You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

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Ashburton Guardian, YOU Magazine, Saturday, March 14, 2015

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PUBLISHER Ashburton Guardian Co Ltd307-7900 l www.guardianonline.co.nz

Editorial contact Lisa Fenwick • 307-7929 • [email protected] Advertising contact Elaine Dillon • 307-7981 • [email protected]

Material in YOU is copyright to the Ashburton Guardian and can not be reproduced without the written

permission of the publishers





Above – Gussie (left) and Rosie Fenton.Below left – Cezarne Rodgers and Blair Cheesman.

Above – Lauren (left) and Amy Mills.Below – Lucy Rust (left) and Tash Andrews.

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Editor’s noteWelcome to autumn and to the March edition of YOU magazine!

Again we bring you loads of great recipes, health advice, give-aways, social photos and interest-ing reads. We feature one happy couple who say an age gap is no barrier to love and if people want to judge them, they don’t want to know them.

YOU writer Caitlin Porter talks to two people who are sold on apps that help them get and stay fit ... and get even fitter.

If you know any great stories about strong, talented women ... or women who have struggled and overcome. Women who we aspire to be, women who we ad-mire ... please let me know, YOU loves these women and want to tell their stories.

Thanks for reading, Lisa Fenwick, YOU editor03 307-7929

P2 who’s out and about

P4 dedicated to fitness apps

P8 app reviews

P9 giveaways and winners

P10 age is no barrier to their love

P15 special on weddings

P22 women in business

P24 boost your immunity

P32 yummy autumn produce recipes

P36 gardening giveaway

P39 who’s out and about?

2 | YOU Magazine

Hot Ash wedding venue open day

Page 3: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

Featuring a delicious menu of classic favourites accompanied by live music

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You’ll be as full as this guy after our Easter Sunday Buffet!

Above – Robyn Bain (left) and Lucy Kirwan.Below – Tracey Wilson (left) and Linda Monks.

Above (from left) – Jenny Dowdle, Helen Tweed and Noelene McGrath.Left – Sally Reid (left) and Tania Russ.

Above – Elsa Hydes (left) and Lyn Galla-gher.








Above – Carolyn Ewing (left) and Moana Taylor.Right – Jo-ann Dickson (left) and Mel Perriton.

Above – Pip White (left) and Michelle Davidson.

YOU Magazine | 3

Stepping Out party


Page 4: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

4 | YOU Magazine


of fitness appsHealth-related mobile phone applications appear to be a craze, but for some, they have become a way of life.

Aimee’s storyA busy working mum to three boys under seven, Aimee manages to fit workout time into her hectic schedule, partly thanks to a number of mobile apps.

Aimee said she was always an active person, but after having three kids found she wanted to get back into fitness.

She began exercising again in February last year and by September ran her first half marathon – and apps have helped her on that journey.

As a member of the Weight Watchers programme Aimee began to use its online app. But after achieving her goal weight and leaving Weight Watchers, she won-dered what was next and it appears apps were the way to go for her.

She had purchased a FitBit while still at Weight Watchers – a FitBit is a wire-less activity tracker, that a measures data such as the number of steps taken and qual-ity of sleep and sends data to a mobile phone app.

FitBit was where it was at for Aimee and the competitive nature of the app is what keeps her so motivated.

She has been using the device since August last year and while she admitted

she was pretty active anyway, using the FitBit made her park further away when picking her kids up from school, or do a couple laps of the block if she was early.

“It’s enough to make me pace my liv-ing room,” she jokes.

Looking down at your phone and see-ing you only have a few hundred steps to go to your goal will seriously make you do laps of the house, she jokes.

Aimee said after having three kids she was envious of people who casually threw out into conversation that they were going for a “casual 10km run”, but now Aimee said she is one of those people.

You can see other people who you are connected with on social media on the apps and you can see how many steps they do, and what goals they are achiev-ing, she said.

There are also motivational messages, such as “you have walked the length of New Zealand” or “you have walked the distance of the Great Barrier Reef” – all in fun, but still helpful.

Everyone sets their own goals for how many steps they want to do, the recommended number for most people is around 10,000 but Aimee sets herself a goal of 12,000 a day, which is achievable for her.

“My sister-in-law’s father is 80 years old

and he beats me on FitBit most weeks,” she jokes.

As a preschool teacher, sometimes Aimee reaches 10,000 steps by 1pm if she is busy working outside.

She also uses Run Keeper to keep a track of her distance when running, and PT In My Pocket and My Fitness Pal for added exercise. Food Scanner is one she uses to keep track of what is in the food she is

YOU writer Caitlin Porter talked to two health app enthusiasts – a busy working mum with three children under the age of seven and a young, energetic teen who is slowly overcoming some serious health issues.

Aimee monitors how many steps she takes and the distance she covers with fitness activity tracker FitBit.


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of fitness apps

eating. You simply scan the product, or let the app know what kind of food you are about to eat and it will break down exactly what is in the food.

She knows some people are obsessed

with the food apps – fanatical even.But she just enjoys using them. Aimee

uses food apps to get her back on track, or to find out what really is in a product by scanning its barcode, but she is overly

conscious about keeping track of every-thing little thing.

Quick4 helps Aimee get in a quick round of Tabata – a high intensity form of training.

Her boys keep her busy, sometimes it can be hard to squeeze in a run.

“If I don’t have time, I can do a 30- minute work-out at home,” she said.

Right now, Aimee is training for a half marathon and does lots of 10 and 12km dashes.

The apps are good in helping with that, she said.

“I’m a member at a gym, but I’d rather run outside and I’ve got a treadmill and weights and other bits and pieces at home,” she said.

Most importantly, Aimee enjoys using the apps. It’s a way to relax, make time for herself and look after herself.

The use of apps is making people more aware of the exercise they are doing, she said.

You can change up your routine too, sometimes Aimee will use Fitness Bend-er or Pop Sugar Fitness to add another aspect to her workouts.

Other people use things like Wii or Youtube for work-outs, so this is just a different way of doing that.

Aimee is also on her way to becoming a personal trainer and has nearly fin-ished her course. So not only does she enjoy exercise but she understands why it is so important.

She acknowledges that using the apps requires self-motivation, but it can give people the direction that they need.

Running and other exercise can be tough for some, she said, but it’s all in your head.“It’s a bit of a mental challenge.”

Not only is running good for fitness, but it’s also a good way to unwind and run-ning events can be very social too.

“There is that convenience element, but you have to want to do it.”

Gym managerAs someone who oversees the fitness and wellbeing of others, Snap Fitness manager Ben Mann is used to new health fads popping up left, right and centre.

But as for the current trend of health apps, well Ben is on board.

He said he knows a number of differ-ent people who use all kinds of health- related apps – “a lot”.

“There’s running ones and nutritional apps for calories and there are quite a lot of sport bands now that link in with an app and they’re quite good because they measure all the calories that you are burning through your heart rate and you can log everything into the app.”

People use them on the treadmills, he said. To keep track and also for motivation.

“There are also running apps which is like a game, you can reach targets to unlock things,” he said.

Ben doesn’t use the apps himself, but he recommends them to others, mainly a diet app called My Fitness Pal.

It helps them out through their jour-ney, he said.

And they work best for people who are competitive, “they’re the ones that do quite well,” he said.

It’s the competition factor that works.

With apps such as FitBit, he said he saw a lot of people compete with each other on social media as to who can do the most steps.

He also recommends food apps too - for calorie counting, or merely keeping track of what food you are putting into your body.

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6 | YOU Magazine

Tamati’s storyTwelve months ago, 16-year-old Tamati Wairepo was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa.

His condition, caused by a fear of eating due to the pain that followed, resulted in Tamati avoiding all sorts of foods.

“I would eat simple things like crackers, breads, cereals … and it would only take a portion of one of them to set me off for a day of hell,” he said.

His most painful episode happened after eating a takeaway salad – he experi-enced what he deemed, “the worst pain of his life”.

“The pain was spread beneath both ribcages and the upper abdomen and it felt like someone was holding a burning knife in there and wouldn’t take it out,” he said.

Over time he became more ill.“I would lie in bed for continuous days,

just wanting to sleep. I had no energy at all (and) couldn’t remember things, couldn’t focus.”

Tamati dropped 10kg in under five weeks and his muscle mass had all but disappeared.

At one point he could only eat white meats and tuna.

And then the doctors’ visits started.“I think they started to get sick of me

because I was in at least two to three times a week, my weight was measured and I either dropped a few kilograms or gained a few,” he said.

Tamati was told to eliminate foods and see how he went with red meats.

“I started consuming more meat, my body reacted well with white meat and pork but I still felt tired, didn’t gain weight and I felt empty.”

One of his toughest days was on April 16, when his mother took him to the emergency doctors and he fell asleep waiting to be seen.

He then saw a different doctor who ran him through a variety of tests, but noth-ing much happened out of that either, except he was referred to a dietician.

“My skin was breaking out like crazy, I was pale (and) felt ugly from what had been happening,” he said.

Tamati saw his “lovely dietician” once a fortnight but nothing was working and he continued to lose weight.

At his lowest he weighed only 56.9kg.His dietician was eager for him to

undergo more tests, which confirmed he was not coeliac but had low iron levels.

Nothing happened for a while until a blessing in disguise was passed his way at the beginning of June. A dietician told Tamati to try Fortasip – a liquid meal supplement with the necessary nutrients

and vitamins.Slowly he began to gain weight, but he

was still hungry and his body was reject-ing food.

“I became a junky at the supplement isles at the drug stores and it was costly, I was also to keep in contact with the dietician with any foods that reacted badly.”

The worst were potatoes, oats, aspara-gus, all dairy, white rice and more.

The best, sweet potato, quinoa, brown rice, white meats and eggs.

He followed the “stupid, restricted” diet for a period of weeks, but still felt empty inside, couldn’t concentrate and in general, didn’t feel good.

One night, Tamati had an epiphany – exercise.

“It may have seemed strange for what state my body was in but it was the best thing I could have ever done,” he said.

He started off with low-impact Zumba three times a week, but wanted to move into running. Then began his love of apps. Tamati started with Map My Run, which recorded his pace, distance, run duration, heart rate and route.

“I started using it as a resource to set goals and it really motivated me to keep my mind off other things … it kept me sane.”

He started running more and more – using the app – and was completing 5km in no time.

He turned on a feature called Live Tracking one afternoon which in turn let him enable the Live Coaching feature. Tamati would type in a goal pace or dura-tion into the pre-workout screen and a voice would encourage him with things like “You have reached your goal pace, keep up the good work!” or “Speed up!”

There was something about the feature that made him more determined than ever.

He came up with a post-workout meal routine and slowly began to gain weight.

Posting the workouts on social media was another aspect he liked.

“It’s really cool to let your friends know how you’re progressing.”

To this day Tamati cannot eat certain foods and is on the hospital waiting list for more tests, but he feels much happier than he did a year ago.

Now he uses even more apps, such as push-up apps, a heart rate monitor, Water My Body and Runkeeper, Strava – both running apps – as well as cardio and sleep monitoring apps too.

He has even got family members inter-ested in using technology to aid in their fitness journey.

Through his use of apps, he has competed in competitions and entered himself in fun runs.

He finished in 5th place for a 10km challenge which he completed it in 52 minutes. He also entered in The Muddy Good Run and partici-pates in a weekly run-ning get-fit club. To look forward to he has the Colour Run.

Tamati said without the help of the apps urging him on – he probably wouldn’t be where he is today. He recommends them to anyone and everyone who just needs that little extra push.

“To this day, I will forever keep using these apps. Map My Run has helped me in ways I haven’t noticed until re-cently, and I love to improve, set goals and smash it!”

Above – Tamati Wairepo prefers running apps such as Map My Run and Runkeeper to not only track his fitness, but also to motivate him.


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YOU Magazine | 7

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DoctorGP spokeswoman Dr Charlotte Cox is also behind the app movement and said she sees a number of patients who use a variety of weight loss and exercise apps.

“The information available now is fantastic and can only be helpful,” she said.

Dr Cox said she remembers in the old days manually entering five-day food diaries into computer pro-grammes to do diet analysis.

“Nowadays people do it themselves on their iPhones and such,” she said.

She even uses apps herself.“On a personal note, I love my Polar-

beat app to download training data from my Polar heart rate monitor and put it into ‘athletes diary’, as does my 15-year-old,” she said.

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8 | YOU Magazine



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If you’re looking for interesting stories, stunning pho-tography and an overall fascinating learning experience, look no further than National Geographic’s Nat Geo View app.

I’ve been an avid fan of National Geographic for a long time, having whiled away many hours poring over my grandparents’ collection of the much-loved magazines as a kid.

While the glossy pages were always exciting, the read-ing experience is definitely enhanced by the app.

Nat Geo View features new articles each day, ac-companied by National Geographic’s world renowned photographs.

The incredibly clear and vivid photos are the real rev-elation on the app, particularly if you’re using a device with a decent screen.

National Geographic picks its best content for the app, so you’re never short of a fascinating read.

Also, if you’re out of mobile data or not connected to wifi, never fear, you can still access the majority of the content while offline.

Ever wanted to transform yourself into a Disney prin-cess? A swashbuckling pirate? Or maybe you think you could master the force and make a pretty impressive Jedi.

Whatever your tastes, Disney has you covered. The Show Your Disney Side app is a perfect way to keep the boredom at bay for the kids on those rainy Autumn weekends.

It’s super easy to use – you pick a Disney character, snap a selfie, and voila – you’re transformed into one of the characters from the House of Mouse. You can also try on different costumes, add a colourful and creative frame, and watch your Disney side come to life with spe-cial effects. A great boredom buster for everyone who loves a bit of Disney magic.

With one of the biggest sporting events in the world right on our doorstep, this app is the perfect companion to supplement hours of world-class cricket.

I’ll admit, I have never been a huge cricket aficionado. Before the World Cup kicked off, my only cricket memo-ries were being dragged along to watch Dad’s golden oldies’ games on a Saturday, which was not exactly world class viewing. However, with the sporting spectacle tak-ing place in New Zealand, even I’ve been swept up in the excitement. For all those occasions when I’ve been away from a TV and unable to watch a match, the app has been my saviour. It provides ball-by-ball scores and com-mentary, match videos and highlights, and tournament stats. It also allows hardcore fans to pledge their support for their favourite team, and they can interact with other fans through a social hub. If you’re like me and have been swept up by cricket world cup fever, this app is your new best friend.

Show Your Disney Side (free) ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 (free)Nat Geo View (free)



Daisy Hudson

Page 9: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

YOU Magazine | 9

Age-optimised treatment for Presbyopic patients is now available with the South Island’s latest precision ZEISS equipment.

PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision

GIVEAWAYby nature Take ten for radiant skin

Indulge in some well-deserved pam-pering with the latest skin-care delight from by nature and feel like a million dollars – without it costing the earth.

by nature’s Nourishing and Refining Face Mask warms the skin, opening the pores so the powerful natural active in-gredients can deliver optimum benefit and promote a smoother, healthier, more radiant complexion.

Simply peel the mask from the sa-chet, gently smooth it on to cleansed skin then sit back and relax with a good book and a glass of bubbly.

Apply by nature’s Replenishing Night Crème for a complete beauty treat-ment and wake up feeling brand new.

GIVEAWAY by nature has TWO prize packs of the new Nourishing and Refining Face Mask and the popular Replenishing Night Crème worth $20 each to give away to two lucky YOU magazine read-ers. #taketen

HOW TO ENTER: Email your name, address and phone

number to [email protected] your letter to YOU editor, PO Box

77, AshburtonPlease include the name of the competi-

tion (by nature giveaway) somewhere

prominent in the subject line or on the envelope.


ELIGIBILITY:One entry per person and per householdGuardian staff and immediate family members are not eligible to enter.

All entries must be received by March 31Drawn: April 6

The prize packs will be sent directly to winners and names will be published in the April 11 edition of YOU magazine. Prize provided by by nature


The lucky winners of Atkins Nutri-tionals’ prize packs featuring the new Atkins Endulge Chocolate Break, Milk Chocolate Bar and At-kins Advantage Chocolate Brownie Bar along with a new step-by-step eating guide and a one-week meal planner are:

June BruhnsPaulette Cameron

Dot MooreThe products will be sent to the ad-dresses you provided.Thanks to everyone who entered and the YOU team hopes you enjoy these products.

Page 10: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

10 | YOU Magazine


to Sam and Sven

“I just love the lady, she takes beautiful photos,” says 64-year-old Sven Edgar-Skerner as he looks through a large box of wedding photos.

He is talking about the young woman sitting next to him, his new wife Sam Edgar-Skerner.

Sam and Sven live in a flat on Friendship Lane, with their new pet cat Harmony. It is a small and humble home, but one filled with love and a joyful out-look of their new life together ahead.

It is of no consequence to the

couple that there is a big age difference between them.

Sam is just 22, meaning she is 42 years younger than her new husband.

Despite the difference, the couple have much in common.

They share a love of motor-

bikes, quadbike riding, touring the countryside and glass art. The couple also share a strength of character in not letting dis-ability stop them from what they wish to do in life.

Sam suffers from ataxic cere-bral palsy. It does not affect her

intellectually, but displays itself in preventing her from walking without an aid such as a walk-ing frame and it also slows her speech.

Sven fought in the Vietnam War from 1969 to 1970 with the 161 Artillery Battery. Like

As far as age gaps go, 42 years would be one of the larger ones for newly-married couples. Yet Ashburton’s Sven and Sam Edgar-Skerner say age is just a number and it is not going to stop them living their new married life to the fullest. Susan Sandys reports.


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to Sam and Sven

many soldiers he was exposed to Agent Orange and suffered nervous system damage. Most of the time it does not affect him, but can sometimes make him tired when he has to do a lot of physical work, and it can make it difficult to sleep at night

as it results in crawling sensa-tions on the skin.

The couple say Ashburton is a discriminatory town from the perspective of organisations employing people with dis-abilities. They had both tried to find work, but had been largely

unsuccessful. Sven is a trades-man and he said it was difficult to explain to potential employ-ers how he may not always be able to work a full day non-stop without having a small rest.

Sam was happy she had recently had a job offer weld-

ing and planned to accept it. However, she had recently also applied for a job as a volunteer in a town shop, only to be told “If you can walk you can work here”.

Such discrimination is one of the reasons the couple are plan-

ning to eventually move from the town, to another area of New Zealand.

Sam grew up in Ashburton, while Sven is originally from the Chathams.

The couple also share a love of art and crafts.

Sven is a glass artist and teach-ing the craft to his new bride. He has been creating glass art since 1971, basing his drawings around tattoo designs. The art graces their marital home and the couple hope to spend more time on it and eventually sell their work.

Sam is a mixed media artist, and has publicly exhibited her work in Ashburton. She is proud to have achieved what she has in the field, particularly as she clearly remembers being told she would never be able to hold a pen, let alone a paintbrush.

Not least of all, the couple share a complete joy in the new love they have found in their lives.

Sven lost his wife of more than 40 years to cancer about two years ago. The couple had seven children together, and alto-gether Sven has 10 biological children as he had three with his first partner in his late teens. He also has nine adopted children from the family of a former best mate whom he helped to raise.

“I think the thing that I like best about Sam is to me it’s not about disability, it’s about ability, get rid of the ‘dis’,” Sven said.

“She rides quad bikes, she rides motorbikes, she’s not scared to get off her bum.”

Sven is a biker from way back, having joined the Ulysses social motorcycle club more than 20 years ago.

continued over page

Above – Sven and Sam share a small and humble home, one filled with love and a joyful outlook of their new life together ahead. Left – Ashburton couple Sam and Sven Edgar-Skerner are happy to have found each other.


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12 | YOU Magazine

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from P11The couple are regulars at the Ashbur-

ton River, getting on their quad bikes and riding them together.

Sam sees in Sven someone who encour-ages and supports her all the way.

Just the other day the couple got home from one of their regular drives around the Mid Canterbury countryside and Sam said, “I’m going to try and walk up the steps”.

Holding on to the rails beside the three steps leading into her flat, she managed to walk up them on her own.

“What I really admire is when I want to try something new like that Sven lets me, he also stands right behind me so if I fall I’m not going to hurt myself.”

And he stands right behind her in the metaphorical sense as well, supporting her strong spirit.

Sam is well known in Ashburton. She was a candidate in the last local body elections, standing under her former name of Sam Quinton. She is a former youth council member and Mid Canter-bury Newcomers’ Network volunteer.

Sam and Sven plan to have children and

recently lost their first in a miscarriage following a minor 4WD motor vehicle crash prior to their wedding last Novem-ber.

Sam was two months’ pregnant at the time of the heartbreaking event in their lives.

Sam has become a step mum to a large brood, not to mention a step-grandmoth-er and great-grandmother, but to have even just one baby of her own would be “a blessing”, she said.

At their wedding at the Christchurch Botanical Gardens, it was a beautiful day, attended by about 70 friends and family. Sam’s adoptive parents from Mayfield walked her down the aisle, on what was the happiest day of her life.

Sam and Sven say they have had very little negative reaction to the difference between their ages.

“It’s just a number,” Sven said.A couple of Sam’s young friends had

told her they did not agree with their relationship and they were no longer friends.

“If you can’t accept us for who we are, you are not worth knowing,” Sam said.

Left – Sam Edgar-Skerner is a mixed media artist who is learning the craft of glass art from her new husband Sven.


Page 13: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

Last October I was lucky enough to experience a Princess Cruise on board the Sapphire Princess cruising from Hong Kong to Singapore with my sister in-law.

Before the cruise we had two nights in Hong Kong to have a look around.

I would highly recommend this as a stopover desti nati on on the way to Europe.

We did a half day Hong Kong sightseeing tour visiti ng the main sights. Our other highlight would have to be visiti ng Kowloon Park in the morning and seeing the locals doing Tai Chi.

Cruising is like being on a fl oati ng resort. I was nervous about the trip as I suff er from moti on sickness but once my trendy wristbands kicked in (could have been

mind over matt er) everything was great. With cruising you can do as litt le or as

much as you would like, every night you receive a pamphlet with a list of the next day’s acti viti es and specials.

On Princess cruises one of the popular acti viti es is movies under the stars where you can watch the latest movies while

on a deck chair under the stars eati ng popcorn and cookies with a glass of cold milk. Nightly shows and bingo are also must do acti viti es with them being a huge hit with all on board.

When choosing a cruise I would highly recommend having a good mixture of sailing and port days, as the ship itself

could be considered a desti nati on. On our eight night cruise we only had

two port days visiti ng Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) and Bangkok. Both are fantasti c citi es to visit.

While in port we did shore excursions arranged by Princess Cruises, all our excursions we pre-booked before we left home to guarantee getti ng a space on the coach.

Subject to how far away the port is to town will probably determine if you do a cruise organised tour… on both our stops we had over a two hour transfer into the city so it was easier to do an organised tour.

If docked in the city we probably would have done our own thing.

As I discovered cruising is not only a great holiday opti on for families and couples but also for groups of friends. Would I do another cruise that is a defi nite yes – I’m currently considering a food and wine three night cruise for my “0” birthday next year, or my other dream cruise would be the Inside Passage Cruise from Vancouver.

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YOU Magazine | 13



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De-stress during your special occasion and leave the planning to us. Want something to celebrate during festive season? We do Christmas with all the trimmings - from turkey to church services to Santa himself. You won’t have to lift a finger. Ring in the New Year in a new location, or pack your fancy suits and fascinators for a Melbourne Cup cruise complete with race track entry and coach transfers. No mat-ter which P&O Main Event cruise you choose, prepare to sit back and let us entertain you.





f loating resort

Page 14: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

PHONE (03) 318 6943 [email protected] | facebook.com/terracedownsresort


Make your wedding one you’ll never forget! We offer multiple locations for ceremony sites, perfect for any season and our reception rooms offer spectacular views of the Golf course and Mt Hutt. Enjoy a delicious menu tailored to your

tastes near the crackling fire on a cold Winters night, or relish in the High Country view with a Summer breeze.

Only one hour from Christchurch, Terrace Downs has everything to offer to make your special day a memorable event. The Events Team at Terrace Downs offer a personalised service and are dedicated to ensure your day is seamless.

Contact us today to start planning your wedding day.

Photos suPPlied by: susannah blatchford PhotograPhy,the heather and doug records & Kenichiro tenjinKi

Say ‘I Do’all year round at Terrace Downs

Page 15: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

Nestled against a beautiful mountain backdrop, the Methven Resort offers you the complete package –

venue, accommodation and exquisite food. No wedding is too big or too small, and we design the

day to suit your individual needs.

Our experienced in house chef can cater for all dietary requirements.

Celebrateyour love

51 Main Street, Methven 03 302 8724

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Weddings – Conferences - Events – Accommodation

Contact Karyn for a wedding pack or to arrange a time to discuss your ideas.

Great wedding gifts

Focus White 24 Photo Frame $24.99

My Time Clock 33.8cm – various styles $19.99

Oko Design 5 Piece Bright Knife Set $15.99

Page 16: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

16 | YOU Magazine


Eden Kirk-Williams

I’ve been engaged for just over four months now and in that ti me have expe-rienced what I like to call the four steps of bride to be emoti on.

Step one: an overwhelming urge to cry (just like those silly women in movies) and insist that he is tricking you, when you see that knee drop at the most unexpected moment.

Step two: if you are right-handed you now become left -handed. Family and friends have been informed of the news so


Be inspired by our expansive, beautiful grounds for a truly magical & romantic setting, indoors or out.

We’re the ‘one-stop shop’ of event venues, individually tailoring to suit your needs.

Book now!ph. 03 693 7912m. 027 415 7869e. [email protected]

Follow us on www.onebigday.co.nz

Unique Wedding StationeryUnique Wedding StationeryUnique Wedding Stationery

Let our team of experts take care of your hair and make up needs and achieve the look and feel that matches your wedding style

Phone: 03 308 134835 Archibald Street, Tinwaldwww.tanglezhairstudio.co.nz


So you are engaged . . . your wonderful, amazing, adorable partner has dropped down on one knee and asked you to be theirs forever. Am I making you sick yet? Well get used to it.

now you must fl ash that bling at everyone from colleagues to your usual check out chick.

Step three: Realisati on – realising that planning a wedding isn’t just buying a pret-ty dress, it’s actually a highly involved task that will become almost a full ti me job. But who cares you are getti ng married! Woop, whoop dreams are coming true!

Step four: The whoop, whoop has worn off and reality has now set in, the now fi ancé sti ll farts in bed and waves the du-vet around. You have this mammoth task in front of you but you love him and are excited about spending forever with that wonderful, adorable smelly man!

So here are my ti ps on how to make sure planning your wedding is an enjoyable task.

Tip 1: Use the time you havePlanning your wedding isn’t about con-

centrati ng on one hundred diff erent things and stressing over every minor detail.

It is about enjoying the experience, think-ing of the big picture and using the tools you have on hand to create the day of your dreams. Once you know the overall theme of the big day then make a list and sti ck to it, don’t obsess if you can’t fi nd the right shade of creamy pink table cloths just adjust the plan to suit what is available to you.

Tip 2: Get craftyIf you are like me and are getti ng a jump

start on planning your wedding then DIY is a great way to save money on decora-ti ons as well as making your wedding unique. Research ideas online, I have a serious Pinterest addicti on which turns out good and bad depending on the project. If something looks like it might be diffi cult trial it fi rst! In this editi on you will fi nd my

top three DIY ideas that I have tried and succeeded with, if I can do them then you can too!Tip 3: Be realistic with your budget

We are having a wedding on a budget and aside from the catering we should be able to do it. Things like decorati ons don’t have to be expensive you can hire them or make them. Be smart with the way you shop, don’t assume because a retail outlet prices something at $100 that this is the cheapest you can get it, try searching online for second hand items this can save you a lot overall.

If you do go over the budget talk to your fi ancé and ask yourself is this something that you really want or would it ‘be nice’ to have it? If not then there’s your answer. Bonus is if you come in under budget at the end then you could get that extra if

you sti ll want it.

Tip 4: Family and FriendsNow this is a tricky one! Who to invite

and to what part of the wedding. If you are on a budget then cutti ng down the guest list is the most eff ecti ve way to save costs. I know it’s hard and people might get of-fended but this is your wedding, it is about you and your fi ancé so those who care will understand that. You don’t have to invite everyone to everything, we are having close family and friends at the ceremony, then more for the recepti on.

Also consider if you would like children there, for us there will be a select amount of children that we spend a lot of ti me with in att endance but we won’t be invit-ing everyone to bring their kids along. You want your guests to have a good ti me and not have to worry about their litt le Polly getti ng a candlesti ck stuck up her nose

while mum and dad were talking to you!

Tip 5: Enjoy it!I am yet to experience

this yet but here is the piece of advice I am given most. Enjoy the whole day, don’t let yourself get pulled into this crisis or that, assign someone you trust to deal with any issues – for me this will be my sister and friend Ashleigh as they are both so organised they have lists to keep track of their lists!

Spend ti me with people that come to the wedding and take a moment to stop and appreciate what a special occasion it is. Also don’t forget that your husband is there, don’t get carried away with being the perfect bride to everyone else, this day is as special to him as it is to you even if he doesn’t show it!

Adverti sing feature

YOU Magazine | 17

Page 17: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

16 | YOU Magazine


Eden Kirk-Williams

I’ve been engaged for just over four months now and in that ti me have expe-rienced what I like to call the four steps of bride to be emoti on.

Step one: an overwhelming urge to cry (just like those silly women in movies) and insist that he is tricking you, when you see that knee drop at the most unexpected moment.

Step two: if you are right-handed you now become left -handed. Family and friends have been informed of the news so


Be inspired by our expansive, beautiful grounds for a truly magical & romantic setting, indoors or out.

We’re the ‘one-stop shop’ of event venues, individually tailoring to suit your needs.

Book now!ph. 03 693 7912m. 027 415 7869e. [email protected]

Follow us on www.onebigday.co.nz

Unique Wedding StationeryUnique Wedding StationeryUnique Wedding Stationery

Let our team of experts take care of your hair and make up needs and achieve the look and feel that matches your wedding style

Phone: 03 308 134835 Archibald Street, Tinwaldwww.tanglezhairstudio.co.nz


So you are engaged . . . your wonderful, amazing, adorable partner has dropped down on one knee and asked you to be theirs forever. Am I making you sick yet? Well get used to it.

now you must fl ash that bling at everyone from colleagues to your usual check out chick.

Step three: Realisati on – realising that planning a wedding isn’t just buying a pret-ty dress, it’s actually a highly involved task that will become almost a full ti me job. But who cares you are getti ng married! Woop, whoop dreams are coming true!

Step four: The whoop, whoop has worn off and reality has now set in, the now fi ancé sti ll farts in bed and waves the du-vet around. You have this mammoth task in front of you but you love him and are excited about spending forever with that wonderful, adorable smelly man!

So here are my ti ps on how to make sure planning your wedding is an enjoyable task.

Tip 1: Use the time you havePlanning your wedding isn’t about con-

centrati ng on one hundred diff erent things and stressing over every minor detail.

It is about enjoying the experience, think-ing of the big picture and using the tools you have on hand to create the day of your dreams. Once you know the overall theme of the big day then make a list and sti ck to it, don’t obsess if you can’t fi nd the right shade of creamy pink table cloths just adjust the plan to suit what is available to you.

Tip 2: Get craftyIf you are like me and are getti ng a jump

start on planning your wedding then DIY is a great way to save money on decora-ti ons as well as making your wedding unique. Research ideas online, I have a serious Pinterest addicti on which turns out good and bad depending on the project. If something looks like it might be diffi cult trial it fi rst! In this editi on you will fi nd my

top three DIY ideas that I have tried and succeeded with, if I can do them then you can too!Tip 3: Be realistic with your budget

We are having a wedding on a budget and aside from the catering we should be able to do it. Things like decorati ons don’t have to be expensive you can hire them or make them. Be smart with the way you shop, don’t assume because a retail outlet prices something at $100 that this is the cheapest you can get it, try searching online for second hand items this can save you a lot overall.

If you do go over the budget talk to your fi ancé and ask yourself is this something that you really want or would it ‘be nice’ to have it? If not then there’s your answer. Bonus is if you come in under budget at the end then you could get that extra if

you sti ll want it.

Tip 4: Family and FriendsNow this is a tricky one! Who to invite

and to what part of the wedding. If you are on a budget then cutti ng down the guest list is the most eff ecti ve way to save costs. I know it’s hard and people might get of-fended but this is your wedding, it is about you and your fi ancé so those who care will understand that. You don’t have to invite everyone to everything, we are having close family and friends at the ceremony, then more for the recepti on.

Also consider if you would like children there, for us there will be a select amount of children that we spend a lot of ti me with in att endance but we won’t be invit-ing everyone to bring their kids along. You want your guests to have a good ti me and not have to worry about their litt le Polly getti ng a candlesti ck stuck up her nose

while mum and dad were talking to you!

Tip 5: Enjoy it!I am yet to experience

this yet but here is the piece of advice I am given most. Enjoy the whole day, don’t let yourself get pulled into this crisis or that, assign someone you trust to deal with any issues – for me this will be my sister and friend Ashleigh as they are both so organised they have lists to keep track of their lists!

Spend ti me with people that come to the wedding and take a moment to stop and appreciate what a special occasion it is. Also don’t forget that your husband is there, don’t get carried away with being the perfect bride to everyone else, this day is as special to him as it is to you even if he doesn’t show it!

Adverti sing feature

YOU Magazine | 17

Page 18: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015


0800 330 880 [email protected] fb.com/HotelAshburton HotelAsh.co.nz

Enquire today!

Book Your Wedding& Save $500

Book your wedding at Hotel Ashburton and receive $500 off when you pay

your deposit before 31 May 2015.* *Terms and Conditions apply. Discount available for weddings which include

reception function at Hotel Ashburton. Discount is not available for weddings that are ceremonies only. A minimum of 50 guests are required to receive

discount. Please discuss further with our Wedding Coordinator.

Your Wedding, Your Way

Hotel Ashburton’s first Wedding Venue Open Day showcased just how easy it is to create your ideal wedding ceremony and reception.

It was love at first bite as guests tasted canapés and menu options from the kitchen. There was even an original mocktail creation on offer, something that couples can have designed as their signature drink for their big day.

Mid Canterbury’s famous sunshine was in fine form and it was easy to visualise weddings taking place in the expansive manicured gardens. This lush garden is ideal for wedding photography and for welcoming or reception drinks for friends

and family. A fully decorated wedding aisle showcased a possible outdoor ceremony set up. Hotel Ashburton have the ability to offer indoor ceremony settings, in case the weather doesn’t play along!

Hotel Ashburton’s Wedding Coordinator was on site, alongside kitchen staff, cake creators, make up artists, wedding photographers and specialist decorators – all discussing ideas and possibilities with guests.

With Hotel Ashburton’s multiple venues, flexible spaces and the ability to customise, it was easy to see how you can create your wedding, your way.

“ Our unique point of difference is Hotel Ashburton’s ability to be a complete wedding resort – a private sanctuary for you and your guests to celebrate your important day. It is possible to utilise the guest accommodation, function rooms and more to create a magical weekend of memories,”

– Paul Inwood, General Manager,Hotel Ashburton

To arrange a private tour of the Hotel Ashburton’s wedding facilities or for more information, please contact [email protected] or 307 8811.

Richard Joseph, Olivia Joseph, Linda Joseph and Yvonne Luxton

Kay Roulston, Paula Roulston and Elizabeth Low Brock Peddie and Kirsty Chamberlain

Tash Andrews with make up artist Rachelle Snowman

Tash Andrews Danielle Bratton, Belinda Darrell with baby Nikkita

Gussie Fenton with Rosie Fenton

Photos by Buckley’s Look Photography

Page 19: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

YOU Magazine | 19


0800 330 880 [email protected] fb.com/HotelAshburton HotelAsh.co.nz

Enquire today!

Book Your Wedding& Save $500

Book your wedding at Hotel Ashburton and receive $500 off when you pay

your deposit before 31 May 2015.* *Terms and Conditions apply. Discount available for weddings which include

reception function at Hotel Ashburton. Discount is not available for weddings that are ceremonies only. A minimum of 50 guests are required to receive

discount. Please discuss further with our Wedding Coordinator.

Your Wedding, Your Way

Hotel Ashburton’s first Wedding Venue Open Day showcased just how easy it is to create your ideal wedding ceremony and reception.

It was love at first bite as guests tasted canapés and menu options from the kitchen. There was even an original mocktail creation on offer, something that couples can have designed as their signature drink for their big day.

Mid Canterbury’s famous sunshine was in fine form and it was easy to visualise weddings taking place in the expansive manicured gardens. This lush garden is ideal for wedding photography and for welcoming or reception drinks for friends

and family. A fully decorated wedding aisle showcased a possible outdoor ceremony set up. Hotel Ashburton have the ability to offer indoor ceremony settings, in case the weather doesn’t play along!

Hotel Ashburton’s Wedding Coordinator was on site, alongside kitchen staff, cake creators, make up artists, wedding photographers and specialist decorators – all discussing ideas and possibilities with guests.

With Hotel Ashburton’s multiple venues, flexible spaces and the ability to customise, it was easy to see how you can create your wedding, your way.

“ Our unique point of difference is Hotel Ashburton’s ability to be a complete wedding resort – a private sanctuary for you and your guests to celebrate your important day. It is possible to utilise the guest accommodation, function rooms and more to create a magical weekend of memories,”

– Paul Inwood, General Manager,Hotel Ashburton

To arrange a private tour of the Hotel Ashburton’s wedding facilities or for more information, please contact [email protected] or 307 8811.

Richard Joseph, Olivia Joseph, Linda Joseph and Yvonne Luxton

Kay Roulston, Paula Roulston and Elizabeth Low Brock Peddie and Kirsty Chamberlain

Tash Andrews with make up artist Rachelle Snowman

Tash Andrews Danielle Bratton, Belinda Darrell with baby Nikkita

Gussie Fenton with Rosie Fenton

Photos by Buckley’s Look Photography

Page 20: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

20 | YOU Magazine


Eden Kirk-Williams

DIY WEDDINGdecorSince getting engaged I have developed a problem… a Pinterest problem. To save money on purchasing ready made wedding decorations I intend on creating my own decorations where possible. Below are my top three DIY picks that I have personally tried and succeeded with!

Bunti ngAs our wedding theme is a woodland/vintage style bunti ng is a must have! So over the past few weeks I have been visiti ng second hand stores and stock-ing up on cute vintage fabrics to use. With help of a friend’s sewing machine on loan I gave it a go!

What you need:• Fabric (I have used old sheets

and fabric from the Red Cross in Ashburton)

• Scissors• Ruler• Card template (24cm high by

17cm wide)• Fabric bias tape

1. Place your card template on the fabric, you can do as many layers at once as you think your scissors can handle. Draw around the template then cut it out.

2. Inside out sew the edges of the triangles together leaving the short end undone. Once these are all done turn them the right way out and give them an iron.

3. Sew the undone end onto the bias tape so the tape closes over the open end. Leave about 3cm between fl ags.

4. There you go, handmade bunti ng that cost almost nothing!

Paper Pom Poms This decorati on is a really money saver! To buy one paper pom pom from my local bargain store is $3. I purchased enough ti ssue and twine to make ten of them for only $10 so saved myself around $20, and when I need about 30 of these for my wedding that really adds up.

Supplies: • Colorful ti ssue paper 10 sheets per pom pom• Scissors• Florist wire or twine• Ribbon1. Layer six to 10 sheets of standard-sized ti ssue paper

on a fl at surface. Fold width wise in an accordion-fold patt ern.

2. Use sharp scissors to cut both ends of the folded ti ssue paper into a point or round.

3. Bind the center of the ti ssue with fl orist wire or twine. Tie a ribbon onto the wire so the fi nished pom-pom can be suspended.

4. Gently pull apart layers of ti ssue and fl uff them to form a sphere.

Hanging Lanterns Mason jars have become a litt le bit of trend lately, they are a stylish additi on to any table or tree in this case.

What you need:• Mason Jar • Twine• Sand• Tea light candle

1. Make sure your jar is clean, fi ll with 2cm of sand or pebbles.

2. Wrap the twine around the top under the lip where the lid should screw on. Make sure you ti e on some extra string to hang the lantern from.

3. Place the tea light candle in the bott om and hang.

Page 21: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

20 | YOU Magazine


Eden Kirk-Williams

DIY WEDDINGdecorSince getting engaged I have developed a problem… a Pinterest problem. To save money on purchasing ready made wedding decorations I intend on creating my own decorations where possible. Below are my top three DIY picks that I have personally tried and succeeded with!

Bunti ngAs our wedding theme is a woodland/vintage style bunti ng is a must have! So over the past few weeks I have been visiti ng second hand stores and stock-ing up on cute vintage fabrics to use. With help of a friend’s sewing machine on loan I gave it a go!

What you need:• Fabric (I have used old sheets

and fabric from the Red Cross in Ashburton)

• Scissors• Ruler• Card template (24cm high by

17cm wide)• Fabric bias tape

1. Place your card template on the fabric, you can do as many layers at once as you think your scissors can handle. Draw around the template then cut it out.

2. Inside out sew the edges of the triangles together leaving the short end undone. Once these are all done turn them the right way out and give them an iron.

3. Sew the undone end onto the bias tape so the tape closes over the open end. Leave about 3cm between fl ags.

4. There you go, handmade bunti ng that cost almost nothing!

Paper Pom Poms This decorati on is a really money saver! To buy one paper pom pom from my local bargain store is $3. I purchased enough ti ssue and twine to make ten of them for only $10 so saved myself around $20, and when I need about 30 of these for my wedding that really adds up.

Supplies: • Colorful ti ssue paper 10 sheets per pom pom• Scissors• Florist wire or twine• Ribbon1. Layer six to 10 sheets of standard-sized ti ssue paper

on a fl at surface. Fold width wise in an accordion-fold patt ern.

2. Use sharp scissors to cut both ends of the folded ti ssue paper into a point or round.

3. Bind the center of the ti ssue with fl orist wire or twine. Tie a ribbon onto the wire so the fi nished pom-pom can be suspended.

4. Gently pull apart layers of ti ssue and fl uff them to form a sphere.

Hanging Lanterns Mason jars have become a litt le bit of trend lately, they are a stylish additi on to any table or tree in this case.

What you need:• Mason Jar • Twine• Sand• Tea light candle

1. Make sure your jar is clean, fi ll with 2cm of sand or pebbles.

2. Wrap the twine around the top under the lip where the lid should screw on. Make sure you ti e on some extra string to hang the lantern from.

3. Place the tea light candle in the bott om and hang.

This is the debut novel of author Lucy Foley and I think she’s writt en an excellent story, great plot and at its heart, a moving love story. Now, I’m usually not a great fan of love stories but this one has a lot going for it. It’s a beauti ful story told over three separate ti me frames which cleverly links the stories together.

The story starts in England in 1913 when Tom Staff ord and Alice Eversley meet as children in Cornwall. Alice’s family are wealthy aristocrats while Tom’s family is middle class. They don’t meet again unti l 1928 when their friendship is re-kindled. Because this is a multi ti me frame novel we then move to 1986 and meet Kate mourning the loss of both her mother and grandmother.

While sorti ng through her grandmother’s belongings she fi nds a portrait of a woman called Celia, drawn by the famous arti st Tom Staff ord. She sets off on a journey of discovery into her mother’s past where she meets the

reclusive Tom Staff ord and learns the identi ty of Celia.

The crux of the story centres on Alice and Tom and what becomes of them aft er meeti ng again in 1928.

Lucy Foley brings all these threads together beauti fully and leaves us with this poignant story.

Another book you may enjoy is The Iron Necklace by Giles Waterfi eld

This is a great family drama set during World War One. It begins with the marriage of a young English woman to a German architect in 1910.

The story follows their lives through the years as they learn to live with the horrors of the war and its aft ermath.

Adverti sing feature

Book ofLost & Found

212 East Street • Ashburton• 03 308 8309

The Book of Lost & Found.

The Iron Necklace.

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Bring in this advert and get

Bring in this advert and get

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20% OFF




Page 22: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

22 | YOU Magazine

fightingYOU Magazine | 23

• Group classes – teach techniques

• Food Plans for a healthy lifestyle and results

• Females only with exception of some evening circuits

• Kids are welcome to all circuit classes - lots for the kids

to play with while you work out

91 Alford Forest Road, Ashburton, New Zealand | Phone 027 558 9500www.facebook.com/figurefitnessashburton

Rates from $45-50 for 6 classes.


“Our body is the only one we have and we only live once,”said Monique Rouxel owner of Figure Fitness Ashburton. Amanda Wright caught up with Monique to see what has driven her to become the fit mum of five who is helping others achieve their fitness dreams.

With five daughters under the age of nine, Monique Rouxel developed a reputation for being a fit mum.

As a lot of mothers will empathise with, it can be hard to fit a shower into a daily routine with young children to look after, but as Monique explains, making time for health is the best gift we can give our children.

“During all five pregnancies it was crucial to me to keep fit and active. I was determined not to let ‘having kids’ change my attitude toward living a

healthy lifestyle, so I continued to swim, run and go to the gym throughout my pregnancies.

“I was sensible and listened to my body. I wanted to be an inspiration for other mums to show that health and fitness can be sustained during pregnancy. I became aware of how uneducated people were on how to train during pregnancy, so this became a focus for me, to be able to help women in all stages of their life,” Monique said.

Monique grew up in Kakanui, North

Otago, and enjoyed an active lifestyle, playing rugby and surfing. She joined the New Zealand Army as a chef, and while in the Army, Monique completed a course which allowed her to train other soldiers in fitness.

“This is where I learned the skills to be able to train people to reach their optimum physique, and where I gained the confidence to take fitness classes,” she said.

Monique and her partner Matiu left the Army, and moved to Ashburton in

2009, for Matiu to begin a plumbing apprenticeship. Monique was a stay at home mother of two girls, and had gone through a unique experience with the birth of her youngest daughter at the time.

“My second daughter’s arrival was extremely poorly timed, I ended up giving birth in the back of my truck at my parents house,” she said.

Two more daughters later, Monique began taking classes at a local gym. She became pregnant with number five and

continued to train at the gym until she was 39 weeks into her pregnancy.

“A number of ladies I trained suggested that I run my own classes from home. I gave birth in November 2013, and in February 2014 I held my first class from home.

“I started with four ladies, but as the weeks went on, more and more ladies came on board! I knew I must have been doing something right, it’s what I was meant to be doing,” Monique said.

Monique understands how all-encompassing raising children can be, and the expense of finding childcare can often become a barrier to parents attending fitness classes. To break down this barrier, Monique encourages parents to bring their children to class. She has developed a fun fort to occupy the kids while mum or dad are working on their health. It also helps to establish healthy habits from a young age when kids see their parents leading by example and getting active.

Her personal training business, Figure Fitness Ashburton, has helped men and women of all ages and all fitness levels achieve healthier lifestyles.

“One of the success stories I’m most proud to share is of a 55-year-old man who approached me for personal training.

He immediately informed me that he wasn’t there because he wanted to be, but because he had to be.

“I knew it would be a challenge, but he had very high blood pressure and had previously suffered a heart attack, so I knew I had to help him make some positive changes.

“I take pride in getting to know my clients personally, so as I got to know this man, I understood how to challenge and motivate him. Within two weeks he began to arrive to my sessions with a smile on his face.

“After nine weeks he went back to his doctor for follow-up tests and his results were astounding.

The improvements he achieved motivated him even more. He’s been

training with me for five months now, he writes about his daily fitness achievements on his Facebook page to inspire others his age to take care of their health, and comes to two classes and three 60-minute personal training sessions a week.

“He would never admit it, but he’s

addicted!” Monique laughed.Monique believes the key to keeping

people motivated is to take a personal interest in their circumstances.

“I watched members come and go at the gym with little guidance toward achieving their personal goals.

“I had experienced the difficulties of sustaining a desired fitness level on a tight budget, so if you’re paying for results, it’s important they are delivered.

Having young children to juggle makes this more difficult.

“I wanted to eliminate as many excuses as possible that people find to avoid exercise.

“Right from the first enquiry I make sure a new client has everything they need to make it to their first class. Taking that first step is the hardest and I want to help make that step as easy as possible.

“I check in with members to see how they are feeling and if there’s any advice I can give them.

I know it’s easy to sit on the couch when you get home with comfort food, but that’s not healthy. I’m like the nagging housewife who checks in with what you’re eating and how active you’ve been over the week.

“It’s important that my clients feel comfortable and enjoy the sessions. I want them to be fit and healthy and achieve their goals, so I make the sessions as enjoyable and effective as possible, to help people stick to their programme,” Monique said.

By making fitness a priority now, you’ll be giving your children and loved ones the greatest gift possible, the gift of more time with a happier and healthier you.

Advertising feature

Right from the first enquiry I make sure a new client has everything they need to make it to their first class. Taking that first step is the hardest and I want to help make that step as easy as possible. “I check in with members to see how they are feeling and if there’s any advice I can give them


Page 23: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

22 | YOU Magazine

fightingYOU Magazine | 23

• Group classes – teach techniques

• Food Plans for a healthy lifestyle and results

• Females only with exception of some evening circuits

• Kids are welcome to all circuit classes - lots for the kids

to play with while you work out

91 Alford Forest Road, Ashburton, New Zealand | Phone 027 558 9500www.facebook.com/figurefitnessashburton

Rates from $45-50 for 6 classes.


“Our body is the only one we have and we only live once,”said Monique Rouxel owner of Figure Fitness Ashburton. Amanda Wright caught up with Monique to see what has driven her to become the fit mum of five who is helping others achieve their fitness dreams.

With five daughters under the age of nine, Monique Rouxel developed a reputation for being a fit mum.

As a lot of mothers will empathise with, it can be hard to fit a shower into a daily routine with young children to look after, but as Monique explains, making time for health is the best gift we can give our children.

“During all five pregnancies it was crucial to me to keep fit and active. I was determined not to let ‘having kids’ change my attitude toward living a

healthy lifestyle, so I continued to swim, run and go to the gym throughout my pregnancies.

“I was sensible and listened to my body. I wanted to be an inspiration for other mums to show that health and fitness can be sustained during pregnancy. I became aware of how uneducated people were on how to train during pregnancy, so this became a focus for me, to be able to help women in all stages of their life,” Monique said.

Monique grew up in Kakanui, North

Otago, and enjoyed an active lifestyle, playing rugby and surfing. She joined the New Zealand Army as a chef, and while in the Army, Monique completed a course which allowed her to train other soldiers in fitness.

“This is where I learned the skills to be able to train people to reach their optimum physique, and where I gained the confidence to take fitness classes,” she said.

Monique and her partner Matiu left the Army, and moved to Ashburton in

2009, for Matiu to begin a plumbing apprenticeship. Monique was a stay at home mother of two girls, and had gone through a unique experience with the birth of her youngest daughter at the time.

“My second daughter’s arrival was extremely poorly timed, I ended up giving birth in the back of my truck at my parents house,” she said.

Two more daughters later, Monique began taking classes at a local gym. She became pregnant with number five and

continued to train at the gym until she was 39 weeks into her pregnancy.

“A number of ladies I trained suggested that I run my own classes from home. I gave birth in November 2013, and in February 2014 I held my first class from home.

“I started with four ladies, but as the weeks went on, more and more ladies came on board! I knew I must have been doing something right, it’s what I was meant to be doing,” Monique said.

Monique understands how all-encompassing raising children can be, and the expense of finding childcare can often become a barrier to parents attending fitness classes. To break down this barrier, Monique encourages parents to bring their children to class. She has developed a fun fort to occupy the kids while mum or dad are working on their health. It also helps to establish healthy habits from a young age when kids see their parents leading by example and getting active.

Her personal training business, Figure Fitness Ashburton, has helped men and women of all ages and all fitness levels achieve healthier lifestyles.

“One of the success stories I’m most proud to share is of a 55-year-old man who approached me for personal training.

He immediately informed me that he wasn’t there because he wanted to be, but because he had to be.

“I knew it would be a challenge, but he had very high blood pressure and had previously suffered a heart attack, so I knew I had to help him make some positive changes.

“I take pride in getting to know my clients personally, so as I got to know this man, I understood how to challenge and motivate him. Within two weeks he began to arrive to my sessions with a smile on his face.

“After nine weeks he went back to his doctor for follow-up tests and his results were astounding.

The improvements he achieved motivated him even more. He’s been

training with me for five months now, he writes about his daily fitness achievements on his Facebook page to inspire others his age to take care of their health, and comes to two classes and three 60-minute personal training sessions a week.

“He would never admit it, but he’s

addicted!” Monique laughed.Monique believes the key to keeping

people motivated is to take a personal interest in their circumstances.

“I watched members come and go at the gym with little guidance toward achieving their personal goals.

“I had experienced the difficulties of sustaining a desired fitness level on a tight budget, so if you’re paying for results, it’s important they are delivered.

Having young children to juggle makes this more difficult.

“I wanted to eliminate as many excuses as possible that people find to avoid exercise.

“Right from the first enquiry I make sure a new client has everything they need to make it to their first class. Taking that first step is the hardest and I want to help make that step as easy as possible.

“I check in with members to see how they are feeling and if there’s any advice I can give them.

I know it’s easy to sit on the couch when you get home with comfort food, but that’s not healthy. I’m like the nagging housewife who checks in with what you’re eating and how active you’ve been over the week.

“It’s important that my clients feel comfortable and enjoy the sessions. I want them to be fit and healthy and achieve their goals, so I make the sessions as enjoyable and effective as possible, to help people stick to their programme,” Monique said.

By making fitness a priority now, you’ll be giving your children and loved ones the greatest gift possible, the gift of more time with a happier and healthier you.

Advertising feature

Right from the first enquiry I make sure a new client has everything they need to make it to their first class. Taking that first step is the hardest and I want to help make that step as easy as possible. “I check in with members to see how they are feeling and if there’s any advice I can give them


Page 24: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

24 | YOU Magazine


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Jane Logie



immunityWith the turn of the calendar into March, the autumn weather has begun, with the air being crisp and fresh first thing in the mornings after a glorious summer of hot days.

Now is a great time to activate a plan of attack to prime and enhance our im-mune system function before the winter months are upon us.

Gearing our immune system to become stronger these months before winter can be a great prevention to ill health, when the winter bugs decide to begin knocking on our doors during those dark winter days.

If you don’t feel like taking a myriad of supplements one after the other every morning, you can start making sure you include plenty of immune-boosting foods in your diet, which the body will easily recognise and then will go on to utilise them efficiently.

Eating foods that are nutrient dense, packed with plenty of vitamins and minerals and anti-microbial activating nutrients is an easy option all around.

Then allowing the body to easily extract the required nutrients as the food is

broken down in the small intestine and extracted from here.

Why would you want to be doing this at this time of year you may ask.

Building a good foundation now is important.

A weakened or over-worked immune system will struggle under attack when the winter bugs are marching into our homes looking for trouble.

The immune system has possibly been busier over the summer months avoiding and coping with environmental allergens and needs more additional support be-fore the winter months arrive.

Foods that you may want to include more regularly in your diet are those such as onions, garlic, chilli and parsley.

Any herb or spice is a great addition to your diet with their powerful anti-micro-bial properties.

Protein-based foods are also an ex-tremely good source for building strong immunity, as they carry the building blocks known as amino acids that have the ability to boost and repair immunity.

Foods such as onions, garlic, ginger and chilli carry anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that can defend and halt any troublesome bugs wanting to cause some damage.

Often these foods also carry high amounts of zinc and vitamin C to support immunity.

Garden herbs are a great additional taste to a dish, as well as being sup-portive to immunity. Use either fresh or dried.

So get creative this autumn with your cooking and keep in mind the health benefits of the foods you are using.

They are not just for their taste and texture, but for their health-promoting properties as well, which could become your easiest way of staying healthy during the winter months.

With the compliments of Jane Logie, a

medicinal herbalist, clinical nutritionist

and chef from Methven

Page 25: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

YOU Magazine | 25immunity

2C cold cooked rice (preferably cooked the night before and left in the fridge overnight to dry out)

3T peanut oil 1 small onion, diced 4 small cloves of garlic, diced small 3/4 t chilli, minced (optional) 1cm thinly julienne sliced ginger 4 eggs, lightly beaten. 2T soy sauce

1/2 red pepper, finely diced 1/2 green pepper, finely diced 2 green spring onions, sliced thinly

across 3 chicken breasts diced with 3T soy

sauce massaged into it. Drizzle over breasts 1t honey and leave 3-4 hours or overnight

– Cook rice beforehand either in a rice

cooker or on the stovetop, cool, store in fridge a day before.

– Marinate chicken overnight if possible in soy sauce and honey, place in fridge.

– Slice and dice vegetables, set aside.– Whisk eggs together, season with salt

and pepper and then heat 1T peanut oil in a pan. Cook egg in a pancake format, place on chopping board and cut into squares and set aside.

– Cook chicken in a pan or wok until cooked through with 1T peanut oil.

– Add the onion, garlic, chilli, and ginger, and fry until cooked through. Then add the precooked rice and pre-fried egg and soy sauce. Add spring onions and peppers.

– Serve in a bowl, place a plate over and turn upside down on a serving plate.

recipe and photograph by Jane Logie

Soy honey chicken fried rice(Packed full of nutrient goodness)

Page 26: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

26 | YOU Magazine


the child?So recently I was sitting, relaxing with a couple of work colleagues and my daugh-ter outside a coffee shop when I saw a look of horror on their faces.

I turned around to see an obviously peeved mother dumping her child on a wooden seat.

My fellow coffee and hot choccy drinkers told me that they’d just seen the mother slap the young child hard around the face.

I’m really glad I didn’t see it, because I would’ve been hard-pressed not to jump up and say something and that could’ve led to all sorts of problems I didn’t need on a lazy Sunday.

Interfering cow some might say, but I say how about keeping your hands (and feet, straps, and teeth) to yourself.

Don’t get me wrong, I would like to slap the odd teenrager around the face at least five times a day. But you can’t and you should never, and anyway that would not be a wise move on my part, the older one’s stronger, more skilled at combat, a faster runner than me and can leap over fences in a single bound. Me, I’d just face-plant the fence.

Where does bullying start? Most of the time, it starts at home I’m told.

Compared to a six- or seven-year-old, adults are stronger, bigger and we hold the power. So when the people children trust, that hold all that power, use bashing, slapping, straps etc, well, jeez, that does kind of smack of bullying doesn’t it? Those wee souls trust us, they want to be like us. How about teaching them to react in a mature way instead?

To smack or not to smack is an emotive topic, one that raises the ire of many.

When the law was first passed, I was against and pro it for a few reasons.

One against was because of the nanny state we live in that legislates to the low-est common dominator constantly, one

because some children (arguably) need a swift slap on the butt, especially when putting themselves in danger, and another because I felt that as long as the slapping wasn’t done in anger, it was just another form of discipline.

But therein lies another problem, I be-lieve that many times a child is physically disciplined it is done in anger. So are we teaching them that it’s okay to hit out in anger?

But one thing that struck home with me was when my wise friend said to me one day that she’d heard someone speak-ing about the smacking debate and one sentence stood out for her: “Why can we not conceive of a world where we don’t hit our kids?”

That really hit home with me. Before that I’d been on the fence about it all really. I wasn’t a hitter because I came up with better forms of punishment than that.

But yes, very occasionally I slapped my children when they were younger … usu-ally always in frustration and anger.

It wasn’t okay. A slap on the bottom it might have been, but it was the hitting in

anger that got me. How could I teach my children not to be

bullies, not to be abusive and how to learn to manage their anger if I, as a parent, couldn’t do it myself?

We all make mistakes and, if I did, I told my children that it was not okay. Not for anyone to do that.

I don’t give a continental what your religion tells you, or what culture you come from. In New Zealand we have laws against belting our children, and if I see it done in an inappropriate way, like around the face, I will say something. And I will report it to the police.

Throwing your child on a hard wooden bench like a heavy piece of unwanted rubbish may have let you get rid of some frustrations, but it didn’t do a hell of a lot for the child.

I didn’t even see her smack the child around the face, but I did see the throw and that was enough to make me want to grab the child and comfort him.

And I have to wonder, if you do that in broad daylight on a public street, how bad does it get at home?


Lisa Fenwick

Page 27: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

burnersYOU Magazine | 27


Modern wood burners are highly energy effi cient and produce limited air polluti on. They use a form of renewable energy and so are essenti ally carbon neutral.

Wood burners which are 15 years or older cannot be used. If you are unsure contact the Ashburton District Council or check the ECAN website to check their list of approved wood burners.

Environment Canterbury offi cers will be out this winter checking chimneys with thermal imaging technology.

If they fi nd an older burner being used (unless this has previously agreed due to EQC repairs or other hardship reasons), they will begin enforcement acti on and you may be liable for a fi neFactors to consider when choosing a wood burner

For maximum effi ciency checking your insulati on may be advisable.

Get a building consent. You need a building consent from your local City or District Council.

Choose an authorised wood burner. Wood burners installed on properti es less than two hectares in size must meet standards.

Work out what size you need. Wood burners need to be carefully matched to

the size of room or rooms you want to heat.

Heati ng more than one room. Most wood burners generate much more heat than is needed for one room, but unless your house is very open-plan or has internal door openings which go right up to the ceiling the excess heat will not easily get to other rooms.

Radiant or convecti on? Wood burners release their heat through a combinati on of heat radiati on, which heats objects and convecti on which heats air.- A convecti on wood fi re heats the air immediately around it. Hot air is lighter (less dense) so it rises away from the wood fi re and gets replaced with cooler air that is then heated. This convecti on air-current means that the hott est air in the room rises up to the ceiling with the warmer air remaining in the lowest part of the room.- Radiant wood fi res release heat into the room by “radiati ng” an infrared heat directly from the outer surfaces of the appliance onto any object in close proximity. This results in more heat being retained lower in the room. Ideal for older and less insulated (or draughty) homes, and homes with higher ceilings.

Use a certi fi ed installer. Quality installati on is fundamental to a wood burner’s performance and safety.

Benefi ts of modern wood burners

They are relati vely cheap to run, even if you have to purchase fi rewood.

Burning wood from sustainable forests is carbon neutral. While trees are growing, they capture carbon dioxide from the air.

Wood is renewable and sustainable. New Zealand has extensive areas of forestry.

Wood burners will work during power cuts. Some wood burners can be equipped with a wetback system to heat household hot water.Use your wood burner wisely

Follow the manufacturer's operati on and safety instructi ons. Use safety guards to protect children.

Plan ahead and use well-seasoned, dry fi rewood. Use the right wood at the right ti me.

New Zealand standards state that only soft wood like old man pine should be used.

Do not use chemically treated wood or

salt impregnated wood such as drift wood. Regulate the heat output by adjusti ng

the amount of fuel you load, not by dampening the air control.

Keep the air setti ng high enough for a clean burn.

Maintain your wood burnerWhether you have got a modern

or older wood burner, maintaining it regularly according to the manufacturer's instructi ons is important to maintain its safety, performance and longevity.

Most wood burners and fl ue systems have parts that are designed to be replaced or cleaned periodically.

Contact Laser today for expert advice on all aspects of home heati ng.

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Burning wood from sustainable forests is

Page 28: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

28 | YOU Magazine

Have you ever had that feeling that there are just not enough hours in a day and all you want to do is stop the clock to squeeze in that never ending workload? Welcome to my world. As I work in a very fast paced environment, after a day at the office the last thing I want to do when I arrive home is cook a nutritious meal. Therefore I was missing out on many vital greens, vegetables and nutrients. So when Vital Greens came to my attention through a recommendation from a work colleague all I had to do was take one look at the ingredients to see that this product can only do me good.

Due to Vital Greens convenience, within the first week I found Vital Greens fitted into my day really well. You only need to pop 2 teaspoons of the product in your glass of water once a day. At first I was a little hesitant about the taste, but I found it fine, and sometimes to boost the flavour I added it to my vegetable smoothie or juice.

I felt a new sense of energy and alertness after 3-7 days of taking Vital Greens. It wasn’t until I ran out of Vital Greens that I fully appreciated what 2 teaspoons a day can do as I was tired and run down without it. I can highly

recommend Vital Greens to anyone who wants to improve their health and get adequate nutrients and amazing health and energy.

Advertising feature

greensVITAL happyARE YOU


Gluten free Vegan Dairy Free No Artificial Sweeteners No Artificial Flavours

in just two teaspoons!






Cnr East & Burnett Street Ashburton03 307 7411

All your beauty requirements in one convenient location

All your beauty requirements in one convenient location

Visit us at Body ‘n’ Beauty Worx for your own winter

make over.

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with DebbieDuring the months of

April and May we can analyse your skin and recommend a

suitable facial for you.Receive an exclusive $20

discount if booked before April 30.

As a woman are you concerned about your skin showing signs of ageing? Skin is the largest living organ of the body, and we need to look after it. Toxins are attacking our skin daily through pollution, sun, chemicals, poor diets, lack of exercise, etc and generally living the busy lifestyles of today’s society.

Here at Body ‘n’ Beauty Worx, our Skin Scope Machine will help us to recognise and detect any skin issues such as dehydration, oily skin, pigmentation, rosacea, etc, and through recommended treatments, products and excellent home care advice, we can help to correct your skin issues and regain your skin’s health.

Why not book in today with Debbie for your FREE skin analysis using our Skin Scoping Machine, and receive $20 off your first recommended facial, for the months of March and April.

We are here to help!Advertising feature

Page 29: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

skin careYOU Magazine | 29

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It is difficult to know what and which skin care product will suit your skin, your ability to use it on a regular basis and also your budget. It is useful to seek advice from an experienced beauty therapist to find what is best for you. Most beauty clinics offer advice as a free service.

Develop a regular skin care routine – make a habit morning and night. Choosing natural products that don’t have harsh ingredients is worth considering. Check the product labels, read the ingredient list. Ingredient checking is important – if you are unsure of ingredients a useful resource is www.cosmeticscop.com/cosmetic-ingredient-dictionary.

Cleanser – choose a cleanser that suits your skin – drier and mature skins usually benefit from a cream cleanser, younger and active skins choose a gel cleanser that is quick and easy to use. Soap is not recommended – soap can leave a residue on the skin.

Moisturiser – use morning and night – check the ingredients – avoid products with alcohol, search for products that benefit your skin with nourishment and protection.

Exfoliation - is a very important part of a skin care regime – exfoliate 3-4 times per week. Make sure the granules are small and round or jojoba beads. Use treatment products as directed by your therapist.

Serums – are very popular and if the ingredients are of benefit these are a useful addition to your skin regime. Again – check the ingredients to make sure the product is useful.

Treatment products, anti-aging – also referred to as stimulant products: 1. Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA’s) such as

glycolic are of great benefit to aging skin and also congested skin. Glycolic acid is derived from sugar cane and this AHA has the smallest molecule that can penetrate into the dermis – thickening the dermis and stimulating the shedding of the congested outer layers of skin. Glycolic used regularly can freshen the skin, plump the

skin, decrease fine lines, decrease pigmentation and decrease the size of pores. Most glycolic products can be used on a daily basis, for the best results a minimum of five per cent glycolic is recommended.

2. L-Sorbic acid (Vitamin C) serums not only stimulate the cell turn-over of skin but also have protective benefits.

3. Vitamin A – (Retin-A, Retinova, Retinol Palmitate.) Vitamin A is a well-known stimulant product that also offers great benefit to aging skin and acne sufferers. Products with Vitamin A must be used with care and are often recommended and prescribed by a medical practitioner.

There are a variety of other stimulant products that are worthy of discussion – products that contain beta-hydroxy acids, growth factors and stem cell products.

Be mindful of choosing products that work, the ingredients are safe and useful. Some of the treatment products available such as Vitamin C serum can be used with dermal needle rollers as a home care treatment.

Anti-aging recommendations – use a stimulant product such as glycolic every day, protect your skin from the elements with a good skin care regime with regular exfoliation, sun block and sufficient moisture to nourish your skin. Drink water and eat copious amounts of vegetables.

Professional treatments are useful for: young skin, environmentally challenged skin, aging/mature skin. Visit your skin therapist or appearance medicine practitioner to seek advice that is appropriate for you. Developing routine skin care regimes with the additional support of professional treatments will give your skin a healthy and youthful appearance. Regular facials, peels, microdermabrasion, sonophoretic Vitamin C infusions, derma-planing, dermal needling to name a few of the high tech treatments that are available in many clinics today. For further advice or information email [email protected] or the Transform Clinic website www.transformclinic.co.nz

Advertising feature



by Jennifer Little

28 | YOU Magazine

Have you ever had that feeling that there are just not enough hours in a day and all you want to do is stop the clock to squeeze in that never ending workload? Welcome to my world. As I work in a very fast paced environment, after a day at the office the last thing I want to do when I arrive home is cook a nutritious meal. Therefore I was missing out on many vital greens, vegetables and nutrients. So when Vital Greens came to my attention through a recommendation from a work colleague all I had to do was take one look at the ingredients to see that this product can only do me good.

Due to Vital Greens convenience, within the first week I found Vital Greens fitted into my day really well. You only need to pop 2 teaspoons of the product in your glass of water once a day. At first I was a little hesitant about the taste, but I found it fine, and sometimes to boost the flavour I added it to my vegetable smoothie or juice.

I felt a new sense of energy and alertness after 3-7 days of taking Vital Greens. It wasn’t until I ran out of Vital Greens that I fully appreciated what 2 teaspoons a day can do as I was tired and run down without it. I can highly

recommend Vital Greens to anyone who wants to improve their health and get adequate nutrients and amazing health and energy.

Advertising feature

greensVITAL happyARE YOU


Gluten free Vegan Dairy Free No Artificial Sweeteners No Artificial Flavours

in just two teaspoons!






Cnr East & Burnett Street Ashburton03 307 7411

All your beauty requirements in one convenient location

All your beauty requirements in one convenient location

Visit us at Body ‘n’ Beauty Worx for your own winter

make over.

Call intoday to


with DebbieDuring the months of

April and May we can analyse your skin and recommend a

suitable facial for you.Receive an exclusive $20

discount if booked before April 30.

As a woman are you concerned about your skin showing signs of ageing? Skin is the largest living organ of the body, and we need to look after it. Toxins are attacking our skin daily through pollution, sun, chemicals, poor diets, lack of exercise, etc and generally living the busy lifestyles of today’s society.

Here at Body ‘n’ Beauty Worx, our Skin Scope Machine will help us to recognise and detect any skin issues such as dehydration, oily skin, pigmentation, rosacea, etc, and through recommended treatments, products and excellent home care advice, we can help to correct your skin issues and regain your skin’s health.

Why not book in today with Debbie for your FREE skin analysis using our Skin Scoping Machine, and receive $20 off your first recommended facial, for the months of March and April.

We are here to help!Advertising feature

Page 30: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015


by Amanda Wright

It’s ti me to look life in the eyes and say, “This ti me, right now, is for me and only me!”

Typically the twenti es are dedicated to building a career, the thirti es and fourti es are consumed with raising a family and life is always busy.

But as the clock ti cks toward fi ft y, isn’t now the ti me to do something for yourself? Tina Hayman joined Finesse Fitness in January 2014, moti vated by the thought of turning 50 in 2015. She said, “I lost my mother to cancer at the age of 46 and my mother lost her mother at the age of 30, so I wanted to break that cycle and have always said if I get to 50 I’m going to celebrate.

“My biggest goal was to be a size 12. I wanted to buy a size 12 dress

to celebrate in, not a size 16, and I succeeded!” Tina kicked off her fi tness mission with a 12 week Summer Body Programme. She couldn’t believe the diff erences in her body from her before and aft er photos. “I have a waist!

These are the words I remember saying when I saw my progress photo. Seeing those physical diff erences moti vated me further and have helped me to conti nue my journey,” she said.

Aft er more than a year of training with Finesse Fitness, she has learned how to adapt her training schedule to keep it interesti ng while sti ll achieving life-changing results. “I’ve learned that quality is bett er than quanti ty. I was struggling with working out for a full hour, so now I do a harder workout for 30 minutes in my lunch hour.

“I enjoy the Excess class which I do three ti mes per week, and I see a personal trainer, Mikayla, twice a week. Mikayla pushes me during my sessions, lets me know if my technique isn’t correct and also helps me with advice on nutriti on.

“I sti ll indulge in Saturday night nachos, but the porti on size is greatly reduced!” Tina said.

Tina admits that she was very self-conscious about her body shape prior to going to Finesse Fitness, which made her shy. Since her transformati on she has noti ced her confi dence has improved, helped by positi ve comments from friends and family. “My biggest achievement was keeping the weight off over Christmas.

I kept my appointments with Mikayla for personal training and it made a big diff erence. There was no Christmas weight gain! “This was my biggest achievement, not having to start over again this year,” Tina said.

Adverti sing feature


30 | YOU Magazine

Page 31: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015


by Amanda Wright

It’s ti me to look life in the eyes and say, “This ti me, right now, is for me and only me!”

Typically the twenti es are dedicated to building a career, the thirti es and fourti es are consumed with raising a family and life is always busy.

But as the clock ti cks toward fi ft y, isn’t now the ti me to do something for yourself? Tina Hayman joined Finesse Fitness in January 2014, moti vated by the thought of turning 50 in 2015. She said, “I lost my mother to cancer at the age of 46 and my mother lost her mother at the age of 30, so I wanted to break that cycle and have always said if I get to 50 I’m going to celebrate.

“My biggest goal was to be a size 12. I wanted to buy a size 12 dress

to celebrate in, not a size 16, and I succeeded!” Tina kicked off her fi tness mission with a 12 week Summer Body Programme. She couldn’t believe the diff erences in her body from her before and aft er photos. “I have a waist!

These are the words I remember saying when I saw my progress photo. Seeing those physical diff erences moti vated me further and have helped me to conti nue my journey,” she said.

Aft er more than a year of training with Finesse Fitness, she has learned how to adapt her training schedule to keep it interesti ng while sti ll achieving life-changing results. “I’ve learned that quality is bett er than quanti ty. I was struggling with working out for a full hour, so now I do a harder workout for 30 minutes in my lunch hour.

“I enjoy the Excess class which I do three ti mes per week, and I see a personal trainer, Mikayla, twice a week. Mikayla pushes me during my sessions, lets me know if my technique isn’t correct and also helps me with advice on nutriti on.

“I sti ll indulge in Saturday night nachos, but the porti on size is greatly reduced!” Tina said.

Tina admits that she was very self-conscious about her body shape prior to going to Finesse Fitness, which made her shy. Since her transformati on she has noti ced her confi dence has improved, helped by positi ve comments from friends and family. “My biggest achievement was keeping the weight off over Christmas.

I kept my appointments with Mikayla for personal training and it made a big diff erence. There was no Christmas weight gain! “This was my biggest achievement, not having to start over again this year,” Tina said.

Adverti sing feature


30 | YOU Magazine





Black Halo Claudio Dress $259 from Depeche Mode Boutique, East Street Black Halo navy Bonita Dress $249 from Depeche Mode Boutique, East Street Kathryn Wilson black/nude boots $389 from Depeche Mode Boutique, East Street Crossroads Lolita Skirt $79.95 from Just Me (formerly Kouldja Clothing), Dunsandel Valentine Alisha Dress $149.95 from Just Me (formerly Kouldja Clothing), Dunsandel Black Merino Single Button Cardi $149.95 from Just Me (formerly Kouldja Clothing), Dunsandel Lilac Amelia Top $119.95 from Just Me (formerly Kouldja Clothing), Dunsandel Silver Leather Belt $109.95 from Just Me (formerly Kouldja Clothing), Dunsandel Orchid Emilee Skirt $99.95 from Just Me (formerly Kouldja Clothing), Dunsandel Tulip Necklace $45.95from Just Me (formerly Kouldja Clothing), Dunsandel Spire Cardigan from Sparrows, East Street Helix 3Q Jacket from Sparrows, East Street LS Hood Iris Sparrows, East Street





YOU Magazine | 31












Page 32: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

32 | YOU Magazine

This month’s recipes are inspired by what we have in abundance in our garden.

Zucchinis, plums and tomatoes are flavour of the month, so I am busy bottling and trying to stock up so that in the winter months I have a healthy supply to add to my soups and stews from my summer garden.

By doing this I am not only saving money, but can control what I am adding to my food and know how much salt, fat and sugar and general good flavour that I can enhance my chosen dish with.

I have included a couple of baking win-ners that are popular with family and friends alike – I always like to be sneaky and

add a few vegetables into baking when I can, as it generally adds a moistness and depth that adds interest to the end result.

With the simple tomato base I just wanted to have something that people could do reasonably quickly, have in the crockpot cooking away and then when you come home you have something that can be used in whatever way you choose, using what you have on hand either in the fridge or pantry. By adding other ready-made products you can make them as simple or as elaborate as you like.



A LITTLE BIT OF autumn spiceAutumn-spiced pumpkin and chocolate muffinsWhen I say “autumn”, I just mean anytime as these are firm family favourites in our home when chocolate and muffin are com-bined. They are simple to make, the most bother is the cooked pumpkin, but just peel, dice and add enough water to steam, into a microwave-proof bowl, cover and zap for about six minutes to get a soft pumpkin. Because of the oil the longevity of these are several days without any trouble at all (they are brilliant in the lunchbox), but due to their popularity they really don’t last too long in our house.

4 eggs, beaten 2C sugar 1 1/2 C neutral-flavoured oil, I use rice

bran 1 3/4 C pumpkin, cooked and roughly

mashed 3C flour 1T cinnamon 2t baking powder 2t baking soda 2t salt 200g dark chocolate, chopped

– Preheat oven to 180°C. Spray 15 muf-fin tin holes well with baking spray to ensure easy removal of muffins.

– In a bowl mix eggs, sugar, oil and cooked pumpkin, then add flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and salt, mixing until just combined, then add chopped chocolate. Gently mix wet in-gredients into the flour mixture so that everything is just combined – don’t over mix though as they will become tough.

– Fill muffin tins with mixture and bake for 30-35 minutes or until muffins are baked fully and spring back when touched in the middle.

Autumn-spiced pumpkin and chocolate muffins.


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YOU Magazine | 33

A taste of thegood life Delicious

Hot Cross BunsImagine the smell of delicious hot cross buns around your home... sweet, tasty, spiced bun made with raisins... and dripping with butter...Easter is coming - It’s time to enjoyhot cross buns! Sims Bakery makes traditional loved hot cross buns for you to share with family and friends.

Does it get better than that? No...

$6.60 for 6 yummy hot cross buns

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Does it get better than that? No...

Zucchini, sultana and walnut cakeZucchinis are the most prolific of vegeta-bles that run rampant in the garden this time of the year.

After making an endless supply of relish and you’ve had enough of fritters, this recipe is a crafty way of using it in yet another way.

It is an easy cake to make and earthy in its flavourings, and with the addition of the cream cheese icing it makes an excel-lent cake for when you have guests over for a cup of tea.

1 1/2 C flour 150g brown sugar 1t cinnamon 1t ground ginger 1/2 t salt 1/2 t baking powder 1/2 t baking soda 1 1/2 C grated zucchini (green or yel-

low variety) 1/2 C chopped walnuts 250g sultanas 2 eggs 1t vanilla essence 1/2 C rice bran oil

– Preheat oven to 180°C. Spray an 18-22cm tin (depending on how high you like your cakes) with baking spray and line with baking paper.

– In a bowl sift together flour, sugar, cin-namon, ginger, salt, baking soda and baking powder. Add zucchini, sultanas and walnuts, stir to combine.

– In another bowl lightly whisk together the eggs, vanilla and oil. Pour the egg mix into the dry ingredients, stir until just combined.

– Spoon batter into cake tin, smoothing top and bake for approximately 30-35 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean.

– Allow cake to cool before icing with lemon cream cheese icing. I like to top with sunflower seeds for texture and colour and to further enhance the earthy farmhouse look.

Lemon cream cheese icing 50g butter, softened 100g cream cheese, softened 2 1/2 C icing sugar, sifted Zest of 1 lemon Pumpkin seeds for decoration (op-


– Beat butter, zest and cream cheese adding enough icing sugar to a spreadable consistency.

– Spread on cooled cake, topping with pumpkin seeds.

autumn spice

Zucchini, sultana and walnut cake.

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34 | YOU Magazine

Simple tomato and herb sauceThis is a very loose recipe that you can adjust quantities and add what you have on hand at the time. It is placed in the crockpot, cooks and is ready when you get home from work. You can then decide how you would like to serve it …

2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped 1 onion, peeled and roughly diced 2kg tomatoes, approximate in weight

and roughly chopped 1/2 t dried chili flakes 2t beef stock 1 carrot, peeled and grated 1 zucchini, peeled and grated Good-sized sprig of rosemary, mar-

goram, oregano and parsley 2 bay leaves

– Place ingredients in a crockpot and leave to cook over a period of time, generally 6-8 hours on low or 3-4 high.

Okay…When I say loosely I mean ‘loosely’. This

recipe is just a guideline to being confi-

dent in using up what you have in the garden or fridge.

By adding the carrot it gives a sweetness that neutralises the acidity of the toma-toes, you could also add parsnip to obtain the same effect.

The levels of onion and garlic is also a choice – if you have a cold coming on, up the levels to counteract the symptoms – whenever we feel low on energy we go nuts with garlic.

I use what herbs are on hand either in the garden or what I have dried. I re-ally like to be able to pack a punch with flavour, so use quite robust amounts to impart as much flavour as I can.

I also use powdered beef stock as the tomatoes are quite liquid. At the end of cooking and when I’ve decided what I’m going to do with the sauce I can adjust the levels of liquid accordingly. To thicken it you can add tomato paste, but always check on the flavour and the less you add to it the better – again it’s all about choice.

The reason I use the crockpot is so that after five minutes of vegetable prepara-tion I can put it in the pot, set it and walk away and it can do its thing while I’m either sleeping or working.

I can then determine what I would like to do with it once it has reached its de-sired pulpy mixture.

At the end of the cooking, remove stalks of herbs, lightly puree down with a blender stick and it is ready to do with what you would like.


Puree the tomato mixture, adding more stock to it, according to how you like the thickness of your soup.

Taste for seasoning, adjusting with salt, pepper and for an added pop a small amount of cayenne pepper. Transfer to a pot and place on the stovetop.

From here I like to add several handfuls of prepared spinach (silverbeet leaves are great too, though they take longer to cook off in the soup) that will wilt down with the heat of the soup, and a drained and rinsed can of chickpeas, mixed beans or lentils.

To serve you can add grated parme-san or cheddar cheese and a dollop of prepared basil or sundried tomato pesto. Perfect served hot alongside toast or warmed bread

Pasta Lightly blend the tomato mixture, tasting

and adjusting seasoning with salt and pepper. In a hot pan, add a small amount of olive oil and add gourmet sausages that have been pulled out of their casings. By shaping into small golfball-sized meatballs you have an instant meatball that can be quickly browned off, cooked and added to your tomato.

It is always a good idea to use a gourmet or top quality sausage to enhance the flavour of your dish, the good news is though a small amount goes a long way, 4-6 average sausages will feed a family of four well. With the pasta, cook off accord-ing to the packet instructions while you’re cooking the meatballs.

To me it’s all about making something that is nutritious and filling for the family on those weeknights that you have just walked in from work and you have some-thing ready to work with.

The trick is to be prepared and then it’s just a matter of putting it all together at the last moment.

Any leftovers can be easily frozen down and added to mince or your next meal. These are just an idea for you to think about and play around using your imagi-nation and what you have on hand … the possibilities are up to you.

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Page 36: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

36 | YOU Magazine

IT’S RAININGagainWell I’m probably needing my new designer gumboots on today, however I won’t hold my breath.

My man about the house, Dave, pur-chased a new rain gauge this week and like a boy with a new toy, tells me we have had 18mm.

Not drought-buster material, still it all helps, albeit emotionally. I’m sure the water systems departments in our garden centres and hardware stores have had a run on soaker hoses, sprinklers and the like. As we speak I have four brightly-co-loured new buckets collecting water.

After a hot day, then a wet morning, everything in our sad, dry garden looks semi-fabulous again.

There’s not a lot of colour as the perenni-als and roses need more moisture.

One rose, which is huddled close to the house, has small whitey-pink blooms. We nicknamed this wee treasure “white by the house” a few years ago. It’s beautiful for my wedding arrangements.

The Ligularia Dentata is flowering this year and the bright orange daisy-like flow-ers make for a vibrant border. Some years I don’t let it flower and purposefully pick the flowers before they unfurl. It is a joy to look at.

Another early autumn beauty is the un-derstated dahlia. These flowers have made a huge comeback.

Dr Keith Hammett is New Zealand’s lead-ing breeder of ornamental plants. His dahl-ias are renowned for their bright vibrant flowers, ranging from small pompoms to larger flashier blooms.

Dahlias to me are quite retro and placed in a Crown Lynn or Temuka Pottery vase can look fab. Some of the more contem-porary dahlias have dark burgundy foliage

which make them a double-delight.At this time of year we cannot walk past

the tall elegant clump of White Japanese Anenomes (September Charm). Although not great as a picked flower, they certainly are settled in their spot in our garden. Grandad Millichamp has a clump in his town garden in pink.

While we are “in the pink” so to speak a newish lily, Tabledance, is flowering in the Lilyfields at this time. She is gorgeous and has a beautiful fragrance. A cross between a trumpet and an oriental makes her a strong garden doer alongside her rivals Con c Dor (yellow) and Robina (burgundy).

The lack of moisture has meant many trees and shrubs across our region and in our home gardens have gone into stress


Wendy Millichamp

Page 37: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

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Nancy Christey is this month’s prizewinner with the following question:

All questions supplied are entered into the draw to win a Daltons

prize pack, but the Guardian reserves the right to choose

which questions and answers will be published. Daltons post the prize to our

lucky winner.

Fragrant flowering bulbs are a joy to see after a long winter. Plant them now to ensure vigorous, colourful blooms come springtime.

We have one Daltons Premium Bulb packs to give away which contain everything you need to grow blooming, healthy bulbs. The pack is valued at $85 and contains 2 x Daltons Premium Bulb Mix, 1 x Daltons Premium Bulb Fertiliser and 1 x Daltons Organic Biofungicide granules.

FREE bulb packBe in to win

Email [email protected] with Daltons Bulb packs in the

subject heading, or write to Bulb pack giveaway, Box 77, Ashburton.

CONDITIONS OF ENTRY:• You must provide a gardening question for the Daltons’ experts to answer. • Please include your address and phone number in email and letter options!• Giveaway entries must be received by March 28.

For more information on Daltonsproducts visit www.daltons.co.nzPlease help. How do I get mould (white)

off my clematis Duchess of Albany? It has lovely pink flowers but the mould looks terrible. Thank you.

Clematis Duchess of Albany is a vigorous climbing vine which has stunning tulip-shaped, deep pink flowers. Unfortunately they are very prone to the type of pow-dery mildew you mention, which disfig-ures the plant, especially the leaves.

To lessen the impact of the mildew, position the plant in an open situation where airflow will be enhanced, while still ensuring there is an adequate support structure for the climber.

Make sure you weed the area well around your clematis to stop any in-fected weeds spreading mildew spores to your plant.

Ensure your clematis is grown in friable (crumbly-textured) soil and has adequate compost worked in around the roots of the plant. Although clematis are not gross feeders, do apply a very light side dressing of rose and flower fertiliser in spring for best results.

At the end of the growing season cut back excessive growth while retaining a strong framework of the plant.

You can treat the powdery mildew with an organic fungicide spray, but it is best applied at the first sign of infection.

For more expert gardening advice and tips check out our How to Guides at www.daltons.co.nz.


helpVALUED AT $85

mode. “Early Autumn Onset” (EAO) is what I call it. Don’t Google that because it’s a “Wen-dyism”.

Because of EAO we can be about now dead-heading, gathering seeds and sowing seeds. For us maple seeds, aquilegias, foxgloves, lupins and the like.

On the more humid days in autumn lilies,roses and other plants can be prone to botrytis. This is a fungus known as “gray mould” which can affect many species.

Spray with Thiram or Bravo or check your local garden centre for advice.

So there it is. Enjoy your garden this month. Be back with you soon,

Cheers, Wendy P. MillichampFloral designer


YOU Magazine | 37

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Above – Kelsey Jackson (left) and Danielle McKain.Below – Blair and Mel Horrell.

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Above – Hayley (nee Johnson) and Paul Sparrow.

Above – Gabrielle and Jonathon Simpson.Left (from left) – Braden Kenny, Mark More and Adam Williams.

Hayley (nee Johnson) and Paul Sparrow’s wedding

Page 40: You magazine, saturday, march 14, 2015

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