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Youth Lessons for Sabbath School and Home Christian

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Special DaysSpecial DaysSpecial DaysSpecial DaysSpecial Days

Lessons for Sabbath School and Home

Christian Holydays Supplement

IntermediatesYear One

Page 2: Youth Lessons for Sabbath School and Home Christian

Youth Educational Adventures

Christian Holydays



The purpose of this series of lessons is to introduce

each teen to the festivals of God and the plan God

reveals through these festivals. The meaning and

symbolism of the festivals are so rich that we cannot

hope to cover everything in one lesson. It is our intent

to develop the meaning of these days over the years in

successive books. We want the youth of the church to

be able to recite the names of the festivals along with a

basic understanding of the meaning of each day. We

also hope to instill a love for the festivals and an

anticipation that will bring them back again and again

even when they have finally left home. The lessons on

the nonobservance of Christmas, Easter and Halloween

are important to give the student confidence that he is

right in not observing them.

Ronald Dart - Publications Editor

Allie Dart - Managing Editor

Sandi McCaskill - Contributing Editor

Linda Benton - Contributing Writer

Mickie Ranaldo - Layout and Design

Our vision is to create Christian educational opportunities for all our children so that they will

build a lasting relationship with God andexperience the joys of salvation and the rewards

of God’s Kingdom.

Christian Educational MinistriesP. O. Box 560

Whitehouse, Texas 75791

phone: 1.888.BIBLE.44

fax: 903.509.1139


Copyright 2006 Christian Educational Ministries

All Rights Reserved

Lesson 1

Free At Last! .............................. 4

Lesson 2

Untangle the Mess .................... 7

Lesson 3

An Awesome Event! ............... 10

Lesson 4

Grab the Rope......................... 13

Lesson 5

Two Goats ............................... 16

Lesson 6

Feast of Tabernacles................ 19

Lesson 7

Your Dream World ................... 22

Lesson 8

What About Easter? ................ 25

Lesson 9

Why is Halloween Bad?........... 28

Lesson 10

Bigger and Better .................... 31

Page 3: Youth Lessons for Sabbath School and Home Christian


There’s something very exciting about cel-ebrating holidays – they are Special Days. Onthese Special Days you don’t go to school, andyou get together with your family, friends,grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. It’s atime for special foods – a time when you canpig out. Whatever you do during a holidayseason must be really neat.

God knew that we need Special Days tocelebrate. From the beginning He had “ap-pointed times” for people to celebrate. Thereare Special Days when He wants us to take aday off and not do any work except to preparespecial meals. He wants us to go to church andlearn more about why He wants us to cel-ebrate these Special Days and what they reallymean.

Every year, you get out of school and go tochurch on these days. But do you really under-stand why God’s Holy Days are important toyou? Can you explain to your friends why youcelebrate seven days they may not keep?

This book has some really cool lessons tohelp you understand all of these Special Days.

YEA takes you through them in order. Storiesare told so you can relate them to your life.You will be able to tell your friends or teacherwhy you don’t go to school on these days.The first lesson about these Special Days is Free

At Last! God does not command you to rest onthe Passover. You can go to school or work onthis day. As you read your lesson, you will learnthat God freed the nation of Israel from 400years of slavery on this night. You’ll discoverthat the Passover has far more importance toyou than Israel being set free. You’ll want tofind out what it is.

Do you wish someone would Untangle the

Mess that your life is in? When God rescuedIsrael from Egypt, their lives were really a

mess. Life may seem a little awkward during theDay of Unleavened Bread when you can’t have ahamburger or even a slice of pizza. Does it reallymatter if you sneak just a little during these Special

Days? But what about that flat bread? Do you haveto eat it? Can you please God if you don’t?

Hang on to your hats. You’re about to discoverAn Awesome Event! Something earth shakinghappened on this day and it has three names.Enquiring minds want to know. Read your lessonand find out what these things are.

Autumn comes and so do some more Special

Days. Get ready to Grab the Rope. The Bibletalks about the “seventh trumpet” being blownon the Feast of Trumpets. But what does thathave to do with you? If God has an angel blowthe seventh trumpet in your life time, will you beready to Grab the Rope? You’ll want to check outthis lesson and see.

What do Two Goats have to do with your life?What can you do to make this a Special Day?

Lesson five will show you.The Feast of Tabernacles is probably your

favorite festival. It’s a great time to celebrate!But why do you stay there for eight days and notseven when the Bible says it’s a seven-day festi-val? Lesson seven explains the whole thing.

Easter, Halloween and Christmas may makeyou want to go into hibernation until they areover. Don’t panic. Help is on the way in thesethree lessons.

The ten lessons in this book are designed toempower teenagers with the understanding ofsome very Special Days. Read your lesson and learnyour memory verse and we’ll see you in class.

Allie Dart Managing Editor

Dear Intermediates,

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Memory VerseYou shall celebrate this event each year (this is a

permanent law) to remind you of this fatal night.”

- Exodus 12:14

ScripturesExodus 1-12

Words to KnowTRANSATLANTIC - reaching across the Atlantic


TASKMASTER - a person who assigns burdensome

tasks and works people rigorously

SPEECH IMPEDIMENT - any physical defect that

impedes normal or easy speech

You have probably learned during Black History

Month about the turbulent legacy of transatlantic slave

trade. Slaves were not widely used in Mexico or

Canada but were imported in great numbers to the

Southern states of the United States. Africans were

sold as slaves and brought to this country to work on

cotton, tobacco, and sugar plantations. In 1808, it

became illegal to import slaves to this country. This

legacy of slavery molded much of European, African

and North American society for almost 400 years.

This is not the only time in history that a race of

people was held in slavery. Black, white, brown, and

yellow people have been slaves in other countries. A

similar historical event that you may not have learned

about in school has also had an impact on our society.

After Joseph and his brothers died, their descen-

dants had many children. The Israelite population was

Discussion TipsIs the Passover just a religious term that you really don’t understand? Have you learned at school during Black

History Month how Africans were bought and brought to this country as slaves? Did your teacher tell you that

many different people have been slaves in other nations? Did you know that the Israelites were also in slavery

for 400 years? This story has more drama than any movie you have ever seen. As you read this lesson you will

learn the fascinating story of God’s people being freed.

Lesson 1

increasing very rapidly in Egypt. The new king felt this

was a dangerous situation, especially if war should

break out. He was afraid the Israelites would join

Egypt’s enemy in the battle and escape out of the

country. The king went to his people and asked for

help in finding a solution to this problem.

What was the solution? Make the Israelites slaves!

Put brutal taskmasters over them to wear them down.

Guess what? It didn’t work! The Israelites had more

and more babies. The more the Egyptians mistreated

and oppressed them, the more God seemed to bless

them with children.

But the Egyptians were hardheaded about this. The

Israelite slaves became even more bitter. They were

forced to work long and hard in the fields and to carry

heavy loads of mortar and brick.

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One day as Moses was tending the flock of his

father-in-law, Jethro, an angel appeared to him as a

flame of fire in a bush. The bush didn’t burn up. So

Moses went to investigate. God called to him, “Moses!

Moses!” Well, Moses didn’t know who was calling him.

So he asked, “Who is it?” God told him to take off his

shoes and not come any closer – he was standing on

holy ground. He had to explain that He was the God of

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Israelites had been in

slavery for 400 years and had completely lost sight of

the true God. Moses said to God, “If I go to the people

of Israel and tell them that their father’s God has sent

me, they will ask, ‘Which God are you talking about?’”

God told Moses that He would have him perform

miracles so the Israelites would believe that He was

the true God.

Moses wasn’t pleased with the job God wanted

him to do. So he pleaded with God, “O Lord, I’m just

not a good speaker. I never have been, and I’m not

now, even after you have spoken to me, for I have a

speech impediment.” God reminded Moses that He

gave him his mouth and the ability to talk. But that

wasn’t good enough for Moses. He asked God again to

send someone else. God became angry. He told Moses

that Aaron, his brother, was a good speaker and he

would go with him to speak to Pharaoh.

The day came for Moses and Aaron to go see

Pharaoh. “We bring you a message from Jehovah, the

God of Israel. He says, ‘Let my people go, for they

must make a holy pilgrimage out into the wilderness,

for a religious feast, to worship me there.’”

Does it surprise you to learn that Pharaoh didn’t

receive that message very well? Pharaoh retorted, “Is

that so? . . . And who is Jehovah, that I should listen to

Him, and let Israel go? I don’t know Jehovah and I will

not let Israel go.”

Time and again Moses and Aaron visited Pharaohand asked that he let God’s people go. Pharaoh keptsaying no. God had sent nine plagues – the water of

the Nile turned to blood, frogs, lice, flies, murrain, boils,

hail, locusts, darkness, and death of the firstborn. As

repulsive and as difficult as these things were on the

Egyptian people, Pharaoh’s heart remained hardened.

Nearly a year had passed, spring was approaching,

and God was prepared to send a tenth plague that

would cause Pharaoh to let His people go have their

feast. Moses told Pharaoh, “Jehovah says, ‘About mid-

night I will pass through Egypt. And all the oldest sons

shall die in every family in Egypt, from the oldest child of

Pharaoh, heir to his throne, to the oldest child of his

lowliest slave; and even the firstborn of the animals. . .

On the evening of the fourteenth day of this month, all

these lambs shall be killed, and their blood shall be

placed on the two side-frames of the door of every

home and on the panel above the door. . . For I will pass

through the land of Egypt tonight and kill all the oldest

sons and firstborn male animals in all the land of Egypt,

and execute judgment upon all the gods of Egypt – for I

am Jehovah.’” God promised to pass over the houses

with blood on the door and spare their firstborn from


The wail of death resounded throughout the entire

land of Egypt. “Never before has there been such

anguish, and it will never be again.” This was the first

Passover! “That night the people of Israel left Rameses

and started for Succoth; there were six hundred thou-

sand of them, besides all the women and children, going

on foot. . .” Israel was free at last! (Excerpts have been

quoted from Exodus 1-12 from The Living Bible).

PrayerGod of Isaac, Abraham and Jacob,

Thank you for delivering your people from

slavery. This is one of the most important

events in all of history. Help us to fully

appreciate it and learn the lessons

you intend that we learn.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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I. Do you believe that another country could ever take you into captivity? Explain why or why not.




2. Have you ever. . .

A. worried about another country taking you and/or your family captive?

B. thought about what it would be like if you were enslaved?

C. wondered how God would free you if you were enslaved?

3. Do you AGREE or DISAGREE with the statements below? Circle your answers.

A. My country could never be taken into captivity? AGREE DISAGREE

B. The Bible has nothing to say about future captivity? AGREE DISAGREE

C. There is nothing I can do to prevent this from happening? AGREE DISAGREE

D.The church should prepare us so that we could be saved

from going into captivity. AGREE DISAGREE

E. Living in sin is like being in captivity? AGREE DISAGREE

F. The blood of Christ can free us from our sins? AGREE DISAGREE

4. Read the following verses and summarize each in your own words.

1 John 1:7 ____________________________________________________________________



Jeremiah 29:15-20 _____________________________________________________________



Deuteronomy 30:3 _____________________________________________________________



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ScripturesExodus 12:14-15, 37-39

Words to KnowEXCOMMUNICATE - to cut off from communion or


FEND - to resist or make defenseRIGOROUS - extremely harsh

Memory Verse“This annual Celebration with Unleavened Bread willcause you always to remember today as the daywhen I brought you out of the land of Egypt; so it is alaw that you must celebrate this day annually, genera-tion after generation.”

- Exodus 12:17 (TLB)

Choices – choices – choices! Every day we facethem. What is important to us determines what wechoose. And what we choose shows what is reallyimportant to us. Whatever we value gets priority inour lives.

“It has been said that there are two things mostdifficult to get people to do: to think – and to dothings in the order of their importance. Armies ofactivities cry for our time. Carelessness about ourpriorities can soon leave our lives like the little boywho fell asleep with gum in his mouth – a tangledmess” (Proverbs for Graduates).

Israel had completely lost the right priorities.They were slaves in captivity and didn’t even knowwho the True and Living God was. Slaves didn’t havethe privilege of setting priorities and doing things inthe order they consider to be important. They didn’t

have the right to think and plan. Their taskmasters didall of this for them. The Israelites had no choice but tofollow orders. There was nothing they could do to getout of the mess they were in. God had to get themout. He gave them priorities and showed them theymust do things in the order of His importance.

That night the people of Israel left Rameses andstarted for Succoth. “When the people stopped to eat,they baked bread from the yeastless dough they hadbrought along. It was yeastless because the peoplewere pushed out of Egypt and didn’t have time to waitfor the bread to rise to take with them on the trip.”They couldn’t buy yeast at a grocery store to put intheir dough and make their bread rise. Their doughhad to set for some time collecting yeast spores fromthe air before it would rise. There was no time forthis. Israel had to get out of Egypt, and get out in ahurry.

Discussion TipsDo you know why you celebrate the Days of Unleavened Bread? What was it like the night God delivered Israelfrom slavery? Are there any comparisons between Israel’s deliverance and the life of a teenager? How difficult isit for you to not eat such things as pizza or hamburgers for seven days? What do you think the consequence willbe if you do?

Lesson 2

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The Israelites probably numbered more than two

million when they left Egypt. This must have been

some sight! Six hundred thousand men,

plus women and children and animals,

moving all of their earthly possessions on

foot and on the animals to another land.

People of all sorts went with them as well.

This is how the Days of Unleavened

Bread began.

We celebrate “The Night to Be Much

Observed” remembering that God freed

Israel from the rigorous slavery of Egypt.

It was a time of great celebration – at last

they were free. Our forefathers left Egypt

with a “high hand” under a full moon.

God began to teach them priorities,

and that doing things in His order of

importance was good for them. “You shall

celebrate this every year (this is a perma-

nent law) to remind you of this fatal night.

The celebration shall last seven days. For the entire

period you are to eat only bread made without yeast.

Anyone who disobeys this rule at any time during the

seven days of the celebration shall be excommuni-

cated from Israel. On the first day of the celebration,

and again on the seventh day, there will be special

religious services for the entire congregation, and no

work of any kind may be done on those days except

the preparation of food” (Exodus 12:14-16 TLB).

What does all of this have to do with you as a

teenager today? Should you have priorities? Should

you learn to think – and to do things in the order of

importance? If so, what should your priorities be ?

Some of the choices you have to make during the

Days of Unleavened Bread are choosing between

having a slice of pizza or a hamburger, and eating flat

bread. Why should you choose flat bread over a slice

of pizza? Well, God said you should. He provides you

with every bite you eat. He has an order of impor-

tance. It’s okay to eat pizza for 51 weeks out of the

year. But it is not pleasing to God for you to eat pizza

during these seven days. He wants you to remember

that Israel was pushed out of Egypt and had to leave

in such a hurry that they didn’t have time for their

bread to rise. It is so important to God

that we don’t eat leavening for seven

days that He said any Israelite who did

would be excommunicated. They would

be cut off from the camp of Israel and left

to fend for themselves in the wilderness.

They would be in danger of the Egyptians

taking them back to the rigorous tasks of


For seven days, leavening pictures sin.

Going back into sin would be like an

Israelite being taken back as a slave. God

says, “And you shall know the truth and

the truth shall make you free.” Obeying

God’s truths, His rules, makes you free

from the consequences of sin. Christians

are no longer in slavery to sin.

Do your choices show that you value

pleasing God? Give some thought and prayer to what

is important to God. On “The Night to Be Much

Observed,” go outside and look up at the full moon.

Think about your forefathers who were held in

slavery for 400 years. How do you think they felt

when they were free? You don’t have to be like the

little boy who fell asleep with gum in his mouth. You

have a choice that can untangle your mess. By choos-

ing to obey God, your life will reflect right priorities.

It will have order pleasing to Him. You can be free

from the consequences of sin and have blessing

beyond belief!

PrayerGreat God and Father, You brought our

forefathers out of Egypt and freed them from

slavery. What a night to celebrate! Help us

always remember that it is one of your priorities

for us to celebrate this for seven days and not eat

any leavening during that time. Thank you that

through your love you will deliver us from the

consequences of sin as you delivered Israel

from slavery. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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Go into your kitchen and look at all the ingredients on: cracker, cookie and

bread packages; cereal, cake and cookie mix boxes; such packages as

Hamburger Helper, donuts, Pop Tarts, etc. Then check the labels on foods in your freezer.

Use only the foods that have no yeast, baking power, or baking soda in them,

and make a menu for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack on the lines below.


L uncHuncHuncHuncHuncH

DinN eR



















L uuuuu nnnnncccccHHHHH

DinN eR


Page 10: Youth Lessons for Sabbath School and Home Christian


Memory Verse“For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light;

and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.”

- Proverbs 6:23

ScripturesExodus 19:3-6, 16, 18-20; Romans 7:12;

Proverbs 6:23

Were you watching TV when the new millen-

nium came to Times Square in New York? What a

display of fireworks! What a celebration! When

compared to what happened about three months

after Israel left Egypt, this pales into insignificance.

When the Israelites arrived in the Sinai Peninsula,

they set up camp at the base of the mountain. “Moses

climbed the rugged mountain to meet with God, and

from somewhere in the mountain God called to him

and said, ‘Give these instructions to the people of

Israel. Tell them, you have seen what I did to the

Egyptians, and how I brought you to myself as though

on eagle’s wings. Now if you will obey me and keep

your part of my contract with you, you shall be my

own little flock from among all the nations of the

earth; for all the earth is mine. And you shall be a

kingdom of priests to God, a holy nation’” (Exodus

I9:3-6 TLB).

God gave Moses instructions to pass on to the

children of Israel. They were to wash and purify

themselves in preparation of the big event.

“On the morning of the third day there was a

terrific thunder and lightning storm, and a huge cloud

came down upon the mountain, and there was a long,

loud blast as from a ram’s horn; and all the people

trembled” (verse 16). Was the millennial celebration

you attended so awesome that you trembled? This

event was far more awesome! Why?

God was about to give His Law – The Ten Com-

mandments – to His people. This was probably the

first Pentecost the children of Israel ever celebrated.

And what a celebration it was!

“All Mt. Sinai was covered with smoke because

Jehovah descended upon it in the form of fire; the

DiscussionTipsWhat do you think it was like when God gave the Ten Commandments? Do you know when and why He gave

them? Is Pentecost a word that means that you speak in tongues? If not, what does it mean and why should you

celebrate that day? Get ready for an action-packed class full of interesting things to learn.

Words to KnowBILLOW - any surging mass

REPROOF - rebuke

CONVOCATION - commanded assembly

SHEAF - a bundle or cluster of grain

MANIFESTATION - something made clear to the eye

Lesson 3

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smoke billowed into the sky as from a furnace, and thewhole mountain shook with a violent earthquake. Asthe trumpet blast grew louder and louder, Mosesspoke and God thundered his reply. So the Lord camedown upon the top of Mt. Sinai and called Moses up tothe top of the mountain, and Moses ascended to God”(verses 18-20).

God told Moses to warn the people of theirboundaries. They were not to come up to the moun-tain and try to see God or they would die. Because ofGod’s presence, Mt. Sinai was filled with such awe-some power!

On this Pentecost Day,God began to reveal to Israelthe most righteous Law manhas ever known. He gaveIsrael the Ten Com-mandments. The ApostlePaul tells us, “the law is holy,and the commandment holy,and just, and good” (Romans7:12). Each law shows youhow to have a better life – how to keep from hurtingyourself and suffering the consequences of breaking it.“For the commandment is a lamp, and the law a light;and reproofs of instruction are the way of life” (Prov-erbs 6:23).

In Leviticus 23 we find more instructions for celebrat-ing Pentecost. “That day shall be announced as a time ofsacred convocation of all the people; don’t do any workthat day. This is a law to be honored from generation togeneration. (When you reap your harvests, you must notthoroughly reap all the corners of the fields, nor pick upthe fallen grain; leave it for the poor and for foreignersliving among you who have no land of their own; I amJehovah your God!)” (verses 21-24).

Pentecost is one of the three harvest festivals Godgave us to celebrate. It is also called the Feast ofWeeks, and the Feast of First Fruits (Numbers 28:26).Pentecost literally means “fiftieth.” It is the only festivalthat is not a set date on the calendar – we have tocount days to determine when we are to celebrate it.

“From the day after the Sabbath, the day you broughtthe sheaf of the wave offering, count off seven fullweeks. Count off fifty days up to the day after theseventh Sabbath, and then present an offering of newgrain to the LORD” (Leviticus 23:15-16 NIV).

Why is this a harvest festival? Is God that interestedin grain? No, people are far more important to God.He wants to make us His own sons and daughters andthis day points to that. “But Christ has indeed beenraised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who havefallen asleep. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will

be made alive. But each in hisown turn: Christ the first fruits,then when he comes, those whobelong to him” (I Corinthians15:20-23).

Next year there will be anotherlesson about this great feast day.It will help you understand otherrelevant aspects of this celebra-tion. In the meantime, whyshould you go to church on this

day and not do any work?

Well, this day is so remarkable that God shook theearth with a powerful earthquake. There were otherpowerful manifestations. It was an enormous event inhistory. In future lessons we will see that on this dayChrist empowered His church. Do you want power inyour life? Then obey God and celebrate this festival asHe commands. You can become a part of the “king-dom of priests to God, a holy nation.”

PrayerAwesome God, When I think about when you

gave the Ten Commandments on Mt. SinaiI am awestruck. What a wonderful Law

to give to your people. You gave it to be a lampto our feet and a light to our path. It is for

our good – to keep us out of trouble.Thank you for the Feast of Pentecost

and all of its significance.In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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Now that you’ve read the lesson about the Feast of Pentecost,

pretend you are telling a friend about this day and write a letter

to that person explaining what you’ve learned.

Dear ____________________________________,





















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ScripturesLeviticus 23:23-25; Numbers 10:9-10;I Corinthians 15:50-53; Revelation 8, 9

Words to KnowYEARN - to have a strong desireRESCUE - to free from danger, saveCOMMEMORATE - to serve as a memorial or re-minder

Memory Verse“If those days had not be cut short, no one would

survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will

be shortened.

- Matthew 24:22 (NIV)

DiscussionTipsHave you dreaded the return of Christ to this earth? Have you thought things would be better if He just didn’tcome back? Do you know why He is returning? What difference will it make to you? What does all of this haveto do with the Feast of Trumpets? As you read your lesson, see how you can prevent making the same mistakethat Mr. Davis made.

A terrible flood came in a small Midwesterntown. It rained so hard the creeks and rivers over-flowed their banks. The people were told to evacu-ate. The National Guard and local police force weremarshaled to assist people in getting to dry land.

But Mr. Davis, an elderly gentleman, refused togo. He prayed and trusted that God would save him.As the water climbed higher and higher it made itsway into the old gentleman’s house. A four-wheel-drive came to rescue him, but he wouldn’t leave hishouse. Then a row boat came and again he refused togo. Eventually the water rose all the way to the roofof his house. He stood on the roof and a helicoptercame and threw him a rope. Again, he said he hadprayed and trusted that God would save him.

This well-intentioned elderly gentleman died inthat flood. As the story is told, the old man went to

heaven. The first thing he asked God was, “Whydidn’t you save me from the flood – after all, I prayedearnestly and I trusted you.” God said, “I heard yourprayers and sent a four-wheel-drive, a row boat and ahelicopter. Why did you send them away?” God is inthe business of rescuing people. He has a rescue planfor us that is pictured in the Feast of Trumpets.

About four months after Israel celebrated the firstPentecost it was time for yet another festival. Godtold the Israelites, “When you arrive in the PromisedLand and go to war against your enemies, God willhear you and save you from your enemies when yousound the alarm with these trumpets. Use the trum-pets in times of gladness, too, blowing them at yourannual festivals and at the beginning of each month torejoice over your burnt offerings and peace offerings.And God will be reminded of his covenant with you.For I am Jehovah, your God” (Numbers I0:9-I0 TLB).

Lesson 4

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Every new moon in Israel began with a special

celebration marked by blowing the trumpets. The

trumpet sound echoed across the hills of Palestine.

When the seventh trumpet sound was heard, the

people knew it was the beginning of the new year. It

was an important religious celebration. It was the

Feast of Trumpets! Why should you celebrate the

Feast of Trumpets?

The first reason is because God says that you

should. “The LORD said to Moses, Say to the Israel-

ites: On the first day of the seventh month you are to

have a day of rest, a sacred assembly commemorated

with trumpet blasts. Do no regular work, but present

an offering made to the LORD by fire” (Leviticus


Why is it called the Feast of Trumpets? The most

obvious reason is because a trumpet was blown on

that day. But more important, the seventh trumpet

was blown on that day. The number seven is often

used in the Bible to show completion. So what is God


People often think of the Holy Days as being

Jewish. But oddly enough, there is not a lot of infor-

mation given in the Old Testament about the Feast of

Trumpets. We have to go to the New Testament to

see what God “completes” on the Feast of Trumpets.

In I Corinthians 15:50-53 the Apostle Paul sheds

some light on this. “I tell you this, my brothers: an

earthly body made of flesh and blood cannot get into

God’s kingdom. These perishable bodies of ours are

not the right kind to live forever. But I am telling you

this strange and wonderful secret: we shall not all die,

but we shall all be given new bodies! It will all happen

in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when the last

trumpet is blown. For there will be a trumpet blast

from the sky and all the Christians who have died will

suddenly become alive, with new bodies that will

never, never die and then we who are still alive shall

suddenly have new bodies too. For our earthly

bodies, the ones we have now that can die, must be

transformed into heavenly bodies that cannot perish

but will live forever” (TLB).

You’ve learned that the feast days are to be

celebrated. You’ve heard about class reunions. You

may have gone to a family reunion and seen cousins,

aunts, uncles that you hadn’t seen for several years.

Wasn’t that a very happy occasion – a celebration?

When Christ returns, our grandparents, aunts,

uncles, maybe even brothers or sisters who have

died in Christ will be resurrected. They will get a

new body. They will meet Christ in the air for a real

celebration. Christians who are alive will join this


The Bible never says that Christ will return on the

Feast of Trumpets. But we know that God has ap-

pointed times and He honors those days. We also

know that Christ will come when the last trumpet is

blown and the seventh trumpet is the last trumpet.

Why will Christ return? The world will be so bad

at that time. It will be on the brink of utter destruc-

tion. Christ’s return will be a rescue mission to save

this world from the awful situation we have created.

Christ will return with a shout and the sound of the

trumpet. Just as the pilot of the helicopter threw

down the rope to Mr. Davis, Christ is throwing us a

rope to save us. Are you going to grab hold of that

rope and meet Christ in the air at His return, or are

you going to drown in this world’s pleasures as Mr.

Davis drowned in the flood?

Next year, YEA will cover other interesting

aspects of the Feast of Trumpets. In the meantime,

grab onto the rope and celebrate the Feast of Trum-

pets in a big way. You may see something really great

happen on that day. So, be prepared!

PrayerDear God Our Father and soon coming King,

Thank you that Jesus Christ will return to

this earth to save us from utter destruction.

Help me to celebrate the Feast of Trumpets in a

way that will please you. Help me to yearn for

your Kingdom to come so that your will be

done. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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You’ve heard a lot about how bad this world is and how much worse life

is going to get before Christ returns. Jesus knew His time on earth was limited.

Because of this, He lived His life with a single focus and a sense of urgency. You are called

to do the same thing. He’s on a rescue mission – to save you from the consequences

of this evil world. He’s throwing you a rope to save you. He doesn’t want you to be

sidetracked by things that don’t have eternal value. Answer the questions below

and see if you’re ready to grab the rope.

1. Do you believe a nuclear war could destroy civilization?

____ Yes

____ No

____ Maybe

____ Don’t know

2. Have you ever worried about there being a nuclear war in your life time?

____ Yes

___ No

3. Do you AGREE or DISAGREE with the statements below? AGREE DISAGREE

A. Teenagers need to learn more about the threat of nuclear war. ______ ______

B. The Bible has nothing to say about nuclear war. ______ ______

C. If Christ doesn’t return, no one will be saved. ______ ______

D.We don’t know when Christ will return. ______ ______

E. Christ’s return will be the greatest thing that has ever happened. ______ ______

F. Christ will return when the seventh trumpet sounds. ______ ______

G. If He is to throw me the rope, I must stay focused on Him. ______ ______

H. The Feast of Trumpets shows me more about Christ. ______ ______

4. On the lines below, write a couple of sentences that say what you are going to do to be ready to

catch the rope when Christ throws it to you.







Page 16: Youth Lessons for Sabbath School and Home Christian


ScripturesEcclesiastes 3:1; Leviticus 23:26-32; 16:21-22, 29-30

Words to KnowATONEMENT - being reconciled to God through


SCAPEGOAT - a person or animal made to bear the

blame for another

Memory Verse“The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of

Atonement. Hold a sacred assembly and deny your-

selves, and present an offering made to the Lord by

fire. Do no work on that day, because it is the Day of

Atonement when atonement is made for you before

the Lord your God.”

What makes most of the Holy Days really neat is

that you get out of school and you have some really

good things to eat. Maybe your church has a potluck.

You go through the line and pile your plate high. Or

maybe your family goes to a nice restaurant, or you

stay home and prepare a very special meal. The

festivals of God are very special times. We all like to

eat, and no one likes to go hungry. God wants you to

feast six days out of the year. He wants you to cel-

ebrate and have a great time!

Every Holy Day pictures something very special

that you must celebrate. The Holy Days are God’s

appointed times. They help us to understand Him

better. They also help us to understand what He

wants to do for us.

You’ve had a lesson where you learned about

God rescuing the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. He

brought them out of Egypt with a “high hand.” They

came out so quickly that they didn’t even have time

to let their bread rise. When they reached Mount

Sinai, God called Moses up and gave him the most

righteous Law ever known to man. The mountain

quaked, there was thunder and lightning. This was an

awesome event!

Then we learned that the Holy Days have a

greater meaning than just being Jewish. We’ve

learned that Christ is the center of every Holy Day.

The trumpet is blown on the first day of the seventh

month – the Feast of Trumpets. Christ will return at

the sound of the seventh trumpet. He’s coming back

to rescue us. If Christ doesn’t return, the earth will be

completely destroyed. We’ve also learned that every-

thing God does is good for us.

As much as we would like for life to be all fun and

games – all feasting on special foods, it’s not always

that way. In King Solomon’s great wisdom he said,

Discussion TipsThe Jews call the Day of Atonement Yom Kippur. Did God intend that only the Jews keep it? If not, then who is

to observe this day? How long does God expect this day to be observed by His people? Do you dread the Day

of Atonement? What’s in it for you if you fast on the Day of Atonement and don’t do any work?

Lesson 5

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“There is a time for everything, and a season for everyactivity under heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV). There isa time to eat and there is a time not to eat. The Day ofAtonement is a day when God says that we should“afflict ourselves.” It is generally understood that weshould not eat food or drink water on that day.

The children of Israel had completely lost God’sLaw. They had never kept the Day of Atonement inEgypt. But now that they were free, God wantedthem to know and follow His law because it was fortheir good. He said to Moses, “The tenth day of thisseventh month is the Day of Atonement. Hold asacred assembly and deny yourselves, and present anoffering made to the LORD by fire. Do no work on thatday, because it is the Day of Atone-ment, when atonement is made foryou before the LORD your God.Anyone who does not deny himself onthat day must be cut off from hispeople. I will destroy from among hispeople anyone who does any work onthat day. This is to be a lasting ordi-nance for the generations to come,wherever you live. It is a sabbath ofrest for you, and you must denyyourselves. From the evening of theninth day of the month until thefollowing evening you are to observeyour sabbath” (Leviticus 23:26-32 NIV).

Is the Day of Atonement just for the Jews and notfor Christians? Didn’t Christ make an atonement for uson Passover when He was crucified? Absolutely! Thenwhy should Christians keep the Day of Atonement?What is different about the atonement made on thisday and the Passover? Jesus Christ died to save usindividually. Only you can repent of your sins and havethe blood of Christ pay for them. The Day of Atone-ment is a communal forgiveness.

God required a ceremony to take place in theTemple on the Day of Atonement. It was like a playthat was being acted out on a stage with two goats.Aaron, the High Priest, was required to make an

offering as an atonement for himself and his family.Then he had to slaughter a goat and take its bloodbehind the curtain in the Holy of Holies and make anatonement for the sins of the people. The one goatthat represented Christ was killed.

After that, the High Priest laid his hands on thehead of the second goat, the “scapegoat,” and con-fessed the sins and wickedness of all the Israelites andput them on the goat’s head. . . “The goat will carryon itself all their sins to a solitary place; and the manshall release it in the desert” (Leviticus 16:21-22).Could the scapegoat represent Satan, the author ofall sin? There will be sin in the world as long as Satancan tempt us.

Who is to keep the Day of Atone-ment and for how long is this lawbinding? “This is to be a lasting ordi-nance for you: on the tenth day of theseventh month you must deny your-selves and not do any work –whether native-born (an Israelite) oran alien living among you – becauseon this day atonement will be madefor you to cleanse you.” (Leviticus16:29-30 NIV).

God wants us to celebrate, butHe also wants us to humble ourselves and repent ofour sins because He wants to cleanse us. The Day ofAtonement may seem like an eternity, but it only lastsfor 24 hours. It’s worth keeping it because it willplease God and make you a better person.

PrayerAlmighty God, You are so wonderful to

provide a way that we can be forgiven of oursins individually and as a community.

Thank you for the Day of Atonement.It’s not my favorite Holy Day, but help

me to understand you better andlove you more on this day.

It’s in Jesus’ name that I pray. Amen.

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People in the Bible fasted on more occasions than just

the Day of Atonement. They fasted when they were grieved over a

person’s death, before temptation, to humble themselves, before

receiving the Law, to confess their sins, etc. Read the following Scriptures

and on the lines below, state who fasted, the length of the fast,

if it is given, and the reason for fasting.

1 Samuel 7:6___________________________________________________________________



I Chronicles 10:12 _____________________________________________________________



Exodus 24:18 __________________________________________________________________



Matthew 4:2 __________________________________________________________________



2 Samuel 12:16 ________________________________________________________________



Esther 4:16 ___________________________________________________________________



1 Kings 19:8 ___________________________________________________________________



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ScripturesLeviticus 23:34-43; Matthew 13:44; Proverbs 3:15-17

Words to KnowCUBIC ZIRCONIUM - an inexpensive stone commonlyused to resemble a diamondGLITTER - makes a brilliant show by reflecting light

Memory Verse“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a pearl merchant on

the lookout for choice pearls. He discovered a real

bargain – a pearl of great value – and sold everything

he owned to purchase it!”

- Matthew I3:44 (NIV)

One spring night, a thief broke into a jewelrystore. It was an unusual break-in. The burglar stole nojewelry. What he did was switch the prices on everypiece of jewelry that he could find. Some of thebracelets, rings, necklaces, and watches were the realthing. They were made of 14 or 18 carat gold andstudded with diamonds, rubies, emeralds, pearls andother precious stones. Other pieces were simplycostume jewelry. They were beautiful, but only gold

plated, with cubic zirconium and other imitationstones.

The management didn’t realize what had beendone at first. Customers were leaving their store withimitation jewelry for which they paid a big price. Yetothers purchased expensive jewelry for mere pennieson the dollar.

Our world kind of looks like that jewelry store. Itlooks like someone came and switched the prices.

Sometimes we overlook real value for junk. TheFeast of Tabernacles helps us understand the differ-ence between something really valuable and junk.Like the imitation jewelry, there are a lot of attractivethings in this world that glitter. But they are notlasting like a diamond or a real pearl.

Jesus said we should listen to this story. “TheKingdom of Heaven is like a pearl merchant on thelookout for choice pearls. He discovered a realbargain – a pearl of great value – and sold everythinghe owned to purchase it!”(Matthew 13:44 NIV).

Have you ever gone to the Feast just for the funof it? Were you there simply to see your friends andenjoy the activities? Did you skip youth classes? Didyou write notes during the sermon while thinkingabout things entirely different from what the ministerwas saying? Then what you got out of the Feast wasvery similar to imitation jewelry with artificial dia-

Discussion TipsThink about the difference between a solid gold watch and one that is gold plated. Would you be able to tellthe difference? What is the difference in their value? Which would you rather have? How would you comparethe physical activities at the Feast of Tabernacles with the spiritual food you receive in YEA classes andsermons?

Lesson 6

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monds in it. Oh, it was attractive. But it was worth-

less – mere junk that won’t last!

Five days after Israel fasted and kept their first

Day of Atonement, God said they were to celebrate

yet another Holy Day. It was to be the Festival of

Shelters. “On the first day there will be a sacred

assembly of all the people, don’t do any hard work

that day. . . Remember that the first and last days of

the festival are days of solemn rest. On the first day,

take boughs of fruit trees laden with fruit, and palm

fronds, and the boughs of leafy trees – such as wil-

lows that grow by the brooks – and (build shelters

with them), rejoicing before the Lord your God for

seven days. This seven day annual feast is a law from

generation to generation. During those seven days, all

of you who are native Israelites are to live in these

shelters. The purpose of this is to remind the people

of Israel, generation after generation, that I rescued

you from Egypt, and caused you to live in shelters. I

am Jehovah your God” (Leviticus 23:34, 39b-43 TLB).

Did you notice why they were to live in shelters

and who was to live in them? Israelites were to live in

them and it was to remind them that God rescued

them from Egypt. Do you remember our lesson

about the Feast of Trumpets that talked about Jesus

Christ returning to this earth to rescue us?

God commands us to rejoice at the Feast of

Tabernacles. YEA goes to a lot of trouble and ex-

pense to provide ways for you to rejoice at the CEM

Feast site. We provide fun YEA classes and lots of

exciting activities for our youth. God wants you to

develop friendships and create lasting relationships.

But if you only come to the Feast for physical activi-

ties and fun, you’re like the people who walked out

of the jewelry store with fake jewelry thinking they

had the real thing. Laser tag, skating and beach par-

ties, a teen dance, and family picnics are wonderful

things you should enjoy. But they are only temporary

– they are the “glitter.”

Jesus Christ came to this earth as a temporary

flesh and blood baby. The Feast of Tabernacles has

Jewish history, but Jesus Christ is also pictured in it.

He gave up being a permanent Spiritual being to

come to this earth as temporary flesh and blood. He

lived a temporary life like you and me so He could die

for our sins. He now sits at the right hand of the

Father and has inherited everything! He will soon

return to this earth and set up His Kingdom that we

can share with Him if we are ready.

What you learn about God and Jesus Christ and

how they can help you every day of your life can be

compared to 18 carat gold. Things you learn in the

sermons and your YEA classes are the real gems –

they give you wisdom that has eternal value. “For

such wisdom is far more valuable than precious

jewels. Nothing else compares with it. Wisdom gives:

A long, good life, riches, honor, pleasure, peace”

(Proverbs 3:15-17 TLB). Enjoy the Feast of Taber-

nacles, but don’t be fooled by temporary glitter. Look

for the 18 carat gold that will last an eternity!

PrayerGreat and Wonderful God, Thank

you for the Feast of Tabernacles

that teaches us that the tempo-

rary glitter of this world is not

where it is at. Learning your way

of life gives wisdom. That is more

precious than silver, gold or any

precious stone. Your Kingdom

will be permanent and its worth is

invaluable! Help me to give

up the junk for the pearl of great

price. In Jesus’ name I pray.


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I. What is the first thing you think of when you hear the wordsFeast of Tabernacles?




2. Your opinion, please answer: YES, NO, or SOMETIMES


a. Listening to sermons at the Feast is boring. ____ ____ ____b. Young people don’t need to hear sermons. ____ ____ ____c. Young people don’t need sermons as much as adults. ____ ____ ____d. I go to the Feast only to see my friends and for the

fun activities. ____ ____ ____e. I look upon YEA classes and the worship service

as a time to learn and grow. ____ ____ ____

3. Underline the three top reasons why you believe average teenagers go to the Feast ofTabernacles.

To be with church friends For a vacation

To be with family For the YEA classes

To learn more about God’s way For the teen activities

To get out of school To go to the beach or mountains

4. Circle all of the things below which you feel responsible for doing at the Feast.

Giving an offering Making new friends

Being in YEA classes every day Participation in YEA classes

Singing in the Youth Choir Helping those who need help

Serving where I can Attending every worship service

Joining in with the singing Attending all youth activities

Praying every day Reading my YEA lesson before class

Helping my parents with chores

5. Look up the following Scriptures and decide what they tell you that you should do at the Feast.

Deuteronomy 16:16 ___________________________________________________________

Deuteronomy 16:14 ___________________________________________________________

Leviticus 23:39 ________________________________________________________________

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ScripturesI Corinthians 2:9; Leviticus 23:36; John 7:37-39;

Revelation 21:1-4

Words to KnowSYMBOLIZING - something that stands for or repre-

sents something else

Memory Verse“That is what is meant by the Scriptures which say

that no mere man has ever seen, heard or even

imagined what wonderful things God has ready for

those who love the Lord.”

- I Corinthians 2:9 (TLB)

If you could create your perfect world to live in,

what would it be like? If you like music, would it have

singing trees? Would you be able to step on a rock

and get instant music? Maybe your world would have

Dalmatian dogs that could play guitars and Springer

Spaniels that could play different kinds of drums.

What kind of people would you put in your world?

Where there are people, there is a need for laws to

govern them. What would those laws be?

If you are a sci-fi freak, your imagination may be

running wild with how you would construct your

world. You might have transportation that could get

you there before you ever started. Maybe you would

have the ability to create other worlds and populate

them. You might have the power to heal the sick and

raise the dead. It’s fun to think about these things,

isn’t it?

Many of the things we’ve just thought about will

be in tomorrow’s world. Oh, there may not be

Dalmatians playing guitars or Springer Spaniels playing

drums. But the world God has planned for us will

make science fiction look downright puny. “That is

what is meant by the Scriptures which say that no

mere man has ever seen, heard or even imagined

what wonderful things God has ready for those who

love the Lord” (I Corinthians 2:9 TLB).

The lessons in this Festival Supplement have

tracked man’s history for several thousand years.

We’ve learned how the Israelites were slaves in Egypt

and God rescued them. When they left Egypt they

had to eat flat bread. In their travels to the Promised

Land, they came to Mount Sinai, the place where God

gave a law that was so righteous, so good for them

that it made Moses’ face shine.

Several months later, He gave the Israelites, along

with the other people who came out of Egypt with

them, the Feast of Trumpets. This Feast day shows

that when the seventh trumpet sounds, Christ will

Discussion TipsIf you had the power to create your own planet, how would you make it? What kinds of changes would you

make from the world you live in? How would you make it a real dream world? Give these things some thought

and be prepared to have some fun in class.

Lesson 7

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return to this earth and raise those who have died inChrist. God had the High Priest act out a play in theTemple on the Day of Atonement. This play showedhow our national sins are forgiven. It pictured the sinsof the world being put on the head of a scapegoat.That goat was sent out into the wilderness symboliz-ing God removing sin from the earth forever.

Then God told Israel to make booths out of thelimbs of trees and to live in the booths for sevendays. This was to remind them that they livedin temporary dwellings for 40 years whilegoing to the Promised Land. He wantedIsrael to also learn that we look for apermanent home with Christ in HisKingdom. His Kingdom will beon this earth for one thousandyears – a millennium! Wekeep this Feast for sevendays. But wait a minute.Why are we there foreight days?

Because there is something even better yet tocome. There is a festival on the eighth day after theFeast of Tabernacles is over. That is the next festivalGod gave Israel. We call it the Last Great Day.

When we read the Old Testament, there is verylittle said about the Last Great Day. As a matter offact, those words are not even used together in theOld Testament. We have to go to the New Testamentto find them. What we do find in the Old Testament isthe commandment to keep this day. “For seven dayspresent offerings made to the LORD by fire, and onthe eighth day hold a sacred assembly and present anoffering made to the LORD by fire. It is the closingassembly; do no regular work” (Leviticus 23:36).

“On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesusstood and said in a loud voice, ‘If anyone is thirsty, lethim come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me,as the Scripture has said, streams of living water willflow from within him. By this he meant the Spirit,

whom those who believed in him were later toreceive. Up to that time the Spirit had not beengiven, since Jesus had not yet been glorified” (John7:37-39 NIV).

Did you notice that this is the “greatest day of theFeast”? What makes it so great? It’s because of whatGod will do when this day is fulfilled. That dream

world we talked about in the beginningof this lesson will now come to

reality. “THEN I SAW a new earth(with no oceans!) And a new sky,

for the present earth and skyhad disappeared. And I, John,

saw the Holy City, the newJerusalem, coming down

from God out of heaven. Itwas a glorious sight, beautiful as a

bride at her wedding. I heard a loudshout from the throne saying, ‘Look,

the home of God is now among men, andhe will live with them and they will be his people;

yes, God himself will be among them. He will wipeaway all tears from their eyes, and there shall be nomore death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain. All ofthat has gone forever’” (Revelation 21:1-4 TLB).That’s awesome! What a dream world! What acelebration this day should be! You must believe inGod and obey Him if you want to be in this dreamworld.

PrayerAwesome God, What you have planned for

me blows my mind. It’s absolutelyawesome! To think of a dream world whereI can live with you is more wonderful thanI can imagine. In addition to being with you,this world won’t have any pain, sorrow or

death. Help me to believe you and obey you.I want to be in that dream world.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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Make a list of all the Festivals and write a statement with

eight words or less telling what they mean.





























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Words to KnowIDOLATRY - worshiping a god other than the true


GENTILES - peoples of all other nations except Israel

HEATHEN - irreligious; pagans

OBELISK - a tapering four-sided stone used in the

worship of false gods

SUPPLICATION - earnest request made in prayer

Memory Verse“Don’t add anything to my commands. And don’t takeanything away from them.”

- Deuteronomy 12:32 (NlrV Kid’s Devotional Bible)

ScripturesExodus 20:2-3, 32; Deuteronomy 12:2-3;Revelation 22:18

You probably have spring break just in time forone of the greatest religious celebrations – Easter andGood Friday. Your friends may spend a lot of timeshopping for a really neat dress to wear to church onEaster Sunday morning. They may get up early and goto a park or special place for a religious service as thesun comes up. Your friends probably have the best ofintentions. This may be a very deep religious experi-ence for them. And they probably believe this is whatGod would have them do. But what does it say in theBible about celebrating Easter?

As Israel came out of a pagan nation and headedfor the Promised Land, God continued to teach themhow to obey and worship Him. He was very specificabout days and customs whereby they could worshipHim. Idolatry was a very serious sin that He warnedHis people not to practice. “I am Jehovah your God

who liberated you from slavery in Egypt. You mayworship no other god other than me” (Exodus 20:2,3 TLB).

“Then, as God finished speaking with Moses onMount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of stone onwhich the Ten Commandments were written withthe finger of God.

“When Moses didn’t come back down the moun-tain right away, the people went to Aaron. ‘Look’,they said, ‘make us a god to lead us, for this fellowMoses who brought us here from Egypt has disap-peared; something must have happened to him’”(Exodus 32:1 TLB).

Aaron participated in this evil idolatry. He askedfor their golden earrings, melted them down, and

Discussion TipsWhat do Easter Sunrise Services, rabbits, hunting eggs, and buying a really neat dress to wear have to do withthe resurrection of Christ? Does your Bible tell you to do these things? Easter was actually celebrated manyyears before the crucifixion. Does that seem a little strange to you? How did Christians begin to worship Christusing the same customs pagans used to worship a false god? What does the Bible have to say about Christiansdoing this type of thing?

Lesson 8

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formed them into the shape of a calf for the people

to worship. When Moses returned and saw what the

Israelites were doing, he was appalled at this evil act.

He asked Aaron to explain. Aaron blamed the wicked

bunch of Israelites and said they wanted him to make

them a god to lead them since Moses hadn’t come

back. The penalty for their idolatry was extremely

severe. God told them to get their swords and go

from one end of the camp to the other and kill even

their own brothers, friends, and neighbors. About

three thousand men died that day (Exodus 32).

Down through history, Israelites and

Gentiles alike have worshiped other gods.

This was very displeasing to God. “You

must destroy all the heathen altars

wherever you find them – high in the

mountains, up in the hills, or under the

trees. Break the altars, smash the

obelisks, burn the shameful images, cut

down the metal idols, and leave noth-

ing even to remind you of them!”

(Deuteronomy 12:2-3 TLB).

In the Book of Judges, Israel goes through five

different patterns – sin, slavery, supplication, salva-

tion, and silence. “They forsook the LORD, the God of

their fathers, who had brought them out of Egypt.

They followed and worshiped various gods of the

peoples around them. They provoked the LORD to

anger because they forsook him and served Baal and

the Ashtoreths.

What were the Ashtoreths? Astarte was one of

them. “She was goddess of the evening star and

renowned for her beauty. She was a goddess of

fertility, love and war, often linked with Baal”(The

Expositor’s Bible Commentary, page 395). Astarte is

another name for Easter.

In the spring of the year, about the time of the

Passover, a feast was celebrated to this goddess. It

was a joyous day of celebrations and games. Before

the sun came up on Sunday morning, the people

would meet outside and face the rising sun to praise

Easter, their goddess. The celebration included

finding colored eggs which were hidden in the grass,

around trees, and in other hiding places. The children

especially enjoyed the game. This happened many

years before Jesus was ever born. Then rabbits were

added to this celebration. (You can find even more

information about this in the Encyclopaedia Britannica,

Macropaedia Knowledge in Depth, volume 7, p. 475.)

God tells us to celebrate the Passover and the

Days of Unleavened Bread. We don’t please Him if

we add to or take away from what He has said,

“Don’t add to what I’m commanding you. Don’t

subtract from it either. Instead, obey the

commands of the LORD your God that

I’m giving you” (Deuteronomy 4:2

NlrV Kid’s Devotional Bible). God is

very serious about this. “I am

warning everyone who hears the

words of the prophecy of this book.

If you add anything to them, God

will add to you the plagues told about

in this book. If you take any words away

from this book of prophecy, God will take

away from you your share in the tree of life. He

will also take away your place in the Holy City. This

book tells about these things” (Revelation 22:18).

God is so pure, so good, so righteous. We must

not confuse Him with other gods or goddesses. Every

good and perfect gift comes from Him including our

salvation. We’ve seen some of the horrible conse-

quences for worshiping a false god such as Easter.

Keeping God’s Holy Days brings blessings.

PrayerDear One True God and Father, Thank you for

giving me days to celebrate that show your plan for

mankind. Help me never to be tempted to leave you

for a false god. We can make a god out of anything –

money, fame, popularity, sports, beauty, etc. But you

are my God and I put my trust in you. Many of my

friends celebrate Easter. Help me to be a light to

them and not condemn them.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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Answer the following questions. You may go back to your lesson

to find the answers if you need help.

I. What did God tell the Israelites they must do in Deuteronomy 12:2-3?



2. List as many names as you can find for the “goddess of heaven.”



3. Customs are noted in this lesson that were used to worship the “goddess of heaven.” List the onesthat are used today at Easter to worship Christ.




4. Explain why you shouldn’t use the things they used to worship the “goddess of heaven” to worshipChrist?




5. In Revelation 22:18 God gives the consequences for adding anything to the worship of God thatHe does not command. What are they?




6. How would you respond to a friend who invites you to attend a Sunrise Service?




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Words to KnowCELTS - one of an ancient people of western and

central Europe, including the Britons, Gauls, Scots,


DRUIDS - priests to the Celtic people

DIVINATION - seeking to know the past, present or

future by astrology, horoscopes, channeling, tarot, etc.

OCCULT - secret knowledge and practices or

pertaining to, dealing with supernatural influences

WITCHCRAFT - practice of the occult

SEANCE - a meeting of persons to try to hear mes-

sages from the dead. Usually conducted by a medium.

Memory Verse“Be careful – watch out for attacks from Satan, your

great enemy. He prowls around like a hungry, roaring

lion, looking for some victim to tear apart.”

- I Peter 5:8 (TLB)

ScripturesEphesians 5:1 I; I Thessalonians 5:22; 1 Corinthians

10:20-21; Exodus 22:18; Deuteronomy 18:9-14;

2 Chronicles 33:6; 2 Corinthians 6:14-17;

2 Timothy 1:7; Philippians 4:8; James 4:7-8

On Halloween, Katie attended a party where the

Ouija board was brought out. It seemed harmless, so

she played with her friends. But this seemingly inno-

cent “game” created an unquenchable thirst within

Katie to gain more supernatural power. She tried

such things as voodoo, magic, witchcraft, and astrol-

ogy, not understanding where it might lead. In the

end demonic spirits controlled Katie, leaving her

without control over her own life.

Seemingly innocent things such as Halloween can

appear to be a lot of fun. After all, everyone keeps

Halloween and dresses up to get candy. Just because

“everyone does it,” does that mean these things are

not dangerous? Where did such things as Halloween

come from?

The modern celebration of Halloween originated

from the ancient fire festival, “Samhain” (pronounced

“sow-in,” sow rhyming with cow). Samhain was a

joyful celebration of the final harvest, first observed

hundreds of years before Christ by the ancient Celts.

It was celebrated on November 1. Samhain symbol-

ized the death of the old year and the beginning of a

new one. The eve of Samhain, October 31, was the

most feared time of the year. The Celts believed that

at this time the division between the physical earth

and the supernatural world became very thin. At this

Discussion TipsHave you ever wanted to dress up and observe Halloween? After all, it looks like fun. You know the haunted

houses and scary costumes aren’t real and everyone always seems to have a lot of fun. Your best friend’s family

always has a party on that night and you know they don’t worship the devil so, could it really be bad? Many

adults and children enjoy Halloween more than any other holiday. As you review the history of Halloween and

the origin of some of its customs, ask yourself, “Is it okay with God for me to observe it?”

Lesson 9

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time ghosts and spirits of the dead were free towander as they pleased.

The Celtic priests who carried out the celebrationrituals were called Druids. Most rituals performed byDruids involved the offering of sacrifices to placatethe various gods. Samhain was to frighten away evilspirits to ensure that the sun would return afterwinter. During Samhain all fires were extinguishedexcept bonfires built by Druids. Householders paid afee for embers from the “holy” fire to relight thehome fire. The embers were carried back to thehomes in carved out turnips and beets. During thisfestival, people engaged in witchcraft such as fortunetelling, divinations, casting spells, general mischief, anddestruction. The focus of Samhain was fear, death,horror, and evil.

The ancient origins of some current Halloweencustoms are:

Bonfires - built by Druids on Samhain to rejuve-nate the sun and banish evil spirits. The fires repre-sented the sun and were used for the burning ofanimal, crop, and occasional human sacrifices. (“Bon

Fire” literally means a fire in which bones were burned.)

Trick or treat - during Samhain, Druids believedthe dead played tricks on mankind and caused panicand destruction. To appease the spirits of the deadthe country people would leave delicious treats offood and fruit to satisfy the wandering spirits so theywould not cause them or their households any harm.

Jack-o’-lantern - from the carved out turnipsand beets used to carry embers from the bonfireback to their homes to relight the family hearth.

Costumes/masks - the Celts disguised them-selves in hideous costumes and masks made fromanimal skins and heads. They blackened their faceswith soot hoping to blend in with demonic ghosts andspirits so they would not be noticed and possessed.

Bobbing for apples - a marriage or fortunedivination. The first person to bite an apple withoutusing their hands would be the first to marry orwould have good luck in the coming year.

Why do we now call the feast of Samhain, Hal-loween? In the seventh century Pope Boniface IV

established All Saints’ Day to recognize all of the saintswho did not have their own day. It was originallycelebrated on May 13, but was moved by PopeGregory to November I in the eighth century. Manybelieve this was done to appease both the pagans andthe Christians by putting a “Christian” label on thepagan rituals. Halloween was originally called All

Hallows’ Eve. This means the evening or night beforeAll Saints’ Day, “Hallow” is an old English word for“saint.” This was eventually shortened to Halloween.

Halloween observance in the United States wasoutlawed until 1845. The Irish, who immigrated intothis country in the early 1840’s, brought many of theirholidays and customs with them. Some changes weremade to traditions such as carving pumpkins (whichwere plentiful here) instead of turnips. According tothe Dauphin County Library System, the first officialcitywide observation of Halloween occurred in 1921in Anoka, Minnesota. New York City followed in 1923and Los Angeles in 1925.

Halloween has quickly grown into a major holiday.In America major stores start putting Halloweencandy and costumes on the shelves as school suppliescome off the shelves. Currently Halloween is secondonly to Christmas in total retail sales.

Katie found out the hard way what can happenwhen you play around with the spirit world. Whatguidelines does God give us about the parts thatmake up a celebration focused on death, evil, witch-craft, and fear? What are you going to do about it?

PrayerFather in Heaven, We come to you in the name of

your Son, Jesus Christ, to thank you for theopportunity to learn more about you and your

desires for us. Help us to focus on your ways everyday and guide us in all our thoughts, and what we

do and say. Help us to use your Word as ourguide in making decisions on how we live each

day so we may live to honor you. Amen.

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Before class, please mark the following TRUE or FALSE by reviewing the Scriptures

listed at the beginning of this lesson. On the lines provided write the scripture(s)

you used to determine your answer and any comments you think are appropriate.

1. We should be really scared and frightened on Halloween night. TRUE or FALSE (Circle one)

Scriptures (s):


2. Role playing games like the Ouija board and Dungeons and Dragons are really okay if you

have a good attitude and go to church. TRUE or FALSE (Circle one)

Scriptures (s):


3. It is okay to go to your friend’s Halloween party even if you didn’t wear a costume.

TRUE or FALSE (Circle one)

Scriptures (s):


4. There is really nothing wrong with following your horoscope and making decisions based

on it. TRUE or FALSE (Circle one)



5. Horror films and haunted houses are okay. After all, you know it’s fake.

TRUE or FALSE (Circle one)



6. It is all right to be part of a seance. TRUE or FALSE (Circle one)



7. Witches are okay when they only cast good spells or “white magic.”

TRUE or FALSE (Circle one)



8. Evil and witchcraft make God angry. TRUE or FALSE (Circle one)



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ScripturesJeremiah I0:2b-4; Deuteronomy 12:30-32;Exodus 20:2-6

Words to KnowPERMEATE - to pass into every part; spread throughEGGNOG - a rich sweet drink made of cream and eggsIMBIBE - to receive into the mindWEATHER - to bear up against and come safelythrough a storm

Memory Verse“Do not learn the way of the nations or be terrifiedby signs in the sky, though the nations are terrified bythem. For the customs of the people are worthless;they cut down a tree out of the forest, and a crafts-man shapes it with his chisel. They adorn it with silverand gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so itwill not totter.”

- Jeremiah 10:2-4 (NIV)

Have you ever gone to the mall after the Feastand noticed the dramatic transformation? Right afterHalloween, Christmas arrives big time at the mall. Allstops are pulled. The biggest celebration of the entireyear is made ready. Every effort is made to appeal toall your senses – sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.

Bells are ringing. Children are singing, “Rudolphthe Red Nose Reindeer.” The Salvation Army band isplaying, “Joy to the World.” Choirs are singing Christ-mas carols. Beautiful lights, tinsel, garlands, and red,green, gold and silver bows are everywhere. Christ-mas trees are beautifully decked with a star or angelon the top and puffy white sparkling cotton aroundthe bottom. Children are sitting on Old St. Nick’s redvelvet lap telling him what they want for Christmas.

The aromas are heavenly! The delightful smell ofcedar, cinnamon, and rich spices permeates everystore as you enter. Fruitcakes, special cookies andcandies, bags of nuts, and eggnog are tempting buyersas they pass by. A celebration is at hand!

Christmas is exciting. And the Christmas spirit isreal. But is this spirit really something that Christwould have you imbibe in? Is December 25 really thebirthday of our Savior? Do the shopkeepers in themall go to all this effort, time, and expense to honorChrist? Or is it to get you to pull out your cash or signa credit card charge on the dotted line?

Many years before Christ was born, the 25th ofDecember was celebrated in much the same way as

Discussion TipsIs it difficult for you to see your friends having so much fun at Christmas when you can’t do the same thingsthey are doing? Is it wrong to admit to yourself that you wish that you could keep Christmas? What can you doto make life better at this time of the year? Why does God say it is wrong to keep Christmas? Does God havesomething better for you to do than keep Christmas? Don’t miss this class, it will give you the help you need toweather the Christmas season with a smile on your face.

Lesson 10

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it is today. Does that seem odd to you? Yep, there

was a big celebration of this day before Christ was

ever born. But it was not to celebrate the birth of the

Son of God. Rather it was to celebrate the sun god

named Sol Invictus. People even decorated a tree,

much the same as they do today. “Do not learn the

ways of the nations, or be terrified by signs in the sky,

though the nations are terrified by them; they cut a

tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with

his chisel. They adorn it with silver and gold; they

fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter”

(Jeremiah 10:2b-4 The New Adventure Bible).

People loved this custom. After Jesus was born

Christian churches thought it would be a good idea to

use the same customs, but use them to worship

Christ. Well, do you think God approves of that?

Does this really matter? What does the Bible have to

say about it?

“Don’t ask questions about their gods. Don’t say,

‘How do these nations serve their gods? We’ll do it in

the same way.’ You must not worship the LORD your

God the way they worship their gods. . . Be sure you

do everything I’m commanding you to do. Don’t add

anything to my commands.

And don’t take anything away

from them” (Deuteronomy

12:30-32 NlrV Kid’s Devotional


Is God just trying to make

you look different to your friends

or keep you from having fun by

forbidding us to celebrate Christmas?

Again, what does the Bible say about it?

“You shall have no other gods before me.

“You shall not make for yourself an idol in the

form of anything in heaven above or on the earth

beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow

down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your

God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the

sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of

those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand

generations, of those who love me and keep my

commandments” (Exodus 20: 2-6 The New Adventure


Did you notice that the Second Commandment

carries a punishment if you break it? There is not only

punishment for you, but it will extend to your great

grandchildren if you hate God. God’s commandments

were given to make life better for you – to keep you

out of trouble. Notice what verse 6 says: “but showing

love to a thousand generations, of those who love me

and keep my commandments.” The benefits of keep-

ing the commandments extend far beyond any pun-

ishment received for not keeping them. God is such a

Wonderful God!

God hasn’t left you without days to celebrate. He

commands us to keep seven festivals every year.

Christmas is only a one day celebration, but the Feast

of Tabernacles lasts for seven days. God specifically

tells us to rejoice at the Feast of Tabernacles. And He

wants you to have a good time. He wants you to see

your friends from all over the nation. He wants it to be

a big celebration! He wants it to be bigger and

better than Christmas.

PrayerLoving God, Thank you for

your Son Jesus Christ

who was born as a baby,

experienced every temptation that I

have, lived a sinless life and died for

my sins. What a loving Savior I have!

My friends keep Christmas and don’t

understand why I don’t. Sometimes it gets a little

difficult at this time of the year. Help me to remember

how much bigger and better the Feast of Tabernacles

is. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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By answering the following, you will be able to better weather

the Christmas season with a smile on your face and be prepared for an exciting class.

1. Growing as a Christian means a person has to give up having fun.

_____Yes _____No _____ I don’t know

2. I should want to grow as a Christian. . .

(Choose the reason from the list below that best answers the question.)

_____to be more like Jesus _____to go to a place of safety

_____to be protected from sin _____to keep from going to hell

_____to have a better relationship with God _____to have more physical things

3. Which of the following things can I do to grow as a Christian?_____believe in Jesus Christ _____pray daily

_____live what I believe _____learn my memory verses

_____willingly help others _____tithe on my increase

_____read my daily devotionals every day _____rejoice at the Feast

_____have a smile on my face during Christmas _____resist sin

_____keep the commandments _____share my faith with others

4. Which of these things will help you keep a smile on your face during the Christmas season?

_____remember that Jesus suffered more than I am, and never complained

_____plan a lock-in at my church for other teens

_____have a pizza party for other families in my church

_____make the day better for a sick child or elderly person

_____remember that living is hard, but I can do it – Christ did

_____keep focused on how much bigger and better the Feast of Tabernacles is than Christmas

_____not condemn my friends who keep Christmas

5. Complete the following sentence: The one thing I want to do most as a Christian is. . .



6. Answer the following question: If Jesus were alive today, do you think He would keep Christ-

mas? Why or why not?



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You have now completed the first Christian Holydays Supplement for year one. You should be able

to name all of God’s holy days and give basic reasons why you don’t keep Easter, Halloween and


Each of God’s holy days is so wonderful, so filled with interesting and exciting things, that it is

impossible to include everything in one lesson. Maybe your friends have asked you questions you

couldn’t answer, and we may not have covered them in the book for year one. There are still many

interesting bits and pieces that were not included in the first year’s book, so look for them in year

two’s book.

The lesson on the Passover in the second year’s book takes you beyond Israel being freed from

slavery to Jesus’ betrayal. Have you ever experienced rejection and betrayal at school and by your

peers? You know how it hurts. Jesus was betrayed by His best friend. He understands how betrayal

hurts. You’ll discover the proof of God’s love in this world.

You’ll learn how sin is like a monster that dogs your steps. You’ll learn how the Days of Unleavened

Bread can help you get rid of sin and how the Feast of Pentecost provides the wherewithal to do it.

Do you want to be clued in to when Christ will return? Have you ever wondered why the Feast of

Trumpets isn’t called the Feast of Trumpet? Book two will help you understand this.

Why do you have to keep the Day of Atonement when the Passover pictures Christ’s atonement

for sin? Make your way through a little play the High Priest acted out on the stage in the Temple and it

will become clear.

There are so many fun things to do at the Feast of Tabernacles. Some are free and some cost

money. Have you wished you had enough money to do the ones that cost money? Lesson 6 will show

you how to do this – the painless way.

Even though you’re a teenager, you may have lost a friend, grandparent, or other relative to death.

It’s really sad to think you may never see them again. But is this the end for them, or will you see them

again? Lesson 7 brings such comfort and insights to this problem.

As we said, we simply couldn’t give you all the bits and pieces in one lesson. So in year two’s book

we have another lesson on Easter, Halloween and Christmas to answer any questions you still may

have about observing these days, and to fortify you with encouragement.

To be ready to have all of this relevant information and to learn more exciting things about each

holy day, order the Intermediates Year Two Holydays Supplement titled The Festival Path. These lessons

are intended to be taught “in their season.” In other words, the lesson on Passover should be taught

the week before. The lesson about the Days of Unleavened Bread should be taught the next Sabbath

or on the holy day, if your church has Sabbath School on holy days. The lesson about Easter should be

taught before it gets here, so you’ll be informed. The other lessons should be taught as close to that

particular holy day as possible.

These lessons will make each day more special. They will be fun and insightful. So either call 1-888-

BIBLE-44 or go one line at www.borntowin.net for credit card orders. Do it today before you forget.

Don’t forget. You are a very special person to all of us at CEM and YEA!

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Learning about Jesus is fun! We always want to know more about our friends, andJesus is our best Friend. As you read the Bible you will visit the places where Jesuswent. You will meet the people He knew and helped. You will discover thewonderful messages and promises that God has for you. Read the Bible every day.You can do this in the morning or before you go to bed. Each day there are a fewverses below for you to read. Each verse has a day by it so that you will knowwhich one to read. Reading these verses will make next Sabbath’s lessons evenmore interesting. As you read the Bible, remember that Jesus is talking to you.After you read the verses, kneel and talk with God in prayer. Ask Him to protectyou and to help you love Him more.

Lesson I - Free At Last!

Sunday - John 8:31-36Monday - Romans 8:1-4Tuesday - Romans 6:16-18Wednesday - Exodus 7:2-5Thursday - Exodus 6:1 -6Friday - Exodus 12:3, 5, 7, II, 12Saturday - Isaiah 53:4-7

Lesson 2 - Untangle the Mess

Sunday - Exodus 10:1-2Monday - Exodus 3:13-15Tuesday - Ezekiel 39:7Wednesday - I Corinthians 5:6-8Thursday - I Corinthians 14:33, 40Friday - Exodus 12:41-42Saturday - Ezekiel 20:10-12

Lesson 3 - An Awesome Event!

Sunday - Exodus 19:18-20Monday - Exodus 19:3-6Tuesday - Leviticus 23:21-24Wednesday - I Corinthians 15:20-23Thursday - Psalm 119:165-168Friday - Psalm 1:1-3Saturday - Psalm 19:7-8

Lesson 4 - Grab the Rope

Sunday - Numbers 10:9-10Monday - Leviticus 23:23-25Tuesday - I Corinthians 15:50-53Wednesday - I Thessalonians 4:16-18Thursday - Psalm 81:1-4Friday - Matthew 24:29-31Saturday - John 3:17-19

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Lesson 5 - Two Goats

Sunday - Leviticus 23:26-32

Monday - Ecclesiastes 3:1

Tuesday - Psalm 103:10-12

Wednesday - Romans 3:23-26

Thursday - I John 2:1-2

Friday - I John 4:9-10

Saturday - 2 Corinthians 5:17-19

Lesson 6 - Feast of Tabernacles

Sunday - Leviticus 23:39-43

Monday - Matthew 13:44-46

Tuesday - Proverbs 3:15-17

Wednesday - Proverbs 19:8-10

Thursday - Deuteronomy 16:13-15

Friday - Psalm 119:127-130

Saturday - Philippians 2:5-7

Lesson 7 - Your Dream World

Sunday - Leviticus 23:36

Monday - John 7:37-39

Tuesday - Revelation 21:1-4

Wednesday - Isaiah 51:15-16

Thursday - 2 Peter 3:13-14

Friday - Isaiah 65:17-18

Saturday - Isaiah 66:22-23

Lesson 8 - What About Easter?

Sunday - Deuteronomy 12:2-3

Monday - Deuteronomy 12:29-32

Tuesday - Exodus 32:1-5

Wednesday - Exodus 32:6-10

Thursday - Deuteronomy 4:2

Friday - Revelation 22:18

Saturday - Exodus 32:11-16

Lesson 9 - Why is Halloween Bad?

Sunday - 2 Corinthians 6:14-17

Monday - Ephesians 5:1I

Tuesday - I Corinthians 21-21

Wednesday - Exodus 22:18

Thursday - 2 Chronicles 33:6

Friday - 2 Timothy 1:7-10

Saturday - James 4:7-8

Lesson 10 - Bigger and Better

Sunday - Jeremiah 10:2-4

Monday - Exodus 2:2-6

Tuesday - Deuteronomy 12:30-32

Wednesday - Romans 12:1-3

Thursday - Hebrews I1:5-6

Friday - Jeremiah 10:23-25

Saturday - 2 Kings 16:1-4