Move Forward with Confidence You, Bureau Veritas and the ISM Code A partnership between BV and your company and ships aiming the improvement of safety at sea and the protection of the environment. Bureau Veritas is in a position to give you all support in the preparation and/or implementation of your Safety Management System and to certify your company and managed ships based on the ISM Code. ISM Code - The International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention is a management system model designed to encourage safety and pollution prevention.

You, Bureau Veritas and the ISM Code

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Page 1: You, Bureau Veritas and the ISM Code

Move Forward with Confidence

You, Bureau Veritas and the ISM Code

A partnership between BV and your company and shipsaiming the improvement of safety at sea and theprotection of the environment.

Bureau Veritas is in a position to give you all support in the preparation and/or implementationof your Safety Management System and to certify your company and managed ships based onthe ISM Code.

ISM Code - The International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Shipsand for Pollution Prevention is a management system model designed toencourage safety and pollution prevention.

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Page 2: You, Bureau Veritas and the ISM Code

BV achievements:More than 280 qualified auditors

Covering more than 60 countries in all continents

Performing about 8,000 audits per year

4,600 ships and 980 companies certified by BV to date

Recognised by more than 90 flag administrations

How can Bureau Veritas help you?From the review of your Safety Management Manual to the audit performed on board your ship or on yourcompany premises, our highly qualified auditors acting on behalf of many flag administrations and havingaudited many different ship types may support you in developing and keeping one effective managementsystem.

BV provides training, delivered by qualified trainers, in many different formats (in-door, on-site, advancedtraining, e-learning and webnars) on many different aspects related to this code (the ISM Code, InternalAuditors, Designated Person Ashore, Risk Assessment, etc). The training modules include case studies,exercises, videos and other supports varying according the level of the audience.

What are the gains in implementing an efficient Management System?It provides you an improved management control, based on a systematic planning and implementation ofoperations and activities.

It helps you to ensure continual improvement, as required for its compliance.

It also brings your company to achieve higher operational efficiency.

It can be an important factor in the reduction of accidents, incidents and possible losses.

It leads to confidence from regulators, charterers, employees, managers and others that the companyand its ships comply with requirements.

The Code applicationCompliance is mandatory for passenger ships and other ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards engagedon international voyages, although individual flag administrations may add to these minimum requirements.

Bureau Veritas - Marine Division67-71, boulevard du Château -92571 Neuilly-sur-Seine - France

Corporate website: www.bureauveritas.com - Marine website: www.veristar.com


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Move Forward with Confidence

Need HELP? Please contact the BV local manager or email to [email protected]

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Page 3: You, Bureau Veritas and the ISM Code

Move Forward with Confidence

You, Bureau Veritas and the ISPS Code

A partnership between BV and your company and shipsaiming the improvement of security at sea.

Bureau Veritas is in a position to give you all support in the preparation and/or implementationof your Security System and to certify your managed ships based on the ISPS Code.

ISPS Code - The International Ship & Port facility Security Code is amanagement system model designed to encourage security at sea and on port facilities.

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Page 4: You, Bureau Veritas and the ISM Code

BV achievements:More than 270 qualified auditors

Covering more than 60 countries in all continents

Performing about 8,000 audits per year

4,000 ships certified by BV to date

Recognised by more than 90 flag administrations

How can Bureau Veritas help you?From the review of the Ship Security Assessment together with the approval of the Ship Security Plan tothe audit performed on board your ship, our highly qualified security auditors acting on behalf of many flagadministrations and having audited many different ship types sailing in many different environments maysupport you in developing and keeping one effective security system.

Our subsidiary Tecnitas can also give you all support in the execution of your Ship Security Assessmentand in the preparation of your Ship Security Plan.

BV provides training, delivered by qualified trainers, in many different formats (in-door, on-site andadvanced training) on many different aspects related to this code (the ISPS Code, Internal Auditors,Company Security Officer, Ship Security Officer, Risk Assessment, etc). The training modules include casestudies, exercises, videos and other supports varying according the level of the audience.

What are the gains in implementing an efficient Management System?It can be an important factor in the reduction of the threats related to piracy, terrorism, smuggling andstowaways.

It provides you an improved management control, based on a systematic planning and implementation ofoperations and activities related to the security of the crew and assets.

It helps you to ensure continual improvement, as required for its compliance.

The Code applicationCompliance is mandatory for passenger ships and other ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards engagedon international voyages, although individual flag administrations may add to these minimum requirements.

One of the basic objectives of this code is to establish an international framework to detect/assess securitythreats and take preventive measures against security incidents affecting ships and port facilities.

Bureau Veritas - Marine Division67-71, boulevard du Château -92571 Neuilly-sur-Seine - France

Corporate website: www.bureauveritas.com - Marine website: www.veristar.com


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Move Forward with Confidence

Need HELP? Please contact the BV local manager or email to [email protected]

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Page 5: You, Bureau Veritas and the ISM Code

Move Forward with Confidence

You, Bureau Veritas and the ISPS Code

A partnership between BV and your port facilities aimingthe improvement of security ashore.

Bureau Veritas and our specialized partners are in a position to give you all support in thepreparation and/or implementation of your Security System to your port facilities based on theISPS Code and/or on the BV IPSEM Code

ISPS Code - The International Ship & Port Facility Security Code is amanagement system model designed to encourage security at sea and on portfacilities.

IPSEM Code – The International Port Safety and Environmental ProtectionManagement Code – designed by Bureau Veritas

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BV achievements:More than 270 qualified auditors

Covering more than 60 countries in all continents

Participated in more than 1O assessments and 20 Port Facility Security Plans

How can Bureau Veritas and partners help you?We can prepare or support your personnel in preparing your Port Facility Security Assessment and yourPort Facility Security Plan by using our highly qualified security employees, experienced with differentContract Governments’ regulations and many different port facilities.

Our personnel are also ready to support you in the many different types of drills and exercises required bythose codes and by any international / national regulations.

We also provide training, delivered by qualified trainers, in many different formats (in-door, on-site andadvanced training) on many different aspects related to those codes (the ISPS Code, the IPSEM Code,Internal Auditors, Port Facility Security Officer, Risk Assessment, etc). The training modules include casestudies, exercises, videos and other supports varying according the level of the audience.

What are the gains in implementing an efficient Management System?It can be an important factor in the reduction of the threats related to terrorism, smuggling andstowaways and in the reduction of accidents, incidents and possible losses.

It provides you an improved management control, based on a systematic planning and implementation of operations and activities related to the safety, security, environmental protection of the port facilitiesand assets.

It helps you to ensure continual improvement, as required for its compliance.

The Code applicationCompliance with the ISPS Code is mandatory for port facilities serving ISPS certified ships engaged oninternational voyages, although individual Contract Governments may add to these minimum requirements.We are also in a position to help you in applying the ISPS Code as required by the specific EuropeanRegulations.

Compliance with the IPSEM Code is voluntary and can lead your port facility to a higher level of excellence by showing your commitment with the quality, health, safety and environment protection (ISM and ISOstandards).

Bureau Veritas - Marine Division67-71, boulevard du Château -92571 Neuilly-sur-Seine - France

Corporate website: www.bureauveritas.com - Marine website: www.veristar.com


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Move Forward with Confidence

Need HELP? Please contact the BV local manager or email to [email protected]

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Page 7: You, Bureau Veritas and the ISM Code

Move Forward with Confidence

You, Bureau Veritas and the IMS

A partnership between BV and your company and ships aiming the certification and improvement of your integrated management system.

Bureau Veritas is in a position to give you all support in the preparation and/or implementationof your Integrated Management System and to certify your company, managed ships or yourport facilities based on the Codes and Standards chosen by you.

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Page 8: You, Bureau Veritas and the ISM Code

BV achievements:More than 50 qualified auditors for integrated management systems

Performing about 8,000 audits per year

More than 40 companies certified by BV to date

Recognised by more than 90 flag administrations

How can Bureau Veritas help you?From the review of your Integrated Management Manual to the audits performed on your companypremises and on board your ships, our highly qualified auditors acting on behalf of many flagadministrations and very familiar with many different standards and codes, may support you in developingand keeping one effective management system.

BV provides training, delivered by qualified trainers, in many different formats (in-door, on-site, advancedtraining, e-learning and webnars) on many different aspects related to this system (the ISM Code, the ISPSCode, the ISO standards, Internal Auditors, Risk Assessment, etc). The training modules include casestudies, exercises, videos and other supports varying according the level of the audience.

What are the gains in implementing an efficient Management System?It gives you a time and cost saving process.

It provides you an improved management control, based on a systematic planning and implementation ofsafe work practices, and improvement of overall operations and activities.

It helps you to ensure continual improvement, as required for its compliance.

It also brings your company to achieve higher operational efficiency.

It leads to confidence from regulators, charterers, employees, managers and others that the companyand its ships comply with requirements.

The Code applicationThe ISM and ISPS Codes compliance are mandatory for passenger ships and other ships of 500 grosstonnage and upwards engaged on international voyages, although individual flag administrations may add tothese minimum requirements.

The ISO Standards applications are voluntary but more and more requested by the industry as those areevidences of your commitment with quality, health, safety, environment, energy savings, etc.

Bureau Veritas - Marine Division67-71, boulevard du Château -92571 Neuilly-sur-Seine - France

Corporate website: www.bureauveritas.com - Marine website: www.veristar.com


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Move Forward with Confidence

Need HELP? Please contact the BV local manager or email to [email protected]

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Page 9: You, Bureau Veritas and the ISM Code

Move Forward with Confidence

You, Bureau Veritas and the STCW

A partnership aiming the Training Institutes and SimulatorCentres to be able to evidence compliance with the STCWConvention and any other International regulations.

Bureau Veritas is in a position to give you all support in the certification of the ManagementSystem of your Training Institute and/or Training Courses and/or Simulator Center, based on the STCW 95 and Amendments, ISO 90001 and any other regulations and/or standardsthat you have defined on your QMS.

STCW 95 - the Seafarer’s Training, Certification and Watch keepingConvention & Code.

Manila Amendments – recent approved amendments to the SCTW 95.

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BV achievements:More than 270 qualified auditors

Covering more than 90 countries in all continents

More than 15 Training Institutes and 80 Training Courses already certified

How can Bureau Veritas help you?From the review of your Management System to the audits performed on your premises our highlyqualified auditors may support you in developing and keeping one effective management system. Ourexperience in performing about 8,000 audits per year is a huge support to our auditors.

BV provides training, delivered by qualified trainers, in many different formats (in-door, on-site, e-learningand webnars) on many different aspects related to the STCW Convention & Code (the STCW Convention,Internal Auditor, Rules & Regulations, Ships’ Operation, etc). The training modules include exercises,videos and other supports varying according the level of the audience.

What are the gains in certifying an efficient Management System?It will give you evidence of compliance with the STCW 95 Convention & Code and Amendments and maysupport you on your approaches with Flag Administrations and shipowners.

Your clients may be more confident in the crew qualification and certification required by the currentlegislation relevant to their position on board the ships.

It provides you an improved management control, based on a systematic planning and implementation ofoperations and activities.

It helps you to ensure continual improvement, as required for its compliance.

The STCW applicationThe STCW Convention shall apply to seafarers serving on board seagoing ships entitled to fly the flag of aParty except to those serving on board warships and similar, ships owned or operated by a State andengaged only on governmental non-commercial service, fishing vessels, pleasure yachts not engaged intrade and wooden ships.

Bureau Veritas - Marine Division67-71, boulevard du Château -92571 Neuilly-sur-Seine - France

Corporate website: www.bureauveritas.com - Marine website: www.veristar.com


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Move Forward with Confidence

Need HELP? Please contact the BV local manager or email to [email protected]

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Page 11: You, Bureau Veritas and the ISM Code

Move Forward with Confidence

You, Bureau Veritas and the MLC

A partnership aiming the Manning Agencies to be able toevidence compliance with the ILO Convention 2006.

Bureau Veritas is in a position to give you all support in the certification of the ManagementSystem of your Manning Agency, based on the Regulation 1.4 of the MLC and the BV NI-563(Standard for Quality Management System of Seafarer Manning Offices).

MLC 2006 – the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC 2006), aims to achieve both decent workfor seafarers and secure economic interests in fair competition for quality shipowners. The Regulation 1.4 “Recruitment and placement” aims to ensure that seafarers have access toan efficient and well-regulated seafarer recruitment and placement system.

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BV achievements:More than 200 qualified inspectors

Covering more than 60 countries in all continents

More than 70 Manning Offices already certified

BV already recognised as RO for the MLC Convention by many flag administrations and in process withall others that are ratifying the convention.

How can Bureau Veritas help you?From the review of your Management System to the audits performed on your premises our highlyqualified instructors may support you in developing and keeping one effective management system. Ourexperience in performing 25,000 surveys and 8,000 audits per year is a huge support to our inspectors.

BV provides training, delivered by qualified trainers, in many different formats (in-door, on-site, e-learningand webnars) on many different aspects related to the MLC 2006. The training modules include casestudies, exercises, videos and other supports varying according the level of the audience.

What are the gains in certifying an efficient Management System?It will give you evidence of compliance with the MLC 2006 Regulation 1.4 and may support you on yourcommercial approaches to shipowners.

Your clients may be more confident in the crew qualification, certification and experience required by thecurrent legislation relevant to their position on board their ships.

It may ensure to your management the necessary steps to be taken to respond to the shipowners’requirements whilst safeguarding against hazards to ships, personnel, passengers and the environment.

It provides you an improved management control, based on a systematic planning and implementation ofoperations and activities.

It helps you to ensure continual improvement, as required for its compliance.

The MLC Regulation 1.4 applicationAll Seafarer recruitment and placement services operating in a Member’s territory shall conform to thestandards of the Convention.

Bureau Veritas - Marine Division67-71, boulevard du Château -92571 Neuilly-sur-Seine - France

Corporate website: www.bureauveritas.com - Marine website: www.veristar.com


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Move Forward with Confidence

Need HELP? Please contact the BV local manager or email to [email protected]

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Page 13: You, Bureau Veritas and the ISM Code

Move Forward with Confidence

Reference for the private companiesproposing the ships’ protection

against piracy

A new solution to evaluate private maritime security companies,for the benefit of the maritime industry players

The shipowners and the charterers (protection of the ships)

The insurance companies (hull, cargo and environment)

The ships’ crews (human life protection)

For a safer sea

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Page 14: You, Bureau Veritas and the ISM Code


How? By formalizing a compromise between the private security company and the ship’s operator to:

Respect the Master overriding authority

Grant the application of the Engagement Rules previously agreed

Ensure the crises’ communication means with the Company

Satisfy the Flag Administrations’ requirements and instructions


The application of a specific Quality Standard

The respect of the good practices

The conformity with all related IMO recommendations

International reference:

After validation, the private company will be listed in the BV Register of Private MaritimeSecurity Companies.

Bureau Veritas - Marine Division67-71, boulevard du Château -92571 Neuilly-sur-Seine - France

Corporate website: www.bureauveritas.com - Marine website: www.veristar.com





Marine expertiseReference in Rules & RegulationsExperience in certificationInternational actuationExperience in schemes for qualitymanagement systemsRecognised Security Organisation


Company registerManagement SystemProcess of certification


Maritime expertiseExperience in piracy countermeasuresExperience in the employment of armedteamsExperience in crises’ managementRecognised Security Organisation

Move Forward with Confidence


PersonnelQualification, Certification and TrainingResources


Subscription in the BV RegisterAttestation valid for one yearCertification maintenance procedures

CONTACTS:Bureau Veritas : [email protected] : [email protected]

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