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Includes Country Profile, Industry Statistics ,Sector Analysis, Business Guidance and more.

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The Jordan ICT Business Guide 2013 is the first main reference for established companies and companies planning to open their business and invest in the ICT sector in Jordan, to better understand the sector related dynamics, challenges and opportunities, as well as understand the sector’s business and legislative environment, and requirements, in addition to learning the various operational requirements for existing companies to expand and export.

The Guidebook provides you with basic knowledge on Jordan; an overview of its economy, business culture, Jordan ICT sector potential opportunities and an introduction to other relevant issues, including country regulations, existing economic advantages, support programs for businesses and other opportunities that can certainly aid and accelerate the process of starting and operating a business with focus on the ICT sector.

This Guidebook should ease a company’s entry into the ICT business sector, outlining as clearly as possible all related entry requirements, and the important considerations for starting & operating companies to accommodate for, to help understand effective business guidelines from Jordan’s ecosystem, investment support programs that enable entrepreneurship and maturity of existing businesses.


Though this Guidebook is not a substitute for legal or financial instructions, it is an information resource compiled from intensive desktop research and experience to be a quick reference to facilitate and expedite the process of starting and operating ICT businesses in Jordan. Information included in this guide was captured and compiled from all related governmental and non-governmental bodies and industry support organizations. Information was current at the time of publication, it is subject to change due to revisions in laws and administrative policies, yet it will be revised and updated biannually by int@j.

All inquiries and recommendations should be directed to [email protected], tel: 962 6 581-2013

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Table of Contents

Why Invest in Jordan ...........................................................................................................5

Jordan Country Profile ......................................................................................................5

Doing Business in Jordan .................................................................................................5

Cost of Doing Business in Jordan ......................................................................................5

Jordan ICT sector Profile ..................................................................................................5

ICT & ITES Industry Statistics & Yearbook 2012 .................................................................6

The National ICT Sector Strategy .......................................................................................6

Sector Segments & Demographics .....................................................................................6

ICT Sector Business Environment .........................................................................................7

Effective Laws and Regulations Library ..............................................................................7

Establishing Your Company ..................................................................................................8

Registering Your Company ................................................................................................8

Financial Exemptions .......................................................................................................13

Corporates Operating Requirements ...................................................................................15

Working Permits & Residency ...........................................................................................16

Requirements for Trade and Industrial Services ..................................................................16

int@j Sector Development Pillars .........................................................................................17

Advocacy ........................................................................................................................17

Exports Development .......................................................................................................17

Investment Development ..................................................................................................18

HR Development ............................................................................................................18




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Table of Contents

IP & Startups .................................................................................................................18

Connectivity ...................................................................................................................18

ICT Corporate Growth Accelerators .......................................................................................20

National Software Quality Assurance Centre (RSS) ..............................................................20

Entrepreneurship Support Organizations ............................................................................20

Mentorship Networks .......................................................................................................20

ICT Small and Medium Incubators & Accelerators ...............................................................22

Development Zones ..........................................................................................................24

Intellectual Property Registration ......................................................................................24

Business Funding and Financing ..........................................................................................25

Investments Houses .........................................................................................................25

Non Equity Funding Sources .............................................................................................27

Small & Medium Enterprises Banking Services ...................................................................28

Small & Medium Enterprises Legal Advisory Service ............................................................28

Small & Medium Enterprises Financial and Taxation Advisory Services ..................................28

Doing Business with Key Sectors in Jordan............................................................................30

Organizations to Refer to for Guidance ...............................................................................30

Doing Business with the Government .................................................................................31

Considerations for Closing Businesses...................................................................................33

Other Sector Related Documents: .........................................................................................33

Sector Partners & Stakeholders ............................................................................................34

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Why Invest in Jordan

Jordan Country Profile

This profile is an overview on Jordan’s economy; throughout this profile you can learn more on Jordan’s business atmosphere, stability, security, and human capital and many other factors; are positioning Jordan as a regional investment gateway, to know more about the country stable and growing economy, competitive and educated workforce, commitment to investors’ success, reliable infrastructure and quality of life; refer to this link to learn more …

Doing Business in Jordan

This page summarizes Doing Business 2013 data for Jordan; overall “Ease of Doing Business” rank (out of 185 economies) and the rankings by each topic. It also lists the economy’s distance to frontier (DTF) measure. The rest of the tables summarize the key indicators for each topic and benchmark against regional and high-income economy (OECD) averages; refer to this link to learn more …

Cost of Doing Business in Jordan

According to the ‘Doing Business Report (2013)’ Jordan’s cost of doing business is competitive and relatively lower than the region. You can find a general cost breakdown for starting up a company through the following references; refer to these links to have an initial average cost for:Start-up Cost Capital CostOperational Cost

Jordan ICT sector Profile

This profile will provide you with in depth analysis, achievements and aspirations of Jordan’s ICT sector; the ICT sector is one of the leading fastest growing sectors contributing to Jordan’s economy. The profile is a comprehensive overview on the sector’s landscape, industry strengths and main exports destinations all together, and highlighting Jordan’s rankings by international organizations and international trade agreements & memberships; refer to this linklearn more …

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ICT & ITES Industry Statistics & Yearbook 2012

Jordan’s ICT and IT Enabled Services (ITES) sector statistics is an annual yearbook published by int@j in partnership with the Ministry of Information Communications; it provides clear and accurate references on Jordan’s ICT and ITES sector size and magnitude. Statistics will be showing the sector’s growth in terms of numbers and determine growth in market size, exports, investments, and employment; refer to this link to learn more …

Another useful governmental database and reference for the ICT sector please refer to ICT INFO Jordan

The National ICT Sector Strategy

Jordan national ICT strategy 2013-2017, addresses areas of weakness and opportunities for improving the role of ICT in Jordan’s economic development and job creation. The strategy attempts to be aligned with the Government of Jordan Policy in the Telecommunications and IT Sectors in all its strategies and recommendations; refer to this link to learn more …

Sector Segments & Demographics

You can refer to the ICT & ITES Industry Statistics and Year Book 2012 for further details on companies.

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ICT Sector Business Environment

Effective Laws and Regulations Library

To learn more about Jordan’s ICT sector policies & regulatory laws regarding commercial and company laws, labor laws and taxation laws; please refer to the following links:

• Statement of Government Policy on the ICT• Telecom Law No. 13 Of 1995 • Press & Publications Law• E-Transactions Law No. 85 of 2001• Investment Promotion Law No 67 of 2003• Companies Law No. 22 of 1997• Companies Regulation and its Amendments No. 50 of 1997• Cyber Crime Law No 30 of 2010• Income Tax Law No. 28 of 2009• Sales Tax law No. 29 of 2009• Social Security Law No. 7 of 2010• Labor Law No. 8 of the Year 1996 • The Amended Trademarks Law of 1999• Trade Names Law No. 9 of 2006• The Competition Law of 2004• Intellectual Property Law• Patent Law • Copyright Law• Act for Protection of Integrated Circuits Designs Law• Payment System Regulations • The Free Zones Corporation Law No. 32 of 1984 • Jordan Privatization Law 2000

• Consumer Protection Law• Import and Exports Law No. 21 of 2001• Customs Law No. 20 of 1998• Customs Law Instructions and Regulations• Exemption from Customs Duties• ICT Exports Income Tax Exemption • Credit Act Law No. 15 of 2010• Corporate Credit Information Regulation No.36 of 2011


are declared by the Prime Minister when the need occurs; check this link for Reference

•AccordingtotheeffectiveLaborLaw:InaCompanyeachemployeeisentitled to an annual vacation leaves with full pay for fourteen days each year and can only be used twice a year by the employee.

• For further reference and information refer to Jordan Legislations

System including full listing of the all the Kingdom’s Laws and Regulations

• To learn more about Government entities & services including allrequirements to perform a certain service for your business, visit

Jordan Government Portal

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Establishing Your Company

Registering Your Company

Setting up a business in Jordan is relatively easy and 100% foreign investment is allowed in ICT industries. Tax holidays and incentives are available for investors and these can be generous in high unemployment areas. For companies setting up a regional office (i.e., not to trade in Jordan) further advantages can apply.

In order to register your company you should visit the following main entities in sequence found here in to complete the process:

1. Ministry of Industry and Trade, Companies Control Department

Refer to the registration process for the type of business structure you are interested to learn more about:•General Partnership Companies•Limited Liabilities Companies•Limited Partnerships Companies•Public Shareholding Companies•Private Shareholding Companies•Operating Foreign Companies •Regional Office

Tips:• Offshore registered companies find it hard to attract investments or lend from banks.•ThemostpreferredtypeofbusinessstructuretoberegisterinJordanandnotselldomesticallyisthe‘OperatingForeignCompanies’.•ThemostpreferredtypeofbusinessstructurebycompaniesoperatinginJordanisLimitedLiabilitybecauseinthiscaseyoulimitanyliabilitytothecompany


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2. Chambers of Commerce and Industry

Refer to the registration process found in each link to learn about required documents and procedures

• Jordan Chamber of Commerce • Jordan Chamber of Industry• Amman Chamber of Commerce• Amman Chamber of Industry• Zarqa Chamber of Commerce• Irbid Chamber of Commerce • Irbid Chamber of Industry • Aqaba Chamber of Commerce


The registration at the Amman Chamber of Commerce requires the following documents:•LeaseContracttobedulysignedandstampedbythelandlordandthetenant•Acertifiedcopyofthecompany’sCertificateofIncorporation.•Acertifiedcopyofthecompany’sMOAandAOA.•AcertifiedcopyoftheAuthorizedSignatoriesCertificate.•AletterfromGM/ChairmanoftheboardaddressedtotheAmmanChamberofCommercerequestingthecompanytobedulyregisteredandaccordingly

issue the Registration Certificate.•ThegovernmentalfeesrequiredforissuingtheRegistrationCertificateamounttoJD150andJD100forAnnualRenewal.

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3. Greater Amman Municipality (GAM)

Refer to the directorate of licensing link for issuing vocational permits

Tips: GAM will request the following documentation in order to process with the Vocational Permit Process: • LeaseContract to be duly signed and stampedby the landlord and the


After all the above has been complied with; a company may afterwards apply for a Tax Number and a Social Security Number at both the Tax Department and The Social Security Corporation; please refer to this link to inquire about the necessary steps and procedures regarding tax obligations to learn more …

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Registration Facilitation Service at the Jordan Investment Board (JIB)

To encourage domestic and foreign investment, the JIB provides the One-Stop-Shop service, which is an approach to full service assistance for investors consisting of licensing and registration services as explained above. Through this service an investor can register and license their company/projectinJordaninoneplacewithin14daysasaneasierandfacilitated channel to open a business in Jordan.

Other services to benefit from through the one stop shop:

•Aftercaredepartmentmonitorsandfacilitatestheproceduresbefore,during and after the process of registration and licensing companies, and receives all forms of complaints to meet the needs of investors to find optimal solutions to those obstacles that might hinder the investors in the short term.

• Investor card issued by JIB to high profile investors that have aregistered capital of 150,000 JOD and a minimum of 50 workers registered at the Social Security of Jordan. When presented the card holder should receive special treatment at the airport and other public entities.

Financial Exemptions

Main business exemptions are provided under the Investment Promotion Law, which includes custom duties exemptions on imported fixed assets, tax exemptions; sales taxes, and income tax breaks, as well as facilitating the licensing and registration process and investment guarantees.

These exemptions are granted through the JIB exemptions committee, where you apply for related process at their premises; refer to this link to learn more about the Investment Promotion Law (1995)…

Note: This is limited to companies registered through JIB offices.

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Corporates Operating Requirements

In this section you will find the main requirements a company must make sure are taken care of:

•Companies need to file for social security employee and corporate contribution on monthly basis

•Companies need to file for employee income tax deductions on monthly basis

•Companies need to file sales tax declarations every two months in accordance with sales tax requirements including their sales in that period and sales tax deductions collected and paid

•CompaniesneedtoprovidetheCompaniesControlDepartment/Ministry of Industry and Trade with a Financial Statement, except for non-operating foreign companies whom only have a regional office in Jordan.

•Companies need to file their taxes on annual basis before April 30 based on their consolidated financial statements

•CompaniesneedtoprovidetheCompaniesControlDepartment/Ministry of Industry and Trade with a Tax Assessment every year before the 30th of April; otherwise it will incur a 200 JD fine.

• All companies must change the members of the board of directors according to the period stipulated in the Memorandum of Association - MOA and the Articles of Association - AOA.

•Allother tax related requirements must be inquired for with an account or preferably a company’s in house accountant.

•Inmost cases above where a requirement to file taxes or social security by a certain period, failure to do so will result in fines that can be cumulative

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Working Permits & Residency

•Forservicesrelatedtoimportinglabor,renewingworkpermits,theuse of labor, labor substitution, transferring financial guarantee, and editing a career employment; refer to the Ministry of Labor Directorates link to view all related Forms and Applications …

• For services related to granting a residency permit, renewal ofresidency permit, residency permits separation, edit a career in the residency, edit Address of residency, visit visas, and visas for the purposes of obtaining residency; refer to the Ministry of Interior link and the Public Security Directorate-Boarders and Residence Department link to view all related Forms and Applications …

•YoucanalsorefertotheJordanInvestmentBoardtofacilitatetheprevious processes within their premises through the representatives of the Ministry of Labor, and the Ministry of Interior Delegates in the “One Stop Shop” and submit all required documents for requesting labor and residency; refer to this link to learn more about their Procedures …

Requirements for Trade and Industrial Services

For other corporate services related to Central Trade & Industrial Registration, Industrial Property Protection, Trade and Import, Quality & Marketing Control, National Production Protection, and Competition Issues, Trade and Brand Names Registration; refer to this link to learn more about the Ministry of Industry and Trade Directorates’ Services.

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• Policy Advocacy Unit at the Jordan Investment Board

The Policy Advocacy Unit at JIB represents the link between the Jordan Investment Board and investors after the investment process. The unit works to identify obstacles and problems investors face and work on finding solutions to cater to their needs, by reviewing the laws, regulations and their impact on the investment environment or propose new amendments or enact new laws; to learn more …

Exports Development

• Markets Information Servicesint@j has established a “Market Research & Information function as part of int@j’s Business & Exports Development Initiative, to help put together indicative market information on some regional destinations of priority to our industry based on credible sources and following standardized research process; refer to this link for ICT Market Briefs for different targeted destinations to learn more…

• Trade Missions and Promotionint@j explores new markets and creates business opportunities for members by increasing regional markets penetration, enhancing companies/ products positioning & visibility, enabling sectorscalability, and continuously promoting and strengthening relations between ICT & ICTES companies and emerging industries such as health, education, and banking; to foster mutual benefits through the diffusion of ICT & ICTES in these key industries. int@j members have the opportunity to attend and participate in a portfolio of events and exhibitions regionally and internationally to learn more…

int@j Sector Development Pillars

Driven by private sector and managed by int@j board member directors; five committees are structured to support achieving the sector strategy targets, and forming an acceleration engine for sector growth and enablement.


•Advocay and int@j Role

Through an effective and well-established advocacy and lobbying mechanism, int@j and its members play a key and participatory role in influencing national policy-making that impacts ICT and ITES. The association’s efforts, thus far had very tangible impacts on eliminating legislative boundaries and hurdles that otherwise would have hampered the sector’s development and progress. int@j advocacy efforts are mostly tracked in the following main areas:



In collaboration with its members, int@j continues to identify existing or emerging legislative challenges, develops position papers, and advocates for favorable solutions with the appropriate decision and policy makers; to learn more …

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Investment Development• Deal Makers Week EndPreviously named ‘Invest in ICT’ is an annual exclusive regional investment matchmaking event co-organized by int@j & Endeavor Jordan where regional and international investors and aspiring companies and entrepreneurs from Jordan, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt companies are brought together for business matchmaking and maximum interaction between both parties.

HR Development

• Sector Salary Scales StudiesThe Salary Scale Study is one of the main services offered to int@j members, a biennial industry publication that assists companies to structure their salary scales according to local and regional markets outlook. Such study draws on databases and analyses of salary information for the sector companies in Jordan. The study assists HR functions in companies to have a closer look on sector job roles and average salaries; refer to this link to learn more …

• Employment ProgramsThe Graduate Internship Program is an initiative by The Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (MoICT), in cooperation with Jordan Computer Society and int@j-the ICT Association of Jordan; in the form of a 12-month employment program whereby the program provides a subsidy of 50% of fresh graduate’s employee’s salary during the first 12 months of employment; to learn more…

IP & Startups

• The Blue Ocean Committee This body is responsible for guiding and enabling innovation and IP in the ICT industry as part of int@j’s growing mandate, and to align efforts with one of the main directions in the National ICT Strategy in regards to innovation, to ensure originality of our ICT solutions to meet local, regional and international markets’ needs, and strengthen the know how in our ICT industry technically and business wise in various disciplines; to learn more …

• Start up Series Sessionsint@j works on enabling innovation and empowering the startup and medium size corporate community to grow their contribution to the economy through themed sessions and networking events for companies to keep track of the ICT industry dynamics and allow sharing experiences among industry members to enhance businesses growth, and develop related programs that will focus on added value businesses, and facilitate their communication with other sector stakeholders.


int@j aims at maintaining and developing the infrastructure to ensure our advancement in enabling growing online/mobile andcreative emerging industries, and advocating for stable legislative environment that will encourage continuous infrastructure update and investment.

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ICT Corporate Growth Accelerators

National Software Quality Assurance Centre (RSS)

An innovative facility located at the Royal Scientific Society (RSS) as the region’s first comprehensive software quality assurance and testing centre. This Centre is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure providing highly-scalable cloud-based services. The Centre provides quality-assured testing services and setups to clients prior to going live; to learn more …

El Hassan Science City has one main technical arm at The Royal Scientific Society which is the ICT for development cluster; it is committed to maintain well-performed applied research and specialized technical consultation and services based on approved national and international standards, procedures and methods of software development and studies; to learn more …

Entrepreneurship Support Organizations

A number of support organizations are found in Jordan that aim at developing technology entrepreneurship, boosting capacities, creating linkages, accessing opportunities, and increasing competitiveness, and various support tracks; refer to these links to learn more:

• Queen Rania Center for Entrepreneurship (QRCE) • Business Development Center (Empretec & Tatweer Programs) • Injaz• AmmanTech Tuesdays • Irada• Mena IP

Mentorship Networks

Across Jordan and the MENA region a number of mentoring networks are found to inspire, support and empower entrepreneurs helping them to achieve their business and personal potential through innovative and impactful mentoring programme; refer to these links to learn more:

• Endeavor Jordan• Mowgli• Oasis500• Wamda

• Forsa• Arabreneur’s• MENA Apps

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ICT Small and Medium Incubators & Accelerators

• iPARK ICT Business Incubator provides companies with office space that are fully equipped with communications and networking facilities, furniture, IT equipment and logistical support. It also provides strategic support through an experienced network of advisors with a proven track record in supporting ICT start-ups; refer to this link to learn more …

• Oasis500 Business Incubator was designed to provide a simplistic, interactive and youthful atmosphere for entrepreneurs, trying to build a new culture of entrepreneurship in the society. Their building lies over a three story, 1550 meter space, and is capable of holding up to 90 individuals, including staff and entrepreneurs; refer to this link to learn more …

• Bedaya connects angel investors keen to invest in start-ups and early stage businesses with visionary entrepreneurs in need for funding to accelerate the growth of their companies. Bedaya carries out an entrepreneurial approach to angel investing in order to create a positive and successful opportunity for both angel investors and entrepreneurs; to learn more …

• StartUpArabia is a weblog dedicated to new Arab technology startups and services, profiling and reviewing them, providing interesting market news and information, and sharing tips and advice for the entrepreneurs behind them. It’s a community project to stimulate technology entrepreneurship in the Arab world and encourage people to innovate which also aim to create more visibility for technology companies from the Arab region; to learn more …

• Irbid ICT Business Incubator is the first incubator outside the capital (Amman), encouraging software industry dedicated to help graduated students not only in ICT but all related fields, to start up software companies; refer to this link to learn more …

• All World Network finds and gives visibility to all the growth entrepreneurs of emerging world; All World systematically identifies private growth companies and ranks the fastest growing; the Arabia 500 brings world-wide attention to MENA growth companies. If you are an entrepreneur with a fast growing refer to this link; to learn more …

• MENA Apps provides qualified and selected entrepreneurs with an incubator-like logistic support including offices, administrative, legal, accounting, marketing, business development and networking services as well as coaching for start-ups and innovative ideas; refer to this link to learn more …

• MenaIP is an entity with the objective of encouraging creative minds to come up with innovative ideas related to the IT sector, where its role would be to provide the needed support to help transform these ideas into actual brands; to learn more …

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Development Zones

• King Hussein Business Park Development Zone (KHBPD) destined to become a sustainable and enduring mixed-use city district that will provide future growth and development for Amman and Jordan. It offers international standard office environments with high quality residential developments, and a vast array of dining entertainment and leisure opportunities; to learn more …

• Irbid Development Area (IDA) The 3.2 square kilometer development area, located 20 km east of Irbid city and 80 km north of Amman, is ideally suited for ICT, Healthcare, Professional Services, Middle & Back-Offices, and Research & Development; to learn more …

Intellectual Property Registration

Intellectual property is an important critical step companies should consider to protect intangible owned assets; legally protecting outside use or implementation of their products without consent. Obtaining copyrights, trademarks, and patents...etc. These are critical and serious threats especially in web-based environments or the mobile technology sector. The Department of National Library offers services related to this, and in addition the following are some IP registration offices you can find in Jordan:

• Abu Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP) •Sanad Law •Taweel & Co Law Firm

• For other Industrial Property Registration Agents Certified by Industrial Property Protection Directorate refer to this link to learn more..

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Business Funding and Financing

Jordan has a large and thriving banking and financial services sector. Finance, including investment and banking services have been growing in Jordan largely due to the growth of demand for new financial products by an increasing number of investors.

Investments Houses ForallIndividualsororganizationsinterestedinbankinginvestmentand/orfinancingactivities, you can find here a list of different kinds of investment houses, depending upon the type of financial activities you choose to involve; to learn more refer to their links:

•I-MENA•Nuqul Group-The promise Holding•MENA IP•Silicon Badia•Accelerator Technology Holdings•Dash Ventures •N2V•Jabbar Internet Group•Oasis 500

•MENA Venture Investments•Cyberia Group •Abraaj Group•MENA Apps •Start App •Intel Capital•Applied Scientific Research Fund•Global Jordan•Grofin

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Non Equity Funding Sources

A number of non-equity funding options for different types of financial commodities for instance, government grants, or projects financing can be found here: • USAID Jordan Economic have established pioneering institutions

and policies to help Jordan achieve prosperity; built networks of roads, water systems, schools, and health services; trained three generations of experts; worked to conserve Jordan’s scarce resources; promoted investment, the growth of new industries, trade, entrepreneurship, and tourism; and strengthened the capacity of government and civil society to initiate and sustain reforms necessary to ensure a promising future for all Jordanians; to learn more … To learn more about Jordan Competitiveness Program (JCP), funded by (USAID)

• Jordan Export Development & Commercial Centers Corporation (JEDCO) provides complete and integrated services to SME’s beneficiaries. JEDCO provides advisory services and financial support for Jordanian entrepreneurs with export focused startup businesses; to learn more about (Jordan Services Modernization Programme & Governorate Fund) …

• The King Abdullah II Fund for Development (KAFD) aims to support the Jordanian community by driving human and infrastructure development. KAFD works to further develop key sectors in Jordan through micro financing and establishing microcredit organizations of sustainable projects that generates income; to learn more ...

• National Fund for Enterprise Support (NAFES) supports management development projects which are related to small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) aiming at enhancing efficiency and competitiveness; companies will benefit from completely integrated national program, utilizing national funding to employ national expertise; to learn more …

• International Finance Corporation develops new financial products that enable companies manage risk and broaden their access to foreign and domestic capital markets by promoting sustainable enterprises, encouraging entrepreneurship, and mobilizing resources that wouldn’t otherwise be available; to learn more …

• European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) provides enterprises with direct assistance from experienced business advisors and consultants. The assistance helps companies to access a diverse range of consulting and advisory services through flexible cost sharing grants. Services are carried out by qualified local or international consultants to learn more …

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Small & Medium Enterprises Banking Services

You will find many SME banking services throughout Jordan with financing offerings in addition to technical and professional advisory services, to learn more refer to the links below:

• Ahli Bank• Arab Bank • Invest Bank • Amman Cairo Bank• Al-Itihad bank• European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

To access Jordan Banks who provide SME’s banking services refer to this link

Small & Medium Enterprises Legal Advisory Services

The following legal advisory firms offer their services at a highly discounted rate for int@j members; essential corporate services vary from providing legal advice on all legal issues related to the company structure, governance, employment contracts, by laws, social security, and taxes and other specialized services.

•Sa’ed Karajeh & Associates•Sanad Law Group (in association with Eversheds KSLG) •Taweel & Co Law Firm

Small & Medium Enterprises Financial and Taxation Advisory Services

The following Financial and taxation advisory firms offer their services at a highly discounted rate for int@j members; essential corporate services vary from providing professional finance advisory services for companies throughout their business lifecycle and manage their financial and tax risks, and other specialized services.

•A2Z Consulting & Professional Services•ZADD Business Process Outsourcing•Migrate

Tips: •Companies are advised to work closely with a Financial and Tax

Advisor where they should be updated and informed on latest changes happening in this area to avoid fines and penalties

•Companies can refer to int@j Advocacy Page to learn more recommendations for dealing with latest taxation issues

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Doing Business with Key Sectors in Jordan

Organizations to Refer to for Guidance

Tourism • Jordan Inbound Tour Operators Association (JITOA)• Jordan Tourism Board (JTB)• Jordan Hotel Association

Education • Jordan Education Initiative• Jordan Universities Network • Queen Rania Al-Abdullah Center for Technology in Education• Ministry of Education• Ministry of Higher Education• E TVET Council

Banking and Financial • Central Bank of Jordan• Association of Banks in Jordan• Jordan Insurance Federation

Healthcare and Wellness• Private Hospitals Association (PHA)• Hakeem Program (Government Medical Sector)• Jordan Health Care Accreditation Council• Ministry of Health • Jordan Medical Council

Energy Water and Environment• EDAMA• Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources• Electricity Regulatory Commission • Other related entities

Pharmaceutical • Jordanian Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers• Jordan Food & Drug Administration (JFDA)

Architecture and Engineering • Jordanian Architects Society• Jordan Engineers Association

Tip: Other major sectors can be approached through Jordan Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

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Doing Business with the Government

Under the Ministry of Finance the General Supplies Department provides general procurement processes and procedures for companies, in addition to the Government tendering department which aims at achieving efficient and transparent government procurements, please refer to the below links to learn more about:

• Supplies System• Public Work System

For working on Ministry of ICT tenders (e-Government, NBN, others…), please check the below guide and instructions:

• Suppliers Instructions• Buying Guide

Government Tendering Duration

Government starts its tendering process every year after the official approval of Government Budget, which is usually towards end of quarter one each year, and tendering process stops towards end of August conditioned by the issuance of government announcement to officially stop the tendering process.

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Considerations for Closing Businesses As a general rule, at the time of closing a business or any commercial entity, the entity must follow and abide by the specific rules set for such a process. Different types of entities or companies may have different rules for such a process, all of which are set forth in the Jordanian Company Code No. 22 of the year 1997.

An entity must make sure that it has current financial statements at its disposal at all times during the closing process, for it is an essential and frequently asked for document.

Trade mark related disputes arise very frequently at the time of closing or liquidation; thus, it is always much more beneficial to agree in advance on trade mark and trade mark related matters in order to avoid disputes which would result in the loss of the right to a certain trade mark. Such matters should be agreed upon in advance at the time of the contract.

In the case of liquidation, the liquidation process will be performed in accordance with provisions set forth in the original contract; thus, if the contract does not address such a process, liquidation will take place in accordance with the rules set forth in the Company Law.

Other Sector Related Documents:

•National E-Commerce Strategy

•Sector Studies and Reports

•Technology for all

• ICT Sector Competencies Skills and Needs Assessment Jordan 2012

•National Information Assurance and Cyber Security Strategy (NIACSS)

•National Innovation Strategy (Soon to be published by Higher Council of Science and Technology)

•The Global Information Technology Report (GITR)

•Statement of Government Policy 2012 on the ICT Sector

This guide was designed and Developed by :

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Jordan ICT Business Guide, 2013


Business Associations

•The Information & Communications Technology Association of Jordan - int@j

- int@j Members Directory• Chambers of commerce & Industry - Jordan Chamber of Commerce - Amman Chamber of Commerce - Amman Chamber of Industry - Jordan Chamber of Industry - Irbid Chamber of Commerce - Irbid Chamber of Industry• The American Chamber of Commerce in Jordan• Development & Free Zones Commission (DFZC)• Jordan Medical Council • International Youth Foundation• Institute Of Management Consultants (IMC)• Amman TT• Young Entrepreneurs Association• Higher Council of Science & Technology

Sector Partners & Stakeholders

Government Entities• Ministry of Information & Communication Technology (MoICT)• Ministry of Industry & Trade • Ministry of Planning • Ministry of Finance • Ministry of Labor• Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources• Ministry of Health • Electricity Regulatory Commission • Ministry of Education• Ministry of Higher Education• Income & Sales Tax Department• Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC)• National Information Technology Center (NITC)• Jordan Investment Board • Department of Statistics

Donor Agencies • Employment, Technical and Vocational Education Training (E-TVET) • EU Commission• UK Embassy• US Embassy• Canadian International Development Agency -CIDA• UN Women• Middle East Partnership Initiative• Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

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