Zine 1: The Awakening- The Controlled Cage

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The first edition of my Zine to awaken the world. An introduction to my musical The Awakening, which is still a work in progress... enjoy!

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  • I walk down these streets, forever cold, forever grey,

    Feel out of place every single day,

    Dont know where to go,No place that feels like home,

    So many lost souls looking busy being useless

    So many empty hearts wasting time being ruthless

  • What is wrong with our human kind?

    Our species truely is a strange creature - one of the strangest on this planet, it seems.Through evolution, we have removed ourselves, so far away from the very essence we owe our existence to - our dear planet, Mother Earth.

    We have distanced ourselves, by surrounding our bodies with concrete and abstract rectangu-lar shapes, confusing our minds with abstract con-cepts of work and money and cluttering our spir-its with abstract technologies, isolation and fears. By doing so we have now become this lost shell of a being, roaming meaninglessly; brainwashed to believe that our purpose on this planet is to produce pretty useless items and our mean-ing, is to consume these pretty useless items.

    All the while theres an underlying panic, that the earth is dying, yet we keep on wasting these precious resources to keep this funny destructive system alive, which is ironically only really working for 2% of the worlds population, the other 98% seem to be desper-ately hanging on by a thread, possessing just enough not to riot but not quite enough to get a grip on things.

  • So How Can We Fix It?By learning how to heal ourselves. To fix this world, we need to fix the human spirit.Im pretty certain the planet we live on will survive, however if the human race carries on blindly racing omwards, we will end up as an extinct species,and cause terrible hardship for our future generations, on the way. This may sound harsh, yet were heading that way!We need to ALL, as the homosapi-en primates, that we are, take a break and CHILL OUT !!!Were stuck in a loop thinking that the un-employment rate of a country is a bad thing. Its not, it means weve created an economy that works for us, the Technological Revo-lution is complete! That is what us humans dreamt of way back when we started the In-dustrial Revolution.

    I think the idea then was to build machines to work for us. Yet during the Industrial Economy also came the creation of money, this bizarre concept, which originated from being an I.O.U. slip for gold, has now lost its meaning as it is not attached to a tangible worldly thing anymore, Its created through debt, every dept a human or country has weighing down on her or his shoulders is a new chunk of money the Banks create and expand through the abstraction of stock markets...which lets be honest, doesnt really make much sense to anyone?!Through all of this extremely complicated realm added to everyones existence, we have forgotten that our only pure needs to survive are food, water, shelter and love.So, instead of furiously chasing the money, why not simply live life!!!

  • Jim on a Sunday Jim on a Monday

  • All the other limbs

    and organs played

    their part; the

    hands and feet

    were the labour

    force, along with

    biceps and thighs.

    Some would join

    forces, such as

    hands and eyes

    all to work to feed

    this system.

    No one really knew, who set up this system, but no one seemed to care, ei-ther. As long as they were part of something, they were content.

  • Funnily enough no one inside

    this Controlled Cage knew, that their dull, mono-

    tone world,

  • Without the human community, one single human being cannot survive.

    - Dalai LamaThis is a very true statement, we as the human race need to set our differences aside and accept that we are all uniquely the same. At the end of the day no matter how much you possess, what really counts are the precious beautiful mo-ments shared with one another. Just appreciate the pure fact that we even exist in this space and time, and have as much fun, creativity and love as possible. As long as you are happy you are never wasting time. Learn to breathe deeply and consciously, go for scenic walks, observe and try capturing the wonderments you see.And always remember every step we chose is impacting the grand ecosystem of the earth. Be conscious about where waste goes to...buried into the land and the chemicals into the water we drink and air we breathe. Consider what you actually need, be resourceful and inventive!

  • The funny thing about food is a lot of us have very strange perceptions of food. Through fast food chains and fancy restaurants we think to eat well is to spend lots of money and to eat cheaply is to eat unhealthy. But its quite the opposite, the less money you spend on food the healthier your diet is, if you cook yourself and buy lots and lots of veggies. Our bodies really dont need half as much meat as we feed them.

    Food is Gooood!

    Even though weve been eating ever since humanity has existed, we seemed to have forgotten how to look after our bodies properly. The interference of chemical ex-ploitation has led to confusion .However its really very simple, just buy fresh veggies from your local market, chop them up, fry it up and add spices like ginger, garlic, paprika, curry, etc. Serve with cooked rice, roast potatoes, boiled pasta or even just baked bread and enjoy.Remember, food is the most powerful medicine for our mind, body and soul, if we eat crap well feel like crap, if we eat well, well feel well!

  • [email protected]

    The Awakening - Issue #1; July/August 2014 Natalie J. Cheetham