  • 1

    Ñããè ‚ããÀ. ‡ãŠãñ›ãèÔÌãÀ¶ã¹ãƺãâ£ã ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ Ìã ½ã쌾㠇ãŠã¾ãùããÊã‡ãŠ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè (31.12.2014 Ôãñ)

    Ñããè ‚ã¦ãìÊã ‚ãØãÆÌããÊã‡ãŠã¾ãùããÊã‡ãŠ ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ (27.09.2013 Ôãñ)

    Ñããè ¹ãÌã¶ã ‡ã슽ããÀ ºã•ãã•ã‡ãŠã¾ãùããÊã‡ãŠ ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ (10.03.2015 Ôãñ)

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    Ñããè ãä¶ã½ãÃÊã Þã⪼ãã. ãäÀ. ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ¶ãããä½ã¦ããè ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ (13.03.2014 Ôãñ)

    Ñããè ‚ããÀ. Ôãâ¹ã¦ã ‡ã슽ããÀ‡ãŠã½ãØããÀ ‡ãŠ½ãÃÞããÀãè ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ (24.01.2014 Ôãñ)

    ¡ãù. •ãñ. ¡ãè. Íã½ããÂããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‡ãŠ½ãÃÞããÀãè ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ (02.05.2013 Ôãñ)

    Ñããè ãäÞã¸ãõ¾¾ãã‚ãâÍã ‡ãŠããäÊã‡ãŠ ØãõÀ-‚ãããä£ã‡ãŠããäÀ‡ãŠ ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ (13.11.2013 Ôãñ)

    Ñããè½ã¦ããè †Ôã Ôãì•ãã¦ãã‚ãâÍã ‡ãŠããäÊã‡ãŠ ØãõÀ-‚ãããä£ã‡ãŠããäÀ‡ãŠ ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ (05.12.2013 Ôãñ)

    Ñããè †.ºããè. ¡ãè. ºããªìÍããÔã‚ãâÍã ‡ãŠããäÊã‡ãŠ ØãõÀ-‚ãããä£ã‡ãŠããäÀ‡ãŠ ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ (12.12.2013 Ôãñ)

    Ñããè ãä¶ãÀâ•ã¶ã ‡ã슽ããÀ ‚ãØãÆÌããÊãÍãñ¾ãÀ£ããÀ‡ãŠ ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ (08.12.2014 Ôãñ)

    Ñããè Ôãâ•ã¾ã ÁâØã›ãÍãñ¾ãÀ£ããÀ‡ãŠ ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ (08.12.2014 Ôãñ)

    ƒã䥡¾ã¶ã ‚ããñÌãÀÔããèû•ã ºãö‡ãŠ‡ãòŠ³ãè¾ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã : 763, ‚㥥ãã ÔããÊãõ, Þãñ¸ãõ - 600 002

    ÌãããäÓãÇ㊠ãäÀ¹ããñ›Ã 2015-16ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠØã¥ã (31.03.2016 ‡ãŠãñ)

    Indian Overseas BankCentral Office: 763, Anna Salai, Chennai-600 002

    ANNUAL REPORT 2015-16

    BOARD OF DIRECTORS (as on 31.03.2016)

    Shri R KoteeswaranManaging Director & Chief Executive Officer(from 31.12.2014)

    Shri Atul AgarwalExecutive Director (from 27.09.2013)

    Shri Pawan Kumar BajajExecutive Director (from 10.03.2015)

    Dr. Alok PandeGovt. Nominee Director (from 22.07.2011)

    Shri Nirmal ChandRBI Nominee Director (from 13.03.2014)

    Shri R Sampath KumarWorkmen Employee Director (from 24.01.2014)

    Dr. J D SharmaOfficer Employee Director (from 02.05.2013)

    Shri ChinnaiahPart-time Non-Official Director (from 13.11.2013)

    Smt. S SujathaPart-time Non-Official Director (from 05.12.2013)

    Shri A.B.D. BadushasPart-time Non-Official Director (from 12.12.2013)

    Shri Niranjan Kumar AgarwalShareholder Director (from 08.12.2014)

    Shri Sanjay RungtaShareholder Director (from 08.12.2014)

    Ñããè½ã¦ããè Íãâ‡ãŠÀãè ¹ãÊããä¶ãÌãñÊㄹ㠽ãÖã ¹ãƺãâ£ã‡ãŠ Ìã ºããñ¡Ã ÔããäÞãÌã (01.10.2015Ôãñ)

    Smt Sankari PalanivelDeputy General Manager & Board Secretary (from 01.10.2015)

    ÊãñŒãã ¹ãÀãèàã‡ãŠ1. ½ãñÔãÔãà Ìã£ãýãã¶ã †â¡ ‡ãâŠ, Þãñ¸ãõ 2. ½ãñÔãÔãà ††Ôㆠ†â¡

    †ÔããñãäÔ㆛áÔã †Êã†Êã¹ããè ãäªÊÊããè

    3. ½ãñÔãÔãà † Ìããè ªñÌã¶ã †â¡ ‡ã⊠Þãñ¸ãõ

    4. ½ãñÔãÔãà ÖãäÀ¼ããä‡ã‹¦ã †â¡ ‡ãâŠ. †Êã†Êã¹ããè, ½ãìâºãƒÃ

    5. ½ãñÔãÔãà ¦ãÊãã›ãè †â¡ ¦ãÊãã›ãè,‚ãÖ½ãªãºããª


    1. M/s. Vardhaman & Co,


    2. M/s. ASA & Associates LLP Delhi

    3. M/s. A V Deven & Co


    4. M/s Haribhakti & Co. LLP, Mumbai

    5. M/s Talati & Talati, Ahmedabad

    Àãä•ãÔ›ÈãÀ †Ìãâ Íãñ¾ãÀ ‚ãâ¦ãÀ¥ã †•ãò›

    ½ãñÔãÔãà ‡ãñŠãä½ã¾ããñ ‡ãŠãù¹ããóÀñ› ÔããäÌãÃÔãñû•ã ãäÊã(¾ãîãä¶ã› - ‚ãヂããñºããè) Ôãìºãƽããä¥ã¾ã¶ã ãäºããäÊ¡âØã,¹ããâÞãÌããè ½ãâãäû•ãÊã, ¶ãâ û1 ‡ã‹Êãºã Öã„Ôã Àãñ¡ Þãñ¸ãõ-600 002›ñãäÊã¹ãŠãñ¶ã: 044-2846030 (6 Êãヶã)044-28460395¹ãõŠ‡ã‹Ôã 044-28460129ƒÃ ½ãñÊã : [email protected]

    Registrar & Share Transfer Agent

    M/s Cameo Corporate Services Ltd

    (Unit-IOB) Subramaninan Building

    V Floor, No.1 Club House Road

    Chennai-600 002

    Tel: 044-28460390 (Six Lines)


    Fax 044-28460129

    E mail: [email protected]

  • 2

    ¹ãƺãâ£ã ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ Ìã ½ãì.‡ãŠã.‚ããä£ã. ‡ãŠãè ¡ñԇ㊠Ôãñ 3

    †‡ãŠ ¢ãÊã‡ãŠ ½ãò 9

    Íãñ¾ãÀ£ããÀ‡ãŠãò ‡ãŠãñ ÔãîÞã¶ãã 10

    ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠãò ‡ãŠãè ãäÀ¹ããñ›Ã 26

    ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ãäÌãÞããÀ-ãäÌã½ãÍãà ‚ããõÀ ãäÌãÍÊãñÓã¥ã 32

    ÌãÓãà 2015-16 ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ‡ãŠãù¹ããóÀñ› ØãÌã¶ãôÔã ¹ãÀ

    ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ ½ãâ¡Êã ‡ãŠãè ãäÀ¹ããñ›Ã 59

    ‡ãŠãù¹ããóÀñ› ØãÌã¶ãôÔã ¹ãÀ ÊãñŒãã ¹ãÀãèàã‡ãŠãò ‡ãŠã ¹ãƽãã¥ã-¹ã¨ã 99

    ÌãããäÓãÇ㊠ÊãñŒãñ 100

    ¶ã‡ãŠª ¹ãÆÌããÖ ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã †Ìãâ ÊãñŒãã ¹ãÀãèàã‡ãŠãò ‡ãŠã ¹ãƽãã¥ã-¹ã¨ã 176

    ÊãñŒãã ¹ãÀãèàã‡ãŠãò ‡ãŠãè ãäÀ¹ããñ›Ã 243

    ¹ãÆãù‡ã‹Ôããè ¹ãŠãù½ãà 246

    (¾ããäª ƒÔã ÌãããäÓãÇ㊠ãäÀ¹ããñ›Ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÖ¶ªãè Á¹ããâ¦ãÀ¥ã ½ãò ‡ãŠãñƒÃ ãäÌãÔãâØããä¦ã ¹ããƒÃ •ãã¦ããè Öõ ¦ããñ ‚ãâØãÆñ•ããè Á¹ããâ¦ãÀ¥ã ÔãÖãè ½ãã¶ãã •ãã†Øãã)

    ƒã䥡¾ã¶ã ‚ããñÌãÀÔããèû•ã ºãö‡ãŠ‡ãòŠ³ãè¾ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã : 763, ‚㥥ãã ÔããÊãõ, Þãñ¸ãõ - 600 002

    ÌãããäÓãÇ㊠ãäÀ¹ããñ›Ã 2015-16ãäÌãÓ¾ãÌãÔ¦ãì

    Indian Overseas BankCentral Office: 763, Anna Salai, Chennai-600 002

    ANNUAL REPORT 2015-16


    From the Managing Director & CEO’s Desk 3

    At a Glance 9

    Notice to the Shareholder 10

    Directors’ Report 27

    Management Discussion and Analysis 33

    Report of the Board of Directors on

    Corporate Governance for the year 2015-16 58

    Auditors’ Certificate on Corporate Governance 99

    Annual Accounts 101

    Cash Flow Statement & Auditors’ Certificate 177

    Auditors’ Report 244

    Proxy Form 247

    (Incase any discrepancy found in Hindi Version of this

    Annual Report, English Version will prevail)

    ÊãñŒãã ºãâªãè ‡ãŠãè ¦ããÀãèŒãò : 12.07.2016 (½ãâØãÊãÌããÀ) Ôãñ 18.07.2016 (Ôããñ½ãÌããÀ)

    ÌãããäÓãÇ㊠ãäÀ¹ããñ›Ã ‡ãŠã ¹ãÆñÓã¥ã : 20.06.2016 (Ôããñ½ãÌããÀ) Ôãñ 23.06.2016 (ØãìÁÌããÀ)¹ãÆã‡ã‹Ôããè ¹ãŠã½ãà ¹ãÆ㹦㠇ãŠÀ¶ãñ ‡ãŠãè ‚ãâãä¦ã½ã ¦ããÀãèŒã : 13.07.2016 (ºãì£ãÌããÀ) Ôãã¾ãâ 5.00

    ÌãããäÓãÇ㊠Ôãã½ã㶾㠺ãõŸ‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãè ¦ããÀãèŒã : 18.07.2016 (Ôããñ½ãÌããÀ) ÔãìºãÖ 10.00

    Book Closure Dates : 12.07.2016 (Tuesday) to 18.07.2016 (Monday)Posting of Annual Report : 20.06.2016 (Monday) to 23.06.2016 (Thursday)

    Last Date for receipt of Proxy Form : 13.07.2016 (Wednesday) 5.00 PM Date of AGM : 18.07.2016 (Monday) 10.00 AM

    Page No.¹ãðÓ› Ôãâ.

    ãäÌ㦦ããè¾ã ‡ãõŠÊãò¡À Financial Calendar

    For the Financial Year 1st April, 2015 to 31st March, 2016ãäÌ㦦ããè¾ã ÌãÓãà 1 ‚ã¹ãÆñõÊã 2015 Ôãñ 31 ½ããÞãà 2016 ¦ã‡ãŠ

  • 3

    Shri.R Koteeswaran

    Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer

    Dear Shareholders,

    I am presenting your Bank’s Annual Report and financial statements for the year 2015-16. I would like to share with you the performance highlights and financial indicators of the Bank during the year.

    Economic Scenario

    India is doing well on macroeconomic aspects with the

    growth rate of 7.9 per cent, moderate inflation of 5.39 per

    cent, current account surplus, controlled fiscal deficit and

    large forex reserves of US$360 billion. However the country

    is not insulated from global shocks & internal blows. On the

    external front, exports which account for 23% of India’s GDP

    have been contracting since December 2014. A sharp

    decline is seen in petroleum and crude, agriculture and

    allied products, ores and minerals, and electronic goods. On

    the domestic side, though the urban consumption growth

    has benefited from lower inflation and oil prices, the rural

    economy is still fragile. On investment side, corporate

    balance sheets are stressed and fresh investments are not

    being undertaken. Large corporates are unwilling to borrow

    due to their high debt levels and weak demand. While

    corporates are unwilling to borrow, banks are focusing on

    retail & SME to drive growth. However, PSBs registered a

    tepid credit growth of 4.59 per cent as on March 2015-16.

    Banking sector, especially PSBs, continue to struggle with

    rising NPAs. The gross NPA ratio of PSBs increased from

    5.02% in March 2015 to 9.30% by March 2016. However,

    the government has initiated several policy reforms in core

    sectors; they are yet to yield results and kick-start

    investment activity. The easing price pressures have

    allowed RBI to reduce the benchmark interest rate to a five-

    year low of 6.5%. The central bank is also working with the

    Ñããè. ‚ããÀ. ‡ãŠãñ›ãèÔÌãÀ¶ã

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    ƒã䥡¾ã¶ã ‚ããñÌãÀÔããèû•ã ºãö‡ãŠ- ‡ãòŠ³ãè¾ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã- Þãñ¸ãõ

    ¹ãƺãâ£ã ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ Ìã ½ã쌾㠇ãŠã¾ãùããÊã‡ãŠ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‡ãŠã ¹ã¨ã Letter from Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer

  • government to clean up as much as $120 billion of stressed

    assets at commercial banks, extend financial services to

    India’s remote villages and rid the system of perverse

    incentives that encourage companies to default on


    The economy is expected to grow at 8% during FY2016-17, with the 94% increase in allocation for the farm sector by the Union Budget, fast-tracking of irrigation projects, increase in farm credit, higher allocation to MGNREGA and extension of interest rate subvention to farmers etc. Allocation for infrastructure-related sectors rose by 42.7% y-o-y for FY17. Public investments on infrastructure can help to ease the low capacity utilisation situation in most industries. Infrastructure spending will have a multiplier effect of creating demand for steel, cement, capital goods and commercial vehicles, and spurring fresh investments in manufacturing. On the face of it, bank credits expected to clock double digit growth for FY2016-17.

    Performance Highlights – 2015-16

    The performance of your Bank has to be evaluated and judged by esteemed stakeholders against the economic scenario witnessed by us during the last one year.

    The performance details of the Bank during the year under review are as under:

    Business Parameters Amount (Rs in Crores)

    31.03.2016 31.03.2015

    Global Business 3,97,241 4,25,090

    Global Deposits 2,24,514 2,46,049

    Global Advances 1,72,727 1,79,041

    Operating Profit 2,885 3322

    Net profit/Loss -2,897.33 -454.33

    Net investments of the bank decreased to Rs. 79189.55 Crs as of 31st March 2016 from Rs.81310.34* Crs as on 31st March 2015. Total profit including sale of securities & profit on exchange amounted to Rs. 699.58 Crores during the year 2015-16 as against Rs.772.23 Crores of 2014-15. 10-year benchmark yield has gone down from 7.81% to 7.46% during the year. The return on total investments before amortization for the year 2015-16 is 7.56% as against 7.64% in 2014-15. (*Includes investment in IRDF amounting to Rs.2012.25 Cr. as on 31.03.2015)


    Gross Advaces stood at Rs.1,72,727 crore as on 31st March 2016 as against Rs.1,79,041 crore as on 31st March 2015. As the Bank was in consolidation mode, credit growth was


    ‡ãòŠ³ãè¾ã ºãö‡ãŠ ¼ããè Ìãããä¥ãã䕾ã‡ãŠ ºãö‡ãŠãò ‡ãŠãè $120 ãäºããäÊã¾ã¶ã ‡ãŠãè ¦ã¶ããÌãØãÆԦ㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãñ Ôã½ã㹦㠇ãŠÀ¶ãñ, ¼ããÀ¦ã ‡ãñŠ ªîÀÔ©ã ØããÌããò ¦ã‡ãŠ ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ÔãñÌãã†ú ¹ãÖìâÞãã¶ãñ ‚ããõÀ ‡ã⊹ããä¶ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãñ ¼ãìØã¦ãã¶ã ½ãò Þãî‡ãŠ ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ„¦Ôãããä֦㠇ãŠÀ¶ãñ ÌããÊãñ ¼ÇãÓ› ¹ãÆãñ¦Ôããֶ㠹ãÆ¥ããÊããè Ôãñ œì›‡ãŠãÀã ¹ãã¶ãñ ½ãò ÔãÀ‡ãŠãÀ ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã ãä½ãÊã‡ãŠÀ ‡ãŠã½ã ‡ãŠÀ ÀÖã Öõý ‡ãòŠ³ãè¾ã ºã•ã› ½ãò ‡ãðŠãäÓã àãñ¨ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ‚ããºã⛶㠽ãò 94% Ìãðãä®, ãäÔãâÞããƒÃ ¹ããäÀ¾ããñ•ã¶ãã‚ããñâ ½ãò ¦ãñ•ããè, ‡ãðŠãäÓã „£ããÀ ½ãò Ìãðãä®, ½ã¶ãÀñØãã ½ãò „ÞÞã ‚ããºã⛶㠂ããõÀ ãä‡ãŠÔãã¶ããò ‡ãŠãñ º¾ãã•ã ½ãã¹ããè ¹ãƪã¶ã ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ƒ¦¾ãããäª ‡ãŠãè Ìã•ãÖ Ôãñ ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ÌãÓãà 2016-17 ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ‚ã©ãÃ̾ãÌãÔ©ãã ‡ãñŠ 8% ‡ãŠãè ªÀ Ôãñ ÔãâÌãðãä® ‡ãŠã ‚ã¶ãì½ãã¶ã Öõý ÌãÓãÃ-ªÀ-ÌãÓãà ‡ãŠãè ¦ãìÊã¶ãã ½ãò ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ÌãÓãà 2016-17 ½ãò ‚ãã£ããÀ¼ãî¦ã ¤ãâÞãñ Ôãñ Ô㽺ãã䶣ã¦ã àãñ¨ããò ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ‚ããºã⛶ã 42.7% ºãü¤ã Öõý ‚ãã£ããÀ¼ãî¦ã ¤ãúÞãñ ½ãò ÔããÌãÕããä¶ã‡ãŠ ãä¶ãÌãñÍã Ôãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ¦ã½ã „²ããñØããò ½ãò ̾ã㹦㠇㊽ã àã½ã¦ãã „¹ã¾ããñØã ‡ãŠãè ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ½ãò Ôãì£ããÀ ‚ãã†Øããý ‚ãã£ããÀ¼ãî¦ã ¤ãâÞãñ ½ãò ŒãÞãà Ôãñ Ô›ãèÊã, Ôããè½ãò›, ‡ãõŠãä¹ã›Êã Øãì¡áÔã †Ìãâ Ìãããä¥ãã䕾ã‡ãŠ ÌããÖ¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ½ããâØã ºã¶ãã¶ãñ ‚ããõÀ ãäÌããä¶ã½ããå㠽ãò ¶ã† ãä¶ãÌãñÍããò ‡ãŠãè ÍãìÁ‚ãã¦ã ‡ãŠã Øãì¥ã㦽ã‡ãŠ ¹ãƼããÌã ¹ãü¡ñØããý ƒÔã‡ãŠãè Ìã•ãÖ Ôãñ ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ÌãÓãà 2016-17 ½ãò ºãö‡ãŠ „£ããÀãò ½ãò ªãñÖÀñ ‚ãâ‡ãŠ ½ãò ÔãâÌãðãä® ‡ãŠãè „½½ããèª ‡ãŠãè •ãã ÀÖãè Öõý ‡ãŠã¾ãÃ-ãä¶ãÓ¹ã㪶㠇ãŠãè ãäÌãÍãñÓã¦ãã†â - 2015-16Ôã½½ãã¶ã¶ããè¾ã ãäÖ¦ã£ããÀ‡ãŠãò ́ ãÀã ‚ã¹ã¶ãñ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ‡ãŠã¾ãÃ-ãä¶ãÓ¹ã㪶㠇ãŠã ½ãîʾããâ‡ãŠ¶ã †Ìãâ „Ôã‡ãŠã ãä¶ã¥ãþã ãä¹ãœÊãñ †‡ãŠ ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã Ö½ããÀñ Ôã½ãàã ‚ãㆠ‚ãããä©ãÇ㊠¹ããäÀÒ;㠇ãñŠ Ôã⪼ãà ½ãò ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã •ãã†ý Ôã½ããèàãã£ããè¶ã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ‡ãŠã¾ãÃ-ãä¶ãÓ¹ã㪶㠇ãŠã ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã ãä¶ã½¶ããäÊããäŒã¦ã Öõ:

    ‡ãŠãÀãñºããÀ ½ãã¶ãªâ¡ ÀããäÍã (Á. ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ½ãò)

    31.03.2016 31.03.2015

    ÌãõãäÍÌã‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãÀãñºããÀ 3,97,241 4,25,090

    ÌãõãäÍÌã‡ãŠ •ã½ãã†â 2,24,514 2,46,049

    ÌãõãäÍÌã‡ãŠ ‚ããäØãƽã 1,72,727 1,79,041

    ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã Êãã¼ã 2,885 3322

    ãä¶ãÌãÊã Êãã¼ã / Öããä¶ã -2,897.33 -454.33

    31 ½ããÞãà 2015 ‡ãŠãñ Á. 81310.34* ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ‡ãñŠ ½ãì‡ãŠãºãÊãñ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠã ãä¶ãÌãÊã ãä¶ãÌãñÍã Ü㛇ãŠÀ 31 ½ããÞãà 2016 ¦ã‡ãŠ Á. 79189.55 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Öãñ Øã¾ããý ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ¹ãÀ Êãã¼ã †Ìãâ ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ãäºã‰ãŠãè ‡ãñŠ ºããÌã•ãîª ÌãÓãà 2015-16 ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ‡ãìŠÊã Êãã¼ã Á¹ã† 699.58 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ÀÖã •ãºããä‡ãŠ 2014-15 ½ãò ¾ãÖ Á. 772.23 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ©ããý ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã 10-ÌãÓãà ‡ãŠãè ºãòÞã½ãã‡ãÊ ¹ãÆãã书ã 7.81% Ôãñ Ü㛇ãŠÀ 7.46% Öãñ ØãƒÃý ÌãÓãà 2014-15 ½ãò 7.64% ‡ãñŠ ½ãì‡ãŠãºãÊãñ ÌãÓãà 2015-16 ½ãò ¹ããäÀÍããñ£ã¶ã Ôãñ ¹ãîÌãà ‡ãìŠÊã ãä¶ãÌãñÍã ¹ãÀ ãäÀ›¶ãà 7.56% ÀÖãý (*31.03.2015 ¦ã‡ãŠ ‚ããƒ.‚ããÀ.¡ãè.†¹ãŠ. ½ãò Á.2012.25 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ‡ãŠãè ÀããäÍã ‡ãŠã ãä¶ãÌãñÍã Íãããä½ãÊã Öõ)‚ããäØãƽã:

    31 ½ããÞãà 2016 ¦ã‡ãŠ Ôã‡ãŠÊã ‚ããäØãƽã Á. 1,72,727 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ÀÖã •ããñ 31 ½ããÞãà 2015 ‡ãŠãñ 1,79,041 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ©ããý ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãñ¶ÔããñãäÊã¡ñÍã¶ã ½ããñ¡ ½ãò ©ãã ƒÔããäÊã†

  • 5

    ¨ãÉ¥ã Êãñ¶ãñ ÌããÊããò ‡ãŠãè ‡ãŠ½ããè ‡ãŠãñ ªñŒã¦ãñ Öì† ¨ãÉ¥ã ÔãâÌãðãä® ‡ãŠãñ •ãã¶ã¦ãñ Ôã½ã¢ã¦ãñ Ôããèãä½ã¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ããý

    ãä¶ãÌãÊã Êãã¼ã :

    31.03.2016 ‡ãŠãñ Ôã½ã㹦ã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠãä¶ãÌãÊã Üãã›ã Á. 2897.33 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ©ãã ‚ããõÀ Þããõ©ããè ãä¦ã½ããÖãè ½ãò Á. 936 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ •ãºããä‡ãŠ ¦ããèÔãÀãè ãä¦ã½ããÖãè ½ãò ãä¶ãÌãÊã Üãã›ã Á. 1425 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ©ããý 31.03.2015 ‡ãŠãñ Ôã½ã㹦ã ÌãÓãà ½ãò ãä¶ãÌãÊã Üãã›ã Á. 454.33 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ©ããý

    Á. 2885 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ‡ãñŠ ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã Êãã¼ã ‡ãñŠ ½ãì‡ãŠãºãÊãñ †¶ã¹ããè†, ¹ãì¶ãÔãÃâÀãäÞã¦ã Œãã¦ããò, ›õ‡ã‹Ôã †Ìãâ ‚ã©ãÃ̾ãÌãÔ©ãã ‡ãñŠ ¹ãƽãìŒã àãñ¨ããò Ôãñ Ô㽺ãã䶣ã¦ã ¶ã† Œãã¦ããò ‡ãñŠ †¶ã¹ããè† ºã¶ã¶ãñ ‡ãŠãè Ìã•ãÖ Ôãñ Á. 5782 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ‡ãñŠ ºãü¤ñ Öì† ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠãè Ìã•ãÖ Ôãñ Ö½ãò ‚ã¹ã¶ãñ Êãã¼ã ½ãò ‚ããä•ãæ㠂ãã¾ã Ôãñ Öã©ã £ããñ¶ãã ¹ãü¡ã •ããñ ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÜãã›ñ ‡ãñŠ ¹㠽ãò ã䪌ã ÀÖã Öõý

    ÍããŒãã ãäÌãÔ¦ããÀ:-

    31.03.2016 31.03.2015

    ÍããŒãã‚ããñâ ‡ãŠãè Ôã⌾ãã

    ‡ãŠ. ÜãÀñÊãî 3397 3 3 8 1 - ƒÔã½ãò Ôãñ

    ØãÆã½ããè¥ã 1036 1028- ‚ã®Ã-ÍãÖÀãè 960 947- ÍãÖÀãè 748 747- ½ãÖã¶ãØãÀãè¾ã 653 659Œã.ÌãõãäÍÌã‡ãŠ 8 8

    ƒÔã‡ãñŠ ‚ããä¦ããäÀ§ãŠ, ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ 7 ‚ãâÞãÊã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã, 49 àãñ¨ããè¾ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã, 4 ãäÌãÔ¦ããÀ ‡ãŠã„â›À, 20 Ôãñ›ñÊãホ ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã, 14 ãäÔã›ãè ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã, 41 ¦ÌããäÀ¦ã ŒãìªÀã ‡ãòŠ³, 18 †½ã†ÔㆽãƒÃ ¹ãÆÔãâÔ‡ãŠÀ¥ã ‡ãòŠ³ ‚ããõÀ 6 ãä¶ãÀãèàã¥ããÊã¾ã Ööý

    Ôã½ããèàãã£ããè¶ã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ºãö‡ãŠ ¶ãñ ªñÍã ¼ãÀ ½ãò 34 ÍããŒãã†â ŒããñÊããè Ööý 2015-16 ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ŒããñÊããè ØãƒÃ ƒ¶ã 34 ÍããŒãã‚ããñâ ½ãò Ôãñ, 26 ÍããŒãã†â (76.47%) ØãÆã½ããè¥ã †Ìãâ ‚ã£ãÃ-ÍãÖÀãè ‡ãòŠ³ãò ½ãò ‚ããõÀ 8 ÍããŒãã†â ºãö‡ãŠ ÀãäÖ¦ã ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ‡ãòŠ³ãò ½ãò ŒããñÊããè ØãƒÃ Ööý ƒ¶ã ¶ãƒÃ ÍããŒãã‚ããñâ ¶ãñ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãñ ¶ã† ãäÀͦãñ ºã¶ãã¶ãñ ‚ããõÀ Ôã¼ããè À㕾ããò ½ãò ‚ã¹ã¶ããè ½ããõ•ãîªØããè ªû•ãà ‡ãŠÀã¶ãñ ½ãò ÔãÖ¾ããñØã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Öõý

    ‚㶾ã ãäÌãÍãñÓã¦ãã†â:-

    Ÿ ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ 40% ‡ãñŠ ¶¾ãî¶ã¦ã½ã ãä¶ã¾ã½ã ‡ãñŠ ½ãì‡ãŠãºãÊãñ, Ôã½ãã¾ããñãä•ã¦ã ãä¶ãÌãÊã ºãö‡ãŠ „£ããÀ ½ãò ¹ãÆã©ããä½ã‡ãŠ¦ãã àãñ¨ã ‡ãŠãñ ‚ããäØãƽ㠇ãŠã ¹ãÆãä¦ãÍã¦ã 40.29% ÀÖã Öõý

    (Á. ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ½ãò) 31.03.2016 31.03.2015

    ‡ãìŠÊã ¹ãÆã©ããä½ã‡ãŠ¦ãã „£ããÀ 67,615 63,635‡ãðŠãäÓã 30,237 29,236Ôãîà½ã Ì㠽㣾ã½ã „²ã½ã 27,950 26,161‡ãŠ½ãû•ããñÀ ÌãØãà 21,824 23,478

    contained consciously, in the backdrop of low credit off-take.


    Net loss for the year ended 31.03.2016 is Rs.2897.33 crore

    and for Q4 Rs.936 crore as against net loss of Rs.1425 crore

    in Q3 of 2015-16. Net loss for the year ended 31.03.2015

    was Rs.454.33 crore.

    Due to increased provisions of Rs 5782 crore against

    operating profit of Rs 2885 crore on NPA, Restructured

    accounts, Taxes and fresh slippages of accounts to NPA

    under prime sector of the economy, which resulted the

    denial of income accrued thereon for our profit, resulted in

    net loss for the year.

    Branch Expansion:-

    31.03.2016 31.03.2015

    No of Branches

    A. Domestic 3397 3381

    Of which

    - Rural 1036 1028

    - Semi Urban 960 947

    - Urban 748 747

    - Metro 653 659

    B.Global 8 8

    Besides, the Bank has 7 Zonal Offices, 49 Regional Offices, 4 Extension Counters, 20 Satellite Offices, 14 City Back Offices, 41 Rapid Retail Centres, 18 MSME Processing Centres and 6 Inspectorates.

    During the year under review, the Bank has opened 34 branches across the country. Out of 34 branches opened during 2015-16, 26 branches (76.47%) are located in Rural and Semi Urban centres, of which 8 branches are located in Unbanked Rural Centres. These new branches have enabled the Bank to enhance new relationship and spread Bank’s Network covering all states.

    Other Highlights:-

    • The percentage of priority sector advances to Adjusted Net Bank Credit stood at 40.29% as against RBI norms of minimum 40%.

    (Rs. in crore)

    31.03.2016 31.03.2015

    Total Priority Credit 67,615 63,635

    Agriculture 30,237 29,236

    Micro & Small Enterprises 27,950 26,161

    Weaker Sections 21,824 23,478

    Other Priority Sector 9,428 8,237

  • 6

    • Business per employee stood at 12.41 crore as on 31.03.2016.

    • Gross NPA as at 31st March 2016 was at Rs. 30,049 crore with Gross NPA ratio of 17.40% and Net NPA stood at 11.89%.

    • Provision Coverage Ratio stood at 47.39% as on 31.03.2016.

    • Capital Adequacy Ratio

    The Bank’s Capital Adequacy Ratio as on 31.3.2016 stood at 9.66% as per Basel III norms, which is above the requirement of 9.625% prescribed by RBI.

    Bank has incurred a net loss of Rs 2897.33 crore during the financial year ended 31.03.2016. Hence the Board of Directors has not recommended any dividend, as the Bank does not confirm to eligibility criteria prescribed by GOI/RBI.


    Bank has embarked on Technology Upgrade and IT Transformation, to improve the operational efficiency and customer service. All domestic branches and other offices have been successfully migrated from In house software “CROWN” to the outsourced Finacle 10 Software. This will improve customer satisfaction level and facilitate the customers to conduct their banking operations from home 24/7 in a faster manner. Mobile banking solution through smart phone applications and real time funds transfer (IMPS) has been launched along with other new IT initiatives. IOB Debit card payment option in IRCTC site has been enabled.

    • Para banking:-

    In the area of Para-banking, Bank is concentrating on marketing of insurance products and IT enabled products. The Bank continues with its Corporate Agency arrangement entered into with LIC of India for distribution of Life Insurance products, Universal Sompo General Insurance Company Limited (the Non-Life Insurance Joint Venture Company) for distribution of non-life insurance products and Apollo Munich Health Insurance (Standalone Health Insurance partner) for distribution of Health Insurance Products.

    For FY 2015-16, our Bank has earned commission of Rs. 3.03 Crores through mobilizing LIC policies, Rs. 11.98 Crores through mobilizing Universal Sompo policies and Rs.2.06 Crores through mobilizing Apollo Munich Health Insurance policies.

    • Steps to improve Profitability:-

    As part of the efforts to improve profitability, bank lays renewed emphasis on improving the CASA ratio, improve Net Interest Margin, reduction of NPAs to a large extent through intensive recovery measures like conducting frequent Lok Adalats / Recovery Camps, One-Time

    ‚㶾㠹ãÆã©ããä½ã‡ãŠ¦ãã àãñ¨ã 9,428 8,237

    Ÿ 31.03.2016 ¦ã‡ãŠ ¹ãÆãä¦ã ‡ãŠ½ãÃÞããÀãè ‡ãŠãÀãñºããÀ 12.41 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ÀÖãý

    Ÿ 17.40% ‡ãñŠ Ôã‡ãŠÊã †¶ã¹ããè† ‚ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã 31 ½ããÞãà 2016 ¦ã‡ãŠ Ôã‡ãŠÊã †¶ã¹ããè† Á¹ã† 30,049 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ‚ããõÀ ãä¶ãÌãÊã †¶ã¹ããè† 11.89% ÀÖãý

    Ÿ 31.03.2016 ¦ã‡ãŠ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠÌãÀñ•ã ‚ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã 47.39% ÀÖãý

    Ÿ ¹ãîâ•ããè ¹ã¾ããù¦ã¦ãã ‚ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã

    ºãñÔãÊã III ãä¶ã¾ã½ããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ 31.03.2016 ¦ã‡ãŠ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠã ¹ãîâ•ããè ¹ã¾ããù¦ã¦ãã ‚ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã 9.66% ¹ãÀ ÀÖã •ããñ ¼ãã.ãäÀ.ºãö. ́ ãÀã ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã 9.625% ‡ãŠãè ‚ã¹ãñàãã Ôãñ …¹ãÀ Öõý

    31.03.2016 ‡ãŠãñ Ôã½ã㹦ã ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãñ Á. 2897.33 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ‡ãŠã ãä¶ãÌãÊã Üãã›ã Öì‚ãã Öõý ‚ã¦ã: ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ ½ãâ¡Êã ¶ãñ ãä‡ãŠÔããè ¹ãƇãŠãÀ ‡ãñŠ Êãã¼ããâÍã ‡ãŠãè ‚ã¶ãìÍãâÔãã ¶ãÖãé ‡ãŠãè Öõ ‡ã‹¾ããòãä‡ãŠ ºãö‡ãŠ ¼ããÀ¦ã ÔãÀ‡ãŠãÀ / ¼ãã.ãäÀ.ºãö. ́ ãÀã ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã ¹ãã¨ã¦ãã ½ãã¶ãªâ¡ ‡ãŠãè ¹ãîãä¦ãà ¶ãÖãé ‡ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõý

    Ÿ ‚ãホãè ¹ãÖÊãò:

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  • 7

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    ü †½ã.†Ôã.†½ã.ƒÃ ºãöãä‡ãâŠØã „¦‡ãðŠÓ›¦ãã ¹ãìÀÔ‡ãŠãÀ 2015

    ü ½ã£¾ã½ã ‚ãã‡ãŠãÀ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÔãÌãÃÑãñÓŸ ƒ‡ãŠãñ-›ñ‡ãŠ ÔãñÌããè ºãö‡ãŠ - ãäÌã•ãñ¦ãã

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    Settlements and resorting to legal action under SARFAESI Act and sale of financial assets in eligible accounts.

    • Overseas Operations:-

    As regards our overseas operations, we have eight full-fledged overseas branches – two in Hong Kong, Bangkok and Sri Lanka and one each in Singapore and South Korea. We also have remittance Centers operating at Boon Lay and Serangoon, Singapore. During August 2013, bank has upgraded the Extension Counter at Sri Lanka into a branch with due regulatory approvals increasing the number of branches at Sri Lanka to two. During August 2014, Sukhumvit, Bangkok commenced operations increasing the number of branches in Bangkok to two. The Bank’s Representative Offices are located in Guangzhou (China), Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) and Al Karama, (Dubai). Bank is taking up for/awaiting RBI permission for upgrading its representative office at Dubai, Vietnam and China into full fledged branches.

    Ministry of Finance, Government of India has allocated the

    following overseas centres for opening of overseas

    JV/WOS by the Bank. 1. Thailand, 2. Vietnam, 3.Mongolia,

    4. Srilanka and 5. Republic of Korea.

    Our Bank has signed a joint venture agreement with Bank of

    Baroda and Andhra Bank to open a Banking subsidiary in

    Malaysia. The Joint venture has been duly incorporated at

    Malaysia on 13.08.2010 by name “India International Bank

    (Malaysia) Ltd.” BHD and the banking Joint Venture has

    started functioning from July 2012.

    • Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY):

    The Bank is implementing PMJDY as per the directives of

    Govt. of India. The Scheme was launched by the Prime

    Minister of India on 15th August 2014. The Bank has opened

    38,62,633 BSBD Accounts and issued 37,30,544 RuPay

    Debit Cards till 31st March 2016 under this scheme.

    • Awards won by IOB:-

    Ø Chamber of Indian Micro Small & Medium Enterprises, Delhi have given the following awards for Indian Overseas Bank in 2015-16 –

    ü MSME Banking Excellence Awards 2015.

    ü Best Eco-Tech Savvy Bank for Mid-Sized Bank - Winner

    ü Best Bank under MUDRA Yojna for Mid-Sized Bank - Winner

    ü Best Bank for Promotional Scheme for Mid-Sized Bank - Runner Up

    Ø IOB In-House magazine “VANI” (Official Language)

    has been given First Prize by Government of India in ‘C’

    region in 2015-16.

  • 8

    Ø ÌãÓãà 2015-16 ½ãò ãäÊㆠ¼ããÀ¦ã ÔãÀ‡ãŠãÀ ûÔãñ ‚ããƒ.‚ããñ.ºããè ‡ãŠãè ØãðÖ ¹ããä¨ã‡ãŠã `Ìãã¥ããè' (Àã•ã¼ããÓãã) ‡ãŠãñ ̀ Øã' àãñ¨ã ½ãò ¹ãÆ©ã½ã ¹ãìÀÔ‡ãŠãÀý

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    Ÿ Ö½ããÀãè ¹ãÆãä¦ãºã®¦ãã†ú:

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    Ø IOB In-House magazine “VANI” (Official Language) has been given Second Prize from Reserve Bank of India in the year 2015-16.

    • Our Commitment:-

    The bank resolves to achieve continuous and meaningful growth by making effective use of its human resources and leveraging its large network of branches and technology amidst the competitive and challenging environment in the industry in order to expand our market share and to improve values and returns to all our stakeholders.

    • Acknowledgements:-

    I take this opportunity to thank the members of the Board, the Government of India and the Reserve bank of India for their valuable support and guidance. I thank all our customers for their continued patronage and the opportunity given to us to serve them and nurture business relationship. I also place on record my appreciation for the dedication and commitment put in by our staff members. The valuable support of our stakeholders and the confidence they repose on the bank will motivate us to work with renewed vigour to improve business performance year after year.

    With warm regards,

    Yours sincerely,

    R Koteeswaran

    Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer

  • Mar-12Mar-16


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    At a Glance (Rs. In Crore)

    Mar-15 Mar-14 Mar-13

    Global Deposits

    Domestic Deposits

    Domestic Gross Advances

    Global Net Advances

    Priority Sector Advances

    Agricultural Credit

    Net Investments

    Gross Profit

    Net Profit/Net Loss



























































































    (Á.‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ½ãò)

  • NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERSthNotice is hereby given that the 16 Annual General Meeting

    of the shareholders of INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK will be thheld on Monday, 18 July 2016, at 10.00 A.M. at Rani

    Seethai Hall, 603, Anna Salai, Chennai 600 006, to transact the following businesses:

    1. To discuss, approve and adopt the audited Balance Sheet of the Bank as at 31st March 2016, Profit and

    stLoss account of the Bank for the year ended 31 March 2016, the report of the Board of Directors on the working and activities of the Bank for the period covered by the accounts and the Auditors' Report on the Balance Sheet and Accounts.

    2. To issue further shares:

    To consider and if thought fit, to pass, the following Resolution as a Special Resolution:

    "RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970 (Act), The Nationalised Banks (Management and Miscellaneous Provisions) Scheme, 1970 (Scheme) and the Indian Overseas Bank (Shares and Meetings) Regulations, 2003 (Regulations) as amended upto 2008 and subject to the approvals, consents, permissions and sanctions, if any, of the Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”), the Government of India (“GOI”), the Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”), and / or any other authority as may be required in this regard and subject to such terms, conditions and modifications thereto as may be prescribed by them in granting such approvals and which may be agreed to by the Board of Directors of the Bank and subject to the regulations viz., SEBI(Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009 (ICDR Regulations) as amended up to date/ guidelines, if any, prescribed by the RBI, SEBI, notifications/circulars and clarifications under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 and all other applicable laws and all other relevant authorities from time to time and subject to the Uniform Listing Agreements entered into with the Stock Exchanges where the equity shares of the Bank are listed, consent of the shareholders of the Bank be and is hereby accorded to the Board of Directors of the Bank (hereinafter called “the Board” which shall be deemed to include any Committee which the Board may have constituted or hereafter constitute to exercise its powers including the powers conferred by this Resolution) to create, offer, issue and allot (including with provision for reservation on firm allotment and/or competitive basis of such part of issue and for such categories of persons as may be permitted by the law then applicable) by way of an offer document/prospectus or such other document, in India or abroad, such number of equity/preference shares

    Íãñ¾ãÀ£ããÀ‡ãŠãò ‡ãŠãñ ÔãîÞã¶ãã

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  • 11

    (cumulative / non-cumulative) / securities (in accordance with the guidelines framed by RBI from time to time, specifying the class of preference shares , the extent of issue of each class of such preference shares , whether perpetual or redeemable and the terms & conditions subject to which each class of preference shares may be issued)of the face value of Rs.10 each and in any case not exceeding 78,81,55,925 equity shares and aggregating to not more than Rs.788,15,59,250 as on date which together with the existing Paid-up Equity share capital shall be within the total authorized capital of the bank of Rs.3000 crore, being the ceiling in the Authorised Capital of the Bank as per Section 3(2A) of the Act or to the extent of enhanced Authorised Capital as per the Amendment (if any ), that may be made to the Act in future, in such a way that the Central Government shall at all times hold not less than 52% of the paid-up Equity capital of the Bank , whether at a discount or premium to the market price, in one or more tranches, including to one or more of the members, employees of the Bank, Indian nationals, Non-Resident Indians (“NRIs”), Companies, private or public, Investment Institutions, Societies, Trusts, Research Organizations, Qualified Institutional Buyers (“QIBs”) like Foreign Institutional Investors (“FIIs”), Banks, Financial Institutions, Indian Mutual Funds, Venture Capital Funds, Foreign Venture Capital Investors, State Industrial Development Corporations, Insurance Companies, Provident Funds, Pension Funds, Development Financial Institutions or other entities, authorities or any other category of investors which are authorized to invest in equity/preference shares/securities of the Bank as per extant regulations/guidelines or any combination of the above or to institutional investors under Institutional Placement Programme as per Chapter VIII A of ICDR Regulations, as may be deemed appropriate by the Bank".

    "RESOLVED FURTHER THAT such issue, offer or allotment shall be by way of public issue, rights issue, equity shares to employees through SEBI (Share based Employee Benefits)Regulations, 2014, preferential issue and/or private placement , with or without over-allotment option and that such offer, issue, placement and allotment be made as per the provisions of the Act, ICDR Regulations and all other guidelines issued by the RBI, SEBI and any other authority as applicable, and at such time or times in such manner and on such terms and conditions as the Board may, in its absolute discretion, think fit".

    "RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board shall have the authority to decide, at such price or prices in such manner and where necessary in consultation with the lead managers and /or underwriters and /or other advisors or otherwise on such terms and conditions as the Board may, in its absolute discretion, decide in terms of ICDR Regulations, other regulations and any and all other applicable laws, rules, regulations and guidelines whether

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  • 12

    or not such investor(s) are existing members of the Bank, at a price not less than the price as determined in accordance with relevant provisions of ICDR Regulations".

    "RESOLVED FURTHER THAT in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Listing Agreements entered into with relevant stock exchanges, the provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, (“LODR”) the provisions of Act, the provisions of Regulations, the provisions of ICDR Regulations, the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident Outside India) Regulations, 2000, and subject to requisite approvals, consents, permissions and/or sanctions of SEBI, Stock Exchanges, RBI, Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB), Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce (DIPP ) and all other authorities as may be required (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Appropriate Authorities”) and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by any of them while granting any such approval, consent, permission and/or sanction (hereinafter referred to as “the requisite approvals”) the Board may, at its absolute discretion, issue, offer and allot, from time to time in one or more tranches, equity shares or any securities other than warrants, in such a way that the Central Government at any time holds not less than 52% of the Equity Capital of the Bank, to QIBs (as defined in Chapter VIII of the ICDR Regulations) pursuant to a qualified institutions placement (QIP) as provided for under Chapter VIII of the ICDR Regulations, and / or Institutional Investors pursuant to Institutional Placement Programme (IPP), as provided for under Chapter VIIIA of the ICDR Regulations through a placement document and/or such other documents / writings / circulars / memoranda and in such manner and on such price, terms and conditions as may be determined by the Board in accordance with the ICDR Regulations or other provisions of the law as may be prevailing at that time; provided the price inclusive of the premium of the equity shares so issued shall not be less than the price arrived in accordance with the relevant provisions of ICDR Regulations".

    "RESOLVED FURTHER THAT in case of a QIP made pursuant to Chapter VIII of the ICDR Regulations, the allotment of Securities shall only be to QIBs within the meaning of Chapter VIII of the ICDR Regulations, such Securities shall be fully paid-up and the allotment of such Securities shall be completed within 12 months from the date of passing of this resolution".

    “RESOLVED FURTHER THAT in case of QIP issue, the Bank in pursuance to proviso to Regulation 85(1) of ICDR Regulations is authorized to offer shares at a discount as

    ãä¶ãÌãñÍã‡ãŠ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ Ìã¦ãýãã¶ã ÔãªÔ¾ã Öãò ãä‡ãŠ ¶ãÖãé ‚ããõÀ ½ãîʾ㠇ãŠã ãä¶ã¾ã¦ã¶ã ‚ããƒÔããè¡ãè‚ããÀ ãäÌããä¶ã¾ã½ã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ¦ãÖ¦ã ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã ½ãîʾã Ôãñ ‡ãŠ½ã ¹ãÀ ¶ãÖãé ÖãñØãã ý"" ‚ããØãñ ¾ãÖ ¼ããè Ôãâ‡ãŠÊ¹ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã ãä‡ãŠ Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã Ô›ãù‡ãŠ †‡ã‹ÔãÞãò•ããò ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã Öì† ¾ãîãä¶ã¹ãŠãù½ãà ãäÊããäÔ›âØã ‡ãŠÀãÀ ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò, ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã †Ìãâ ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ºããñ¡Ã ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò (ãäÊããäÔ›âØã ºã㣾ã¦ãã†â Ìã ¹ãƇ㊛ãè‡ãŠÀ¥ã ‚ã¹ãñàãã†â) ãäÌããä¶ã¾ã½ã 2015, ("†Êã‚ããñ¡ãè‚ããÀ"), ‚ããä£ããä¶ã¾ã½ã ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò, ãäÌããä¶ã¾ã½ã ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò, ‚ããƒÔããè¡ãè‚ããÀ ãäÌããä¶ã¾ã½ã¶ã ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò, ãäÌãªñÍããè ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ‚ããä£ããä¶ã¾ã½ã 1999 ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‚ããõÀ ãäÌãªñÍããè ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã (¼ããÀ¦ã Ôãñ ºããÖÀ ÀÖ¶ãñÌããÊãñ ̾ããä‡ã‹¦ã ́ ãÀã ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã ‡ãŠã ‚ãâ¦ãÀ¥ã ¾ãã ãä¶ãØãýã¶ã) ãäÌããä¶ã¾ã½ã¶ã 2000 ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ¦ã©ãã ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã †Ìãâ ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ºããñ¡Ã (Ôãñºããè), Ô›ùã‡ãŠ †‡ã‹ÔãÞãò•ããò, ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ (‚ããÀºããè‚ããƒ), ãäÌãªñÍããè ãä¶ãÌãñÍã ¹ãÆãñ¦Ôããֶ㠺ããñ¡Ã (†¹ãŠ‚ãヹããèºããè), ‚ããõ²ããñãäØã‡ãŠ ¶ããèãä¦ã Ìã ¹ãÆãñ¦ÔããÖ¶ã ãäÌã¼ããØã, (¡ãè‚ãヹããè¹ããè) Ìãããä¥ã•¾ã ½ãâ¨ããÊã¾ã ‚ããõÀ ¾ã©ãã Ìããâã䜦㠂ã¶ãìÔããÀ ‚㶾ã Ôã¼ããè ¹ãÆããä£ã‡ãŠããäÀ¾ããò (‚ããØãñ ãä•ã¶ã‡ãŠã "Ôã½ãìãäÞã¦ã ¹ãÆããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãèØã¥ã" ‡ãñŠ ¹㠽ãò Ôã⪼ãà ãäÊã¾ãã •ãã†Øãã) ã䪾ãñ •ãã¶ãñ ÌããÊãñ ‚ããÌã;ã‡ãŠ ‚ã¶ãì½ããñª¶ããò, ÔãÖ½ããä¦ã¾ããò, ‚ã¶ãì½ããä¦ã¾ããò ‚ããõÀ / ¾ãã ½ãâ•ãîãäÀ¾ããò, ‡ãŠãè Íã¦ãà ¹ãÀ ‚ããõÀ „¶ã Íã¦ããóâ ¹ãÀ •ããñãä‡ãŠ †ñÔãñ ‚ã¶ãì½ããñª¶ã, †ñÔããè ÔãÖ½ããä¦ã, ‚ã¶ãì½ããä¦ã ‚ããõÀ/¾ãã ½ãâ•ãîÀãè ( ‚ããØãñ Ôãñ ãä•ãÔãñ "‚ã¹ãñãäàã¦ã ‚ã¶ãì½ããñª¶ã'' ‡ãŠÖã •ãã†Øãã) ¹ãƪã¶ã ‡ãŠÀ¦ãñ Ôã½ã¾ã „¶ã½ãò Ôãñ ãä‡ãŠÔããè ‡ãñŠ ¼ããè ́ ãÀã ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãñ •ãã¦ãñ Öö ¦ã©ãã ãä•ã¶Öò ºããñ¡Ã ‚ã¹ã¶ãñ ¹ãî¥ãà ãäÌãÌãñ‡ãŠããä£ã‡ãŠãÀ ‡ãñŠ ¦ãÖ¦ã ãä¶ããäÍÞã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõ, ƒÃãä‡ã‹Ìã›ãè Íãñ¾ãÀãò ¾ãã ãä‡ãŠ¶Öãè ¼ããè ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãñ †‡ãŠ ¾ãã ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ ãä‡ãŠÔ¦ããò ½ãò Ôã½ã¾ã Ôã½ã¾ã ¹ãÀ ãä¶ãØãÃãä½ã¦ã ¹ãÆÔ¦ãããäÌã¦ã ¦ã©ãã ‚ããºãâã䛦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã •ãã Ôã‡ãŠ¦ãã Öõ ‡ãñŠÌãÊã „¶ã ÌããÀâ›ãò ‡ãŠãñ œãñü¡‡ãŠÀ •ããñ ºã㪠‡ãŠãè ãä¦ããä©ã ½ãò ƒÃãä‡ã‹Ìã›ãè Íãñ¾ãÀãò ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã ãäÌããä¶ã½ããä¾ã¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãñ •ãã Ôã‡ãŠ¦ãñ Öõ ¾ãã ¹ããäÀÌããä¦ãæã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãñ •ãã Ôã‡ãŠ¦ãñ Öö, ÌãÖ ¼ããè ƒÔã ¦ãÀÖ ãä‡ãŠ ãä‡ãŠÔããè ¼ããè Ôã½ã¾ã ‡ãñŠ¶³ãè¾ã ÔãÀ‡ãŠãÀ ‡ãŠã £ããÀ¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãè ƒÃãä‡ã‹Ìã›ãè ¹ãïâ•ããè ½ãò 52% Ôãñ ‡ãŠ½ã ¶ã Öãñ ‚ããõÀ ¾ãÖ Ô©ãã¶ã¶ã ¾ãã ‚ããºã⛶㠇㋾ãî‚ããƒãäºã¾ããò (‚ããƒÔããè¡ãè‚ããÀ ãäÌããä¶ã¾ã½ã¶ã ‡ãñŠ ‚㣾ãã¾ã VIII ½ãò ¹ããäÀ¼ãããäÓã¦ã ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ) ‡ãŠãñ, ¾ããñؾã¦ãã¹ãÆ㹦ã ÔãâÔ©ã㦽ã‡ãŠ Ô©ãã¶ã¶ã (‡ã‹¾ãî‚ãヹããè) Öãñ¶ãñ ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãì‰ãŠ½ã ½ãò •ãõÔãã ãä‡ãŠ ‚ããƒÔããè¡ãè‚ããÀ ãäÌããä¶ã¾ã½ã¶ã ‡ãñŠ ‚㣾ãã¾ã VIII ‡ãñŠ ¦ã֦㠹ãÆãÌã£ãããä¶ã¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ‚ããõÀ/ ¾ãã ÔãâÔ©ãã¶ã¶ã Ô©ãã¶ã¶ã ‡ãŠã¾ãÉ㊽ã (‚ãヹããè¹ããè) ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔãÀ¥ã ½ãò •ãõÔãã ãä‡ãŠ ‚ããƒÔããè¡ãè‚ããÀ ãäÌããä¶ã¾ã½ããò ‡ãñŠ ‚㣾ãã¾ã VIII† ½ãò ¹ãƪã¶ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ, ãä‡ãŠÔããè Ô©ãã¶ã¶ã ªÔ¦ããÌãñû•ã ‚ããõÀ/¾ãã †ñÔãñ ‚㶾㠪ԦããÌãñû•ããò / ÊãñŒã¶ããò / ¹ããäÀ¹ã¨ããò / —ãã¹ã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ´ãÀã ¦ã©ãã †ñÔãñ ¹㠽ãò ‚ããõÀ †ñÔãñ ½ãîʾ㠹ãÀ, ãä¶ãºãâ£ã¶ããò ‚ããõÀ Íã¦ããô ¹ãÀ , •ããñ ãä‡ãŠ ‚ããƒÔããè¡ãè‚ããÀ ãäÌããä¶ã¾ã½ã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ¾ãã ‡ãŠã¶ãî¶ã ‡ãñŠ „¶ã ‚㶾㠹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ •ããñ ãä‡ãŠ „Ôã Ôã½ã¾ã ãäÌã²ã½ãã¶ã Öõ, ºããñ¡Ã ´ãÀã ãä¶ããäÍÞã¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãñ Øã¾ãñ Öõâ, ºãÍã¦ãó ƒÔã ¹ãƇãŠãÀ ãä¶ãØãÃãä½ã¦ã ƒÃãä‡ã‹Ìã›ãè Íãñ¾ãÀãò ‡ãŠã ¹ãÆãèãä½ã¾ã½ã Ôããä֦㠽ãîʾ㠂ããƒÔããè¡ãè‚ããÀ ãäÌããä¶ã¾ã½ã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã ½ãîʾã Ôãñ ‡ãŠ½ã ¶ã Öãñ ý" "¾ãÖ ¼ããè Ôãâ‡ãŠÊ¹ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã ãä‡ãŠ Ô›ãù‡ãŠ †‡ã‹ÔãÞãò•ããò ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠÔãîÞããè ‡ãŠÀãÀ ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããñâ ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ‚ããƒÔããè¡ãè‚ããÀ ãäÌããä¶ã¾ã½ã¶ã ‡ãñŠ ‚㣾ãã¾ã VIII ‡ãñŠ ‰ãŠ½ã ½ãò ¾ããñؾã¦ãã¹ãÆ㹦ã ÔãâÔ©ããØã¦ã Ô©ãã¶ã¶ã ‡ãñŠ ½ãã½ãÊãñ ½ãò ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠã ‚ããºã⛶㠂ããƒÔããè¡ãè‚ããÀ ãäÌããä¶ã¾ã½ã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ‚㣾ãã¾ã VIII ‡ãŠãè ¹ããäÀ¼ããÓãã ‡ãñŠ ¼ããè¦ãÀ Öãè ¾ããñؾã¦ãã¹ãÆ㹦ã ÔãâÔ©ããØã¦ã ŒãÀã說ãÀãò ‡ãŠãñ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã •ãã†Øãã ‚ããõÀ †ñÔããè ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããú ¹ãî¥ãæã: ¹ãƪ¦¦ã ÖãòØããè ‚ããõÀ ƒ¶ã ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠã ‚ããºã⛶ã Ôãâ‡ãŠÊ¹ã ‡ãŠãè ãä¦ããä©ã Ôãñ 12 ½ãÖãè¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ¼ããè¦ãÀ ¹ãîÀã ‡ãŠÀ ãäÊã¾ãã •ãã†Øãã ý"

    "¾ãÖ ¼ããè Ôãâ‡ãŠÊ¹ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã ãä‡ãŠ ‡ã‹¾ãî‚ãヹããè ãä¶ãØãý㠇ãñŠ ½ãã½ãÊãñ ½ãò ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠñ ÍãìÁ‚ãã¦ããè ½ãîʾ㠹ãÀ ¹ããúÞã ¹ãÆãä¦ãÍã¦ã Ôãñ ‚ã¶ããä£ã‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãè œî› ¹ãÀ ‚ããƒÔããè¡ãè‚ããÀ

  • 13

    prescribed by ICDR Regulations from time to time and relevant date for the determination of the floor price of the securities shall be in accordance with the ICDR Regulations".

    “RESOLVED FURTHER THAT subject to any approval, consent, permission and/or sanction of GOl, SEBl, RBI and the stock exchanges, as may be required and subject to all other necessary approvals, permissions, consents and/or sanctions of concerned statutory and other relevant authorities and subject to such terms, conditions and modifications thereto as may be prescribed by any of them while granting such approvals, permissions, consents and sanctions and which may be agreed to by the Board, consent, authority and approval is hereby accorded to the Board to create, offer, issue and allot equity shares of face value of Rs.10 each (the "Equity Shares") by way of fresh issue of Equity Shares through an Institutional Placement Programme ("IPP") to qualified institutional buyers In accordance with Chapter VIIIA of the SEBI ICDR Regulations, such that the total number of Equity Shares held by the 'public' (as defined in the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957 as amended ("SCRR")), immediately at the completion of such offerings does not exceed 25 percent of the total number of outstanding Equity Shares as at the date of allotment of such Securities, including pari passu clause for dividend entitlement, as may be applicable."

    "RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board shall have the authority and power to accept any modification in the proposal as may be required or imposed by the GOI / RBI / SEBI/Stock Exchanges where the shares of the Bank are listed or such other appropriate authorities at the time of according / granting their approvals, consents, permissions and sanctions to issue, allotment and listing thereof and as agreed to by the Board and no further approvals in this regard would be required from the shareholders of the Bank".

    "RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the issue and allotment of new equity shares / securities , shall be subject to the Regulations as amended and shall rank in all respects pari passu with the existing equity shares of the Bank including dividend declared, if any, in accordance with the statutory guidelines that are in force at the time of such declaration and such issue and allotment, if any, to NRIs, FIIs and/or other eligible foreign investors be subject to the approval of the RBI under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 as may be applicable but within the overall limits set forth under the Act".

    "RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby authorized to enter into and execute all such arrangements with any Book Runner(s), Lead Manager(s), Banker(s), Underwriter(s), Depository (ies), Registrar(s), Auditor(s) and all such agencies, to remunerate all such institutions and agencies by way of commission, brokerage, fees or the

    ãäÌããä¶ã¾ã½ã¶ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÌããä¶ã¾ã½ã 85(1) ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãì¹ããÊã¶ã ½ãò ºãö‡ãŠ Íãñ¾ãÀ ªñ¶ãñ ‡ãŠãñ ¹ãÆããä£ã‡ãðŠ¦ã Öõ ¦ã©ãã ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããñ ‡ãñŠ ÍãìÁ‚ãã¦ããè ½ãîʾã ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã ‡ãŠãè Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã ãä¦ããä©ã ‡ãŠãñ ‚ããƒÔããè¡ãè‚ããÀ ãäÌããä¶ã¾ã½ã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ÀŒãã •ãã†Øãã ý "

    ``¾ãÖ ¼ããè Ôãâ‡ãŠÊ¹ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã ãä‡ãŠ ãä‡ãŠÔããè ½ãâ•ãîÀãè, Öã½ããè, ÔÌããè‡ãŠðãä¦ã ‚ããõÀ / ¾ãã ¼ããÀ¦ã ÔãÀ‡ãŠãÀ, Ôãñºããè, ¼ãã.ãäÀ.ºãö. ‚ããõÀ Ô›ãù‡ãŠ †‡ã‹ÔãÞãò•ããò ‡ãŠãè ½ãâ•ãîÀãè ‡ãŠãè Íã¦ãà ¹ãÀ, •ããñ ¼ããè ‚ã¹ãñãäàã¦ã Öãñ ‚ããõÀ Ôã¼ããè ‚ã¶¾ã ‚ããÌã;ã‡ãŠ ½ãâ•ãîãäÀ¾ããò, ‚ã¶ãì½ããä¦ã¾ããò, ÔãÖ½ããä¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè Íã¦ãà ¹ãÀ ‚ããõÀ / ¾ãã Ô㽺ãã䶣ã¦ã ÔããâãäÌããä£ã‡ãŠ †Ìã⠂㶾㠄ãäÞã¦ã ¹ãÆããä£ã‡ãŠããäÀ¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ½ãâ•ãîÀãè ‚ããõÀ „Ôã½ãò †ñÔãñ ãä¶ã¾ã½ããò, Íã¦ããô ‚ããõÀ ‚ããÍããñ£ã¶ããò ‡ãŠãè Íã¦ãà ¹ãÀ •ããñ ƒ¶ã½ãò Ôãñ ãä‡ãŠÔããè ‡ãñŠ ¼ããè ́ ãÀã ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öãñ •ããñ †ñÔããè ÔÌããè‡ãðŠãä¦ã¾ããò, ‚ã¶ãì½ããä¦ã¾ããò, Öããä½ã¾ããò ‚ããõÀ ½ãâ•ãîãäÀ¾ããò ‡ãŠãñ ªñ¦ãñ Öì† ¹ãƪã¶ã ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ Öãò ãä•ãÔã ¹ãÀ
