You know you\'re a trini when

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"Yuh know you're a Trini when...." Yuh refer to all storage spaces built into your home as "cupboard". Yuh call all hard candy "sweety". Yuh refer to all salt crackers as "Crix". Yuh say "whappenin" even at a funeral. Yuh tell the host "Good Night" when you arrive at someone's home in the evening. Yuh wash the "wares" after having dinner. When someone pays you a compliment, you say "Don mamaguy meh." When someone sympathises with you, you comment "Yuh tink it easy?" Yuh point with your lips. Yuh give directions with your hands, even if it's in another state. Yuh go to parties for food and drinks. And the word free never quite had the same meaning. Yuh nod your head upwards to greet someone and sideways when the joke is stale. Yuh standing next to plenty luggage and boxes at the airport. Yuh use an umbrella for shade on hot days and never have it when it's raining. Yuh refer to all sweet coloured juice as "Kool-Aid". Yuh hang a rosary on your car rearview mirror even if you're not Catholic. Yuh know the meaning of the word "obzokie". Yuh hate to throw away empty containers for they might come in handy for pepper sauce. Yuh always turn around when someone says psssssssst!" Except for when you make out the person anh you're "duckin" them. Yuh always hang something on your car's rearview mirror. Yuh put ketchup and pepper sauce on your pizza. Yuh dip bread in your tea. Yuh drink tea from an enamel cup. Yuh cupboard always full with tins of corned beef, pepper sauce, and red beans. Yuh wash and rinse plastic utensils and styrofoam cup and plates. You bring home food from a party. And the word "storm" has nothing to do with the weather. And "what goin on these days?" and "I dey" means "hello" and "goodbye" respectively. Yuh chew the ice when you're finished with your drink. Yuh refer to soda and pop as "sweet drinks". Yuh call a quarter a "shilling" when this really means 24 cents. Yuh still say "father christmas" and "old years" night. And "dis August holidays" actually starts in July. Yuh show disappointment by sucking your teeth (steupsin). Yuh refer to avocado as "zaboca". Yuh have at least one relative living in England, Canada or the US. Yuh have walked into a bank, supermarket or some place of business barefoot at least once. Yuh have cancelled plans because of rain even when it's going to be indoors. Rain is also a legitimate reason to miss work at home. A rubber is an eraser. Yuh are able to recite at least one (or several) line from Sesame Street. Yuh have been to several parties where you have seen the sun rise. Yuh know someone with a gold tooth or several. Yuh have eaten pelau out of the back of a pick-up. Yuh think doubles is the breakfast of champions. Yuh have found yourself at KFC Independence Square at 3 a.m.. Yuh can sing along to the song "All Virgin Put Up Unna Hand". Yuh had your first taste of rum from mummy's glass when you were four. Yuh know at least one person with their name on either their belt buckle, earring or their chain pendant. On at least one occasion you have been told that you have a cold in some part of

your anatomy other than your head or chest. Yuh know that the word "saddest" does not refer to an emotion. Yuh know the meaning of dhal, channa, anchar, kurma and buss-up-shot. You've called someone (or been called) chunkalunks, thick ting, family (even if she's not remotely related to you!) , doo-doo, dahlin', reds, breds, horse or partner. Yuh can call your fellow country man by an ethnic name fondly and it would be okay. For example, darkie, reds, dougs, chinee-man, creole, red-man, whito-boy, beti... Yuh have gone to a club at 10.30 to get in for free, even though the fete doesn't really start until midnight. Yuh have taken the boat to Tobago with nothing but a small backpack, a bottle of rum and a pack of cards. Yuh love Ato Boldon. Yuh drive with bright lights at night even when there are streetlights, and if the car coming on the opposite side dims his lights you play you didn't notice. Yuh don't drive like they do in America or England: neither the right nor the left... Stick to the middle. Yuh have driven past a police car and shouted the word "Babylon"! Yuh have shouted the phrase "Yuh mudder..." at someone at least once. Someone, somewhere, has a picture of you on top of a wall on Carnival Monday. Yuh can hold a stoups for more than six seconds. Yuh can pour a rum and Coca-Cola while on a moving speed boat. Yuh were "false-ripe" when you were a pre-teen. Yuh have coloured a picture of Mother Lakshmi in primary school regardless of your ethnic origin. Yuh first dog was a pothound. A 2-litre bottle of Coca-Cola or any other sweet drink is a "jaliter". Yuh go to the cinema and shout "poy poy!" during an action scene. Yuh know how to do the "rappa dappa" and the "Iwer, Butterfly, Shadow, Wave". Yuh fingers get "quaily-quaily' when you've been in the tub/sea/pool for too long. Yuh remember when the word "sick" was popular. Yuh paint yuh front steps red. Yuh could name 3kinds a mango. Yuh know what "snatty nose" and "dongs" is. Yuh know how to scootch somebody. Yuh could make chow with anything....anything! Yuh does bite up the chicken bone then spit it out on the plate even if eating out. Yuh does call any vaccination an "injection". Yuh does ask for a "paper plastic bag". Yuh break biche at least once in yuh life. Yuh could be living on a hill and somehow the place get flood out. Don't forget: Live well, Laugh often, Love much.