Your COMPLETE SOLUTION for LIEN RESOLUTION€¦ · outsourcing your lien resolution needs to synergy ensures that both your firm and the client are avoiding unnecessary delays caused

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Page 1: Your COMPLETE SOLUTION for LIEN RESOLUTION€¦ · outsourcing your lien resolution needs to synergy ensures that both your firm and the client are avoiding unnecessary delays caused

// m e d i ca r e l i e n r e s o lu t i o n

// m e d i ca r e l i e n a mou n t d et e rm i nat i o n s

// m e d i ca i d l i e n r e s o lu t i o n

// e r i sa l i e n r e s o lu t i o n

// m i l i ta ry (Va/t r i ca r e) l i e n r e s o lu t i o n

// H os p i ta l/p roV i d e r l i e n r e s o lu t i o n

// m ass to rt l i e n r e s o lu t i o n

// m e d i ca r e co n d i t i o na l paym e n t/m e d i ca i d l i e n au d i t & V e r i f i cat i o n

w w w.d e l t a s e t t l e m e n t s .c o mw w w.d e l t a s e t t l e m e n t s .c o m

You r COM P L ET E S O LU T I O N fo r L I E N R E S O LU T I O N


Page 2: Your COMPLETE SOLUTION for LIEN RESOLUTION€¦ · outsourcing your lien resolution needs to synergy ensures that both your firm and the client are avoiding unnecessary delays caused

“ Wh e n i t c o m e s t o

f r u s t r a t i ng

p o s t s e t t l e m e n t

r e s o l u t i o n i s s u e s ,

l i e n o n u s . ”

Who We Are and What We Dosynergy’s lien resolution group was established to service the lien resolution needs of the legal community. synergy has the resources to provide comprehensive services throughout the settlement process. our focus is on providing efficient, compliant lien resolution services while meeting the needs of our customers.

outsourcing your lien resolution needs to synergy ensures that both your firm and the client are avoiding unnecessary delays caused by complex and ever-changing subrogation laws. our comprehensive lien resolution services can minimize operating costs for a law firm, saving both time and money. We are a knowledgeable partner and resource for the complex lien resolution issues facing parties today when settling injury claims. our services range from complete lien resolution for entire firms to single event lien resolution in addition to compliance audits, medicare secondary payer compliance and bulk project lien resolution.

Page 3: Your COMPLETE SOLUTION for LIEN RESOLUTION€¦ · outsourcing your lien resolution needs to synergy ensures that both your firm and the client are avoiding unnecessary delays caused

How Can We HelpWe are equipped to handle all types of pre/post settlement lien verification and resolution issues. our staff is thoroughly trained and knowledgeable with over a decade of experience with lien resolution. We have contacts in key agencies that are able to assist in making the resolution process more efficient. our lien resolution process begins with an initial intake consultation where the specific resolution issues are analyzed and a strategy is developed specifically for the issues at hand. upon consultation and intake, our case analysts begin the negotiation process until final resolution is achieved. each case is a top priority, as we fully understand that time is of the essence in the resolution of each and every lien.

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Our Servicesour services include single event lien verification, resolution, firm wide outsourcing and mass tort lien resolution. We can assist with resolution of the following types of liens:

most lien resolution services are provided on a percentage of savings basis.

• medicare conditional payment/medicaid lien audit and Verification

• Hospital/provider Bill audit

• staff education & training presentations

• lien resolution expert on call

• complete medicare secondary payer compliance training

• medicare conditional payments

• medicare part c liens

• medicaid liens

• medicaid Hmo liens

• private Health liens (erisa & non-erisa)

• feHBa liens

• Va/tricare & other military liens

• any medical provider liens

We also provide lien resolution support services such as:

Page 5: Your COMPLETE SOLUTION for LIEN RESOLUTION€¦ · outsourcing your lien resolution needs to synergy ensures that both your firm and the client are avoiding unnecessary delays caused

medicare, medicaid, erisa, military and other liens are increasingly difficult to resolve and applicable laws are constantly evolving. most lawyers and law firms underestimate the time and costs associated with healthcare lien resolution. making the decision to outsource is an important analysis which should involve a cost benefit analysis. We believe that once you examine the amount of time and money spent on lien resolution activities, you will see that outsourcing is a sensible solution in most situations. the american Bar association (aBa), in formal opinion 08-451, addressed the lawyer’s role when outsourcing certain functions. the aBa ethics opinion approved outsourcing of “legal & non-legal support services” wherein the outsourcing lawyer remains ultimately responsible, appropriate disclosures are made to the client, the client’s consent is provided, and the fees charged are reasonable. many state bar associations have also addressed outsourcing and permit the lawyer to pass the cost along to the client.

there are many reasons to consider outsourcing. the top three reasons are as follows:

first, outsourcing minimizes a law firm’s operation costs. every business seeks to decrease operating costs and increase efficiency. this can be accomplished with outsourcing the time consuming lien resolution functions. the large amount of time and effort legal staff devotes to post-settlement lien resolution functions typically creates a loss to the firm’s bottom line. alternatively, outsourcing lien resolution functions allows the lawyer or firm to pass the cost to the client similar to the cost of retaining an expert. your valuable time is better spent on moving cases toward trial or settlement and not on cutting through government/private agency red tape.

Why Outsource?

Page 6: Your COMPLETE SOLUTION for LIEN RESOLUTION€¦ · outsourcing your lien resolution needs to synergy ensures that both your firm and the client are avoiding unnecessary delays caused

second, outsourcing provides a powerful partner in the lien resolution process. By outsourcing to synergy, you gain a knowledgeable partner and resource for the difficult lien resolution issues. Without knowing every potential lien resolution argument and the latest rules/procedures associated with health plan liens, attorneys and their staff are prone to inefficiency. We have the necessary expertise to accelerate the lien resolution process.

third, outsourcing can leave the client with a positive, lasting impression. clients who are forced to

wait months, if not longer, to resolve their outstanding liens are often frustrated and discontent. a clients’ poor impressions post settlement can affect a lawyer or law firm’s reputation in the community. ultimately, client satisfaction with regard to the resolution of lien obligations may produce repeat business or boost new client referrals for a lawyer or law firm.

When it comes to lien resolution outsourcing, synergy has a professional approach that delivers

quality service with consistent results. our team of attorneys and lien resolution analysts provide you with peace of mind that your clients’ liens will be properly negotiated and resolved.

Why Outsource? continued

Page 7: Your COMPLETE SOLUTION for LIEN RESOLUTION€¦ · outsourcing your lien resolution needs to synergy ensures that both your firm and the client are avoiding unnecessary delays caused

Our Staffsynergy’s lien resolution group consists of former subrogation recovery attorneys, paralegals

and subrogation professionals who have been at the forefront of the health insurance and lien

resolution industries for over a decade. our team of lien resolution professionals is led by a

former lead lien enforcement attorney who spent fourteen years at one of the most respected

subrogation law firms in the country. this “insiders” perspective gives synergy a unique and

unrivaled ability to anticipate agency/plan resolution tactics then counteract them. as a result,

we are able to ensure the best possible outcome and successfully resolve our clients’ most

difficult liens.

Page 8: Your COMPLETE SOLUTION for LIEN RESOLUTION€¦ · outsourcing your lien resolution needs to synergy ensures that both your firm and the client are avoiding unnecessary delays caused

“ We have been using the lien resolution services synergy offers for over a year, and it has been a load off of our back. As a trial attorney, i need my staff to spend time on litigation, not waste their time on hold with Medicare. The time and effort that we used to spend resolving issues with Medicare is now being used in much more productive ways. i haven’t called Medicare in over a year, and i hope i don’t have to call them again.”

John D. Ayers, Esq. – Marks & Harrison, P.C.

“ This service is tremendous, and synergy’s lien resolution group, l ien settlement solutions, is fantastic to work with. All of our cases will be sent through this process.”

David Eaton, Esq. – Eaton & Tirella

“ synergy’s lien resolution group, l ien settlement solutions, was extremely knowledgeable and effective in assisting to reduce our client’s insurance lien. They were a pleasure to work with, extremely professional, and went above and beyond the scope of our expectations. Many times, throughout our case, they worked afte business hours to accommodate our needs. The end result was a huge savings for our client and we hope to utilize the company in the future.”

Joni Hautamaki –Didier Law Firm

“ i was smart enough to hire synergy’s lien resolution group, l ien settlement solutions. Kudos to Tevra Johnson who tracked down All the medical bills, hounded Medicaid to pay them all, got all providers tostate zero balances and then negotiated Medicaid down to accept $30K [down from 200k] to wipe out all of the medical bills.”

Marianne Howanitz, Esq. – Marianne Howanitz, Attorney at Law

“ i have been working with synergy’s lien resolution group, l ien settlement solutions for the past nine months. i am very satisfiedwith the results [they have] accomplished for our firm on everal of our cases.”

Rosario Ingles, Closing Case Manager – Law Offices of William Ruggiero

“ i have been very impressed by the results achieved by synergy l ien Resolution. They saved my client over $108,000 in reducing a difficul e RisA lien. Their expertise was invaluable and resulted in a very happy client. Best money i ever spent. i whole heartedly recommend them. You are doing your client a disservice if you don’t hire them to help you with your liens.”

Armando R. Payas Jr., Esq. – Payas Payas & Payas LLP

What Our Clients Have to say

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Toll Free: 877.242.0022 www.synergysettlements.com