Your Body Never Lies by Michio Kushi

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Traditional Chinese MedecineDiagnostic

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    Cf oo often, conventionol medicine foils Io detect illness-especiolly V when it first begins and is eosiest Io cure. But Oriental diognosis, on ancien! holistic system of knowledge, con often discover physicol problems even before they arise. Now Your Body Never Lies helps you bath under stand and use this naturel, noninvosive opprooch Io restoring good heolth. Your Body Never Lies storts by exploining the principles of Oriental med icine. Il then shows you how Io detect and underslond heolth problems simply by looking ot the mouth, lips and teeth; eyes; nose, cheeks, and eors; forehead; hoir; honds; feet; and skin. Cleor diogroms ond easyto use chorts assis! you in quickly recognizing signs of illness so thot you con begin working towords o stote of bolonced well-being. Western medicol proctice often focuses on o specific oilment while ignoring the interconnectedness of the humon body. Your Body Never Lies is o complete guide Io Oriental diognosis, o revolutionory yet centuries-old woy Io identify and prevent diseose while preserving heolth and hormony.

    ABOUT THE AUTHOR Michio Kushi is a leoding ligure in the mocrobiotic movemeflt. His study of mocrobiotics begon more thon fifty yeors ogo under ils founder, George Ohsowo. Since thot lime, Mr. Kushi hos gone on to estoblish the highly respected Kushi lnstitute in Massachusetts. He hos olso lectured extensively throughout the world, and outhored over lwenry books on heolth, nutrition, and the mocrobiotic lifesryle. As o mocrobiotic counselor, he hos successfully guided thousonds to greater physicol, psychologicol, and spiritual heolth .

    ISBN 0-7570-02b7- b ISBN 9780 -7570-0267 -0


    Heallh/Macrobtolks Sl6.95 US / $20.95 CAN

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    llli' EAN

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