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Copyright © 2015 Nutrifrontier Limited

All rights reserved.

Published by Owen Coleman

Notes to the Reader:

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form

or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise, except as

permitted under U.S copyright law, without the prior written permission of the author.

The statements found within the pages of this book have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug

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regard to the subject matter covered. If a product or treatment is recommended in these pages, it is not

intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is meant to

be used to educate the reader and is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. The

publisher and the contributors are not engaged in rendering medical advice.

All information contained in this book is received from sources believed to be accurate, but no

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their own satisfaction, the accuracy of all information, recommendations, conclusions, comments,

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The author of this e-book is not a licensed practitioner of medicine; therefore, the techniques, ideas,

and opinions here are not intended as a substitute for proper medical advice! The information provided

here is solely for informational purposes only. If medical advice or other professional assistance is

required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

The author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting from any health decisions

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Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 1: The Physical Self .................................................................................................................. 7

You Are What You Eat ........................................................................................................................ 8

A Sample 3-Day Menu For Optimal Health Benefits .......................................................................... 8

Day 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 9

Day 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 9

Day 3 ............................................................................................................................................... 9

About Snacking ................................................................................................................................. 10

Chapter 2: The Mental Self ................................................................................................................. 11

A Brief Introduction To Guided Imagery .......................................................................................... 13

Chapter 3: The Energy Self .................................................................................................................. 14

Position #1 - Over The Forehead, Eyes, And Cheeks........................................................................ 14

Position #2 - Over The Temples ....................................................................................................... 15

Position #3 - Cradling The Back Of The Head ................................................................................... 15

Position#4 - Cupping The Throat And Jaw Line ................................................................................ 15

Position #5 - Over The Heart ............................................................................................................ 15

A Quick And Easy Energy Boost ........................................................................................................ 17

Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 18

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No doubt about it, our lives are busy - busier

than ever before. Due to the massive influx of

technology that surrounds us, we experience

daily overloads of information. We’re never

disconnected! How can our senses not be

overwhelmed? Because we’re more connected

than ever before, we’re pulled in so many

different directions. Often to the point where

we’re stretched to our limit!

We have gotten to the point where we are

literally overtaxing not only our brains, but our

physical health and wellness. We're pushing

ourselves to the max dealing with more

pressures, responsibilities, obligations, and

stress than many of us can handle.

We’re so busy with our daily lives that by the

time we go to bed we’re so wound up that we

have trouble sleeping. Our thoughts continue to

spin out of control even when we try to rest!

Due to our stress, we turn to anti-anxiety

medications. To help us fall asleep, we turn to

over-the-counter or prescription sleep aids. To

make us more alert, we guzzle endless amounts

of coffee for our dose of caffeine, or over-the-

counter or prescription stimulants. Those who

struggle with chronic conditions like arthritis

turn to painkillers and inadvertently end up

becoming addicts.

In 2014, the American Psychological Association

performed a study ("Stress in America: Paying

with Our Health”) regarding stress levels in

America. The results are alarming. A number of

focus points of the study determined four

leading causes of stress in our daily lives:

money, work, family responsibilities, and health


When it comes to health, stress can have the

most detrimental impact. According to the

study, many end up turning to unhealthy

behaviors such as an increased sedentary

lifestyle, eating (which leads to numerous

eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia,

binge-eating or ‘comfort eating’ behaviors), or

drinking and smoking to deal with the stress.

Unfortunately, the study also determined that

only one in five Americans (approximately 20%)

claimed that they never engage in activity in

order to relieve or manage stress. Seriously?

This trend not only provokes negative physical

impact, but detrimental impact on our mental

and emotional health and wellness.

Symptoms of stress can creep up on you and

result in unexpected psychological impact

including but not limited to:

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Lack of motivation or interest

Increased nervousness or anxiousness

Increased sense of fatigue

Increased sense of being overwhelmed


Stress affects our ability to eat, sleep, and maintain a balanced sense of well-being. The study

determined that most Americans continue to struggle to not only reach for, but achieve, healthy

lifestyle and living goals. At least 42% of American adults stated that they felt they were not doing

enough, or were otherwise not managing, their own stress effectively.

So what can we do about it?

That's what this book is all about. This is where Reiki comes in. Reiki is a form of healing using universal

energy to alleviate stress in the body. This form of alternative healing (in its modern form) was

developed by a Japanese Buddhist in the early 1920s.

However, the history of Reiki goes back nearly 2,500 years. It’s mentioned in the Sanskrit Sutras and by

Tibetan monks and Enlightened Masters. The original translation of the term ‘Reiki’ in Japanese means

“Universal Life-Force-Energy”. The word ‘ki’ is similar to the Chinese term that implies energy force (Qi

or Chi). Today, Reiki is known as “The Healing Touch”.

The purpose of Reiki is designed to channel energy for healing purposes. Each of us is believed to have a

life force. This life force is channeled through meridians, nadis or chakras, depending on various Asian

schools of thought and healing practices. That life energy provides fuel for every cell and organ in our

body. When the flow of energy is blocked or otherwise disrupted, we feel it through illness, depression,

fatigue, stress, and so forth.

The practice of the healing form of Reiki restores the balance or flow of energy in our bodies. You can

benefit from Reiki massage techniques from a professional or you can perform some techniques on

yourself. While relieving stress, the process and motions of Reiki also boosts energy levels.

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This book is designed to provide you with a simple, easy, one-day read and guide that you can use

immediately to enhance harmony, wellness, and balance in your life through the practice of Reiki. Three

major aspects of health and wellness will be covered in this book:

The ancient and modern form of Reiki provide a healthy, non-drug alternative for relaxation and stress

reduction. For nearly a century, the practice of healing known as Reiki has also been known by other

names including Hands-on Healing and Palm Healing. Regardless of what it’s called, the basic foundation

for the healing art of Reiki is based on the aforementioned concept of a universal life force that is found

in every living thing as well as in the universe.

Benefits of Reiki in your daily life can:

Increase your energy and motivation to help you achieve your goals

Restore your sense of vitality and well-being

Relieve stress on your mental and emotional states as well as you physical body, improving

overall health

Help you achieve optimal quality of life by mastering a few smile Reiki techniques.

If you're ready to dump some of that stress today, let's get started!

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Chapter 1: The Physical Self

When was the last time you truly assessed the

state of your physical being? Often, our lack of a

physical sense of well-being, a constant state of

fatigue or stress, and illness, has a direct impact

on our emotions and our mental state. Have

you ever noticed that when you don't feel good,

you tend to get a little (or a lot) grumpy? When

you're hurting, you don't want to move. That

leads to a sedentary lifestyle that can lead to

even more problems including obesity, poor

joint health, and lack of muscle strength, all

which have a negative impact on balance,

coordination and mobility.

That's why the first step in this journey toward

better health will begin by enhancing your

health and relieving stress. Still, you need to

take a look at the physical aspects of your

overall health first.

Answer this: What is your first reaction to

stress? Do you get irritable? Do you cry? Do you

turn to food, drink, or drugs? Many of us turn to

food. We call it comfort food. Whether it's a

bowl of ice cream, cookies, or just plain over-

eating – or eating even when we’re not hungry -

turning to food might provide a comforting

quick fix for emotional relief when we’re

stressed or upset, but it’s not very healthy.

So what exactly constitutes a junk food? For

the purposes of this book, a junk food is defined

as anything prepackaged or pre-prepared that

offers little to no nutritional value. Junk foods

contain excessive amounts of salt, high levels of

fat per serving, and are also high in calories.

Some of the most common examples of junk

foods include fried fast food, candy, non-diet

sodas, and so forth.

The term "junk food junkie" is nothing new.

Many of us can - and do - admit that we turn to

certain types of foods when we’re stressed out.

When our body is stressed, we tend to turn to

the high fat and high sugar content foods. Why

do we crave these foods when were stressed?

The simple answer is that stress creates

imbalances of hormones in the body. One

biggie is called cortisol, known as the "stress

hormone". When you're stressed, the body

sends signals to the brain that we need carbs,

sugars, or fats.

Think about it; if you're stressed and somebody

hands you a bowl of raw broccoli or a bowl of

potato chips, which would you reach for? Be

honest! The true fact is that healthy, nutrient

rich foods don't tend to satisfy our cravings

because they don't have the same calming

effect as a salty, fatty, or sweet or empty carbs.

Or so we think. We get used to eating these

junk foods because we tell ourselves they make

us feel better, at least for a little while.

This sense of comfort is caused by the brain’s

release of serotonin, the "happy hormone" or

‘pleasure’ hormone. It’s released by the brain

when we feel contentment or satisfaction.

Due to stress, our bodies constantly struggle

with influx or decrease of these two main mood

hormones: cortisol or serotonin. While cortisol

is considered ‘bad’ it is an essential hormone;

one that initiates our ‘flight or fight’ response.

Any kind of stress can trigger the release of

cortisol in the body. Learning how to control

our emotions and mood can reduce the number

of times our body releases cortisol.

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Too much or too frequent release of cortisol in the body is detrimental to health, leading to high blood

pressure, weight gain, impaired immune system function, confusion and even memory and learning

issues. Our diet can also have a negative effect on not only our body but our psychological well-being.

You are what you eat. That's the saying, and it's true. In order to function at optimal physical levels the

body requires healthy, nutritious, sustenance. The ongoing debate regarding the size of meals and the

frequency of meals is bound to continue, but one thing is for sure. If you eat until you’re stuffed, you've

eaten too much. If you don’t eat enough, you’re likely to damage your organs and organ systems.

Some propose that eating four to six smaller meals a day make foods easier for the body to digest and

process, and provide more long-term sources of energy for activity. Others consider that if they eat

enough in the three-meal-a-day school of thought, you will be satisfied and reduce the incidents or

predisposition to snack.Still, whether we’re hungry or not, many of us turn to snacking to ease stress.

Snacking can pack on the pounds and disrupt chemical balances in the body. In order to give your body

the best chance for optimal performance and function, it’s important to eat healthy and practice a

balanced diet.

To get you started eating healthier, we’ll provide a simple and easy three-day menu that represents

each major food category for optimal health (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and micro and macro

nutrients, otherwise known as vitamins and minerals).

Access a number of websites online that provide healthy and nutritious recipes and menu planning

ideas that suit your tastes, likes, and dislikes. Just type in “health menus” or similar and you’ll find

numerous websites from Food Network to Weight Watchers that provide a wide range of menu plans

and recipes for healthy eating. Remember, the following are just ideas to get you thinking about what

will work best for you time-wise, budget-wise, and of course, preference-wise.

Just make sure that each of your daily menus incorporates a healthy balance of nutrients that include

fats, minerals and vitamins, carbohydrates, and proteins. To make things easier in regard to determining

the amount of each you need, access or - both provide

information that will ensure that you obtain the proper servings and nutrients you need for any age


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Day 1

Breakfast – Scrambled egg burrito and your choice of fresh fruit

Lunch – Soup and half sandwich (your soup of choice) - center's choices

include grilled cheese, lunchmeat, or peanut butter/almond spread)

Dinner – Pork tenderloin medallions with your choice of vegetable. Add side

salad - go easy on the dressing!

Day 2

Breakfast – Yogurt and granola cup (mix ¼ cup granola into a container

of any flavor low-fat yogurt)

Lunch –Grilled tomato and Brie sandwich

Dinner – Grilled flank steak with cherry pecan rice. Add side salad - go

easy on the dressing!

Day 3

Breakfast – Oatmeal with your choice of fruit and low-fat milk

Lunch – Grilled veggie and hummus wrap

Dinner - Chicken with olives and lemons. Add side salad - go easy on

the dressing!

Adapt recipes based on your taste and budget.

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Healthy snacks are important to keep those cravings at bay. Adding the right kind of snacks to your daily

diet can not only help you lose weight but boost your metabolism when you start to hit that wall.

Snacks that burn fat include:

Apples (pair it with a protein such as a glass of fat-free milk)

Avocado - ½ avocado is a good snack. For an extra bit of fiber and protein, fill the space with

approximately 2 ounces of low-fat or 1% cottage cheese.

Smoothies. A cheap and easy way to make smoothies is to use low-fat plain yogurt, frozen

berries (your choice) and a little honey for sweetness if desired.

Edamame - if you're missing that "crunch" of chips, enjoy raw or boiled edamame sprinkled

with a little bit of salt. Packed with protein and fiber, this snack will take care of those


Access a variety of cooking websites to come up with unique, budget-friendly, and tasty menus and

snacks. It's not as hard or time-consuming as you may imagine. Spend one day a week planning the

coming week's menu. Go shopping and prepare dishes ahead of time when possible. When you know

what you're going to have for breakfast, lunch, snacks or dinner, it's much easier to avoid those cravings

or munchies.

Remember that a balanced and nutritional diet provides your body with the nutrients it needs to

function at optimal levels. The healthier body is, the more able it will be to deal with stressful situations

and to provide you with the strength, stamina, and concentration that you need to get through those

rough spots.

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Chapter 2: The Mental Self

Just as our physical status can have a beneficial or detrimental effect on our mental outlook, our mental

attitudes and strength (or lack thereof) also have a direct impact on our physical and emotional health.

When you are mentally strong, your energy or she is able to focus on challenges or tasks with greater

clarity. This clarity prompts adequate analysis and solution making processes. When we’re mentally

tough, we’re able to face our stresses and triggers to stress that life has a way of throwing our way.

Because our mental health is so important, it's important to stay grounded. Meditation is one of the

best ways to enhance our mental barricades against stress.

Unfortunately, when most people hear the word "meditation" they imagine themselves sitting cross-

legged on the floor, fingers precisely placed and muttering mantras in long, drawn out

“oohhhmmmms”. However, meditation is so much more than that. According to the Mayo Clinic,

spending just a few minutes a day engaging in meditative practices can relieve not only stress, but

tension, worry, and anxiety.

The best thing about meditation is that you can choose from a number of techniques or even blend

techniques. It's all about you and what you feel comfortable with. Not only that, but meditation doesn't

cost any money, doesn't require a certain type of equipment, and it doesn't take very long. In fact, you

can practice meditating when you're walking the dog, washing the dishes, riding the bus, or enjoying a

few minutes of peace and quiet at home.

The practice of meditation goes back thousands of years and is considered an alternative medical

practice that focuses on a complementary mind/body connection. It is designed to create tranquility

and a deep and beneficial state of relaxation. The focus of meditation is to reduce the bombardment of

thoughts that fill your mind on a daily basis.

Meditation can provide a variety of benefits including but not limited to:

A greater ability to focus on the present rather than the future

A greater increase in self-awareness

Creating and utilizing different skills to help manage stress

An ability to look at a stressful situation with a different or new perspective

Releasing negative thoughts and emotions

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The physical benefits of meditation are too numerous to list, but do include reducing high blood

pressure, easing anxiety disorders, improving asthma conditions, and improving sleep and pain


Numerous popular methods of meditation include:

Qi Gong - like Tai Chi, Qi Gong combines a variety of breathing exercises, movements, and

relaxation techniques with meditation. This practice goes back thousands of years and is

considered a staple in traditional Chinese medicine.

Mindfulness Meditation - promotes increased awareness of your immediate environment and

designed to also increase a person's acceptance of living "in the moment". During this type of

meditation the person focused outward instead of focusing inward, such as paying attention to

how you’re breathing. You literally "watch" your emotions and thoughts without addressing


Mantra Meditation – involves repeating a word or sound that is calming to you, or even a

thought or a phrase. Focus on that word, thought, or phrase and push out other thoughts that

try to make their way into your mind.

Transcendental Meditation – involves the silent repetition of your own mantra, which can be a

sound, a word, or a phrase that will promote your body to relax and bring your mind to a place

of calm and inner peace.

Tai Chi - utilizes self-paced and slow transitions from one physical posture or movement to

another in a graceful manner while deep breathing.

Guided Meditation - this type of meditation is also known as guided imagery or visualization.

This is one of the easiest for beginners to attempt because you essentially imagine yourself in a

place or environment that promotes a sense of relaxation. This of this as your ‘happy place’ - the

beach, a meadow, a forest, or even Disneyland.

Yoga - numerous simple yoga postures are incredibly relaxing for the physical body, but as you

perform new moves through a variety of poses that require you to concentrate, focus, and

balance, you turn your thoughts inward and push all that other "stuff" out of the way for just a

little while.

We encourage you to choose one of the above types of meditation to practice on a daily basis. Five

minutes every morning and five minutes at the end of the day is a good start. Of course, adjust the time

as you see fit. Because it's so simple, we’ll suggest guided meditation, known as guided imagery or

visualization to set you off on the journey toward stress relief and relaxation.

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Try practicing guided imagery or guided meditation. Here’s how. Let's say you like the forest. Imagine

yourself sitting against a huge pine tree at the edge of a meadow. It's warm, and a gentle breeze is

blowing. Smell the pine in the air. The wildflowers bob gently in the breeze and butterflies flit over


Listen to the chattering of a squirrel overhead or the tweeting of the cluster of sparrows in that bush

over there. Watch that hawk soaring over the meadow. Slow your breathing and just relax every muscle

in your body, starting with your toes and moving upward to your eyebrows. This environment is very

peaceful, calm, and provides your brain with the rest it needs, even if it's only for a few minutes.

Doesn't that feel great? You choose your "happy place" whether it's the beach, the desert a canyon, or

even Disneyland. The place you choose is one where you feel safe, secure, and comfortable: no

pressures, no worries, and no anxiety.

After you've taken care of your physical and mental self, you now need to deal with your energy self.

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Chapter 3: The Energy Self

What exactly is your energy self? Consider your energy self as your life force. Your energy or life force is

what gets you out of bed every morning, coupled with of course, your mental and physical attitudes and


However, when you feel drained or wiped out and your energy or life force field is depleted, you need

to restore it, much like recharging a battery. So how do you do that?

Reiki! Yes, you can learn how to perform Reiki on yourself for the relief of stress and tension. The

practice of Reiki can restore harmony and balance into your life. Remember earlier that we talked about

some of the physical issues that stress can cause in our daily life? These issues included but are not

limited to eyestrain, migraines, tension in the shoulders, headaches, fatigue? Those are just some of the

physical results of stress! Stress also has a very detrimental effect on our mental state and can lead to

anxiety, depression, and a sense of hopelessness.

One of the greatest benefits of Reiki for stress release is the fact that you can do some of these

positions yourself. They're not complicated and can provide you with huge benefits. For optimal

results, close your eyes while engaged in these positions for added relief of stress.

We want to share with you five important hand positions to help relieve some of the physical tension

you may feel on a daily basis that is caused by stress. All these positions should be done in a gentle

manner, but also feel free to modify with slight pressure if desired. Perform each position for several


Standing or sitting comfortably, lift your hands and cover your face with

your palms, placing your fingertips at your hairline. Your pinky fingers

should be nestled along the nose, with the base of your palm resting just

above your jawline. This position allows your fingers to cover the third eye

chakra found on your forehead. Your thumbs should naturally come to a

resting position just in front of your ears. Your elbows should be pointed at

an approximately 90° angle to your body.

This position provides excellent relief of eyestrain, stress, allergies, sinus difficulties, and benefits the

cerebral nerves, the pineal gland, and the pituitary gland. (Not to mention it's very relaxing!)

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When your temples are throbbing with stress and you need a moment to

revitalize, lift your arms and place your hands on either side of your head, with

your palms covering your temples. Maintain the position for up to a minute or

so, adding slight pressure if you wish to help ease muscle tension. This hand

position can help balance equilibrium and functionality between your right and

left brain as well as improve congestion caused by colds and flu. Some gain

additional benefits with the relief of hearing problems, including tendinitis.

Place the palms of your hands on the back of your head. The heels of your

palms should be down near the base of the skull, the fingertips pointing

upward just below the crown. Literally cup or cradle the back of your head.

Your fingertips should touch but not overlap, so if you have to - depending on

the size of your head - adjust the placement of the palms closer to your ears.

Add slight pressure to ease headaches. This position is also excellent for

vision problems and respiratory issues such as allergies and hay fever. This

position is also effective in relieving fear, anxiety, and for some, phobias.

This position focuses on the throat chakra. Keeping the elbows close

together, place the heels of the palm of each hand over the center of your

throat, with your fingers pointing toward your ears. Your wrist joints should

be touching, creating a slight “v” shape just underneath the jaw line. Your

pinky fingers should nudge along the jaw line and the tips of your fingers

should wrap around the side of your throat. This position can help ease the

symptoms of respiratory conditions including colds, bronchitis, and flu. It's

also effective in relieving anger and helping you get in touch with your inner


This position benefits the heart chakra. Place your hands, palm side down,

gently on your upper chest. Your elbows should be bent at an approximate

45 degree downward angle, your middle fingers touching over your heart.

This position covers the thymus gland and the heart and is not only

beneficial in relieving emotional anxiety and stress, but is beneficial for

angina or irregular heartbeat, and for the thyroid, the lungs, and the limbic

and immune systems.

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Here are two more quick stress relievers for you to try:

#1 - Learning how to relax. Yes, often easier said than done, but taking just five minutes several times

a day by yourself to re-charge your batteries, de-stress, and find a sense of calm and serenity in your life

can do wonders for your mental, emotional, and physical health and wellness.

Relaxing is hard for many of us because we're so busy. However, relaxing doesn't have to be

complicated. The process of relaxing can mean something different to anyone. For some it's cuddling up

with a beloved pet or loved one. For others, it's watching the sunrise or sunset. For others it’s taking a

nice bath.

One of the most beneficial that you could do at home, at school, or at work is to merely close your eyes

for a few minutes and visualize someplace wonderful. Engage all your senses while you visualize

yourself in this place. The sights, the sounds, the smells. You'll be amazed at how relaxing and

rejuvenating just "mentally going someplace else" for a few minutes can be.

#2 - Enhance stress relief through aromatherapy. Essential oils used in aromatherapy are not

expensive and last a long time. Place a couple of drops of an essential oil such as lavender, sage, or

sandalwood in a diffuser. Mix the essential oil with water in a diffuser and give yourself a quick spritz on

your face (close your eyes first!) and enjoy the benefits of instant soothing and relaxation.

Some of the most beneficial aromatherapy essential oil fragrances include:

If you don't want to use a diffuser, purchase an oil burner, a ring burner, or a vaporizer that are

specifically designed for aromatherapy treatments. You can also add a few drops of essential oils to

your bath or blend a few drops of essential oils with a carrier oil and massage it into your skin.

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Finding ways to de-stress and relax is not as difficult as many of us might think. However, we must focus

on ourselves, if just for a few minutes at a time. We'd like to leave you with one more method of

relieving stress and boosting your energy that also cleanses your body at the same time.

Cleansing processes combined with energy breathing techniques are another excellent way to provide

rest and relaxation while at the same time boosting energy levels. Energy breathing focuses on

improving oxygenation delivery to all the cells in your body. When the cells in your body have adequate

oxygen, they function at optimal levels, helping to remove toxins, assimilate nutrients, and boost organ

function as well as improve the immune system.

A number of energy breathing techniques are easy to practice. Some are designed to help with pain

management or self-healing pain relief, while others are designed to boost energy, while still others are

designed to increase the bond and strength between your own energy and that provided by the

universe. Daily exercise when it comes to energy breathing not only promotes relaxation and stress

relief, but can revitalize and boost your energy in as little as five minutes a day. Here's how:

Choose a location where you won't be disturbed for at least five minutes. If possible, you

can increase the exercise time to up to 30 minutes daily.

Assume a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and allow your tongue

to rest against your upper palate (the roof of your mouth). This is believed to connect

energy channels from the front of your body to the back. Take three deep breaths, inhaling

and exhaling slowly.

Inhale through your nose for a count of six. Allow your abdomen to expand outward (belly

breathing) and then imagine that you’re literally sucking that air up toward your diaphragm.

Hold for three seconds.

Slowly exhale through your nose, again for the count of six, pulling in the abdomen toward

the lower spine as you exhale. After all the air is released, hold that position for three


Repeat this process while practicing visualization or mindful meditation, or in simpler terms, just

relaxing your mind. Push any concerns or worries away and concentrate on your breathing, your

counting, and the relaxation you feel in your muscles.

Repeat this exercise up to three times a day to help boost not only stress relief, but energy levels as

you're faced with life’s daily challenges.

Page 18: © 1 · benefit from Reiki massage techniques from a professional or you can perform some techniques on yourself. While relieving stress, the process and motions

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We all lead busy, stressful lives. The expectations and obligations and responsibilities placed upon us

can seem overwhelming. Many of us forget to take care of ourselves because we’re so busy taking care

of everyone else's needs.

However, always keep in mind that if you're not healthy - physically, emotionally, or mentally, you won't

be able to function at optimal levels. Therefore, it's important to deal with stress before it has the

ability to affect our physical self. Dealing with stress sooner rather than later will not only provide you

with a greater sense of balance and harmony but help you avoid habits like comfort eating, as well as

developing physical conditions like high blood pleasure, anxiety, and disruption of the immune system

caused by stress, leading to illness.

Don't overlook the importance of your mental state. Our attitudes and our mental strength help us

maintain equilibrium in our lives. It's what we rely on to get the job done, to take care of our

obligations, and to reach our goals in life. Stress can have a very detrimental effect on our mental

strength, affecting our desires and our ability to reach our goals or complete our tasks.

Finally, pay attention to your energy self or life force, which is a combination of your physical, mental,

and emotional state. Your life force must be kept strong, healthy, and invigorated. To do that, it's

important to combat the negative effects that stress has on all aspects of our heart, mind, body, and


Reiki can, and does, provide a huge number of benefits, and helps restore that sense of balance you've

been missing lately. That sense of equilibrium in our lives has an amazing impact on our ability to love,

to be happy, and to look forward to what tomorrow may offer.

This introduction into a few self-performed Reiki positions will help to relieve stress and enhance your

health. Boost your energy levels, tackle stress, and take time for yourself on a daily basis to meditate, to

relax, or refresh your heart, body and soul. Start with the tips and information provided in this short


You'll be amazed at how good you feel in a matter of minutes! Continue to learn more about Reiki and

how stress affects the human body. The more you know, the more you'll be able to adjust your lifestyle

and habits to lead an active, fulfilling, and happy life.