Yue Yue Brain Dead After Being Run Over Twice and Ignored by 18 People | Mail Online

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  • 8/3/2019 Yue Yue Brain Dead After Being Run Over Twice and Ignored by 18 People | Mail Online


    11-10-20 6:ue Yue brain dead after being run over twice and ignored by 18 people | Mail Online

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    Agony of Yue Yue's mother: Parents of babyignored by 18 people after being run over aretold she is brain dead

    Parents to face agonising decision whether to switch off life support machineChinese government agency confirms child is in deep coma and 'clinically braindead'Toddler's condition improved earlier this week but has now deteriorated

    Concern Communist Party officials have called for tighter controls over reportinthe incident for fear of a public backlash.

    By Peter Simpson

    Last updated at 7:59 AM on 20th October 2011

    With tears in her eyes and a quivering voice, the mother of a critically injured Chinese toddler left to die in thestreet after she was run over twice has pleaded with her little girl to get better.

    Qu Feifei, the mother of two-year-old Yue Yue - which translates as Little Joy in Chinese - was clearly inemotional agony speaking about her child who has been declared brain dead.

    She said she told her girl: 'Don't give up on mum, mum is not giving up, let mum have one more chance to loveand spoil you.'

    She may now face the painful decision of whether to turn off the life support machine keeping her daughter alive

    The Chinese Government's state news agency Xinhua quoted doctors as saying Yue Yue 'is in a deep coma anclinically brain dead'.

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    Devastated: Yue Yue's mother Qu Feifei has been told her two-year-old daughter is brain


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    Agony: Qu Feifei may now face the decision of having to turn off her daughter's lifesupport machine

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    Fighting for life: Yue Yue, two, is in a critical condition in intensive care after being runover twice

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    Cared for: The little girl has regained the ability to take weak breaths with the help of arespirator and has some feeling in her arms

    It appears her condition has deteriorated, despite showing signs of some recovery earlier this week.'We cannot give any information,' said a hospital spokesman this morning.

    Her parents, who are poor migrant workers, have been keeping millions informed about their daughter's conditiovia a specially created website.

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    Despair: Yue Yue's mother reacts after finding out the toddler was run over while shewas in a nearby market

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    Distraught: The girl's parents wait anxiously for news in the hospital, where she is in acoma

    Yesterday they posted that Yue Yue was showing signs of recovery and said medication had been reduced.

    Reports claimed her heart beat had stabilised and she had regained the ability to take weak breaths and somefeeling in her arms.

    But as of Wednesday evening Beijing time, no update had been posted.

    There were initial reports this morning that Yue Yue had died, but these appear to be unfounded.

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    Unaware: Video footage shows the little girl crossing the road at Guangfo HardwareMarket, without spotting the van approaching

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    Injuries: The girl is hit by the van, which fails to stop leaving her lying in the road

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    Horrific: Yue Yuem lies critically injured on the floor after she was run over by a van inFoshan city, Guangdong, China

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    Callous: Dozens of people then drive or walk past the critically injured child withoutstopping to help her

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    Child victim: Yueyue is held by her mother. Her older brother is also pictured

    The shocking incident was caught on CCTV and has stunned millions in China, with many saying their society which has enjoyed 30 years of rapid development is rotten and immoral.

    It also sparked global outrage after more than a dozen people can be seen in the footage walking or driving pasthe stricken girl as she lay in the street in Foshan city, Guandong province.

    Yue Yue was only moved from the road when Chen Xianmei, a street scavenger, stumbles across her.

    Chen told reporters: 'I didn't think of anything at the time, I just wanted to save the girl.'

    The case is quickly becoming a political issue and it is feared Communist Party officials have called for tightercontrols over the reporting about the incident for fear of a public backlash.

    President Hu Jintao is in his final year of office and his main policy and slogan has been to build a 'harmonioussociety'.

    But millions are using Yue Yue's tragedy to highlight all that is wrong with modern China and claim their societyanything but harmonious.

    Public anger is festering over rampant corruption in politics and business, lack of the rule of law, pollution that isseeing cancer rates soar and the widening rich-poor gap, with many of the 'spoilt' siblings of the political elite called princelings being singled out for extra criticism.

    Both drivers who ran over Yue Yue have been arrested, but claimed not to have seen the little girl in the 'dark'street.

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    Chinese media reports that one of the men had allegedly just broken up with his girlfriend and was on his mobilphone when he hit the girl.

    Heroine: Chen Xianmei became an instant symbol of understated decency after shesaved baby Yue Yue's life

    The Shanghaiist claims one driver called Yue Yue's father to offer him money just before he was arrested.

    It claims he said: 'You saw that girl on the CCTV footage, she didn't see where she was going, you know. I was

    on the phone when it happened, I didn't mean it. When I realised I had knocked her down, I thought I'd go downto see how she was.

    'Then when I saw that she was already bleeding, I decided to just step on the gas pedal and escape seeing thatnobody was around me.'

    Authorities in Foshan presented Chen, who went to Yue Yue's aid, with $1,570 as a reward. Another company ithe city has also offered to donate $7,500 to her family and rescuer.

    Many people in China are hesitant to help people who appear to be in distress over fears they will be blamed.

    High-profile law suits have ended with good Samaritans ordered to pay hefty fines to individuals they sought tohelp.

    The incident has also sparked a series of soul-searching articles in Chinese newspapers, including the GuangzDaily and People's Daily Online.

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    Apathy: This motorcyclist just swerved around the crumpled girl and carried on his way

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    Concern: Finally a woman goes to the little girl's aid and tries to drag her out of the roadas her mother arrives on the scene

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    So sad, just feel like crying. Words can't adequately describe what I think of the two drivers who ran over this little girl or the peoplthat passed by without helping her.

    - Vittorianna, Herts, UK, 20/10/2011 10:34

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    Why are all the comments about the child being left alome being red arrowed? why was the child walking the streets at night aloneand as for the thought everybody is wrong who left her, this is a product of chinese society, it was earlier this year everybodycondemed a man for chaining his son to a post while he worked, he did it so nobody would steal him, china has a terrible rate forchild kidnapping and for persicution of its citizens, it states people do not help each other any more incase they are blamed as thersystem allows good samaritans to be sued, dont be so condeming of these people because the seeds for this behaviour have

    already been planted in this country with the constant threat of men being accused of beinf pedophiles if seen assisting children,does everybody remember the case of the little girl on the dual carrageway a couple of years ago where the driver of a van failed tstop as he feared if he had picked her up he would have been accused of kidnap or worse

    - mark.s, hull, 20/10/2011 10:31

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    Where were the parents? they should have been with the child. It was horrific when the second car drove her over. Hope bothdrivers get their punishments served hard. The second driver should be really ashamed it appeared like he saw the girl and justdrove over her anyway, disgraceful!

    - Fi, England, 20/10/2011 10:30

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    I am amazed at how quick people on here are to condemn and suggest that somehow the Chinese are different in this regard tohelping people. There have been many similar events in Europe and the US. Perhaps not as obvious, but it happens that people insocial settings like cities are slower to help, are wary of traps, and also there is so much going on that people don't always see whait there. In the US, good Samaritan laws had to be passed because people who tried to administer CPR were then sued if they diddo it right (by which, do it the optimal way that medical people would have done). Imagine, someone has a heart attack, someonetries to help while waiting for medical aid, and because they cause injury (which is easy to do in CPR) they get sued! A lot of stonecasting going on here without reflection.

    - Rick, Colchester, UK, 20/10/2011 10:10

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    in britain if a toddler falls over and grazes their knee other people rush over to pick them up, what is wrong with this disgustingcountry? they ought to be hanging their heads in shame.y

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    - jayne, warwickshire, 20/10/2011 10:07

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    When I was at Hangzhou train station a man came round leading a disable,pregnant girl who looked about 13.I guess she was hisprize asset.The girl was led around the people sat waiting, with her begging bowl and some gave a few pence,some looked slightlyuncomfortable and some slightly amused! I am not easily disturbed but one cant imagine the life this girl had. China appears to be

    getting like Russia 10 years ago,with a newly well off middle class and vast poverty below that level.

    - williejohn99, york, 20/10/2011 10:02

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