Zonta International The Prevention of Burns Violence Against Women and Girls in Cambodia, Nepal and Uganda

Zonta International

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Zonta International. The Prevention of Burns Violence Against Women and Girls in Cambodia, Nepal and Uganda. Zonta International. Premeditated Violence. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Zonta International

The Prevention of Burns Violence

Against Women and Girls in Cambodia, Nepal and Uganda

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Zonta International

Acid attacks are a pre-meditated form of violence, usually against women, involving throwing corrosive acid at victims that leaves survivors physically, socially and emotionally scarred.

With very little money, anyone can buy and use acid as a weapon that can ruin another person’s life in just a few seconds.

Premeditated Violence

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Help End Acid Attacks• Through Unifem, part of UN Women

contribution to the United Nations Trust Fund, Zonta International has pledged $430,00 over two years to support a comprehensive strategy to end burns violence against women in Cambodia, Nepal and Uganda.

• All three countries experience widespread and frequently tolerated acid/burns violence.

Zonta International

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Zonta International

• Acid violence and other forms of burning rarely kills but always destroy lives, both physically and psychologically.

• Survivors face social isolation and ostracism, further damaging their self-esteem and well-being, and seriously undermining their professional, economic and personal future.

• Depression and anxiety are common among acid burns injuries, especially when their attackers are free to attack again.

Destruction of Lives

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Zonta International

It is most prevalent in countries

• Where regulatory monitoring and controls processes are weak or ambiguous

• Where the judiciary, police and lawyers lack sensitization about the appropriate laws to prosecute perpetrators

Burns Violence is a Global Phenomenon

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Gender Violence

• An estimated 80% of acid attack survivors worldwide are women and girls.

• Burns caused by acid and other corrosive or flammable materials in pre-meditated attacks often occur with little accurate reporting of the true number of women and girls affected.

• Acid attacks are more common in countries where the regulation of harmful substances is weak, where laws do not exist or are not implemented, and where there may be a degree of cultural acceptance.

Zonta International

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Meet Nila

* Photo & Story Courtesy of ASTI

Zonta International

At the age of 19, Nila’s husband poured acid over her head as punishment for expressing to him her dream of continuing her education.

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Bushra’s Story

Busha was attacked twice by the same man because she turned down his marriage proposal.

Zonta International

* Photo & story courtesy of ASTI

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Haseena Hussain

Zonta International

Haseena Hussain was attacked by her former boss when she did not accept his marriage proposal.

Haseena is now an activist working to fight the surge of acid violence against women in India.

* Picture & story courtesy of NPR

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Cambodia, Nepal and Uganda

Country % Living Below

Poverty Level (2005)

Living in Rural Area

Women Literacy Rates

Overall Literacy Rates

Life Expectancy


Life Expectancy


% Women Politicians


35% 75% 60% 76% 60 59 9.3%

Nepal 55% 70% 35% 57% 56.5 66.7 7.4%

Uganda 52% 80% 59% 74% 49 51 24.7%

Zonta International

*Source: UNIFEM

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Zonta International

Challenges in Cambodia

Burns violence is widespread and tolerated by Cambodian society.

Up to 40% of womenin Cambodia are affected by domestic violence.

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Zonta International

• Prevention of Domestic Violence Against Women Law, 2005

• Bill on the Suppression of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation, 2007

• Law on Commune Election – which has a general provision on the right of women and men to be elected

• Penal code provision against “torture and barbarous acts” which lacks penalties for acid violence

CEDAW Related Legislation in Cambodia

*Source: Cambodian Women Report 2004vi

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Zonta International


Victims of domestic violence in Nepal have little legal recourse.

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Burns Violence in Nepal

• Burns violence cases often results in suicides

• Burns violence is the leading cause of death among women in Nepal aged 15-49

• 16% of all women’s deaths are suicides – half following burns violence.

Zonta International

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Zonta International


Law enforcement officials need training to ensure perpetrators are punished.

Acid violence offenses are not consistently enforced in Uganda.

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Zonta International

• Relationship Conflict (35.5%)

• Business and Property Conflicts (14.2%)

• Innocent Bystander (10.5%)

• Theft (2.3%)

• Mistaken Identity (2%)

• Other (7.7%)

• Unknown (29%)

Causes of Acid Attacks in Uganda

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Zonta International

• The program is based on other successful initiatives in Bangladesh and Pakistan

• This approach reduces the incidence of acid attacks, and helps to change laws, societal attitudes and the method of treating survivors.

Treating Survivors

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Zonta International

•Reduce acid and other forms of burns violence

•Gain an understanding of its causes.

•Focus on these issues in Cambodia, Nepal and Uganda.

The Goal

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Awareness and Attitudes

• Gather statistics about regional occurrences of acid and other forms of burns violence

• Gain understanding of reasons for this violence

• Increase awareness of the number and after effects of burns violence

• Change attitudes within local communities

• Promote individual responsibility

• Adopt strategies to reduce incidence

Zonta International

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Recognition and Enforcement

• National recognition of the problem

• Enforcement of existing legislation and development of new legislation

• Reduce incidence of burns violence and deal with its repercussions

• A model to use in other countries where acid and other forms of burns violence are prevalent

• Proven methods to continue program in Nepal, Cambodia, and Uganda

Zonta International

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Cooperate Empower Advocate

• Encourage cooperation among community leaders, officials, organizations and victims

• Empower women to represent and take leadership in this process

• Set up community regulatory committees to study existing legislation and to advocate for legislation reform.

Zonta International

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Consult and Involve

• Analyze the incidence of burns violence per region

• Consult with• acid burns survivors • victims’ family members and neighbors• local government representatives • village leaders

• Involve all stakeholders in preventing acid burn behavior and violence, and to reintegrate victims into society

Zonta International

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Awareness and Understanding

• Sample 3,000 villagers, in neighborhoods with high numbers of burns violence, in each country

• Provide Awareness training for key personnel in ministries, police, judiciary, and media

• Spread awareness of incidence, causes and repercussions of burns violence,

and successful prosecutions of perpetrators

• Promote greater understanding by women and girls of their rights and access to justice

Zonta International

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• Sensitize professional authorities in each country about burns violence

• Gather accurate data about acid and burn attacks to guide policy makers and medical personnel.

• Work with• religious leaders• community elders• counselors• heads of organizations• women’s groups• acid vendors

Zonta International

Working Together

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Victims’ Needs

Women who have been attacked need legal support, medical and psychosocial rehabilitation services

•Sensitize health providers to meet the needs of women who have been attacked

•Provide information about services through media and local health service personnel

•Direct victims to health providers from basic medical camps to national burns treatment centers

Zonta International

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Despite the Hardships Suffered

by Individuals and their Families,

Survivors CAN and DO Rebuild their Lives

Zonta International

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Meet Peyara “As time has passed & with the help of sympathetic people from this country & overseas, I have found strength & peace of mind.…I feel like my life has enhanced (sic) because of my contact with such great people from countries all over the world who visit me…Because of meeting these people, my views have expanded…I’ve received leadership training through the ASF…I now advocate on the acid violence issue.”

Zonta International

* Photo & Story Courtesy of ASTI

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Zonta International

Peyara’s Support

With the support of her loving husband and the help of the Acid Survivors Foundation in Bangladesh, Peyara was given free physio-social rehabilitation, medical and legal support. Today Peyara stands tall and proud, with dignity and honor.

* Courtesy of ASTI

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Zonta’s Contribution

• Aid in the development of a comprehensive strategy to help end the horror of burns violence in Cambodia, Nepal, and Uganda

• Help end the psychological trauma, physical pain, and social isolation and ostracism for those at risk for burns violence

Zonta International

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Advocate for Change

Jayalakshmi is an acid-attack survivor in Bangalore, India who appeared at city hall to call for better prevention and prosecution of acid violence offenders.

Zonta International

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Donate Generously to Prevent Burns Violence Against Women and Girls in Cambodia, Nepal and Uganda

Zonta International