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YOUR SAGITTARIUS LIFESTYLE & WELL-BEING …...They are big blabber mouths so never tell them a secret. They love to travel and don’t mind either the fanciest or seediest locations

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The Cosmic Collection: SAGITTARIUSYour Sagittarius Lifestyle & Well-being Profi le

Finding Your Center: Your Well-being According To Your Sun Sign Well Being is far more than just physical health; it involves feeling centered and strong on emotional and spiritual levels as well. You may have noticed that feeling physically unhealthy or even just low-energy can throw off the balance of your entire system, and the same is true of emotional depression and spiritual disconnectedness. Thus, achieving a state of well-being depends

on feeling balanced in all areas of our lives. Fortunately, the Zodiac holds keys to creating that harmoniously centered sense of stability. Based on your Sun sign’s Element along with certain other specifi cs of your sign, you can learn vital ways of promoting a greater and more integrated sense of thriving in body, mind and soul.

The Fire SignsNaturally fi lled with vital energy, the three Fire signs tend to have less trouble than other signs when it comes to fi ghting illness. In fact, if you’re an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, you might seem to just burn off fevers, colds and other physical ailments. But the harder you push your body and yourself, the sooner you may start feeling burned out. If you notice yourself being more aggressive or irritable than usual, or feeling uncharacteristically gloomy, take it as a sign that your inner fi re is burning low and needs refueling. Yoga, meditation and other calming and centering practices can be essential for the Fire signs when it comes to staying in peak shape, mentally and physically. Impatient Aries has the hardest time embracing this type of slower-paced, mind-and-body practice; Sagittarius, on the other hand, tends to be the most open of the Fire signs

to the mind expansion that comes from such disciplines. Remember that meditation doesn’t have to mean simply sitting quietly, focusing on your breathing. Rhythmic or repetitive physical exercises including gardening, distance running, cycling, and swimming laps can bring similar benefi ts.

Holistic health cannot be achieved without paying due attention to emotional wellbeing. Many Fire signs are inclined toward irritability, aggression and a quick temper. Simple practices like breathing in deeply when annoyance begins to rise can help keep that fi re at bay. So can making a daily eff ort to treat others kindly and compassionately (whether they seem to deserve it or not!).

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DietAnother important aspect of wellbeing is diet. For Fire signs, cooling foods such as yogurt, cucumbers and herbal tea help temper that inner fi re. Be sure to drink water regularly, to keep your internal sizzle from fl aming out of control. If your fi re starts to sputter, signaled by low

energy or lingering illness, try stoking the fl ame with stimulating foods and spices such as garlic, cinnamon and ginger. And be sure to include fi sh or fl axseed oils in your regular diet to gain the brain and heart benefi ts of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Associated Body PartsEach Zodiac sign is associated with certain body parts, and should be aware of the potential for related illness. Aries is associated with the head and may be prone to tension headaches. If so, try combating them with relaxation techniques; again, deep breathing and meditation can be very helpful here. Another eff ective technique is to apply an ice pack to the base of the neck at the

fi rst sign of tension or pain. Since Leo is associated with the heart, a healthy diet and regular cardio exercise will go a long way toward keeping yours strong. Finally, Sagittarius is associated with the hips, thighs and liver, so be sure to include squats and lunges in your exercise regimen, and steer clear of toxins like excess alcohol and fatty foods that could put undue strain on the liver.

Lasting HappinessThe optimism and idealism of the Archer often translate to a happy disposition, so it would seem that lasting contentment should come easily to this sign. But even Sagittarius can have issues with frustration and depression, especially when life starts feeling a little too, well, real. Lasting happiness for you might depend on accepting that not every experience can be a grand adventure, and life isn’t just one big party after

another. Furthermore, as a carefree wanderer, your instinct is to roam far and wide, but you may actually fi nd that true contentment comes when you focus on one relationship or occupation, commit to it, and settle in for the long haul. It’s all about balancing your wanderlust with a home base, or your taste for adventure with a fondness for the familiar.

Major Character ChallengesHave you ever encountered a stubborn Taurus or a brassy Leo? How about a sneaky Scorpio or a playboy Sagittarius? Do any of these undesirable characteristics ring a bell? Each sign has a positive side as well as a negative one. The not so nice characteristics are the ones we can grow and learn from, particularly when it’s someone else who’s rubbing us the wrong way. Once we gain an understanding of where someone is coming from it’s easier to have empathy and understanding. For now, let’s take a fun poke at your sign and their not so charming traits!

This sign is the boozer of the zodiac and their reputation for drinking and partying is the stuff urban legends are made of. It’s all about having

a good time…period. Never one to shy away from social gatherings they know how to liven up even the dullest of business meetings, work parties or family get-togethers. They have no restraint or ethics when it comes to the good times.

They spend money like there’s no tomorrow and are willing to take large gambles and huge risks which would make their grandmother turn over in her grave. They probably consider the large inheritance she left them to be partied away as quickly as possible rather than saved for a rainy day.

Always on their soapbox with their dogma, self-righteousness and fanatical ideals they focus on

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the big picture but lack the practical details to actually put their words into action. They have no self-restraint and suff er from ‘foot-in-mouth’ disease. They will blurt out the fi rst thing that comes to mind without a second thought. In their book, the truth, no matter how painful must always be told.

Sagi needs freedom at all costs and probably has a black book as thick as the white pages. They are conceited and impulsive much like their half human half horse Sagittarian icon, the Centaur. The mythical Centaur loves to run around, has an

athletic nature and is restless and active.

They can be clumsy, impatient and quick tempered although can get over their temper tantrums just as quickly. They wear their heart on their sleeve so those closest to them always know where they stand. They are big blabber mouths so never tell them a secret.

They love to travel and don’t mind either the fanciest or seediest locations as they feel it’s all an experience to be had. They can be gullible which makes them easy prey for con artists who appeal to their freewheeling nature.

Your Stress Profi lePsychologists and personal trainers off er many suggestions to help people cope with stress. Nevertheless, these techniques are not useful for everyone. It is possible to use the techniques, but you must know which ones are best suited for your sign. Astrology can help you identify diff erent aspects of your personality, while providing resources to heal negative traits. Whether it is to pay karmic debt or learn a lesson in this life, you need solid methods to alleviate stress and anxiety. This information will allow you to cut your stress in half. By using these methods in combination with anything you have, you can begin to heal the mind, body, and soul.

As a Sagittarius, you have the benefi t of burning off physical ailments easily. It would be benefi cial for you to practice yoga and meditation to cope with stress. Sagittarius people need to sustain their fi re with disciplinary actions. Sagittarius individuals have that capacity to tap into spiritual enlightenment. If you are a beginner, you can start by using breathing techniques to calm down. You can also utilize holistic health to ease temper-related issues. Compassion and friendliness can also cut your stress. When your fi re begins to dim, you can utilize particular spices such as ginger and cinnamon. Sagittarius people can benefi t from exercises that target the thighs and hips.

Your Parenting Profi leAnyone who has ever had a child knows parenting is one of the most rewarding jobs there is — but also one of the toughest. The way we raise our children is inevitably a combination of strategies learned from our own families of origin along with those techniques we pick up from books, magazines and websites devoted to parenting advice. Our natural instincts go into it along with the social, cultural and religious traditions we are a part of, whether by birth or by choice. What is your approach to raising a child? Is your style your own, or are you carrying on patterns and rituals you learned from your own parents? Chances are, you’re enacting a combination of both — and everything you do regarding your child is fi ltered

through your Sun sign, which has everything to do with how you comfort, nurture, teach and discipline the young person you’re in charge of.

Many Sagittarius parents are more of a friend to their children than an authority fi gure, which has both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, your home life emphasizes fun, adventure and experience. You’re likely to teach your child from an early age about the pleasures of exploring the world through books, travel, sports, and friendships with a variety of people. You’re an excellent role model in terms of your bright, optimistic outlook, your friendly and outgoing personality, and your exuberance in taking

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on life’s challenges as an exciting adventure. A lifelong learner, you pass along your open-minded perspective to your little one, teaching them by example to be curious about the world around them. But your parenting and home life may lack routine, while many children need the safety and stability of consistency to blossom.

Your resistance to setting limits and rules could also be a disservice to your child over time. But since you’re quite fl exible in your thinking and your approach to parenting, you’re sure to fi nd the right combination of strategies that will help you raise a happy, stable and thriving child.

Your Pet Profi le: What Pet Should You Adopt?According to popular lore, dogs are man’s best friend — but while many people adore the devotion and companionship of a puppy, not everyone wants to deal with muddy paws, slobbery licks or begging at the dinner table. The same goes for cats: Some fi nd them beautiful and intriguing, while others see them as little more than snooty sneeze-factories. So which furry, feathered or scaly animal could be your best friend? Your Zodiac sign is a great place to fi nd ideas. Our signs impart unique qualities and characteristics that help shape not only our personalities, but also our preferences. Your Sun sign can reveal the type of animal that might make your very best companion — your own, personal best friend.

Dogs are said to be man’s best friend, and there may be no better pet for a Sagittarius than a happy, friendly mutt. The easygoing, fun-loving, always-up-for-adventure personality of a dog is a great match for human companions who possess the same qualities. And what is a Sagittarius if not enthusiastic and adventurous? Even if you’re outward-bound to rugged parts unknown, your pup will adore going along for the ride. Of course, Sagittarius loves to travel, and bringing your dog to another country can pose complications in terms of required fees and quarantines. If you do decide to bring your furry friend when you relocate to a foreign land, be sure you have the details straight regarding vaccinations, paperwork and other legalities.

Your Friendship Profi le: Who To Keep Close At HeartAstrology tells us so much about ourselves; the planets in their orbits refl ect our basic life forces. They infl uence our characteristics by their relationship to each other, as measured from the moment of our birth. These relationships between the planets, their positions in relation to the place of our birth tell us of their expression in the spheres of life depicted in the astrological houses.

Many mistakenly think that is all there is to Astrology, simply watching constellations process through the Zodiac, but there is much, much more. The Zodiac is a 360 degree circle divided into 12 sections, each associated with certain characteristics based on qualities of the elements Fire, Air, Water and Earth.

Each of these four elements has three states named Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Those of

us with an emphasis on Cardinal signs tend to be leaders or initiators, they’re goal oriented, never taking their eyes off of the prize. Those of us with an emphasis on fi xed signs tend to be “status quo” people. They’re effi cient, good organizers, tending to react to situations and not to initiate them. Those with mutable emphasis love change; they seek the new and have no love for the “status quo.”

So with 12 Zodiac signs each belonging to an element, each in one of the three states gives us an infi nite number of personalities and characteristics. Each of us, holding specifi c aspects of each, so there is no pure Taurus or Sagittarius. With the factors of heredity and infl uences of the states and elements two people born into Aries can seem as diff erent as night and day. The date, time and places of their births, separating them, giving them, diff erent

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relationships to the diff erent planets.

So which signs should you be friends with?

Sagittarius is a Fire sign; Mutable ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarians are free spirits with traveling bones. The centaur is their symbol, half horse and half man willing to travel the world seeking adventure,

in its hands a bow, shooting arrows into the distance chasing new adventures, romantic or otherwise. Sagittarians are fun-loving and lusty, but their wish to see what’s over the hill makes it diffi cult for them to commit. They’re always willing for new and diff erent experiences and resist being tied down. They need someone like themselves, open, good-natured with the spirit of adventure. Finding that, this most philosophical of signs will see marriage as the ultimate adventure.

Your Beauty Profi leWe all want to look our best, but enhancing your natural beauty is about more than just your coloring, hair type or style preferences. If you want to jazz up your looks in a unique and natural way, try incorporating the traits of your astrological sign. Each of the twelve Sun signs is associated with certain colors and body parts along with its own element and quality. If you pay special attention to these elements when

choosing your makeup and hairstyle and putting your look together, you can play up your sign’s best strengths. Read on to fi nd out more about the specifi c colors, hair and makeup tips, and health information you need to know to look your very best.

As a Mutable Fire sign, Sagittarius looks best in vivid tones that evoke your sign’s fi ery spark. Try eye shadows and liners in bold purples or reds,

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and lipsticks in deep red or brown hues. Be sure to use a daily moisturizer with SPF, even in winter months, to protect your skin from the bright sun’s rays, especially if you spend lots of time outdoors. As spontaneous and adventurous as you are, you probably enjoy having a constantly changing look that keeps others guessing. Experiment with simple makeup techniques that can transition easily from daytime to nighttime,

so you can follow your whims or accept spur-of-the-moment invitations without worrying about having to go home to change clothes or fi x your hair. Since your sign’s body parts are the hips and thighs — and since Sagittarius is naturally athletic — keep your body in top form with exercises like running, squats and lunges that strengthen these areas.

Your Vacation Profi leIf you’ve ever returned from a vacation feeling more exhausted than when you left, you know the importance of choosing the right destination. For instance, the rush of energy in a big city might be invigorating for one person, but overwhelming for another. Plan a custom vacation that will balance and recharge you by looking to the elemental association of your sun sign.

The mutable fi re of Sagittarius, the Archer, brings a sense of evolution. The philosophical energy enjoys refl ecting on its fi ery self. Symbolized by the centaur, Sagittarius is drawn to unique expeditions that allow for an exploration of the realms of the mind and spirit, such as a trip to an astronomical observatory or a self-directed tour of signifi cant religious sites.

Your Diet & Fitness Profi leWhether you’re setting a resolution for the new year or simply realizing that it’s time to take charge of your health, there is no time like the present to launch a new and improved diet and fi tness regimen. But mere willpower isn’t enough. Some say a failure to plan is tantamount to planning to fail — but you won’t make that mistake. Set yourself up for success by gathering the information you need before you embark on your journey toward wellness. What’s one great place to begin? With the Zodiac — specifi cally, your own Sun sign. Read on to gain insight into your astrological strengths to harness, pitfalls for your sign to avoid, and the very best ways to get your health on track.

For free-spirited Sagittarius, who lives for the

excitement of spontaneity, the very phrase “exercise routine” might send you running in the opposite direction. But getting and staying healthy can be a challenging adventure. Capitalize on your natural love of learning by fi nding a cookbook or taking a cooking class that will teach you about healthful meals you and your family will enjoy. Ethnic cuisines, such as Mediterranean or Vietnamese, can be a great way to shrink your waistline while stimulating your palate. As for physical exercise, keep it fun and fast-paced, and be sure to switch it up often. Try learning a new skill, such as martial arts, horseback riding or yoga. Circuit training is also right up your alley, since the variability is built right in. Who knows? You might fall so in love with your new activity that you wind up teaching others to do it, too.

Your Birthstone Profi le & Healing AbilityPeople have valued gemstones for their healing properties for centuries. Crystals, especially those of the quartz variety, are in widespread use today for treating everything from physical to emotional to spiritual issues. But precious and semiprecious stones also have benefi cial

qualities. When used with care and respect, these mineral beauties can enhance our health, our relationships and our wellbeing.

Most people are familiar with the gemstone associated with their birth month, but certain

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stones are also associated with the Signs of the Zodiac. Read about your Zodiac Sign and its corresponding gemstone, and read on to learn

about the healing properties of your personal astrological gemstone healer.

Topaz: Easygoing Sagittarius isn’t normally one to hold a grudge, but if you’re having trouble forgiving someone or letting go of disappointment, topaz can help. This Sign also avoids stress whenever possible, but when life forces you into a diffi cult

situation, use topaz to help you stay balanced and calm. This gemstone aids in meditation and higher thinking, which will benefi t this lifelong student and teacher.

Your Spring Cleaning Profi leIt’s spring! The air is warmer, tiny buds are beginning to unfurl on bare tree branches, green shoots are poking up through the cold earth, and the world is fi lled with a fresh sense of renewal. It’s no wonder that, as the landscape changes around us, becoming more vibrant, lush and beautiful after the monochromatic tones of winter, we’re fi lled with a corresponding urge to update our living spaces. Spring cleaning is universal: It’s all about clearing the clutter from our homes and doing a top-to-bottom deep-clean, scouring all the nooks and crannies we’ve overlooked all winter long. And there is a defi nite link between our physical surroundings and our inner emotions; setting our homes to rights makes us feel more focused, confi dent and optimistic. But the actual process of cleaning is far more individual, based on the particulars of your Sun sign. What’s your cleaning style? How can you maximize your natural strengths from the Zodiac and avoid the pitfalls common to your sign?

For free-spirited Sagittarius, the idea of spring cleaning is about as fun as being cooped up indoors on a beautiful, sunny day — in other words, no fun at all! If you want to accomplish your spring cleaning in a timely and thorough manner, you’ll have to focus on the big picture. In this case, the light at the end of the tunnel is the fresh, airy home you’ll be able to enjoy once you’ve tackled the job head-on. As spontaneous as you are, you might shudder at the idea of setting aside a particular day to do your cleaning, but if you don’t put it on the calendar, you’ll fi nd all kinds of excuses to keep putting it off — and you know how it is with tasks that are out of sight going right out of mind. So go against your own nature by scheduling your spring cleaning, and remind yourself to keep things in perspective: One solid afternoon of hard work should take care of the bulk of the job, and then you’re good to go for another season.

Your Psychic Ability Profi leEveryone has some degree of innate psychic ability, but diff erent signs approach the psychic world with diff erent attitudes and talents. How psychic is your sign?

Your Psychic Talent: Astral travel – go wherever you’d like from the comfort of your chair or bed!

You’re not sure whether you believe in psychic abilities or not, but you do accept that there’s more to the world than we can know. Sudden or dramatic incidents in your life up your psychic senses and you’ll fi nd yourself much more open at times of crisis.

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About the Author KELLI FOXKelli was fi rst drawn to astrology during her childhood in Sydney, Australia. As early as eight years of age, she began recording birth dates and Sun Signs for anyone willing to share. Kelli’s formal astrological studies began at the College of Humanistic Astrology. This led to her professional accreditation with multiple organizations including: National Council for Geocosmic Research (CA NCGR IV), Professional Member of the American Federation of Astrologers (PMAFA), International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR C.A.P.), and the Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA).

Kelli is also the fi rst member of the Founders’ Circle of Kepler College, and is an emeritus member of its board of trustees. Kepler College is the fi rst college in the western hemisphere authorized to issue BA, AA and MA degrees in Astrological Studies.

In 2004, with Neptune on her descendant and transiting Pluto conjunct her natal Moon, she had a near death medical experience that left her in a coma and on life support for two weeks. Kelli was fortunate to survive and return from the other side. With new found life, her passion to share the knowledge of astrology with people everywhere was reignited.

Kelli views astrology as a universal language through which the unique elements that make each of us who we are can be discussed, understood and developed. She sees her role as bringing this ancient science to our modern-day life through current technologies — from web sites to mobile phones and video screens.