q-a qzfirq qf, * rtqitfi ,g"r -4a *

fru il{qfdfl.qifr I ,+qtltre s+dif,l / .qf*f, a.-+ rr Fgsr q-ri qTilqT q d?ifeti- aTq flI ar+ mtfu mi"

=+ffir di qsffi qrf"aq[ft eni "il{t leiu 01.,1 e+nrnftm-qlft w[,rT qz fr yft elq-.ttc Erfr dfi, iqt q

rG rT{.3_+ E}-f til-ryWa e4-{frq {di e,'Fti qt " SOO I -+l qq e,J"{ 6f tlTilq erTq'E-ri ffi srfi=en. q;r

lflq-fiT ft.TT nr f*qr fl4rrT I

(v) :E +aq +tr+q + +.1 T{rd<.E '.qi ar,t ltrqr-* s-q'a-ra if}++r + {tftr,-,fi + Fr} 3{r+ffi TTd d fr ==t sr"Ek+

flik q, fin_f, frsl qrq.rr asffi a :jprq 'rrtlflTq 1


"#{r frz ffifr 6lfrt :-a q,ra-* *rlc a-S fl*ff <-+ re,t {i 3{={qq{,d'r U1rffi e, ftrrfr frq'l-"f a1ffi 4,1q,r.,4

6a-.ft ffi 1 {pa3-*q rarrq"r g-rqq-"+ tili Gdi {} fl{tq s-ir .r-,{ qi?i 6T qfrT,r< rqil t,'Gqlft srrgif, {r{flt

lTwn fr1 r,1-4 cfi-fit{ Tr q-&et"ur rqliin"tac-ift rft-'dr_{q-R-), qr qa rs; ft r+q-.fife}a qftPrTft-fr s E;t'wt

,rftcl.,r a,r r.-{ f,,.{ a,r 3rl'.d{;ra finr4-g'";?l qaTrrr{ { crLT t f,'u**pTl.rfr aor Efl-{rr a.& fr-,fl-qr, .artT I

.-.,--_sr j (g/-rr'

Page 9:  · Created Date: 8/7/2019 1:00:52 PM

(vii) qr+eq {,G fr ?dFdq flafq t1qrc tt'1 { 41_q 3FfrrErr flr rif-'lT x_q;TT r|{.ritmq + friI EItram fr +

a'- -aFiT {qTT TFfl TTTIT I

(i,iii) ,qq fr q ,ffi eq ffi ft4q1+,1 .tl itqt q'{q1a d{ fiqr qITiT, qft 'l#t + fAT sqt 41-r fi rqqT{ilfi 3Tt <ar1}-.{ fr-rft !fr F{r rlr 11;.1;1 7 affi ,nI S1;1 i r

(ixl ? =rfir+n ul qrli{r-fi / eTrr3il1di ,i{t4TT31T TT t'iffi +r.I fldg Eqrr ET -1m t +t i qr',-rrfi "1i}lfr

frertfi-i .,r+[g] a fiq kflT fr .rq e. .nT i4,{T ffi T.,r nfi Eqr e. l=E ,s r-rqrnr- q-flt'{;r+iq fr q[4-<q iliff ,fl-qrTflTf q-fr A r .T{ lfr *r fqr ,fl"i.1 r-qT '+1{t + ffi '}ft sT,rr ?il frq4 s,ffi gr,ffii a1 epfi-a,p 6rfrqr rrn'rnr

(r) ?T{rp fu-cr + fi-qq :irr qrfr rI Et( i{, [fuq"i{ qr,{fl ft-ryri a .a;pq;r HIir r ftu".{-e.-n ?R ftr,m- q?-.rr

+ zallffi + Mi ,fr. ,rtt q ftrfi rti ..{ t{ { .ttr.irq / qqiirm / qf|+&{ / rq .};{T r= G-+rr +,G I quftq

4Tfi il qp.;{;F {Tf"fi -.{-{r *r(ri) ,?;t +t + {Tr-qq q qdt{ gnirqrri Elr +'r< q-.{ + effi q;qa1q 5 q"fr + frrr r<liq qril *irr r =rr'ts1ri1 ET q-.Trd4'r-dq + qfr fi q-ri (slqrr.T .frfrqs) q drrra ft;qt"Tqnn, sir< qfr fr z+r r+flr q TEqiq'T

qrf-.-tir 3rc-?-qr+ q-fi Trrr.qmr I ,rr ir+4,t d-+ +rrrs Ert + 1tq sE Eq-q:rr-<rfr *r(.r.iit qfr -rfi-{?fi q {Tt srffirar r11 ffi +rfr qrft t .n +1qa*, E-fr rf-rqr + ffiI fr qwr q ft-rftlft:[a=E f, 'rrfrc+fi aJ afia;1r +r';] r,r qfa-{,rr wfiirr a"q-flr * r

(.riiii f ift flT+i G-.{E T ftu. qtatr;rz ,-l-{ d{.T fra I eqTEErq q i,f.rr(xiv) aryrsqr qT F[fr rffi 6 qrt 1T l+dl 'dt f?+n fl R,jrft C, 3i-].ft {rq,{rr t;r:,iftq rr[qr;Ilmrrl

(rvrffi fr er fr ezi{r,n. {T _(.rqrr .i;rn { =rdrq-{t r,r.a +. frqr wru:n qtr lq rt-rd'q +It r+rar.qfi Ff,,fl Trr[r-l

(.rvi).rfterw 3ttr q_dqtqd + k{ rrr,Tf,i-rr il 'iFt-iTa{ rai rrt,l3t'rrfg f}l qq rl'rfr <r+rH + qqEq ir E-d?i q-aTI-R--d cird-Tffi E, u,4 1p- (:r;rrftf;f .n erg sf,q qT s"rrdqT gqTq rr,I, ffi1q apq-ar, q.{

:TetG..fli, ilfr rfl-ut'-'t-{, .r{t-l Tdt ,ril, *;m +.-( rZT ZT rT ffiI-iflT n n,<iffi; qrq qT{T ETTr, A]tT q-ET{ rlr

,rfia1r1 7 WqiS-{ q qffiffi'fr +i qtqf,l {fr {T flrirfr r :'iffi z11"E* i -sr.rrqT st-.qlilr{rqJ q rqrur.ra,

"iffi I P.f, q E-{,i {q1ft;1 3r[fl-{ + rrr,-.r irrl qrf},u r

13. er{frrr +tqrq fr c-fioril: i-qq -la +;.r+ riqia I; (NG) -n I 2oo4 / RR-1/48 ftqf-d 09.02.2005 (ltBll

No. 2512005) 4,- qqif +. ru'il-S i'qq. ratr rtur rr dTE-qr 4q+ + Frq-Tfr ft,.qr rm i ?i, :flrfr ftTf+ f,lilfie q 71r vr.{ + ff-dr .{rlf+}a ,riilr rrztt r ie 1iiffi c go crd( 16 ft-+e ,{r Eft 25 er"r. qft fu€) Tr€r

f,,?-qT ETqI

14. NIISCELLANEOIiS: DLW ,,t'eit-Et-( f{flr-r{ q ffit '+fl cm.Tm ft + fru f1rqz;p EI,]T (Dl-W

a-drtTEz qqq t t'1-r1-{ trfqq fl-q-+ittqT a F{q .3--rffii + qT,{ {qfi +,r qT{kf, afr. q-*+ qt-a *.ni)1s. H fit' ERT qrfr Tr rior.,{r 2010/E(Sports)/oa(1)/1 (Policy) dated 31.12.2010,18.04.20t2, 11.08.20t7, t1.0r).2017,30.11.2017, 05.r'.2.2077.O9.O1.2018, 13.09.2018 &t7 .06.2o19 TFrfift q fi-Ef, fi-*rti i+; iE( A.]. e;c s;IzT +; - { qE i{fi cts-ar fif qr rfr t r

T{ qa-lzi'?r'tr / S i.q'i.
