Page 1: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;




Community Grant

2012/13 Round 1

Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outputs Outcomes Project


Status Contacts

Carers Association


£3,150 April 2012 -

March 2013

Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;

attendance at events e.g. Carers Rights Day. Representation at strategic

level and input into relevant policy development (e.g. Carer Action Plan).

Number of carers engaged increased over the year and a new support

group was started due to increased demand.


Caribbean and

African Association

in Hounslow

£15,000 April 2012 -

March 2013

Luncheon club and

ancillary services (social

activities, advice and

information) for older

residents, mainly from

Caribbean and African


Weekly lunch club (40 weeks) - average attendance is 25 each week.

Advice - approx 300 enquiries in total. Older people's festival - lunch for 50-

60. 60 attended a meal for Black History month. Outcomes not clear and

group advised to consider impact more widely.






Friends of Cathja £36,000 April 2012 -

March 2013

Support service for people

with Mental Health issues

operating on a barge in

Isleworth (Monday to

Friday). Service operates

on a user led model.

37 people accessed the service over the year, including 5 new people.

Increase in requests for advice requests due to welfare changes and

increased referrals to other organisations. Support for Attend organised

workshops on 'inlcusive volunteering'. Need support in measuring outcomes






Hogarth Charitable


£15,000 April 2012 -

March 2013

Youth club based in

Chiswick, operating junior

and senior clubs and


Various activities throughout the year including: Carol Heap football

tournament was participated in by 58 young people and 25 adults; Open Arts

day attended by 62 people; 19 young people attended residentials in August;

over 20 young people achieved AQAs. Summer programme - 4 days per

week over 4 weeks attracted 110 different young people. Zest for Life Talent

Show - 16 young people participated in 12 workshops to prepare for the

event, 10 young people participated in the event itself and 115 young people

watched the event.









£15,000 April 2012 -

March 2013

Manages community

building on Montague

Road offering affordable

meeting space for

community groups

providing a range of

services for residents,

including childcare


50 user groups have used the centre over the year and have provided a

range of services - faith, social activities, classes for adults and children,

residents associations and a range of activities for children, young people,

elderly and vulnerable. Improvement made to building - new heating system,

pointing of brickwork, guttering, new windows and lighting improvements. 6

volunteers engaged directly in delivering the service. Provided support to 4

groups to set up and develop services. 1000 unique services users each

year - people generally attend many times. Grant accounts for approx 50%

of cost of running building.



Pensioner's Forum

£6,000 April 2012 -

March 2013

Represents elderly

residents at range of


6 public meetings during the year attended by 60 - 70 people - speakers on

various topics; day trip to Brighton for 50 people. Outcomes not clear.






Hounslow PHAB £15,000 April 2012 -

March 2013

Range of youth sessions

for young people with a


Four sessions a week for young people with a disability. Thursday Club for

11 to 25 year olds with average of 30 members and 8 volunteers. Stars on

Saturday attended by 15 members and 8 volunteers. Duke of Edinburgh

Awards undertaken by 8 young people. PHAB Sports Club attended by 8 to

10 young people and 2 volunteers. Bridging the Gap project at Lampton

School attended by 15 to 20 young people. Young people supported to take

part in a wide range of activities; respite provided for families; volunteers

develop a range of skills and experience. Need support to evaluate project

and measure outcomes






Page 2: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;




Community Grant

2012/13 Round 1

Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outputs Outcomes Project


Status Contacts

Millan Women's


April 2012 -

March 2013

Weekly social, exercise

and information sessions

for elderly women

Four events each attended by 120 to 140 women; 3 outings attended by

average of 53 women; weekly 4 hour sessions including lunch, information /

talks and one hour yoga class - average attendance is 60 women. Need

support to measure outcomes.






Retired Member's


April 2012 -

March 2013

Twice weekly social,

exercise and information

sessions for older, male

Asian residents living in

the Heston area.

4 social functions with 254 attendees in total; 2 trips - 106 participants;

presentation on help and awareness - 36 attended; exercise and yoga

sessions 96 sessions with average of 37 members per session. Survey

conducted with 37 respondents. Increase social circle helping to reduce

isolation and loneliness; increase fitneess and mobility and reduce obesity;

increase awareness of health and wellbeing. Increase of 14.6% of

attendance at project activities over the year. Need support to measure

outcomes. Grant covered 50% of the running costs of the organisation.






Page 3: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;




Community Grant

2012/13 Round 1

Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outputs Outcomes Project


Status Contacts


Community Grant

2012-13 Round 2

Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outputs Outcomes Project


Africa Policy

Research Network

£12,157 August 2012 -

February 2013

Community Arts Project in

West Hounslow. 4

volunteer artists would be

mentored and in turn

organise arts projects.

Aims to address


confidence building, skills,

community pride.

Project completed. 20 Fabric design (painting, embroidery, tiedye -

household items) attended by 46 women - majority from Asian communities,

some African countries and UK. Women acquired skills in fabric design, self

confidence, community cohesion and integration (project attracted women

from different cultures). Also looking at social enterprise / income

generation. Gave women opportunity to discuss issues in common despite

cultural differences. 20 sessions on ceramic painting engaging 144 young

people. Young people gained better team work and communication skills,

and self confidence. Also family project - parents worked with children on

creating an object.



Services for


£10,000.00 August 2012 -

July 2013

Employ professional

psychotherapists to

assess and manage the

counselling offered by

volunteer counsellors;

provide regular training to

volunteers; publicise the

service; contribute to

venue costs

Recruited 4 professional supervisors and 15 new counsellors. 104 referrals

were received to end January 2013. 49 people were assessed, with 43

taking up the service. Publicity was distributed to GPs, undertakers and

other referrals agencies. Assessments were only 41% of the expected

amount for the 6 month period - referrals andtake up were lower than

expected. Service ended due to higher costs and lower take up than

expected. Second grant payment not made.




grant term

Only 50%

of grant





Page 4: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;




Community Grant

2012/13 Round 1

Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outputs Outcomes Project


Status Contacts

Bounce Theatre £15,000.00 August 2012 -

July 2013

Literature, theatre and

enterprise project allowing

100 6 - 18 year olds to set

up youth theatre

companies and perform in

venues across the


100 young people aged 4 - 17 signed up from 15 different schools; 300

hours of workshops and events; 25 young people signed up for Bronze Arts

Awards (extra funding); 20 young people engaged in 250 volunteering hours;

8 performances; ; mixed media evaluation; 3 young people employed as

trainee facilitators / administrators. Handmade in Hounslow fesitival

engaged 500 young people across 7 days. Funding helps to subsidise

families who otherwise could not participate. Independent evaluation

demonstrated the following outcomes:

Participants; an increase in confidence through the formation of new

friendships, new opportunities and the chance to perform in a working

theatre. Other benefits include an increased ability to read, speak out in

public and in some instances learn other skills such as budgeting finances.

The organisation; the funding provides our company with financial security to

commit to working in the borough for the year. In addition, through the

funding we are able to source additional income – this year we were able to

access a further £12,000 to support the project aswell as offer our time

inkind. The wider community; through the project we have engaged a range

of audiences – some have bought their children to the theatre for the first

time to see a production – this includes parents who access services such

as Homestart and parents who home school their children. Parents have

made new contacts and formed conversation because of the relationship

their children have developed in the youth theatre.


Brentford Toy Library £10,000.00 January 2013 -



Employ a qualified play

worker to deliver play

sessions in Brentford for

under 5's.

30 sessions held Jan to end April - average 55 participants, including

average of 1.5 new members per session. Training and induction completed

for staff and volunteers. 5 volunteers recruited from members. 15% increase

in toy borrowing. Final report :59 sessions held May to December, with an

average attendance of 57, including an average of 1.5 new members per

session. 80 over 1's attended the Christmas party. Three new volunteers

were recruited to support the one part-time paid staff member. Toy

borrowing has been extended to schools and other community



Page 5: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;




Community Grant

2012/13 Round 1

Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outputs Outcomes Project


Status Contacts

Centre for Armenian

Information and


£4,500.00 October 2012 -



Luncheon club and range

of ancilliary support for

older Armenian residents.

Grant contributes to

overall running cost of

service and transport

twice a week for 15 frail /

older LBH residents

38 day centre / lunch club sessions held between October and February -

300 meals provided to LBH residents. 40 LBH residents attended Christmas

party. 10 LBH residents received 230 lifts to centre. 38 drop in advice

sessions and 5 DWP sessions provided. 400 copies of newsletter send to

LBH residents. Key outcomes: reduced social isolation; increased health and

independence; increase awareness of and takeup of benefits. March to

October 2013: Easter Party attended by 50 older Hounslow residents and

carers (120 in total). Day trip to Brighton attended by 25 LBH residents (50 in

total). 62 day centre / lunch sessions held providing 420 meals to 40 LBH

residents (1440 meals to 127 people in total). 276 door to door lifts to 10

older/frail Armenians living in Hounslow. 7 Department of Work and

Pensions information surgeries held - increased referrals to DWP and LBH

Social Servcies and 6 residents helped to claim Attendance Allowance,

Diability Living Allowance and Carers Allowance.


Hillingdon Law


£50,000.00 August 2012 -



Legal representation

service funded from now

closed Welfare Benefit

and Money Advice

Service. Funding to deal

with 100 representations

To beginning May - had 50 referrals with 10 of these awaiting second

hearings. Expecting that referrals will increase due to Welfare Reform and

referrals now also coming from Hounslow Homes. To end July 82 cases

dealt with and 290 hours of support provided. Additonal funding provided in

September to continue the project to spring 2014. Dec update: a total of 116

cases represented with a further 6 pending and 21 duplicate cases, making

149 representations in total. A futher 42 were assessed by were not

represented as they did not pass the merit test. The key outcome was to

maximise income for residents and gains of £852,990 were acheieved

through additional benefit awarded or debt written off.


Hounslow Friends of


£3,902.00 August 2012 -

July 2013

Contribution towards 6

projects including Inter-

Faith Week events,

Women's Group, 'Sewa

Day' voluntary project and

general overheads of


Interfaith events held: 60 participants at the main event - much lower than

previous years, additonal craft session for young people and 30 faith leaders

attended their event at WMUH; Interfaith Walk in June 2013 - 60 people and

6 places of workshop participated; 4 Women's Group sessions with 20

participants (with an average of 13 per sessions); 40 participants at Sewa

Day decorated community centre on Highfields Estate; range of support and

consultancy work undertaken. Key outcomes: more engagement between

communities; growing bond between women from different faith groups;

interest in engaging in other social projects. Significant underspend - over

£1000 - mainly due to other partners contributing to the project and gifts in

kind. Agreed that it would be carried forward (July 13)


spend due

to gift in

kind and




Page 6: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;




Community Grant

2012/13 Round 1

Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outputs Outcomes Project


Status Contacts

Indian Gymkhana

Club / Healthy Living

Project for Over 50's

£15,000.00 August 2012 -

July 2013

Nine exercise sessions

each week including yoga

and chair based exercises

for over 50's

Volunteer run walk programme, yoga, body conditioning and chair-based

exercise classes. 248 on register (majority 60 to 80 years of age) and

average of 44 to 50 attending each session and many attend 3 sessions a

week; 15 new members since September. Seminars on first aid, road safety

and falls prevention organised. A survey has been undertaken in

collaboration with Age UK and the results are pending.





The Small Business


£13,543.00 August 2012 -

July 2013

Enterprise and mentoring

project for 15 young

people (NEET or with high

support needs) from


Delays in project due to staff member leaving due to illness. Range of

meetings with partners to agree referral routes and ongoing support and

mentoring. Delivery of sessions started in October but original number of 6

participants dropped to 2. Delivery and funding is being reviewed. Agreed

at CIAP meeting in Nov 2013 that funding would be stopped due to very poor

outputs and project management.

Page 7: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;




Community Grant

2012/13 Round 1

Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outputs Outcomes Project


Status Contacts

Hounslow Innovation


Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outputs Outcomes Project


Status Contact

Home Start Hounslow £ 7,000.00 September 13

- August '14

To implement a paperless

office system helping the

organisation to become

more efficient and reduce

administration time and

increase delivery

Project started in September 2013 once match funding requried had been

confirmed. Initial work has involved planning for the new systems in

particular its ability to cope with the increasing rates of referrals (extra 25%)

the organisation has been receiving over the past year - software and

equipment needs were reassessed as a result. As a result the project is a

little behind schedule. Equipment will be purchased and systems put in

place over the coming months.

too early to


little spend

to date as



Final report

Sept 14

Margaret O'Connor

London Sustainability


£ 27,098.00 Jan 2013 -

March 2014

Create a social enterprise

programme which would

train 20 local people, set

up self-sustaining

enterprises that would

recover a range of high

value domestic waste,

diverting it from land fill.

Phase 1 with residents started in May 2013. 14 participants with an average

of 12 attending three group training sessions and one to one action planning.

LSx is currently supporting 7 of these to deliver business ideas or gain skills

/qualifications required e.g. driving licence. A further 2 did not continue due

to finding full time employment. Phase 2 involves working with VCS

organisations including a group workshop and surgery support. Six

organisations attended the workshop on the 6th November which also

engaged 10 6th form students at Healthland School looking at a mobile

phone recycling project. This element of the project will culminate in a

Dragons Den style event in spring 2014. Final report: A total of 58 people

received training to explore entrepreneurship opportunities. 15 participants

developed actions plans for businesses with 7 being actively worked on at

the end of the project. Business ideas include: furniture textiles and design

using textiles from clothes swops (representing 10 tonnes pa of CO2

savings); collection of old uniforms fro Heathrow to fund a well in

Mozambique (representing 20 tonnes pa of CO2 saving); collection of scrap

metal from building sites (target of 19 tonnes equating to £11,500). Support

included group training and 1:1 support sessions. 14 people were involved in

the first cohort - 7 developed action plans and 5 continue to engage with the

project. The main reason for others not continuing was finding full time


The Princes Trust £ 15,622.00 Feb 2013 -

March 2014

Employ a young person

who has recently found

employment or entered

further education to work

in the borough to advise,

inpsire and support

unemployed young people

into work and discuss and

help them to overcome

their barriers to education

and employment

Job Ambassador recuited and spent on average 2 days per week in the

borough, supported by 2 other Job Ambassadors for outreach. Links

estabilished with a range of organisations across the borough including Job

Centre Plus, community organisations, schools, youth centres and

Connexions. Regular drop-ins held at Job Centre Plus, attedance at

Community events and a street outreach service on Hounslow High Street.

Those not ready to be signposted to education, training and employment

opportunities / support were signposted to specialist support if relevant e.g.

homeless young people or those with addiction problems. The Job

Ambassador made contact with 723 NEET young people in the borough and

delivered 103 group sessions - 349 were provided with follow up support in

engaging with organisations / services they were signposted to. Referrals

are made to employment programmes, other Princes Trust programmes,

development awards funding to support entry to education and training, and

housing advice and support.





Page 8: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;




Community Grant

2012/13 Round 1

Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outputs Outcomes Project


Status Contacts

Feltham Arts


£ 31,978.00 Jan 2013 -

March 2014.

Extension to

end May for

Mosaic launch

Increase participation in

the arts by employing a

part-time Outreach

Community Arts Worker to

map borough wide arts

activity / organisations;

develop a Arts Directory;

organise a programme of

arts and artists in


Outreach worker has been employed to deliver the project. Arts Directory

has been completed mapping arts provision across the borough - 216

organisations are currently listed. It is available on the Feltham Arts website

and will form part of another borough directory. It has also been used to

inform the business plan for the Creative People and Places programme.

Introduction Day for artists to explore opportunities for work - attended by 37.

Production of Arts Facilitators Directory underway. Both directories will be

formally launched in spring 2014. Survey of organisations to establish

potential interest in consortium work / funding bids - this will also help to

shape the directories. Fourteen workshops to build the mosaic delivered

July to December (including 6 Community Fun Days, Edward Pauling House

and 3 schools) engaging approximately 300 residents and 18 regular

volunteers. Further events to complete the mosaic will be held in early 2014.

The mosaic will be installed on Feltham Green as part of the Feltham

Festival in April / May 2014. Workshops are held across the west area and

aim to involve people from across age groups and families. The organisation

has been allocated additional funding of £3,056 to allow it to employ the

outreach worker for the full duration of the project. Final report mid June

post installation of mosaic

Final report

end June 14

Ruth Wood

Thameside Enterprise


£ 10,000.00 Jan 2013 - 30

June 14.


agreed to

endSept 14.

The provision of business

start-up advice and

mentoring service to start-

ups, early stage

businesses and voluntary

and community sector

organisations (focus on

difficult first two years)

Delivery to early June '14: 8 workshops for start up business delivered with

92 attendees (54% BAME; 22% Eastern European; 56% women); 20

businesses started - 11 directly as a result of the workshops. 38 1:1 advice

sessions with existing but new (less than 2 years old) businesses. 12 VCS

organiations have been supported via one to one sessions focusing on non-

grant options to increase sustainability. Extension agreed to Sept 14 to

allow the organisation to provide 3 intensive mentoring sessions with VCs

organisations and provide additional over the phone advice to residents

wishing to start their own businesses.

Final report

end Oct 14

Steve Matthews


Neurological Services

£ 20,000.00 December

2012 - March


Pilot 'Living well' 12 week

programmes for people

with long-term

neurological conditions

(stroke, Parkinsons, MS)

and their carers providing

them with advice and

education to live well with

their conditions.

This grant allowed INS to pilot some new programme - ove 90% of

participants reported that they were beneficial or very beneficial. Over the

term of the grant 147 clients have benefitted from range of support

programmes put in place including: seated standing exercise programmes at

Sandbanks; short 4 week programmes to help people come to terms with

memory loss and make the most of their abilities; training on how technology

(e.g. IPAD) can aid communication and suppport independent living; 12

week multi-fit programme for clients with any neurological condition aiming

to improve strength, balance and mobility;improving communication skills

training; fatigue management and art therapy. With CPU approval some of

the sessions originally planned were modified /changed to respond to client

feedback, needs and demand.


Page 9: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;




Community Grant

2012/13 Round 1

Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outputs Outcomes Project


Status Contacts

Disability Network


£ 15,000.00 May 2013 -

May 2014

a) Volunteer delivered,

home based, advice

service (including legal

advice) for isolated

disabled residents 4 days

per week and b) support

service users with

practical tasks e.g.

shopping, attending

medical appointments.

42 home visits have been carried out since May with 40 people supported.

These visits have lasted for many hours but advisors have been successful

in addressing issues within the one visit. 54 (2 hour) advice sessions have

been held at the Star Centre which has supported an additional 20 clients .

Issues include benefits, welfare rights, tribunal appeals, access to health

services and employment. 12 clients have been supported through the

Home Buddy Service to access services such as housing, social sevices

and visit hairdresser and shops. Clients are supported by a volunteer. Final

report end June 2014.

Final report

end June

John Seear

Hounslow Multi-

Cultural Centre

£ 20,000.00 1/14 - 3/15 Recruit neighbourhood

volunteers to provide a

daily meals service to

residents in their homes

meeting their cultural

preferences and personal

needs. The service would

operate from the Multi-

Cultural Centre and

Wellington Day Centre

Project started in January 2014. First report due 14 June 2014 First report

14 June -


reminder if

not yet





Channi Singh

Action Acton £ 29,925.00 December

2012 -



Provide ESOL and

citizenship training,

information, advice and

guidance for third country

national women resident

in the borough. Elements

will include developing

language skills, building

knowledge of local

demoncracy, encouraging

interaction with community

organisations, and

improving skills.

Volunteers will be trained

to cascade information to

other residents and

sustain project.

First report: 21 registered onto programme - 12 participated in e-learning;

15 received IAG support (employability); and 15 passed Edexel accredited

ESOL exam. 5 volunters trained in Introduction to Teaching & Supporting

Learning in the Community. Initial outcomes: better understanding of

citizenship issues, social and economic opportuntities; better skills; improved

language skills and confidence. Final report: 63 Third Country National

women in total registered on the programme which provided ERSOL at two

different levels, employment support and IT courses. 42 participated in e-

learning activities; 56 received employability support; 52 passed an Edexcel

accredited ESOL exam. Participants also took part in cultural activities such

as visits to the British Museum. Eight participants found work. 10 volunteers

were trained in Introduction to Teaching and Suporting Learning in the

Community and are volunteering with a range of organisations including

schools, faith organisations and Action Acton. Outcomes reported: improved

language skills led to increased confidence, autonomy, raised aspirations

and a sense of empowerment.


Page 10: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;




Community Grant

2012/13 Round 1

Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outputs Outcomes Project


Status Contacts

Sparrow Farm

Tenants and



£ 13,400.00 December

2012 -



Programme of activities

with FAA for 6 - 10 year

olds and 11+; 2

community events;

reminiscence group - 2

hrs per month. Also

money advice workshop

and healthy lifestyles


First report: Two newsletters delivered across estate (500 homes). 23 x 2

hour sessions have been held with the Junior and Senior clubs, plus a

community performance day. 22 young people attended the weekly

sessions (17 to all sessions) and 73 residents attended the showcase.

Evaluation underway - report in July. Weekly meetups for elderly residents

(15 attending) and tea party held on March 13th attended by 45 older

residents. 11 people attended Weigh to Loose sessions between Jan and

April. Initial feedback from young people show positive outcomes around

skills, confidence, motivation, learning, team work, community engagement

etc. Reduction in isolation for older residents but evaluation needed.

Participants in Weigh to Loose programme has begun leading a weekly

exercise class for the group to continue their engagement. Final report: 6 x

2 hour workshops on visual arts for 7 - 11 year olds attended by 19 young

people. 6 x 2 hour vocal performance sessions for 11+ attended by 6 young

people. 4 x 4 hour workshops of 'Sharing Stories' - a film documentary

project attended by 9 older residents. Showcase of work at the end of the

project attended by 61 people from the wider community and 23 participants

from across the participant groups. Elderly montly social meetings

continuing post grant with an average of 17 per session. Fitness classes

have been introduced by Hounslow Homes as an extra offer. 45 pensioners

attended the Christmas party. Multi-cultural event in late October attended

by 100+ people. Project to led to significant engagement with the local

community and resulted in different groups working well together. Young

people took a lot of responsibikity and ownership for the project. It address

the low engagement with the arts amongst young people in the area and

helped them to develop skills and confidence. The project also benefited

Feltham Arts staff and the artists engaged - working in a wider range of

disciplines and developing more structured plans. It has also encouraged

FAA to look at programme design options for the future.


Page 11: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;




Community Grant

2012/13 Round 1

Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outputs Outcomes Project


Status Contacts

Bridgelink Centre 22500 (+

£4K from



January 2013 -

March 2014

Employ two part-time

advise workers to provide

advise, advocacy and

referrals to families on a

broad range of issues

including housing,

benefits, parenting,

education and


50 clients were supported in the period mid January to mid July. Jan - Mar:

27 individuals - 36 drop-ins plus 60 follow up appoitments for case work.

April to Jul: 34 individuals (23 new) received 124 advice sessions (driop in

and appointment for follow ups). The main areas of support are: utility debt;

housing and other benefits; houisng advice; tax credits and education. A

coffee morning now operates alongside session time to encourage peer

support. Final report: over the 16 months of the project 57 x 2 hour drop-in

advice sessions and 213 1:1 appointments were delivered. The service

provide intensive advocacy and support to 67 families - 50 of which were

Somali, 41 single parent families, 27 had 3+ children, majority had English

as a second language and 44 were from TW7. Issues included housing and

housing benefits, education, immigration, debts, tax credits and council

tax.Outcomes included: professionals report that early intervention helped

avoid the escalation of problems and they noticed an increased engagement

of section of the community e.g. children attending Stay and Play sessions

and homework club.; clients have reported a reduction in anxiety and stress

and improved family relationships. Key difference of this service were:

translations available; informal setting; encouraging peer support; holistic

approach that looked beyond presenting problem to needs of the whole

family; multi-agency approach. The service helped clients recoup just under

£12K in Housing Benefit appeals and Council Tax Support payments, 12

people were suppported to stay in their homes (e.g. agreeing repayment

plans) and 11 homeless clients assisted in securing temporary



TW4 Community

Development Trust

£ 25,025.00 January 2013 -

June 2014.

Extension to

end Oct.

Bring together

communities affected and

/ or displaced by war to

build mutual

understanding and

collaborate on a joint

artistic project

The project has had a slow start due to the length of time taken to engage

the various groups but a revised timetable is in place. Five sessions have

been held with Somali residents and this enabled a trial of session plan/

storytelling format and methods, occurrence of war related memories. Work

will continue with Gurkhas, Army Welfare linked groups and Barrack

families. Update May 14: progress is slower than expected due to

transience of some participants and need to build trust. Extension requested

until end Oct to ensure outcomes can be delivered- approved.

Report now

due end


Isabel King

Butts Farm Working

Together Group

£ 15,000.00 January 2013 -

August 2014

Volunteer development

programme to include

recruitment of 24 - 30

volunteers, training

(including Adult Ed

course) and support to

work on mini-project. Also

to recruit Volunteer

Trainer (96 hours/month x

2 years)

Phase One has almost been completed. 7 participants recruited (6 living on

the estate; 5 adults, 2 school age) . Participants have supported local

projects and spent 2 months shadowing Richmond Housing Partnership

community based staff. One participant has found work with Age Concern

directly through her involvement with this project. Two people have been

referred to Event 4 Youth project, four have undertaken training as part of

the project (Childminding; Customer Care; MIDAS, Community Drama,

Health and Social Care). Spend is lower than anticipated as many of the

volunteers were eligible for free training. Update report due March 2014: 4 of

Phase 1 participants continue to volunteers on the estate. Two volunteers

have MIDAS training and can drive HCT vehicles for community activities.

Outcomes seen include: employment for 1 volunteer; 3 attending further

education; reduced feelings of isolation. LANTRA still outstanding. PHASE

2 recruitment underway - focus on young people up to 24. Final report due

end September 2014

Final report

due end


Rin Roche

Page 12: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;




Community Grant

2012/13 Round 1

Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outputs Outcomes Project


Status Contacts

Friends of

Beaversfield Park

£ 5,000.00 January 2013 -

April 2014

Improve access to

everyday physical fitness

and attract new users to

Beaversfield Park by

providing a fitness coach

to deliver a range of

weekly activities, train

local people to lead

exercises, and test the

feasibility of a green gym.

Over the entire project 63 sessions were delivered with an average of 20

people attending each session and over 100 individual engaged in total. In

addition to encouraging and supporting participation in regular exercise, the

project organised health checks for participants. The sessions have also

encouraged participants to exercise at home with advice from the instructor.

Key outcomes are increasedmotivation and participation in exercise; greater

awareness of their health and behaviours to improve it; meeting new people,

increased confidence and feeling safer in the park. The project has engaged

residents from the Indian, Pakistani, Caribbean, Arab, Afghani, and

Nepalese communities. 70% are aged 45 - 70 and 60% are female. The

project has been promoted widely locally and in the Hounslow Chronicle.

The group is fundraising to continue the project and are trialling running it at

differnet times to attract other members of the community. The group has

also secured £10K funding from Fields in Trust to install a green gym in the

park in order to develop and expand the programme.


The Mulberry Centre £ 3,265.00 December

2012 -



Provide new and existing

volunteers with 5 formal

training sessions focusing

on marketing, event

management and

fundraising skills to help

support the fundraising

work they do for charities.

Sessions would be open

to volunteers from any

charity and would sign

post participants to other

relevant training

Initial report received in June. Two training sessions held, attended by 15

people and two others planned for over the summer. New partnerships with

Adult Education and Feltham Arts Association. Good feedback from

participants on course and interested in being engaged in volunteering and

fundraising. Participants have also volunteered on subsequent workshops.

Final report due 14 Feb 2014. Five training sessions delivered in total to

develop skills in marketing, event management and fundraising for

volunteers or potential volunteers within VCS groups. 33 participants across

the 5 sessions, including volunteers from 7 local organisations. An online

guide (Boost Your Skills booklet) has been created to ensure the longer term

sustainability of the project. A number of partnerships were developed

including with Hounslow Adult Education, Feltham Arts, Age UK Hounslow.


Friends of the River


£ 3,000.00 December

2012 -



Increasing local

awareness of and

engagement with the open

space through enouraging

volunteering (Friends

Group and volunteering

days), information, a

mangement plan and

installing a bench

Capital funding secured for bench and consultation on theme started. Initial

headcount of visitors to begin tracking use. Promotional map / leaflets

produced. Volunteer Day on 10th March with 32 volunteers. Final report

Feb 2014: Bench installed to create a focal point and help link space to

others within the lower Crane corridor - local people contributed to the

design through 3 consultation events in November and December 13.

Information leaflets (4000) including a map has been produced to create

more awareness of the space distributed through local library, summer fairs

etc. Two additional volunteer days in June 2013 -with 40 volunteers

attending all 3 events in total and a Community Education Session was held

in March 2014. Progress has been made in identifying and engaging a

group of people interested in being involved in the park longer term, with the

hope of establishing a constituted Friends of group in the future. They also

hope to develop a management plan for the space. The group has seen

some indication of a growth in the numbers using the park, including a

number of family groups , something not seen previously. Regular counts


Page 13: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;




Community Grant

2012/13 Round 1

Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outputs Outcomes Project


Status Contacts

Victim Support £ 5,000.00 August 2013 -

July 2014.

Provision of an outreach

and drop-in service (one

day a week x 8 hours) at

West-Mid for people who

have attended A&E as a

result of an injury through

a criminal offense. Provide

emotional and practical

support and advise.

Project start delayed due to changes within West Mid staffing and issues

with access to suitable space. Project started in August 2013 and first report

received early Feb 2014. SLA in place with West Mid hospital and a project

worker has been rectuited. Volunteers are in the process of being recruited

and trained. Meeting with various hospital departments/ leads to raise

awareness of the service and referrals. Monitoring meeting in February -

agreed that the term of the project would be extended to end November

2014 to allow more time to provide the necessary training to volunteers.

Final report due end December 2014.

Report end


Liz Gaffney

Riana Development

Foundation Network

£ 4,990.00 December

2013 -



Practical nutritional

education workshops for

parents and their children

aged 6 - 12 years - budget

management, food

handling and storage,

healthy recipies and

snacks, etc

First course of 10 sessions started in March and was attended by 25

families. Second course of 10 sessions took place over summer and was

attended by 30 families. Four volunteers were engaged throughout the

programme. Seven families were referred to other organisations for

additonal support. Sessions (2 hours) covered nutrition, food handling,

storage and preparation, healthy recipies and portion sizes. The project also

delivered workshops at the Brabazon Estate Fun Day attended by 300

people. A further 10 sessions were held in course 2 between June and

September 2013 attended by 30 families. A further 7 familes attended some

sessions. Outcomes identified include: for participants - increased

knowledge of healthier diets and food hygiene; ability to work as part of a

team; increased awareness of where to access support for families; for the

organisation - increase number of beneficiaries supported and secure

additional external funding; increased collaborative working; supported

organisation to evaluate and focus work. The project has led to the

development of a programme to train young people as peer educators.


Page 14: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;



Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outcomes seen Outputs Outcomes Project

spend Status

Key contact

HCG Round 1

Apple 14,281.25 April 2013 -

March 2014.

Extension to

beginning of

May 14.

Play project 13 open access play sessions delivered between April

and July - 206 play spaces taken up with an average

of between 20 and 26 indivduals per sessions with 42

unique individuals in total. 4 children with special

needs and 29 respite sessions offered. 8 youth

workers received training and work on the project (4

per session = 52 training spaces). 2 young assistants

provided with work experience. Number of participants

is lower than the 30 per session expected and

advertising has been increased for next period. More

respite sessions have been offered. Plan in place to

address lower than expected numbers. Final report:

From October 13 to end April 14 433 play

opportunities were provided for 45 individual children

across 26 (2 hour) sessions. The project has

supported 7 children with special needs including

Asperges, Autism, ADHD and severe medical needs

and parents / carers have benefitted from respite

offered. Children have had the opporunity to direct

their own time and take responsibility and they have

been provided with opportunities to engage in a range

of indoor and outdoor activities including art, cooking,

sport, dance, drama. The project has offered

Young people learn to take

responsibility and direct their own

time; discover and develop

interests, talents and skills; gain

confidence and learn to take

risks; and develop leadership,

team work and social skills.

Assistants and play workers:

management, leadership and

skills development; increase in

confidence - 4 completed their

AQA awards in Leadership Skills

in Working with Children. Benefits

for the organisation in terms of

learning how to beter deliver

tiered, practical, hands-on and

real consultation with participants,

volunteers and families - all of

which has shaped the project.

Complete Joy Goddard

Caribbean and


Association in


£10,000 April 2013 -

March 2014

Luncheon club and

ancillary services

(social activities,

advice and

information) for older

residents, mainly from

Caribbean and

African community

Twice -weekly lunch club attended by an average of

25 people. Volunteeers supporting 5 to 10 people

each week on computer use. Three trips arranged

attended by 57 people in total. Speakers from

Diabetes UK and Alzheimers Society and advice on

digital switch over. Older Person's Festival event on

18th September - 80 people attended. Interim report

due in January and final report due end April 2014 -

neither received despite numerous reminders. Final

grant instalment of £2500 still due.

Helps to relieve isolation and

helps participants maintain

independence. Additional work

needed to measure outcomes for

final report. Informed of suitable






waiting on inteim (or

final at this stage)

report and final

payment of £2500

due. Reminder

needed. 2/7/14 - sara

emailed Brenda

asking to complete

and return report as

soon as possible.

Brenda Baptiste




£5,360 April 2013 -

March 2014

Carer support and

advise; policy work.

2 newsletter distributed to 275 members (each issue);

8 carers meetings held; outreach to 3 community

groups; survey of members - updated profile; info stall

at Carers Week events and info leaflet ('Prepared to

Care'). Projected underspend of approx £2k as admin

person retired at end of April and they have not

rehired. Will be discussing options with us. Service

may be closing at end of Mar 14 and they are in

discussions with other groups to support carers. Final

report: 19 carers meetings have been held in total and

four newsletteers produced and circulated to carers.

Representation on Healthwatch, Health and

WellBeing Board and CCG Patient and Public

Experience Group to ensure carers needs are

considered. In order to ensure that carers knew how

to continue to access support following the groups

closure (end April 2014), it arranged an event to help

carers meet and register with alternative sources of


Peer support for carers,

signposting and information.

Additional local metric on the

prioritisation of Carers

Assessments for the Better Care


complete but Cherna

will send accounts to

30 April when


Cherna Chrome

Page 15: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;



Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outcomes seen Outputs Outcomes Project

spend Status

Key contact

HCG Round 1

Central Harmony

Community Choir

£4,710 April 2013 -

April 2014

Community choir for adults and families, based in central Hounslow. 15 sessions have been held between April and mid

October with participant numbers increasing from 20

to 27. The choir took part in 3 performances including

at Southbank Centre and Sangerstevne choral festival

in Ealing. Final report: 19 practice sessions held with

32 members (25 adults and 7 children) attending

regularly. Four concerts and performances including

Christmas performance at Paul Robeson; 3 new

families and 2 new senior citizens joined the choir

over the second part of the grant term. Marketing

material distributed to schools, GP surgeries, Age

Concern and online.

Outcomes noted by members

include: health benefits (dealing

with asthma - stamina and

breathing; stress relief); children

feeling more comfortable

engaging with adults and

improving intergenerational

relationships; improved

confidence e.g. children and

adults singing solos in public for

first time; increased skills e.g.

reading music scores; incresed


complete Apinder Sidhu

Cranford Good



£15,000 May 2013 -

April 2014

Luncheon club;

outings, advice and

information for older


26 lunch club sessions held between May and July

(Tuesdays and Thursdays), with an average of 60

people attending. Transport is provided to on average

20 people each week. The service has 13 regular

volunteers but others help when needed. Seven

outings have been held between May and July with

175 attending (bingo, show, BBQ, pub lunches,

afternoon tea). Six bring and buy sales and 1 bingo

session have been held. Members have received two

newsletters during the period and advice and support

has been provided to X members. Entertainment has

not been provided due to funding uncertainty. Lunches

are delivered to members homes if they cannot attend.

Final report end May 2014

Relieves isolation and improves

health and independence of older


Due end May -

reminder needed.

2/7/14 Report


Carolyn Wheeler

Diabetes UK


£891 April 2013 -

March 2014

Peer support and

advice for people

suffering from


Monthly meetings held as planned between April and

July with 195 attendances in these 4 months, an

average of 46 per meeting. Sessions covered

diabetes and its complications, stroke and the after

effects, heart problems and signposting to sources of

support. Diabetes UK and West Mid nurses have

supported sessions. Final report: A further 5 monthly

meetings were held (2 less than planned due to the

closure of Montague Hall). In total 17 specialist

speakers and medical professionals attended offering

advice on subjects related to diabetes, heart, stroke

related health risks, plus healthy eating, losing weight

and exercise. In conjunction wiht Diabetes UK it

carried out a raodshow assessing 232 people over 2

days - 136 were referred to GPs as being at high risk

(a further 5 days of roadshows are scheduled for May

2014 at 5 venues within Hounslow). Average

attendance at meetings was 48 (range from 33 to 62).

Peer support, advice and



Disability Network


£9,000 June 2013 -

June 2014

A range of services

and activites for

residents with

physical and learning


A number of events have been held over the past to

end May 14 including: 11 coffee mornings (average

10); 9 crafts café events (average 8); musical event -

Our Big Gig (25 people), Craft Fair, training sessions -

teaching skills including working with people with

physical and sensory impairments, 5 ITclasses, 2

event planning sessions (risk assessments / fire drills)

. DNH attended 5 community events and produced

newsletters and publicity material to promote its

services. Project extended until end November 2014

to include some new elements.

Increasing skills (IT and crafts);

building social networks and

informal support; members taking

a more active role in planning and

delivery of activities.

some elements






underspend at

mid way point

Final report end

November. Send

template at end Oct.

John Seear

Page 16: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;



Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outcomes seen Outputs Outcomes Project

spend Status

Key contact

HCG Round 1

Feltham Police


Boxing Club

£5,000 May 2013 -

April 2014

Boxing club for young

people - junior club

for 9 to 13 yr olds and

senior club for 14+

22 training sessions have been delivered to date. The

junior club numbers have fallen (5 instead of expected

10) and the club are increasing pulicity and liaising

with past participants. The senior club is attended by

20+ people, with a regular group of 15. Three coaches

have attended training to move for Level 1 to Level 2 .

Update Jan 2014: promotional work just before

Christmas has helped increase numbers with a further

3 joining the junior club. Two coaches are receiving

Level 1 training funded by local business sponsorship.

Final report: The grant has allowed the club to

develop from andwindling after school activity into an

ABA affiliated amateur boxing club with members

representing the club at competition level. It has

funded 3 level two and 3 level 1 courses ensuring a

higher standard of teaching and a better coach to

boxer ratio. The senior club now see an average of

18+ members attending each session - 6 have been

registered for competition, 3 have competed with two

wins. Numbers are lower in the junior club with an

average of 6 attending each session. The club aims

to be inclusive with several members with learning

difficulties, female boxers and recreational boxers who

do not wish to compete.

Increase in fitness levels and

concentration levels. Improved

team working. The club has 40

members in total who have shown

increased levels of skill, fitness

and confidence.


Friends of Cathja £15,000 April 2013 -

April 2014

Support service for

people with Mental

Health issues

operating on a barge

in Isleworth (Monday

to Friday). Service

operates on a user

led model.

Sessions are run Monday to Friday providing

therapeutic support through creative projects (art,

wood work) along with advice and support e,g, on

support services, benefits, Three new participants

have engaged in the project in the first half of the year.

Final report end May 2014.

Increased confidence; more

engagement with the wider

community. A postgraduate from

Brunel university is supporting the

group to look at appropriate ways

to measure outcomes.





Due end May -

reminder needed.

2/7/14 sara emailed

asking to complete


Carl Kirby /Rin Roche


Charitable Trust

£10,000 August 2013 -

April 2014

Youth club based in

Chiswick, operating

junior and senior

clubs and residentials

Interim report not provided so second instalment not

paid. Report for entire project requested and if

satisfactory the remainder of the grant will be paid

Waiting on mid term

report for several

months - deadlines

repeatedly missed.

Final report now

requested and

second installment

will then be paid

Denny Antony / Tony Heap




£15,000 April 2013 -

April 2014

Manages community

building on Montague

Road offering

affordable meeting

space for community

groups providing a

range of services for

residents, including

childcare provision.

Provides affordable meeting space for VCS groups -

53 groups used the centre in the first half of the grant

period - 4 new ones. Services provided from the

centre include: faith meetings, self-help groups,

education, cultural and language classes. Six

volunteers work with the centre. Final report end May


Affordable and accessible centre

increases range of services for

residents. Training and

volunteering opportunities helping

volunteers into paid employment.

Due end May.

Reminder needed.

2/7/14 sara emailed

reminder for report


Page 17: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;



Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outcomes seen Outputs Outcomes Project

spend Status

Key contact

HCG Round 1

Hounslow PHAB £15,000 May 2013 -

May 2014

Range of youth

sessions for young

people with a


The club runs a number of sessions each week for

young people with physical and learning disabilities.

78 sessions in total were delivered over the period

April to September engaging on average 92

participants each week. A week long residential was

arranged for 22 young people. Final report: weekly

groups continued - 82 in total between Oct and March

with average participation per week of 136. A 4 week

bollywood dance and a 6 week drumming workshop

was held in conjuncion with Watermans with an

average of 16 taking part each session. Two events

were held with 25 members attending each one. DoE

members are working towards their gold award.

Residential help increase young

people's confidence and sense of

independence. Participants who

begin volunteer learn new skills

and how to take on more


complele Lorna Stephens / Debbie Barnett

Hounslow Senior


£11,750 April 2013 -

April 2014


project focusing on

dance, drama and

singing, engaging

older residents and

children from local

primary schools.

Intended to help

generations better

understand each

other and each

other's cultures


90 students from Alexandra School (Year 5) were

engaged in the project - 30 each in drama, dance and

singing/song writing. 73 older people took part in the

project. Following individual rehearsals all groups met

at Alexandra School for joint dress rehearsals. 15

older people took part in 8 drama workshops, 36 older

people took part in 8 dance workshops, 22 older

people took part in 8 singing/song writing workshops;

30 children took part in 8 drama workshops, 30 in 8

dance workshops, and 30 in 8 singing /song-writing

workshops. The older residents and children came

together for 2 dress rehearsals and 2 performances at

Alexandra School (360 audience members) and 1

performance at the Paul Robeson Theatre (130

audience members).

Older people reported the

following outcomes: got to know

and understand the younger

people and learnt a lot about their

lives; felt that they were able to

contibute to their community

through the project; learnt new

skills and discovered new talents,

had the opportunity to be creative.

Young people also reported

positive experiences about

working with older people

including learning about their lives

and history. Young people also

reported feeling proud of their

involvement in the project, that

they learnt many new things and

that they were more confident.

Project complete.

£101 underspend -

group can either

return it to us or we

can ask them to

suggest an activity in

keeping with the

intended outcomes of

the project that they

could spend it on.

Marion Pike

Page 18: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;



Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outcomes seen Outputs Outcomes Project

spend Status

Key contact

HCG Round 1




£ 15,000.00 April 2013 -

April 2014

Volunteer Support

Network for people

with long-term


conditions and their


A part-time volunteer has been appointed (3 days per

week) and has developed job desciptions and

marketing information to recruit volunteers to the

project. 15 new volunteers have been recruited in the

first 6 months. 13 people receive befriending visits in

their home, while another 63 benefit from long-term

groups for specific conditions. All groups are

supported by at least one volunteer (qualified

professionals or non-clinicial volunteers who have

received specific training). 1054 volunteer hours have

been donated to this project. Final report: 16 new

volunteers recruited in second six month period. A

new induction and training programme was developed

and a Volunteer Thank You event was held in Jan 14.

Volunteer Forums are also being held regularly.

Continued efforts have been made to recruit

volunteers from BAME and more economically

disadvantaged areas of the borough. 10 BAME

volunteers have been recruited so far.Two new

newsletters have been developed- one each for

clients and carers - and issues were circulated in Dec

13 and Mar 14. A total of 36 volunteers now provide

support for weekly / forthnightly group activities which

95 Hounslow residents regularly attend. A further 10

befrienders support 10 Hounslow clients; 9 new clients

Additional volunteers (majority of

new volunteers are from

Hounslow borough) for group

activity session and new

befriending service has allowed

INS to support additional clients

and carers in Hounslow (96 new

clients over the year). Clients

report a reduction in loneliness

and isolation and the ability to

better cope with their condition.

Volunteering opportunities (with

improved induction and support

programmes) offer volunteers the

opportunity to develop skills and

experience useful for

employment. Better relationships

have been established with VCS

groups in Hounslow to raise

awareness of volunteering

opportunities and to help recruit

more volunteers, especially from

BAME communities.



Explorers Club

£ 15,000.00 April 2013 -

April 2014

Youth sessions -

junior and senior

40 junior sessions, 26 senior sessions and 20

sessions for young people with a disability have been

provided to end of September. Four trips and nine

weeks of playscheme were aslo delivered. Final

report end May 2014. 250 young people engaged in

total. The club has seen a 7.5% increase in

attendance by 6 to 12 year older (3023) and a 7.3%

increase for 12 to 18 year olders (1571) and a 25%

increase in attendances to its club for young people

with disabilities (939) from the previous year.

Additional staff and volunteers allowed the club to

offer more sessions / activities.

Stronger communication skills,

respite for parents/carers,

developing friendships and skills.

3 young people with disabilities

supported to access mainstream

sessions. Increased sessions and

attendances, especially by young

people with disabilities. More and

better trained staff and volunteers

has allowed the club to expand its

offer and for staff to offer

increased support and mentoring

for young volunteers. More work

on evaluating outcomes

requested for future.

Project complete.

Regarding final

report - no info on

actual delivery from

Oct to Mar i.e. how

many sessions - can

we request this info.

Limited outcomes

monitoring - if they

are to be awarded

funding in R2 it

shoujld be

conditional on them

putting some

systems in place.

2/7/14 - sara emailed

Steve asking tos

provide the delivery

info for oct-mar.

Mising Information

received. This is now


Steve Parker (Trustee) - Natasha the

club leader has resigned.



Basketball Club

£ 8,594.00 May 2013 -

May 2014

Basketball sessions

for young people

Between April and September the club delivered 85 x

2 hour sessions in clubs for under 10s, under 13s,

under 14s, under 15s, under 16s and under 18s. Lead

coaches and mentors also provide group and

individual mentoring for young people. An awards

evening and club BBQ were also held. Final report

due mid June 2014.

Participants report improved

confidence and self-esteem.

Parents report that children are

more focused and have greater


Due mid June - send

reminder if not

already received

(may have been sent

to community

development inbox).

2/7/14 - sara emailed



Page 19: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;



Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outcomes seen Outputs Outcomes Project

spend Status

Key contact

HCG Round 1

Millan Women's


£ 9,000.00 April 2013 -

April 2014

Weekly social,

exercise and

information sessions

for elderly women

Weekly sessions have been held incorporating yoga,

information / talks (crime prevention, healthy eating,

dementia), and lunch. Between 80 and 100 attend

weekly sessions with up to 140 for special events.

Four trips were arranged 52 attending each one. Final

report end May 2014.

Reduce isolation and creates a

sense of belonging for all

communties attending. More

information on outcomes

requested for final report.





receipts received

except rent one (the

group has not

received Jan to Mar

one yet). Report due,

template provided.

Reminder needed

Harbans Singh

Retired Member's


£ 5,000.00 April 2013 -

April 2014

Twice weekly social,

exercise and

information sessions

for older, male Asian

residents living in the

Heston area.

Report 1: Two events held with 134 in attendance; 55

members attended the AGM; 3 excursions to Brighton

(54), Bognor Regis (48) and Bournemouth (54) with

156 attendances in total; 4 information sessions (TV

switchover, safeguarding, personal safety, fire safety)

attended by 156 people; twice weekly physical activity

sessions; 3 x health walks at Kew Gardens attended

by 37 people. Total attendance at twice weekly

sessions and events at centre over 5 months is 1868

and total of 2061 at all activities. Final report: the

following was delivered in the second reporting period -

twice weekly sessions continued; 4 social functions

with 254 participants; 6 sessions of yoga with an

average of 43 participants per session; 3 First Aid

training sessions delivered by Age UK with an

average of 42 particpants per session; 5 sessions with

a dietician from HRCH with average of 38 per session;

and 55 sessions of light exercise / health walks with

an average of 43 per session.

Key outcomes noted from survey

of members(96% response rate):

increase mobility and keep fit

(70%); increase social

network(67%); lower stress levels

(54%) and reduce visits to doctor

/ hospital (43%). Turnout has

increased by 18.8% compared to




Vineyard Christian


£ 5,000.00 May 2013 -

May 2014

Food bank 141 families supported between June and September

(closed school summer holiday period) with 363 visits

to the centre. Four housebound clients have been

supported with home deliveries. Café space has been

created to provide a more welcoming atmosphere and

a space for support. Training provided for volunteers.

Final report end June 2014.

Volunteers develop confidence

and team work skills. Residents

provided with support in times of


Due end June. 2/7/14

sara emailed asking

to complete report

SFIDA Women's


£ 12,000.00 April 2013 -

April 2014

Employment and

cohesion project

Website updated regularly and range of leaflets etc

produced to publicise programme throughout the year.

April 13 - Welfare Benefits workshop with JCP and HH

attended by 32 people. 4 Employment Tactics

workshops held (May to July 13) plus range of 1:1

support - 85 peopleho received advice and support n

total, plus referrals to other servcies e.g. Pinnacle

People. Helping Hands: 18 young volunteers engaged

in a range of projects and were provided with health

and safety training. 90 people attended 3 information

sessions with various services including Alzheimer's

Society, Age Concern and the Mulberrry Centre.

Information on right and responsibilities provided to 70

people: Oct 13 - workshop held with police to discuss

stop and search and Nov 13 workshop with Hounslow

Race and Equality Council and solicitors to provide

information on migrants rights. Consultation

throughout with service users to shape and evaluate

the project.

Links to Carers services, JCP and

Pinnacle People (including

referrals). 89 CVs produced, 31

job interviews, 8 job offers for

over 30's + 11 young people

gaining apprenticeships or P/T

work in retail. 35 young people

regularly volunteering. 40 new

migrants linked to service

providers. Young people reported

having more confidence and

better team work skills.


Page 20: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;



Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outcomes seen Outputs Outcomes Project

spend Status

Key contact

HCG Round 1



£ 15,000.00 August 13 to

March 14

Lead and be led: a

youth training and


programme to build

leadership and

decision making skills

in Somali young

people aged 18 to 25.

39 18 to 25 year olds (22 male, 17 female) have

participated in a 7 session course aiming to build

confidence and capacity to be community leaders.

They are all now involved in cascading learning to

their peers and have engaged/ supported a further 70

young people aged 12 to 23. Three participants have

worked with young people in Feltham Young

Offenders with a Southall based organisation, 4 are

training to be lifeguards so that they can run swimming

sessions for local people, 5 have set up an

organisation called Inspire for Change which aims to

support local young people.

An evaluation is currently being

conducted and the results will be

available in July. A report on the

outcomes and successes of the

project will be published in

August. An application has been

submitted to Reaching

Communities to run this project

across the country, Initial

outcomes include: increase in

confidence amongst participants,

including in making difficult

decisions; improved interpersonal

skills; increase in active

citizenship, strenghtening their

local community; practical skills

which will enhance employment.

Queries for Adam: it

was expected that

the participants

would engage 120

other young people -

current number is 70.

is this work ongoing?

Change of delivery?

Also ask Adam to

send us the results of

outcomes monitoring

(expected in July)

and the report


Adam Matan

Urban Youth


£ 14,500.00 October 2013

to April 2014

Narrowing The Gap -

project for Somali

young people and

families attending 4

schools in the

borough to support

learning and


engagement with


Homework sessions started in November due to

unavailability of venue and so will continue until the

end of May. 32 sessions have been held to date with

approximately 20 students per sessiom. Students from

Norwood Green, Green Dragon, Ivybridge and

Cranford have been engaged, and the project has

supported a number of communities, other than

Somali. Demand for the project has exceeded

expectation - to date they have worked with 80

students aged 6 to 10 (total for the project was 100).

Eight volunteers have been recruited and mentoring

will begin shortly. 82 parents have been supported

across the 4 schools advising parents on the school

system and how to engage in it, the transfer to

secondary schools and adult education courses

available to them. Final report sent 15 April, due 19


A report showing progress

against baseline infromation will

be available at the end of Janaury




at mid way


Due 19th May.

Reminder needed.

2/7/14 sara emailed

asking to complete


Ali Sharmake

Action Acton £ 15,000.00 October 2013

to September


Welfare Reform

Advice for Hounslow

Residents: providing

indepth training and

advice to Hounslow

residents to help

mitigate the impact of

welfare reforms.

Particularly targeting

those with ESOL and

IT support needs.

21 clients and 109 rhours of support to date - lower

than expected but sessions have been modified to suit

clients (full days too much so now shorter half day or

two hour sessions). Referrals numbers are lower than

expected from some sources but working on this. Age

range of clients is from mid -20s to mid 60's. Clients

supported to date with intensive one to one support

around employability skills and infromation and

guidance. ICT training is a big need. Update

requested 28th May. Final report Oct 14.

More indepth knowledge of

welfare reform and how it affects

them. Improved knowledge on

job searches.

Page 21: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;



Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outcomes seen Outputs Outcomes Project

spend Status

Key contact

HCG Round 1



£ 14,996.33 November

2013 to Oct


Connecting Hounslow

Communities - raising

awareness of

dementia amongst

BAME communities

and encouraging

increased take up of


Over the first period of delivery the project has

engaged with the following communities - Albanian,

Kosovan, Macedonian, Polish. 12 new volunteers

have been recruited from the Spanish, Bangladeshi,

Pakastani and Afghan communities to help support

engagement here. Training and support has been

provided and more is planned. There has also been

outreach to Hindu and Muslim communities through

faith centres. Four new community champions have

been recruited and 304 people have been engaged

with via 11 community events. Setting up the BME

Dementia Action Group is in progress. Final report

Nov 14

Too early to report on outcomes Waiting on letter from

HR to evidence

spend on salary -

Lisa Gatward

Lisa Gatward

Bounce Theatre £ 7,500.00 September

2013 to May


Homegrown and

Handmade in

Hounslow - youth

theatre programme

Young people were offered 50 hours of rehearsal time

in the first half of the project, building skills in creative

writing, presentation skills, listening, leadership and

groups work. Successful in attracting an additional

£15,600 in grants that will help support the work of the

theatre. Eight performance of Cinderella in December

attracted 800 audience members - 50% greater than

any previousproductions by the group. Older

rmembers of the group offered 100 hours of

volunteering time to run 'front-of-house'. Young

people will be offered the opportunity to perform in the

National Theatre Festival in April 2014. Final report

end June 2014.

Initial outcomes: improved

confidence, creativity, memory,

focus and time management.

Over 100 hours of volunteering

time by young people. Grant

helps provide places for young

people who cannot afford to pay

the £25 per term fee.

Due end June - send

template. 2/7/14 sara

emailed report

Louise Pendry

Centre for


Information &


£4,953 October 2013

to September


Supporting vulnerable


older/disabled people

& carers of Hounslow

Oct 13 to Feb 14: 38 sessions of the lunch club/day

centre - 30 LBH residents attended 261 times (118

participants in total). 13 exercise sessions were held

as part of the twice weekly day centre sessions. 42

Hounslow residents attended the Christmas Party on

13th December (95 participants in total). 10 residents

benefitted from the door to door transport service 220

times via CAIA's own minibus. 38 drop in advice

sessions were held - 23 LBH residents benefitted. In

addition a montly DWP surgery was held. 39

Hounslow residents benefitted from the Health

Advocacy and Outreach service. 400 copies of its

newsletter was posted to Hounslow addresses. Final

report due end Oct 14.

Due end Oct Misak

Hounslow Asian

and African Youth


£ 14,981.35 August 2013 -

March 2014.


extension to


Hands-on Youth: train

and support young

people to become

more involved in their

local communities

including accrediated

training and

fundraising initiatives.

25 participants recruited with 16 completing accredited

courses (OCN Organising a Public Meeting and AQA

Events Management). A further 8 have expressed an

interest in engaging in the second stage of the

programme. Five Local Funding Initiative teams have

been set up, each with between 4-6 members. The

five teams have embarked on different projects

including a football tournament, bi-weekly fundraising

via bucket collections, cake sales, Cultural Musical

Festival and a PlayStation tournament. Final report

end May 2014 - extension requested date to be


To date feedback indicates that

the all 28 participants feel they

are gaining very valuable

experience and skills. The

monitoring of the outcomes has

been done via informal group

circles, questionnaires and

observations. A report will be

produced on outcomes.

Due end May.

Reminder needed

Suhel Miah

Page 22: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;



Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outcomes seen Outputs Outcomes Project

spend Status

Key contact

HCG Round 1

Hounslow Friends

of Faith

£ 1,735.00 September

2013 to

August 2014.

Extension to

end of



HFOF Calendar of

Events 2013-14

including volunteering

days, liaision and joint

projects with various

faith groups,

education and

awareness events.

Good progress in delivery actions within the project

including: Good Neighbour Days (250 people attended

open days at 5 faith organisations), Faith and End of

Life conference (50 attended from a range of faiths

and resulted in new training materials and need for

more accessible information being made available),

SEWA Day (40 volunteers worked on 3 community

garden sites), and Women's Group (4 sessions held

with an average of 13 participants discussing a range

of faith based topics with the aim of building

understanding and friendship amongst women from

different faith communities. Extension of grant to end

November with some additional activities to use small

projected underspend. Final report end December


Improved access by service

providers to faith communities;

new training materials on end of

life and need for more accessible

information recognised; improved

relationships by members of

different faith communities

working on a range of projects

together; mutual respect and

understanding developed.

Due end Dec 14 Bessie White

Hounslow Multi-

Cultural Centre

£ 12,354.00 August 2013 -

July 2014

Providing a

subsidised lunch club

for elderly and

vulnerable residents

A total of 2522 subsidised meals were served

between Ausgust 2013 and 10 January 2014. Meals

are served 4 days a week to an average of 29 people

elderly people each day. The transport service will not

start until February 2014 due to delays recruiting and

training volunteers. Final report end August 2014.

Initial outcomes expected - but

which need to be measured - are:

improved health and quality of

life; ability to maintain

indepdendence and reduce

depression; increased experience

for volunteers

Due end August.

Send template report

in July. 2/7/14 sara

emailed report

Channi Singh

ILAYS £ 12,562.00 September

2013 to

August 2014

The Empowering the

Excluded Project:

range of support for

women, new migrants

and young people

including one to one

mentoring, drop in

sessions and


Monitoring meeting on 4th February. First report: 10

young people have received 1:1 mentoring and

support in the following areas (job search skills; CVs;

contacting employers; interview techniques);

volunteering opportunities; housing issues; and

signposting to services. 37 women from single

parent families have been supported through 20

employment related sessions including CV writing,

interview techniques, confidence building. They were

also advised and supported to access other services.

Three staff and volunteers have undertaken training

with CAB through the Transition Fund to support the

provision of advice and ensure that appropriate

systems are in place. Two workshops have been

held - one on welfare benefits and changes supported

by Hounslow Homes (attended by 15 women), the

other with the police (attended by 20 young people).

20 drop-in sessions for women have been held at the

Hub (TW4) and 65 individuals supported on issues

around housing and homelessness, employment,

benefits and debt. Final report end Sept

Single parents: 5 women have

been supported into paid

employment and 1 has found a

voluntary placement, reducing

welfare dependency. Participants

also report reduced social

exclusion and increased

confidence. Young people: 2

young people are receiving

training as Gateway Assessors

for CAB; 3 have been supported

into paid employment; 1 is

volunteering with Ilays; young

people report increased

confidence and self-esteem.

Due end Sept Hasan Hussein

Page 23: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;



Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outcomes seen Outputs Outcomes Project

spend Status

Key contact

HCG Round 1

Outside Chance £ 11,860.00 October 2013

to July 2014

It's YOUR Choice!

Anti-crime, anti-gang

workshops for young


333 young people have attended x workshops to date

from HAAYA, Butts Farm Working Together Group,

Victoria Junior School, St Michael and St Martin P.S.,

Beavers Community P.S., Green Dragon P.S., Crane

Park P.S., and Woodbridge Park Educational Service

(KS3 and 4). A further 265 are booked into

workshops between now and the end of July (Grove

Park P.S., William Hogarth P.S., Gunnersbury Catolic

School, and Grove Road P.S.) and an additional 400

are expected to be seen by the end of the project.

Observed session at Crane Park Primary School on

9th January - very well received by young people and

teacher and feedback from other schools is really

positive. Final report end August 2014.

Feedback from schools indicate

that between 85% and 100% feel

they understand a lot or quite a bit

more about how young people get

involved in crime, what happens

when they get caught, the

impications of a criminal record,

what it would like to be in prison.

Due end


template in July.

2/7/14 - sara emailed


Ian Ross

The Mulberry


£ 14,172.00 October 2013

to September


Provision of


therapies for people

who come to The

Mulberry Centre for


468 therapy sessions delivered in 5 months between

October 13 and February 14. Promotions has

continued by visiting 14 GP practices and HEAT

events (x2). 5 new volunteer therapists were

recruited. Final report end Oct

100% of those who completed

feedback forms rated the service

4 or 5 out of 5.

slightly below


Due end Oct Emma Cartwright

The Phoenix

Support and



£ 14,950.00 September

2013 to

August 2014

Peer Support Service

for people with mental

health support needs

12 volunteers recruited - all DBS and reference

checked. They have received a full induction,

including completing a skills assessment form. It

revised it training programme and reference manuals

and 7.5 days of training was delivered in total for the

volunteers. Volunteers are supported on an ongoing

basis through twice monthly meetings and clinicla

supervision. Initial interviews have been carried out

with 38 potential clients to help ascertain needs and

goals and help match them to volunteers. These

clients are now enageged in an 18 week support

programme (once a week). Final report end Sept

Training has equipped volunteers

with active listening, mentoring,

befriending, and counselling skills

allowing them to deliver more

effective peer support sessions.

Health and safety and equalities

issues were also addressed.

Outcomes reported to date by

project beneficiaries: increased

engagement in meaningful

activities (93%); voluntary work

(22%); finding anfd sustaining

part/full time paid work (16%);

finding and/ or sustaining training

/ education (32%); improved

ability to cope wiht trauma (87%);

gaining emotional relief through

support of volunteers (100%) and

feeling more positive in the face

of adversity (74%)

Due end Sept Marion O'Brien

TW4CDT £ 14,850.00 April 2013 to

July 2014

To support a range of


development work in

the TW4 area,

supporting local

people to take part,

access servcies and

improve their area

Report received but more information requested: a

number of funding bids have been made to support

the work of TW4 CDT in the local area. Significant

engagement in the development of the Creative

People and Place Business Plan. Supported cultural

festival attended by 300 people (venue: The Hub).

Update May 14: some delays in deliverying some

outputs / numbers but organisation feels that they

should be on track to deliver key outcomes by end of


Initial outcomes - raising

awareness of facilitiess and

activities in the area. Enabled

volunteers to take more

leadership in working with


Final report due end

August - send

template in July.

2/7/14 sara emailed


Isabel King

The Conservation


£1,993 November

2013 to

February 2014

Volunteer delivered

hedge laying project

at Pevensey Road

Open Space

Two days hedge laying with over 10 metres of hedges

laid. Promotion of the project in the local area and via

other local projects - 8 volunteers engaged (majority

within a 3 mile radius of the site). One day coppicing

workshop in Croydon attended by 4 people.

Highlights the difference that

volunteers can make. The project

aims to increase use of the space

by addressing concerns of

residents (unusable pavements;

park shut off by high hedges) but

it is too early to measure this



Innovation Grant


Page 24: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;



Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outcomes seen Outputs Outcomes Project

spend Status

Key contact

HCG Round 1

Beanstalk £ 15,264.00

1/2/14 -


Volunteer delivered

reading support

project for primary

school children First report due end Sept due 30/9/14

Hestia Housing

and Support £ 39,042.00

28.2.14 -


Support programme

for homeless people

discharged from West

Mid hospital and

Lakeside Mental

Health Unit First report due mid August due 15.08.14. 2/7/14 sara emailed report

Hounslow Action

for Youth £6,500

1.2.14 -


Additional support

work, including

residential and trips,

for up to 8 families

engaged in the Junior

Youth Incusion


Report 1 (April 14): 8 families engaged involving 24

parents and children. Initial work with families has

taken place (scoping needs and potential outcomes)

and the 3 day residential has been booked for late

July. Three to four family days out will also be


Too early - base point


no grant

spend to

date - all for


and trips Final report due end OctBijal Karavadra


Enterprise £ 31,900.00

16/1/13 -



programme including

business planning

and outcomes

measurement for

VCS organisations First report mid September due 12.09.14 Steve Matthews

Support for Living £ 38,383.00

1/2/14 -


A volunteer led

support project for

residents with

learning disabilities First report end September due 26.09.14 Hajnalka

Spark £ 40,000.00

Dec 14 - Sept



programme for

secondary school

students First report end September due 30.09.14 Andrew Dakers

The Shelter

Project Hounslow £ 40,000.00

1.12.13 -


Support project for

homeless people

including night shelter

and advocacy First report mid August due 15.08.14 Andree Lee

Page 25: $tfeymopb.xlsx… · March 2013 Carer support Various support for carers - monthly meetings; biannual newsletter;



Organisation Amount Grant period Project Delivery Outcomes


Beneficiaries -


Target group Outputs Outcomes Project spend


Key contact

HCG Round 1

Brent Bereavement Service 12,446.00£

May 2014 - April 2015

To provide bereavement counselling for

Hounslow residents (1:1 and phone) and to

recruit and train Hounslow residents as volunteers to help deliver the service. Paulo Pimentel

Cranford Good Neighbours 15,000.00£

April 2014 -

March 2015

To offer services and activities for older

residents, including a lunch club, social activities

and outings, support and transport as set out in

Schedule 3. Lyn Hanlon

Cultivate London 15,000.00£

April 2014 -

March 2015

To deliver a training and apprenticeship

programme for NEET young people , as set out

in Schedule 3. Adrienne Attorp

Defuse Citizens Training 12,600.00£

May 2014 -

October 2015

To deliver a training and support programme toyoung people and teachers and youth workers

to help manage confrontations and volatile

situations, as set out in Schedule 3. Matt Overd

Green Corridor 14,847.00£

May 2014 - May


To offer a land based training programme for

NEET young people aged 14 to 24 providingopportunities for skills development,

accreditation and routes into employment or

further training. Jean Rolfe

Hillingdon Law Centre 14,500.00£

April 2013 -

March 2015

To provide a free, confidential, specialist

immigration advice service for LB Hounslow

residents both from its Hillingdon office and an outreach location in the borough Mike Wakeman

Hounlsow Community Association 15,000.00£

April 2013 - March 2014

To deliver well managed, good quality andaffordable facilities for rent by communitygroups and others as set out in Schedule 3. Deva Mareemootoo

Hounslow Phab 15,000.00£

May 2014 - May 2015

To deliver a range of activities for young people

with disabilities as outlined in Schedule 3Lorna Stephens

Indian Gymkhana Club 13,400.00£ April 2014 - March 2015

To deliver 9 – 10 weekly exercise sessions forthe Over 50s Club, in addition to regular blood

and weight monitoring and monthly healthyliving and eating workshops. The project willalso develop a booklet to share the learning andexperiences of members.

Smita Patel

Millan Asian Women's Group 9,000.00£

April 2014 - March 2015

To deliver a weekly social group for women,including provision of a lunch and exercise andhealth and other relevant information, as set outin Schedule 3. Harbans Singh

Petal of Life Voluntary Group 14,990.00£

April 2014 -

March 2015

To deliver a volunteering and skillsenhancement project to include UK Online ICTtraining and Information and Guidance Support

to BAME communities as set out in Schedule 3. Mary Dervish

Retired Member's Association 5,000.00£

April 2014 -

March 2015

To offer a range of activities as outlined in

Schedule 3 to older residents in the Heston areaBhagat Singh Rupal

Together We Create 2,500.00£

6 May 2014 - 26

Sept 2014

To deliver creative animation workshops to

schools and youth clubs in Hounslow Borough

as set out in Schedule 3. Sarah Hoyle

West Play 14,970.00£

May 2014 -

October 2014To deliver play services in Heston and Brentford

as set out in Schedule 3 Kiersty Caesar
