/ INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOi< 21ST AUSTRALIA I A FAMILY OF SCHEHES FOR COMFU1.ATTONAL HYDRAULICS I I I (Subject 2.a) By: J.D. Fenton Senior Lecturer, School of Mathcomatics, University of New South Wales,, Kensington, N.S.W., Australia 2033 SUMMARY A '"''tbod l$ developed for generati.ng numerical LJchewea for the solution of hydraulic equatious, and is applied to ttie one-dimensional equations for u11steady open-channel flow. Exaniples lr1eludcd are for th" and velocity formulation, and the stage aud dlsdiarge formulatJou wlth off-·su·eam st.otag<>. l'he sdiemes seem to offer a number of advantages over eid,nJng methods, and are simply implemcmted. They are explicit, unconditionally stable, of specified acc.:oracy (t!xact for liuear equations, and first-order in tbe basic nonlinear form, but h:lgher order schemes can be developed). A novel .teature is that the Ume-· stepping schemes are 1nderendent of tbe method of interpolat:Jou along the c.:hannel, ior wliich any method can be used, leading to the•ability to treat irregular channels and the propagation of bores. 1 • INTRODUCTION Tbe pr:obl.e<t1 of the uumeri.cal solution of the one- dlmensi.onal equations for unsteady open channel flow has g-'nc;ratt:.d a uiddsive literature during the idst 20 years, reflecting the importance of the problem aild, perhaptl, the lack of any single out- standing method. Spac<, pt,nnJts only " cursory d.is- cussion here; revl.ews aud critJques of the Ulethods used hav.o gi v<nl by LJgget t & Cunge ( 197 5), Zoppou (1979), and by Zoppou & O"Nelll (1981). For many yedrs the hlet:hod of charae teristlcs has been u8ed to t:lca1s to the. 1 to obtain solutions in some caties 1 to infec the boundary condi-· tions which must be supplied, and 1n more reeen.t years to solve the eqLtutlon,; numerically. While 1 t has per fonn,;d admirably in the first three areas, it bas been less ciUCcessful as a numerical tool; the 111et!iod ib fundamental and appea.l.ing to mathematicia.H:a hov1ever there remain difficul- des which have i;reveni:ed its w.lde use for u.nol:t:r:tJy flow .i.1i; (Liggett & In an effort to oven:mue some of trte dlsadvantages of characteristlc&i sev8ral gricJ-orientated charac- teristic lllethoJs have' equations are solved at each stage to provlde infurmation at regularly-·spac.ed valnes of space and time. Turning to finite &c.hemes where there !.s no attempt to build in the "travelling wave" of the solutlont» a.n.d where the dif- ferential equationH are by finite differ2nc.e Ol1.'::i, tb2re are two main subcl:L- vi&ious 2xpJ1.ci t alld i.niplic it. ""Explicit schemes arc and inferior to lJther U"Vai1able ru1mer::i.cal uwdelt>" was tl:ie con.clu·- eioo of Zoppoo & O"Nelll. If Jmplicit Hchemes are used, tbt!n UllCOndJti.onal s:L:.tbi.lity can be obtained and large L:i1he steps used. Howevt.r) the.rt: seem to Le a uI d1sadvdnLagen also attacht:d to Ju1pl:lcit methods. 'f!1<2y are very c:umpll<::ated, and t.dso have a of numerical pro-· Alter il rea1Hng of the e.xteu;;.ive llterat:ure 111 ttte one cannot fail to be tmprebsed by the plt:thora of u1ethods i the comple..x- J.ty <:•f th<0ll' fornmla", t1nd the:ir 11m:Lted ab.ili- ties. It ib lt1e ubj(cCt of this work to develop a ui.,t.hod for the solution of all torrnuh1- t:l11ns of the one-diruens.ion<d. equa Lions £01· unsteady 0(1en-clta1'aH::.l The ±and ly- of sehcmes wld_c.h r2sul t r·elated Lo grid-ori.ttnt.at.ed i.::lwraeLt:!rtHtJc lllt!thuds 1 however they have a uw11be.r of special features which leaves them with practi- cally none of the d.isadvantages whi.ch conventional methoJo poBSt!86. The expressionB g_l ven) af' te.r some lengthy dcr·ivatiori, cn·e slinple, explic:lt, uncondJ t.i.una1J.y a table, of gJven accuracy (exact for liucar equations, of first order only, but a second order faUiily uf schemes will given i.n u .Later work), valid for sub-· and super-· cricica:I. thdy descri.he tl1e p!·opagation and 1 u tec.::H.\ ti.0n of boret:t, and treat .cLautH:d.B simply. This latter feature derives from aa uuuuual ftature of tk1e tttat the BteppiH!; fon.lllll.02 given are ind«pendent of the 1uethod o.t BlJatia1 inte1"pnlation along tl1e In rtbt<.1-tning the resu1 t B pi-:-escutt:.d here 1 eKpuuen-· cJo..l ti pLI Heb we rt: fouud to be au .rtc.cura te and telli1ble of 2. DEVELOl'Ml\NT OF METHOD FOK u-h J:\l!lMULATTON t;o1nd der the equcl t ions governlng of lollg d.hiturbances, where the h(x,L) and the hiean flui.d velocity the propagatJ.011 depth water u(x,t·) over the. c.harinel ut'G the dependent variables and x anJ are rt...o:spel:tively the d.isLan.ce along the channel and t.1.1Jte. .. The a1ass e:ontiervo.ti.on is Ailu+.'l ll ox i\ and the. lli0Ji1l-!ntum equation iB (2,1) o (l __ ll_ + gS ·- gSf' + 'l(u, - u), (2.2) i) x 0 A J whet"c0 A(x,t.(x,t)) Hi the area of crOLJt;·-becU.on of t11c• l'.hanwd., A, ilA/oxlh J.s the rate of change of A wJth x due to Ln the chanHel sectloi.l u1l.ly, ll(x,h(x,c)) [,; the width of 1.lie tree sur- g ib. grav:lLatlolla.I. ac.:elerat:J.ou, ·s(J(x) :1 .. n u1e: ti.Lope nt cl1aunt.d. bottom) de.creasing elevu- Uon LvlUt x being raken as positive slop.,, s,(x,t.) 1.,; t:I"' f r.icLion blu;«e, always pos:iLl.ve, for twldch Elllplr.Leal foLmulat at·c usually g.i.ven> 4(x,L) .fa thl'. volufae .intluw pet" unlt lt::ngrh of channel, and uJ(x)c) :lb the x-cornponcnt of the veloc:ity w:i.th whJd1 that :inflow enters the clwm1e.l.


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    (Subject 2.a)

    By: J.D. Fenton

    Senior Lecturer, School of Mathcomatics, University of New South Wales,,

    Kensington, N.S.W., Australia 2033


    SUMMARY A '"''tbod l$ developed for generati.ng numerical LJchewea for the solution of hydraulic equatious, and is applied to ttie one-dimensional equations for u11steady open-channel flow. Exaniples lr1eludcd are for th" wate1~·-depth and velocity formulation, and the stage aud dlsdiarge formulatJou wlth off-·su·eam st.otag. l'he sdiemes seem to offer a number of advantages over eid,nJng methods, and are simply implemcmted. They are explicit, unconditionally stable, of specified acc.:oracy (t!xact for liuear equations, and first-order in tbe basic nonlinear form, but h:lgher order schemes can be developed). A novel .teature is that the Ume-· stepping schemes are 1nderendent of tbe method of interpolat:Jou along the c.:hannel, ior wliich any method can be used, leading to the•ability to treat irregular channels and the propagation of bores.


    Tbe pr:obl.e" was tl:ie con.clu·-eioo of Zoppoo & O"Nelll. If Jmplicit Hchemes are used, tbt!n UllCOndJti.onal s:L:.tbi.lity can be obtained and large L:i1he steps used. Howevt.r) the.rt: seem to Le a nulli.i:i~r uI d1sadvdnLagen also attacht:d to Ju1pl:lcit methods. 'f!1

  • Th12. equations can be written in matrix form

    b,. -Fil~+" bt- ~ OX -.. atrb., awl 'I! the vector containing the effects of geom.::tr:tc cl1auges> in.flow, bottom slope and friction:


  • Lhal they would arrive at the point x at tlme t+LI. Although no lliencion hab been lliade of characterls-tlcu ln the: present der·ivation, it seems that it implicitly acknowledges the characteristic-based ft,rm of the solution. After substitution for C into (2.11), and multip1yJ.ng the lllat:rices, the reaultlns individual component equations become

    h(x,nLI) -21-(h++ti ) + c(:::_,__iJ_(u -u )+llq. (x t)+-O(t:. 2 )

    2g + - 1 , ' und (2.12)

    u(x, t+f,) = ;;-{21 u++u_) + __ ____g ____ .,--(h -h )+Liq (x t)+o(LI 2 )

    2c(x,t) + - 2 ' '

    in which h1_ h(l', , t), and ut x x - Ll(u(x,t) :f c(x,t)).


    Eq nations (2 .12) are the iuudameutal scheme of i:bis work. func:riou valu8s at (x, t+I\) are obtained from valut.:.s al (xt· ,t), values wh.ich must bto~ interpolated frolil knowi\ poJnt va.lue8 at t.ime level t ~ As such) r:he equa t Jons pro vi.de an unustial method of ooJution. There is uo atterupt to approximate derivatives, they form an interpolation-only scheme for advancing the solu-tiott in tiu1e, while tl1eir approximation oI the governing equatJons is i1rrplicit rather than "xpli.-cit. The actual process of interpolation cau b-= carc.ied out by any means, and Jn thi~ formulation tbe:re 1. s total freedom so to do~ There has be.en no low-order approximation using finite differences. The approximation is entirely in the time-stepping.

    The method i,; most c1osc:ly related to grid·-ortentated characteristic schemes. If straight line approximations to characteristics were to be used, they would yield bChemes such ae this. The important rhfference .is, lwwever, that the present appn1acl1 can be used for systemti where no con-ve11ient character:l.sctc formulatlon ex:lsts. Such a e.aae will be eicplored 1r1 Section 4.


    Th.:, basic scheme (2.12) makes no provision for the Hpedfication of boundary conditions. In the vte.inity \)f a boundary 1 111 general either l\'+ or x_ (or possibly both at an npstream ;;upercritical boundary) 1,1111 ftJco corre~pondlng to x. are labelled P re:Bpe.e:tively.

    t" + The point ( x , t) occurs wJthin the-- reaclt, however (x,_,t) Je outside, and ['+ Intersects lC - Xu :it I: ~- /\ • A gener·aJ formula can be given, that :Lf a

    + quasl-characteri;;tic crosses a boundary x1 (= x 0 , or :x for the right hand boundary), cben '

    n x ·-~ x

    t1 ± = 6 -(li-±--cY(~:-0- c 3 • 2 i lt: Js possLble to show that (3.1) can be rewr:1-tten for (ic 1,, t+fl:!) Jnstead of (x1 , t) to give

    gh(x,t-h\) :t c(x,t) u(x,t+fl)

    gh(xb' t+t",) ± c(x,t) u(xb, t+LI+) -- - 2

    + (II - A:!)(gq1 t cq2 )(x,t) + O(A ) (3.3)

    This "xpressl.olt :l.s vali.d for both left and rlght: boundnd.es and !'or x aud/or x lying outside t:hOf;

  • The son:ewhat flrnay nature of this boundary L:r:eatment: is renli.n . .iscent o.i character.istfc and t.0xplic:lt flni.ce difference Hchemes, but in the p.fesent tor:u:rnlat.ion it can be p.rogranuued rather concisely. In fact, all computational poh1ts, ivl!et.her on or near the boundary l Dr 1.nt.e·riur points (when both equations of (3.l) an" used), cuit be treated by tbt-. methods of tlds section, replacing the sc:heIJJb (2.12).

    11, ME:'i'l!OD FOK Q-z HlRMULA'l'lON \IITH OFF-·STl there wab no off-stream

    utocHg. 7)

    .1:.1 (1 + ll-) Q + (1 - ~)-) c J 2 · . c2 ( x, t t + c ( x, t:) C + (B (c - U )/2c) [z - z J

    s . (x, t) + -+ llq2 + 0(11 2 )


    where subscripts (x,t) show that the whole term is evaluated at that point.

    ( t is clear this scheme i.s, except for dlf-te cent eoeJ:fielent,; of the quantities to be 1ntei:-po1 ated, very tnuch the same as that given in equa-lions (2.U) for the u~·h formulation. The met:hod fl!:esent

  • Figure 2: Propagation and reflection of a single wave., using line~r interpolation.

    (19tl2) for a physical explanar.fon) •• It i.s, how-ever, thJs leve1 of approximatton which is u&ed ,;idely tht·onghout coiuputational. hydraulics; this might be the c.aui::.e for some concern.~

    Figure 3: Propagation and reflection of a single wave, m; J ng expont'11 ti al Hpli.ne in tts.

    !L~~Y.E .. · f_:-!:~.~~~-~12 ~ Vol ~ 61 , pp • 61-~6 7 ~

    Zoµpou, C. (1979) NL111ierical laodels

    -~;_~~-~~-~~~X _:!:__~~~- -~~~-~}_9.:~.--~fO~~ -~~Ji~~·-··'-"'"''='''~ -(M.E