
1- Name one Washington appointee & his office

2- Which gov. official championed the idea of a national bank?

3- Identify 1 tool the gov. used to raise $$$ to pay interest on the national debt

4- What prompted Pennsylvanians to rebel in 1794?

5- Who became the leader of the Democratic Republican (Anti-Federalist) political party?

17891789demographics –Washington is a federalistWashington’s cabinet

Jefferson (State)Hamilton (Treas.)Knox (War)

Bill of RightsBill of RightsJames Madison2/3 of states rat.1 – 8 -9 -10 -

Judiciary Act (1789)Judiciary Act (1789)created Supreme Court and Fed.

Court SystemJohn Jay (federalist) Chief Justice

Hamilton’s Econ. PoliciesHamilton’s Econ. Policies“trickle-down” economics–“funding at par” –assume state debts –made deal w/ Virginia -

national debt as “blessing” –pay interest with

1. protective tariff –2. excise tax on select goodsincluding . . .

National Bank (BUS) –benefits -

Jefferson argued -

Strict Construction v. Loose ConstructionJefferson – Strict – Bank unconstitutional

what not permitted was forbiddenliteral or “strict” interpretation10th Amendment

Hamilton – Loose – Bank OKwhat not forbidden was permitted“necessary & proper (elastic) clause”“implied powers” who wins? –

The Whiskey Rebellion (1794)The Whiskey Rebellion (1794)who –why –Washington calls up the militia –no revolt to crushimportance -

First Two Parties EmergeFirst Two Parties Emerge

Federalists -(Hamiltonians)

Democratic-Republicans -(Jeffersonians)

The French Revolution (1789)The French Revolution (1789)radical republican revolution

Jeffs. –Hams -

Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation(1793)Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation(1793)France & Eng. go to warJeffs. want -Hams. want -NP =Why?

Britain tests the NPBritain tests the NPviolates our neutrality


impressment –Jay’s Treaty (1794) –Pickney’s Treaty (1795) -

Washington’s Farewell Address (1796)2 term example -avoid “permanent alliances” –Washington’s legacy –John Adams (Federalist) elected –

Jefferson (D-R) runner up =

Undeclared War with FranceFrench angry about -XYZ Affair (1797) -

Importance –Fed. reaction –D-R reaction –skirmishes at sea (1798-1800) –Adams avoids War -

Convention of 1800 -

Stuff!Key Points for Docs – Wed.Chart & Test – Wed. 10/12

page 206Reading Quizzes:

TONIGHT - p.222-231 from Chapter 11TUES. - p.233-243 from Chapter 12WED. p.243-254 from Chapter 12

Document ___Document ___Main Point –During or After?What kind of change?R or C?

Democratic –Republicans (Jeffs.)

role of fed. gov. –

demographics –

economic policy –

foreign policy –

quote -


role of fed. gov. –

demographics –

economic policy –

foreign policy –

quote -

Alien & Sedition Acts (1798) -Purpose of Acts –Virginia & Kentucky resolutions–assert nullification –compact theory -

The United States in 1800The United States in 1800

1800drama in EC –“revolution of 1800” –“We are all Republicans, we are all

FederalistsTJ –showed “restraint” –except for -

Revolution of 1800 & The Midnight JudgesRevolution of 1800 & The Midnight Judges

TJ !TJ !

Marshall Empowers the Judiciary

“the midnight judges” -John Marshall -Marbury v. Madison –judicial review –Samuel Chase impeachment -

Marbury v. MadisonMarbury v. Madison

TJ’s Foreign Policy -reduced military -Pirates! (1801) –“mosquito fleet” -France gets LA back from Spain (1800)Napoleon sells because –Louisiana Purchase (1803) –Lewis & Clark -

ARRRRRR . . . We Be Pirates Mateeee !!!ARRRRRR . . . We Be Pirates Mateeee !!!

The Louisiana PurchaseThe Louisiana Purchase

The Lewis & Clark ExpeditionThe Lewis & Clark Expedition

TJ’s Foreign Policy -reduced military -Pirates! (1801) –“mosquito fleet” -France gets LA back from Spain (1800)Napoleon sells because –Louisiana Purchase (1803) –Lewis & Clark -

Jefferson reelected in 1804France & Britian at war again

“Tiger & Shark” -British Orders in Council (1806) -French response -Impressment -Chesapeake incident (1807) -

Trying to Stay NeutralEmbargo Act of 1807 –rationale -enraged public -Non-Intercourse Act of 1809-1812 -Unintentionally promoted:

revival of Federalist Partymanufacturing in New England

James Madison (1809-1817)Macon’s Bill No. 2 - 1810 -Napoleon complies, seduces us towards

the French – Young Hotheads of the 12th Congress

from the South & West“Hawks” –Henry Clay (KY)

The War Hawks’ Reasons 1.) Nationalism -2.) “Free Trade” -3.) Chance to eliminate Indian threat in WestTecumseh & Prophet –

Tippecanoe (W.H. Harrison) –’11Thames (Tecumseh killed) – ‘13Horseshoe Bend (Andrew Jackson) – ’14

4.) Expansion into Canada & Florida

Congress Declares WarClose, SECTIONAL vote (229)Why France & not England?

War of 1812 poor preparation & poor strategyfailed invasion of Canada (p.234)British invasion from Canada repelled in

18142nd force lands on the Chesapeake

burns WashingtonStar-Spangled Banner –

Battle of New Orleans (Jackson) –sad part -

Overallnavy = goodarmy = bad

Treaty of Ghent = reset button -Why did Britain Deal?

Hartford ConventionFederalists meet in late 1814angry about -demanded –laughed at in DC –end of -

After The War of 1812HOT - ssssiizzzzsssssssssssssssssszzzszzzz….

nationalism war heroes (Jackson & Harrison)new manufacturing

NOT – like Britney FederlinesectionalismFederalist PartyBritainIndians Owning Land

The American System ~ 1824Henry Clay’s idea – 1. Strong banking system

purpose –2. Protective Tariffs

Purpose –3. Network of Roads and Canals

Purpose –Erie Canal (1825)

Presidential Review89-96 – Washington – no party but . . .96-00 – Adams (Federalist)00-08 – Jefferson (D-R)08-16 – Madison (D-R)16-24 – Monroe (D-R)

The Era of Good Feelings?

panic of 1819Cause –


Growth of the West9 new statesadded alternately – free & slave

slavery sectionalism temporarily silencedslavery sectionalism temporarily silenced Tallmadge Amendment –

South worried - Missouri Compromise (1820)

Henry Clay – “The Great Compromiser”

1. MO = slave2. ME = free ( 12 / 12 )3. 36o 30’EFFECTIVENESS of MC -

John Marshall Expands Federal Power McCulloch v. Maryland

+ “implied powers” & loose construction (A8) Cohens v. Virginia

+ judicial review Gibbons v. Ogden

+ fed. control of interstate commerce Dartmouth College v. Woodward

+ fed. protection of business Daniel Webster Marshall’s legacy -

Nationalism in Foreign Policy Treaty of 1818 -The Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819 -

The Monroe Doctrine (1823)The Monroe Doctrine (1823) What is a doctrine? - What prompted the MD? – Monroe Doctrine


ReactionReaction at home - in Europe - in Latin America –

The Russo-American Treaty of 1824-

Jay’s Treaty (1794)We Get

re-promise to evacuate NW forts$$$ for past seized ships

they getrepayment of rev. war debts

enrages Jeffs. & Southernersprompts Pinckney’s Treaty (1795) -

1.) What US city was burned by the British in The War of 1812?

2.) What decisive US victory was won AFTER the treaty was signed?

3.) What new land, if any, did the US gain in The Treaty of Ghent?

4.) What type of people met at the Hartford Convention?

5.)Who was the mastermind behind “The American System”?
