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  • 8/7/2019 Zone Blocking - Print This


    Written by the Offensive Line Coach at U of Tennessee -- 2007

    Zone Blocking Tutorial: Inside Zone Runs

    With Tennessee adopting a "100% Zone" blocking scheme, I felt it was a good time to go through some of the basic concep

    of zone blocking so that we can have a more intelligent conversation on it. Here, I'll use a standard play - the stretch swee

    with inside zone blocking - to illustrate how zone blocking works. It's one of the simplest situations to illustrate as well as

    one of the most devastatingly effective runs available to a team willing to commit to it.


    If anybody ever asks you what zone blocking is, the shortest possible answer you can give is that the linemen block zones

    rather than block defenders. (If the asker is particularly annoying, you can always say that in a matter-of-fact, how-could-

    you-not-already-know-that tone. Very effective.) Digging a little deeper, what this really means is that the linemen are

    looking for specific areas of the field to block; if a defender happens to be there, they block the defender in such a way as to

    control the spot. If a defender isn't there, they continue toward that spot, offering double-team assistance only if it's

    convenient. Once they control a zone, if they're not fully engaged, the linemen can then look to the "second level" for

    somebody in the defensive backfield to block (on run plays).

    The reason teams came up with zone blocking is rather simple: big, hulking offensive linemen who are agile enough to keep

    up with defensive shifts are hard to come by. . Instead of competing against other teams that have bigger, better, or more

    talented big men, some teams sought to find ways to use smaller, quicker linemen more effectively. Because of the

    acknowledged weight and skills disadvantage these linemen might face, the goal was to scheme away from the straight-up

    shoving contests and find ways to maximize leverage on the opponent.

    As we step through the following diagrams, keep these principles in mind.

    The ideal linemen for zone blocking are:

    QUICK, even at the cost of size.

    DISCIPLINED, even if the assignment seems pointless.

    CONSISTENT, not giving visual cues to the defender as to their initial intention.

    SMART, able to keep up with defensive shifts before the snap .

    The ideal running backs for zone blocking rushes are:

    DISCIPLINED , willing to do their job and not improvise.


    CRISP RUNNERS - not necessarily fast, but they must have SHARP CUTS.

    COMMITED , willing to blast toward a gap that doesn't exist - yet.

    DECISIVE . No, really. A backfield dancer is absolutely doomed.

    The point is that you don't have to have the superstars to run an effective system. While that always helps, zone blocking

    was an advent created to atone for talent shortfalls. So let's see the zone blocking principles.

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    I will start against a 3-4 because the principles are easier to diagram. Before running a play, I will first highlight the prima

    reads that the lineman must make before the snap. Then, I will show the first two steps taken by each lineman and

    how those steps are geared toward zones rather than defenders. (This is, after all, the core principle in a zone blocking


    In the first diagram, you see the front seven of a 3-4 defense and the line, quarterback, and halfback the offense. (The

    defensive ends are split a little wider than usual for a 3-4 for the sake of illustrations to come later; the principles will be

    unchanged.) Now, let's take a look at the most basic presnap reads that the offensive linemen must make.

    In this zone blocking scheme, there are only two different reads the linemen must make. Ifthey are "covered" like the tackles and

    center in the diagram, they think "stretch and block". If they are "uncovered" like the guards, they think "stretch and assist".

    They will be seeking a position in which they have a leverage advantage over the defenders. They are not looking to overpower the


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    Looking first at a covered defender:

    The first step is shown here by the tackle's change in position. It's a lateral move for position, not a forward move for blocking

    contact. (We're neglecting a huge discussion on footwork here, which is absolutely key to the system. Assume that the lineman h

    the right footwork to take this lateral step without giving up his ability to keep his balance if shoved.)

    The sideways motion accomplishes two things. First, it places the lineman in a position to block the defender at an angle rather

    than straight-on. Second, it offers the defender a place to run where the lineman might be able to block him out of the play. (As

    you'll see later on, this is a lose-lose proposition for the defender: if he steps into the gap, he loses the ability to pursue the play to the

    outside; if he slides outside with the tackle, he will leave a hole for a cutback run.) The white line shows the second step that the tackle w

    take. The second step of the covered lineman is into the "cylinder" of the defender. If the defender had stepped

    forward, this tackle would be blocking on the shoulder of the defender and seeking to carry him away from the play

    If the defender stepped sideways, the tackle would engage and continue their momentum outward. In either case,he avoids taking a full-on charge by the defender.

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    The uncovered defender takes his first step obliquely - seeking to penetrate into the defensive backfield. The key is th

    star: the uncovered defender looks to block a spot immediately behind the leg of the defensive end in this picture .

    It doesn't matter if the end stays anywhere near this spot: the guard will block there.

    With his second step, the uncovered lineman blocks straight toward that star. In this case, if the defender is in the

    area, he will support the tackle by double-teaming the end in the process. But he will not focus his attention onto the

    defensive end. The double-team block occurs merely because the end is in the way of his block on the star.

    This also provides insurance for the tackle. If the defensive end happens to charge straight toward the tackle's initial step

    the guard's second step allows him to support the tackle long enough to (hopefully) allow the tackle to win the battle and sea

    up the block. But it's all designed to get the guard to the star, where he will then make his next decision.

    Let's see the full play in action:

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    Going back to that 3-4 diagram from above, we now see the effective first step of everybody of the interior of the formation.

    (Note that I brought the outside linebacker up to the line near the tight end; this creates more of a 4-3 line weighted toward

    the anticipated direction of the run, which is customary for a 3-4 defense.) See how the covered players first stepped latera

    while the uncovered players step obliquely. The tight end even makes a bit of a mistake stepping forward (perhaps the

    linebacker shifted late); it's not unrecoverable so long as he maintains his principles. The halfback receives the ball from the

    quarterback - either by pitch or by handoff. The handoff has the added advantage of a play action bootleg, but we're only

    looking at the running play for now, so assume everybody's thinking "run".)

    The first step simply establishes position; the second step is where the battle is won.

    With the second step, the covered linemen engage and follow the direction that the defender's position suggests.

    The center and left tackle here will try to drive their defenders laterally along the line of scrimmage. The right tackle will sea

    the outside edge and keep his man in the gap that he initially tried to jump into. The guards block toward their spots and off

    assistance if it's convenient. The tight end blocks like the right tackle in this case because of the defender's position. So far

    everybody ignores the other linebackers.

    At this point in time, the halfback has made his decision and commits entirely to one running option. Here, because of theoutside contain on the right end of the line, he will sweep to the outside. The blockers are in ideal position to control the end

    of the line and the runner should be able to turn a 4-6 yard gain.

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    So long as the right tackle and tight end stay latched onto the shoulder of their defenders, the interior of the defense has los

    on this play. The guards are now ready to read the linebackers and try to block them as they pursue (though it'll probably fa

    on the outside sweep). The receivers are now blocking their coverage as well.

    The outside rush is good for a modest gain, but is not the home run for a zone run. In reality, the offense is hoping that the

    defense has committed to stopping the outside rush by sliding with the play. This opens up the cutback, which can utterly

    decimate a defensive interior. Watch what happens when the defense pursues the sweep:

    Here, the defenders have slid outside to prevent the sweep; the halfback then picks the best cutback lane he can

    find and runs toward it. He must commit to it; the offense cannot hold open a hole for very long. Indeed the very

    existence of the hole depends on the halfback's choice. The dashed line is the least desirable lane, though it could

    be an option if the defensive end had rush inward rather than outward .

    Note the leverage positions of the covered linemen - especially the center and right tackle. The right tackle will drive his

    defender along the line of scrimmage. He knows he doesn't have the outside contained, but he trusts the runner to see that

    and take a different option. The center is locked onto the nose tackle but has support from the guard. When the halfback

    cuts back, the defenders instinctively follow the cut and try to chase.

    When the defenders try to change their direction, they give up momentum in the blocking battles, and the linemen can

    suddenly shove the defenders - usually straight to the ground. The two guards are then free to pursue the linebackers (who

    are running toward the potential cutback lanes). If the rusher chooses the middle lane:

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    By this time, the guards will have helped the center and right tackle take the nose tackle and defensive end to the ground.

    (Sometimes this is accomplished by a cut block.) The guards are now at their zone and focus their attention on the chargin

    linebackers. The halfback will most likely hurdle the nose tackle and trust the guards to occupy the middle linebacker. This

    hole will not last long; if the runner waits, the linebackers will be able to slide far enough into the holes to cut the space down

    and the outer linebacker will be able to catch up to the play.

    Let's change the situation a bit to encourage the runner toward the far gap. Suppose the far defensive end chose an outsid

    rush on the play:

    With this move, the far gap becomes an option. Once the end chooses an outside rush, the left tackle largely ignores him.

    (He'll be too far away from the play to be useful if the running back does his job.) The tackle is now uncovered and zone

    blocks up to the outside linebacker. The guards also zone block toward their pre-snap read points and prepare for the midd


    But what's important now is that the running back aims for where the hole will be.

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    The halfback must remember that the line is flowing toward his right. By the time he gets to the hole, the players

    will have shifted. If he runs where the hole appears to be right now, he'll run straight toward the outer linebacker.

    Even though that linebacker will be blocked by the tackle, the misstep will slow the runner down enough for the

    defensive end to recover. Instead, he runs more straightly upfield and trusts his blockers.

    Taking the next step:

    As the halfback approaches the line, the flow carries the nose tackle away from him. The left tackle occupies the

    outside linebacker and the left guard takes on the inside linebacker. This is why quick linemen are key in a zone

    scheme; if they can block linebackers successfully, this play may go 10 to 15 yards (or more, if the safeties are out

    of position).

    The key is the lateral motion that is created. If the defensive linemen charge forward, the outer edge gets sealed anthe runner usually gets a modest gain. If they flow to the outside, they lose penetration and their momentum puts

    them out of position for the cutback. The quicker the running back makes his cut, the more dramatic the effect.

    When run properly, a cutback on a zone stretch causes the defenders to fall like bowling pins.

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