Yozak Genocide WSJ

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  • 8/8/2019 Yozak Genocide WSJ


    ----- Original Message -----

    From: "Yolanda Zakzuk"

    To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

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    Subject: Complicit in Colombian genocide

    Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 06:43:27 +0100

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------

    From: "Yolanda Zakzuk"

    To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 06:43:27 +0100

    Subject: Complicit in Colombian genocide

    Mr. Paul Gigot

    Editor of the Editorial page : [email protected]

    Wall Street Journal

    1211 Avenue of the Americas

    New York, NY 10036

    Re: Ms. O'Grady's Colombian genocide.


    This letter's purpose is to inform you and your journalists that we

    are documenting everything you are doing in your efforts to further

    the genocide, ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity and the

    peace being committed in Colombia. This


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    unsubstantiated gossip that unsuccessfully attempts to pose as journalism is proof of your complicity in

    this holocaust. The correct and truthful historical context for this article, as documented, is as


    The Colombian political right wing and other complicit and corrupt

    Liberal politicians first allowed north American interests to

    impose fascism in Colombia when you, the CIA, Allen Dulles and all

    his business cronies and masters from Wall Street, CIA agents

    Thomas Allen and the man who ultimately met with the assassin of

    the unelected leader of the Colombian people whom the CIA could not

    bribe, Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, CIA agent John Mepples Espirito, gave

    birth to that uprising known as the Bogotazo. The FARC is the

    result of these citizens whom you and your political homicidal

    puppets who call themselves the Colombian government was nothing

    less than the same terror the CIA has trafficked thousands of tons

    of heroin and cocaine, such as the shipments U.S. Special Forces

    Colonel Edward P. Cutolo describes in his affidavit before his

    assassination, U.S. Special Forces Colonel Bo Gritz and San Jose

    Mercury News reporter Gary Webb attempted to inform the public

    about, in order to perpetuate the same kind of homicidal and unlawful crimes against

    humanity and the peace in many countries around the world with such

    code names as Gladio, Pantomime and Phoenix. The evidence for these

    assertions you may find here:



    Spanish: www.nomasguerra.org

    The next steps on the genocidal, ethnic cleansing journey you

    people have embarked all of us upon takes place under the misnomer

    of "La Violencia" through to the Rockefeller Foundation's, the

    International Monetary Fund's and others, own final solution versus

    the Colombian people as documented by professor Carmona of the

    Faculty of Medicine at the University of Antioquia:

    Una explicacin crucial de los cambios demogrficos colombianos

    est en la intensa modificacin de la fecundidad de sus mujeres. La

    fecundidad (nivel y patrn) se determina principalmente por la

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    interaccin de la nupcialidad o unin (que representa la exposicin

    al riesgo de embarazo) y de la anticoncepcin. Los factores que

    intervienen sobre las normas y la estructura de la sociedad y su

    fecundidad son llamados determinantes prximos de la fecundidad y

    son cuatro principales: unin (nupcias, matrimonio),

    anticoncepcin, infertilidad posparto y aborto (6). Este ltimo no

    se considera, dice Flrez, por falta de informacin.

    En Colombia, el factor que ha jugado el papel ms importante

    en los grandes descensos en fecundidad ha sido la anticoncepcin.

    En contraste, los patrones de nupcialidad y de duracin de la

    lactancia (define la infertilidad posparto) han cambiado muy poco

    en trminos absolutos (6). La nupcialidad afecta de manera

    directa a la fecundidad mediante tres factores que influyen en la

    exposicin al riesgo de embarazo: edad de entrada a la unin,

    proporcin de solteras, proporcin de uniones disueltas (viudez,

    separacin) (6).

    Las actividades antinatalistas se iniciaron en Colombia a mediados

    del decenio de 1960 y han sido ejecutadas principalmente por

    organismos particulares, en especial por Profamilia, tras los

    cuales el estado ha ocultado su poltica antinatalista para

    esquivar las protestas religiosas, en particular las catlicas, y

    para evitar entrar en confrontacin con la poblacin, que, mayoritariamente, dice ser

    catlica. El estado mont un campo de experimentacin antinatalista

    en Colombia, con el respaldo poltico y econmico de los Estados

    Unidos de Amrica y de las agencias internacionales sanitarias,

    financieras y polticas (Organizacin Mundial de la Salud,

    Fundacin Kellog, Fundacin Rockefeller, Banco Mundial, Fondo

    Monetario Internacional, Naciones Unidas). No existi entre

    nosotros, mujeres y hombres colombianos en ejercicio de su

    capacidad sexual y reproductiva, lo que se llama la libertad

    reproductiva o de procreacin, entendida como la

    libertad concerniente a actividades y elecciones

    relacionadas con la procreacin (J. Robertson, citado por

    Brock) (32); aqu de eleccin poco o nada hubo, pues todo fue

    manipulacin e imposicin, aprovechando, entre otras condiciones,

    el analfabetismo bsico y funcional, el atraso cultural, el miedo

    religioso y el desespero econmico que agobiaba y

    agobia a la inmensa mayora de colombianos.

    The motivations for this genocide were spelled out in Kissinger's

    declassified National Security Study 200 calling Colombia's

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    population growth a strategic threat (with the US possessing

    thousands of nuclear weapons) and an unacceptable obstruction to

    cheap access for their multinational to natural resources otherwise

    destined for the rapid industrialization that population growth

    demanded. This ethnic cleansing tendency among some wealthy groups,

    the same ones as the historical record proves, in American society

    actually reared its ugly head long ago as registered for posterity:

    Carrie Buck v. James Hendren Bell, Superintendent of State Colony

    for Epileptics and Feeble Minded

    Citations 274 U.S. 200 (more)

    47 S. Ct. 584; 71 L. Ed. 1000

    The ruling was written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. In

    support of his argument that the interest of the states in a "pure"

    gene pool outweighed the interest of individuals in their bodily

    integrity, he argued: We have seen more than once that the

    public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It

    would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap

    the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not

    felt to be such by those concerned, in order to prevent our being

    swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world, if

    instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to

    let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who

    are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that

    sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting

    the Fallopian tubes.

    Holmes concluded his argument with the infamous phrase "Three

    generations of imbeciles are enough".

    This is not an isolated incident but a continuous trend in American

    society as one of the chief architects, and CIA insider, of the

    modern day black market used by the CIA to fund and sow mayhem in

    other societies, this monstrosity imposed on humanity known as "the

    war on drugs", makes clear to the Congressional record in the


    Population Task Force

    Among Bush's most important contributions to the neo-Malthusian cause while

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    in Congress was his role in the Republican Task Force on Earth Resources

    and Population. The task force, which Bush helped found and then chaired,

    churned out a steady stream of propaganda claiming that the world was

    already seriously overpopulated; that there was a fixed limit to natural

    resources and that this limit was rapidly being reached; and that the

    environment and natural species were being sacrificed to human progress.

    Bush's task force sought to accredit the idea that the human race was being

    "down bred," or reduced in genetic qualities by the population growth among

    blacks and other non-white and hence allegedly inferior races at a time

    when the Anglo-Saxons were hardly able to prevent their numbers from


    Comprised of over 20 Republican Congressmen, Bush's Task Force was a kind

    of Malthusian vanguard organization which heard testimony from assorted

    "race scientists," sponsored legislation and otherwise propagandized the

    zero-growth outlook. In its 50-odd hearings during these years, the task

    force provided a public forum to nearly every well-known zero-growth

    fanatic, from Paul Ehrlich, founder of Zero Population Growth (ZPG), to

    race scientist William Shockley, to the key zero-growth advocates infesting

    the federal bureaucracy.

    Giving a prestigious congressional platform to a discredited racist

    charlatan like William Shockley in the year after the assassination of Dr.

    Martin Luther King, points up the arrogance of Bush's commitment to

    eugenics. Shockley, like his co-thinker Arthur Jensen, had caused a furor

    during the 1960s by advancing his thesis, already repeatedly disproven,

    that blacks were genetically inferior to whites in cognitive faculties and

    intelligence. In the same year in which Bush invited him to appear before

    the GOP task force, Shockley had written: "Our nobly intended welfare

    programs may be encouraging dysgenics -- retrogressive evolution through

    disproportionate reproduction of the genetically disadvantaged.... We fear

    that 'fatuous beliefs' in the power of welfare money, unaided by eugenic

    foresight, may contribute to a decline of human quality for all segments of


    During hearings on the Social Security amendments, Bush and witness

    Alan Guttmacher had the following colloquy: Bush: Is there any

    [opposition to Planned Parenthood] from any other organizations or

    groups, civil rights groups?

    Guttmacher: We do have problems. We are in a sensitive area in

    regard particularly to the Negro. There are some elements in the

    Negro group that feel we are trying to keep down the numbers. We are

    very sensitive to this. We have a community relations department

    headed by a most capable Negro social worker to try to handle that

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    part of the problem. This does, of course, cause us a good bit of


    Bush: I appreciate that. For the record, I would like to say I am

    1,000 percent in accord with the goals of your organization. I

    think perhaps more than any other type of organization you can do

    more in the field of poverty and mental health and everything else

    than any other group that I can think of. I commend you.

    Which is why domestically these are the results of his, and the

    other wealthy, fascist interests at the CIA's, "drug war":


    Without forgetting the money machine it has become to Wall Street

    which funds and profits from this network of gulags housing

    non-violent people whose lives and appetites have been criminalized

    for "victimless crimes" in an unauthorized-by-the-Constitution,

    illegal expansion of federal powers in this country. To say nothing

    of the fact that the policy of prohibition itself is what creates

    the violence; unacceptable and criminal. When it is actually a

    targeted program against minorities, as these results and ex-US

    Marshall Matthew Fogg's testimony and jury findings bring to light,


    it is nothing less than the continuation of an ethnic cleansing

    campaign against the poor; the same campaign your pupils in the

    criminal entity which calls itself the Colombian executive, under

    the auspices of the paramilitary drug trafficker and CIA mole,

    Alvaro Uribe Velez, wish to move forward with in places like


    This is the true context for your reporter's intervention whose

    tone and unsubstantiated accusations make clear she isparticipating as a saboteur in. I would not be surprised, and let's

    see if Ms. O'Grady would be so kind as to state for the record, if

    Ms. O'Grady is on the CIA's payroll as it seems the rest of this

    country's media is:

    The instigators of MOCKINGBIRD were Frank Wisner, Allan Dulles,

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    Richard Helms and Philip Graham. Graham was the husband of

    Katherine Graham, today publisher of the Washington Post.

    In fact, it was the ties to the CIA that allowed it to

    grow so quickly after the war, both in readership and influence.

    (8) MOCKINGBIRD was extraordinarily successful. In no time, the

    agency had recruited at least 25 media organizations to disseminate

    CIA propaganda. At least 400 journalists would eventually join the

    CIA payroll, according to the CIA testimony before a

    stunned Church Committee in 1975. (The committee felt the true

    number was considerably higher.) The names of those recruited reads

    like a Who's Who of journalism:

    Philip and Katharine Graham (Publishers, Washington Post) William

    Paley (President, CBS) Henry Luce (Publisher, Time and Life

    magazine) Arthur Hays Sulzberger (Publisher, N.Y. Times)

    Jerry O'Leary (Washington Star) Hal Hendrix (Pulitzer Prize winner,

    Miami News) Barry Bingham Sr., (Louisville Courier-Journal) James

    Copley (Copley News Services) Joseph Harrison (Editor, Christian

    Science Monitor) C.D. Jackson (Fortune) Walter Pincus (Reporter,

    Washington Post) ABC NBC Associated Press United Press

    International Reuters Hearst Newspapers Scripps-Howard Newsweek

    magazine Mutual Broadcasting System Miami Herald Old Saturday

    Evening Post New York Herald-Tribune

    Even though we were disappointed to not see the Wall Street journal

    on this list, one look at the Wall Street Journal's owner and his

    propaganda and demagoguery outlet, the "Fox News Channel", informs

    the historical record just exactly what kind of fascism we're

    facing here.

    We want people like you in the "media" to know that we are

    documenting with relevant authorities every article, every

    intervention and masquerade you people spout so that we may add you

    as accomplices in this, now Ms. O'Grady's, Colombian genocide.


    Yolanda de Zakzuk

    US and Colombian citizen

    cc UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navethem Pillay

    International Committee of the Red Cross