Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment

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Page 1: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment



Page 2: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment

Your needs, our concrete goals.Maema, a leader in the production

of machines for the aesthetic

processing of concrete, is using

the latest technology for the treat-

ment of precast panels, curbs, and

paving stones.

Maema ist zwar ein noch relativ jun-

ges Unternehmen, gleichwohl sind

wir Marktführer in der Produktion

von Maschinen für die Oberflächen-

bearbeitung von Betonelementen.

Unsere Produktpalette umfasst Anlagen

für die Bearbeitung von Wand- und

Deckenplatten, Stützen, Bordsteinen,

Pflasterplatten und Pflastersteinen.

Maema es realidad empresarial

líder en la producción de maquinas

para el tratamiento superficial de

elementos en hormigón.

De nuestra producción son maquinas

para trabajar paneles en hormigón,

bordillos, adoquines y terrazo.

Maema è un’azienda leader nella produzione di impianti per il trattamento

superficiale di elementi in calcestruzzo. Di nostra produzione sono infatti

macchinari per la lavorazione di pannelli in calcestruzzo, cordoli, pavé e


Page 3: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment

Your needs, our concrete goals.

Maema est une entreprise leader

dans la production d’installations

pour le traitement superficiel d’élé-

ments en béton.

Nous produisons des machines pour

le travail de panneaux en béton,

bordures, pavés et autobloquants.

اهتاليثم معزتت Maema اميام ةكرش

رصانعلا حطس ةجلاعمل ةزهجألا جاتنا يف

يف .ةيتنمسإلا ةناسرخلاب ةعونصملا

يتلا تالآلل نوجتنملا نحن اننإ عقاولا

ةعونصملا حاولألا ريضحت مامتإب موقت

ةيطيحملا بناوجلا ،ةيتنمسآلا ةناسرخلاب

ةززحملا حوطسلا ،قباوطلا نيب ةلصافلا

.تيبثتلا ةيتاذلاو ،تانيعمك

Maema - это молодая

действительность, лидер в

производстве систем для

поверхностной обработки

цементных деталей. Станки для

обработки бетонных панелей,

бордюров, плиток для мощения и

самоблокирующихся плиток.

Page 4: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment

Our surface treatment plants for

precast panels are multifunctional,

processing flat panels, curved panels

(concave or convex), and columns.

Additionally, in accordance with

customer requirements, Le.Bo.La.

can polish, smooth, brush, wash,

sandblast, and bush-hammer the

front surface, inner walls, doors,

or windows present on the panel.

It is also possible to personalize the

panels with a customer’s company

logo, drawings, or special effects.

Unsere Anlagen zur Oberflächen-

behandlung größerer Fertigteile-

lemente sind absolut multifunktio-

nell; sie sind nicht nur geeignet

ebene Flächen zu bearbeiten,

sondern auch gewölbte Flächen,

egal ob konkav oder konvex, sowie


Entsprechend den Bedürfnissen

eines Kunden kann Le.Bo.La. po-

lieren, schleifen, bürsten, waschen,

sandstrahlen und stocken und

die Platten dabei nicht nur an der

Oberseite und den Flanken sodern

auch deren Laibungen und Fasen


Nuestras plantas para el tratamiento

superficial de paneles en hormigón

son totalmente multifuncionales y

pueden tratar ya sea paneles planos

que curvos, cóncavos o convexos,

y columnas. En base a la demanda

del cliente Le.Bo.La. puede pulir,

rascar, cepillar, lavar, chorrear con

arena y abujardar no solo la super-

ficie superior del panel, sino los la-

dos y la paredes internas así como

eventuales ventanas o puertas.

Además es posible personalizar

paneles con el logo de la empresa,

dibujos o falsas fugas.

I nostri impianti per il trattamento superficiale di pannelli in calcestruzzo sono assolutamente multifunzionali

e possono trattare sia pannelli piani, curvi, concavi o convessi che siano, e colonne. In base alle richieste

del cliente Le.Bo.La. può lucidare, levigare, spazzolare, lavare, sabbiare e bocciardare non solo la superficie

superiore, ma anche fianchi e pareti interne di eventuali porte e finestre.

È possibile inoltre personalizzare i pannelli con il logo aziendale, creare disegni e/o false fughe.

Page 5: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment

Nos installations pour le traitement

superficiel des panneaux en béton

sont absolument multifonctionnelles

et peuvent traiter tous les panneaux

plats, courbes, concaves ou convexes

quels qu’ils soient et les colonnes.

En fonction des demandes du

client Le.Bo.La. peut adoucir, polir,

brosser, laver, sabler et boucharder

non seulement la partie supérieure

mais aussi les côtés et parois

internes des éventuelles portes et

fenêtres. Il est possible en outre de

personnaliser les panneaux avec

le logo de l’entreprise, créer des

dessins ou des faux joints.

Наши системы для поверхностной

обработки бетонных панелей

являются многофункциональными

и служат для обработки плоских,

закругленных, выпуклых и вогнутых

панелей, а также колонн. В

зависимости от требований заказчика

Le.Bo.La. может полировать,

шлифовать, обрабатывать щетками,

мыть, бучардировать и производить

пескоструйную обработку не только

верхней поверхности, но и боковых и

внутренних поверхностей возможных

дверных и оконных проемов. Дает

возможность персонализировать

панели фирменным знаком,

выполнить рисунки и/или фальшщели.

حطس ةجلاعمل اهعنصن يتلا ةزهجألا

ةناسرخلاب ةعونصملا رصانعلا

ددعتملا عونلا نم يه ةيتنمسإلا

ةجلاعم اهناكمإبو ،قلطم لكشب فئاظولا

وأ ةبدحم ،تاينحنم تاذ ،ةيوتسم حاولأ

.دئامعو ،ةعقوقم

ليغشتلا زاهجل نكمي نويزلا بلط بسح

عتمتي نأ “ .Le.bo.la - ال. وب .يل»

لمعلا ،ةيوست ،عيملت ىلع ةردقلاب

سيل ،طيقنتو ،ليمرت ،ليسغ ،ةاشرفك

بناوجلا اضيأ امنإو ايلعلا حوطسلا طقف

.ذفاونلاو باوبأللا ةيلخادلا ناردجلاو

راعش وأ مسا يأ عضو اضيأ اهناكماب

يراجم وأ \و موسر شقن ،نوبزلاب صاخ

فيرصتلل ةفيزم

Page 6: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment

1. Snodo Tondi

2. Snodo Disc

3. Snodo Script

4. Snodo Small



(b) (a)

Page 7: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment

5. Le.Bo.La. for curved panels

2. Snodo Disc 6. Snodo Big

3. Snodo Script

4. Snodo Small 7. Le.Bo.La. Space


Page 8: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment

Levigato | Smoothing | Schleifen | Adoucissage | Apomazado | Шлифование | ميعنت

Lucidato | Polishing | Polieren | Polissage | Pulido | Полировка | عيملت

Lavato | Washing | Waschen | Lavage | Lavado | Мойка | ليسغ

Page 9: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment

Spazzolato | Brushing | Bürsten | Brossage | Cepillado | Очистка щетками | دشارب

Bocciardato | Bush-hammering | Stocken | Bouchardage | Abujardado | Обтеска бучардой | شوكاشلاب قد  

Sabbiato | Sandblasting | Sandstrahlen | Sablage | Arenado | Пескоструйная обработка | ةلامر

Page 10: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment

Questi sono solo alcuni esempi

del valore aggiunto che i nostri

impianti possono dare ai vostri

elementi in calcestruzzo.

A concrete example of design on panels

There are only few examples of the

added value our plants can give to

your precast concrete item.

Dies sind nur einige Beispiele für die

Wortschöpfung, die Ihre Bauteile

aus vorgefertigtem Beton mit unseren

Anlagen erreichen können.

Estos son sólo algunos ejemplos de

valor añadido que nuestras plantas

pueden dar a vuestros elementos en


▴ Yardmaster Building

Page 11: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment

Les exemples illustres ci-dessus sont

simplement indicatifs de la valeur

ajoutée pouvant donner à vos

éléments en béton.

это лишь несколько примеров

добавленной стоимости, которую

приобретают ваши элементы

из готового цемента благодаря

нашим добавкам.

ةفاضملا ةميقلا نع ةلثمألا ضعب هذه

رصانعلل اهميدقت انتزهجأ نكمتت يتلا

ةناسرخلا نم اهريضحتب نوموقت يتلا

▴ Federal Law Courts

▴ Webber Residence

Page 12: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment

Maema also produces machines for

processing curbs and paving stones

in concrete. In order to ensure a high

level of productivity and efficiency,

the curb machines, which can be

bush-hammered or grooved, are

able to simultaneously process the

curb faces and chamfer.

Maema stellt darüber hinaus auch

Maschinen für die Oberflächen-

bearbeitung von Bordsteinen,

Plfasterplatten und Pflastersteinen

aus Beton her. Unsere Anlagen

für die Bordsteinbearbeitung z. B.

können stocken und fräsen und

dabei gleichzeitig die Oberfläche

wie auch die Seitenflächen mit Fase

bearbeiten, womit die für den Kun-

den so wichtige hohe Produktivität

gewährleistet wird.

Maema produce también maquinas

para trabajar bordillos, adoquines

de hormigón y terrazo. En particular

nuestras plantas para bordillos, que

pueden realizar el abujardado o

rayado, pueden trabajar al mismo

tiempo las dos caras y los cantos

obteniendo siempre un produc-

ción elevada.

Maema produit également des

installations pour le traitement

rustique des bordures, pavés et

autobloquants en béton.

En outre, nos machines pour bor-

dures, lesquelles peuvent être

bouchardées ou griffées, permettent

de travailler en simultanée les au-

tres faces du produit ainsi que les

chanfreins, le tout en maintenant

toujours un niveau élevé de pro-

duction qui permet ainsi au client

d’avoir un produit compétitif sur le

marché d’aujourd’hui.

Маема производит также системы

для поверхностной обработки

бетонных бордюров, плиток для

мощения и самоблокирующихся

плиток. Наши станки для

Maema produce anche impianti per

il trattamento rustico di cordoli, pavé

e autobloccanti in calcestruzzo.

Inoltre i nostri macchinari per cordoli,

i quali possono essere bocciardati

o graffiati, permettono di lavorare

simultaneamente entrambe le facce

del prodotto oltre che gli smussi,

il tutto mantenendo sempre un

elevato livello produttivo, consen-

tendo così al cliente di avere un

prodotto competitivo sul mercato


Page 13: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment

бордюров, которые могут

быть бучардированными или

шлифоваными, позволяют

одновременно обрабатывать

обе стороны детали и фаску,

поддерживая высокий уровень

производительностии обеспечивая

конкурентноспособность продукции

на современном рынке.

اضيأ Maema اميام ةكرش جتنت

يفيرلا لكشلا ىلع ةجلاعم ةزهجأ

نيب ةلصافلا ةيطيحملا بناوجلل

،تانيعمك ةززحملا حوطسلا ،قباوطلا

ةعونصملا ،تيبثتلا ةيتاذ حاولألاو

انتزهجأ نأ كلذل فاضي .ةناسرخلاب

قباوطلا نيب ةيطيحملا بناوجلا ةجلاعمل

عتمتت ةشمرخم وأ ةطقنم نوكت دق يتلاو

الكل هتاذ تقولا يف ةجلاعملا ةيناكمإب

اهنأ امك ،امهل ةرودملا فورحلاو نيهجولا

ىلع ةظفاحم لامعألا كلت عيمجب موقت

لعجي لكشب ،ةيلاع ةيجاتنا تايوتسم

تاجتنم ىلع ةظفاحملا نوبزلا ناكمإب

.ةيلاحلا قوسلا يف ةبراضم

Page 14: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment

A concrete example of design on curbs

Page 15: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment
Page 16: Your needs, - MaemaYour needs, our concrete goals. Maema, a leader in the production of machines for the aesthetic processing of concrete, is using the latest technology for the treat-ment

Sistemi per la finitura supeficiale di elementi in calcestruzzo.

Systeme für die Oberflächenbearbeitung von Betonelementen.

.ةيتنمسإلا ةناسرخلاب ةعونصم رصانع حطس ريضحت مامتإل ماظن

Systèmes pour la finition de surface des éléments en béton.

Rough surfacing finishing systems for concrete elements.

Sistemas para el acabado superficial de elementos en hormigón.

Система для отделки бетонных элементов.








Maema S.r.l. Unipersonale - Viale del Lavoro, 9 - 37069 Villafranca di Verona (VR) Italytel +39 045 6305781 - fax +39 045 6309178 - www.maemasrl.it - [email protected]

N45° 21.920E010° 52.050

N45° 36533E010° 86750

N45° 21’ 55,2”E010° 52’ 03,0”