ZTE UMTS Load Adaptive Power Control Feature Guide

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  • 7/26/2019 ZTE UMTS Load Adaptive Power Control Feature Guide


    Load Adaptive Power Control

    Feature Guide

  • 7/26/2019 ZTE UMTS Load Adaptive Power Control Feature Guide


    Load Adaptive Power Control

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 1

    Load Adaptive Power Control

    Version Date Author Reviewer Notes

    V1.00 2013/12/25 WangShaojiang New

    2014 ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved.

    ZTE CONFIDENTIAL: This document contains proprietary information of ZTE and is not to be disclosed or used

    without the prior written permission of ZTE.

    Due to update and improvement of ZTE products and technologies, information in this document is subjected to

    change without notice.

  • 7/26/2019 ZTE UMTS Load Adaptive Power Control Feature Guide


    Load Adaptive Power Control

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 2



    Feature Attribute ............................................................................................... 4


    Overview ............................................................................................................ 4


    Feature Introduction ............................................................................................. 4


    Load Adaptive Power Control............................................................................... 4

    2.2 License Control .................................................................................................... 5


    Correlation with Other Features ........................................................................... 5


    Technical Description ....................................................................................... 6


    Load Adaptive Power Control............................................................................... 6


    Parameters ....................................................................................................... 14


    Load Adaptive Power Control............................................................................. 14


    Load Adaptive Power Control Related Switch and Load Estimate Parameters .. 15


    Load Adaptive Power Control Related 9-Element Power Control Parameters

    (USrvPc) ............................................................................................................ 21


    Load Adaptive Power Control Related 9-Element Power Control Parameters

    (USrvDivPc) ....................................................................................................... 33


    Related Counters and Alarms ........................................................................ 38


    Related Counters ............................................................................................... 38


    Related Alarms .................................................................................................. 40


    Engineering Guide .......................................................................................... 40


    Application Scenario .......................................................................................... 40


    Feature Activation Procedure ............................................................................. 41


    Feature Validation Procedure............................................................................. 48


    Feature Deactivation Procedure ......................................................................... 49


    Network Impact .................................................................................................. 49


    Abbreviation .................................................................................................... 51


    Reference Document ....................................................................................... 51

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    Load Adaptive Power Control

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 3


    Figure 3-1 Sketch Map for Obtaining Power Control Parameters When Call Setup ...........10

    Figure 6-1 Parameters configuration interface 1 ................................................................42

    Figure 6-2 Parameters configuration interface 2 ................................................................43

    Figure 6-3 Parameters configuration interface 3 ................................................................44

    Figure 6-4 Parameters configuration interface 4 ................................................................45

    Figure 6-5 Parameters configuration interface 5 ................................................................46

    Figure 6-6 Parameters configuration interface 6 ................................................................48


    Table 2-1 License Control List ............................................................................................ 5

    Table 3-1 RoT Level ..........................................................................................................11

    Table 3-2 Uplink Equivalent AMR User Number Level .......................................................13

    Table 3-3 DL Load Level ....................................................................................................14

    Table 3-4 User Priority .......................................................................................................14

    Table 4-1 Load Adaptive Power Control Related Switch and Load Estimate Parameters ..15

    Table 4-2 Load Adaptive Power Control Related 9-Element Power Control Parameters


    Table 4-3 Load Adaptive Power Control Related 9-Element Power Control Parameters

    (USrvDivPc) .........................................................................................................................33

    Table 5-1 Counter List .......................................................................................................38

  • 7/26/2019 ZTE UMTS Load Adaptive Power Control Feature Guide


    Load Adaptive Power Control

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 4

    1 Feature Attribute

    RNC Version: [ZXWR RNC V3.13.10.10 / ZXUR 9000 V4.13.10.10]

    Node B Version: [ZXSDR V4.12.10.23]

    Attribute: [Optional]

    Related Network Element:

    NE Name Related or Not Special Requirements

    UE -

    Node B -


    iTC -

    MSC -

    MGW -

    SGSN -

    GGSN -

    HLR -

    : Related, -: Irrelative

    2 Overview

    2.1 Feature Introduction

    2.1.1 Load Adaptive Power Control

    There are high load cells in the real network system the load difference of these cells

    between busy hour and idle hour is very large. The fixed power control parameters

    cannot satisfy simultaneously the requirements of service quality and system capacity

    when the load of the cell is changed with time. So the load adaptive power control is

    introduced to improve system capacity when the load of the cell is high in busy hour and

    protect the service quality when the load of the cell is low during idle hour. At the same

  • 7/26/2019 ZTE UMTS Load Adaptive Power Control Feature Guide


    Load Adaptive Power Control

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 5

    time, the users with higher priority hope to be served better service quality. In order to

    embody the Qos difference among the users with different priority, so the power control

    parameters can be configured according to the priority.

    2.2 License Control

    This feature is controlled by the license, so it should be authorized in OMCR before use

    this feature.

    Table 2-1 License Control List

    Feature ID Feature NameLicense

    Control Item





    N/A Uplink Capacity


    Adaptive Power





    d Adaptive




    2.3 Correlation with Other Features

    1. Required Features

    Load adaptive power control is to improve the configuration of power control

    parameters and it is based on the power control. So the required feature is

    ZWF21-04-009 Power Control.

    2. Mutually Exclusive Features


    3. Affected Features


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    3 Technical Description

    3.1 Load Adaptive Power Control

    This algorithm can provide better service quality when the cell load is low and decrease

    the service quality when the cell load is high, in this way, more online users can be

    supported when the load is very high. At the same time, the users with different priorities

    can get different service quality.

    Firstly, the three cell load levels are defined. They are low Load, medium load and high

    load. The three user types based on allocation priority are defined. They are golden-level

    user, silver-level user and bronze-level user.

    Some power control parameters are designed as 9-element arrays, each element is

    relative to cell load and user priority as the following:

    Element 1: low load, golden-level user;

    Element 2: low load, silver-level user;

    Element 3: low load, bronze-level user;

    Element 4: medium load, golden-level user;

    Element 5: medium load, silver-level user;

    Element 6: medium load, bronze-level user;

    Element 7: high load, golden-level user;

    Element 8: high load, silver-level user;

    Element 9: high load, bronze-level user.

    Related parameters including:

    In the object USrvPc:

    Parameter GUI Name Parameter

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    Parameter GUI Name


    Tolerance BLER Period USrvPc.blerAccpPeriod

    BLER Target USrvPc.blerTarget

    Threshold of Sample Number to Adjust SIR Target

    Downward (10ms E-TTI) USrvPc.dwThrSampNumTti10

    E-DCH HARQ Power Offset FDD USrvPc.edchHarqPOFdd

    Error Transport Block Number Threshold USrvPc.errorThresh

    NHR Threshold to Adjust SIR Target Downward

    (10ms E-TTI) USrvPc.nhrThrDownTti10

    NHR Threshold to Adjust SIR Target Upward (10ms

    E-TTI) USrvPc.nhrThrUpTti10

    Threshold of Sample Number to Adjust SIR Target

    Upward (10ms E-TTI) USrvPc.upThrSampNumTti10

    The Number Threshold of Physical Channel BER

    Less Than or Equal BER Target USrvPc.qeCntThres

    Physical Channel BER Target For Silent Mode USrvPc.qePhyBerTarSil

    Uplink SIR Target Down Step Size USrvPc.ulSirTargDnStep

    Uplink SIR Target Up Step Size USrvPc.ulSirTargUpStep

    Uplink SIR Target Maximum Down Step Size USrvPc.maxSirTargDnStep

    Uplink Outer Loop PC SIR Target Adaptive Down

    Step Size Switch USrvPc.swchAdaptiveStep

    Threshold of HARQ Failure Indication Number to

    Adjust SIR Target Upward (10ms E-TTI) USrvPc.thrHarqFailTti10

    Threshold of HARQ Failure Indication Number to

    Adjust SIR Target Upward (2ms E-TTI) USrvPc.thrHarqFailTti2

    Threshold of Sample Number to Adjust SIR Target

    Downward (2ms E-TTI) USrvPc.dwThrSampNumTti2

    NHR Threshold to Adjust SIR Target Downward (2ms

    E-TTI) USrvPc.nhrThrDownTti2

    NHR Threshold to Adjust SIR Target Upward (2ms

    E-TTI) USrvPc.nhrThrUpTti2

    Threshold of Sample Number to Adjust SIR Target

    Upward (2ms E-TTI) USrvPc.upThrSampNumTti2

    Uplink Outer Loop PC QE Switch For Silent Mode USrvPc.ulOlPcQESwchSil

    Uplink SIR Target Maximum Up Step Size USrvPc.maxSirTargUpStep

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    Parameter GUI Name


    SIR Target Rapid Convergence Switch USrvPc.sirRapidConvSwi

    Uplink SIR Target Up Step Size for R99 USrvPc.ulSirStep

    Uplink SIR Target Up Step Size for HSUPA (2ms

    E-TTI) USrvPc.ulSirStepTti2

    Uplink SIR Target Up Step Size for HSUPA (10ms

    E-TTI) USrvPc.ulSirStepTti10

    Target Number of HARQ Retransmission USrvPc.targetRetranNum

    The Target Rate of FP HARQ Retransmission

    Number Over the Target (2ms E-TTI) USrvPc.fpTargErrorTti2

    The Target Rate of FP HARQ Retransmission

    Number Over the Target (10ms E-TTI) USrvPc.fpTargErrorTti10

    The BER Threshold of Increasing SIR Target in the

    Periodic BER-based OLPC Algorithm USrvPc.berTargetUpThres

    The BER Threshold of Decreasing SIR Target in the

    Periodic BER-based OLPC Algorithm USrvPc.berTargetDnThres

    Additional SIR Target Down Period of the SIR Target

    Rapid Convergence Function USrvPc.addiSIRDownPeriod

    In the object USrvDivPc:

    Parameter GUI Name Parameter

    DPCCH Pilot Field Eb/N0 USrvDivPc.dpcchPilotEbN0

    DPCH PO1 USrvDivPc.dpchPO1

    DPCH PO2 USrvDivPc.dpchPO2

    DPCH PO3 USrvDivPc.dpchPO3

    DPCH Maximum DL Power USrvDivPc.maxDlDpchPwr

    Maximum Allowed Uplink DPCH Transmission Power USrvDivPc.maxUlDpchPwr

    DPCH Minimum DL Power USrvDivPc.minDlDpchPwr

    Uplink Initial SIR Target USrvDivPc.ulInitSIR

    Maximum Uplink SIR Target USrvDivPc.ulMaxSIR

    Minimum Uplink SIR Target USrvDivPc.ulMinSIR

    Initial Value for BLER Based SIR Target USrvDivPc.initBlerSIR

    Initial Value for Additional SIR Target USrvDivPc.initSirAdd

    Uplink Initial SIR Target (10ms TTI HSUPA) USrvDivPc.ulInitSIRTti10

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    Parameter GUI Name Parameter

    Maximum Uplink SIR Target (10ms TTI HSUPA) USrvDivPc.ulMaxSIRTti10

    Minimum Uplink SIR Target (10ms TTI HSUPA) USrvDivPc.ulMinSIRTti10

    Initial Value for BLER Based SIR Target (10ms TTI

    HSUPA) USrvDivPc.initBlerSIRTti10

    Initial Value for Additional SIR Target (10ms TTI

    HSUPA) USrvDivPc.initSirAddTti10

    Uplink Initial SIR Target (2ms TTI HSUPA) USrvDivPc.ulInitSIRTti2

    Maximum Uplink SIR Target (2ms TTI HSUPA) USrvDivPc.ulMaxSIRTti2

    Minimum Uplink SIR Target (2ms TTI HSUPA) USrvDivPc.ulMinSIRTti2

    Initial Value for BLER Based SIR Target (2ms TTIHSUPA) USrvDivPc.initBlerSIRTti2

    Initial Value for Additional SIR Target (2ms TTI

    HSUPA) USrvDivPc.initSirAddTti2

    About the details of power control parameters above mentioned, please refer to ZTE

    UMTS Power Control Feature Guide, ZTE UMTS HSUPA Introduction Feature Guide,

    and ZTE UMTS Power Control Algorithm Enhancement Feature Guide .

    When the service is accessed or reconfigured, the power control parameters are

    obtained according to the following principle.

    1. When the switch UCelInfoFDD.blerLoadSwitch is on, the uplink and downlink

    power control parameters are determined from the 9-element parameters based on

    the uplink real cell load and downlink real cell load respectively. Otherwise, the

    power control parameters are determined based on the default cell load level

    indicated by UCelInfoFDD.defaultLoadLevel.

    2. When the switch URncInfo.blerArpSwitchis on, the power control parameters are

    determined based on the user priority indicated by ARP (Allocation/Retention

    priority) .If the switch is off or the ARP information cannot be obtained, the

    parameters are determined based on user priority indicated by the default ARP

    configured by URncInfo.defaultArpSeg.

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    Load Adaptive Power Control

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 10

    When the switch UCelInfoFDD.blerLoadSwitch is on and the switch

    URncInfo.blerArpSwitchis on, the power control parameters for the new user are

    obtained as following figure.

    Figure 3-1 Sketch Map for Obtaining Power Control Parameters When Call Setup

    Call Setup

    Low Load Level

    Golden Silver Bronze Golden Silver Bronze Golden Silver Bronze

    Medium Load Level High Load Level


    element 1

    of the 9-




    element 2

    of the 9-




    element 3

    of the 9-




    element 4

    of the 9-




    element 5

    of the 9-




    element 6

    of the 9-




    element 7

    of the 9-




    element 8

    of the 9-




    element 9

    of the 9-



    Load Level Estimate

    User Priority Identification

    The uplink load level, the downlink load level of the cell, and the ARP segment of the

    user are determined as the following:

    1. The uplink load level of the cell

    The uplink load level of the cell is obtained based on RoT and equivalent AMR user

    number. And ZTE RNC chooses the lower level between the RoT level and uplink

    equivalent AMR user number level as uplink load level.


    i. RoT level is determined as following method:

    ZTE RNC will record the common measurement result of RTWP, and filter the

    RoT according to the following formula:

    RoT(t)= * RoTreport + (1-)*RoT(t-1) (3.1-1)


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    is the filter factor, and obtained from URncInfo.loadFilterCoeff.

    RoTreport is the report of the current RTWP common measurement. The

    formula is: RoT(dB) = RTWP (dBm) - Background noise (dBm).

    RoT(t-1) is the filter result last time.

    RoT(t) is the filter result this time.

    The RoT level is determined through making a comparison between the filter

    result RoT(t) and the related threshold as following table:

    Table 3-1 RoT Level

    RoT Level RoT

    Level 1: Low RoT level

    RoT < UCelInfoFDD.lowRotThreshold

    Level 2: Medium RoT level

    UCelInfoFDD.lowRotThreshold = UCelInfoFDD.highRotThreshold

    ii. Uplink equivalent AMR user number level is determined as following method:

    The load factor of single service is calculated as:


    Firstly, RNC will calculate the load factor of the NB-AMR service (LAmr) and the

    load factor of service (i) (Li) according to the formula (3.1-2), and then

    calculate the equivalent AMR user number of the service (i) according to the

    formula (3.1-3):



    a) is load factor of the service (i), and is the load factor of the

    NB-AMR service.

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    b) Eb/No is the uplink service quality factor. It is obtained from the

    parameter USubSrv.ulEbN0Pc for the DCH and non-schedule E-DCH

    service, and it is obtained from the parameter USubSrv.sEdchEbN0Pc for

    the schedule E-DCH service. The unit of USubSrv.ulEbN0Pc and

    USubSrv.sEdchEbN0Pc is dB, so they will be transferred through the

    formula 10^(USubSrv.ulEbN0Pc/10) and

    10^(USubSrv.sEdchEbN0Pc/10) in the calculation.

    c) R: it is the target rate for DCH and non-schedule E-DCH services, it is

    GBR for the schedule E-DCH services, it is NBR indicated by

    UCelInfoFDD.rsrvdBitRate for the interactive or background E-DCH


    d) W is 3.84Mbps.

    The single signaling will also be calculated the equivalent AMR user number

    according to the rules above-mentioned.

    And for avoiding the influence to the power control parameters caused by the

    fluctuating of equivalent AMR user number, the equivalent AMR user number

    will be filtered as the following formula:

    UserNum(n) = * UserNumSample + (1-)*UserNum(n-1) (3.1-4)


    a) is the filter factor , and is obtained form URncInfo.userNumFilterCoeff.

    b) UserNumSample is the current equivalent AMR number.

    c) UserNum(n-1) is the filter result last time.

    d) UserNum(n) is the filter result this time.

    The equivalent AMR user number level is determined through making a

    comparison between the filter result UserNum(n) and the related threshold as

    following table:

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    Load Adaptive Power Control

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    Table 3-2 Uplink Equivalent AMR User Number Level

    Equivalent AMR User Number



    Level 1: Low equivalent AMR user

    number level

    UserNum Managed

    Element->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Extended Info of RNC] interface and

    set the parameter The Switch for ARP based BLER Function, Default ARP Segment,

    ARP Threshold of Golden Subscriber Used in Power Control,ARP Threshold of Bronze

    Subscriber Used in Power Control, Load Filter Coefficient, User Number Filter

    Coefficient, as shown inFigure 6-1

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    Figure 6-1 Parameters configuration interface 1

    In the configuration resource tree window, open the [Modify Area->Managed Element->

    UMTS Logical Function Configuration->UTRAN Cell-> Extended Info of UTRAN Cell]

    interface and set the parameterThe Switch for Load based BLER Function,Default

    Load Level, Low RoT Level Threshold, High RoT Level Threshold, Uplink Low

    Equivalent AMR User Number Level Threshold, Uplink High Equivalent AMR User

    Number Level Threshold, Downlink Low Load Level Threshold Used in Load Based

    Power Control Parameter Configuration,Downlink High Load Level Threshold Used

    in Load Based Power Control Parameter Configuration, as shown inFigure 6-2

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    Figure 6-2 Parameters configuration interface 2

    In the configuration resource tree window, open the [Modify Area->Managed Element->

    UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Service Function-> Service Basic Configuration]

    interface and set the parameterUplink DCH or non-Scheduling E-DCH Traffic Eb/N0

    used in Uplink Equivalent AMR User Number Calculation Algorithm for Power Control

    (dB),Scheduling E-DCH Traffic Eb/N0 used in Uplink Equivalent AMR User Number

    Calculation Algorithm for Power Control, as shown inFigure 6-3

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    Figure 6-3 Parameters configuration interface 3

    In the configuration resource tree window, open the [Modify Area->Managed Element->

    UMTS Logical Function Configuration->UTRAN Cell-> Extended Info of UTRAN Cell]

    interface and set the parameterReserved Bit Rate for I&B Scheduling E-DCH Traffic,

    as shown inFigure 6-4

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    Figure 6-4 Parameters configuration interface 4

    In the configuration resource tree window, open the [Modify Area->Managed Element->

    UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Service Configuration-> Service Function->

    Power Control Profile Related to Service-> Power Control Related to Service] interface

    and set the parameterUplink SIR Target Up Step Size,Uplink SIR Target Down Step

    Size,Uplink SIR Target Maximum Down Step Size,Uplink SIR Target Maximum Up

    Step Size,BLER Target, Error Transport Block Number Threshold,Tolerance BLER

    Period, Threshold of HARQ Failure Indication Number to Adjust SIR Target Upward

    (10ms E-TTI), Threshold of HARQ Failure Indication Number to Adjust SIR Target

    Upward (2ms E-TTI),NHR Threshold to Adjust SIR Target Downward (10ms E-TTI),

    NHR Threshold to Adjust SIR Target Upward (10ms E-TTI),NHR Threshold to Adjust

    SIR Target Downward (2ms E-TTI),NHR Threshold to Adjust SIR Target Upward (2ms

    E-TTI), Threshold of Sample Number to Adjust SIR Target Upward (10ms E-TTI) ,

    Threshold of Sample Number to Adjust SIR Target Downward (10ms E-TTI),E-DCH

    HARQ Power Offset FDD,The Number Threshold of Physical Channel BER Less Than

    or Equal BER Target,Physical Channel BER Target For Silent Mode,Uplink Outer

    Loop PC SIR Target Adaptive Down Step Size Switch,Threshold of Sample Number to

    Adjust SIR Target Downward (2ms E-TTI),Threshold of Sample Number to Adjust SIR

    Target Upward (2ms E-TTI),Uplink Outer Loop PC QE Switch For Silent Mode ,SIR

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    Target Rapid Convergence Switch,Uplink SIR Target Up Step Size for R99,Uplink

    SIR Target Up Step Size for HSUPA (2ms E-TTI),Uplink SIR Target Up Step Size for

    HSUPA (10ms E-TTI),Target Number of HARQ Retransmission,The Target Rate of

    FP HARQ Retransmission Number Over the Target (2ms E-TTI),The Target Rate of

    FP HARQ Retransmission Number Over the Target (10ms E-TTI),The BER Threshold

    of Increasing SIR Target in the Periodic BER-based OLPC Algorithm , The BER

    Threshold of Decreasing SIR Target in the Periodic BER-based OLPC Algorithm ,

    Additional SIR Target Down Period of the SIR Target Rapid Convergence Function, as

    shown inFigure 6-5

    Figure 6-5 Parameters configuration interface 5

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    In the configuration resource tree window, open the [Modify Area->Managed Element->

    UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Service Configuration-> Service Function->

    Power Control Profile Related to Service-> Power Control Related to Service-> Power

    Control Related to Service and Diversity Mode] interface and set the parameterDPCCH

    Pilot Field Eb/N0, DPCH PO1, DPCH PO2, DPCH PO3, DPCH Maximum DLPower, Maximum Allowed Uplink DPCH Transmission Power, DPCH Minimum DL

    Power,Uplink Initial SIR Target,Maximum Uplink SIR Target,Minimum Uplink SIR

    Target, Initial Value for BLER Based SIR Target, Initial Value for Additional SIR

    Target, Uplink Initial SIR Target (10ms TTI HSUPA), Maximum Uplink SIR Target

    (10ms TTI HSUPA),Minimum Uplink SIR Target (10ms TTI HSUPA),Initial Value for

    BLER Based SIR Target (10ms TTI HSUPA), Initial Value for Additional SIR Target

    (10ms TTI HSUPA),Uplink Initial SIR Target (2ms TTI HSUPA),Maximum Uplink SIR

    Target (2ms TTI HSUPA),Minimum Uplink SIR Target (2ms TTI HSUPA),Initial Value

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    for BLER Based SIR Target (2ms TTI HSUPA),Initial Value for Additional SIR Target

    (2ms TTI HSUPA), as shown inFigure 6-6

    Figure 6-6 Parameters configuration interface 6

    6.3 Feature Validation Procedure


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    6.4 Feature Deactivation Procedure


    6.5 Network Impact

    1. Impact of Equipment Performance

    After the feature is activated, the cell load level will be calculated all the time, it

    contains RoT, uplink equivalent AMR user number and downlink load, so the CPU

    load of the RNC will be increased. The CPU load of CMP board will be increased

    about 0.5%, and the CPU load of DMP board will be increased about 1%.

    2. Impact of Network KPI

    i. Load adaptive power control

    Activating this feature, the advantage is:

    The feature is suit for the network that the load is changed with time severelyor some cell load is high. The different values for power control parameters are

    configured for different load level, the power control parameters with low

    requirement are used by the high load cell, and it will improve the system

    capacity and the basic KPI performance of the network, such as increasing the

    ratio of successful call setup, decreasing the call drop ratio. And the power

    control parameters with high requirement are used by the low load cell, and it

    will improve the user experience.

    In the test scene, when the feature the load adaptive power controland the

    feature power control algorithm enhancementare activated simultaneously,

    the KPI performance is following. About the feature power control algorithm

    enhancement, please refer to the ZTE UMTS Power Control Algorithm

    Enhancement Feature Guide.

    UL load per UL throughput is reduced by 6%~17%.

    HSUPA throughput in high load condition is increased about 7%~11%.

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    Call drop ratio of the PS service is reduced by 7%~20%.

    Other KPIs have no affection.

    The disadvantage is:

    When the cell load is high load level, the service quality is decreased

    comparing with the service quality when the cell load is low load level.

    ii. ARP adaptive power control

    Activating this feature, the advantage is:

    The function is suit for the network that has the subscribers with different

    priorities, the subscribers with high priority use the power control parameters

    for good service quality, and the subscribers with low priority use the power

    control parameters for poor service quality. The service quality of the

    subscriber with high priority can be improved.

    The disadvantage is:

    The service quality of the subscriber with low priority will be decreased.

    iii. The load adaptive power control and the ARP adaptive power control are

    activated at the same time.

    The advantage is:

    If there are users with different priority in the network, and the service quality of

    the subscribers has been decreased after the load adaptive power control

    function has been used. Activating the ARP adaptive power control functioncan make the different priority users with different service quality, and the

    service quality of the user with higher priority still can be good.

    The disadvantage is:


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    7 AbbreviationAbbreviations Full Characteristics

    AMR Adaptive Multi Rate

    ARP Allocation/Retention Priority

    BLER Block Error Rate

    DCH Dedicated Channel

    DL Downlink

    E-DCH Enhanced Dedicated Transport Channel

    GBR Guaranteed Bit Rate

    HS-DSCH High Speed Downlink Shared Channel

    NAMR Narrow Band Adaptive Multi-Rate

    OMCR Operations & Maintenance Center-radio

    QoS Quality of Service

    RNC Radio Network Controller

    RTWP Received Total Wide Band Power

    RoT Rise over Thermal

    UE User Equipment

    UL Uplink

    UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System

    WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access

    8 Reference Document

    [1] ZXUR 9000 UMTS (V4.13.10.10) Radio Network Controller Radio Parameter


    [2] ZXWR RNC (V3.13.10.10) Radio Network Controller Radio Parameter Reference

    [3] ZXUR 9000 UMTS (V4.13.10.10) Radio Network Controller Performance Counter


    [4] ZXWR RNC (V3.13.10.10) Radio Network Controller Performance Counter Reference

  • 7/26/2019 ZTE UMTS Load Adaptive Power Control Feature Guide


    Load Adaptive Power Control

    [5] ZTE UMTS Power Control Feature Guide

    [6] ZTE UMTS HSUPA Introduction Feature Guide

    [7] ZTE UMTS Power Control Algorithm Enhancement Feature Guide