Youth Report

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  • 8/17/2019 Youth Report


    PMLN is a party that is future of the Pakistan and despite the tall claims of our

    opponents one thing should be crystal clear to us that we have massive support

    amongst the youth of Pakistan.

    Our beloved leader has an appeal and charisma that is second to none and all we

    need is to tap into this wealthy source and show to the people of Pakistan the true

    fatherly gure appeal of our leader MNS which he possesses for the youth of this


    What we need to realize?

     hese are the changing times and the days of traditional politics are long gone.

     hough there still lies merit in the fact that one should not discard everything

    traditional in politics out of hand.

    !ut still a proper mi" of modern and traditional needs to be employed.

    What is the traditional approach?

     raditional politics guides us in the direction of making youth wings and students

    organi#ations and stu$ and though the same approach has served parties well

    through all kinds of times but now is the time to change.

     his is especially true for the older parties as our youth wings and student

    organi#ations carry a political and historical baggage and the younger generation%

    no matter how much appeal we hold for them% do not want to get associated with


    &f we see the numbers who are following our o'cial pages on (! and our twitter

    handles and compare them with the numbers who are part of our youth wings and

    student organi#ations% the di$erence is staggering in favor of Social Media or other

    innovative platforms.

    What do I suggest?

     here is a growing urbani#ation happening in our country and today)s youth don)t

    want to be approached in traditional ways.

    May you call it a parallel approach but without doing away with the old system of strengthening youth wings etc% we should look for the other ways and means to

    approach youth.

     here is a vast number of youth out there who has support for the policies of PMLN

    and who *ust simply adore our leader MNS but still they don)t want to be part of any

    youth wing etc.

  • 8/17/2019 Youth Report


    What should we do with them?

    Should we just dismiss them as non essentials?

    Or should we try to tap into this huge potential and enlist them to our

    cause in whichever way we can?

    Most denitely the answer is a resounding yes that we *ust cannot ignore them

    anymore because their number is huge and they have the potential to be the

    educated and progressive face of our Party.

    What to do with them?

    & suggest that at the initial stage we should identify such potential youth supporters

    at the constituency levels and after their identication should a$ord them a meeting

    with our top bras especially our beloved PM Mian Nawa# Sharif.

     +ust imagine the impact that the news or snaps of our PM meeting one suchdelegation from Lasbela or !adeen or ,acch or for that matter any nook and corner

    of Pakistan will create.

    -e could be seen amongst the youth of Pakistan% interacting with them% listening to

    their problems and attending to their youthful but passionate ideas% looking a

    picture of a perfect (ather gure that -e really is for every youngster of this country.

    &n addition to the favorable images% these special interactive sessions with top

    leaderships of our party will also create a sense in such youngsters that their love

    and support for the party is warmly responded and appreciated% which in turn will

    provide a further boost in their level of commitment and willingness to work for theparty.

     +ust imagine that by simply taking them under our wings we could turn them into a

    force that will be unparallel as they are already those who believe in our ideology

    and are die hard supporter of our leadership.

      This is not the time to create further barriers between our beloved

    Leadership and the youth of a!istan by creating wings after wings under

    one or the other denomination" This is the time when we should ma!e our

    leadership embrace the masses in a con#dent and accessible way "This is

    the time when we should invest in our on$ground support of youth% a&ord

    them recognition and provide them with enough support% care and

    guidance so that they in time could turn into our biggest and the most

    valuable asset% those young and energetic a!istanis who sees in 'ian

    (awaz Sharif a )ather% who entrusts their faith in him and are willing to

    wor! shoulder to shoulder with him"

  • 8/17/2019 Youth Report
