www.maryglasgowplus.com/fr Teachers Notes September / October 2011 ISSN 0006-7121 Pages 2&3 Actu Fun and stunning news Online poll: Will you buy celebrities’ fragrances? Page 4&5 Bouge ! Maxime, Yoann, François, Fulgence… Meet four French & foreign rugby players en route to the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand Language point: Introduction, nationalities, physical description Culture: The world of rugby Online extra: My favorite sport CD: Who are the French players? Page 6&7 Culture Hepatite X Joseph (15), Lola (16) and Jazz (17) play in a rock band. Language point: I like / I like to do Culture: French music Online activities: Exercises on preferences Online extra: Make comments on the band’s video CD: What do the band members like to do at school and for leisure? Pages 8&9 Jamie Bell Eleven years after starring in Billy Elliot, Jamie Bell will play Tintin in Spielberg’s latest movie. Language point: Present perfect Culture: A star’s life – what is it like? Online activities: exercises on verbs CD: Jamie Bell quiz Pages 10&11 I live in... Manon (14) and Thomas (13) tell us why they like living in Bormes les Mimosas and Strasbourg. Language point: Describe one’s city Culture: France’s towns and cities Online extra: I like / I don’t like my town/ city. Why? CD: Two teenagers talk about their own towns. Content overview Your web teacher code is: 58s66r Pages 12&13 Jeux Exercises and activities Crosswords, word-search, gap-fill exercise, quiz – have fun in reviewing! Pages 14&15 Web Video and news New video: Four teenagers have answered our questions. Plus – discover our website. Language point: Pastime, leisure activities, preferences Culture: French teenagers Online activities: Video exercises Pages 16 BD Nora’s waiting for her pen-friend Jam, Alex and Mina are anxious to know who Nora’s pen-friend is. Language point: Introduction, physical description Culture: Francophone countries CD: Cartoon’s audio version Lesson plan 1 I introduce myself Go to page 2 Lesson plan 3 I use the present perfect Go to page 3 Lesson plan 2 My pastimes Go to page 3 Lesson plan 4 I navigate the MGM website Go to page 4 NEW With National Standards for Foreign Language

Your web teacher code 58s66r Lesson plan 2 - Scholastic 2&3 Actu Fun and stunning news ... (la guitare, la basse, ... questions like they practiced in the starter activity. Extension

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Teachers NotesSeptember / October 2011 ISSN 0006-7121

Pages 2&3 Actu

Fun and stunning newsOnline poll: Will you buy celebrities’ fragrances?

Page 4&5 Bouge !

Maxime, Yoann, François, Fulgence…

Meet four French & foreign rugby players en route to the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand Language point: Introduction, nationalities, physical descriptionCulture: The world of rugbyOnline extra: My favorite sportCD: Who are the French players?

Page 6&7 Culture

Hepatite X Joseph (15), Lola (16) and Jazz (17) play in a rock band. Language point: I like / I like to do Culture: French musicOnline activities: Exercises on preferences Online extra: Make comments on the band’s video CD: What do the band members like to do at school and for leisure?

Pages 8&9

Jamie Bell

Eleven years after starring in Billy Elliot, Jamie Bell will play Tintin in Spielberg’s latest movie. Language point: Present perfectCulture: A star’s life – what is it like? Online activities: exercises on verbsCD: Jamie Bell quiz

Pages 10&11

I live in...

Manon (14) and Thomas (13) tell us why they like living in Bormes les Mimosas and Strasbourg. Language point: Describe one’s cityCulture: France’s towns and citiesOnline extra: I like / I don’t like my town/city. Why? CD: Two teenagers talk about their own towns.

Content overview

Your web teacher code is: 58s66r

Pages 12&13 Jeux

Exercises and activities

Crosswords, word-search, gap-fi ll exercise, quiz – have fun in reviewing!

Pages 14&15 Web

Video and news

New video: Four teenagers have answered our questions. Plus – discover our website. Language point: Pastime, leisure activities, preferencesCulture: French teenagersOnline activities: Video exercises

Pages 16 BD

Nora’s waiting for her pen-friend

Jam, Alex and Mina are anxious to know who Nora’s pen-friend is. Language point: Introduction, physical descriptionCulture: Francophone countriesCD: Cartoon’s audio version

Lesson plan 1 I introduce myself

Go to page 2Lesson plan 3 I use the present perfect

Go to page 3

Lesson plan 2 My pastimes

Go to page 3

Lesson plan 4 I navigate the MGM website

Go to page 4


With National Standards for Foreign Language

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CDOnline activities

Video Advanced activities

Teaching plan 1

Maxime, Yoann, François, Fulgence…

Objectives• develop ability to introduce oneself (1.1: Interpersonal Communication)• build speaking skills (1.2: Interpretive Communication)• improve listening comprehension skills (1.2: Interpretive Communication)

Resource(s)www.maryglasgowplus.com/fr Bonjour September / October 2011, pages 4&5 Bouge !

Preparatory taskUsing the rugby players’ introductions as a model, introduce yourself or another school employee to your class, in French. Ask students to take notes on what you say. When you are done, ask students comprehension questions to verify their understanding. Also ask them what kinds of information you included, and what other kinds of information are commonly included in introductions.This is also a good time to have students log on to the website and set up their profi les on the Mon espace page (www.mg-plus.net/eleves), if they have not yet done so, as a way of introducing themselves to the online Bonjour community. Always remind students to follow the basic principals of cyber safety and never reveal information like name, address, phone number, school, etc.

Main activity1 After students have read the article, ask them the

following comprehension questions: Quel joueur fait du golf ? (François Trinh-Duc) Qui a deux sœurs et un frère ? (Chris Ashton) Quelle est la nationalité du joueur timide ? (française) De quelle couleur sont les cheveux de Berrick Barnes ? (blonds) Quel âge Maxime Médard a-t-il ? (25 ans) Que fait Sonny Bill Williams pendant ses loisirs? (de la boxe)2 Then challenge your students to come up with additional

comprehension questions for one another. Can anyone stump the class? Are students able to answer questions without referring back to the article?

Extension1 Place students in small groups and have them imagine

Bonjour was printing an article on them. What would their biography paragraphs say? Once they have written down the essentials, have them practice speaking the information to one another. They should tell their name and say a little bit about their lives. They might include information on age, height, hair color and length, eye color, family, favorite subjects, leisure activities, nationality, or personality.

You could also have students go online and look at other Bonjour readers’ Mon espace pages to get ideas for what they might want to include in their paragraphs.2 Ask students to consider how they would introduce

themselves when they are 30 and when they are 70. What facts might change? What new information would they include? Remind them to consider family, profession, appearance, pastimes, etc. Have them write down these new profi les and illustrate them, then choose one to present to the class. For added fun, encourage students to dress up as their 30 or 70 year old self.3 Now call student volunteers in front of the class one at

a time to introduce themselves to the class with the same information they’ve just practiced. But this time, in order to help the class build strong listening skills, have the speaker add in one “lie” to see if the class can identify what it is. Students might, for example, say the wrong hair color, age, or nationality. If students are not quite ready to improvise at this level, you can make up index cards ahead of time with suggestions, like J’ai les cheveux bleus. or J’ai vingt ans.

Teaching plan 2

Hepatite X

Objectives• discuss pastimes (1.1: Interpersonal Communication)• improve speaking skills (1.3: Presentational Communication)• build vocabulary (4.1: Language Comparisons)• develop writing skills (1.3: Presentational Communication)

Resource(s)www.maryglasgowplus.com/fr Bonjour September / October 2011, pages 6&7 CULTURE

Preparatory taskChoose about fi ve leisure activities and write each one down on an index card. You might use regarder la télé, parler au téléphone, lire, jouer aux jeux vidéo, and écouter de la musique, for example. Now take these cards and tape them in different places on the walls around the room. Ask students to choose the one they do the most and go stand by that card. In these groups, have each student generate a question to ask the others about their common interest. For example, the students in the lire group might generate questions like, Qu’est-ce que tu aimes lire ? Tu passes combien de temps par jour à lire ? Tu aimes quels auteurs ? Qu’est-ce que tu as lu récemment ? Tu préfères acheter des livres ou aller à la bibliothèque ?

Main activity1 How many musical instruments can your students fi nd

mentioned in the article? (la guitare, la basse, la batterie) How many styles of music? (le rock, la pop, le punk, le rap, le jazz, le classique, l’électro) Ask students which

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band member likes to read. (Joseph) Which band member practices judo? (Lola) Which band member dances? (Jazz)2 Have your students write down their own leisure

activities. Remind them to consider what they do before and after school, on weekends, during different seasons, and during vacations. Once they have created their lists, have them share with another student in class. If they fi nd a common interest, have them draw a picture of it together. If they don’t have a common interest, they can switch partners and try again, or simply draw individual pictures. When students are done, call pairs or individuals up to the front of the class to show their pictures. The rest of the class can then guess the leisure activity. If your students are up for the challenge, allow the class to ask the speaker follow-up questions like they practiced in the starter activity.

Extension1 Ask students to read the guidelines on the website

about submitting an article for Actualités des élèves. Then have them write about one of their pastimes. They might include information like how the activity is done, equipment used, when and where it can be done, why people do it, the benefi ts of the activity, etc. When they are done, they can submit it! (www.mg-plus.net/ae) 2 Read your students the following sentences and see if

they can identify the pastime being described. After each one, call on several students to say whether or not they like that pastime, and why.J’ai besoin de ma palette, de mes pinceaux, d’une toile et de quelques tubes d’acrylique. (la peinture) Tout ce qu’il me faut, c’est un centre commercial et de l’argent. (le shopping) Je porte un tee-shirt, un short et une bonne paire de chaussures de sport. J’essaie chaque jour d’aller un peu plus loin et un peu plus vite. (courir, le jogging) Avec une pelote de laine et des aiguilles, je peux faire une écharpe, un bonnet ou un pull ! (tricoter) Je m’assieds, je regarde l’écran, et je m’échappe dans l’histoire. (regarder des fi lms ou la télé) Teaching plan 3

Jamie Bell

Objectives• mastery of formation of passé composé (4.1: Language Comparisons)• improved ability to identify and understand written and spoken passé composé (1.2: Interpretive Communication)

Resource(s)www.maryglasgowplus.com/fr Bonjour September / October 2011, pages 8&9 STAR

Preparatory taskPut your students into four rows and assign each row a category of verb to listen for: ER, IR, RE, and irregular. Then read sentences of your choosing or the fourth paragraph of

the article (starting with En 2000...). As students listen, have them stand or raise their hands whenever they hear a verb from their category used in the passé composé. Another variation you can try is to assign half the class être and the other half avoir. Then call out a list of verbs and have students stand if it would be conjugated with the auxiliary verb they’ve been assigned. Remember some verbs can take either!

Main activity1 After students have read the article, see if they can

complete these sentences: Le premier fi lm que Jamie Bell a vu était ___. (Jurassic Park) Pour le fi lm Billy Elliot, Jamie a gagné un ___. (BAFTA) Jamie n’a jamais connu son ___. (père) Quand il ne tourne pas, Jamie promène ___. (son chien) Jamie a écrit des scènes et des ___. (courts métrages)2 Make sure your students have a thorough understanding

of the passé composé by making them teach it to each other. Divide the class into four or fi ve groups. Assign one group to cover the passé composé dealing with avoir and regular verbs, and another to cover avoir and irregular verbs. Next assign one group to explain which verbs use être as their auxiliary, and how to remember them, and another group to explain the agreement of past participles for verbs that take être. An optional fi fth group of students could explain negatives in the passé composé, or other groups can incorporate this into their lessons. If you save and combine their work, students will have a ready-made study guide for exams, or you can use it as a teaching guide for a beginning level class.

ExtensionHave students go to the website and look around at the articles and comments they see there (www.mg-plus.net/actualites). Have them fi nd fi ve examples of the passé composé, with at least one in the negative. Have them use those fi ve examples to write their own original sentences. While they are online looking, can they fi nd any examples in student comments that are mistakes? Can they correct them?

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BONJOUR Vol. 55 September/October 2011BONJOUR is published fi ve times during the school year: Sept./Oct., Nov./Dec., Jan./Feb., Mar/Apr., May/June, by Scholastic Inc.Offi ce of Publication: 2931 E. McCarty Street, PO Box 3710, Jefferson City, MO 65101-4464. Prices: $7.99 each per year for 10 or more subscriptions to the same address; $24.95 each for 1 – 9 subscriptions (student editions) per year; $29.95 each for 1 – 9 subscriptions (teacher editions) per year; $5.50 single student copy; $6.50 single Teacher’s Edition copy. Periodical postage paid at Jefferson City, MO 65101-4464 and at additional mailing offi ces. POSTMASTERS: send address changes or and communications relating to subscriptions to Offi ce of Publication, BONJOUR 2931 E. McCarty Street, P.O.Box 3710, Jefferson City, MO 65101-4464. Canadian Subscriptions: CPC Agreement No. 1471155, send address corrections to: Scholastic Canada Ltd., 175 Hillmount Road, Markham, ONL6C 1Z7. for Canadian subscription information call toll-free 1-888-752-4690. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. by Quebecor World, 760 Fujitec Drive, Lebanon, Ohio 45036.Directeur de la Publication: Gordon Knowles

PRINTED IN U.S.A. Contains a minimum of 10% post-consumer waste

Teaching plan 4


Objectives• create an account for www.maryglasgowplus.com/fr• explore and navigate the site comfortably• build internet vocabulary (1.2: Interpretive Communication)

Resource(s)www.maryglasgowplus.com/fr Bonjour September / October 2011, pages 15 Web

Preparatory taskTalk your students through the login process. Remind them of the basic rules of cyber safety - they should not post any personally identifying information or photos. Now send students on a www.maryglasgowplus.com scavenger hunt. Ask them to fi nd: the word of the week, the title of the main news headline, how many points they get for creating an account, the current prize for the contest for the most points, who or what was on the cover of the past three issues, the title of the current video, and fi ve countries where they could fi nd friends.

Main activity1 Have students choose one of the news articles on the

Actualités page, read it, and post their responses to the questions asked at the end of it. For this activity, make sure they are on the Actualités page (www.mg-plus.net/actualites), and not the Actualités des élèves page. Once students are done, group them by the article they chose and have them practice speaking by discussing the article and their responses to the questions.2 Now have students go to the Actualités des élèves

page (www.mg-plus.net/ae). Have them choose one article

to read. As they read, have them keep a list of words or expressions they don’t know. If there are too many, ask them to look for another article that they understand better. When they are done reading, ask them to post a response of some kind - an opinion or a question, a comparison, etc.

ExtensionGive your students the following list of internet and website-specifi c vocabulary words and have them fi nd defi nitions: accueil, un mot de passe, un compte, glisser-déposer, mettre en surbrillance, télécharger, taper, relier, envoyer. In addition, have them fi nd defi nitions for the words they wrote down in the extension activity. Remind them that if they are stuck, they can try emailing the Coach de français for help (www.mg-plus.net/fr_coach)!

Editor: Jean-Christophe Haultecoeur Author: Bethany New

Layout: David Dutch

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Students can win an iPod touch on Mary Glasgow Plus!

The student who has the most points by 31st May 2012, wins an iPod touch!

Students earn points every time they use Mary Glasgow Plus. The more they use the website, the more points they earn! The sooner your students start using the website, the more time they have to earn points.

How to earn points

Start an account 10 Points

Answer ALL questions on Mon Espace 5 Points

Upload an avatar picture 5 Points

Comment on Actualités or Actualités des Élèves 2 Points

For excellent work, students get extra points:

Write an excellent comment on Actualités 10 Points

Publish a story on Actualités des Élèves 20 to 35 Points

Publish a video on Actualités des Élèves 40 to 50 Points

onlineAll teachers and students who

subscribe to BONJOUR magazine

can access hundreds of free

digital resources and activities

on our website.

● How to start a website account

● Safety and privacy information

● Website features and resources

● Website lesson ideas


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To start a new accountStart a new teacher or student account:

1. Go to www.mg-plus.net/tn-frstartEnter your email address and tick ‘I am new’.

2. The website asks for your code.Students enter their student code. Teachers enter their teacher code.

3. Follow the instructions on the screen.

4. After you have started an account, log in to the account every time you visit the website.

To reactivate an account from last year

If you already have an account from last year or an account for a different language, do not start a new account.Add this year’s French code to your old account.

1. Go to www.mg-plus.net/tn-frstart

2. Enter the email address and password for your old account.

3. After you log in to your account, go to ‘My Page’ and add your new code.

To access the website, teachers need a teacher code and students need a student code. There are two different sections to the website – Teachers and Students – so it’s important to start an account with the correct code.

Start an account or reactivate an old account

Your web teacher code is: 58s66r

Online safety

Students’ safety is important to us.• Our access code system means Mary Glasgow Plus is completely private. The only students who can register on the student site are the young learners who read Mary Glasgow magazines.

• All students on the website are anonymous. We do not show their contact details or details of their school.

• All avatar images and comments are checked. Inappropriate images or comments are deleted before they appear on the website.

• Just like in our magazines, all the content on Mary Glasgow Plus is appropriate for students of a young age.

If parents are worried about their children using Mary Glasgow Plus, we suggest that you give them a copy of the information above.

My students don’t have email addressesStudents need to enter an email address when they register. This is so that we can email them a new password if they forget the one they chose.

If students don’t have an email address, we suggest they use their parent’s email address or they create one with a free service like Hotmail or Gmail.

We will only use the email address to contact students if they request a new password. We will not use students’ email addresses for marketing.


Where are the student codes? Where are the student codes?

It is important that students use the correct code for their magazine. This way they will see online features that relate to their magazine articles.

Student codes are printed on the cover of every magazine.

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On the teacher site, teachers can search and download thousands of resources.

● Worksheets● Audio fi les (with listening activities)● Videos● Articles from past Mary Glasgow magazines● Images to use as vocabulary fl ash cards● Whiteboard activities

There is a free video for each magazine issue. The video relates to an article from the magazine.

Videos show real French speaking teenagers talking about their lives or topical issues.

A transcript and two comprehension activities are available with the video.Watch videos on the website or download them to watch without an internet connection. Videos are suitable for use on an interactive whiteboard.

Online activities relate to articles from the magazines. With every magazine issue we put eight new interactive activities online.

After reading the magazine articles, students can test their understanding and practice the language points. Activities can be completed on a computer screen or interactive whiteboard.

Every week we publish a topical news story, with an angle that appeals to teenagers.

There are 4 different versions of the week’s news story – from elementary to advanced level. This is great for mixed-level classes.

The story is also available in audio as an MP3 download, so that students can hear the text as they read.

Students can send written articles or videos. We publish the best ones on the website.

Here are some ideas for what your students can report on:

● an interesting hobby● something that’s happening in their school, town or country● their opinions on an issue● a holiday or school trip

GuidelinesWe prefer articles of 200 words or less.Students need to send a photo with a written article.If students are sending a video, they must upload it to a website like youtube.com or vimeo.com and send us the link. We cannot accept videos that are attached to emails.

Students send their work to the correct address for their magazine:

[email protected] email address is also available on the Actualités des Élèves page.

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Website lesson ideas

Here are some ideas to use the Mary Glasgow Plus website in class.

Points racewww.mg-plus.net/tn-frpointsWhy not have a competition in your class to see which student can get the most points?

1 Tell your students how to earn points (see the list on page 5). 2 At the start of a month, tell students to earn as many

points as they can before the end of the month. 3 Students can prove how many points they have by

printing a copy of their Mon Espace. 4 Give a prize to the student with the most points.

Remember, the more points they earned, the more French practice they had!

Match photos and headlineswww.mg-plus.net/tn-frnews1 Print out the Actualités page.2 Cut up the headlines and photos from the 4 stories and

give them to students to match up.3 Ask students to predict what the articles are about.4 For homework students can visit the Actualités page and

read some articles.

What’s your opinion?www.mg-plus.net/tn-frnews1 Choose a news story. Print out the correct level for your

students. If you have a mixed-ability class, print out two different versions. 2 Read the article in class. Ask all students to think of an

opinion about the article or an answer to one of the questions at the end. Discuss students’ opinions and answers as a class.3 If your students have internet access at home, tell them

to log into the website and write a comment on the news story. Or go online in class and let students do their reading and writing online.

Here is the newswww.mg-plus.net/tn-frnews1 Divide the class into small groups. 2 Give the students a role (a news reader, a live reporter,

interviewees).3 Give each group a different news story. In their roles, they

act out a report for the class.

Spot the differencewww.mg-plus.net/tn-frnews1 Print out two levels of the same news story.2 Students read both versions and spot the difference.3 What extra information is in the higher level? How is the

language different?

Someone like meThere are many Bonjour readers from around the world registered on Mary Glasgow Plus. Tell your students to fi nd other students who share their hobbies and interests.1 Log in to a student account. Go to Trouver des Amis then

Trouver plus d’amis. 2 Click on different students to view their profi le.3 Students send a friend request to other students who like

the same things.4 Students report back on who they found.

Example: I like football and Luca from Italy also likes football.

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