Y Y c satisfy everyone’s the greatest of all time. But if a ve saloon ou simply must remember this by Nick Zegara Arguably, no one film will ever pinion as being o decision has to be made, Michael Curtiz’s penultimate and Oscar-winning wartime melodrama, Casablanca (1942) is a worthy contender for the top spot. At the time, nobody associated with the film had any idea of the cultural impact it would eventually have. And truth be told, there were more than a few sweaty palms in the front office and on the set when the script continued to change almost daily throughout the shoot. It seems nobody could decide which man Bergman’s character, Ilsa ran off with in the end; the sua keeper with a past, Rick (Humphrey Bogart) or handsome hubby, Victor (Paul Henreid). Yet under Curtiz’s unerring direction, and with a script eventually patched together by Howard Koch and peppered throughout with the indelibly witty dialogue of the Epstein brothers, Casablanca emerged as the most clever, most romantic and ultimately, most memorable film of the 1940s. It frequently hovers in the top five of most critics’ lists but that isn’t why I’ve chosen it as my number one pick. Rather, the reason herein is for the film’s ability to generate perennial freshness each time I sit down to watch. After 100 plus viewings, Casablanca continues to hold me spellbound in the dark – a rarity amongst film favorites. Sam, play it again. PLOT: Embittered saloon keeper with a checkered past, Rick ‘Richard’ Blaine (Bogart) runs a fashionable night spot in Casablanca, populated by the spurious and the desperate attempting passage to America during WWII. Rick sticks his neck out for nobody – a point he illustrates when parasitic cutthroat, Ugarte (Peter Lorre) is taken prisoner by the puppet French regime, run by prefect of police, Capt. Louie Renault (Claude Rains). Before his capture, Ugarte leaves letters of transit in Rick’s trust – letters which guarantee whoever owns them free passage to the U.S. The situation is precariously sim ; the Nazis want those letters and Rick has them. But a wrinkle of a very different kind materializes with the unexpected arrival of Rick’s old flame, Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman) and her husband, the dashing freedom fighter, Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid). From the onset the Nazi commander, Major Heinrich Strasser (Conrad Veidt) is determined that Laszlo stay in Casablanca. Discovering that Rick has the letters of transit, Victor cajoles, pleads and eventually begs for the opportunity to purchase them, but to no avail. Frustrated Ilsa sneaks into Rick’s bedroom one evening after the café has closed to acquire the letters herself. She offers Rick money, sex, and even momentarily threatens his life with a gun. ply

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satisfy everyone’s the greatest of all time. But if a

ve saloon

ou simply must remember this by Nick Zegara Arguably, no one film will ever

pinion as being odecision has to be made, Michael Curtiz’s penultimate and Oscar-winning wartime melodrama, Casablanca (1942) is a worthy contender for the top spot. At the time, nobody associated with the film had any idea of the cultural impact it would eventually have. And truth be told, there were more than a few sweaty palms in the front office and on the set when the script continued to change almost daily throughout the shoot. It seems nobody could decide which man Bergman’s character, Ilsa ran off with in the end; the suakeeper with a past, Rick (Humphrey Bogart) or handsome hubby, Victor (Paul Henreid). Yet under Curtiz’s unerring direction, and with a script eventually patched together by Howard Koch and peppered throughout with the indelibly witty dialogue of the

Epstein brothers, Casablanca emerged as the most clever, most romantic and ultimately, most memorable film of the 1940s. It frequently hovers in the top five of most critics’ lists but that isn’t why I’ve chosen it as my number one pick. Rather, the reason herein is for the film’s ability to generate perennial freshness each time I sit down to watch. After 100 plus viewings, Casablanca continues to hold me spellbound in the dark – a rarity amongst film favorites. Sam, play it again.

PLOT: Embittered saloon keeper with a checkered past, Rick ‘Richard’ Blaine (Bogart) runs a fashionable night spot in Casablanca, populated by the spurious and the desperate attempting passage to America during WWII. Rick sticks his neck out for nobody – a point he illustrates when parasitic cutthroat, Ugarte (Peter Lorre) is taken prisoner by the puppet French regime, run by prefect of police, Capt. Louie Renault (Claude Rains). Before his capture, Ugarte leaves letters of transit in Rick’s trust – letters which guarantee whoever owns them free passage to the U.S.

The situation is precariously sim ; the Nazis want those letters and Rick has them. But a wrinkle of a very different kind materializes with the unexpected arrival of Rick’s old flame, Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman) and her husband, the dashing freedom fighter, Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid). From the onset the Nazi commander, Major Heinrich Strasser (Conrad Veidt) is determined that Laszlo stay in Casablanca. Discovering that Rick has the letters of transit, Victor cajoles, pleads and eventually begs for the opportunity to purchase them, but to no avail. Frustrated Ilsa sneaks into Rick’s bedroom one evening after the café has closed to acquire the letters herself. She offers Rick money, sex, and even momentarily threatens his life with a gun.


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Eventually, Rick concocts an ideal escape plan – one in which he at last makes clear to Ilsa that their love is a thing of the past and that she belongs with Victor. Learning of the escape, Strasser attempts to intervene but is murdered by Rick. Having witnessed the escape and killing, Renault turns to his inspectors with the cleverly revisited theme of ‘Round up the usual suspects.’ The two men reconciled to join the resistance Rick and Louie walk off into the fog with Rick poignantly surmising, “Louie, this looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” SSoo eennddss CCaassaabbllaannccaa.. TThhee ffiillmm iiss aa ccaarreeffuullllyy ccoonnssttrruucctteedd ttaannggllee ooff hhiigghh eessppiioonnaaggee aanndd llooww ccoommeeddyy –– sseeaammlleessssllyy ccoonnccoocctteedd iinnttoo oonnee iinnttooxxiiccaattiinngg bblleenndd;; ssuucchh aass tthhee mmoommeennttss ooff cclleevveerr rreefflleeccttiioonn pprroovviiddeedd bbyy lloovveeaabbllee hheeaadd wwaaiitteerr,, CCaarrll ((SS..ZZ.. SSaakkaallll))..

AAfftteerr oobbsseerrvviinngg aa ffiixxeedd rroouulleettttee ggaammee aanndd aasskkeedd bbyy aa ppaattrroonn iiff tthhee ggaammbblliinngg iiss ‘‘hhoonneesstt’’ –– CCaarrll nneerrvvoouussllyy rreepplliieess,, ““HHoonneesstt?? AAss hhoonneesstt aass tthhee ddaayy iiss lloonngg..”” WWhheenn iinnssttrruucctteedd bbyy RRiicckk ttoo sseeee tthhaatt MMaajjoorr SSttrraasssseerr aanndd hhiiss NNaazzii ccrroonniieess rreecceeiivvee aa ggoooodd ttaabbllee,, CCaarrll rreessppoonnddss,, ““II hhaavvee aallrreeaaddyy ggiivveenn hhiimm tthhee bbeesstt.. KKnnoowwiinngg hhee iiss GGeerrmmaann hhee wwoouulldd hhaavvee ttaakkeenn iitt aannyywwaayy..”” AAnndd ffiinnaallllyy,, wwhheenn ccoonnffrroonntteedd wwiitthh aann AAuussttrriiaann ccoouuppllee,, wwhhoo ccoonnttiinnuuaallllyy ffrraaccttuurree tthhee EEnngglliisshh llaanngguuaaggee,, CCaarrll ssiimmppllyy sshhrruuggss hhiiss sshhoouullddeerrss aanndd ssaayyss,, ““YYoouu wwiillll ggeett aalloonngg bbeeaauuttiiffuullllyy iinn AAmmeerriiccaa..”” WWhhaatt iiss rreemmaarrkkaabbllee aabboouutt CCaassaabbllaannccaa iiss hhooww mmuucchh ssoocciioo--ppoolliittiiccaall ccoommmmeennttaarryy iiss ssuubbttllyy nnuuaanncceedd tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee rreemmaarrkkaabbllyy aaddrrooiitt aanndd wwiittttyy ddiiaalloogguuee.. TThhee ffiillmm iiss aann eenndduurriinngg mmaasstteerrwwoorrkk oonn aa mmuullttiittuuddee ooff lleevveellss,, bbuutt cchhiieeffllyy aatt ggeenneerraattiinngg tthhee ssoorrtt ooff hhiigghh ssttaakkeess mmeellooddrraammaa tthhaatt wwaass tthhee ffoorrttee ooff WWaarrnneerr BBrrootthheerrss dduurriinngg tthhiiss ppeerriioodd iinn tthheeiirr iilllluussttrriioouuss hhiissttoorryy..


•• TThhoouugghh ssttuuddiioo ppuubblliicciittyy ooff tthhee ddaayy ssuuggggeesstteedd tthhaatt bbootthh RRoonnaalldd RReeaaggaann aanndd AAnnnn SShheerriiddaann wweerree ccoonnssiiddeerreedd ffiirrsstt ffoorr tthhee lleeaaddss,, oonnllyy GGeeoorrggee RRaafftt wwaass eevveerr ccoonnssiiddeerreedd..

•• CCaassaabbllaannccaa mmaarrkkeedd aa ttuurrnniinngg ppooiinntt iinn HHuummpphhrreeyy BBooggaarrtt’’ss ccaarreeeerr.. PPrreevviioouussllyy hhee hhaadd bbeeeenn rreelleeggaatteedd ttoo ppllaayyiinngg tthhee ggaannggsstteerr oorr vviiccttiimm ooff ggaanngg vviioolleennccee iinn aa sseerriieess ooff hhiigghh pprrooffiillee WWaarrnneerr ffiillmmss.. CCaassaabbllaannccaa rreepprreesseennttss tthhee ffiirrsstt ooff BBooggiiee’’ss iiggnnoobbllee lloonneerr ttyyppeess tthhaatt wwoouulldd eevveennttuuaallllyy ccoonnssttiittuuttee tthhee bbuullkk ooff hhiiss ccaarreeeerr..

•• CCoonnrraadd VVeeiiddtt oofftteenn ppllaayyeedd tthhee eevviill NNaazzii dduurriinngg hhiiss HHoollllyywwoooodd ccaarreeeerr –– aann iirroonnyy,, ssiinnccee iinn rreeaall lliiffee hhee wwaass ooff CCzzeecchhoosslloovvaakkiiaann eexxttrraaccttiioonn aanndd,, iinn ffaacctt,, hhaadd fflleeddggee NNaazzii ppeerrsseeccuuttiioonn..

•• CCaassaabbllaannccaa iiss bbaasseedd oonn aann uunn--pprroodduucceedd ppllaayy wwrriitttteenn bbyy MMuurrrraayy BBuurrnneetttt,, eennttiittlleedd ‘‘EEvveerryybbooddyy CCoommeess TToo RRiicckk’’ss..’’ BBuurrnneetttt ggoott tthhee iiddeeaa ffrroomm hhiiss oowwnn wwoorrlldd ttrraavveellss iinncclluuddiinngg aa vviissiitt ttoo aann eexxoottiicc MMoorrooccccaann nniigghhttcclluubb wwhheerree aa bbllaacckk mmaann eenntteerrttaaiinneedd aatt tthhee ppiiaannoo..

•• RRiicckk''ss CCaafféé AAmmeerriiccaaiinnee iiss tthhee oonnllyy oorriiggiinnaall sseett eessppeecciiaallllyy bbuuiilltt ffoorr tthhee ffiillmm.. TThhee rreesstt wweerree rreeccyycclleedd ffrroomm vvaarriioouuss ootthheerr pprroojjeeccttss.. AAtt tthhee ttiimmee ooff sshhoooottiinngg

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tthhee ttrraaiinn ddeeppoott wwaass ddooiinngg ddoouubbllee dduuttyy ffoorr CCaassaabbllaannccaa aanndd BBeettttee DDaavviiss’’ NNooww VVooyyaaggeerr..

•• TThhee cchhaarraacctteerr ooff SSaamm,, RRiicckk’’ss llooyyaall ccoonnffiiddaanntt rreepprreesseennttss ssoommeetthhiinngg ooff aa bbrreeaakktthhrroouugghh iinn ddeeppiiccttiioonnss ooff tthhee AAffrriiccaann AAmmeerriiccaann oonn s sccrreeeenn.. CChhaarraacctteerr aaccttoorr DDoooolleeyy WWiillssoonn ((SSaamm)) ccoouulldd ssiinngg,, bbuutt hhee ccoouullddnn’’tt ppllaayy aa nnoottee oonn tthhee ppiiaannoo.. UUllttiimmaatteellyy,, WWiillssoonn’’ss vvooccaallss wweerree rreettaaiinneedd wwiitthh tthhee ppiiaannoo ttrraacckk dduubbbbeedd iinn llaatteerr..

•• PPaauull HHeennrreeiidd wwaass nnoott aatt aallll cceerrttaaiinn hhee wwaanntteedd tthhee ppaarrtt ooff VViiccttoorr LLaasszzlloo.. IItt wwaass sseeccoonndd ffiiddddllee ttoo BBooggaarrtt’’ss mmoorree mmeeaattyy rroollee aass RRiicckk.. HHeennrreeiidd,, wwhhoo wwaass ssiimmuullttaanneeoouussllyy sshhoooottiinngg NNooww VVooyyaaggeerr aass BBeettttee DDaavviiss’’ lleeaaddiinngg mmaann tthhoouugghhtt tthhee ppaarrtt wwoouulldd ddaammaaggee hhiiss rreeppuuttaattiioonn –– aallll eevviiddeennccee ttoo tthhee ccoonnttrraarryy..

•• TThhee ssoonngg,, ‘‘AAss TTiimmee GGooeess BByy’’ hhaadd bbeeeenn aarroouunndd ffoorr nneeaarrllyy aa ddeeccaaddee bbeeffoorree iittss iinnsseerrttiioonn iinnttoo CCaassaabbllaannccaa –– bbuutt iitt hhaadd nnoott bbeeeenn aa ccoolloossssaall hhiitt.. TThhee ffiillmm’’ss ccoommppoosseerr,, MMaaxx SStteeiinneerr iimmpplloorreedd pprroodduucceerr HHaall BB.. WWaalllliiss ttoo rreeccoonnssiiddeerr tthhee sseelleeccttiioonn aass SStteeiinneerr hhaadd bbeeeenn wwoorrkkiinngg ffeevveerriisshhllyy oonn hhiiss oowwnn tthheemmee aanndd ssoonngg ffoorr tthhee ffiillmm.. WWaalllliiss,, wwhhoo hhaadd ccaammppaaiiggnneedd ffoorr tthhee ssoonngg’’ss iinncclluussiioonn,, ggoott aarroouunndd SStteeiinneerr’’ss rreeqquueesstt bbyy ppooiinnttiinngg oouutt tthhaatt IInnggrriidd BBeerrggmmaann ((wwhhoo hhaadd aallrreeaaddyy ddeeppaarrtteedd ffoorr UUnniivveerrssaall ttoo sshhoooott FFoorr WWhhoomm TThhee BBeellll TToollllss)) hhaadd ccuutt hheerr hhaaiirr sshhoorrtt,, hheennccee,, mmaakkiinngg rreettaakkeess ooff tthhee sscceenneess iinn wwhhiicchh tthhee ssoonngg hhaadd aallrreeaaddyy bbeeeenn uusseedd iimmppoossssiibbllee..

•• CCaassaabbllaannccaa wwaass aallmmoosstt eennttiirreellyy sshhoott oonn WWaarrnneerr BBrrootthheerr’’ss bbaacckklloott.. CClleevveerr uussaaggee ooff mmaattttee ppaaiinnttiinnggss hheellppeedd eexxtteenndd tthhee ssccooppee aanndd d deepptthh ooff sscceenneerryy iinn tthhee ffiillmm.. HHoowweevveerr,, ffoorr tthhee aarrrriivvaall ooff MMaajj.. SSttrraasssseerr’’ss ppllaannee VVaann NNuuyyss AAiirrppoorrtt ssttoooodd iinn ffoorr aa ddaayy’’ss wwoorrtthh ooff ‘‘llooccaattiioonn’’ sshhoooottiinngg..

•• TThhee lleetttteerrss ooff ttrraannssiitt wweerree aa pplloott ddeevviiccee ccoonnccoocctteedd bbyy HHoowwaarrdd KKoocchh aanndd tthhee EEppsstteeiinn bbrrootthheerrss.. NNoo ssuucchh lleetttteerrss eexxiisstteedd iinn VViicchhyy oorr ooccccuuppiieedd FFrraannccee..

•• TThhee lliinnee,, ““PPllaayy iitt aaggaaiinn,, SSaamm”” iiss nneevveerr ssppookkeenn iinn tthhee ffiillmm.. WWhhaatt RRiicckk aaccttuuaallllyy ssaayyss iiss ““YYoouu ppllaayyeedd iitt ffoorr hheerr,, yyoouu ccaann ppllaayy iitt ffoorr mmee.. PPllaayy iitt!!””

•• TThhee lliinnee ““HHeerree’’ss llooookkiinngg aatt yyoouu”” wwaass aa BBooggaarrtt iimmpprroovviissaattiioonn.. IItt pprroovveedd ssoo eeffffeeccttiivvee tthhaatt ddiirreeccttoorr,, MMiicchhaaeell CCuurrttiizz iinnsseerrtteedd iitt iinnttoo tthhee ccoonntteexxtt ooff sseevveerraall mmoorree sscceenneess iinn tthhee ssccrriipptt..

•• TThhee rreeaall lliiffee iinnvvaassiioonn ooff tthhee AAlllliieess iinnttoo CCaassaabbllaannccaa iinn rreeaall lliiffee oonn 88 NNoovveemmbbeerr 11994422 aallmmoosstt ffoorrcceedd tthhee ffiillmm iinnttoo aa rreewwrriittee.. TThhoouugghh iitt wwaass pprrooppoosseedd tthhaatt tthhee ffiinnaall sshhoott iinn tthhee ffiillmm bbee tthhaatt ooff RRiicckk aanndd LLoouuiiee lliisstteenniinngg ttoo aa rraaddiioo rreeppoorrtt ooff tthhee AAlllliieedd llaannddiinngg,, aa llaasstt mmiinnuuttee ccoonnttrraaccttuuaall ccllaauussee pprreevveenntteedd aannyy rreesshhoooottss.. TThhee ffiillmm wwaass rreelleeaasseedd aass iitt aappppeeaarrss ttooddaayy……aanndd tthhee rreesstt,, aass tthheeyy ssaayy,, iiss hhiissttoorryy..

•• AAss aann eexxppeerriimmeenntt,, aa wweellll kknnoowwnn ffiillmm ppuubblliiccaattiioonn iinn tthhee 11998800ss sseenntt CCaassaabbllaannccaa’’ss ssccrriipptt ttoo vvaarriioouuss ssttuuddiiooss uunnddeerr iittss oorriiggiinnaall ttiittllee.. TThhoouugghh aa ffeeww rreeaaddeerrss rreeccooggnniizzeedd iitt,, vviirrttuuaallllyy aallll rreejjeecctteedd tthhee ssttoorryy aass ““nnoott ggoooodd eennoouugghh”” ttoo mmaakkee aa ddeecceenntt ffiillmm..

RREETTUURRNNIINNGG ttoo RRIICCKK’’SS oonn DDVVDD Warner Brother’s lavish two disc special edition of Casablanca truly provides us with something to remember. Previously issued as a single disc, the image quality on both editions appears to be on par – though slightly more refined and cleaned up on this newer

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incarnation. The black and white picture is, in a word, flawless. Blacks are solid and deep. Whites are pristine. Fine detail is present throughout. Contrast levels are immaculately presented. Film grain is practically nonexistent for a remarkably smooth visual presentation. The audio has been cleaned up and is presented at an adequate listening level.


include: on disc one include glowing commentaries by critics/historians, Roger Ebert and Rudy Behlmer and a new intro to the film provided by Lauren Bacall. On disc two we get the previously issued and extremely informative, “You Must Remember This: The Making of Casablanca,” that features interviews with surviving cast members, crew and insightful bits of backstage intrigue. There’s also a poignant retrospect from the children of Bogart and Bergman that is long on sentiment yet strangely short on history. The Looney Tunes take on the film, ‘Carrotblanca’ is a contrived bit of nonsense produced long after the golden age of Bugs Bunny.

Younger children will think it cute, but the animation and performances are neither indicative of this film or the very best of the Warner’s classic animation legacy. Finally, the pilot episode of the 50s television series based on the film, entitled ‘Make Way for Tomorrow’ is featured in a fairly clean looking transfer - funny though how all that film magic failed to generate even an ounce of pixie dust for these subsequent attempts. Brief and inconsequential deleted scenes without audio, the film’s theatrical and reissue trailers and a stills gallery round out the viewer’s enjoyment.

BBoottttoomm LLiinnee: Casablanca is resilient entertainment. The film remains uncharacteristically fresh and inviting and, ‘as time goes by’ its enduring legacy only seems to grow more fond and glorious. Owning the DVD is a no-brainer. Just ‘knock on wood.’