
office of the Engineer-in-Chief(AW)I & CAD Dept, Govt. of Telangana

Errum manzil,Hyd.

Endt: RC/EN€/G:L|aO[G _._ pt: -06-2016

Copies 0f 1) G.O,Rt.No.'s 1167 General Adrnr (SER"A) Dept Dt: 24-O5-2OL62) G.O.lMs.No. 183 General Admn (SER-A) Dept Dt: 24-05-20763) G.0.lVS.No. L96 GeneralAdmn (SER-Df, Dept Dt:28-05-20164) G.O.Ms.No. 189 GeneralAdn,rr (Ser-C) Dept Dt: 27 -O5-2Ot6

5) G O.Ms.No. 190 GeneralAdnrr (Ser-C) Dept Dt: 27 -O5-2OL6

Communicated lc All Unit & Circle Officer; for information and necessary action.

J.Vijaya Pra kash

Engineer-in-Chief(AW)ToAll the Engineer-in-Chief,Chief Engineers srrd

Superintending Ergineers, of I & CAD Deparlment.:..-.GOVr. Of I elAnga n,l.


/"- < /246

f,lnrnsi neer-in-Ch ief (AW) /

Cooy to Deputy E):ecutive Engineer (Computer), to place the endorsement in the web site.

thh uo7L!r'" I


Public Services - Subordinate Services - Compassionate appointments to thedependents of Government employees who retired on Medical Invalidation -Nomination of Chairman for State Level Committee - Orders - Issued'

G. O. Rt. N o. 1 167


Dated:24.5.2015.Read: -

G.O'Ms, No' 183, GA (Ser.A) Department, Dated'24'05'2016'

^ )i- * +


IntheG.o.readabove,GovernmenthaveadaptedtheschemeoFcompassionate appointments to 1:he dependents of Government employees who

retired on t leOii3il - inrjtlOution grounds issued in G,O,Ms.No'661, G,A.(5er'G)

' Department, Dated.23.10.2008

Z, covernment after careful examination of the matter, hereby nominate

SriM.G.Gopal,IAS/SpecialChiefsecretarytoGovernment,MA&U^DDepartment'asChairman of the State Level Committee constituted in the said G.O., to consider the

reports given by Medical Boards and scrutinize the proposals.for appointments on

compassionate grounds to eligible dependent family members of Government

employees of H6ad of Departrients and Secretarlat Departments who retired on

medical invatidaiion in accordance with the guidelines and conditions stipulated in

the scheme.


i l.*b To, '' sri M.G.Gopal, IAS, Special chief Secretary to Government, MA&UD Department.

The Officers concerned 'All Depa rtrnents of Secretariat.All Heads of DePa rtm ents,

. Copv to:, \\lo The HM & FW (K) DePartment.

L'L\'- The Director oi Neaiial Education, Telangana state, Hyderabad'

The PS to Spl.CS to Govt., MA & UD Department'The PS to C.S' to Government.The PS to SecY' to Govt (Ser), GAD'The G.A.(SC.A) Departmlnt iwith a request to indicate the changes of postings of

Officer lf anY, in future.lAll service sections in GAD


./-TFoRWAR-Q*Ep-ii BY oRDER// *

- -*:9



G.O.Ms.No.183 Dated:24.O5.2016Read the followine:-

1. c.O.Ms.No.661, Ge:.rt. Admin. (SER.G) Dept., Dt. 23.10.2008 of Govtof AP.

2. The Andhra Pradesl.r Reorganisation Act, 2014 (Central Act No.6 of2014r.' 3. covernrnent Ci.cular Memo No.13665/SR/2OL4, Genl.Adran.(SR)

i. - Department, dt: 26,05,2014,



r I I,\t-rb




Whereas by virtue of Section 3 of the Andhra pradesh ReorganizationAct, 2014 (Central Act No.6 ot 2O7+), rhe State of Tela,ngalla cornprising theterritories specified therein has been formed on and from the appbinted dayi. e., of 02.06.2014: and

2. And whereas, in section l0l of the Andhra pradesh Re-organization Act,2014, a provision has been made for the purpose of facilitating the applicationof any law(as defined in section 2 (f) of the Act), made before the appointed day,in relation to the-State of Andhra Pradesh or the State of Teiangana, aridappropriate Government may before expiration of two years from 02.06,2014,bv order, make such adaptations and modi{ications of ihe law, whether by wayof repeal or amendment, as may be necessary or expedient, and thereuponevery such 1aw shall have effect subject to the adaplations and modifications somade until altered, repealed or amended by a competent Legislature or othercompetent authodty: and

3. And whereas, the orders on the scheme of compassionate appointmentsro lhe dependants ol Government employees who retire on medical invalidationas per the judgment of Supreme Court in C.A.No.4210/ 2003, dt:12,08.2008,filed by Sri V.Sivamurthy and others issued in the G.O. first read above are inforce as on 01.06.2014: and

4. And whereas, after careful exarnination, Government have decided toadapt the orders in G.O.Ms.No.661, G.A.(Ser.G) Dept., dt:23.10.2008u'hich are in force as on 01.06.2014 for the State ofTelangana.

5. Accordingly, the following Notification will be published in anExtra-ordinary issue of the Telangana State Gazette, dt:24.O5.2O16.


In exercise of the powers conferred by section 101 of the Andhra pradeshRe-organization Act, 2014, (Central Act No.6 of 2Al4l, the Government ofTelangana hereby order for adaptation of the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.661,G.A.(Ser.G) Department, dt:23.10.2008 to the State of Telangana with certainmodifications as shown below.

1. (i) This order may be called "The scheme of compassionate appointmentsto the dependants of Government employees who retire on medicalinvalidation orders issued in G.O.Ms.No. 66 l, G.A. (Ser.G) Department,dt: 23.10.2008 (Telangana Adaptation order) 20 16.



\'"Public Services - Suborrlinate Services - Scheme of compassionateappointments.

-to. the dependents of Government employees who retire onmedical jnvalidation, as per the judgment of Supreme Court of India in CivilAppeal No.4210/2003 dated 12.08.2008 filed by Sri V.sivamurthy and others _

Adaptation to the State ofTelangana - Orders -jssued.

| 2 ..

(ii) it shall be come in to force w.ith effect from 24.5.2Ot6.

2. In the said G.O.,

(i) through out of the contents of the said orders, for the words "Ap,,the word "Telangana,, shall be substituted except in para-1itherein.

(i0 In para-14(1) of the saicl orders for the words ,,Ap Revised pensionRules, 1980" the words "Revised pension Rules 19g0,, as applicableto the Slate of Telangana shall be substituted..

{iii) ln para- 16(i)(e) of t}rc, said orders, the word ,,S\,/lMS,, shali beomitted.

(i") In para-2o of the saicl ()rdcrs for the words ,,A.p. pension Code,, thewords "Pension Code as appllcable to the state of Telangana,, shallbe substituted.



ToThe Commissioner of Pdnting, Stationary and Stores purchase, Telangana,Hyderabad (with a request to publish and furnish 2OO copies of the Gazette)AIi Departments of Secretariat,All Heads of Department,A11 District Collectors in the StateAil District Judges in the State.A1l Chief Executive Officers, Zilla Parishads in the State.AII Principals of Medical Colleges in Telangana.All Superintendents of Government General Hospitals.All District Coordinators of Hospitals, Dist. Head Quarters Hospitals,The Finance (Pension) DepartmentThe Law (LSP) DepartmentThe HM&FW DepartmentThe General Administration (Cabine t) Department .The General Administration (Ser.E) DepartmentCopy to:Principal Secretary to Govt., HM&FW Department.Principal Secretary to Govt., Finance Department.Secretary to Govt., Law Department.P.S. to Chief Secretary to GovernmentP.S. to Principal Secretary to C,M.ALI service sections in GAD,The Director of Medical Education, Telangana, HyderabadThe Accountant General, Telangana, Hyderabad.The Secretary, Telangana State Pr-rbtic Service Commission, Hyderabad.The Advocate General, High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad.The Government Pleader for Services, High Court, Hyderabad.The Government Pleader for Services, APAT, Hyderabad.SF/ SC

, | ^ , // FORWA\DED::BY ORDER //


Public Services * RULES --Ihe Andhra pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014 - TheAndhra Pradesh State an.l SLrbordinate Service Rules, 199G - Adaptation to theState of Telangana - Orders - Issued,




1. G,O.Ms. No.436, General Administrationdr, 15.10,1996.

2, The Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014.


Whereas, by virtue of Section 3 of the Andhra Pradesh ReorganisationAct, 2014 (Central Act No.6 of 2014), the State of Telangana comprising theterritories speciF,ed therern nas been formed with effect from 02.06,2014;

2, And whereas, by sectron 1.01 of the said Central Act, the appropriateGovernment i.e., the State of Telangana, is empowered by order, to make suchadaptations and modifications of any law (as defined in section 2(f) of the Act)made befQre 02.06.2014, rrrhether by way of repeal or amendment, as may benecessary or expedient, for the purpose of facilitating the application of suchlaw in the State of Telangana, before expiration of two years from 02.06.2014;and thereupon, every such law shall have effect, subject to the adaptations andmodifrcations so made, until altered, repealed or amended by a competentLegislature or other competent authority;

3. And whereas, the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules,1996, popularly known as General Rules, made by the Governor, in exercise ofthe powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India,vide G.O., first read above, published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, Part-i,Extraordinary, dt,27,1.1997 and as amended from time to time, are in force inthe State of Andhra Pradesh as on 01.06.2014;

4, And whereas, the Government, keeping in view the requirement of theState, after careful examination, have decided to adapt the said AndhraPradgsh State and Subordlnate Service Rules, 1996, which were in force as on01.06.2014, with certain modifications and amendments in respect of themembers of the State and Subordinate Services of the Government ofTelangana.

Daled i2B_-5-2019.

- Read the following:

(Ser. D) Department,


f. ''I


* r"\U\v

Page I




In exercise of the Dowers conferred by section 101 of the AndhraPradesh Reorqanisation aci, zot+ lcentrat act,ru".i""r 2014), the Governorof Telangana, hereby makes tr.," rorlo*ing broi.,"..#,1, -

1 (1) This Order may,be called ,,the Andhra pradesh State and

;;i;ia,,"," service Rures, 1es6 (iei;;;;ni Rdaptation) order,

(2) It shall come into force with immediate effect,

this 0rder and the rules adapted herein, the_tave the meaning and areas specified in sectioiFl.eorganisation Act, 2014 (Central n.t r.Lo e of

3 Ihe comprehensive State and Subordinate Service Rules, withsuitabie modifications and amendments, as strown in the Annexure to thisOrder, shall be the Telangana State and Subordlnate Service Rules.

6 A copy of this order a ong with Annexure is available and can beaccessed at http://goir.telarrr;ana ctr ov. in/



ToThe Commrssroner, pflntrng, Stationery a|rd Stores purchase, TS, Hyderabad.(f0r publrcatror of tl^e \otrficar,orl the TS Gazette unJ -",,.,

sulp!y oF 10OO coptes fo the Governnrent).All the Departments of Secretariat.All the Heads of Departments.All lhe District Collectors.The Regrstrar, Hlgh Court of ludicarurr: at Hyderabad.lhe Regrstrar, ApAT, Hydera bad| 're 5ecretaTY. TSPSC, Hyderabao

e.o_py_.ts:The Law Departmenl.-he PS to Pnncrpa. Secretary to Cnrr,i M ,,,sterThe DS to Chref Secrelary !o GovernTe. Sec,erary to Governqent , Sc-v ces), GAD.All Services Sections in GAD.SF/SCs

2, For the purpose ofex p ress io n "fhe State,,shall3 of the Andhra pradesh2a 14).



PUBLIC SERVTCES - The Ap Civit Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 _Adaptatlo! to the State of Telangana - Orders _'lssued. '



G.O.Ms.No.189 DaGd:27.05.2016Read the followino:-

, . )) .

i., .iA''t


1) The AP Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 issued inc.O.Ms.No.468, G.A(Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 17.04.i964.

2) The AP Reorganisation Act, 2014 (Central Act No.6 of 2014).3) covt. Cir. Memo. No.13665/SR/2014, G.A(SR) Dept., Dt.26.0S.2014.



Yvlerq?s bV virtue of section 3 of the Ap Reorganisation Act, 2014(CentralAct No.6 of 2014), the State of Tetangana com-pristnj the tenitoriesspecified therein has been formed on and from the appointled Oay i,e., of02.06.2014;

2. And whereas, in section 101 of the Ap Reorganisatio n Act, ZO14, aprovision has been made for the_ purpose of facilitatin-g the application of anylaw (as defineo in section 2 (f) of the Act). made befofu the appointed day, inrelation to the State of Andhra pradesh or the State of Telangana,'iheippjgp^rllg .

Government may before expiration of two yeirs from02.06.2014, by order, make such adaptation! and modifications of the taw,whether by way of repeal or amendment, as may be necessary or expedient,and thereupon every such law shall have effe6t subject to the adaptationsand modifications so made until altered, repealed or amended by acompetent Legislature or other competent authority;

3. And whereas, the Andhra pradesh Civil'services (Conduct) Rules,1964, made in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309of the Constitution of lndra, vide G.O. first read above, are in force as on01.06.2014:

4 And whereas, Government after careful examination of the matter,have decided to adapt the said Andhra pradesh Civil Services (ConductjRules, 1964 which are in force as on 01.06.2014;

5 .. Accordingly, the fo owjng Notification will be published in the Extra-Urdrnary issue of the Telangana State Gazette.


exercise of the powers conferred by seciion 101 of the ApHeorganisation Act, 2014 (cenkal Act No.6 of 2014), the Government ofT^elanganahereby order for adaptation of the Andhra prra".f, Cirif S"*il*(Conduc0 Rules, 1964 in force as on 01.06.2014 to the State of T"lang"n"with certain modifications as shown below.

1) (i) This Order may be called the Ap Civil Services(Conduct) Rutes, 1964 (Telangana Adaptation)Orders, 2016.

(ii) lt shall come into force with immediate effect.


il lrr \ 1:



2l ln the Ap Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, .1964;

(1) (i) throughout the Rutes, for the words ,Andhrapradesh,,, the word ,,Telangana" shall besubstituted, except in the expiession ,Andhrapradesh Administrative Tribunal,, occurring inentry (g) against St.No.s in rute g (iO)(A) ofthe rules.

(ii) throughout the Rules, for the words ,,Andhrapradesh public Service Commission,,. theword ,,Telangana State public ServiceCommission,, shall be substituted.

(2) ln rule 1, in sub-rule (2), in the proviso thereunder,in item (a) for the words ,,High Court of AnOhrapradesh,,the words ,,High Court of Judicature atHyderabad for the Stale of tetangana inJ tneState of Andhra pradesh,. stratt be s-uUsfituteJ

(3) ln rule 2, in item (iv) for the words ,,Appendix ltothe .Andhra pradesh Financiat CoOe, 'Votume-f

1,,the words ,,Financial

Code as appticatte io tneState of Telangana,, shall be suUstiiuteJ.-'-


(4) ln. rule 3_D, for the words ,,A.p. Civll Services(Classification, Controt and Appeat)- R;t;:' i991the words ,,Civit Services (Cla;iificatio;, 6ontroland Appeal) Rules appticabte to ttre'slte otTelahgana,, shall be subitituted.

(5) ln rule g, in sub_rule (10) (A) wherever the words,Andhra pradesh public Empioyment tOrg."ni""tionof Local Cadres and neiutation -

Ei ' ilrectRecru-itment) Order, j 97S,, b".ri tn" inro.,,presidential order as appticabte'io tn"it"i" otTelangana, shall be subsiiiutect




;i.;i.'##""tr#iiJil-;[?,sfJfi [;l:ix1,?r?Ji',6[Tliil;liifi r,,i]i;-.rAll the Heads of Oepa(ments.A[ thelistrict Collectors in Tetangana State.

ttril:',#jJ#^qtr"'f,ltffi :?nf'ffi"l$fl:',"is.,;:'3rrsi.^n"".

ii;[ik[i+ii:::i"*;+ffi b"X' |?"|fl:fl'g;#nl"J""ln'",



+ful.-+.'j,' '4 '

rsEcTtoN OFFtcER



AP Reorganisation Act, 2014 - public Services - The Ap Civil Services(Classification, Control and Appeal) Rutes, 1991 - Adaptation to the State of

O., L IIULt{ Ar\/ \'


- Orders - lssued


G.O.Ms.No.190 Dated: 27, ths followinq:-

The AP Civil Services (Classification, Controt and Appeat) Rules, 1991issued in G.O.Ms.No.487, G.A.(Ser.C) Dept., Dt.14.09,1992.The AP Reorganisation Aot, 2014 (Central Act No.6 of 2014).Govt. Cir. I\,,1emo.No.1 3665/SR/2014, G.A.(SR) Dept.,Dt,26.05.2014.



, Whereas by virtue of section 3 of the Ap Reorganisation Act, 2014(Central Act No.6 of 2014). the State of Telangana comprising the territoriesspecified therein has been formed on and from the appointed day i.e., of42.06.2014.,

2. And whereas, in sectirrn '101 of the Ap ReorganiEation Act, 2014, aprovision has been made for the purpose of facilitating the application of any law(as defined in section 2 (! of the Act), made before the appointed day, in relatjonto the State of Andhra Pradesh or the State of Telangana, the appropriateGovernment may before expiration of two years from 02.06,2014, by ord6r, inakesuch adaptations and modiiications of the law, whether by way of repeal oramendment, as may be necessary or expedient, and thereupon every such lawshall have effect subject to ihe adaptations and modificalions so made untilaltered, repealed or amended by a competent Legislature or other competentauthority;

3. And whereas, the AP Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal)Rules, 1991 made in exerclse of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article309 of the Constitution of lndia, vide G.O. first read above, are in force as on01.06.2014;

4. And whereas, Government after careful examination of the matter, havedecrded to adapt the said AP Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal)Rules, 199'1 as amended from time to time and are jn force as on 01.06.2014t

5. Accordingly, the following Notifrcation will be published in lhe Extra-Ordinary issue of the Telangana State Gazette.


ln exercise of the powers conferred by section 101 of the ApReorganisation Act, 2014 (Central Act No.6 of 2014), the Government ofTelangana hereby order for adaptation of the Ap Civil Services (Classification,Control and Appeal) Rules, 1991 as amended from time to time and are in forceas on 01.06.2014 to the State of Telangana with certain modifications as shownbelow.

1) This Order may be called the "A.p. Civil Services (Classification,Control and Appeal) Rutes, 1991 (Telangana Adaptation)Order, 2016".

2l lt shall come into force with immediate effect,




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