Tween Zine 2016 Issue #1 INTENTIONS

zine 1 intention FINAL€¦ · The Prophetﷺ said: “Allah records good and bad deeds in this way: If anyone intends to do a good deed, but does not do it, Allah still records it

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Page 1: zine 1 intention FINAL€¦ · The Prophetﷺ said: “Allah records good and bad deeds in this way: If anyone intends to do a good deed, but does not do it, Allah still records it




Page 2: zine 1 intention FINAL€¦ · The Prophetﷺ said: “Allah records good and bad deeds in this way: If anyone intends to do a good deed, but does not do it, Allah still records it


To put it simply, an intention is the reason why we do the things we do. (The Arabic word is niyyah -- ّنیة.)

Anytime you do something you have some kind of intention for it. But not all intentions are the same.

For example, say you’re feeling tired and decide to take a nap. On it’s own, that isn’t a good or bad deed (definitely sleep is halal!) but depending on your intention, you can give it a value— positive or

negative. So if you go sleep because you don’t want to do chores around the house, that’s not a very positive reason. But if instead you take a nap in order to refresh yourself and be able to do something good, like focusing on your homework, or helping your parents, or maybe even to pray tahajjud at night, then that nap could actually be a great thing to do!

The Prophetصلى الله عليه وسلم explained for us the great value of intention. In a hadith that was collected by Imam Al-Bukhari heصلى الله عليه وسلم told us: "Actions are according to intentions, and everyone will get what was intended. Whoever migrates with an

intention for Allah and His messenger, the migration will be for the sake of Allah

and his Messenger. And whoever migrates for worldly gain or to marry a woman,

then his migration will be for the sake of whatever he migrated for."

Intentions are something that can only be known by Allah, so He is the only only who can reward you for them. It’s different from if your mom asked you to empty the dishwasher, and you meant to but you forgot and didn’t do it. Your mom may only care if the job is done. But with Allah, meaning to do a good thing is a good thing all on its own. But the reward for anything you do depends on why you do it: your INTENTION.

Page 3: zine 1 intention FINAL€¦ · The Prophetﷺ said: “Allah records good and bad deeds in this way: If anyone intends to do a good deed, but does not do it, Allah still records it




You’re supposed to walk home from school right after the bell rings at the end of the day, but one day you stayed behind.

You spent three hours in the backyard, laying in a hammock in the sunshine. You even had an orange popsicle.

Sarah invited you over to hang and even though you didn’t have plans you didn’t go.

One day when your brother isn’t home you take somethings that belong to him and hide them around the house.

You stayed up way later at night than you’re supposed to, even though you had school the next morning.

While sitting with some friends someone brought you a bunch of grapes and you ate the whole thing without sharing any.

Page 4: zine 1 intention FINAL€¦ · The Prophetﷺ said: “Allah records good and bad deeds in this way: If anyone intends to do a good deed, but does not do it, Allah still records it

The Prophetصلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Allah records good and bad deeds in this way: If anyone intends to do a good deed, but does not do it, Allah still records it with Him as one full good deed. If he intends a good deed and then carries it out, Allah records it with Him as ten to seven hundred times in reward or even increases it many times more. If anyone intends to do a bad deed but does not actually do it, Allah records it with Him as one full good deed. If he intends to do a bad

deed and does it, Allah records it with Him as only one bad deed.” [Sahih Al-Bukhari]

You can gather good deeds just by intending them!


This is the full hadith

There� are� two�purposes� for� having�intention:� So� you�know� what� you’re�doing� (like� praying�Asr,�not�Isha)�and�so�you� know� why� you’re�doing�it-�and�for�who�

Page 5: zine 1 intention FINAL€¦ · The Prophetﷺ said: “Allah records good and bad deeds in this way: If anyone intends to do a good deed, but does not do it, Allah still records it

One of the biggest dangers to a good intention is showing off—riyaa’ This means doing things so that people will see you do it. In this comic we can’t tell what the man intended when he gave the woman some money—just like in real life. You can never know why exactly someone did something. But for our selves, we can avoid ruining our good deeds by making our intentions only to please Allah (swt) and not to be seen by people.









The Prophetصلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Allahجل جلاله says: '"I am in no need of partners. Whoever does a deed for the sake of others as well as me, I leave his deed for those others.'" (Sahîh Muslim)


→So if you do something good because you want to tell someone else about it, you lose the reward for it. But if Allah is the only one who knows, He جل جلاله is the one who will give you a better prize.

Page 6: zine 1 intention FINAL€¦ · The Prophetﷺ said: “Allah records good and bad deeds in this way: If anyone intends to do a good deed, but does not do it, Allah still records it

Imam Al-Ghazali says in his famous book Muslim’s Character: “The fact is that as long as man keeps himself as an obedient slave of Allah and his intention is pure and sincere, then all his acts and movements, his sleep and his waking are considered to be for seeking the pleasure of Allah.”

So now, the big question: Howcanwekeepourintentionspure?Here’s a few ideas:

Make tawbah (repent)

Learn more

Make lots of dua

Refresh your

intention often

Never give up!

Ask Allah for His help & guidance

Do good things when no one else is around

Be patient

Remember whose opinion really counts

Act the same around people

as you do alone

Think about Allah and how He (swt) is the most worthy

of your time

Think before you


Say “inshallah” when you plan


Page divider from freepik.com

Page 7: zine 1 intention FINAL€¦ · The Prophetﷺ said: “Allah records good and bad deeds in this way: If anyone intends to do a good deed, but does not do it, Allah still records it


i It’s not something you have to say out loud. You don’t even have to use specific words. But make sure your intention is clear. I Sometimes your intention can change right in the middle of everything and that’s alright. But not for the five fard salahs—those you need to have the correct intention at the start. I There can be times when telling someone about something you did is a good thing! Sheikh Al-Arifi uses the example of telling someone you made dua for them-- If you have a pure intention that it’s to bring you closer together then it’s good inshallah.

And never say of anything, “Indeed I will do that tomorrow,”

except [when adding], “If Allah wills.” Surat Al-Kahf [18:23]

See�if�you�can�memorize�this�dua�that�the��Prophetصلى الله عليه وسلم�taught�Abu�Bakr�(ra)�for�keeping�your�actions�only�for�Allah--�the�things�you’re�aware�of�and�the�things�you�aren’t.��



Page 8: zine 1 intention FINAL€¦ · The Prophetﷺ said: “Allah records good and bad deeds in this way: If anyone intends to do a good deed, but does not do it, Allah still records it

Print out the design below and use it to remind you of Allahجل جلاله and to focus your intentions in the right direction inshallah! Cut out along the black lines and glue onto cardstock, then use string to attach the hearts to hang below the large rectangle. Don’t forget to decorate!

Remember A


Page 9: zine 1 intention FINAL€¦ · The Prophetﷺ said: “Allah records good and bad deeds in this way: If anyone intends to do a good deed, but does not do it, Allah still records it

Stuff on the web These are some other resources you can check out:

Videos�� � � � � �� � Nasheeds�Niyyah – Intention: Sheikh Muiz Bukhary Intentions: Native Deen

http://thedailyreminder.org/watch- individual.php?id=463#tab-youtube

�Bismillah: Eeman Power videos

https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=a-JOBWtTXR4¨ Begin with Bismillah: Khalid Latif

http://www.halaltube.com/ khalid-latif-begin-with-bismillah

Written�Stuff�http://studylib.net/doc/5453543/hadith-1 http://40hadithnawawi.com/index.php/the-hadiths/hadith-1 Enjoy Your Life by Sheikh Muhammad Al-Arifi Prophet Mohammad’s Manner of Performing Prayers

by Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Ibn Abdullah Ibn Baz





https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=J9IXs9qOUL4 Note: This nasheed uses percussion & synth sounds

Bismillah: Dawud Wharnsby Ali

https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=LS7R-5s93Jw