ZONTA CLUB OF ADELAIDE INC 1 August 2018 at THE LION HOTEL, 161 MELBOURNE STREET NORTH ADELAIDE 5006 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm Cost $35 Please advise Beverley Newberry 0419 811 609 / [email protected] if you are unable to attend or wish to bring guests no later than 31 July 2018 or we may be charged for your meal. ZEPHYR Newsletter of the Zonta Club of Adelaide August 2018 Issue 353 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Dear Members Convention is over for another two years until Zontians from all over the world meet in Chicago in 2020. Let’s hope we can have a contin- gent of club members attend. It’s a good time for us to reflect on our contribution over many years to international projects. We can feel proud of our fund raising efforts and the impact we collec- tively have on women and girls whose lives are so much poorer than ours. The projects for the next biennium look as though they will have a similarly significant impact. Eid bi Eid (Hand in Hand) in association with UN Women is a multi-year initiative to support the government of Jordan to address issues of employment, gender inequality and reduced violence against women, exacerbated by the impact of the Syrian refugee crisis. Let Us Learn in association with UNICEF USA is an integrated Guest Speakers: Bev Gum and Erica Majba Zonta International 2018 Convention report Charter 0627 on 17/4/1969 District 23 Area 2 Empowering women and girls through Service and Advocacy by 30,000 members in 66 countries worldwide education program designed to help girls realize their right to an education in a secure and protec- tive environment in Madagascar. The Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage in association with UNICEF USA brings together governments, civil society, families and young people in a collective effort to prevent girls from marrying too young and to support those who are already child brides. It has the potential to directly reach 2.5 million girls across Bangladesh, Burkina Fa- so, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Sier- ra Leone, Uganda, Yemen and Zambia. I am, as I am sure you are, proud to be part of such an amazing international organisation. In Zonta fellowship Wendy WESTPAC BIRTHING KIT ASSEMBLY DAY held Friday 27 July 2018

ZEPHYR - Zonta Club of Adelaide Inc · 2019-03-27 · ZONTA CLUB OF ADELAIDE INC 1 August 2018 at THE LION HOTEL, 161 MELBOURNE STREET NORTH ADELAIDE 5006 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm Cost

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Page 1: ZEPHYR - Zonta Club of Adelaide Inc · 2019-03-27 · ZONTA CLUB OF ADELAIDE INC 1 August 2018 at THE LION HOTEL, 161 MELBOURNE STREET NORTH ADELAIDE 5006 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm Cost



6.00 pm for 6.30 pm Cost $35

Please advise Beverley Newberry 0419 811 609 / [email protected] if you are unable to attend or wish to bring guests no later than 31 July 2018 or we

may be charged for your meal.


Newsletter of the Zonta Club of Adelaide

August 2018 Issue 353


Dear Members Convention is over for another two years until Zontians from all over the world meet in Chicago in 2020. Let’s hope we can have a contin-gent of club members attend. It’s a good time for us to reflect on our contribution over many years to international projects. We can feel proud of our fund raising efforts and the impact we collec-tively have on women and girls whose lives are so much poorer than ours. The projects for the next biennium look as though they will have a similarly significant impact. Eid bi Eid (Hand in Hand) in association with UN Women is a multi-year initiative to support the government of Jordan to address issues of employment, gender inequality and reduced violence against women, exacerbated by the impact of the Syrian refugee crisis. Let Us Learn in association with UNICEF USA is an integrated

Guest Speakers: Bev Gum and Erica Majba Zonta International 2018 Convention report

Charter 0627 on 17/4/1969 District 23 Area 2

Empowering women and girls through Service and Advocacy by 30,000 members in 66 countries worldwide

education program designed to help girls realize their right to an education in a secure and protec-tive environment in Madagascar. The Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage in association with UNICEF USA brings together governments, civil society, families and young people in a collective effort to prevent girls from marrying too young and to support those who are already

child brides. It has the potential to directly reach 2.5 million girls across Bangladesh, Burkina Fa-so, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Sier-ra Leone, Uganda, Yemen and Zambia. I am, as I am sure you are, proud to be part of such an amazing international organisation.

In Zonta fellowship Wendy


Page 2: ZEPHYR - Zonta Club of Adelaide Inc · 2019-03-27 · ZONTA CLUB OF ADELAIDE INC 1 August 2018 at THE LION HOTEL, 161 MELBOURNE STREET NORTH ADELAIDE 5006 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm Cost

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SERVICE Mary Burford (Coordinator)

Breast Cushions We held a sewing day with the St Peter’s group on Friday 13


July and managed to finish 90 cushions with many more close to completion. On Saturday at Ivanka’s we held a packing day where we packed 110 which we delivered to St Andrew’s hospi-tal. I have made an application to the Campbelltown Rotary Club for funds to help the breast cushion project. We have not had a response but we are following this up.

DV Shelter Work has continued at the shelter where I have spent the last two weeks helping out with the art classes. These were very well organised and the women appeared to really enjoy what they did. You will remember that this was a project that we supported which was money

well spent as it gave everyone a

chance to meet in an informal way and actually have things to take home with them. Lynne held an afternoon tea on Thursday 12

th which was well

attended and we had a good afternoon. These get togethers help to keep people in touch with one another and help us to help where we see a need.

Birthing Kits The Birthing Kit Assembly day at Westpac was a very happy productive one with excellent teamwork and laughter. The staff at Westpac made us very welcome and had supplied

lots of things to facilitate a speedy exercise. We had about 45 people from Westpac as well as Bev, Maxine, Wendy Susanne, Gerry myself and of course Lorraine. We packed the kits in record time and they asked us if there were any other projects that they could be in-volved in and even suggested doing another Birthing Kit day. Ivanka, Wendy and I will go to Seymour College on Monday to conduct another Assembly Day on Monday 30

th July.

Adelaide High School have also one planned for Tuesday 4




7897 as at


ADVOCACY Erica Majba (Coordinator)

Her Stories of Hope On a dark winter’s evening in July, Ivanka participated in a women’s forum at the Women’s Community Centre. This is an event that has been held several times a year for the past two years. Our club co-hosts the event. The focus is on sharing the positive stories of a diverse range of women. A very hospitable evening of food, chat, singing and sharing of stories. Ivanka was great. She spoke with great enthusiasm of her childhood, her life and work with Zonta.

Combined Advocacy Meeting It is the turn of the Zonta Club of Adelaide to host the Combined Advocacy meeting in Septem-ber. This will be held on: September 1st at 1.30 pm at the CWA, 30 Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town SA 5067 The speaker is Alice Clark who will speak on Homelessness among Women. You will remem-ber her talk to our club meeting. This is another opportunity to hear more from this impressive speaker. Save the date in your diary and tell your friends.

Film Fundraiser Our preferred film “Swimming with Men” has had its release date deferred yet again. This time until March 2019. Our committee is working with the Regal Theatre and hope to come up with alternative film and date for November this year.

A positive role model and inspi-ration for others. Thanks to those club members who came to support her.

Above: Caitlyn Davies-Plummer and her accompanist Below: Erica Majba with speakers Ivanka Jovanovich, Deborah McCulloch and Caitlyn Davies-Plummer

Page 3: ZEPHYR - Zonta Club of Adelaide Inc · 2019-03-27 · ZONTA CLUB OF ADELAIDE INC 1 August 2018 at THE LION HOTEL, 161 MELBOURNE STREET NORTH ADELAIDE 5006 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm Cost

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We wish our members happy birthday celebrations during AUGUST:

9 Jenni Thomson

9 Beverley Newberry

18 Raema Mahony

25 Ivanka Jovanovich

29 Susanne Pfitzner

AWARDS Raema Mahony (Coordinator)

On 9th May Maxine and I were

guests at the Opening Day Launch of Entrepreneurs Week. Our club was asked to provide some students to participate in one of the workshops on this day. Our Year 11 Mitcham Girls High School Scholarship Winner, Michele Skipp and the club Young Women in Public Affairs Awardee, Hibra Shujaat were student facilitators at the South Australia Women Founders


This was a stimulating workshop hearing from four women who had established successful local companies.

The MC for this workshop was Moira Deslandes, Founder Chooks SA who put the students at ease and encouraged them to introduce the speakers and ask questions at the end of the session.

Flavia Tat Nardini, Co-Founder & CEO Fleet Space Technologies was an entertaining speaker who discovered after migrating to Adelaide for love, that there was no work for an Italian Rocket scientist. So she set out to create work for herself and now has a worldwide space technology company operating from


The second speaker was Dr Michelle Perugini, Co-Founder & Managing Director; Life

Whisperer who has developed an AI-driven, cloud based image analysis system to improve the selection of viable embryos for IVF implantation. The other two speakers founded companies in the social enterprise area. Both these women have Social Work back-grounds and through their work saw the need for a different approach to disability and em-ployment. Sarah Gun, Founder & Social Enterprise Director, GOGO Events and GOGO Labour Hire which provides employment for homeless people. Her company GOGO Events provides catering and event staff throughout the year. Employees are able to have a share in the company which ensures its sustainability.

After working in the northern suburbs Louise Nobes, became distressed by the lack of employ-ment opportunities for young people. She established InspiredBUY which attracts com-mercial support in the northern suburbs companies to employ youth. KIK has different food out-lets which train and employ youth. The two students who our club supported to attend this day, had the opportunity to hear Keynote speakers and three different workshops. Michela was an active participant in these work-shops asking the presenters well thought out questions.

Clockwise: 1 Hibra Shujaat 2 Michela Skipp 3 Raema and Maxine (amongst the crowd)

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FINANCE Lorraine Elliott (Treasurer)

The June Bank account is reconciled and balanced; the June month end balance was $13,166.13 At the time of writing the balance in the account is now $12,519.17 Activity through the bank account since June month end includes: Standard monthly transac-

tions, fees, interest, club dinner.

Lottery money is starting to

trickle in. $600 received so far.

A timely reminder, ALL Lottery books and money are due back at the August club meeting. If you are unable to attend the club meeting please contact either myself or Carol Summers to arrange an alternative. Zonta fund raising activities at Westpac are going well. Month to date, we have had two casual days, a meat/wine/beer raffle.

Thanks to Carol for helping with arrangements whilst l was in Vietnam enjoying a break from the cold weather. In addition we will get an allocation of the car park funds for the quarter. I hope to have an indicative amount of funds raised for communica-tion at the club meeting.


100 prizes to be won. Buy your tickets today for the chance to WIN prizes valued at more than $360,000, with community groups keeping 100% from each $2 ticket they sell.

PROGRAM/PR Beverley Newberry (Coordinator)

Program: 1 August 2018

Would all committee coordina-tors please ensure they send their reports to BN early in the week, prior to our club meeting.

Our committee would also appreciate advice on any recommendations for speakers.

We will be privileged to hear Bev Gum’s report on the observatons of our representative, Heather Smigiel who attended the Zonta International Convention held in Japan during July. Erica Majba will assist by giving us her report on the Convention.

The Birthing Kit assembly session was run on the 27


July. We had approximately 45 team members come along and use their volunteer hours. There was a lot of buzz and excitement in the room. A big thank you must go to Mary and the ladies who came along and helped keep us all on track.

Westpac staff and our members helping at the BK assembly day

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MEMBERSHIP Maxine Panegyres (Coordinator)

The Membership committee met on July 4

th and will next meet on

August 2nd

. Joint Fundraiser with Awards Plans are progressing smoothly for the Musical afternoon to be held on Sunday 7

th October at

Burnside Uniting Church.

The flyer for the musical was sent to all members on 18

th July.

Aileen is negotiating with the Adelaide Youth Orchestra’s per-sonnel about the program for the afternoon. Once again we are seeking the services of Mitcham and Adelaide High School students to serve the afternoon tea. While Bev Gum is managing the ticket sales we ask all members to start inviting their network of friends and family to support the afternoon.

Tickets will be issued once money has been received.

Application Form The committee has made suggestions to slightly alter the application form for joining our club.

We also wish Val Baldwin our best wishes as she travels to Brisbane to support her daughter.

Thank you to our members who have contributed to this month’s Zephyr: President Wendy Bruce Advocacy Erica Majba Service Mary Burford Finance Lorraine Elliott Membership Maxine Panegyres Awards Raema Mahony Sub-editor Wendy Bruce Members who produce articles for inclusion

If any member wishes to supply an article or photos, please email directly to [email protected] as we would be very (extremely) happy to publish

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Bev Gum (Coordinator)

We are making steady progress with the organisation of the night. After discussion with the Awards Committee we think it would be good to incorporate the presentation of three or four Women of Achievement as it would strengthen our ties with the Town Hall. We have finalised our application for support for the venue cost and a 10% reduction on food and beverage. It is anticipated that this event will be totally self funded with maybe a small profit. If necessary we will hold an additional fundraiser especially to pay costs in the set up. The cost will be $95 per person. The save the date flyers have been sent out to club members, other clubs and the district board. They are also about to be sent to the Governor, Lord Mayor and MPs. Our plan is to limit the number of free tickets to the main VIPs and Women of Achievement. We are still undecided about entertainment but plan to have a club overview presented by Aileen, a welcome by the President and we are hoping to have a high profile MC. Past members who have been approached are all keen to attend and we anticipate having little trouble in get-ting to our maximum of 150. Beverley is currently working on our history so that we can have a display in the ante room where we will have drinks and canapés. Whilst we are the driving committee, it is anticipated that this will be a whole club en-deavour and there will be jobs for everyone. We have a draft structure that we will talk about at the next club meeting. This will also represent our celebration of 50 years of Zonta in SA and the centenary so we want to make it a very important event on next year’s calendar.

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July 30 Seymour College Birthing Kit Assembly Day August 1 Zonta Club of Adelaide dinner meeting Tower Room, Lion Hotel, Melbourne St, North Adelaide. 6.00pm for 6.30pm

September 1 Combined Advocacy meeting CWA, 30 Dequetteville Tce, Kent Town, 5067 4 Adelaide High School Birthing Kit assembly day 5 Zonta Club of Adelaide dinner meeting Tower Room, Lion Hotel, Melbourne St, North Adelaide. 6.00pm for 6.30pm 2019 6 April 50th Birthday of the Zonta Club of Adelaide 9 November Area 2 Centenary Celebration of the 100th Birthday of Zonta International Hotel Grand Chancellor, Rundle street, Adelaide.

Upcoming Events

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During HerStory Ivanka Jovanovich proudly advised those who attended that she would he up at 3.00am the next morning to see her brother’s grandson play for Croatia against France. Wow, Ivan Perisic scored a goal for the home team and Ivanka went to bed happy and delighted to see her amazing sports champion grand nephew. Ivan was only six years when Ivanka said to her brother “you do not have to worry about Ivan as he will be famous sports champion one day.”

Members are invited to the opening of “Ladies who lunch” art by Deborah Baldassi in a “not-so-artistic” context on Thursday 2 August At Kava Café, Marryatville Shopping Centre 242 Kensington Road, Marryatville at 6.00pm. Deborah is the wife of David Winderlich of Uniting Communities.

Wendy’s granddaughter Lily has just returned from the United States where she represented Australia in the Worlds Junior Roller Derby Championships and World Cup. Well done Lily.

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Founded in 1919, Zonta International envisions a world in which women’s rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential. In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision making positions on an equal basis with men. In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence. Its Objects are:

To improve the legal, political, economic, educational, health, and professional status of women through service and advocacy.

To work for the advancement of understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of members.

To promote justice and universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

To be united internationally to foster high ethical standards, to implement service programs, and to provide mutual support and fellowship for members who serve their communities, their nations, and the world.



President Wendy Bruce Vice President Maxine Panegyres Secretary Gerry Sanderson Treasurer Lorraine Elliott

Directors Susanne Pfitzner, Akhter Rahman, Stephanie Steensma, Colleen Tomlian

COMMITTEES 2018-2019 Membership Val Baldwin, Aileen Connon, Bev Gum, Raema Mahony, Maxine Panegyres Advocacy/UN Hoda Brovayeh, Kathy Ellis, Tracy Johnstone, Jill Olifent, Kaye Roberts-Thomson/ Stephanie Steensma, Jennifer Stehn, Colleen Tomlian, Erica Majba Miriam Zhu. Service Ashleigh Bandiera, Lynne Beaumaris, Ivanka Jovanovich, Jennifer Stehn/Mary Burford Anne Milne, Susanne Pfitzner, Jenni Thomson, Angela Vandellis, Janice Watson. Awards Lynne Beaumaris, Beverley Newberry. Maxine Panegyres, Raema Mahony Margaret Peters, Helena Woloszyn. PR/Program/Website Bev Gum, Daina Long, Akhter Rahman, Susanne Pfitzner. Beverley Newberry Finance Helen Joraslafsky, Deb Lodge, Erica Majba, Carol Summers Lorraine Elliott (ex officio). . 50th Birthday Lynne Beaumaris, Mary Burford, Millicent Hughes, Bev Gum Beverley Newberry, Maxine Panegyres, Gerry Sanderson, Carol Summers, Jenni Thomson.

Nominating Mary Burford, Erica Majba, Jennifer Stehn. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN SA Millicent Hughes, Lynne Beaumaris


ACSO Bev Gum

ARCHIVIST Beverley Newberry


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Zonta International is a leading global organisation of professionals

empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy.

W e ’ re on t h e W e b ! Z o n t a C l u b o f A d e l a i d e I n c Club, International and District B o x 31 32 PO , No rw o o d 50 6 7 www.zontaclubofadelaide.org.au [email protected] www.zonta.org (Member ID)

www.zontadistrict23.org.au Zonta Club of Adelaide

Page 9: ZEPHYR - Zonta Club of Adelaide Inc · 2019-03-27 · ZONTA CLUB OF ADELAIDE INC 1 August 2018 at THE LION HOTEL, 161 MELBOURNE STREET NORTH ADELAIDE 5006 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm Cost