ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH • BUFFALO, MN JUNE 2012 [email protected] (763) 682-1245 www.ZionBuffalo.org Saturday June 2 - page 5 Scan for more info or visit ZionBuffalo.org

Zion's June Newsletter

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Zion's June Newsletter

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Page 1: Zion's June Newsletter


O f f i c e@ Zi on Bu f f a l o . o r g ( 7 63 ) 6 82 - 12 45 w ww. Z i on Bu f f a l o . o r g

Saturday June 2 - page 5

Scan for more info or

visit ZionBuffalo.org

Page 2: Zion's June Newsletter

VBS Woodworking Team

Months before Vacation Bible School, many volunteers were already hard at work, like this crew who are preparing for one of the craft projects.


When Rodger Hessedal and his family moved to the Montrose area, he and his wife visited many churches, but in 1970, with the encouragement of Pastor Blair, Rodger and his family became Zion members. Rodger likes to be involved in church and community wherever there is a need, including Boy Scouts and the Christmas bell ringing for the Salvation Army, and his wife Sandra is active in the Harvest of Hands ministry.

Rodger figures he has been involved with children’s ministries for around 35 years, teaching Sunday school all that time. Rodger is retired from work as a lineman for Wright Hennepin Electric, and has Vacation Bible School has also become a regular part of his life at Zion.


Lyle Jans hasn’t been at Zion quite so long. He is a self employed contractor and a wedding coordinator at Zion, and lives on a farm near Buffalo. “My family has always been involved in church, one of my brothers is a pastor, my other brothers are elders at their church and sing in the church choir, my father sings in the choir as well, and my mom serves communion.” Lyle started attending Zion in 2010, and found “it had everything I was looking for.” Lyle is also a volunteer sound technician at Zion, a member of the wRight Ringers community handbell

(Woodworking Team continued on page 13)

Zambia Mission Revealed

Global Mission Sunday was a great celebration of our Global Mission partners. Thank you to all who participated in any way!

It is now almost two months before the Zion team leaves for The Village of Hope in Zambia, Africa, and excitement is building.

The Puzzle Fundraiser collected $780 towards the two-day Teacher Institute they will be leading.

In one of the photos revealed in this fundraiser (above), co-founder of The Village of Hope, Kathleen Schwartz, is making the most of a teachable moment with a group of students outside the village school.

the Find updates from the team and more at ZionBuffalo.org/AKCLI.

Remember, Matilda, the girl from The Village of Hope who came to the states to have surgery on her spine? Check out her blog and read about all of the amazing things she is doing at matildaspath.wordpress.com.

Living God’s Call

Engaging people in a process of discipleship which inspires them 2

Pictured: Lyle Jans, LeRoy Kronenberg, GlenBerglund, and Rodger Hessedal (photo by Holly)

Page 3: Zion's June Newsletter

Our Mission... Zion seeks to

Share Christ’s Word,

Strengthen our Faith, and

Serve those in need.

Our Vision… Helping people experience the joy

of life in Christ by:

1. Celebrating on Sundays:

Creating Sunday morning experiences that invite, welcome,

engage and inspire people to live for Christ.

2. Living God’s Call:

Engaging people in a process of discipleship which inspires them to

trust in Christ, grow in faith, and serve God’s world.

3. Connecting with Care:

Creating a community where people are connected in relationships and

supported in need.

Give It Away

You can have it all! Even if we haven’t heard those exact words, you and I have heard the message from the world in which we live.

Jesus once told his disciples, “Those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.” Jesus spoke those words early in the first century, 2000 years ago, yet they speak the truth so clearly to us today in the twenty first century.

These words of Christ speak one of the paradoxes of living the Christian life. When it comes to following Christ: If you want to keep it, give it away. It seems crazy, especially in the culture in which you and I live. But, that is the nature of paradox. When we practice this paradox of faith, it transforms our actions, shapes our attitudes, and changes the way we look at virtually every dimension of life.

Let me share with you some of the connecting points between “having it all” and this paradox of faith.

We give because of need rather than pressure. The Christian is prompted by seeing a need and being moved with compassion and conviction. There may be an emotional tug at times, but the primary motive for giving is spiritual, a response to God. Giving our selves, our time, our possessions, is not a “have to”. We give back to God because we want to.

We give from an open heart and open hand. Openness is willingness and God is pleased with a heart that yields to his call. The Bible puts it this way, “God enjoys a cheerful giver.” If we claim to have an open heart but are not willing to give, something is amiss. Open hands accompany a willing heart.

We act out of love, not out of guilt. The compulsion of our lives is to give back to God because of God’s great love for us. We cannot gain God’s love by giving. We will never out give God. We will always be indebted because of what God has done for us. But we never give to pay back – we don’t have to. That is the whole point. God has loved you and me. We see that fact in what Christ has done for us. That is not going to change.

We are rivers rather than reservoirs. As Christians we are channels, not containers. God’s love and grace flow through us. God’s blessings fill our lives and overflow into the lives of those around us. As those who believe, we live with this constant awareness of passing on what God has passed to us. In fact, if you look at the nature of God’s blessing in the Bible stories, the people who were blessed, were blessed so that they could be a blessing to other people.

(Give It Away continued on page 4)

to trust in Christ, grow in faith, and serve God’s world. 3

Page 4: Zion's June Newsletter

Sunday Worship Services

8:30 am Traditional Worship in the

Sanctuary with nursery available, Sunday

School during the school year

9:45 am Family Express in Trinity Hall

10:30 am Contemporary Worship in the

Sanctuary with nursery available, Sunday

School during the school year


April 22

Stanton Soren Prell, son of Brandon & Kia


April 22

William Thodore Umhoefer

Caitlin Leigh Woidyla

Kennady Grace Roberts


April 14

Kelli Copeland & Timothy Kuball at Zion

Summer Musicians

Use your talents this summer to provide

special music for one of our summer

worship services on Sunday mornings.

Instrumentalists, pianists, vocalists,

groups or solos… you are invited!

There‘s a special music spot on Monday

nights at Marysville too!

Contact Sherilyn Burgdorf or Mike

Walsh to volunteer.

Celebrating on Sundays

Creating Sunday morning experiences at Zion that invite, 4

Imagine the deep satisfaction of the young boy when Jesus took his small lunch and fed 5000. Imagine the joy of the disciples to be involved with handing out the fish and bread to all those hungry people. We receive so much more in return when our lives are given to Christ and used for the sake of other people in our world. It is there, in being used by God, that we truly find our life. Whether it is in sharing our time, our abilities, our financial resources, or some other expression of our lives, it is in giving our lives to God that we find what we are really looking for. God has given each of us so much. But, if we want to keep it… we give it away. We find what our lives were meant to be by Living God’s Call.

(Give It Away continued from page 3)

Pre-K and kindergarten students working on a very special Mother’s Day craft project on the last day of Sunday School for the 2011-2012 school year. Sunday School resumes in September.

Page 5: Zion's June Newsletter

If you plan to ride in the Sunday morning triathlon, volunteer at Sturges Park on Sunday, prefer to avoid the traffic congestion on triathlon Sunday, or just want a great chance to bike to Zion for outdoor worship, this event is for you.

‘Spokes and Folks’ Saturday will be June 2 from 4-8pm, the Saturday night before the Buffalo Triathlon.

From 4-7pm

Zion youth will serve a pasta supper provided by Zion Youth and a “cycle in” worship for spokes and folks of all ages at 7pm. Suggested donation is $5 for adults, $3 for age 10 and under, or $20 for a family.

A Bike Rodeo for kids, bike safety clinics and bike handling demonstrations will be held in the back / north parking lot.

A series of educational and entertaining speakers will present in Trinity Hall:

5:00pm ~ Sports Medicine 101 for Triathletes by Brett Oden, M.D.

5:30pm ~ Do As I Say, Not As I Do by Chris Legh

6:00pm ~ Coast to Coast without a Flat (or Bonk) by Zion member Jill Hanson who recently biked from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean.

Our mission partner, Redeemer Lutheran Church, will have a booth here from Venture North Bike Walk & Coffee.

Triathlon sponsors will have informational booths.

Packet pickup will be available for Triathlon participants.

At 7pm

There will be an outdoor ‘Bike-in’ worship service including a blessing of the bikes and Nate Bergengren & Friends, special guest musicians.

If you’d like to volunteer at the Saturday events at Zion, contact Myron or Sherilyn or call the church office.

Photo: Jill Hanson, on arrival at the Atlantic Ocean

Worship Schedule

Sunday, June 3

First Sunday after Pentecost

John 3:1-17

Pastor Luke Preaching

Sunday, June 10

Second Sunday after Pentecost

Mark 3:20-35

Pastor Ted Preaching

Sunday, June 17

Third Sunday after Pentecost

Mark 4:26-34

Pastor Ted Preaching

Sunday, June 24

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Mark 4:35-41

Pastor Ted Preaching

Baptism Class

Anyone wishing to schedule a baptism is

asked to attend a class prior to the date

of the baptism. Expectant parents, as

well as those who already are parents,

may attend the class. Scheduling of

baptisms will take place at the class.

The next classes are Sunday, June 10,

or Sunday, August 12, at noon.

Register at ZionBuffalo.org/Baptism or

by calling the office.

Marysville Services

Start June 4

Each summer (June-August)

Zion offers the opportunity to

worship at our historic

Marysville church. This beautiful

historic country church is located

among farmland on County Road

9 between Buffalo and Waverly.

The worship service begins at

7:00pm each Monday evening.

welcome, engage and inspire people to live for Christ. 5

Page 6: Zion's June Newsletter

Active Military

Please Pray For

Trey Wilson

Stationed at Camp Pendleton, CA

Steve Svoboda

Deployed to Southwest Asia

Alex Euerle

Deployed to Afghanistan

Josh Nelson, nephew of Sue Hermosillo

Deployed to Afghanistan

Cody Bauman

Stationed at Fort Brag, NC

Doug Pecarina

Deployed to Kuwait

Ben Pecarina

Stationed in Turkey

DeAnna Strommen, daughter-in-law of Bob

Stationed at Fort Hood, TX

Will Dobbins

Stationed at Camp Pendleton, CA

Fred Pierce

Stationed in Miramar, CA

Chris Paulsen-Schmidt

Stationed at Norfolk, VA

Christopher Brophy

Stationed at Fort Riley, KS

Greg Bremseth

Stationed at the MEPS in Houston, TX

Let Us Know

Address, Phone & Email Corrections

If you have had any changes to your

address, phone number, marital status,

etc. please contact Angela with your

name, phone number and the changes

that need to be made in our database.

If You Are Ill

Hospitals no longer notify churches

when their members are admitted for

care. Call 763.682.1245 and let us

know so we can support you with prayer

and with presence.

Prayer Requests

Please use a yellow pew card, call the

church office at 763.682.1245 or visit

Zion online at ZionBuffalo.org with

your prayer requests.

Along the Way Summer Bible Study

All Zion women are welcome to a set of three Bible studies this summer. Use the different pace of summer to explore “Along the Way,” meeting some biblical travelers, enter in conversation with them, and explore our own journeys of faith.

Travels with Jacob

Walk with Jacob, who after wrestling a stranger throughout the night, discovers God. Thursday, June 21, at 7pm.

Food for the Journey

Wander in the wilderness with people who complain to Moses about their aching feet and ask: “Are we there yet?” Tuesday, July 17, at 9am.

Encounters with Christ

Spend time with Jesus’ companions and reflect on our faith. Thursday, August 16, at 7pm.

Each session will be held at Zion, and there is no cost. Please RSVP 3 days prior to the study date. Child care available is available by prior arrangement.

The Ice Princess

The Zion Book Club Selection for June is The Ice Princess by Camilla Lackburg. The group will meet on Monday, June 11, at 7pm in the Zion Library.

For the first time in English, the psychological thriller debut of No 1 bestselling Swedish crime sensation Camilla Lackberg. Returning to her hometown after the funeral of her parents, writer Erica Falck finds a community on the brink of tragedy. The death of her childhood friend, Alex, is just the beginning. Her wrists slashed, her body frozen in an ice-cold bath, it seems, at first, that she has taken her own life. Erica conceives a memoir about the beautiful but remote Alex, one that will help to overcome her writer’s block as well as answer questions about their own past. While her interest grows to an obsession, local detective Patrik Hedstrom is following his own suspicions about the case. But it is only when they start working together that the truth begins to emerge about this small town with a deeply disturbing past!

(from amazon.com)

Other upcoming selections include:

July 9: Lost in Shangri-La by Mitchell Zuckoff

August 13: Anishinaabe Syndicated: A View from the Rez by Jim Northrup

This is a low pressure book club. Simply come for discussion with no preparation; participants are not obligated to agree on (or even finish) the books. Come when you have interest and time, so that book club will enrich your life and not become another stress or obligation.

Creating a community where people are connected

Connecting With Care


Page 7: Zion's June Newsletter


Zion has two teams in the local 2012 Churches for Christ softball league. Games are Friday nights at Bentfield Mills (on the corner of 34 & 134, between Target and the Buffalo Civic Center). The full schedule can be found online, and everyone is invited to come on out and support our teams.

Thanks from Pastor Karri

This note from Pastor Karri was

recently received by Roger and Sandy

Brenny on behalf of the Social Ministry

Committee and the congregation:

I just had to let you know that we

picked Kyle up from the airport

yesterday morning after 7 months in

Oman. It was a pretty emotional scene,

not just for us but for the people

witnessing it. Kara dressed the kids in

fatigues and they just kept staring at

him like he wasn’t real. Kale kept trying

to share his blanket with him. (Kenley

was only a month old when he left but

she’s had his picture hanging on her

crib and says Dada! every time she

looks at it.) There was a group of about

6 women sitting there who said, “We

can’t take any more of this…it’s just

too emotional….and we don’t even

know who you people are!”

I was stunned by the number of people

who stopped to thank him for his

military service, shake his hand or give

him a hug as we walked through the

terminal. Truly amazing! I wanted to

thank you and Zion for including him in

your prayers and for the things that

were sent to him that made it a little

easier to be away from home. I’ve

attached a couple of pictures to give

you an idea of what the homecoming

was like. This whole experience has

been for me a glimpse of what God’s

kingdom is all about! Thanks for being

a part of it.

In Christ’s Joy!

Pastor Karri

Zion’s Courtyard

Did you know that Zion’s grounds

include a courtyard? Access is down the

west hallway, across from the choir

rooms. The doors will be open, and

everyone is welcome to use this space

for lunch, coffee, or meditation. Pastor

Ted would love to lunch with you some

day. In addition, the outside church

grounds are a great place to take a

walk, look over the prairie, and look for

God’s creatures meandering in the


in relationships and supported in need. 7

Zion 1 Zion 2

June 1 Zion 1 vs Zion 2 at 7pm

June 8 vs Buffalo Evangelical Free at 7pm vs St Johns Lutheran at 9pm

June 15 vs Cornerstone Church at 7pm vs Spirit of Joy at 8pm

June 22 vs St Johns Lutheran at 9pm vs Buffalo Covenant 2 at 7pm

June 29 vs St Pauls at 8pm BYE

Meals on Wheels

Zion is asked to provide three drivers at 11:45am each day in June for approximately an hour of meal delivery to households in the City of Buffalo. This is a most rewarding activity and makes a good family service project.

Consider which days you can help and sign up at the information desk or by emailing Sherilyn. You can also check the calendar at ZionBuffalo.org/MOW.

If you‘ve driven before and prefer a specific route please request it when you sign up. If you‘d like to try it but you‘re unfamiliar with Buffalo, let us know. We‘ll find a partner for your first drive.

Thank you for participating in this special community outreach.

Photo: Myron Krause & Darrell Anderson delivering meals in 2005

Have Extra Stuff?

That car top carrier you use once a year? The chainsaw you use every five years? The fondue pot you've never used? Maybe it's time to share: http://tableproject.org/table-tip-let-s-share/ .

Page 8: Zion's June Newsletter

Saturday, June 9

Sunday June 10

8:30am Traditional Worship Service

9:30am Coffee Fellowship

9:45am Family Express Worship

10:30am Contemporary Worship Service

11:30am Coffee Fellowship

12:00pm Baptism Class

Monday June 11

8:00am VBS Early Care

9:00am Vacation Bible School

12:05pm VBS After Care

6:00pm First Sunday Rehearsal

7:00pm Marysville Service

7:00pm Zion Book Club

Tuesday June 12

8:00am VBS Early Care

9:00am Vacation Bible School

9:30am Staff Meeting

12:05pm VBS After Care

6:30pm Outreach Evangelism Meeting

7:00pm Jubilee Rehearsal

7:00pm Global Missions Committee

Wednesday June 13

8:00am VBS Early Care

9:00am Vacation Bible School

12:05pm VBS After Care

Thursday June 14

8:00am VBS Early Care

8:00am Men Seeking Wisdom Bible Study

9:00am Vacation Bible School

9:00am Lutheran Social Services

12:05pm VBS After Care

Friday June 15

8:00am VBS Early Care

9:00am Vacation Bible School

12:05pm VBS After Care

12:00pm VBS Volunteer Appreciation

7:00pm Softball: Zion 1 vs Cornerstone


8:00pm Softball: Zion 2 vs Spirit of Joy

Saturday June 16

Sunday June 17

Father's Day

Holy Communion at 8:30 and 10:30

8:30am Traditional Worship Service

9:30am Coffee Fellowship

9:45am Family Express Worship

10:30am Contemporary Worship Service

11:30am Coffee Fellowship

Monday June 18

6:00am Zion Day Camp

8:30am Quilting Group

6:00pm First Sunday Rehearsal

7:00pm Marysville Service

Tuesday June 19

6:00am Zion Day Camp

9:00am Kitchen Cleaning

9:30am Staff Meeting

5:30pm Stewardship Meeting

7:00pm Property Committee Meeting

7:00pm Jubilee Rehearsal

Wednesday June 20

6:00am Zion Day Camp

6:00pm Worship and Music Committee

7:30pm Church Council Meeting

Thursday June 21

6:00am Zion Day Camp

8:00am Men Seeking Wisdom Bible Study

9:00am Lutheran Social Services

7:00pm Women’s Bible Study

Friday June 22

6:00am Zion Day Camp

Church office closes at noon

7:00pm Softball: Zion 2 vs Buffalo

Covenant Church

9:00pm Softball: Zion 1 vs St John’s


Sunday June 24

8:30am Traditional Worship Service

9:30am Coffee Fellowship

9:45am Family Express Worship

10:30am Contemporary Worship Service

11:30am Coffee Fellowship

Monday June 25

6:00am Zion Day Camp

8:30am Quilting Group

6:00pm First Sunday Rehearsal

7:00pm Marysville Service

ZionBuffalo.org/Calendar 8

Friday June 1

7:00pm Softball: Zion 1 vs Zion 2

Saturday June 2

4:00pm Spokes & Folks Pasta Feed &

Bike Activities

5:00pm Guest Speaker:Sports Medicine

101 for Triathletes with Brett Oden,


5:30pm Guest Speaker: Do As I Say,

Not As I Do with Chris Legh

6:00pm Guest Speaker: Coast to Coast

without a Flat (or Bonk) with Jill


7:00pm Outdoor Worship with Blessing

of the Bikes

Sunday June 3

Buffalo Triathlon

Holy Communion at 8:30, 9:45, and


8:30am Traditional Worship Service

9:30am Coffee Fellowship

9:45am Family Express Worship

10:30am Contemporary Worship Service

11:30am Coffee Fellowship

Monday June 4

8:30am Quilting Group

6:00pm First Sunday Rehearsal

7:00pm Marysville Service

Tuesday June 5

9:30am Staff Meeting

7:00pm Jubilee Rehearsal

Wednesday June 6

6:00am Friday Breakfast Crew

6:30pm Camp Meeting

Thursday June 7

8:00am Men Seeking Wisdom Bible Study

9:00am Lutheran Social Services

Friday, June 8

7:00pm Softball: Zion 1 vs Buffalo

Evangelical Free

9:00pm Softball: Zion 2 vs St John’s

June 2012

Page 9: Zion's June Newsletter

Tuesday June 26

Staff Retreat

6:00am Zion Day Camp

9:00am Harvest of Hands Craft Day

7:00pm Jubilee Rehearsal

7:00pm Personnel Committee Meeting

Wednesday June 27

6:00am Zion Day Camp

9:00am Newsletter Assembly

9:30am Devotions at Lakeridge

10:30am Devotions at Park View

7:15pm Harvest of Hands Crafts

Thursday June 28

6:00am Zion Day Camp

8:00am Men Seeking Wisdom Bible Study

9:00am Lutheran Social Services

Friday June 29

6:00am Zion Day Camp

Church office closes at noon

8:00pm Softball: Zion 1 vs St Paul’s

Lutheran Church

Saturday June 30


Signs of Summer

By Dawn Schmidt

Longer days, warmer weather, school’s end and family vacations are all welcome signs of summer.

The earth is the Lord’s, and all that is in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it

upon the waters.

Psalm 24: 1-2

Many of you will spend time at home. Some people will be working on weekend projects. Some of us will be growing God’s beauty through gardening. Others will be fishing on local lakes hoping to catch “the big one” or at least enough for a taste. Minnesotan’s are motivated to relax and enjoy the summer days outside every chance they get.

Summer is also a favorite time to travel. Many will visit their cabins on the weekends. Still others will take a one or two week vacation traveling to a single destination, or site seeing their way across the beautiful USA.

For those weekends you are unable to worship with us here at Zion or a neighboring community on Sunday, we invite you to join us at Marysville on Monday evenings to worship and praise God. It’s an experience that harkens back to a simpler time that can refresh your soul.

Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and

your vats will brim over with new wine.

Proverbs 3: 9-10

Our church family doesn’t take time off in the summer. Zion Lutheran Church is committed to serve its members, the community and the world through our continuing ministries this summer. Only through your faithful financial support will we be able to continue God’s work. Please plan ahead and continue to give your offerings on a regular basis. Consider electronic giving as a convenient way to respond to Christ’s call to regular giving.

Worship at Marysville

During June, July & August services are held each Monday evening at 7pm at the Historic Marysville Church, on County Road 9 between Buffalo and Waverly.

The same pastors served the Swedesburg (AKA Marysville) and Carlslund (later know as Zion) congregations until Swedesburg disbanded in 1950 and the members joined Zion. In 1973 the building was restored to celebrate the centennial of Swedesburg, and Monday evening summer services commenced at that time.

Marysville is just a 10-15 minute drive from downtown Buffalo. From the stoplights by the courthouse/library, head west on Lake Blvd N/CR 35. After 3 miles turn left and follow CR 35/CR 9. After 1.8 miles turn left and continue on CR 9. Marysville is a further 2.5 miles on the right. Remember that this is a little country church with no modern amenities

Check ZionBuffalo.org or KRWC radio in case of severe weather warnings.


Page 10: Zion's June Newsletter

April 2012 Financial Report

General Services Fund

Income Apr 2012 YTD 2012 Apr 2011 YTD 2011 General Offering $70,276 $244,502 $69,874 $231,341

Rent and Sunday School 2,733 9,283 2,236 8,497

Wed Nite Supper Income 561 3,549 821 4,136

Missions and Hunger 1,701 5,336 1,288 4,291

Other Designations 1,395 9,105 1,691 6,103

Total Income $76,666 $271,774 $75,910 $254,368

Expenses Synod Benevolence $1,000 $4,000 $1,000 $4,000

Other General Services 59,417 255,004 56,858 238,485

Total Expenses $60,417 $259,004 $57,858 $242,485

Ledger Balance as of 4-30-2012: $10,315

A Promising Tomorrow/Building Fund

Income Apr 2012 YTD 2012 Apr 2011 YTD 2011 Offerings and Interest $16,708 $64,111 $15,259 $66,162

Other Receipts 0 0 0 0

Total Income $16,708 $64,111 $15,259 $66,162

Expenses Building Mortgage $15,869 $63,476 $17,087 $68,349

Roof/Parking Lot Loan 0 0 913 3,653

Major Building Repairs 0 0 0 0

3% Tithe Commitment 0 0 0 0

Kairos Consulting 0 6,000 1,000 10,000

2011 Thrivent Loan Fees 0 0 0 3,263

Interest Expense on LOC 0 0 0 0

Bank Service Charge 0 0 15 30

Total Expenses $15,869 $69,476 $19,016 $85,295

Ledger Balance as of 4-30-2012: $22,101

Thank you for your continued support of God’s work at Zion Lutheran Church.

Memorial Gifts Received

A gift to the Memorial Fund in memory

of Frank Pfeifer from Betty Pfeifer.

Gavin Gilbertson Benefit

A benefit for Zion member, Gavin

Gilbertson, will be held at Zion

Lutheran Church on June 23rd from

9-4pm, including a rummage/bake sale,

silent auction, and raffle.

Gavin has Spinal Muscular

Atrophy. There is no treatment for this

disease, and Gavin’s only form of

mobility is through the use of his power

wheelchair. This family needs a

wheelchair accessible vehicle . The

benefit will raise the funds to install a

wheelchair lift in a vehicle to transport

Gavin to and from school, physical

therapy, and doctor’s appointments. The

lift costs $20,000 and is not covered by


Contact Marsha Stech at

763.682.6742 to donate clean usable

household items or baked goods for the

rummage/bake sale. Cash donations can

be made at gavinsgusto.com/donate.

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will be

matching donations.

Food Shelf Update

Adapted from the Buffalo Food Shelf

spring newsletter

“Is it better to donate money rather

than can goods?” This question seems

to be asked often of food shelf staff and

council members. The answer is that

both donations are invaluable, but the

food shelf can make your donation

dollar stretch further by purchasing

from the food banks. The Buffalo Food

shelf purchases through the Second

Harvest Heartland and Emergency

Food Shelf Network weekly and bi-

monthly respectively.

The Food Shelf monthly budget for food

purchases has risen to $11,000. Having

the ability to continue to purchase from

the food banks, because of generous

donors, has made it possible to keep a

(Katrina Meyer continued on page 11)

ZionBuffalo.org/Give 10

Finance & Stewardship

Page 11: Zion's June Newsletter

good variety of staples on the shelves.

Donations from local stores have

increased greatly due to the Food Rescue

Program coordinated by Second Harvest,

local retailers and food shelf staff.

Meats, produce, dairy, bakery, and

hygiene items are picked up three times a

week by volunteers at Walmart, Target,

Cub, and Coborn’s. Having these

donations helps keep expenses down

dramatically and has increased the variety

of healthy options for families. During the

first quarter of 2012, Food Rescue

participating stores have donated

173,548 pounds of food and hygiene


What’s With the Pod?

Have you noticed the storage pod that

arrived on the corner of Zion’s property in


The pod will be used to collect medical

equipment for Mission Jamaica. When

Minnesota medical clinics upgrade

equipment like exam tables and X-ray

machines, they often need a place to

dispose of the old-but-still-usable

equipment. This storage pod will sit at

Zion until it is full of such equipment, and

then be shipped to Jamaica for use in

medical clinics in need of it.

If you know of equipment that is due for

replacement and may be available for

donation through this program, please

contact Dr. Andrew Burgdorf via the

church office.

(Katrina Meyer continued from page 10)


Redeemer’s Katrina Meyer

My name is Katrina Meyer and I am the Stewardship Minister on the Church Council. I have been coming to Redeemer for about three years now and I think I fell in love with Redeemer the first day I walked through the doors. I had recently finished a year of service with the Lutheran Volunteer Corp in Wilmington, DE working with Habitat for Humanity. At that time I was looking for a job and a sense of meaning and belonging as I moved to a new city seeking a place to put down some roots. A friend of mine knew this about me and had just started going to Redeemer and invited me to come visit the church with her, and I loved it right away. While I was visiting I had heard that Redeemer was in need of a nursery type space for children and parents to go to during the service. With my background with Habitat for Humanity I asked if I could help in transforming a room into a nursery. I was welcomed with open arms and from that day on, Redeemer became a part of who I am.

Redeemer is in Harrison neighborhood’s corner. Sunday mornings are a small part of Redeemer’s role in Harrison. Redeemer reaches out every day as a place of safety and welcome for those who need it.

A big project that I am excited to share is about a property lot across the street from Redeemer. The duplex was well know in the neighborhood as a place where bad things happen, and when Pastor Kelly saw the property for sale the wonderful idea came about for Redeemer to buy the property and turn it into a positive space in the neighborhood. Redeemer voted and approved this adventure. We have now torn down the condemned building and we will be building a new structure this summer through volunteer labor (contact the Redeemer office for more information about volunteering). Once the house is built, the current plan is to have low income housing for seminary students focusing on Urban Ministries, and for those students to be involved in the Harrison neighborhood and in Redeemer and the RCFL programming.

Redeemer cares about the community that it is in, and accepts people however they walk through our doors which I feel is so important as our society continues to draw lines of separation. Redeemer is full of differences but the acceptance and welcoming of all people keeps us close and together through the unity of Christ we can do great things. Redeemer is important to me because it give me hope, connection, and community and I don’t know where I would be without it.

Page 12: Zion's June Newsletter

Swing Away Seniors

Someone once said, “It’s not so much that we’re afraid of change or so in love with the old ways, but it’s that place in between that we fear. It’s like being between trapezes.”

Graduates, that’s where you are right, now. Letting go of the bar behind you. Anticipating that second swing to take you to your future. Right now, in this split second of your life, you’re precariously suspended in air, hoping all of the preparation you’ve done won’t fail you when your big moment arrives.

Don’t be afraid to grab the new bar and swing away! You’re more capable than you know!

When you’re apprehensive, remember that the power of Christ is in you, giving you His wisdom, helping you accomplish his purpose in your life: “For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13). When you surrender your life to Christ, the task ahead of you is never greater than the power in you (1 John 4:4b).

But what if you slip and fall in the future? Just know that there’s a safety net called “family” to help you get up and right back on the ladder. We’ll believe in you when you doubt yourself. We’ll remind you of who you are in Christ when your thinking gets foggy or misguided.

CS Lewis said, “We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.”

No one wants to see you “go bad!” We’re glad you’re not in diapers or braces anymore. But it’s fun to watch you hatch. It can be exciting to see the beautiful, stylish feathers replacing the fuzzy down.

You will face obstacles ahead, but I hope that you’ll embrace the growth they foster. Washington Irving said, “There is a certain relief in change, even though it be from bad to worse; as I have found in traveling in a stagecoach, that it is often a comfort to shift one’s position and be bruised in a new place.”

When you were growing up, we tried to save you every bump and bruise, believing that as long as you were an arm’s length away, nothing could harm you. You didn’t even go to the mailbox unwatched by our loving eyes.

Before we knew it, you wanted to have play dates, then older friends and then to leave the house and the yard and go down the street or across town. Eventually you went out of town to have fun with those friends. You were driving and filling out college applications. Suddenly, you were farther than our arm’s reach or eye could see.

(Swing Away Seniors continued on page 13)

Director of Youth Ministries

Myron Crawford

763-682-1245 ext. 308

[email protected]

Zion Youth Ministries exists to

reach out to youth, to come

together and learn how to be for

God and others through worship,

study, fellowship and service.

Friday Breakfast Crew

Senior High Students - Come out to

Perkins on Friday, June 1 at 6am for a

chance to check-in with everyone.

Make sure to bring money for food and

a tip for our great servers!

Confirmation Registration

Registration for Confirmation for all

new and returning students who will be

in 7th or 8th Grade in Fall of 2012, is

available online until August 12.

Parents: Confirmation small group

guides are needed as well. Take time to

prayerfully consider making a two-year

commitment to foster the spiritual

relationships of students.

Confirmation Work

Remember that all Confirmation

requirements must be finished by

August 1.

Everything Else

Check the website for Graceland and

Confirmation schedules:


1 Timothy 4:12

Don’t let anyone look down on

you because you are young, but set

an example for the believers in speech,

in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

ZionBuffalo.org/Youth 12

Youth Ministry

Page 13: Zion's June Newsletter

Vacation Bible School Notes

Vacation Bible School Important Dates

May 27 Online registration closes.

Registration will also be available

on the first day of VBS with a $10

late fee.

June 4-8 Babylon make-over week (VBS

Decorating Crew will be at work)

June 11-15 Vacation Bible School

Supply Needs

Donations of flat solid-colored bed

sheets and silk plants or flowers

Loaned South American or Native

American style blankets for gathering

and story time.

Volunteer Needs

Kitchen volunteers (5)

Adult volunteers for grades 1-4 (10)

Opening worship leaders (3)

Decorating crew (10-20)

Take home project helpers (10)

Clean up crew (10)

Contact Holly Husom to volunteer or with


Zion Day Camp

ZDC is school-aged summer child care

which is available at Zion throughout the

summer from 6:30am-6pm, Monday to

Friday, for children who have just finished

kindergarten, through 12 years old.

Contact Holly Husom with any questions.

CoDirectors of Christian Education

Holly Husom

763-682-1245 x308

[email protected]

Roxie Otten

763-682-1245 ext. 311

[email protected]

ZionBuffalo.org/Children 13

choir, and a volunteer at Timber Bay, an organization working with local youth.

Holly Husom (Christian Education Co-Director) asked Lyle if he would be interested in being involved in the birdhouse woodworking project for last year’s VBS. “I enjoyed working with the kids and she asked me again this year. I look forward to working with the kids again … knowing that this might be the only chance some of these kids have to do a wood working project.”


LeRoy Kronenberg is retired from many years of truck driving and owning his own business, and lives in Buffalo with his wife Judy. He loves to work in the yard, maintain his elaborate flower gardens and woodwork in his woodworking shop.

“Holly asked me to help three years ago with the mud brick molding project, and I have been involved with the wood working project ever since … Lyle and Rodger also asked me this year before Holly got the chance.” LeRoy’s granddaughters, Katelyn, Isabella and Abigail (daughters of Brad and Shelly Lusti) are among the hundreds of children who enjoy VBS at Zion each year. “I have fun working with the kids, and have enjoyed working with my granddaughters who are helping complete this project. Katelyn and Isabella have been a great help getting this ready for VBS.”


Glen Berglund has been a lifelong member of Zion, remembering fondly his own Sunday school class in the old Marysville church, but is new to Vacation Bible School this year. He is retired from working at Centra Sota and Munson Lakes Nutrition feed mills and lives in Buffalo, with his wife Diane. Glen enjoys a good game of horseshoe, and also likes to do woodworking. “LeRoy asked me if I would be interested [in volunteering with this project] while I was at coffee fellowship one Sunday morning.”

This crew is working together in LeRoy’s garage to make 200 sturdy wooden planters that will be the base of one of the craft projects for the grade 1-3 VBS students.

(Woodworking Team continued from page 2)

Children’s Ministry

We are forced to recognize that not only are we not in control of every influence and circumstance around you but that we never were. We like to think we are in control, which is silly because the truth is that Someone much greater and wiser is in control. As Emerson said, “All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”

We learned to let go of you bit by bit. We have to let go of our own trapeze, believing that He would see us through to what lay ahead: “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion” (Philippians 1:6).

Congratulations Graduates. You were born to fly for His glory – swing away!

(Swing Away Seniors continued from page 12)

Page 14: Zion's June Newsletter

The Voice

A monthly publication of Zion Lutheran Church

Upcoming Deadlines

June 18 at 8am for July Issue

July 16 at 8am for August Issue

Editor: Angela Bengtson

[email protected]

This Month’s Cover

Phin Baskerville getting ready for Spokes &

Folks on June 2

Contact Us

[email protected]


Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-

4:30pm (noon summer Fridays)

Ph 763.682.1245 / Fax 763.684.1967

1200 Highway 25 South, Buffalo (across

from 13th St S.)

PO Box 88, Buffalo, MN 55313


Zion Staff

Ted Vanderpan: Senior Pastor

ext. 304 | [email protected]

Luke Schmidt: Pastor of Congregational Life

ext. 305 | [email protected]

Sherilyn Burgdorf: Shared Ministry Director

ext. 307 | [email protected]

Roxie Otten: Co-Director of Christian Education

ext. 331 | [email protected]

Holly Husom: Co-Director of Christian Education

ext. 308 | [email protected]

Myron Crawford: Director of Youth Ministries

ext. 306 | [email protected]

Jim Onstad: Youth Staff

Diane Montplaisir: Administrative Secretary

ext. 302 | [email protected]

Angela Bengtson: Communications & Membership

ext. 325 | [email protected]

Sue Stensrud: Financial Secretary

ext. 303 | [email protected]

Ryan Bjokne: Facilities & Grounds Manager

[email protected]

Louis Nagel: Part-time Custodian

Missy Peterson & Laurel Lundeen: Nursery Staff

Launi Stuhr: Kids’ Place Staff

Michael Walsh: Coordinator of Music

Bob Strommen: Sound System Coordinator

Congregational Council

Roger Brenny

Bill Deneen

Mike Davis

Kelly Hanson

Deana Jeske

Devonne Kent

Beverly Koopman

Sue Lyrek

Tom Moline

Mike Newman

Steve Peterson

Wanda Weber

Page 15: Zion's June Newsletter


Zion Lutheran Church

1200 Highway 25 S.

PO Box 88

Buffalo, MN 55313


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VBS Woodworking Team 2

Zambia Mission Revealed 2

Give It Away 3

Spokes & Folks 5

Summer Bible Study 6

Softball Schedule 7

Meals on Wheels 7

Signs of Summer 9

Worship at Marysville 9

Katrina Meyer 10

Swing Away Seniors 12


ne 2



* *

ZionBuffalo.org Scan for more photos or

visit Zion’s Facebook page

Some of the 175 Zion women and who attended the third annual Women’s Brunch at Zion in May