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My favourite My favourite aniMalsaniMals

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there are a lot of there are a lot of aniMals on our planet. aniMals on our planet. they can be wild and they can be wild and doMestic. i want to doMestic. i want to tell you about My tell you about My favourite aniMals. favourite aniMals.

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My favourite aniMals My favourite aniMals are snow leopards, are snow leopards, zebras and lions. zebras and lions.

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snow leopardssnow leopards

snow leopards are snow leopards are wild aniMals. they wild aniMals. they live in Central asia. live in Central asia. snow leopards have snow leopards have long tails, short long tails, short legs and sMall legs and sMall heads. they are white heads. they are white and have grey spots. and have grey spots. they are strong and they are strong and very Clever. snow very Clever. snow leopards eat Meat. leopards eat Meat. they hunt different they hunt different aniMals.aniMals.

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Zebras Zebras

Zebras are wild Zebras are wild animals. They animals. They live in africa. live in africa. They are very They are very beauTiful beauTiful animals. They animals. They are whiTe and are whiTe and have black have black sTripes. Zebras sTripes. Zebras eaT grass and eaT grass and leaves. Zebras leaves. Zebras run fasT. run fasT.

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The lionsThe lions

The lions wild animals. They The lions wild animals. They live in africa. The lions live in africa. The lions have a mane. They are have a mane. They are yellow. The lions are yellow. The lions are sTrong and very clever. sTrong and very clever. They eaT meaT. The lions They eaT meaT. The lions hunT differenT animals.hunT differenT animals.

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The lionsThe lions

The lions wild animals. They The lions wild animals. They live in africa. The lions live in africa. The lions have a mane. They are have a mane. They are yellow. The lions are yellow. The lions are sTrong and very clever. sTrong and very clever. They eaT meaT. The lions They eaT meaT. The lions hunT differenT animals.hunT differenT animals.
