YSU Brief Instructions

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  • 8/4/2019 YSU Brief Instructions



    UNIVERSITYBrief introduction to

    Armenias leading institution of higher education


  • 8/4/2019 YSU Brief Instructions



    Founded in 1919

    More than 110,000 graduates

    More than 18,000 students More than 700 foreign students

    600 PhD students, including more

    than 300 foreign students About 1350 staff members

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    YEREVAN STATEUNIVERSITY Founded in 1919 with one Faculty -

    History and Linguistics that had 262students and 32 lecturers

    Five Faculties in 1921: NaturalSciences, Oriental Studies, TechnicalStudies, Pedagogy and Soviet

    Construction Currently has 20 Faculties (Schools)

    and more than 100 Departments


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    YSU Faculties

    Mathematics andMechanics

    Informatics andApplied Mathematics





    Geology and

    Geography Economics



    Philosophy and




    Journalism Philology

    Romance and

    Germanic Philology

    Oriental Studies

    Law Theology

    Preparatory Facultyfor Foreign Citizens

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    YSU other units

    Ijevan Branch of Yerevan State Universitywith more than 1500 students


    I. Economics

    2. Natural Sciences

    3. Humanities

    4. Applied Arts

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    Research Centers and Researchprofile areas Archeology

    Armenian Center of Egyptian Studies

    Armenian Studies Institute

    Biophysical Methods of Subcell Structures

    Center for the Advancement of NaturalDiscoveries using Light Emission


    Center of European Law andIntegration

    Chemical Materials

    Chemistry and Technology of Rare andDispersed Elements

    Comparative and EvolutionaryBiochemistry


    Engineering Psychology

    Experimental Mycology

    Georgian Studies (Kartvelology)

    Hellenic Center

    High Energy Physics

    Historical Geography andCartography of Armenia

    IT Educational and Research

    Center Kinetics of Polymerization of



    Physico-Technical Problems of


    Physics of Coherent Interaction of X-

    Radiation with Materials

    Physics of Semiconductor Materials

    and Devices

    X-Ray Methods of Analysis and

    Investigation of Solids

  • 8/4/2019 YSU Brief Instructions


    Research Centers and Researchprofile areasResearch in more than 50 main areas is conducted, includingdifferential equatations and optimal control, spectral theory ofoperators, stochastic integral geometry, boundary theorems ofprobability theory and analysis of stationary stochasticprocesses, algebra and topology, deformable body mechanics,theoretical mechanics, theoretical physics, quantum physics,

    physics of semiconductors and semiconductor devices,elaboration of new methods for synthesis of main organicsubstances, investigation of new highly efficient methods anddevices for substance analysis, study of physical-chemical basesof biological systems, study of flora and fauna, problems ofecology, modern issues of Armenology and Armenian history

    and culture, theoretical philosophy, political institutions andprocesses development, economic and socio-economicproblems in transition period, and lot of others.

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    YSU other units

    Sargis and Mary Izmirlyans Library

    In 1927 the library possessed fifty two thousand books

    Current holdings - about 2,000,000 volumes

    Publishing House

    More than 170 volumes published last year In addition YSU publishes peer reviewed Yerevan University

    Scientific Notes and the University Herald.


    Museum of the History of Yerevan State University

    Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography

    Museum of Botany

    Museum of Mineralogy

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    Strategies and Vision of theFuture are connected with Strengthening YSU as Research

    university Quality assurance

    Internationalization and Integration Leadership and Professional

    excellenceBased on recently developed

    comprehensive StrategicDevelopment Plan for coming years,defining goals, priorities, and majordevelopment directions

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    YSU offers BA programs infollowing fields:Mathematics; Actuar Mathematics; Mechanics; Nuclear Physics(Physics of Nuclear Reactor); Applied Mathematics and Physics;Radiophysics and Electronics; Physics of Semi-conductors andMicroelectronics; Applied Mathematics and Informatics;Environmental Protection (Chemical Ecology); PharmacologicalChemistry; Chemistry; Applied Chemistry; Biology; Biochemistry;Biophysics; Geography; Hydrometeorology; Geology; Economics;Management; Political Studies; International Relations; PublicAdministration; History; Fine Arts; Cultural Studies; Philosophy;Psychology; Sociology; Social Work; Armenian Language andLiterature; Journalism; Philology (Russian Language and Literature);Philology and Intercultural Communication; Translation Work Russian Language and Armenian Language; English language and

    Literature; French Language and Literature; German Language andLiterature; Translation Work English Language and ArmenianLanguage; Translation Work German Language and ArmenianLanguage; Translation Work French Language and ArmenianLanguage; Arabic Studies; Iranian Studies; Turkish Studies; Law;Theology.

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    YSU offers MA programs infollowing fieldsArmenian School of Journalism; Differential Equation; Theory of Functions;Applied Mathematics and Geometry; Optimization Methods; ActuaryMathematics; Mechanics of Solid State; Regulations of Movements andStability; Conflict Studies; Sociology; Social Work; Inorganic Chemistry;Applied Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; AnalyticalChemistry; Chemistry of High Molecular Compounds; Ethnology andAnthropology; Archeology; Fine Arts; Armenian History (Ancient and

    Medieval); History of Neighbor Countries of Armenia; Modern History ofArmenia (Contemporary History); Cultural Studies; World History; ReligiousSciences; Theology; Physics of Semi-conductors and Microelectronics; High-frequency Radiophysics and Telecommunications; Theory of Wave Processesand Space Physics; Planning of Big Integral Schemes (together withSynopsys); Russian Literature; Russian Language; Translation Work; EconomicPolitics and Management; Theory of Economics; Informational Structure ofManagement; Modeling of Economy; Finance; Money Turnover and Credits;Philosophy; Ethics; Theory of Psychology and Individual Psychology;Psychology of Management and Organizational Psychology; MedicalPsychology; Age Psychology; Social Psychology; Geophysics; Geochemistry;Hydrogeology and Geological Engineering; Investigation of Mines of UsefulMinerals; Regional Geology; Social Geography; Geo-ecology; Geo-informaticsand Cartography; Environmental Protection and the Usage of Environment;

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    MA degrees (contd.)

    Romanic Languages (French); German Languages (English); German Languages (German);Translation Work (English); Roman Languages (Spanish); International Law; Criminal Law andJuridical Procedure; Constitutional Law; State and the Theory of Law; Civil Law and JuridicalProcedure; European Law; Genetics and Cytology; Ecology and Environmental Protection;Zoology; Biotechnology; Human and Animal Physiology; Biochemistry; MedicalBiochemistry; Bioinformatics; Botany; Biophysics; Nutrition Biology; Laser Physics;Theoretical Physics; Macromolecular Physics; Nuclear Physics and Energetics; Methods ofMathematical Physics; Linear and Non-Linear Approaches; Optics; Solid State Physics;Optoelectronics and Photonics; Quantum Functions and Computer Physics; Quantum

    phenomenon in Makro- and Meso- Systems; Astrophysics; Echo-physics; MathematicalModeling; Numerical Methods and Program System; Mathematical and ProgramMaintenance Computing Machinery, Complexes and Web; Discrete Mathematics andTheoretical Informatics; Mathematical Maintenance of Automatic Planning High IntegralSchemes (together with Synopsys); History of Arab-Muslim Civilization and Islamic Studies;Arab and Semitic Linguistics; Modern Problems of Arab East; History of Iran; IranianPhilology; Iranian Ethno-Linguistic Groups; Turkish Philology; History of Turkey; WorldLiterature and Theory of Literature; Modern Armenian Literature and Literary Criticism;Modern Armenian Language and Translation Work; History of Armenian Language and

    Linguistics; History of Armenian Literature; High Education Management; Civil EducationManagement; International Relations; Public Administration; Political Science; Managementof Information Systems; Science of Materials.

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    Special Councils for Dissertation

    Defense :

    YSU is awarding Candidates of Scienceand Doctors of Science degrees at

    11 Councils, including Physics andMathematical, Chemical, Biological,Philological, Geographic, Law Sciences and


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    Quality Assurance

    Annual and semester reports fromuniversity structural units (including ICOreporting)

    Students participate in the QA process

    Student surveys and their analysis basedon the assessment of last 4 yearsurveys. Survey redesign based on pilotproject and further survey evaluation

    Introduction of multilevel system ofknowledge assessment that includesexams (including midterm) and variousother forms of assessment

    (presentations, essays, participation)

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    Quality Assurance

    Peer review of teaching and researchat Faculty level - via establishedcommissions and activities of method

    councils (Faculty and university levels) Studying and adopting international

    experience, including ENQA package

    study, participation in Europeanevents on QA and study oftransforming educational systems QAmechanism development

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    Quality Assurance

    Constant modernization of the curricula,

    Increase ofawareness

    Staff retraining system and restoration

    of professional retraining unit

    Creation of new specialties andspecializations

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    International Cooperation andInternationalization Policy Currently YSU has more than 170

    cooperation agreements with foreign partners universities, institutes and research centersin about 50 countries.

    Last year outgoing mobility: about 450,including about 150 student mobilities

    More than 7500 foreign students from 82countries studied at YSU

    Yerevan State University is a member of:International Association of Universities,European Universities Association,Eurasian Universities Association,

    Black Sea Universities Network.

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    International Cooperation andInternationalization PolicyAmong our partners are: Arizona State University,University of California at Berkeley, University ofMichigan - Ann Arbor, George Mason University,University of Connecticut (USA); University ofRostock, University of Trier, Halle University

    (Germany); University of Bologna, University ofFlorence, University of Venice, Ca Foscari, (Italy);University of Warsaw (Poland); Aristotle Universityof Thessaloniki (Greece); Moscow State University,Saint-Petersburg State University (RF); DonetskNational University (Ukraine); Montpellier I, PaulValery (Montpellier III), Aix-Marseilles I, NationalInstitute of Eastern Languages and Civilization Paris(France)and others.

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    Funding (rather underfunding)


    Keeping recent PhDs at YSU

    Keeping leadership positions

    Increased competition at domesticmarket

    Diversification andestablishing new

    (interdisciplinary) programs

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    Yerevan was founded in 782 B.C.,

    (Biblical venue, suggested by Noah )it is the 13th capital of Armenia

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    Yerevan at night

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    Yerevan at night where to go ifyou like jazzzzzzzzzz

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    Or just to listen nice music

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    And even more outside Yerevan


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    Dr. Alexander MarkarovDeputy Vice rector

    and Head International CooperationOffice

    Email: [email protected]

    Thank you!