Your Community, Your Legacy, Their Future How your Gift will help improve the future for Vulnerable People in the Peaks and Dales

Your Community, Your Legacy, Their Future - VCSPDvcspd.org/assets/Interim VCSPD Legacy brochure.pdf · Your Community, Your Legacy, Their Future ... Your will is possibly one of the

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Your Community, Your Legacy, Their Future

How your Gift will help improve the future for Vulnerable People in the Peaks and Dales




VCS Peaks and Dales has been supporting the communities of the

Peaks and Dales for over 30 years. Growing from our roots as a

Volunteer Centre, we have expanded to offer a broad range of

community support services to older people, those with disabilities and

other vulnerable people. Over the years we have provided transport

to thousands of medical appointments; taken hundreds of disabled

children on outings; provided companionship to numerous lonely and

isolated people; provided excellent home care services, alleviating

worry to many local families of older people; and offered a first class,

reliable and trusted home maintenance service.

Our aim is to carry on supporting local people as long as they need us,

throughout their lives, from birth to old age. We are here for YOUR

community – can you help us support your community, too?

Leaving a legacy to VCS Peaks and Dales will help us carry on

providing our services to those most in need, now and in the future.

Mary’s Story

Mary is 94 years old and lives alone. Having been single all her life, she

has no family and very few friends nearby.

When Mary was referred to our Befriending Service, the only visitors she

ever had were from her carers, and she was desperately lonely and

becoming withdrawn.

Our Befriending Service Co-ordinator visited Mary to chat to her about

providing her with some company. Soon after we matched up a

volunteer, Jane, who visits Mary every week for about an hour or so.

Jane’s visits have also given Mary enough confidence to begin

attending a local day care centre. Mary enjoys this so much that she

now attends the Day Centre 3 days a week.

Jane has now been visiting Mary for the last 8 years and her visits have

given Mary a real confidence boost.

“Jane is like a sister to me, I don’t know

what I would do

without her”.


…..to buy a respite holiday chalet for children and

people with disabilities £100,000

…..to expand our Befriending Services to support another

40 isolated and lonely older people for a year £30,000

…..to support and continue to fund our Voluntary

Transport Services, providing over 15,000 trips to medical

appointments, for a year £10,000

….. to set up more social groups and activities to help

brighten the lives of isolated older people £1,000

….. to help develop our allotment project for disabled

children and adults £500



Your will is possibly one of the most important documents you will ever

make. It’s the best way to ensure that your savings and possessions will

definitely go to the people you love and the causes you support.

Without one, your estate will be subject to Intestacy rules, which may

mean that your estate may not be distributed to your loved ones in the

way you would have wished. You will also need to think about

appointing an Executor – this is someone who will act on your behalf to

make sure your wishes are carried out.

Many people worry about making their will, thinking it might be

expensive or complicated. It’s true you do need a solicitor – a DIY will

is not a good idea – but this can be a straightforward business. We

have provided you with some sample wording you can use.

This is to help you plan for the future. There is no obligation to leave us

a legacy if you use this information. However, if you do want to leave

something to VCS Peaks and Dales, no matter how small, we will

ensure that it is put to good use to help us carry on supporting your

local community in the future.

EXAMPLES OF WORDING If you would like to leave something to VCS Peaks and Dales in your

Will to help support your local community, the following are

suggestions of wording you could use to take to your solicitor. He or

she will help ensure that your wishes are accurately followed.

Residuary donation (This is a legacy comprising what’s left in your estate after

all other costs have been met – debts, taxes, gifts and bequests – and can be

anything from 1% to 100% of the residue of your estate)

“I give ……. % of the residue of my real and personal estate which I

can dispose of by Will in any manner I think proper to Voluntary and

Community Services Peaks and Dales (registered charity no. 1067193)

of 16 Eagle Parade, Buxton, SK17 6EQ and the receipt of the Honorary

Treasurer or the proper office for the time being of Voluntary and

Community Services Peaks and Dales shall be a complete discharge

to my Executors”.

Pecuniary donation (this is a gift of a set amount of money)

“I give the sum of …….. pounds to Voluntary and Community Services

Peaks and Dales (registered charity no. 1067193) of 16 Eagle Parade,

Buxton, SK17 6EQ and the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or the

proper office for the time being of Voluntary and Community Services

Peaks and Dales shall be a complete discharge to my Executors”.

It is important to ensure that the following clause is inserted into

whichever wording you choose to use:

“If at my death any charity named as a beneficiary in this Will or any

Codicil hereto has changed its’ name or amalgamated with or

transferred its assets to another body, then my Executors shall give

effect to any gift made to such charity as if it had been made (in the

first case) to the body in its’ changed name or (in the second place)

to the body which results from such amalgamation or to which such

transfer has been made”.

Please also remember to use our full name - Voluntary and Community

Services Peaks and Dales - and the correct registered address and

charity number.

Voluntary and Community Services Peaks and Dales

16 Eagle Parade



SK17 6EQ

Charity number 1067193

CODICIL (a codicil can be used if you already have a Will – a codicil is an

appendix to an existing Will)

I [name]…………………………………………………………………………….

of [address]…………………………………………………………………………

declare this to be a (first/second) codicil to my Will [date].

In addition to any legacies given in my said Will I give to Voluntary and

Community Services Peaks and Dales (registered charity no. 1067193)

of 16 Eagle Parade, Buxton, SK17 6EQ, the sum of £……………. (or

specific item/ % share of my estate) to be used for its general purposes

and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or duly authorised

officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge. In all other respects I

confirm my said Will and any other codicils thereto.


Witnessed by:

Signature …………………………… Signature…………………………………

Name ………………………………. Name….………………………………….

Address……………………………… Address…………………………………..

………………………………………… …………………………………………….

………………………………………… …………………………………………….

Occupation ………………………… Occupation……………………………..

Date ………………………………….. Date……………………………………...

(Two witnesses are needed in England, Wales and Northern Ireland;

one witness in Scotland).

Mr M’s story

Mr M started as a volunteer driver for us several years ago. New to the

area, he wanted something to fill his spare time, and get him out and

about to meet new people. He soon became one of our most

knowledgeable drivers, giving directions and advice to other


Mr M’s own mobility started to deteriorate in the last few years, and he

didn’t feel confident to carry on as a driver. However, as he knew

about the benefits of our Transport Service, he felt reassured when he

needed to become one of our passengers, using our service to take

him to do his shopping and to his medical appointments.

“Being a volunteer driver, I felt I was helping the

community. I was sad to stop driving, but becoming

a passenger has provided me with the confidence

and reassurance that I can still maintain

my independence.”


If you are intending to leave a bequest to VCS Peaks and Dales in your

will, it’s very helpful to have prior notification, as this helps us to plan for

the future and ensure we can continue to support the local

community through our services. We can also, if you wish, keep you or

your family up to date with how we intend to put your gift to good use.

This form is not legally binding and remains confidential to us at VCS

Peaks and Dales. In order to make your intentions legally binding,

please visit your solicitor to discuss your will.

*(Please complete the following in BLOCK CAPITALS and delete as


I intend to leave a legacy to VCS Peaks and Dales in my will

I have left a legacy to VCS Peaks and Dales in my will

I would like someone from VCS Peaks and Dales to contact me to

discuss making a legacy

I intend to leave/have left*:

A specific sum of money £……..

…… % of the residue of my estate

A specific item (please give details) ……………………………………





Email…………………………………… Telephone …………………………….


I would prefer to be contacted by: email/telephone/post/no contact*

Which of our services have you used?..........................................................


Legacy gifts are crucial to our continuation. Any gift, no matter how

small, makes a vital contribution to our work. We are very grateful for

your support.


01298 23970

01335 348600