THE GL BAL TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 www.theglobaltimes.in Should Bhagwad Gita be made our national book? (a) Yes (b) No (c) Can’t say To vote, log on to www.theglobaltimes.in 18% Coffee Shops 19% Monte Carlo Snow White and the like With global warming de- laying the onset of winters, who will be the worst hit? POLL RESULT for GT issue December 8, 2014 70% 56% 42% 28% 14% 0% Superheroes are not in fairy tales. They are in every child who says I CAN instead of ‘Can I?’ To unearth these hidden superheroes, Youth Power Junior was launched. The programme saw small steps towards a big change. This special edition is an ode to those superheroes who with their babysteps ushered in an era of change, a lifetime of sensitivity. These twelve pages resonate the sentiments of ‘Heal the world’ echoed by YP Junior teams across eight Amity branches. Who says superheroes are futuristic? They are here and now, already shaping our future. Flip through this special edition to see how. Results as on December 13, 2014 63% Peanut vendors Coming Next Who he is: A Lead India finalist, he is currently Asst. development manager, Education portfolio, Sir Ratan Tata Trusts, Mumbai What he had to say: “I think it’s a great idea to enable students to straddle disparate realities of life. I guess the template on which they have designed their efforts starting with feeling and then finally ending with reflection made a lot of sense too. Best wishes to the children and the inspiring teachers behind their efforts.” Who he is: A cartoonist, illustrator, painter & educator, he has worked with The Times of India for 18 years. He has the unique distinction of having drawn more than 4000 portraits. What he had to say: “I had absolute fun and tremendously enjoyed myself judging the comics. Nicely drawn frame by frame, they depict real problems of our society. It clearly showcases good thinking in young minds. Udayshankar Ganguly, Jury It all began with a SMALL voice Once upon a time, a young child filled the form for Youth Power. “But you are too young. Youth Power is for senior students,” he was told. “But I want to do good things too,” he replied with a heart-warm- ing sincerity. Can there be an age to do ‘good things’? The grown-ups had enough food for thought. Soon, a SMALL step was taken A huge tree rests within than tiny sapling. And huge ini- tiatives stem only from small sparks. The small seed was sown. And soon, Youth Power Junior was born under the guidance of Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan, Chairperson, Amity Group of Schools. The Global Times team nurtured this tiny sapling till it sprawled into a huge tree to provide fruits of ‘humanity’ under the shade of ‘young leaders’. A SMALL bud blossomed Over 100 teams sprung up as tiny, dew fresh leaves on the eight branches of Amity. They sat through the shears of interview, vying to bear the fruit of ‘humanity’. After all the pruning, a bud blossomed on each branch of Amity, the bud we fondly called the ‘YP Junior team’. Hand- picked, after showing dedication for the cause, sincerity and compassion, these buds bloomed into strong finalist teams. Each team with five members acted just like a five petal flower, ready to take up a ‘social cause’ and spread the fragrance of love, compassion and goodness. SMALL is beautiful When small steps tread in the direction of ‘change’, you know you are in for something big. The finalist teams, with one week at hand, began their journey of conducting one ‘social im- pact’ activity. They had to make a change, no matter how small, within the set time- frame of one week. While some headed for- ward by saving water wasted in the school, others set up toy li- braries for the or- phans. Devouring the SMALL doses To showcase the humane garden they had created through their social grafting, the teams were re- quired to make a PowerPoint Presentation, video and comic showcasing the work they had done. PS Sample the beauty of their beautiful albeit small acts through the comics in the following pages (P 3-10). These were then sent to an eminent jury panel for judging, who lauded the ‘greatness’ that came in these small packets. See what they had to say (below). A SMALL star shines The seed no matter how small, eventually metamorphoses into a big tree, too conspicuous for others to ignore. The same happened with the efforts of our YP Junior teams, who were lauded in the form of awards and accolades. A look at the result sheet. Winner: **************************** AIS Noida First Runner up: **************** AIS Pushp Vihar Second Runner Up: ************** AIS Gurgaon 43 Best PPT for social change: ******** AIS Pushp Vihar Best video for social change: ****** AIS Mayur Vihar Best comic for social change: ****** AIS Gurgaon 46 Best Leadership Award: **************AIS Noida Most Sustainable Model: **************AIS Saket Best Student Engagement: ********AIS Gurgaon 43 Most Innovative Initiative: ******AIS Vasundhara 1 Social Impact Award: ************AIS Vasundhara 6 YOUTH POWER About S M A L L d r o p s o f j o y Save water by AIS PV Recycling of waste by AIS Saket Civic sense in canteen by AIS Noida Shelter for stray dogs by AIS MV A fitter you by AIS Gurgaon 43 Sharing of toys with less privileged by AIS Vas 1 Celebrating birthdays of orphan children by AIS Vas 6 Care for sr. citizens by AIS Gur 46 Ujjwal Banerjee, Jury Alt ruism G enu ine Fair Fa i th F rie nd ly J u st S e cular Humi l i ty F r i e n d l y P e rsever a nc e C o n s id e r ate Committed Help f ul Wisd o m F a i r Fa i r M o d e st F a ir Poli t e K ind T r u t h Chari ty F a ith Loya l t y G e n e r o u s P atie n t Po lite P at i e n t S e c u lar Loya l ty Just J u st P ol i te Modes t G o o d n a t ur e d Shar i n g D iscre t e Dilig en ce Eleg a nt Fair T hankful L ibe r al G e nerous F org iv i ng Jovial F ai r Cour ag e J us t S e c ular Secu l ar A lt r uis m S i nceri ty Sens i t i ve A small step is all it takes to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has. Youth Power Junior unleashed the power of ‘small’ as little ones took on the ‘big’ role of changemakers. With the small changes that it ushered, the social leadership programme left behind a lingering desire to take the first step and create the world we want to see. A look at how the small seed grew into a mighty tree can will S Sm ma al ll l t th hi in ng gs s. . B Bi ig g d di if ff fe er re en nc ce e BIG DIFFERENCE One small step. A big leap for humanity. What started as a small step, resulted in a big change. And soon this big change, will result in a bigger impact, substantial enough for all of us to see. As they say, it all starts with that one SMALL step. This year, the Nobel Peace Prize was bestowed upon two people - one an adult and the other, a young girl. Enough evidence for us adults to understand the power of ‘small’. It was this belief in our youngest ones that led to the launch of Youth Power Junior. The success of Youth Power had already brought to fore the potential of young children in ushering change. With YP Junior, we went one step further, picking our youngest ones and the results are there for all of us to see. Remember, change is not about doing big things, it is all about doing small little things, every day, every week, every month; making something a little bit better. Faith F a ith W ell Ma n nere d Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan Chairperson M or a l i t y C a r i ng C a r i n g Caring Mod es t C o n t e n t me n t P a t r i ot i c V i r t u o u s I nte g r i ty Illustration: Ravinder Gusain, GT Network Imaging: Deepak Sharma, GT Network YP Junior Special Edition Fair AIS Saket Contest Issue

YP Junior Special THE GL BAL TIMES · 2014-12-15 · THE GL BAL TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 ShouldBhagwadGitabe madeournationalbook? (a)Y es (b)No (c)Can’tsay To vote, log on

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Page 1: YP Junior Special THE GL BAL TIMES · 2014-12-15 · THE GL BAL TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 ShouldBhagwadGitabe madeournationalbook? (a)Y es (b)No (c)Can’tsay To vote, log on

THE GL BAL TIMESMONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 www.theglobaltimes.in

Should Bhagwad Gita bemade our national book?(a) Yes(b) No(c) Can’t say

To vote, log on towww.theglobaltimes.in








With global warming de-laying the onset of winters,who will be the worst hit?

POLL RESULTfor GT issue December 8, 2014


Superheroes are not infairy tales. They are inevery child who says ICAN instead of ‘CanI?’ To unearth thesehidden superheroes,Youth Power Juniorwas launched. Theprogramme saw smallsteps towards a bigchange. This specialedition is an ode tothose superheroes whowith their babystepsushered in an era ofchange, a lifetime ofsensitivity. Thesetwelve pages resonatethe sentiments of‘Heal the world’echoed by YP Juniorteams across eightAmity branches.Who says superheroesare futuristic? Theyare here and now,already shaping ourfuture. Flip throughthis special edition tosee how.

Results as on December 13, 2014





Coming Next

Who he is: A Lead India finalist,he is currently Asst. developmentmanager, Education portfolio, SirRatan Tata Trusts, MumbaiWhat he had to say: “I thinkit’s a great idea to enablestudents to straddle disparaterealities of life. I guess thetemplate on which they havedesigned their efforts startingwith feeling and then finallyending with reflection made alot of sense too. Best wishes tothe children and the inspiringteachers behind their efforts.”

Who he is: A cartoonist,illustrator, painter & educator,he has worked with The Timesof India for 18 years. He hasthe unique distinction of havingdrawn more than 4000portraits. What he had to say:“I had absolute fun andtremendously enjoyed myselfjudging the comics. Nicelydrawn frame by frame, theydepict real problems of oursociety. It clearly showcasesgood thinking in young minds.

UdayshankarGanguly, Jury

It all began with a SMALL voiceOnce upon a time, a young child filled the form forYouthPower. “But you are too young. Youth Power is forsenior students,” he was told. “But I want to dogood things too,” he replied with a heart-warm-ing sincerity. Can there be an age to do ‘goodthings’? The grown-ups had enough food forthought.

Soon, a SMALL step was takenA huge tree rests within than tiny sapling. And huge ini-tiatives stem only from small sparks. The small seed wassown. And soon, Youth Power Junior was born under theguidance of Dr (Mrs)Amita Chauhan, Chairperson,AmityGroup of Schools. The Global Times team nurtured thistiny sapling till it sprawled into a huge tree to providefruits of ‘humanity’ under the shade of ‘young leaders’.

A SMALL bud blossomedOver 100 teams sprung up as tiny, dew fresh leaves on theeight branches of Amity. They sat through the shears ofinterview, vying to bear the fruit of ‘humanity’. After allthe pruning, a bud blossomed on each branch of Amity,the bud we fondly called the ‘YP Junior team’. Hand-picked, after showing dedication for the cause, sincerityand compassion, these buds bloomed into strong finalistteams. Each team with five members acted just like a fivepetal flower, ready to take up a ‘social cause’ and spreadthe fragrance of love, compassion and goodness.

SMALL is beautifulWhen small steps tread in the direction of ‘change’, youknow you are in for something big. The finalistteams, with one week at hand, began theirjourney of conducting one ‘social im-pact’ activity. They had to makea change, no matter howsmall, within the set time-frame of one week.While some headed for-ward by saving waterwasted in the school,others set up toy li-braries for the or-phans.

Devouring the SMALL dosesTo showcase the humane garden they had created

through their social grafting, the teams were re-quired to make a PowerPoint Presentation,video and comic showcasing the work theyhad done.PS Sample the beauty of their beautiful

albeit small acts through the comics in thefollowing pages (P 3-10).

These were then sent to an eminent jury panel forjudging, who lauded the ‘greatness’ that came in these

small packets. See what they had to say (below).

A SMALL star shinesThe seed no matter how small, eventually metamorphosesinto a big tree, too conspicuous for others to ignore. Thesame happened with the efforts of our YP Junior teams,who were lauded in the form of awards and accolades. Alook at the result sheet.Winner: ****************************AIS NoidaFirst Runner up: ****************AIS Pushp ViharSecond Runner Up: **************AIS Gurgaon 43

Best PPT for social change: ********AIS Pushp ViharBest video for social change: ******AIS Mayur ViharBest comic for social change: ******AIS Gurgaon 46

Best Leadership Award: **************AIS NoidaMost Sustainable Model: **************AIS SaketBest Student Engagement: ********AIS Gurgaon 43Most Innovative Initiative: ******AIS Vasundhara 1Social Impact Award:************AIS Vasundhara 6


SMALL drops of joySave water by AIS PVRecycling of waste by AIS SaketCivic sense in canteen by AIS NoidaShelter for stray dogs by AIS MVA fitter you by AIS Gurgaon 43

Sharing of toys with lessprivileged by AIS Vas 1Celebrating birthdays of orphanchildren by AIS Vas 6Care for sr. citizens by AIS Gur 46

Ujjwal Banerjee,Jury




























GGoooodd nnaattuurreedd














A small step is all it takes to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has. YouthPower Junior unleashed the power of ‘small’ as little ones took on the ‘big’ role of changemakers. Withthe small changes that it ushered, the social leadership programme left behind a lingering desire to take thefirst step and create the world we want to see. A look at how the small seed grew into a mighty tree


SSmmaallll tthhiinnggss.. BBiigg ddiiffffeerreennccee

BIG DIFFERENCEOne small step. A big leap forhumanity. What started as a smallstep, resulted in a big change. Andsoon this big change, will result in a

bigger impact, substantial enough for allof us to see. As they say, it all

starts with that one SMALL step.

This year, the Nobel Peace Prizewas bestowed upon two people -one an adult and the other, ayoung girl. Enough evidence forus adults to understand the powerof ‘small’. It was this belief inour youngest ones that led to thelaunch of Youth Power Junior.The success of Youth Power had already brought tofore the potential of young children in usheringchange. With YP Junior, we went one step further,picking our youngest ones and the results are therefor all of us to see. Remember, change is not aboutdoing big things, it is all about doing small littlethings, every day, every week, every month; making

something a little bit better.



WWeellll MM


Dr (Mrs) Amita ChauhanChairperson










Illustration: Ravinder Gusain, GT NetworkImaging: Deepak Sharma, GT Network

YP JuniorSpecialEdition


AAIISS SSaakkeett CCoonntteesstt IIssssuuee

Page 2: YP Junior Special THE GL BAL TIMES · 2014-12-15 · THE GL BAL TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 ShouldBhagwadGitabe madeournationalbook? (a)Y es (b)No (c)Can’tsay To vote, log on

RReeaacchhiinngg tthhee ffiinniisshhiinngg lliinnee Inspiring presentations by YP Junior teams,sensitising videos, motivational speeches byprincipals… the YP Junior special assembliessaw it all. These special assemblies wereorganised to culminate Youth Power Junior.

WWhhaatt’’ss YYPP JJuunniioorr?? There is a superhero in every child. With anaim to unearth that superhero, YouthPower Jr was launched. The programmeopen to students of Class V -VII saw thelittle ones engage in a social impact activity.

WWee aarree tthhee wwoorrllddThe assembly saw the teamspresent their work through anengaging PPT. The presentationtraced the action plan and journeyof the students.

SSoommee ccoommiicc ffuunnAs a part of the programme, theteams were required to create acomic elucidating the work theyhad done. The teams presentedthese comics as a PPT.

MMoovviiee ttiimmee The teams also showcased a videodepicting their work. These videoswere created by the teams as a partof the programme. With soulfultunes as ‘Heal the world’ playing inthe background, the videos struck achord with many.

AAwwaarrddss aahhooyy!!Amidst thunderous applause andcheers, the teams were handed outtheir trophies and certificates. Awardswere given out for several categories as‘Social Impact’, ‘Best Leadership’ etc.The wand-shaped trophy was truly aneye candy.

II pprroommiisseeEnthusiasm soared high as everyone present in theassembly took a special pledge. The pledge read, “Ipromise to be a responsible young citizen, full ofhumility and care. I promise to be sensitive towardssociety and always do my share. I promise to workhand-in-hand with everyone, for together we canachieve more!”

GGooooddbbyyeeThe assemblies concludedwith the school principalsmotivating the childrento be responsible andgood citizens. And withthat Youth Power Juniorreached a befitting end.

TThheeyy ttwwiinnkkllee,, tthheeyy sshhiinnee aanndd mmaakkee tthhiiss wwoorrlldd aa bbrriigghhtteerr ppllaaccee.. TThhee YYPP JJuunniioorr tteeaammss aaccrroossss eeiigghhttbbrraanncchheess ooff AAmmiittyy aarrrriivveedd aatt tthheeiirr ddeessttiinnaattiioonn,, aass tthhee pprrooggrraammmmee rreeaacchheedd iittss ffiinnaall lleegg.. TThhee ssoocciiaalllleeaaddeerrsshhiipp pprrooggrraammmmee ccoonncclluuddeedd wwiitthh ssppeecciiaall aasssseemmbblliieess,, ccoonndduucctteedd iinn aallll AAmmiittyy sscchhoooollss..

YP Junior

YOUTH POWER canwillFinishing Line


Published and Printed by Mr R.R. Aiyar on behalf of Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan from E-26, Defence Colony, New Delhi 110024 and printed from HT Media Ltd, B-2, Sec 63, Noida (UP). Editor Ms Vira Sharma. � Edition: Vol 6, Issue 38 � RNI No. DELENG / 2009 / 30258. Both for free distribution and annual subscription of 800.

Opinions expressed in GT articles are of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or publishers. While the editors do their utmost to verify information published, they do not accept responsibility for its absolute accuracy. Published for the period December 15-21, 2014

Page 3: YP Junior Special THE GL BAL TIMES · 2014-12-15 · THE GL BAL TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 ShouldBhagwadGitabe madeournationalbook? (a)Y es (b)No (c)Can’tsay To vote, log on


Clean is CoolAIS Noida 3Y



It’s because thestudents here keep thetables spick and span.

Kids don’t push, theystand in queues,

courtesy – the barriers.

My surroundings arenot just clean but

decorated with pots.

Earlier, the tables usedto be dirty with food

strewn all over.

There was so muchpushing and shoving that it

would often leave mebruised.

There used to bewaste strewn all


And then the YPJunior team came to

my rescue

They went to classes askingstudents to maintain civic sense

when they visit me.

The made dustbinsso that studentsdo not litter me.

And evenposters to askstudents to benice to me.

They evencollected plants to

decorate me.

And put upmessages too...

I have such arags to riches



Hi! I amthe canteen of AIS Noida.I’m very happy and it’s notjust because of the food…

But thingswere not always

the same.

There’s a huge boardtoo instructing studentsto maintain discipline.

They throweverything in

the bin.

They have even put upposters, asking everyone

to keep me clean.


This is a comic adaption of the social initiative undertaken by the Youth Power Junior team of AIS Noida for the cause - Civic sense in canteen.

Page 4: YP Junior Special THE GL BAL TIMES · 2014-12-15 · THE GL BAL TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 ShouldBhagwadGitabe madeournationalbook? (a)Y es (b)No (c)Can’tsay To vote, log on


JuniorAIS Mayur Vihar Dogs are human too



They also organised aspecial assembly for me.

Hi! I am Sheru, avery healthy dog.Everyone lovesme.But mysituation wasn’t the

same some timeago.

Not very long ago, Iwas out there on thestreets on a cold

winter night. I hadno food to eat, noshelter.

They fed me, took care of me and gave me a place of my own.

But like a miracle,

God sent his

angels. Few

children came


took me home.

Sheru! We

have a



I had my ownhome, made

by myfriends.

This is yourtemporary home.We’ll find you apermanent one


Theseposterswill makepeopleaware.

Someonetold me that

my life changedbecause of YP

Junior. Thank youYP Junior!

You will

love it!

More children started coming and meetingme, I was happy like never before.


This is a comic adaption of the social initiative undertaken by the Youth Power Junior team of AIS Mayur Vihar for the cause - Shelter for stray dogs.

Page 5: YP Junior Special THE GL BAL TIMES · 2014-12-15 · THE GL BAL TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 ShouldBhagwadGitabe madeournationalbook? (a)Y es (b)No (c)Can’tsay To vote, log on




Say no to wastageAIS Saket

The Happy Story

So children, tellme what ishappiness?

Look at this! Wewaste so manypencils justbecause theyare so small.

Hi friends! Pleasedonate all yoursmall pencils and

used foil.

But what willyou do with


You can makethis more

beautiful bycovering itwith foil.

Let’s givethem toAmitashastudents.

That’s a good idea!But we need to involvemore students with usso that we can reducewastage in our school

even further.

These posters willhelp more studentsknow about our


Happiness is......doing something

for the environment.



Join two pencils soit can become abigger pencil andcan be used from

both ends.

I guess pencilsare not the

only thing beingwasted. Thereis foil too.


Children, Ithink perhapsyou need tolook for truehappiness.

I thinkI have figuredwhat ‘true’happiness is.

A huge icecreamsundae.

More gamesperiods.


But whatwill we dowith thesepencils?



This is a comic adaption of the social initiative undertaken by the Youth Power Junior team of AIS Saket for the cause - Recycling of waste.

Page 6: YP Junior Special THE GL BAL TIMES · 2014-12-15 · THE GL BAL TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 ShouldBhagwadGitabe madeournationalbook? (a)Y es (b)No (c)Can’tsay To vote, log on



YOUTH POWER canwillAIS Pushp Vihar Every drop counts


Every dropcounts Hey! Look at this - the YP Junior form. We

should sign up for this.

Look at thesechildren. Theyare wastingwater bythrowing itaway, simplybecause it hasturned warm

Water is being wasted here toobecause of these leaking taps.

We need to dosomething. We need to

save water.

Childrenstartedthrowingwater into

the buckets,thereby

reducing waterwastage.

A poster was pastedon the water coolerasking children tothrow unwanted

water in the bucket,instead of throwing

it in the sink.

I think we canstill save more water.Primary school kids

tend to waste a lot ofwater when they wash

hands as theyfind it difficult

to do so.

Yes, but whatcause should we

take up?

I think weshould worktowardssavingwater.

A simple easy-to-makehand sanitizer could be a great way

to prevent this wastage.The sanitizer was made usingingredients available at home.

The teamalso

designed aspecialboard tocreate

awarenesson the topicand appriseothers oftheir


At last, wemanaged tosave water.Mission


The team developed a hand sanitizer.

The End


Throw waterin the bucket.

The water collected in the buckets was used for various purposes as moppingand watering the plants.

Plumbers were called to fix the leaky taps.

Throw waterin the bucket.


This is a comic adaption of the social initiative undertaken by the Youth Power Junior team of AIS Pushp Vihar for the cause - Save water.

Page 7: YP Junior Special THE GL BAL TIMES · 2014-12-15 · THE GL BAL TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 ShouldBhagwadGitabe madeournationalbook? (a)Y es (b)No (c)Can’tsay To vote, log on

Yeah! What aparty!!

What aparty!

Hey! Lookat thosesenior


Yes! That’s a goodidea but we needto talk tothem first.

Hi! We are Angry Birds! Wouldyou like to play with


What are yourhobbies? Do you like

to party?

They started playing games together.

I think they are happy. But weneed to do something else too tomake them happier. Whitebird, drop the bomb now!

The birds organised a grand party for the grandparents,and spent quality time with them.

In the end, the grandparents were also givenchocolates as a token of love.







They played tambola during the party.

They look so sad.

This makesme angrier.

We need to do somethingfor them.

Let’s organise a partyfor them folks.

Soon, the birds and senior citizens becamefriends. And now the angry birds wereless angry.

pp aarr tt yy



YP Junior


Happy GrandparentsAIS Gurgaon 46YP



This is a comic adaption of the social initiative undertaken by the Youth Power Junior team of AIS Gurgaon 46 for the cause - Care and concern for senior citizens.

AIS Gur-46


The senior citizens even sang bhajans for them.

Page 8: YP Junior Special THE GL BAL TIMES · 2014-12-15 · THE GL BAL TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 ShouldBhagwadGitabe madeournationalbook? (a)Y es (b)No (c)Can’tsay To vote, log on



YOUTH POWER canwillAIS Gurgaon 43 A fitter you


Hello students! We

are going for a picnic

to planet YP.

Yay! We are going to planet YP!So much fun!

Oh no!I am


fatto fit


want go too.

What should I do?I can’t run. I gettired too easily andI can’t even playfor long.


Our five day plan begins today.

Thank you YP

angels! N

ow I am fit

to go to planet YP.

Wow! I



Oh! I’mloving it!!

We are theYP angels. We will help

you be fit.

It is importantto stay fit. We

must eathealthy andexercise.

Here’sa plan.

Fight forFitness

The endThis is a comic adaption of the social initiative undertaken by the Youth Power Junior team of AIS Gurgaon 43 for the cause - A fitter you.

Page 9: YP Junior Special THE GL BAL TIMES · 2014-12-15 · THE GL BAL TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 ShouldBhagwadGitabe madeournationalbook? (a)Y es (b)No (c)Can’tsay To vote, log on




Right to playAIS Vasundhara 1

Hi! Whatare you doing


You must reallyenjoy playing

with those toys.

Of course,everyone enjoysplaying with the



Let’s set up atoy library!

But wherewill we get the


I havean idea!

We will helpyou too.

I need to dosomethingabout this.

And they reached thefirst leg of their mission.

So, Snow White and her dwarfs set out ontheir mission to set up a toy library. And they set up their toy library.

Snow White and her five dwarfs

Once upon a time, Snow White was playing in her castlewith her favourite toys.

She suddenly saw some poor kids standing near the gate.

Now, I am sure thata lot of students willcome forward to

donate their old toys.

I am happyto be a part ofsuch a goodcause. Thank you

so much!

It’s just sosad that they donot have any toysto play with.



Thank you somuch all of you!

Thank youso much! I always

wanted toys.To da

te, it

remains a lit


secretthat t

hose five

dwarfs were

the YP


.This is a comic adaption of the social initiative undertaken by the Youth Power Junior team of AIS Vasundhara 1 for the cause - Sharing of toys with less privileged children

Page 10: YP Junior Special THE GL BAL TIMES · 2014-12-15 · THE GL BAL TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 ShouldBhagwadGitabe madeournationalbook? (a)Y es (b)No (c)Can’tsay To vote, log on



YOUTH POWER canwillAIS Vasundhara 6 Birthday for everyone


Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you...

Why don’t I getto cut a cake onmy birthday?

I metthis poor boyyesterday. Hetold me he hadnot celebratedhis birthday


It would beso nice if we

could celebratetheir


Let’sdiscuss thisidea with ourteacher...

This is anexcellent idea

But I amconfused whereto start from.” Here we are.

I hope theylikeour


Lets decorate this room and set the perfectambience for a birthday party.

HAPPY BIRTHDAYThis is such an

amazing surprise.

The team headed towards their destination.

This is the firsttime we are havinga birthday party.

Friends, now let’splant a sapling as amark of our lovingbond of friendship.

We will look after thissapling together andsoon, it will grow intoa beautiful plant.

Today weare going to an

orphanage called ‘HopeFoundation’ from whereyou can start with your

mission ‘HappyBirthday’.

Look we alsohave a giftfor you.

Thank you somuch. You are

so nice.

Together, we did it. A truly memorable birthday indeed!

This is a comic adaption of the social initiative undertaken by the Youth Power Junior team of AIS Vasundhara 6 for the cause - Celebrating birthdays of orphan children.

Here, havethis, it’s mybirthday!

I think I knowwhere to start.

Page 11: YP Junior Special THE GL BAL TIMES · 2014-12-15 · THE GL BAL TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 ShouldBhagwadGitabe madeournationalbook? (a)Y es (b)No (c)Can’tsay To vote, log on

11School Lounge Wassup


Amity International School,Saket hosted an enthrallingdance performance by Csi-

lagszemu (Starry-Eyed) Dance En-semble, the biggest independentdance group of Hungary, accompa-nied by the team leader Boske Timar.The performance was delivered in theschool for the students of Class VIII-XI on October 21. The event, organ-ised by AERC, was held keeping inmind the vision of Dr (Mrs) AmitaChauhan, Chairperson, Amity Groupof Schools to provide students aglimpse into global culture. The occa-sion was graced by the presence of

Tibor Kovacs, Director HungarianCultural Centre and his wife.The programme commenced with theceremonial lamp lighting followed bya welcome address by school princi-pal Divya Bhatia. Subsequently, thecaptivating and awe-inspiring per-formance by the 17-member grouptruly reflected the Hungarian folkmusic and dance. The highlight of theday was the students joining the dancegroup on stage and enjoying the foottapping Hungarian rhythm. In his ad-dress, Tibor Kovacs commended theschool curricula with internationalstandards that aims at global citizenry.

AIS Saket

AIS Saket celebrated its annualday on November 27, 2014. Theevening was graced by the pres-

ence of the esteemed members ofChauhan family and the heads of AmityInstitutions and the chief guestMeenakshi Lekhi. The parliamentariancongratulated Dr (Mrs)Amita Chauhan,

Chairperson, Amity Group of Schoolsfor establishing a chain of world classschools.An integral part of the annual day wasthe art exhibition, showcasing thevibrant and rich heritage of our country.An enthralling presentation by thestudents of Amitasha won a huge roundof applause. The highlight of the eclecticevening was the dance drama titled

‘Mujhme hai vishwas’, presented by 850students, echoed the school philosophythat self-confidence is imperative tosuccess. A mammoth audience ofenthusiastic parents applauded thescintillating performance.Expressing her faith in the potential ofstudents, Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan con-gratulated the students for their impres-sive presentations.G T

The evening turned buoyant with adance presentation by 850 students

AIS Saket

Hungarian DanceThe Hungarian dancers sway to the music

The dance performance in progressDr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan (R)with Meenakshi Lekhi

Annual Day

Canteen showThe children of Class I of Amity International School, Pushp

Vihar organised a canteen presentation in the school prem-ises, as a step towards helping the less privileged children of

the society. On the first day, they put up a stall of delightful vanillaice cream followed by a sumptuous idli-sambhar stall on the nextday. The entire staff and students of the school were invited to buythe delicacies served by students. As the little hands served the de-licious delicacies, the little ones looked very excited.The money collected was donated to Amitasha and Atulasha ,theschools run byAmity for educating and uplifting the less privilegedchildren.

Children’s dayPrimary class students ofAIS Pushp Vihar, had a fun filled kalei-

doscopic day on Children’s Day as they celebrated ChachaNehru’s birthday. The day began with a play of colours as the art

& craft stall came alive. Kids took to brushes and paints, transformingpaper into lively crafts under their teacher’s guidance. Children clappedtheir hands and tapped their feet to popular children songs played bytheir music teachers. The much awaited arrival of the magician, lefteveryone in the audience spellbound and asking for more. Subse-quently, children were served their favourite meals like rajma chawal,noodles, ice cream and juice. The day culminated with children re-ceiving a book as a gift from the school with the message, ‘Readers oftoday will be the leaders of tomorrow’ .

Food Bazar visitClass II students of AIS PV visited the Food Bazar Store at Se-

lect Citywalk Mall on November 17-18, to learn about the useof money to purchase things. Prior to the visit, they were given

a presentation on how to locate and read the price of items, prepareeco-friendly bags with recycled newspapers and differentiate betweenhealthy and junk food. They visited the store in four batches, carryingtheir bags, with Rs 80 in pockets and loads of zeal. They browsed thestore and wisely chose healthy options over junk. Finally, they queuedup neatly at the counter, made their payments, took the bill andthanked the staff at the store. Once back in school, they exhibited theirshopping, analysed its ‘healthy quotient’ and participated in bill mak-ing activity by recalculating their shopping bill in their notebooks.G T



AIS Pushp Vihar

Students serve the delicacies

Children listen to their favourite song

AIS PV students at Food Bazar

Amity International School, Lucknow con-ducted an inter house English debate com-petition on November 15, 2014. The

competition held for the junior classes VI –VIII andthe senior classes IX-X) category saw them debat-ing on the topics, ‘Is online shopping a boon orbane?’ and ‘Is unity in India a myth?’ respectively.The students spoke brilliantly and impressed thejudge with their ideas. The event was judged by DrVijaya, assistant professor of English, The Englishand Foreign Languages University, Lucknow. Shepraised the zeal displayed by the students and alsoquoted valuable suggestions. Pranjal Mishra, VIand Shivam Shekhar, VIII B were adjudged the bestspeakers in the junior category whileAniket Singh,IXA and Shachika Singh, XAwere adjudged win-ners in the senior category. G T

Amity International School,VYC, Lucknow, celebratedChildren’s Day on November

14, 2014. The special school assemblybegan with a short speech on PanditJawaharlal Nehru or Chacha Nehru byHindi teacher Sushma Chowdhary,citing incidents exhibiting his gen-erosity towards the underprivileged

from a very young age, followed by amedley of songs by the teachers.Smiles of appreciation could be seenon the faces of children as theywatched their teachers’ singing andacting. Enactment of the song ‘Merepaas aao mere dosto’by music teacherVikas Mishra entertained one and all.Subsequently, the children were takenfor a visit to Ganga Aquarium wherethey witnessed a variety of marine lifelike eels, carps and sharks. G T

AIS, Virajkhand, Lucknow or-ganised Amity Ullas fromNovember 15-16, 2014. The

event was inaugurated by Maj Gen KK Ohri, Pro VC, Amity University.The little kids dressed in fairy talecharacters as Cinderella and fairygodmother frolicked on the stage.Children were awarded trophies andprizes for participating in various ac-

tivities like talent show, fancy dresscompetition, poetry recitation andpainting competition. Visitors triedtheir luck at various game stalls like‘Feed the devil,’ ‘Hoopla’ and ‘Throwthe dice’. Food stalls, suits & sareestalls, chocolate stalls, swings andcamel ride attracted the crowdthroughout the day. School vice prin-cipal Mukta Banerjee and co-ordina-tor Tanuja Singh lauded the efforts ofall students in making this cultural ex-travaganza a huge success.G T

Debate competition

Amity Ullas

The winners are felicitated

Children watch the teachers perform

A little one all dressed up as a teacher

AIS VYC LucknowAIS Lucknow

Bal diwas

Page 12: YP Junior Special THE GL BAL TIMES · 2014-12-15 · THE GL BAL TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014 ShouldBhagwadGitabe madeournationalbook? (a)Y es (b)No (c)Can’tsay To vote, log on



YOUTH POWER canwill12 Picture Perfect


AISVas 6




AISGur 43

AISVas 1


Sharing toys with less privileged children

Civic sense at canteen

Celebrating birthdays of orphan children

Recycling of waste

A fitter you

Shelter for stray dogs

I can. I will. I did. They promised to be the agents of change and they stoodup to the promises they made. As the journey called ‘YP Junior’ comes to anend, we look back at the steps of change, the moments of joy and the magic itspread, albeit through the lens. Hop on for a photographic flashback and seehow our lil’ heroes cast a big impact


AISGur 46

Save water

Care and concern for senior citizens