v THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA JANUARY 17190 J d Zw 4 Bill I ill atlfc IMl OB M Ofcoe IKen- Mtecocdela x ll Jf H McCRKAKY W W JMBK E BURTZ LOUIS J UKlin- FM PBEWITT SUM irv Editor fi ler A inte IVtor CUT FVIIto- rOIHCK 1ORTKK IIUOCK 3 U Main ana S TLLLMIONI 43 TIlE DAILY MN i ubli htii city niornitix MomJjyilclivmtl l y carrier in the cy or tailed to any part of the Inittil States j i tajc a year n month JIM three SKraths ur 50 cent fur five rtk trictly in advance Reading nolle in local column cttiN 1 line fertnt intcrtion and 5 t r t for each aUditicuai- iMcrtloa Rata for display dvrrtUini nude known on application Tli TwIoeaAVeek Sun i an tightiMgr forty jtattM paper ptiblUhcU every Monday and rfesrJsy ssd c st 5 s si ths Sii o i- tk total State anti central and will be po Ufc free to any part of the failed ttor Canaila for iw a yearin advance AH adrcrtUiax bills become due alit firM Sf pMtancc of IvcrtUcmcut unit otherwise tlpnUteU ia contract Partic not known to ua- id be required to pay for advcrtUing ia TUB DAILY SIS GAIXUVILU FLA Whey have a poet on Th Tampa Tibaae to write ware heads You cant keep a down PrtffdvBt Roosefelt ii a Red Man but we are grateful to know U of the iaaprdTed klad Kina Edward U trying to get the the world united with Em- peror William barred The BMB who to lack and dont fttafte aay effort to artist with brawn- er brala will tooa lad Soar barrel gas it seder obligations to The Werld for a copy of 1006 Almanac Eaeyelopedia We couldnt keep kaate it Hon J Walter Keboe States At Fine Jadlcial Circuit la eealai to the froat as a to Ceaf reisman Lamar Berne of the opposition to the Duck BMB school law are more afleated with the inflicted oa the people than everWM the most anxious politician- It toe bad that President ROOM pelt ia not a Baptist to he could be sore presideal of Chicago University Bat there a big lake near Chicago The people of Arizona dont want to be Sized up with New Mexico u a tale and tome of the Eastern State eject to their coming into the Union Meat of the colleges that havent been able to put up a good game of football ate aazioua to have the game called off There is not a kick heard from college where they have a winning team Florida i credited with only one lynching in 1005 but The Times thinks there I a chance for a better showing in the future as we get more people from the more pro gretiv State The Ocala Banner looked very tine last Sunday with its special telegraph- news and there I a marked improve meat in ita appearance The Banner promised improvement and it cer- tainly keeping word Spotted fever ha again appeared among the student of the Newport H I training tehool The itudent of the naval school at AnnanolU Mel seem to be ntllicteil with a fpoitrd fever at the preneni tune If Mr Nathaniel Adam had only come out and that because he could not get the ttiiveroity located at Lake City he would tender hilt resig- nation a a member of the State Hoard of Control everyone in the late of Florida would hUt believed he stated the truth Capt V J Tucker of Fort fierce who i mentioned a a probable ennui date for Governor native of Ales chua county having been burn in the town of Newnauville in 1IO He has received many favorable expreision from the press of the State and will cat quite a figure in the primaries I t 7t caner and ASHLEY i r CUD 11ft for IS S h ad- d raa he of I who for reap I I pall hl ola i jut said L Il- ytw tttt- t t lUru Tlatc Acent Pta t ltun- r e er- e 4 tattled r wise fr pat pwen true the empty The t Its and teraey the alone v w its r 1 its r C > > < = = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = + I i j IMMIGRANTS OR NEGROES The Savannah Nw ny tM Kf- iJele itt 4 lo the m tint of th Svith Cotton A iKMHtioii in New UrleHii differed widely n their li c i i n nf- tre labor question at Vdned ij aim la t week Hon II S Sott of- Mi i ippi il lnrl that a iht ir r the necrci a n to b fmiiir that hi i i fiiln in th MM on H l had abut c m to nn end and that hwfnre Mnny jH r h won d C I H t- I tie it factor in the labor prnlil tn of otiih Mr fiHii M 1 thit duriii- ti for purple of Hud IIB out from whiih of them wild be a tiitattln niid utllei ni n ip ply of Uhnr fur the South HI hail come tr Ci io it mild b ob- Itnintd fNini and fOit rn I y Th Italian from e i tion nid rtrr on ludimrioun and Mr Chirkon Tenne ee joke of the woMlrfil drelnpmrri of the outh Hinee the Civil War largely the i renlt of necrrn luliiir Mud a j that if I lie ueuro were treated well a imptied to treat the Italian h would he the better ami more de irn- ble laborer for the i mh Mr Thomnkin of North Carolina there iiuh scarcity of In bor a there appeared to from statement appmriiiK in the publii prints It in my observation he and that tilt present situation in the South ii more one where work it plenty rod ANgra fair than one in which labor i crce In other word there i an ample supply of U boy where fair angra are tit id Herr we have three opinions from men who art doubtless well qualified to speak of the labor situation They differ widely in their views The of course would be better thin the Italian if the latter coullnt be assimilated because he is more tract- able but there is no doubt that the Italian can be asiimilated li and his descendants will become thrifty farmers arid wraith producing citizen If Italians of the right tort ihnuld come to this country in sufficient num- bers they would not only supply the labor demanded but they would in a comparatively short time turn th va- cant lands into productive farm They would increase the wealth of the South much tarter than the negro will even though negro should be given- as good treatment as it it proposed to give the Italian- It may be that the negro is through a formative period and will eventually be a better laborer aid cit izen but just now he appears to be- come more thriftless and shiftle and as Mr Scott ad is a failure to far as filling the South labor nerd There is troth of roan in what Mr Thompkin namely thn the scarcity of labor is not a severely felt in localities where wage are high a it is where wages are low In the production of cotton better wages cut be paid now than when the price of cotton u below Scent It cannot be predicted with any degree of certain- ty how long the price will remain above S cent We acknowledge our indebtedness to Caldwell of The Ja per New fur timely information on the a tonih fug number of niyteriou Federal quetion lurking soiled and realy to spring in the Iuckmnn law We never believed that ib blnmed thing i o dangerous and well monkey with it no The Gdlneoville in hu our her nfier I k Laty ns ocrat If all the oium vote tn hold cotton until it goes up to 15 cent there by n lively time in thu mar set It tlf bankem t nd t y till growers they well certAinly oak it very unpleasant f ir who try to dear the mnrket Deafness Cannot be Cured By local applications H they reach the dinni ed rtion of the eir There i only on wny to iMifi dent and that i by eonstitutuinl remedies IlcHfiif i I citucd by an iiitUintd condition of the mil i lining of the Kulaohian Tube When tub i jiillaiiiiil joii ham a rum filing cound or itnperffil hearmi and when it U entirely drtiue i the result and unlif tf u H itntiiH tin ran be taken out and this fite- restond to it minimi condition ir ins will be destroyed forever Nine cae out of ten ore tviiiped oy ninrrh which i nothing but nn inllnmed i n dition of the mtiiMiK iturfaoe- We will give fie Hundred nr fur any e of dfAfne4 toaucd by catarrh that cannot lie cured liy Halls Citarrh Cure Send for or- cularii free- F J CHKNEV Co Tolwl- Soid by tii ilk Take Hall Family Pill fir eon ii iiVl rte hot I pro I urnuwr h Eli lit IIi I h a i I WIt said was nil I was mor I t P ill the I o t II IlrlJJ anion i1 f s 11 a a the t Sits trral i Inn rt u ntri ohraind the erntrrtl the precr Inritlg propl bit ne- gro the going say Imo prosy err a grow ra cats lit heir this tIn rrl 1 can F t < < > > > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > < > > ¬ > > > > + + + + + + + ± + + + + + + + + + + + + WHY MANY COME TO FLORIDA There lire many pn le wh i to Florida Waue they ar to- in nrdr to live nod njiy They ik end tli dotor B t Mr l if- potirinc mediine nn them wtho it nnv apparent grind th y- H h m o o Flirilt ir om flier plai e vltere Mn tits f warm inn The people HIt ir hereby the doctor fiq jetitly vivt inil t i too ia fur them to h ire any hope for r covry nnd whil l V i v receive Oll1e r life JilO feMfijrf to f illy fe cover r re j nld w h r ip they nnn it tt r if ii winter IJit in Flirtdi very bne- rtiiil t H i IMTOIH itl p e vi i hare not bn nbl tn attend ri- ni iint half f tim in v irh corn hen and Uewp the e oten fail to tar the ret every pr r n houli at o e or twict a year HAVE YOU GOT ONE The lf W rId Almuiv ind yl- opedin i H tabloid lilirarv f refr enc It tit the poKet both in site and prii e and here i more n tl fvl and in it ptB then in a whole h lf fiH of costly eniyrlope dies That i why she vol iiinno jiuli- licatiiiti err rhelved The Aimanac buyer carrie hi referenc library in hi pocket It i a for the roan whi aunot afTird A libra- ry dipUy and for the man who can af- ford it bU want priutiivil knowiedce- qliokly I i m written he- tinderstat d nu any man To e it- i to buy i It ii t own advert e Sent It i fe artier fiT the ditemiiiaion of quick and practt1- cal knowledge err to the public The Louisiana prme Cvn h j decided that if a nevpipr in that State praie the work af a doctor the i doctor may recover dniiittre fr mi the past er on tre pr uitid that it ha adver tii rd him tlm put plus into the category of i uck I would of course t e contempt of co rt to rah the decision tnpda thit might be telling the trots rtcardinrf thw i t hi for Tvr iaff r4 rtom w l tit rp u iiil Catarrh if cni I of f c tr d if tt mr Jui i r tot ur kru t ljiwf bun thirty Itianothri rro lnl r iboallh tmvUnflb f t wurtn that livl HIT Tltktitr fr r I t vn n ryuHbr Trr ln trust Ul Best for The Dowels fit taint TkUUM P frit t PoOsod lrkD V atr r ti Ntn M t I ik Th eii I t t tt I fJC Uu r ilr l to euro or y r I i t- Stirling Co Chicago or NY 594 ANKUAL SALE TEN DRINO Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative Does not gripe or nauseate stomach and liver troubles and chronic by restoring the natural action of the stom- ach liver and bowelsF- or Sub h J W Met oil X MEN AND WOMEN I I ttit r ljf I at UrilitcUU- r i rr- t or- i i lr f wa srUtitP- ROCUnCO Fit ji f 4 ALL COuNTR C- SrKei Ei- J1J tau t t r p and WASHINGTON C cant 1 t br h net I 11 h- and t 1 I PI h fir mOl ant I i KIt ladies WORMS 1IPII eel liwetll An rnrthMS a t to bal I un u tb at a bunt h Ullt cUlm I i1 t 1 tbtr ulrrrt- olo lUaclutwk rtaidI tea I I I Tilt n Remedy tI- t AND DtrtNDED- t i If lilt C 1 t lent 111 ib are r n Inn b n tit dry n t luf hat a ant inn r > I ti y rye Ira ti i figure t i ape hook loud prrrntrd the io tot an4Wnr ides nut till ten end teen earl lO tnt Iare will ls CANDY CATAMiC MINION sOXES con- stipation ito f Ill I 1 M i du v n- L 14w t A i t J Illa- as rltfls 1ltest i a 3 WW fly I 1 t r i ask of r f a r Sat i i 1 > < > > > ¬ > > > > > < > ¬ ¬ << < + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + KING OF ALL LINIMENTS CUKES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAW MM IMIM CURES X MS MfUUIIMVCMa BAD THIS WtMAJtKABLE CURL I WM melt afJicted vrlth iheutaatlsia write W C Not T w8Till SHzwick oK nst I was induced to try Ballard which cured me after siog three SOc bottles IT IS TUB GREATEST LINIMENT I EVER USED have rec- ommended it to a number of persona all express themselves U txiaff benefited now without cratches and am able to peiforn deal of light labor oa tke THRXE SIZES 25c see AND 100 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT COS- T LOUIS U A OLD AND RECOMMENDED BY SAILINGS EACH WEEK Jacksonville and York Calling at CHARLESTON S C both ways Fiittl Steam is Coaitwiit Clyde New England and Southern Lin Direct Service Between JACKSONVILLE PUsToN and PKOVID NCE and All Eastern Points Calling at Charleston both ways southbound Northbound From Lewis Wharf Boston From Foot of Catherine it Jacksonville Clyde St Johns River Line stopping at Palatka Astor t Francis Hereford aunt IntermHintf Landings on St Johns Kver cowmeniing Wetlnediiy November 15 IRS- STEAMKKS CITY JACKSONVILLE lilt ItEAEV Are nprnintfd to tail n Leave Jacksonville daily except Satur fit 331 p m Ketiiriiinc lenve Snnfurd dally en pt Sundiiys at P3Ja i- nsaWc sciiii tLK NKT 1 JackKinvtlle Arrive u am Iaiatka Leaver rr 3COam Aitnr 33 tm I prr Ler ftird DvLand PASS ANI T1CKKT OFFICE l V I AY ST JAUKSONV1II H jeieral Manager 1111 Jh A t t Iaw A t 7SV tlUr t Jaclcwmvillr Ka rrewit jWer o 1 4i T rnt er f street JaciCMirvt M i rait At NT I vilMIIMV orn ITt Atft NewVoi f VM FV CLYDK tt CO Agents e fivj it TV i urrriNcw York Ak 0 LllHLI Till HIM MI HIM ON mi II a Tabulator iV Every Machine f a in re For Sale THE SUN Gainesville Fla ALC can IIItVtlIS acc HIla IL about on a deal Snow Liniment great fart S W JOHNSON GaineSVLlle CLYDE LINE FOUR JWTW u NeW The irl the Service f SEMIWEEKL SA ILINQS Between and ANI4OHD I 380 pin i t rrlt ann 1f oln- 1IUJ 1 u 01 tle Jr 1 I I lr t 1 FaySholes Typewriter HIT UnIYfRAl KTOARD rd hft Th titian 1 t ti rd ray FJ 11 tfY t r Ib by i I tIWMa N ands to sates wpwc- eftr IeTa tOaTaaCla eMN ALL M01elabtt aaTaAf ruT eaaaOalMH I I crutches and sntcrint of pain a s I2 e JACKiONYILLI F IiI U1 full w eave 43Iam FrnnciS ulpl 2uam nntonf Pram Into Enterpritr JI I t t R ac I t uiti i Tliho liens tal State t L a r t Pilo rte i vrt r t five it 1Irr lr 1- e ¬ ¬ > < > > > > > > + + +

Zw L tttt- Nwufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01367/00113.pdf · 2009-08-03 · oten fail to tar the ret every pr r n houli at o e or twict a year HAVE YOU GOT ONE The lf W

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Page 1: Zw L tttt- Nwufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01367/00113.pdf · 2009-08-03 · oten fail to tar the ret every pr r n houli at o e or twict a year HAVE YOU GOT ONE The lf W



d Zw


Bill I ill atlfc IMl OB M Ofcoe IKen-Mtecocdela x ll






Editor fi lerA inte IVtor



3 U Main ana S TLLLMIONI 43

TIlE DAILY MN i ubli htii city niornitixMomJjyilclivmtl l y carrier in the cy or

tailed to any part of the Inittil States j i tajca year n month JIM three

SKraths ur 50 cent fur five rtk trictly inadvance

Reading nolle in local column cttiN 1 linefertnt intcrtion and 5 t r t for each aUditicuai-iMcrtloa

Rata for display dvrrtUini nude known onapplication

Tli TwIoeaAVeek Sun i an tightiMgr fortyjtattM paper ptiblUhcU every Monday andrfesrJsy ssd c st 5 s si ths Sii o i-

tk total State anti central and will bepo Ufc free to any part of the failed

ttor Canaila for iw a yearin advance

AH adrcrtUiax bills become due alit firM

Sf pMtancc of IvcrtUcmcut unit otherwisetlpnUteU ia contract Partic not known to ua-

id be required to pay for advcrtUing iaTUB DAILY SIS


Whey have a poet on Th TampaTibaae to write ware heads You cantkeep a down

PrtffdvBt Roosefelt ii a Red Manbut we are grateful to know U ofthe iaaprdTed klad

Kina Edward U trying to get thethe world united with Em-

peror William barred

The BMB who to lack and dontfttafte aay effort to artist with brawn-er brala will tooa lad Soar barrel

gas it seder obligations to TheWerld for a copy of 1006 Almanac

Eaeyelopedia We couldnt keepkaate it

Hon J Walter Keboe States AtFine Jadlcial Circuit

la eealai to the froat as a toCeaf reisman Lamar

Berne of the opposition to the DuckBMB school law are more afleated withthe inflicted oa the people thaneverWM the most anxious politician-

It toe bad that President ROOMpelt ia not a Baptist to he could besore presideal of Chicago UniversityBat there a big lake near Chicago

The people of Arizona dont want tobe Sized up with New Mexico u atale and tome of the Eastern State

eject to their coming into the Union

Meat of the colleges that havent beenable to put up a good game of footballate aazioua to have the game calledoff There is not a kick heard fromcollege where they have a winningteam

Florida i credited with only onelynching in 1005 but TheTimes thinks there I a chance for abetter showing in the future as weget more people from the more progretiv State

The Ocala Banner looked very tinelast Sunday with its special telegraph-news and there I a marked improvemeat in ita appearance The Bannerpromised improvement and it cer-

tainly keeping word

Spotted fever ha again appearedamong the student of the NewportH I training tehool The itudentof the naval school at AnnanolU Mel

seem to be ntllicteil with a fpoitrdfever at the preneni tune

If Mr Nathaniel Adam had onlycome out and that because hecould not get the ttiiveroity located atLake City he would tender hilt resig-

nation a a member of the State Hoardof Control everyone in the late of

Florida would hUt believed he statedthe truth

Capt V J Tucker of Fort fiercewho i mentioned a a probable ennuidate for Governor native of Ales

chua county having been burn in thetown of Newnauville in 1IO He hasreceived many favorable expreisionfrom the press of the State and will

cat quite a figure in the primaries


t 7t




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11ft for IS S



d raa









pall hl ola




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lUru Tlatc AcentPta

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The Savannah Nw ny tM Kf-

iJele itt 4 lo the m tint of th SvithCotton A iKMHtioii in New UrleHii

differed widely n their li c i i n nf-

tre labor question at Vdned ijaim la t week Hon II S Sott of-

Mi i ippi il lnrl that a iht ir rthe necrci a n to b fmiiirthat hi i i fiiln in th MM on H l

had abut c m to nn end and thathwfnre Mnny jH r h won d C I H t-

Itie it factor in the labor prnlil tn ofotiih Mr fiHii M 1 thit duriii-

tifor purple of Hud

IIB out from whiih of them wild bea tiitattln niid utllei ni n ip

ply of Uhnr fur the South HI hailcome tr Ci io it mild b ob-

Itnintd fNini and fOit rnI y Th Italian from e i

tion nid rtrr on ludimrioun and

Mr Chirkon Tenne ee joke ofthe woMlrfil drelnpmrri of the

outh Hinee the Civil War largely thei renlt of necrrn luliiir Mud a j that ifI lie ueuro were treated well a

imptied to treat the Italian hwould he the better ami more de irn-ble laborer for the i mh

Mr Thomnkin of North Carolinathere iiuh scarcity of In

bor a there appeared to fromstatement appmriiiK in the publiiprints It in my observation heand that tilt present situation inthe South ii more one where work itplenty rod ANgra fair than one inwhich labor i crce In otherword there i an ample supply of Uboy where fair angra are tit id

Herr we have three opinions frommen who art doubtless well qualifiedto speak of the labor situation Theydiffer widely in their views The

of course would be better thinthe Italian if the latter coullnt beassimilated because he is more tract-able but there is no doubt that theItalian can be asiimilated li andhis descendants will become thriftyfarmers arid wraith producing citizenIf Italians of the right tort ihnuldcome to this country in sufficient num-bers they would not only supply thelabor demanded but they would in acomparatively short time turn th va-

cant lands into productive farmThey would increase the wealth of theSouth much tarter than the negro willeven though negro should be given-as good treatment as it it proposed togive the Italian-

It may be that the negro isthrough a formative period and willeventually be a better laborer aid citizen but just now he appears to be-

come more thriftless and shiftleand as Mr Scott ad is a failure tofar as filling the South labor nerd

There is troth of roan in whatMr Thompkin namely thnthe scarcity of labor is not a severelyfelt in localities where wage are higha it is where wages are low In theproduction of cotton better wages cutbe paid now than when the price ofcotton u below Scent It cannot bepredicted with any degree of certain-ty how long the price will remainabove S cent

We acknowledge our indebtednessto Caldwell of The Ja per Newfur timely information on the a tonihfug number of niyteriou Federalquetion lurking soiled and realy tospring in the Iuckmnn law We neverbelieved that ib blnmed thing i odangerous and well monkey with itno The Gdlneoville in hu our

her nfier I k Laty nsocrat

If all the oium vote tn holdcotton until it goes up to 15 centthere by n lively time in thu marset It tlf bankem t nd t y tillgrowers they well certAinly oak itvery unpleasant f ir who try to

dear the mnrket

Deafness Cannot be CuredBy local applications H they

reach the dinni ed rtion of the eirThere i only on wny to iMifi dent

and that i by eonstitutuinlremedies IlcHfiif i I citucd by aniiitUintd condition of the mil i

lining of the Kulaohian Tube Whentub i jiillaiiiiil joii ham a rum

filing cound or itnperffil hearmi andwhen it U entirely drtiue ithe result and unlif tf u H itntiiHtin ran be taken out and this fite-restond to it minimi condition irins will be destroyed forever Ninecae out of ten ore tviiiped oy ninrrhwhich i nothing but nn inllnmed i ndition of the mtiiMiK iturfaoe-

We will give fie Hundred nrfur any e of dfAfne4 toaucd bycatarrh that cannot lie cured liyHalls Citarrh Cure Send for or-cularii free-

F J CHKNEV Co Tolwl-Soid by tii ilkTake Hall Family Pill fir eon

ii iiVl



I pro


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prosy err

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+ +

















There lire many pn le wh i toFlorida Waue they ar to-

in nrdr to live nod njiy They

ik end tli dotor B t Mr l if-potirinc mediine nn them wtho itnnv apparent grind th y-

H h m o o Flirilt ir omflier plai e vltere Mn tits

f warm innThe people HIt ir hereby

the doctor fiq jetitly vivt inil t i

too ia fur them to h ire any hope forr covry nnd whil l V i v receiveOll1e r life JilO feMfijrf to f illy fe

cover r re j nld w h r ipthey nnn it tt r if ii winterIJit in Flirtdi very bne-rtiiil t H i IMTOIH itl p e vi i

hare not bn nbl tn attend ri-

ni iint half f tim in v irhcorn hen and Uewp the e

oten fail to tar the retevery pr r n houli at o e ortwict a year


The lf W rId Almuiv ind yl-

opedin i H tabloid lilirarv f refrenc It tit the poKet both in siteand prii e and here i more n tl fvland in it ptB then in awhole h lf fiH of costly eniyrlopedies That i why she vol iiinno jiuli-

licatiiiti err rhelved The Aimanacbuyer carrie hi referenc library inhi pocket It i afor the roan whi aunot afTird A libra-ry dipUy and for the man who can af-

ford it bU want priutiivil knowiedce-qliokly I i m written he-

tinderstat d nu any man To e it-

i to buy i It ii t own advert e

Sent It i fe artier fiTthe ditemiiiaion of quick and practt1-cal knowledge err to thepublic

The Louisiana prme Cvn h j

decided that if a nevpipr in thatState praie the work af a doctor the i

doctor may recover dniiittre fr mi thepast er on tre pr uitid that it ha advertii rd him tlm put plus into thecategory of i uck I would ofcourse t e contempt of co rt to rahthe decision tnpda thit might betelling the trots rtcardinrf thw i

t hi for Tvr iaff r4 rtom wl tit rp u iiil Catarrh ifcni I of f c tr

d if tt mr Jui i r tot urkru t ljiwf bun thirty Itianothrirro lnl r iboallh tmvUnflb f twurtn that livl HIT Tltktitr fr rI t vn n ryuHbr Trr ln trust


Best forThe Dowels

fit taint TkUUM P frit t PoOsodlrkD V atr r ti NtnM t I ik Th eii I t t tt I fJCUu r ilr l to euro or y r I i t-

Stirling Co Chicago or NY 594ANKUAL SALE TEN

DRINOFruit Syrup

Pleasant to takeThe new laxative Doesnot gripe or nauseate

stomach and livertroubles and chronic

by restoring thenatural action of the stom-ach liver and bowelsF-or Sub h J W Met oil X

MEN AND WOMENI I ttit r ljf I


UrilitcUU-r i rr-

t or-i i

lr f wa srUtitP-


Fit ji f


SrKei Ei-

J1J tau t t r p andWASHINGTON C



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olo lUaclutwkrtaidI tea




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figure t i

ape hook



the iotot an4Wnr

ides nuttill ten end

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L 14w t A i t J Illa-as rltfls 1ltest

i a 3 WW flyI 1 t r i

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+ +















BAD THIS WtMAJtKABLE CURLI WM melt afJicted vrlth iheutaatlsia write

W C Not T w8Till SHzwick oK nstI was induced to try Ballard whichcured me after siog three SOc bottles IT IS TUBGREATEST LINIMENT I EVER USED have rec-

ommended it to a number of persona all expressthemselves U txiaff benefited nowwithout cratches and am able to peiforndeal of light labor oa tke




SAILINGS EACH WEEKJacksonville and York

Calling at CHARLESTON S C both ways

Fiittl Steam is Coaitwiit

Clyde New England and Southern LinDirect Service Between JACKSONVILLE PUsToN and

PKOVID NCE and All Eastern PointsCalling at Charleston both ways


From Lewis Wharf BostonFrom Foot of Catherine it Jacksonville

Clyde St Johns River Line

stopping at Palatka Astor t Francis Hereford aunt IntermHintfLandings on St Johns Kver cowmeniing Wetlnediiy November 15 IRS-


Are nprnintfd to tail n Leave Jacksonville daily except Saturfit 331 p m Ketiiriiinc lenve Snnfurd dally en pt Sundiiys at P3Ja i-

nsaWc sciiii tLK NKT 1

JackKinvtlle Arrive u amIaiatka Leaver rr3COam Aitnr 33 tm

I prrLer ftird DvLand


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