Your Money and Your Math Chapter 13 1

Your Money and and Your Math Chapter 13 1. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds 13.5 2

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Page 1: Your Money and and Your Math Chapter 13 1. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds 13.5 2

Your Money and

Your Math

Chapter 13


Page 2: Your Money and and Your Math Chapter 13 1. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds 13.5 2

Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds



Page 3: Your Money and and Your Math Chapter 13 1. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds 13.5 2

b. total dividend = shares purchased dividend per share

c. commission sale = commission rate on sale sale price shares sold

d. capital gain = change in price per share)shares sold (commissions)

e. total return = capital gains + total dividend

a. total cost of purchase = cost per share shares purchased + commission

( )=total cost of entire transaction

f. total returnpercent of return PR

Definitions and formulas


Page 4: Your Money and and Your Math Chapter 13 1. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds 13.5 2

1. An investor buys 215 shares of PFE at the Last Trade price, pays a $60 commission on the purchase, and sells the 215 shares a year later at $32.10 per share with a 2.5% commission on the sale. Find

a. the total cost of purchasing.b. the total dividend.c. the commission when selling the shares.d. the capital gain when selling the shares.e. the total return for the year.f. the percent of return (two decimal place accuracy).

The following lists the six New York Stock Exchange volume leaders on June 24:


Page 5: Your Money and and Your Math Chapter 13 1. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds 13.5 2


a. total cost of purchase = 215 $28.52 + $60.00 = $6191.80

b. total dividend = 215 $0.72 = $154.80

c. commission sale = 0.025 215 $32.10 = $172.54

d. capital gain = ($32.10 $28.52)215 ($60.00 + $172.54) = $537.16

e. total return = $537.16 + $154.80 = $691.96

$691.96 $691.96($6191.80 $172.54) $6364.34f. = =

0.1087 10.87%

percent of return


Page 6: Your Money and and Your Math Chapter 13 1. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds 13.5 2

3. An investor buys 200 shares of PFE at the Last Trade price, pays a $50 commission on the purchase, and sells the 200 shares a year later for $30 per share with a 2% commission on the sale.

The following lists the six New York Stock Exchange volume leaders on June 24:


Page 7: Your Money and and Your Math Chapter 13 1. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds 13.5 2

a. Total Cost of purchase= $28.52(200) + $50 = $5754

b. Total Dividend = $0.72(200) = $144

c. Sales Commission = .02($30 x 200) = $120

d. Capital gain = ($30 – $28.52) x 200 – $50 – $120 = $126

e. Total Return = $126 + $144 = $270

f. PR = = = 0.04596 = 4.60% $270 . $5874

$270 . ($5754 + $120)



Page 8: Your Money and and Your Math Chapter 13 1. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds 13.5 2

An investor (a day trader) always buys 1000 shares of stock at the market close price and sells them at the last sale price, paying a $25 commission per transaction. Find a. The total cost of purchase.b. The return for the day.c. The percent of return if the stock the trader bought is MSLV. 8

Page 9: Your Money and and Your Math Chapter 13 1. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds 13.5 2


a. total cost of purchase= 1000 $2.21 + $25.00 = $2235.00

b. return for the day = ($2.60 $2.21) 1000 2 $25.00 = $340.00

$340.00 $340.00 0.1504 15.04%($2235.00 $25.00) $2260.00

. c PR


Page 10: Your Money and and Your Math Chapter 13 1. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds 13.5 2

shares of #

NAVin changeon(%)Appreciati Capital

Capital appreciation: an increase in the NAV of the fund.

Net asset value (NAV): ( ) A LNNAV Where: A = total fund assets

L = total fund liabilities N = total number of outstanding shares.

For an individual: A = value of the shares when sold L = the cost of the shares N = number of shares purchased.

Dividends: the profits that the company allocates to the owners.

(%) Yield Distribution per share NAV(at time of sale)

Capital gain distribution: the profits made by selling stocks or bonds that have gone up in price in the fund.

investment initial ofcost

)on distributi in value (increase(%)Return


Page 11: Your Money and and Your Math Chapter 13 1. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds 13.5 2

Find:a. the capital appreciation.b. the yield.c. the return of EastCo stock.


Page 12: Your Money and and Your Math Chapter 13 1. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds 13.5 2

($50 – $40) 400

$ 4 $50

= 0.025 = 2.5%

= 0.08 = 8%

shares of #

NAVin changeon(%)Appreciati Capital a.

sale) of eNAV(at tim

shareper on distributiYield(%) b.

investment initial ofcost

)on distributi in value (increaseReturn(%) c. ($10(400) + $4(400))


= 0.35 = 35%



Page 13: Your Money and and Your Math Chapter 13 1. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds 13.5 2

Suppose an investor automatically reinvests at the rate of 1% per month. Find the annual rate of return.

The solution to this problem is no different than finding the APY of compound interest.

Annual rate of return = (1 + 0.01)12 – 1 = 0.13 = 13%